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Question Bank: Practical no.

Title: Swing Components: Trees and Tables

1. Open your computer’s windows explorer and create the hierarchy shown for
first three directories/folders.
2. Create the data-base of any 5 computer services companies of world on the
following basis:
Name of company, Establishment year, Country, Major Product.
3. Explore your computer’s ‘My Computer’ and create the hierarchy shown for
first three directories/folders.
4. A Binary tree T has 9 nodes. The in-order, pre-order traversal of T yield the
following sequence of nodes:
In-order: 5, 1, 3, 11, 6, 8, 4, 2, 7
Pre-order: 6, 1, 5, 11, 3, 4, 8, 7, 2
Draw the complete binary tree.
5. Identify the hierarchy and show the following items in the form of tree by
including the sub-tree elements:
‘Maharashtra’, ‘Nashik’, ‘India’, ‘Chennai’, ‘Bangalore’, ‘West Bengal’,
‘Karnataka’, ‘Mumbai’, ‘Tamil Nadu’, ‘Belgaum’, ‘Andhra Pradesh’.
6. Draw the tree structure for the following expression:
(2x + y2 + z)3 + (3a + 4c + c2) * (2a + b)
7. Identify the hierarchy and show the following items in the form of tree by
including the sub-tree elements:
‘JComponent’, ‘Applet’, ‘Window’, ‘Panel’, ‘Object’, ‘Container’, ‘Jpanel’,
‘Frame’, ‘JTree’.
8. Create the data-base of your class students from roll number 1 to 10 on the
following basis:
Name, Age, Marks of Second year
9. Create the binary search tree for the following elements:
63, 42, 78, 2, 69, 23, 41, 96, 10, 28
10. Create the table which is showing the use of following arithmetic operators
of Java with following columns: +, -, *, /, %, ++, --
Serial No., Operator, Meaning, Type(Unary or Binary), Syntax and example.
11. Create the binary search tree for the following elements:
‘V’, ‘G’, ‘T’, ‘N’, ‘Z’, ‘W’, ‘J’, ‘Q’, ‘A’, ‘F’
12. Create the hierarchical names for the staff members from IF department on
the following basis:
Principal, HOD, Lecturers, Technical Assistants and Peons.
13. Create the data-base of any 10 classes of Java on the following basis:
Name of class, Package, Immediate super class, any one sub-class, and any
major method.
14. Create the view of any tree topology of network which is having the
following network computer names:
‘UNIX39’, ‘SWL02’, ‘UNIX50’, ‘UNIX63’, ‘SWL13’, ‘ITDEPT-SERVER’, ‘UNIX59’,
‘SWL20’, ‘SWL05’, ‘UNIX60’.
15. Draw the tree structure for the following expression:
(x + 2y + 3z + 4a + 5b + 6c)4 + (7d + 4z)2

Practical No. 13 (AJP) -1-

16. Identify the hierarchy and show the following items in the form of tree by
including the sub-tree elements. The root elements contain actual number
distributed in sub-elements:
52, 62, 184, 4, 96, 3, 536, 170, 2, 36, 84, 7, 969.
17. Create the data-base of any 5 countries of world on the following basis:
Name of country, Capital, Population, Currency, and Continent.
18. Create and show following data-base on applet.
Language Year Originator Purpose
FORTRAN 1954-57 John Backus, IBM Numerical processing
ALGOL 1958-60 Committee Numerical processing
COBOL 1959-60 Committee Business Data Processing
LISP 1956-62 John McCarthy Symbolic Computation
PL/I 1963-64 IBM General purpose
PASCAL 1971 Niklaus Wirth General and Education
C 1974 Dennis Ritchie System Programming
ADA 1979 J. Ichbiah General and Embedded
C++ 1983 Bjarne Stroustrup Object Oriented Prog.
JAVA 1991 James Gosling OOP + Embedded + N/W

19. Create and show following hierarchy:




20. Create the data-base of top 5 cities of India on the following basis:
Name of city, State, Population, Rank (In population).


Mr. Kute T. B.
(Subject Teacher)

Practical No. 13 (AJP) -2-

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