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The Positive Pear

Search Results for ginger root
The Healing Power of Ginger
JAN 17
Zingiber Ocinale also known as Ginger Root, has been used as medicine in parts of world such as
Asia, India, and Arabia as herbal traditions since ancient times In !hina, for e"ample, ginger has been
used to help digestion and treat stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea for more than #,$$$ years
Ginger is an incredible herb with powerful anti in%ammatory properties I can a&est to this, as I use
this herb regularly to manage in%ammation associated with an autoimmune disease that I ha'e known
as Ankylosing (pondilitis )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+chronic,in'isible,illness+ankylosing,spondylitis+-
It.s also good for appro"imately /$$ other arthritic conditions including Osteoarthritis 0ecause
Ginger is a natural and 'ery powerful )cycloo"ygenase- !o",# inhibitor, 1ust as 2(AI3s and aspirin
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
1 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
are, it is also 4uiet e5ecti'e for pain I 6nd it incredibly helpful for the pain associated with A(, as well
as the widespread musculoskeletal pain associated with ha'ing 7ibromyalgia
8here ha'e been studies on ginger comparing its ecacy to that of aspirin and not only did it take
smaller dosages to accomplish pain relief, there were also no known side e5ects In further
comparison to aspirin, it is common knowledge that doctor.s recommend daily usage of aspirin to
inhibit the blood thickening en9yme which can lead to clogged arteries 8he only issue with
taking aspirin daily are the potential side e5ects, such as stomach upset, bleeding ulcers, 1oint
discomfort and a potentially compromised immune system Other studies show that regular aspirin
consumption increases the rate of mortality, and this would include the use 2(AI3s One way to
successfully accomplish the e5ects of aspirin without the harmful side e5ects, is to substitute with the
use of Ginger Root A cardiology clinic in an Israeli hospital now recommends that all of its patients
take /+# teaspoon of ginger daily in place of aspirin Ginger is 4uickly becoming the :wonder herb;
because of its incredible healing e5ects on the circulatory system, e'en transcending the potential of
many modern cardio'ascular drugs <eart disease is the =/ killer in >nited (tates, and indi'iduals are
becoming more :heart health; aware, wanting positi'e results without the harmful side e5ects, so its
no wonder that ginger is growing by leaps and bounds in its popularity
A group of researchers from !ornell ?edical (chool published an article in the 2ew @ngland Aournal
of ?edicine in /BC$ con6rming that ginger did in fact inhibit the life,threatening process of platelet
aggregation 0ecause of ginger.s many physical healing properties, it
o5ers synergistic cardio'ascular e5ects, such as antio"idant, strengthening of the heart muscle and
lowering serum cholesterol Ginger is known to actually pre'ent cholesterol biosynthesis
0ecause of Ginger.s stimulation of immunity and inhibition of platelet aggregation, it has a positi'e
in%uence on cancer patients Ginger also soothes the stomach and aids in digestion, so for this reason
its great for symptoms relating to irritable bowel syndrome )I0(-, %u, stomach upset, nausea, 'omiting,
morning sickness, e'en chemotherapy related nausea It also eases cold symptoms, and works as a
catalyst for other herbs making their e5ects stronger, so for this reason you.ll want to be mindful of
other herbs and medications that you decide to use with Ginger 0ecause of Ginger.s e5ects on the
circulatory system and its ability to regulate blood sugar it is great for diabetics and for those looking to
gi'e a boost to their reproducti'e system Researchers ha'e concluded there is a signi6cant increase in
