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Topological ideals have played an important role in

topology for several years. It was the works of Newcomb [15],
Rancin [16], Samuels [18] and Hamlett and Jankovic [5,6,7,8,13]
which motivated the research in applying topological ideals to
generalize the most basic properties in general topology. In 1992,
Jankovic and Hamlett [8] introduced the notion of I - open sets in
topological spaces. El - Monsef [1], investigated I -open sets and I
- continuous functions. In 1996, Dontchev [3] introduced the
notion of pre - I - open sets and obtained a decomposition of I
-continuity. Quite recently, Hatir and Noiri [11] have introduced
the notion of semi - I - open sets to obtain another new
decomposition of continuity.
In this paper, the notions of weakly semi - I*S - open sets
and weakly semi- I*S - continuous functions are introduced to obtain
a decomposition of continuity via ideals. The fundamental
properties of such functions are studied.


Throughout this paper, cl(A), int(A) and SN (x) denote the closure of A,
interior of A and semi neighborhood of x.
Let (X,τ ) be a topological space and ϑ an ideal of subsets of X.
Definition 1.1.1
Given a set X a collection ϑ of subsets of X is called an ideal on X if
a) A ∈ ϑ and B ⊂ A implies B ∈ ϑ (heredity) and
b) A ∈ ϑ and B ∈ ϑ implies A ∪ B ∈ ϑ (additivity).
Definition 1.1.2
An ideal topological space denoted by (X,τ ,ϑ ) is a topological space

(X,τ ) with an ideal ϑ on X. For a subset A ⊂ X, A*(ϑ ,τ ) = {x ∈ X:

U∩A∉ ϑ , for each neighborhood U of x} is called the local function [13] of
A with respect to ϑ and τ .When there is no ambiguity we will write
A*(ϑ )
or simply A* for A*(ϑ ,τ ).
Definition 1.1.3
For every ideal topological space (X,τ ,ϑ ) there exists a topology
τ *(ϑ ) [13] finer than τ generated by the base β (ϑ ,τ ) = {U/G: U∈τ
& G∈ϑ }.
Definition 1.1.4
A subset S of space (X,τ , ϑ ) is said to be I - open [1] if S ⊂ int(S*).
Definition 1.1.5
A subset S of a space (X, τ , ϑ ) is said to be pre - I- open [3] if
S ⊂ int(cl*(S)).

Definition 1.1.6

A subset S of a space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be semi - I -open [11] if
S ⊂ cl*(int(S)).
Definition 1.1.7
A subset S of a space (X, τ , ϑ ) is said to be α -I- open [11] if
S ⊂ int (cl*(int(S))).
Definition 1.1.8
A subset S of a space (X, τ , ϑ ) is said weakly semi - I - open [9] if
S ⊂ cl*(int(cl(S))).
Definition 1.1.9
A subset F of a space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be weakly semi - I - closed
[9] if its complement is weakly semi - I - open.
Definition 1.1.10
A subset A of a space (X,τ , ϑ ) is called Strong S - I - set [9] if
cl*(int(cl(A))) = int (A).
Definition 1.1.11
A subset A of a space (X,τ , ϑ ) is called S -I -set [11] if
cl*(int(A))) = int (A).
Definition 1.1.12
A subset on an ideal topological space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is called Strong SI
-set [9] if A = U∩V, where U∈τ and V is Strong S-I-set.
Definition 1.1.13
A subset of an ideal topological space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is called SI - set [11]
if A = U∩V, where U∈τ and V is S-I - set.

Definition 1.1.14
A function f: (X,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y, σ) is said to be weakly semi - I
-continuous [9] (resp. semi -I- continuous [11], Strong SI - continuous) if f -1
(V) is weakly semi - I - open (resp. semi - I - open, Strong SI - open) in

(X,τ ,ϑ ) for every open set V of (Y,σ).
Definition 1.1.15
f is said to be weakly I - irresolute [9] if f -1(V) is weakly semi -I
-open in (X,τ ,ϑ ) for every weakly semi - I - open set V of (Y,σ,J).
Definition 1.1.16
A function f : (X,τ ) → (Y,σ,J) is called weakly semi - I – open [9]
(resp. weakly semi - I - closed) if the image of every open set (resp. closed )
in (X, τ ) is weakly semi - I - open (resp. weakly semi - I - closed) in ( Y,

1.2Semi Local Functions
Definition 1.2.1
Given a space (X,τ , ϑ ),a set operator ()*S:P(X)→P(X),called the

semi local function of ϑ with respect to τ is defined as follows; for A ⊂ X,

A*S(τ , ϑ ) = {x∈X:Ux ∩ A∉ϑ ,for every Ux∈ SN(x)},where SN(x) =

{U∈SO(X); x ∈ U). When there is no ambiguity, we will simply write
A*S(ϑ ) or A*S for A*S (τ ,ϑ ).

1) Each semi local function is local function but the converse is not true, in
2) The collection of all semi open subsets of a space (τ , X) fails to form an
ideal on X.

Example 1.2.1
Let X = {a,b,c},τ = { φ ,X,{a},{b},{a,b}} and ϑ = {φ ,{a}}. Then

{b}* = {b,c}, but{b}*S = {b}.

If (X, τ , ϑ ) is a space ,we denote by τ *S

(ϑ ) the topology on X
generated by the subbasis {U\E:U ∈ SO(X) and E ∈ ϑ }.
The closure operator in τ *S
(ϑ ) denoted by cl*S, can be described as
follows; for A ⊂ X, cl*S(A) = A ∪ A*S(ϑ ).

Remark 1.2.2
τ ⊂ τ *
(ϑ ) ⊂ τ *S
(ϑ ) and the converse does not hold.
Example 1.2.2
Let X = {a,b,c,d},τ = { φ ,X,{a},{a,b},{a,b,c}},ϑ = { φ ,{a}}.Then

τ *
(ϑ ) ={φ ,X,{a},{b},{a,b},{b,c},{a,b,c},{b,c,d} }and τ *S
(ϑ ) = P(X).

Corollary 1.2.1
For A ⊂ (X,τ ,ϑ ),we have:
1) If ϑ = (φ ), then A*S({φ }) = s-cl(A), and cl*S(A) = s-cl(A).
2) If ϑ = P(X), then A*S(P(X)) = φ , and cl*S(A) = A. Hence in this case
τ *S
(ϑ ) is the discrete topology.
1) Let ϑ = {φ }, A*S(ϑ ) = {x∈X/U∩A ∉ ϑ ,for every U∈ SN(x)}
= {x∈X/U ∩ A ≠ φ , for every U∈SN(x)} = s-cl(A).
cl*S(A) = A ∪ A*S = A ∪ s-cl(A) = s-cl(A).
2) Let ϑ = P(X), A*S(ϑ ) = {x ∈ X/U ∩ A ∉ ϑ ,for every U ∈ SN(x)} = φ .
cl*S(A) = A ∪ A*S = A ∪ φ = A.
Therefore, every set is closed and hence open in τ *S
Therefore τ *S
is the discrete topology.

Theorem 1.2.1
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be a space and A,B ⊂ X, then the following statements hold:
1) φ (ϑ ) = φ .
2) (A ∪ B)*S(ϑ ) = A*S(ϑ ) ∪ B*S(ϑ ).
3) (A ∩ B)*S(ϑ ) ⊂ A*S(ϑ ) ∩ B*S(ϑ ).
1)φ = {x∈ X/ U ∩ φ ∉ ϑ , for every U ∈ SN(x)} =φ (since, φ belongs
to ϑ ).

2) By using the result if A ⊂ B, then A*S⊂ B*S, we get
A*S ∪ B*S ⊂ (A ∪ B)*S ------------------------------------------------(1)
Now, assume that x ∈ (A∪B)*S implies for every U ∈ SN(x),
UX ∩ (A∪B)∉ϑ , which implies for every U ∈ SN(x),
(UX∩A) ∪ (UX∩B) ∉ϑ
Thus x ∈ A*S ∪ B*S .Therefore (A∪B)*S ⊂ A*S ∪ B*S --------------(2)
From1&2, we get A*S ∪B*S = (A∪B) *S.
3) A∩B ⊂ A, then (A∩B)*S ⊂ A*S similarly A ∩ B ⊂ B, then (A∩B)*S⊂ B*S
Therefore (A∩B) *S ⊂ A*S ∩ B*S.

