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Series "A"


93.1 Frisch R. Economic Planning Studies
(Reidel, Dordrecht, 1976)

93.2 Tinbergen J . Central Planning
(New Haven, Yale University Press, 1964)

93.3 Tinbergen J . Development Planning
(McGraw Hill, New York, 1966)

93.3a Tinbergen J . Sviluppo e pianificazione
(Il Saggiatore Mondadori, Milano, 1967)

93.4 Tinbergen J . Centralization and Decentralization in Economic
(North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam,

93.5 J ohansen L. Lectures on Macroeconomic Planning. Vol. 1: General
Aspects. Vol. 2: Centralisation, Decentralisation,
under Uncertainly
(North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979)

93.6 Heal G.M. The Theory of Economic Planning
(North Holland, Amsterdam, 1973)

93.7 Perroux F. Les Techniques Quantitatives de la Planification
(Presses Univers. de France, Paris, 1965)

93.8 Caire G. La Planification. Techniques et Problemes
(Cujas, Paris, 1972)

93.9 Marczewki J . Cours de Planification et Amenagement du Territoire
(Les Cours de Droit, Paris, 1967-1968)

93.10 Chapin jr. F.S. Urban Land Use Planning
(University Illinois Press, Urbana, 1965)

93.11 Faludi A. Planning Theory
(Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973)

93.12 Faludi A. A Reader in Planning Theory
(Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973)

93.13 Faludi A. Critical Rationalism and Planning Methodology
(Pion, London, 1986)

93.14 Faludi A. Essays on Planning Theory and Education
(Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1978)

93.15 Friedmann J . Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to
(Princeton Univ. Press, 1987)

93.16 Friedman J . Regional Development and Planning: A Reader
& Alonso W. (eds.) (MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., 1964)
93.17 Friedman J . Knowledge and Action: A Guide to Planning Theory
& Hudson B. (School of Architecture and Urban Planning,
University of California, Los Angeles, 1973)

93.18 Dror Y. Design for Policy Sciences
(Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1971)

93.19 Dror Y. Ventures in Policy Sciences Concepts and Applications
(North-Holland/American Elsevier, New York, 1971)

93.20 Simon H.A. Il comportamento amministrativo
(il Mulino, Bologna, 1958)

93.21 Simon H.A. Models of Man
(J ohn Wiley & Sons inc., New York, 1967)

93.22 Simon H.A. The New Science of Management Decision
(Harper & Row, 1960)

93.23 Kaser M. Planning and Market Relations. Proceedings of a
Conference Held by Eco-
& Portes R. (eds.) nomic Association of Liblice, Czechoslovakia
(MacMillan, London, 1971)

93.24 Kornai J . Overcentralization in Economic Administration
(Oxford Univ. Press., London, 1959)

93.25 Kornai J . Mathematical Programming of Structural Decisions
(North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1967)


93.27 Catanese A.J . Systemic Planning: Theory and Applications
& Steiss A. (Lexington Books, Massachussetts, 1970)

93.28 Faber M. & Seers D. The Crisis in Planning. Vol. 1: The Issues. Vol. 2: The
(Chatto & Windus for Sussex Univ. Press, London,

93.29 Un-Ece Economic Survey of Europe 1962. Part 2: Economic
Planning in Europe
(United Nations, Geneva, 1965)

93.29a Un-Ece Etude sur la Situation Economique de l'Europe en
1962: Deuxieme Partie: La Planification Economique
en Europe
(Nations Unies, Geneve, 1985)

93.30 Un-Ece Long-Term Planning
(United Nations, New York, 1971)

93.31 Un-Ece Aspects Long Terme des Plans et Programmes
(Nations Unies, New York, 1973)

93.32 Un-Ece Politiques de Repartition dans la Planification a Long
Terme du Dveloppement
(Nations Unies, New York, 1974)

93.33 De Salvo J . Perspectives on Regional Transportation Planning
(Lexington Books, London, 1973)

93.34 Hill M. Planning for Multiple Objectives (An Approach to the
Evaluation of Transportation Plans)
(Regional Science Research Institute, Philadephia,

93.35 Lichifield N., Kettle P. Evaluation in the Planning Process
& Whitbread M. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1975)

93.36 Lichfield N. & Land Policy in Planning
Haim Darin-Drabkin (Allen & Unwin, London, 1980)

93.37 Holland S. (ed.) Beyond Capitalistic Planning
(Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1978)

93.38 UNRISD Studies in the Methodology of Social Planning (Report.
n. 70.5)
(UNRISD, Geneva, 1970)

93.39 UNRISD Regional Disagregation of National Policies and Plans
(Ed. Paris and The Hague, Mouton, 1973)

93.40 UNRISD Report on a Unified Approach to Development
Analysis and Planning
Session of UN Commission for Social
Development, 6-24 J anuary, 1975)

93.41 UNRISD The Quest for a Unified Approach to Development
(with an Assessment by Marshall Wolfe, UN, Geneva,

93.42 Isard W. Planification Economique Rgionale Techniques
& Cumberland J .H. Applicables aux Rgions Sous-dveloppes
(A.E.P., OECD, Paris, 1960)

