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Lab Test Result Meaning

What Do My Lab Test Results Mean?

Interpret your lab results here.
Blood Lab Test Results (Bloods for short):
Reference normal ranges and unit measurements can !ary from lab to lab
(sometimes u" to #$% difference)& 'ther factors influencing test results include(
dietetic "references( se)( age( race( s"ecies( menstrual cycles( amount of e)ercise(
use of non*"rescri"tion drugs (as"irin( cold medications( !itamins( etc&)( "rescri"tion
drugs( alcohol consum"tion( collection and handling of the s"ecimen& +or best
com"arisons of lab results( tests should be done in the same lab& Always use the
normal ranges printed on the lab test result report of that particular sample&
Blood tests can ha!e false "ositi!es and negati!es& ,nter"retation of blood tests
ta-es -no.ledge of the underlying disease "rocess and e)"erience& ,f your lab
results are outside the normal range( .e suggest that you discuss them .ith your
doctor& 'ften it is not the recent result( but the change from a "re!ious test that is
most hel"ful in trying to "lace a diagnosis on a condition&
/ome tests cost more than others& ,f you can hel" the doctor understand .hy a
certain test may be im"ortant for you and they can 0ustify it in their mind( you may get
to your diagnosis 1uic-er and your insurance may "ay for the test sa!ing time(
money( and aggra!ation&
When a doctor e!aluates the results of a lab test( they try to figure out .hat all the
causes could be then rule out the ones that don2t seem to fit after you add all the
other signs and sym"toms into the "icture& This is much li-e "utting a 0igsa. "u33le
together and searching for the e)act "lacement of the "ieces to the "u33le& This
/herloc- 4olmes acti!ity is one of my fa!orites because , get to add in so many
other tidbits of information that the medical system doesn2t ha!e time to as- in
ma-ing a final 0igsa. "u33le assessment& Belo. are lists of Rule Outs for both
high and lo. le!els& 5ou .ill see a !eterinary flare to these as , ha!e "ut in the rule
outs for animals as .ell& , ha!e included the medical term under each abnormality in
"arentheses& , ha!e also tried to e)"lain in layman2s terms the meaning of many of
the scientific 0argon&
The Basic Blood 6hemistry 7anel (Also called a Panel, Serum Chemistry Panel,
Chemistry Screen, BMP or Basic Metabolic Panel): +or these lab tests( blood is
dra.n from the "atient .ho has been fasting 89 hours or more& Three tubes of blood
are usually dra.n from a !ein in the arm (human) or nec- (animals)&
:lanine (:LT( :lanine aminotransferase;formerly -no.n
as /<7T)&
:LT is an en3yme contained inside the fluid "art of each li!er cell& The larger the
number of cells that are damaged( the higher the number& This lab test is a good
indicator of acute disease (disease coming on 1uic-ly)( but not for chronic li!er
diseases li-e cirrhosis .here the cells ha!e died and been re"laced by fibrous
tissue& :LT stays in the blood stream for about =$ hours& Because of this( sometimes
your doctor .ill .ant to re"eat the blood lab test to trac- ho. the body is res"onding&
A! !oo "igh (i#er en$ymes ele#ated%: Rule out he"atocellular (li!er cell)
diseases such as cancer( fatty li!er( cell death due to bacteria>!iruses>he"atitis or
to)ins( cirrhosis( obstructi!e 0aundice( and infectious mononucleosis&
A! !oo ow: Rule out "yrido)ine (?itamin B=) deficiency&
:lbumin and <lobulin
*This lab test measures the amount and ty"e of "rotein in your blood& :lbumin and
globulin are a general inde) of o!erall health and nutrition& <lobulin is the antibody
"rotein im"ortant for fighting disease "roduced by .hite blood cells& :lbumin
contains things li-e clotting factors( fibrin and binding "roteins (much li-e egg .hite)
and it gi!e the blood more substance&
Albumin&'lobulin !oo "igh: Rule out dehydration( diabetes insi"idus (lo. blood
sugar diabetics that can2t get enough .ater)( antigenic res"onses( infection( and
gammo"athies such as lym"hosarcoma( multi"le myeloma( and +,7;+eline
,nfectious 7eritonitis
Albumin&'lobulin !oo ow( Rule out malnutrition( o!erhydration( ad!anced li!er
disease( cancer( acute or chronic hemorrhage( -idney disease (ne"hrosis)( burns(
multi"le myeloma( metastatic carcinomas( heart disease( loss of blood or "rotein into
the body ca!ity( malabsor"tion( "arasites and "ancreatic atro"hy&
)alse Positi#es( +alse ele!ations in this lab test can occur .ith red blood cell
damage in the sam"le (hemolysis) and li"emia (fat in the blood)&
:l-aline 7hos"hatase (:l-& 7hos&)
:l-aline "hos"hatase is an en3yme found "rimarily in bones and the li!er but can
also be found in other tissues of the body as .ell such as the intestine( -idney(
"lacenta and in .hite blood cells& ,t is thought that this en3yme is increased in the
body only .hen there are acti!ely ne. cells being "roduced& :l-aline
7hos"hatase en3ymes can be further bro-en do.n to find out .here they are
s"ecifically being "roduced using a "rocess calledelectrophoresis (a s"ecial test
not included in the regular blood "anel)& The al-aline "hos"hatase en3yme circulates
in the body for about three days before it starts to brea- do.n( so if your blood tests
are re"eatedly high in this area( there are acti!ely cells&
Al*aline Phosphatase !oo "igh( Rule outs include gallstones( damage to bones(
7aget2s disease (a chronic disorder of the adult s-eleton in .hich locali3ed areas of
hy"eracti!e bone are re"laced by a softened and enlarged osseous structure)(
ric-ets( healing fracture( hy"er"arathyroidism( "ulmonary infarction( heart failure(
li!er disease .ith too many cells (li-e cancer)( obstruction .ithin the li!er or
the li!er not getting .hat it needs because something is obstructed outside the li!er(
"ancreatitis( se!ere anemia( lac- of o)ygen getting to the li!er( 6ushing2s disease(
drugs such as glucocorticoids (steroids)( "rimidone( "henobarbital (anti*sei3ure
drugs)& :n ele!ated al-aline "hos"hatase is normal in children and in
"regnant .omen&
Al*aline Phosphatase !oo ow( 7ernicious anemia( hy"o"arathyroidism(
hy"o"hos"hatasia and "ossibly the blood .as ta-en from a collection tube that had
@DT: "reser!ati!e in it&
:/T (:s"artate aminotransferase;formerly -no.n as
:/T is an en3yme contained in all cells of the body( but is used as a diagnostic
mar-er for li!er and muscle damage& ,ts half*life is about 89 hours&
AS! !oo "igh: Rule out li!er disease (death of cells and cancer)( s-eletal muscle
diseases( (myositis and muscular dystro"hy)( trauma( "ancreatitis( renal infarct(
eclam"sia (mil- fe!er)( cancer( cerebral damage( sei3ures( alcohol( heart tissue
disease (heart attac-s( "ericarditis)( infections in the bloodstream (se"ticemia)(
intramuscular in0ections( drugs such as corticosteroids( "rimidone( antibiotics and
other drugs "rocessed through the li!er& 4emolysis (ru"tured red cells from im"ro"er
handling of the blood) can also raise :/T le!els&
AS! !oo ow: Rule out "yrido)ine (?itamin B=) deficiency( and terminal stages of
li!er disease&
Bilirubin (Bilirubinemia):
Most bilirubin (A$%) is a brea-do.n com"onent from dying red blood cells& Bilirubin
is also in macro"hages of the s"leen and in the li!er( bone marro. and non*heme
"or"hyrins& Bilirubin tra!els !ia the blood stream in the "lasma "art of the blood
surrounded by albumin( globulin and other "roteins& :s it gets to the li!er !ia the
blood system( it disassociates from these "roteins and the li!er acce"ts it into it2s
o.n cells by binding (con0ugating) it .ith glucuronic acid& This con0ugation ma-es it
.ater*soluble& +rom here bilirubin gets into the bile and then dum"s into the small
intestine( e!entually lea!ing though the feces after it changes form one more times&
/ome of this bilirubin snea-s bac- into the bloodstream and is reabsorbed into the
blood& This ha""ens re"eatedly& /ometimes the bilirubin ends u" being e)creted !ia
the -idneys and dum"s out into the urine& When this ha""ens( it sho.s u" in
abnormal le!els .ithin the blood and may also sho. u" in the urinalysis lab test on
the di"stic- test&