the sperm swimming ability and sperm content associated with ginger consumption, so with this being
said Ginger has the ability to increase fertility
Ginger is good for:
/- In%ammation
#- Pain
D- (tomach upset+3igestion
E- 2ausea
F- ?orning (ickness
G- !hemotherapy Related 2ausea
H- <eart <ealth
C- !irculation
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
2 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
B- Immunity
/$- 0lood (ugar
//- 7ertility
/#- !old I 7lu
Ginger Root is great in many forms, 8ea, <erbal (upplements, Ji4uid drops, <erbal Powder and 7resh
Ginger 3o not e"ceed Eg of ginger per day Recommended dosage* # ginger capsules, or B$ li4uid
drops, /+E 7resh Ginger, / pre,packaged tea bag or /+# tsp of Ginger Root Powder 8ake D" times daily
or e'ery four hours as needed for many of the symptoms mentioned abo'e
Contraindications and Precautions Ginger Root:
If you ha'e any of the following, please consult with your doctor before taking* 7ood Allergies,
?edical problems associated with your <eart , Gall 0ladder )gall stones-, 0rain or 2er'ous (ystem 3o
not take Ginger if you ha'e a bleeding disorder, taking heart medications, on a blood thinning
medications such as Karfarin )!oumadin-, aspirin or 2(AI3s
8he use of herbs is a time,honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease <erbs,
howe'er, contain components that can trigger side e5ects and interact with other herbs, supplements,
or medications 7or these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the super'ision of a health
care pro'ider 4uali6ed in the 6eld of botanical medicine (ide e5ects from ginger are rare, but if taken
in high doses the herb may cause mild heartburn, diarrhea, and irritation of the mouth ?any of these
side e5ects are a'oidable if Ginger is take in capsule form, but remember it is highly recommended that
you not e"ceed Eg of Ginger Root 3aily
2atural Pain ?anagement )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+category+the,healing,power,of,alternati'e,
7resh Raw Ginger,!ranberry Relish )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$//+//+##+fresh,raw,ginger,
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
3 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
/$ !omments
Posted by Health/Fitness/Wellness
8he Lellogg Report* 8he Impact of 2utrition, @n'ironment I Jifestyle on the <ealth of
Americans, @ncyclopedia of Alternati'e ?edicine, @ncyclopedia of 2atural ?edicine, ?edicinal
Mualities of GI2G@R* !ommon (pice I Konder 3rug Drd edition, !hart page GE, 8he Aspirin
?yocardial Infarction (tudy Research Group :8he aspirin myocardial infarction study* 7inal results;
!irculation G# )G, Pt #- )3ec /BC$-* NHB,CE, 3orso, !, et al :!hinese food and platelets; 2ew
@ngland Aournal of ?edicine D$D, no /D )/BC$-* HFG,FH, Aournal of the Pharmaceutical (ociety of Aapan
ginger #$$F byOakugaku Zasshi, A Jiterature Re'iew Of Ginger, 8he 1oy of ginger; American <ealth,
0ioscience 0iotechnology biochemistry* Induction of neutrophil accumulation by 'egetable 1uice
by Oama9aki ?, 2ishimura 8, @thnopharmacologic in'estigation of ginger )Zingiber Ocinale-
/BCB, 0iomedical Re'iews )0ulgaria-,Pharmacological e5ects of spices
Posted in <olistic <ealth I Khole 0ody Kellness, 2atural Pain ?anagement, 8he <ealing Power of
<erbs I 7ood 0ased (upplements, 8he Positi'e Pear Articles
Tags: alternative medicine, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue and
immune dysfunction syndrome, cox 2 inhibitors, diabetes, digestion, fertility,
bromyalgia, u, ginger root, healing properties, heart, herbal remedies, herbs, IB,
immunity, inammation, irritable bo!el syndrome, musculoskeletal pain, natural
anti"inammatory, natural pain managment, natural supplements, nausea, pain,
spondyloarthropathy, stomach, tea, !idespread
Apple, Beet, Strawberry & Ginger Fresh Juice Recipe
DC 1!
