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The Sheep Man's Christmas

by MURAKAMI Haruki
Translated by Christophor Allison
While it was yet high summer, the heep Man was asked to !ompose
some musi! "or Christmas# The heep Man and his sheep $isitor, who
had !ome to ask him to undertake the !omposition, sweated pro"usely
under their summer sheep suits# As long as summer lasted, the heep
Man was %uite miserable, be!ause he was but a poor sheep man and
!ould not a""ord an air !onditioner# As the "an slapped around and
around in !ir!les, the sheep ears o" the two sheep "ellows "luttered
so"tly in the bree&e#
'We, the heep Men(s Coun!il,) began the heep Man(s $isitor,
unloosening the "astener at his !ollar so as to allow the wind "rom the
"an to blow in, 'e$ery year sele!t one sheep, blessed with prodigious
musi!al talent, to !ompose musi! in honour o" our Most Holy *atron,
the heep aint# This musi! will then!e be per"ormed on Christmas
+ay# This year, happily, you ha$e been !hosen#)
',h, I see,) said the heep Man#
'This year espe!ially, it being the -.//th anni$ersary o" His passing,
we desire parti!ularly splendid musi!, be"itting to this sa!red e$ent,)
he !on!luded#
'I see, I see,) said the heep Man, s!rat!hing his ears#
'Christmas is still "our and a hal" months away,) he thought to himsel"#
'With that mu!h time, I !an !ertainly !ompose some magni"i!ent
sheep musi!#)
'I(ll be happy to do it# 0ou !an !ount on me,) he replied, his !hest
swelling with pride# 'I(ll !ertainly do my best to write e1!ellent sheep
eptember passed, and then ,!tober and 2o$ember, but the heep
Man hadn(t been able to begin the musi! re%uested by the heep
Men(s Coun!il# 3e!ause the heep Man worked in the neighborhood
donut shop, he had $ery little time to de$ote to the !omposition#
Moreo$er, whene$er he began to play his ramsha!kle old piano, the
wi"e o" the boarding house(s landlord would in$ariably !ome up the
steps and pound on his door#
'Cut that ra!ket out4 I !an barely here the tele$ision#)
'I(m terribly sorry# 3ut sin!e I ha$e to ha$e this musi! done by
Christmas, might I beg o" you to bear with me a little while5) the
heep Man said meekly#
'What a idioti! thing to say,) erupted the landlord(s wi"e# 'I" you don(t
like it, you !an 6ust lea$e right now# 7ust be!ause we let weirdoes like
you li$e here doesn(t mean that you !an make a laughing sto!k out o"
us# I" this is a problem "or you, well, too bad#)
The heep Man ga&ed at the !alendar with a "eeling o" dread# 8$en
though Christmas was 6ust "our short weeks away, he hadn(t been able
to write a single bar o" the promised musi!, sin!e he !ouldn(t play the
,ne day, the heep Man was sitting in the park, eating donuts with
something o" a disturbed !ountenan!e, when he was approa!hed by
the heep *ro"essor# 'What(s wrong, my dear heep lad5) the heep
*ro"essor en%uired#
'I(m not "eeling $ery well# 8$en though Christmas is !oming,
something is really bothering me# That is to say, Christmas is part o"
the problem,) the heep Man began, and then !on"essed the whole
story to the heep *ro"essor#
'Hmmm###) said the heep *ro"essor, stroking his beard# 'I" that(s the
!ase, I think I !an help you#)
'Really5) the heep Man replied skepti!ally# 3e!ause the heep
*ro"essor had only studied sheep9related matters all his li"e, there had
de$eloped among the people in the neighborhood the suspi!ion that he
was a little bit %ueer in the head#
'0es, really,) the heep *ro"essor said# 'Come to my house tonight at
:;//# I(ll tea!h you e1!ellent methods and te!hni%ues o" !omposition#
3y the way, !an I ha$e one o" those !innamon donuts5)
'0es, o" !ourse,) the heep Man said, resenting it inwardly# 'Here you
go#) And they sat together on the ben!h and mun!hed donuts#
That e$ening, bearing a pa!kage o" si1 !innamon donuts as a gi"t, the
heep Man $isited the heep *ro"essor(s house# It was an old bri!k
a""air, and all the shrubberies had been pruned into the shape o"
sheep# The doorbell, too, as well as the gateposts and the "lagstones,
