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CALL I Mn.tli\
O.G.A. 79.

..... .

, .


. ....
' \


. ..

' 't; u .r.\ ,. ,vao_..,
'' 1\\: \ lt ... " .' ;; '"'IlL
&cr.. :-.,,. .. !f\i S" _lf ...... -
OO.t& .. r . e. s. (., ........ ...
Q.U lOO-
M<d. {N'.
NO'I'a aY.,.. Ta.\wat..t.'fOa or Tna DltrTOaY or SaND
Pau ., ... n .... aa. DT TUI Avmoo, lll.utO>IaD ]11....,..,.
CIIAPr&D 1.-Conqu .. c of Sind
. ...
lammary of lhe lito ol lhe - ol Abcloolllllllik
Oil Iiilo
... .., ollhe cicia ___ ., ........ ioolo.lloo- ., ........ Die ol
AI- . ........
Tho I - tlao Mm7
Tho w- dot .,...
Tho w IIIIo llercboala
,. 4tla - tlao Tndea
'I'M ploolar ol Chat 00 IIIIo lluvM ol""' tia&dom .... Lio -mop .....
lh Q ... .
Tbo ..... din;; or "' t ....... ol bill llolher bJ bill - DlllMr. .
Tho nlatlon or the Cooctaeot ot&W bJ A- lool od .._ "v '
11oo - or ltMim SaJrto; ....t "'" .t.lnetloo or 11a1o IWMr
A d...mptloo or wbeolhhomod the - ot Eula- ill lloo ...,.s- ol
l'uAPrlll 11.-A r!Cilol ol thaoe ltingo ho. olin the Gomomlll ol tbo
Apu.o of tho Kbaliphl or S.... Ab'-. raW dot eoaaliJ ol IliAd
Aa -t ol the Sub.111 Shuha""-1-d ... Mabomcd, lhe- ol S.. GborM
Aa _, olSal!an A ..... k ..
A _, ol Anal Sball, ""' - olltoolh .... I AMok
A--*tls.l&a ........... - "t..We
Aa ...a& fll &.1&u M .. aa4 ' JIVIDJeliiDoo .....
Aa .... oftWc.. GJnajE II. ker .-
A ...., ol8oolcao .l.W .... I DooiJea
AD- ofiWIIIIIIJia.ooi

A -or"""- o....,.......... .. ... .. . . . . . . . .
.\n _. ill ..... GhDJOHa(llrea
AD -1 or Baku l'llft. SMh
AD -DI ol lhaliDa ..... the- or Fuuch
l.h the- ol ............

ilt .




I\' C.:O:\TE:ns.
.\n actounl of the mgn of .!boo Bohr Sluth !lbom 36
\n IICC"OIInt of Shn ,\lahomed Shah. 100 ol Sultan l'hmu !'bah 3i
,\p IICC"OIIDt or "ultao rla-ood-dtt-n Silancln Shah :!
Ao ac<OCnt of ., r.-1-dftt\ l!ahomrd Shab ib.
Au occount or tbr rule! of thc men of S..Omruh aod .tO
\n or Jam Hoonur, tlit OU or Dahouiyuh ..Ji
.\n acrouut (II' Joonub, the .aon of Babuniysd -1S
Au of Jam Dabttoiyuh, the aon of JaM 19
An l!ll'l-"'UUl or Jl\na &be .on of Jnm :::tu\ah-ood--dcrn.. so
. .
ib .
''" accouut uf .T,,m 'rugblug Shah, the 1o-n or Srlmuhr 52
An at't."'OIIIIt of Jam Sek.uudtr, the son or Jam Tuc;Mug ib.
An acrount u( Jam Jtordhun 5:{
Au at,'OUDl or Jm su:1jUr 51
An account. or Jam ,.. .... rommooly r-aliN Jam
the .... ol llabuiyuh Sj
An accow>t of Jam Pheroz, the""" of Jm Xizam.-1.1..., 56
l'n ,,....,. 111.-An o=uut of the nel;;n of the trshoonco1"1n t of the lima
or their Goffllmoot ; of their \\"ars; aod an abridgtd Ui.tory or Alllftl'
Zoooccn l'tJ;hOOn S9
An IIC'tOUDt or how the fricwhip existed bthiMD l.<JOnOOn l..'r!hooD,
and Dud<cn-oosZumnu Mttrza, tl.., oon of llocnam Sh&lr ih.
An attOunc o( tl1t' gotng or eeru Dudtrn-oo.tZuma.u. uf
.\ narr:athe of the imprison.r.JUnt and killing of Mahorutd 'tomiu !Uttrta,
thl! J(u il.t.
An nc..-ount Df the rnuch n( SultAn Uootain tawarh KanclaJtar, nnd uf Ill
wh(lu nn l
lc r1l G-1
acc.:n111t C)( thL' rxrrditiou af l(C'M'l:s DucJei flrtcunvanitJ
by ,.:Joah 11<'1! l'tJ;bOOu. apirut lf..,... Sultan n .... zn 65
An o( tbl!!l . bet.-ffn !'!'ultan and
Zrunan (6
Au am>ant o( tho niliro;; o( tho ot.lm1lonl of departu"' by lle<ru llork.n-
0017.Gtnan '<hoh lt.!h, to IAk Um>t Gi
A 0 OM>Uut or Jlw!r...-.-7.nmm ltrm obWnin; tbo Sultanut or Bolkh,
aud o( tho rctum of Mr<r Zooaooo !llld .U.g to Kandwr GS
.-\a """"'"' of lbM-IlOOOIWI Mttns to of th< -n:b of Mttr
Z nooo to the...,....,, .. of hu brother: and or tho battle bcteeo the
l"'nrn G9
.\n acrouut o(tho roptun o( Kabool Ly:U.J..,,,..J ) l okernr, tbe Son of )lru
7.oouoon, anti oth4H' incidl'ntA... ,- ;o
A a ltlount ei iJ
An ac:count of tome _,r the circt1mstar. ) o( Shah 11ntl UahomL-d
lrrghooLU i3
-\D &eroDIIl of Shnh lk!: ""''"!! to t.tlt Sttboo, anJ or tho nisht of the J ...
aodants or l'ttt \\"'ulke Durtla r ; t
A a ICCQQQt (I( IOate or the c:ircu:mt1DC"a ..,r !'hah Ur,; ;G
\lldool II Will, """of
.U.O IIU1lf Sl>ah Gbon<:
Amttr 7.ooaooll Urt;booa
...... h .
., u ... J ..
Bolkii.M rol
Bukaboo LIIDJ!Oh
Chaplft I .
Cloopln Ill.
a.,c.. IV.
c : 1o18iaol. .
..... ..
DlllradS.. otn.t>er .
nr-Jo, do"' ..
.,.... ..
.. ,
u..-,_ Bodoboh
Jba-1-no-io, .._
1"'""-1 oleoD llah--'
Jam Ali Slw< .
llolouiJU .
Jaml'i'" .....
Jam aod .S.a
J- l'llaw
J""' lloydlum
Jam Bdaodt<
Jom S..aju
J..,. Tap!us 8loalt
JooaU, ""' of !Woai,.U
12 Lbool
16 "--obar
. . 183. s-1tMIIl
" II ' .. .
Dtllljl Ali fWir ,+fMM!(.

. 108
Dtllljl lllllik
n-ja Yoiyaob l--
bt.!l ..
. lOti
" I&

.. 56,.116
.. 70
. 130
f) I

\ Ill
, .... . r Rm s.m..
Learning, m<h o(
LunrJu ..

llahur n .. lhh n
MAhomC"tl MMr.oru 4
Mahomrd !\luk .. -em . . iO, i3
Alomin All'l'I"Z G2
llahomod, oon ol Kaoim . 16
Budfto.oos-Zumau. G2, G.:i, 66
MeenaF- 132
MlftD Kamraa . 120
Mtona Shah II { 9>, 9i, 100,
00Al1l. 109, 121. 1:?8
liHT 7Aoaoon lfrpoon. . 71
Miyu Syud Ali . 13i
llooltlll .. 9;, 100, IO.J
)(-tukeem B;tlah 6
MaLhdoom 130
)huluh-oodd<nl Lllrto 131
loy the TmD>Iator
2 .. lSi
Pttr 'IT an.., Bntdu. 8iptol the
oleoendanu or N
Pwola 129
...........,.rmwu 3
Sbrc ..
Shh ll<g
i-1. Si'
;3, i6,
86. 87
Shh lkg t; rshoon
Shh u...,.;, .
Shsb 1ehonghr lluhiml'<'
.. 81, 95
. 1:?9
Soomrah ami Summah, rulta or
the mtn of
Salton Ghayu.ood.d .. n
Salton Ghayu-ood-deon Balban ..
Snlt&a Taping
Sbab .. .. .. . 3.'
Sulua n.,..;. . . . . 64, &&
Sa1ua JulaloOO<I-d..,. . . 29
Salt&a Kooth-<>od.dc<u A&..,k . . 2,;
Saltau Mabomcd Klw> .. 137, H4, 17
Saltu llahomtd Shah . . . 3!, 3i
Salton llasood Shah .. .. !o
Sulun 1\uir.-l.dctn 27
Sultan )hh0111cd
Shah ..
Sultan rhtro< Shah . .

Sultan Shuhab-oo<l-tl .. n 21
SultAn Shumtood..locn t:llhomil. 26
Sultan t:ta-ood..lrtn :m
Salum SiLundnr
Shah ..
Syud Mobomod. ..u.d S,rwl Sbm
SyudTaj-oocl ....
TarihaD .
ll')lh...,..yulu, ,..,goo(
l'rob...,. ..

I"UO)I Tilt: COlUIF.SCF;m;:'\T Of' Till: EIGIITII TO Til f.'ill 01' TUE
!-IXTt:l::'iTII CE:'\TCRY 1

1:'\ TUE \1:.\R ISIG, t'RO:Il TilE URIGI:'\AL rR."L\:'i,
ASSISTEil Bt I'.Eiill ll.\IIO:UI::D,

. ....

To11 "Hhtory of Simi'' the following informMion rclati" to
its Author:-
Hi name 1\tnhomed l\rnoom, with lituhu nome of "'"""':
Jus fnthcr, nnme WD!Ii who, leaving his native
place 'l'irmnz. munc to Bnkkur, wlll'ru ht clicd nn.l wa. buried. Ili
cl""""ndanb are now to be found on 11 limited portion of lbc land
which were prc>cnled in Jagccr by tho Emp=r Akbar :o;hab to the
[JL .. on the occn"4ion of and paying hk to Hid
1\l:>jesty in the district of Bukk or.
u i6 o fool .,A,o lt'1UI6 o /xxJ.-At il a grnt,..-Ao rtlu,t it r
i nn E11.8tcrn saying. op to thi>, thn Xatives in gr.ncral have 11
great rcpngnnneo to lcntl their .\[SS.; but 1 had the goml (ortnnt lo
obtain the lean of a copy of thi work !rom HI! ,Ui
.\!orad Khan Tnlpoor, unolhcr from p.,cr Ali Uohnr, and n third from
Gool:tm ,\li :-;h:UJ (tbrse two laot-namcd are Synds of rcspcctuble
famili,s in Upper Sind) : with theoe before me I executed thi> tmnola
. -.

1'1lEP.\ TORY RE)f:\RKS RY TliE .\liTIIOR,
H Ht: it knllWU In I he or hn\ing thh hook ict.
tlnlt hy il i!\ 11hown how Sind wM how the 'lu
o;.ulman" with the Ka..tiro. or I he country ; nhO how, antl (or how
tnnny ycnnJ, the ngrnl.I'J of Llu! Oo.Jrnaiyuh a.ntl Runee
.t\b001', I:JO''crnrJ it; Htewi- e how the who ... o
rult1J ovrr it. L.o. abG de5eribed in the govrnnneDt of
tho Crghoonecyah, and the time oftheir ntlc, their bottle.., tbr dittrict.
nn<l town which they took. aD<l nil that they did 1111 the ume of
their derartnre ; after which tbe country ... into the poso<>ion of
Jnlnl-<><nl-dr.en Mabomed Akbn.r. Bndobah; and 11 b abohown who of
Amrt"r cume to Bukkur. Schwbtan. and 'futta.
This book i diided into 1\. Cbnpt<-ro.
In 1hc 1. Chnptrr. itoo mentioned I he of Sind, nuJ the times
of thu uf thr. :tgcQI!\ of the .h:bltliphi!i, Unn1o Ollmn.iyuh nnt.l
Unnce ,\ hhnf'.
I n tl11' I I. Chnph'r, i menlioncltbe of llindooton, in whooe
ngrnla' llw gO\'t'rnme-nl of :Sind \\'aJI pl:tcr!t.l; aho lww
nnJ g'(!''ernt"d h.
In the Ill Chnpt<r, i mentioned how tho llrghoone<:yuh mled tbi
conn try
Jn the 1\' Ch:lptor, io b0'\\'11 how thi ronntry into tbe hMds of
Aklnr :<bah, nod wh:l and llal:cctn were nppoioted to, and
to goT<m, thi eonntry, by nnd from him, till thr of the rom
of thui book.
Thb book 1111 n::t.mrtl u Tru: HtsTOaY or !"'\J"'D"
\.od i tltc giver of help to nil ; n!l haTe confidence 1n lllm !
Praise i cluo to tlw of by whoo., witdom the good
nf ('('Opln of thn eorth i" <CCUTc.t'by t1to Jll<tii'P 'J.f king , the prOOf of
whlth il', that i( there W("ft! no kings in the wurhl, of cunr!w 8omc
'' onltl dc\our r.nch othPr!
u is i'ut:h, tha\ there is no ;;I her like 1Iin1.
" B) IIi' omnipotence, H i nil 'kin!{.
TIIF. COXtll!EST OF stxn.
t!.i appMil' thr onlering of the Mum1man armi!'"O from Bagdnd !o>
f;iod, in thr lime <>f the J..oalipb. tho """ ,f \ bdool and Lbe
rncumstance of the \\"lll"l' of the )la..alm:on. \\"ith the 1\nlin; nho thr
timu of the govrmorobip of the ..gents of Dunee Oomniyuh IUid llW>ee
Abb>, 1\baliph.
It lo prnp<r to give the grcalel 1rnie In the glory nf the Milker, that
He hft.-. mntlt 11 in tbe nntl nnturca u( IU("n : und the
inlrntion& nf I he he:ut lie h:a..;. made in the htoarU of
frum 11nnw of tht"t kinrrs injury comclt UJtun lhtlnilelvtfl.antl N"nd
lllt'ir glwcl in ntlvnncc!
\Jtn n( un,JcnLtmling will knnw, thBt nlJ nrc agrectl tJmt
f.<iucJ WIHt C'(ln(IIJ<"Jttl in the Khaliphnt uf tlu aun or .\htiHol \lnlik. by
tllo of Hnjjaj t.hc MlU of \*oowof :-\ukafef", \1i the or
lhunml, tlul 11un of .\boo Bnkpr f\noff'e. wrote in the fhnk :\'lme,
Is a hitory .. r ::;iod. writu or tbi book omiurd to
i 1dude I hill which """' u..,]e!'< in thlll work; he l!lkea out only tbnt
whac.b 1s utdultlDd aecesary.
.... A !"'nuuav or TUC Ltrc or Titr.. :--;n:r or .\1nooL".
:-o.otnr. hifltOfiBhB aay that the eon WIU DD OJlfln""J!oOf Cl br
wu u.-b; ban the gn:ntcr number tla:>t or all Unncc Omn:uyoh
h:h:llph be wn tl"' mo>l nccllcot, ber:uao br tht: Jooma l\!uJid
n1 llnrna!l'U!, 1hat 'is t'1111cd ilunee< OurmUyuh Mujid; IUld in the
Goozchah hiotory it nppcn.'" tha'1 1 ,,:o pent l,uon l ll nnrs olx time
o\rr on .:\lnsjid, ond that doy 1.000 nwn wrre .. on
thio lmil<ling. ,\1 he \lnhotn<d"& nnd in
he- built up anew ll . -a.tu.- ill ,\J'!'f11 and were blind
he ftd iu charil); tht.l!Je who'\\' rr .. ly men ht M>ltttcU from lhe nnw,h,

art uill in :onGntnent in h:md of 1\afi.,. H o>rdernl 11 il"''"'hl
thnt tho&e l'<ople hall he n:l<"aEed, nod tho l'"'l"'rt) ,.lndt Wll> I<JOhod
II is the cutotu of goiOd, devrr mon, 6 .. t of nil to b'11tn inttlligconen o(
tht" rirC'tameldntrs of their nnd their cundiuoa. Pre\"iOtl!i to
t1cci\ing n rtpl.Y to his pt-tition. llujjnj '\"nrnod two rlt'\:r"f mrn to go as
tu ;I5ccrli'tin lht .. tanct.'" of nntl tho ftllt!ngth of
:nmi.-8. lie gn.,,.1J,em a Firmnn. ru; if from tlll' Kh;tiiph,ftutl
lhttn. At chnc tlml:, ll;Lhtr, the !OU of ("huk, the 1\inJ.;: of Sint1:
1h1y ,ca\'t tlw Pirmnn to him, be rrcthing il with m1lt1h llunuur; he
ntul, ancl it:- Itt c1tnitc1 thnt lai11 nun hud Jonc
Ri' nl\egecJ, Ha)ing lhU.t he \VD"' dc:.rof till! mntttt. lli!ll lungnc WD.a (ull
of ntnity, htll with it he 1n ttrms of fri ... od.hip thcfit_
pcnons: neldng bi" nttentlants about the. octorrt."Dl'C:r he f'!l.itl he would
ocnol pcoplu to lind out who had beh:1vcd in thi way to\>nrd the
Kb,.liph'a ocrvant, declarin<;. thar i( hewoulol punibthem; that
be "'onld r<eo<cr the >toJkn property from tbrm, nnd l't'nd it to lhc
Kh:.liph. lie <'nl hi people to inq '\rc int" it, <lctaJDing the t...-o men
for .orne time b) cnonin;; artifice-. lie uroteu rcplytn the Klualiph, fall
of uctll"'!, fllytng that at the Daiwul Bnndcr b:lnl <>f thieves al=y-
; that thtt' wer" lhe people nt who.., hanoi hit (the Kbaliph'a)
hml hct'n and tbnt he had not auffident t-trcngth lo
t"atch thtlo ntln. The two tipies tli.,.conred the contlition of the cronotry,
rmtl tnmp!'l, nm1
rt:turning to Ilu.jjnj. tohl him ull tlar.y kmw.
In tho rmun Hnjjnj hnd ncci\cd from the Khaliph a reply to his
rtlition. In this it \Y'W.l ordered M u'l'hnt he srud his
t'nllin .\fnhnmt"l the 1<0D of Ko,irn to o,cupy Siocl; thai lhlJjaj honhl
draw upon tho royal tn:ll1'ury at Ba.gdd for the Cl<l'""""' of the army."
In the pnee of one month lluiinJ bad got rudy o force of l.),lli\0 men:
of lhcoe G,OOO bo"'": 6,000 wero on cam Is. nnd 3,000 wero
footmen. These he ocnt townrd ::<iod, nnd with t'brm 30.000 Dirb:uM
for rxpca""o, th:at, wbe.n nec<":lr)-, it obonld he took
('J:t<O in Hijrcc 92 (&, D, 710),
A !'rxKA&Y" or nn CltCt."li .. T.u:al' or TU&
S ..\111'<'&, 1\.J!'O OF ,,.\ LORC.
J.\1 nny hhtonan write thrll Alot o .- n large city on the bank of
the _\lihmn (llw Tndn.): that many very lino."nildtngin it;
thnl OUtl'itlc Ontl DfOllDd thO lo\\'D tl lr" Wt1ff1 full O( tTCCt')
Ju\\'irJA goml frujt, nnt! lhnt everylbing "'"" lo be fonml thrrO thn.l tho
inlmbltnnts nntl lrB\'ClteN might dc!lirc Tho name or the ntlet of that
nty anti tho conntr,Y wa Suhturi.l4t the Mn ofSah ... ee..
1(, wtu a JUt lung By hn kindn<u, all th< n1tn of con,tquenc.:
'1Teol lllirrl Lttrr, "" /Ar Al.rcllall.-" Wbfttc'" tall hu beea &sed .,.
tby ore to pay it to the collrctur ohav, wltMtlrill killS
(nr it.''
'l'llr f""r/11 IArr, o /Ae Tratk1.-" wbatner daiJ for the Sirbr ill
irnJ"""'d upon earb of tb.,.., they bllYr done it."
Rai 1-'ah...., hnd a Wnuer, by aamc RAi Bam, to whom he pve
tbc rein., J>laeing ., lllJ'I" ad omllll, Ia hi haado. Ia all bill
nrmnS"rncnt ho diopLiycd ouch tact, thai the moat miaare I hill( did aot
., .,.,.., him. On this lleeounr, Rlli S11h,ee wu al hla IJI"Ddiag
hi rami night.o in thlxldehnn.IK!r oC happlnrol!, and paulna bialU'e-
lhere. H nl time !here wtre tnttllero of or If tniJ'
carne from thL rnlen of the boundruieo, then Raio Ram, goiag to
lbe door of the IIRrern, repreeenled il.
One dlly Rllia Ram bad aa -mbly, at wbleb mllDJ Bramiao IIJld
men of l!"niu were eolleeled. Ia I he III<'&D time a nry
elt'arpok<'n, el<lqftDI young mao came in. Tboee tire
11Mt'111bly were utonihed at the o( hi 10"8"41
(rom whence be csmt', and what hi name ,...., he Aid his- ..,..
Clr\.11, !bat hio na- Wa!l 8<-daj (Scclaj ..,,.., a Bramia of DOle
Ia that rlty). Rai Ram nppro<cd of Ids convenatioo, taking him iato
...,mpanionhiJ>, giving him great prell<'ntt; and he took him 10 a>rist him
in the atTni"' ,.{the !irate. He wu well vcrocd in aceotupll, ciiiVer ill
n:ul writing the Hindee language. Day by day be attaiued
gro:1t knowledge In bniaett at tbtr coltlltr1, tncf property, tando bia
nmu1grn1rnto In th""" were very good. III good fortune wu 10 .....,
thutlte eondncte<l nil tho dntiMl of tho \Vnz.,cr; the nama of Kala Bua
uloone rornalnrl. f;uddenly, RrU. Rnrn was protMltrd with oickneu. At
thai llni &hoce ll f,.,l(mJ in hio llarrrn : bo WIU oitting
there vrry hBppy. In tho mt!lln time ronny leUcn< cnmo from DaiwuJ.
which, t..in11 V<ry important. the Cbnhdaro went and nt once gawe -...-_ . ..>
to the kinjf. Jla ,.,,. unwilling tori..,, oo he K""" nrdero for a aa&g]P,1!"
In bt pllltC'd before tie thronr, and to Tbr
n'marked thai be (Cbuk) ......, a Dramlo-why ba<' a aarlllia
it i. btttrr to have him a it i. Cbuk approaebe<l
oe;,ring .nrdi<tilllto, IWd ....,.uering praU.. lie 1l1D
whieb bad rome, nad known their collleall, lire king l!llft'ltla
replir. Ue (Chnk) tbeu wrote uch a llral oal'learing ll die ldeg
him with a ,-.luable dl-tiono, tit U whea any
lruoln""' of hnportaare occurred, ob':.ald bliP&. it in1o the Harnm.
nur frnrn orring him the qnccn had bee.- 8iotnctcd. Wiahing to
lul\'1' a rnr.,ling with him, obe eent a p-rna to Chulr, arqu11iruiag
him with hor htart'o detdre. Ill iiOOcl 011 the g,nond of denial, ;aying
he WllO a Brarnin, llDd eoald not commit onch p<"rfidy, p:r.rtirularly in
of the kingdom, he opencol the door! of tho trnntny, <UJnonnring tn nll
thlll llutto wnuld be g;,cn. lie mad" the nnhllity nnd till' llllll>ility
rich, ><> the" bec:omo hi, obliged by (n,onro; he lncrc....,d the of tho
anny, nod be lowrred the rent of tho Ryut&-<>n thi aeconnt cultimtion
inrrea.-rd. lie married the qucra to fonn.. When the
new> of this went nbroad rhrough the country, tho relation of :-ab""c
:1bout JodhJKXJr n.nd .J"IIlOfif prrpnred to n.tll&ck tllft connlry, In ubuain
their brrilllgo. They collected nl:ugo force, nnl mnole arrnngcm nto for
ligbrim;. The chief ofthtarmy waRnn!l Whrn this
force !;Ot nc:u Jaislllmcre, he (R11Da "Inhumt) ,...rotc a to l bnk,
&aying: "You nrc n Bramln, nnol not e:llral:ucol to be a ldng, y .. n will
not bo. able ro light: fM you it i mnre til thM yon go :md it 111 a
C<rnor, BD<I dn 1101 briag yourKolf into ll fidol of b:ottiL," t'hnJ., laking
Jettf'.r to till' qu{'cn, if .. eonll"'nls '"-' lll'r. A 'tt_:ry
strong enemy hu eomc; '\duaua yourodr-ict" ?'' 'l'bf" qurcn &:tid-"i\lt"n
nrc bc>t ncqnalDtcd with the coaac:il> of v.'Qr : tf you ar< afraid,
rne your elothro, and you ohall take mine ; then I will go to light the
I!Dcmy.H Chuk, becoming B"harncd, btnt head Jown\\anl. Al
tlaat time 1fiiCt!D t-aid: u. nntl much bidthn tr;-...'1-!Urc
came ro yun; It io prop<r tlmt you now gifu il tu thr people, tbatthoy
m!ly be your wcll--.ihrr-, ond all como benrntl, yocr crow a."
Ghnk, upon thi., et;aia opcnc<l lhc lrel15UI)", gi\'iae mueb moDe)' to the
troop .. them (or war. llenlso put in proper ordtr n I! ld of
battle. By this time Ran!l Muhurat opproanbcd Alore Chnk, h=
inl( o( thi. took his army to tho lidd of battle, 'l'be rwo nnni fronrcd
to.cb other. 'J1hcn .Muhnrut, rail!ing hU voioc. .. "0
Cbnk! why do you bring thio force to be oktroy<d 1 The diopnte u
between you aacl rnc; it i b<nor thnt we both come tnt" lho l'l3in 11nd
light wirh each other: if )'011 I: ill mr. you will obtain y Jar detire-all
who arc wirh m ohull b.>eOmCJOllrt; if I am \'ictorioas, the country nnd
1ruperty hull "" mine." Chuk agreed lo thi.,_thc fool of hi brncry
wu in front. R11nn. nclvo.n('ing in frunl uf his nrfly, dis-
mounted froro lu5 hon;e, Cbnk likewise got olowa from I horh,
givm,z onl""' to hi stinup-holder to bring 1W ho""' s;<ntly a! r bra.
'\lrcn the two drew nenr eaeh other, Rftd v.tre tbiokrn:! of drn-.rng k u
&\\'Orda, nt tlrnt moment the otirrap-hololer bt>nght up tb ho...-, and
Chuk, qniokly mounting, drew word, nnd l"w R 11.1 rh'-rnl-
witb one hlow hi olcath came. '1'1.,, ,.rnw of lbno , rng thiP,
. -..-.. .
the thoughts of ttigbt entered tbcJr brellll'- aad ;;. -lt pnr-
them, killing gre<It ftumb<-1'!; those ,..ho - ;.i!:llcd.
Chok, rotnrmng that day, h:>ltcd on the fielol of b:mle. The <by
following, thft people of the rrl)' cirased up tbr town, =d Clruk Clll'llc
into A lore wirb great ottlle. From tbnt time he became the eolo ruler of
luua.,diatt'ly on loMiag I hi.., hi rdath tarnt'Cl nway their hudo,
wcbenu:ntly cxclaimin8,nnd calliag out,Hyiag-.. :Sever go a.,., 10 aw:h

for by tllrch p. IIIHJl will ctHne upon our Comity; the whole
world will .cu..., IUld rcprooch ""; they will turn ... out ur our rcligioa,
aad f-. uadcr our laws: bcoldr.o, from tbla th<-re will be 11eh din
in tbe bole o:ouatry, that they will anrr be aUayrd." Raia
Uuher did DOl approwe or wballhey ollid. A few doy aftrr thi, Rais
Duhcr, ntuiiiODing hi aohlo, got them to be of hit opiaion, and thra
they al{nl<'d to gia hi oiotcr 10 bim in marri"!!" After tbi, oa a
certaia aigbt, Rait Daher o:ollrctcd the Bramillll oerretly ia retirrmeal,
aad, according 10 the cwlom, he lil'd with n kuotthc comer o( bi" eht'et
to lise comer u( t1mr of his !oir; thl'y then both walkrtlln oeirl"lt rouatl
fiw, nad, n.<<tndiag. 1at aa the lhrant'. Rnio I>uhrr lhtn clmwing his
oword, be MW both their faeee oa the blnclt. He thea pre away
guld tiDd pearl. They remained there the wbole aight, bot the"'
,.,... au conunotua.tioa "f the marri!!" '\\"hrn the da.y b10ke, Baee
Rnaeo wn@ takMI to her houec. When hit brothrr I>uher Sern, al
Brauinabad, bra.rd of uh:u had tnkea plure, be wmte a lettrr 10 him,
iwl al cmn.iag aad rt!proachc. I hae heard tbat you b .. e
committed thio bncl net; ynu hue ghtD the u:>.m of our family to
the whul!ll.'' Rai Daher wrote 10 him thus in nply : u To avuicl lh--
predietlom. tblt lwo been dont by me; if It lt:ul not been for tb....-, I
wouhl nner lmre n(ZTCt:d to ncb a bad ad." I>uher WIVte
onotht'r letter, sayin,r-.. LeDYe tbi.& bn,inrM Rab l>ahrr Mil
in reply-" Jt io imJ""'iblo to tum our detliny by tleliberatioa." Mkr
tho CD1!1olll of ltUero wn ldt alone, OUd lbr fore of enmity
Mlf3D burning b.ot\\'eCD them. l>ahcr ::;;,yn placed the thought or light
ing v.ith hi brother before hi mincl. He propa.retl a Iorge army, and
went with it townnh A ton. \\"hen tlJi!\ n(0:\\'8 rrndwtl Ruis Dnbrr, the
awra.t of hi nnger hrok.- out un h., rolltctcd a lnrgc fora:.
a bllttleGeld, IUid f,tr hi comill!': A ftor
- day1, he wen! to the jnnglc IO bunt. So- til> yo af,.r tJda
Seyu npprotlched A lore. lie wu anxiouo 10 gel into tbr fort at ' ;
bu1 the p<!uplc of thn city shut thr gatoo, Inking their &abliq _.,....
m their hnad. l:lt>mc m"'n ,.rot bel1& ecn, aad indueed Dah.r "-1a
to desi.t. sho,.iag him a plaee lor hi """'P 10 th .... ward of lbe IOWa.
They abo lleDtll maa to Raio J>aber, to _gin hlm the ....... or doe
arrival or Dalwr &va; on boa.rin" whioh, Raia Dahrr left hia hunt ins:,
.. .. .. . .
aad lJDiekly retamlng, '"ebed tbe fort. Tbe DQt morning, be b:1d
prepared .fll the requisites for a feut and lor a dwrllinl!', ,...nding them
to bi brnl'irn by ... mea or eo.........., Daher S<>yn the ....
and acnt them back, taming b:O haul from the to
them. Ia afleraoon, blo -her, a.nd tbn aoblt uf lhe dty, \wut
Tn RE!.ATIO OP Tnr. C'oQrEAT OF Stn .... A .. a r ... J>oOOD-DaiDI
MAnoMr.P, TilE SoN or IU.tJul StrTTEE; AllfD TUB or
RAI!' D.t.III.R.
Kazee lsmael, the liOn of Ali, the oou of 1\labomed, the IOU of
1\looen, the oon of Tniee, hu wrillen as folloW11 of the hiotory of Sind.
That in the Khnliphllt of 100 of Abclool Mullk, Hnjjaj, tha
son of Yoosoof Snkfee, oeat Mahomcd the 100 of HIU'OOa, with a body
of mea, from Darullslam (the 1\lanoion of hlamiom), BagdU, to Makru.
Thi1 furce took all the country around J\fukmn, and about the oea tide.
It wu abo tbcir intention to tnkn Sind. On thl aoeount, they were
al-y inquiring about the people of thlll country; and thole people
who hn<l fonn<rly como from Bagdad to boy alav..,., IUid other thiDifl,
aDd who hod umped, no I hae prcvlollBly mentioned, these v.ere with
thtm; they ,. .... their gnidet1. In abort, in the year Hijrec 92 (A. D.
710), 1tlnhomcd the ..,n of Kasim (the eonain of Y _,.,f, aDd tloe --
in-law of Hnjjaj) left Bagdllll with a Ycry fine army, to take ..,.., .... 011
Sind. He came to Karnmnin, where he haltod n bort time, to P""per8
the anu, oetthe army in order, nnd get rrady the impl<mentl for opening
Cora. He thea came 10 Koch and !llukran. Jo'rom thence he inlt!ltdcd
to take Sind. \\'hen the ucwo of the approach of the Mahomcdan
force rcucbed Rni Daher, he propoecd to go to the borden of Makran
to fight them. IIi nobleA ..Ud: "This is aa Arab force; they haft
come oa account of the enemi.., of their religion: It is risht to be pati"at.
Jf they make nell,.iono here and there, lllld in thio way leaYO oar
conntry, it wj}l ho good ; if not, we muot dcllberatc, tu1d It will he--
svy to give them much money from the tre:uury, lo oaYe oar ooantry
from their mhdurf." Rai Daher approved of thioadvicr, deferrias Ilia
much until tluy (the enrny) came to Ncrrunkot, v.herc they ..,t a
light to the war, ourrounding tbe fort, 1111d after much fighting they were
YieloriOtU, slaying mnny !\ali,., The rt'maino of the .,.ord lied, nm:l:a;:!
their hnds to A lore. The Mnhomodnn armiro, with 'ficto<y, tmMII"II ___ _.
thelirldle of their intentione to tnke Tnlla. In a short time they ;;/lllit
jectool 'fana, and taking out the !\tuonlmnn prioonen, aut ...,
HiJU (Arnhis). From thtn<'r, propooing to so 10 the ...,U ...we- ol
Alo"' (Darn I Moolk Alorc), they came to Schw!.taa, yllae theTe wu
much lighting that it is not po11ible to deoerihe it. Ia abort, tlie Kalhs
were the 'ficlort in two ballico; ia the third &pt the wind of 'ficto<y
struck the tasoelo of the lllabomedut" BDtl the Ita&-, bcins Oftl'
come, Red. Mahomcd Kuim, after taking tlte fort <:f Schwiataa, made
Wheso ....._. ,-. i& - rollo&ill loy II)'UI Goolola Sl!ola, tllo ol
]()'UI Vd J .\w.-, ,. tM llijloo 1180 (A, D. 1;66). ... be pTO >l tllo
-oliiJW-11 I?
As .\C<"oc:<r OP Sn:u:c Koonoon-naa:., ;\..:u
:-ttltan tearing .Kootb-ooci...J...,a an hu
at Otlhi, marched 1owards Kborns:u>, On tho ncWll of d""lh
r<':lohing 1\"octboocldten, he raked the toynl at&llolorJ, &lltl read lri5
<wn nom' In the """"on (Kbootbab). From thai date he woo oryl<..t
Sullnn Kooth-ood-dc< n. 'l'lae whole country of Tlintloootnn anill;ind
\"UJnt intt hi" hantl.;;, and tb(.y rcmninotl UDI1I thn year IUjnc ti07
(A. n. 1!!10), in whioh Y-'"' nt Lahon, he WM in gnmes on
horfll'})lt"k ln u,,, flhlin, when, being thrown frotn hi.- dae
mony uf hi1 lif wn:t. won by duath. _I."'vr (nur ye:Hs hi" Ultnll 'na.& read
in rhe f'ermun,
.\111 .\ccotrK'I' or \a.,n !'u..ur, TnE :;.o;:oc or ,\acu .
\ftor <lt-,tb of hts f:ltbtr, at the of thn Amtt'nr,
Shah IU<'ended tho throne or Delhi: bill on QCCOUlll of hi ,.,.nt or llbihty,
he did not 6ntl <'!ll!e (Afllin) on the throne of royalty. 'rb.., Ameen,
!ll:t"ing lbat he wu not fit lQ <:<><ern the kingdom, """' ll man 10 :-'a! tan
:<bum.()()(idccn l':llbcmi.. to -ammon him. and ""''tng CAlled him to
Delht, they gave the to him At th:ll time nil the coanlriea
o( lhocloo,-,t;m btenmt. di\"idnf iato four "'hares:-
!'ihUIII"'OOCI-dtcn Ehbcmi--. fOtlk the lliNlt uf A'OVt_"rnment,
nnd Sind crunr. into the hanh u( :'\n.,.lr-oud-deeo
[ .. ukuc,ut,..<' wnt tanhr the rule of the .KinJ;ll of J\hul ugc.
Tfw ngeu1s ufTnj-ood-decn y-ulzur took pouee,.ion of l;tthor"" au(l im
tJi ..
.\lnt.k 1\rbucbnh wa. frnm ll!Dong the
of :-;nlllm Sboha.b-ood-dcen; but hi ,.i1dom and knowlcd)1e
"'ro grrat. lie "'D well acqna.illtcd ,.ith the dtll,<:- of Liol:'!, and
Tcrkd an th<' m:lllb of the coW>try: on acconnl, nOrr th" doOlllb uf
!-ihuhabood...Jccll, bciJll!' fixed firrttly in Ooch and l\loohm, he took
po . ., ion of f'iad
In the year G21 (. o. brought a force (n>m C:
or JinJ!hez Khan to ftght ag:lillllt Ollir-ood...JeeD, who, not having treoglh
to meet thi force, on this necoWJt be l:ll d<WD in the fon of l\looltnll,
which the enmy oor:rnunded. mnllen !Tm:aiiU!d ror( .. ny dnY".
Mnlik hnng open...! . llljl dO<>rt of ho .'reury. gnve
monry to nil; and, wilh them, :ohowing oppoaition "' the t', they
wHhonl gaining n viNory.
Wh<n :\uir-o<><ldeen took of f;ind, nlllD)' Sirdar or
Tho- or Ill U.o..-.1. -Tr-r.:or.

