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THI TH 2014

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1. The factory is said _______ in a fire two years ago.
A. being destroyed B. to have been destroyed
C. to have destroyed D. to destroy
Question 2. By the end of this year my father _______ in this company for 12 years.
A. will work B. will have been working
C. has been working D. has worked
Question 3. !"o#ld yo# mind giving me a hand with this bag$%
&! _____________________%
A. 'es( )*ll do it now. B. +o( not at all. C. "ell( )*d love to D. 'es( ) am.
Question 4. ,orget all and try yo#r best ne-t time& .ightning never _______ twice in the same place.
A. strikes B. attacks C. beats D. hits
Question 5. _______ raiding for camels was a significant part of Bedo#in life has been doc#mented in
"ilfed Thesiger*s Arabian Sands.
A. That B. "hich C. "hat D. "here
Question 6. The little boy pleaded _____ not to leave him alone in the dark.
A. on her mother B. her mother C. with her mother D. at his mother
Question 7. _____( the people who come to this cl#b are in their twenties and thirties.
A. By and large B. Altogether C. To a degree D. /irt#ally
Question 8. The T/ station( in _______ to massive pop#lar demand( decided not to discontin#e the soap
A. reaction B. response C. answer D. rely
Question 9. 0is emotional problems _______ from the attit#des he enco#ntered as a child( ) think.
A. stem B. flo#rish C. root D. spro#t
Question 10. 1ete was born and bro#ght #p in Cornwall and he knows the place like the _________.
A. nose on his face B. back of his hand C. hairs on his head D. teeth of his
Question 11. Tom2 3)4m sorry. ) won4t be able to come3. & 5ary2 !_______%.
A. 6o#nds like f#n B. "ell( never mind C. 7h( that4s annoying D. 8reat
Question 12. British and A#stralian people share the same lang#age( b#t in other respects they are as
different as _____.
A. cats and dogs B. salt and pepper C. chalk and cheese D. here and there
Question 13. 9ows and silences are ______ and parcel of any marriage.
A. package B. stamps C. packet D. part
Question 14. 0ow do yo# acco#nt for the manager4s fiery _______ yesterday afternoon$
A. o#tp#t B. o#tb#rst C. o#tcry D. o#tlaw
Question 152 1atient2 3Can ) make an appointment to see the doctor( please$3
9eceptionist2 !________%
A. +ot at the moment. 0e can4t be dist#rbed. B. 7:( yo# will need to check my diary.
C. 7:( let me ;#st check the diary. D. 0ave a seat and )4ll be with yo# in an
Question 16. )t*s not in my nat#re to _______ over the price of something.
A. haggle B. disc#ss C. challenge D. transact
Question 172 % B#y me a newspaper on yo#r way back( _________$%
A. don*t yo# B. can*t yo# C. will yo# D. do yo#$
Question 18. "e #s#ally do go by train( even tho#gh the car _________ is a lot <#icker.
A. travel B. ;o#rney C. trip D. voyage
Question 19. The sign says that all shoplifters will be ________.
A. persec#ted B. disproved C. prosec#ted D. prohibited
Question 20. )n elections( politicians try to get old people to vote for them( it*s called the _______ vote.
A. white B. bl#e C. old D. grey
Question 21. )n the end( ) ;#st lost my _________ and started gabbling incoherently.
A. head B. mind C. brain D. intelligence
Question 22. =ohn2 !5ay ) come in$%
1eter2 ! ________________%
A. ,eel free B. 'es( no problem C. 'o#*re welcome D. 6orry( let*s wait
Question 23. "hen ) got #p yesterday morning( the s#n was shining( b#t the gro#nd was very wet. )t
A. rained B. has been raining C. had rained D. had been raining
Question 24. The villagers strongly recommend that a new school ___________ immediately.
A. m#st be b#ilt B. is going to be b#ilt C. be b#ilt D. will be b#ilt
Question 25. The children can stay here __________ they don*t make too m#ch noise.
A. whether B. providing C. #nless D. #ntil
Question 26. _______ appear( they are really m#ch larger than the ?arth.
A. 6mall as the stars B. The stars as small C. As the small stars D. Despite of the small
Question 27. ) know his name( b#t ) can*t recall it at the moment. )t*s on the tip of _______.
A. brain B. tong#e C. mind D. memory

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is closest in meaning to
the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 28. ) think we can safely say now that we have got o#r money back( we are @home and dryA.
A. have been s#ccessf#l B. have not got wet C. have got no water D. have got home dry
Question 29. Crime fre<#ently increases d#ring periods of social @#pheavalA
A. r#in B. #nrest C. havoc D. trends
Question 30. The evening wo#ld have been more en;oyable if all the @e-traneo#sA activities had been
dropped from the program.
A. irrelevant B. e-cessive C. overe-tended D. e-ceptional

