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Where did the Rudrakshas come from...
The word Rudra is the name of Lord hi!a and aksha means tears. There
are se!eral !ersions about the origin of the Rudrakshas.
ome epics say that there was a demon called Tripura ur who was
gaining more and power and becoming in!incible. Lord "rahma# $ishnu
and other %ods and %oddess went to Lord hi!a for help. They asked him
to control the de!il and con&uer him.
Lord hi!a used his most fierce fire weapon called '(aghor) to destroy the
demon. "ut Lord hi!a knew about the de!astating effet of this weapon
and this brought tears to his eyes. When he opened his eyes# a few
fell on the earth. Where!er his tears fell# trees grew and were named the
Rudraksha trees meaning 'Tears of Lord hi!a)# though the *nglish name for
the Rudraksha tree is '+TR(+, "*(- TR**) .
What are mukhis....
( Rudraksha bead can ha!e se!eral faces or mukhis. ,ukhis or faces are
!isible !ertical lines seen across the Rudraksha bead. *ach bead has a
different effect on you# depending on the number of mukhis it has. There are
./ !arieties of Rudrakshas in total a!ailable in upto 01 mukhis or faces. 1ot
all are a!ailable. ome are more easy to get than others and hence the
large !ariation in their prices. "elow we mention the different Rudrakshas#
their benefits and their estimated costs.
2ne ,ukhi 3alf moon 4 large si5e
(aik ,ukhi 6 ingle Line7
2riginal 1epali
it is !ery rare
18 faced
Types of Rudraksha "eads
Rudraksha beads are basically the tears of Lord hi!a that rolled down his
eyes after seeing the sufferings of people. 9t is owing to this reason that
these Rudraksha beads are considered to be of paramount importance. 9n
the eyes of people# Rudraksh beads are the gift of %od to mankind. There
are !arious types of Rudraksha beads a!ailable# each ha!ing its own
importance. To know about the different kinds of Rudraksh beads# read on.
2ne ,ukhi
9t is one of the costliest beads# which is rarely a!ailable. 9t is known
to bring lu:ury# power# wealth# and enlightenment
The most sought after Rudraksha. These are e:tremely rare and are one
of the most costly Rudraksha beads. ( one mukhi Rudraksha can bring
you immense power# wealth# lu:uries# fame# massi!e confidence boost and
spiritual enrichment. This bead often uplifts the worshipper and one gets
blessings of Lord hi!a. it is !ery rare
The 2ne ,ukhi Rudraksha is the main Rudraksha amongst all
the a!ailable types. 9t is the rarest of all Rudraksha beads. The
round shape is a rarity and is more e:pensi!e. The most
commonly a!ailable !ariety is the half moon shaped
2ne ,ukhi Rudraksha has the following characteristics :
; 9t represents Lord hi!a himself and symboli5es the
attainment of godhood# supreme truth and super
; *k ,ukhi is ruled by the un and is the harbinger of peace and
; 2ne ,ukhi Rudraksha comes in the round shape or cashew nut 6half
; %enerally# the person who worships or wears the 1 ,ukhi obtains not
only all
; the worldly pleasures but remains unaffected by them.
; The wearer of ek ,ukhi Rudraksha has increased powers of
concentration and a fit mental constitution.
; 1 ,ukhi Rudraksha is recommended for indi!iduals suffering from
headaches# right eye disorders and heart diseases.
; 9t should be worn on a ,onday.
; 2ne ,ukhi Rudraksha should be capped with gold or sil!er and worn
round the neck or placed at the worshiping place with the chanting
of mantras.
; ,antra : <2m 1amaha hi!aya# 2m 3reem 1amaha<
Two ,ukhi
9t helps in building healthy relationships. 9t is belie!ed to
control all negati!ities.
This bead helps in de!eloping harmonious relationships. The moon
is the ruling influence and hence it can greatly help in controlling
negati!e traits like anger# frustration and lack of concentration
The Two ,ukhi Rudraksha harbors immense mystical powers and
controls the bad effects of ,oon. 9t has the following
characteristics :
; The Two ,ukhi Rudraksha symboli5es the united form of hi!a and
=ar!ati also known as (rthnarishwor/(rdhnarishwar which brings
unity in form# speech and meaning.
; 0 ,ukhi Rudraksha is ruled by ,oon and is belie!ed that this
Rudraksha carries the entire e!olution of the cosmos within it.
; 9t is o!al in shape# has two natural faces and is a!ailable in two
!arieties41epal and 3aridwar.
; The wearer of Two ,ukhi Rudraksha leads a sacred and peaceful life
and the wearer<s family also finds peace and unity.
; This Rudraksha is helpful in maintaining marital harmony.
; 0 ,ukhi Rudraksha grants riches and !irtuous children to its wearer.
; This Rudraksha bead is recommended for people suffering from
ailments of the heart# lung# brain# left eye# kidney and
; $aishna!as consider the 0 ,ukhi Rudraksha as a symbol of Lord
; 9t should be worn on a ,onday.
; 0 ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn with a red thread which leads to
ma:imum benefits for the wearer.
; ,antra : <2m hi!a haktihi 1amaha<
Three ,ukhi
9t aids in boosting the confidence of the wearer#
thus enabling him to cope with tough situations.
The three mukhi Rudraksha is worn to boost the self4
confidence and to counter depressions. 9t also pro!ides
physical strengths and helps in cure of se!eral diseases.
9t also wards off ill4luck and tensions and can help purify
all sins.
Three ,ukhi Rudraksha bead is one of the most sought after Rudraksha
beads due to its memory enhancing powers. 9t has the following
characteristics :
; Three ,ukhi Rudraksha is called the araswati Roopam and is much
in demand amongst students.
; This Rudraksha is the symbol of >ire and is known for stopping all
problems and changes an indi!idual<s life completely. Like fire# this
Rudraksha bead engulfs past sins and helps in purifying the soul.
; Ruled by the planet ,ars# Three ,ukhi Rudraksha bead is a life sa!er.
; . ,ukhi Rudraksha beads are round or o!al in shape with three lines
or faces.
; The wearer of this bead is blessed with impro!ed memory and
; This Rudraksha contains the Trinity of "rahma# $ishnu# ,ahesh and
thus engulfs the entire uni!erse. Therefore# this bead is
considered one of the most powerful beads.
; . ,ukhi Rudraksha is recommended for people suffering from
depression# schi5ophrenia# blood defects# plague# small po:# digesti!e
problems# blood pressure# weakness# spontaneous abortion and
; The Rudraksha bead should be worn around the neck to increase the
spiritual le!el and impro!e knowledge.
; ,antra : <2m ?leem 1amah<
>our ,ukhi
9t helps a great deal in de!eloping the power of speech. 9t is
!ery beneficial for treating the problem of stammering.
This bead helps achie!e a healthy mind and body. 9t can help
increase mental power# intelligence# knowledge# concentration and
knowledge. 9t can also increase se:ual power and attracti!eness.
9t is used for making one more sought after by the opposite se:
The >our ,ukhi Rudraksha bead influences the wearer<s creati!e
power and knowledge. This Rudraksha has the following
characteristics :
; >our ,ukhi Rudraksha symboli5es "rahma and is also called "rahma
Rupam and @haturanan.
; Ruled by the planet ,ercury.
; This Rudraksha bead has four e&uidistant lines from head to bottom
signifying the four facets of "rahma leading to an eternal search
for knowledge# meaning# action or fate and freedom.
; The A ,ukhi Rudraksha is good for meditation# regulation of logical
thinking# positi!e thinking# creati!ity# wit and intelligence.
; >our ,ukhi Rudraksha is recommended to be worn by indi!iduals
suffering from mental disease# paralysis# yellow fe!er# blood
circulation# fe!er# cough# etc.
; This Rudraksha is beneficial to scientists# researchers# artists#
intellectuals# journalists and writers.
; A ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn on ,onday.
; This Rudraksha should be worn in a red thread in the right hand or
around the neck.
; ,antra :<2m 3reem 1amah<
>i!e ,ukhi
9t raises the concentration le!el and power of
gaining knowledge
This bead has se!eral uses. 9t helps attain success in all walks
of life and gain knowledge# wealth# power# fame and achie!e
goals. 9t is also !ery often used in the cure of se!eral
9t is a !ery sought after bead that can actually help you achie!e
happiness and eternal bliss.
The >i!e ,ukhi Rudraksha is one of the most common of all Rudraksha
beads. 9t destroys the fi!e main sins : ?ama 6Lust7# ?rodha 6(nger7#
Lobha 6%reed7# ,oha 6(ttachment7 and (hankar 6+nwanted *go7.
The wearers of >i!e ,ukhi Rudraksha are known to get ma:imum physical
and materialistic benefits. There are a lot of documented proofs pro!ing
the effecti!ity of wearing a =anchmukhi Rudraksha. 9t has the following
characteristics :
; The B ,ukhi Rudraksha symboli5es =ancheswar or =anchmukhi hi!a.
9t also represents another form of hi!a4 ?aal(gni.
; Ruled by the planet Cupiter# the >i!e ,ukhi Rudraksha helps in
enhancing the memory.
; The wearer of this Rudraksha is always at peace# has a strong
memory and utilises his/her learning appropriately.
; B ,ukhi Rudraksha is recommended for people suffering from
diseases of heart# li!er# kidneys# feet# thigh# ear# blood
pressure# stress# d i a b e t e s # obese# bone marrow# etc.
; 9t is belie!ed that the wearer of this Rudraksha does not die of an
untimely death.
; The >i!e ,ukhi Rudraksha affects all the pressure points 6D@hakraD7
of the human body and maintains a distinct balance.
