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There are several steps to breast stroke swimming with diagram.
First step !la"e #o$rsel% laterall# in the water with #o$r arms e&tended straight
in %ront o% #o$ and #o$r legs in ba"k o% #o$.

Se"ond step !$sh #o$r arms apart so that the# "reate a diagonal with #o$r
bod#. 'ake s$re #o$r palms are %a"ing o$t and #o$r elbows are straight.

Third step !$ll #o$r elbows into the sides o% #o$r bod#( then bring
#o$r hands together in %ront o% #o$r "hest. )ow simpl# p$sh #o$r hands %orward so
the# ret$rn to where the# started. *o not make #o$r arms go wide open( b$t do not
make a tin# "ir"le either. Also( when both o% #o$r hands get to #o$r "hest( shoot
them o$t +$i"kl# side b# side( palms $p.

Forth step ,hile "ompleting step -( li%t #o$r head( ne"k( and $pper "hest o$t o%
the water to breathe. *o not remove #o$r hands %rom the water.

Fi%th step Bending #o$r knees( bring #o$r %eet towards #o$r bottom. 'ake a
"ir"$lar motion with #o$r %eet $ntil the# meet with #o$r legs %$ll# e&tended on"e
again. .omplete this step as %ast as possible.

Si&th step /lide. B$t not %or too long. 0n "ompetitions( *O )OT go over 1 or 1
se"onds( as it will slow #o$ down a lot.

Seventh step *o not take 1 strokes with 1 breath. This ,022 give #o$
a$tomati" dis+$ali3"ation. 0% #o$ want to take #o$r breath ever# other stroke( then
#o$ have to li%t #o$r head $p and p$t it ba"k down. 0% #o$ don4t and 5$st do 1 strokes
witho$t li%ting $p #o$r head( #o$ will be dis+$ali3ed( so make s$re that #o$ at least
li%t $p #o$r head. Also( when #o$ take a breath( do not look $p. 0nstead( look down
at the water. ,ith ever# stroke o% #o$r hands and arms( it will take #o$r head $p
a$tomati"all# so don4t move #o$r head( as it will waste #o$r energ#. ,hen #o$ are
almost 3nished( to$"h the shore with both hands at the same time( or else #o$ will
be dis+$ali3ed.

-.0 B$tter6# stroke
The b$tter6# stroke is named a%ter the gra"e%$l motion o% a b$tter6#4s wings. 0t is
one o% the %astest swim strokes( and is also "onsidered to be one o% the most
di7"$lt. 8owever( with pra"ti"e and perseveran"e( #o$ "an per%orm the b$tter6#
stroke with "on3den"e and e7"ien"#.
Be%ore beginning( it is pre%erable to "ons$lt #o$r ph#si"ian and be in good ph#si"al
"ondition. 0t is also a good idea to have some %amiliarit# with the other basi"
swimming strokes. The best option is to have a +$ali3ed swim "oa"h to instr$"t #o$(
b$t i% this is not possible #o$ "an "ertainl# tea"h #o$rsel% the b$tter6# stroke.

The b$tter6# is broken down into two "omponents9 the ki"k and the stroke. The ki"k
is done with the legs together in an $nd$lating motion originating %rom the hips(
6owing thro$gh the knees and then thro$gh the %eet. This is known as a dolphin
ki"k. O%ten it is help%$l to pra"ti"e the dolphin ki"k separatel# either with a ki"k
board or while wearing 6ippers. This helps %amiliari:e swimmers with the power and
6$idit# o% the ki"k.
The stroke per%ormed "onsists o% three basi" parts9 the p$ll( the p$sh( and the
re"over#. The stroke "an be pra"ti"ed separatel# while stationar# in the water. Start
with #o$r arms o$t in %ront o% #o$( sho$lder width apart. )e&t( in a "ontin$o$s
motion bring #o$r arms down thro$gh the water to waistlevel( a"hieving the p$ll
p$lling #o$rsel% thro$gh the water. .ontin$e the arm motion with a p$sh thro$gh to
the hips or midthigh( and then bring #o$r arms $p o$t o% the water( over the top o%
#o$r head( and ba"k aro$nd to the starting point to per%orm the re"over#. This
"ompletes the motion o% the stroke.
A%ter mastering these two "omponents( the ne&t step is to p$t them together. This is
best done with an $nderstanding o% the twoki"k "#"le. The twoki"k "#"le is
per%ormed b# 3rst p$shing o; o% the wall o% the pool with the dolphin ki"k. ,hen
#o$ are read# to breathe( e&e"$te a p$ll and p$sh( li%ting #o$r head o$t o% the water
and taking a deep breath. As #o$ are p$lling and p$shing( do a giant ki"k to li%t $p
o$t o% the water and breathe. As #o$ per%orm the re"over#( ki"k ba"k down into the
water to glide %or appro&imatel# 11 se"onds. This "ompletes the b$tter6# stroke.
2astl#( it is alwa#s re"ommended to learn b$tter6# stroke onl# a%ter #o$ are
pro3"ient in other basi" strokes s$"h as %reest#le or breast stroke.

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