Bilirubin lab test !oo "igh ("yperbilirubinemia%( Rule outs include hemolytic
anemia( "ulmonary infarct( <ilbert2s syndrome (mild uncon0ugated
hy"erbilirubinemia)( Dublin*Bohnson syndrome (a genetic sym"tomatic mild
0aundice)( neonatal 0aundice( inade1uate li!er u"ta-e or defecti!e con0ugation(
massi!e internal hemorrhage( obstruction of bile .ithin the li!er or outside the li!er(
defecti!e secretion( acute or chronic he"atitis( fibrosis of the li!er and li!er cancer& ,t
can also be falsely ele!ated .hen there is too much fat in the bloodstream& ,f only
slightly ele!ated abo!e the e)"ected ranges( but .ith all other en3ymes (LD4( <'T(
<7T( <<T) .ithin e)"ected !alues( it is "robably a condition -no.n as <ilbert2s
syndrome and is not significant&
Bilirubin is also measured in the urine& /ometimes the doctor2s .ill run a test to
chec- both con0ugated and uncon0ugated bilirubin to hel" them determine .here the
e)tra is coming from&
They .ant to -no. if the li!er is bloc-ed or the blood cells ha!e bro-en
(hemorrhage)& When the li!er is bloc-ed totally the fecal material .ill also be gray or
.hitish (acholic)& When increased bilirubin is caused from hemorrhage the stools .ill
be almost orange in color& 5ou .ill .ant to tell your doctor this information because
they may not as-&
Bilirubin lab test !oo ow( Lo. !alues are of no concern& /unlight and fluorescent
lights degrade the sam"le as the bilirubin is !ery fragile .hen e)"osed to light&
BCD (Blood Crea Ditrogen( Crea Ditrogen):
4igh BCD !alues in the lab tests may mean that the -idneys are not .or-ing as .ell
as they should in clearing out the brea-do.n "roducts of digested "rotein& The ma0or
brea-do.n "roduct of "rotein you eat is urea( .hich is first formed in the li!er& Crea
contains nitrogen and together( in e)cess 1uantity( they are both to)ic to the body
and must be remo!ed& Eidneys normally do an e)cellent 0ob of remo!ing urea( but
.hen they start to fail( the urine com"onents get all bac-ed u" in the system and the
blood concentration of urea begins to rise& ,f you smell the breath( it has a stale(
sic-ly smell (see my handout on the causes of "alitosis for other characteristics of
bad breath: htt":>>naturalhealthtechni1ues&com>s"ecificdiseasesbadFbreathFcausesF
%9$andF%9$remedies&htm) The reference range (or range .ithin .hich most
normal "eo"le2s test !alues fall) for BCD is 8$*9$ mg>dl&
B+, lab test !oo "igh (+remia, A$otemia or +remic Acidosis%( Rule out
dehydration (too little .ater in the tissues)( too much e)ercise( shoc- due to too
much blood being lost (hemorrhagic shoc-)( "ancreatitis( intestinal foreign body(
adrenal cortical insufficiency (adrenal glands not "roducing enough of the hormones
it is su""ose to be "roducing)( or any condition .hich decreases blood flo. to the
-idneys( glomerulone"hritis (the little tubules that ma-e the urine in the -idneys are
s.ollen and not .or-ing right)( amyloidosis (the -idney tissue is being re"laced .ith
some -ind of unnatural "rotein)( "yelone"hritis (inflammation>infection of the -idney
.here the urine "ools before it dum"s out into the ureters)( ne"hrosis (a condition of
the -idneys)( calcium ne"hro"athy;also called lym"hosarcoma (cancer of the
-idneys .here the tissues are being re"laced by calcium so the urine can2t get out)(
-idney cancers( obstruction of the urine coming out of the -idney( leu-emia( heart
failure( ru"tures of the urine carrying "arts (-idney( ureters( bladder( urethra( -idney
tubules)( too much "rotein in the diet( bleeding .ithin the intestine( and drugs li-e
am"hotericin B& 'ften( an additional test is done to measurecreatinine&
B+, lab test !oo ow( /e!ere li!er disease( he"atic !enous shunts ("ortal*ca!al
shunts)( anore)ia for se!eral days (star!ing( not eating( fasting)( "regnancy&
B+,&Creatinine Ratio( This test is used to differentiate -idney disease from dietary
"rotein metabolism "roblems& 6onsidered together( the BCD( blood creatinine and
their ratio gi!e !ery good e!idence of the filtering function of the -idneys and a
measure of the degree of bodily hydration& The ratio of BCD: creatinine is normally
B+,&Creatinine Ratio !oo "igh( Rule out dehydration (if the ratio is 9$:8 or e!en
higher)( certain ty"es of -idney disease( brea-do.n of blood in the intestinal tract(
increased dietary "rotein( and any clinical circumstance in .hich insufficient blood is through the blood !essels to the -idneys (such as heart failure or -idney
artery disease)&&
B+,&Creatinine Ratio !oo ow: Rule out certain ty"es of -idney disease( li!er
disease( malnutrition and /ic-le 6ell :nemia&
6*7e"tide (see under <lucose)
Calcium is controlled in the blood by the "arathyroid glands and the -idneys&
6alcium is found mostly in bone and is im"ortant for "ro"er blood clotting( ner!e( and
cell acti!ity& 6alcium is also found in the bloodstream&
Calcium lab test le#els !oo "igh ("ypercalcemia%: Rule out an ele!ation due to
medications such as thia3ide*ty"e diuretics( inherited disorders of calcium handling
in the -idneys( diets containing too much calcium( too many calcium su""lements(
too much ?itamin D( multi"le myeloma (cancer of the stem cells .ithin the bone that
are res"onsible for "roducing all ty"es of red and .hite cells)( bone cancer( sarcoid(
too much "rotein in the blood( too much albumin in the blood( fat in the blood
(li"emia)( e)cess "arathyroid gland acti!ity such as "rimary hy"er"arathyroidism (the
thyroid gland has some -ind of tumor or cancer causing the calcium le!els to be to
high)( and "seudohy"er"arathyroidism (cancer of the lym"hatic system)&
Calcium lab test le#els!oo ow ("ypocalcemia%( Rule out certain drugs li-e
+osama) and furosemide*ty"e diuretics( not enough dietary calcium( not enough
dietary ?itamin D( o!erhydration( malabsor"tion( nutritional secondary
hy"o"arathyroidism( hy"ercalcitoninism( eclam"sia (mil- fe!er;the baby or muscle
contractions during birth ha!e used u" too much of the calcium)( "ancreatitis .ith fat
necrosis (an infection in the "ancreas .hich has affected all the e)tra fat in the body
causing it to die from lac- of circulation and nutrition)( and not enough "rotein or
albumin in the blood& 6alcium is bound to a "articular ty"e of blood "rotein called
albumin in the blood( so a lo. albumin le!el .ill cause the total calcium le!el in the
blood to dro" in "ro"ortion&
There are t.o ty"es of cholesterol( those obtained from the diet (e)ogenous) and
that "roduced .ithin the body (endogenous)& Most of the endogenous cholesterol is
formed by the li!er( but each cell also "roduces a little bit as .ell .hich ma-es u"
"art of the cellular membrane& With 0ust small modifications( cholesterol can be used
as the body needs it as steroids and cholic acid& 6holic acid uses a""ro)imately A$%
of the body2s cholesterol( .hich is con!erted into bile;that substance that hel"s us
digest fats& 6utting out saturated fats from your diet can decrease your cholesterol
le!els from 8G*9G%& @ating more unsaturated fats (oils( nuts( seeds) can decrease
your cholesterol& The saturated and unsaturated fats fight for the same rece"tor sites
on cells& /aturated fats ma-e the cell membranes sluggish (so you getarthritis and
other degenerati!e diseases) and unsaturated fats ma-e the membranes more li1uid
so the body .or-s better& (See the -icosanoid
handout:htt":>>naturalhealthtechni1ues&com>DietFDutrition>eicosinoidFsur!ey&htm )
Lac- of insulin and thyroid hormones .ill also increase the cholesterol le!els&
Cholesterol is further bro*en down as follows(
!otal Cholesterol( 4igh cholesterol in the blood lab test is a ma0or ris- factor for
heart and blood !essel disease& 6holesterol in itself is not all bad& ,n fact( our bodies
need a certain amount of this substance to function "ro"erly& 4o.e!er( .hen the
le!el gets too high( !ascular disease can result& Total cholesterol of less than 9$$(
and an LDL 6holesterol of 8$$ or less is considered o"timal by the Dational 4eart(
Lung( and Blood ,nstitute& :s the le!el of blood cholesterol increases( so does the
"ossibility of "lugging the arteries due to cholesterol "la1ue build*u"& This is called
hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis& When the arteries feeding the heart
become "lugged( a heart attac- may occur& ,f the arteries that go to the brain are
affected( a stro-e occurs&
There are three ma0or -inds of cholesterol( "igh .ensity ipoprotein (".% , ow
.ensity ipoprotein (.%, and /ery ow .ensity ipoprotein (/.%0 The
the density of cholesterol( the more cholesterol molecules there are&
". ("igh .ensity ipoprotein) cholesterol is a good cholesterol as it "rotects
against heart disease by hel"ing remo!e e)cess cholesterol de"osited in the
arteries& 4igh le!els in the lab test seem to be associated .ith lo. incidence of
coronary heart disease&
. (ow .ensity ipoprotein) cholesterol is considered to be bad cholesterol
because cholesterol de"osits form in the arteries .hen LDL le!els are high& LDL
le!els of less than 8#$ are recommended& 'ne hundred is o"timal and !alues
greater than 8=$ are considered high ris-& Those "ersons .ho ha!e established
coronary or !ascular disease may be instructed by their doctor to get their LDL
cholesterol .ell belo. 8$$& 5ou should as- your doctor .hich LDL target he or she
.ants for you*but do some of your o.n research as .ell&
There are t.o .ays to re"ort LDL& The most common is sim"ly an estimate
calculated from the Total 6holesterol( 4DL( and triglycerides results& This may read
. Calc on your lab test results& : directly measured LDL cholesterol is usually
more accurate( but more e)"ensi!e and may re1uire that your doctor s"ecify
the .irect . test&
/. (/ery ow .ensity ipoprotein: This is the only li"o"rotein initially formed in
the li!er and contains mostly triglycerides and !ery little "hos"holi"ids and
cholesterol& :s they flo. through the blood !essels they are 1uic-ly bro-en u" and
used as energy or stored as fat&
Cholesterol lab test !oo "igh: Rule out hy"othyroidism( obstructi!e 0aundice( li!er
disease( ne"hrosis( diabetes mellitus( familial( "ancreatitis( hy"eradrenocorticism(
diet( retained anger and resentment&
Cholesterol !oo ow( Rule out hy"erthyroidism( infection( malnutrition( heart
failure( malignancies( lo. fat diet( intestinal malabsor"tion and he"atic insufficiency&
6reatinine& (:lso -no.n as 6reatine "hos"ho-inase( 6E
and 67E)
67E is an en3yme .hich is !ery useful for diagnosing diseases of the heart and
s-eletal muscle& This en3yme is the first to be ele!ated after a heart attac-& ,f 67E is
high in the absence of heart muscle in0ury( this is a strong indication of s-eletal
muscle disease& Most creatinine is "roduced in the muscle( heart and brain&
6reatinine is a .ater*soluble .aste "roduct largely from muscle brea-do.n that is
e)creted !ia the -idney tubules& 6reatinine is not affected by the amount of urine
"roduced and e)creted& When creatinine brea-s do.n it gi!es us energy because it
acts as an en3yme im"ortant in the "rocess of forming :T7 (that !ery basic "rocess
that gi!es us energy)&
!he rule outs for too high and too low creatinine le#els in the lab test are the
same as for B+, (Blood Crea Ditrogen): ,f the -idneys are not functioning "ro"erly(
the concentrations of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen .ill rise in the blood& The
laboratory uses the blood urea nitrogen (BCD) and creatinine le!els to assess -idney
function& ,n addition( a urinalysis is used to measure -idney out"ut function and
health of the collecting system ( "ortion of -idney( ureters and bladder)&
Creatinine lab test !oo "igh( Rule out dehydration( too much e)ercise(
hemorrhagic shoc- (shoc- due to too much blood being lost)( "ancreatitis( intestinal
foreign body( too much "rotein in the diet( bleeding .ithin the intestine( drugs li-e
am"hotericin B( hy"erthyroidism (humans) and hy"othyroidism (animals*sometimes)(
adrenal cortical insufficiency (adrenal glands not "roducing enough of the hormones
it is su""ose to be "roducing)( any condition .hich decreases blood flo. to the
-idneys such as( glomerulone"hritis (the little tubules that ma-e the urine in the
-idneys are s.ollen and not .or-ing right)( amyloidosis (the -idney tissue is being
re"laced .ith some -ind of unnatural "rotein)( "yelone"hritis (inflammation>infection
of the -idney .here the urine "ools before it dum"s out into the ureters)( ne"hrosis
(a condition of the -idneys)( calcium ne"hro"athy;also called lym"hosarcoma
(cancer of the -idneys .here the tissues are being re"laced by calcium so the urine
can2t get out and so it builds u" in the body instead)( -idney cancers( obstruction of
the urine coming out of the -idney( ru"tures of the urine carrying "arts (-idney(
ureters( bladder( urethra( -idney tubules&
Creatinine lab test !oo ow( Rule out se!ere li!er disease( he"atic !enous shunts
("ortal*ca!al shunts)( anore)ia for se!eral days (star!ing( not eating( fasting)( and
<<T (<amma glutamyltransferase or <amma glutamyl
<<T is an en3yme that is in high le!els s"ecifically in -idney tubule cells and in bile
"roducing cells of the li!er& When it sho.s u" in high le!els in the blood serum( it is
of li!er origin& When it if from the -idneys( a s"ecial test needs to be run to see it( so
this one can be missed because it is not a "art of routine blood .or-&
''! !oo "igh( Rule out li!er disease( "articularly .ith obstruction of the bile ducts
(cholestasis) and in acute he"atic necrosis (li!er cells dying and rotting !ery 1uic-ly)&
Cnli-e al-aline "hos"hatase it is not ele!ated .ith bone or damage&
6*"e"tide :
6*7e"tide is a fragment clea!ed off of the "recursor of insulin ("ro*insulin) .hen
insulin is manufactured in the "ancreas& 6*"e"tide le!els usually correlate .ith the
insulin le!els( e)ce"t .hen "eo"le ta-e insulin in0ections& When a "atient is
hy"oglycemic( this test may be useful to determine .hether high insulin le!els are
due to e)cessi!e "ancreatic release of insulin( or from an in0ection of insulin&
LD4 (Lactate Dehydrogenase)
LD4 is the en3yme "resent in all the cells of the body& :nything that damages cells(
including blood itself( .ill raise amounts in the blood& ,f blood is not
"rocessed "rom"tly and "ro"erly( high le!els may occur&
actate .ehydrogenase !oo "igh( Rule out heart attac-( "ulmonary infarction(
hemolytic anemia( "ernicious anemia( leu-emia( lym"homa( malignancies( renal
infarction( sei3ures( cerebral damage( trauma( s"rue (a chronic intestinal
malabsor"tion disorder caused by gluten intolerance)( lym"hosarcoma( li"emia (fat
in the bloodstream)( im"ro"er sam"le handling (bro-en cells)( necrosis (tissue death)
of the li!er( s-eletal muscle( -idney( "ancreas and myocardium and using old blood
sam"les for running the test&
,ote( ,f all !alues e)ce"t LD4 are .ithin e)"ected ranges( it is "robably a
"rocessing error and does not re1uire further e!aluation&
actate .ehydrogenase !oo ow( Dot clinically significant&
Phosphorus is a mineral largely stored in the bone and is regulated by the -idneys&
Phosphorus !oo "igh ("yperphosphatemia%: Rule out -idney disease( normal in
young animals( high "rotein diets( too much ?itamin D( hy"o"arathyroidism( diabetic
acidosis( acromegaly( :ddison2s disease( calcium ne"hro"athy( lym"hosarcoma (if
BCD is also ele!ated)( and not the blood tube to clot before se"arating the
serum from the sam"le before mailing&
Phosphorus !oo ow ("ypophosphatemia%: Rule out inade1uate diet(
malabsor"tion( "arathyroid conditions such as "rimary hy"er"arathyroidism and
"seudohy"er"arathyroidism( ?itamin D deficiency( osteomalacia( ric-ets( +anconi
syndrome( cirrhosis( hy"o-alemia( e)cess ,? glucose( too much insulin in the system
(either from in0ection or cancer of the "ancreas)& When lo. le!els of "hos"horus are
seen .ith high le!els of calcium it suggests "arathyroid disease&
Potassium is an essential mineral controlled !ery carefully by the -idneys& ,t is
im"ortant for the "ro"er functioning of the ner!es and muscles( "articularly the heart&
:ny !alue outside the e)"ected range( high or lo.( re1uires medical e!aluation& This
is es"ecially im"ortant if you are ta-ing a diuretic (.ater "ill) or heart "ill (Digitalis(
Lano)in( etc&)&
Potassium !oo "igh ("yper*alemia%: Rule out :ddison2s disease (adrenal cortical