were all sheep# 'Holy !ow4) thought the heep Man to himsel"#
," the si1 donuts, the heep *ro"essor de$oured "our without so mu!h
as stopping "or a breath# The remaining two he put in a !upboard as i"
they were $ery important# <inally, wetting his "ingers with his tongue,
he mopped up the s!attered !rumbs on the tabletop and li!ked his
"ingers !lean#
'This "ellow !ertainly likes his donuts,) thought the heep Man, rather
,n!e his "ingers were thoroughly !lean, the heep *ro"essor retrie$ed
a huge book "rom a book!ase# The History o" heep Men was printed
on the !o$er#
'o, master heep,) the *ro"essor began hea$ily# 'In this book is
written e$erything !on!ei$able !on!erning sheep men# Here we will
"ind the reason why you ha$en(t been able to write the sheep musi!#)
'3ut *ro"essor, I already know the reason# It(s be!ause the landlady
won(t let me play the piano,) said the heep Man# 'I" only I !ould play
the piano###)
'2onsense,) the heep *ro"essor said, shaking his head# '8$en i" you
!ould play that piano, you still wouldn(t write the musi!# The deeper
reason is in here#)
'What(s that5) asked the heep Man#
'0ou ha$e been !urse,) the heep *ro"essor said with a grima!e#
'=uite so,) said the heep *ro"essor nodding se$eral times# '3e!ause
you ha$e been !ursed, you !an neither play the piano nor !ompose
',h,) the heep Man groaned# '3ut why ha$e I been !ursed, do you
suppose5 I ha$en(t done anything bad to anybody#)
The heep *ro"essor "lipped through the pages o" the book
de1terously# '*erhaps you looked up at the moon on 7une >.th5)
'2o# I ha$en(t seen the moon in the last "i$e years#)
'Well, then maybe you ate something with a hole in it on Christmas
8$e last year5)
'I eat donuts "or lun!h e$eryday# I !an(t remember e1a!tly what kind
o" donuts I ate on Christmas 8$e last year, but###umm### I(m pretty
!ertain I had donuts#)
'+onuts with holes in them5)
'0es, I imagine so# I mean, almost all donuts ha$e hole in them#)
'That(s it4) the heep *ro"essor said, nodding $igorously# '0ou ha$e
been !ursed as a result o" this# urely some sheep tea!her must ha$e
taught you not to eat "ood with holes in it on Christmas 8$e5)
'I($e ne$er heard that be"ore,) said the heep Man, surprised# Is that
true all o$er5)
'2ot knowing about the <east o" the heep aint###that(s startling,)
replied the heep *ro"essor, e$en more surprised# 'Kids today###they
don(t know anything4 When you were be!oming a sheep man, didn(t
they tea!h you this stu"" in heep Man(s !hool5)
'0eah, I guess so# 3ut I didn(t do so well with my studies,) the heep
Man said, s!rat!hing his head#
'?ook here, this mis"ortune has be"allen you be!ause you are a $ery
!areless sheep man# 0ou ha$e brought this upon yoursel"#
2e$ertheless,) the heep *ro"essor !ontinued, 'be!ause you ha$e
brought donuts to me, I will instru!t you# While +e!ember -@th is
Christmas 8$e, it is also the <east o" the heep aint# ,n this day, as
the Most Holy heep aint was walking along a road in the middle o"
the night, he "ell into a hole and died# <or this reason, it is a $ery
sa!red day# Conse%uently, the eating o" "oods with holes in them on
this day has been e19pli9!it9ly prohibited sin!e an!ient times# u!h
"oods as ma!aroni, wiss !heese, donuts, onion rings, and o" !ourse
bagels, !an !ause se$ere problems#)
'I beg your pardon, but what was the Most Holy heep aint doing
walking along a road in the middle o" the night5 And why was there a
hole in the road5)
'I don(t know the answer to these %uestions# These e$ents happened
-.// years ago, so the !auses !annot be known# 3ut anyway, it was
de!ided then# It is a law in$iolable# Whether you know it or not, the
breaking o" the law will result in a !urse being pla!ed upon you# When
you were !ursed, you !eased to be a sheep man# 0ou !annot !ompose
the heep Musi! "or this reason# 0es#)
'I(m su!h an idiot,) the heep Man said weakly# 'Is there any way o"
remo$ing this !urse5)
'Hmm,) said the heep *ro"essor# 'There(s a way, but I(m a"raid that
it(s not $ery easy# 3ut that(s ,K, isn(t it5)
'I don(t !are# I(ll do whate$er it takes# *lease tell me#)
