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World of Warcraft Gold Strategy Guide


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 A Brief Overview of the Guide

Chapter 3 Hunting
Includes Basic Tips and Where to Hunt –
Levels 1 through 60

Chapter 4 Professions

Includes Gathering, Mining, Herbalism,

Secondary Skills – Fishing, Cooking, First Aid
Also more on Alchemy, Blacksmithing,
Leatherworking, Enchanting, and Engineering
Farming Cloth and Skins

Chapter 5 Gathering Locations – Levels 1 through


Chapter 6 Use of the Auction Houses

Chapter 7 Muling
Chapter 8 Some Final Tips

Chapter 9 Conclusion

Chapter 1

In all MMORPGs, the ability to get tons of gold in your bank sometimes rivals
the ability to gain levels because it takes money to buy weapons, armor,
potions, and other items that directly affect your characters ability to fight and
enjoy success in an online gaming world. While personal skill is important in
achieving the highest levels and areas in various games, most games are
item-driven meaning the better the gear you have the better you will fare.
However, the best items that will make your character the best all come with
a hefty price. World of Warcraft is such a game.

How to make money is the most common question World of Warcraft players
have. They want to buy gear for their character, or at later levels want to
afford a mount and other things. It is easy to do if you understand how the
game works and utilize your playing time in a way that will maximize your

This guide is not an exploit guide, nor something that requires you to have
hacks, cheats, and third-party macro programs to use. This guide shows you
ways to legally make gold without risk of getting your account banned. You
may find sites out there promising hundreds of gold an hour by using those
methods, and they charge exorbitant prices for their guides and access to
their message boards, but in my experience, they are filled with things that,
even if they still work, will get your account banned. If you think agents of
Blizzard don’t frequent those sites, think again.

The vast majority of the exploits those other guides provide no longer work or
have been nerfed, and even if they do work, most are very complicated to the
average computer gamer and require programming knowledge to be able to
utilize the third-party software for the hacks and macros.

You need gold at all levels, not just at the later levels, to succeed in PvE
(Player v. Environment) and PvP (Player v. Player). You need tons of gold to
buy the best armor, weapons and mounts. This guide will assist you in the
quest for as much gold as you can get, from the early levels on up to the later
levels. It will provide varying strategies and tips that you will be able to
choose from and adapt to your playstyle.

I will be honest: Some of the following strategies are less fun than others, but I
encourage you to try them all and experiment with what works the best and
what you enjoy the most. One more thing to remember: Server economies
vary. Some of the strategies may work better on some servers than others
and items that sell well on some servers are not that great on others.

If you try a strategy that doesn’t seem to yield enough gold for the effort, try
a different one. Nonetheless, if you follow a good combination of the
strategies outlined herein, you will see the gold begin to flow into your bank

Chapter 2
A Brief Overview of the Guide

There are many different ways to make gold in World of Warcraft, some easier
to come by than others. Looting the creatures you kill and selling whatever
drops to vendors and at the Auction House is one way. This guide will tell you
were to go at various levels and what to hunt for maximum drops to sell to
vendors and in the Auction House.

Another way to make gold is in various Crafting professions, which is broken

down into Gathering and Manufacturing skills and Secondary Skills. Gathering
consists of Mining, Skinning and Herbalism. Manufacturing is Leatherworking,
Engineering, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Tailoring and Enchanting. Secondary
Skills are First Aid, Cooking and Fishing.

Crafting Professions are not created equal when it comes to making gold as
fast as possible. This guide will walk you through the best Crafting
professions and combinations to try. Certain classes fare better with certain
crafting abilities too and this guide will explore those options. If you have
already picked a crafting profession or secondary skill that you realize wasn’t
the best choice, you can go back to the NPC that trained you and unlearn that

Finally, the guide will close with various miscellaneous tips that are sure to
make your life easier in World of Warcraft. I am sure it will be of benefit to
you as it has been for me.

Chapter 3

Some Basic Tips

Kill, kill, kill and don’t bother with quests. Quests can be fun and are a large
part of the game, but having fun and making money usually take two different
routes. This is a moneymaking guide, not a guide of how to have fun.

It is called grinding, which means you find a spot where there are a lot of
mobs to pull and they respawn quickly so you don’t have to go chasing them
down. Ideally, you should be able to find an area to pull to and stay there for
hours at a time and never run out of mobs to kill. This can be tedious and
monotonous after a while, but keep in mind the end goal, and that is to plow
though mobs as fast as possible and rack up on the loot. When your bags are
full, run back to town to sell either in auctioning to other players or just selling
the loot to a merchant, then go back to your spot and continue.

When hunting, try to find humanoid camps since they can drop coin as well as
occasional valuable items as well. Don’t be afraid to kill mobs that are several
levels below you. True, the experience points you get will be less, but you are
looking for loot and the loot won’t be much (if at all) different than it would be
in more difficult mobs closer to your level. Plus, you can mow through the
lower level mobs much faster and thereby fill up your bags with loot much

If you can solo Elites that are a few levels lower than you, that would be great
since they tend to drop greens, blues and purples much more often than
normal mobs. A good way to hunt lower level Elites is to visit Instanced Zones
that are 5 to 10 levels below you were you can find a spot to single pull them
and watch the loot flow in!

One good instance to try is The Scarlet Monastery for exactly that reason.

Play Solo. Yeah it is boring after a while to play by yourself, but you want to
make money don’t you? You make tons more money if you don’t have to
share loot with other players. Most groups will have you roll to see who gets
loot when it drops, and if you are like me, the dice are rarely kind and it is
always someone else that gets all the best loot. When you solo, you keep it
all. For equal time playing, soloing will always net you more money/loot than
with any group.

Low level instances sometimes aren’t worth farming unless you plan to sell
your greens on the Auction House.

While the later portions of this guide focus on gathering and selling what you
gather at the Auction House, sometimes an even better alternative is to hunt
for experience and sell the junk you loot to the nearest vendor. All mobs are
not created equally when it comes to what loot they carry. Some of the best
mobs that drop the best selling “vendor loot” are varying types of turtles,
elementals, bears, spiders, birds and cats. This is not always the case, but if
you happen across an area where it seems to be true, stick to it and you will
have found a great way to cash in.

It is true that Gold is much easier to come by at higher levels, but listed next
are some areas you may find helpful along the way to Level 60.

Where to Hunt

The following are suggestions of specific places to hunt in varying level

ranges. There are many places to hunt and be successful in getting decent
loot, just follow the strategies outlined elsewhere in this guide about how to
hunt, what loot to save, what loot to sell to vendors and what type of loot to
sell at the Auction House. If you do so, you will see a drastic improvement in
your bank account. ** Note: This section will be updated by the beginning of
September 2005, so if you don’t see zones you can use here, re-download the
guide at that time for some additional content.

Levels 1 to 10

Nothing really noteworthy that will make you rich. You will be out of these
levels very quickly anyway.

Levels 11-20

Try the Greater Tarantulas in Redridge Mountains.

Try the Cave Stalkers, Leech Stalkers, and various types of Crocolisks in The
Wetlands. If they are a little too tough for you, try again in your early 20s.

Levels 21-30

Try the Black Widow Hatchlings and Carrion Recluses in Duskwood.

Try the Snapjaws in Hillsbrad Foothills.

