Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9


-- To customize your settings, edit optionsCustom.txt,
-- and add only parameters which you want to overide
if not camera then
camera = {
behaviour = 0,
cam1_rotx_emax = -1.22,
cam1_rotx_max = -0.99,
cam1_rotx_min = -0.08,
cam1_trackdist_max = 850,
cam1_trackdist_min = 120,
cam_autorot_speed = 0.5,
cam_autozoom_max = 800,
cam_autozoom_min = 100,
cam_autozoom_speed = 1,
cameraDamping = 1,
cameraShake = 1,
cover_detection_dist = 1000,
customsettings = 0,
dng1_rotx_emax = -1.22,
dng1_rotx_max = -0.9,
dng1_rotx_min = -0.48,
dng1_trackdist_max = 710,
dng1_trackdist_min = 150,
editorDevCam = 0,
heromenu_rotx_emax = -1.22,
heromenu_rotx_max = -0.99,
heromenu_rotx_min = -0.48,
heromenu_trackdist_max = 510,
heromenu_trackdist_min = 150,
invert = 0,
leaf_occlusion_fact_x = 1,
leaf_occlusion_fact_y = 2,
TPOMax = 40,
TPOMin = -20,
if not debug then
debug = {
if not editor then
editor = {
acc = 5,
autolock = 0,
camera_scroll = 200,
collisionPath = "",
createBackups = 1,
editor_posx = 100,
editor_posy = 500,
fixedHeight = 0,
fixedHeightValue = 0,
menu_scroll = 3,
minimap = "minimap.bmp",
nogoangle = 45,
toolbar_posx = 800,
toolbar_posy = 400,
undo_depth = 20,
viewmode_posx = 0,
viewmode_posy = 0,
viewScale = 1,
worldPath = "../editor/sectors/",
worldview_posx = 800,
worldview_posy = 50,
if not editor_bindings then
editor_bindings = {
binding_con_shortcut0 = 59,
binding_con_shortcut1 = 60,
binding_con_shortcut2 = 61,
binding_con_shortcut3 = 62,
binding_con_shortcut4 = 63,
binding_con_shortcut5 = 64,
binding_con_shortcut6 = 65,
binding_con_shortcut7 = 66,
binding_console = 41,
binding_editor_copy = 1070,
binding_editor_create_group = 49,
binding_editor_cut = 1069,
binding_editor_delete = 211,
binding_editor_down = 200,
binding_editor_grid = 34,
binding_editor_left = 203,
binding_editor_ls_down = 3,
binding_editor_ls_smooth = 4,
binding_editor_ls_up = 2,
binding_editor_minimap = 15,
binding_editor_nextitem = 38,
binding_editor_obj_center = 57,
binding_editor_obj_move = 50,
binding_editor_obj_rotate = 19,
binding_editor_obj_scale = 20,
binding_editor_obj_sel = 10,
binding_editor_obj_set = 9,
binding_editor_obj_snap = 31,
binding_editor_paste = 1071,
binding_editor_pat_draw = 7,
binding_editor_pat_erase = 8,
binding_editor_pat_sel = 5,
binding_editor_pat_set = 6,
binding_editor_previtem = 37,
binding_editor_redo = 1068,
binding_editor_restore_state_0 = 71,
binding_editor_restore_state_1 = 72,
binding_editor_restore_state_2 = 73,
binding_editor_restore_state_3 = 75,
binding_editor_restore_state_4 = 76,
binding_editor_restore_state_5 = 77,
binding_editor_restore_state_6 = 79,
binding_editor_restore_state_7 = 80,
binding_editor_restore_state_8 = 81,
binding_editor_restore_state_9 = 82,
binding_editor_right = 205,
binding_editor_rot_left = 16,
binding_editor_rot_left_90 = 4112,