Corollary 1.2.2
If (X,τ ,ϑ ) is a space and A ⊂ X, then the following hold:
1) (A*S )*S ⊂ A*S = s-cl(A*S ) ⊂ s-cl(A),
2) (A*S )*S ⊂ s-cl(A*S) ⊂ cl(A),
3) A*S ⊂ A* ⊂ cl(A).
1) (A*S)*S(ϑ ) = {x∈X/UX ∩ A*S ∉ ϑ ,for every UX ∈ SN(x)}.Thus, we have
(A*S)*S(ϑ ) ⊂ {x∈X/UX ∩ A ∉ ϑ ,for every UX ∈ SN(x)} = A*S.
Hence (A*S )*S ⊂ A*S . Since A*S is semi closed, we get A*S = s-cl(A*S ) and
Since A*S ⊂ A, we get s-cl(A*S ) ⊂ s-cl(A).
2) The result is obvious.
3) It follows from Remark 1.2.1(1) and the fact that, A*(ϑ ) is a closed subset
of cl(A).

Definition 1.3.1
A subset A of a space (X,τ , ϑ ) is said to be weakly semi - I*S -
open if A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))) .
Definition 1.3.2
A subset A of a space(X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be semi - I*S-open if
A ⊂ cl*S(int(A)).

Remark 1.3.1
Every semi - I*S- open set is weakly semi - I*S-open set.
A is a semi - I*S - open set, which implies A ⊂ cl*S(int(A))
=> A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))) (i.e.) A is weakly semi - I*S- open.
But the converse is not true, as seen from the following example.

Example 1.3.1
Let X = {a, b, c},τ = {X,φ ,{a, b}},ϑ = {φ , {c}} and A = {a}.
Closed sets: {X,φ ,{c}}
Semi -open sets: {a,b}
cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int(X) = cl*S(X) = X∪X*S = X⊇A
Therefore A is weakly semi - I*S- open
But cl*S(int(A)) = cl*S(int{a}) = cl*S(φ ) = φ ∪φ *S

=> A ⊄ cl*S(int(A))
Therefore, A is not semi - I*S -open.

Remark 1.3.2
Every weakly semi - I*S -open set is β -open.
A is weakly semi - I*S -open
=> A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
=> A ⊂ cl(int(cl(A)))
=> A is β -open
But the converse is not true.
Example 1.3.2
Let X = {a,b,c}, τ = {φ ,X,{a},{b},{a,b}} , ϑ = { φ ,{a}} and A={a,c}
Closed sets: {X,φ ,{b,c},{a,c},{c}}
Semi open sets: {{a}, {b},{a,b}, {b,c}, {a,c}}
cl(int(cl(A))) = cl(int(cl({a,c}))) = cl(int({a,c})) = cl({a}) = {a,c}
=> A ⊂ cl(int(cl(A)))
Therefore, A is β –open.
But cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int(cl({a,c}))) = cl*S(int({a,c})) = cl*S{a}
= {a} ∪ {a}*S = {a} ∪ φ = {a}
=>A ⊄ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
Therefore, A is not weakly semi - I*S –open.

By WSI*SO(X,τ ) we denote the family of all weakly semi - I*S -open

sets of space (X,τ ,ϑ ).
Lemma 1.3.1
Let A and B be subsets of space (X, τ , ϑ ),then
1) If A ⊂ B, then A*S ⊂ B*S
2) If U ∈ SO(X), then U∩A*S ⊂ (U∩A)*S
3) A*S is semi closed in (X,τ )
1) Let x∈A*S and UX ∈ SN(x)
UX ∩A ⊂ UX ∩ B and UX ∩ A ∉ϑ => UX ∩ B ∉ ϑ
Therefore, x∈B*S
(i.e.) A*S ⊂ B*S
2) Let x ∈U ∩ A*S and UX ∈ SN(x)
Then U ∩ UX ∈ SN(x), since x ∈ A*S => (A ∩ U) ∩ UX∉ϑ .
Which implies x ∈(U ∩ A)*S
Therefore, U ∩ A*S ⊂ (U ∩ A)*S

3) To prove A*S is semi closed
T.P.A*S = s-cl(A*S)
Clearly A*S ⊂ s-cl(A)*S ---------------------------------------- (1)
Next to prove s-cl(A*S) ⊂ A*S
Let x ∈ s-cl(A*S)
=> UX ∩ A*S ≠ φ for UX ∈ SN(x)
Let y ∈ UX ∩ A*S .Then UX ∈ SN(y) and UX ∩ A ∉ ϑ
Which implies, x ∈ A*S
Therefore s-cl(A) ⊂ A*S –-------------------------------------(2)
From (1) and (2) we get A*S = s-cl(A*S).

Theorem 1.3.1
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal topological space and A,B are subsets of X.
1) If Uα ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ) for each α∈∆ then ∪{Uα: α∈∆ } ∈
WSI*SO(X,τ )
2) If A ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ) and B ∈ SO(X) then A ∩ B ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ )

1) Since Uα ∈ WSI*SO(X, τ ) we have Uα ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(Uα))) for every α ∈
Thus by using Lemma 1.3.1 we obtain ∪α∈Δ Uα ⊂ ∪ α∈Δ cl*S(int(cl(U α)))

⊂∪α∈Δ{int(cl(Uα))∪int(cl(Uα))*S}=(∪ α∈Δint(cl(Uα)))∪(∪ α∈Δint (cl(Uα)))*S

= (int(cl(∪α∈Δ Uα))) ∪ (int(cl(∪ α∈Δ Uα)))*S ⊂ cl*S (int (cl (∪Uα))) which

implies, ∪ α∈Δ Uα ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ).

2) Let A ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ), B ∈ SO(X), then A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))) and by

Lemma 1.3.1, we obtain, A ∩ B ⊂ (cl*S(int(cl(A)))) ∩ B = {(int(cl(A))) ∪
(int(cl(A)))*S} ∩ B = (int(cl(A))∩B) ∪ (int(cl(A))*S∩B) ⊂ (int(cl(A∩B))) ∪
(int(cl(A∩B)))*S = cl*S(int(cl(A∩B))).

Therefore, A ∩ B ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ).

Remark 1.3.3
A finite intersection of weakly semi - I*S-open sets need not be weakly semi
I*S open in general as the following examples shows.

Example 1.3.3
Let X = {a,b,c,d}, τ = {φ ,X,{a,b},{a,b,c} },ϑ = { φ {c}, {d}, {c,d}}
Then A = { b,d} and B = {a,d}.
Closed sets = {X,φ ,{c,d}, {d}}
Semi open sets = {{a,b}, {a,b,c}, {a,b,d}, {a,b,c,d}}
cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int(cl{b,d}))) = cl*S(int(X)) = cl*S(X) = X ∪ X*S = X
Therefore, A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
(i.e.) A is weakly semi - I*S -open.

Given B = {a,d}
cl*S(int(cl(B))) = cl*S(int(cl({a,d}))) = cl*S(int(X)) = cl*S(X) = X ∪ X*S = X
Therefore, B ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(B)))
(i.e.) B is weakly semi - I*S -open.
But A ∩ B = {d} and
cl*S(int(cl(A ∩ B))) = cl*S(int(cl{d}))) = cl*S(int({d})) = cl*S{φ } = φ ∪φ *S
φ . Therefore A∩B ⊄ cl*S(int(cl(A∩B)))
(i.e.) A ∩ B is not weakly semi-I*S -open set.