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
4 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
Jea'e a !omment
Posted by Health/Fitness/Wellness
# large organic #pples
/ small organic Beet root
G large organic tra!berries
G $arsley sprigs
/+#,inch %inger &oot )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,power,of,ginger,root+-
8his is a 1uicer recipe, unfortunately this mi"ture would not do well in a blender If you ha'e a 1uicer
which separates the pulp from the 1uice, then cut all into 1uicer friendly si9es If not, then peel the
apples,beet I ginger and remo'e the stems from the strawberries @n1oyP
Posted in @ating for <ealing, <olistic <ealth I Khole 0ody Kellness, 2utritional, Gluten,7ree,
3iary,7ree, Jow,(tarch I In%ammation 7riendly Recipes, Organic Auicing, 8he <ealing Power of
Organic, Real 7ood, (uperfoods I Khole 7oods
Tags: apple, beet, fresh, ginger, 'uice, 'uicing, natural anti"inammatory, organic
'uicing, stra!berry, !hole foods
Scotts Steak Strips With Bok Choy & Ginger, Lime, Garlic
Raw Sauce
DC $
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
5 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
%tea& %tri#s With 'o& Cho( ) Ginger* +i,e* Garlic Ra- %auce Reci#e:
In my ongoing ba&le my with chronic in'isible illnesses I auto,immune disease, I.'e tried a number of
di5erent eating regimens, to help with managing the multitude of symptoms and the associated
digesti'e issues I alternate between 'egetarian, raw 'egan, to low,carb I low,starch with balanced
protein AQer my C years of straight raw 'egan cuisine, I.m currently alternating between
low,carb+low,starch I balanced protein in the winter, to more of a raw 'egan with lots of fresh 1uices
in the summer 8his rotation stems out of pure necessity, as there is no cure for the auto,immune
disease that I ha'e and I prefer to manage my symptoms with a more natural approach 8his means I
must pay close a&ention to my diet ?y husband who really en1oys cooking for me, has had his work
cut for him, but he.s always up for the challenge Khat.s e'en sweeter is that he adapts to eating
whate'er eating regimen that I.m eating at the time Oes, those are interesting stories all their own
@specially our 6rst time at a Raw 7ood RestaurantRpre&y funny It.s a 4uite balancing act when li'ing
with chronic in'isible illness and multiple symptoms I personally purchase foods free of hormones I
harsh chemicals by gra'itating toward organic I farm raised and I highly recommend the same for
e'eryone healthy or sick SS)poblano chiles can contribute to in%ammation, so it might be a best to
a'oid on a bad %are days )8he addition of them is completely optional-
8his is (co&.s low,fat, low,carb I low,starch with balanced protein creation for meR@n1oyP
/lb Organic 0eef !huck 0oneless (teak )or any thin cut beef steak-
D,E (talks Organic 0aby 0ok !hoy
/ dash of 8amari )wheat free soy sauce optional-
Ra- %auce
# inch slice of Ginger Root )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,power,of,ginger,root+-
/ Jime )1uiced-
D Garlic Glo'es )minced-
SSPoblano !hile Pepper
/ (hallot
/+E cup Oli'e Oil
8o prepare raw sauce* !hop each ingredient separately or place in a food processor, using
pulse+chopping modeT then pour in oli'e oil Jet sit for appro"imately D$ minutes Raw sauce can also
be prepared #E hours in ad'ance and refrigerated
Rinse I separate each 0aby 0ok !hoy leaf Place in steamer and steam for appro"imately /F to #$
Pan sear steaks # to E minutes on each side, depending on the thickness Rest cooked steaks for
appro"imately F minutes !ut into thin strips and set aside
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
6 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
Jea'e a !omment
Posted by Health/Fitness/Wellness
Plating your food* Jay steamed 0ok !hoy %at on the plate with stalk side up, using a total of G,C 0ok
!hoy lea'es, make a circle with green ends meeting in the center of plate Jay steak strips on top of the
0ok !hoy greens, using appro"imately /+# cup to / cup of steak, or your desired amount 3ri99le with
8amari I appro"imately /,tbls of fresh raw sauce and en1oy
Note: carb+starch option for family members, or for those not on a low,starch diet* add couscous
Posted in 2utritional, Gluten,7ree, 3iary,7ree, Jow,(tarch I In%ammation 7riendly Recipes
Tags: bok choy, garlic, ginger, healthy recipe, healthy"living, lime, ra!, recipe, sauce,
steak, steak strips !ith ginger lime garlic ra! sauce, strips
Fresh Raw Ginger-Cranberry Relish
N./ !!