binding_editor_rot_right = 18,
binding_editor_rot_right_90 = 4114,
binding_editor_save_state_0 = 4167,
binding_editor_save_state_1 = 4168,
binding_editor_save_state_2 = 4169,
binding_editor_save_state_3 = 4171,
binding_editor_save_state_4 = 4172,
binding_editor_save_state_5 = 4173,
binding_editor_save_state_6 = 4175,
binding_editor_save_state_7 = 4176,
binding_editor_save_state_8 = 4177,
binding_editor_save_state_9 = 4178,
binding_editor_select_all = 43,
binding_editor_toggle_grnd_snap = 4127,
binding_editor_toggle_obj_snap = 4128,
binding_editor_tool_toggle = 48,
binding_editor_undo = 1045,
binding_editor_up = 208,
binding_editor_zoomin = 30,
binding_editor_zoomout = 4126,
binding_exit = 1,
if not key_bindings then
key_bindings = {
binding_attributes = 46,
binding_autocollect = 16,
binding_buff_1 = 7,
binding_buff_2 = 8,
binding_buff_3 = 9,
binding_call_specialpet = 45,
binding_camera_looknorth = 44,
binding_cancel = 1,
binding_cheat_kill_near = 1061,
binding_combatarts = 18,
binding_console = 41,
binding_dbg_copy_location = 1070,
binding_dbg_dispnavi = 1058,
binding_dbg_dispnogo = 1069,
binding_dbg_disppath = 1059,
binding_dbg_dispphy = 1060,
binding_dbg_freeze_debris = 1073,
binding_dbg_instanced_debris = 1047,
binding_dbg_paste_location = 1071,
binding_dbg_read_physx_files = 4129,
binding_dbg_sound1 = 1041,
binding_dbg_sound2 = 1042,
binding_dbg_teleport = 1044,
binding_dbg_test = 1072,
binding_dbg_toggle = 1056,
binding_forced_attack = 1024,
binding_godspell = 34,
binding_heal = 57,
binding_home_teleport = 66,
binding_infoall = 56,
binding_inventory = 33,
binding_logbook = 38,
binding_minimap0 = 15,
binding_minion_status = 52,
binding_mountslot = 11,
binding_ok = 28,
binding_orb1 = 67,
binding_orb2 = 68,
binding_orb3 = 87,
binding_orb4 = 88,
binding_pause = 25,
binding_potion_1 = 19,
binding_potion_2 = 20,
binding_potion_3 = 21,
binding_potion_4 = 22,
binding_potion_5 = 23,
binding_potion_6 = 24,
binding_profile = 1057,
binding_savegame = 65,
binding_screenshot = 183,
binding_shortcut0 = 1083,
binding_shortcut1 = 1084,
binding_shortcut10 = 1111,
binding_shortcut11 = 1112,
binding_shortcut2 = 1085,
binding_shortcut3 = 1086,
binding_shortcut4 = 1087,
binding_shortcut5 = 1088,
binding_shortcut6 = 1089,
binding_shortcut7 = 1090,
binding_shortcut8 = 1091,
binding_shortcut9 = 1092,
binding_slowmotion = 1048,
binding_spell_1 = 2,
binding_spell_2 = 3,
binding_spell_3 = 4,
binding_spell_4 = 5,
binding_spell_5 = 6,
binding_suicide = 16,
binding_teamdialog = 49,
binding_toggle_debugmap = 1046,
binding_toggle_minion_attackmode = 53,
binding_toggle_minion_attackrange = 43,
binding_toggleui = 87,
binding_viewleft = 30,
binding_viewright = 32,
binding_walk = 4096,
binding_walkbwd = 31,
binding_walkfwd = 17,
binding_weapon_1 = 59,
binding_weapon_2 = 60,
binding_weapon_3 = 61,
binding_weapon_4 = 62,
binding_weapon_5 = 63,
binding_worldmap = 50,