hr nnmrd l'heroz !'hah. the ><>n of hi undr,-hr who bore the muh of
nobility on hi forchrad.-a. his heir, giYing hirn hi lruu wi-hr- repe<t
ing hi country nod hi army. After thi, taking the app:tralll!' of tbi
pMiog world, he wrot to that world whieh i
A lithe conrtirro and nobl paid their homage 10 l'hcrox Shah at that
place. On the of )lohorrnm, 7!i2 ('D. 1;151), he, ncending the
thron, nmrnonrd all to hi prc>ence, mnking them nil happy by hi
jntict' nnd lihemlity.
ruin, hcnring of the death of Sulton l\tnhomrcl Rhuh, collected the
men of &nmroh, Jharcja, and Summnh, nntl got to the rear of the nnny.
l:!nhnn Phoroz Sbab, hcnring of thi, named 2.000 men, nnd the.e
going nll night, cro!!-ied the rivet, n.nd met 'ruin, nnd who were
with him. ' wa n great fight, when Tuin turned hi. face towards
llight. The following day the Soomrah rnen again fought, but they
met .,.ith drfcat, many of them being ,Jain. Aftrr thi, frorn near Tatt:a,
the Sultan turned hi heud, and marched lo\lo'Drd Delhi, ordering tbat
I be troop hoold not llllU'eh more than 5 kos a day lie built a fort
a.l La.kt, lea'fing thtrt-, wi1h 1,000 He
apf'<'inted Bohram a the Foujdar or that country. On reaching
S.,hwiotan, he made rule"' there, 1\Iulik ,\li Shen and .\lulilt Tuf
Knfoorer. 'l'hc Sultan made a pilgrimage to the one red tbrohold of Shah
Bn:t 1\nlundnr, and to another holy place. On tho othodants tll the..:
he clnily oal:.ric. From thi> he rnmt to Bukkur, where bo
mmaincd twenty day,, He BJ11>ointcd lllulik Rouko-ood-tlecn bi>l
depnty thrrc ; mnking Mulik Abclool Uzcc Bnrccd tht Dcwnn, nnd
nnrning eighty unmarried men to take care of the fori. 'ro .\lulik Rookn
ood-dern he gcl\'c the title of JkhiM Xhnn
and lcnting all the arrange
ments of Sind it> his hand, he departed. At every large plaee he came
to be brbucd librrally 10 the people, nod made them happy. In hi
mannrr he arri.-ed at Delhi in the month of Rnjub, (A. n. 13-51).
\\'ben he oat with "'""' power on the throne of the :-;u)tanut, be
an imperialaM'mbly, "-ben he made all happy, by giving them pre><ent.,
and to the great and small be afforded JU>Iice. On the iith of Snfor,
(A. D. 13,;2), he went to vi>it his country. All the great Zcmindan
of the which he went to, cnme nnd promi,..,d 10 be obedient.
I n the year 7:il ( u. 13S3). be went to hunt nt 1\ulnnoor, in the country
near the hill. On returning, he buiJ.o n haod0<1mo pnhu:e on the baoP
of the W1Ucro or thr Suruwnlee . He bert the title of Shailtool
lolnmcn to Shaikll Sudr-ood:deen, the >on uf l:!hnikh Uuhn-ood-deen
Zukrecyn, giving him leave 10 depart to hi rountry. After tbi the Sultan
took 'fteognl into hi bellld. n lbe y_ear '172 (A. D. 1370) bn \loenl IO
Nngsurkot. When be reached the rountry about the biU., the people
brought him ice, which bad been m11de in pans; Oil oecing which the
Sultan 14111-" Wbcn Suhan Shah formerly c:>me heN', tbu
people brought ke to blm. th:u be might make oherb.:t: but if l bnd not
been with him, lw w<>nld not drank tbi oberb<-t, o:t)ing that he
won lei <>nly drink it with Pberoz f'h:oh. Tha. no he,.,., "'' kind to mu
in do) o, I ,.ill not drink the oberb<-t now until I ho. dtributed,
in anD humlrt'tl coamcl-lo:u:ls of 1Ugar ln 1htrbc1"; und he
did oo. Jla,ing conqmred Xnggurkol, bt JlfOC<Mcd towards1'4tb,
on "-'\c-hing whit:h, .Jam who wn' tim ddrf, redud to
tho fort which in the wn1Lr, from whhh h' Hopped the roynl
o.mty (or limn. Sull:lD, on ntconnt of t1u. l't,.'nrd1) of grain
nntl forag, lhn fluoch of wntcr, antl the numLcr of )tft thitt
ns. it V.'llo!!l, o.nd wtnt to Guzemr_ , rcmn.ining th:rr. during th,.. r11ios.
Rmoviog :'\ixnrnool-Moolk, mode Znur !\ban tho governor thio
<"OUftlt) Jl n(tLrwanb Wt"Dl in the direclion of 'l'utta. .\rt\viog there,
Jam I.:hair-ood-drco ""ked for pardon. and c:>tne into thr o( the
Sahon, who looked upon bim witb the rye of kindnr, dirertiog that
be nod the other l'A"mindnrs of that count<\' oboald b<- bkrn to O,lbi.
Jam KhAir-ooddeen re:tebed he plonnrd in hi b.-:u-t
to obuuo his hbeny tn this m'lllller-that on the liae omarcb, ll!l
they -.eal along ncar the b=k of the rinr, be would gc:t Into a bo:u,
nod oo e"'"'l"' Thn mcn wbo .....,..., ia chnrge of him, landing onl thh,
coovryr.d it lo the Sulton, who ga,e lo put iron" on the Jama
leg, anti oo 10 toke him to Delhi. where :-<uhan went with tu.. nnny
0<1mr rim nftrrwnrd. Jlc go. a Khilolto Jnm l'hoonah, the eon or
Jn.m Klul-itt.Htldttn, plncNJ him over 'f:attn. ond f{U\'l' laim to go
tlwre. 'l'his Ruh.o.n, r.n ond t'OJUC monlh!l, rultd the
with gm:ll JI<IWcr. On the lth of Rum1t10, 7!10 (. D. 13..,:,j),
he rcdvcd dcBih.
A" op TtauLco !'-iuAu, Taa:. !-'o:s
or Jlt.'TTt:R THE oF Jlna:aox
On tbc llh day or Rommn. in thr yr:u i90 ( D. 11ccording
to the will o( :-<altan Pbcroz :<bah, and by 1hc .Ud oC the Amccro, he
ll>C! lded lbc throne or the :::ialt!UIDI, in tbe p:lla"" of l'beromb:ui, when
lbr people him the Iitle o (;hp)u-ood-deco Tuf:i1tlog

Mnhomcd :-<bah, the .on oC !=:ultan Phcruz lmvlng tliplcascd
hi! f3thrr, bo1J berJl ... nt tO l:l.kc of 0 d!!!!:lDt t'OUOiry lln
Gbuyn.sooddcen pl:u:rd on the throoP. htt':lme nt .. ity ,.ith him
nod th Amrttl, nnd, with lho intention or laking tlic ClOUDtr); he went
1ownnlo Delhi. 'J'b, rhie nuble,., with marchrd ft>rtb
lo wn.&t hi8 in tbr of 7JlhnJ 'l'hcy qune tc, 'Sirmoor,
in the bills. There were with Tugblu; ::ihilh one luh of bor.rmen
'fhec went in pnr8uit of Sultan Muhometl Shah, and without
anything they rttnmcd, llntl when the :;uhn got back to Delhi, be tiU
comm.iued enor!l, from his \'Onth. The coun1n- iK-l":ame w hbont
nrrangcmcot, to ari&r. u.n.U want of nl.ti1iW he
impri5nncd his brethr,n. '
;\boo Bulmr, the on of Zufnr !\han, hii nephtw, from f<-ar eon,ealc-d
himclf, nnd ..,,rctly went nwuy. l\lulik RooknnoddooIJ, the \\'uzctr,
nnd other Amcrno, bring hi friend<, \\'<Ot otT with hint They killed
1\!nlik .\tobarok Kube"r nt Ph,rozal.o.ol, Uelhi, ncar the gnte"'llY of tbe
king's palace. Sultru1 (ihuynu!Jd-d,cn, cciug the 5trcngth uf the-.
rebellion p<-ople, went with 1\hon Jchan the gate, whidt v.u
oer the wateu of the Jnmnn. .\lnlik Roulmuoddocn, being there, Ht
upon and oeicl biro, nod 1\hon Jcbun killed thtlll both, nnd t>lllcl'<ltbcir
heads over th:tt gate"'U)'.
Thi took plnce on the 2ht of Sufur, in tho year 7!11 (.<. " 13.'9).
Holtan Ghuya.<-ooddtcn reigned for fiw rnonths und three dnyo .
\!'C' o Til& oF .\nco Su.w Gnoa.a:E.
After thc!'e orr"urrenr.!, tht \rnecr..;, Udng without wi!Kiom, gu,c the
title of !'<ultan .\boo Bukur Shah to ,\boo Bakur. the oon of Zafur
1\hrui, lion ..on of Sultan l'hcru !;bah. 'fbe dignity of \\u-.ctr wao
coufcrrctl on 'J uhk RooknootlUttn. Shortl}- 1\fttr. it tHtatm known 10
.\boo n .. Sloab, that Mulik bnd ploued with the
nobles uf !:lnlto.n Phcroz Shah tu np>ct him, nnd it on the thnne
billl!!rlf. He (.\boo) anticipate.! hom, and, with the concurreucl! of tlw
nobles, killed Rookn-ood-dcen. After this he gained trengtb. It
wn thtn heart! that th" tribe of \teet Sudhs uf had kill<d
their ll11keem, looting hi fanily. ami oeading hi< hc.aJ to l\lnhomcd
J:;bah nl :-iuggurkol. 'rhen .Mnhomed Sbnb. leav1ag that plaee, went to
t;nmnnnh, and in the month of Rubteool-.\wnl ho tyled himself
kiD!t tlnrc. 'rho mf'n of Mcer !'aU h. anllhc Zemindnrlf of the country
near the hilt., did to him. Some of the .\meers and chief men
.,r Delhi, leming .\boo Uu.kur :<hnh, coooe to him, touch "" that be
hod collected :!0,1100 horem.,n, with fo<>twn out of numbt-r. wbcn
be fefl :<>mnnab to go to l>clhi. .\o be apvroacbed thai city, hi
ho,en>cn hod inrrenf'fl to i'ill,0\10. On tho 2.'.ith of Rubeeooi.\\\'UI,
791 (.t. D. be r"ached Jch11n Xopmtt, On thl!2od of Jnmallcc-ool
A,.-uJ. ill the sltect> of troops uf A boo Bokor met and
fought with "'""'-of :\lnbom'Ptl Hhnb. On that day Hnhdoor Kbao,
&lewatet"", v;jth raa.ny me.u, cuh.rinathc city, great f'trength to Aboo
Bukur, who tbe ne:r.l dll). h:oving prepared everything for fought
with, aa<l<d Mahomet! Hhnh, wno, cro..,ing the Jumna with 2,000
mn, lied lo the J)oab AIC'IiP, in f:haloan of thr year, he nai"'
title or ,\dil Khan to his brothtr :\lulik li:huodoo, nod !raving bim
bo him..,l mar<htd upon l>aibnlpoor.
A rtcr this, In :-hab:ln or the ame yrar, 700 (A D. l:l!l:J), :ialtan
MnbomJ !raving "OOI;Urllb Khan .... ith men or tl1151, and a
large ro...,r, nt w.nt in the direction or !h.-alior, on rpr ....
which, ,\lu\ik llh-ootl-decn Dlulrwul, .\loobaruk .1\ha.nthc ton or Malik
Raji>O, nncl .\luloo th brother ol Somng Khan, wcrr projctting 11<>me
trf'lll'hf'ry. t-iuar.lut 1\bnn, haring of thil'l, he fcixed and hung :\lulik
llluU<NIIrtn nn<l 'lonbaruk Kh:m. .\luloo, being ... with rear
on luartng uf thi"', Wtnt to the Sultan, but P.t'f'lng tluu he n.ntfryt
by soft artitiet.'J be withdrewt and leu.vinft tl1n nrmy, rttuutet.l lO Dlhi,
whNt'! hn mRdr.: many to the king. 'l'hc Sultun o.nd Soatlnt
1\hnn cntn) 11nd aurtonndct.l the city, when thtre \\"UI otLai1y for
three mt>nths. The agen" o( li:h:>n then by deceit indn,..,J
the Snhun to leave Saadut l\:h:111, and to rnter tho dty. \\"hen
1\hnn o.'l.W that his pllUI were dctroyed, and that It would be
dillicult Cor him nlone to take the plue, the moro 1!0 ao it ,..... tho miny
seiL!oD, he broke up from thence, and went to l'hcrozabod. On aniving
there, 'With the concurrence men, in Rub<-c-ooiAwul, 797
(A. o. 13!11), be bronght Xas-nt Shah, the I!OD of l'hcroz Kh:on, tin! 10n
of Sultnn Plteroz ::4hah, from l\lcwnt, and pnt hint on the throne at
Phcrcnabad, with th title of )\<l-dero )\uorttt Shah.
.. \mur' were annoyed at PCting IHt quickly
rlnettl on the throne: ou thl account they nttnrkecl Suatlot Khan
when lno wM unpn:pnred. He, unnhlc to 6ght, mntle lai! r:se11pe,
cuking rcfng" with )!oogurub Khan, who cizel nn<l killed him.
Aftf'r tbiiJ, lhc Amn:rs, wlth XuFTtlt "\huuu.!d Zufor Khan,
Shobab-ood-tlrrn J.'uzl-ool-lah Beck he,., ancl the olnveo of l'hrroz Shllh,
l.eins ,.ithoul rctnccly, raid rr.,.h to him, anti took much
:,;ulbn 1\ulr..ooddcen Mabomed :>L..b ..,..., very mach ditresoed at
the pcrtidy of tbe Ameen and the army-be dicl not know what to do.
Tb"!e ...,.. coast3nt b<-tween the UOOP" of the two ln
tho year 79' (A o. I:J9S), enmity arooe betwr<n Khan, who. was
over llaibnlpoor nnd Moolmn, and li:hsn, tba Hakecm or
when th nclhettnl> of l\tulik Bbittee, joining, gnc
to Snmng Khan, and he took Ju Rnmmn 790 (A. D. 1396), he
went to llolhi '1\'ilh a large force. .l'IJF .!'obi...,., thdr ron:e,
mare hod forth tO drive him OOCk. J n hort, in tho IQ.ODtb of .\{ohUrruiR
!'00 ( n. 1!197), tit" t.,.o forces met, and l;nntng 1\han, ""ing 'defeated,
reuu.tod to \looltan. On account or the enmity or the tWO princeP, the

cnuntry had ""come divided, and without nrrnngement at that lime. I n
the month Rubce-ool-.-\wul <:1)0 (A. n. 13!17), l'ccr
xtrndd role. At the btter end of lm age he W1U lllkrn 111, and
1111c In life to the angel of death.
l(j, IOD Dod>, oncceeohnl( him. took the dutlet or Ling. For !IOII:
y<, with great power be managed the hlo power In
1\'nnrpoor. lie in the prime of li(e. lrning 1 Jonng oon co.lltd
Singh3r. an<l a daughter named Thnrec. Tlu Thu.,.. fer eomo IJmc
tonJurtc,l tha tlntir' of the lm,;ing 1be R.)'Ut-41 unc.IN
t'!OIUmantl. '\'h,,n Sin ghar grw av, ho ru-c.cndrcl the thr .. nc llll m:..tlc
good fnr thtl country and property; to tm<-h mrn M wcrr
J:XlWtrfnlmncl di"'ubec..lient )It' gave Throwing tbt11Jridlc or
tho hoi'Jolc c.f hi intcntinntt tClwardlC Kutch. took :-t'nnik .XILi (rom that
country Soum ytnu BftN
he tra.\'ellctl (rum this woriJ lo the otlur,
leaving no thlldrm. lli5 wife Hnmoou li\"ccl n., nnrl l'J.iUet.l hr:r
order from, the fort of Dubkah. !<he eenl her brotben It go>"em nl
Tboor and Thnrec. A hort time after lbio. oomc <>f lho breth"'ll
of Doda, v;ho hnd concealed and l!lilk
OUI by tbo rooto brolbe"' of Uumoon. One of thC'lle, named
l'ecthoo (ll of Ovda). was Joined by miUI)' "' n. Snch
u oct up ehumt 10 the throne h" destroyed. ;\ocending it bo
reigned u long .... be li.-ed, o.nd llfl<r hL< loth Kh:Urn TDicd
country, doing 80 in u. very proper all his nots \\-ere upprovPd c!.
::;orne J<ftr11 from this, the &WI of hi life went to tho nnct cf d<nth.
\Vilh the of lbt" Ame('n;:, J\huff'<'f hi,n, 1:U1d at
ou tin thrvnn or tlu, RMing gOOcl urmng('mcnts {Qr
tht! country in his himd.t, hr. wiLl! heart Ql n'SC
went nnl rmunin('d nt
Toll:l. nurtng hilt gn\'Lrnmtnt, the und all th'l other of
Sind were rdievtd from nnd disUJrbtrfi of the J1cncc ; all were
hnppy nnd contcnu,,la By il one tnmt \nto h1s rnirul that
it wno nul for him to be always mcnly itting on the throne; lh!ll
it wu better to oornc time in the Jnngll, and
pl:uD..., whirb b:1d becomt green from rain, nnd where th" nnlmw were
h:.ppily. After thio, having collecle<l mo.ny men. he mar<h<d
DgllinlOI tbn lldoocbe<'JI, tbe On thtlr
Ruomul :-'oollb. R:un R:U Jh:.reJ and Mrhan Jkloocb,
IH'>ng lntrooucd by lhe Ameer.;, and ot'>cr nttll of w.ighl, <'arne "4nd grt:ll olf<Ting. Khufc ' r..., . ing thrm ..... h hand!IOIDO prcsenl.o
in fttPrn, mode tbrm Tr.ry bappy ._ D ten gnTt, tbrm tht"lf (litmi&Sal.
lie propoiOCd to Tntl:l the following morning, but nt that
time a J.kloo<'h Ct1U'IC, compln.inini tfl tL:' l hc thit-Yt." o r tbiJ tribe o{
Sumn111h ha l loowl hi tribe, laking everything th) 1"1"C!I!Otl. On
WI\ 'I muoh and tll the lnlaut, mounting,
with those who were uith him. r.\) ... ta.rttod. and"kly rnnm a.galn-tl
thl! tribe. lie took all the propeny .. bicb bnd been robbed from the
Rnnmul brought twH fint huncJt.umt" 1\ntcolwt us nn olfc:rin.r,
and p:.irl his "''f''"'IA to him. lie lcclnrcd that hi ltnd
Runmul to turn hi h0!8l irom, anJ bel'Ome rtbdlion> llJ!Uinst him
(Dod a.) ; l'O much !0, lhnt dJP!'e nlt'O Wt"rc even now n.nd
thnt if a. force went from the nnU lmUi!lllad them, tlwy would
not do ""ng:Lin. but would nlwnyo Lriug prnt. D<>d11, upon thio,
left :\oourpoor, nnd by forced marchc. came there; but nfter doing so,
he discovered lh:ll tho brethren of Runrunl and others \\'ouiJ not ng-
to ba,c Klhibuh their Sirdar, 5o he uodershkld thnt it \\"tl.M on thi.l
nccount thnt he had brought him thcr. Dod" then IIUmrnnuttl nlltho
tribe, telling tltem tn ngreo to bnn S.tbibub n their chief. with ull their
benru. By order they agreed to so, "heu Sahibuh pn-.oented
R.. 20,000 as a Nuznrnna.
Doda, rnl\rehing thence, cnmo to Tntlll. Rcmllining there, Ctom
tbenco h" tru,cllcd to tlull othor world.
On thu dcatlt of Dod11, son o .. mur, with tlw nicl oftbc nobles. and
o:brr men of . .;1lt OD the throne.
"hru his father' country eaJDe into hi hando, he took to drinking
wine, pa};ng no nuentioD If) the country. On hearing thi, the
tho S<1(luhl', tho .JUli', un..t B.alooohf'4'.14, left off obr)ing his
ordcrtl, Whtu :' llunwcl hc:trd of thi. be
told Oomurof it, \Vbo, large force, wcnttowardo Kutch. On
hi:;;. nppro:arh, th" Sommaho;, hs1'in't collected many mC'D, 'A-e'nt oat
into tht phoin to meet hitu. Thorc 6ghtinl'(, in which the men of
Summnh were thr 81rougtt-t. Stting tlth, and tlmt utli1irs would
be ruiucd, \loolah I lamed called th., Hirdar., to whom bt ga<P prcsenUI,
UJing--" Tatta ill far ditnnt; money i .earce: if you light 'I> ell, and
defeat tb enemy, much prt>p<'rly 'l>tll come into our f'O"SC .. ion, "'hich
"ill be enough h> enable us to return to Tatta." Uearing thio, the opirit
of the force wer" rnicd, nnd, making an atlnck on the enorny, they
them, when much of e<ery kind came Into their
band. After tW, the men of Summah, bringing Raja Jugnnnalh
Todllh (who had quilled hio brethren in anger, and had cotne to Kutch)
u tht"ir mtdia:or, came to Oomnr, making rhetr a.nd bringing
prcW!nt, Oomur, ntnrning from thence quickly. went ogninot the
Sodabo, Jnls, IUid B lone bee., 1111 of whom, (raring the eono<'<lneneeB,
mad., tbeu Salruun lie then, confidence in his hl!llrl, wellllo
Thut'C&', when! be di<tl.
Atthistimt!'his 8oo llo<h th!! men of
pot Clnmur, the iOn or Ootnnr' brother, in hi pl11UC. Chunur went
-to make ana.ngemeuts io his country. Having don" thilo, and placed
-bletoome on the edge of the e'A'ord, hi benrt being at cue. ltP
lfal-.. A.t tbat tune Doda allained pubo-rty, "" Chuu ......,. by
J'Ome :Rtnuag, ... m to get bim into bi;. band,. and lo ,onfinr him; bul
hrarng or thi"', UatJa lurue-d hi- towurd <HIUZC ... t", aand
&bo riur, he cnDlt" 10 r1 plsct, Dhuryad1ub :\1uct :O::ung, clvte uodrr
Funehpoor, Wllf'(('l he 'ft."\\\" a mttn t"'mint!' nlong \\ ith n bundlr or thc-k.&-
ror Jtookam!lket OQ hlR bead. m&Q drt'W' all bi .CDtn.if_s
hceanu_ Yi .. ible to Uod:&. -\l be ",'" mu('h n.5tnn "lwd, o. calling
10 liim, ho lifhol lho bandlo of P'l""" of!' hi l1< 1d, when
no1hlng uf 11w Lind be !-t"l'D : :-tl, being greatly he put
the bnntlln till tho mnn't1 lllml, when lw hetwld llft bcfun1. He
tlll'u kw:w 1lm1 tlwru mu,..t be rom .. cle\-j('l' iu thl:!lt ttlirkll, nrul hf" pur
l'hnscd them, ghin"' 1hc mnn f:omP mony for tlum. fl'tn, l'litling
thlwn nt tht rhcr'tl ttlgt., he put tlw stic.f\ .. onn by vnr inlu lhc wnlt:r.
All Wlnl down whh tht bat unc rrmn umongt tllt'JU wrnl!t ngninst at : :{IIO, thi!t one, ho Uhrid(!J it nt all the knol:!l.
lie lh<n I"" carh knot into the \\'Iller. .\II uC 1lu''"' wrnt down the
except one, in whicb 1he deTtctl ,., ... , and lhi one wrnt up
Db"',l the C"":Irrenl ; t;O takiD2 thb one, ht" krpl U, nod to
Ohuznce. AI that lime 1be kiol( of plnce, i\londood "h:.h.
"'" ill from which -u vnthoul cure; .o, on hJ1 o.rnml
ll<>dnga on I dmt he was a dodor. lhlonnno \\' rite thnt Sahan
!\1ondood f.i<"knc .. s W:uio canC!d in thi\11 lll!lnner. One tlay bf"!
w"nl 10 """a !:'ui".orl(11h undtr -.orne hlll.., v.-hen by rlulncc a.n IUlimal
starlcd frorn lHfore him. It \\r1l!" tbr.n thr cl1!11om, tbal whoe\er an
unimnl fltnrll'fl In fn,nl nf. he alone pnr!>uctl II; 1'0, an IU"tllrdancl'! ,_,-jtla
this ruttotom
the Sulton rode thi-ff unim11l ulnnn f.,, a. long tli'lltance,
LtJI eli.! not kill it. From thb cx.ettion, lhirJIIt nntl
UJ1'f1U him; JO, foNltching about, he round 0. n( near the foul
of th" hillo. Having no cup or wilh him. l .. ing helplcs, he put
hi rnouah iota> tlu '\\"1\ter. and tlra.n.k; v.-ht>n, in clt,lng to, her
awo emallennkr!, whit-b we.o1 dov.-n into, and remrund ln. his atomnc!J
In two Y""'" the5e had grown and begto e:tning him moch p<liP.
All the doc1on of 1he country bad pbyicked him, bul nono of them
could btm well
'1"-w appro:>ching 10 tkalb, '\\'hen nt th:>l ILmc Ooda
nrrit.d, :>)ing bo '\\'110 a Hakeem ... nd 1bat he bad from !'"'d lo>
eurr the kmg walb his p T royal pbyoinu., hnnog thi:<,
laughed, o.>ylog "\\'hal d n L lhi ;.;iod.r,th31 ho abould Y'f
hr. "'"-"able to ghe mcdietn 10 ,, , On" of I he anndnnl to!J
the king o( thr. orri,ol of thi< ::iind"<. hnv.- I he royni Jodorolnngbd
nt him. 'l'lm :-;nhnn. honrinl( or thi. cnllel an I 1t'<ehod wilh
dil'tinr.tion, anying
hr hnd suffered (rom thi11 fnr n long time;
1ha1 llnkrcm< hnd girll him bu1all wilhout fTN:
uuw )mt h:lVt: ('omt, I urn in ho(W! lh!Lt J ,ball gl WI"'H hy your phy!-ic."
hi Con:h<-alth oi 10 or gnodne--. 'l'b, hap[>ened m the rnorom,r "h n
n body or mtn, 11:01111; Into l ' rrub llehl' l<il!.cJ Jum, and plaectJ Ill>
h<1ld "'" rhe (:UI<".,.Y wbn o.l11bc p<'OJ>Ic, paying homage 1o Jam
Oonnur. placed him on the of tbe Si!!taout
.A!C Accorn or J.u1 THr: :-:o:r or
\\'brn J un O!"'nnur hal be-com-' king, with th ... .. o( tbo men u(
'JtOWl'r, tunny 1ct'ple lloc,..,l to him. llt" nt thnt tun,., w11h gn!nt uum
ben-, wcot to take. gcuing whul!, he pnrmrrcl B pin in fur
a b:-.llh.l'iltll, on \\'hith to light with )hllik R1111111, tile lhluoJD 1fu-.rtt on
the fMfl of lin, J\ingo( tltt rfottkM. f(IIUUI cturW hif furl tcJ
this fjt-.ltl o( bntlle 'dth n Well }:tfle1 fnrco. 'l'ltt lire of IJatllc
burning bt-twcrn the t\\o nrrnie!, till" iwrn:1alng, Jam
Oounur wn dt!'eo.l.:,f, bot, by I be n .. of brclhre"l, he ngmn
brought up nod n-eoiDDll'nccd 6ghllng. Ar lhM tirnr Jllulit
Raina galloping hi ho ... zmim:ll' bead <':lrntt lo lha gr.>nnd, and
be, ht oat, fell. Jam Oonnm, wilb hi sword, V[>:lrlllcd bl!
b""d (rom tho body; and be 1hcn toot the (orl .,( :-icbwi>tnn. At th:>t
time ]lluhk l'heroz, nod Ali Shah Toork, we"' the llakecm nl lluldur,
on P"rl of the King or the Toork. hearing or the
\\"rutn to Jnm Oonnur, to the fo11owing dfeet .-" 'l'his pretumptiun i'
not bccorning in y<Jil : now prc-pa.ftl your unplt"rnentA of wur. to light
with lhe rn"'l'" or the l.ins;. :tnll fix your (ool finnly un 1110 ftelJ or
nhur,. 'L'hiil 11.11g'llagc overatetl Utl Jan Oonnnr, wJw U\\'1\)"
lownrdtt 'I'IHtn't! .:\t I hut 1irm. he wu ill. unc..l Wnt ,., lbl: t:ountr:y
of fulnrily. 11('1 rcignecl lhreu yenrs u.nd 1h montht.
11.! roUow:- :-
.I om Oonnur, havinl{ con,tnrcd !, tnrnct1 b:tC'k, he
V.-n!> drinking wb1c one nitthl, at a ns5emhly, v.lun news r:unc
Jlml 110mt" rebellious men were btm. lie ga\"o onlcD
to G:.huh, thr ""o or 1'um:u:bct. who '\\"IU b,. \"uh..,l, lo go IUltl repul..:
them So L,king 1l Corte, and going ...-ilh tpt<d, h came np<1n tlt< m;
but in lisbting, (hhuh, bcin:: Jn liquor. \\"\\. bken prii!Ontr, nnd t'Onfintd.
Jnni' Oonnur, tlmidot b;. plcaroreo, did not bc:tr him in mind, on ,..bicb
account Ga.hoh became his cnem,, a.nd bv some daYlcet
himM!lf from cnemil"'$, . .,.,..i hts from Jam Oonnur, and
llnkkur v.bcro be ' ' oll .ntcn;cw wtth J\li ::;bah Toork, who
In 1hr uf .\lnnon :\ "m' in old Jlukkur; llllll 1hio Ali ::;bnb
nnd 1
horoz, man; <"mmo to killing
.lnm Oonnur io lhu.t fort. :\lulik. Phrrot. l'l'lntl.inini thl"tc a.s"'govcrno;,
Ah Hhtth relurncl to Bukkur. Three tloy nfh'r hi rotnrn, aumo of
J,..,, Oonnur'o men, by olrnlJ,!;el\, killed b.>th l;ahuh and .)lulik l'bcrot.
tbeir h"ach, n!tn:unecl 1ilent. Then 111id the Jam ure in<pired
J'<"OJ>Ic, nnd they WilDt julice." The Jam tbrn turned his attention 10
the cucnmotances of bonca of the dc:>cl, and
ll very old m:m. ID \\'hoe band, the J:md wac, be nhd lnrn about
th<m; wuon tli old man told him thai "Sixi)"Y"""' Rgo,ll J.:nlib orne
Jwre (rom nuxcntt, when the) were destroyed hy 0. ecrtnin lribc, \\'ho
t1mk nwny tlH'ir pro)ltrry, much oi which 1 .. wilh tlum now., \\lnn
the Jam h13.rd he :.{ll\'t ordcrg to collet I }'fOpt.rty; when
0"' W1\JJ found lling together. hu t;CUt n 111011 of tnt, I with lt to
tlw rultr uf (j tt1.f'rat, dtl'liring that il rnight lw f4'!dt>rrtl In tllf' hdn of
who lmd btln killed i and. in retaliation, ht dtt.troytl thoc by
whom 1hry hnd nffcrrd.
H1Ycral yeur11 o.Crer thiF, he left worlcl, nnd W('nt to the
world eternal .
.A,: J\<."COll:KT or J.UI THE So:- or 1\U.\II...OODI)J!&.'f.
Af1<r the death of bill fatbtr. by the rud of the Ameen bo nt upon
the herrditnry throne.
\\'hca l<ullnD Pheroz l<bnh. having settle<lll<ndoooton nod Gnzcrat,
came to takcJ !'<ind, Jam Babnniyuh, prrp:o.ring" ficld o battle, tOO<I up
to Tho remained there three month, but when the
inundationll, wlth bad wind,.,, and many came. he marched
owny. J.:oing to Puttnn in Guzerat .
tbu min"-, ltn\ing rollceted m{Uly mrn. h aguin rrlumct), Rnd
fuught. In hort, in thal ba.ulc Babuuiy11h priOnLr,
and all the 1woph and cotlntry of Simi cnruc iuln tho hnnd& uf Plmroz
Shnh. 'Vhrn 1he Sultan returned to Ddh.i, Joe took the .hun with him,
who f.,t 11long time in hh t<Crvic.c, behaving ,.,ry \Vtll; l!tling
which, 1br. c:>.tendecl to hirn hi, roynl kindn<Sl<. nnd ,;i .. ing him
a royal crown. ho platd :Sind in hi- bnod again, lilm to
dep:ut. !-'<> he nme to over 'Q;hich he rclgttcd llbsQiutr.
lie n!igncd for Gftcoea ye..,. when be o-avellcd h> other world.
Jli:l brother Jnm Tnmnchu. aaccceding him, .nt on the king' throne.
Ha tained ht to m:.llng alllUl!(emenu for t!Jc "otmtry He
u-u the friencl of ldoure, r nding his timu 10 plt'lLnro lie
thlrt.,.,n yen dying of the
After tho dealh of .hun 'l'um....,bef', Jam 1!.'\t upon
the throne of nulhorlly. llis ol"'t a..: to put to rigl11, the border,
which heoon\C' out of order b'i' the h11nd o( b:ul <.IICII, who did not
obey orde.,., Fur 1hi purpose b; took a force, ancl pu .. ld the
rnrl! o vitioull people. }{a\ing ghtn to all &nch turrct"tion and
a.dmooition. he turned his face hutch. tllMn tsnhing there.,
much fightint:; ensued between him o.Jitl tho"" pooplc; but in c<cry

him whom hr bad SD in bi dream. Eleen day aftcrwnrdo, Syud
Abdool <lbai nrnd. when :\[ecrzn Peer wa.s in his
plmeo of nndicncc, with the around him on dthr ide. when,
his &Jght falling upon the Syud, he recogni..,d him. Riing. he intant11
eame to the front, IUld embraced him, placing him D<'ar himself with
much honour and reYercnc The .\mccr in<tnirrd of the ;\[eena
tho circumtnnccs of thi Syud, when ho cxplnincd h> them what be
h11d occn in the <lrtllm. On thnl day lw gave tim Synd a hor1'e and a
prusent n11 nn gmnting him tc1 n'tnrn. 'rhc 1\leerza
aelllcd UJ>On 1-lynd Abdool Gbai, the l'urgun11 of Alnw.
Aftt"T the urriml of Saltob Kiran Mttrzll, Prr lltnhomed tnrncd bis
face to capture Delhi. lllnny day J>Msed hy, und rnuny kingo of
dtiTerent c:A>tM oat on the throne of Delhi. At tl111t time :'\[oohlln went
into the hand of tbc T..unt<llh. and the whole nf the country of Sind
..... to the h:>ndoof tbe King, of Sind. Jam Fuudtl\bnn waocdebT1lted
for hi \1llour ; hi courage wn.. of repute. lie reigned Cor lifte4!D
yean nod oomc month., when hi da)S tbdr laner and
his hfc, k'l1viog thi P"risbable world, went to the world eteroal.
A!"C Accot:!tiT or JA.K Tcanco Sn.ur, Tnt: Sos or
\\hen Jnm Fulleb Khan plo.ccd his ide on the bed of from
tho acnAAtion which be Cch lu aw tbe face of denth. Tllt'rcforr,
day before h dird, be eater! his brother Tughlug on thr. throne of tbe
Slrtluec, plncing in hi hand the rdgns of the gowrntncnt, 110<1 giving
him till' titll of .Jnm 'l'ugblug Sbab. On tht' throne of the
Snhnnur, .lnm Tngblug Shah sent his brothers to rulu over Schv.;tllD,
and thr. fort of Bukkur. He bim..,lf spent much of hi time in hunting
and eltcrciae. The .Bclooc.hee near Bukltur beginning to came
diatnrbaDeetl, the Jam, a large force with him, went thN<>, and
lcL\"ing gien the Belocxbee Si.rdano aevem paniabment, bo turned beck.
He plnced Thanas in eaeh Purguna, to tlisturbances. The
lt'ngth of hio reign was twenty-.ix yean, when be died a natnn>l death.
Accot:J<T or J.uc SEn"liDU, Till: or J .. ,. TroaLco Sa .....
When he aat in the plnee of hio Cather, he wu a young man. The
Hakeema of Sehwiatan and Bukkur, becoming powerful in their rel!-
pcctl.,. ddtricu, CC!l$cd placing tbl). ordero O{ gonmmeot on their
he'"'" and began to quarrel with encb other. Jam Sekundr.r, leaving
B ... r
Tatta, woottow<Udo okku,. .T .. had got ao far a Nusurpoor, when
- nnlftcd llfooGaruk, who in the time of Jam Tughlug was the eom

of 2,000 men, started up, and arriving at Tatta, proclaimed

Jam Moobuult, and oealeG himoelf on the throne of the
a.t 1M bad- the eotle>Urrence of lh peopl of the elty ;
on this )Li,.. ditl not extend loeyontl lhrtn iniUIIIUt'h 11"
the nobl of 'l'nlla tumtd him out, nnd ent to .,..u Jnm !"eLundor
\\"ben thi IWW r.-..el ... d htm, ho arrange menu \\lib
Md rdurncd to
Om ) , .. ., nml n half nll..r thi-, '"' lnok the of hi hrt from
I he waye c.1r this pt.ri .. haiJit world, to tht nmple lmuso of tternlt.)
.AI'I or Rr.ntmt'i
On the flth of Junuoder-ool-A\\ul, llijrce ( D. 14;;.1), Jam
Roydhun rom" (<'lrth.
[n tlw rime of Jn10 'l'ughlng, lhttl in l{utch, with thr mrn of
\\'hich <"OUotry he hnl become connerhd.
He placed near h penon many of those men, "" were
penctrBllng. hetlrts he pleaP.ccl without Jilnlt, nl:lkin:;
thrm uf horses und thingi of valm. men. pcrcriving on
the for.lll':ul of bi> ""t tlw olgns of rectitude, with all inccrity ttl;te.ed
thcm-elvr in hi haotlo.
the new of tbo tlecca-e of Jam !'ckonder re.nched him, bking
many mt.n, he went to and the m,.n of that city, ha
8aid: u I hrwc not conw to take the country, but I to -3vrt the
property of tht I dn out con<idrr mytK'If fit to be king;
he whom you con.-ider tit for the i!Wltlon, make him king, and I will
be the liNt of any to him the hand of homage." Amongot those
mea thero WIIS no one fit to be JO nil of them pbccd
him on the throne uf the kingdom. In the coarse of one year IUld a
haiL hn pullrd benc,.th hi rule the wholo nf l'1itul, from the ocean to
Kajar, Mullet', nnd Kboondcc, tltc houndnric of MMhrluh, nod Oobaw
rnh. After rci!!ning yean, the wind (idea) of ruling ova the
!'IIta.nut rntrrcd the hra<l of one of hi lea., etttmcd fnendo, Jam
Sunjur, anti othtr i!.llght ft{'qun.intancc.a Jointd him.
Jam Roytlhua was tlrinldng in pri\', whtn SunJnr,
pulling r.omc poiscm in 11 bottle, gave it into tbc h11nrls of one of hto
nnenJanto, lbr.c day after drinking which Jam Roydhnn died. It i

hy tb.ttll man, " Fnkrcr, one of jndc:ment, wbo,......