Define int*S(A) = X - cl*S(X-A)

Note 1 A is I*S open <=> X-A is I*S closed
<=> cl*S (X-A) = X-A
<=> A = X-cl*S(X-A)
<=> A = int*S(A)
Note 2 cl*S(A) = X-int*S(X-A).
Theorem 1.3.2
A subset A of a space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is weakly semi-I*S -closed if and only if
int*S(cl(int(A))) ⊂ A.
Let A be weakly semi - I*S-closed set of (X,τ ,ϑ ).Then X-A is weakly
semi- I-*S open and hence X-A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(X-A))) = X - int*S(cl(int(A)))
Therefore int*S(cl(int(A))) ⊂ A.
Conversely, let int*S(cl(int(A))) ⊂ A then X - A ⊂ X - int*S(cl(int(A)))
= cl*S(X- cl(int(A))) = cl*S(int(cl(X - A)))
=> X - A is weakly semi - I*S-open.
=> A is weakly semi - I*S-closed.
Remark 1.3.4
For a subset A of a space (X,τ ,ϑ ) we have
X - int(cl*S(int(A))) ≠ cl*S(int(cl(X-A))) as shown by the following.

Example 1.3.4
Let X = {a,b,c},τ = {φ ,X,{a},{b}, {a,b}},ϑ = { φ ,{b}, {a,b}}and A=
Closed sets – {X,φ , {b,c}, {a,c},{c}}
Semi open sets – {a}, {b}, {a,b}, {b,c}, {a,c}
X- int(cl*S(int(A))) = X- int(cl*S(int{a,c}))) = X - int(cl*S(a))
= X - int({a}∪{a}*S) = X - int({a}) = X - {a} = {b,c}
Therefore, X- int(cl*S(int({a}))) = {b,c}
But cl*S(int(cl(X- A))) = cl*S(int(cl(X- {a,c}))) = cl*S(int(cl{b}))
= cl*S(int{b,c}) = cl*S{b} = {b}∪ {φ } = {b}
Therefore, {b,c} ≠ {b}
Hence X - int(cl*S(int(A))) ≠ cl*S(int(cl(X-A))).

Theorem 1.3.3
If a subset A of a space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is weakly semi - I*S -closed then
int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ A
cl*S(A) ⊂ cl*(A) ⊂ cl(A)
And int(A) ⊂ int*(A) ⊂ int*S(A)
Let A be a weakly semi - I*S -closed set of (X, τ ,ϑ ),we have
int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ int*S(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ int*S(cl(int (A))) ⊂ A
Therefore, int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ A.

Corollary 1.3.1
Let A be a subset of a space (X,τ ,ϑ ) such that
X - int(cl*S(int(A))) = cl*S(int(cl(X-A))). Then A is weakly semi - I*S -closed
if and only if int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ A.
Let A is weakly semi - I*S - closed then
int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ A (by Theorem 1.3.3)
Conversely, let int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ A
=> X - int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊃ X - A
=> cl*S(int(cl(X-A))) ⊃ X-A
(i.e.) X-A is weakly semi- I*S -open
=> A weakly semi- I*S -closed
Hence proved.

Definition 1.4.1
A subset ‘A’ of a space (X,τ , ϑ ) is called
a) Strong S - I*S- set if cl*S(int(cl(A))) = int(A).
b) S - I*S- set if cl*S(int(A)) = int (A).
Definition 1.4.2
A subset of an ideal topological space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is called
a) Strong SI*S set if A = U ∩ V, where U ∈ τ and V is Strong S-I*S-set
b) SI*S set if A = U ∩ V, where U ∈τ and V is S-I*S-set.

Observe that in example 1.3.1 the set A = {a} is not a Strong S- I*S-set.
Let X = {a,b,c},τ = {φ , X, {a,b}}, ϑ = {φ ,{c}}and A = {a}
Then int(A) = φ
cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int(cl({a}))) = cl*S(int(X)) = cl*S(X) = X ∪ X*S =
X. Therefore, cl*S(int(cl(A))) ≠int(A)

If we set X ={a,b,c}, τ = {φ ,X,{a},{b,c}}, ϑ = {φ ,{c}} and A = {a}

then A is a Strong S-I*S-set.
int(A) = int({a})={a}.
cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int(cl{a})) = cl*S(int{a}) = cl*S{a}
= {a} ∪ {a}*S = {a}.
Thus we obtain, cl*S (int (cl(A))) = int(A)
Therefore, A is a Strong S-I*S –set.

Remark 1.4.2
a) Every Strong S-I*S-set is S-I*S-set
Let A be a Strong S-I*S -set then cl*S(int(cl(A))) = int(A)
To prove cl*S(int(A)) = int(A)
Since cl*S(int(A)) ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))) and A be Strong S-I*S –set,
We get, cl*S(int(A)) ⊂ int (A) –--------------------------(1)
But cl*S(int(A)) = int(A) ∪ (int(A))*S and so
cl*S(int(A)) ⊇ (int(A) -------------------------------------- (2)
From (1) & (2) we get
cl*S(int(A)) = int (A)
Therefore A is a S-I*S-set.

b) Every Strong SI*S -set is SI*S - set

Let A be a Strong SI*S-set
⇒ A = U ∩ V, where U∈τ and V is a Strong S-I*S-set
⇒ A = U∩V, where U∈τ and V is S-I*S-set (by using (a) above)
⇒ A is a SI*S set.

c) Every open set is Strong SI*S set.

Let A be an open set
Then A = A∩X, where A∈τ and X is a Strong S-I*S-set
Therefore, A is a Strong SI*S – set.

Proposition 1.4.1
For a subset (X,τ ,ϑ ) the following conditions are equivalent
a) A is open.
b) A is weakly semi- I*S -open and Strong SI*S – set.
c) A is semi- I*S -open and SI*S – set.
a) ⇒ b)

Let A be open set,
Then by Remark 1.4.2(c), A is Strong SI*S -set.
Given A = int A which implies, A = int A ⊂ int(cl(A)) ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
Therefore, A is weakly semi- I*S –open.
b) ⇒ a)
Let A be weakly semi- I*S -open and Strong S I*S -set.
Then A = U∩V, where U∈τ , V is Strong S-I *S-set, and A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
Therefore, A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(U∩V)))
Since A ⊂ U∩A, we get
A ⊂ U∩[cl*S(int(cl(U)))∩cl*S(int(cl(V)))]--------------------------(1)
But U = intU ⊂ int(cl(U)) ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(U)))-----------------------(2)
And cl*S(int(cl(V))) = int V------------------------------------------ (3)
From (1), (2) & (3)
We get A ⊂ U ∩ intV which implies
= intU ∩ intV = int(U∩V) = int A
⇒ A is open.
a)⇒ c)
Let A be open, then A = int(A) ⊂ cl*S(int(A))
Therefore A is semi- I*S-open.
Then by Remark 1.4.2 c), every open set is S I*S -set.
Therefore, A is both semi- I*S-open and S I*S -set.
Let A be semi- I*S-open and S I*S -set
Then A ⊂ cl*S(int(A)) and A = U ∩ V, where U ∈ τ and V is S-I*S -set
A ⊂ U ∩ [cl*S(int U) ∩ cl*S(intV)] ⊂ U ∩ cl*S(int(cl(V)))
= U ∩ intV [since, cl*S(int(cl(V))) = intV]
= intA
Therefore, A is open.

Definition 1.4.3
A function f : (X, τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ ) is said to be weakly semi- I*S
-continuous (resp. semi- I*S -continuous, Strong S I*S -continuous) if f -1(V)
is weakly semi- I*S-open (resp. semi -I*S-open, Strong S I*S -open) in
(X,τ ,ϑ ) for every open set V of (Y,σ ).

Remark 1.4.3
It is obvious that continuity implies semi- I*S-continuity and semi- I*S
-continuity implies weakly semi-I*S-continuity and weakly semi-I*S-continuity
implies β -continuity.