Try the various Silithids and Turtles (varying types) in Thousand Needles. If
they are a little too tough for you, try again in your early 30s.

Levels 31-40

Try Snapjaws in Hillsbrad Foothills, and Tarren Mill. Locate the river to the
East and you will see about 25 of them in the river or on the bank. They drop
meat, scales and speckled shell fragments, and you can make 1-2 gold there
in 30 minutes. The tortoises nearby are a little higher level but drop similar
vendor loot.

Try Elemental Slaves and Snapjaws in the Alterac Mountains.

Try Burning Exiles, Rumbling Exiles, Giant Plains Creepers and Elder Mesa
Buzzards in the Arathi Highlands. The spiders also occasionally drop Silk.

Also in the Arathi Highlands. Check the eastern area and there are two areas,
one of Horde Faction (Dabyrie’s Farmstead) and one of Alliance Faction
(Go’Shek Farm). Both are good to hunt for silk, coin and green items.

Try various Buzzards and Rock Elementals in The Badlands. Also the Ridge
Huntresses and Ridge Stalker Patriarchs are good. The elementals drop
various types of stone and other items (green and blue) which can be sold at
the Auction House.

Try the Scarlet Monastery. In the library instance especially, you can farm
silk, coin and blue items from the mobs therein.

Try Darkfang and Darkmist Spiders and Mudrock Turtles in Dustwallow Marsh.
If they are a little too tough for you, try again in your early 40s.

Try various Tigers, Panthers and Tigresses in Stranglethorn Vale. If they are a
little too tough for you, try again in your early 40s.

Try Deathstrike Tarantulas, Sawtooth Crocolisks, Sorrow Spinners, Shadow

Panthers and Swamp Jaguars in Swamp of Sorrows. If they are a little too
tough for you, try again in your early 40s.

Levels 41-50

Try the Skullsplitter Trolls in Stranglethorn Vale. Not only do they drop good
vendor loot, they also drop tradeskill items like wildvine, silk and mageweave,
which can all be sold at the Auction House to aspiring tailors, leatherworkers
and engineers.

Try killing Burning Exiles in Arathi Highlands. They drop elemental fire (1-2
Gold each), burning pitch and coal for smelting.

Try the various types of Elementals and Lava Spiders in Searing Gorge.

Try the various Hazzali, Centipars, and Rocs in Tanaris.

Try various Owlbeasts and Snapjaws in The Hinterlands.

Try the Black Slayers, Felbeasts, Felhounds, Snickerfang Hyenas, Starving

Snickerfangs and Redstone Basilisks in The Blasted Lands. If there are too
tough, wait until your early 50’s to attempt.

Try Sorrow Hill in the Western Plaguelands. This can be a dangerous place but
has some nice undead here that spawn near the graveyards which drop nice
loot, Runecloth, and Scourgestones which are used for Argent Dawn Faction.

Try the Scorching Elementals, various Diemetradons, Pterrordax, and

Ravasaurs in Un’Gorro Crater.

Try the South Sea Pirates in the northwestern part of Tanaris. The mobs are
tightly packed near the beach and near the ships and surrounding buildings.
This is especially good if you are an AOE caster. They can drop Mageweave,
along with other worthwhile items.

Levels 51-60

Try the Obsidian Elementals and War Reavers in Burning Steppes.

Try mobs in Hearthglen in the northern part of Western Plaguelands for coin
and Runecloth. On your way through Western Plaguelands, pay special
attention to non-elite Scarlet Avengers and Spellbinders which drop coin,
Runecloth and various recipes, as well as other items. Once in Hearthglen all
mobs inside can drop valuable coin, items and cloth.

Try the Fire Plume Ridge in Un’Gorro Crater. Killing Scorching Elementals here
is great loot because they can drop very nice items, along with Essence of
Fire, Heart of Fire and Elemental Fire. Each of these items can be used by
alchemists, leatherworkers, engineers, blacksmiths, and tailors.

Try the Angerlclaw Bears (all types) and Entropic Beast and Entropic Horrors
in Felwood.

Try the Coralshell Turtles in Azshara.

Also in Azshara, try the Legash camps. One is near the northern mountains
and the other is near some cliffs. The Legasi Rogues and Hellcallers have low
hitpoints for their level and can drop Runecloth, Felcloth, coin, and blue and
purple items and rarely demonic runes used by high level tailors and
blacksmiths. Felcloth can be transmuted by tailors into Mooncloth, which
increases its value.

Also, in Azshara, is the Thalassian Base where you can kill Blood Elves. These
mobs also drop coin, Runecloth, and blue and green items.

Try the Carrion Lurkers, Plague Lurkers, Diseased Black Bears and Diseased
Grizzlies in the Western Plaguelands.

Try the Plaguebats in the Eastern Plaguelands. You should be level 55+. All of
them consistently drop pelts, eyes, fangs, etc. which sell for 10-20 silver to a
vendor and you can easily 30-50 Gold an hour here. Also worth hunting are
the varying types of Plaguehounds, Putrid Gargoyle and Putrid Shrieker.

Also in Eastern Plaguelands, try Tyr’s Hand in the southeastern corner. Elite
mobs can drop great coin, Runecloth and various items. Those mobs include
the Scarlet Warders, Adepts, Troopers, Enchanters, Praetorians, and

Try the ghost spawns in Winterspring which are Level 55-57. They commonly
drop valuable items, such as the Formula for the Icy Chill. One location is
near -4000, 6400, 675.

Also try the various Owlbeasts, Shardtooth Bears and Frostsabers in


Try the Orange instance in Maraudon, especially if you are an AOE caster. Go
upstairs and follow the tunnel straight to the end and turn left down a tunnel.
There is a room with groups of Creeping Sludge mobs levels 40-46. These
mobs will drop some vendor loot, and some occasional green and blue mobs.

Chapter 4

There are nine (9) different professions in World of Warcraft, divided between
collection and crafting abilities. Collection abilities allow you to gather raw
materials with which players can create items with. Advancing you skills in
these professions is fairly simple. For collecting abilities, you gain skill by
collecting items, and as you do so, you gain the ability to collect higher level
materials. To get the best skill gain, you have to collect materials that are at
near your current skill level. You can’t skill up by collecting materials that is
way below your ability.

For crafting, it is a similar system where to increase your skill, you have to
work off of recipes that closely match your current skill level. Note: In World
of Warcraft, you cannot fail when attempting to craft an item like in other

When you attempt to collect a resource or create an item from a recipe, it will
appear with a color that corresponds to its difficulty.

Color Chance for Skill Up

Grey No Chance
Green Unlikely
Yellow Good chance, not guaranteed
Orange Definite
Red None – Beyond your Ability

After level 10, you will be given a quest to a city to be trained in the
profession of your choice. When you arrive at the city, ask the guard for the
location of the trainer. Training Professions is free, but you will need to buy
recipes. Some recipes only come from mob drops, so to get those you will
have to be either very lucky or pay for them at the Auction House. To add a
recipe to your book, simply right-click on it.

Trade Skills. Crafting. Whatever you want to call it, I have hated doing
tradeskills in every MMORPG I have played, but if you want to make lots of
gold, this is where it is at.

World of Warcraft tradeskills and gathering can be very profitable. Not only
making things to sell on the market, but harvesting/collecting things that
other crafters need and selling those items on the market can make you rich.
Gathering is very simple to do and easy to take a few moments from the
normal experience grind.