insufficiency)( dehydration( cardiac arrhythmia( se!ere renal disease( hy"er-alemic
acidosis( diabetic acidosis( hy"oadrenalism( hereditary hy"er-alemia( metabolic
acidosis (li-e in diabetes mellitus)&
,ote( "emoly$ed blood .ill also cause a slight increase in "otassium because AG%
of all the "otassium in the body is stored .ithin the cells& 4emoly3ed blood can
ha""en .hen the sam"le is damaged and the blood cells ha!e bro-en in the "rocess
of either collecting the sam"le or in handling the !ials during trans"ort to the lab& ,
ha!e also seen it occur .hen the syringe is "ulled bac- too 1uic-ly or too far causing
the !ein to colla"se (im"atience)& This doesn2t ha""en often in humans because a
needle is inserted into the arm !ein and the tube "ushed onto the needle& ,n this .ay
the blood does not suc- into the tubes too 1uic-ly and the sam"le stays intact
(animals are not that coo"erati!e( so that2s another story)&
Potassium !oo ow ("ypo*alemia%( Rule out cirrhosis( malnutrition( metabolic
al-alosis( ne"hrosis( hy"eradrenalism( familial "eriodic "aralysis (need DD: testing
for this)( o!erhydration .ith "otassium lo. fluids( diarrhea( !omiting( intestinal
obstruction( malabsor"tion( 6ushing2s disease( insulin treatments dri!ing "otassium
into the cells( drugs such as mercurial diuretics and hydrochlorothia3ide (blood
"ressure medications)&
Sodium is an essential mineral regulated by the -idneys and adrenal glands and
"resent in e!ery cell of our body&
Sodium !oo "igh ("ypernatremia%: Rule out dehydration( heart disease( salt
"oisoning( eating too many salty foods( faulty .ater softener dum"ing too much salt
into the .ater( and diabetes insi"idus&
Sodium !oo ow ("yponatremia%: Rule out :ddison2s disease (adrenal cortical
insufficiency)( diarrhea( o!erhydration .ith fluids not containing salt( malabsor"tion(
diabetic acidosis( se!ere renal disease( ru"tured or obstructed urinary system(
o!erdose of certain drugs such as diuretics and blood "ressure medications (li-e
hydrochlorothia3ide)( e)cess antidiuretic hormone( ne"hrosis( hy"oadrenalism(
my)edema( congesti!e heart failure( !omiting( diabetic acidosis( and e)cessi!e .ater
inta-e in "atients .ith heart or li!er disease&
Total 7rotein (T7):
!otal protein in the blood includes clotting factors( en3ymes( antibodies( trans"ort
substances( albumin and most of the al"ha and beta globulins& Total "rotein is
measured in grams>deciliter .ith an instrument called a refractometer& :
refractometer is a machine that can measure ho. much light "asses through a
Protein !oo "igh ("yperproteinemia%( Rule out dehydration( too much albumin
and fibrin( globulin increases from tissue in0ury( inflammation( acti!e li!er disease(
strongylosis (round.orm infestation)( immune*mediated disease( lym"hoid
neo"lasms( and myelomas (bone cancer)& +actors gi!ing false ele!ations include
abnormally high concentrations of glucose( urea( sodium( chloride or li"ids&
4emolysis (but not icterus) also causes mild ele!ations&
Protein !oo ow ("ypoproteinemia%( Rule out decreased "roduction( intestinal
malabsor"tion( malnutrition( e)ocrine "ancreatic insufficiency( chronic li!er disease(
accelerated loss of "rotein( hemorrhage( renal disease ("roteinuria)( "rotein*losing
entero"athies( se!ere e)udati!e s-in disease( burns( high*"rotein effusions( he"atic
insufficiency( colostrum de"ri!ation( combined immunodeficiency (foals)(
agammaglobulinemia( selecti!e ,gM deficiency( transient hy"ogammaglobulinemia(
and Disseminated ,ntra!ascular 6oagulation (D,6)&
Triglycerides (also called Deutral +at):
Triglycerides (along .ith carbohydrates) are fats in the blood used in the body mainly
to "ro!ide energy for the different metabolic "rocesses& Those that are not used for
energy are 1uic-ly stored as fat&
!riglycerides !oo "igh( Rule out "ost*"randial (0ust after eating they go u")( heart
disease (se!ere ele!ations)( endocrine( he"atic( "ancreatic and renal disease( high*
fat diets( lo. insulin( hy"othyroid( he"arin in0ections( diabetes mellitus( and
e)ogenous corticosteroids&
Cric :cid:
+ric Acid is a brea-do.n "roduct of nucleic acids normally e)creted in urine&
Ducleic acids ma-e u" the com"onents of DD: and RD: in our bodies&
+ric Acid !oo "igh: Rule out gout( arthritis( -idney "roblems leu-emia( lym"homa(
"olycythemia( acidosis( "soriasis( hy"othyroidism( eclam"sia( multi"le myeloma(
"ernicious anemia( tissue necrosis( inflammation( and the use of some diuretics&
+ric Acid !oo ow( Rule out uricosuric drugs (drugs that brea- do.n uric acid and
assist it to lea!e !ia the urine;as your "harmacist on this)( too much allo"urinol (the
drug used in the treatment of gout)( Wilson2s Disease (a genetic disease of the li!er
.hich allo.s co""er to build u" to to)ic le!els)( and large doses of ?itamin 6&
Bile :cids:
Bile acids "roduced by the li!er cells& They are bound by the amino acids glycine or
taurine and then dum"ed into the bile& Bile acids hel" us to digest our foods;
es"ecially the fatty ones& /ometimes , see "eo"le (and cats) that ha!e !ision
"roblems and enlarged hearts .ho test out as ha!ing taurine deficiency so there
may be an association& , don2t -no. for sure&
Bile Acids !oo "igh (,ncreased bile acids): Rule out bloc-ed bile ducts (gall
stones?)( acute to)ic he"atic necrosis( anicturic li!er disease( alcoholic li!er disease(
biliary atresia( chemical and drug induced li!er in0ury( cirrhosis( cholestasis( cystic
fibrosis( generali3ed "ruritus (itchy rash all o!er the body)( he"atoma( nausea and
!omiting associated .ith "regnancy( neonatal he"atitis( "rotracted diarrhea in
infants( Reye2s syndrome( and !iral he"atitis&
Bile Acids !oo ow: Dot clinically significant&
6om"lete Blood 6ount (6B6):
When all the cellular com"onents of the blood are loo-ed at and characteri3ed as to
their numbers this is called a Complete Blood Count or 6B6& Within the 6B6 the
.hite cells( red cells and "latelets are counted& : .hite cell count is called a 1BC
(1hite Blood Cell count% and a red cell count is called anRBC (Red Blood Cell
count)& The CBC ty"ically has se!eral "arameters that are created and e!aluated
using an automated cell counter& These are the most rele!ant:
WB6 (White Blood 6ount)
White blood cells are res"onsible for detecting and destroying diseases that come
into our body& There are se!eral .ays to measure .hite blood cells& White cells are
also bro-en do.n into their indi!idual categories of ty"es of cells that fight different
things& These include ,eutrophils( ymphocytes(Monocytes( -osinophils(
and Basophils& Most times these cells are counted by automation (machine)( but
sometimes the doctor .ould li-e to see the character of the cells to detect any
differences that the machine can2t detect .ith it2s mechanism( so a hand count is
done and abnormalities noted&
1hite Blood Count !oo "igh( Rule out infection and leu-emia&
1hite Blood Count !oo ow( Rule out bone marro. diseases or an enlarged
s"leen( "ooling of the cells .ithin the body (li-e in "yometra)( 4,? (Dote: The !ast
ma0ority of lo. WB6 counts in our "o"ulation is D'T 4,? related&)
,eutrophils are a ty"e of .hite blood cell that circulate in both tissues and blood&
They act li-e little 7ac Men in the tissues finding bacteria and chom"ing them u"&
'nce they mo!e from the circulation into the tissues( they don2t return& They are
re"laced t.o times or more each day( so you can see that these cells can really
multi"ly .hen there is a "roblem&
,eutrophils !oo "igh on the CBC lab test: Rule out stress( "ain( !ery high or !ery
lo. body tem"eratures (.hich cause cortisol to be released from the system)( drugs
such as cortisone( strenuous e)ercise( bacterial infections (cat bite abscesses are a
fabulous re"resentation of thisH)( increased heart rate and increased blood "ressure&
When neutro"hils increase .ith stress (called a stress leu-ogram)( the neutro"hil
count goes u" and the leu-ocyte count decreases at the same time&
!o Read about 'out go
ymphocytes li!e in the immune rich tissues li-e the lym"h nodes( s"leen( tonsils(
thymus( gastrointestinal lym"hoid tissue( bronchial lym"hoid tissue( bone marro.
