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Ficha Kroskrity Language ideologies Evolving perspectives

Concepto que
Inicios del concepto
El acercamiento entre lingstica e ideologa fue inicialmente un impulso de la
antropologa. Secundariamente entra el marxismo
Siempre operando como subdisciplina dominada al interior del campo de la lingstica
Uso antropolgico, empalma como tradicin Schiller-manheim
Conceptos claves
Es un cluster(conglomerado de organizaciones que funcionan como una) conceptual
Se pueden rastrear cuatro capas de significacin superpuestas en el uso del ideologa
lingstica como herramienta analtica.
1. language ideologies represent the perception of language and discourse that is
constructed in the interest of a specific social or cultural group. what is true,
morally good, or aesthetically pleasing about language and discourse. tied to

What this proposition refutes is the myth of the sociopolitically disinterested language user
or the possibility of unpositioned knowledge, even of ones own language.

Viewed in this manner, the distinction between neutral ideological analysis (focusing on
culturally shared beliefs and practices) and critical ideological analysis that emphasizes
the political use of language as a particular groups instrument of symbolic domination may
seem more gradient than dichotomous. But even though so-called neutral ideologies
contribute to our understanding of members models of language and discourse, an
emphasis on the dimension of interest, taken in the political-economic sense, can stimulate a
more penetrating sociocultural analysis by rethinking supposedly irreducible cultural
En el sentido crtico como legitimacin falsamente universal del hablar correcto pero que
es construido en las prctias linguisticas de un grupo social determinando, proceso de
subordinacin linguistico
program of linguistic mystification undertaken by dominant institutions designed to
simultaneously valorize the standard language and other aspects of mainstream culture
while devaluing the nonstandard and its associated cultural forms

2. language ideologies are profitably conceived as multiple because of the plurality of
meaningful social divisions (class, gender, clan, elites, generations, and so on)
within sociocultural groups that have the potential to produce divergent
perspectives expressed as indices of group membership.
ideologas linguisticas son multiples, como multiples son las ideologas en funcin de los grupos
que la construyen y reproducen en el tiempode ah la posibilidad de ideologas linguisticas de
resistencia, contrrahegemnicas, subversivas

3. members may display varying degrees of awareness (concientizacin) of local
language ideologies
buscando un factunm ideolgico irreductible (para aunar todas lasdefini iones) ideologa
tiene la pretensin de hacerse universal/natural en, al menos el entorno social inmediato
donde es producida ideologa heternoma, o alienacin

4. members language ideologies mediate between social structures and forms of talk
ideologa al nivel de procesos semiticos comunicativos, ideologa de los lingistas
europeos para ver otras lenguas a nivel de sus estructuras

becomes a useful toolfor understanding how Western European linguists misinterpreted the
South African Khoisan clicks as degraded animal sounds rather than phonological units and
viewed the linguistic and ethnic diversity of the Balkans as a pathological sociolinguistic
chaos that could only be opposed to Western Europes transparent alignment of ethnic
nation standardized national language, and state.
Ideologa de la superioridad lingstica, no asume el relativismo lingstico como un hecho
social, Ideologas lingsticas en produccin de identidad tnica o de gnero

Amplio orden de fenmenos lingsticos que se analizan en trmino de la produccin
ideolgico involucrada

Focusing on activism and language renewal within communities whose heritage languages
are threatened, many authors have turned to language ideologies as a crucial means of
understanding the interaction of indigenous and state-imposed ideologies

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