binding_worldmap_layerdown = 26,
binding_worldmap_layerset = 181,
binding_worldmap_layerup = 27,
binding_worldmap_zoomfix = 55,
binding_worldmap_zoomin = 78,
binding_worldmap_zoomout = 74,
binding_zoomin = 201,
binding_zoomout = 209,
if not locale then
locale = {
if not mainmenu_bindings then
mainmenu_bindings = {
binding_cancel = 1,
binding_console = 41,
binding_ok = 28,
binding_screenshot = 183,
if not manager then
manager = {
animMem = 33554432,
grannyMem = 67108864,
pmsMem = 8388608,
secMem = 33554432,
sptMem = 8388608,
texMem = 209715200,
if not network then
network = {
lobby_ip = "",
lobby_name = "",
lobby_port = 6800,
networkwrapper_server_remove_timeout = 2000,
playername = "Anonymous",
if not options then
options = {
autoCollectRadius = 160,
autoCollectRareOther = 0,
autoCollectRareSelf = 0,
autoDoors = 1,
autoequip = 1,
bigHeadMode = 0,
bloodAndGore = 1,
camera_mode = 1,
cameraConfigAutoCurve = 1,
cameraConfigCollision = 1,
cameraConfigFollow = 0,
cameraConfigZoomCurveMax = 20,
cameraConfigZoomCurveMin = 8,
cameraConfigZoomMax = 20,
cameraConfigZoomMin = 6,
damagedetails = 1,
debugBits = 0,
instantCastSpell = 0,
map_mini_curv = 3.33333,
map_mini_icon = 0.8,
map_mini_rot = 1,
map_mini_size = 8,
map_mini_transp = 1,
map_mini_zoom = 0.2,
map_tab_icon = 0.8,
map_tab_pers = 0,
map_tab_rot = 0,
map_tab_transp = 1,
map_tab_zoom = 0.9,
minion_behavior = 0,
posx = 0,
posy = 0,
potionorder = 1,
showBuffEffects = 1,
showDangerclass = 1,
sound = 1,
tutorial = 1,
validateScreenMode = 1,
version = 2,
if not render then
render = {
alphaRefMiniobj = 128,
alphaRefObj = 128,
alphaRefTree = 128,
altLighting = 0,
clipShadow = 25,
colortrans = 0,
compass = 1,
cubeMapUpdateLimiter = 1,
cutscenes = 1,
d_creatures = 1,
d_decals = 1,
d_editorIcons = 1,
d_enableSkinning = 1,
d_gpuSync = 0,
d_materialFilter = -1,
d_miniMeshes = 1,
d_minis = 1,
d_mipMapFillMode = 0,
d_patches = 1,
d_patchPhysics = 0,
d_renderFx = 1,
d_sectorBorders = 0,
d_skipDrawPrim = 0,
d_statics = 1,
d_trees = 1,
d_water = 1,
debugStrmTextures = 0,
decalBias = -0.001,
dynamicTerrain = 0,
fog = 1,
glow = 1,
groundDetail = 3,
lightLinks = 1,
lodBias = 0,
maxPntLights = 12,
maxPntShadows = 8,
miniClipDist = 1163,
miniDensity = 50,
motionDetail = 2,
penumbraQuality = 10,
penumbraSize = 0.006,
precision = 1,
renderpriority = 0,
screenClipHeroDist = 0,
screenOpacityClipVal = 0,
shaderCache = 1,
shadowDetail = 2600,
shadowFlags = 2,
shadowMapDepthBias = 0,
shadowMapN = 48,
shadowMapSlopeBias = 0,
shadows = 1,
textureQuality = 4,
textureUploadLimiter = 1,
threadedSkinning = 1,
treeMode = 2,
useFlipSync = 0,
useLazyDetailTextures = 1,
videos = 1,
visDetail = 25,
waitForGpuMode = 0,
weathereffects = 1,
wobble = 1,
if not settings then
settings = {
checkWorldPositions = 0,
dxDetect = 0,
enableLightFx = 1,
enableMobilitySupport = 1,
forceShader = "",
maxFps = 0,
mgpu = 1,