; This Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday.
; Three >i!e ,ukhi Rudraksha beads of the si5e of an 9ndian
gooseberry 6D(mlaD7 should be tied with a red string and worn
around the neck.
; ,antra: <2m 3reem 1amah<
i: ,ukhi
9t is known to bring wealth# power# name and fame. 9t
helps the wearer in achie!ing eternal bliss.
This bead enriches the career path and helps you achie!e
immense professional and academic success. 9t helps you
fulfill dreams and lead a !ery lu:urious life.
i: ,ukhi Rudraksha works !ery well on emotional traumas and it
remo!es the ill effects of misunderstandings from any relationship. i:
,ukhi Rudraksha is a sa!iour from worldly sorrows. ( combination of
a >our ,ukhi Rudraksha and a i: ,ukhi Rudraksha
enhances the !ocal E mental power of the wearer.
i: ,ukhi Rudraksha has the following characteristics :
; F ,ukhi Rudraksha symboli5es Lord hi!a<s second son4?umar
?artikeya and imparts learning# wisdom# knowledge and an
increase in an indi!idual<s will power.
; Ruled by the planet $enus# the i: ,ukhi Rudraksha is essential for
harmonious relationships.
; 9t is said that this Rudraksha has been blessed by %oddess =ar!ati
and so is worn by women desiring to ha!e a child.
; The F ,ukhi Rudraksha is !ery good for company managers#
businessmen# journalists and editors# etc.
; This Rudraksha is known to enhance concentration# mental
sharpness# will power# self confidence# self4esteem and
se:ual harmony.
; The wearer of F ,ukhi is blessed with success# fame# physical
strength# lu:ury# wisdom# wealth# name# charismatic personality#
prosperity# blissful family life and positi!e outlook towards life.
; "eneficial for those who needs protection from negati!e energies#
problems of reproducti!e organs# urinary tract# etc.
; Three beads of i: ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn by stringing
them into a red thread. 9t should be worn on the right arm while
chanting mantras of ?artikeya.
; ,antra : <2m 3reem 3um 1amah<
e!en ,ukhi
9t helps a person achie!e what he desires. 9t enables a
person to prosper academically
The se!en mukhi helps in building finances and amassing
wealth. 9t can help attain prosperity and peace of mind. 9t
is considered !ery auspicious because it helps ward off fatal
diseases and death and achie!e longe!ity.
9n $aishna!ism# the e!en ,ukhi Rudraksha is belie!ed to represent (!anta
6hesha 1ag7# the king of serpents who is belie!ed to be an incarnation of
Lord hi!a. *ach of the se!en faces represents one great serpent. The se!en
serpents are 4 (nantha# ?arkataka# Takshak# hankhanaad# =undarika#
$isholban and ?arisha. 9t is belie!ed that snakes ne!er bother the wearer
of this Rudraksha.
The e!en ,ukhi Rudraksha is also said to be Dsaptmatradhi -ai!at#
saptashyade!at and saptmuni -ai!atD and has the following characteristics
; G ,ukhi Rudraksha is regarded as a symbol of (nang hi!a. ome
people also regard it as a symbol of aptarishi6e!en %reatest
ages of 9ndia7.
; This Rudraksha is also said to represent the %oddess ,ahala:mi.
; Ruled by the planet aturn# the e!en ,ukhi Rudraksha has a life of
a thousand years if well taken care of.
; The wearer of this Rudraksha reaps the positi!e benefits of huge
financial gains# good health# fame# peace# freedom from diseases
and mental stress.
; The e!en ,ukhi Rudraksha bead is especially recommended for
people in business. The energi5ed beads should be placed in the
prayer room or in the main locker where the money is kept.
; This Rudraksha sublimates the malefic effects of aturn or DhaniD.
; The G ,ukhi Rudraksha is beneficial to indi!iduals suffering from
weakness# colic pain# bone and muscle pains# paralysis# impotency#
neurological problems and to handicapped people.
; e!en ,ukhi can be worn on a daily basis due to its positi!e
psychological and physical effects.
; Two e!en ,ukhi Rudraksha beads should be strung in a red thread
and worn while chanting the mantra. 9t can also be kept in the
locker after chanting of the mantras.
; ,antra : <2m 3um 1amah<
*ight ,ukhi
9t brings wealth and lu:ury. 9t helps to ward off e!il spirits
and get rid of !arious forms of diseases.
This bead increases the strength of character and mind
and help achie!e happiness# fame# good health and
increase confidence.
The *ight ,ukhi Rudraksha is the reflection of Lord %anesha#
Lord hi!a<s second son who is worshipped before all the other
gods. This Rudraksha increases an indi!idual<s pleasure and decreases
his/her difficulties.
(ccording to hai!ism# this Rudraksha is helpful to an indi!idual for
attainment of !arious DRiddhiD and DiddhiD that would e!entually lead
him to Dhi!lokaD 6D,okshaD/sal!ation7. The *ight ,ukhi Rudraksha has
the following characteristics :
; *ight ,ukhi Rudraksha represents Lord %anesha and its wearer
becomes unaffected by all miseries 4 physical or mental.
; This Rudraksha is ruled by DRahuD and its malefic effects are similar
to those of DhaniD.
; / ,ukhi Rudraksha keeps a check on the bad effects of DRahuD like
snake bites# bad health# po!erty# mental stress etc.
; Wearer of this Rudraksha is blessed with strength of character and
mind# wisdom# a long successful life# happiness# good health#
prosperity and increase in confidence.
; Recommended for writers and intellectuals# the *ight ,ukhi
Rudraksha also helps in increasing concentration.
; / ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn on ,onday. 2nly one bead strung
on a red thread is enough to bring success to an indi!idual.
; ,antra : <2m %aneshaya 1amah<
1ine ,ukhi
9t is said to be associated with confidence# good character# happiness
and sound health.
This Rudraksha can help amass wealth# property# assets and lead a
lu:urious life and help fulfill dreams and ambitions. 9t makes you
more energised and more action oriented.
The 1ine ,ukhi Rudraksha is the form of %oddess -urga6hakti7. 9t
contains the power of 1ine -eities or 1a!-urga. The worshippers
of hakti must wear this Rudraksha to increase their self power
and mental concentration. This Rudraksha is usually worn on the
occasion of 1a!ratri to obtain the blessings of mother %oddess
The 1ine ,ukhi Rudraksha is ruled by the planet D?etuD whose
malefic effects are similar to those of DRahuD and DhaniD.
This Rudraksha controls these effects and has the following
characteristics :
; The H ,ukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of ,other -urga. 9t is also a
symbol of Lord "haira!a Iama 6The Lord of -eath7 and age ?apila.
; Represented by ?etu 6-ragon<s Tail7# this Rudraksha helps counteract
the malefic effects of ?etu. ?etu causes mental fatigue#
po!erty# helplessness# inacti!ity of mind and body.
; The H ,ukhi Rudraksha is blessed with the power of 1a!adurga which
stimulates mind and body# enhances mental sharpness and alertness#
increases physical strength# concentration power# patience and
control o!er one<s anger and enhanced communication skills.
; The wearer is also blessed with the grace and power of "haira!a. 3e
obtains honour# attains fearlessness and pleasures of family life.
; H ,ukhi Rudraksha is essential for the worshipper of hakti. The
wearer is blessed with fearlessness# energy# fame# respect# dynamism
and a successful life. This Rudraksha imparts "hoga6Life<s pleasures7
and ,oksha6al!ation7.
; Recommended for people suffering from fe!er# eye disorders# skin
diseases# lung diseases# bowel and body pain.
; 1ine faced Rudraksha is worn on a ,onday. 2ne bead should be
capped in either gold or sil!er# strung on a red thread and worn
with chanting of mantras.
; ,antra : <2m 3reem 3um 1amaha< # <1a!durgayai 1amah<.
Ten ,ukhi
9t enables a person to earn loads of wealth. 9t is said to
be associated with !igor and !itality.
The ten mukhi Rudraksha is !ery powerful and can help
o!ercome fears de!elop a sound mind. 9t can help a
person enjoy the benefits of life attain happiness and
success. 9t also safeguards you against e!il influences
around you and gi!es a secure and protecti!e feeling.
The Ten ,ukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord $ishnu who# according to
9ndian mythology# is the =reser!er of this +ni!erse. 9n ancient literature#
3e is referred to as the eternal# all per!ading spirit. Lord $ishnu is often
depicted in human form reclining on the great serpent 4 heshanag.
Lord $ishnu is depicted as ha!ing four hands :
; 2ne hand holds a lotus# the petals of which symboli5e the unfolding
of creation and all things that are good4eternity# prosperity# purity.
; econd hand holds a conch from which all e:istence is said to ha!e
; Third hand holds a discus which is a symbol of the cosmic mind and a
reminder of the wheel of time.
; >ourth hand holds a mace which is the symbol of notion of indi!idual
The Ten faced Rudraksha encompasses all these indi!idual symbols of Lord
$ishnu. 9t has the following characteristics :
; Ten ,ukhi Rudraksha symbolises Lord $ishnu# the =reser!er of the
+ni!erse. 9t is belie!ed that this Rudraksha also represents
-usa!atara 618 9ncarnations of Lord $ishnu7.
; 9t is not ruled by any planet.
; (ccording to the rimad "hag!at =urana# the Ten ,ukhi Rudraksha
has a strong positi!e effect on ad!erse planetary effects# e!il
power# misfortunes# miseries and worldly sufferings.
; 9n the hi!a =urana# it is mentioned that an indi!idual# irrespecti!e
of caste# creed# religion# nationality and gender can wear the 18
,ukhi Rudraksha for attaining fame and success in career.