+ight* /i0rant ) Palate Cleansing1
2atural Raw !ranberries ha'ing ama9ing healing a&ributes Research shows that this small, ama9ing
red fruit might be instrumental in cleansing and soothing the kidneys, 6ghting bacteria which leads to
stomach ulcers, as well as supporting cardio'ascular I li'er function 8hey are also high
in antio"idants and pro'ide many anti,in%ammatory bene6ts !ombined with Ginger Root
)h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,power,of,ginger,root+-, you ha'e double the
healing power, as ginger is great for digestion I is known to reduce in%ammation
/# o9 0ag of 7resh Organic !ranberries
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
7 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
D !omments
Posted by Health/Fitness/Wellness
# Oranges Auiced I Zest from / Orange
# 8sp Jemon Auiced I Zest
# 8sp 7resh Ginger Root
/ (hallot ?inced
# 8bls of Aga'e 2ectar
In a food processor chop the ginger root until 6ne, add the orange I lemon 1uice with 9est of both, add
the cranberries, and pulse the motor until the berries are 6nely chopped )broken not mushy- 8ransfer
the mi"ture to a bowl and stir in Aga'e !o'er I chill the relish for a minimum of D$ minutes 8his
relish keeps, co'ered and chilled, for up to # weeks
2"P: >sing a microplane 9ester+grater will produce lighter, %uer 9est If your relish is to tart, simply
add more Aga'e to taste (er'e as you would any cranberry sauce or relish
!heck on some other healthy, healing recipes here on the :8he Positi'e Pear;
foods+-, Article* 8he <ealing Power of Ginger )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,
Posted in @ating for <ealing, <olistic <ealth I Khole 0ody Kellness, 2utritional, Gluten,7ree,
3iary,7ree, Jow,(tarch I In%ammation 7riendly Recipes, 8he <ealing Power of Organic, Real 7ood,
(uperfoods I Khole 7oods
Tags: agave nectar, anti"inammatory foods and supplements, cranberries, digestion, fresh
cranberry sauce, ginger, ginger root, ginger"cranberry relish, healthy recipe, healthy"living,
(o!"tarch, orange, ra!, shallots, sugar"free, vegan
Low-Starch (or) Low-Carb? One Helps to Manage
HLA-B27 Related IBS
DC 1!
Khat is a low,starch dietU It is the reduction of both carbohydrates I starches All carbohydrates are
starches, but not all starches are carbohydrates Khat is starchU (tarches are long comple" chains of
simple sugars Also referred to as comple" carbohydrates !omple" carbohydrates are essentially sugar
molecules, speci6cally se'eral sugar molecules linked together Jong chains of these sugar molecules
ser'e as energy storage for plants and when we eat them our bodies then con'ert these carbohydrates
into its own energy source 8o clarify carbohydrates from plants fall into the low glycemic category,
because they are made up of cellulose, which is the rigid cell wall of plants gi'ing them their shape,
also known as dietary 6ber It is the high glycemic or simple carbohydrates that cause the most need
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
8 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
for concern in a typical diet <igher
glycemic foods, include many high
carbohydrates foods, such as breads pi99a,
beans, potatoes, corn, rice, grains etc In a
typical diet eating balanced portions of
legumes, higher carbohydrate 'egetables,
breads, pasta and cereals would be
considered healthy In a diet meant to
control symptoms relating Anklylosing
(pondylitis )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom
spondylitis+- I I0(
+pubmedhealth+P?<$$$/#B#+-, these
foods might need to be reduced
considerably or a'oided completely
Wh( is it that Certain "ndi3iduals A4icted -ith An&(losing %#ond(litis 'ene5t fro, a +o-6%tarch
Diet7 In /BHD through e"tensi'e research, scientist disco'ered at the time that o'er BFV of A(
patients had <JA,0#H, howe'er not e'eryone with the <JA,0#H gene ended up with A( 8hanks to
additional research in /BHF at Lings !ollege I 8he ?iddlese" <ospital in Jondon it was disco'ered
that the en'ironmental agent highly acti'e in A( cases was a pathogen known as Llebsiella
Llebsiella is a microbe that ordinarily li'es in the intestines without incident, but in A( su5erers with
the gene <JA,0#H, it is suspected that there is an o'er%ow Khat happens during a %are,up is that
the A(+<JA,0#H su5erer.s body is producing more Llebsiella antibodies Khen you eat high
4uantities of starch you are contributing to the increase of Llebsiella in the bowel %ora, when you ha'e
more Llebsiella than normal, your body begins to produce more antibodies causing an in%ammatory
