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chilhood disorders:

disruptive behavior disoder: is an external behavior as opposed to depression

ex: opositional defiant disoder: 9-11% prevelence rate, pattern of negativist, a
ngry, resntful and argumentive behavior
-is this more than appopiate for this age??, some of this oppostional behavior,
its a pattern where there is more aguring than most
kids, deliberatly trying to bug kids, vindictive, spiteful, pattern of behavior
thtaoccur more ofetn at home, and for
this its important to see this in othe renvironments
-transleates to other setting, there has to be some type of imparement, lots of
aguing in the family, trying to appoease the child
sometimes at the expense of paying atteiong to other sibling, affect the retions
hip wth partnet, creaters care giver burden
-more for having a bad attitude, the smart allet in class, not being able to flo
ow the rules withount causing problems
-conduct disoders: serious violation of srules, fighting, bullying, running wasy
from home,
getiing in fights alot, much more serious, it takes it to the next level and a c
onsistent pattern of rule play
-the are somewhat in a spectraum and cunduct diosder is achild version of anti-p
ersonality disoder
-25-40% with conduct diosder develop anti-social personality disorder, typically
before age 12, they have an early onset
-during on adolecenwe see an on onset, if early onset the consequences are more
negative and if later a stage or rebelliong
or other reason,
-hitting is a survival method,
-we may all know kids who those type of behaviors, diagnois that would be given,
conduct disoders has an enviromental componet
whivh is linked to bad parenting such as too stickt, not monitoring them, not be
ing invloed with them, or not settingthe rules
-we see some genetic dispotions, diffetn brain functiong patent might have anti-
social, have lower verbal IQ n are less
able to perform well in school, not good communcation skills, n migh not have go
od peer relationshipsm, rejected, not
accepted by peers n isolatedn a combination of all of these, hard to readily sho
w affection with have these type of temperant
-child-parent interaction is what causes with problems, also child abuse, physic
al n sexual abuse,
-see this in low ses, it contributes to the overall stress
-tratemtns fro both are focused on combination of treatemtn, rare to to trat pat
ients withour working with the parent
-interaction with parent n child that is inaffective, they teach parent various
skills, not to model abusive behavor
for their child, try to make certain that parent stop engaing in punitive behavi
or, get more attention for positve
behaviors n praise fro what they do. trying to repair relationship n set a bette
r foundtion, sometimes acting out because
its the onyl thing they know how to do so they engage in more impulsive behavior
-some behavioral treatment: apporpite interpersonal skills, communication skills
, how to regulate their emotion better
from a cognitive perspective trying to decrease ostile attributions, types of at
tributions that
-from a cognitve perspectetive-reduce the amount of thinking that other people a
re hostile, just tryint yo change
child thought does not work as much, need school n family to cooperate a well
-medication is unsuccesful when used alone, not enough we know thats not enought
, must do more than that,
we have an issue over overmedicating keids,
-pervasive developmental disoders:
this is were we find intellections disabilities, mental retardation still used,
learning disoders, they are long term
long satding, around there for a while n see signs o them in childhood,
-autism spectrusm siderter
-about 10% they have a genious memmory for enncylopidia or music, increible spec
ialized abilities that 10%
of kids with autism will have
-autism: a veriatety of levels of autism, some kids have it very severy or highl
y functioning,
-autrims: lack language, delayed language such not including all the words or ma
y diffuclty starting of
keeping a conversationg going, may have inflesive n repertitve us eof language,
or may repreat viodeo tape
talk or scripting, they also imitate ohers, while other problem immitaitignng ot
may have perservearations , insist on doin the same things over again, follow ru
tine, my be obsessed n limited interests
-focused on details instead of the bigger picture, the may have infelcxibe
-ssb (self0stimulary behaviors) they reward themselves internally, be able to id
entify these behaviors
-hand flapping, toe walikg, spining n circle, eye gazing or pherperhail eye cont
act, or looking at items that
are lined up, or make rpeat make noises, may enaae in oral stimulation ex: play
with saliva,
-may have favorite material to touch such as soft n fuzzy items n may get senser
ory behaviors by smelling hands or itmes
-social deficits n pediatrisms do they follow finger is there receprocity, do th
ey look at you, do they make eye contact,
dicrete kids that might develop autism , speech delya, echollyalas (repat reposr
d over and over again)
look at slide 18, doing things the samw way, or over stimulation, unfamilar nois
e, noise to loud may set he kids off,
-onset before age 3
-asperger's dioder: dont see language delay or severely inpard soical interactio
n like we see autism, higher funtioning form
persorming routines, they can be very funtion, can be very successful in school
and have careeres (frindships n relationships \
are harder for them), dont understand what some of them might be feeling, impari
ments , life -long dioders, getiing
-prevelance us .009%
-autistic disoder we see regressive autism, developing nomatl, we see sigs somet
hing different about their kids,
contraversy of vaccines if they cause autism, but large studies have not sugeest
ed a link,
-if u overload a kid with to many vacines, does not play a role in autism
-its not refrgerators mothers: not thought years ago, colde mothers or distant m
other, ut his is not the case,
more a neuroal n genetic disoder, some studies uggest that the amount of variend
s by genetic factors (90%)
-autism gene projext-one transimitter that is involved is glutamine (plays impor
atnat role in brain development)
-in autsim we see overgorwoth of the brain n in schitzo is undergrowth of brain.

-gyrus is involved in perceptions of emotion in facil stimuli
-what we know are thta dignostics rates, because of change in diagnstic critieri
a, or increased awareness.
-someveiroal intervention includes behavior analysis: shape behavior, language,
begaviors, responses, social skills
self-injury, to what extent do we intigrate
-reinforcing them to do, having htem do the behavior, or patches or get schocks
whenenaing in head banging or self-injury
behavior, medication will not give them socuial or cmmuncatio behaviors-help man
age agressive behavior n self-injury
-monitor behaviors, identify diffetn skilss u want to work on, n use reinforceme
nt, also target specific skills
the individual needs help pwith n work with them individually, statrt theraphy a
s soon as possible
For autistic disoders:
-ABA theraphy: intenve approach for 20-40 houra a week to see change, not a cure
(24 slide, read)
-intellectional disoders:
-know disexia
-menatl retardation: 1-3% have an intellectual disability or mental retaration
there i impeatent in at least 2 areas (IQ od 70 or under) , if onset on age 17 i
-thos ein profound range are usually instituationized, need to be takn care off,
n seen over, functional imperament , motor deay,
n speech delay, mutusim, deathness
-ufnctioning level mild intellectuall disability is of an 8-11 year olde mental
-causes if its related to the 23 chronomomen, facial deformity,
-treamtne options for intellectual disabilities to know institunalization is the
last resort, most of those hospotials are
not longer in services.
-dyslexia,underpersfoming below their intellectual capacity in asucbejct are

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