; The wearer of Ten faced Rudraksha attains a sense of s e c u r it y#
de!elops a sound mind# achie!es happiness and success and is
safeguarded against e!il influences.
; Recommended for indi!iduals suffering from ad!erse effects of all
nine planets.
; The 18 ,ukhi Rudraksha is worn on a unday. 9t should be capped in
gold or sil!er# strung on a red thread and worn while chanting
; ,antra : <2m 3reem 1amah< # <hree 1arayanaaye 1amah<# <hree
$ishna!ai 1amah<
*le!en ,ukhi
9t helps a person to o!ercome all his fears and insecurities.
This Rudraksha is said to possess the strength of se!en deities and
hence considered to be e:tremely powerful. 9t helps lead a
blessed# prosperous and rela:ed life. 9t can also help women
gi!e birth to a son. "ecause of its immense power# this
Rudraksha demands e:tra care and precautions.
$edic scriptures state that *le!en ,ukhi Rudraksha is the symbol
of *kadash Rudra 6ele!en forms of Lord hi!a7. The ele!en forms of Lord
hi!a are : (hirbhutanya# "ha!# "him# @hand# ?apali# =ingal# hasta#
humbh# $irupaksh and $ilohit and 3anuman. 3anuman is the ele!enth
form of Lord hi!a.
The 11 ,ukhi Rudraksha is regarded as !ery auspicious in religious rituals
and is worn by sages and saints during their meditation. *le!en faced
Rudraksha has the following characteristics :
; *le!en ,ukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of *kadash Rudra. 9t is also a
symbol of Lord 9ndra6The Lord of all gods7 and has the combined
powers of ele!en gods stored within it.
; This Rudraksha is not ruled by any planet and it is belie!ed that the
ele!en Rudras li!e in the ele!en faces of the *le!en ,ukhi Rudraksha.
; This Rudraksha grants a long# prosperous life to its wearer. 9t also
grants an indi!idual<s wishes regarding children and lo!ed ones.
; The husbands of the women who wear *le!en ,ukhi Rudraksha are
blessed with great luck and a long life.
; 9t is said that the wearer of an *le!en ,ukhi Rudraksha gets the same
merits as those obtained on sacrifice of a thousand horses or gift of a
thousand cows.
; *le!en ,ukhi Rudraksha bead is also said to grant sal!ation as the
wearer is not born again.
; *le!en faced Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord 3anuman and so the
wearer is blessed with learning# !irtues# cle!erness# fearlessness#
healthy life and wisdom.
; This Rudraksha bead is also a symbol of Lord 9ndra and thus it brings
pleasure and happiness# courage and confidence to the one who
wears the 11 ,ukhi Rudraksha.
; *le!en faced Rudraksha should be kept in a a safe place of worship or
with jewelry. 9t brings wealth and prosperity to the family.
; Recommended for maintenance of neuropsychology of an indi!idual.
; The 11 ,ukhi Rudraksha should be capped in either sil!er or gold#
strung in a red thread. 9t shoul be touched to a hi!alinga and
worn while chanting mantras.
; This Rudraksha should always be worn on top of the head for instant
; ,antra : <2m 3reem 3um 1amah<# <2m hree Rudray 1amah<
Twel!e ,ukhi
9t is suitable for those who wish to ac&uire an influential position. 9t
is belie!ed to be associated with charismatic personality.
The effects of this Rudraksha are similar to those of the one mukhi. 9t helps
realise dreams and achie!e goals. hould be worn by people wanting to
attain influential and powerful positions. 9t is an e:tremely blessed bead
and pro!ides protection against many e!ils and perils. The bead is said to
increase your charisma and charms.
The Twel!e ,ukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of twel!e !irtues
of Lord un. 9t is an embodiment of twel!e facets of Lord
urya which are :
; Light of +ni!ersal >riendship
; Light of @ompelling Radiance
; -ispeller of -arkness or 9gnorance
; hining =rinciple
; (ll =er!ading Light
; Light of ,ystic >ire
; %olden @olored 2ne 3ealing %old
; Light ob!ious and subtle as at dawn and dusk
; Light of the age 4 an aspect of $ishnu
; Light of *nlightenment
; Light that Remo!es (fflictions
; "rilliance 4 The Light of 9ntelligence
The 10 ,ukhi Rudraksha has the following characteristics :
; Twel!e ,ukhi Rudraksha represents Lord urya or un.
; 9t is ruled by un and the wearer is blessed with the &uality of sun
4 to rule and mo!e with radiance and strength.
; This Rudraksha is ideal ministers# administrators# businessmen and
; Twel!e faced Rudraksha blesses the wearer with wealth# authority#
protection against accidents# fearlessness# happiness and wisdom.
; This Rudraksha bead is recommended for people suffering from
gastric and oesophagus problems# bowel mo!ement# heart
diseases# lung diseases and skin problems.
; Twel!e ,ukhi Rudraksha bead should be capped in either gold or
sil!er with a red thread and worn while chanting the mantras.
; ,antra : <(um ?raum raum Raum 1amah<
Thirteen ,ukhi
9t is said to bring liberation from the worldly pleasures.
This Rudraksha is also rare and difficult to get but has immense
power. 9t helps attain moksha. 9t is often used to increase
attracti!eness and ha!e hypnotic influences on others# who are
smitten with your charms. 9t also helps attain a sound mind
and body and enjoy the !arious lu:uries of life.
The Thirteen ,ukhi Rudraksha represents Lord 9ndra6Lord of all gods7. This
Rudraksha fulfills all earthly desires and helps in attainment of eight
iddhis 6accomplishments7. 9t has !irtues like lo!e# affection# beauty and
attraction as its attributes.
The 1. ,ukhi Rudraksha has the following attributes :
; Thirteen faced Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord 9ndra and Lord
?amade!a 6@upid7.
; 9t is ruled by the planet of lo!e 4 $enus.
; This Rudraksha bead should be worn by researchers of medical
science and people connected to chemical science.
; The wearer of Thirteen faced Rudraksha is blessed with riches#
success# fame# good luck# honor# power of authority# charismatic
personality# high le!el of social and financial status and worldly
; This Rudraksha bead is helpful for meditation and spiritual attainment
and also causes material upliftment.
; Thirteen ,ukhi Rudraksha bead has a special power of hypnotism. 9t
empowers a person with the ability to woo another indi!idual.
; Wearers of the 1. ,ukhi Rudraksha ha!e the power to control their
destinies. The wearers can also control and bewitch animals.
; ,antra 4 <2m 3reem 1amah<
>ourteen ,ukhi
9t is associated with power and authority.
( !ery powerful Rudraksha not !ery readily a!ailable. $ery few
sources of Rudrakshas ha!e the original powerful beads. 9t
helps combat the obstacles in life and emerge !ictorious in the
most trying situations. 9t can help you achie!e positions of
power and authority and de!elop a strong si:th sense but
demands utmost care and attention. 9t can actually help you
achie!e more than
you could ha!e e!er concei!ed for yourself. ( !ery powerful bead# but
!ery few good &uality beads e:ist.
The >ourteen ,ukhi Rudraksha is called the D-e!a ,aniD6precious di!ine
thing7 and is also one of the rarest Rudraksha to be found. The hi!a =urana
says that the 1A ,ukhi Rudraksha is regarded as the fa!orite possession by
humans and %ods and %oddesses and it rules the cosmic world.
The >ourteen ,ukhi Rudraksha has the following characteristics :
; 1A ,ukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of 3anuman 4 the ele!enth form of
Lord hi!a.
; Ruled by the planet aturn# this Rudraksha helps counteract the
malefic effects of aturn.
; The wearer of >ourteen faced Rudraksha attains spiritual freedom
and the !irtues of Lord hi!a.
; >ourteen faced Rudraksha is said to awaken the si:th sense or
intuition power by which the wearer can foresee the future
happenings. This helps the wearer to decide on his course of action
against all calamities# miseries and worries.
; This Rudraksha is helpful in pro!iding riches# cure to ailments#
achei!ing sal!ation# strength# enthusiasm.
; The 1A ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn by the couple who ha!e no
; This Rudraksha bead imparts fourteen kinds of knowledge and
influences e!ery facet of life.
; Recommended to be worn by people suffering from ailments caused
due to the malefic effects of aturn and to ensure safety and
financial gains.
; The 1A ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday. 9t should be
capped in gold or sil!er# strung with a red thread and worn on the
chest as a necklace or on the forehead as a third eye or on the
right arm.
; ,antra : <2m hi!aya 1amaha<
>ifteen ,ukhi
9t enhances the concentration power# thus enabling
the person to ac&uire greater knowledge.
The effects !ery similar to the fourteen mukhi
Rudraksha but is e!en more rare to find and is !ery
dear. 9t helps channelise thoughts and remain focused.
9ncreases concentration and energy.
>ifteen ,ukhi Rudraksha is a rare Rudraksha bead and it
represents Lord =ashupatinath. ,ost of its effects resemble those of a
>ourteen ,ukhi Rudraksha. 9t is considered a !ery precious Rudraksha and
is always placed in a !ery sacred place like the puja or prayer room.
The >ifteen faced Rudraksha has the following attributes :
; 1B ,ukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord =ashupatinath.
; This Rudraksha bead is ruled by DRahuD and is essential for pacifying
emotional disturbances caused by worldly bondages.
; The wearer of >ifteen ,ukhi Rudraksha is ne!er bereft of wealth# is
ne!er inflicted with any skin disease# is helped in attaining
sal!ation# has high intuiti!e powers and increased energy le!els.