response A re'ol'ing cycle erupts, because Llebsiella thri'es on undigested starch, the more starch
you eat the more Llebsiella you ha'e 8he more Llebsiella you ha'e, the more Llebsiella antibodies
your body will produce, the more Llebsiella antibodies your body produces the more %are,ups you.ll
ha'e, including se'ere I0( symptoms for some
"s H+A6'!7 the onl( "denti5a0le Gene for An&(losing %#ond(litis7 2o, thanks to much scienti6c
research in recent years we.'e disco'ered that there are a number of indi'iduals with Ankylosing
(pondylitis who do not ha'e the gene <JA,0#H and in the last E years, researchers ha'e unco'ered
se'eral new genes )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$//+/#+$H+singapore,and,china,scientists,identify,
new,genes,associated,with,ankylosing,spondylitis,as+- which are directly linked to A( Additionally,
there are also many di5erent diseases which fall under the umbrella of (pondyloarthropathies
<JA,0#H was disco'ered nearly DC years ago, so there ha'e been numerous studies linked to this
speci6c gene A( su5erers who do not ha'e <JA,0#H will not ha'e an an o'ergrowth of Llebsiella, per
the /BHF Lings !ollege I ?iddlese" <ospital study <owe'er, according to research done by Jinus
Pauling Institute, or JPI at Oregon (tate >ni'ersity on in%ammation, the 2on,<JA,0#H group of
indi'iduals would bene6t from a low,carb eating regimen )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+/$
+#D+comfort,foods,fallwinter,holidays,importance,of,good,carbs+- (imply put, high glycemic
carbohydrates contribute to in%ammation and it is theori9ed that starches feed the bowel microbe
Llebsiella, which is supposedly 'ery acti'e in the <JA,0#H Ankylosing (pondylitis group <JA,0#H
gene carriers with A( wanting to reduce the number of %ares, according to this study would need to
limit their starch intake I the 2on,<JA,0#H group would need to reduce their carb consumption
2he Research that 82he +o-6%tarch Diet9 is 0ased u#on ) is it a Cure7: 3uring my 4uest for
answers and e"tensi'e research on this sub1ect, I disco'ered that the research relating to Ankylosing
(pondylitis, <JA,0#H and Llebsiella is 4uite contro'ersial in some circles In fact, this sub1ect has
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
9 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
been discussed in the >L o'er the past DC years, with those who are for and some who are against
being split more or less right down the middle: In spite of the contro'ersy within the community of
people who ha'e Ankylosing (pondylitis, regarding :8he Jow,(tarch 3iet and whether Llebsiella is
truly the culprit, or if 3r @bringer.s results ha'e been duplicated successfully or not, is
completely irrele'ant to me I.m only interested in results and the results for me ha'e been 4uite
positi'e, as it has for many with early onset, moderate and e'en some se'ere cases of Ankylosing
(pondylitis and+or with I0( who ha'e made similar dietary changes Khile it.s important to keep in
mind that there is no magic bullet, cookie cu&er, one si9e 6ts all diet for anyone, nor is this article
promoting a cure, only an alternati'e method to managing A( and symptoms relating I0( I also feel
diet alone is 2O8 the answer One must adopt a :whole body; )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$//+//
+//+the,positi'e,pear,blog,holistic,health,whole,body,wellness,for,in'isible,chronic,illness+- approach
to managing their disease as it is outlined here on 8he Positi'e Pear It is also
highly recommended when eating for the purpose of healing, to a'oid G?O foods
D,reasons,to,go,organic+- which are known to trigger allergic reactions and wreak ha'oc on the
stomach and intestinal tract 8hose li'ing with autoimmune disease, should also be wary of anyone
promoting a single way of eating as a :cure; for their disease, especially when the disease itself is
incurable It is important to know your body and your symptoms well, while also paying close a&ention
to how your body reacts to certain foods that you eat (ome indi'iduals do 4uite well with low,carb
ibs+-, while others are forced to eliminate not only simple carbs, but also many higher,starch comple"
carbs, grains, gluten and additional sugars as well
What is the Di;erence 'et-een a +o-6Car0 ) a +o-6%tarch7 It really boils down to foods that you
can or can not eat, low,carb allows for indi'idual consumption of :good carbs
low,glycemic carbohydrates, and all fruit I 'egetables while a'oiding all simple carbs Khereas