Theorem 1.4.1 (Decomposition of Continuity)

For function f: (X, τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ ) the following conditions are equivalent.
a) f is continuous
b) f is weakly semi I*S continuous and Strong S I*S continuous
c) f is semi I*S continuous and S I*S continuous
Proof: -
a) ⇒b)
Let A be an open set.
Given f be continuous, implies f -1(A) is open, by using Proposition1.4.1 we
get f -1(A) is weakly semi- I*S -open and Strong SI*S - set.
Therefore f is weakly semi I*S continuous and Strong S I*S continuous
b) ⇒ c)
Let A be an open set.
Given f be weakly semi I*S continuous and strong S I*S continuous, implies
f -1(A) is weakly semi- I*S -open and Strong SI*S – set, by using
Proposition1.4.1 we get f -1(A) is semi- I*S -open and SI*S - set
Therefore f is semi I*S continuous and S I*S continuous.
c) ⇒ a)
Let A be an open set.
Given f be semi I*S continuous and S I*S continuous, implies f -1(A) is semi- I*S
-open and SI*S – set, by using Proposition1.4.1 we get f -1(A) is open
Therefore f is continuous.

Theorem 1.4.2
For a function f: (X,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ ) the following are equivalent.
1) f is weakly semi I*S continuous
2) For each x ∈ X and each V∈ σ containing f (x), there exists U∈WSI*SO(X,
τ ) containing x such that f (U) ⊂ V.
3) The inverse image of each closed set in Y is weakly semi I*S closed.
1) ⇒ 2)
Let f be weakly semi I*S continuous, let x ∈ X and V∈σ such that f (x) ∈ V.
Then f -1(V) is weakly semi- I*S-open and x ∈ f -1(V)
Hence there exist a WSI*SO set U such that x ∈ U ⊂ f -1(V)
Therefore f (U) ⊂ V
2) ⇒ 1)
Let V∈σ ,
To prove f -1(V) is weakly semi-I*S –open.
Given for each x∈ f -1(V) there exist Ux ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ),
such that f(Ux) ⊂ V ,then let f -1(V) = ∪ Ux
which implies x∈ f -1 (V) .
By Theorem 1.3.1(1) f -1(V) is weakly semi- I*S – open,
Therefore, f is weakly semi- I*S- continuous.
1)⇒ 3)
Let f be weakly semi- I*S - continuous and U a closed set in Y.
Then V = Y - U is open in Y and f -1(V) is weakly semi I*S open in X
⇒ X - f -1(V) is weakly semi I*S closed.
But X - f -1(V) = f -1(Y-V) = f -1 (U)

Therefore f -1(U) is weakly semi I*S closed.
3) ⇒ 1)
Let U be open in Y.
Then Y – U = V is closed in Y. Since the inverse image of each closed set in
Y is weakly semi I*S closed. Therefore f -1(V) is weakly semi- I*S – closed.
(i.e.) X- f -1(U) is weakly semi- I*S - closed
(i.e.) f -1(U) is weakly semi- I*S –open.
(i.e.) f is weakly semi -I*S -continuous.

Definition 1.4.4
A function f: (X ,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ , J) is called weakly semi I*S open
(resp. weakly semi I*S closed) if the image of every open set (resp. closed) in
(X, τ ) is weakly semi I*S open (resp. weakly semi I*S closed) in (Y,σ , J).
Definition 1.4.5
f is said to be weakly I*S irresolute, if f -1(V) is weakly semi I*S open
in (X,τ ,ϑ ) for every weakly semi I*S open set V of (Y,σ ,J).

Theorem 1.4.3
The following hold for functions f : (X, τ , ϑ ) → (Y,σ ,J) and
g : (Y,σ ,J) →(Z,η )
1) gof is weakly semi I*S continuous if f is weakly semi I*S continuous and
g is continuous.
2) gof is weakly semi I*S continuous if f is weakly I*S irresolute and g is
weakly semi I*S continuous.
1) Let f be weakly semi I*S continuous and g be continuous. Let U∈ η then
(gof) -1(U) = f-1(g-1(U))
Since g is continuous, g-1(U) is open in Y, which implies
f -1(g -1(U)) is weakly semi I*S open.

Therefore gof is weakly semi I*S continuous.
2) Let f be weakly semi I*S irresolute and g be weakly semi I*S continuous.
Let U∈η , then g -1(U) is weakly semi - I*S - open and f -1(g -1(U)) is weakly
semi - I*S - open.
Therefore gof is weakly semi I*S continuous.

If (X,τ ,ϑ ) is an ideal topological space and A is subset of X, we

denote by τ /A the relative topology on A and ϑ /A = { A∩ϑ /ϑ ∈ϑ } is
obviously an ideal on A.

Lemma 1.4.1
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal topological space and A, B are subsets of X such
that B ⊂ A then B*S(τ /A, ϑ /A) = B*S(τ , ϑ ) ∩ A.
B*S (τ /A, ϑ /A) = {x ∈ A / Ux ∩ B ∉ ϑ /A for each semi open set Ux in A}
= {x ∈ A / Ux ∩ B ∩ A∉ ϑ , for each semi open set Ux in A}
= A ∩{x ∈ X/ Ux ∩ B∉ ϑ , for each semi open set Ux in X}
= A ∩ B*S(τ , ϑ ).

Lemma 1.4.2
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal topological space A ⊂ X and U ∈ τ then
cl*S(A) ∩ U = cl*S(A ∩ U).
cl*S(A) ∩ U = (A*S ∪ A) ∩ U = (A*S ∩ U) ∪ (A ∩ U)
⊂ (A ∩ U) *S ∪ (A∩U) = cl*S(A ∩ U)

Theorem 1.4.4
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal topological space. If U ∈ SO(X) and

A ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ) then U ∩ A ∈ WSI*SO(U,τ /U,ϑ /U)
Since U∈SO(X) and A ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ) by Theorem 1.3.1(2) we have U ∩
A ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ), which implies A ∩ U ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A ∩ U))).
And hence by Lemma 1.4.1
A ∩ U ⊂ U ∩ cl*S(int(cl(A∩U))) ⊂ cl*S(U ∩ int(cl(A ∩ U)))
⊂ cl*S(int(U ∩ cl(A ∩ U))) = cl*S(intU(U ∩ cl(A ∩ U)))
A∩U ⊂ U∩cl*S(intU(clU(A∩U)) = cl*SU(int U(cl U(A ∩ U)))
Therefore, A ∩ U ∈ WSI*SO(U,τ /U,ϑ /U).

Theorem 1.4.5
Let f : (X,τ , ϑ ) → (Y, σ ) be weakly semi I*S continuous function and U
∈ SO (X) then the restriction f/U : (U,τ /U,ϑ /U) → (Y, σ ) is weakly semi
– I*S continuous.
Let V be any open set of (Y, σ ).
Since f is weakly semi - I*S – continuous, we have f -1(V) ∈ WSI*SO(X, τ ).
Since U ∈ SO(X) by Theorem 1.4.4, we have U ∩ f-1(V) ∈ WSI*SO(U,
τ /U,ϑ /U).
On the other hand, (f/U) -1(V) = U ∩ f-1(V) and (f/U)-1(V) ∈ WSI*SO

(U,τ /U,ϑ /U). This shows that f/U : (U,τ /U,ϑ /U) → (Y, σ ) is weakly
semi I*S continuous.

Theorem 1.4.6
A function f :(X,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y, σ ) is weakly semi I*S continuous if and only

the graph function g :X → XxY defined by g (x) = ( x,f(x)) for each x∈X
is weakly semi I*S continuous.
Suppose that f is weakly semi I*S continuous. Let x ∈ X and W be any open
set of X xY containing g(x). Then there exists a basic open set UxV such that
g(x) = (x,f(x)) ∈ UxV ⊂ W. Since f is weakly semi - I*S- continuous, there
exists a weakly semi -I*S -open set Uo of X containing x such that f (Uo) ⊂ V.
By Theorem 1.4.4, Uo ∩ U ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ) and g(Uo ∩ U) ⊂ UxV ⊂ W
This shows that g is weakly semi - I*S - continuous.

Suppose that g be weakly semi - I*S continuous. Let x ∈ X and V be any
open set of Y containing f(x). The XxV is open in XxY and by weakly
semi I*S continuous of g ,there exist U ∈ WSI*SO(X,τ ) containing x
such that g(U) ⊂ XxV .Thus we obtain f(U) ⊂ V. This shows that f is
weakly semi I*S continuous.