; >ifteen >aced Rudraksha also helps channeli5e thoughts and to
remain focussed. 9t increases the concentration power and
; Recommended for increasing intuition power# lateral and abstract
; The 1B ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday. 9t should be
capped in either gold or sil!er# strung with a red thread and worn
while chanting the mantras.
; ,antra : <2m =ashupataya 1amaha<
i:teen ,ukhi
9t pa!es way for success and prosperity. 9t
enables a person to achie!e all the comforts of
i:teen ,ukhi Rudraksha is the combined form of
$ishnu and hi!a and thus it represents !ictory. 9t
is another of the rare !arieties of Rudraksha.
9n ancient scriptures# it is said that the i:teen
faced Rudraksha should be placed in a sacred place
like the prayer room so that the entire house is en!eloped with positi!e
energy# harmony# peace and prosperity. The i:teen ,ukhi Rudraksha has
the following attributes like :
; 1F ,ukhi Rudraksha is the 3ari4hankar Roopam Rudraksha.
; This Rudraksha is ruled by D?etuD and counteracts its bad effects.
; The wearer of i:teen >aced Rudraksha is blessed with prosperity#
cordial relations# harmony and lo!e in the family.
; The house in which a 1F ,ukhi Rudraksha is kept is always free from
theft# robbery or fire problems.
; Recommended for people suffering from diseases like tuberculosis#
leprosy# lung diseases.
; ,antra : <2m 1amaha hi!aya<
e!enteen ,ukhi
9t helps in washing all the sins of the wearer# thus
enabling him to attain ,oksha.
The e!enteen ,ukhi Rudraksha is called the ita4Rama Roopam and it
represents the combined forces of ita and Rama. 9t is a rare
Rudraksha bead.
The e!enteen ,ukhi Rudraksha bead has the following characteristics :
; 1G ,ukhi Rudraksha is the ita4Rama Roopam Rudraksha. 9t is also a
symbol of Lord $ishwakarma 6The builder of materialistic world7.
; The wearer of this Rudraksha is blessed with success# impro!ed
memory# awakened kundalini and increased wealth.
; This Rudraksha is especially useful for attaining physical assets like
property and !ehicles.
; Recommended for people suffering from memory loss# lack of energy.
; The e!enteen >aced Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday after
capping it in either gold or sil!er and stringing a red thread.
; ,antra : <2m 1amah hi!ay<.
*ighteen ,ukhi
9t helps in impro!ing the immune system of the wearer.
Thus# it aids in keeping away the diseases.
The *ighteen ,ukhi Rudraksha is a rare Rudraksha and is
associated with ,other *arth. 9t is also a representation of
"haira!a form of Lord hi!a. "haira!a is a terrible and angry
form of Lord hi!a. o the possessor of this Rudraksha is sa!ed from
all terrible effects on his life.
The *ighteen >aced Rudraksha bead has attributes like:
; 1/ ,ukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of ,other *arth and is also called
"haira!a Roopam.
; *ighteen >aced Rudraksha is ideal for people connected to any kind of
trade or work related to earth. Thus# it is suitable for dealers of
stones# iron ore# gems# builders# architects# property dealers#
contractors# architects# farmers# etc.
; The wearer of 1/ ,ukhi Rudraksha is blessed with all kinds of fame#
respect# success# fearlessness. 9t also pre!ents accidents and the
bad effects of planets.
; *ighteen ,ukhi Rudraksha bead is beneficial for pregnant women in
protecting their child.
; Recommended for counteracting ailments like loss of power#
neurological breakdown# mental stress.
; ,antras : <2m 1amah hi!ay<.
1ineteen ,ukhi
9t is belie!ed to bless the wearer with marital and offspring happiness.
The 1ineteen ,ukhi Rudraksha imparts !ictory and knowledge to its wearer.
9t is associated with Lord $ishnu and so is called the 1arayana Roopam
The 1ineteen >aced Rudraksha has the following attributes :
; 1H ,ukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of $ishnu 1arayan and is called the
1arayana Roopam Rudraksha.
; The wearer or worshipper of this Rudraksha attains !ictory of
knowledge o!er ignorance.
; The 1ineteen ,ukhi Rudraksha "ead bestows all the worldly
pleasures and immense wealth on the wearer.
; Recommended for people suffering from blood disorders and spinal
; This Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday. 9t should be capped in
either gold or sil!er# strung with a red thread and worn
while chanting mantras.
; ,antras : <2m 1amah hi!ay<
Twenty ,ukhi
9t is meant for those who want to lea!e all the worldly
pleasures and attain ,oksha. 9t is usually worn by saints
and "rahmins
Twenty ,ukhi Rudraksha is a rare Rudraksha symboli5ing
"rahma. 9t has the following attributes:
; Twenty >aced Rudraksha is a representation of Lord
"rahma and is a talisman used against the spirits# ghosts# etc.
; The wearer of this Rudraksha is blessed with great knowledge#
mental peace and impro!ed !isual power.
; 08 ,ukhi Rudraksha is recommended for people suffering from eye
sight problems.
; 9t is said that snake bites are cured by holding this Rudraksha.
; Twenty ,ukhi Rudraksha "ead should be worn on a ,onday. 9t
should be capped in either gold or sil!er# strung with a red thread
and worn while chanting mantras.
; ,antra : <2m 1amah hi!ay<.
Twenty 2ne ,ukhi
9t protects the wearer from all the e!ils.2ne ,ukhi
Twenty 2ne ,ukhi Rudraksha is represented by Lord hi!a himself.
(ccording to the ancient scriptures# when Twenty 2ne >aced Rudraksha is
placed in the place of worship# all the gods align themsel!es around it.
This brings peace# harmony and prosperity to the house and it<s members.
This Rudraksha has certain characteristics like :
; 01 ,ukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord shi!a. 9t also represents Lord
?uber 6%od of wealth7.
; 9t is said that by wearing this Rudraksha# remission from the sin of
DbrahmahatyaD 6killing a cow or a "rahmin7 can be obtained.
; The wearer of Twenty 2ne ,ukhi Rudraksha is blessed with wealth#
health# achie!ements# prosperity. The wearer<s s p ir it u a l knowledge
increases and he/she walks on the path of Danatana dharmaD.
; This Rudraksha bead helps in opening the third eye chakra which
go!erns awareness and enhances clair!oyance.
; The 01 ,ukhi Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday. 9t should be
capped in either gold or sil!er# strung with red thread and worn
while chanting mantras.
; ,antra : <2m 1amah hi!ay<.
Trijuti/Tribhagi Rudraksha
Trijuti Rudraksha is a combined form of three Rudraksha
and is a rare phenomenon. 9t is said to be a combination
of "rahma# $ishnu and hi!a. 9t has the following
characteristics :
; Trijuti Rudraksha represents "rahma# $ishnu and
hi!a and is also called %auri =aath.
; This Rudraksha bead is said to impart "rahma %yan
to its wearer.
; The wearer of a Trijuti Rudraksha enjoys super power in society.
Wealth# confidence# health and a uni!ersal appeal is imparted to
the wearer of Trijuti/Tribhagi Rudraksha.
; This Rudraksha safeguards the body against all e:ternal and internal
; The Trijuti/Tribhagi Rudraksha "eads should be worn on a ,onday. 9t
should be capped in either gold or sil!er# strung with a red thread
and worn while chanting mantras.
; ,antra : <2m 1amah hi!ay<
%anesha Rudraksha
( !ery influential Rudraksha. 9t is said to represent Lord
%anesha# son of Lord hi!a and %odess =ar!ati. 9t is
considered !ery sacred and worship. *:treme care needs
to be taken for its upkeep.
%anesha Rudraksha has a natural trunk like protrusion
similar to the trunk of Lord %anesha. 9t has the
characteristics :
; %anesha Rudraksha symboli5es Lord %anesha.
; This Rudraksha is beneficial in obtaining blessings of Lord %anesha.
; %anesha Rudraksha blesses the wearer with progress and lessens the
obstacles in the wearers< or possessors< path.
; 9t is recommended to be worn to achie!e perfection in e!ery facet of
; %anesha Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday. 9t should be capped
with either gold and sil!er# strung with a red thread and worn while
chnating of mantras.
; ,antra : <2m %ang %anpataya 1amoh 1amah# <2m %aneshaya
1amah<# <2m 3um 1amah<.
%arbh %auri Rudraksha
%arbh %auri Rudraksha is the smaller form of %aurihankar
Rudraksha. 9n %aurihankar# both the conjoined beads are
of similar si5e but in %arbh %auri Rudraksha# one bead is
smaller than the other.
%arbh %auri Rudraksha has attributes like :
; %arbh %auri Rudraksha represents %oddess =ar!ati
and Lord %anesha. The smaller bead represents %anesha and bigger
bead represents %oddess =ar!ati.
; This Rudraksha is best for the women who ha!e problems in
concei!ing a child and are prone to abortion.
; 9t is recommended that this Rudraksha should be worn around the
neck by women for ma:imum effect.
; %arbh %auri Rudraksha maintains family unity and good relations
between mother and child.
; %arbh %auri Rudraksha is worn on a ,onday. 9t should be capped
in either gold or sil!er# strung with a red thread and worn while
chanting the mantras.
; ,antra: <2m %arbh %auriye 1amah<
Gaurishankar Rudraksha
(n e:tremely influential Rudraksha. 9t is made of two
beads joined together. 9t is said to represent Lord
hi!a and %odess =ar!ati. 9t helps impro!e
relationships and married life# bringing joy and harmony. 9t also enhances
attraction and attention from the opposite se:. 9t is considered !ery
sacred and worship. *:treme care needs to be taken for its upkeep.
