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Every constitutional King of Burma was required to have eight queens.

Their titles and

order of precedence were as follows: --
Queens of the First Rank
The Chief or Southern ueen !eef;rawmfrdzk&m;" She was always a sister or
half-sister of the King.
#orthern ueen !ajrmufeef;awmfrdzk&m;"
ueen of the Centre !tv,feef;awmfrdzk&m;"
$estern ueen !taemufeef;awmfrdzk&m;"
Queens of the Second Rank
ueen of the #orthern %oyal &partment !ajrmufaqmifawmfrdzk&m;"
ueen of the Southern %oyal &partment !awmifaqmifawmfrdzk&m;"
ueen of the #orth 'olden &partment !ajrmufa&Ta&;rdzk&m;"
ueen of the South 'olden &partment !awmifa&Ta&;rdzk&m;"
(n addition) the King was entitled to have an indefinite num*er of lesser queens. &s far as
can *e ascertained +indon,s queens num*ered forty-five and *y them he had seventy
children) e-cluding those who died in infancy.
qifjzLr&Sifrdzk&m;!ueen of the $hite Elephant"
avmif;&Snfrdzk&m; !.aungshe ueen"
pkzk&m;vwfrif;orD;!Supayalat /rincess"
pkzk&m;MuD;rif;orD; !Supayagyi /rincess"
ru&mrif;om; !+e00hara /rince"
!The #yaung 1an /rince was one of the three %egents named *y +indon shortly *efore
his death. 2e and his *rother) the #yaung 30 /rince) escaped into British territory after
Thi*aw,s accession. Their sister) the Kyau0sau0 /rincess was imprisoned *y Thi*aw in
4567 and released *y the British in 4558."
!The Salin /rincess was nominated Ta*indaing *y King +indon."
The following retainers were continuously on duty in the palace) day and night) in regular
relays: --
Thirty-five letthodaws or /ages. They carried the %oyal (nsignia on State occasios.
9orty %oyal Tea Servers.
Si-ty Bearers of the %oyal Betel-*o- and other personal utensils.
3ne hundred %oyal Slipper Bearers.
9orty Bearers of the %oyal $hite :m*rellas.
Ten .ectors who read aloud from the religious *oo0s.
9ifteen 'rooms of the Cham*er who acted as +essengers.
9our hundred and fifty 'entlemen-at-&rms.
Two hundred and twenty Bearers of the %oyal Swords in State processions.
3ne hundred and fifty-five Cham*erlains or .ictors) a company of men chosen for
their height and whose duties also included the policing of the palace.
a maid-of-honour to ueen Supayalat
a minister of King Thi*aw
The .ion Throne
King +indon gives audience to the envoys
the terrace of the palace
the .acquer 2all
the $hite Elephant
the spire of the great hall of audience
The Small .ottery was drawn at noon each day at the .ottery 2ouse.

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