As you know, you can only learn two tradeskills. Most players do a
combination of gathering and creation skills so they are less dependent on
other players for their tradeskill supplies. This might mean taking an evening
to go out and gather the things you need so you don’t have to pay another
player for it. Others pick 2 gathering skills and sell their wares to others who
are creating items. I have found that is the most lucrative way to make gold,
by gathering supplies for tradeskillers instead of actually creating items and
selling them.

Gathering includes Mining and Herbalism, which are discussed in more detail
below. Gathering skills scale with your adventure level, so you will need to be
higher level to be able to harvest the higher level and rarer materials out
there. It is most time-efficient to spend some time gathering in areas you are
hunting anyway so you don’t have to go back later to lower level zones to
increase your gathering skills.

One good thing to remember: The locations of the harvesting nodes, whether
they be herbs or rocks, always spawn in a particular spot. They are not
random. So, once you find an area that you like to gather from, if you wait
around, the nodes will respawn in the same location.

As you learn the zones and areas to gather, you will be able to put together
the most efficient routes to take advantage of the locations of the best nodes.
Since you can only have Find Herbs or Find Minerals active on your map at
one time, it is best to hunt in an area known for one, then move to an
adjacent area that is known for the other, and so on. For example, if you are
in your upper 30’s or above, you could mine in Bloodstone Mine in the Arathi
Highlands, and then move to the Mithril and iron mine to the South, and
harvest herbs in between.

Whenever you hunt, be sure to toggle your “Find Minerals” and “Find Herbs”
often to make sure you aren’t missing any potentially valuable nodes.

Harvesting from instances is the best way to gather because you have a
better chance of finding higher level nodes. Nodes do not respawn in
instances however. You will need to exit and re-enter the instance and the
nodes will all be re-spawned. This is one of my favorite ways to gather since
there is no competition by other players in the instance.

Be sure to train all three secondary professions before you start leveling. If
you are a more experienced player and haven’t yet trained Fishing, Cooking
and First Aid, you should do so because you can save a lot of Gold because
you will be able to provide your own food and bandages in your travels
without having to pay someone else for those things. A gold saved is a gold


Mining is a gathering skill that involves looking for various types of ore and
“mining” it. Veins of Ore are fairly easy to locate because they are found in
mountainous or hilly areas, and especially caves. Mining can also yield
expensive gems and specialty items in addition to the various types of ore.
Stones are used by engineers to make blasting powder and gems for less-
common crafting items.

I recommend getting an Enchanter to put a modifier enchantment on your

gloves for a +5 to your mining skill.

What you mine will be of great value to those with the Blacksmithing and
engineering skills, and also to more specialized weapon smiths and armor
smiths. A good way to sell the ore you mine is to smelt it into metal bars first
(you smelt ore at Forges found in towns throughout Azeroth), then sell it at
the Auction House. Converting Ore to bars will also allow you to skill up faster
so you can gather higher level ore.

Depending on the minerals you are mining, the Mining skill can make you 5-50
gold per hour.

For the most popular ores and gems, usually of high level, it is best to wait
until the server population is lower to farm the various types of mineral veins.
Otherwise, make use of instances that you can farm in, exit, and repeat.

The following table shows what you can do with the ore you find after
smelting it and what skill is needed to mine it. Check the Auction House on
your server for what each stack sells for, as server economies vary to a
degree due to population and whether they are PvE or PvP.

Metal Bar Skill Needed to Mine

Copper 1
Tin 65
Bronze 65
Silver 75
Iron 125
Gold 155
Steel 165
Mithril 175
True Silver 230
Dark Iron 230
Thorium 250

The stones you find can be used in Blacksmithing and can also be very
profitable. The following table lists some of the stones you can find along with
what type of mineral vein they are found in. As with Metal Bars, check the
Auction House on your server for what each stack sells for.

Stones Skill Needed to Mine

Rough Stone Copper Vein and Tin Vein
Coarse Stone Tin Vein and Iron Vein
Solid Stone Iron Vein and Mithril Vein
Heavy Stone Mithril Vein and Thorium Vein
Arcane Crystals * Thorium Veins
Azerothian Diamonds * Thorium Veins
Blood of the Mountains * Thorium Veins

* Mining Arcane Crystals can be very profitable at the Auction

House. They are very rare, but can be found by farming Thorium
Veins in the following zones:

Burning Steppes

Eastern Plaguelands
Dire Maul East (Instance – Need a group)


Herbalism involves the gathering of various types of plants and herbs

throughout the world. Many of them are only found in certain areas, which
will be discussed in more detail below. Commons herbs can easily be sold to
alchemists for a modest amount, but the rare herbs can sell for a ton of gold.

Gathering herbs is easy to do and it can be done as you are hunting mobs for
experience. Herbs are abundant throughout Azeroth and respawn quickly.

To get this skill, you must visit an Herbalism trainer and buy the skill. If you
are a Tauren, you have a 15-point bonus to Herbalism.

Another bonus you can get is from an Enchanter. Like with Mining, you can
get an Enchanter to put a modifier enchantment on your gloves for a +5 to
your Herbalism skill.

The price you will get at the Auction House will vary somewhat from server to
server, but you should expect 30-40 Silver for a stack of the lower level Herbs
on up to 10-20 gold for a stack of the higher level Herbs.

Kingsblood is one of the most profitable and sought-after common herb

because of faction turn in quests for the Thorium Brotherhood, and it is also
used for mana and healing potions.

The following table shows a number of the herbs you can gather, the
Gathering skill needed, and zones where the herbs may be found in.

Herb Name Skill Level Needed Zones

Silverleaf 1 Darkshore, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn
Forest, The Barrens, Silverpine Forest,
Teldrassil, Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades, Loch
Modan, Westfall
Peacebloom 1 Darkshore, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn
Forest, The Barrens, Silverpine Forest,
Teldrassil, Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades, Loch
Modan, Westfall
Earthroot 15 Darkshore, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn
Forest, The Barrens, Silverpine Forest,
Teldrassil, Mulgore, Redridge Mountains,
Tirisfal Glades, Loch Modan, Westfall, Wailing
Mage Royal 50 Ashenvale, Darkshore, Duskwood, Durotar,
Elwynn Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills, Loch
Modan, The Barrens, Silverpine Forest,
Teldrassil, Stonetalon Mountains, Redridge

Mountains, Tirisfal Glades, Westfall, Wetlands,
Wailing Caverns
Briarthorn 70 Ashenvale, Darkshore, Duskwood, Hillsbrad
Foothills, The Barrens, Silverpine Forest,
Ogrimmar, Razorfen Kraul, Stonetalon
Mountains, Redridge Mountains, Loch Modan,
Westfall, Wetlands
Stranglekelp 85 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands,
Ashenvale, Blackfathom Deep, Darkshore,
Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad
Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Stanglethorn Vale,
Swamp of Sorrows, Westfall, Wetlands
Swiftthistle 85 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands,
Ashenvale, Blackfathom Deep, Darkshore,
Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad
Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Stanglethorn Vale,
Swamp of Sorrows, Westfall, Wetlands
Bruiseweed 100 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands,
Ashenvale, Blackfathom Deep, Darkshore,
Desolace, Duskwood, Hillsbrad Foothills, Loch
Modan, Redridge Mountains, Silverpine Forest,
Stonetalon Mountains, The Barrens, Thousand
Needles, Wailing Caverns, Westfall, Wetlands
Wild Steelbloom 115 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands,
Ashenvale, Badlands, Desolace, Duskwood,
Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains, The
Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand Needles,
Gravemoss 120 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Desolace,
Duskwood, Razorfen Downs, Scarlet Monastery,
The Barrens, Wetlands