10 tho .. timt.J R" n saint at Tnttn, ln lbr. babil of
tantly roming lu tho who al-..'a)M trea.ted him with great rcpeL,
oeating him on his own """t; l!"d Fllh't'r aid tbu Jam
agreed 10 it

One dny, at an the "o>' rO'I and noblro .,., d Jam-
h ..\!-k thnt l:"o.kef'r, lo \\"hnm you gh' ... eo mnch l10i1nur, what Gud I
like, and whllt i his<leocription.'' \\"hen tb Jam heard thi, ho plncrd
it in bis bellll. Fonr day afro >ward., .,bon thio DurwiJ;b eame to the
Ambly, tb,. Jam did not pay him the uual auonnon 1'he Fnkeor
wilting to ay hi alone. If any one was not pre,.,nt with the
eoogrts;n1ion, lu repcntrtt_ begging fur two ur thnt dn)ll.
]n tlw l:utrr tiny"' of the rcil!n ur Jam tlu,., forces u(
Shah Urghoon, coming from Kandnhar, fdl npon many vill01c= nf
Ghundouhn nnd The .'nm tocnl R. larg frnce to expel
\Vbith urrivcc.l nt Duruh .. il\.nnciJ, c.ommonly known us Joulow
Uer, """'"' " battle wu. fought, in which the bmther of Sh:lh wns
killed, nod hi force being dcf.,ntcd, th"y lltTncl the brill" uf rf<lro"'t
toward Kandahar: nud during the lifo uf Jnm :\ iznm-oml-dcen tlll'y
did not come back ou;ain.
The Jrun opcnt much time in dicourint; uu knowledgt, with the
le-urnl'tl of tho,.n liruf' ...
In time \lnubna Jnlll.l-ood-drcn \lnhomeJ llcwancc, propoing
to come from !'hiraz to !"rrind. l!l'nt )leer and )Iter I\{oonecn,
both di!-ciple .. , t.o 'l"nu:1, to atck the Jnru to givt him n to Jivo
in. The Jnm upon a very ho..ndo,jarnc, for him.
the reqnbites for hi!- nbsi .. teocc, ecndiny hy hi4 two disciple.;! mueh
money (tlr ft):\d e.xpcn ... J1ut be for th(.;, came, :\ hod
tr1l\dlcu to .. uotlwr world: Meer Shunt nn<l 'leer .\[oonccn, rceollc<t
ing the oociety or the Jarn, returned back to rnu
Some 1imc af1cr Jam Xiznrn-ood-dlt:n on hig-h the banner
of hi departure to tho world eturnnl.
After his death, much di,en.ion lll"&<U in the condition of the people
Acco\.-sT o,. JA.'I Pneaoz, Til So:>i UP JA!al
\\"hrn Jam :\ rnm .... .t-deen along the road to the world,
his son Phcroz w"" of tender
Then Jam the 11011 of tl"' doughier of Jam
and the relati>c of Jam ;\"izam-ood-decn, laid dntm to tho country,
"i-binst that he might be placet! on the king' thrt>nc. lluryll 1\han
and H;uung Khn.n, who W4.:rc tho lav(',_ f1f of .rom Nizn-rn
ood.tJcen, having powc.r nnd cJign.ily, would not Df;(Tt"C lo this; ud
collccttns; all the men of nutlwnty, ud the nobloo o( they plac<<l
JIUII !'hrroz on the of tho Snltnnnt, nod .Jnm Sulnh-ood-dcen,
who had proposed bcinc bO]>dco. went to Gnzcfllt, and
petitioned Sultan i\loozulfur. of that Snlt:ln .\(oozuffnr W11iJ to tho dauglurr of the und.,. of Jam Salnh-ood-dnn; on thi
neoount hi hca;t turned to aid.
When Jam Ph;ro)Z
ll!Cendcd the throne, h.:ld attained
miUihood, he the c:>rpet of plcunre, pending mncb of bi, time
iA the llorotn, and '"ben hl camn rorlh;-'h,, with Jl!l'4lt'U n.nif
looM chanactcn On thu acconnl. dtulng hi' t\me, people of the
aftenndr, M er Zoonoon collected together mnny of the moo of
llumrnh, :\'ukdurce, 1\ubcha!'", oud of the lllognls of 1\andllh:u. \\"hen
the new,. of lhi rcllched the"""' of the king, he unt R ro)al Firman to
<"llll Mocr Zoonoon, who uithout d<lay arri>od Dl the Coot or the throa .. ,
pl11eiog there oiTeriogo of f!rClll He o),., gnrc to tlw prince and
men of t"Ontqut-nce a.OOut ('ODrt, rtecording 10 rbt ir dcgrc<", mrions
mritic!ll 'l'hcrrforn nil people loo.-,rnetl rhcir longurs in prniz;c of
him, deeming him 11 whbC"r of huppincss to tltc king. Yer. with all
thl!.'J, the king hnd nnt ronfidrnce in him. Mf'er i':unuuun WflM n wi!c
man, nnd. follnwing the trac:-k of knowlcdgt, hu dclt'rminttl in his own
minJ to ...trcct hia through Budcco-ooz-Zumnn 1\ltrrza, whom
Mcor Zooooon \I"OJI in th<' hnbit of visiting when he wa alone, nnd ltc
daily P"'""nted him -..ith om< thing frch and ne,.. One night, llcer
Zoonoon ..Ud to him : " I front the mannrr of lbe king, that
b., \\ill not now nUow me to depart; it i tl..,rororo bell or that I gi.-e my
people lhdr lc:ur, that they IDDy go home." Tlte Jllccrz.'l, hearing this,
.,..,, .,him great pmise. After Meer Zoon<kln bad rrmnincd there a year
or up,.-nrdt, one night, nl n prh-:11c ..,...,mbly, In the preellcc of the king,
they ,..,re talking or nrions lll!ltlrn<. ulten hi roynl highnc ltiJn.-.,Jr
nid: .. \\'hat do you think of ){el.'r Zoonoon brinst D well-w ibcr or
hnppine lo\\-anh me!" t:pon tbif, the people nt thnt party became
tbonghtlnl. i'll<crza Buclrro-<>ox-Zurnan eil: ":\o Amccr agrees to
take thr. government of h:undahar; and if uny go there, in the opnce of
t\\o or thr1 tluy Uic throngh !"'rne disco!le or Pome qunml: it
would he bctltr lu gin! llccr Zoonoon lail!l di11ruifoi:-ul, ftr lhis would nut
be in vuin, fnr two rtnt;ons-for 1\lecr Zoouoon, on going th(_ft', will he
rithcr obrclicnl or rrltcllion; if he is zcbelliou"' h ,..Ill not ltc fruitle..,.
for two ---ror be will rithcrdie of the dacuo of that eonntry,IUid,
i( be dDe>l not die, be will not e..cape from our hando."
The king approYed of thio, oaying: " The bridlr of the choic,. o( thi
matter i in your hands." .Moerza Budewto(I(IZZumlln took security
from i\leer 7..oonoou.
The king thea gue !11<'6 Zoonooa a hand!ome 1\bilat, a horae ,..;th
IIIMLlle and and nil the rrqnioitea for a neb b a l"ug;Uab,
alld a llaadnrd, o.nd hr dirreted the officen of state to furnhob bi1n with
a Fii'IIIIUI, with the royal llffixed.
Meer Zoonoon g11rc a written to the to the
ell'ect that "when the king Fif9l00 Rrrives, I will nnend without
. .. .
Zoonoon, oee1ng the ltindneM of the Mr.rrr.a, ><nt n man tu
to call hio 10n Shah Beg, who, with Abdonr Uahrulln Urghoon,
Janfar Urgboon, atrd Meer Fuil Kookoohnoh, and
qlriolly- to ICboJuou. By the arrial of Shah Beg
.4." Al"coL';\:T or Tnc or .ll&.az..r. or
Ry rell!iOII u( the change Df temp<'r of the king, 1\lcerz:. Budeen-ooz- 1M-coming displea_<ed. :tnd Leing hufH'I ... o (rom hi brotbc"'-
lurned tbu bridle o( bb intention tn go to and Kaudall3r.
h<' torrived, ,\leer Znonoon. and hi- 11<>n l'hab llc,;. w"nl in front
to mrrt him, lwins;: humble and "'ubmi11sint. '!'hey tnffenvoured
to mctt l1i3 Wi!ohrio! n .. niHC'h thf"y !'o'aying tlll'y we-rt rcndy to
do oil in thrir powrr (or him. 'l'hrn Hmhtn-oozZ'nmn.n \\ns
to tlw innc:wtnt dnug-hlcr of \Ittr Zoonoon. On I account
he wmt hnppyt p1tl'I!'Oins;: hiN time ru.;re(!ahly, uotl grftt fri11uhhip !rprung
up bth\'ccn him and 1\ltt.r Zoonoon nnd bie fOns. At that limu Ameer
Slt.UUt Ali Tighnec, who wn the privnto tuiDr uf Budeen-ooz-
Zurnnn, fell unler au"'pitioo, n.nd impri!Wnecl. lt wat. in
11;ny :-One day Zoonoon went to onake thu <"ireuit of a cerltUn
lomb nt D.1wor, when a corning in front of him, a@. i{ with a
petition. otruek him with a knife. The attendant rut him
t<> pieces, a they knew that be bad done this nt the inti1!Qtion of :-<haikb
Ali, ,.hom l\lorr ZODnoon and his """" iotcn<letlto kill; but hu dcd to
Jlleena Radeen-ooz-Zam:tn. "hoc ltoo"" wus ourronnded by
l'rghoonyuh. uking (or him to be up tu them. The
tolol them to der:ut, 11:1ying would him lu them; hut tlwy \mold
not agree to this. At hn,in;:: :.worn great ouths tho.t they would
not kill him, lw delivered him np to them.
l\feur Zoonoon \\'rut oguiu "'athdicd with -'lctrz:L .. zumnn,
doing him ocrvic a before. Sbaildt Ali r.-tunlntd unlined
for t1 long limn in the fort of Gunnsero: he w,u llwn liUt:ralld, and told
to go he plt,.,...d. Ue went to l'ultcn Ilooaw, wltcr<' he got
tervire. ln the tlnys wh{'o Budeen-ooz .. Zam:m was at Do.wnr,
he bt-ard oC hi oon ,\lllbomed )fomin having been killed.
A X uta.ATIYJ: or TltE ... Ku.w"'o ot
.\lu:au, Tnl: :-,:.,,.or )(o:az.. II oca,.-ooz-Zcxu.
Jl[abomcd .\lomin wns a prince of bc:mty n the no. At
tbr of hi mnnhood, lbc yoan1; tree of his ltfe fell b the
obarp brcrze of tllllh. Tbi i. an o( tbo tAitmrnt.
\Yiwn, b<ing diplt=ed with falbor
Bud .. tnooz .. znmno lurned the ..,bridle of hil'l inttntionfl toward:f;
Kanhlmr, Mohomcd :'llom"tn .\(cerza wus nl '-t<rnbad. On bi
l"alhcr dcpnrling Cor Kantluha.r, he col word h> hi nn, thnl he hwl
better nrcornpttny him. The prince ropli<J thnt "it io not propcrin yon
to Qlro )'OUr fnco from the house of" tb" l'ultanut, Untl lo go Lencnlb
... .We o( eet'TIUlu." llnring th;,., Rudern-ooz.zumtlll greatly
the field on lrit marching throne. At the tirnc of the thining forth of
the tun of the Sultan, the sepoy' or Budcn-oo-Zomao, llA the >Iars
t, eo they turoed their faces in flight. Bndccn-ooz-Zuman went iu the
di...,ctlon of Gore, Shah Beg towanh Dawur.
The king, having conquered, wru; happy, and turning his face toward
llerat, he gave praie to God.
This occurred in Shahan 903 (- o. 1497).
A:( Accot:sT or Tu& PF.ACRl.IAI.J:to DTWt;Etf :)ut.TAN' liOOttAJI" A-ND
'Vhcn left Ko.ndu.hur whh 1-:!hnh Brg to go to
Alung Mnthc,n, l\Icer Zoonoon wa in tho Gow country. On thii
uccount lludeenooz-Zummn, not ha.,ing effected llis witthc.s against the
king' troops, turocd the bridle of hi In that direellon, when,
Zoonoon goiDK in front to meet him, gave thanks h> God that lu, bad
nrrivcd a.lhu. 1'o take re-r-cogc for thb calamity, he !lent mr.n to collect
the troops at Kandahar, Dawur, nod Gore. In a ohurt tilll<', a large
force of lbu Urghoon tribe of the Huurah5, tbe Tukdnrees, lbc
Knbebag., &:c bad u,emblcd nuder the ohndow of the standards of
Budecn-ooz-Znman and Zoonoon, and were fully prepared for
war. \\'htn thi nows reached the king, in the opinion thut he would
aguin twit tho caro of Bndeen-ooz-Zumon, he left Alung
going toward Ucrat. Attbnt time Shaikh Julnl-oo.l-dcen, .\boo Sunecd
Pooronce, and Moulnna 1\lnhomcd Suorkh, ctunc to the king from
Bttdccn-ooz-Zuman ond Zoonoon, to make tho Btrong root or pence.
The kiD!( wn outwardly not wllliog to make pcucc, but inwardly be
placed the hup1ine of his ..,n before hi mind.
The explanation of Ibis nb.tract iB this :-One or two days prior to
the lorrncr l>Clttle, thh cxcellcru king ho.d oent :->h:Ukh<>oi-J.Iam, Sllil-
ood-deen, Ahmed 'fuftnzanee, Shaikh J ulal-ood-dccn, A boo Sunced
Poor.onee, and !:'yud Ghny..,;-oo<l.dceo )lnbmncd :<ndur, 10\\"ard
Gurmscrc, to give advice to Budeen-ooz-Zumo.n, a.nd lo bring him fr<>m
the Junglo of enmity tu the road of pcaee. \\hen thcs" three nrrhed
nc:u Furat, thty heard th:>t Bndeen-ouz-Znman wu coming q1n<kly
with a force ngain>l bi father'> bead; thn Shaikh Julnl-ood-deen and
Syud Ghuyll!l-<>od-deen had an interview with Budcen-ooz-Zuman and
!\leer Zoo noon, when Shaikh J nlal-<>11<1-dcen P<kc on the object of
renee to tho prince, who replied, thnt if the king in hi kiorlne" would
- .
givo him aulliciont coanwr for the aah>itcncc o( him,.lf and his
followor., he WOUld follow the road of obcdirnco IO his nod
place tho anddlu of tubmi<>ioa npon bl ; but lhnt othcrwiro
he wonld uold<> so. Tho Shai!<JJ t!lu Synd, receiving their .u,minl,
<arne to the kiag, telling hiiQ what his son said Again, after the

battle, the>< two mtn, with Amer Shaikh Ali went to
Bu<lcco-oozZuruut, and ha.-ing conferred with him on the matter o(
J><.'8cr, relurntd to the king, representing to him that llleerza
Budccn-ooz.Zumno to holt!, 1\S formrrly, tho go-.mment of
Seeotnn 1\ntl Tumnchcr, nnd thl\l then he woultl not again be nl romity.
The kinl( did notl\grce to this, nod lellving Alung marched
townrdo llrrat. After thi, the people knew that the Sultan wu going to
6gbtagulnt Budcen-oozZilll1lln and Zoonoon. .At that time Ameer .Ali
Sber cnmr to the king from Jlcmt, 1\nd no he mlldc his S11laam he
received honour from hi highne whom he urged to be pleased with
Budeen-oozZnmnn, peaking io of rcconcilio.tioo; whrn the
Firman '"a" written, placing and Furat in the hnnds of
Bodecn-ooz-Zuman, nod Shaikh .\li 'l'ighacc took thi Finnan to him
at Gore, when be prt>eee<led from Onre tu Seestan. Thio occurred in the
latter of Sufur !103 ( o. 14\17).
A1r Accouii'T or TB& R.ua1!fG or THa STA:tDUD or Du .. an:aa n Maaz.a.
When Sultan Hoonin Shah turned the bridle of bi5 Intention
tow!lfds Atcmbad, Butlen-oozZumnn came from Scestnu, tlnd Meer
Zooooon from Da.wur, to the Snllaf of Gore: au<l Intending to at13c:k
l..'boraan, they collected the of Jluzarah, tho and the
Kubcbngw. After comul13tion, with an innumerable host, man:bed
againt Htrnt. All the Sohnn' nobles' cattle that they found In the
gmzing d itrlct tonk, nod pulwd on tow<Lrda Henu. Thill no-.n,
prece<ling them, rcadwd Hernt, when Ameer :'Oizam-ood-deen, All Sber,
and the otbrr nobles in tbst rrno"-ned city, fell into the ocean of ausiety:
they otrngthcned the tow<,... and parapet, and bringing the men of
Balookat intn the fort, <Lppointed them to remain llwrc. When Bndeen-
ooz-Zuman en me to tho tuwn of A<lmrynh, :lfeer Zoonoon marched ill
ad,-nuec. Some of the mrn of Bulooknt had remained at Bngbal, wllo,
oeeing :\leer Zoonoon with hi forre, tbooe who bad the poww,
from eonsideration, brought prc..,nts before him, uying they did not
adn.;hlo ndandng any fnrther, bec11n"" Mabomed Meerza
hnd come from Chichuktoo, Walee (rom Aaadpu, Mocrza
Abdooln, the oon-in-law of Abdool Bayr.e !lleera, Keer Balla Ali, and
the sons of Kbwaja lJbul, with Jl"lfDCro"" ud weU appointffl of
bol'$e ; that thry were -.-mbled looking for Jti approach.
Hearing thi., \f.,..r 7.oonoon retnoted little, and WIJI!r ,.ord of the
circnmtancc to Budeeu-ooz-Zuman, ,..ho came up and joined him Ill
Baklak. Both of them were itting in one tnt wbaa oome from th.,
ouh'ant"ed pani"" came in, sayins that many men ppean!d romlng
from Bagbnt. ZooDOOn, apoa thio. mounted with rut l'rgboons,
and turnrd his fate to fight. Thr met nar Ahrng .\tush<'en,
when tho brnve men of etthcr >ide, drawing thdr owordo, fell upon each
oth.,r, fighting in ouch ll maJlDCT that the du.r from the field o( the baule
n.ccndcd to the heaven. Althnt time, the of tho
o( tbe Cf'i"K'Cnt or thto ba..nnt'r o( Bndern-oozZnm:m ]t(eerza
fell upon tho ocene of nction. The men of l!<'cing thi<, their
luLDds from their work, their heart left their phco,, Fifllt of
oil, Abdooh nnd d.meer Babn. Ali lleol; nfhr theu MnhomecJ
1\[oosoom \(ocrzl\ and Jl(nhomed \Yn.lce Bmhcnuoz-Znmnn did nut
nppnH'O of entering the city, and turned hi face in tlrn dinclion of the
royal rmny. Thoe who fled from the bn.lllo mn to thu fiort, the
o( whirh ahnt, giving into the hn.nd,. of lnl!lty lntn tlw towL'r!O' and
defences.. BudernOO%Zumnn nnd Znonnon, with \'ictory, relum,d to,
nod enc:tmpetl of, Along 'luhceo. Some dnysnfttr, thr.y went to P<><>li
lllnlan. They did not wi-h to fight og-.. tnot the city of llemt; their
desire wn that tho men of that plnee bonld it up to them of their
own accord. On this llccoant. ,\ mecr .\li !'her spoke with
l<indneos, and gnvo enconral!'emen! to tbc pt"oplo of rhn town, <>rdrrin;:
ltis troop not to light. In tbi.o way f.,ny olayo went, wloen new' arrived
th:\1 the king had left _.\_.1<-rub:td. and lhnt wu appll>:lching. t:'pon
this, .. \h Rher I!!Cnl many J,.thrs tu the prince, forbid ..
ding his lighting ngaint IliA father, and rcqnting him to lae Puoli
Malan, nnd go to I'Ome orher place, oo thnt h" might not meet him, o.nd
that tl10 c>f battle should nnt be u;;ain ignited.
'l'he prince, approving of this advice, marched from Pnnli to
Pooli Snlan; from tbooee he returned the bridle or hi itllntioo to go to
Ab .\foorghan.
AccoU!IT or l\fEI:JlZA Tn:c or
.B.lLI:U, or l'.M.E Ben-ax op AJIID ....... BLG TO
"ncn Budccno(l()zZnmaD, leatinr: the 1'iciniry of He rut. went to A b
J\foorgh.'UI, of the men or Badr:hees and Chi<huktoo wrnt btoncarb
the ehnlow of hi etandanl, o.nd :'bah cunung from Kandahar,
joined him. In hort, ll very large force Wil!l rollccted. 1'l;e prince
l!Omemnn to Purindah Beg Bukhcc,lb Goernorof \nn1, desiring
him to nacuntc the furl; bar wonlcJ not listen to thi. So Shah BoJr,
taking tl1c Tukdnl't'e, nnd !he Hu,z;arnh, rnnrohNI ngnint it, and with
ouch anna they had, thc'j Wt:nt fort. Purinunh founht
from morning till midday, when, his tren1.'1h failing, Sbnh B<g took the
fort of 'J urn, an< I maklllg prisoner of the nt him to the prince,
wbo, orgiYing hio fault, libemted hiln. At that time the king mived
at wbeu he heard prince had a very llDd duly prepared
- of Tarlrbu Uld Urgboo!t.- P oa oaelide, Uld Sbab Beg;
with the Yukhh1, TaltdUlMitj ud Hu.uah1, OD the other ; uil'
1D .,_ of these Bapr Uqrhoou. Uld Sea All die eon of Me. Sal-
All Uflh-. 'ft- qaiclllJeame OD the lelcl ol8CtJ011 i tbu JbD.l-
H-a beeatDe eunvunded. In thlo conditloD the Ileana foapt 10r
- 110art vben, -Iring a opear wound Crom Meer Pull
.. lamed die bridle of llight toward Herot, ud Meer ZooMoa
,..wit of blm. Al\er tbi YiclorJ, Meer Zoonoon went to Stoeotan, ucl
met hlo brother Meer Sullall AU. In ll09 (A. n.l603) be returned to
After lhlo, a1 1bt' commencement uf 910 (A. o. 13CN), HDUIII.z.heer
ooo-Snhnnul Wnlkhil3fUI \\lahomed &bur Badohab, nlnnaing from
Samarkand, look the JUDd lo Kabool, and puoing quickly
tbe intervening pace, be obed honour around 1hi1 city, fonnnale byllae
oacredncb of hio "blessed feel." 1\laltomed l\lokecm, DOl bariag
atrenglh to go oul lo fight lhe army of lllahomcd Bahur Badoba.h, oat
down in lhe fort. After .Kabool had been ounoundod oomc time, lho
men of Oolooo and Eemag were inclined to make their Salaam lo tho
vlctorioue Bahnr, and the men of the city were aloo weU wiobcn to lho
king. Mo.homed Mokecm, being uonblc tu remain, wrolc to him for
quancr, reqnealing leo.u to come lo biro to deliver up the keyo of lhe
fort. Huzrul Badshnh Mahomcd Bnhadoor to thi, and bo
tonk oalh thai when Mokecm opened lho gatea be would how him
ncb kindn< .. us he might meriL
Then Mahomcd lllokeem, being an '"speclanl of lbe kindaeM o( lhe
king, eamc forth from Kabool, and found lbe Yirtne of kiMing lloe IDJal
c:arpel; and he made ani table offerings lo lhc kins.
lluaral Babclr, agreeably to his promite, ehowered npoll blm IDJal
kindiU! ... and then pve bim le&YO IO go to hi1 eonnlry,
A" Attoon or Tnll !lhaTYRDOM or 1\lua Zoo!\"oo U IIGnoo.
moon of the month l\loburrum 913 (. D. 1507) had appeared, when
J\lnhomcd Khan Shoibaoee Oozbnt, with force on I of number, like ante
or locuot, croing the Goorg, turned bil iolcntioa lowanlo taking R:bora
on. AI thio I he royal family of Sol teD Hoooaln Meeru became JNIUl1
alannecl. Budeen-ooz-Zomo.n eeot a courier to l.\feer Zoooooo, abcnrill8
the ciroomlance to him. i\leer Zoonooo eonouhed wilb lhaee of his
family wbu wre neu him, all o( whom bGd different opiuiou. AI
length, Zoonooo aaid : u II is neee-ry thai 1 ebonld go, for my IDDD
baud d0C11 aol glvo me lcnc to il qniel I do aol upecl lbal I aball
return, beeanee the :mny of lbe Oozbub ie Yery formidabl., IIIDIICo
and it appean thai 1be rule of lhe family of Sol laD Uooeaia -ira
face toward declination." Ia obon, llleer Zooaoon, l&kiag widlllim
lhe tnoope of Urgboon, departed lo JOin BndeeD-ooa-ZnJD. Be bad
only sane rwo or lh""' march.,_ when he nftiYed the - tllal hie
daushler Cboebnk Besom bad gi ber life lo God u Rem. Ahbongll
clnply di.Atreeeed al 1bio, be opened the loagoe of tbaab to God, lhu
on lhe apptOaob of lheee wnbleiome tim be Md become free from
aalliely on that aide. .. .,
At that IIIIUI be eenl a messenger to ShDh Des, him to proeeed
to the ..,., o( goverDJDCal, Uernl, taking with him the loaoc:ent lDd ies
of the family, lo giYe lo tboee lhei,r food, and to remoYe lhrir gazmenla
of alllictioa; addiq that altft tllb be wu 10 nt11111 quickly 10 Kandahar.
llo ordero<l .. lonnwd lltokcern to hold Dnwnr, Amer Rultnn Ali
lo tJtoy io ln, nnd Arnccr Jnnfur Urs1mon, Abdool Ali 'fnrL.hon,
nnd othef", to remain at Knn<lalwr. lie impre""d upon all thee to
plar.e great care nnd \\'lllchfulnu before tlwir nnd DOl to be
a.rcl Mccr Zoonoon then quickly marching on, joined Rudcn<><>
Zumnn, hand he had the hononT to ki All the princes und
nobles took mncil with Zoonoon; hut they Wl'fc nwarc tbll dcli-
bcnuioos uf mon could not be o hi<ld to tbc arrow of tho futr. uf Ood,
when it boul<l he the dcirc of the perpetu:ll of the corlb that
the l;.ingdom of Khora.<an houl<l go into the hands of .'lbhomt<l Kbno
Shaibnnec. un<l that the end of the reign of the fomily of Sultan llooain
ohould 11rriYc ; that there would be no avail in auembling the troup of
the cities, and thot there wu no in 11kiog the aid of the
dclibemtiono of the At thnt time the "'I"'Y of the Oozbuko and
!llawuranuohnr, had P"""d tim wntrr< of Umwcyuh, when tht' priaeea
tlDd of 1\hom.,tn fell into the tea of care, and a,.,""io eornmend
eontultin.g with each other. Meer Zoonoont frorn bi5 naturuJ ,-n.Jour,
thought it bel to right; Amcr Burnmlug it
bet that thrv Hhould remuin in the fort nt IItl'\11. Before the mind of
all "ere uniied uplln one of two opinion!', one morning, tlw
of the do nppmach of the army of .\lahomcd Khan beeamc a npparent
u the mifortunee of heawo. and the royal troops or:llabomcd !\han, the
Bumngo"' and the Jowangur>, all prepared, came upon tho field of
The prince, turning tbrir attention to dmwing nt> their ll'oop. fnrmed
thrm in a line upon tho plotc for On both 'ide the clamour
of tbe bmvc, tho bearing nod tbe ohouto or tbe horsc-mtn,
rHcbed abo\"e the plaoet in the oeventh beac-n. llteer Zoooooo, with
the tige"' of the jun11le oC battlt', fell upon the enemT, and b, tbe
etriking of thr owurdo of the de>ign of the crocodile, ,;{ the
rnomy wbo trod the pBlh of \Uiour were thrown into the wntors of
mortality. In thi mRDner he 8<1Veml tim fell upon them. But the
r..., of the Oozbnk wer< double thoee of Khonuttn; lbrv followed
eacl! other like the wave of tho occnn: therefore the two tot be
woo in 6ght. In obort. the prine ln>t o.Jl heart in lighting \\itb them,
and they tornrd the bridles of their intention towards the jungl of
Right; an<l all thr bodic of tluir tt;,oop. with grcot diporion, fled
loward Khonuan. Zoonoon lito! foot "n the haulo-lield, uonultcd
tbe enemy olt' the Tillbl ;'(rom the atrok"" of w &word tbe
doat oo the plain 'of battle b:td become red from tho blood of the brue.t
eltlle ea .. my. He behaved with the greattot, till at length the
0 ' b, oomiag oa all ideo of tbaJ, noble ruler oo the 6eld of battlr,
-y WOUDdo, (eU from his bone. Tbe enemy witbcd to
take him mlivr, In C<>ovcy him 10 1\han, hu1 l\lt'er 7.ooaoon did
oul giv., hi bocly "I' lo inaetivily, but figllliag ualil he
Ax or &OK or TlJF. Cracni ... TA:CCr.s np Ur..a, A,.-n
,\fltr lhc <lealb or Zoooooo, IWO nnild Ill
Kruulnlusr, pr:tfuraoiog pro)M'rJy all 1he (cmL"' o( lamntntion. At thi,.,
"""''rnhly Mnkeem, wilh all tlu: j>irdart 11nd lronJ,., agn:rd to
acopl Shnh Htg fur I he Sirdarce. Oo lhnl dny, in I he nfh'ro<>Oo, Shah
Htg urcl..rtd tht Nobnl!* o.od 'Nugu .. rnhs to be beaten (nrrnt'rly, uod
Juo (:outirrnl!d in tlwit all who hrld offic,, untlr ;\{t'cr Zounoon.
lie clid nut uppo:t.P uny, therefore aU were IHtfiJ1Y to rtrnuin in
had ghrrn the BOI
IO lh<' ro.umnonccmcnl or hi mnnbood. llr. fonncln gl"'lll hare uf
"i!llurn, al\\'ll)""" tl!'...auciating with mr:n of k:unlng. \\"'htn :\fnhomr.J
1\b:tn had lnkcn 1\hor:u:m, ho went to Forni. l'rom theocr, prol""'ing
lo lllke 1\andahnr, he larned 1he bridle orhb inlenlioa 1h1at woy. Wbea
br n:mclwcl ;o;hab Btg and ;\lukcrm oeol am-
b:u,ador.o to him, oayiog they would obey hi ordeno; thl' oertpoo and
C4inage wno nltf"retl to the name of 1\han Shniba.nee ; and
thry fflehing Lht' honour of rnnkiog dwir to him.
\luhonwt1 Khan, p1ea. .. ed with tbtrn, returnetl to 1\hora-a.n,
"'4'Hding lhrt lun!Oor"' a huntb.omc k:bilnt, and u in cluugo uf Abuol
Harltl' auct 1\hwa.jn. 'rnimoor 'rn. ... h. Sh:th Hs.r lll'uring lf the ttpprwch
of th'''4', hy 1\\'0 C'Omiog, thnl it WoUld bto rnr twn mnlh'fl': t-ither
that thy wm to makt! a treaty, or el!lC tlul rhry wi .. hcd tu the
,-.Xh'UI uf llu t"ity nntl hi .. troopfl. ..\t that tinu IH l't'UI men in an
clirrrtions tu collt ct pcuplc, and hll'Ot hu urnt f1Jrth in
(runt to mrrt tttem. llc nmnin('d with thran thn-n tin),. out,.idt- thf"
city, nncl bnving th.-m, !8\"t: ahrm their lr.aY
!luring 913 (A. D. J:iiJ7j, \l:thorord Babur llao.hhab, raling na high
the lllndnrd or depcuiUn! lo lake 1\aodabar n .. wur, left Kaboollllld
(:huzno.'C wilh IIUUIY victorioM troop. Bog and l\labo""'o.l
Moke.:m wcnl oul 10 meet, a.od foughl wilh him OD II lield or bAILie.
Aflcr many mcn h:ul ,Jain, the biTC'Xe or .-iclory lnlrk rhe
of lh baonrr n( M11bom"<< Bubar, nod !<bah Beg and ho brolhcr Aed.
Alllloe roanlrie or Dau ur <'IUIIC inl<> lion of Babor,
who look all th ll'l'llllro which Zoonoun had rolleclcl witb ""
murb labour, clivicling it amnng"l bi.',o!di ... y. Appoinlio1g hi brolhu
Rull>n NaW-.. ><>o.l-<l,cn 1\l""""' G<>vcrnor or 1\anflhar, hr. him..,II
rlmlllrd It> 1\nlooul, laking with him l\111h Bcgum, rhn clnughwr ol
Mnh<>mcd l\lnkrm. Som<' monll'l' art.r I hi, 8hnh Reg nnl hi brother,
wilh II force, full or bmery, ""me upon 1\nncl:thor, frreing
thnt conntn from :1/a,ir-oc><ltlcen, who to 1\obool. Shnh Beg
nod llnhotncd turned their h<'Ort hl pulling to right the
or eonntry.
Atthnt lime the angd of <Ieath ramo DJ'OD Mahomed !\fokeem, who
l""""d from thi to that worll. A ftcr\VIIr<ls 1\fnhomed Bobnr marrittl
Mah B<gum to K .. kuh. ngrcably to thr rules 110d form of
l\lahomcd. After a "J':lCC of tiror, oht bore n to ,.-hom was
given the nome of Xabccd.Begwn. Kasim 1\okub WllS afterwurds
killed, 6ghting ngaiot tht Ooxboke.
A'N Acc:-ot ,.T OF SnAil BJ::o courr. TOTAKK ScF.n.&t-!, AND en TilE Fe.Jou-r
or TB& DKI'<'UIURTs or \YcLLJ& Jluao .....
When Shah Beg to Shawn I from 1\'llldahar (Knandhar), Mrer
Fuil Kookooltnb nod Alxlool Ali 'furkhrut went to meet him, laking
and howing to him for ""rvict many tribes uf thr. neighhoarhootl, to
the 8irdnro of which :-ohnh lkg cncuur:u:trn<'nt, nod tbry beeame
UP"ctnnL of hi kioJncn; but thr. I nbc were nfruid of the anny, not
knowing where it wo going. At length, they dieovered it "'"n going
agaiot Seebec, and by d"gree> thi new ""'ehvtl the of
Suhan Wnllc<', whc> gocrned in tholl country, ll)>OD whid1 they
""Dt110mc of thoit conlirltntiul men with pre,... nil< h> Shah Beg, nuring
him that they were hi! mo .. t :;.iol'cre wcll\\i ... ht'r!t. Aflcr NJmf'! time
th,y Wet<' allowed to return, Shah Jlcg remaining at Shawnl, t<> make
IUTilllgPment. H" r, thf' eaq>ct of coosnhntion before hi nobles,
all of whorn wrre of opini>n that it wn best to t.!" ugnint Sccbtt; nntl
Shah Bog thought ""ton, bccansr iu the ycnr !II.'; ( 1>. 1;)119), Shah
hmael bad taken Kbomo:lll, and !'nltun Babor \\'lU at Kabool, and
betweeo lhcec the door of warfare wao eontaally open; and if ta thi-
m-o.ion Kandahar should pas from their hand, where abonld they
go to? So Shah Beg sent n body of trOOJ> from :Shuwultoward Scobee,
and followiag lb.,..,, he by oneec..,ive marebeJO nrrlwd there, and took
the fort. or the men who were in it, IIOlltC made their Salaam, other.o,
who had there, Red to Futcbpoor. After thl., Shah Beg JeDl
llleer Forced Urghooa and othero to 1\antlahnr; he himeelf went
towarcl 1-'uteh)>OOr, 50 koo from S..,bcr, in tbo direction of Sind, now
deaerted, but the fort nnl house Mlll rrmain. \\'hen the deoccndants
of Peer Wallee heard of thi"> lhey pth11Deed to give him battle wit ..
1,000 bol'M! and IWO or three tbollOBDd IDI!n of the DowJol@hllL'l!., the
the Koozj1a.-., Noorghaeeo, Jlelooch""" and other
eute$. In the bAttle, Shah wao Ytctorion. Som'' uf the coomy were
tbe rcol Red to Sind. l:lbah Beg, nfl,r making the needful .....,._
7 ( 7 , Ntarned to Seebte, where boo "'"Y"d 110me time, givi.Dg orders to
-.... ,..._ ud to make prdeu. lie builtlUIOtber fort, plaeias ia it