1.5 Weakly semi I*S open and Weakly semi I*S closed functions
Recall that a function f : (X,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ) is called β -open (resp. β
closed) if the image of each open (resp. closed) set in X is β-open (resp. β
closed) in Y.
Also a function f: (X,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y ,σ ) is called semi-I*S-open
(resp. semi I*S - closed) if the image of each open (resp. closed) set in X is
semi-I*S-open (resp. semi I*S closed) in Y.
Clearly every weakly semi-I*S-open (resp. weakly semi-I*S-closed)
function is β open (resp. β-closed) but the converse is not true in general.
Observe that every semi-I*S-open (resp. semi-I*S-closed) function is
weakly semi-I*S-open (resp. weakly semi-I*S-closed) but the converse is not
true in general.

Theorem 1 .5.1
A function f : (X, τ ,ϑ ) → (Y, σ, J ) is weakly semi- I*S-open if and only if
for each point x of X and each neighborhood U of x, there exists a weakly
semi I*S open set V in Y containing f(x) such that V ⊂ f(U).
If f is weakly semi-I*S-open function and let U be an open set in(X,τ )
containing x, then f(U) is weakly semi -I*S-open set containing f(x).
Let V = f(U),then this V satisfies the conditions required.
Suppose that for each x ∈ X and each neighborhood U of x, there exist
V∈WSI*SO(Y,σ) such that f(x) ∈ V ⊂ f(U).
∴ f(U) is weakly semi-I*S-open.
(i.e.) f is weakly semi-I*S-open function.
Hence proved.

Theorem 1.5.2
For any bijective function f: (X,τ ) → (Y,σ,J) the following condition hold.
1) The inverse function is weakly semi - I*S-continuous.
2) f is weakly semi- I*S-open.
3) f is weakly semi- I*S-closed.
1) ⇒ 2)
Given that f -1(Y,σ,J) → (X,τ ) is weakly semi- I*S-continuous. (i.e.) for
every open set U in (X,τ ), (f -1) -1(U) ∈ WSI*SO(Y,σ,J).
⇒ f is a weakly semi- I*S-open.

2) ⇒ 1)
The proof is exactly the reverse of 1) ⇒ 2)
2) ⇔ 3)
By taking, the complement of each other.
Hence proved.

Theorem 1.5.3
Let f: (X,τ ) → (Y,σ,J) and g: (Y,σ,J) → (Z,V,K) be two functions where I,J
and K are ideals on X,Y and Z respectively. Then the following statements
1) gof is weakly semi -I*S-open, if f is open and g is weakly semi- I*S-open.
2) f is weakly semi -I*S-open if gof is open and g is weakly semi - I*S-

1) To prove gof : (X,τ ) → (Z,V,K) is weakly semi-I*S –open.
For any open set U in (X,τ ), f(U) is open in (Y,σ,J) [since f is open].
Which implies, g(f(U)) is weakly semi-I*S-open, since g is weakly semi -I*S
-open function.
Therefore gof is weakly semi- I*S-open.
2) gof : (X,τ ) → (Z,V,K)
Since gof is open for every open set U in (X,τ ), gof(U) is open in (Z,V,K)
Also given, g is weakly semi- I*S -continuous, which implies
g-1 is weakly semi-I*S-open by Theorem 1.5.2
g-1(g(f(u))) ∈ WSI*SO(Y,σ,J)
⇒ f (U) ∈ WSI*SO(Y,σ,J) for every open set U in (X,τ )
⇒ f is weakly semi- I*S-open.
Hence proved.



Definition 2.1.1
Given an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ),ϑ is said to be codense [4] if τ ∩ϑ
= {φ }
Definition 2.1.2
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be *- dense [12] in
itself (resp.*-perfect [12]) if A ⊂ A*(resp. A = A*).
Definition 2.1.3
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be almost strong
I open [10] (resp. almost I open [2]) if A ⊂ cl*(int(A*)) (resp. A ⊂
Definition 2.1.4
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be strong β - I -
open [10] if A ⊂ cl*(int(cl*(A*)).
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be β -I-open [11]
A ⊂ cl(int(cl*(A))).
Definition 2.1.6
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be α*I-set [11] if
int(cl*(int(A))) = int(A).
Definition 2.1.7
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be weakly SI-set
[17] (resp. CI - set [11]) if A = G∩V, where G is open and V is weakly semi
-I - closed (resp. α*I-set).

Definition 2.1.8
A function f: (X ,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ) is said to be α- I continues [11]
(resp. CI – continuous [11] , weakly SI continuous ) if for every V ∈ σ, f-1
(V) is an α-I open set (resp. CI -set, weakly SI - set).
Definition 2.1.9
An ideal ϑ of an ideal space (X ,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be completely
codense [4] if PO(X) ∩ ϑ = {φ }.
Definition 2.1.10
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be preopen [14] if
A ⊂ int(cl(A)).
Definition 2.1.11
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be ϑ locally closed
[3] if A = U∩V, where U is open and V is *perfect or equivalently A =
U∩A* for some open set U.

Definition 2.2.1
Given an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ), ϑ is said to be co*dense if
ϑ ∩SO(X) = φ .
Definition 2.2.2
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be *s dense in
itself if A ⊂ A*S.

Lemma 2.2.1
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space and A be a *s dense in itself subset of
X. Then A*S = s-cl(A) = cl*S(A).
Let x ∈ A*S, then Ux ∩ A∉ϑ , for every Ux ∈ SN(x)
⇒ Ux ∩ A ≠ φ , for every Ux ∈ SN(x)
⇒ x ∈ s-cl(A)
Therefore, A*S ⊂ s-cl(A)-------------------------------------------(1)
On the other hand, A is *s dense, which implies A ⊂ A*S
⇒ s-cl(A) ⊂ s-cl(A*S) = A*S
(i.e.) s-cl(A) ⊂ A*S -------------------------------------------------(2)
From (1) & (2) s-cl(A) = A*S
cl*S(A) = A ∪ A*S = A ∪ s-cl(A) = s-cl(A)
Therefore A*S = s-cl(A) = cl*S(A).

Lemma 2.2.2
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ), be an ideal space, then the following are equivalent
a) ϑ is co*dense.
b) G ⊂ G*S for every semi open set G.

a) ⇒ b)
ϑ is co*dense ⇒ ϑ ∩ SO(X) = φ
Let G be a semi open and x ∈ G and UX ∈ SN(x)
Then UX ∩ G ∈ SO(X)
⇒ UX∩G∉ ϑ , which implies x ∈ G*S
Therefore, G ⊂ G*S for every semi open set G.
b) ⇒ a)
Let G ⊂ G*S for every semi open set G.
Let G ∈ ϑ ∩ SO(X).
To prove G = φ
If x∈G, then x ∈ G*S and G is a SN(x)
∴ G ∩ G∉ϑ ,(i.e.) G ∉ ϑ which is a contradiction.
Therefore G = φ , (i.e.) ϑ ∩ SO(X) = φ
∴ ϑ is co*dense.

Lemma 2.2.3
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space with ϑ co*dense, then the following
a) s-cl(G) = cl*S(G) ,for every semi open set G.
b) int*S(F) = s-int(F), for every semi closed F.
a) Let G be a semi open set.
Given ϑ is co*dense, by Lemma 2.2.2 G ⊂ G*S, which implies, G is *s dense
in itself. By lemma 2.2.1, s-cl(G) = cl*S(G)
∴ s-cl(G) = cl*S(G),for every semi open set G.
b) Let F be a semi closed set.
Then G = X- F is semi open.
By (a) of above, we have
s –cl(G) = cl*S(G)
By definition int*S(F) = X- cl*S(X- F) = X- cl*S(G) = X- (s-cl(G))

= s-int(X-G) = s-int(F)
 int*S(F) = s-int(F), for every semi closed set F.

Definition 2.2.3
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be almost
strong I*S open if A ⊂ cl*S(int(A*)).
Definition 2.2.4
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be strong  -
I*S open if A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))).