Herb Name Skill Level Needed Zones

Kingsblood 125 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands,
Ashenvale, Badlands, Desolace, Duskwood,
Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad Foothills,
Stonetalon Mountains, The Barrens, Wailing
Caverns, Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand Needles,
Wetlands, Swamp of Sorrows
Liferoot 150 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Wailing
Caverns, Ashenvale, Desolace, Dustwallow
Marsh, Feralas, Hillsbrad Foothills, Scarlet
Monastery, Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand
Needles, Wetlands, Swamp of Sorrows, The

Fadeleaf 160 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Badlands,
Dustwallow Marsh, Razorfen Kraul, Scarlet
Monastery, Stranglethorn Vale, The
Hinterlands, Swamp of Sorrows
Goldthorn 170 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Badlands,
Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, Razorfen Downs,
Scarlet Monastery, Stranglethorn Vale, The
Hinterlands, Swamp of Sorrows
Khadgar’s 185 Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Badlands,
Whisker Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, Hillsbrad Foothills,
Stranglethorn Vale, The Hinterlands, Swamp of
Winter’s Bite 195 Alterac Mountains
Firebloom 205 Tanaris, Blasted Lands, Searing Gorge,
Purple Lotus 210 Ashenvale, Badlands, Feralas, Azshara, Tanaris,
The Hinterlands, Stanglethorn Vale
Sungrass 230 Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands,
Azshara, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes,
Felwood, Feralas, The Hinterlands, Un’Gorro
Blindweed 235 Un’Gorro Crater, Swamp of Sorrows
Ghost 245 The Hinterlands, Maraudon instances
Arthas Tears 250 Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands,
Razorfen Downs, Felwood
Dreamfoil 250 Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands,
Razorfen Downs, Felwood, Blasted Lands
Gromsblood 250 Desolace, Felwood, Blasted Lands

Herb Name Skill Level Needed Zones

Golden Sansam 260 Azshara, Burning Steppes, Un’Gorro Crater,
Eastern Plaguelands, Felwood, Feralas, The
Dreamfoil 270 Azshara, Burning Steppes, Un’Gorro Crater,
Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands,
Mountain 285 Azshara, Burning Steppes, Un’Gorro Crater,
Silversage Eastern Plaguelands, Felwood, Winterspring
Plaguebloom 285 Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands,
Icecap 290 Winterspring

Black Lotus 300 Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Burning

Secondary Skills

Secondary skills include Fishing, Cooking and First Aid. Unlike professions,
you can obtain one, or all three of the secondary skills, even if you already
have two professions.

These skills involve creating or finding items that enable you to heal yourself
and they are not lucrative money makers, except to the extent they allow you
to create your own food so you don’t have to buy it and they decrease
downtime when out fighting.


Fishing, like Cooking, is a secondary profession. Fishing can be lucrative

because Alchemists need fish oils to make their potions.

To fish, you need to buy a fishing pole and sit by a body of water and cast
your line and click the lure when a fish takes hold. Once in a while, you will
get a clam with an expensive pearl. Some of these pearls sell for 20-30 gold
at the Auction House. In addition to plain old edible fish, you can also find
messages in bottles (usually containing some type of scrolls), and rarely
lockboxes (which may contain decent loot).

To increase your fishing skill, you can buy shiny baubles from fishing vendors
that increase your skill for a limited time. Nightcrawlers increase your fishing
skill by 50 for 10 minutes.

As with other professions, you can get an enchanter to enchant your gloves
for a +5 or +10 bonus to fishing.

Other items that increase Fishing skill are Aqua Dynamic Fish Attractors made
by Engineers, which increases your fishing skill by 100 for 5 minutes. The Big
Iron Fishing Pole increases your fishing skill by 20 (no time limit), but it is
found in the shellfish traps in Desolace and may not be easy to get, especially
if you are low level.


Cooking is a fairly simple skill to learn and involves taking meat (which
obviously drops from various beasts) to a fire or cooking rack to make it into

Most of the food that you make will be standard food that you eat when you
sit and regain your health. As you get higher level, you will be able to make
food that buffs your spirit and stamina for 15 minutes with each meal.

When you get to a high level in Cooking, many of the recipes you will need
require a high Fishing skill to acquire the ingredients. Therefore, this is a nice
skill to have if you also have Fishing as one of your professions.

First Aid

This is a popular skill with many players because having this skill decreases
your downtime between fights and you can use it to heal yourself, your
teammates and pets.

You will need to get the skill from a First Aid trainer, and then find some cloth
to make into bandages. Cloth (linen, wool, silk, etc) is a common drop on
humanoid mobs, and can be made into bandages with your First Aid ability.
Cloth is fairly easy to find, so raising this skill is simple to do.

Since cloth is used in this skill, Tailors probably wouldn’t want to work up this
skill because they would be splitting their resources between professions
making it hard to excel in either skill. Another class that may not want to
bother with this skill are healers.

When a bandage is applied, the target won’t get all of the benefits of the
bandage right away, but it will take a few seconds for the complete effect to
be felt, during which time you can be interrupted if you’re hit. Therefore you
can’t usually bandage yourself in the middle of a fight when something is
hitting you.

After a target has been successfully bandaged, he can’t be bandaged again

for 1 minute. So, this skill is most effective in shortening your downtime
between fights and is not meant to take the place of a healer.

If you solo a lot, and are not a healer, keep a large supply of bandages on
hand, especially when in dungeons or out of the way places where it would be
bad for you to run out.


Alchemy is a profession that almost any class can do, which involves the
creation of various types of potions with varying effects on the user. Herbs
gathered from the Herbalism skill goes toward making them.

I am not spending much time in this guide on Alchemy because it isn’t one of
the big moneymaking professions. Of course, every server is different. If you
have few alchemists on your server, then perhaps this profession would be
more worthwhile. Stacks of potions can fetch (under the best circumstances)
5 gold for the lower level ones to 15 gold per stack for the higher level ones.

But, generally you are better off with other professions. I learned this the
hard way with my alchemist not making much money on the Auction House,
but basically being reduced to giving potions away to guildmates at my cost
for various raids and PvP events.

One of the most desirable aspects of Alchemy is the ability to make healing
and mana potions, since you can’t buy those from vendors. The potions vary
from potions that absorb damage, buff you stats and resists, buff your speed,
and so on. All of these have only temporary benefits, but they can still be

useful at certain times when fighting a really tough mob or if out soloing and
you need all the help you can get.

Eventually, Alchemists get the ability to transmute metal bars from one sort to
another, or even the high-end elemental essences, which will let you more
easily obtain the reagents required for your potions.

The recipes for Transmutes are either dropped by mobs or vendor bought.

If you do decide to try Alchemy, I recommend that you also pursue Herbalism
so you aren’t dependent on others for your herbs, which can really cut into
your profit margin.

