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Subject/Area of Learning Date Duration Age/No. of Children

History/ICT 2 hour (session) Year 4 / 28
Learning Objectives (which include links with children’s previous learning Subject specific language
and progress)
• To use appropriate ICT to edit footage to create a short film or slideshow Storyboard, edit, shot,
of what it might have been like to be a child in WW2 (using previously scenery, mood, script,
created storyboards/scripts). I can create a short film to show what it sequence, evaluate, set,
was like to be a child during WW2. language (appropriate), cut,
• To be able to evaluate peers work looking at fixed criteria. I can evaluate present, review,
successfully giving strengths and areas for development.
National Curriculum Reference Opportunities for ICT
ICT: 3a, 4a, 4b, 4c. To learn to use editing software to successfully manipulate footage, add
QCA, History Yr 4 – unit 9. music, narration, speech as appropriate.
Opportunities for Speaking and Listening Opportunities for EAL
Working collaboratively within a group to create finished Ranjid will need pre-lesson input to become familiar
piece, showing ability to contribute to group dynamics. with specific language.
Also during plenary when giving feedback from
Timing Introduction (considering key questions/ explanations/ Differentiation as appropriate

20 mins • Re-cap previous work, quick discussion about being a Have support for Ranjid via TA
child during WW2 (set mood/scene for lesson). Talk support and flash cards.
about sequencing footage i.e. beginning/middle/end.
What signifies the ending of your film? When pupil demonstrating pick a
• Model effective use of software – use you-tube pupil you feel confident can work
demonstration (if not filtered) combined with actual the software to show others it is
demonstration on IWB of editing footage – including usable by children.
clipping video, sound and integrating the two. Get
pupils involved to consolidate understanding.
Does everyone understand?
Development (considering grouping, role of the teacher)
1 hr ± – Children are to split into their existing groups and work By earlier grouping – when task
at a computer work station and use movie maker introduced in previous lesson
software to begin to edit their movie. children grouped to support each
– Emphasis on not adding too many effects and other’s learning (group leaders,
transitions, the main point of this task is the content of EAL, SEN)
the clips. The emotions and feelings of the characters.
What text will we need in the movie? Emphasis on content of piece, not
Who is the main character? effects, allows groups to progress
– Teacher to move between stations to keep the their piece as far as they feel
children on task and to help with any problems they confident without pressuring less
may be having. confident users but still setting
– If any children are doing a particularly good piece of suitable level of challenge.
work it might be an idea to stop the class and show
what they have done so far to keep everyone

Extension activity- To continue with their own share

points, where they have been discussing how they might
feel during WW2. (Pupils should have knowledge form
previous lessons to e able to continue individually)
Plenary (indicating how key ideas will be drawn together)
30 mins ± – Have a class screening of all the movies, each group TA to sit with Ranjid to ensure
are able to give a brief talk about their piece and understanding of what each piece
explain why they chose to do certain things. is about to allow full engagement
– It is important that the rest of the class watch and pay with learning.
attention to respect each group.
– Each group will have a simple feedback sheet with
relevant criteria allowing them to peer assess each
other’s work.
What do you think they have done well?
Is there anything else you think they could do?

Resources (including adult helpers)

TA support for EAL, flash cards
Computers – windows movie maker
IWB – links to movie maker demonstration, movie maker software
Evaluation sheets
Risk Assessment
General safety when using computers (children should be aware of ‘rules’ but ask them to remind you/each other)
Especially as working as a group using a single computer.

Assessment (must be linked to learning objectives and should specify what is to be assessed and how)

– Children’s ability to use the software to edit their footage can be easily assessed during plenary when
their finished piece is presented and explained to class. Teacher assessment/peer assessment.
– When children giving feedback to other groups listen for constructive/useful suggestions and highlighting
of strengths, can assess children’s evaluative skills. Teacher assessment.

Evaluation (including the outcomes of assessment)

Next Steps (key points for further lesson planning)

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