Remark 2.2.1
1) Every almost strong I*S open is almost - I- open
1) A is almost strong I*S open
 A  cl*S(int(A*)) ⊂ cl(int(A*))
 A is almost I open.

2) Every almost strong I*S open is almost strong I open and Every almost
strong I open is almost I open .
It follows from the fact that
cl*S (A) ⊂ cl*(A) ⊂ cl(A).
3) Every almost strong I*S open is strong β - I*S open.
A is almost strong I*S open.
 A ⊂ cl*S(int(A*)) ⊂ cl*S(int(A* ∪ A)) ⊂ cl*S(int(cl*(A)))
 A is strong  - I*S open.

4) Every strong β - I*S open is strong β - I open.

A is strong β - I*S open.
 A  cl*S(int(cl*(A)))  cl*(int(cl*(A)))
 A is strong  - I open.

5) Every strong  - I open is  - I open.

 A is strong β - I open
⇒ A  cl*(int(cl*(A))) ⊂ cl(int(cl*(A)))
∴ A is β - I open.

6) Every weakly semi- I*S-open is β open set.

A is weakly semi I*S open
 A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))) ⊂ cl(int(cl(A)))
 A is  open set.

Note 1
Every strong  - I*S -open is a weakly semi- I*S -open set .This example
shows that the converse is not true.

Example 2.2.1
Let X = {a,b,c},τ = {φ , {a},{a,c}, X},ϑ = {φ , {a}} and A={a,b}
Closed sets = {X,{b,c},{b}, φ }
Semi open sets = {{a},{a,b},{a,c}}
Now cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int(X)) = cl*S(X) = X ∪X*S = X
Therefore A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
Therefore A is weakly semi - I*S-open
cl*(A) = A∪A* = {a,b} ∪ {b}= {a,b}
But cl*S(int(cl*(A))) = cl*S(int({a,b})) = cl*S{a} = {a} ∪ {a}*S = {a}
But A ⊄ {a}
Therefore, A is not strong β - I*S – open.

Theorem 2.2.1
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space and A ⊂ X then the following are
a) A is almost strong I*S open.
b) A is both strong  - I*S open and almost I open.
c) A is both weakly semi- I*S-open and almost I open.
d) A is both weakly semi-I*S-open and *dense in it self.
a) ⇒ b)
It follows from Remark 2.2.1,(2)& (3).
b)⇒ c)
A is both strong β - I*S is open and almost I open.
Since A is strong β - I*S, which implies A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl*(A)))
⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)).Therefore , A is weakly semi- I*S-open.
Hence b ⇒ c
c) ⇒ d)
A is almost I open
A ⊂ cl(int(A*)) ⊂ cl(A*) ⊂ A* (since, A* is closed)
∴ A is * dense in itself
Hence c ⇒ d
d) ⇒ a)
A is both weakly semi-I*S-open and *dense in it self.
(i.e.) A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)) and A ⊂ A*
⇒A ⊂ A*, this implies cl(A) ⊂ cl(A*) = A*
Therefore cl(A) ⊂ A* --------------------------------------(1)
∴ A ⊂ cl*S(int(A*)) (by using( 1))
⇒ A is almost strong I*S open.

Definition 2.2.5
A subset A is said to be s - β open if A ⊂ s-cl(int(cl(A))).
Note 2
This example shows that weakly semi- I*S -open sets and *s-dense in itself
sets are independent.

Example 2.2.2
Let X= {a,b,c,d},τ = {φ ,{a},{c},{a,c},X}, ϑ = {φ , {a} and A = {b}.
Closed sets: {X, {b,c,d} , {a,b,d}, {b,d}, φ }
Semi open sets : {{a}, {c}, {a,b}, {a,c} , {a,d}, {c,d}, {a,b,c}, {a,c,d},
{a,b,d}, {b,c,d}}
If A = {b}, A*S = {b}, Therefore A ⊂ A*S
So A is *s - dense in itself.
But cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int({b})) = cl*S(φ ) = φ
Therefore, A ⊄ φ and so A is not weakly semi -I*S - open.
Also if B = {a,c}, then B*S = {c}
Therefore B ⊄ B*S .So B is not *s dense in itself.
But cl*S(int(cl(B))) = cl*S(int(X)) = cl*S(X) = X
Therefore, B ⊂ X .So B is weakly semi- I*S -open.

Theorem 2.2.2
Let (X, τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space where ϑ is co*dense. If A is semi β open
then A is weakly semi I*S open.
Since ϑ is co*dense, by lemma 2.2.2 A ⊂ A*S, for every semi open set A.
(i.e.) Every semi open set is *s dense in it self.
∴ int(cl(A)) is *s dense in it self
∴ By Lemma 2.2.1, s- cl(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int(cl(A)))
Given A be semi β open, which implies A ⊂ s- cl(int(cl(A)))
⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))).Therefore, A is weakly semi -I*S -open.

Hence proved.

Corollary 2.2.1
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space where ϑ is co*dense. If A is *s dense in
itself then the following are equivalent.
a) A is almost strong I*S open
b) A is strong β I*S open
c) A is s-β open
d) A is weakly semi I*S open.
a) ⇒ b)
It follows from Theorem 2.2.1
Let A be strong β -I*S open, then A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl*(A)) ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
Let G = int(cl(A)) be semi open
∴ by Lemma 2.2.3 (a) s-cl(G) = cl*S(G)
Therefore A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))),implies A ⊂ s- cl(int(cl(A)))
(i.e.) A is semi β open.
c) ⇒ d)
It follows from Theorem 2.2.2
d) ⇒a)
It follows from Theorem 2.2.1

Example 2.2.3
Let X = {a,b,c},τ = {φ , {a}, {b}, {a,b}, X} , ϑ = { φ ,{a}} and A =
Closed sets – {X,{b,c}, {a,c},{c}, φ }
Semi open sets – {{a}, {b}, {a,b}, {b,c}, {a,c}}
If A = {a,c},then A*S = {c}
Now cl(int(cl*S(A))) = cl(int{a,c}) = cl{a} = {a,c}.
Therefore A ⊂ cl(int(cl*S (A))),(i.e.) A is β - I*S open.
But cl*S(int(cl(A))) = cl*S(int({a,c})) = cl*S{a} = {a}
(i.e.) A ⊄ cl*S(int(cl(A))).
Therefore A is not weakly semi - I*S-open.

Definition 2.2.6
A subset ‘A’ is said to be *s closed if cl*S(A) = A.

Theorem 2.2.3
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space. Then the following hold.
a) If A is preopen, then A is weakly semi I*S open.
b) If open sets are *s closed, then every weakly semi I*S open is preopen
a) Let A be preopen, then A ⊂ int(cl(A)) ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))
⇒ A is weakly semi- I*S-open.
b) Let A be weakly semi- I*S-open
⇒ A ⊂ cl*S(int (cl(A)) -------------------------------------- (1)
Since int(cl(A)) is open, by hypothesis int(cl(A)) = cl*S(int(cl(A))
Therefore (1) becomes A ⊂ int(cl(A))
∴ A is preopen.

Theorem 2.2.4
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space if A ⊂ B ⊂ cl*S(A) and A is weakly semi-
I*S open, then B is weakly semi- I*S-open. In particular, if A is weakly semi-
I*S - open then cl*S(A) is weakly semi- I*S-open.
Given A ⊂ B ⊂ cl*S(A),and A is weakly semi I*S open.
(i.e.) A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))) and B ⊂ cl*S(A).
Which implies B ⊂ cl*S(cl*S(int(cl(A)))) = cl*S(int(cl(A)))
∴ B ⊂ cl*S (int(cl(B))) [since A⊂ B]
∴ B is weakly semi I*S open.
Put B = cl*S (A), then we get
cl*S (A) is weakly semi I*S open.

Definition 2.2.7
A subset A of an ideal space (X, τ ,ϑ ) said to be ϑ *S
locally closed
if A = U ∩ V, where U is open and V is *s perfect or equivalently A = U ∩
A*S for some open set U.