The following are examples of how some Herbs and Reagents can make
various potions. See additional information elsewhere in this guide for specific
zones these herbs are found in.

Herb Name Location Min. Skill Level Recipes / Skill Needed to Create
to Gather
Silverleaf Near any newbie zones 0 Elixer of Lion Strength (0)
– stops spawning in Elixir of Minor Defense (0)
Level 10+ zones Minor Healing Potion (0)
Minor Mana Potion (0)
Elixir of Minor Defense (0)
Elixir of Minor Agility (50)
Peacebloom Same locations as 0 Discolored Healing Potion(0)
Silverleaf Weak Troll's Blood Potion (15)
Minor Rejuvenation Potion (40)
Elixir of Minor Fortitude (50)
Discolored Healing Potion (50)
Earthroot Areas where Silverleaf 15 Elixir of Lion's Strength (0)
and Peacebloom grow, Weak Troll's Blood Potion (15)
often on sides of Elixir of Minor Fortitude (50)
mountainous areas Elixir of Giant Growth (90)
Mageroyal Near where Briarthorn 50 Minor Mana Potion (25)
grows Minor Rejuvenation Potion (40)
Elixir of Wisdom (90)
Minor Magic Resist Potion (110)
Lesser Mana Potion (120)
Briarthorn In level 10+ zones 70 Lesser Healing Potion (55)
Rage Potion (60)
Swiftness Potion (60)
Elixir of Wisdom (90)
Healing Potion (90)
Strong Troll's Blood Potion(125)
Stranglekelp In the waters of Dark 85 Elixir of Water Breathing (90)

Shore and Silverpine Lesser Mana Potion (120)
Forest in the lake. It is Elixir of Defense (130)
always found on the Free Action Potion (150)
floor of bodies of water Mana Potion (160)
Elixir of Agility (185)
Nature Protection Potion (190)

Name of Reagent Recipes / Skill Needed to Create
Blackmouth Oil Elixir of Water Breathing (90)
Swift Swim Potion (100)
Free Action Potion (150)
Deviate Fish Elixir of Giant Growth (90)
Discolored Worg Heart Discolored Healing Potion (50)
Oily Blackmouth Blackmouth Oil (80)
Fire Oil Elixir of Firepower (140)
Fire Protection Potion (165)
Firefin Scale Fire Oil (130)


Blacksmithing is one of the only professions capable of creating weapons and

armor. Early on in your career as a Blacksmith, your created items will not be
as good as some things that would be dropping from mobs in your travels, but
if you stick with it, you will eventually be able to create some pretty powerful
items. They do take very rare components though.

Many Blacksmith quests are found in Ironforge.

The main drawback to Blacksmithing is that to skill up, you will be creating
lots of weapons and armor that you have no intention of using, and that few
will want to buy. There are a few useful items you can make along the way,
such as Whetstones and Sharpstones (which can increase weapon damage for
a short time).

Until you reach the higher levels in Blacksmithing, don’t expect to make much

If you still want to be a Blacksmith, I recommend Mining as a complimentary

skill so you don’t have to pay other players for your materials.


Many players feel that Tailoring is a profession that suits Mages and Warlocks
the best because you can create clothing and Cloth Armor for classes such as
these. Many of the armor pieces you can create will have various bonuses to
intellect and spirit, which is especially useful to Casters.

Tailors can also make other items of clothing, as well as bags, which can be
sold for a decent amount at the Auction House. If you max out your tailoring
skill, you will eventually be able to create bags with up to sixteen slots.

Like Enchanting, Tailoring does not have an associated gathering skill. The
materials for tailoring come from hunting humanoids which can drop various
types of cloth when killed.

If you often hunt in a group, you will have some competition for any cloth that
drops since many players use the First Aid skill, which also requires cloth.


Leatherworking works well with the Skinning skill to make various types of
leather armor and items. Much of the armor you can create will have a
variety of stat bonuses associated with it.

Besides armor, you can make armor kits, which can be applied to other types
of armor to enhance their defensive capabilities. You can also make quivers
and ammo pouches.

A drawback to Leatherworking is that it will becomes decidedly less useful for

hunters and shamen when they hit level 40, because they will be able to wear
Chainmail at that time and will start buying from the local Blacksmith instead.

Sometimes Hunters don’t switch over because they like the types of Agility
bonuses Leather Armor gives them which strengthens their abilities. Shamen
though, would likely prefer the Strength and Stamina bonuses given by
Chainmail at that point in their career.


Enchanting is a profession that has no collection-type profession need to learn

or use alongside it. Being an enchanter means you will have the
ability to upgrade armor and weapons and grant them various
bonuses, such as damage at higher levels.

It isn’t to be an Enchanter, especially at early levels, but if you stick with it, it
can be very lucrative at later levels.

As with other professions, Enchanters need material to work with; they are
called Reagents. Reagents are found by disenchanting high quality items
(green, blue, etc.).

When you train to be an Enchanter, you gain the Disenchant skill. When you
use this skill on a green or better item, the item is destroyed and you are left
with one or more enchanting reagents like Magic Essence, Strange Dust,
Astral Essence, etc. The most powerful enchants require the rare reagents,
which are created by destroying Blue or better items via the disenchant.

The best way to get green and blue items is to hunt in Instances as much as
possible. As mentioned earlier in this guide, there is a greater chance of high
quality items dropping in instances versus in overland zones.

If you really want to be an Enchanter, you should pair it up with the Tailoring
profession. Many of the items made from tailoring can be disenchanted to
provide reagents. Many of the tailoring recipes net you at least Green items.
In that way, you can increase both skills simultaneously.

If you are not really serious about leveling up an Enchanter but just want to
make some money with a low-level Enchanter, you can do that. You can use
the disenchant skill to create Reagents to sell on the Auction House.

Like other tradeskills, those in the profession of making things are always
looking for supplies at the Auction House. You could buy up all the low Green
items at the Auction House and then sell the Reagents at the Auction House,
which could be several times more valuable than what item you started with.

If you don’t want to buy Green items at the Auction House for this purpose,
once you are a little bit higher level, you can farm lower level zones and
instances for low-level Green items to disenchant.

Note: A level One Enchanter can disenchant anything in the game, even a
Level 60 Epic Item. If you don’t really want to spend time on this, make a
Level 5 ALT to be the one to send misc. Green and Blue items to via in-game
mail to disenchant and put on the Auction House.

Some of the more profitable Enchanting Reagents are Dream Dust, Greater
Nether Essence, Large Radiant Shards, Illusion Dust and Vision Dust. Each of
these can sell for a couple of gold per stack, with Dream Dust and Large
Radiant Shards selling for 5-7 Gold per stack.


In the Engineering profession, many of the items you make will not be
sellable. Most of the recipes require ore or rock, so if you want to be an
Engineer, you should also have Mining as a Secondary Profession.

The Engineering profession is well-suited for Hunters, since it is a way they

can increase their offensive capability as explained below.

Engineering can create many different types of items, with a wide variety of
effects. For example, you can get items that will allow you to increase your
movement speed, root an enemy, resurrect a slain ally, or even use mind
control on a humanoid mob or player.

The effects of Engineered items are not guaranteed and there is a chance that
using the item will backfire, damaging the user or possibly doing the opposite
of the intended effect.

