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Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and ABC Solution

on the Global Systematized Human Abuse of orced Circumcision on Children and Adults
orced "edically #ot $arranted Circumcision
Brit "ila % &outine 'nfant Circumcision % Sunnat
orced Circumcision on "ale ( emale and 'nterse) Humans
orced Human Genital "utilation

Declared in the United States of America
based on

addressed to
Barac! *bama
President of the United States of America

on March 20
- I -

The President of the United States of America and his Government are fully aware of the national yet global systematized
perpetration of medically not warranted circumcision aka routine child circumcision aka forced human circumcision
perpetrated also on millions of male children throughout the United States of America.

We and again as we have done so repeatedly in the past ! specifically point out the inarguable fact that any form of
forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender constitutes the criminal act of "infliction of non!accidental in#ury
inflicted absent consent of the person this act is perpetrated upon$ and herewith inform the president and his
government again of the inarguable fact that any such act is outlawed under democratic rule of law in any true
democratic #urisdiction regardless by who on whom and why inflicted.
The Act of Forced Circumcision on Humans of An A!e and "ender not onl #iolates the $erson%s ri!ht of
$scho& and $hsiolo!ical inte!rit' (ut also the #er foundation of human e)istence' the *a+ of Creation,
An such act #iolates (oth the s$irit and letter of the Princi$le of Democrac and its Conce$t of the -ule of
*a+ and thus an such act #iolates the s$irit and letter of the United States Constitution' Statutor *a+
and the Uni#ersal Human -i!hts Declaration' all of +hich are (ased on the *a+ of Creation' the #er
foundation of e#er true democratic nation' +hereas an form of forced circumcision on humans of an
a!e and !ender is outla+ed in e#er true democratic .urisdiction & thus also in the United States of
America' re!ardless ( +ho' on +hom and for +hate#er reason inflicted,
a/ %ederal &hild Abuse Prevention and 'reatment Act (&AP'A) *+ U.S.&.A. , -./0g ! +/./ ! P.1. ...!2+/
(/ US &onstitution .*th Amendment Section . 34ual Protection &lause
c/ Article 55 Section . &lause . 6 37ecutive Power and Section 2 &lause - of the &onstitution 6 'ake &are &lause
d/ 8uman 9ights :eclaration 6 U; &onvention on the 9ights of the &hild

0f +e 1no+ (etter' +e are a(le to do (etter,
Durin! times of uni#ersal deceit' tellin! the truth (ecomes an e#olutionar act,
%orced circumcision on humans is an act of blasphemy< an act against &reator and &reation.
%orced circumcision on humans is a subhuman act< a crime against humanity.
%orced circumcision on humans has no right of e7istence.

2 'he prime cause of systematized perpetration of forced circumcision is systemic indoctrination from childhood on.
2 =nly because of this systemic indoctrination of deceitful arguments people are able to do this subhuman act.
2 'he only way to free humanity from forced circumcision is to eliminate the prime cause> this universal deceit.

'elling the 'ruth %ull Spectrum 5nformation 3nforcement of 1aw by 5mplementation of the Universal :eclaration?s A@&
Solution is the Predominant 3ducational %actor the Aey Solution to end this systematized brainwash and thus to end and
prevent the systematized perpetration of forced circumcision on humans altogether.

Bes in order to free humanity from suffering and from perpetrating this subhuman act it is absolutely essential to inform the
public that this Systematized &hild Abuse of 9emoving the 8ealthy %oreskin 6 this 5nfliction of Preventable Physical and
Psychological 5n#ury on the &hild 6 is primarily caused by Systematized 5ndoctrination from &hildhood on< and is continuously
caused by circulation of false misleading information fallacious arguments lies deception indoctrinated in various disguise.

As a result of this continuous systematized brainwash billions of humans still think speak and act as if %orced &ircumcision
of Cale &hildren were Dnormal behaviour? Dsocially ade4uate? Dhumane? Da parental right to decide?< Das if parents were
to have a legal right to make their informed decision on whether or not they wish to have their child genitally mutilated?< Das
if it were a religious traditional right yet even duty to do?< ?as if CGC were legal?< ?as if only %GC were outlawed but boys
were accorded no such legislative protection?< Das if the %GC!1aw were constitutional?< Das if removing the foreskin were
relative to 85E!prevention?< Das if cutting the healthy prepuce were to have any form of health benefit?.