93.43 Morris R. Centrally Planned Change: Prospect and Concepts
(National Association of Social Workers, New York,

93.44 Chadwick G. A Systems View of Planning. Towards a Theory of the
Urban and Regional Planning Process
(Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1971)

93.45 McLoughlin J .B. La pianificazione urbana e regionale. Un approccio
(Marsilio, Padova, 1974)

93.46 Camhis M. Planning Theory and Philosophy
(Tavistock, London, 1979)

93.47 Alexander E.R. Approaches to Planning. Introducing Current
Planning Theories, Concepts and Issues
(Gordon and Breach, New York, 1986)

93.48 Sachs I. I nuovi campi della pianificazione
(ed. Lavoro, Roma, 1988)

93.49 Lombardini S. La programmazione (Idee, esperienze, problemi)
(Giulio Einaudi, Torino, 1967)

93.50 Archibugi F. Politica dei redditi e pianificazione, Criteri e Modelli
& Forte F. (eds.) (Etas-Kompass, Milano, 1969)

93.51 Archibugi F. & Piano economico e impresa pubblica
Lombardini S. (eds.) (Boringhieri, Torino, 1963)

93.52 Bennis W.G. et al. The Planning of Change
(Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1985)

93.53 Lowe A. Essays in Political Economics: Public Control in a
Democratic Society
(Wheatsheaf Books Ltd., Brighton, 1987)

93.54 Novozhilov V.V. Problems of Cost Benefit Analysis in Optimal Planning
(New York, 1970)

93.55 Novozhilov V.V. Pianificazione e calcolo economico
(Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1976)

93.56 Nemcinov V.S. Valore sociale e prezzo pianificato
(Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1977)

93.57 Mishan E.J . Introduction to Normative Economics
(Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1981)

93.58 Bell D.E., Raiffa H., Decision Making: Descriptive, Normative and
Tversky A. (eds.) Interactions

93.59 Marrama V. Problemi e tecniche di programmazione economica
(Cappelli, Bologna, 1962)

93.60 Dobb M. H. An Essay on Economic Growth and Planning
(Routledge, London, 1959)

93.61 Friend J .K., Power J .M. Public Planning: The Inter-Corporate Dimension
& Yewlett C.J .L. (Tavistock Publication, London, 1974)

93.62 Dunlop J . T. Planning and Markets: Modern Trends in Various
& Fedorenko N.P. Systems
(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969)

93.63 Wilson T. Planning and Growth
(McMillan & Co. Ltd., London, 1964)

93.64 Meier R.L. Development Planning
(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965)

93.65 Bruton M.J . (ed.) The Spirit and Purpose of Planning
(Hutchinson and Co. Ltd., London, 1978)

93.66 Nizard L. Planification et socit. Actes du colloque tenu a
Grenoble du 9 au 12 octobre 1973
(Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1974)

93.67 Lewis W.A. Development Planning. The Essentials of Economic
(George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1966)

93.68 Chamberlain N.W. Private and Public Planning
(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965)

93.69 Durbin E.F.M. Problems of Economic Planning. Papers on Planning
and Economics
(Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London, 1963)

93.70 Delilez J .P. La planification dans les pays d'economie capitaliste
(Mouton & Co., Paris, 1968)

93.71 Fox K. et al. The Theory of Quantitative Economic Policy
(North Holland, Amsterdam, 1966)

93.72 Voogd H. Multicriteria Evaluation for Urban and Regional
(Pion Limited, London, 1983)

93.73 Waterston A. Development Planning: Lessons of Experience
(World Bank, Washington D.C., 1965)

93.74 Lewis W.A. Dveloppement conomique et planification. Les
aspects essentiels de la politique conomique
(Payot, Paris, 1968)

93.75 Blitzer C.R., Clark P.B. Economy-Wide Models and Development Planning
& Taylor L. (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1977)

93.76 Begson A. Essays in Normative Economics
(Belknap of Harvard University Press, Cambridge
Mass., 1966)

93.77 Mannheim K. Freedom, Power & Democratic Planning
(Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London, 1950)

93.78 Sellekaerts W. Economic Development and Planning. Essays in
Honour of Jan Tinbergen
(McMillan, London, 1971)

93.79 Di Fenizio F. Le leggi dell'economia. La programmazione globale in
(Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio della Congiuntura,
Roma, 1963)

93.80 Bianchi Giuliano Programmare oggi
(Quaderni di analisi e programmazione dello sviluppo
regionale e locale, IRES Toscana, gennaio-aprile 1993,

93.81 Galbraith J .K. Economic and Public Purpose
(Andre Deutsch, London)

93.82 Barel Y. Prospective et analyse de systmes
(La Documentation Francaise, Paris, Fevrier, 1971)

93.83 Schultze C.L. The Politics and Economics of Public Spending
(The Brooking Institution, Washington D.C., 1968)

93.84 Collette J .M. Etude sur le systemes de decision
(L'Institut de Recherche des Nations Unies pour le
Dveloppement Social, Genve, 1970)

93.85 Tiano A. La Mthode de la Prospective
(Etudes Economiques, Dunod, Paris, 1974)

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