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction
Question 31. @TheA reason he wants to take a @leavingA of absence is @that heA needs a @completeArest.
Question 32. A desert area that @has beenA @witho#t waterA for si- years will @stillA bloom when rain @will
Question 33. @.ikeA a synonym of speech( @which isA the general term( @addressA implies some
@degreeA of formality
Question 34. The fact that half of the known species @is tho#ght toA inhabit the world4s rain forests @does
notA seem s#rprising( @consideringA the h#ge n#mbers of insects that comprise the b#lk of the @species.A
Question 35. 5oon<#akes @originatingA at @deepA of @someA BCC kilometers indicate the 5oon has
@considerableA 9igidity and is not molten at s#ch levels.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 36. A. conse<#ently B. profile C. initiate D. pro;ect
Question 37. A. obedience B. c#rric#l#m C. benefactor D. mo#stache
Question 38. A. arithmetic B. assassinate C. agric#lt#re D. controvert
Question 39. A. comp#lsory B. technology C. academic D. eliminate
Question 40. A. inheritance B. mathematician C. comm#nication D. t#berc#losis

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.

Question 41. ) tho#ght she was the right person for the position( yet it t#rned o#t that she was <#ite
A. Contrary to my initial impression( she was not totally #ns#itable for the position.
B. ) was right in thinking that she was totally #seless for the ;ob.
C. ) was mistaken abo#t her s#itability for the position( since she proved rather incompetent.
D. Beca#se ) was e-pecting her to be competent( ) was shocked to see her perform rather badly.
Question 42. At this time tomorrow( hopef#lly( )4ll be rela-ing at home rather than working this hard.
A. 9esting at home is something ) hope to be doing at this time tomorrow( b#t )4ll probably be working
<#ite hard instead.
B. Tomorrow( rather than rela-ing at home as )4d hoped to do( )4ll be working <#ite hard.
C. )4m planning to rela- at home tomorrow( instead of working so hard.
D. ) hope that( instead of working so hard at this time tomorrow( )4ll be at home resting.
Question 43. 1#blic ed#cation is so good in ?#ropean co#ntries that there is almost no demand for private
A. ?ven the e-cellence of p#blic ed#cation in ?#rope does not stop people from sending their children to
private schools.
B. 1eople still send their children to private schools in ?#rope altho#gh the p#blic ed#cation system is
C. 0ardly anyone sends their children to private schools in ?#rope beca#se state schools are e-cellent.
D. )n ?#rope( there is no reason for parents to send their children to private schools beca#se state schools
are so good.
Question 44. The n#mber of people participating in the conference was far below my e-pectation.
A. ) had e-pected that many more people wo#ld act#ally attend the conference.
B. ) think attendance at the conference was low beca#se it was held too far away from the city centre.
C. ) knew that holding s#ch a conference re<#ired the participation of more people.
D. The n#mber of participants at the conference far e-ceeded my e-pectations.
Question 45. 6eeing how happy she looked( ) was certain that =ack had proposed to her.
A. ) knew ;#st by looking at her that she was in love with =ack.
B. The happy look on her face convinced me that she4d received a marriage proposal from =ack.
C. =#dging by the happy look on her face( ) g#ess that she accepted =ack4s marriage proposal.
D. "hen ) talked to her( ) learnt that she was so happy beca#se =ack had proposed to her.
Question 46. By the end of o#r to#r( we had been to every ma;or city in ?astern ?#rope( e-cept Tallinn( in
A. Towards the end of o#r trip( having visited all the main cities in ?astern ?#rope( we also wanted to see
Tallinn( in ?stonia.
B. 7#r to#r incl#ded almost all ma;or cities in ?astern ?#rope( besides Tallinn( )n ?stonia.
C. D#ring o#r trip( we visited all the main cities of ?stonia( in ?astern ?#rope( apart from Tallinn.
D. "ith the e-ception of Tallinn( in ?stonia( we visited all the important cities in ?astern ?#rope d#ring
Question 47. 6he has been living on her own for abo#t ten years( b#t she had never been financially
sec#re #ntil she got that bank ;ob last year.
A. 6he4s been having financial tro#bles d#ring the last ten years( even tho#gh she4s been living on her own
and working in a bank the whole time.
B. A year ago she fo#nd a ;ob in a bank and became financially sec#re for the first time since she began
living by herself abo#t a decade ago.
C. ,or ten years she had been living there all alone( and was never financially sec#re even with the bank
;ob she fo#nd last year.
D. 6he hasn4t been living with anyone for nearly ten years( b#t owing to her bank ;ob( she4s never had any
financial worries.
Question 48. The capital city of .atvia( 9iga has maintained the atmosphere of a medieval 8erman city.
A. .atvia4s capital( 9iga( is a medieval 8erman city with a nice atmosphere.
B. .atvia4s capital city( 9iga was established in medieval times( and it looks like a 8erman city.
C. 9iga( .atvia4s capital city( was established by the 8ermans in medieval times.
D. 9iga( .atvia4s capital city( still reflects the characteristics of a medieval 8erman city.
Question 49. "hen we arrived at the party after o#r car broke down on the way there( there weren4t many
people left.
A. 7#r car broke down on the way to the party and by the time we got there( most of the g#ests had
already left.
B. Beca#se we had car tro#ble on the way to the party( many people grew tired of waiting and left before
we arrived there.
C. +ot many people had left the party yet when we got there( altho#gh we were late beca#se of a car
problem on the way.
D. "hen we arrived at the party after we had had car tro#ble on the way there( hardly anyone had left yet.
Question 50. 6he had to b#y a new battery for her mobile phone beca#se the charge was #nable to last for
more than two ho#rs.
A. 6he had to charge a new battery for her mobile phone beca#se the old one lasted for a little over two
B. 0er mobile phone co#ldn4t hold a charge for more than two ho#rs( so she had to b#y a new battery.
C. Beca#se she charged her new mobile phone battery for only two ho#rs( the charge did not last very
D. The new battery she bo#ght for her mobile phone wo#ld not hold a charge for longer than two ho#rs.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 5 to !".