'The way is "or you yoursel" to "all into a hole#)
'Hole5) said the heep Man# 'This hole, what kind o" hole is it e1a!tly5
Is any hole ,K5)
'+on(t be stupid# 2ot 6ust any hole will do# The si&e and depth o" the
hole ne!essary to remo$e the !urse are $ery !learly de"ined# ?u!kily,
it(s "airly small# I(ll try to "ind it "or you now#)
The heep *ro"essor retrie$ed a tattered book entitled The ?egend o"
the Most Holy heep aint and poured o$er it(s pages#
'Well###hmm###ah, here it is# It says that the Most Holy heep aint "ell
into a hole two meters in diameter and -/A meters deep, whereupon
he passed away# There"ore, a hole o" the same dimensions will su""i!e#)
'3ut I !an(t dig a hole that deep by mysel"# And anyway, i" I "all into a
hole like that, won(t I be killed be"ore the !urse is broken5)
'Wait, waitB there(s more; CWhen attempting to break the !urse, it shall
not matter i" the depth o" the hole be redu!ed by the s!ale o" >//
parts to one# Thus, a hole o" two meters and three !entimeters shall
be su""i!ient(#)
',h, good# I" that(s all, I !an dig it# 2o problem,) the heep Man said,
The heep Man borrowed the book "rom the heep *ro"essor and
returned home# In the book were spelled out !ountless regulations that
had to be "ollowed in order to break the spell# The heep Man tried to
write them down, one by one#
>D The hole must be dug with a sho$el ha$ing a handle made o"
tuneriko wood# E3e!ause the heep aint had !arried a sta"" made o"
this wood#D
-D The Hole9<alling must o!!ur at >;>: in the morning, on Christmas
8$e# E3e!ause the heep aint "ell at this time#D
AD At the time o" the Hole9<alling, a sa!k lun!h bearing no hole9
!ontaining "oods must be brought#
Regulations E>D and E-D were "ine, and e$en the rule !on!erning the
height o" the drop made some sense, but the heep Man really
!ouldn(t understand the ne!essity o" the sa!k lun!h#
'How strange,) the heep Man thought to himsel"# '3ut I guess I had
better do it the way it says here#)
Christmas 8$e was only three days o""# In three short days, he had to
make a sho$el with a handle o" tuneriko wood, and dig a hole with a
!ir!um"eren!e o" two meters and a depth o" -/A !entimeters#
'3oy, this is a $ery strange thing that(s happening,) the heep Man
He "ound a tuneriko tree in the "orest, and !ut o"" a small bran!h# In
one day, he managed to whittle it into the handle o" a sho$el# The ne1t
day, he !ommen!ed to dig the hole in the ba!k yard o" his house#
While he was digging, the landlady spotted him#
'0ou there4 What are you digging that hole "or5) she demanded#
'I(m digging a hole to dump garbage in,) the heep Man replied# 'I
thought maybe it would be handy#)
',h# Is that it5 Well, i" you try anything "unny, I(m gonna !all the
!ops,) the landlady said s!orn"ully# With that, she turned and walked
Using a measuring tape, the heep Man !are"ully insured that his hole
was dug e1a!tly to the spe!i"i!ations "or diameter and depth#
'That ought to do it,) the heep Man said to himsel", !o$ering the hole
with a wooden lid#
At last Christmas 8$e arri$ed# The heep Man got a do&en donuts o"
the twisty $ariety, without holes, "rom the donut shop, and pa!ked
them in a knapsa!k# This was the e1tent o" his sa!k lun!h# <inally, he
put his wallet and a small "lashlight in the breast po!ket o" his sheep
suit, and !losed the "astener# At >;//, he snu!k around the house and
was engul"ed in total darkness# There was no moon and the stars
weren(t out, so he !ould not e$en see his hand in "ront o" his "a!e#
'It must ha$e been this dark the night the Most Holy heep aint "ell
into that hole,) the heep Man murmured, as he sear!hed "or the hole
with his "lashlight# 'It(ll be >;>: soon# What i" I !an(t "ind the hole, and
ha$e to wait until Christmas 8$e ne1t year5 That would be aw"uuuu###)
7ust as he said this, the ground beneath his "eet suddenly wasn(t
there# The heep Man had "allen into the hole#
'omeone must ha$e remo$ed the !o$er during the day,) the heep
Man thought as he "ell# 'I(ll bet is was that nasty landlady# he always