Fhereas a certain part of humanity even claims that Dto modify the child?s healthy penis thus to inflict non!accidental in#ury
on the male child?s healthy genital were in the best interest of the child?s wellbeing ... ... and there is another certain part of
humanity that even claims Dto have to genitally mutilate male children because god commanded it?< a claim that of course is
no less blasphemy perverse all in all subhuman than the act of forced circumcision and the sucking of the infant?s penis.

'he only way to end and prevent this systematized child abuse is to eliminate its prime cause namely to eliminate this
systematized brainwash from childhood on ... ... and the only way to do that is to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing
but the truth< and the truth must be told regardless of the psycho!symptomatic fact that from childhood on indoctrinated
minds and hearts refuse to hear the truth.

- II -

- III -

0t is $aramount that !o#ernment informs the $u(lic a(solutel correct,
Forced Circumcision is countered ( first e)$osin! the falseness of its su$$osed connection to legality.

Where this sstemati3ed (rain+ash from childhood on has man different faces'
$eo$le are decei#ed to thin1' s$ea1 and act so as if this o(#ious +ron! +ere a le!al act to do,
Forced Circumcision is 7utla+ed

Forced circumcision on humans of an a!e and !ender is $rinci$all outla+ed under the la+ of creation'
thus infrin!es u$on the !uarantees of constitutional and statutor ri!hts secured in an true democratic .urisdiction'
.ust as these ri!hts are of course naturall secured ( the human ri!hts declaration,
2 5f perpetrated on adults this act constitutes the criminal act of assault.
2 5f perpetrated on children this act constitutes the criminal act of child abuse as defined under US %ederal 1aw !
Child A(use Pre#ention and Treatment Act 8CAPTA/ 42 U,S,C,A, 9 :10;! & 2010 & P,*, 111&<20=

(1) 'he act of infliction of non!accidental in#ury by way of medically not warranted genital alteration ! i.e. by way of
circumcision e7cision and infibulation ! is being systematically perpetrated on male and female children throughout
humanity ... ... and this crime against humanity is also perpetrated within the United States of America.

(2) 'he President and his government are fully aware of who the perpetrators of this systematized child abuse are< the
government knows the time and place of perpetration< of the perpetrators motivation and of the prime cause that causes
this motivation< and are also fully aware of the Aey!Solution 6 the A@& Solution to end this systematized perpetration.

(<) 'he act of %orced &ircumcision as is the perverse nature of infliction of preventable in#ury ! always results in preventable
physical and in numerous known cases in psychological in#ury and has in numerous known cases even caused death.
'he President and his government are fully aware of these inarguable facts.

(4) Any such act infringes upon the guarantees of rights secured by U.S. %ederal and State 1aw both statutory and
constitutional and these guarantees of rights are further secured by the 8uman 9ights :eclaration.

(:) Any form of 8uman Genital Cutilation is prohibited within the entire United States Gurisdiction and this without
abridging the e7ercise of any rights guaranteed under the first amendment to the &onstitution or under any other law.

(;) 'he uni4ue circumstances surrounding the act of %orced &ircumcision on 8umans of Any Age and Gender place it beyond
the authority of any single State or local #urisdiction to decide whether or not to enforce the law on such act.

(>) 'he fact that %orced &ircumcision of 8umans of any age and gender is outlawed makes it clear that>
a) A parental right of giving consent on medically not warranted circumcision on children does not e7ist.
b) A religious H cultural H traditional right of perpetrating forced circumcision does not e7ist.

(?) 'he U.S. &onstitution in its .*th Amendment Section . 34ual Protection &lause ! guarantees every citizen of any age and
gender e4ual protection.

(@) 'he 37ecutive @ranch of Government has the constitutional obligation to enforce the law on any form of forced human
genital alteration regardless by whom and why and on whom inflicted.

(10) 'he President of the United States of America as &hief 37ecutive has the constitutional obligation in accordance with
Article 55 Section . &lause . of the &onstitution and furthered by the declaration made in Article 55 Section 2 &lause - of the
&onstitution to> Ta1e Care the *a+s are Faithfull 5)ecuted.

I J&hild Abuse is a &riminal =ffense that involves the physical emotional or se7ual mistreatment
of or 5nfliction of ;on!Accidental in#ury to a &hild committed by a parent or another party if
responsible for the childKs welfare or not either purposefully or due to neglect.J

I JAny recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker or any other person which
results in death serious physical or emotional harm se7ual abuse or e7ploitation or an act or
failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.L

5n knowledge and fulfillment of our human right and duty to
in agreement with the Universal :eclaration
:emocracy its &oncept of the 9ule of 1aw and 8uman 9ights :eclaration
which also is the
President of the United States of America
to !o#ern +ithin democrac%s
I 'o e7ercise the e7ecutive power given to the =ffice of the President of the United States of America in
&lause . of the &onstitution and furthered by the declaration
Article 55 Section 2 &lause - and so to immediately implement
enforced on any form of forced human circumcision.