The lang#ages spoken by early ?#ropeans are still shro#ded in mystery. There is no ling#istic contin#ity
between the lang#ages of 7ld ?#rope @a term sometimes #sed for ?#rope between E(CCC and D(CCC B.C.A
and the lang#ages of the modern world( and we cannot yet translate the 7ld ?#ropean script. 6cholars
have deciphered other ancient lang#ages( s#ch as 6#merian( Akkadian( and Babylonian( which #sed the
c#neiform script( beca#se of the fortuitous discovery of biling#al inscriptions. "hen c#neiform tablets
were first discovered in the 1Bth cent#ry( scholars co#ld not decipher them. Then inscriptions fo#nd in
)ran at the end of the 1Bth cent#ry provided a link2 these inscriptions were written in c#neiform and in two
other ancient lang#ages( 7ld 1ersian and +ew ?lamite lang#ages that had already been deciphered. )t
took several decades( b#t scholars event#ally translated the ancient c#neiform script via the more familiar
7ld 1ersian lang#age.
6imilarly( the hieroglyphic writing of the ?gyptians remained a mystery #ntil ,rench troops #nearthed the
famo#s 9osetta stone in the late 1Bth cent#ry. The stone carried the same message written in ancient
8reek( ?gyptian hieroglyphs( and ?gyptian hieratic( a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The 9osetta
stone thwarted scholars* efforts for several decades #ntil the early 1Gth cent#ry when several key
hieroglyphic phrases were decoded #sing the 8reek inscriptions. Hnfort#nately( we have no 7ld ?#ropean
9osetta stone to chart correspondences between 7ld ?#ropean script and the lang#ages that replaced it.
The inc#rsions of )ndo&?#ropean tribes into 7ld ?#rope from the late Ith to the early Drd millennia B.C.
ca#sed a ling#istic and c#lt#ral discontin#ity. These inc#rsions disr#pted the 7ld ?#ropean sedentary
farming lifestyle that had e-isted for D(CCC years. As the )ndo&?#ropeans encroached on 7ld ?#rope from
the east( the continent #nderwent #pheavals. These severely affected the Balkans( where the 7ld ?#ropean
c#lt#res ab#ndantly employed script. The 7ld ?#ropean way of life deteriorated rapidly( altho#gh pockets
of 7ld ?#ropean c#lt#ral remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different
lang#ages belonging to the )ndo&?#ropean ling#istic family. The 7ld ?#ropean lang#age or lang#ages(
and the script #sed to write them( declined and event#ally vanished.
Question 51. "hat is the main topic of the passage$
A. 9eason for the fail#re to #nderstand the written records of 7ld ?#ropean c#lt#re.
B. )nfl#ences on the development of 7ld ?#ropean script.
C. 6imilarities between 7ld ?#ropean script and other ancient writing systems.
D. ?vents leading to the discovery of 7ld ?#ropean script.
Question 52. According to the passage( +ew ?lamite is _________.
A. a lang#age that was #sed in ?#rope abo#t D(CCC years ago
B. a modern lang#age that came from 7ld 1ersian
C. one of the lang#ages spoken by the 7ld ?#ropeans
D. a lang#age that was #nderstood by the late 1Bth cent#ry
Question 532 "hen does the passage s#ggest that ancient ?gyptian hieroglyphic script was finally
A. At aro#nd the same time as c#neiform script was deciphered.
B. 6hortly before the 9osetta stone was #nearthed.
C. As soon as additional biling#al inscriptions became available to scholars.
D. A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded.
Question 542 According to the passage( which of the following is T9H? of the 9osetta stone$
A. )t was fo#nd by scholars trying to decode ancient lang#ages.
B. )t contains two versions of hieroglyphic script.
C. 6everal of its inscriptions were decoded within a few months of its discovery.
D. 5ost of its inscriptions have still not been decoded.
Question 552 According to the passage( scholars were able to decipher c#neiform form with the help of
A. the 6#merian( Akkadian( and Babylonian lang#ages B. 7ld 1ersian
C. tablets written in 7ld ?#ropean D. lang#ages spoken in 1Bth cent#ry )ran
Question 562 The word #fortuitous$ in the 1st paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. important B. immediate C. early D. l#cky
Question 572The word #them$ in the 1st paragraph refers to _________.
A. 6#merian( Akkadian( and Babylonian B. biling#al inscriptions
C. c#neiform tablets D. scholars
Question 582 The word #thwarted$ in the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning to _________
A. contin#ed B. infl#enced C. enco#raged D. fr#strated
Question 592According to the passage( )ndo&?#ropean inc#rsions ca#sed 7ld ?#ropean pop#lation to
A. separated into different tribes B. move eastward
C. change their ways of living and obtain food D. start recording historical events in writing
Question 602 . The a#thor mentions the Balkans in the passage in order to e-plain why _________.
A. )ndo&?#ropean lang#ages were slow to spread in 7ld ?#rope
B. the inhabitants of 7ld ?#rope were not able to prevent )ndo&?#ropean inc#rsions
C. the #se of the 7ld ?#ropean script declined
D. the 7ld ?#ropean c#lt#re s#rvived for a time after the )ndo&?#ropean inc#rsions