staged = 0,
streaming = 1,
timeOfDayFreeze = 0,
usePhysHW = 0,
zoomspeed = 200,
if not shortcut_commands then
shortcut_commands = {
cmd_shortcut0 = "sys flush",
cmd_shortcut1 = "editor",
cmd_shortcut10 = "help",
cmd_shortcut11 = "help",
cmd_shortcut2 = "help",
cmd_shortcut3 = "help",
cmd_shortcut4 = "help",
cmd_shortcut5 = "help",
cmd_shortcut6 = "help",
cmd_shortcut7 = "help",
cmd_shortcut8 = "help",
cmd_shortcut9 = "help",
if not sound then
sound = {
chat_notify = 1,
falloffpower = 5,
hero_on_center = 0,
listener_mode = 0,
mastergroup_group01 = 1,
mastergroup_group02 = 1,
mastergroup_group03 = 2,
mastergroup_group04 = 2,
mastergroup_group05 = 2,
mastergroup_group06 = 2,
mastergroup_group07 = 2,
mastergroup_group08 = 2,
mastergroup_group09 = 2,
mastergroup_group10 = 2,
mastergroup_group11 = 2,
mastergroup_group12 = 2,
mastergroup_group13 = 2,
mastergroup_group14 = 3,
mastergroup_group15 = 2,
mastergroup_group16 = 2,
mastergroup_group17 = 2,
mastergroup_group18 = 2,
mastergroup_group19 = 2,
mastergroup_group20 = 2,
mastergroup_group21 = 2,
mastergroup_group22 = 2,
mastergroup_group23 = 2,
mastergroup_group24 = 2,
mastergroup_group25 = 2,
mastergroup_group26 = 2,
mastergroup_group27 = 2,
mastergroup_group28 = 2,
mastergroup_group29 = 2,
mastergroup_group30 = 2,
mastergroup_group31 = 2,
memorybudget = 80,
obstruction_detection = 1,
plugin = "MILES",
plugin_update_ms = 80,
provider = "MILES",
quality = 1,
samplerate = 48000,
speakers = 3,
speech_commentary = 2,
system_sleep_ms = 30,
voices_3d = 50,
volume_2d = 200,
volume_group01 = 68,
volume_group02 = 85,
volume_group03 = 80,
volume_group04 = 100,
volume_group05 = 40,
volume_group06 = 60,
volume_group07 = 80,
volume_group08 = 100,
volume_group09 = 87,
volume_group10 = 80,
volume_group11 = 87,
volume_group12 = 34,
volume_group13 = 100,
volume_group14 = 80,
volume_group15 = 87,
volume_group16 = 87,
volume_group17 = 80,
volume_group18 = 50,
volume_group19 = 68,
volume_group20 = 87,
volume_group21 = 80,
volume_group22 = 80,
volume_group23 = 80,
volume_group24 = 80,
volume_group25 = 80,
volume_group26 = 80,
volume_group27 = 80,
volume_group28 = 80,
volume_group29 = 80,
volume_group30 = 80,
volume_group31 = 80,
volume_master = 100,
volume_master_music = 100,
volume_master_sfx = 100,
volume_master_speech = 100,
zoom_falloff = 0,
if not tutorial then
tutorial = {
checkObjectsOfInterestTimer = 2,
filterRange = 400,
initialDelayTimer = 40,
popupTime = 15,
recheckObjectsOfInterestTimer = 0.5,
if not video then
video = {
detail_env = 33,
detail_fx = 2,
detail_gfx = 2,
detail_grass = 1163,
detail_grnd = 3,
detail_light = 33,
detail_physx = 1,
detail_shd = 2,
detail_tex = 2,
fsaa = 2,
fullscreen = 1,
gamma = 3,
hardware_mouse = 1,
height = 1080,
quality = 5,
scaleUI = 1,
simplepointlight = 0,
vsync = 0,
weather = 1,
width = 1920,
-- eof

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