and in the blood& There are lots of lym"h nodes in the breast( under the arm( behind
the -nees( in the nec-( and in the groin areas& Lym"hocytes are s"ecifically attracted
to !iruses( "ollens and cells that ha!e anything .rong on them on the outside of the
cell (this is called cell2mediated immunity)& They li!e a lot longer (.ee-s) than
neutro"hils and D' recirculate from the tissue to the blood and bac-& They go .here
they are needed& Lym"hocytes are further bro-en do.n into T*cells( and B*cells( but
s"ecial testing is needed to determine ho. much of each .e ha!e&
!2cells ha!e the ability to ne!er forgi!e and ne!er forget& When they detect
something bad in the system they attac- it& ,f a "articular T cell .as "rogrammed to
attac- the cancer !irus( it .ill al.ays attac- cancer !irus (and not much else)&
/ometimes these "articular cancer*attac-ing .hite cells are called 3iller cells& We
stimulate our immune system to train the T*cells by using !accines( homeo"athic
nosodes( and e)"osing oursel!es to infectious agents& This ma-es our immune
system strong&
B2cells .ait around for orders& They .ill turn into T cells if necessary( but most times
their 0ob is to "roduce antibodies& :ntibodies glom onto foreign substances that get
into the body and they remo!e it& When antibodies get the .rong orders (li-e .hen a
"erson is highly allergic to bee stings)( the B cells sometimes o!erreact or react too
1uic-ly causing ana"hylactic shoc-&
ymphocytes !oo ow (ymphopenia%: Rule out corticosteroids( stress( "ain(
acute systemic infections (!iral and bacterial)( ac1uired T lym"hocyte deficiency
(neonatal infections)( immunosu""ressi!e drugs( irradiation( loss of lym"h( chylous
thoracic effusion (ru"tured thoracic duct)( lym"hosarcoma( enteric neo"lasms(
granulomatous enteritis( Bohne2s disease (cattle)( "rotein*losing entero"athies(
ulcerati!e enteritis( lym"hatic cancer destroying lym"h nodes( and hereditary T*cell
Monocytes can be ele!ated (monocytosis) in res"onse to corticosteroids( .ith "us
conditions (abscesses)( necrosis( malignancy( hemolysis( hemorrhage(
mononucleosis( immune in0ury( "yogranulomatous diseases( and in acute and
chronic stages of disease&
-osinophils are ele!ated (eosinophilia) .ith "arasite infestation( allergies(
myositis( canine and feline eosino"hilic granuloma com"le)( eosino"hilic
gastroenteritis( "anosteitis( mil- sensiti!ity (cattle)( feline sta"hylococcal or
stre"tococcal infections and mast cell neo"lasia&
Basophils are the least numerous of the .hite blood cells& 'bser!ing e!en a fe.
cells on the blood smear usually attracts attention&
Basophils !oo "igh (Basophilia%: Rule out "arasites( hy"ersensiti!ities( heart.orm
(.ithout microfilaria in the blood)( altered "lasma li"o"rotein metabolism causing
endocrine diseases( ne"hrotic syndrome( chronic li!er disease( genetic
hy"erli"o"roteinemias( and mastocytomas (Mast cells loo- much li-e baso"hils)&
7latelet 6ount (7LT or Thrombocyte count):
7latelets are cells that "lug u" holes in blood !essels and "re!ent bleeding& This test
measures the number of "latelets in a dro" (microliter) of blood& Dormal !alues
range from 8G$($$$ to I$$($$$ "latelets "er microliter& : count belo. G$($$$ can
result in s"ontaneous bleedingJ belo. G($$$( "atients are at ris- of se!ere life*
threatening bleeding&
Platelet Count !oo "igh (!hrombosis%: Rule out bleeding( cigarette smo-ing(
e)cess "roduction by the bone marro.( strenuous acti!ity( myelo"roliferati!e
disorders( infections( inflammation( cancers( and .hen the s"leen has been
Platelet Count !oo ow (!hrombocytopenia%( Rule out "remature destruction
states such as immune*mediated thrombocyto"enia( acute blood loss( drug effects
(such as he"arin)( infections .ith se"sis( entra"ment of "latelets in an enlarged
s"leen( or bone marro. failure from diseases such as myelofibrosis or leu-emia&
7latelet counts decrease 0ust before menstruation& ,f there are not enough "latelets
in your blood( you may notice signs of bleeding such as nosebleeds( easy bruising(
"rolonged bleeding from a cut( blac- or bloody stools( bro.n or red urine( or tiny
"in"oint si3ed red or "ur"le s"ots on your s-in( under your nails or in your gums
("etechial hemorrhage)& Lo. "latelets also can occur from clum"ing of the "latelets
in a la!ender*to" tube& 5ou may need to re"eat the lab test .ith a green to" tube in
this case&
RB6 (Red Blood 6ount)
4emoglobin (4gb):
"emoglobin is the amount of o)ygen carrying "rotein contained .ithin the red blood
"emoglobin !oo "igh( Rule out lung disease( li!ing at high altitude( e)cessi!e
bone marro. "roduction of blood cells( -idney tumors( he"atomas (li!er tumors)(
uterine leiomyomas( cerebellar hemangioblastomas( and sic-le cell anemia&
"emoglobin !oo ow( Rule out anemia due to nutritional deficiencies( blood loss(
destruction of blood cells internally( or failure to "roduce blood in the bone marro.&
4ematocrit (46T( 7ac-ed 6ell ?olume or 76?):
The hematocrit is the "ercentage of the blood !olume occu"ied by red blood cells&
Men ha!e a slightly higher hematocrit "ercentages than .omen because .omen
lose a bit of blood each month during their menstrual cycle&
"ematocrit !oo "igh( Rule out smo-ing (due to too much carbon dio)ide
e)"osure)( high altitude( chronic lung disease( and ne.born syndrome&
"ematocrit !oo ow( Rule out anemia due to nutritional deficiencies( blood loss(
and destruction of blood cells internally( or failure to "roduce blood in the bone
M64 (Mean 6or"uscular 4emoglobinor Mean
6or"uscular ?olume (M6?):
M64 test hel"s diagnose the ty"e of anemia&
MC" !oo "igh( Rule out B89 deficiency( folate deficiency( ineffecti!e "roduction in
the bone marro.( or recent blood loss .ith re"lacement by (and larger)
reticulocytic cells from the bone marro.( and in !itro or in !i!o hemolysis&
MC" !oo ow in the lab test: Rule out iron deficiency&
M646 (Mean 6or"uscular 4emoglobin 6ontent or
M646 denotes the !olume and character of the hemoglobin and is the most
accurate of the red cell indices&
MC"C !oo "igh( Rule out s"herocytosis (the cells are old and not being re"laced
as often)( and in !itro or in !i!o hemolysis&
MC"C !oo ow: Rule out reticulocytes (too many young red cells)( and iron
RDW (Red cell Distribution Width):
RDW test measures the different si3es and sha"es of the red cell& RDW is im"ortant
because the more surface area the red cell has( the better it can hoo- onto and
trans"ort o)ygen through the system&
R.1 and MC/ both !oo "igh( Rule out li!er disease( hemolytic anemia( ?itamin
B89 deficiency( folic acid deficiency&
R.1 !oo "igh, but MC/ !oo ow: Rule out iron deficiency anemia( thalassemia
intermedia (defecti!e hemoglobin)( fragmented cells&
R.1 !oo "igh, but MC/ ,ormal( Rule out lo. ?itamin B89 or folic acid( iron
deficiency anemia (early stages)
R.1 !oo ow( Rule out macrocytic anemia (red cells are too large)( microcytic
anemia (red cells too small)& When the cells are all the same si3e( the RDW le!el .ill
be lo.&
,ote( 'ne sim"le .ay to tell if you are anemic is to loo- at your chee-s and chin in
the mirror& ,f they loo- li-e they ha!e a blotchy tan( you are anemic and it .ill sho.