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from ! to %".

)nd#strialiJation came to the Hnited 6tate after 1EGC as +orth American entreprene#rs increased
prod#ctivity by reorganiJing work and b#ilding factories. These innovations in
man#fact#ring boosted o#tp#t and living standards to an #nprecedented e-tentK the average per capita
wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year DC percent over the co#rse of a generation. 8oods that had
once been l#-#ry items became part of everyday life.
The impressive gain in o#tp#t stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods(
since the 1EGC4s( +orth American entreprene#rs even witho#t technological improvements had
broadened the scope of the o#twork system that mace man#fact#ring more efficient by distrib#ting
materials to a s#ccession of workers who each performed a single step of the prod#ction process. ,or
e-ample( d#ring the 1B2C4s and 1BDC4s the shoe ind#stry greatly e-panded the scale and e-tend of me
o#twork system. Tens of tho#sands of r#ral women( paid according to the amo#nt they prod#ced(
fabricated the 3#ppers3 of shoes( which were bo#nd to the soles by wage&earning ;o#rneymen shoemakers
in doJens of 5assach#setts towns( whereas previo#sly ;o#rneymen wo#ld have made the end#ring shoe.
This system of prod#ction made the employer a powerf#l 3shoe boss3 and eroded workers4 control over
the pace and conditions of labor. 0owever( it also dramatically increased the o#tp#t of shoes while c#tting
their price.
,or tasks that were not s#ited to the o#twork system( entreprene#rs created an even more important
new organiJation( the modem factory( which #sed power&driven machines and assembly&line techni<#es to
t#rn o#t large <#antities of well&made goods. As early as 1EB2 theproi!ic Delaware inventor 7liver ?vans
had b#ilt a highly a#tomated( laborsaving flo#r mill driven by water power. 0is machinery lifted the grain
to the top of the mill( cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers( gro#nd the grain into flo#r( and
then conveyed the flo#r back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels.
6#bse<#ently( man#fact#rers made #se of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills.
This new technology enabled them to b#ild factories in the nation4s largest cities( taking advantage of
#rban concentrations of ine-pensive labor( good transportation networks( and e"#er c#stomers.