her in<<> 1hc hoo>c tlc ;:ac hlll'c and 1\lnl.ts to tho-e \\'ho
h-., making th..,m nil b&J'PY. Ouc year aCI<r <he death of Kaim 1\oknb,
Begum wa.. W!U'ricd to :,ihah Hooain.
Ax Accot::'I:T or t'Oll& or TUG ov f-'1u.n Bt:G.
'Then Sb!lh hml1d in 917 ( D. 1511), took Kboro.n. the ot:ar of bi,
sovereignty honu furth brightly. lie killtd .\lnbomrcll\hiUl l"haibnncc
Oozbuk, ht! nllaincd gtl'Bt 'l
hmu who '\-crt,
and tho""u who were fnr nm1yt when th""Y hrurd of hi .. army. ttuy ull
fe&rt!d. .\t that time l>ennib Khan, coming tot\-ards l'nmt and l"eetan,
tho or his nnd10rity on high. Shnf1 lkg, on h1nring
this, was altnmcd, nnd took with hi'll fritncl .. , am
fallen between two !JllCh a.s fire anrl WBter: nn one ll!lide i"
lmael, on the otiiO'r Rabnr Sh:1h.'' IIi- frienl io their 1\'i.dom .enled
that he ohoald go to Shllh lmacl, through tho: io<roduction of lkrmil
Kb:10; nnclthat it""" neceoary to mnke friends with Habur Batlhah.
6o ho .1wnt Kazee ..:\buol with mnny prescntff ru 1\.abtxJI, dtclrrr-
ing thai he ww tlc very friend of the king, nntl he himelf,
Khau. went ta :,;huh lorn.'lcl, who wa Hry kind lo him,
f' him from bowing hi head, and ordering him tu maktl hi
Snlanm in the manntr uf Chngllliyub, bending the knc.
Shah nnt.1int:rl in o.ueatlance a lflOt:' timt. the prnmi!linq
thilt lw hoahJ havo k"A\'C IO dep:u1 on tbr fir< I d:1y of oprin<r.
Khan WIU lo lhu fon of l:khtiyar-oo.J-clren, when the n.,u.rer-
turned the temper t>f the king from Shnh Htg by tvll word.. .\ tlw
.. priD't drew neu.rt on the plt::t of some pre-tended lm!'!ine--.. ("lrnarl
withdrew his face from Shnb Beg, and coutinetl him in the fort of ;(ufur.
His IJcing some aeert"tly there. otbrnJo went
to Kandahnr. \Vhcn Shah Tomnel Wt'OI II> remain at ftru(, Mhllll
Soonbool, n. zsla\o of Sh:sh Bcit'tc, wen_t to Zufttr, op a "'"
hop uu<lcmealb "''here hi!! m:uter wa.s con6aed. 'l'br.,ogh hi wctt
mea.lll he bee:unc acquainted with all lbe prisoner.<, ud oomrtime be
inaidr, whcn by oign he undcrotood what Shnh wanhd,
1\nd it WB'l anb.ullcd between tlll'm, thnt tw<he ofbis lrt<ty men iiboui.J
and him Cram thrncr, coaY him to Kandnhar. !llcbtnr
Soonbool told these men ta come, anl then be cooked ...,me
meat. with \\"hicb h intoxicados thing, whirh he gnve according
to cwotorn 10 the tloorkcopcn, who,. ruler eutiug it, looened the bricJI., of
alcrtnCll. fro.;:. their hand:'" .fflcr thi. the twdve men carne to the
lam' ohop, and be, taking twu of them, weutto the towtr ,.-brrc :<bah
'Beg wu hpt, an<l with a rot>o they lowrrcd him down; bot the n>(l<'
being whorl, he let and fell to 1hr E'arth, whn, on a<connt of"'"
on bia lep, be fell on his face in,tead of on his r,..,l, one of
ht lt<'lh. lie tbon mounted a 11nl after rnnrchtng all that
a.ncl the nr.J.t dn.y, hu by l"'mc got a.nothrr bor!le. In thilil m."l.Dner
hn arrived where there was no fenr.. 'J'be kcl"P"h or the pri:!an, on
&.'uming to then acnsc,.., mndc !"carC'b. but not IM.:snr; :ucec:ssfuL
with great vcx:\lion they returned back ngnin.
.\ccot-:"fr ov B.uwa BAD!IIUII o<Ul\O .&0.\15!111'
\\"lwn Unhur Uud;hnh hcnrd of thll impri .. nmont nf BoJ!, he
tlthrminl 10 1:1ko hnndnhar; btu from muny impc.tlimtu'" wltich
iu tlw dinution of the towns of 1\lnwtnuh, 1 'uur, nrul
ht- l'tHJicl nut bring rurtlt that which wa' on hi" llrnM. Uut
hnd put hi" hrnrt at -with to tho!'t'
with a ,.,.,). Jargc force,.
he un high tht -tnndnrd uf manh Knnol.thur. l"'hnh Jkg
tollchJ in the Curt l.lll the necr: ..... :uy nrli(lt:s u( that he
conlol lind, and making up hi-> mind to hold and light th" he
rcpairel aht tow .. and pla.dn:: men o( o\"t"l Ht
ocnt epic; into the roynl anny, to diocovcr and let him know dtily
oewl' u to thdr condition, .. trcnl!"th, &;e. .lYbt'D nrrit"cd then",
und "-.._"_. nrmy. they word that the uith a larg"' nnd
gre.nt munition' of \11'1\f, had turned tha.t \\Ry. !-tbnh 1\"ith
tlltJth \nlonr, declared it hh opinion that lbey onglt h' go ont fn
fight no the plllin; and be eon,ali<-d with li on thi, nil nfwhout
dni,ltcJ 1hut it was (or tht.m clUCco h 1ry thl"ir on
bnulclichl, where, if God bowed thr Cnn or In the luowg
gl.u!! or thl"ir dcoin, il would be a tb<y wllwd; if nut, thry could
rcHtrn tu the fort nnd lhrre. But,. Bubur IJ:.ul:!lhnh drew near,
hn bcclunc lntJi,.pcJ:t('cJ. :ot-0 mach w lhnt hcttrHii 1("(1 their
pl.trc.", nnd their lt:t go 1hcir work. Shah hl'"nring of thi.,,
lt.'Dl a l>ft."SCOI to tht: king by ini1Ulntial JOeft vr tbc. \'ity, ln.yiug
the foundation of thew. llabur n bo'"e nod" h:bibt
to him, nod turning hi. face. be look hi arnJ back to 1\abool.
l"'bltlo lkg .,..ent to lSeebee, remaining in that "f!untry t!Ome timr,
telling hi11 nobles thnl .. &baT Badhnb h:ul come thho time to """
the almd to 1\aod:ahar: it i probable that l:e "ill ""'n noJ.., oo high the
bnootr of nuudo agninot it next year; for until be ha.o turn.,.! me nut of
tny be wilt not fino) rcpo,.,." To roofirm thlo, he ttro
pn>a(. one o( "hich wn.., that..." .\Inhumed l\lokrem having done th:lt
whi<'lt Ito ought to b"ve donr, that thorn moklcd In hi (llahlir'o)
brnrl. On this nrconnl be took 'a"'"Y dtLughtrr: he al110
thinko thnt if h" due nul 1\nndnhar, the I forbid!) may
aJI:llin <lo "" 1\loke.,n did. The other prno( i., lhDt the hM ronny
prln<'eo, who hmn: nnttl,..llgtb h light tho 0o%bub nnd
but th<y are olovng enough h> war me. on lhi.! Dccuont, tome
day tboy \\ill taLe Kandahar; ..., it U. necessary fur me to be nlerr. :>nd
Cllfffnl on nil oideo."
In the early olny of tbe cold >eaon, he ocnt 1.000 from
Hecbcc to\\ud Sind. 'fh.,e looted the villllgt's of 1\uhan nod Bo>:h
bannn in the month :'.ilkut 9'!1 (- D. l;'jl.'i). )lukhdoom JB.Ilfur, who
wa. one uf the well known men of lcl\fnm,:; of :o;iod, onya that he hcunl
frum ,\lt.ena 'fnrkhant thnt in tJti" 'XJKtlirion 1,000 cumcb
belonging ho the Wll of gardens fell into tim hand of that fone.
Fnnn this prndnc<> o.nd C':ultintiAJn of 1hnt NHinlry rnuy bt> untlcr
'l'hiH .. tf:rnninl't.1 n week ln thf \'icinity of
During that yar, Slmh Hog h:ul foretold, Hnlmr Uadhnh
upon. nnd 1mrrnundml 1\:anduhar. ITt, cornmtnttd digglnl{ on
acc:nnnt of a fnrninc th11t Tbi"' :1!-icgc rtHUICd \'try gr .. al
1o tbc cilizcn. In horr. peace wns made. In thr. arly days of
the monlb Petr, on &C'C'OODt o( fc,cr auackinLt" his troop!'
wa. fMcllu to Kabool. ye .. r, :o;hah Iloos:lin, being
displeued with hi C:.thcr, Kandahar, tn Bnbur Bad.bab. who
received him with the cyc.of He abycd two Y'llnl near the
kins:. during whicb P"riod Babur wus conslrultly llll)i ng that ho bad not
eume (t)f ftrtie, but to learn the CO:-;loms of &i:ings from bitn.
Jo 9".!".! (.\. n. 1.516), before the eoUcction of tributu in grain were
madP., tho of march of&bur Ba<lhah nrrind u.t Kandu.luu,
when he encircled it. By hi coming nt that linll', 8huh Dg became
litrt>'l'tl, "o be 'nl Sh:likh Ai>vu Sunocd l'vonuu:e to make
term or l'"llCC, liJ>tlD which Khwnjn Alxlool Uzocn cnnw intu the city,
when a trtuty WllR written, to the effect thnt in tht fnllowing yrnr
Beg ohonlol deliver up the city to Bnbor Batllmh, who rcturnrd to
Knbool uftcr thi wa cllled.
Shah lkg then elrenglhencd Sb&'O:n), und he rcmnino.J thrre :>nd at
S..'t:bce. In !1:!:1 (. D. 1317). ngre<-ably to tbr. treaty, bo the
of th.- royal pulacennd fort of Kandahar to the king, '\\'h approved
uf Ibis eooduet. :-'hab Beg pascd the nut two )C:81'11 in Sbawul B.lld
sc .. btt, with great dillicnlty: ooe ea.oon hi l!cp<) had not bin:; to e:.t
but Cllmll.ol llnl turnip. At bdple..._.., be turned l1i; farr
tuwurds lootiaB' Sind, o.od timr. his lfOil(l!C r:une to lht! rort o(
Macbee, onJ to thr. country of Chandooka. !Juring lhnt year. I>urya
Kl111u, whu ,..,.,, called the of Jam !11indalo
tlw o!Talla,
a lti.r!{e fon:t, o.rrived near Scctx.oe;.. .At 11101.! Sh:th Ucg wa .. not
pr& .. nt, gont! oa or:- cxPeclition '!'hero wa"'
'"'"'" fighting t..rtwccu the iiiogul (of l:hnbcc) 1111<1 thn Siudre. in
which A boo uhumr.J dmnk the or IIIW'lvnlom.
Roz.,e n .. g. llDd tht> ft\\' men of lbc. Ughoon auJ lluzur:ahe wh:. WtrC
tbera, did YCI)' s<KI<I M'nice, and the Sindcea \\'ebl buck to 'i'alla again

In that year Jam Nindab, laking the nrtid"" ol hit btoing, 1ft'Dl fD
thr world nf c\erlating lifr, nod Jam l'heruz Hila bit plaee; II.Dcl tw.
I hue menlloncd btofore.
During the lire-rime of Jam lliiJidab the men of Dowlnro....,., II.Dcl
eoming to Tarra, went inro hi preoenee. Bai Beg
llrghoon, with aome followers, abo eame tbere, he laul pill
blood with hio hand :to tbeoe lhe Jam auiped aquarterlo Jiye in, called
Mogulwam. Meer K110im Rubkee aloo came In oecret, and ttopped
oomc time in Tatta, and having made himoelf aeqnalnted wlrb all ita
eireumataucco, he went bock to Shah lleg, to whom he gave lomptalion
ro go and take it, nnd on what he aid Shnh Hg prepnrod a force for
that purpo..,, in the laner day of that lfihrian Y that when
be begnn to collect men at Futchpoor, greal nnmbcn joined him; that
from thence ht 11 large body IUider Beg Albee Mc:ena and other Sir-
dan, to Sbawal, 10 prolc:c:l his family and the fort; be left Sultan Jbbo..
med at and placed some mea In Futebpoor and OujabU.
He plaeed under Meer Fuil Kooltoollelh 40,200 bnaw _., neUns
bim Ia advanee towarda Tatta, be bimoelf fullowing.
When Shah Beg haill'd at Baghbauan, the hr:ad mea rame and paid
lh<'ir reopec18 to him. It '''"" the wiob or l:lhah Beg that allrb .. pt'Ople
ohould come of their own ac:cord and obey him, but tbete would aot do
ou; thea be marrhed upon Tana by tha way ofGooadee,and by-
oive mamb<'o he arrived ou lhe bank of lbe Xhanwalt (canal), 3 DID
the north of where be balled. Shah Beg remained - Jill
conoideriug how to c:1001 the canal, where one day a poor man,..._
coming over ou foot. He was by lhe meaou cbokee
tbroagh iatlmidatlou be agreed 10 abow the way, end Abel-Jlah-
Dowlntalaaee, I>DIIing his bo""' iJito lhe water, followed him, aDd
after balag .,_..,d orr be eame beelt apiJI, aad pw the De- ID
fbab Beg. On tbe lltb Mobunum, 926 ( D. l:SOO), lea..U.. ...p
lake eare o( In eamp, b .. himself pal his bone into the ...... W. ' ;
followi"''J blm. Ia Mort, the whole .,_d .....,, ud u I jl ._
Tp. Durya JOaan, lead"''J Jua Pberozla the ""1 wutJ!Idr'IO the
with many 1110!11. Tbe baUle began betwaa ... 14C I '
lbry foagbl 10 sneb an UIIIDI, that II eaDIIOl be d I t.,. die peL
AI length iciOry came to 8bab Beg, and Jua ......_ 1llllllllfJ Ids r-
ia lhe dinleltoa of ftigbt, croae4 owr lhe rhv 10 ... adler lide. Durya
Khan, after being made pri.eoner, wu olaia willltbe - of ea=-h.
Shall Beg pe Tatta up 10 plu114'er Wl:lle IIGib Mohum-, W. troupe
tbrowiaa lho du1 of Yillaay oa the beada of lbe iubabltanlti.
Ilia 1n1e that " when a etrong lti"''J entere a to- it beeo= dMOiate !"
(Koran.) 1
Sbab Beg Hized ud -'ieee! -y ol 1M &U .... of tbe - ol
rurning the o.leairc of his brn.J, with 10,000 borsrmrn (cotn-
po..,o.J of ''"' lhrce cell! of Jhn,...ja., Sodallll, nnd Kungun) lurnco.l bis
lo'l\-:ln!J Beg had loft in 'l'ana Urghoon,
Suhun Mllhorneol 1kJ:: La.r, with or hr.,., to contidonce to Phcroz,
\\'bu, bearing of rhi, wrole a leuer to Shah Beg, "hich thry aent by a
Kuio.l. Jnm abo sent with much depnrch l'la-ood-o.leen tbe oon
of Moobnntk Khan, onying he needed nid. \\'lll'n thi cnrnr, Shah
Beg called hie noble>, uking their ndvioe. They uicl it wao bettbat
he ahonld vnd his on Shah with n good furce, and that he
boaJd ani\'11 quiold)' .PIMmllr. Oa tbt 14th
9117 udill
IDctJilliall Beg
...,u. him. ...
iii reached Sulah-ood.deeo, he1NIIiliili
1DIoilli. halfecl lhae. Jam PbeiOS tbe city, aad weat
Shah a-lo, briqlag him pmocata; ud haYing u iatnlni'i
111m, 8bb a-; .. wclioj to wbal lab fatbe, had told him, llcowed
-'a ldllll 111 u4 dilmlctiDil to the Jam. Thele two, collecting
_, - ulllq coald, muehed agaiut Sulah-ood.deen, and wbeo
lhe7 W ""- a.rcbeto, be alao got ready, 1eadlag lab tiOD HalbDI
'IDaa, thii -lnlaw of Sultan Moozull'ar Guzeratee, Ia adY1lllce.
llleerza Sbah Hooeain bad in front llfeena Eeoa Turkhu, and othen,
and tho firbt oomrn<'nced. The llfogul oepoye otootly fixed tbo foot or
bravery Olltbe plain of battle, elaying numbcre of the moll or Jam Sulah-
ood.dooo, and Shah Hooeain, coming llp, broke Ilia army. Tbo lOll
Salah-ood.dOOD reu, bearing whicb bia father, witb maa:r men,
!IPOi& r-.. or Sbalt aw.m, ga11ut1
; bat aa JeDglh
rua 11aea who _,- !he li1nml ted to lltue:a:t
Jha te, --r......, _, 'nl ..._ C1qll 011
"Jk ............ wtdt 1-Pitiilail.
Ia tile tif'Bii' a s , 8IIU ... -'r willl all
aM 1; to a.Ja lkelw, eallliJIII"llilia
!\j the .... Will Sial!.--.. --of ..
.... wloM, .. Wilt .. tile- of II .....
!llleciJn all of wlloaa IMt tillecl,
iiaiq their ._ aacJ f'ort to siOIIIIlfo

Ac!!lllll .. .... Bu' Scuovu .. ., ......... , dD OP -
nox -scw'ft 8Jonnnu.
tbt lroops mighl h;\'<'e lt:a\'Jne him there, he
wilb the chief SirdnN. nnd u hug<' fureo, nnl huving tho prindpnl men
uf Bughbannn with hi111, wont to Ilninc: tht-
rort ft.1 Sc.hwon, plncctl a 'l'hnnn IIWrC', unllcr ::;oma uf his men uf
rxp<ricne<>, directing lhat aU tho trihlllc paid in kind bould bo rol
lccted in it. lie told the Sirdan rcm!lining then 10 build hon!<' for
rhemselve, diYiding auoh as were there among them. lie tbc n returned
lo Baghbsnan. l'rom thence he >lrengthcned the bridle of hi Intention
h go to Bukkur. At that time Kazee Ktuin came: he reedvcd n l:nf;t-
l'"'"cnt in money from Shnh Beg. On fin<t march from Bnghbau!ln,
men from Jam Plll'ro7. arrived, bringing (>elilion from him : tl ... y platcd
in front of Rbah offering> of a hor.r 1Uld prc.,nt by their
mllJOtcr. Shah S.g, giving them Khilnto and p,.,.en .. in returu,
them lea<'c t<> okpcut, ghing them a leiter for lhe Jam, \\'ntiog "" (o!
Iowa: "It b my intention to take the country of Gotcral. \\'ben il
hall come into my hnnd. I will certainly lr.Me Sind in your J'O$'K'
ion. lU! bcforr." He then went towC>r<l Bukkur,
A:rc Accoi::\T OF TIU: sr rur. Ptora.c or Tnr. 'fRIBK or
\\'ben :Shnb Beg arried at Cbandooh, which j, 30 ko wcot of
Bullwr, SuiL'n \labomcd Khan, tho roo of Fazil Kookoolwb, ent
Bnba Chnchnk Ulkub to hi f3ther, telling him all the drcumstanca of
the country under him (Bnkknr). Mecr Fazil made this known to
1-lhah Beg, who gno him leave to drpnrt, with 200 bonoe. So lealng
Chnndooka, he cr-eel the rher oppoite tn it. 'l'o all tho bead mea of
tlu' illn.ges who came to bim he gave great encourngemenl, taking them
with him. When he got to BhiryalO<, l)ahan Malwmed propoed
f!Oiag to milt' I hia fatbor, but be, bearing o( tbi..., oent word to his 1000:
"On no account put your foot outside the fort; net like a bnne maa,
get into your hnn<b 11ll your enemi.,., and lmpri""n them in BllkkW'."
When Sultan liiRhomcd KhllD was placed in authority oer Bakknr,
the H.xln!! (Syud) became surety for him, Bnd Shllh Bog dirretod that
the L-hic( men of the Dhan:ja. ohould lho in the fort; btu tbe..,, from
WilDt of wi.dom, bn,ke the"" orde..., and witbdtew, aad, opcni"!f the
gate of Wlll', tbcy ,..;obed to annoy l\labomcd, esutillg tbrmeeh.-a to
get him oat o( tho fort. TbQ' <:n04ld paying lribalc, and 'Oo'bcn
Mahomed's men wJit to them, thev were treated with indignity, Rnd
oent back again f'ollccting many pre(l""'d n lield of hallie
nrnr Loree (Rorcoe) . ,\I thnt time Sultan was t..-.,lve "yrBrs of :>gt, nnd
being young aad huty, be wihed to go again! them: but th" Sytul-
forbadr tbU, aad wnuld aut r-rnlt hun to go lo 6s:ht. giving lim
and ronJidence The t'l\;ce made t'lforl5
to"""' the water to take him, but the :wdnts, finding tlus, itooJ up to
fight, manning tbo towers and but the Dhartjn did not agree
to fight with them.
Mccr Puil arriving near Bukkur, Lnlcc tho head man of the
Zemiod:1nc. "'itb his brethren, t-ame lo pay re11pcct"' ! he rc:rti.;ed
honour. 1'he head men of the Dhareja., being bo 11'1,, abo catoe in
to him, to an "xteot, that on reaching Bukkur there were forty-
oeven of these with him. Sult"n received loouour by
his father's foot, him his grievnorc, in rcvcngo for which he
preer Fazil) lew 1\noty---eo of the !Jhnreja. \\ hen Shah Beg
hearu tbt\1 !lfeer 'Fnil hnd reached Dnkknr, be quickly tnrted, nod
halted on the plain ncar l:>ukkur. .\luhomcl hod nn
with hlrtt, kissing feet, 00!1 lt:Ceiving grenl (n.>rn hilll.
Kazee Knzin. who, prniou to .\hhomcol corning. hnd spoken to Sb11h
now arrived, bringing I'Omc of tbe to\\ n't-people with him. t:;ult.o.n
l\Iahornool told l;hnh Beg of tlu or the Dhnrejll, on lrcKring
which he turned his (:\cc toward. Kaz<c, whu ' "'l'his country of
Sind inundated, and from the water:; many thorn, ari"": to
root these oat, it is that you la.ko on axe in your hand n On
bearing thi, Shub Beg gae orulr for tlr" dt>tmction of rhe
and 1\fuhomed, going to tho tuwn, in thnt night b" tntck the
of thoc l'eople, cating them out from a tower which wu l'llllt"t.i
k"hoonee Burj (the bloody tower) The fullo"-iog tbu
Syndto with him, h< went lo Shnh Beg, ob&n.inlng an nndiencc for them,
to him favourably uf their good will. Shnh Ul% on hcuring
tbi>, nddr.,.ed them after their (ami lie, nnd giving tlocm
honour. \\'ben tbe aSJJcmbly broke up, be :\lnhom<d on one aide,
asking him about th<'o<' Syud. He repcatc<l bn had aid, n<loling
that o.lthough wcll-wihe,., otill it wns not proper that 110 many of """
caJlle ohonld remain in the furl. Shah !kg hmgh-.llll thb, .:1ying he
had given n good for them. ITo thr.n 'ent word to
the.., :<oo.lnt by ll nmn llcj::, tbnt the :'ll ognls h:lll all Lronf.!lot lhrir
families with them, nnd llmt these mn>t be plnccrl in the fe>rt; that
i t wu thlrrforc, that all the Synds ebonlol I(O nnol live io one
or two of tho- large.t boul.'el!, and that all the other must
be giYcn up to them. The !'yuds did not ICC fit to remain in the f .. rt,
making it known to :-;bah !kg tbnt, they would lellw it, to which
he agreed, tll\'11\ ground in Rorec to build upon.
Th" Hyudo aro inhnbila.llt- thcrc to thi very day.
After thi., tib.U. !kg ,.ent Into rbe fori, and "-a on oct!iog it.
He dLitributrd the honse am<>ngt hi chief and ..,lolicr.o. Hr thon
-d nut th fort, and diiding into ""Pnmtc pnrt, be o.llnued
theoe OYer lo his noble, that tbry might rnch build from hand to hand
.\leer Fnzil, 11<-camc very sorrowful: in thi aiRictic>n l1o bcenme ,,,,.are
that .\leer l-'oxil had heanl-N Oh my quiet pcopl.-, rctwn to your God
with pl..nore and that be bud joined the people of Pnradi<e.
Shah l:l<.g and Shah lloo!llin, on this account, becnmc much dejected;
8Dd thn.t night Sullnn .\[ahomed Khan, and nil thr. nnr relative of
1\fccr Fazil, hnd leave ghcm to them, and thl'le, in the l1npc of finding
him alive, went with b..,.at haste, nniving nt Bukknr the next morning,
when thty found that be had left tbis world, -o, putting on tho winding-
hect, they ph1r.d him in bU. grave. On the third thy, Beg came
with hato, performing nlltbc cutoms of mourning, Inking olf the clothcll
of niRiction from the members of the family, tonyiog: "'I' he dcnth of 1\[cer
Fazil ahoWll me the road to denth, J shall follow him!" 'I' be people of
tbe-mbly, hearing this, begged for mrrcy, oayiog-" May yon live!"
He went from thence to the Harem, to the uttendlllll!l of "bicb he Rid
the IOIUilc. The.., exclaimed "" the othel'l! had done, qying-" What
word ar<! you upon yotu toogne ?'' In ohorl, Shah Beg, with
Shah lloooain, and all tbe .Ameer.!, having done erything th3t
neee.o:uy, marched .,..,.y, and poni<bing th05C ou either bank who were
tronbleliOme, he act his he ... at and by the wny ofl'attn he went to
taitft Gnzenat. By oucce .. ive marche he arrived at Akhnm, from
whence, eending to call Jwn Pberoz, he remained th<re 100me time.
Atw AccovNT or 'fn DEPARTURE o.F StLUt rAO)I Tills \VoaLo, 1:1 wntcu
TUER 1:!
Tho decree-" Upon every one death will rome!" (Komn) is !'P
pwaehlnl( all; and the tlccrec-" All that are the drinkers of
the olacrhet of death!" (Koran) is coming down on each.
When Shah Beg bad tel bio mind at enae with h!opect to the all'airs
of Bnkklll' and Sehwiotan, be propoeed to take Onzerat. After leaving
Bukknr, the news reached him that Babor Badsbab bad arrived at
BhH-rnh, ud ICbooobab, and that be intended lO take Hindoootan.
Shah lkg, <n bearing tbLc, Rid to rboee at tbe " Baba:r
Badsbah will DOt even permit me to remain in Siad. Some day be
wlll take coDDtry from me, or fmm my deacendanto: it is 61 f?r me
to II" away to .oomo other pl:u:e." "\\'ben this care fell npon him, 110me
diaa.e wu bad '1\'ithio biro: aocb medicine as were givoa made no
impruaioa npon him, and he made jonro .. y to that world before
reaching Guurat. I t i written, thnt wbeo near death, be called HaJiz
Mabomed Sheree(, oaying .,to Jrim!....rc Read a chapter of the Y a..eeo."
When Hafiz can:e to "It is not proper for me thut I ohould not rend
_..,.,. to llim who created me, to ,.hom we nil ahnll """ Shah Beg
\p (I 11 ft'Yied, eayiog-" Ob special "'ader of the Knr11.o, read tbnt over
.... 1" Dalia did to, aad when be came to "Said it -.onld be good
pen;on i billon by """of tltr...,, the part i prirkrJ al !he time wilh 1he
point of" Lnifc, and the blood dmwn out, nnol br grncmlly rero,.ers.
A mall rivrr near Seebee ran over brimotone : if nny on" drank the
Wnter, he ""on me hilT<! Uf lhb ieknc. ... ; but it did
not lltrect the lnhabilant. becan_" it h:ul beromo hnbitua.l lo them.
Snlt:tn :\lahumrd every year "<!nt peOJ>Ie lo try thi water, and the
gycater f'llrt of th<m nlwnys died. In the time of 1\hilafut Punnhrc, a
grtal t1uod of tam'
taking brirnl"tonn out by tht' rootfl,
wnslwd it awu.y ; from which time the .. huM bttn 'fhf'
wntl'r or thiM rivtr TUOR 50 kos beyond ot Sn.roh,
whrrt it iN taken uwa.y (or the fieldf'; thnt whith i8 in flow:;
inlu th., l11kt of ;\l unchoor, wlllch is near Mchwnn. On tho bank of
th11t lak thrrc nrc tnany snake>, the bile of wlohh few ourvivr. 1'hc
men tthont thtre wt-.JU very wide Urawcnt, t ,f,fenc.l tbtmcl\'i'"'
I went thtre, anol oaw the men irrit:ntiDL( thdr filtl; nnd D.5 I WL
goinJ: alvng, I fl!aw at ... ttp of my hoNt:. l \\'iflbctl 10 dis-
mount, but for fear or the.., r did not tlo "" goinl{ olf to a di,=c
in the plain for thnt pnrpo<". ln the country of !'ecb<r, tbNe wre
formerly mnny (ort!!l, n.ncJ much enhhation ; lot all ha-8 now lwcome
dc!'('rltcl. hot wind-. there. 'l'hc country between F;cebce,
lkhm, nntl Knobtnoor is called Bargnn, tht hor...,. of whirh '"" not in-
forior tn those of Inti(: when n foal is born, th<"y place it upon gmel,
np1n whith it wull.i"' for ont.' year. hnoffl I"W,omc HI--e tolonc ; so
m1wh thnt it not ucce!'sary to f>hoc, and go nmODI(IIl the hills
without !'ohm"
A trib rttnnio nt Chnllltr, Tlw r<aon nf ht\ving
thi-c namu is this : Kuhetr js the nnme of n tree, on one {'If which one
n( their nneetnnt mounter!. nnd >triking it with hi whip. it moved like
n bone: in mnnn-r I he name Kuht-ree ariginatcd. Ciunjabah,
whirh i pari of Sec bee, there i- a place where water <'Omes forth, and
with tbts, fi>hc"; mncb i occupied by this Wlll.,r.
tbt hill nt C:unjabllb tborc ;, one ""''Y nnd J><'<pendienlnr: from
Ibis b:togs an iron in whicb, h i!l aaid, thert: j .. 1iOmt-tbin2'-the
bond l"IUlnot n:nch it : if any ont', by getting to th" top from the other
ide, tri,.,. to g-t hold of it, it go" fllt from him, anol if one nttempt. to
get 11p 10 it from below, it rhea, or to one l'i<lr, the cmrth underneath
BPf"'Uring to rccrole f"r awny. and Ounjnbnh nrc in tbb way:
the hill of Sitoro and the river Ab Ku.eednh (dmwn wntcr) from Scebee
and Ounjnbuh to the ri.,r S'mu. All thi country ie The
road to J<anolnhRr O\'Or this Rhunn, which i 100 ko in length
frnm the ril'cr t01 Sr.cbc", and it i 60 ko in brrnthh. For four months
ha lite dayo of the sua, th" hot wind l'revtlil ben.
In 1\nn<labor then wn. fonnrrly -i,knr-. yr,.r. whrn
Toh:m..:t.!p orlered !'nhan Hon!"ain. \\'ho Wall gn\'trnur th ... rr. to p11lDt
on th{'l banks of t'!Ucb in l":le l-icinuy \\"D.leflo' lhc int,:abit
.... Ull<'d for drinking ami other did "' ''" wa dtrccteol,
after \\'"hich the veurlv 3baCetl rnuch, but in aome tH!"".l1tOns it
Lroke out wu,.e .than two fore. .\[any P<'opl tlio front J>nint: blood,
v.hirh nfso COUll'S (tom lhe montl1, nO!!ic, IIOtJ f"Ur'lf, f n the lime of
1\hilafut Punurhcu Ukb:U' Shnh, whrn r Wnt to 1\untluluu "'
in tho )"<'lll' 1007 (A. o. 1593). 200 men, bor.n nnd fuut, u[ the 'l'hann,
died of thio diur.
Tho men of lhmuah in Knnduhar ore not in the habit of wcarin'!
doth coloured red, t.lue, &e.; they plain men, wisltin; only for
oiroplc cloth nnc.l olw
"bout 1\nndhar a:re many gmvrs or the workeno c mimrlc-.
Amongst " thM of Sbah )[nnoocl.\ btl a I. On tht billo.ic.le (at the
hue of whlr.h i thi pa.-e) Tin, apple lrt'ell, quince trcCl', pome
graaatcl', nnl many other t:roW of their own accord : there arc
m:tny opringo of =tcr rnnlliru1 there. n lhi I only Ia be found
111 no"here .. 1..... Shah .\lnnO<>d plnntttl n 'inc tbre,
which rcmuin till. ;o;.., thi bill thtrc i n Intel uf lnnt.l. tnlled
Tnnbcel, whett: the melons and warer-mclon m particularly line ;
thty ""' watered from Kallle%U. Wherever th""'' ore ouwn, half of the
fruit, mol't' or lcl', hnvc in them, tht fruir hcc:mning un that
ide M hnrc.l as n tone; but this i not thn ""'" 1vith tltooc grown nt
'l'nnbctl .
Anotlll'r grav"' thnt of Bnba llunn Abtloul, of the true family of
thr Symb of !:'uh:t:wllr '
,\t the lwttinning of hi lift be had :tn indinntion tnwttrdo God. Be
road<' a JOUrney In !lfctca, tbr. t>ilgrim"S" lobotlt that brine
:tntl ) fedin!l, rcm.'lining there >OTDc Lime fie came to in th
Lime of Rookh Badsba.h, ,.bo placed great f:kith in him. On tbl!t
ar.coant he took him with him on hi JOUrney 10 Hindoootnn, and -..ben
be retnmtd Balla HumA remained at I.ungur of 1\nndahar. \"ben
the,.,, he 10 hi disciple: "From lhi. e:1nh rhumrll of friend-hip
come to m !" llc remained there all hi the... a;,
lll'ra'e bon high g-ronnd, beneath which is Urghoontlob, with many
illage.s; a.nrl on FridAY" the men ;lnd ,..mnn, dw littl' n.od big-.
good nnd thtJ bnt.l, all flock there on pilgrimage : but few remain in tbc
city on that "<tay-nll go fa cenainl y i" t!elightfnl oituu.tion. anJ
t h""e who conic from other pnrh >ny tlwro i no pitt< like it.
IIi (BnL:t lluun') ar.' ronny; from tlum tbr""
are a fcw-I have rolntd ho'f< be rent iulo tlta nne, brinGing oiJt tit
cold brick :-
In fronl of I he door of hi 1omb rhrre Is a of a ronieal ahapo!,
made or Slone, bul lhe Slone are nol CUI, and rach weigh II Kanda-
har maund; I here i no I any pla.ter or mud ber,.een I hem. Tbey Y
thio was hi cloiolcr, and that \\itb on disciple be built it in one nisht.
The ltoneo are 10 joined, lhat waler doe no! pus bel ween them; and
yrt, w hal ia moot extmordinary, the oky I to be """n between thi'Ollgh
the ere ice. On the peak of the bill, on the bue of which atanda this
lomb, !her" i a lemple built by Balla Dusun Abdool. All who see it
say it is one of hie miracles, because thero itt no way for a man to get
tlo,or,, and il must !lave been moot difficnlt to cuney materialo for
building !here.
Syud Meer Zunjecr Rai Is a($<> ohho truu Comity ofSobzwar;
!herr are nineteen gencrntioM between loim and Imam l\loooa Kuim.
His mother \\-&4 tloe iotrr of Babe Honn Abdool. When Baba Hooun
mlomed lo Sobzwar from his journey lo Meeca, ho married ljt oiotor
Farima Berbee to Syud Uain.-1-d.,._.n, who wu of the chief family of
the Spub or Robxwnr. Jt i said, that ninerren yean after this
M"'-'r Hooe!Uo Zonjeer was born, and thai al tho age of oenn yean be
dipJI'!Bfed (rom the oigbt of his friends, who ran about in every
dlmelion, hot they could not find him. On thio aeroont gro:at oonow
came upon his pannro. Aftrr ""ven Y"""' all at once ha came to their
do..>r, "rylng out. When this reaebed their....., with pat happinea
they mn our, and cored their eyes of the leaJII of aeparaaion. They
ked him why he h11d left them: be "'Plied tbal tha 11(-Jmea
Genii, at rho droirc or hi maternal uncle, Baba HII.IUn, b..t ....W
him away ro him in JliadOO<!tan
where be had mmalned CIDII yeu willa
him, whr.n he !:" him leave to de pari, and the Oenli btoagbt him hack
10 a prict' munaolrry, where be stayed .lx yean, &ndlng inellnotlon to
lelltn thn tmditioao of l\lahomcd, and the ordinaoen of Ood. Mter bia
return home, he followed the path or the joqla of theoJory of ...
... : ha cOO. to go about, ......,dering, ptherins 1010 _. IIIia s
(of I heir tranlo) oae ..., of c:orn; from enry ....,r (of 18q'*7, ..
found bread. When the ire or the loYe or Ood eo rui!ll ''IB
ia hil'bNul, he began to oeeJo: a po!rieet prieat: Ia .... "--
to hi uncle Baba HIUGn. '"
It i. oaid !bat one Meer Syad a, le - u 'r 10 'liait
Bsha Haoaa at Langur, who h - laic Ia ISJIIIIftl, ylag to Ids
disciples : " t .... the seeat of a maa ,_ wJao. coqminc the eya
r- "
., my heart wUI raoele llgbt; do you go Ja'2!allt 10 met' hiJD. These
l'akearo bad bat a abort way, when they mel Synd H-m, whom
they lomqhl to Babe RlllllD, who embnuoed hhn, kWAJ Ills c..,., and
head, and-" 1o1m ill Ids crOa .,a-. u..nac oltbe arrial or
Syad 11-ln, all the pn-. ol K-achhar - 10 Ylalt him ; lllaaJ'
,..,..., to rc him. Baba II unn aiel h> him :" Oh san'
"""'Y good p<'Ople have .. ome to see ynu; it io that you g; .. ,
th"m I!Ornetbiog lo ""'" McerSyud HOO!Iain ar.....,, and pl:scingn ...,,,el
on tho fire, he pul into it five >ec,-, (Khandabomr) of m.,.l, nod ten oeero
of flour, which bc<:an lo cook. "'bn it wa dooe, Babu lluoun aid-
" Arc you able to fill the beflie, of tho Fukeor with this?" Syud
:llrer tlo.,.ain oaid he could, and be got up.
:lhny men uf tmth otnte tluu from thi wl ho tonk out 1:;0 dih,.
fillrd ; tluu the llomncb;, of nil >lltifid, nnd tht 'el remained
full n bofor
It i ol"" uid that he wo one day on till' ron<l ncar
when n rnnn with n lonoJcd pned by, going to\\'lltdo the town.
'l'bo :-;yud n.kod him what there Wll> upon the camel. Tho man, in fear
th:ll hn wuald beg oomcthlng of him, "'Piitd " otonea." The Synd
exdaimrd-" It '\\'til be ""'" "'hen tho man got to his bou5l', llJtJ