hates e$erything I do#) 3ut when the heep Man "inished thinking this
thought, he reali&ed something $ery strange was happening# 'The hole
I dug was only -/A !entimeters deep# urely, a"ter "alling "or so long, I
should ha$e hit the bottom by now#)
Then suddenly, with %uite a thud, the heep Man hit the bottom o" the
hole# And, although the hole was "ear"ully deep, he was pe!uliarly
A"ter shaking his head a little, the heep Man tried to shine the
"lashlight at his surroundings, only to "ind that the "lashlight wasn(t
there# He surmised that he must ha$e dropped it when he "ell into the
'What(s this, goddamit5) !ame a $oi!e out o" the darkness# 'It(s only
>;>@# 0ou(re - minutes early, goddamit# 0ou(ll ha$e to !limb ba!k up to
the top and do it again "rom the beginning#)
'I(m sorry# I !ouldn(t see $ery well be!ause it was dark, and I "ell into
the hole by a!!ident,) the heep Man said# '3ut I(m a"raid there(s no
way I !ould !limb to the top o" a hole that deep#)
'0ou got to, goddamit# 7ee&, a little bit earlier and you !ould ha$e
"lattened me# I thought you were !oming at >;>:, goddamit#)
There was the sound o" a mat!h and a !andle was lit# The "igure that
held the !andle was $ery tall# 3ut though he was $ery tall, his
shoulders were no higher than the heep Man(s# His head was $ery
long and twisted around like a twisty donut#
'3y the way, goddamit, you better ha$e brought a sa!k lun!h with you
when you "ell,) the Twist said, 'be!ause, i" you didn(t, you(re in big
trouble, goddamit#)
'," !ourse I brought it,) the heep Man said, ner$ously#
'Well, gi$e it here, goddamit# I(m star$ed#)
The heep Man opened the knapsa!k and, retrie$ing the twisty donuts
one by one, handed them o$er to the Twist#
'What the hell(s this5) the Twist said, seeing the donuts# '0ou must be
an idiot to bring me "ood that looks like my own goddam head#)
'2o, it was a mistake,) the heep Man said, wiping the sweat "rom his
brow# 'I work at a donut shop, you see, and these twisty donuts were
the only things that didn(t ha$e holes in them#)
'Ahh4 0ou said Ctwisty(, goddamit4) the Twist said, "alling to his knees#
Tears began to "low "rom his twisty eyes# 'It(s be!ause o" this goddam
"a!e that I ha$e to stay at the bottom o" this goddam hole and be the
goddam gate9keeper, goddamit#)
',h, I(m su!h a !lod# I mad a mistake# I meant to say Ctwisted(#)
'Well, it(s too late now, goddamit#) the Twist said, still !rying#
?a!king any !ourse o" a!tion, the heep Man retrie$ed one o" the
twisted donuts, and a"ter untangling the twist and stret!hing it out
straight, handed it to the Twist#
'?ook, there(s no problem# ee, it(s straight# Why don(t you eat it5 It(s
The Twist took the donut and ate it with relish, although he didn(t stop
While the Twist ate donuts and wept, the heep Man borrowed his
!andle and in$estigated the bottom o" the hole# It was a bare, broad
!hamber, !ontaining only the Twist(s bed and desk# 'in!e he !alled
himsel" Cthe gatekeeper(, there must !ertainly be a gate around here
somewhere that he(s prote!ting,) the heep Man reasoned# 'I" there(s
not a gate, you !ertainly don(t need a gatekeeper#)
pe!ulating thus, the heep Man "ound a small passageway whi!h
opened "rom beside the bed# Taking the !andle with him, he !limbed
into the tunnel#
'I" only I hadn(t ate those donuts on Christmas 8$e last year, I
wouldn(t be up this !reek now,) the heep Man said to himsel"#
A"ter about ten more minutes, it slowly began to grow light in the
tunnel# oon, the mouth o" the passage was in $iew# <rom outside the
hole, bright sunlight spilled in#
'How $ery strange# When I "ell into the hole, it was 6ust past one in the
morning# It !an(t be dawn yet,) the heep Man thought, !raning his
When he !ame out o" the tunnel, he "ound a broad, empty !learing
be"ore him# Tall trees su!h as he had ne$er seen be"ore surrounded
this !learing# *u""y, white !louds "loated in the sky, and he !ould hear
the song o" birds#
'Huh# I wonder what I should do now# In that book, it said that i" I "ell
down the hole then the !urse would be broken, but it didn(t mention