Some items created by engineering do not have those drawbacks. The most
common of these are the various types of explosives, which can be used for
AOE damage. Hunters enjoy the Engineering skill which allows them to make
guns and scopes to attach to guns and bows for extra damage.

If you go the route of the Engineer, be advised that your target customers are
not as great as in other professions, so this profession is not nearly as
lucrative as some others.

Farming Cloth and Skins

The two most profitable things to farm are cloth and skins. Cloth includes
linen, wool, silk and mageweave, of which the most valuable are silk and

Cloth drops from any type of humanoid, with the level of the mob affecting the
chance of the type of cloth. I.E. a high level humanoid is more likely to drop
mageweave whereas a low level mob will likely drop linen.


To farm skins, you will need to learn the Skinning profession and buy a
skinning knife.

It is very easy to farm, but it is also very popular so the price you fetch for
skins will be lower than it would be for cloth. If you chose to go with this skill
however, note that Elite mobs tend to have more pieces of leather for you to
skin than normal mobs. Depending on your server ruleset, population and
economy, you can still get 25 Silver for stacks of the low-level Leather and 1-2
Gold for the stacks of highest level of Leather.

Who wants leather? Engineers, tailors, blacksmiths, and leatherworkers.

Search out zones and instances with a lot of animal-type mobs or skinnable-
humanoids in them like Wailing Caverns and you will come away with a ton of
leather to sell.

There are different types of varying quality. They are ranked as ruined
leather, light leather, medium leather, heavy leather and thick leather. Like
Cloth, the quality of leather you are able to Skin depends heavily on the level
of the mob you kill.

If you decide Skinning is for you, be sure to pick up Finkle’s Skinner. This
drops in Black Rock Spire and adds +10 to skinning. As with other skills, you
can also get an enchanter to place a +5 to skinning enchantment on your

The following table illustrates this.

Mob Level Type of Leather Dropped
1-16 Ruined Leather and Ruined Hide
17-30 Light Leather and Light Hide
31-40 Medium Leather and Medium
41-50 Heavy Leather and Heavy Hide
51-60 Thick Leather and Thick Hide

Chapter 5
Gathering Locations

Levels 1 to 20

You fly through these levels so fast, any newbie area will do just fine. Zones
that are filled with places to mine, gather, fish and skin include: Tirisfall
Glades, Durotar, Elwynn Forest and Dun Morogh.

Levels 21-30

Try Wailing Caverns and the Barrens for fishing for Deviate Fish. They can sell
for 1 Gold each, and if you cook it (using the recipe Savory Deviate Delight)
can sell for even more. That recipe drops from various mobs in the Barrens
and also from the pirates in Tanaris.

Try Stranglethorn Vale and the Wetlands to fish for Firefin Snappers. These
are valued by alchemists and tailors and the oil from these fish generally sell
very well. They can be found in mass quantity in the southern end of Booty
Bay, in Baradon Bay in the Wetlands and along the coast of Azshara.

Try fishing for Oily Blackmouth fish near the Gryphon Master in Auberdine.
Also try the Ratchet Wharf, Longshore in Westfall, in Menethil Harbor in

Try the Barrens for Silverleaf and Peacebloom plants.

Try Loch Modan for copper and tin veins, as well as many different plants. In
Ironbrand Excavation there are copper and iron nodes and named mobs there
that drop green items which you can disenchant (disenchanting items is
explained in detail later in this guide).

Try Stonetalon Mountains for mining tin, iron and mithril.

Try the Wetlands for abundant mobs that are skinnable.

Levels 31-40

For skinning, try the Hillsbrad Foothills. There is a Yeti Cave north of
Southshore with various types of Yetis. They are skinnable and also drop coin
and occasional items.

Try Alterac Mountains and kill Giant Yetis for heavy leather and coin.

If you are Level 35+, try the Alterac Mountains to gather Kingsblood and other
herbs. Plot a route starting in the Alterac Mountains to the Hinterlands.
Follow the outer mountain ridge surrounding the Alterac ruins and you will find
many nodes to gather from. After reaching the Hinterlands, follow the range
East to gather Sungrass and Fadeleaf. This run should take about 45 minutes
and can net you about 20 gold from the Auction House.

Another Level 35+ routine is to farm the Scarlet Monastery instance for
Kingsblood and Fadeleaf.. Fadeleaf is found in the library and Kingsblood in
the graveyard. As with all instances, once you gathering the nodes, they will
not respawn, so you will need to exit the instance and reset it. How to reset
instances is explained further in this guide.

Try Stranglethorn Vale around Nazferiti Lake to gather Kingsblood and

Khadgar’s Whisker.

If you are 37+, you could mine in Bloodstone Mine in the Arathi Highlands,
and then move to the Mithril and iron mine to the South, and harvest herbs in
between. In the Bloodstone mine are iron veins, Mithril veins, and bloodstone
ore vein along with a Solid Chest spawn. Bloodstone is needed for a quest in
Stranglethorn Vale, a stack of 4 to be exact, so be sure to sell them at the
Auction House in stacks of four. The mine to the South near a troll camp
contains Mithril veins. Go back and forth between the two camps, fill up your
bags, smelt the ore, sell it at the Auction House and watch the gold roll in.

Also in Arathi Highlands, you can gather Goldthorn.

If your itching to kill something, Desolace is full of humanoids so you can hunt
them for Cloth farming.

Levels 41-50

If you want to do some killing in these levels, try Feralas to get more Cloth.

Try fishing for Stone Scale Eels off the coast of Feathermood Stronghold in
Feralas and also south of Tanaris on Land’s End Beach. You can make about
20-30 gold per hour doing this.

Try Winterspring for many skinnable humanoids such as the Yetis near the
caves. The skins don’t yield a whole lot here, but the Yetis also drop coin and
other items which makes it worthwhile for making Gold.

Try the Blasted Lands for gathering Gromsblood and Fadeleaf. Also, you can
mine mithril veins in the mountain ranges here.

If you are 40+, try Stranglethorn Vale for Khadgar’s Whisker. Fadeleaf and
Kingsblood can be found around Lake Nazferiti. Look in the northern and
western mountains for Steelbloom. This run can net you as much as 100

Try the Hinterlands for gathering Goldthorn, Fadeleaf and Sungrass.

If you are 45+, gather in Swamp of Sorrows and go to Blasted Lands. On this
run you can get Fadeleaf and Gromsblood. To the South toward Nethergarde
Keep there are lots of Gromsblood plants. This run should take about 30
minutes and net you around 25 gold for your trouble.

Try Un’Gorro for skinnable mobs and mining.

Levels 51-60

Try heading to Dire Maul. This will require killing mobs. The plants can drop
Briarthorn, Blindweed, and Dreamfoil, among other sellable items.

Try the Un’Goro Crater and kill Elite Devilsaurs who wander around the
entrance to Tanaris. The leather that drops from these mobs can fetch as
much as 5 Gold each (not per stack). They are fairly uncommon mobs, so
characters that can track do better here.

Try the Black Rock Spire and kill the Dragonkin mobs for Dragon Scales, which
are used for Dragonscale armor and can sell for 1-3 gold each.

Try the Wetlands for Elite Dragons that can drop Red Dragonscales, which can
sell well too.