unloaded the rnmel io hi5 enclo.un, bo OJK'IlUd the load, nnd foW>d
that it had become oiDllc ; "'> be took it up, Inking it to Syud Hoo-.&in,
excusing hinuelf, 11nd placing thelle tone" at hi doorwuy. The""
oton were pbd o\cr his by bio disciple. nncl they are there tu
this dny. prnioc i. beyond what I can writu: I ha<o left all, h1l\ing
written but 11 littl
AN Aecoun OP S;vo 1\hooM0, CALLED s,vo SttR
Syud :lfnhomed the oon of lllecr Syud Jl<><>llin Zunjecr Rai.
Fn>m infancy he run in the direction of tho wuy of nbtincnce; he
brought hin.-df ton \cry high degree. thr enrpct of thf'
'0,'1\yo of C.od, Ill ohow them to tho pcoplt. Ut <t'tenrbed the thin-t of
the jungle of deoirc from the fountain of tl10 knowlodgc of God. Hi
mirndr" nre beyond the geometrician of Lnowlcdge, whoenlll>Otencom
p.u them. I mention n few of them.
'l'his io the rea..on why he <'!l!led Syud l<hrre Kalundur, beeau""
he changed hb nppcnrance to that of 11 tiger, in thio "'Y :-
\\'ben hi. mimd"" became well kno...-n, the mtn of Kondabar,
Bulaokal, and lluzarah, became hi di>dplco, giving him aud
J'"'l!Cill:!. ,\tthnt limo one Syud Kuhnuh poke agnint him before
.'\leer l'.ooaoon. who 1!0 angry with !tim, thAt he uut a rnnn to
c-nll hrm. Mccr tiyud Mabomed, coooing fron1 Uaknldmk, met !lltcr
Zoon>on In thu Jamin Mu>Jid on Friday. On going nwny, Jlleer Zuo
noon ordered f1im to be 'i'hosc who received thi ordtr pi need
him in an mpiy hotle, where llll1ny took cure of hi .\[r.r
7.oonoon, on home, became '<Xed at neted n.o be lrwl
d.....,, and IK'Ut tray .. r food to him. '\\'hen the bellecr uf these ruchrJ
the ho11M, they found a tigt'r, whieh wu rvlling on a woollen cloth,
:oecing they to Zoonoon, trlling him. He onhl they "'""'
afraid, and ttnt lWO o( hi" '('hcte goinl!', !i:tW th :IUUIIt', amJ
rrtuminl(, told Zoonoon; who hill c:hildh:n, W<nt thrre. and
saw it with hio own eyes. Ito bet:t:cd (or forl(iven of his f"nuh,
and \\,_S \\'hrn tigr bnnged iu appearanu, and
Zoonoon gave him leave to clcportw
It I .nit! thnt Snltnn Ali Korjcc, who wns nlo callod nug,
oppoM-c) to Syud .. 'lahouuU. Ont day, for the sak of elutnining
hi:e mirn.clts, he went to lho ... ining down like one witbuut rcApect,
wbrn looked toward him with r.arn..,tue-., upon ,.hich
Sultan Ali nroot', tearing hi flu >hn,c<l hi b<-nrd nnd hcnd,
goiog B.bont nn.kt"d for ::900H' day!'. llis :oi!'ikf Rejnh JunnnL ltntl her
wnt to the Syud, hi of Rultnn \li, when
he .g'll\'C thrm tho wntcr which remained nftcr
previou to prayer, for him to drink. On drinking th;., he b<-came a.
!Jrf.,,.., aDd n dt.ciplc of hi. Ao loni\' au he liYcd be brought fi"""ood
on hi hond for lirc.hen. Sultan Ali oay., that one nry cold night
1\lcer Syutl Hherc \Vent out (or with biM tlnu he lilcpt
an hour, wlwn be hud a dnnm. Awnking nt rht time, he toltl Hullnn
AH thtll ouch had to him, nod to tnke oft" hi clollw. .'\l,er
tl1c0 1laeed a cloth around him, and brc:nking the lee on the
'\\1Ut'r. ho went into the canal. .At lime, Sultan," I
sbhuing nil O\"er, when the l'yod oaid to me-' Wh:ll, are yoa cold?
Come anti W.huld the ur the men of Gnd !' So I
tu himt whtn I found tlu Wl\ter llO wnrrn, tlu1t rny hotly ceased lu sbivl"r,
uud gening our, I did uot lind it !'old." One tloy, thi Syud wrntto th"
villa., of :-;ofaidruwan, '\\'here the air '\\"a. wnrm. Kbwaja Shahub-
ood-dcen Sofnidruwanee, '\\"bo one of hb dieiple;o, MYI' that on
llrCOUDI of the beat hft went forwnrd lo med him, requeAitDg him
to rome hJ garden fur lt.n lanur: the ngnin to whnt hr said,
1\lr\\"'aja Wtnt in ud\nnrt, h, prrpn:re t\ pl1\r1 fur Jdm n"1U a Wlllil!'r
rrl'("rvoir. lie h On n.rt"onnt of the ttnallntltt o( tho doorway,
I prol"""'d tying hi horoo under a oatoide; '\\"btl! I .. w him
rnteribg on hor>cback. AI this I ...,._, much aloniobed. How hd ht"
come in on hi bone, through oo omsll a gateway! Tile 1:Jya<ha1d- h
ill nothing nl nil; there i DO Ot'cuion folr onrpri ... !' I oiTC'rnd ... hriOR
him any fruil that l1e mi!(hthOQte. (I hod, prcvJouoly tol hlo arrivnl, in
the D>orning ""lceted, and in a eomrr, two bukelll fall or (mit,
to ocnd to the minioten.) The :;yuJ .a1d-"ObSbabab--Ood-dec.n, bring
to me th""" two baaket.o o( fmit ,.hieb yon pulttd U. the mor11ing to
ocnd oomewbrre, ud Knd otbon thert" !' N uch wonder rnme upon me,
and in jUJJt (:altb I kisocd hDD<I aDd (rrt." llleer S)'lld :-<hrre c:nroc
from Dawur to the vill"ff" of Srb:angilla, wherc hi db!ciplco wcnr
.\!11 or Tnc Tft.& 'l'unosc oF Ttlc 1\1:\VDUll or
Su-'n A:-liU f.ll" TUC Rt:..UJI!\G TBJ: or But a BA.IhtU.U
I:\ TltC S&t)IOS.
\Vhcn Hhnb Hounln the throne or hi fathrr nt .:\uurpoor,
the Syoc.l1111, und the chief!, to him that il Wl1<4 ri;:!bt
to hue hi r<'lld in the ""rmon. lloo ... in it ..,.. not
pmper for him to do "'' a Jon:: n llll)' of the d<.'..-endanu or
li:imn were remaining, and the name of Rtbnr Bad"h:th wns rca.!.
After tho d"Y" of Ecrl, Sboh llnonin went tnwnrcl 'ralla. Jnm
Phcroz, bearing or thl, sent l'l'l'tiCIII> by ll:olix Ru-trecl 1\hoob
Xuwee, and othero, to him. bowing forth his ntreme nbmiion.
laying how much be wn.s afflicted; but in

thM thi wa nll outwnrd &how; thnt inwnrdlr he "'u <lit!"trent,
and rt!utly for wnr. Hho.h Hooanin P.cnr men bn('k, murching
hitUJtlf iot that dire<tiun by tbe l&geo. the Jam hr>Md or
approach .,.itb a laro;e force, being u11able to fi11h1, he made up his mind
to run away, anl >hortly :Utcnrunlo be left the tity, Dnd e""'""" over
lhe rivtr to the other l'ide. HooPain ordered his troop"' to
CtOS!i tlw river, and ro Nttcr the l'ity, \Vhen they wrc doing t-u,
\> anl Shnikh Ibm him, the ><>nin-law of thr Jam, on the
water with many IJ,mc. full of men, witb l(llno,nn<l bowslllld arrow>.IO
OpJ'O'I" the but numbe.,. of Shah Jloo,'a bra,e rrH!n going
agnint, fought with them, ><ntling tlum nil by the Wll)' of the rher to
llDmhilruiun. J o.n1 l'hcroz tbcn Lied h> Kutd1
whem ho collected
mnny men .
.A!'( .AcCOliJ(T OS' Tnt: or J.ur l'nnoz TO Crucucat .UP OF Tali:
YaCToar- ot" :'!lUll ovE& uur.
\\'lun Jrun Phcroz
baring qot together ""'"" r)I),OOO men, hol'lHl and
foot to Chachgnn to fit:h>, Dll the people in 'l'utta M('ll!De mach
alanoed. :\lahomcd l\lioke<!D Tarkhan, and noblco, eat 10
Shah liODl'ain, telling him of tbe,. dreumtnnc.... lie tbe beck,
app<.inting them <o t:oke care of 'rauB, going bimrlfto r:opel lbo e.wmy.
Cros.. .. ing the rivt'r, ht mild c. tunrche-. II.Dd gouiag ncar the
foe, "" pat his troop in order, and advanced Dplnat them. Whoa the
two armieo c:ame in igbt of c:,:ath ntber, the men oC Jam l'beroz di ..
monnled from <heir ho.,...., and takiDif olftbrir Pugnoeo from tbeir bead:!,
they til thcrns.:lve one 1o IUlOihe't tb"""'"'""' of t!Mr waior .. hrec..
ft i <loe of thio that when the people rtn:ke up their minol
1o dit-, tbey get off their bare their heads, nod tie lhemoehca 10
one another with tho end of thrJr beets.
t;bah UOORin,

thlo, gne the of .-ietory to hio

afterwtLrd* sent nnotlocr force '" for Ill! Koodloee and Dar
wur, who
puniht-clthe Beloochces se,erely.
Ao Buba Ahmed wus he killed and confined onoy
Mach<'C of Oob:lwruh, severdy I\\ l5tiog the ca .. or tbcc lnt. 'l'bi
trill<' then g11ve him n prccnt, nnd tine of their dnughter.; nnd having
pnt that country 10 right, he ldt >;orne men there, nnd turned 10
Bokkor. During the inundation., the camel bc:lon,Ong to Shah lloo-ain
were """' to ;\latbeluh to feed under )lahomed l'uta.h, anol tbt' Duhor.
and Mubun1 were rnlled upon In tend them. The B..!oo.:heco of
nod tho Ju\8 of Darawur 11nd Fut<hpoor, honring
( !his,
a.sscmblcd and lootctl the whole or them. The news of thia rcnehcd
BokL:ur, when Bnba Ahmed tnrtcd with 300 hor.emen. llo reached
Damwur with grcot 'l><'cd. killing mony of the people, and rcco>eriog
the camcJ.. \Yheo be a.rri>cd nrnr Bhittec \\"abuo, tbe &IOO<hees of
Sewrnce nnd the Duhnl'l! took potu.;rl'i"'ionof his road ; tbc.rc wn111 a st.\ ere
light between them, when Bnb:< wn >everely wounded. Ilt withdrew
from tl11' field, and had nearly reached ;\[atl!oluh. when he foll from
hi ho,..c, and the bit<l of lie" awny from his bod). \\'hrn Ab
duol Futolo, the on of, heud of dtath of hi, hrollorr, be
wns gwntly nffiictctl, and dejected. lie recci,td punission from Shnlo
Hooain to go nod be with him ?llcor 1\Mim Kubuk Posh,
wbo wat his falLer-in-law, that ho not rub hendlonl( on the
t'ncmy. Abdool Futch arrived, anol out tlw body of hi brother to
Bnl.knr; he bun,df wnitcd thr" fur an opportunity of Nunge
One dt\y he fuund thioo, falling nron Duhnr's hust, mnny of
wh01n 1!1 slew, pur" tlwm B1' fnr ns .\[ow, cli"'jwrsinl{ the
whole. 'len then caute them, an<l pence wu mnJ, tho
border uf Sind being t>.teodcd 10 llhittet' 'Yahun, where .\bdool Futch
remaincol omr timc. JJe placed near himself 'leer )lahomc<l Kootet,
the son uf Babn. Ahmed. One the new reno bed him there, thattlte
rani of Oobowruh hod been lootc;l : he at once girded on hla woapon.o,
and wont forth. \t that time the hot wind- were blodng, wWcb
enleretl bi .. nature, .eo much 1;.0, 1ba.t by the time be got home he wu
After tlocr. two donth. in the ) e:1r !130 ( n. 1523), Shah tlooaain
oumtnontd <tll his Amcors lo Bnkkur, when ho rhcm orders 10
prepare a\ cry reqni!rite (or two ya,., to go againat .\looiLOn

,. B.un a BoanAR r. -u:.:o ToJ ALJO o' Taa
aaa.v:;& ov l\r
.r:a'"' Sll.lB "'"' nu Cooucao Bco\i.)f; A aD
'-N" Accot'l'fT or Tm: OF roc g,. i\I()()LTA:t.
\Yhtn l'hRh llooqin hRd trrngtbrncd hi> inttntioo af going lo
'l()l<hl\n, hr. "ihed 10 tht fir t ;.tare to mnkt" arran;cmenn 1toith the
mn <I t'r!!hoon, and who had hrvnght thtu
and lived at
In one wt'ck, with 1,000 bone, he arrived at &ebee, the fort of which
he repaired and atrcogtbcned, placing it in th hllndo of twenty men ;
and then, with hi mind at """" be 'retomed by tho r011d of Lobree and
Chnnttr, looting the Rindhs and tbe on thi' wy, lllking m110y
or them pri><Oncra, all or whom he relcruocd llftcr having m:uh trict
atmngementa with them. Their Sirdnrs he took with him to Bokknr.
when Sh11h ILOOI'ain beard that Babor Dnclholt going DgBint
llincluo"tnn, be BmbllSPildora to ltim with Vlllunblc prcecnte. Uc
al"" wrote n petition to biro.
At the timo when Shah Hoo..Un went (no formerly relntcd) to :Rnbor
Blld,hah, he made the friend-hip of, and wao betrothed in tho rclatlonhip
of JM>Dinlaw to, l\Ieer Kbotecfnh, who ''''" tho mini .. tr and Dewan
Bcgcc of Babur Bad,hah, wbo approved of the prcvo-ed coJUlection.
To renew thio engagement, be Eent Shah Sultan, the grandmother of
A bdool Bakee, of the family of Synd Janrur, to Babur, to make this
known to him. Hurnt Babor beeoming tho CllUM or the nnioo,
(;ooJburg Begum, the daughter or ;\leer Kutetfuh, Will given in marriage
to .\leena Shah, being sent with btr younger brother, Hoosaio-
ood-dten Mceruk, to Bukkur, where Shah Huonin received her into
hi hvnee, giving to Hoooain-ood-deen the l'urgunn of Bnghbanan for
hio upcnsee during his stay. Shah Hoonio then Jlropoed going
towards lllooltnn. Bnbur Badsbah gnvc in marriage 10 1\Iobib Ali
Khan, the 10n of l\feer Kbatccfuh, Begum, lho dnoghler of
Mnh Begum, whom I have previont-ly mentioned ns llllving been left
t ... hind in Knbool when her mother secretly from thence. Tbie wos
liruu'!hl about to etn:ngt.hen the friendship on beth oidco.
II will not bo oeeret that the conquet of l\loohnn Will' elrectcd by
Mahomed the 100 ur KaPim Sukafec, in the time of llu.Jiaj the soo of
Yt>Oo.oof. After tbW, it wu again tal<t:n from the Tupihl by Sultan
!llabomed Ohazee, and it remained a long time in the bauds of his
rle!IC'eodontA. "When the rnle of the Kioga or Ohoznee bad reached it.s
limit, )looltao went into the banda of the Kiranntuh. Prom the..,,
it wat wi'C5tud by Soll1111 Mnnz-ood-decn Sham, &Dd it
"'maind under the King. of Delhi till soo (. n. 1397), from which
time, there being amongst tbee, tho llakcem became
rebclliou, and it pBMed away from Defni.
\ftor this v'\rious men rnle<l,. oV<Jr !hat country, neb Ill! Shaikh

Y OO"<>>f fur two '\)'Oars, SullllD Kootbood-deen for thirtyfour yea.,.,
hio eon Sultnn Hoonin for twcnty-cven yea no; Sultan Mllho01ed
for eum" anonlhs nfter him Solto..o
When 8ult on l MD of Shah, the liOn of
Ph1>ro2 Hhnh, -on nf Moobaruk f:lhah, 1he on nf l\hi7nr 1\han,
King of Olhi, in the nR'nirs nf olntr, nnd in
the eonnlry of Hindoostan there became many king<.
On aeconnt of the opprc,ion of the Mogul, i\Iool14n became withoul
noy ruler: throughout that country, with 1he great and humble, there
much fllitb in the family of Shaikh Buha-<>00-deeu Zukreey... On thi
account all the good and \\'eighty men ..,..ornbliol!", placed at the hf'11d
ofthe atnhl Shaikh Yoosoof, wbowa. the sup<'rintendent oft he 'fonuken
nfShaikb Buhn-ond-deen Zukrceyo., and hi name wa rcod in tile termon
in the pnl11its of \looltan, Ooeb, and other dtioo. lie turned hi allen
tion to put in order the affairs of 1he kingdom. In 1he 6rst place, hr
increased the force, ho brought 1ho hclll'1 of the Zorninda111 bcnea1h
hill orde111, and he gave ornament 10 tbe maliN .. of 'tate and couotry
One day, by chance Rai Suheeroh, 1ho Sirdar nf the J,ongah., and who
lived at Ripree, eentthis mrBSage to Shaikh \"no"'Of:-" i\ly father and
grandfather formerly placed ai1b in your family: now there io much
di$ClWOD in the kingdom of JHJbi; '!0 mach W, thai -'fulik BoohJool
Lodbce bas taken it, reading his own name in the oermon: if at 1bio
tlme you will lake into your $Crvico 801110 or the Lungabe, I will ""
your :rv1u11, and in ouch duty and bnineu aa yon may abow ID me,
I will not excuse myself from giTing rny life. To how you my ahb
I now nd to you my daughter, and I ac<rJlt you no my son-in-law."
The Sba.ikh, hearing this, ....... nry happy, and hi
Ra.i Snhecrub occ .. ionally came to :'llooltaD to iit his cbild, l>rin!ling
handsome rnrilic for Shaikh \"ooOO<>C, who did not 6.- upon any pia"
o( residcnc<" for him in thr city, but wao in 1be habit of rnramping, llod lelling hU people thrl'1', be ,.rot ia alone. OM time,
ncmbling aU hio people, be went thrrc, wi1h the of
flbaikb Yoo"'Of,and oCb<>coming king bimclf. \\'lorn he got"''"'
dty, b" !!tot ...-ord lc> the Shaikh, that on thi <K"CUi<>n he bod
all 1he men .,f Lungab thai be migh1 in"J"'tl them, and !live oenke ID
urh lUI W<'IC 6t. !Shaikh y-r. IHing from upit,ion or treo..-hery,
uitb canJr .. n.,.. treated hirn with attention, and Rai !<uhccrnh huwed
him his huroe and men. .\t nio:bt, I'!&Yino: hi men ontold'e, he ...,m., intn
the city, 1\llended by one 8CrY1UII, whom be tc>lolt1> brio![& kid, which be
wa. 10 in .._..,ret, and bring tht bl<>od to hirn in a
did aa be \\'U ordued, 1.11d Rai Suh,..rub drank 1bc biOO<I. In an hour
aC1erwardo he began Clj;ng oultbat h,. hod J't'in in tbr etomaeb. His
minu Ill n\itlnigbl tho \"ukcel"' v-r. wbn
io upon bim, "'""I and eaii.,.J tbdr Q)&ter to and
b,,., bi, Jut will. On hi arri"'l Suhffrah .-.,miled bloo.l in the
rnftenee" n( ftlt, anti rxplrUoing bisl&'t htt rrird tht'! mon'",
iog thai bi relauoa and Hrvani.s might be eallod tu forglv<: him. '!'be
\rulu:tl", ""cf'tn..; hia atate, ditl not pre\eut (rout cc>mu1g. \Vhen
many o( his men had entered the fort. be band from the bed of
otkne ... , men nf lnlst to the (our lt"teo, tc> be alert, and not
to allow adminaneo to the men of Sb.Ukh Y oooof. He ... eat
to the pri\'f.te ltPping apartment o( the Shnilh. and aeixing rum, turned
him out o( the fort, and he went towrd Delhi.
Rni Hnhe<rnh, tyling himself Sultan Kootb-ood-deen, had his n11me
rrad in the ermon.
AN At:tOI Ol' Stu.u Hoos.-.tN Tl:RNIMl JWI PArR TOWAttn!l

In tho year 931 " 152-l) Shah Hooooin, marching towards
1\loohan, paOHd over the intervening race, and arrhed neu
He then Ill''" the orders to plunder ; to hio troop looted, and whrrever
they iound nn enemy they put him to th" oword, IWIOO<:beu,
hearing or tbi, f1<d to Oocb: .ome few went tc> the fort o( &....-ae,
where they to 6;j:bt. Tbi, v.-a tho fort in all that
country. :,;bfth lloo.ain eneatnp4ld nellr a tank, and ;\fahomed
Bukre<!, gallo1oinl{ to the (root. towaJds tbe fnrt, commenced 6ghtin<t
1.-ith th...., mn who were near, and out ide of it . At that time he bad
with him i,;bty men. I have my<"lr heard, from thn tongue o( Sultan
Mnhomed bimcll, that in tbi battle of thirty men fell ro hi
lrn'Ortl nlunc, and thnt hie men beha,rd mot bruvcly, two
bnndrerl of the enemy.
" ' lwn the IJllloochccs MW thi8, they Rerl from tho fort. In the mom
in({, when Shah Ilooain heard of it, he govn 1\utl praise to
Sulton Mnhometl, but calling him io privnw, he him three tim.,
'1.\-ith a ttick, rebuking him, ay;og: '"Thi bad gall>fl o( youn<, and
)<>Lit going in odva.nce, was not good." 'l'he ntxt day be marched,
t"omin,:: near the de<Stro.etioo of which he c,r,Jc-rC'd: and in
day it v. ""' I '"I with the groood. Jlc wnt Crou'l to :\luw.
eneampiDI( at a tank Dear it.
Shailh Roo.ool-lab, the !!OD of Shaikh llimnd ht>railwc, a great
?tl u .. ulrnan aafnlw carntt to ,.i .. it lloo .. :.,in, BB) in bWc pre-
that tho .''lwn of ;\low "'""' w .. aL, and had no ht!Ort to light.
Shah Hu.Min urdtred .\lccrza .\fahomed "ILrcn Turk han to toke .orne
men and go intu the fort, and""" what Wn in it in tho way of provi-
sion, nod not to nie the h110d of iof.,oet ngainr any Lungnh and
Bclooehreo v. l<ouo be migi)J fuul tb-rc. flc wtnt n directed, and be
did not tonrh ; but be -.i:ted and ent bunnd to Sllllh llomnin
all thr othr 1111'0 whom ltr .fuund tlwrr. Shoh llootRin
OQiaode till thr third day, when be tlw fnrt, makinK
1o lbe tomb uf uoany ..aiot. there. Hr nrrangl with Shaikb of
the that if any of hi men pas-t<! to anJ fru, the} not h>
annoy them, and that they were not to otlonit nrnong01 them any of hi
enemie. Shaikh Roo-ool-lob afterwords requested him to forgic the
faults of Rnbman Dohur. Shah I (oo;ain replied that Sulton Mohamed
1\han knew bim, as two of his brothen. hrul died through the oppoition
of him and his people. At length, seeing advantage, he called him, and
Rahman presented himself with his sword suopcnded from 11t0unt.l hlo
neck. Sultan l\(ahomed 1\h forgave him the blood of hi broth"'
and after Ibis RahmcUI said he would gi vc tho dnuglucr of his brolhu
in marriage co him, which was agreed 10. So be J>rc.entod 1o him the
titter of Jn.n Jocwun .Dabur.
Mohib Ali Turkban, with 000 was &Jipointcd to lead the van
in the mnrch from i\low, and Shah Hooain, foUowing him, eonarnped
near the border of Lar. Here one called Bondub Doh or, who Will! tho
bravest of all the men in llooh, came to Shah Boooain, whoga-. him
a Kbilac and a prceent. llo then made him over to the rnrc of :Sultan
ltfahomed Khnn. From thence he m:uch<-d to go to Ooch.
All Acco.:sT or r.fcERZA SRAu WtTII Tm: Lt
AT Oocn
On the morning of the following day, Sbnh Hoo.:Un mounted his
bo,.e, and mnrched, with the exp.-CIIllion of a He nerud
himoelf in nrronging his troop!, putting nil in their prop<r pooitions.
Be placed in rommand of the right !lbhomcd Turkhan, and
Murza Ec""; over the left he put Mer Fnrookh, and .\ler Ahc-ek
Urghoon ; he gave charge of the advance to l-iullan 'lahorned Khan,
Mcer i\falomet.l Sarban, and Jlfeer \ boo
Tbe of Rai Subeeruh, th<' JJd(]f)f't .. nml nil the "''I'"Y"
or "ooltnn, advnnced lo m him, placin!{ the men .. r :\ahnr ia their
front . The of Mooltun were tloubh in to of l'lhah
'\Vhen the two in front of cneh olhrr, tlc .\logul b<g"n
to li11h1 cJ ... fire of baU)r, and the I.unl(llh and RrlOO<'h'""" ..,,;..,,) 11..-ir
hnnt!o to hoot their nmnn. At thor time l:'hab lloonrn upon, aad
ptll the tnrmy 1u Ail(lll. Jn 1hnt ntlo.('k nnmliiC",... u( Wt'n flluio.
Boohlool, a de!'>ctndant of R!la Suhr,.rub, and rnany otllr,-..., \lirlt!
pri-..oncr,.., all of whom nrtlnf"d lobe ht .ffl
From I he field of boUi -' RIJO!l&i.a adY&Dee-d, coraDif .,, --.dt of
Ooch. n . broke do" n th I!"IC If( '"'" ffh and
Thr tlodina on tbe r.nd 1'ht
Mol!ub, clu-o, miing nn bnmbooo the .b..W- ."( theor :<irda,.,., howrd
tbtrn to 1br garriMn. nn frat "t'IXtcl tlwrn, ontl the!)' 1\rd,
cating .t .. wn from the- ,...u. ud bouuc.n .,., king a WD} to
-:avr but ff'll intn lhf' hancb o( 1hrir t-nf'mi,. .. ".,.,.
l:aio, Ito tilt" tlrtltr< of flhab llo><>"'lin, thr I""'J>It uf
rit) wr" "11<1 b) thf' Mogok 'l'hen Jnnab Zainuol-ula-bitlf'rn
anti otht,.. went to Shah Hooain, telling him of what ""''
on in tht city. He gave order to his lllltndant, that from that
time th<'rt wa to be no violence offered to any ont, th81 such "" bad
betn t11ken prioon..-s were to "be reltiUied, and thnt tlw beads of tboe
who di!!Obeyed their ordcrl! were to be micd on high on bum boos. He
dirrctftd tho fort und chief building$ in Ouch to he destroyed, ontl
placing tho tim!Jer of thcl!e latter on boats, he it In Bukkur.
\Vhen thu nt'W8 of the "treogth of llltrrzll Shah lloonin, and of his
capturing O.wb, reached Sultan llluhomed l.nugob, the King of
Moohan, ent men, through bis country, 10 collect the B.loochcc, the
Juto, the Rindhs, the Dodace., the Komee., the CbMidceynh.., all
fighting men. to the paee of one month he had "" omblt>d
men, hoi'M! and foot, in Mooltall. \Yith thi large fortt, Snltan
Mabomed Lungah, with great arrogance, went forth from l\IooiWI
toward the field of action, intending to fight. Rhah H..., bearing
of hi collecting tn>OI>"o encamped on the Ghnra, loolting for his
appronch .\labomed spent one month hi city, putting hi
matl'rial for war in order. Having prepared thio, he rn<>rcbrd from thence
with greater P.tidc tiiiUI before: he did not know th\1 "The Creator of fate
lli8 dccree8 behind tbc curtain." Certainly no one h!IJI gathered
tbu lluwer of fortune from tbe garden of tho unkindne.- of heaven unLil
the thorn of the nnn-obta.inment of hM pricked the foot of hi$
what man h(UI drnnk one sip of good fortonu in the pleasure-house
or lhi world, witiiOUI flodiog the sickne.- of bad fortune I The produrc
of thi i: Hh!tikh Soojan Bookaree, the S<>ninhw of Hulton Hooain,
hf'ld in bit hand all the atTain of tbe tutt. On oome he
bt-eamn trearhrrou "hh the allendiUit and 1-. tof Snllnn \Ia homed,
who. on hearing of tbi, became ery ,.mth. Thto, tiog that their
lic drf'C'Ddf'd on hi death, girded tbdr luin tu him, aud forgt
tiD!f hio klndne, ga,.e him very potent poi..-.n, which wua in tbl!
twaure chri for one ele, and be, half a cut> oi tbi-..
l>f'Mimft JO in!oieatcd, that his eye did not ag.1in en the far" of
wnl.ofulnr \\'hen the mother of Sul14u llt'ard of thj..., be
aid in htr henrt thlll it wn> right for hN to remain thlrt, ftntl to get all
lht tNOJ> IO her ide. was kept eeeret for two or three dn)"'o when
it b<eame and all. the. B .. loochcee anti Lungnhe
plllt'Nl Sultun Lhe son of Snltun Mnhomed, on the thr.,ue uf
king<lom; and they did nqt find any other to make
Jl"&t'C. In hort, they placed between them a nHdintor Mnhomed
Shaikb Huha-<><>tl-deeo, which bonorabll' Shaikh h,ul no inll"n iow with
Shn1kh Hoosain on I he t:huo. . \11"1 rn ntoiH-.1 hun "'''" l(n'OI
diMinction, bow in.-; him, and ,.hO\\. ing him much \enentiuo; ond
on whiU the Shoikh 11id, he agreed to mllke p<'orr. He wrote n 1rco1y
10 I hi cfTcct :-" 'l'he bounclnry of lht Nlunlry of Moohnn is tlw wu1or of
the Ghara: fmm this day no rnler <>f i\looliAJI i to go bl)und 1hnl
limit." He lbrn gD\C the l:ihaikh hi< uimi--al, pr<...,nliog him with
nine hnntC-., a Iring of camel, with !'Orne ready money, and he n:luroru
full of happioe... l:lhah J loouin gnve order>' for another fori 10 bo- buill
with great exptdition at which wa done .. directed, and I hot
building i al tbi lime. After I hi. mea of lrul
be prepared to return. At that lime lkbul Kbau, he <ervanl f Sulton
l\Jnhomcd, como o.nd mnde hi Salaam to him, oying be wihcd him
Shah Hoo..Un showed him agrecillg to meet his

Art AtcourcT ov i\rEERZ.A Sruu Hoo!ll.Ul'f GOJtlfG TO TAlE Tun FoRT or'
Du.Awua, OnAZEE
0.>C"h having bo-on taken by the Morna, l kbul 1\hrtn lo him,
ing that therr wa-.: much trt"&.!ttre bnrif"d io Dilawur; lbat th, wcahh
by mnny kings Willi concealed thrre. Shoh wn>la ll
lcuer lo Clhazrn Khon, nying: "Now I hnvc orne lo the ruuntry of
Ooeh, it prol"" for 1h111 you and rtll your f"'"Jllo;. polling lbc
rings Of obe.Jirotr IO me in )"OUf Ca .... pre...,at )OUn...Jves Mfurc n>C
,.-ithonl Bny dclny."
But (lluuee 1\hnn m!ppcd hi fool in lhohecl of louhpendoncr, nod
gnining npporl from tbe >lnnl(lh of hi f11rl
he did nol go 10 loi111. The
IT'uh of lbi" wa" 81' (nllow.
On the morning of Friday tho 1<1 of Rnjub, the )frcru i-'n<ol onltro.
tho I it wu nccrnry for lloc 1rooro to pmvldc thcm..l with nnd
wotcr for tlD('t month's 'rhi" lx:ing rnsuued, lu hunrd
brillr of bio d"Jculure in 1hr direcliun uf Dilawur. Soonbool !(han,
v..ith hon,.mf'D, gunot and fpotmrn, anc:J,.)aye, Jrtl tbue in
and mnking plnrr for hi trnl nboot thP. fnrt. h ditrihotcl t..u .. , ...
He ""lk a greot ural of lah<>nr in and anne king tho plo,..,.
C"erlltinly thi,. furt ..-uch, I hot it.!l waiiR re rtpraJ aa to .. \lr:x ..
aod('r'A ,.,..;u. and it i ... bo.ilt 1n ,.uch a that the of thr: hinl!it
or tho Rtr, on &C'('()tlnt or thf're not Min.:.c one dropo( wa&rria. tbatde&rrt,
alwoy luok towo.rd the cloud o'r hea<eo
Thre men, working bard, made a h!'odrrd woll,. in lhM dr.rrl
In three dav and thrrc \\'lUI an abundanr<! co(,..,... On fuurtb
da,, Hhah arrived, on! l'Urtl)OPliDS the fort, madl'l il hi c-cntrr.
II ; romnu"nct>d cvt'r)tlnng tbnt was nrtr"'.....r) ff' rake it, and thue
wu h.:htiog uo oo1h tideo. .\lttr oomu t1 prt .. cd 10 tlu manucr,


a.:tllollon came upon the hearts of the garri""n: from no place did ud
arri-., and mnD) da)& bad been pa..ed in fighting, and this >till contiDued.
ditrc .. fur food wu -.o great that a l.ooiled skin wn not to be bad.
thua,qh w .. for a hundred time", !Soonbool 1\hnn, haing made mine
cn two ide. blew up the town in front or a gate. The garri"'n, --
in!( the fare of clrath, began to throw and tircbnll. \Yhen the
bault wu raging very fiercely, the bmve mrn, lolng their beads,
n<cenclcd the lowe..,., killing and wounding numbcno of the garri!!Oo;
mnking tho<e who escaped from the 8word. Iluing taken
the fort, Shah plnecd men of trnt the trcrumw, and the
following morning he divided mach moncy amongot hi "cpoys; and
placing hi own haw in the treasury, he mllhd hi bridle in the direc-
tion of Oorh and Bui<Jmr. He arrhed at Bukkur in fifteen da)'l', and
gelling there, be wa ,ery happy.
Acc:nt'T or SBAD llae .... , GOI\O AGAt:'-!IT ..,,D C..t..rrL&a:<v
MooLTA,, ...._,o orTu& oP Ttu:
In thr lattrr dlly of 932 (' D. 1526), nn account of the death of
Sttltan \(ahomed Lungah. quarrel and di eniono aroe amongt the
AmNr nnd hio relation. Enry one himself in his own
phec, and all took away from litcning to the ordero or
othrno. At that time tioltan Hcx>snin WUft young, ancl in the hands or
I:H111iLh SooJiln Bookaree, :t.nd the ladies of Lungoh : he w .. unable to do
onything. On thi" account, much discord, violtntt, to king nway other
mrn'ft whr.-, &c. Seeing this, I he in(ltwntinl nu.m amongst the
Zominduro wihctl for ome other ruler. At thot time Lungur Khan
went "' Hboh dc!<Cribing to hinl the tatr or the COitntry.
The Mcorza had prr..-iously <'Oosidered how he coulclthrow the nOO!'e
nr conquet ,.., ... the parat>et of !\Joohan; and on hcariog what Lungar
Khan oaid, hi w ibe on tbi subject were otrengthencd.
l!ft\ing up hi mind to man:b agalnot it, be ent \lahomed
:m-kern Turlchan in atlvance.
The [,nnl!llh, hearing of the approach n( the l'rghoon, after delibera
tion, ... at Sh.U .. h fmaol 1\oraihee to make p<'llc,, He arrived at,:\lo,..,
he had an inter .. iew witb Shah llooain, who howed him aU
tbe honour ana revere nee he could, giving him mony (or hia entertain
ment. Tht Shaikh to &trengthen the root or I>C"nce, but no benefit
aroae from thi. fie then to Lungur Khon: "My relations are Ill
Tnua; end 111e there." l.angur .,mentioned thi to the ll!ccrzn, who
cnmpliccl with raqnest: and the Shnikh obtained ro proceed
to Rind, and n villngr near Tauo was given to him in Jugeer. From
tloru.- l"hah llooain toward Mooltan \Vhon hi force<
drrw n ar, "'""" aoxjety fell upon ;h utrn uf h. all or wborn