To ha#e the la+ enforced on the #er act that constitutes the criminal act of infliction of non
the very act that constitutes physical child abuse and thus is outlawed under %ederal &AP'A 1aw
whom and why this act is being perpetrated<
eAuall as !uaranteed to e#er child of an a!e and !ender ( the 14
To do so ( +a of im$lementation of the Uni#ersal Declaration%s A6C Solution=

A/ To inform the $u(lic= An form of forced
6/ To inform the $u(lic a(out A
C/ To inform the $u(lic= The la+ +ill (e enforced on an

Amen &onald *berhollenzer(+aternoster
Si,ned to,ether with
Gabriel &onald *berhollenzer

-rue Humanism and thus the -rue S.irit and Letter of the +rinci.le of Democracy and its Conce.t of the &ule of Law
has no room for any form of Anti Creation Activity and thus also certainly not for
"%or the Fellbeing of &reation and in it so naturally for the Fellbeing of 8umanity$

/Scimus le)0
1$e !now the law0

Aaron Storm
on this da' March 20

W5' TH5 UBD5-S0"B5D
5n knowledge and fulfillment of our human right and duty to end and prevent human genital mutilation
eclaration and its A@&!Solution ! in order to ensure compliance with the Principle of
:emocracy its &oncept of the 9ule of 1aw and 8uman 9ights :eclaration
which also is the %oundation of the United States of America

Barac! *bama
President of the United States of America
o !o#ern +ithin democrac%s $rinci$le and conce$t of the rule of la+
'o e7ercise the e7ecutive power given to the =ffice of the President of the United States of America in
of the &onstitution and furthered by the declaration To Ta1e Care that the *a+s (e Faithfull 5)ecuted
to immediately implement the Universal :eclaration?s A@& Solution and have the law
To ha#e the la+ enforced on the #er act that constitutes the criminal act of infliction of non&accidental in.ur on a childC
the very act that constitutes physical child abuse and thus is outlawed under %ederal &AP'A 1aw
this act is being perpetrated< and so to fulfill the !o#ernments constitutional dut to $rotect all children
eAuall as !uaranteed to e#er child of an a!e and !ender ( the 14
Amendment of the U,S, Constitution,
To do so ( +a of im$lementation of the Uni#ersal Declaration%s A6C Solution=
To inform the $u(lic= An form of forced human circumcision is outla+ed
To inform the $u(lic a(out Amnest= The la+ +ill not (e enforced on an $ast such acts
To inform the $u(lic= The la+ +ill (e enforced on an forced circumcision

S c h o o l
H u m a n i t y
+aternoster 2effrey Leon
Si,ned to,ether with all Endorsees of this Declaration
Gabriel &onald *berhollenzer(+aternoster
-rue Humanism and thus the -rue S.irit and Letter of the +rinci.le of Democracy and its Conce.t of the &ule of Law
has no room for any form of Anti Creation Activity and thus also certainly not for the subhuman act of forced circumcision3
"%or the Fellbeing of &reation and in it so naturally for the Fellbeing of 8umanity$
/'ustitia omnibus/
/2ustice for All/

human genital mutilation<
to ensure compliance with the Principle of
:emocracy its &oncept of the 9ule of 1aw and 8uman 9ights :eclaration
and conce$t of the rule of la+
'o e7ercise the e7ecutive power given to the =ffice of the President of the United States of America in Article 55 Section .
+s (e Faithfull 5)ecuted made in
Solution and have the law
accidental in.ur on a childC
the very act that constitutes physical child abuse and thus is outlawed under %ederal &AP'A 1aw regardless by who on
and so to fulfill the !o#ernments constitutional dut to $rotect all children
Amendment of the U,S, Constitution,
To do so ( +a of im$lementation of the Uni#ersal Declaration%s A6C Solution=
circumcision is outla+ed
The la+ +ill not (e enforced on an $ast such acts
forced circumcision from no+ on
Leon Cowsert
-rue Humanism and thus the -rue S.irit and Letter of the +rinci.le of Democracy and its Conce.t of the &ule of Law
the subhuman act of forced circumcision3
"%or the Fellbeing of &reation and in it so naturally for the Fellbeing of 8umanity$
'ustitia omnibus/
/2ustice for All/

"arianna Dlu,osz

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