%aurihankar Rudraksha is a conjoined form of Lord shi!a and ,other
=ar!ati. 9t is a rare phenomenon. 9n =uranas# the bead of %aurihankar
is regarded as best for a peaceful family life. ( man who worships this
Rudraksha and keeps it in his prayer room reaps all the benefits of an
obstacle free# happy and successful family life.
%auri hankar Rudraksha has the following characteristics :
; This Rudraksha represents Lord hi!a and ,other =ar!ati.
; Ruled by ,oon# the %auri hankar Rudraksha is said to cause the
e:pansion and de!elopment of this +ni!erse.
; The wearer of the %ouri hankar Rudraksha is blessed with comfort
and peace in the family. This Rudraksha causes e:pansion of the
+ni!erse that pro!ides fertility. 3ence# it pro!ides e:cellent relations
between husband and wife.
; The %aurihankar Rudraksha also helps in meditation. Thus# it is
worn by sages who try to unite with Lord hi!a through
; %ouri hankar Rudraksha should be worn on a ,onday. 9t should be
capped in either gold or sil!er# strung with a red thread and worn
while chanting mantras.
; ,antra: <2m %aurishankarey 1amah<.
Rudraksha Rosaries...
Iou can get !arious rosaries of the Rudraksha beads. They usually ha!e 18/
beads in them and are normally worn for all4round de!elopment and
general happiness and prosperity.
To reap ma:imum benefit from Rudrakshas# you must ha!e total belief and
faith in them# and treat them as holy and sacred objects of worship and
not as mere beads and understand their sanctity.
3ow can 9 get ma:imum benefit...
2nce you ha!e managed to obtain a high &uality# empowered and
energised Rudraksha# it is of e:treme importance that you take certain
precautions in order to get the ma:imum benefit from it and maintain its
Who can wear RudrakshaJ
Rudraksha can be worn by any people of any religion. (s rudraksha ha!e
natural energy within it# there is no need to ha!e strong faith on the
beads to work for 3uman. *!en the person doesnot belei!!e on rudraksha#
it still work and gi!e result.
"*>2R* wearing the Rudraksha for the first time# it should be blessed and
empowered by chanting the specified mantra# performing the prayers and
ritual rites for its sanctification.
(LW(I keep the Rudraksha oiled... (fter regular cleaning# oil the bead
and treat it with incense. This is of +T,2T importance. especially
when not using the bead for sometime# or storing it for a while.
(LW(I wear the Rudraksha bead around the neck in a thread or gold or
sil!er. 1e!er wear the Rudraksha in form of bracelet.
(LW(I keep your Rudraksha clean. -ust and dirt can settle in the pores
of the bead. @lean these as fre&uently as possible with something with
soft# fine bristles. 9f the thread becomes dirty or worn out# change it.
(>T*R cleaning# wash your Rudraksha with some blessed holy water. This
helps maintain its sanctity.
1*$*R wear the Rudraksha while ha!ing se:.
W2,*1 must not wear the Rudraksha during their menstrual cycle.
1*$*R wear the Rudraksha to a funeral or when !isiting a new born baby.
Rudraksha or Rudraksh 6blessings of Lord hi!a7 is the auspicious and rare
bead ha!ing ama5ing de!ine power to bless the wearer with wealth# health#
luck# power and prosperity. *nergised 6mantra chanting7 Rudraksh bead has
the power and ability to fulfill the desire of the nati!e and to remo!e the
malefic effects of planets. Rudraksh ne!er gi!es negati!e results to its
*nergi5ed Rudraksh bead generate tremendous positi!e energy in the
bearer body. Rudraksh ha!e spritual power to impro!e communication#
inspire the mind and increase the intelligence of the wearer. Rudraksha
"eads used for ac&uiring the power of si:th sense. There are different
mukhis rudraksh# apart from %anesh and %auri hankar bead. *ach bead
has a different effect on bearer.
Wearing a bead of 1 mukhi to 01 mukhi rudraksh in a small rudraksh rosary
618/ beads mala7 blesses the wearer with ma:imum auspicious
results. 9mportant Tips about Rudraksha
4 Rudraksh can be used to reduce the tribulations caused by malefic planets.
4 Rudraksh can be used to enhance the positi!e results gi!en by the benefic
4 Rudraksh can be used as a remedy to K$aastu -oshasL.
4 Rudraksh can be worn or can be kept in the temple at home or work place.
4 =roperly maintained Rudraksh can go up to ne:t generation.
4 Rudraksh should be kept clean and oiled.
4 2ne should not clean Rudraksha with soaps or chemicals. (!oid wearing it
while taking bath to keep it away from soaps and shampoos# as it may
cause harm to the Rudraksha and may reduce its life. know more..
; What is RudrakshJ
; Who is the legend behind RudrakshaJ
; Who can wear a RudrakshaJ
; What are the precautions to wear a RudrakshaJ
; 9s Rudraksha useful for ,editation or @hanting ,antras onlyJ
; @an different faced Rudrakshas be worn at one timeJ
; -o a wearer has to perform any =ooja 6prayer7J
; What is the difference between %ems and RudrakshaJ
; What are the diseases cured by RudrakshaJ
; What are the astrological purposes of RudrakshaJ
; What is the $edic =rocedure to *nergi5e 6=raanpratishtha7 a RudrakshaJ
M %eneral $edic =rocedure to energi5e a Rudraksha.
M -etailed $edic =rocedure to energi5e a Rudraksha.
; 9mportant Tips about Rudraksha.
What is RudrakshJ
Rudraksh is the di!ine power blessed with auspicious energies of Lord
hi!a. We get the details about Rudraksha in number of K%ranthasL and
KhastrasL 6the holy books of 9ndian ,ythology7. There are !arious stories
about the origin of Rudraksha. 2ne can find the greatness and detailed
literature about the properties of Rudraksha in ancient $edic scriptures like#
,aha hi!a =urana# (ksha,aalikaoapnashida# rimad "hagwata# ,antra
,aharna!a# =adam =urana and Cabbalaoapanishada etc. Rudraksha is
belie!ed to ha!e the direct blessings of Lord hi!a# which contains the
properties to remo!e the affects of sins of the wearer. 9t is e!en said that if
one wears the Rudraksha 6in any form7 on his body# e!en without
worshiping or energi5ing it# does not get near any sinful act or thought.
Rudraksh is procured from the trees called *L(*2@(R=+ %R(19TR+ 6it is
the botanical name of the tree7. The sacred and holy people of 9ndia
6KadhusL# K,unisL and KIogiesL7 are using the Rudraksh from ancient
time. They use to wear it on their head# around their arms or neck in the
form of rosary or pendant. 9n the society of religion# Rudraksha is not a new
or surprising matter. The $edic people know and understand the importance
of Rudraksha. (s per their belief# Rudraksha gets them closer to their %od
and plays an important role to pro!ide them K,2?3(L.
The word Rudraksh is formed with the combination of two different anskrit
words# KRudraL and K(kshaL. The word KRudraL stands for %reat Lord hi!a
and the word K(kshaL stands for the tears of Rudra 6Lord hi!a7.
2ne ancient story e:plains the origin of Rudraksha. 2nce upon a time#
Lord hi!a was !ery upset and depressed due to the death of K%auriL# his
wife. 3e started crying and roaming here and there in search of K%auriL.
(nd while searching too he was crying and his tears were falling on the
earth. This is said that his tears were con!erted in Rudraksha. Rudrakshas
found in round in 9ndia# 1epal and 9ndonesia. Rudraksha is said to contain
the secrets of entire e!olution of the @osmos within it.
,ost of the Rudrakshas are found in round shape with different number of
faces 6KmukhiL7 on it. "ut few Rudrakshas are also found with the shape of
cashew nuts. ometime they are found as a pair of two Rudrakshas#
naturally joined with each other# known as K%auri hankar RudrakshaL. 9t
is belie!ed to ha!e the blessings of Lord hi!a and %oddess =ar!ati. (nd
sometime# though !ery rare# a pair of three Rudrakshas is also found# again
naturally joined with each other# known as KTR9C+T9 RudrakshaL. 9t is
belie!ed to ha!e the blessings of %reat Lord $ishnu# "rahma and hi!a all
together. Rudrakshas are found with different faces 6mukhi7# 1 to 01 faced.
0 to / faced Rudrakshas are normally found Rudrakshas# 1 faced# H to 01
faced Rudrakshas are rare found Rudrakshas. *ach Rudraksha has its own
benefits and properties. *ach Rudraksha is blessed with auspicious energies
of Lord hi!a# but still is belie!ed to under the Lordship different %ods and
%oddesses# thus ha!ing the blessings of those %ods and %oddesses too.
9n astrology# Rudraksha is used as remedy of malefic planets. +nlike gems
and stones# Rudrakshas are said to be always beneficial for the wearer. (s
the direct blessings of Lord hi!a is in!ol!ed# no &uestion of illness or
negati!e results arises.
The Rudraksha is used for their benefic nature. The Rudraksha is !ery
powerful and they help to achie!e wonders# of energi5ed 6=raanpratishthit7
properly and empowered by adopting the right $edic procedure# 9t is
important to purify the Rudraksha by milk# ghee etc and also to energi5ed
it 6=raanpratishthit7 before wearing it. (stro,uni.@om pro!ides its users
with the Rudrakshas energi5ed with proper $edic procedure.