betook in, ide lhr fort. At thnt time Lun,::ur Khnn, "Ito
wlll' w11h I he \ ' rghoons looting 'l'huuee Khulw:Ul, brought rnnch grain,
cattle, and other things to the army. "oohan wa nrroundcd, and
6ebtiog commenced on both Thr king aent one of hio br. tbel'lJ
to Shah Hoo a in, with Shaikh Soojan, aymg that be nnltl ubcy
Mecrtll reertvrd him with mncb aying-" Trll yonr brother
to come out nf the fort 10 ,.iil me, to agrrn 10 obey my nnd I
will how him every kindne I will then leave the fort in hit hand.,
and torn the bridle o( my iotentiOD$ to return baek.'' 'l'htaf', tctoroin!!",
told wh<u hod p.t.-cd; bu1 the Lungnh, "itb mncb pridt, would not
lrne the fnrt, and they .!libcrnlcd how to get rid of their
They lighted thr fire of wnr by throwing open I be gntc, nod taking in
their hnnd IIH'ir bows nncl nrrow, and word. They fought very well,
orne of I be Urghoon. 'I' bus tbe fire uf anger btc11tnc ignited
in Shah J[,.,,aoo: he pitched hif' tent h> the e!l>IWatd of the fori.
oppo-.ile rhc Sh:un:e Crt'("ting bath.rittfl nround thf' day. From
llolh >ide, tht fire of b;llth bla<rd, and and bnllcl began 10
r.u like rnin. There W:\.!1 lighting dnily. During lhi lime, gmin
becnmc \t:ry PCClrt'C in tho t'ily, LIO much so, thai one znnuml (\loohnn
Weight) of it W(l pricf!d ftl 100 'i'uokah ... ancl one COW the Nllllr j in tbU
manner were !'Old, 'l.ny men eat the hides of caule, which
were nol lit to tat, and if the lleh of dog enol cah fell inlo I heir h"odl!,
I hey lookccl llf><>n il n the nw.11 of kids. Sh . ikh boojcu> Bwk&l'l'e had
Jtlnced Jadnh ;\lohelwc in ctllnmand oer 3,000 fo.>ot kltlietll, (Ktbh:l-
lttf'. figllting lHl'D of I he town,) who \\'Cft! Cht gnrri,on. 'rhil llliW u( iJJ.,.
fcrtunt', wirltmu coterec.l rlu,jl!tt tuJU"'t'!l wlurt! he t"Ven
4'0-pectt'd thrrr '\\".3" gr.ain, hkttiuf( lhem. On ftC'CUUDt or thla CXthlucr,
1""" ('<'t>JII mi-NI tbcir hanl in "''Ptlit'!ltion: "Ch!lng 11 good,
hn" .. il t.'clffll" upon "''" 'l'hey pmyrtl for lhe decllne of the rule
of the Lungnh.
In short, the men or ttwmftelvc-e (ur dC'nth,
en-tina them thToc. (rom the w til" into the ditch bot low.
hearing of thit on accounl vC hunger, forb aJe tf\.1 dettruction
of who in tbi m!lnntr.
By rc11>10n of th<' .careityal ul'l'lir, the \me.-n of ... .;:an probibttetl
B.ny fr..:m lnllng to the full; the)" ortlcnc.l tho tn tJb"ll
chl:''i npnu till' water iu whid'-t grain wo f"tH1kcd. \\'ht'n &lwy hnc)
l.cen beicg< ,1 fur one Hor, 11 . ,. l> amo dt" Uflt>D knife
hod re:u:bed 11>< bono. On the lltb of'"""' !I I"' }'f'at
!133 flijr<e (. o. 1.'):?6). the bravo men ol tb I rgbooo r , mf'licd
rnmny of lht't
( thrirenemil"l of lift:, bJ'Ihn blow tf rL r rruw$,
emd in the m'rninl{. pulling 8trf'ngth, lhty broktt do\\"0 thtt
l.ohtuee l(.ltt, ,
c.J galutd an cnlrllDCt* 11110 11tr '-'llf 'l'lu: huuUs o
plundo r 1><-lnjlthen dm\\'D forlh from of
nnU mn"'sacuinq.
A inbabitnntsof the town from tht Dl(rof nn to thotof t>venty
urre cnnfin ... t, and ench occnrrcncro befell thr th:ll it
rcmindccl them of the day: they eorrted thcmelvr in tbe
most Racrcd
Ten ., twdvc uny after the plnoc hnd bNn gmn up IO plunder,
1\lohib Ali 'l'nrkhttn, taking somr men with him, Wtnt to theoo monnl!
teric of tlw ninte, looting the people, nntl >tlling fire to the builtlings.
'l'hc blood of mnny WM t>ilt in theu. Numbers uf tho Lunl:,''fihs and
Moohnntco WNC tlttroyed in tutu gtntrnl htughur. ln the plunder,
many prrriouo Jewel, ond money nut 10 I><' eonntrd, fell into the bonds
uf the '!ugnl. Aftor tui.., tbe fire of !Ulger wao e<><led in :lfcerza Shnh
llaoc.ain: lu: ohowed pity to tbo!!<! "ho hnd ecnped, giving orders to
take up the bodieo of the dead from the .areell, nod to bury them
in pill, and from that time none of men wens allowed to lift their
banda ngainot them. Mnkhdoom Shaikh brought Sultan
Hoo.ain and his titer to Shah HOOS3in, who mado them both over to the
eare of :ltnhomcd !'lliskcen Tnrkban, who 1nnrricd the lmdy, taking he.r
brother into his bosom, as if be bad been his own"""
rwo month after the conqucH of city, intendng to return to
llukkur, Shah Hoosain placed ll1l governors 'loollan, Dot i\leer
Akboor, nnd Shumsood-decn with 200 horsemen, 100
topcchct8 (men with fireorms,) and 200 fuounon. lie fined Shail<b
Soojnn Booknrec, and the slaves of consequence of Sultan lllnhomcd
Lungnh, laking from them nil the money thty lle then
turned townrtl Bukkur, where, llfter hi arrival, o. petition .urivcd from
tbe ,\nlcert o( 'fotta, with these content<: "Khungar hM the intcn
tion to bring a force'' On rtcrhing this new@. tbe
l\!eerza marched to go there. Dost :II err AkhtJ<or anti Shnmood-deen,
who were loft at remained there nc trly eleven month, when
Lnngur 1\:ha.n, U"Jt!\taling himselr, went ""''lY 1u tlar prr-tnce of
B,.>ur B<&ct.bab, wbo him with honour. thi.c,
Shah llooa"in wrote a petitioo to Babnr Badhoh, malung .\l(,oltno
over to him U'& precnt, nnd Dost Meer .\.khoor and hi companions
eamc to Bukkur. Babur Badshah phlced \looltnn '" the bond of
l\labomcd Kammn. '
.r-\:w I'" or Su.\U vr AR WtTU K IN TUK
OF KcTcn.
I buc bcfnre mentioned, that o.t tho whrn Shah lloo!oin had
retumr-t) to Bukkur, tl pclilion carne .Crom the o( 'I'attaJ UJing
th:u 1\ bungar wa preparing to come nl;aiutt thrro Sb11h Iloo:UII
inmlrduuely Wt"nt an that tlirrction with t'<peclitinn On trrann&:" near
it, umbruasadora rnme to him from Khungnr, P.\ying: ht\ty
Ame"r Amravco Willi (ormorly lain in your qnnrrel: my pcoplr
collected to toke their revenge, but you had gont to take l\loolton, nnd
C pre"t'ned yonr in .not eomiag upon familin at that
timt :'\o'-'" it for you to m3ke pcnrt-, and to ghc me a
portion of Sind; if not l will mnke W<U' with ynn." Shah
IJoo,niu reJlliNl: "There ill no otht'r for me t'lrrpt wnr.
Tlw !'lain wlieh I ,..;th the blood of ,\one-. .\mrnce till
retains the mark or the blood or him, and before your arri......t, I am
coming there." Shah Hoollin, leaving some truoJl" :\1 Totll> to proteot
tho fnmilies, mctrched against Khuognr. llaving l'""'''lthe
...... r, be near Kutch, where the r .. ilure or en me UllOD hi
army, from uhich bis penplo bocftme mneh ditr<" ,J, Shah llooain
nnd nil his chirfa agreed it wllll ndviHI..Ic (,, them to llll3clo.
Khnngnr from fuurdireetion, llnd thnt whoever by fir.t frlt him,
who "ere nt':Lr should come to &!l!"i-tane('l The fir!l ctf tht""r
bodiro directel lli'On the 1'nc1ny ..-a tlru of Suhn 'lahooocl !\baa
Bnkrot; tbe I<!Cond was that of Mctr Furookb ; 1n the centre wu
Shnh Hoosain hirnoelf; and with the fuurtb were Mecrz:t Era o.nd
!\!tcr t\ btek. Khung11r only renivetl new o( Rhb lloo.tin nlunc
cooninJ! wilh n weak force, ho rnsrchl with l 0.000 men, horot' and
foot, in By chanrc, alonJ.:, the noiH! of tbe
ben ling of Nugunho reached the uf Sulton \[ home I, who
to hi" men: u ... rho Nugamh euln\!:J co my car,.." .Atl t\prtued
their wonder Ill AUrh being hrud in the Hr thon again fw!lrd I he
noil!- and peoople to 1bc top f a h,l!, In look about, an,J
bring tht newt'. 'rbc ... e brought wt>rd thftl 1\'hun;::-:'\r was mo\ in,; "1th 2
furco tcnvurtl Rhnh ltotnin. Tho ;\[ccrzA, hRving tunrt:J uf I hr.
alrtm:-wh or lt)\\"tlrds him_ mnrthrcJ quit"kly wilh hi lf04'Jl' to
mt:t"C bun. In the me:tn umt- \I .aluunc,J. rome n ..
arriYtl In frL)UI ur Khnng.u. Jle thtn Rnl A folirnJphollrr to Shah
JIUO!I:Iin, !:it\ H J)o UOI AtfYRUC'C (mm \\ htre yt1U Ito j C. ott \\IJIJUJ,!, l
\\'ill 1lr.1 n_Uo\\' him 10 cumt Uttnn yon." lfu al!"o N nt n lo \leer
1o come up quick. \\hn (crc ... me 1n i ht of
lhf'ir (ut" (rom h' anf I \Lang
their 1.ears in thtv handR, t.ed &bcrntiY'ca to e tr:
uti.J. r
by the ofthtir wubtcltJII1s. \f thonu<l (tirrll"'ltbc- brnve men
vtilb him to take nothing in tbrir JJ! atl.! t..uhthrir bo"" rtnow Jn
tbit' m!lnoer there "' .. g001J tigbtiost for hu, ,.,, thrtt.'!
lWt> leruhng liDf'l'l"!ame ft10tf (,,r the 4.!:ft,6'1t@: of hra\tr men of S11han
... : th,, t u( h11 tttX)pt fl:.t(' trJ l h (" l t t :11 n
c.lrrcctionul n.ght. od lh ..... t, ruu.uiog ... ".,.came UJtOU 'Let t Fuwvl,b
whn m:utr n( thf'm his oc.tbre:--. Tl1e tmora rcmallhcl there tbat
the nut morning tbe wbole went forth to Jllunclcr the ,illsa:rcs anl
country, many and number of hol'co, cnttlc nf rul
sort, ftOtl of Ynriom kind, fell into '"" hBnda of the -.epop.
Shah llooeain, returning with rietory, nnied at T&ttn.
AN Acf'OUtcT or Hoona.voos B,.oSRAn oorso Gczt:IU.T, Al'I'D o
TU MARcu op &&RZA SnA.n llooru.IN lN Til AT nun:CTION, AORl!&.ARLY
TO 1111 0RD&K8.
fn the year 912 ( o. 1635), Hoomnyoon Bndhnh, Inking nnmeroca
forces from Delhi o.gaint Infidel), mnr<'hcd lllJOn Chiuore,
ncar whieh were .node 6"ed places for the royoltcnto, At that time
Sultan Bahadoor Guzel't\tce wrote ft petition tn tho Bdhah io behalf
of thr RnJa of Chittnrr, bowing forth his but Ill the Iotter end
or tbi, tome h1U1!h word appeared ; secinll' which, the heart of the king
was offrndcd, and be turned the bridle of the intention of hi bor..,
toward a warring with Sultan Bahadoor ift G nntl gcuing o,er tht
country, he arriYcd there, looting nod killin;, ns he went. On thi
account Sultan Babadoor "'tnt too. bonder
During lloom he wrote o. Firmo.n to Mccn:o. Shab, telling him to prescr,.e the ways of friendship, to torn fnce
in that direction, nnd to halt near Pnttnn, from he to write
a petition 10 him, when he must do n he might be ordered. Sbnh
Hooallin, with " very lo.rge force, marched from N by the way
of Rndhunpoor, on Puttun. Khizur Khtm, who wo. llnke<m in the
fori there, on the of Sultan B.dmdoor, retired within his
ering which, the Ryuts drove thoir flock8 nnd to a distance.
Snltan :\{nhomrd, taking 500 bor<r, Jlrorcodin.; in o.dvnncc, arriYed at
? ko from l'nnun, where he hlkd, rnding Jnn Ali back to Shah
Hooain. He 10ho oeot Jooaid and Joonnh. DhareJ"" to Khizur I\ han in
the fort, .,,ying: "Shah Hoo.ain bas come witb n nl force ; it i bettrr
for you to go nnd make your fort over to him, and remove your f4u>ili..s
whereYer yo11 please." Kbi:ror Kh!lii nt hark \\'ord, tbnt Sultan
&ho.door wa alin at (Joonagur), and thM he <lid nol t"c how
It was n:vy for him to give up the fort of l>nuun to the 'lo:;:uls of
Sind. Thtoe two then went to the mother of Khiznr Kbnn, telling her
whnt Sultan Mo. homed hnd snid, add in[' thatthoy did not think it proper
Cor them ''' return withonttl\ltiog some present from her to him. Tbe
mother of JShi'"ur Kh110 is your n.dvire 1" These replied
thnt it wns fitting for her to send one lnkh of Foro>fthnhee for the en
trtainmeot of Shah Hoosain, and thirty thouand fur Rultan Mahomed;
and, ir you will give thi, we away the ormy. In hort, he
alit ..... laoh and thirty tbono.nd by hrr men of treat.
The followiDA Shoh Hoo,.,in 01 ,;ronnol
ncnr Pl\ttnn, when Suhnn Mnhomed en me to him, nquc,.HnJ:
to proceed in Ddvnnce. Shah lloonin rcplitd that it wa preferable to
send I!Ome one to the king, to acquaint him of arriml thort, and
thor we will go wherever he nrdcno n. Ut sent nn Urzro bv A bdool
Koodoos to the king. At thM time men arrived, brin,r ng pr.-ento
from Khiznr Kbnn to him. Tic remninod thtre liftt-en dl\) " in which
time Sultan llfahomed went to '{ahomodalr\<1, the country,
when much money and valu.tble pr>pcrty fell into the h>ndo <>f th
upoy. Furookh "'that time repreFrntccl to lloonin thOI
"When the royal ordero arrhed for us to !{O and encomp with hi
highness' nrtny, th<rc will be no other medicine for us but to do "'' nn.l
it i" not for n' to an thrre, the B:t.dfhnh ghe much
money to his trOOI)!I fnnn the weahh of Cinzemt, and there i rnuch
''alu .. ble property \\'ith tlic Chnghttreyuh ,\me<ra. Jf our Ur!fhoons
n.nd 'l'urkhnns this, they \\ill DOl f'C"UlAio with ue, m3Jly rlfen will go
""'"Y It i better thl\1 1ve tnrn the bridle of onr intentions bllck to
Sind. Thi wa appr.ncu of by the Mcer7.M nnd nllthe chief, o.nd
determining to abide by it, he sent nn Crnc to the king by \ !ecru Beg, "I cnmc here with n lnrgc force; now I hllvc
received n petition from the .\ntc,... of Taun and Bnkkor, wbo I( II me
tbnt the Knlumtccs and (Z.-mindnro) h<lving uoembltd, men
are looting the country, And mueh dif'tord ho" 3riPrn; for reMan
my there i'' lloom"yooo v.u
nnd twenty days Jlre1inu to hi :mivnl nt \bmeunbnu 1-!hah llnooain
hnd ltlrned bnck from 1' ttun. Tb;. wa in early da) of (. P.
He retnroed tu Tuna by Rdhnn1>00r, looting o.nd laying the
JhnnJ L nncl S,.l..h fJI h pa ,1.
. ..-\"C' Accoa OF' All u. lM..t.\'0(\:'( (TJJS: 04.81'& nu.-rHA)
DOI!'(O TO !';t:'fn
A:\D or 'ls1 w-n.u nur.
\\'hrn. io tbo yrar 9 17 ( P. J;"HO), Shrrc Khan comanunly
collrol Forced, tbe on of lluun \fghan, beeamu rcbdltow an the
C!Wltrn on the lOrh ,( 1\luhnrrnm flf that YC!'Jt' lloomlyoon
m:ucbt'd agun't !.im. There ""rc 1\\0 or thrf'e bAIII brtwef'n lln:-m
on the rivrr .roo!"\'\ In 111hort, thlr'Y"'I nrmy 11.118 -.:hf'D the kinl(
tomf'd the bridle ()( bi intcn1ione hl\\n.rtl!l Juwnnpoor, wh<"nrf' wiah
expedition h ,....,., tu A!l'fl'. ln ta. pf,yi "'" ;rrar (9.16T,
cnt Mcer A beck l'r
htJOD to B uhhnb llo>my>on, otTenn!f has
<'<>nltnllulati<ollJ! <>n tbe conqorol uf 611zrnt and lknl(t.l ; he .U... oent
Kboooh )[ahmncl l'rgho" n lll'lth a simtlar rncs""!!n I<> Mecru
K"tni'DD on Ius con,
uc>t of Xattullbur, and the dctrutttun of .\nwar

I\ loon Roolh of llocc were good toepoy, men uf "itlom ontl council.
Whn " .. N .\bt-dt prrrnled himoclf 10 1h1 king, hi carelc><oeg
and priolo, he undt'l'-lood 1ha1 1be o. ''""' lime would
write in thtoir h<"zlrt!lt tbe or muliny. \\"ithout the
P"rrui,;inn uf !he Ling, be lcfl his nrmy, cunying himelf "itb greal
dilijlNleo In Shnh lloosain, who, on lll'aring of loio nrrhnl, became
\\'hen :\leer Abcek had an inlcrvicw wi1h him, he IL:!kcd wb&t
had uccnrr.d; he wplicd : " I found 1hc king in onoh diordcr, tbat in a
"'""' limo !lor rebellion t>cat>lo will fin! ogain!l him;
undcrMnlh him I hew will be roads of nnd I hove come lo give
thio tlmt yon mny be on the alert." Shnh llooorun era! limes
oummnncd hi nobles to I he n:;embly, to "ilh thrm. At that
1imr thr of 1hc defeat of lloomnyoon nrrirl, whC'n nil gave great
crro.lit lo !he wisdom of )[eer All<'ck, prni.iug him much. It ""'"
decide<! "I"'" lo leave !he country, and dctroy the cultivntiuo from Ooch
10 Dukkur on both oio.le of tbe ri<er.
"'hen the new of the Oight of !he Linl!' Will' rnnlirrneo.l, be erect..!
buildinl{ in four al Bahurloe, and t>laeing iu tbcc nil tbe
requi .. iu:c, with munirioo.s of war, he all the eountTy nod tow-Qj:
about Bukkur 10 be cntirly deo<>ned. In tho mind uf Shah
and hio poplo it became fixed thnt the king would come to Sind, be-
cnu )lerra Knmrnn and Meerza Uskurec hnd lef1 the pnth offriend
hi11 townrds him. When, on tbc lsi Rubec-ool Awul, !1-17 ( o.
the king nrrivcd nt Labore, all his brelhren nnd noblcft were collectco.l
!here, but!hrPc httd not knowledge, !hough tlwy had 1eco whal
hnd ocoumd; nntl !hey did not bind the gird It of lnllb oroooo.l the
loins or tiril; ao much that one day Khwnjn Koo.lnwuod i\Iahomed,
lllccr .\bo.lool Buga, and other men of concqucnco in the kingdom,
<ot'ntblcd 1ngcthcr, and wrote a bond offriendhir> between tbcmsehe.,
to whirh all Amee..,. pot tbeir i,II'Dalltrr wilnrs....,. 'Vhen
bond wa collected to dclibcrnll, bnl thir hmgunge wu not
frum thrir lu.<rl: oo thi accouol I he &smnbly bruke up, and tbe matter
on whirh thr): ,. . .,c dliberatiog ..-a. unlinihrd
In the lnlll'f dny of 917, llonmoyoon Dadhah.
;\luho10ed Kt1mron, i'!lahomed llnrndal \lcerzo, witb o1bcr
Jlrince ROd noble, and alllbe army, cro .. etl thr rirr at Lt1bore, and
Shere Khnn drew nenr tbnt cily The 4-fghnao a1re1ched forth the hand
of violtncc ngnin the llloguls wherever they found !hem, tooling t1od
de01roying I her. families an4 prtper.y ; for this rctuon the whole of the
l\logll, having joined IToomnyoon, wenllownrds Knbool. 'Vhen they
reaebed thr Chunab, lllahomed Karnmn and :\lohomed
Meeraa, wilh Khwaja Kodawond """ Khwnj'' Abdool
llak, ... ilhuut I he l'<'rmi@oioo of !he !Jog, luruco.l their r townro.l
Knoool. 'l'he king. being lll'lple., went in the dirertinn of llhrruh,
when ::l!nhomed Sulton ;\lcrrzll, and lllug Merna, 6-:e olo r"r.tting
ti.Jcm ... ell"t"' (rom tht king. jttiocd .Mahomed Kr\,nran \lrtrz:t. )I,,...HDA
)<l<ID, eeing the enmity of hi brethrtn, on tho l I or Rnjub of ""'
turned the bridle of his in1<nlions towards Sind. In the ln&t dny8 of
Shabnn, the royal sr111y at O>eb, otar which Jived Buk boo
Lungnh, 10 whom t!tc king <nl by lk!l' .\!abomecl Bnkawul, and l<ocbnk
Bog, n hnndsome Khilnt ond Firman, grnnling to him thn title of Khan
Juhsncc, nnd bien \\'ith 11 t:u.dard 11.0d :-lngnrah. On thi
n.count he cot to the Bad.hnb many boat. foil of grain, bot hc d1<l
tnko the fortune of no interview with the king. Hoom:tyoon, with his
noble,., and some of his forcc8, proceeclud toward Sintl, Md tho Jlacco
for the tent of hi troop were made about Rorce. He him .. If, "ith
much bnJ>pine.s, went to rcidc in the acnrden (Chu Bngh) of Bnborloe,
which bnvo no fellow in \'Crdure ancl tltgnocr. l're,.ionl to thio Hnltllll
\Inhumed had cleMed .Uithe coUJltry abont
trrngthencd the furt of
Bukkur, underneath which he bad collected an<l ""cuwcl all th buac,.
When the royru nrmy cnmc to Rorre, the king ... nl a J.'irtnan h>
'!ahomcd 10 efl<ct: "You mnl ec>me and lind furtune by
the my:>l thn:bold, and drlicr up the fnrt to king' ""JlO) '' He
replied: "I nm the servant uf Hhah lloo-ain; until hc C<lmes
to tbe royal preseorr, my going tbcn would not be in necordunl'4.' with
the rules of eating alt, and wothont the order of """""' tibah H 'lin,
it i not proper that I ohoohl gie up thi fort ," Tb king held him
CXCUi'Cd. Onlin tn bertuoe !'lC:tf't't' in the imptriul (;uuap,
Mchtur L"- hrur, the \leer lht '' wt-nt In :\altomNI. infvrrning
him of thilll circorn .. tance, \\ho tbt"n suo Lur\\"'IS or ,.:rraia for tbe
army, and for tht Mnumption of, wh11 npprod of
1h11 nurntioo.
In tbOM day Jloomayoon .,.nl Amrrr Tolur Sudnr and Lumun Jar
Brg, who were in hi conficlrnce, "' Mec"'' !'lbnb noo .. in :tl 'fnll.
\\"riling and pointing out the (,( goud will harn. nntl
to hi .. rrr.:ollrction lu 'inrcrhy to Rabur Bad!th.,"lh. Ontbc.r
arrivni, Rh.\h recei\coJ them wath mnr.b h'oour and dhunc:hon.
1 lc drterminttl in lu" heart, th:\1 as the king hacl roml': n.rhi dirr"tion,
It" proper (or hitn to mskf"i nver. (, r tbt> e:xpc-:.asr of rhr (nnuly.
thr C"oantry (rom lh K"un.lrt .to B:t.torah, on tbe OJlpNIIO of tbe
rhtr, and that aftrr
urnnf{t.'mtnl._, mulr, 11 v.:oulrl be proper
him 10 prcoent bimlf '" JIMmny&n 'll dhh li e alto_ proJ"'.,.cl to
If, aftn the of a!Wr. and !aU uh kl lte to a
(urce tO t"Onquer anJ. then to rtlarn aga1n. Jlan ng
arrnnJ(ttl 1n thi!4 way in hi ,,wn mitul, h('t f.tnt S,haili.h
Pooran(t anti \h<'rZ:t dth \:ulu:bk P"-"'"'nt' to
'Tht<tC honour by tlwlr S lll1m1 tu hi., rnyaJ
neAr Bukkur, rcpJTeoting h> him the I(O<kl faith of Suoh
lfoo .. :\in, nn1l hi! petition. lt ... Wt
re :- The
<"ountty nf Bnkkur nJiords PmaJI protlnc; the tnritnry of Chncbgan io
nprrior to Bll in cuhivntion : it is proper for the kingdom (king) to tum
!lor brielle of intention thnt way, and to tnkc po,.tion of it, o.s there the
t"'Y" nml animals will experience no anl I sb(lll be in
tho ieinity of !he king. \VeoJcb and fortune nru my fritntls hy your
cuming hJ thitt <ountry: in a short """'J)icion fr\)m
my brcMt, I will gntbcr forcune by ki.-ing your olirrn1" Batbhah
lloomayuun in the fir I inslftnce gae to write 10 Hh.h
to inform him !hal be will act as he ; hue nftcrwru'dtt, in
privatt, the petitioned him in OPJ)OIIition lu what Slu1h Uoo-.aio
had wrilltn, \\'bat i the maning of lhio, th3t lte mtnti<>ns
tht Dftlll<'ll of town and villages ? H he wao111 htoort the wcll-wihcr vf
the king. why doe" be not O\'er n. that we m3y
lfflVe' in tlum our and go to eonqutr (;n.;<trut not
tht\t 1\h n, our cormy, is siuiog over oor tU Lahore? 1'b:lt
which lu- proJl(l.4C& it from rectitude nod C"oncnrd!' lloomayoon,
ufur thi, turnl'(l his face towaods surrounding llukkur, on heBring tht
news or which, Rbah Hoosnin rcmarkcU: ":\ly iR nt co!'c wilh
npct to Bnkkur, bceau!!<l the king will "'" qui! till' garden nt
Dnburlur, tlw of conlonlmunt to the lwnrr, nntl of hnrpinu"'" to tbc
hrnin, co it down befurc Bnd conquer it himOLIf, nncl nothing "'ill
be> clont h) whom he may "<"nd 10 lx.,.it,;:t it." Prior In this,
Rult.\n )hhomed, l\leern Jnne< 'l'nrkhnn, nncl other chief of
t'unfidentt, ln chn.r;,te of Bukkur, bad to cau .. ing
that I'"" of the rountry lo a. the hnd been
nil the gnin and other to:.:tht"t nntlcr rovtr of the fort !here.
About th:U time lhl' nma1ndcr of the- ltOt,JlS tun-inK come from
arrived Bl Rorcc on the of R omnn, !117 (.\. o. 1:}10),
enrnmping n..Ur tho hills there. Sneb of the nntl ..,r) utr<,
"ho had remainetl uut"ide about the cuuntr), can1t!' nntl ncC'l\etl houdur,
by lxmiog lhofr hrad' in lhr prrrnre of lhr kong. On Fridn) he went
to the e>f Mecnncc ; following he rttnrnrtl to the
gnrdrn, by the light of !he Mtn of hi upon which, JCalun-y
WO!\ tel Pnrnc1it<e. ..
Tho appro,ing of gard.u Bnd thcir buil<linl(, ttll
hi lhr.m 1\f1 his noble& nnrl in vicinily.
\"ad,t('r remiuttl in tlu- eol1tse "' betwtrn which :1nJ
Uabur&o., there fttc Bbuul 3 kos. lo lllllht rt>ylll W<""
encamped. We henr from men of weight, that th'el<! namberod two
lukhs of men. On Fridny Jloomayoon went 10 the l\hujid, nying tbe
of tbe doy there. ll.i.o namo was read in the dioconrtte in the
Mujid. On tbnt tiny a poet in that Moembly proeoted to the king thi
Kyt .. h, by which gift he found much honour:-
"\\'ben I he impreioa (on coin) upon it wrote the nome of
Hoom:>yoon, the sun, for Cricndohip of him, filled tbe face of tbe
imprcosion with gold.
"Thn.t pulpit which from the naming of hi titles rccthes ornament,
" On the top of that pulpit, J opitcr aile,.. purls!"
From the pr-.eoco of the royoJ army, and other cirenmstanee.J; groin very dear in the cold ellSOo of year about Bukkur, o much
oo, tbat th people gave up thrir lh-e ia the o.nrch for bread; bearing
of \\'hich, the king gnve much money from the treasury to lli Hpoys.
One thin brend (Chuptltce) 1 i\liknl, i. 4 lltnshn.s and 3i Ruuees,
M about 6 "'hen grain hn.d become "" ocarce ,.. ool to bo pro
cured in the Luhkor. HoomAyoon ""at :\l.,.,ru lliadal IOwardo
Pnttur, he remaining AI Chnr Bagb for five or oix montla,
b<cause he thought the Shah lloo!aln would come and make his Mltuun,
and do that whieb it was for htm to do, since he had
in the fi,..t intn.occ pnl'!!oed the path of enbmioioo. But the Crghoon
nobles who were about Shnb lloosain, did notullow him to go ocur the
king, torninl( him a",.Y frota the ruad to friendship; and seekiJI8 the
wny of delibenuinn, they found that the arrangement of their aft'ain
laid iu enmity to the Icing, 110 they punmcd tht11 road which lead to war.
lloomayoon,lca,;ug Baborlo<', weJltlo Durbelab. After remaining the"'
oomc time he proceed.d to Panur, when be marrird Humudob llaDoc>
Drgum, the of Shaikh Ali UkbCU' Jomee, one of die lll""ru
Ilindo.l' Sirdars. She W&$1'qual to Bilk (the Queen ofShrba). When
all the grain and appliu wem conumed. tb<l king again toraed the
bridle of his intention townrdo Bukkur. From not obtaining pia,
much fell upon the troup!!. After thi i\lecrn Hiadal, Jeanng
the kinj!. we.nt towards Ji:aad:ahar. At the inotlgarioa o{ bu Baltftm
thert',Kurachnll Khan. he wrote to llleena Yadp Nuu, lrritiag btm
to go with him, llllVing tbat he obould espect to - bl,go oa tbc road.
On 'rueadny the IBth of JDJIIadee-ooiAwul, INS(.._ a. liUl), the ki..g
went to the bouoe of !\leer Aboal Bap, wadiaf ltim 10 l&..erza Y ..Jpr
N'aolr, giving him advice to quit the Jlllllt o(reltelliM, and follow u,....,
o fritndlolp. lllctr Abool weal 6 and trouble
brought Mec.rza. Yadgar :Sulr witbia tbe nng ol ltd heAd. In
aabtniuioa. Tbe (o!Jowills day "-boo! wu reiOrntag, of whteb
eireullUit&llce the men In Bulckw beeomiag cognizant, they unt 110me
of their poople Ia boah Ia lata (10111, wbo abowered tbelr arrow. apoa
hmr Ia Ibis nli.Mli Abool Huga r.cci,ed m3ay wound.
'l'ho next <!.y he racd from thi wodl of <Ieath to the world of life.
From hi death gnoat 10rrow cam upon the king. The fullowillg
\\"cdncodny, lllc.-t!rza Yadgar Nooir, erouing the river, came 10 the
p"'senec of Hoomayoon, by his interview with him.
At that time lhe king gDYc hi p<'miolon Cor the depnrtufl! of l\leerza
Shab Hoouin'o ambuJ:>dorc, Shaikh Pooranee and 1\(ecna
Ka&im, sending by them n Fim1aa, on wb1ch he with hb own
banJo-" A flu Saluam lo :\leetzll Sbnh llua8llin: ln this mattrr l will
agrrc to your propoAilion, when you come- to my presence with B clean
heart. lily Salum to )On. Enoogb!" l\leerza Shah llooaio wu
ioelioed 10 visit the Badohah, but the willdorn of lhe Urghoon nobleo
wu nene 10 """b a proceeding. Shah lloooaan con.sidered much on the
aabjrct, lbllS delny occurred; .o much 110, that the king, leaYing 1\leerza
Vadgar n<llr Buklor, returned townrolo Sehwistan, cto.e to wbicll
htl st:md.ord full of victory r.amc. At that time Fnzl Beg, tho brother of
J\lomaiu K1m.n, nnd 'furlfoon B..-g, with abtml 1\\'tnly fol1oWL'F!'
going OD
a bo ' preceded the king; oe<'ing which, oome of the men in the fort
nllied Conh ngainat tbem, who, dh!cmbarking, anackcJ and dro\e them
back 10 tbt' Killa.
On I he 1 ;tb Rujnb, lloomnyoon Badh:th nC3mp<'d round lhc place,
where were no buildin8", ur a hade for the ""poy; u, p=iou
IO hi whn bru.l of it, namdy llrer Snhlln Koole<!
Beg, Mecr Shah Moluuned I rghoon. nnol othtr, had deored nway all
the and buildinSl' nbo>nt it. Tho king havin!( bcltaguered the
fort, theinhabilllnto became much coolioetl-theiratfairs w ,.. oNtnmed.
lluring of lhb, Shah Hoouin, marching from Tatta, camr to St1DD,
whent he JDad., PntrenchmenL., and coUecung many boa'-. he rncamped
there. lleDding .Abeek L'rgboon lo Sehwiotan. who in th" night
It me, with- men, puooing through the ro) al artny byrhe heznr road.
reached the fort. The news of bio haing arrived fOilCbed the king'
forceo, after he bad gained the fort: he went 10 oeemtly, that information
of hi did not precede him. In the morning, lloomayoon p
orde" (or mine I<' bc onnk: in abort, one 'bll8tioa w.t blown up: bat
tile prrioon, it fdl, tb,...w np anotb rd...._
The king then knew lhat tbe re!!Oarceo ol were CaB ol
lltrength. tht, rhe appartlup, few ..p.ib.g the fort wu DO&
preoenl. In ohort, hllVing beieg .. d It l!ir ..,.,... montbe, rhe time of lbe
inundation, DJ(d tbe teaon,!.:r 1731! -Qiodo, were approaching; morto.,.,
Hoooaliil hJOI el<>l<!d all the by whieb oopplieo ooald come.
reason many bad deHrted ; anti enn oomo of tile
'*-"l"oe. aueh u Meer Sndar, nw.ja Ghayu a a
...... AWool BakU, load Jc.Ct, uu:1 ..... - to .......
ffoos:un, who gn,e them much tent them Tan a
1\tu,im. :md went >Jf to \ftctZil Yntlgnr, uwl lle kt113 bt:ud
thlfl they \\'onld t:0 ofTuith him to 1\anoilh:tr Htor th<' king
fl \ odgar
Dt'ltr Bukknr, thr' own iu thut fl>rt twice went f>rtb, nntl ntUcking
hi troop '\\'hen unprepued. slnw M&homed Ali K:.b< 11.nd
Shrrc Dil Beg, ""side Ulling and 1\\"0
afTutlll were condnetffi by 1\okuh Turkhan, Dost Malmmed, nnd olheno.
The g:trrii!On forth n third I their ell<":! falling
upon thl!rn on the gruuntl, uc:u Rort('; but this 1uuc i\lr.erza
Yadg:u-, gotn!( forth him!t!l{, >tretchrd fonb hi band in .mcb n
that the Utlatking party turned lhtir fllo'e; in 1\igbt, BOIDC tbrowong
themselves into the muer of tbe M=y got on bo:>!$, uJoich they
looted, nnol nllowcd to ,;:o with the 'lreaon. \\'hen the news d thi
defeat of hi men at Hukkur reached Shah lln<ain, hu lent Aoneer
1\oolce to .'llcerzn Yadgar, shaking the ropr of fncadohip,
t>ntling nwco'"l\f:' to him: " T hM,. oJ,J
nntl ,..,:ltl1 tbe
ncrption of ono daasrhtcr, I hue no other 1 mnke the
or her with ynu; fllr n 11-hort rirnr. I mny b:'\Vl: IO li\t, a.nd nJrer
my death nil thi eoontry wi I be yours. 1 will give yon wrnlth
now, antl both of Of', uniting, wo will go ::1-nd conquer G ... z:cr:tt!' In
bort, \'nJgnr :Xnir from tloio deceit of Shah I:loollin,
""roming '"''led, turned h1o heart In enmoty towarJ wbo,
the minon!l 81ate of a.rmy. had fltDt UUlny tirnt;, 10
col! him; bot ha nlwnyo ""'"' b:>ck the rnesoenr;en with -.,me e-.eme
or other. \\'ben nrw' of hi enmity rea. bed tbo king, he Ill oaee
left proceeding tou'llrd BuUrnr, and on the way Kunbur
B<g t:rglooon, lnnving him, returned lo Seb.VJtan, and nuny O<poyo,
from notbin!r to cat. quilled thr royal nrmy. Jluo=ycon,
arri<lng 111 Rorec, eor.nmprd 1be...,. 1\leC!l'r.l Yndgar :Xa.rr, bon:;
helple, paid hi r<'peet to the king. up to lrlm tho , be
had ; bot thi:t "'" nol oufficient "' utisfy tbc craia; of the royal hooL
the extremity of hunger come otp>n the kong II! n: oome
of his c<>afidenual prople to :<clnn Mnbotned, who nD:! 1n front to
rnoc11hcm, ghing Kbil.lls to i\lahomed Bakawol, and tho otbu fC'rnn
of tho nnd F""""oloog money nnd gnln to tho allr'l,daiJII, .llr
t hem their !ellYO. ,\{let tho departure of these chk noble of
Meettn Shah UOOMJo, .l! In the d conned oo
s"'>reity oi grain in tbe raynl namp, each u) log
Sohan Mnloometl nfte.rwnrd eat of gt r ' O!e of
the royal houocbold ; bot tho from getting .- loft the
king' erunp, dipcruns oer Sind. lt!tc1y or thetltl pa cd oce
route, (rom b>tngtt. The royal troop o{len ramela
tact Wllh the mCll of Shah H0091o, wbo WtJe nho'ay bca:en; b:n ,.,
lllere wu no apparatua for opening forts, un tbia account he eoald aot
toaquer tbeoe. 'Wben llle will of God's power, the wib of the Etei'Dal
Wiadom, (which shows the countenance of miafortunu in the midot a(
happineoa, and which brings in the midst of tbeae the apparatua of
bappinu.,) agreeably lo llle d"sire of the king, bad 1101 placed upon the
atool the pai11ting of his wishes in the country of Sind, and upon the
teat of fonnne the gold of Hoomayoon hod proved counterfeit, be oaw
the iu6delity of his army, nod the unkindnc of hi brNhren. 1'ben he
wished to place upon himelf the dreu of oeparatiun from others, and
placing his Cool on the road of those who love lo walk after God, 10 go
and ""i&o the knocker of the door of Kunbuh (tho 'femple of Mecca),
and lbore 10 remain sitting in n corner. Bot bla con6doDtinl noblH
repretented, that ahbongb tbio wish which had colOred hie bretU!I wu
YUJ paopor, yet tbe king '1>-&5 ,.,..are how much hardohip and dietresa
bad befalleD hi- people; that with th.,u evil they ,.ere atill al Jti,
atirrup; that if he placed his foot on that pllth, they would be entirely
deuned and ruined, and that ,.ith 10 much they could -
aeeompany him to Hijaz. Their <>pillion "'ftll, that he should remaia
where be ,. ... tome days.
The kiog, on account of the absence of grain, determined to leae
that place. At that time a petition retuhc,J hitn front 1\!ol Dewe, the
Baja of Jodhpoor, saying:-" Unknown to yon, I place thu ring of
eubmiJIIion lo your orders in my ear. I wih lhnl the fortunate fool or
the king may como to my H the royal army will do hunour 10
tbio country, by coming to it, I will nllend in ecnico to you with
20,000 Rajpoolo, and wherever the king goes, I will IJo prc..,nl with my
life and After the arrivnl or tbie petition, 011 the 21st 1\lohur-
ram, IH9 n. JM2), tbe king marched upon Ooeb, and pauing over
tbe iDiel'leaiog pace, be arrived there. On tho 20th
of the- year, be paoeeedecl, and, on tM, 1-&tb Rnbee-ooe.S.nt>e, be
ft&ehrd the fort of Dilawnr, and on the 20th of the l&me be arrived aad
encamped at Beekanero. Some of tbe royaltaoov- wrnl into tbio city,
and retnrnlns from thence, tbey informed the kiog that the languaae of
respect wu not beard among the inhabitants. Upon tbio, aent
SUIIIundnr Be_g to Raja l.\lal Dewe, befure whom be arrived, and retum
ins wi&b,...t expedition, be represented to Hoomayoon, that" Ahbongla
Mal Dewe openly opcaks atroogly of fr,ieod8bip, yet underneath be doea
not place, tlao light of truth." Then tbe royoll army, going by the way
of Pbutodu, ..,eat on two w tbt1le 1\'larcbeo, and rncamped on tbe banU
,....ii'O'lD thia place the king aent apiea to briog intelligence.
turning, abowed the pa6dy of llle Baja, 10 tho rft'oct that, &I the
of Shere 8bala, and the treqth or bia r..-, Mal
_,to loot that or the kine Boo-:ra
boring this, murh a.nd full of uxirty. 8pr"<hns
before his cbieC. the carpet or dtlibt>mtion, he then decided that it wu
necenary by all mraao to tum the bridle of their intontiou from
ln the king retreated to,.-ard Phntodec, from wbrnee he wu
soing tu l::iambor, giving order lo hi chitf wht>m he lrft behind to
bring up his ..,ar, ro take ClUe thatthr Raja' army not come upon
him. But another (oren from rmothcr direction encounteft'd the king,
when be blnuclf mountrng, and going agaialt the enemy in P"""'"
with only a few mtn, showed ucb bravery tbul he routcd and diiiJif'ned
them. He then ,.ith great expedition turned bio foce in the dirc.etion
of Jaioulmer, where he arrived on the J,t Jumal-e-ool-.\wul, 9-19
(. u. 1M2). Hrrc thr Amren, ,.born be bad left brhind to bring up bia
rear, c:looed up, and joinrd him, but many of their people had peribed.
Sonl<amn of Jalsuhne..,, from badncu of dlpotitlon, forbad their takiDB
water from the tank, placing his men on the bonb for ita protectioa;
tbtnkiag that, u the king' army had como dragging loungrr with them
from the jungle of mirage, it wu brrtcr for them to die thel't' for warn
or The noble!' and aeJK,y, colltt"ting. auackd aod drofr oft"
men, encamping on the bnnk of the tank, llPd the thint of the
royal hoot left there. After remaining eorne cl:!y,., lluomayooa
marched tOWilrd Omorkote, r.,.chiag it on the lOth ,.'DI,
with great Rod diotreo from the ""'"'of grain. Rarta .Bereesul
wltb bio wen came forth in Croat W1th hi people to meet tbe king.
finding richco by ki1011iag the royal tirmp. He encuated tbe loot lOr
Hoomayooa to reside in it, bat be remained 10me day oullide. p!Miar
in It Humeednh Banoo Begum.
One day, the sun of lflory arooe from the horizon of pod fortune ;
that is to say, OD the night or Munday tb .. lith or Rnjub, ia that -
year, the obadow of God, the king or kinga, Jalal-oo<l-d""a 1\laboraed
Ukbar Badohah (Ob Gocl, do yon al,.-ap prnere hit coanlrJ ... U.
l'llle !) wu born. Mabomed Badshah Hoomayooa wu hlshly plnued,
and greatly increakd in oize on the birth or tbia child.
lnethe euly day of .Mohurrum of tbia ....,. year, 1111 :a Ylldpr
N .. ir, d<"peadiOB oa what Shah H-ua blld ..W ro,lllna, beeoaiiOB
aeditioa., Jen the royal camp, ud croeeinl the ri.,.,, - lo Saklncr;
bat that promlM- on whieb 1M -.1 hd - the- or a IVIIea
thrud, ud aothiOB came o( iL Saeh ,... u M bad, he ... , ro
.Mecna Shah H.,.,.U, by HaJU..-2 o-rr Sllab, ...:d otbar 110blu
who were with bim beloa,U., ro the M- WlllD ;a.. Roosaia
heud tha1 :s..t.hall Be -fOO hlld Ullftlhed apoa Ooch. be came
1rith peat peed ro .Bnkkar. n. aoblee - oat 111 r-110 meet bim,
and oa doe 14111 J1ob1nm lie ........ tbc r.t. He lleeamft ory mta ..
d .. \\' ith Sullan 1\h:>.n, Cor h:>.ong nway his
gr.tln; be hung Moolla Dunare>h Mahomed Anb:ardur, npcnnlcndrnl
of grain, In front of 1m (:'ulun :\lnhomed's) bouoe, and he kinned alive
llaluh and Omnr ::ib:>.b, bct\\'CCn the l\\0 gate of (on the t'entre of)
Sntkur. All wbo had rciD3incd Ill Rorce a(t<-r tha drvarture oC the
kin:; fted. :-bah lloO!min, in the beginning of Rubceoos-Sanee,
went to &hwbtan, remaiuin:t there a week, rqnurong the broken parts
of the fort. lie then proeec.Jed to whore hn otayccl time.
On heuring clul\ the king Wa!i coming hack ngnin, hf! quicldy went to
Ou ncrount of tho country about Omurkote to eupply
the royal hoot with tlw nceesuy upplie, II np(M"nred odviMble;. the
wisdom of the noble to go to :"ind, ond in o few dnJ lhe \\'lmle ""Nil
lo Joon, lbc euhlvatoon of which b on the bonk of lb., rivrr. There
are many there, neb as the heart reJOICCO on, with fmittrc.,.,on
"bleb oecount it nuc i" bead aboTc oil the other to\\n of :;ind.
There nrc many other In the heart there. lloom:tyooa
ttm:>.oned 111 thi town a long time. l"hab llooo:.ln, "''h his Corea.
came and encamp<d on the oppooite ide of tho Abonl thai
time the king wu informed th:lt there wu mueb grata 11nd other onp
pU.-.. in a fori in the l'ur;:uoa of Bathomh, nn<l that it would fall
into hi h11ndo wlthonl rnueh trouble. '!'he kmg \li Beg,
T4irnoor Ruh:tn, nnd 'l'ufflrr Bet: Kh1tn thhdort, ltoosnin,
bearing- rof naTnrtl )(rcrzu !:c,n tu go there, but he
hn.d not thr. tnind 10 agree to thi111, bt-caut't ho wo.s nwnrc that
people hnl told tho that he w:n fn,oumbly indinrol to the
king. t-Ohnh lloo.ain did not init upon bl8 going, nn<l onllcd Sultan
M11borned Khan, who """ itti111r in ""'row on one oide, by rea!!On
oC the dltplraure or hio ehot'f, and giving him much rneouragrment, be
.enl him on tho expedition to aid Moollll .llooblooland tl"' gnrrbon !A
this omall fon There wa. eootanl fighting bet..-een parti6 of the
royllltroop and lbooe of $bah H005ain about Joon. 'fhe force or the
Iauer wcro on &be land, and in boal.o oppo.ite 10 that place,
:ready to allacli: &be enemy.
B7 ehanee,.one day, 'l'aimoor Salbn Rhab, Ali lkg, 11od Turdee
irhao, arri11d woth tbdr men 111 this fori where lhe grain wa, bnt
Sultan l\lahomed hod pretiouly "'acbocd it, nnd be haolnembled tb
Lunduroh, th" \lunclurulu<, nod tbc Sakun. The royal troops npproncb
ed, w11hnut _!!.llving heard "f tlii, 'l:oming upon unknowingly.
in which Turdec Khnn behaved neglig.-ntly.
-e.lkb Ali Beg, wilb bb hretlr:en, 6xed hi foot firml7 on the battle
Mi,lalli"' there. Shaikh Taj-ood-deen wu mortally wonnded, ud
.....-.,n_, -DoC lba royal ann1 in that battle took &be apparaiDJ ol.
their li to the other world. Of Shah lloolllin' people, there abo
many lain. \\hen th" newt of th" deotraetioa of Shaikh Ali &g, Taj-
ooddcn, and his other Lran men, reached tbe king, he became fall of
sorrow. Other pred hcnvily upon him llloo; thaw his hollll
cooled toward l'iad, DDd he otrengthcned hio delrmiaation to go to
K11ndahar. About that time, on the 7th of Mohnrrum, 9}0 (- D. 10>43),
Buhrarn Khan <3me alone to tho king from Gazerat: he placed tal oo
the wnunded heurt of hi M)lll highncso, ond he bn>ught about negotia
lions for J"'ll<'C betwc<'n him Rod the who, leerningthio good
fortune, became o:llified in bl heart. lie ent to llooma\'oon Badohalt
one lakh of .\liogalee (about 6 ann:. each), 303 hark., aOo <'llm<'l., and
other rrqui"'ites (""t mn.rrhlng, nnc.l hn lllrt_w 3. bridge O\'tr the. riYrr
oppooite to Joon. At the time of =king peace, nnd when this bridge
'lo'8o <"ompleted, lloomayoon b<"came a,.are that 950 t' had
ezcd hlo royal high and hi imperial trool"'o a1 to tubobteace io
Sind, fnr the pace of two yenrt. By reaoon of thio making of peace,
tbe Urghoon oo plenCII. that I'Stend"d of happi
aeu to the beuen, looking up.>n It no nn nnexp<'cted bleoing, making
many for their c:onduet, and aellding all things needful for
roarcllng to the llndohu.b. On the ith of Rnbee...,.,.Sanee of tbi1 me
year, tlw king, tbc lltWn o( J,,un, lhe rh'tr by tht bridge.
'fbio oecupied 1" u day,., and on the 9tb, he commenced bio mtueh npoo
A" ov Til EsrEDlTin:c or 8'1Kinoo Lt:xoA .t.GAIS'ft Bu&IIITL
,\.hen Bukoboo Lungah had buill a fort in lllooltaD opposile 10 Ju-
poor, he cau..,d tbe city of MooltaD to be dewr!NI, pthering people
of all descriptiou In tbat fort, ouch astbe mfln of Lauph, IJ<.Ioocb-
Nahuro, and all kind of faetion men w,. eolleeted within hla ring.
Then, making up hi n1ind 10 anaek Bnkkur, he .,.. .. eontautly reading
spiel there; 00 much 00, tb&t II length I ODtt-ioD of ........
bringing intelligent<! IO him of tbe Dnpro!Kted Olale o{ lloal
and that Shah Uoooaln .,.... at Tatta, 'lo'ith all hi uobiN ucl lniOpe Oo
beari"'! this, Rukohoo Lungah, placing hi meo on bolinl boalll, he
atartd, .,.
ding fifty of tb.,... I.. advantf', cmleriq doe'!' 10 arrha a t
Bukkar ill the middle of the aipt, ucl by - detice to c:oney
tbemtelveo upoo the waUo, ao4, by brnking dOW'D the plea, to opea
a road for him to enttr by. Whu tbet<1 arrived at mldDight of Friday
at the foot of the fortreu, they U,boed., fif'lo beOMth th'"'gata oppoaite
Su .... ar, and c:omraeaeed oboutlog. The people io :be liort, heariog
thia, went IUOD.Md, and mnootillg the 10....,. and walla, commenced
tbrowinl lll.oDa &Dd arrows. Tb'!"' were bat few oepop the.,_ Attbia
lime &be 111011ter ol SaliNa MaJ.oiiMd Khao, eoming over the pte'lo'aJ
baing had a lorgr mat in oil, ca't it down upon the bead
of the a..snilaniP, who by this and Janee
Turkhan, Humxuh Beg, and Rtuee Eeaa eon of Kazee Kazin,
exerted themselves grl't\tly, so much "" that r.ome of their enemie" \\'ere
bornt, many dro\\oed, and a few, throwing thernoelve into the boallo,
thn ecnpt:d. on the following morning, Bukehoo Lun,...b, with
l':ul(llrabo benting, approached, with the thought that hi men hod taken
the furl; but whru be drew near, nnd the gorrbo>n commenced
cannon and guns upon him, he then knew thn.t hi people bo.d not
auccecdcd in their work, so he turned landed ncar Rorce, where he
remnincd three day, looting the country o[ Bukkur, after which be
retircd. \\'hen l\tccrza Shah Hooain received thlo he s.ent
Shah Urghooo, with Ktuec Kazin, to take care of Bukkur.
The above attack occoned on the night of the 1-Ith Jumadcc-oo-Sante,
9:;0 (. n. 1:;-13).
As Accot'T ov TBE CoKI!'lG OF :\IE&IIZ'A K'AM&A:rt 1'0
Wbtn, in the of the year 951 ( o. lSI I}, on account of the
of hio brethren, Hoomllyoon Badhah P""'eeded to lrak,
then )(ecrn li:amran eat Shaikh Abdool \Vuhab Poorance, :\leer
Eelah Do.t, anl B11ba Cbochnk:, on 11 miion to Mer7.n Shoh Hooain,
milking known hi wih to form 11 conoexion wilh hf d:UJgbter. Shall
Hooain Rgrecd to thi>, gi>ing leave to the to r<turn.
When lloornnyoon returned from Jmk to Kondnhnr, Meerzn Uskurec
retired to the fort, becoming subminhc to kinjl. who thon marched
towards Kabool. Jllecrzo. Knnuan otood up in enmi1y, but his chief..
tle.crting him, went over to the king. 'rhus hiA tr<ngth to fight left him,
eo turning 1hc bridlr of hi inleotioos from war, he put bi face in 1he
dir<:ction of and by the way of Herat he came to Sind. Hearing
of thb, !'lhab lloooain made a. place of reJidrnce fur him Gl Pallor,
eendiog Dul"l\'csh .\lahomcd in front, to meet and o:sC<>rt him. .\rririog
there, 1\atnra.n hook the eord of Shah Hoosoin oent )leer
Furookh to !'1:01"' the in thio matter, nnd he gaxe in
lll:lrriage to )leenn Kamran, Choehnk the rh,.,.te do.ugltter of
Meeru!Shah j{OO!!ain. month af1er hi marriage, Kamra.n left
Sin<l, proceeding toward Kabool, Shah lloo$cUD ocoding with him
1,000 well appointed ho,.,cmeo, repairi.llg a.nd fnrniohiog whatever ..vo3
rqnircd by him. Meen:a Kamnn first went to Ghuznee, which be
took; he thrG marched :>goicst reaching and entering it
without the of the garril!On. At that time klng wao away
at Budokhan.
8b. month aftcrwant., Shah Hoo:uun' horomen returned I<> Sind.
Sallaeql!ently II> tht, tbe king with mnny men bock 10 Kabool.
hie forces around it; at which Kamran IM-comiog alarmed, he
leftot, towards lliadoostan. n., hnd an interview \l'ith llam ShRh
Afgh11n, asking his aid ; but he mennt to oeize him, bearing of which h<'
lied, going to the men of Kokor, who protected him for n long timr. At
lt'ngth, when the king hcnrd that he WM eoncot'ting mi"t'hief in hi
head, he had him eaaght., drawing a lllil (a wire iootrament ncd to
blind people) over his eyes.
Jo the year 9.';7 (. o. 1>0), :\lrcrza KAmrao arrived at Bukkor.
Shah Doosain gnve to him for a rcidencc the hill of Shad Belnh,
which in the midst of the watrr, to the wetard of Ballor. He
afterwards ettled upon him fur hi houo the l'urgona nf
Bothoroh, ghing him Futch Bnjrh for 11 re.idencc. After remaining
thtre some time, he left for Hujj (n pilgrimage to Mecca), and Chochuk
Brgum prepnred to accompany him, oending to brr father for hi
but he dtooial to lhic, enl:tll:ing upon it.
Chochuk Begum, without her fathrr' "'cnt no boord a bo:u,
to go nloof' to !\leer%!\ luunrru>: but Sultao :\lahomrd
llluhnrder, and othero, eoming In front, ouroNI ber back. At that time
Shnh Doosain arriving, went on board hrr boat, rra<Ooing much with
ber; but wM not affected by "V.'heo Meerxo. Kammn
hnd his eyes right, yon gave to him; now that be i bHnd, do you
intend to &t'partlle me from him? 'fbt world will >ay the daughtrr
or Jlfeerzn Shah lloosl\ln at such n time turned her bead from a.....,.iat
iog "'-ith her husband, and they ,.;n give me reproach!" The
wu at thi,., aad giving her valuable thing., allowed her It)
Mccru !Uimran and Chochnk Begum. after J>crfurmiog the pilgrim
ngr to 1\!ccca and ;\{edian, lhed at former two or thret.
year. One year, on the day of llujj, after otooding on Urfllt (a
mountain near Mct'cn), nod before the on of hi Ufe went Into
tbe eomrr of death, IW<I'D month after hi death, Cboehuk Begum
f'lll'td from world to the world everlating. Thi oecaned in tb"
year 96-t ( o.