anything about this#)
Ha$ing grown rather hungry, the heep Man de!ided to eat one o" the
remaining donuts "rom his knapsa!k, but while he was nibbling on it,
he heard a $oi!e "rom behind him#
'Food a"ternoon, Mr# heep Man#)
When he turned around to look, he saw twin girls standing there# ,ne
wore a shirt bearing the number C-/G(, and the other similarly wore
Aside "rom the numbers, the two girls were alike in e$ery detail#
'Hey guys,) the heep Man said# 'Would you like to !ome o$er here
and eat donuts with me5)
'Wow, great4) -/G said#
'They look really good,) -/H said#
'They are# I made them mysel",) the heep Man replied#
o the three o" them sat in a row on the ground and ate donuts#
'Thanks "or the "ood,) -/H said#
'That(s the "irst time I($e e$er had su!h deli!ious donuts,) -/G said#
'That(s good,) the heep Man said# '3y the way, I($e had this !urse put
on me, and I was wondering i" you know what I(m supposed to do
now# I !ame here to try to break the spell#)
'How terrible4) -/G said#
'3eing !ursed must be tough,) -/H said#
'Really tough,) the heep Man !on"irmed with a sigh#
'I wonder i" he should try $isiting the eagull(s wi"e,) -/H said to -/G#
'That(s a good idea# The seagull(s wi"e will know what to do, I(ll bet,)
-/G said to -/H#
'he knows all about !urses, a"ter all,) -/H said to -/G#
'Hey, !an you take me to see the Full(s wi"e5) the heep Man asked
'Umm, not the Full,) said -/G#
'The eagull,) said -/H#
'The Full and the eagull are totally di""erent, a"ter all,) said -/G#
'That(s right,) said -/H#
'orry, sorry,) the heep Man apologi&ed to -/G and -/H# 'Can you
take me to see the eagull(s wi"e5)
'At your ser$i!e,) said -/G#
'With pleasure,) said -/H#
o the twins and the heep Man walked along the road through the
"orest together# As they walked, the twins sang a little song;
Always with the twins,
8$en i" the wind blows east and west#
Always with the twins,
8$en i" the wind blows right and le"t#
A"ter walking "or >/ or >. minutes, the "orest ended and the sea
spread out be"ore them "or as "ar as the eye !ould see#
'Can you see the little sha!k on top o" that big ro!k o$er there5 That(s
the eagull(s house,) -/H said, pointing#
'We !an(t go outside the "orest,) -/G said#
'Well, thank you $ery mu!h# 0ou ha$e really helped me out,) the
heep Man replied# He then rea!hed into his knapsa!k, retrie$ed two
donuts, and handed one to ea!h o" the twins#
'Thank you, Mr# heep Man,) -/G said#
'Food lu!k breaking your !urse,) -/H said#
Fetting to the eagull(s wi"e(s house was %uite a death9de"ying
endea$or# The ro!k was rugged and steep, and there was no path to
speak o"# In addition, a sharp sea bree&e threatened to blow the heep
Man o"" at any time#
'I guess this is ,K "or the eagull(s wi"e, sin!e she !an "ly# 3ut it(s no
"un "or those o" us who ha$e to !limb,) the heep Man !omplained#
omehow, he e$entually "ound his way to the top o" the ro!k and
kno!ked on the door o" the eagull(s wi"e(s house#
'Who(s there5 0ou !olle!ting "or the newspaper5) he heard a loud,
rattling $oi!e "rom within the house say#
'Umm, no###I(m known as the heep Man###) he began#
'I don(t want any,) said the $oi!e !urtly#
'I(m not a weirdo or anything# *lease open the door#)
'0ou(re really not !olle!ting "or the newspaper5)
uddenly, the door burst open, and the eagull(s wi"e(s "a!e popped
out# he was $ery tall and her beak was pointed like a pi!k9a1e#
'The twins told me that you know e$erything there is to know about
!urses,) said the heep Man, ner$ously# That beak !ould ha$e split his
head open and killed him# The eagull(s wi"e looked him o$er
'0ou(ll ha"ta !ome inside# I !an(t hear a word you(re saying#)
The inside o" the house was terribly messy# The "loor was !o$ered with
dust, a bottle o" !atsup had spilled all o$er the table, and the trash!an
was o$er"lowing#
The heep Man e1plained all o" the pre!eding e$ents, one by one#
'3oy, that(s tough,) the eagull(s wi"e said# '0ou(ll ha$e to "ind another
way ba!k to your world#)
'3ut !an(t I 6ust go ba!k the way I !ame5)