9t is belie!ed that where!er a Rudraksha 6of any form# in any shape7 is kept
and worshiped# that place is free of sins. That place cannot be affected with
de!il effect 6"hoot4=ret "adha7. That place is belie!ed to be protected from
theft# robbery and fire. The people li!ing in that place are safe and protected
from diseases# untimely accidents and death. They are protected from
uper41atural powers. The residents are blessed with ne!er4ending wealth.
The lo!e# faith# brotherhood# affection and sympathy is always there among
the relationships. 9t is belie!ed that %oddess Lakshmi takes the permanent
residence in that place. Lord hi!a himself along with %oddess =ar!ati and
Lord %anesha are present there to protect the family.
Who is the legend behind RudrakshaJ
Lord hi!a is the legend behind the Rudraksha. Rudraksha is belie!ed to be
the direct blessings of Lord hi!a. The word Rudraksha is formed with the
combination of two different anskrit words# KRudraL and K(kshaL. The
word KRudraL stands for Lord hi!a and the word K(kshaL stands for the
tears of Rudra 6Lord hi!a7. We get the details about Rudraksha in
number of K%ranthasL and KhastrasL 6the holy books of 9ndian
,ythology7. There are !arious stories about the origin of Rudraksha. 2ne
can find the greatness and detailed literature about the properties of
Rudraksha in
ancient $edic scriptures like# ,aha hi!a =urana# (ksha,aalikaoapnashida#
rimad "hagwata# ,antra ,aharna!a# =adam =urana and
Cabbalaoapanishada etc. Rudraksha is belie!ed to ha!e the direct blessings
of Lord hi!a# which contains the properties to remo!e the affects of sins
of the wearer. 9t is e!en said that if one wears the Rudraksha 6in any form7
on his body# e!en without worshiping or energi5ing it# does not get near
any sinful act or thought. (nd this happens only due to the direct blessings
of Lord hi!a.
Who can wear a RudrakshaJ
(ny human being in the world# related to any religion# society or
community could wear Rudraksha. "ut as some precautions are to be taken
while wearing a Rudraksha# it is suggested to wear Rudraksha only by the
people o!er 1A years of age# as children are careless and may cause
disrespect to the Rudraksha.
What are the precautions to wear a RudrakshaJ
(s told earlier# Rudraksha is the direct blessings of Lord hi!aN one should
not act 6in his belief and knowledge7 that gi!es disrespect to the
Rudraksha. 2ne should not wear a Rudraksha while attending a funeral.
2ne should remo!e Rudraksha before going to sleep 6especially in case of
new married couples7. They can wear it ne:t morning. 2ne should not wear
a Rudraksha while eating non4!egetarian food or while ha!ing alcoholic
products. 2ne should always wear an energi5ed 6=raanpratishthit7
9s Rudraksha useful for ,editation or @hanting ,antras onlyJ
"y wearing a Rudraksha one gets the peace of mind# good feelings and
acti!eness. (lso his thoughts are centrali5ed to the mission. (nd in today)s
modern and fast mo!ing life# the centrali5ation of the thoughts is
necessary. 9t helps you to o!ercome the state of depression and tension#
which is increasing day by day due to competition. Rudraksha is belie!ed to
be self4 energi5ed tool to get success in e!ery field of the life.
Rudraksha has a specific benefit O it o!ercomes the fear. 9n today)s time#
take any country# take any society or community or religion# the whole
mankind is scared and full of fear. The man is scared of himself. Rudraksha
is an e:cellent source of energy to kill fear. That)s the reason that our
KadhuL# K,unisL and K %urusL use to roam in jungles# different states and
countries without any fear. They use to wear Rudrakshas# as they knew the
importance and properties of the Rudrakshas.
1ow# Rudrakshas are not only used for meditation or chanting mantras.
1ow Rudraksha is not in the limit of a particular religion or country. Today
Rudraksha is used as a source of completeness. There is no purpose in that
can)t be fulfilled by using Rudraksha.
@an different faced Rudrakshas be worn at one timeJ
Ies# it is a !ery effecti!e e:periment. To get the blessings of -ifferent
=lanets and to get the benefits of different Rudrakshas one can wear
Rudrakshas of different faces at one time. The importance of procuring and
wearing 1 to 1A faced Rudrakshas all together is clearly defined in 9ndian
KhastrasL and K%ranthasL 6the holy books on 9ndian ,ythology7. 2ne can
make the group of Rudrakshas as per his own choice according to his need
and priority. There are some gems that can)t be worn together due to
enmity and antagonism between the planets. "ut as Rudrakshas are the
direct blessings of Lord hi!a# they are free from any illness or bad effects
of any kind# so can be worn in any combination. The %roup of 1 to 1A ,ukhi
Rudraksha is known as Kidha Rudraksha IogaL and when %auri hankar
Rudraksha is in!ol!ed in the group of Kidha IogaL it becomes K=aram
idha Rudraksha IogaL. The group of 1 to 01 ,ukhi Rudraksha is known as
K9ndra idha Rudraksha IogaL. The %roup of KTri Cuti Rudraksha with
%auri hankar Rudraksha is known as K,aha =aram idha Rudraksha
-o a wearer has to perform any =ooja 6prayer7J
(s (stro,uni.@om pro!ides its users with energi5ed 6=raanpratishthit7
Rudrakshas# the wearer doesn)t ha!e to perform any =ooja 6prayer7 before
wearing it. "ut still it is recommended to chant the K=anchakshari ,antraL
of Lord hi!a for 11 times before wearing it. The ,antra is: K2, 1(,(3
39$(I*L. 9n case of rosary of Rudraksha# it is always suggested to use it
for the purpose of chanting mantras related to any %od. The more the
mantras will be chanted on Rudraksha Rosary# the more it will be energi5ed#
thus gi!ing its wearer more better results.
What is the difference between %ems and RudrakshaJ
(s told earlier# Rudraksha is the direct blessings of Lord hi!a. 9t has to ill
or negati!e effects on its wearer# whereas the gems are associated with
specific planets. 9f wrongly prescribed by an astrologer or if the &uality of
the gem is not good as re&uired# it may cause enhancement in the
tribulations caused by the malefic planet. 2n the other hand# Rudrakshas
are used for both the purposes# to reduce the tribulations caused by
malefic planets and to enhance the positi!e results of benefic planets.
What are the diseases cured by RudrakshaJ
>irst of all one must understand that as per astrology# each planet has its
effects on the human body. *ach planet co!ers different organs of the
human body. The malefic situation of the planet may cause the diseases
related to the organs that comes under the specific planet. Rudraksha plays
an important role in reducing the tribulations 6including diseases7 caused by
the malefic planets. 1 to H faced 6mukhi7 Rudrakshas are related to the
planets. (n astrologer suggests the nati!e to wear the specific
for specific planet# thus pre!enting the nati!e from the diseases related
to that planet.
9mportant Tips about 2ne6ingle7 ,ukhi Rudraksha
4 Rudraksha can be used to reduce the tribulations caused by malefic
4 Rudraksha can be used to enhance the positi!e results gi!en by the
benefic planets.
4 Rudraksha can be used as a remedy to K$aastu -oshasL.
4 Rudraksha can be worn or can be kept in the temple at home or work
4 =roperly maintained Rudraksha can go up to ne:t generation.
4 Rudraksha should be kept clean and oiled.
4 Rudraksha is a great medicine for 3ypertension 6"lood =ressure7.
4 Rudraksha can be worn in any form# may it be rosary# single bead or with
combination of any Rudraksha.
4 Rudrakshas can be hanged on the front doors of the temple# home and
workplace 6in shape of bunch7.
..(lso hanging it in the corners of your 2ffice# "oard Room# ,eeting room
will help you in a great deal.
4 2ne should remo!e Rudraksha from his body while attending a
funeral ceremony.
4 Rudraksha ne!er gi!es negati!e energiesN therefore they don)t ha!e ill
effects of any kind on anyone.
4 Rudraksha is an e:cellent tool to get protected from -e!il effects
6"hoot4 =ret "adha7.
4 Rudraksha is an e:cellent tool to get protected from diseases# untimely
accidents and death.
4 Rudraksha is a great energy one should wear to get fame# name# good
fortune# ne!er4ending wealth#
4 property and respect in the society.
4 *!eryone in the world should wear Rudraksha on his body to enhance
lo!e# affection# faith# brotherhood and sympathy among each other.
What are the astrological purposes of RudrakshaJ
9n a horoscope of a nati!e# there are H main planets. *ach planet has its
own nature and character. There are 10 houses in the horoscope. The
snapshot of the situation of these H planets in 10 houses 6at the time of
birth of the nati!e7 is called a 3oroscope. 10 houses of the horoscope
represent different aspects of the life of the nati!e. These houses contain
different numbers from 1 to 10. These numbers represents different igns
6e.g. 1 represent (ries# B represents Leo and 10 represent =isces7. *ach
sign has the lordship of particular planet 6e.g. (ries# Leo and =isces are
under the Lordship of planet ,ars# un and Cupiter respecti!ely7. 1ow# in
astrology some planets are friends to each other# some planets are enemies
to each other and some planets are a!erage to each other. When a planet is
situated in the sign of his friend planet# he use to gi!e good results related
to that house and if a planet is situated in the sign of his enemy planet# he
use to cause tribulations related to that house.
What is the $edic =rocedure to *nergi5e 6=raanpratishtha7 a
RudrakshaJ 2ne can adopt either of the procedures to energi5e a
%eneral $edic =rocedure to energi5e a Rudraksha:
=ore the "ead6s7 of Rudraksha in water of %anga. (pply the sandal wood
paste on it. Lit insane and the lamp of %hee. 2ffer some white flowers to
the Rudraksha. @hant =anchakshari ,antra for 11 times and wear the
=erform this procedure in the temple. Touch the Rudraksha "eads with the
hi!Lingha or with the feats of Lord hi!a and then wear it. 9f you want to
adopt this procedure at your home# it will be better to ha!e one =arad
made hi! Lingha in your temple.