u" on a test .ithin t.o .ee-s& My recommendation is to ta-e about #>I
tea& blac*strap molasses e!ery day for a cou"le of months& When the anemia is
gone( the tan .ill be too& Read this article if you ha!e this
Blood <asses:
Blood gasses measure ho. much influence o)ygen( carbon dio)ide and hydrogen
ion concentration ("4) has on our body& This lab test sam"le has to be ta-en from an
artery to accurately measure the o)ygen content& The other blood sam"les are
ta-en from #eins and both "4 and 6'9 can be measured using !enous blood&
Blood gas labtest results should be e!aluated immediately&
')ygen (7'9):
7'9 *The total o)ygen concentration de"ends on total hemoglobin( o)ygen*carrying
ca"ability of hemoglobin( body tem"erature( blood "4( certain blood en3ymes and
7'9 itself&
O4ygen lab test result !oo "igh: Rule out gasses .ith high o)ygen content
(o)ygen cages and anesthetic machines)&
O4ygen !oo ow ("ypo4ia%: Rule out res"iratory disorders( heart shunts( or brain
6arbon Dio)ide (6'9):
6'9 le!el reflects the acid status of the blood and is a measure of the e)change of
o)ygen bet.een the al!eoli of the lungs&
Carbon .io4ide lab test result !oo "igh: Rule out increased !entilation&
Carbon .io4ide !oo ow: Rule out decreased !entilation( increased acidity from
uncontrolled diabetes( -idney disease( heart shunts( and metabolic disorders&
Bicarbonate (46'#):
Bicarbonate is maintained in health by conser!ation and "roduction by the renal
tubules( so if there is -idney disease of some -ind( the !alues may be abnormal&
6ardiac Ris- +actors
6 Reacti!e 7rotein (6R7):
6 Reacti!e 7rotein is a mar-er for inflammation&
C Reacti#e Protein lab test result !oo "igh( Rule out inflammation in res"onse to
infection( !ascular disease( heart attac-s or stro-es&
"omocysteine( 4omocysteine is an amino acid that is normally found in small
amounts in the blood& 4igher le!els are associated .ith increased ris- of heart attac-
and other !ascular diseases& Men tend to ha!e higher le!els&
4omocysteine Too 4igh:
4omocysteine le!els rule out folic acid deficiency( ?itamin B89 deficiency( heredity(
aging( -idney disease( and certain medications&
Li"o"rotein or L":
Li"o"roteins are a combination of .ater*soluble "roteins containing cholesterol and
triglycerides and are "resent in the blood& The li"o"roteins in this test brea- the
li"o"rotein do.n into its al"ha or beta forms and determines the !olumes of each&
(:lso see 6holesterol abo!e)&
Li"o"roteins are also contained in the cholesterols high*density (".)( lo. density
(.)( and !ery lo. density (/.) li"o"roteins .hich are all factors in heart
disease and cholesterol le!els& These ha!e been discussed under their indi!idual
cholesterol categories abo!e&
ipoprotein lab test result !oo "igh( Rule out "remature coronary heart disease
(64D) and the genetic lin- to heart disease& 7ersons .ith diabetes and a high L"
le!el a""ear to ha!e increased ris- of asym"tomatic coronary disease&
Thyroid Lab Tests:
To e!aluate the thyroid your doctor .ill ta-e blood to run a Thyroid +unction Blood
7anel( .hich .ill include many of the tests belo. de"ending on the doctor2s
education and the tests a!ailable at the laboratory& ,t is im"ortant to understand each
test because there is a lot of confusion among doctors( nurses( lab technicians( and
"atients as to .hich test is .hich& ,n "articular( the Total T#K( +ree T#K and T#
C"ta-e tests are !ery confusing( and are not the same test&
5ou .ill .ant to ha!e se!eral thyroid factors e!aluated from the
T/4 (Thyroid /timulating 4ormone( sT/4):
!he !S" test determines if your brain is "roducing the instructions for the body to
res"ond by "roducing TI& !hyroid Stimulating "ormone is secreted by the
"ituitary gland and regulates the thyroid gland&
!S" ab test results !oo "igh( Rule out hy"othyroidism&
!S" ab test results!oo ow( Rule out hy"erthyroidism&
Total TI:
!otal !5 measures the +ree TI and TI bound to carrier "roteins circulating .ithin
the blood&
+ree TI (Thyro)ine( +TI):
+ree TI test is the basic thyroid molecule that circulates around the body before
being acti!ated to T#& The +ree TI directly measures the free TI in the blood& ,t is a
more reliable( but a little more e)"ensi!e than Total TI& /ome labs no. do the +ree
TI routinely rather than the Total TI&
)ree !5 ab !est !oo "igh( Rule out hy"erthyroidism( ho.e!er technical artifact
occurs .hen estrogen le!els are higher from "regnancy( birth control "ills or
estrogen re"lacement thera"y&
+ree Thyro)ine ,nde) (+ree TI ,nde)( +T, or TL) :
)ree !hyro4ine 6nde4 is a mathematical com"utation allo.s the lab to estimate the
free thyro)ine inde) from the TI and T# C"ta-e tests& The results tell us ho. much
thyroid hormone is free in the blood stream to .or- on the body& Cnli-e the TI alone(
it is not affected by estrogen le!els&
Total T# (Triiodothyronine):
The Total T# lab test is usually not ordered as a screening test( but rather .hen
thyroid disease is being e!aluated& T# is the more "otent( acti!e( and shorter li!ed
!ersion of thyroid hormone& /ome "eo"le .ith high thyroid le!els secrete more T#
than TI& ,n these hy"erthyroid cases the TI can be normal( the T# high( and the T/4
lo.& The !otal !7 re"orts the total amount of T# in the bloodstream( including T#
bound to carrier "roteins "lus freely circulating T#&
+ree T# (Triiodothyronine):
The +ree T# lab test determines if the TI is being con!erted to its acti!e form by the
li!er& This test measures the free*floating T# in the body&
T# Resin C"ta-e or Thyroid C"ta-e&
The T# Resin C"ta-e lab test confuses doctors( nurses( and "atients& +irst( this
is not a thyroid test( but a test on the "roteins that carry thyroid around in your blood
stream& Dot only that( a high test number may indicate a lo. le!el of the "roteinH The
method of re"orting !aries from lab to lab&
!he Resin !7 +pta*e is used to assess the binding ca"acity of the serum for thyroid
hormone& The T# Resin test is only useful in con0unction .ith Total TI or Total T#& ,f a
"atient has a high total TI( it may be due to o!er"roduction of thyroid hormone
(hy"erthyroidism) or to an e)cess of one of the thyroid binding "roteins( usually
Thyroid Binding <lobulin (TB<)& ,f the high Total TI is secondary to high TB<( the
Resin T# .ill be lo.J other.ise it .ill be normal or ele!ated& /o( if the Total TI or
Total T# de!iates from normal in one direction and the Resin T# C"ta-e de!iates in
the o""osite direction( then the abnormality is due to changes in binding ca"acity& ,f
not( then it can be attributed to a true change in thyroid function (i&e& hy"erthyroidism
or hy"othyroidism)& @strogens increase the binding ca"acity and decrease both the
free labeled hormone and the Resin T# u"ta-e&
(<ee( , can see .hy it is so confusingH)
Thyroid :ntibody test:
The thyroid antibody lab test is used to rule out autoimmune hy"erthyroidism
diseases including 4ashimoto2s disease (autoimmune thyroiditis) and <ra!es2
disease (to)ic diffuse goiter)&
Re!erse T# (the isomer of T#:
Re!erse T# (RT#) lab test is formed .hen TI is deiodinated at the G "osition (T# is
formed from deiodination of the G2 "osition)& RT# has little or no biological acti!ity and
ser!es as a dis"osal "ath for TI& During "eriods of star!ation or se!ere "hysical
stress( the le!el of RT# increases .hile the le!el of T# decreases& ,n hy"othyroidism
both RT# and T# le!els decrease& Thus RT# can be used to hel" distinguish
bet.een hy"othyroidism and the changes in thyroid function associated .ith acute
illness (@uthyroid /ic- /yndrome)&
+or normal ranges and more on inter"reting your thyroid tests( this is an
understandable hel"ful
Cortisol le#els are tested to see ho. you are handling stress& /tress su""resses
the thyroid&
6o""er Le!els:
Copper le#els are run to rule out Wilson2s Disease and hea!y metal
interference& Copper inhibits TR4 (Thyroid Releasing 4ormone) at the
hy"othalamus and in the case of Wilson2s /yndrome( builds u" in the li!er "re!enting
con!ersion of TI to T#& TR4 is the messenger that -ee"s trac- of ho. much and
.hich thyroid hormones are needed&
,ote( To read more about thyroid function( the role of iodine( and ho. to establish
health using natural methods go
L:B T@/T/ +'R D,:B@T@/ :DD BL''D
/C<:R M:D:<@M@DT:
Blood <lucose cur!e:
The blood glucose cur!e is created by a series of blood glucose lab tests ta-en by
either blood out of a "re*inserted catheter or by stic-ing the finger .ith a
lancet at many different time inter!als( usually .ithin a 8*# day "eriod& The goal is to
figure out ho. many units of insulin are needed to maintain the "ro"er blood glucose
le!els in the "atient&
<lucose is a measure of the sugar le!el in the blood& The normal range for a fasting
glucose is =$ *8$M mg>dl& :ccording the 8MMM :merican Dietetic :ssociation criteria(
diabetes is diagnosed .ith fasting "lasma glucose le!els of 89= or more& :
"recursor( 6mpaired )asting 'lucose (,+<) is defined as a fasting glucose of 88$ ;
89G mg>dl& /ometimes a glucose tolerance test( .hich in!ol!es gi!ing you a sugary
drin- follo.ed by se!eral blood glucose tests( is necessary to "ro"erly sort out
normal from ,+< from diabetes& ?ariations in lab normals e)ist&
@uro"eans tend to use a 9*hour after eating definition of diabetes rather than a
fasting glucose& Csing the @uro"ean standards tends to increase the number of
"eo"le .ho are classified as ha!ing diabetes& To differentiate "ersistent "roblems
from transient ones( a second blood glucose sam"le should be ta-en .ithin 9I
'lucose ab test !oo "igh ("yperglycemia%: Rule out eating before the test( ,?