indi'iduals a&empting to eat low,starch might need to reduce considerably or potentially a'oid many
foods that are safe for low,carb consumption, including some comple" carbohydrate 'egetables, such
as, beans, soy beans, peas, lentils, carrots and sweet potatoes (afe low glycemic foods for low,starch
eating would include* green leafy 'egetables, green beans, artichokes, asparagus, etc Other
in%ammatory culprits to a'oid for both groups are* dairy, nightshade 'egetables, gluten I high
amounts of sodium
According to research of 3r Alan @bringer, professor of Immunology I Rheumatology consultant to
se'eral medical schools and hospitals, the Jondon A( low,starch diet is most bene6cial in the early
stages of an A( diagnosis and works best when combined with low dosages of anti,in%ammatory
medications )2(AI3s- )or for those who prefer to a'oid the harmful e5ects of the meds, Ginger Root
"rrita0le 'o-el %(ndro,e <"'%= ) the H+A6'!7 An&(losing %#ond(litis Connection: As if ha'ing
Ankylosing (pondylitis with its numerous symptoms isn.t enough, it is suspected that within <JA,0#H
blood group that these indi'iduals are also prone to Irritable 0owel (yndrome )I0(- 8he source for this
theory is a book by !arol (inclair which connects <JA,0#H Ankylosing (pondylitis, and I0( in a 'ery
clear and concise manner I0( is your body.s inability to digest certain foods As with many chronic
conditions, there might be se'eral di5erent forms of I0( and some may e"perience more se'ere
symptoms than others 8he symptoms of I0( are not pleasant, from bloating, stomach distention to
full,blown pain and agony Perhaps e'en alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation 8he older you
get the worse I0( can become As I can trace my A( to childhood, I can also trace my food intolerance
and digesti'e issues to the same time frame Of course there are other contributing factors for some A(
indi'iduals, such as !hronic 7atigue (yndrome )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+in'isible,chronic,illness
+chronic,fatigue,and,immune,dysfunction,syndrome,c6ds+- and potentially damage to the stomach
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
10 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
and pancreas as a result of taking medications meant to control symptoms of A(
8here are other conditions and diseases which ha'e similar or o'erlapping symptoms to I0( such as,
medication induced Gastritis prophyla"is, Pancreatitis, Pancreatic !ancer, ulcers, !rohn.s, di'erticulitis
I ulcerati'e colitis Khen there is dramatic pain, weight loss and e'en diculty swallowing food, these
symptoms should be reported to your doctor, as further monitoring and medical a&ention are re4uired
for these conditions 3i'erticulitis, is another chronic condition which e5ects the intestines, usually
de'elops with age and may be a direct result of I0(
Can " >#ect a lin& ?edicall( 'et-een H+A6'!7 An&losing %#ond(litis ) "'%7 ?any descriptions
of A( include the in%ammation of the intestines, relating to diseases of the bowel <owe'er, if you do
not ha'e I03, which is con6rmed by a colonoscopy, then you might be leQ on your own Khere I0( is
suspected doctors might simply resort to treating the symptoms @specially since se'eral types of
chronic stomach discomfort can easily be traced 2(AI3s )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+/$
+#G+ankylosing,spondylitis,suseptibility,to,other,conditions,due,to,medication,side,e5ects+- or other
harsh medications )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+/$+#G+ankylosing,spondylitis,suseptibility,to,other,
conditions,due,to,medication,side,e5ects+- OQen doctors prescribe O8! medications to treat the
many symptoms relating to I0(, such as Prilosec for the stomach upset and ?etamucil and 0ene6ber
for the constipation and so on 8reating only the symptoms does nothing to resol'e the o'erall
problem, which is reducing the number of I0( %ares AQer a bout with < Phylori I Gastritis
prophyla"is, I was still e"periencing se'ere pain and discomfort e'en aQer eliminating the infection,
but I refuse to gi'e up on 6nding a natural alternati'e to controlling my I0( symptoms and
that perse'erance lead me to disco'er :8he I0( Jow,(tarch 3iet; )h&p*++wwwama9oncom+8he,Jow,
keywordsWibsXlowXstarchXdiet- Khich was instrumental in helping me understand the importance
of eliminating starches, in spite of being a 'egan who ate 'ery few simple carbs
Where %hould " 'egin7 If ready to gi'e eating regimen a go, it is important to know that each