-etailed $edic =rocedure to energi5e a Rudraksha:
9t will be better if the wearer perform this =ooja by himself# or else one
can take the ser!ices of a the %uru or the priest of a temple for this
>ollowing items are re&uired for this procedure:
=anch%a!ya %omeya 6-ung of the cow7# %o,ootra# ,ilk# @urd# and %hee. 9f
these items are not a!ailable you can also make the =anchaamrit by
mi:ing these products: ,ilk# @urd# %hee# 3oney and ugar. ,ake at least
188 ml. mi:ture 6say about one cup7.
M %anga Water
M "unch of ?usha or %rass or a clean poon
M H Lea!es of =eepal in one a !essel
M 2ne empty !essel or a plate to keep the items of =ooja.
M 9nsane 6-hoop and (garbati7
M @amphor and a lamp of %hee
M sandal wood paste
M Rice with the coating of (sth%andha
M 1ew White or Red cloth 6about 1.0B ,eters long7
M >resh fruits# upaari# =aan# @lo!e# @oconut and >lowers of white color.
M =ut upaari in the =aan lea!es (nd close it using the clo!e as a stich.
M (asan 6The seat made of ?usha or %rass or blanket7
M 3a!e bath in morning and sit on the (asan facing *ast -irection.
M "etter to keep a =arad or @rystal made hi! Lingha in front of you.
M ?eep all the pooja items near you.
M ?eep the container of %anga water near you.
M Wash the Rudraksha with =anch%a!eya or =anchaamrit.
4 ?eep the Rudraksha bead6s7 in the !essel containing H Lea!es of =eepal
in front of you.
M ?eep on empty !essel or plate near it to pore the =ooja items in it.
M Lit the ghee lamp and insane.
M @hant the =achaakshari ,antra for three times. K2, 1(,(3 39$(I*L.
M =ut some %anga water drops on your body and the pooja items
while chanting these mantras:
4 2, (=($9TR(3 =($9TR2 $(( (R$(($(T((1 %(T2=9$(# I(3 ,R*T
=+1-9R?(?3(, ( "((3(I(("3I((1T(R(3 3+@39(3
4 2, %+R+ "3(I+ 1(,(3
4 2, %(1*3(I* 1(,(3
4 2, ?+L-*$T(("3(I2 1(,(3
4 2, 93T-*$T(("3(I2 1(,(3
4 2, ,(T(=9TR("3(I((, 1(,(3
M =ore some %anga Water using the bunch of ?usha or grass in your right
palm and wash both your hands. 1ow again pore some ganga4water in
your right palm and drink it while chanting these mantras:
4 2, ?*3($((I* 1(,(3
4 2, 1((R((I(1((I* 1(,(3
4 2, ,((-3($((I* 1(,(3
M 1ow again pore some ganga4water in your right palm and pore it on
the earth near you while chanting these mantras:
4 2, %2$91-((I* 1(,(3
M 1ow keep the inde: finger on your nose and perform the =raanaayaama
and chant these mantras
4 2, =R((1(($((I( =(R"R(3,3( R9393 =(R,((T(,( -*$T( -*$9
%((I(TR9 @33(1-(3 =R((1((I(,9 $919I2%(3
M =ut some %anga water drops on the Rudraksha "ead6s7 using the
bunch of ?usha or grass and chant these mantras:
4 2, (-I2C((T(, =R(=(-I((,9 (-I2C((T((I( $*9 1(,2 1(,(3
"3($* "3($* 1((T9"3($* "3($($( ,((, "3($2--("3($((I*
M Take some white flowers in your right hand and apply the sandal wood
paste on it and touch them with the Rudraksha bead6s7 and chant these
4 2, $((, -*$((I* 1(,(3# C*3TT3((I* 1(,(3# 3(R*3TT3((I*
1(,(3# R+-R((I* 1(,(3# ?((L((I* 1(,(3# ?(L4$9?(R(1((I*
1(,(3# "(L4$9?(R(1((I* 1(,(3# "(L((I* 1(,(3# "(L4
=R(,(T31((I* 1(,(3# (R$( "322T(-(,(=(I* 1(,(3#
,(121,(1((I* 1(,(3
M 1ow offer the holy perfume of insane to the Rudraksha by directing
the smoke of insane towards it# while chanting these mantras:
4 (%32R"3(I2 (T3%32R*"3(I2 %32R %32R T(R*"3I(3
4 (R$*"3I(3 (R$(3(R$*"3(I2 1(,(T*(T+ R+-R(R+="3(I(3
M (gain take some flowers in your hand and apply some sandal wood
paste to them and touch them to the Rudraksha bead6s7 while chanting
these mantra:
4 2, T(T=+R+3(I* $9--,(3* ,(3((-*$(I* -39,(39 T(12R+-R(3
M 1ow chant these 93((1 ,antras to @3(R%* the Rudraksha bead6s7
2, 93((1(3 (R$ $9--I((1((,93$(R(3 (R$"322T((1((,
"R(3,(-39=(T9 "R((3,(12-39=(T9 "R(3(,( 39$2,*91(T+
M 1ow take some rice in your left palm. @hant these mantras of
energi5ing 6=raanpratishtha7 and offer some rice with right hand to
Rudraksha bead6s7:
4 2, ((, 3(L**, ?R2, I(, R(, L(, $(, 3(, 3(, (, 3(+, 3(,
(3 (I( ,((L((I(3 =R((1((3 **3 =R((1((3
4 2, ((, 3(L**, ?R2, I(, R(, L(, $(, 3(, 3(, (, 3(+, 3(,
(3 (I( ,((L((I(3 C**$ **3 T39T3(3
4 2, ((, 3(L**, ?R2, I(, R(, L(, $(, 3(, 3(, (, 3(+, 3(,
(3 (I( ,((L((I(3 (R*1-R9I((19 $((1%,(13@3(?3+
3R2TR(%3R((1(=(-((19 **3*(9$((%(TI* +?3(, @39R(,
T93(T3((1T+ (W((3(
M 1ow again take some rice in your left palm. @hant these mantras of
de!otion and offer some rice with right hand to Rudraksha bead6s7 with
e!ery mantra. (ll these mantras ha!e a different purpose of welcoming
the god# offering clothes# rice# flowers# di!ine perfume of insane# light of
the lamp# ganga water# fruits# paan and coconut etc. =erform as directed:
4 Welcome ,antra 6keep you hands together in the form of namaskaar and
pray to Lord hi!a7
4 (((1(, (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering @loths 6Take White or Red @loth in your right hand and offer
it to the Rudraksha "ead6s7 while chanting this mantra7
4 $(TR( (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering Rice 61ow take rice in your right hand offer it to the Rudraksha
"ead6s7 while chanting this mantra7
4 (?3(T(, (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering >lowers 6Take white flowers in your right hand offer it to the
Rudraksha "ead6s7 while chanting this mantra7
4 =+3=(, (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering the di!ine perfume of insane 6-irect the smoke of
insane towards Rudraksha "ead6s7 with your right hand while
chanting this mantra7
4 -3+= (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1( ?(,L*"3(I2
4 2ffering the light of lamp of ghee 6-irect the light of lamp towards
Rudraksha "ead6s7 with your right hand while chanting this mantra7
4 -**= (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1( ?(,L*"3(I2
4 2ffering the %anga Water 6Take the ganga water from the container
using the bunch of ?usha or grass with your right hand and put some
drops of the Rudraksha "ead6s7 while chanting this mantra7
4 ((@3,(19I(, (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering the >ruits 6Take the fruits in your right hand and offer them
to the Rudraksha "ead6s7 while chanting this mantra7
4 1(9$*-*I(, (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering the %anga Water once again 62nce again take the ganga
water from the container using the bunch of ?usha or grass with your
right hand and put some drops of the Rudraksha "ead6s7 while chanting
this mantra7
4 ((@3,(19I(, (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering the =aan 6Take the paan in your right hand and offer them to
Rudraksha "ead6s7 while chanting this mantra7
4 T((,"22L(, (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
4 2ffering @oconut 6Take the coconut in your right hand and offer it to
Rudraksha "ead6s7 while chanting this mantra7
4 3R9 >(L (,(R(=(I((,9 3R9 39$ ,(3(-*$I( @3(R1(
?(,L*"3(I2 1(,(3
M 1ow lit the @amphor and say (arati for three times:
4 ?(R=22R %(+R ?(R+1(($(T((R(, (1((R(, ((R(,
"3+C(%*1-R(3((R# (-( $((1T(, 3R9-(I((R$(1-* "3($(,
"3($((19 (39T(, 1(,((,9
M 1ow chant the %ayatri ,antra for three times:
4 2, "3+R"3+$(3 W(3
T(T$9T+R$(R*19I(, "3(R%2-*$((I(-39,(39
-39I2I21(3 =R(@32-(I((T
M 1ow chant the urya ,antra for three times:
4 2, "3+ 2, "3+$(3 2, (W(3 2, ,(3( 2, C(11(3 2, T(=(3 2,
M 1ow touch your Right *ye with the fingers of your right hand and chant
the mantra:
4 2, ((=2 CI2T9 R(2 (,R9T(, "R(3,( "3+ "3+$(3 W(R2,
M 1ow touch your Left *ye with the fingers of your right hand and chant
the same mantra:
4 2, ((=2 CI2T9 R(2 (,R9T(, "R(3,( "3+ "3+$(3 W(R2,
M 1ow touch your >orehead with the fingers of your right hand and
chant the same mantra:
4 2, ((=2 CI2T9 R(2 (,R9T(, "R(3,( "3+ "3+$(3 W(R2,
M 1ow chant the ,aha ,rityunjaya ,antra for B times.