Question 61. "hat is the passage mainly abo#t$
A. The diffic#lties of ind#strialiJation in +orth America
B. The infl#ence of changes in man#fact#ring on the growth of #rban centers
C. The rapid speed of ind#strialiJation in +orth America
D. )mproved ways of organiJing the man#fact#ring of goods
Question 62. The word 3boosted3 is closest in meaning to
A. ens#red B. raised C. arranged D. disco#raged
Question 63. The word 3scope3 is closest in meaning to
A. val#e B. pop#larity C. e-tent D. diversity
Question 64. The a#thor mentions the shoe ind#stry in the second paragraph to provide an e-ample of
A. entreprene#rs increased o#tp#t by #sing an e-tended o#twork system
B. entreprene#rs #sed technological improvements to increase o#tp#t
C. r#ral workers responded to 3shoe bosses3
D. changes in the o#twork system improved the <#ality of shoes
Question 65. All of the following are mentioned as effects of changes in the shoe ind#stry d#ring the
1B2C4s and 1BDC4s ?MC?1T
A. an increase in the worker4s dependence on entreprene#rs
B. an increase in the wages paid to ;o#rneymen shoemakers
C. a decline in the workers ability to control the speed of prod#ction
D. a decrease in the price of shoes
Question 66. All of the following are tr#e of the o#twork system ?MC?1T
A. )t involved stages of prod#ction.
B. )t was more efficient than the systems #sed before 1EGC.
C. )t made many employers less powerf#l than they had been before.
D. )t did not necessarily involve any technological improvements.
Question 67. The word 3proi!ic3 is closest in meaning to
A. efficient B. prod#ctive C. self&employed D. progressive
Question 68. According to the passage( how did later mills differ from the mills differ from the mill b#ilt
by 7liver ?vans$
A. They were located away from large cities.
B. They #sed new technology to prod#ce power.
C. They did not allow flo#r to cool before it was placed in Barrels.
D. They combined technology with the o#twork system.
Question 69. The passage mentions which of the following as a res#lt of improvements in factory
A. )t become easier for factory4 owners to find workers and c#stomers.
B. 5an#fact#rers had to employ more highly skilled workers.
C. The amo#nt of power re<#ired for factories operate was red#ced.
D. ,actories co#ld operate more than one engine at a time.
Question 70. The word 3e"#er3 is closest in meaning to
A. wealthy B. knowledgeable C. reg#lar D. enth#siastic

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the &lanks from % to '"

$ound %d&ice !or '"n#u"#e 'e"rners
A recent iss#e of a lang#age learning magaJine has cons#lted a n#mber of e-perts in the @E1A
_______ of second lang#age ac<#isition. Their advice may prove inval#able for those @E2A_____ a
lang#age co#rse. 7ne s#ggestion is that yo# @EDA ______ whether yo# are likely to be s#ccessf#l at
learning a lang#age. Did yo# en;oy st#dying lang#ages at school( for e-ample$ Do yo# have eno#gh time
to learn a lang#age$ The ma;or @EFA _____ will be yo#r own time and effort. )f proof of yo#r level of
proficiency is important yo# m#st make s#re that the co#rse on offer leads to a @EIA_____ <#alification.
Also( be realistic in yo#r @ELA______. )f yo# don4t set achievable aims yo# are more likely to give #p. Do
not be deceived @EEA______ thinking that the most e-pensive co#rses are the best. @EBA ______ aro#nd to
get the best possible val#e for money. 'o# sho#ld also bear in mind that the <#icker yo# learn a lang#age
the more <#ickly yo# forget it. 6andra 5iller( a ,rench teacher( tried to teach herself 8erman by enrolling
on a @EGA ______co#rse. Already fl#ent in fo#r lang#ages and with a so#nd knowledge of teaching
methodology her chances of making progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. 6he
feels her biggest mistake was not to follow @BCA ______ her first e-perience. 3) sho#ld have consolidated
what )4d learn by contin#ing to st#dy( even if it were by myself.3
Question 712 A. domain B. branch C. field D. area
Question 72. A. wondering B. thinking C. looking D. considering
Question 73. A. assess B. review C. balance D. s#rvey
Question 74. A. chance B. cost C. price D. eval#ation
Question 75. A. recogniJed B. #nderstood C. val#ed D. regarded
Question 76. A. sights B. ends C. ob;ects D. goals
Question 77. A. by B. abo#t C. into D. in
Question 78. A. +ose B. 1#sh C. 9#n D. 6hop
Question 79. A. rapid B. crash C. <#ick D. fast
Question 80. A. #p B. on C. thro#gh D. o#t
1 B F1 C
2 B F2 D
11 B I1 A
12 C I2 D
21 A L1 B
22 A L2 C
D1 B E1 C
D2 D E2 D

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