At level 60, try the Molten Core if you can get there. The mobs here drop
leather for Dark Iron Armor and Chromatic Armor. Usually guilds are farming
here, so you may have a difficult time to farm here solo or with a pickup

Chapter 6
Use of the Auction Houses

Auction Houses are found in three cities: Ironforge (Alliance-Specific),

Orgrimmar (Horde-Specific) and Gadgetzan (Alliance and Horde allowed). To
buy or sell, you click on the NPC Auctioneer to get started. When you place an
item up for auction, you must pay a deposit based on three things: the base
value of the item, starting price and how long you have the item up for sale. If
you sell the item, the deposit is returned to you, but if your item doesn’t sell,
the NPC will keep your deposit and your item will be returned to your in-game

Ironforge Auction House

As mentioned above, the Ironforge Auction House serves The Alliance and is
usually the most populated and busy auction house of the three. One reason
is because the majority of World of Warcraft players play for The Alliance.

Orgrimmar Auction House

This auction house serves The Horde and is typically the second busiest
auction house on a given server.

Gadgetzan Auction House

Gadgetzan is found in Tanaris. This auction house is of neutral faction,

meaning both Alliance and Horde players can trade here, but higher deposit
fees are charged and this area is more difficult to get to for lower level players
since there are Level 40+ Mobs around and outside the city. This means that
higher-level players and richer players frequent this Auction House, but
typically you will not see lower-level items for sale here because of the
location and because of the higher fees. This is the place to come though for
rare items and once you are of appropriate level, a good place to buy and sell.

Auctioning Tips

Learn how to Auction to other players. Try to remember that even if

something you looted is worthless to you, it may be worth more to someone
else and it would be worthwhile to auction it rather than sell it to a vendor.

Learn what items various classes might be looking for to increase particular
stats. One stat that all classes can use is Stamina, so those items will be in
high demand. There are many WoW-related websites out there that list prices
for items, so become familiar with the pricing of common items you see when
you are hunting.

Sell everything you can via auction if you have time. Always put a buyout for
things you sell. Most people figure 3x the base price for green items, but for
blues and purples you should check the market and/or various websites to get
an idea of what the item is worth before selling it. Try to remember what
common items for sale go for. If you see something that usually sells for 100
gold being sold by someone for 50 gold, buy it, mark it up and resell it. This is
a great way to make gold.

When selling items on the market, don’t put multiples of the same item up for
sale all at once. Watch for other players selling the same products as you and
make sure they aren’t undercutting you.

When is the best time to sell your goods at the Auction House? You want your
items up for sale when the most people are online, which for North America is
in the early evenings. People on the East Coast typically fare a little better
because they can Auction for more hours and catch more people during those
hours across each time zone, whereas if someone on the West Coast plays
during primetime and puts their items up for sale then, a lot of the Easy Coast
people are logging off for the night.

If you get a rare and in-demand item, put it up for auction for the longest time
period possible so that more players will be able to bid it up, thereby making
you more money.

Don’t place your items for sale in just one auction house, but also take
advantage of selling them to the opposing faction in Gadgetzan. For example,
if you happen across a nice item that is more suited for an opposing
race/class, it would more likely sell in Gadgetzan than in your home market.
Players in opposing markets will typically buy from their own auction house
before buying from Gadgetzan if they can get it at home. If not, they are
more willing to pay extra at the neutral faction Auction House.

The Auction House is based on real time, not game time. That means the
things put up for auction for 8 hours or less on Tuesdays before the server
goes down for maintenance will time out before the server comes back online.
So, if you bid on what you want before the server maintenance occurs, that
almost guarantees that you will get the item for that price when the server
comes back online.

Determining item value is very important. It is based on rarity, level and how
in-demand it is. World of Warcraft uses a color system to show rarity (Grey,
White, Green, Blue, Purple), which can be some indication of its value, but is
not always correct because the item may not be in high demand.

Typically, Green items can sell for a little bit, Blues are worth selling, and
Purples will many times sell for a lot of Gold.

Items have level requirement, and the ones that are the highest level will
usually sell for the most because higher level players tend to have more
money to spend.

How to determine demand for an item can be a little more tricky. There are
websites out there that claim to let you search for items and see how many
players use them, but this is time-consuming and not always that accurate.

If you get a nice purple item, try checking your market and the neutral-faction
market for your item, and if you can’t find your exact item, try to find one of
similar level and rarity (Color) to help determine the value of what you have.
If you don’t see that many, chances are that your item will be in demand and
it will have the potential to sell for a lot. Server economies vary, so I wouldn’t
depend on what someone else says your item is worth. It should be apparent
what it is worth by checking the markets on your individual server.

Another good way to check the going rate for an item is to do a price check
and poll the people in the area of the value of a particular item. Be careful,
people get annoyed with a lot of spam from one person, so if you do too many
price checks they may intentionally steer you wrong (yeah some people are
mean like that).

If you get an item you think you will outgrow quickly, or if it is something that
is only a minor improvement to what you already have, be careful that you do
not equip it.

Some items bind to you (meaning they can’t be traded or sold) simply by
looting them or picking them up. Other items bind when you equip them.
Some items never bind, so you don’t lose anything by equipping them and
deciding to sell them later on once you get tired of it or outgrow it. The items
that never bind (except for tradeskill materials) are usually not very good and
consequently not worth much and should not be sold at the Auction Houses,
but are just good for selling to a vendor for quick cash.

Some players enjoy finding good deals on the Auction Houses and later
reselling them for a profit. I wouldn’t recommend doing this until you have
spent some time studying the market on your particular server to learn what
sells and for how much, so you know what kind of deal you might be getting.
If you can learn this tactic, it can be a very lucrative way to make money,
especially when done in conjunction with the other methods in this guide.

A similar gold-making tactic is to go to zones where tradeskill materials are

known to drop (the locations for these are discussed elsewhere in this guide)
and let everyone in the area know that you are buying stacks of silk (for
example) at a certain price, maybe half of what they go for at the Auction
House. Many players are lazy and will not hesitate to get rid of the stacks of
silk they have if it means they can stay in the area, empty their bags, and
keep killing. You take the material off their hands, they are happy, and you
are happy to run back to the Auction House and make 100% profit. Everyone

When deciding to buy items for the purpose of reselling them, make sure you
have some experience with the Auction House and understand the value of
items (based on rarity, level and demand). Ask yourself if the profit you will
make is really worth the time and effort and risk (lost deposit fees and of
course risk of death) or if you would be better served by pursuing another
avenue of making gold.

Be aware of the price of items on the Auction House compared to what you
could get by selling them to a vendor. If you have an item that you have a
hard time selling at the Auction House for 30sp, but can get 15sp from the
vendor, sell it to the vendor. If you keep trying to sell things like that over and
over, your profits will be eaten up by the fees.

Rule of thumb for blues - sell them for as much as you can. There is no set
price for blues, you have to learn the market and pricing. If I could sell a blue
for 15gp right away, or 30gp in 2 days, I'll take the 15gp today. There is no
guarantee on the sale tomorrow, and I would rather have the cash now.

Items for Sale

There are three basic classifications of items that are sold in World of
Warcraft. They are tradeskill items, quest items and equipment (armor,
weapons, etc.).

People working on their tradeskills need materials to make their goods and
level up, so they want their materials right away. Therefore, when selling
these materials, put a reasonable “buy it now” price on it and it will be more
likely to sell.