Definition 2.2.8
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) said to be semi- I*S-open if
A ⊂ cl*S(int(A)).

Theorem 2.2.5
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space and A ⊂ X be weakly semi- I*S - open then
A is semi -I*S -open if,
a) A is either semi closed or
b) A is ϑ *S
locally closed and A*S is closed.
Given A is weakly semi- I*S-open.
a) Let A be semi closed then int(cl(A)) = int (A),and also
A is weakly semi I*S closed, (i.e.) A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A))) ⊂ cl*S(int(A))
Therefore, A is semi I*S open.
b) Let A be ϑ *S
locally closed and A*S be closed then A = U∩A*S for some
open set U and cl(A*S) = A*S .
Also A is weakly semi I*S closed, implies A ⊂ cl*S(int(cl(A)))
Now A = U ∩ A*S ⊂ U ∩ [cl*S(int(cl(A)))] *S ⊂ U ∩ cl*S[cl*S(int(cl(A)))]
⊂ U ∩ cl*S[(int(cl(U ∩ (A)))] ⊂ cl*S [U ∩ int(cl(U ∩ A*S))]

= cl*S[int(U ∩ cl(U ∩ A*S)] ⊂ cl*S[int(U ∩ cl(U) ∩cl (A*)]
= cl*S[int(U ∩ cl(A*S)] = cl*S [int (U ∩ A*S)] (since A*S is closed)
= cl*S (int (A)).
∴ A is semi I*S open.

Example 2.2.4
Let X = {a,b,c},τ = {φ ,{a,b},X},ϑ = {φ ,{c}} and A = {a}
Closed sets-{X, φ , {c}}
Semi open sets-{a,b}
Now cl*S(int(cl{a})) = cl*S(int(X)) = cl*S(X) = X
Therefore A ⊂ X (i.e.) A is weakly semi I*S open.
But cl*S(int(A)) = cl*S(int{a}) = cl*S{φ } = φ
Therefore A ⊄ φ
(i.e.) A is not semi-I*S-open. Moreover, A is neither ϑ *S
locally closed nor
semi closed.

2.3 Decomposition of continuity
Definition 2.3.1
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ , ϑ ) is said to be weakly semi- I*S
closed if X - A is weakly semi- I*S- open or equivalently
int*S(cl(int(A))) ⊂ A.
Definition 2.3.2
A subset A of an ideal space (X,τ , ϑ ) is said to be weakly SI*S set if
A = G ∩ V, where G is open and V is weakly semi- I*S-closed.
Definition 2.3.3
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ , ϑ ) is said to be CI*S set if
A = G ∩ V, where G is open and V is α*S -I-set.
Definition 2.3.4
A subset A of an ideal space(X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be α*S –I-set if
int(cl*S(int(A))) = int(A).
Definition 2.3.5
A subset ‘A’ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) said to be α - I*S -open if
A ⊂ int(cl*S(int(A)).

Remark 2.3.1
1) Every open set is weakly SI*S set.
1) Let A be an open set, then A = A ∩ X where A is open and X is weakly
semi I*S closed.∴ we get A is weakly SI*S set.

2) Every weakly SI*S set is a CI*S set.

Let A be weakly SI*S set, then A = G ∩ V where G is open and V is
weakly semi - I*S-closed. Since V is weakly semi - I*S-closed by using
Theorem 1.3.3, we get int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ A and so,
int(cl*S(int(A))) ⊂ int A-------------------------------------------------(1)
Always, int A ⊂ int(cl*S(int(A)))---------------------------------------(2)
Therefore we get, int A = int(cl*S(int(A)))
Thus we get, V is α*S I set
∴ A = G ∩ V, where G is open and V is α*S -I-set
∴ A is CI*S set.

This example shows that a α*S-I-set need not be a weakly semi-I*S -closed.
Example 2.3.1
Let X = {a,b,c,d},τ = { φ ,{a},{d},{a,d},X}, ϑ = { φ ,{d}} and A = {a,b}
Closed sets:{X, φ ,{b,c,d},{a,b,c},{b,c}}
Semi open sets :{{a},{d},{a,b},{a,c},{a,d},{b,d},{c,d},{a,b,c},{a,c,d},
Now int(cl*S(int(A))) = int(cl*S{a}) = int{a} = {a}.
And int(A)={a}.Hence A is an α*S -I-set.
Since int*S(cl(int(A))) = int*S(cl{a}) = int*S{a,b,c} = X-cl*S(X-{a,b,c})
= X-({d} ∪ {φ }) = X-{d} = {a,b,c}⊄ A. A is not weakly semi-I*S -closed.

Theorem 2.3.1
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space then the following are equivalent.
a) A is open.
b) A is α - I*S -open and a weakly SI*S set.
c) A is α- I*S -open and a CI*S set.
a) ⇒ b)
Given A is an open set, then A = int(A)
Then, A ⊂ cl*S(int(A))
intA ⊂ int(cl*S(int(A))),which implies A ⊂ int(cl*S(int(A)))
∴ A is a α-I*S -open.
By Remark 2.3.1 (1), A is weakly SI*S set.
b) ⇒ c)
It follows from Remark 2.3.1(2)
c) ⇒ a)
Let A be a CI*S set, A = G ∩ V where G is open & V = int(cl*s(int(V))).
Therefore A is open.

Definitions 2.3.6
A function f:(X,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ) is said to be α- I*S- continuous
(resp.CI*S continuous ,weakly SI*S continuous ) if for every V ∈ σ, f -1(V) is a
α- I*S -open set (resp. CI*S set, weakly SI*S- set).

This example shows that the concepts weakly SI*S sets and α- I*S - open set
are independent.

Example 2.3.2
Consider X = {a,b,c,d},τ = { φ ,{a},{c},{a,c},X},ϑ = { φ ,{a}}& A =
Now int*S(cl(int(A))) = int*S(cl(φ )) = int*S φ = X-cl*S(X- φ )
=X-cl*S(X) = φ .
Therefore, int*S(cl(int(A))) ⊂ A and so A is weakly semi - I*S-closed.
Hence A is weakly SI*S set.
Also, int(cl*S(int(A))) = int(cl*S(int{b})) = int(cl*S{ φ }) = int φ = φ and
so A is not α I*S open.
If B = {c} then int*S(cl(int(B))) = int*S{b,c,d} = X-cl*S(X-{b,c,d})

= X-cl*S{a} = X -{a} = {b,c,d} ⊄ B and so B is not weakly semi-I*S - closed.
Hence B is not weakly SI*S set. But int(cl*S(int{ c})) = int(cl*S(c)) = int(c) =
c = B. Therefore, B is α- I*S - open.

Theorem 2.3.2 (Decomposition of continuity)

If f: (X,τ ,ϑ ) → (Y,σ) is an function then the following are equivalent.
a) f is continuous
b) f is α - I*S - continuous and weakly SI*S continuous
c) f is α - I*S - continuous and weakly CI*S continuous
a) ⇒b)

Let A be open in Y.
Given f is continuous implies f -1(A) is open,
by using Theorem 2.3.1which implies, f -1(A) is α - I*S -open and a weakly
SI*S set.
Therefore f is α -I*S -continuous and weakly SI*S continuous.
b) ⇒c)
Let A be open in Y.
Given f be α -I*S - continuous and weakly SI*S continuous, implies,
f -1(A) is α -I*S -open and a weakly SI*S set, by using Theorem2.3.1 which
implies f -1(A) is α- I*S -open and a CI*S set.
Therefore f is α -I*S –continuous and weakly CI*S continuous.
c) ⇒ a)
Let A be open in Y.
Given f be α -I*S -continuous and weakly CI*S continuous, implies f -1(A) is α-
I*S -open and a CI*S set, by using Theorem2.2.1 which implies f -1(A) is open
Therefore f is continuous.
Hence proved.

An ideal ϑ of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is said to be completely
codense [4] if PO(X) ∩ ϑ = {φ }.