'2o# ,n!e you($e !ome, there(s no going ba!k,) the eagull(s wi"e said,
shaking her beak "rom le"t to right# 'I !an take you to a pla!e on my
ba!k, though, where you !an get rid o" this !urse#)
'That would make me aw"ully happy#)
'3ut you look pretty hea$y,) the eagull(s wi"e said, dubiously#
'I(m not hea$y at all# I(m barely I. pounds,) the heep Man said,
!heating by about >/ pounds#
'All right# ?et(s make a deal,) the eagull(s wi"e said# '0ou !lean this
room, and I(ll take you to the pla!e where you !an break your !urse#)
3ut the eagull(s wi"e(s house took %uite a long time to !lean# It hadn(t
been !leaned in literally months# He s!rubbed the plates and tea !ups,
!aked with "ilthB wiped down the table9topB $a!uumed the "loorB
polished the tilesB and pi!ked up all the trash and threw it out# When
he was "inished with all o" this, the heep Man was e1hausted#
'I ha$e this blasted !urse to thank "or all this misery,) he !omplained
silently to himsel"#
'It looks pretty good,) the eagull(s wi"e said, looking satis"ied# 'A
home should always be this neat#)
'o now you(ll take me to the pla!e where the !urse !an broken5)
'0eah, I(ll keep my promise# Here, !limb on my ba!k#)
,n!e the heep Man had gotten on, the eagull(s wi"e %ui!kly took o""
into the sky# in!e this was the "irst time the heep Man had e$er
"lown anywhere, he gripped her ne!k $ery tightly#
'Hey4 0ou(re hurting me# +on(t pull so hard# I !an(t breathe,) the
eagull(s wi"e growled#
',h, I(m really sorry,) the heep Man said sheepishly#
<rom the air, the sea and the "orest and the hill were all $isible# The
green o" the "orest and the dark blue o" the sea stret!hed out
endlessly, with the sandy, white bea!h like a belt between them# It was
an in!redibly beauti"ul $iew#
'It(s really beauti"ul, isn(t it,) the heep Man said#
'Maybe to you, but I see it e$eryday, and I(m si!k o" it,) the eagull(s
wi"e replied with e$ident boredom#
In order to stret!h her wings a little, she "lew around and around in
!ir!les o$er her house, and then set down on a prairie not e$en a
hundred yards away#
'What(s wrong, ma(am5 Aren(t you "eeling well5) the heep Man asked
with !on!ern#
'2o, I "eel "ine,) the eagull(s wi"e said shaking her head# 'Why would
you ask su!h a stupid %uestion5 I(m "amous in these parts "or my
'3ut why did you set down here, then5)
'3e!ause this is the pla!e,) the eagull(s wi"e said#
'3ut this !an(t be more than a hundred yards "rom your house,) said
the heep Man with surprise# 'I" it(s this !lose, there was no point in
riding on your ba!k# I !ould 6ust as easily ha$e walked#)
'3ut then you wouldn(t ha$e !leaned my house "or me, would you5)
'Well, no, I guess not, but###)
'Well then, I don(t want to hear another word about the distan!e# I
took you on my ba!k 6ust like I promised#)
'Umm, yes###!ertainly,) the heep Man said, un!on$in!ed#
The eagull(s wi"e, still laughing heartily to hersel", took o"" into the air
and "lew ba!k in the dire!tion o" her house#
When the heep Man looked around him, he saw a large tree standing
in the middle o" the prairie# There was a rope ladder atta!hed to the
trunk o" the tree# in!e there was nothing else in sight, the heep Man
de!ided to try to !limb to the top o" the ladder#
The rope ladder swung ba!k and "orth, making it di""i!ult to !limb#
weating hea$ily, the heep Man !limbed all the way to the top, A/ or
@/ rungs when, "rom the midst o" the limbs, he heard a bright $oi!e
'Hey there, what are you doing up here5)
',h, e1!use me# I($e !ome on a!!ount o" a !urse# 0ou !an(t help me
by any !han!e, !an you5) the heep Man replied in the dire!tion o" the
'A !urse, you say5 Ah, I see# 3y all means, !ome on up,) the $oi!e
The heep Man, doing his best to keep "rom slipping, elbowed his way
through the bran!hes# ,n!e inside, he saw a hole in the tree that had
been "ashioned into a small !abin, and in "ront o" the !abin, the Twist
s%uatted, sha$ing himsel" with a giant ra&or#
'3aa###baa###ba,) the heep Man stammered# Weren(t you 6ust at the
bottom o" the hole5)