Another item that sells well is tradeskill plans, some of which are very rare,
and these can be put on a longer auction so that it is more likely to be bid up
and make you more money. A good example of this is the Cooking Recipe
“Savory Deviate Delight” which can drop from humanoids in The Barrens.

Quest items are great for the Auction Houses because players don’t really
want to have kill/loot 1000 pieces of whatever to advance a quest. Quests are
time-consuming, but the time it takes to complete them can be mitigated by a
trip to the Auction House and by buying the items you need to turn in and
advance your quest. As you journey though the game, you will learn what
quests are worthwhile and what items they require so you could gather those
items and sell them on the market. The best way to do this is by picking
quests (and mobs) that are much lower level than you so the time spent
gathering items is as short as possible.

When players go out to farm equipment for selling on the market, they
typically go to instances and kill the Elites and Boss Mobs in those instances.
That is because those types of mobs have a much higher drop rate than
normal mobs and non-Elites. You can get nice loot from solo (non-Elite)
encounters, but it is rare. If you go after mobs at or near your level, you will
need a group to do those instances, which means you have to split the loot
between you. Another option is to go into lower level instances solo and keep
all the treasure. But, the loot will usually not be worth as much because it will
be lower level.

How to Farm an Instance

It is easy to reset an instance and farm it over and over. It is done by having
a different group leader each time. The trick to farm an instance is as follows:

Enter the Instanced Zone solo, kill the Elites and the Boss and loot. Exit the
Instance and have a friend invite you to the group. He is now the group
leader and you can re-enter the instance with everything respawned. Kill all
and loot. Exit the instance and disband. Rinse, repeat.

Limited Availability Recipes

Most players, especially high level ones, do not want to spend time trying to
find recipes they need, which may be sold by merchants in obscure, out of the
way, locations. This can be of great monetary benefit to you.

The trick is to check merchants and buy out the recipes they are selling, then
sell them at a profit at the Auction House. This is a well-known tactic, but still
profitable depending on your server and what recipes we are talking about.

The best way to find out if a recipe will sell at the Auction House is to check
the Auction House (or better yet, have an Alt camped next to the Auction
House for this) and see if the recipe you are about to buy is being sold and in
what quantities. If there are few of them available, or better yet, none, then
you have a great shot of turning the few silver you pay for it into several gold.

As mentioned near the beginning of the guide, if you have a ton of the same
item to sell, pace yourself and don’t put them all up for sale at once. You will
usually get a higher price if you sell them one at a time. If you find a
particular recipe works well for you on your server, recipes respawn on the
vendor after a time, so you can always go back and buy more.

Here are a few examples of merchants and what they sell:

This one is great for lower level players. Zan Shivsproket is a merchant
located in a hidden stronghold in Hillsbrad and is found in a room with robots
all over the room. It is East of Tarren Mill. This merchant sells the schematic
for the Gnomish Cloaking Device which may sell well at your Auction House.

North of Quel’Danil Lodge in The Hinterlands are two merchants, Ruppo and
Gigget. Ruppo sells the Mithril Dragonling recipe and Gigget sells the
Ironfeather Shoulders pattern, both of which can be very profitable selling at
the Auction House.

In the city of Gadgetzan is a merchant named Blizrik who sells engineering


Chapter 7

A great time-saver, and way to store your stuff you are selling is to have
several Alts set up as mules to hold your extra tradeskill materials, weapons,
armor, etc. It is best to have your mules each carry specific items, i.e. one
mule for your greens, one for your blues, one for your silks and wools, etc.

One of your Mules will need to be at the Auction House.

Choose wisely when you pick the race of your mules. It is best to get them as
close to the Auction House as possible upon creation. Currently there is only
one auction house for each faction, so if you’re playing Alliance, your best bet
may be Human, Dwarf or Gnome. For The Horde, a Troll or an Orc might be
the best.

The class of the mule should be a warrior so that he will have higher hitpoints
just in case he has to run past some angry mobs to get to where he needs to

Once your mule has reached his destination, next to the Auction House and
preferably near a mailbox, get rid of all his items except for his Hearthstone.
Next, take your main and buy 5 10-slot bags and then mail them to your mule,
along with a little coin so the mule will be able to send mail from time to time.

Any items that are white, green or blue, you’ll want to send to your mule(s).
Sometimes you may loot something that you do not know what tradeskill or
quest it is for. Those items should be mailed to a mule that only carries
miscellaneous goods, which can later be diverted to the correct mule once
you learn what the loot was for.

The best part of having a mule is being able to have quick and easy access to
the Auction House. The Auction House mule should be the mule that holds all
of your green, blue and purple items. This mule should always have at least
10 gold and he will be your main source of income in the game. This mule will
be the character posting items on the Auction House and getting all the
income from your sales.

Chapter 8
Some Final Tips

1. Try to keep everything you get off of mobs (as opposed to

destroying it). You will be surprised how much it can sell for. I have
gotten 2g for selling the miscellaneous vendor trash you get off mobs

2. Sell all your cloth if you aren't doing first aid. Wool cloth can sell
for as much as 1 Gold per stack at the Auction House.

3. Do not buy all skills possible. Only buy the class skills you really
need and will use. This will save you quite a bit of money.

4. Instead of doing a tradeskill, do two (2) gathering skills. Two good

combinations are Herbalism/Skinning and Mining/Skinning. Fishing as a
Secondary Skill helps to bring in some extra gold.

5. Get yourself a great leveling and strategy guide. Gamers- has a great one that is very informative and is the best
value on the market today.

6. Check vendors in remote locations around the world. Sometimes

vendors are found in places way off the beaten path and they will have
rare items for sale that you can take back to town and auction off for
much more than what you paid for it. Examples of items that sell well
are trade skill recipes and potions.

7. In the long run it is best if you do not sell any of your tradeskill
materials to NPC’s. Either auction them off, or create a second character
just for tradeskills and mail the items to that character. This will make
you more money in the long run, provided you use the Auction House
the right way.

8. There are a number of references to Scarlet Monastery in this

guide. A great walk-through with maps can be found at

9. Classes with the ability to be invisible have a much easier time

gathering because they can easily get past mobs they would otherwise
have to fight to get to the nodes. This is especially important in doing
instances where it would be very time-consuming to fight your way
through a zone to get to your harvesting nodes.

10. When you inventory is full, delete (or sell to a vendor) the grey
items to make room. Then delete (or sell to a vendor) white stuff that
will not sell, or might be cooking related. Always give priority to blue,
then green, and then stackables like silk.

11. Fill up on backpacks as quickly as possible. Go to Goldshire, ask

for anyone making bags. I have bought 6 slot 8 slot and 10 slot bags for
as low as 2sp each buying 5 or more at a time. You have your starting
backpack with 16 slots and 4 slots for other bags. If you can get 5 or 6
bags, put the extra in your bank to extend storage.


Thank you for purchasing World of Warcraft Gold Strategy Guide LEARN
HOW TO MAKE GOLD LIKE A PRO. I have spent an extraordinary amount
of time and energy playing World of Warcraft and putting this guide together.
I wish you the best in your gold-making endeavors.

© 2005 by All rights reserved. Unauthorized distribution,
resale or copying of this material is unlawful. No portion of this book may be
copied or resold by any means without written permission.
reserves the right to use the full force of the law in the protection of this
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