glucose( diabetes( glucocorticoids( thia3ides( "heochromocytoma( 6ushing2s
syndrome( acromegaly( brain damage( li!er disease( ne"hrosis(
hy"eradrenocorticism( hy"erglucagonemia( ammonia to)icosis (cattle)( mil- fe!er
(cattle)( insulin dosage too small( hy"erthyroidism( "ain induced catecholamine and
glucocorticoid release( listeriosis (shee")( trans"ort tetany (shee")( and "ancreatitis&
'lucose !oo ow ("ypoglycemia%: Rule out :ddison2s disease (adrenocortical
insufficiency)( my)edema( aflato)icosis (a disease in horses .here they eat too
much grain infected .ith molds)( too much e)ercise( glycogen storage diseases(
gram*negati!e se"ticemia( li!er insufficiency or failure( hy"erinsulinism from insulin
o!erdose or insulinoma( hy"o"ituitarism( 0u!enile hy"oglycemia (toy and miniature
dog breeds)( -etosis (cattle)( malabsor"tion( neonatal hy"oglycemia( cancers(
"regnancy to)emia (shee")( star!ation( and malabsor"tion&
<lycohemoglobin (4emoglobin :8 or :86( 4b:86):
<lycohemoglobin measures the amount of glucose chemically attached to your red
blood cells& /ince blood cells li!e about # months( it tells us your a!erage glucose for
the last = ; A .ee-s& : high le!el suggests "oor diabetes control&
,nsulin*Li-e < +actor , (,<+*8):
The ,<+*8 lab test is used to determine acromegaly( in .hich somatomedin*6 (/m*
6) and factor (<4) are increased& ,t is also used to e!aluate hy"o"ituitarism&
/m*6 is a "oly"e"tide hormone "roduced by the li!er and other tissues( .ith effects
on "romoting acti!ity and glucose metabolism (insulin*li-e acti!ity)& /m*6 is
carried in blood bound to a carrier "rotein( .hich "rolongs its half*life& ,ts le!el is
therefore more constant than that of hormone&
6')28 !oo ow( Rule out ageing( hy"o"ituitarism( malnutrition( diabetes mellitus(
Laron d.arfism( hy"othyroidism( maternal de"ri!ation syndrome( "ubertal delay(
cirrhosis( he"atoma( nonfunctioning "ituitary tumors .ith constitutional delay of and anore)ia ner!osa&
6')28 !oo "igh( Rule out adolescence( true "recocious "uberty( "regnancy( obesity(
"ituitary gigantism( acromegaly and diabetic retino"athy& /ince /m*6 is decreased
.ith malnutrition( its concentration "ro!ides an inde) .ith .hich to monitor thera"y
for food de"ri!ation&
,nsulin is secreted by the "ancreas in res"onse to eating or ele!ated blood sugar&
,nsulin le!els !ary .idely from "erson to "erson de"ending u"on an indi!idual2s
insulin sensiti!ity (or con!ersely( their insulin resistance) and .hen the last meal
occurred& ,nsulin( .hen measured by itself( at random times( is rarely useful&
6nsulin ab !est !oo ow( Rule out diabetes& ,nsulin is deficient in "ersons
.ith !ype 8 diabetes (insulin*de"endent diabetes)( and borderline deficient in
"ersons .ith Ty"e 9 diabetes& The natural e!olution of !ype 9 diabetescauses
insulin le!els to fall from high le!els to lo. le!els o!er a course of years&
6nsulin !oo much: Rule out hy"oglycemia&
4'M:*,R (the 4omeostasis Model of ,nsulin
"OMA26R is a measure of insulin& 6nsulin resistance is a ris- factor for coronary
disease so assessing an indi!idual2s insulin resistance may ha!e some !alue& 'ther
diseases associated .ith an increased 4'M:*,R test are :,D/ and "olycystic o!ary
syndrome (76'/)& 7olycystic o!ary .omen ha!e insulin resistance inde"endent of
T4@ CR,D:L5/,/:
!he urinalysis lab test measures the "resence and amount of a number of
chemicals in the urine( .hich reflect much about the health of the -idneys( along .ith
cells that may be "resent in the urine (for e)am"le( red blood cells( .hite blood cells(
or grou"s of these called casts)& :lso( the lab loo-s for crystals( bacteria( and other
organisms in the urinary sediment& @ach of these elements gi!e hints as to function
of the -idneys( -idney tubules( ureters (small tubes that connect the -idneys .ith the
urinary bladder)( and the urinary bladder&
Crine lab tests are ty"ically e!aluated .ith a reagent stri" that is briefly di""ed into
the urine sam"le& The technician reads the colors of each test and com"ares them
.ith a reference chart& The urine is then s"un do.n and the sediment chec-ed for
cells( yeast( bacteria( crystals( and casts (grou"s of dead cells that indicate -idney
tubule damage)& +or a more in de"th inter"retation .ith "ictures go
to: htt":>>naturalhealthtechni1ues&com>urinalysis*inter"retation&htm
"ere are some tips on collecting the urine sample for lab tests(
,f you are doing a free2catch sam"le( it is nice to ha!e some urine caught in the
beginning( middle and end of the urination "rocess& Why? The first fraction coming
out flushes cells( yeast and bacteria from the !ul!a or "re"uce areas and the urethra
(the tube that connects the bladder to the outside .orld)& The middle fraction is a
better "icture of .hat has been stored in the bladder& The tail*end of the sam"le
gi!es a better idea of ho. the -idneys loo-&
My "ersonal choice as a !eterinarian is to stic- a long needle directly into the bladder
so , don2t ha!e to guess if the bacteria( yeast and dead cells are from the urethra or
the bladder& ,t doesn2t hurt much and hel"s alle!iate contamination of the sam"le&
That .ay , can treat the core cause instead of a secondary infection of some ty"e&
Medical doctors sometimes insert a catheter into the bladder for this reason&
,f you are trying to get a sam"le from your "et at home( one easy .ay to do it is to
ta"e a small cu" to the bottom of the ruler& :s the "et urinates( you can sli" the cu"
underneath them .ithout leaning o!er and startling them& Label the sam"le .ith the
date and time it .as collected then get the sam"le to your !et right a.ay for lab
Crine ?olume:
6ncreased (Polyuria%( Rule out acute renal disease( chronic renal disease( diabetes
mellitus he"atic failure( hy"eradrenocorticism( hy"ercalcemia( hy"er"arathyroidism
(cats and humans)( ne"hrogenic diabetes insi"idus( "ituitary diabetes insi"idus(
"ostobstructi!e diuresis( "rimary renal glycosuria( "sychogenic "olydi"sia(
"yelone"hritis( and "yometra&
.ecreased (Oliguria%( Rule out acute renal failure( dehydration( shoc-( terminal
chronic renal disease( and urinary tract obstruction&
"4 :
p" is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration (acidity or al-alinity) of the urine&
+resh sam"les are necessary for an accurate lab test reading because urine
becomes al-aline .hen it is older because the carbon dio)ide esca"es and the
bacteria in the urine con!ert urea to ammonia .hich is !ery al-aline& The healthy(
normal "4 of human urine is less than L&
!oo "igh (Al*aline%( Rule out diets high in !egetables and urinary tract infections
(the bacteria con!ert the urine to ammonia)& ,ote( This is the only instance .here ,
tell "eo"le to eat lots of "rotein and 0un- food for 9*# daysH
!oo ow (Acid%( Rule out diets high in "rotein and refined carbohydrates( anore)ia(
and star!ation&
/"ecific <ra!ity (/<):
Specific 'ra#ity measures ho. dilute your urine is& /"ecific gra!ity ta-es into
account the .eight of the urine and "article si3e& Water .ould ha!e a s"ecific gra!ity
of 8&$$$ Most human urine is around 8&$8$( but it can !ary greatly de"ending on
.hen you dran- fluids last( or if you are dehydrated&
<lucose in the urine:
Dormally there is no glucose in urine&
.etectable 'lucose ('lucosuria%( Rule out diabetes( -idney disease (decreased
tubular reabsor"tion)( acromegaly( hy"er"ituitarism( bo!ine mil- fe!er( bo!ine
neurologic disease( e)cessi!e insulin dosage( fear or e)ertional catacholamine
release( +anconi*li-e syndrome( moribund animals( shee" endoto)emia( and drugs
such as :6T4( glucocorticoids( fluids( -etamine( mor"hine( "henothia3ine( and
)yla3ine& : small number of "eo"le ha!e glucose in their urine .ith normal blood
glucose le!els( ho.e!er any glucose in the urine .ould raise the "ossibility of
diabetes or glucose intolerance&
7rotein in the Crine:
Protein (Proteinuria%: When you urinate and see foam in the toilet bo.l( this can
indicate either sugar or "rotein and is not normal& : urinalysis and blood .or- are
used to determine .hat the "roblem is& Tal- .ith your doctor if you see this& Dormally
there is no "rotein detectable on a urinalysis stri"&
.etectable Protein( Rule out -idney damage( increased glomerular "ermeability
(from fe!er( cardiac disease( central ner!ous system disease( shoc-( muscular
e)ertion)( blood in the urine( inflammation( cancers( infection& 4igh concentrations of
!ery small "roteins can also sho. u" in the urine such as Bence Bones "rotein(
hemoglobin monomers( and myoglobin& C" to 8$% of children can ha!e "rotein in
their urine& /ometimes this is due to colostral antibodies&
6ertain diseases re1uire the use of a s"ecial( more sensiti!e (and more e)"ensi!e)