'Ha, ha# 2o, that wasn(t me,) the Twist said with a laugh# 'That(s my
big brother# ee, I twist to the right# 3ig 3rother twists to the le"t# He
!ries easily and is always saying mean things about people#)
Right Twist, with his eyes turned to the right and his !hin pointing le"t,
was !are"ully sha$ing with the ra&or and giggling all the while#
'<rom the same "amily, but your personalities !ouldn(t be more
di""erent,) the heep Man said, impressed#
'Well, you know, right and le"t are opposites,) Right Twist said, sha$ing
behind his ears# 'Ha ha ha ha ha#)
'2ow, about this !urse###) the heep Man began#
'+on(t tell me anything about it, hee hee hee,) Right Twist said# 'That(s
worse than being !ursed, ha ha ha ha ha#)
The heep Man des!ended, "urious#
'I really hate this pla!e,) he said# 'Right Twist or ?e"t Twist, they(re
twisted 6ust the same# And that eagull(s wi"e was so sel"ish#)
Thinking that he !ouldn(t take mu!h more, the heep Man trudged
slowly down the road# A"ter walking a little while longer, he spied a
beauti"ul spring, and de!ided to stop there and drink some water and
eat another donut# When he had "inished the donut he began to grow
sleepy, and stret!hing out on the grass beside the spring, had a ni!e
When he awoke, it had grown dark and stars shone whitely in the sky#
The wind rose with a groaning $oi!e, and sometimes it was mi1ed with
the baying o" a wol"#
'I(m e1hausted# And on top o" that, I(m lost in a strange land# And I
still ha$en(t e$en broken this !on"ounded !urse,) the heep Man said
to himsel"#
'Umm, I !ouldn(t help o$er9hearing you# 3eing !ursed must be a great
annoyan!e,) a timid $oi!e suddenly !ame out o" the darkness#
'Who(s there5 Where in the world are you5) the heep Man asked,
'Uhh, I(m nobody, really,) the $oi!e said, sounding embarrassed#
The heep Man looked around "ranti!ally, but he !ouldn(t see anything
"or the darkness#
'*lease don(t bother looking "or me# I(m not worth the time#)
'Will you !ome out and eat donuts with me5) the heep Man tried to
tempt him# 'It(s lonely sitting here by mysel"#)
'I(m not really worthy o" your donuts,) the in$isible 2obody said#
'Although that does sound aw"ully ni!e#)
'It(s ,K# I ha$e lots# 3ut i" you(re shy, I !an lea$e one here "or you and
then turn around, and then you !an !ome here and eat it# How about
',K,) nobody said# '3ut I(m really small, so a hal" will be plenty#)
The heep Man put a donut on the grass and turned around# 3e"ore
long, there was the sound o" someone approa!hing stealthily and then
eating a donut#
',h, this is deli!ious# Really deli!ious,) 2obody said# '+on(t turn
'I won(t turn around, but will you please tell me what you know about
this !urse5) the heep Man en%uired#
',h yes, the !urse# ,h, I see# Mun!h mun!h# 0es I know something
about it,) 2obody said# 'Really deli!ious# Mun!h mun!h#)
'Where !an I go to get rid o" it5) the heep Man asked#
'7ust di$e into that spring# Mun!h mun!h# It(s really easy,) 2obody
'3ut I don(t know how to swim#)
'0ou don(t need to worry about whether you know how to swim# It(s
,K# These are great# Mun!h mun!h mun!h#)
With great trepidation, the heep Man walked to the edge o" the
spring and 6umped into the middle, head "irst# As soon as he do$e,
howe$er, all o" the water $anished, so he landed on his head on the
bottom o" the hole with a hea$y thud# His head swam#
',h dear4 I(m sorry,) someone said# 'I didn(t mean "or you to di$e in
head "irst#)
When the heep Man opened his eyes, there stood be"ore him a little
old man about "i$e "eet tall#
'Ah4 That hurt,) the heep Man said# 'And 6ust who the he!k are you5)
'I am the Most Holy heep aint,) the old man said with a kindly
'0ou4 Why did you put this !urse on me5 Why did I ha$e to do all that
aw"ul stu""5 I ne$er did anything bad to anybody, and yet I ha$e to put
up with all o" this4 I mean, really4 My body is sore all o$er and look,
I($e got this welt on my head,) the heep Man said, showing the Most
Holy heep aint his welt#
'0es, I agree# It was terrible# Terrible, indeed# 3ut "or this I had my
reasons,) the heep aint said#