A!lll A.ccot1fT or Tac taGB00$1 "'"o TnK RucLLtOlA,
AIWD or Tor. Dt.A.TB OP 1\(cs:u HaA Hooa&la.
Jn the latter dnya of l\lerrze.Rhah Jlootaio, he 'IO'V otruclt with the
pahy. At that time mnay mro of low origin were hi Tbe
Urghoon the Torkhao and alto m., o' ebamct.r, udnded
' . -
from hie io ov.o bc"tiJ!ito(!ll: and thue.e low people
day by day arendcd in degrrc, actiog..,.;rboot retopect and with opph!s
ion to....,.rd thr .\!.gal. Ia tk year oOO (. D. Umbl-e 01\hre
had cbarge of tbe treuury at Tatta, and hmael Bhuttiry<uuh i nrd
or.Jo,... to thl' and 'Whntrwr lrlllh ur th
mrn p<>kr, it wa npprov .. d of by Shtth llnonin. On thi o.cconnt :ill
the men of repcctabilit) !'Orn>wing in corntr.. camr w
uch a pa.'' that the "''"" of Urnbec trrtchctl forth the band
of opprt-.iun np<>n the Urgboon and Tnrkh-n. Orw one of
the..e n woman of the Urghooneeynh who wa in the f,lmily
wny, cau<cd her to haven premature dclivrry. 1 rghooo comryed
thi to the carM of !:!huh lloo>ain, wbo pt>id no nttcntiou to it. When
they grcotly molargcd upon it, the i\t..,rza wrntc n note to Shaikh
i\rccruh I'oomot, the chief of !slum, 111 the tinw in '!'attn, saying:
"fnquirt into thi quarrel ngrecnbly to tlw law, und nfter it has been
prond, punih wiiOI>\'er iwortby of punihnwnt." Hhnh Hoo,.l\in !:3'''
thargt of the fort of to Rufcz, who were
"" pur..ton ... cl lave, o.nd he him-elf tnnwd the bridlt nf hi intention-
toward Hokkur, ond in the early part of Zilhnj of thi ..amc yr.u he
nnhttl at H.tbnrlo<>, rcmainin!t there twentyfht" drtY"' On cbe ith
.,f \luhnmnn, 961 ( ' o. J;J;;:J.ij.l) he entered Bnkkur, in the 'Jtall
uf \ocliencc from mornioq- till eV"eoing.
,\II th l'rgl""'"' o.nd 'l'urkha.n-, eeiog tht predominnnre of the men
n( .... v t.irth thnnt l:ih'\h noo-ain, full ur vcxntinn; the)' were
thinkin,ll tint the only mcdirioe for their ntlitir, WM the dcMruction of
th-.. 'l'hry nnd ull the other noble nmbltd in tht houc of .\lctr
Hhnh \hhomml Btg Lar, who wo the llnkccm of tho furtrc l>loring
ll<'fon him tho otnte of affair, good and bnd, book biting the I nYc nod
ntwndunt of Slmh Iluonio; dcelnring thnt it woo nNcnry for them
rithrr to ltn,c tht conn try, or el;e to drMroy tho-. peuplt. Tlwy n>kcd
fur in thi .... ubjct:l, ,.iz.: H Tlltu now Hhah lltl4l"'3iu i!'( with
the 1-t.y, ht loa not Lreogtb to ritle, going nbmu inn tm,etling throne:
we will plato him in tbi fort, lea,iog our fnmilitto dn hio,..,t\icr, aod
lny all tho mn of low birth about him" \let-r<a Jllntr tl'urkhao, a
SinJar of .. 3id: '":\l ecrz!l Shl'\h UtlOt..-ain i .. like the on
on n bill; it dU<O not "<'em proper to me to bm.; my.., If into bad repute
in hb la._l tby
..\ yon ha\"c borne thi' bnrthc;n for ctt many )eo"'
rontinuc co do 100 for one or two mott", and t-ury on yuur affair: with
trouble: whnt forth from the curtnin of the iovi ... iblc world."
They did not place their car upon thi, and oome of them, rising
from tho Mombly, went outide with por1>ou to go to the Tlall of
nnd.killand wound nll the ottonchmt thcy might find ncar
the lll,cr<:t,,...t<otl to him "unoillouwo; but before they

ttAdoed the hnll, Hhnb Hooain, having gone on bonnl a bont, bad pro
tet"ded h, t1 g.u,len, from in twu or thrrt cl1'Y" he went 10 Taua.
!\lcoru Sh-h ,\bhorned Beg, the Hckcem o( Bnkkur, llftcr thi wrote
nn tho I'"K' uf hi hC!art tbe !Jicturc of rebeltiun, collecting the Boold-e
BeiO<>chce. .\t that time the mother uf Suhnn \lnhnmrd, a woman
of great goodnc nnd \\idom, heoring of thi, ent a man to ull \leer
Jllnlik lllabomed, nod \leer Lootfee, who wcr< in the ditritt of
Oobu.wnth and Mnthclnh, who, on hrr ;ornmon, etniclly eonr)rl
themcht to Hnkl.ur, when they cl\llecl \lihr Ali nod tl11 other ncutt
uf Hhah IIMnin, nlo the Kotwnl, &c. wh<> hnel joined ,\!cor !-<hab
llfahomed, and gTC'ntly them, they went away. noel tli.Jh ,
'rbry thrn wrote the lo bhnh lloo:-..\io, who ctuickl) t_Jat
llum7.ub Beg nnd other< to BetUnr, nnl lte'<l 'leN Humreol
ood-dcen illnhomC'd Snrbon, with 11 l'nrwonn, h> c.ell \leer l'hh
r.rahomed, co:-n,io,.: u II -ave wco11Pt'lcd )on: wht'n \ou .. ,c rn\ wr1tinn
. . .. '"''
t"omc hcrt.u Shah (ound no other mcdhlnr bnt tu ol.w};
he went with \fcer en, Clrri\ ing in tho- precnee of the
Sunn, rNchinR; much hirn.
Sulton i\lllbOnl<d """" "'"" Ill !';<ebt-e. \\'ben he hcarol of !-<bab
bccornin,:r hn prvJ)() ... ed to gu quick Itt Jlukknr,
hie: mothc..r nnd ntar rdatit,n"- were th<!rt": 1"8\"lnl:,'
he nrrhttl nl Gunjn.b:tb, hiM people n llltrr rrnrn
tnothrr IO him, the of wrre a ... :- \feet !'bah
.\lahomed wa bad thon<:ht into hi head, but be foro he cout.l
do nnythint(, he Wa called to the rrc-enrc of the \feerx.a. Oh my """
your miocf o.t r doins: that wb..iC'h yon haH to cln !'' l"pt1n LlliP,
HuJcnn 1\fuhomcd tlctermintd to rctnrn (wan thtnc.r. !11'
brt-cornincr n.ware of <.anlt'! him, n-.Ling thc uf hi"
he nnd Mhowtc.l tn lhcm bia mu1l1ci leu r, un
rtadin;.: which the-y rxchimcd: (eongralulaliou) Itt on
becoming I he Jlnkhrn of lJukkur: it nv\\ nt tc ... (or yna '' ont"n '"
nthance your foot, and 1alk on abc wn,: Snhan \I ;a horned aid u 'J'.,
111('; it doc' not appear pm1wr Ia gu lhtrt, '"athunt tH'In:::: ' Llted:'
rtpJird: ... J t tlt for) on h l'OD\cy} ourM"I(.P.fM",!t into th{
fHr if 'hh'>tnec.l wot 10 il, Jt wc>ulcl b1 tJtHit'Hit ft,r )oil ,,, f111d on
fntranrc: now ht l11 it 1s ory (( r )OU to o U.rro
itnm nnd (rum tJu n("(l \\ritl' a pctitiun to thl! ,
that h""llf o( wb:ll hoJ OCntrrcof, )tlCI hod 1lnhcd jj,<l<'o tcqU 1
ing hi11 .,
&me d") bt-fure hi arrha I at RuHur, a 1
irmao bad arrn...! front
appointing "" l h.kC"t 111:-. tlwn. ,,,.,., \luhk .\(m.hltncd
nod l\leer Lootf<c; upon beanog ...-hieh m
greatly t't>, and hf"' ..,...,. attada..\ wj'h ,)""'tfh '\.. Th-
being cntrnl't('J to thtl1"-C to. tbry dil" tf,.. l':.rgunu of the
Mt\\t."e'n tht"rn; 50 SultaD 'raboml"d, \\ llh J' tJon .. y, N"nt a mun
tu tbtm ..... 1\yeog: H In theat'l arrn.,!lgt-mt'nb do nollorgct mf', (,"l, lam in
the fvtl.'' tha...c, Malwucd .tWd tn lw wn.
' l'akt Ibn
of fort to SuhiUl 1\ltthoutetl." Mcer Lootfee remarked that it
w .... better not to act hastily, but to remain under the order of lhe
Meerza. :\leer 'lnlik was a mtlo af wisdom; he did not ancnd tu .\leer
Loot fee, anti he cnt the keys of the fort to Sultan Mabomed.
On the ht of Mohurrum, 002 (A. n. 1:551), all the Urghooo ud
rurkhans in 'l'aun, being or one mind, agreed to obey the or
J\lccrza and they tnrncd their heads awny from listening to tbe
commands of l\feerza Shah Hoooain. 'l'hey slew Urabee Gahee,
Sbunbuh, a.nd Rufecg, t.nd couJining :lfah Begum, the Hnrum
(wife) of the Mecl'$t.; and extending their bands to tbe trcaoury, tbey
diotribntcd much money to the sepoy$. Shah Uoosain had appoinu,d
Meer Shah 1\fahomed to the governorship of 'J'nnn, but before hit arriru
nll the had ugreed to obey 1\{eerza EcM, bowing their heads
.,..fore him; Rntl Shah l\fahomrcl, being ht'lple!llt, liltewi-e became
ubmissive to him. Hearing of tbi, Sbah wu much afllicted:
he ...,nta mcoenger to Sulton Mahomed, directing him to aeize nil tbe
Urghoons and 'l'urkbans in Bukkur country, nod to send them as
prieoocrs to him. After bl"ing 1\llacked with tho pnlsy, the 1\(eern
conotantly dmnk wine, remaining intoxicated. At this time his nttcnd
ant' wei'C backbiting tbe Urghoon, Mying: very Neemok
huram (Caithl.,..), because they have killed all your who had
p:'l''ed their tivt:l'l in your $enicc, C"ommitting no offence: it ad\'iMble,
for tho preecrvntion or your government, to give us ordrrs to detroY
them, and to seitu and confine Ahmed \Tulcc, the head of thL
and he is now present hero in your force.'' They then began cryillg
and lamenting. The Meerzn had Ahmed Wulee scnrlinl( biln
to Sehwisllln in charge of 'futee !'larban. 11e killed Ali Hooain, who
.,.,., the near relation or Ahmed \\"ulce, nnd placing his bead on tbe
roint of a tpcnr, bad it p6mded on all Henring of this, tbe
r<>bcWous enmity of tlte Urghoons increased. Seeing theh d,jpoition,
Shah gave tbe charge of Bukk or to Sultan l\lahomed, directing
him to !!lay all tho Urgboone nnd rurkblllls wbo were there. Sult1L12
1\labomed toq)< thi Finnan to hi. mother, telling her of ill contents.
Sbe aid-" I give you 'loobru-uk on being m:ule Go.-ernor or Bol:kor;
bill inttead of IJ.Bving I helle killtd quickly, it ie bctlcr tO seixe and end
them to the 1\lcerxo, wbo will do rus he pleru<ro with them."
SollllJI lllabomed confined l\fccr JaQ,I!e 'l'urkhan, Ahmed TorkhaJI,
and who were in Bokkur, to take to tbe !lfeen:a: he put to
dratb Yadgar iY.abomed Kou.ral, ,.be b:ul incited Mur Sbah !\{&homed
In and tumed out of the fort the family or Kazee Kaxiu.
I II who wrre on tbe o( Sb"h Hoo.:uo, and making over the
of Bukknr tn bi mothrr, hr P<Ol:eeded to l\fccrza Shah JIOOI!8io
At bio oecood lllatch, be met Syud Janfur, and other Syudt, who bad
__________ __
come from 'lu,heed: gnc to him a pair of which
had sent for him by the upcrintcndent of the Rowzah (tomb).,(
Emam l\fooc Rciza at Muhed. Sultan \labomed wu very bapJY
at tbl, receiving it ao an omen in fllvour of the Sullllllut, nnd he gnve
much money to the Syudo.
He then collected pair of Nugnra.b, and oint pnir .,r
Korkuhs ; and marehe, on 22nd of
that year, he arrhcd in the pr.,.encc of tbe Metro:o, to whom he howd
ble forces, ond being tnuch plcnocd, nod gcujng confidence, he man:hd
on 'l'aua with warlike intention. On hi arrh11l at Suvat, the foh'e
of the two partie met. 'I' here were two or three b"tle between tbent,
in which many men or both ides were In thi uatr of alfairt
1\lecrzn Eer.> ..,nl """rctly to Sultan 1\fabomed, nying: "By neesity
we nrc fighting ngnint tnch other: why ohout.l we fight
onr&elvc., the p<'Ople killrd I'VcrJ day 1 J( J and you hnvc an
interview, huwing to t'llch othrr the good and bud in our all'ai..., anl
conc.ult about oar own bu .. inC"u, it will be well" 'l'bc awo met at
midnight, nod there "'"" much friendly them,
bringing their lnlk to this point, that Meerza HOO"ain i a viitor
in this world for but a bort time : it i bener to tako the road of peace;
bceauoe, after his death, there will be oo on" bot oo two, ,.-hen, in
muncr u we may determine upoa, we will mnke for the
country, and we will nut distarb that which we may agree to. :-;., one
Inlow of tbls meeting.
At that time Ameer Holtan and lllecr Aboel l\hair, taking..,me of tbe
Sodah,, &e. went 10 the ftrry. wbem lbtre wa a Btloocb
Chokee, under Beg A atfmy l<><>k ploce, many of
Mccrza Eca'o men the bend of "''bom ,.ere brought
Sbab uoo .. in. B) the.., thtrc ..... ,.., l>OIOC had
or l\fogul. occing which the water came into the eye of tbe :\lef\JZB.
Upon thi. Sulta.D :\lahomcd, who wa oltting near,""""' b<(o"' him,
toaying: "1f any men of our tido am killed, 110rrowful, and
if thol'e o( tht oppoite part) art" ,lain, you brjag Wftltr into ,your 1
I amvexl'd, and much ditmctod in finding a rnrdt ine for thio." At
that moment 8haikb Abdool \l"uhab l'ooran..-, and \1..-rn J(uim B"ll'
Lllr, came bl'tween them, peaking in ... tcnuRtio>n o? the (aalta of
llfcerza f:eM. Thta Sultan abomrd l\ba11 and ntbe..., tbe
opportunity, ..,;d: ... uza En& i tnuch o!lbamod of
the Urghoono and Turkbano to....-17<>Dr.,J'UY&nuo: p<'B v( for
!fin'ne i draWD aN.,.a hi error., and if the Turkha11 i'lt eoo6nemMI
are rriCU<!d, he will Wtthout doubt J'ni<'DI hlmoelf )ou .. a
J\Jecr:u Shah lloo5alll a'lacDted to tlti., aad Meena &ta, tcleaorog
Malo Begum and tlw slavcP, coD\cyed them to hi nrmy. Thi, occurred
in the ln!!:1 day" of Sufur, in thut ,.arne year.
On the ht of Rubec-ool-.\wul, Shaikh Abdool \Yubub Pooronee, and
Mocna, 11kd f<>rgiven (or the crron o( tbe Turl.han, end-
ing a letter on thi object to '!'attn. On the 2nd, there wa. B meeting
ootween l\lcerzl\ Eea Tnrkhnn und Sultan Mnhomeu Khan, when each
.,r them, placing n hood on tlu Komn, agreed n follows-" Thnt they
\\OUJd be o( one heart, keepinj( enmity at a dilllDCC; that "" long as
.'Irena hnh ""'"''in li"cd, would both rtmotin obedient to turn;
that they would not t'nter into 11oy disenion during hi' IH<tinle; that
the Mcer7.<\ hBII depart from tbil! to thlll other world, then they
would dividr the country o( Hind into two when thnt above
J.ukhcc honltl be in the hand or SuhBn i\lnhomcd, Wld that oolow
l.ukhee hould rfmrun with 'lctru Ee:>."
Both o( tbtm, agreeing to thi, they wrote BO ngreement, tO \\ bich
Wtrt affied buth their and tboc o( their men Of eon&ti)II<DCC,
'l'ht') then eBch other twice, and Afttr thi,
urdcrc were givtn (or the nwn or chr two u.rmitfl to go into ulher't-
r:ttllJl, !<() tbo.t th< idea or enmity might be rcmotd (rom tho nlintl or
nil. The follnw ing day, "rza Beg, going to 'l'ollu,
brought Mahomrd Saleh 'fork han, the son or 'IeerZil to bbab
llooain, b<>(on' whom be plctcrd many '"aluablc preenL. From thi
oth (Shah lloonin') Abdool ""ubllb took Arnrtr Sultan thr brutbcr of
Sultan i\!ahonwtl to Tuttn, (or nn interview with Ert\. l\lccrza
Shah lloosnin, prcentinga Khilnt to 1\Iahomed Sakh, 8B''C him len YO to
drpart, and be. rot a pair or NUj(<lrohs tO lllcerzB Eea. The "'''t tl.<y
loe prePnted to Sultan .\lahomed a ta.n.dard or Mecr Zoonoon', 1\ntl hi
own ><'3.!. On that day Amcer !-;uhBD came bock from 'l'atta. After
thi the epo) O( the IWO force went to BOd fro with confidence.
Abtlool "'uhab, whn was lenrncd in medicine, from
ubtr<ing tho countcnnnec or i\!ccrzn Shah lJOONlin, become nwnro tbat
lti long tnntling dia>'C WIU incrraing it- hrntl: be therefore dtcmed
it proper, DO\'; that P<'llCC w:uo tnade, that be ohonld go to cb\\itan,
and that the troop should be allowed to depart to their born f'otllAD
.'l!abmned tbi. to the he n.cntcd, nnd thnt morning
lc mnrched ; but malady gnintd trength thnt tiny, every
huur. On tho 11th Robec-ool-A wul, 1oe cnearnpcd at the villnqc or
N:rlee Potruh; the follo\\ing d11y, in the nftemoon, bird or
hi life heard f.tP oound of..-" !)<) Ji'OU come to your God with much
pleuure !" (KDroD), and fled towards the Garden of Paradi,e. .\t that
time l->bail.h Abdool and Kuim were itting at his and
oeot to flultl\ll Mahomed, whq, coming on board the botll, and
"dog what bad occurred, tcu of alllictioo cBmc i.oto hi eye, BOd B
rninnlf' aflen\ard ... , th<' face Hno ... :lm. ht" \\'rpt nmh.
ant! his ftct, at duwn there, sayong: "0h \b<fu,
'Ynhab! Oh 'frxn ({.,.ion! Yon are my wiLo< tu C'h..J, that
during the lifttimt of Mcerza Sllllh I commottrtl no net uf
enmity Lownrd birn. J hav< nlway- been faithful to him; ..., much ""
tbnt cc, f now !it ot his feet-no one cle bcide uty,vtr hn found thi
g()Od rortune."
Shnik Abdool. tiling him by tbe hand, wrnt with him to Mnh
Begtnn, tltiring thrm to it together, nod that loo wonltl du wl 1t " "
rn,tumnry. llaing p<-rfonnrd thc..e dutic in the nnrly I>O.rt uf till'
night, he plo.ced the cOrJ>e on n b<d, reading owr it th" fnncml pra) r.
Rohan :\lahomcd 1t10k n little of the Lrrnurc, nnd mul'lo of till' prop.rty,
whirh wn thtn belnoging to Shah HO<>'ain. Rll .aid to lkguno:
" Gncf for hid ! but the 1 rghoooo.t and nt Tnua. m:ty t'(lmmh
with rc--pcC't to your honour: on acc."'unnt do you cume h)
hnkkur. t!l.kiog with you the corp"'" of :\lcf>n& 1Jo(J .. 4in n To thi ..
l\lnh Brgnrn rtplird: lt to con .. hi"i rrm nrar tq
of Shah Beg at wbith i!lll nca"r h.l T.tU.\-il '" far (mm
Bukl.ur." In short, Mnh Bognrn did not RJlJllOI'r of guing tn BnHnr;
he determined to the bod) 111 Tatta the following momin..:, ae-
eompaoitd by Shnikh .Abclool, Me<rzn !l.nim, o.ntl 1\hwnja .\fnhomrd.
The mornin;.c Suhnn "rt.homrd mn.rchtd on BuLikur, nod tm thDt
clny the ncws uf the denth of tht rcnohNI 'l'<tttn, whcn .\lcN><t
with a (orce, :flD.rlcd a(tcr :\labomrl!, ncatr \\boac
c..amp be tl.l'"'t-mblt'tl troop!ol. Su1tn.n 'fahome,l thrn .. cnl n. tel
himt n ... king whuc hi8 were, ... aying: .. If war '\our intention,
It'll nc, and I will eomr to thn fi<ld of hnttle." En rl'(olicd :
I have comrt bet"tlU'C the .. had htarc.l 1h111 \\"rn:
the of $hah lloo-11in and ;'\lah Brgum to Bnkknr: it wnu(,l not
htLve been proper tu do "'0
1'nua wa .. hit: but hO\\ H 1 ...
tJ, L.uown ro mu cbnt .\lah Rrgum t"on .. yt-tl hi .. hJ
'"J'uttn, do yon go at your pha .. ure to Bukkur." ::->uhan. L\lnhomrcl
II en, marrhing rtnchct.l SchwiJitan. .\ t I hat lim .. :\lcrza stmh
nnc.l olhtr" there, cnrnr to tht! drtrrminarJon. thai Tau.,
1nto thf' hrmcb of J::e .. s. nnd \lalor-. tcJ hod uUtuin.
Nl Bukkur, it woolcl be nd .. inblc fur to bold the of
Scbwitan. Soh tn \lahomed !n:m <I much with them, butthoy wunld
not delher ovtr the fort to him, kcrping it thcm.,.lvno, agr.,..abl) to

what the\ bad agreed n(IOD. ;;7tt<Ut by
called the fort Mcer Abool Kbaor, ond ;\leer .\l.dool Humt'ed, and
he then turned the bndle of inknlioos tn,.-ardo MrtrU>
wu foUowiol{ him ,..ttf<'h by mlU'th, oD arra .. ing ftt
lotatd th:1t the men of obwi11&1l bad ohut the gntcs IIJOOn,

ndmittanre to \lt1bomed; o he a largP body of men ia
ndvancr under his son Mnhome<l Stitch, to urrounu the l>lnce, and he
him-elf arriTinl( honly after, ktpttis:chtly confined the mco in thi fort.
At tbnt time my (the bitorian') jp'&ndfathcr, !Synd Kulan,
bt-twecn them, peace WM mudt. A ftcr the men in the fon OAking
for quart<r, evacuatd it, \II'crza E a taking po.-c><ion. The chief
men of tbr plBcr, being greatly ll!'hnrned, Bkcd for, and ob1aioed IeeTe
to depart, for tho> 1>nr1>0e of f(Oing to Hnjj; but they went to
ri4 Bargub or Barkub. From thence they woot to llindootan, where
they took undtr Moonirn Khan. l\lcrr Ab<lool Humeed, also,
obtained p<'tmi>ion from Sollnn Mnhomed, \VI'ntto lliodootuo.
the corl'e of \feerz11 Shah Hooain reached Tana. it ,. . ..,
ron,cytd to the hour of !\leer Ahmed \Ynlee, c>n tbc bank of the
ricr, anu a tomb will! erected for it on the lllokullec hill. 'l'hrcc montlt<
afterward, Eea eominl{, took it from the hou..c of Abmd,
and buritd it thrrr, ll!rrrzll nod atll thr Urghoon and Turkhnns,
WC'ariog the ap1arcl of a fRiction. One day thoy 311 went to hi tomb to
read the Bntihnh (pmyrr for the deud). 'l'wo ytaf8 afterward.., the
remain were Iuken up from thrnec by tlw noble, nnd conveyed to
''""""' by whom they were placed on one ide of tit ,,.. of hi father
Shnh Beg, erecting over them ll very hand110me tomb, which is well
A Sr'Mit.unv oP Tor. ov l\!.:&RZ !';nAn Hoos"'
Sbab Hoo< wa the "'n of Shah Btof(, tbr -.on of "eer
Zoonoon He hnd no cqnBl in bravery from hi yonth, till hr '":l' ,...;.ed
With di .. Jlc vietorinU!IJ in HJl the bl\tlleM hu (onglll: in lhcRe
bi armngement I!O"d. Hr wa horn in the ycar"96 (' o. 1100);
he died in the yonr !ki2 (.\. n. L:;.; 1), hnving li\'Cd sity-i:t
Frdm childhood hn wt\A ruuion to attain knowledge, and oil pmiod
him for the extent or hi widom. Hi mincl "'"" intent "I"'"
thl\l which "'"" good; hio knowledge of all anci<'nl tmolition \\11-'
gr\'Dt; he un4er-tood poetry well-ometimc the rtult of hi thonf(b4!
c"rne forth in ,cre. Hi titular ol\me "as Siy.thec, and I (the bi<orioa)
hove po.-r<iM of some of hi poetry in hie own llllnclwriting. .He
a),..,.y. howed honour and ditinction to thr 8odnt (tbe Syud), the
nnd 10 all men of learning: whotrever nllowonee W<" ..ell led by
him on theM>, ;lotre ne,er w.u any mitnke in it; !(ave to all accord
ing to their _.condition. "" hi the hand or oppw-ion did
nut reach the r.umble ; he did not wish to inJure any one. Hi
fur the rountry goou. For the of thirty-four
yrars I>< at on tbe thr<>ne. I a his .)">Utb, he from Kandahar to
Babur Rallbah at Kabool, remaining with him two yelll'!'. 'Bnbnr
n th .. ,,.., 9i0 ( n. 1S62) Tb" Jnmin Poor:u>ec, a
on law well known at Tatta and Bukkur, \\'11!1 "ritten by Shaikh
Shih ICootb-ood-decn Mahomed, the ton of Shah lllahorood, the-
otSW 'l'IIJllb, ......, tbe ebief of tbe Sod of He came
fPaol aCier tho qnarrels of tbo Toorkom11ns, living "' Bukkur. Every
Pridarluupokc in publie, ghi11g adire to the people. llo wae a man
of pel abetinenee and piety. Ho dil in the Jailor cnl of the year m
, ... D. U169) .
Aw AccOUIIT or Mus.nDoox