test for "rotein called a microalbumin test& : microalbumin test is !ery useful in
screening for early damage to the -idneys from diabetes&
)alse Positi#e causes( Rule out urine too al-aline&
Blood in the Crine:
Blood ("ematuria%: Dormally there is no blood in the urine lab test&
.etectable Blood: Rule out infection( -idney stones( trauma( and bleeding from
bladder or -idney tumors& The technician may indicate .hether the blood is
hemoly3ed (dissol!ed blood) or non*hemoly3ed (intact red blood cells)& Dote that
blood also occurs .hen a .oman is ha!ing her "eriod or in the dog .hen she is in
heat so it can be normal& :s- more 1uestions if you see blood in the urine&
)alse Positi#e causes( Rarely( muscle in0ury can cause myoglobin to a""ear in the
urine .hich also causes the reagent "ad to falsely indicate blood& Mensus in humans
or animals in heat .ill also ha!e blood in their urine as a normal occurrence&
Bilirubin in the Crine:
Bilirubin (Bilirubinuria%( Dormally there is no bilirubin or urobilinogen in the urine&
These are "igments that are cleared by the li!er&
.etectable Bilirubin( Rule out li!er or gallbladder disease( obstruction of bile flo.(
intra!ascular hemolysis( hemoglobinuria( and tubular cell con0ugation of free
)alse positi#es( Crine color may interfere .ith the reading of this lab test&
Dormally negati!e( the "resence of nitrates usually indicates a urinary tract infection
caused from nitrate reducing bacteria including !eillonellae( haemo"hili(
sta"hylococci( corynebacteria( lactobacilli( fla!obacteria and fusobacteria&
Leu-ocytes (Leu-ocyte esterase):
Dormally negati!e& Leu-ocytes are the .hite blood cells (or "us cells)&
.etectable eu*ocytes( Rule out urinary tract infection&
/ediment in the Crine:
Sediment( 4ere the doctor( nurse( or lab technician loo-s under a microsco"e at a
"ortion of your urine that has been s"un in a centrifuge& ,tems such as mucous and
s1uamous cells are commonly seen& :bnormal findings .ould include more than $*9
red blood cells( more than $*9 .hite blood cells( crystals( casts( renal tubular cells(
yeast or bacteria& (Bacteria and yeast can be "resent if there .as contamination at
the time of collection&)& The "4 of the urine determines .hat ty"es of crystals .ill be
+or L'T/ more info on urine sediments see the
/e) 4ormone 7rofile Lab Tests:
/e) hormone tests are "o"ular these days and can be done at home !ia a sali!a or
urine test or done in a doctor2s office using blood&
@strogen is tested to e!aluate menstrual status and se)ual maturity& @strogens are
res"onsible for "roliferation and of s"ecific cells and are res"onsible for
de!elo"ment of most secondary se)ual characteristics in the female& !hree types of
estrogens are present in significant 1uantities in the blood lab test( estradiol,
estrone, and estriol&
-strogens !oo "igh( Rule out gynecomastia (femini3ation syndrome) and
estrogen*influenced o!arian tumors&
@stradiol is the most common ty"e of estrogen and the most im"ortant estrogen in
e!aluating the fertility of the female because it is "roduced almost solely by the
o!ary& ,n .omen estradiol !aries according to age( normal menstrual cycles( ta-ing
birth control "ills or estrogen re"lacement&
@striol (@#):
@striol is the ma0or estrogen in the "regnant female "roduced by the "lacenta&
@)cretion of estriol increases around the eighth .ee- of gestation and continues to
rise until shortly before deli!ery& /erial urine and blood studies of this hormone are
used to assess "lacental function and fetal normality in high*ris- "regnancies& +alling
!alues during "regnancy suggest feto"lacental deterioration and re1uire "rom"t
reassessment of the "regnancy( including the "ossibility of early deli!ery&
Progesterone is "roduced in the o!aries during the second half of the menstrual
cycle( by the "lacenta during "regnancy( and in small amounts from the adrenal
glands and testes& 7rogesterone "re"ares the uterus for im"lantation of the fetus
and is res"onsible for increasing breast mil- in "re"aration for lactation& This is
another im"ortant hormone to e!aluate for e!aluating fertility in the female&
:fter o!ulation( an increase of "rogesterone causes the uterine lining to thic-en in
"re"aration for the im"lantation of a fertili3ed egg& ,f this e!ent does not ta-e "lace(
"rogesterone and estrogen le!els fall( resulting in shedding of the uterine lining&
7rogesterone is essential during "regnancy( not only ensuring normal functioning of
the "lacenta( but "assing into the de!elo"ing baby2s circulation( .here it is con!erted
in the adrenal glands to corticosteroid hormones&
!estosterone is the most im"ortant of the male se) hormones& ,t is res"onsible for
stimulating bone and muscle and se)ual de!elo"ment& ,t is "roduced by the
testes and in !ery small amounts by the o!aries in .omen& Most testosterone tests
measure total testosterone& Testosterone stimulates s"erm "roduction
(s"ermatogenesis)( and influences the de!elo"ment of male secondary se)
!estosterone !oo "igh( '!er"roduction of testosterone caused by testicular(
adrenal( or "ituitary tumors in the young male may result in "recocious (early)
"uberty& '!er"roduction of testosterone in females( caused by o!arian and adrenal
tumors( can result in masculini3ation( the sym"toms of .hich include cessation of the
menstrual cycle (amenorrhea) and e)cessi!e of body hair (hirsutism)&
!estosterone !oo ow( When reduced le!els of testosterone in the male indicate
under acti!ity of the testes (hy"ogonadism)( testosterone stimulation tests may be
Tests for /e)ually Transmitted Diseases:
4er"es /erology
("erpes simple4 #iruses, "S/%( : blood lab test for her"es is no. a!ailable& :
blood test only tells .hether you ha!e been infected .ith the her"es !irus& 4er"es
serology cannot tell .hen you became infected( .hat body "arts .ill be affected(
.hether you .ill de!elo" sym"toms of her"es or if your sym"toms are due to her"es&
: s.ab of an acti!e lesion is the only .ay to detect the !irus itself& ,t may ta-e
bet.een si) and eight .ee-s to detect antibodies in a her"es blood test after first
becoming infected .ith 4/?& :lso( antibodies may disa""ear .ith time( es"ecially if
the "erson has infre1uent recurrences of her"es brea-outs&
'enital "erpes is caused by either "erpes Simple4 /irus type 6 ("S/28% or"erpes
Simple4 /irus type 66 ("S/29%& 4er"es /im"le) ?irus ,, (4/?*9) is the usual cause
of re"eated attac-s of genital her"es and 4/?*8 is usually the ty"e that is
res"onsible for cold sores (oral her"es)&
)alse positi#es and negati#es: :ll lab tests occasionally gi!e incorrect results& The
her"es test can be falsely "ositi!e G% of the time and a false negati!e result 8G% of
the timeNso before a marital blo.*out ha""ensNre"eat the test using a different
,ote( , don2t -no. about the !aginal her"es( but the oral her"es usually goes a.ay
.hen you sto" holding your tongue& /o s"ea- your truth and those cold sores
should disa""ear in 8*# days& , ha!e seen this as an effecti!e treatment M:D5
times& 'h( and many more "eo"le than you could imagine are infected .ith the
!aginal her"es( so if you are single( don2t let that -ee" you single for life& The truth
shall set you free& +orgi!e yourself and mo!e on& Bust be discerning about .hom you
tal- to about it and don2t ha!e se) .ith those that are una.are you ha!e it& There are
drugs and homeo"athic dro"s that hel" control acti!e outbrea-s&
+re1uently :s-ed Ouestions about Lab Test Results:
1hy do 6 ha#e to ha#e an empty stomach for at least 89 hours before they
draw my blood for the lab tests: When .e eat( fat gets into our bloodstream and
can affect the tests gi!ing false "ositi!e or false negati!e results& +at in the
bloodstream gi!es cloudy serum and the scientific instruments they use to test
different blood le!els can2t see through the cloudiness&
1hy do they put the blood in se#eral tubes each with a different color at the
top of the tube: @ach tube your sam"le is "ut in does something different to the
sam"le& /ome ha!e "reser!ati!es in them( some ha!e anticoagulants( and some
don2t ha!e anything& 7reser!ati!es can "re!ent the brea-do.n of certain en3ymes
so that the blood can be stored until it gets to the lab to be tested& :nticoagulants
"re!ent the blood from clotting so cells can be counted and loo-ed at .ith lab
e1ui"ment& When the tube doesn2t ha!e anything in it (the red to" tubes) .e .ant
the blood to clot so .e can gather the serum and not the red or .hite cells& This .ay
.e can run different blood tests to see all as"ects of ho. your body is functioning or
not functioning&

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