'Well, I(d really like to hear them,) the heep Man said angrily#
'Anon, anon,) the heep aint said# '3ut "irst !ome o$er here# There(s
something I(d like to show you#)
The heep aint turned and walked briskly toward the interior o" the
hole# The heep Man, still shaking his head, "ollowed hesitantly a"ter
him# 3e"ore long, the heep aint !ame to stand in "ront o" a door, and
promptly opened it#
'Merry Christmas4) e$eryone shouted# 8$erybody was in the room;
Right Twist and ?e"t Twist, -/G and -/H, the eagull(s wi"e, and e$en
2obody# 2obody still had !rumbs "rom the donut around his mouth# He
!ould also see a "igure that looked like the heep *ro"essor#
Inside the room, there was a large de!orated Christmas tree#
Underneath the tree, wrapped presents tied up with ribbons had been
'What in the world is this5 What are all o" you doing here5) the heep
Man said, stunned#
'We(re all waiting "or you,) -/G said#
'We($e been waiting all this time,) -/H said#
'0ou($e been in$ited to a Christmas party, don(t you see,) the heep
aint said#
'3ut I($e been !ursed, so I###) stammered the heep Man#
'I put this !urse on you so that you would !ome here,) the heep aint
replied# 'This way was e1!iting, and e$eryone had "un doing it#)
'It !ertainly was "un# Caw !aw,) said the eagull(s wi"e#
'And interesting, goddammit,) added ?e"t Twist#
'A pleasure, ha ha hee hee,) giggled Right Twist#
'It was deli!ious,) mumbled 2obody#
Although the heep Man was really %uite upset about the de!eption,
he soon began to en6oy himsel"# It was hard to stay mad when
e$eryone around him was ha$ing su!h a good time#
'I" that was the reason, I guess it(s ,K then,) the heep Man said,
nodding agreeably#
'Mr# heep Man, you ought to play the piano "or us,) -/G said#
'0ou must be $ery good,) -/H said#
'Is there a piano here5) asked the heep Man#
'There is, there is,) the heep aint said, pulling aside a giant !loth#
3eneath this !o$er was a white, sheep9shaped piano#
'This piano was made espe!ially "or you# *lay it to your heart(s
That night, the heep Man was boundlessly happy# The sheep piano
made a splendid sound, and beauti"ul and delight"ul melodies dan!ed
through his head, one a"ter another#
Right Twist and ?e"t Twist sang, -/G and -/H dan!ed, the eagull(s
wi"e "lew around the room !awing, and the heep *ro"essor and the
Most Holy heep aint "a!ed o"" in a beer9drinking !ontest# 2obody
rolled o$er and o$er on the ground looking happy# oon, Christmas
!ake was distributed to e$eryone#
'Mmm###deli!ious# Mun!h mun!h,) 2obody said, helping himsel" to a
third pie!e#
'May there be pea!e and happiness in the sheep man world "ore$er,)
the heep aint prayed#
When the heep Man awoke, he "ound himsel" in his own room, in his
own bed# Although it seemed as i" he was waking up "rom a dream, he
knew this was no mere dream# There was still a $ery distin!t bump on
his head, there was a grease stain on the ba!k o" his sheep(s !lothing,
and the ramsha!kle old piano had disappeared "rom his room, and in
it(s pla!e stood the white sheep piano#
This is really what happened when he woke up#
,utside the window, snow had "allen# ,n the bran!hes o" the trees, on
the mail bo1es, and on the "en!e posts, white snow was piled high#
In the a"ternoon o" that day, the heep Man went into the suburbs o"
the town to pay a $isit to the heep *ro"essor, but the heep
*ro"essor(s house wasn(t there# There was nothing but a $a!ant lot#
The sheep9shaped shrubs and gateposts and pa$ing stones had all
'I won(t be able to meet any o" those people e$er again,) the heep
Man thought to himsel"# 'The Twists, and the -/G and -/H twins, and
the eagull(s wi"e, and 2obody, and the heep *ro"essor and the
heep aint#) ,$er!ome with these thoughts, tears streamed "rom his
eyes# He had really grown to like them all a lot#
When he returned to the boardinghouse, a Christmas !ard with a
pi!ture o" a sheep on it had !ome in the mail# Inside was printed;
May there be pea!e and happiness in the sheep man world "ore$er###

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