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Marketing Questionnaire

Author/Editor, Title:____________________________________________________
Author Information
1. Name and position or occupation. Please give full title and any institutional affiliation.
2. Education and honors. Please include dates of degrees.
3. Titles of previous book publications. Please include publisher date and any a!ards !on.
". Non-scholarly publications #e.g. fre$uent blog postings !hether on your o!n blog or as a guest
author on a !ell%kno!n site& op%eds in national and regional ne!spapers& maga'ine articles( and social
media postings #e.g. )!itter feeds *acebook pages personal !ebsite and similar(. Please detail ho! you
might use any of these venues to help publici'e your book.
+. edia contacts. Please list the name and contact info in particular the e%mail address of any print
broadcast #radio and television( or online ,ournalists you have been in contact !ith during the course of
your research or as part of the publicity efforts of earlier publications.
-. Audience!s" for !hich the book is intended. Please include possible course adoptions.
.. /ive a description of your book central argument and main conclusions in simple non%technical
language that !ill be understood by general revie! media sales staff and booksellers !ho need to kno!
sufficient detail to direct the !ork to!ard the right buyers. 0on1t be afraid to state !hat !ould be obvious
to specialists in your field.
2. #ne sentence description of your book.
3. The points to emphasi$e in promotion. Please be specific about key elements that distinguish
your book from others on similar topics. 4ook revie! venues have shrunk drastically and as a result have
2513 52 Marketing Questionnaire % 1
become much more competitive. In other !ords among the hundreds if not thousands of revie! copies
,ournals and revie! media receive each !eek for revie! consideration !hy should they choose yours6
- 0oes it refute a prevailing theory or argument6 7ill it be controversial6
- 0oes it introduce ne! material and research6 8r provide a ne! interpretation of older material6
- Please provide specific titles and authors of related !orks and note ho! your book differs.
15. %evie& media. 7e have an e9tensive list of general interest and academic media contacts to !hom
!e send revie! copies but !e rely upon our authors to point out key venues:most importantly any
speciali'ed media:!here you think your !ork !ill be of particular interest. Please list in order of
importance the names of such media and supply addresses.
11. 'eb media. 4logs and other internet media have become critical to promoting ne! books and ideas.
4eyond the ma,or venues #e.g. ;uffington Post 0aily 4east and the blogs connected to
mainstream media #e.g. Page )urner at The New Yorker( there are many !eb media outlets that cover
specific disciplines. 7hat blogs are important in your field6 7hich blogs do you read6 ;o! might your
book be covered in these venues6 0o you have contacts !ith people at these sites6
Please also consider contributing to the <=P blog once your book is published. 7e1re al!ays on the
lookout for interesting thought pieces and opportunities to comment on current events.
12. (irect mail, list serves, and special )roups. 7e !ill include your book in appropriate direct
mail pieces both print and email. Please list in order of importance the names of relevant professional
associations organi'ations list serves !ebsites etc. that you think !ould like to receive notification of
your book1s publication. If you can obtain a mailing list or email list of any of these groups or associations
please indicate and provide an appro9imate list count.
Please also consider compiling an email list of your o!n professional contacts:peers colleagues
people !hose !ork you1ve cited over the years people !hose !ork has influenced your o!n thought
leaders in your field. If you supply these addresses in an >9cel spreadsheet !e can send an email
announcing the publication of your book. )he list can be 15 people it can be 1555 people. Anything helps
create interest in and a!areness of your ne! book.
13. Advertisin). 7e !ill consider appropriate general media and periodicals in the field. Please provide
in order of importance the names of t!o or three key speciali'ed publications for advertising your book.
1". A&ards and pri$es. )he Press !ill consider making up to three a!ard submissions for your book
and !ill send the re$uisite number of copies for up to three. #4eyond this please consider !hich a!ard
submission you might be able to make yourself.( Please provide all information on the relevant year1s
a!ard for !hich you are eligible including rules and deadlines committee members !ith complete
addresses and =?@. In cases !here membership in the a!ard%granting organi'ation is re$uired please
confirm that you are a current member. 7e !ill consider each re$uest in light of a!ard re$uirements
other titles eligible and recommendations from our >ditorial and Marketing departments. )hree months1
lead%time is typically re$uired& earlier re$uests !ill be given higher priority. Any special arrangements
andAor fees !ill be the author1s responsibility.
2513 52 Marketing Questionnaire % 2
1+. *onferences and e+hibits. Please list no more than five American conferences and note any you
are likely to attend or at !hich you are likely to give a talk on the topic of your book. In addition to
attending some 1+%25 meetings annually the Press also e9hibits books at a number of other =.<.
conferences through cooperative e9hibit services. 7e currently !ork !ith )he <cholar1s Bhoice and
Association 4ook >9hibit and can send published titles:not proofs or prepublication galleys:one time
only to conferences attended by these services. ?eservations can be made for books once they are in print.
)hree months1 lead%time is typically re$uired& earlier re$uests !ill be given higher priority.
1-. ,ublicity and author appearances. Please list any special publicity opportunities #e.g. current
events anniversaries e9hibits ne! programs( in the coming year and beyond that might offer
opportunities for appropriate coverage of your book. If you schedule a personal appearance and !ant to
have books on hand for it please contact 0avid Cackson #david., at least 3%" !eeks
in advance of the event. Please note that !e cannot sell books on consignment so the organi'ation hosting
you !ould have to purchase books to resell.
1.. -nternational marketin). 8ur books are marketed and distributed in >urope and Africa by )he
>urospan /roup. Eou can contact 0aniel Porter Marketing Manager at )he >urospan /roup directly by
e%mail or phone #F"" #5( 25 .2"+ 5213(. 7e !ill also be happy to
for!ard any specific suggestions you have for overseas marketing.
12. #ther. Please note any other opportunities not covered by the items above that might help us
publici'e and promote your book.
2513 52 Marketing Questionnaire % 3

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