He wu IIICCfteOr to Makhdoom Bilal. Hio hentt wn nlwayo given
to piety; tbotoc wbu in the pnth of an!terity upon bim
with reereaer. lie well ocqnaintad with traditional
Shnrhi-U rbuecn, the Sburb-i-Kaidanee, boob on ...,ftgiou and law, ....
other work.., arc tbc ruult of his knowledge. IIi. death took plaec iD
949 (A. J>. 1:>-12), at Tatta.
Alo Accot'!<T or Knc" KutN.
He wu,the ton of Kazee .\boo Synd. tue on of 1\uee ?.llin-ood-deea
Bu).,.,., HI. ancCOIIor< io Sdtwi-um. On of tbcor, 11 very
deYonl man, cantu to and n-mnined l\1 Bukkur. Knzc 1\nzin wn ry
\irtuoQtt i be Wtl8 well tdilllcd in in o( the
Komn, in the trudltional ,\lnhomt<l; nlo in nil tbl\l ...,)atd to
ITiigion and Ia .. , and I be eonccmplnti<c cicncc, be undcrlat>d, ..,adiog
the Konan ln a proper tone (llrn-iKimt); no on bim in
rrl!hw Be exMtcd himself greatly in penitenrc to God. Jlc made
the pl)pimllfle to Mecca and be trarlled much. He wu a
diacipleof 8J1ld Mahomed Jowao Poree, who was <'ommoaly known by
tho name oC Mehrau Mubdee. on which ueounl the of the
Mahomedan reliBion taunted him. After the death of Shah Beg,
Shah Rooeain looked upon him wttb the eye of kindne Be
wa. the Kaze.. (Judge) of the eity of Bukkur, di.playing great abmty in
-.,ttli.Dg all dipulco. He died in 9S8 ( ... n. 1M I).
A or AaJ>OOLLA, TO& So. or Ku.r. r .... nnl .
He wn one of tho chief meo oC Jenming, and very vittuou. 8,11
'"taincd know\J>dge from Abdool Uuez Abhnrec; be bad
a Mroog miaJ,.full of ptcty. In hie yontb bo lived in his conotry,
Sbah Beg took Sind, be lived tome time at JJasll
.... M t tJ Joiol .W. 1D .. tJoo li4Jodce wloo 11 oop,-.IID .. -!If ...
X ............. _......,....._.,.. I 7
b:aulln In tbt I D. 1;;27), "he w..nt to Gaunt; 6
to !llrdina, wb,...., took the appataiUli of ht life to 1ha1 oilier
He bnd t-.o dnout nee'"""'"" Shuilb Rehmul-ool-lah, tUMI
Hum.,.,d Oocb There ......, uooue equal to t!oe firot of ._. tn.
Ia hio be wrote three -orb t"<'letiog to th eua- ot 1M
pilgrlma!."' nod these aru now ..theft<! to. Hittomh ia at Je; I
(l: rzIMokuddu).
Hurneed Ooch was oma.inented witllthe clrea or .-irtw; he
wa. a 11rofirienl in knowledge of all kindo, l'!lpeeiall1ln the
tiun uC Koran, and in the traditions of Mahoruod, When Mocmalfar
Kbnn, tho on u .tlnhnn 1\hnn (luzcraler, look Ahmedabad
from l:Ohuhllb Khan, who wa. of Uilmr 8hnh'o noble., Nawab
Khan Khaul&ll, with a large fotte, wentth<-tt, drilng out !lloo:ru&'ar,
and pladn& the eountry under Ukbar Shah. At that timr I ,....
th.. noble who .... .., with Khan 11:11- I reeeiorecl 'rirbae
f10m the Shaikh, whom J went to -. mak.iag u to Ilia il a
eompletc book called Mbhkat, with""""' olber worb. all eo ' ln'-1
the of Mahomet! (Hodee.) . .i took IPAft or biaa. Sflallrlo
Humeed afte,...,ard went on & tu Mccea. willa Naw.b
Moetitab I\ ban A uzum, and be still tbc ) in!!" of Mabomed
AM Jh\.on-:T or l
1'his wall A QlllD o( gll!at oadenlalldiag
Wrll aoqaaiatod "lila AralticJ;
he inotmcced Mean* Shah n-u. Cor - &I.a..
11163,64) be weal to Hujj. The Jel'lllta or IIIII
xplaialas llae Sbamayal-iNabtnree. and
llaillawee ( .. iawprelalicna of the l:oru) :abo
lllaalik ; '-lei" otben
He ... .-pt tba """" Sodats o1 Bakkar.
, .... ;.,.,..-or .u k.iJioh. A .,.._.. ......
.... .._.......,.,.. __ ,Q.U

\\"hrn tin ne ... o rearbctl Meerz 1 b" \\"rntthtrr "
IM-ing followrtl no fnr a. by Sultun who tletroyed
A lithe Rnbt-e (pring croP") of that country llleer Kutnn, romiq
IM-t.,.etn, n tn-..ty wa tmld!!, and Sulton .\JnhomeJ returned to Bnkkur.
Some time after thi1, in the ynr 967 (. D. 16.">9), Mrcru Mahomed
H .. leh and Mrerza .1\lnhomed B,pgc,, the two ""no of E"""
Turkban, ,.ere fighting between themwl.... The father giiYo bia
countenance to tbu former. The Inner, being de!oatt'd, went to \Vnngnb,
, the Sodabo are. Th08e Urghoou wbo bad D<'COGipallied him,
agreeing to remain with him, they went to Omurkote. Thcnee, by tba
"'Y of Jwulmt're, they ('8Dle to Bukk or, whero they had an int .. nlew
with Sulttul Mabomed, who took thtm into the armpit of hi kindne",
placing them at SuHnr. Me-erza l: ...... entthe child"'n or lila homed
&gee to Snkknr, to Mahomed Balch. l\lreru Mahomed llap
wiahed much to go to Hindooat...., but SullaD Mahomed Kban would
IIOt allow thio, beeauoe he thought that if he got tllere, lie WORld NtVa
with a largo force, which would have to go through bU. ooaatry, bJ
hich much and anaoyueo would npoa hb people.
Ia 970 (. o. 1662), Sultan lllahomed begged of Meena Beta
forgiven- for the fanll3 of lllahomed B"Ning to which, be
Rill a mi .. ion to Snlltul l\Jabomed In make nrr&Dg<'mrnta, IID}'ing bow
happy he wu that he (SnltnD Mabomed) bad and ialereeded
for his oon, Sui tab .1\lahomed then eent Jl(eena Maho-d Bagoe to
hi a father, plft<'Dti!IJ him witb all tbiags lwlillill tbe - ola .W,
1\lahomed Bagoe, arrivlag at Tatta, had an iateniew with u ladtlr,
who gave llim &thwistaa ia J"P", allawiag blm to deput. .Aft8
tbU., tbe Urghoons qllllfftlled with Merna Betoa'e people. ..._..,..
made lwtweea them, bat aa the Uf!hoou We"' 1 .... rber, tbttJ
opened fire upon, and alew IIIUI}' of them. Oa tbis KCOtallt, they
"'cbed Bakkur ia a bAd otate, llhowiag tbrlr clreumtnncu to 8altaD
Mahomed, who oebed aDd t'ODfiDCd the whale nf tbrm.. Ak-
tima, on tbe ialereePio11 of biJt tDOther, be liberated tbem, ud priag
to each a IIane ud lhilat, he aeat tbCIII with Ida other JlMIIIe _,u-
&tbwiet...., tbtt fOrt of which they surrouadad, tlltuliaf It two Ill,..
timu, bat they -"1 do -loiq.
Wlaea die ri'NI' wu nry ftdl, Meena Ee.a - with muy troDpe.
A &pt took ..... Ill tba &ar,.. r.ry, wha IUaJ of BallaD Mabamed's
mea fell. Kna Be .. eacamped ....... to the towa ol Duabelnh, wb....,
Sultu Mal 'aeatlldro.-. trMf....., preparing l'bractioa when
Blaalldl Abdaal Wallab ud lllall llepm, tb'll ;ell-wishers of
...,. ...... IDDIIe ,._ ba- tllem. Meerza Eeaa then returned
to Ta-. ... tbe "'-ols.llq 1med ,.ut '-k to Bukllll, 1
n.a (. a. 13116), wllea Jlaana ._ dlew aru death, he proposed "'
ral 1n his pluce l11 on :\lecrza J '" U3bn; but \lnh Bcgnru
.aid: "'lccrza Malwnud Bagee L the dt.lcr, it i I"''I'Cr lo bim
on the lhrone" llleerza EeSl, 'hakinl! bis ht atl nl thia, "He
has violcnee 10 Ins hean. opprel!:non co 1hc Rynt!, and the
familic of othe"' of Uoxl's crealiun, ant.l you will to your dcalb Ill
hi .. hnnd!t."
\\.hen l\lctrt." Ec .. a died a natnral dcnth, lhl' C\acnt wu coneealed,
to pr.nt ,Ji,,ortl, until Mnhomed Bag('(t but! t'Onm to '!'attn
from Sdl\1 htnn. On lhc morning of that tiny, lht bn<ly of .\lccrzll Ecoa
placet! in lho lomb.
After lhio, Mecna Mahomed Bagee ucended the throne, placiD&
all dae aliWs of state In the bands of the Urghdono, Bot tbre WOIII
wltllaQl l'eu, ondacliag tbe11111elves improperly. The......., of Ibis -
6ili: llleena Mahenlf'd Hagee bad only jtut uceaded the throne; fMi
or him hd IIOt enlered I heir beam, nlthongb he bnd atroqly =
etrated with lhem. In obort, l!e saw 1h1t the only arrangemeat I'M ll1iJ
COillltrJ ly ia their deatruetioa. He the...,(ore iiiUed ordeN for allw
18y the Urgboou, 10 100( lheir property, ud that lheir wiT"" ...S
ohllcln!a to be \aka by thoae bo pl.,...,d lo do eo. In lbil
- aumboN ol were ltilled, and tbooe wbo eocped the liWIIId
8ed to Bakhr.
During the &rot year of the reign of l\leeru Mabomed
Naheed Begnm came from Rindootan lo vioit her mother Mah Begnm.
la lhe aame year, at tho instigation of the "Urghoon nobles, MullaD
Mabomed went forth 1o make war epinat Mahomed Bora. 0&
reaobiag Nntntpoor, he laid siege lo II. He then heard lhat Hurat
Badebab (Ukbar Shah) had anied at Shaikh Fnreed-kePntlllll (lh
.PU fiHrJ), wit. the iatention of making a pUgrimage to tbe ohriaN or
.......... lloohu. Snltaa Mahomed boeame ftrJ thoahtfnlup _ __ ,.
tide, adllandllc allW. boats, hy mee-he JIWOJI he
Jofeena Ju ..... ... brother or Jofeena llahomed, ...
--&bad- (a law -. ... _ ....... ,.. or Mahomed .....
ad a d-pdant 6oaa 811laa AU, tile btotller of Meer Zoo.o
D!Jbooo), being diepleued with M- lllahomad Bape, left,
IIIICI weal to Bukkar. Sultan Mahomed -i'nlcl them witll -- ,

...., ; ,._.ling to each, money, a bone, Khilal, aad otlter
thiDp. He abo pve them Jageera . OD their "'l-'111' Ilia ...,_
be them a large body of pod troope. Whea they
thorv"il11 a d.iteb.ln f:ont oC the fo"'" oC lllabomed
Uqrllginr181..:18N did uot make friolldsblp wltb Ju Bal.,._-thtrj
Oa tlrie acealbll be len the111, pl ... to the -
... troope of 8llltu ....... ,
4lW ......... , ..... lJIIIIf!,.'

ML'rU.l ;\(1\hunwtl B<lgr, git"lng his da.nJ,th1er n mnrringc ro r li.h tr
Shah, be .. ith Mnb &gum and '\"3heed nnd ahmg
of C\'er) ldcd I hal the coulol appro"' of, l>o foT1"nrded bv,tl .,.
Ht nppuiutecJ Yndg-.u .. kctn lu go1n thnrgl" ,.r tbc;n. \\1th
friend ,,( thr f:unih, Dhd men uf trust, and be
mincd 10 ncc:ornpany ..;me ">y.
to i\Dhmnetl having Mcorne fucnds
with i:\ahc...d BcJ.,Um, t'lnrricd b r dl\nghtcr Buebuh lk;;um. who "
funnerly the "iCc of, bnt bad oeparatcd from, Xag:al Khan ThllS
\lef_rza ,\h._homd ,. nl t'R!H'I whh rf"!pect ft.'
throucb l\.,becd Bel;llm. "ben tb"-"" nrri<ed nt Lttllc Al<ee, they
met thtrc Mcerza Jan Dabo, who. coming with a force uf Sodoh aod
made n night nttack llp<ln \J nhornnl Dngrt, whu throw.
htm1'C!f from the tern of hi bc!lt into lbll Wllk'r
from v.-heneo ho !;'I
into a bo:>r and .. eaped Tbl! :;umcph., bo<trdang bts !d.
JI)('W' Duchub JJegum. J"ur f'Clt'\OU, the depa.r&are uf lh" bridr \\M
A JC&r nfrrrwnrd, Mah llegnrn, i'inhccd Ilq;un1, and party,
ruade a fresh drpnnc:r. nc<:OmJl3hkd by Yndgtr Mitc a. \lcrrxa
Jltn Bahu lh11 n .. anti huTing on inll'rvit'W With lh m, he l!mu.l:
.. \\lmt i lhe meaning or your deponing from ,.:jud. lea lllccma
Mllhomed Bageo to role for hirn..,lf." On thr, l\lab Ikgum
bec:unc hl uniting wilh !Jim. ,,hQy the rn3mago
present! 11nd do ry, ditrabutinf( rbcm to the pnrarlng 1o rt'fr>t
i\lnhomod Bagre. 'fh"Y gol a field "f b trlc r.,...jy, w wlllch, In !be
tarot inI!IIIC(', M .,, rui&ed on high the Slnnclllrd of".... By the
order of llod, the breeze of ir n otrnck lh bruw r of :\l...,rn
l\lahomcd o>nd oc1ng drfeatrd; the (c;rcco of 11<: 11m tl.-d
\I thl! coJr!rnenremcnt of lhi llighl. Jan Dahn nnd 'aJ r Miokcrn
fled to 1\ukraluh, which io on rho ""'' '"' 01dc, bclol:jfan to JGrn
lllob:r. Mab Begum wao confined: ':\ bcrd &gam. WJtb oom.- J.
lowrl'$, eocnpe.J tu Bnkkur, ,\frcr lbi victc>ry, Mnhomt'd
n-lnmed 10 Tatl:l, bti!l1; JD och incrn""d ngain.t \bh Begum. I a lh._
.. :<alran 0\bbomed 1\hlln o.m d nt Tolb, Wtlh la'R" roru, .. bl!n
Mnb0411ed eat to lam :O:,rad .\II Tul!oYce, the hrad prieot ther .. ,
and he nude nrrnngemcnro them.
M!lbomcd by l'uJDC a.n!lll doJgn. indll""'' !lfr;,.,. J 1111 llab<o
nnd Yadgnr l\lik en 10 rome V> to htm, ht' lllml both of them.
Mnb diod In ht-r pr !'OD
Afrcr thto,!>ultan l\Jahotfl<'d, wtrb.n ae<DcrQruo m:ucbed Oil
Tatl:l, 1'11<'1Unping one vf the galco fl;tgee,
baYir>g .-ul own leg from und,.r ham, ,.,.. to light. He
plAced gu
oa 1bco loulk o( the 1''"1 Rc1D, '': prot<el th, <"11) Tbrre
waJ 6ghhng bel,...ra tbr two p:uu , In whirb Pal.; .,

I ;;t;
I Tarkhan, lhe ""n-io-law of F.esa, wu olaio, as a111o
Rahao Tarkhaa. Wbea Bahan Mahonred Khan wu
-mped al lkrar, he heard lbal Tanooa Mahomecl Khan had laid
U.,.. lo Ooeb. Having taken poraeoaion of lhe neighbouring 4!0aaby,
It did not seem wiM lo remain where be was afler lhit, to be larned
!he bridle of Ilia iolenlioas lowardo Bnkkar.
In 978 (&. D. 1570), 1\Ieerm Mabomecl Bag"" oenl hit daagbler, wftlt
aumeroaa hand!'Orne thing as her dowry, 10 I he king, accompanied by
Shaikh Abdool Oufoor, rbe ooa of Shaikh A Wool Wahab; bol obe dlcl
1101 receive the honour of being accepled by lhe king, and ebe ,.....,
broaghl back to Taua.
Ja lauer daye, 1\leena Mabomod Bagce ahowecl kindnt's lo !he
Ursbooaa, 1ak1ag them under his obndow: each of lhe.e who had goae
10 YUioaa parte of Sind were collecled logrlher, ...Uar'l .. a beillg liuol
upoa thrm, aad he gave lhem Jsgeere aeordiog 1o merile.
Ia 979 (A. o. ll>71), Meerza Mahomed Bagee, beeomiag oat alltiio
wilb rbe inlt'ar of be woaadod hi-If willl
1wonl aDd kaif,., ghiag bit life 10 llle owner of it.
Aller hi dealb, greal rue aad bappiae .. came lo lhe I""'Ple of Talla,
aDd lhe ooanlry.
The nobles aad chief chooc placing 1he1aoeheo under 1he aa1bori17
at Mec:raa Jaaec lkg, ia rrefereoce IO nay of lhc ""Dll of Meena
lllahomed Bageo. He, by olrengtb of hio fonuao, U<"codcd 1bo 11uoDe
ia I he rarly dnyo of hio manhood.
He dislrlbuled nmongsl 1he people like AbrINalean (nraal rain)
the gold aad jewela which his auceelon ho.d collrcled wilh oo maali
All die people foaad much comfort uader the abadow of bla
_ .._ JU darbag the reiga or Mrena Mahomed"
1101-W,aleep,.llllder lab pe_. alep&la lila rtriapg ...U.
A Acco1711Y ot .,.. llu - Juqo ,. ft& ftlla ar llraaau --.
au 11-.. JfaiiOPSD Baeu.
lleerak A befool &gee aDd lii.....U Abdool Babmu were die 1ft
- oC S.ulkh "Aleeruk Pooraaee. They wen weU wonocl Ia all lulcnr
ledge; dlelr 10iade wrre quick and .-J ; lllelr - were 1011oll
Jillllltod, Jill ..W they wrre oo cbarilable thai all tile poor aboal, and all
.'c'llaYI!ller,_, rrce'wed bread f<Qm tlteul.. GOCid dillner wu cooked in thek
ba,l tiiere WJU' oae diab, called 1\fahlcbub, which tbr7 made a
ol weet aDd -, of I'IICJl II llavoor lbat DO ODe eJae ooald
.a... _.. la wllleh 11M7 exoelled. I m,.af
............... n.eldef....__ ..
SUA Beg W1!DI againl Baghbamu2, Kaba11, Tulahle<, IUid 'J'atla, he
- always in the froaL On returning 10 Kanibhnr, Sbab Brg wialred
lo In"" 100mr oae al Baldmr. All his aobln "'faoed lo "'maiD, whea
BallaD llfahomed, thoagb .., youn!, volaoll'ered to do 100. For elnea
moath1, be look of that fort wilh 70 men: the"' WllB aueh
ia bb heart, that ao fenr of bi enemies cnme upon hirn, and frrqaeadr,
taking a few men, he nlliod f<>rlh, nllacking tho Dharoju 11nd 8oclahl,
Oil all of which oecRSinos be W1Ul vicloriooo, \Vhcn, in I he year 927
o. lli2021), Slmh Beg died, and l\lrerzn Shah Uoos11io oat
PWdiag S.IIU lllabomecl Mar .Darllelllla, ba llrngth<'nrd lb<' roocs al
,.-eo and Crieadship. ApemelltB 'lftre obawn np, to wbieb cbe _.. beiag albed. IHJ Wllftl escbaaged, eo lbal from I hal dace lboml
llbo!ald be 11.0 .Jc.ladou made in this trealy.
In " )alief OJS ol that year ( o. X:hwaja
- a& bJ llpDl or Hiram Khna to BukkDT. In liS m
W J.a.,. 10 pmeeN to Oozerat. In lhat year Mllbomed
Jtt'ldhlll'lltl made Kandllhnrovcr to Snhaa H001elo MaeriUI, be hhuelf:'t
to I n 966 Wnlee the
all tlooe ctrtumotancco. The kiDg wrote a Fmnan to Snhan 1\lahomed,
w-ith which N"abeed Begum went bod< lo,.ardo BnUur. She did 001
uk the king for lUI)' trooP'> tmliog enlirely to vohnt Suhan 1\lahomecl
J.:han had oaid : but at her request, lbe king ocnl her hnband l\(ohib
Ali Khan, and Mojahid Khan i.ith her. bn,ing ghen lo them in
Futehpoor ud Goobrore in i\loohnu.
Sultan .Mnhomcd having upicions nguinol the lirghoon, turned
them out of Hukkur, r.nding them lo Hindoootnn. 'l'hco mol Nabeed
aull bor frlenda, Into l:iultlln
all the
p i ~ ._,.. ...__a, with
..... lilenl,thelacu
iA!Illl ... trill ol Oocl 10
- the fall ol die nllUlSion ol Sultan Alabomrd Kh:ua' autborirJ
tllatCcJn tbal Colee joiDed Ilia enemies, mel became to bim
A A_.-r or 'I'll& -mmoxs "' TR Govaax&a1', Atnl or 'l'll
oP ScLTAll M..oollutD.
Udal. lit llala world Ia Uke the ouo; tbe enning oomoa upon it.
-;.If abe government or the world is like ice, which melts
ltlde boaL Wilen it is the will o( God to deatroy tile
- IWa, ud, as IIIey did eo, !My W ipd8a whit
All (eelooo naa. arrival ill the ron, daybf __ ...
Ia tile --or aU there.
Mo;.llid Kbaaloclt tile Iori oiGMjew .. Ull peeee willl.,._
Abool Dair, ....... .0 I 'tiW. .&.riat ol die .mftl ol
Keehoo 11: .... .. ......, hlrHII ....... ol ... la ... ti.a Jioalit
A -dnuloe or tile write Ia ... IV.
A o110a-r Duca1rno or SvL-rAw MAKono.
8allu Mabomed ICbaa .,.... s with muy qweiii!M
Be - ""! ud ....,., ebaritable. From Ill da;ra or Ilia
1111111 bia deatll, be Ji..t.le ................ --.........
lllcatwbea .. ar
..... -N - r; II_, ..
..... ... a. WmeJr e!t.! I 1\ -:::-;:::;
1 II 'I tlo. Tbe...,-..a a,--
:aa ' 1 W. life lie ...t tile x-a ndft 1,001.-..
Be took pal -ble ill blaildiaJ ud la:Jiar _ ........ ,__ ...
- or Bakkar. He -bona ill 898 (.o ... 14M), U.fac elplJ ...
;rean. Ria alieiiJ'I' - _., dlal-ydmel. at ... ...., ollfeeria
Shah Hooaaln, he pal imM 1111 W. Jep, Ull .. ::
Jr '- ... llutl1111 ol Jl mSNia Baa '-'
.. --lreJoor, .......... - DftrJ deep
.......... _,. ____ 1'1101!1--'--
... , ...... llan w'n , r I etb lilq loobd ....


.. -


:: p a ! i s ;; ; 11. ;: : ll z: z. > !!. ... 8 J1 r r "a. 3 : r c 8 I ! ., i s 11 :. : g
?> ...... o .. f o ........ _..,_ .. r
... ; ... e
.. "-lfd ..... a;:r S:ir r ..
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The "ungn,Jnh of becoming O(>posed loi mf!D.
for be o&>preued the Rynt more th:tn ll!>nal, apprahing with the AUD
Loot (the rope measure) the good and the bad lnnd equally, milking the
Rynt pay 6Te mllunds of .,Wn Cor each &ego alit.c. 'l'bt otc"'ee"' or
watchnll'n conducled them.-eh"es har;hly, with ll tight hnnd tuwllrd, th.
cultintnrs. .\tl!cr Undnl' men got into a -rnnll furl ""'"'""n Ounbut
nnd Yejurnn, 'll'hPrc the .\[nuguejub, without hot lltro'll' at
them, killing evcral. lu this fort there '""" onr wdl, into which they
en the dcod bodic.< of bolh ::Uusulmoll8 and l\n61'11. 'J'hry then filled
it up with earth.
1\l.,er Uadul, hearing of this, wu much enraged; o.nd calling his
troo.,. from Seebee, be tM!nt them to take revenge on the men of Go,pee,
their before hlld rec,eied

J '' l rr fj,..f! f.
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from 1\\'"0 direclion. llennng of lhe appma<"h of lhe enemy, "'"
adnneed a obort dil:tn<'C lo 1hc lmnl; of I be rivrr, whrre Khan 1\b:tne
threw up b:ltlt'rles of "artb. on which lo pl:u:e Ins e:all.Doa, c:o\'eriog:; or
6 This lemporary furt \\'lLl! in lhi \\"'l.)': i1 commanded a
part of I he nver, from the form:uion of a llll bo:I.L<
'"""' obloged lo come clooer lo ir. AI micJ,Jay lht' bollts and
perceiving lhc andbnnk on one ,;dl', "'"! our wurh ou 1he utber, they
toppd, llntl the baffle began on bo1h sf,les.
'l'hc (olluwing night !\han Kbanao oenl roo: lroop8 over to !he tanc.l-
oppoelle, DaiUf tbia aiPt .1- Sei' .._.. aaDQ!ll;M

ing there, we aat down around it. When the gurti!OD beeame -"
dU.tre ..,d, they ,..,.,te to lance Beg, 83ying: "If )llll are coming to aa,
11rll and good; if not, Ibis fort pa.!'!CS from our band." The Meerza,
...-eiog tbU, marched with e><pedition. be ho<l arrived at 20 loa
(rom 01, we had information of his Con!Uitinl: what wu
beot to be don,., all agrrcd that it wn.o in tht' fint inotance
to go aga.inot him; and raioinl! iegt, \\'A marchd in his
Khan Khannn, hoariog nf JllJlcc Dll' march, Kill a force under
Mahotued Khnn Niynzec, nnd other chief., -.ho joined ne neu the
l,ukhee billt, whcrf! our t'Dlire for,,,, nmounted to 1
200 hone.
\\leena Janco Beg hnd with hi111 10.000 horoameh; nuroben of foot.
men archL'I'1! were <'Dining by lhc wny o( lh hillo, and on the river he
had hoot \\'ith cannon. \\'ith nil this fore' he arrived at fi &:oo from
no. Our Si,..lan nw, thai if lMf "'maiacd whero they wcre,tbey coold
be allaetrd on all aida; that Juee would fall apon tbcrm iD front.
the tuchen (rom the hill aide, ihe hoolo from tb" rh ..,cltlte gwriooD of
:sehwu from the rear, and that tbu all'aan would be :
the7 clremcd it pr.,(erable to ad\"IUiee at pnce, and attad< tiM
M-. Haing apred upon they qotckly P"'Jl"red tbelr tronps,
and went io bio cl.reetion. At \ba.t limo opi.,. ga<a informlltion of our
moctoentto J11uec Beg, who would no\ belicvo them, OAJiDg: "How
mnay men ""' th.-y, tbnt they oboohl eome ud attack me?"
Ill! then saw our dot, and 1uiekly Amlngcd hlo m<n. At midday
the force met, when 10mc of uur in ad tumhsg, fled, re...,h.
illlf our tQltin b<><ly, punnrd by tim eocm)', nnclthn tbe figbt beeouua
g<'nend. 'J'here ..,,.eral >I.'TC!rc ftttaeko. In ohort, defeat eame
upon the mro of l\lecnn Janee Beg, who, fixing hi Cool firmly on tiM
ballle6dd, f.>nght with great braTC!f)'; but whoa thlo tLYalled notbirJC,
placed his (ace in the direction of fttght. Many of his mn .. .,,. _,...
killed, and taken prboners iD tb"' aetioa. Ill' rrtnml d ro 0oDIIIpCICir.
!MJ U. r- the wbcrr be bad IMlllt a om"ll t n, ia wiUeJI lie
remained weuft. The ... ioh""' of PI'OJIP"rity to tb" .c>Tetelpl}' ol doe
ki11g ....,at there, ud IHUJ'Onadcd him Some day al'_. Nawal>
KJtan.. Kb..,.. uriYecl, who the battrncs ,_. - <laily..,
fighting; men of Loth oicl .. beiDg ldllecl. Atleafltll,---. di88ing
aPJif'*'het. brought tb.,... d._ to tiM 4itall el tiM fait V poa
Janee Jkog hoP"Jcooo. ...,d JliOIIC*d 10 -" ....... iD tbU.
maDJIH:-"1 wiU gi<re yon 30 (gaa) ....... and the Cortof
Hehwan ; I will now go tu Taue,....t i 'lliU oome and """t you 111 a

Ehan Khanaa copa)ll!d wirb bio A 111...,.. apoa tht 1 ttion, ull
of whom ... o( opiDloa lhal &g """aniollll for r ,.., bcin::
aaable 10 jgbt; and that tlle7 b..t ......,pt mailers 10 lheir prei<'Jit

otace, his affairs woultl be inn day or 1\\'0. aLoo 1111ul tlmt
from hi propo-ition il -med to them that he h:ul """"' oiuhcer inten
lion, anti chnl he would change his tono when be :uTivcd al
'l'atcn. Khnn Khnnan onid : " If I do not mak pence, nnd ntcnrk hU.
fort, of rounoe men will fall on boch Fide., and hi family will fall inl<
the hand of men of Yiolencc, nnd from tbio b:ld repute '\\'ill enue. I
will make )>t"&Ce, ami I will'obtain for him, from chc king, tbe conunnod
ur 5,000 mrn, similur to mybclf."
" 'itltoul duubc, Xuv;nb Klein Kbnonn'a JUdgment wu of n good
nat nrc
An nmb:ls.1:1dor eben C!UilC from Mccrzn .lanec Beg, making over lhc
30 largn huat!': ho 0)80 !'CD I D m.tlll IO It) dcliVI't up tiU'Ll {urt,
and he himself wcnl to Taua.
Khan Kbnnan pused the >eu<>n of the inundatiou at !:!unn. AI lbc
c6mmencernenl of 1hc cold we:llhcr, he msrcbetl on Tnlta. \\'ben we
reached Fucch Bngh, '\leerZil J nneo Beg came in (wnt lo met I u, and
be had 1111 inlcnicwwitlt Khan Khnnnn, wlo, lca,ing him there, h<' him
oeiC P"""'cded 10 Tntca, arrhing at which place. he di>ideol all tln1t be
bad witb him attbnt lime, nmong.ctbc and ghio; a hr10d
oome fe>cival. He then went co che Luhcrec nundcr, where he the
ealt D<'enn. \\'hen he mrnchctl from chen< Ito lcfl lhun Dow lui Khan
ud 1\hwn;:o l\lol.;c,m. J'rcio.a lo hi' leang this, he received a ro)al
Firman t8 tiU dfec1 :- Bring !llcer= J ancc Beg wilh you, and come
to me." Thercforr. Inking che Mcerza wilh him, Khan Khanna went
with f':CJH,ulition to tho king, rcct.:lviog honour by his foot. At
his repr<'Senlation, lllshomctl Ukb:lr l<hab ohowud much kiodncs to
the illeerza, confirming 10 him tltc cowury of 'l'all:l. lie bad eonfid<:IICC
i n his and he nominlltcd him lo lho command of .J,OOO men.
He aleo diplayeJ ochor good will townnlo him ; oo mud oo, chat he
decided I bat Kooroo &honld become his (the l\leern'o) son-in-law.
\\ben the king went 10 the llcccan, conqu .. ring A hmt'dJ>nggnr and
at that lime!, on lbe 22nd Rajub, Janee lkg died
from intlcunm:ttion of lbo brain, and his son Ohazcc Beg received
- llle country of Tulia, nl tbe repre..,ntation of :'iuwab Ullnmce .
n.. .-..... -u tile rigtlt 1loak oi!M am.-r... Uoo _ .. ol
- '1bc t.l.o 10 Gltiaeo lltmd.r

TrnAilaltd by a. a. MOll nbly IUIU/rrl by /'ar Mdo.J,
r: .. ,.,,.,.,t,l ill<JOAdn, altadwl to t1u RtslJclf/ at /Jo C'4rl of Hi
1/i!fllul .lllur .AU Morad 1\Aa Talpoor; to II"AI>, a.d 1D lll'o allier
J\'olit:' frullds, 1 are llldr l:ilullku ill lc.d-
i"tt' or'l{i11al ropia of litis tl"orl:
(!'igud) C. r:. N.di.J;T, Capflltll,
3rJ H.,.ba11 Ca.W,.
Rcsulatl at lite Cottrl of Jl. II ill<cr .dli ,'!f,waJ An Talpoor.
Rclidtnr!l, Kll!frpoor, "in1, :!hi 'tpubcr Ill iG .




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