2, 32, C22, (3
2, "3+R"3+$(3 W(3
TR9I(,"(?(, I(C((,(3* +%(1-39, =+3T9$(R-3(1(,
+R$((R+?,9$"(1-3(1((1 ,R9TI2+,2?39I* ,(,RT((T
"3+R"3+$(3 W(R2, C22, (3 32, 2,
M 1ow @hant the "eeja mantras of Rudraksha for 1 time each:
4 2, 1(,(3 39$(I*# 2, 3R**, 1(,(3# 2, 1(,(3# 2, ?L**,
1(,(3# 2, 3R**, 3+, 1(,(3# 2, 3+, 1(,(3# 2, ?R2, ?3R2, R2,
M 1ow pray to Lord hi!a with full faith in him:
2, =+R1(,(-(3 =+R1(,9-(, =+R1((RT =+R,+-@3(I(T*
=+R1((I* =+R1,((-((I* =+R1,*$((I* 393(I(T*
2, 3(1T93 3(1T93 3(1T93
1ow you can wear the energi5ed 6praanpratishthit7 Rudraksha "ead6s7 or
can place them in the temple of your home# office or workplace. -onate
some money along with all the =ooja items in the temple. Take the blessings
of your elders for your higher self.
hi!a =urana describe Rudraksha<s origin as Lord hi!a<s tears. 3e had
been meditating for many years for the welfare of all creatures. 2n opening
the eyes# hot drops of tears rolled down and the mother earth ga!e birth to
Rudraksha trees. Lord i!a has many aspects indicated by 3is 1#88/ names
Lord i!a is responsible for creation# e!olution and dissolution. Lord i!a
dances creation out of e:istence at the end of time and then after an
appropriate time 3e destroys the silence itself by dancing and the acti!ity
3is dance gi!es rise to the appearance of 1arayana and causes
creation again.
Through the grace of Lord i!a we are able to come to a state where we
stop identifying with the Relati!e aspect of oursel!es and come to know
our true identity as one with the (bsolute. This is the death of death itself.
This is immortality. 9t is the total destruction of all limitation and all
sorrow in our li!es and this miracle can only be brought about by the power
of Lord i!a. That is why 3e is called Lord i!a the (uspicious 2ne. 3e
destroys our limitations and our fears. 3e is the !ery embodiment of total
kindness. 3e is the Lord of Iogis presiding o!er Transcendental
?nowledge.2m 1ama i!aya.
Lord i!a is also known as Rudra and the Lord of Tears. The meaning of
the name Rudra is traceable to the $edas and said to be deri!ed from rud
6dra!ayita7 he who dri!es away sin or suffering.
*ight different aspects of nature are the direct manifestations of Rudra
and they are *arth# Water# >ire# (ir# pace# The un# The ,oon and the Life
>orce. (nything good and auspicious# anything that keeps us healthy and
happy and anything that helps us attain freedom from pain and misery is
ri Rudram is one of the fi!e scriptural te:ts chosen by the ancients for
constant repetition and meditation. The fi!e are the +panishads of one<s
own akha# The "haga!ad %ita# The $ishnu ahasranama# ri Rudram
and =urusha uktam.
$edic Literature states
(s by pouring water at the root of a tree# all its branches are nourished#
by pleasing ri Rudra through Rudrajapa# all the -e!as are pleased. 2ne
attains "hukti and ,ukti# enjoyment of life as well as freedom from the
ills of the world by the chanting of ri Rudram with de!otion
To the Rudra who is in fire# who is in water# who is in trees and plants#
who has entered into the entire uni!erse# to that Rudra let our salutations
$edic Literature shows that the Rudraksa "ead was created from the tears
of Rudra# the fierce form of Lord i!a thus endowing it with medicinal and
piritual =owers. *ach of the many types of Rudraksa "eads ha!e a
go!erning -iety and specific powers and properties.
Two of the most important rules to be obser!ed in the (sta a!arana that
are the eight aids or protections are the uttering of the fi!e syllabled
formula or ,antra that is 1amah i!aya and the wearing of the acred
Rudraksha "eads and =lanets
(ccording to (strology# all human beings are go!erned and influenced by
nine planets or na!agraha # the effects of which may be either beneficial
or malefic. Rudraksha "eads are said to be !ery effecti!e in remo!ing the
or malefic effects of the planets in ones 3oroscope. There is no other
ornament worn on a human body which is as powerful or auspicious than
a Rudraksha "ead rosary. <Rudraksha< means <ha!ing the eyes of Lord
hi!a<. These beads are worn for health# wealth and for spirituality.
Research has pro!ed that rudraksha therapy is more effecti!e than
magnetic therapy.
The different faced "eads are used for reducing the malefic effects of
=lanets are gi!en below:4
2ne mukhi 4 un
Two mukhi 4,oon
Teen mukhi 4 ,ars
@har ,ukhi 4 ,ercury
=anch ,ukhi 4Cupiter
i: ,ukhi 4$enus
G ,ukhi 4 aturn
/ ,ukhi 4 Rahu
H ,ukhi 4 ?etu
18 ,ukhi 4 (ll =lanets
10 ,ukhi 4 un
1A ,ukhi O aturn
1A ,ukhi Rudraksha
1A ,ukhi Rudraksha is found most rarely and it
pleases Lord hi!a to gi!e the wearer 3is
company. 9t is the most precious di!ine thing
-e!a ,ani. 9t awakens the si:th sense organ by
which the wearer foresees the future happenings.
9ts wearer ne!er fails in his decisions.
9ts wearer gets rid of all the calamities# miseries#
worries. 9t pro!ides the
wearer safety and riches. 9t is a !ery powerful
antedote for aturn miseries and pro!ides miraculous cures to se!eral
ailments. 9t is recommended to be worn on chest as a necklace# on
forehead on third eye region or on right arm. 9t helps in achie!ing moksha
6sal!ation7 from the world which is the essence of human life. The wearer
of 1A mukhi rudraksha becomes di!ine and becomes dear to Lord hi!a.
Rudraksha "ead and -iseases
Rudraksha "eads# Lord hi!as gift to human beings# ha!e medicinal and
healing properties. "ecause of this it protects the wearer of the bead from
se!eral diseases. These beads are used in (yur!eda for curing diseases.
Rudraksha Therapy is also been pro!ed as more effecti!e than magnetic
therapy. The different faced rudraksha beads are go!erned by different
planets in the +ni!erse and therefore worn as remedy for to e!ade
malefic effects of =lanets and for maintaining good health.
Types of Rudraksha "eads and -iseases they can @ure
2ne faced Rudraksha bead is ruled by the =lanet un and works as medical
remedy for curing diseases like chronic asthma# T"# paralysis# stroke#
heart problems# mental an:iety# eye problem# bone pain# head ache etc.
Two >aced Rudraksha bead is go!erned by ,oon and works miraculously
for the treatment of diseases like impotency# lack of concentration# renal
failure# stress# an:iety# depression# negati!e thinking# eye problems# mental
chaos# hysteria# intestinal disorder etc.
Three >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by ,ars and is used for diseases like
depression# chi5ophrenia# inferiority comple:es# psychosis or guilt induced
comple:es# blood pressure# regulation of the menstrual cycle/menstrual
stress# mood swings# fe!er or weakness# jaundice# mental disability etc.
>our >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by ,ercury and cure diseases like
blood circulation# cough# brain related illness# asthma# stammering#
lapse# respiratory tract problems etc.
>i!e >aced Rudraksha bead is go!erned by Cupiter and works on blood
pressure# mental disability# obesity# heart problems# stress# anger
management# diabetics# piles# neurotic and maladjustment problems etc.
i: >aced Rudraksha bead is go!erned by $enus and is useful for diseases
like epilepsy# gynecological problems etc.
e!en >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by aturn and is used for diseases like
asthma# pharyngitis# impotency# foot related diseases# respiratory disorders
*ight >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by Rahu and cures stomach ache#
stress# skin diseases# an:iety etc
1ine >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by ?etu and works as a magical
medical remedy for treating unknown diseases.
Ten faced Rudraksha bead is ruled by Lord ,aha!eera and is used for curing
diseases like hormonal imbalance in the body# mental instability# whooping
cough etc.
*le!en >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by Lord 9ndra and is used as remedy
for body pain# backache# chronic alcoholism# li!er diseases etc
Twel!e >aced Rudraksha bead is go!erned by Lord $ishnu and is beneficial
for treating diseases like bone diseases# rickets# osteoporosis# mental
disability# an:iety etc.
Thirteen >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by Lord 9ndra and cures diseases of
muscle like dystrophies.
>ourteen >aced Rudraksha bead is ruled by aturn is !ery significant for
its medical benefits in curing brain related and many other kinds of
>ifteen >aced Rudraksha bead is go!erned by Lord =ashupati and works as a
great medical remedy for curing diseases like skin diseases# repeated
miscarriage# still birth etc.
(nd this is not all# there are some rare beads and combination beads as
well which too is beneficial for the wearer
Rudrasha telugu:
*njoy the Lingashtakam mantra.Rudraksha is !ery dear to lord hi!a
and hence all the sins of a man get destroyed if he chants the name of
Lord hi!a ...
ww w.yo ut ub e.c om /w at c hJ !Q" hI0 9bC !>"*

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