In Theorem 4.13 of [4], it is established that ϑ is completely codense if and

only if ϑ ⊂ N, where N is the ideal of all nowhere dense sets in X. Also,
every completely codense ideals is codense but not the converse [4]. The
weakly semi I interior of a subset A of an ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ) is the largest
weakly semi I open set contained in A and is denoted by wsIint(A). By
Theorem 2.1(a) of [21] wsIint(A) is a weakly semi I open set and it is clear
that A is a weakly semi I open set iff A = wsIint(A).
The weakly semi I closure of a subset A of an ideal space (X, τ ,ϑ )
is the smallest weakly semi I closed set containing A and is denoted by
wsIcl(A). wsIcl(A) is a weakly semi I closed set and A is a weakly semi I
closed set iff A = wsIcl(A).

Theorem 2.4.1
If (X,τ ,ϑ ) is an ideal space and A⊂ X then the following holds.
a) wsIint(A) = A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A)))
b) wsIcl(A) = A ∪ int*(cl(int(A)))
a) If A is any subset of X, then
A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A))) ⊂ cl*(int(cl(A)))
= cl*(int(cl(A) ∩ int(cl(A))))
⊂ cl*(int(cl(A ∩ int(cl(A)))))
⊂ cl*(int(cl(A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A))))))
And so A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A))) is a weakly semi I open set contained in A.

Therefore, A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A))) ⊂ wsIint(A)))) -------------------------- (1)
Since wsIint(A) is weakly semi I open,
wsIint(A) ⊂ cl*(int(cl(wsIint(A))))
⊂ cl*(int(cl(A))) and so wsIint(A) ⊂ A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A))) ------------- (2)
From 1) and 2), we get
wsIint(A) = A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A))).
b) Now int*(cl(int(A ∪ int*(cl(int(A))))))
⊂ int*(cl(int(A ∪ cl(int(A)))))
⊂ int*(cl(int(A) ∪ cl(int(A))))
= int*(cl(cl(int(A))))
= int*(cl(int(A)))
⊂ A ∪ int*(cl(int(A))).
Hence A ∪ int*(cl(int(A))) is a weakly semi- I- closed set containing A and
so wsIcl(A) ⊂ A ∪ int*(cl(int(A)))---------------------------------------(1)
Since wsIcl(A) is weakly semi I closed ,
We have int*(cl(int(A))) ⊂ (int*(cl(int(wsIcl(A)))) ⊂ wsIcl(A)
Therefore A ∪ int* (cl(int(A))) ⊂ A ∪ wsIcl(A) = wsIcl(A)
(i.e.) A ∪ int* (cl(int(A))) ⊂ wsIcl(A)--------------------------------------(2)
From (1) and (2) ,we get wsIcl(A) = A ∪ int* (cl(int(A)))
Hence proved.

The following Theorem 2.4.2 characterizes completely codense ideals.

We will denote the family of all weakly semi I open sets in any ideal space

(X, τ ,ϑ ) by WSIO(X).

Theorem 2.4.2
If (X,τ ,ϑ ) is an ideal space, then the following are equivalent
a) ϑ is completely codense
b) WSIO(X) ∩ϑ = {φ }

c) A ⊂ A*, for every A ∈ WSIO(X)
d) wsIint(A) ⊂ wsIint(A*), for every subset A of X
e) wsIint(A) = φ , for every A∈ϑ
a) ⇒ b)
Suppose A∈ WSIO(X) ∩ϑ . A∈ ϑ implies that A ∈ N by Lemma 1.3 in [17]
and so int (cl(A)) = φ .
Since A∈WSIO(X), A⊂ cl*(int(cl(A)))
= cl*(φ ) = φ and so A =φ .
Therefore, WSIO(X) ∩ ϑ = {φ }.
b) ⇒c)
Let A ∈ WSIO(X). Suppose that x∉A*.
Then there exists an open set G containing x such that G∩A∈ ϑ . Since A ∈
WSIO(X) by Theorem 2.1(2) of [9], G ∩ A ∈ WSIO(X) and so by
hypothesis, G ∩ A = φ which implies that x∉A .
Hence A ⊂ A*.
c) ⇒ d)
For any subset A of X, wsIint ∈ WSIO(X),
and so wsIint(A) ⊂ (wsIint(A))* ⊂ A*.
Therefore, wsIint (A) ⊂ wsIint(A*).
d) ⇒ e)
If A∈ϑ then A* = φ and so by (d),
wsIint(A) ⊂ wsIint(φ ) = φ .
Therefore, wsIint(A) = φ .
e) ⇒ a)
Suppose A ∈ PO(X) ∩ϑ , A ∈ PO(X) implies that A ⊂ int(cl(A)).
A ∈ ϑ implies that wsIint(A) = φ . By Theorem 3.1(a) in[17]
A ∩ cl*(int(cl(A))) = φ which implies that
A∩ int(cl(A)) = φ
Since A ⊂ int(cl(A)), we have A = φ .

Therefore PO(X) ∩ ϑ = {φ } which implies that ϑ is completely codense.

Corollary 2.4.3
If (X, τ ,ϑ ) is an ideal space and A ∈ WSIO(X) then the following holds
a) cl(A) is regular closed and cl(A) = cl(int(cl(A))) = A*(N)
b) If ϑ is completely codense then A*(ϑ ) = A*(N)
a) If A ∈ WSIO(X) then A ⊂ cl*(int(cl(A)))
⊂ clint(cl(A))) ⊂ cl(A) and so, it follows that
cl(A)= cl(int(cl(A))).
Since A*(N) = cl(int(cl(A))), [19] (a) follows.
b) If ϑ is completely codense by Theorem 3.2c) in [17], A ⊂ A*.
By lemma 1.1in [17] cl(A) = A*.
Therefore the proof follows from (a).

The following Theorem 2.4.4 gives another characterization of completely

codense ideals where AIO (X) is the family of all almost I- open sets in
(X,τ ,ϑ ).

Theorem 2.4.4
Let (X,τ ,ϑ ) be an ideal space. Then ϑ is completely codense if and only if
Suppose ϑ is completely codense. If A ∈ WSIO(X), then
A ⊂ cl*(int(cl(A))) and by Theorem 3.2 (c) in[17] , A ⊂ A*.
Since every completely codense ideal is codense by Lemma 1.3 in [17]
cl* (int(cl(A))) = cl(int(cl(A)))
⊂ cl(int(cl(A*))) ⊂ cl(int(A*)),since A* is closed.
Therefore, A ⊂ cl(int(A*).

Which implies that A∈ AIO(X).
If A ∈ AIO(X) then A ⊂ cl(int(A*)) and so
A ⊂ cl(int(cl(A))) = cl*(int(cl(A))) which implies that A∈WSIO (X) .
Conversely, suppose WSIO (X) = AIO(X).
If A ∈ WSIO(X), then A ∈ AIO(X) and so
A ⊂ cl(int(A*)) ⊂ cl(A*) = A*.
By Theorem 3.2 in [17] ϑ is completely codense.

Theorem 2.4.5
The following hold in any ideal space (X,τ ,ϑ ).
a) If A is a weakly semi-I-closed subset of X, then A is a α*-I-set.
b) If ϑ is codense, then A is weakly semi-I-closed if and only if
int(cl*(int(A))) ⊂ A.
a) If A is weakly semi-I-closed, then by Theorem 2.3 of [9] , int(cl*(int(A)))
⊂ A and so int(cl*(int(A))) ⊂ int(A).
Hence it follows that int(cl*(int(A))) = int(A) which implies that A is an
b) If A is any subset of X, then int*(cl(X-A))) = int(cl(X-A)) by
Lemma1.3(b) of [17].
Therefore, cl(int*(cl(X-A))) = cl(int(cl(X-A))).
By Lemma1.3 (a) of [17], cl(int(cl(X-A))) = cl*(int(cl(X-A))) and so
cl(int*(cl(X-A))) = cl*(int(cl(X-A))) which implies that X-int(cl*(int(A))) =
cl*(int(cl(X-A))). By Corollary 2.1 of [9], b) follows.
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