person will ha'e to determine the proper amounts of starch intake for their symptoms One
indi'idual.s low,starch intake might 'ary considerably from another.s and the same with low,carb
related,ibs+- intake It is important to balance your new,found eating plan with a reasonable amount of
lean protein, many green leafy 'egetables, fresh low,starch fruit in moderation, ample water, as well as
omega D,G,B, 'itamins, minerals and amino acids )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/$+eat,foods,
high,in,amino,acids,feel,great,manage,symptoms+- combined with regular e"ercise
)h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+e"ercise+-, in an e5ort to compensate for what you are now loosing with
being on such a restricted eating plan If also looking for a way to manage pain I in%ammation
naturally consider adding Ginger Root )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,power,
of,ginger,root+- to your daily regimen 8he need for reduced starch will diminish once the healing
takes place and once your symptoms subside, you might 6nd that you can return to eating higher
amounts of starch when feeling well, while limiting the amounts of starch on high %are days
Oou are probably wondering how to start and precisely what you can eat I would highly suggest using
a food 1ournal to note your reactions to speci6c foods, then immediately begin eliminating the ma1or
culprits such as* processed foods, breads, pastas, cakes, potatoes and all %our products 7ocus more on
eating 'egetables, then note how your body reacts when eating these foods Oou might 6nd that you
are 6ne with eating some higher starch 'eggies than you were with eating simple carbohydrates, or you
might 6nd that you.ll also need to eliminate starchy 'egetables as well Khen eliminating high starch
foods from your diet, do so one by one It is important to log your physical reactions for your own
knowledge and when communicating your e"periences to your doctor Leep li4uid iodine on hand to
test your foods and if the food in 4uestion turn black, then its high in starch )3iscard I do not eat any
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
11 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
tested portions- I.ll e'entually post a low,starch food list and as this blog is new, there are a few
low,starch recipes and food suggestions, but more are coming
"s this Diet ndorsed 0( Doctors7 ?ost doctors typically a'oid recommending a speci6c
eating regimen to control symptoms and usually lea'e this decision to their patients: Aust so
aware, eating less than /D$ grams of carbs per day, can lead to a buildup of keatones in the body
Letosis can not only a5ect the breath, but can lead to a build up of uric acid in the blood According to
the American ?edical Association, it is also important to limit the amounts of purine rich foods, when
following a higher protein, low,carb or low,starch eating regimen, as high le'els of uric acid in the
blood cause crystals in the 1oints contributing to Gout Khen you must maintain a low,starch diet to
control symptoms of A(, or related I0(, it really becomes about choosing the lessor of two e'ils
<owe'er, it is helpful to eat at least the minimum amount of carbs and a'oid e"cessi'e amounts of
purine rich foods such as* ancho'ies, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus I cauli%ower Instead eat higher
amounts of low,purine fruits I 'egetables, while speci6cally increasing your intake of salmon, %a" I
6sh oils, such as omega D,G,BZs, dark berries and sugar,free,/$$V pure cranberry 1uice to cleanse
the kidneys to a'oid >8Is and perhaps e'en kidney stones 0e sure to also drink plenty of water, as a
higher protein, low,starch and low,carb diets can easily dehydrate
8hough there are many highly marketed low carb diets which are all the new cra9e, it is not
recommended that otherwise healthy indi'iduals engage in low,carb or low,starch eating, other than
those looking for alternati'e methods to managing symptoms of speci6c diseases or chronic conditions,
such as Ankylosing (pondylitis, !hronic 7atigue (yndrome, 7ibromyalgia, 3iabetes I I0( to mention a
few It is highly recommended that you educate yourself about your disease or chronic in'isible illness
)h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+in'isible,chronic,illness+-, then work closely with you health care
professional to arri'e at a course of treatment that actually works for you Prior
to beginning any ma1or dietary changes consult with your doctor 8his article is for informational
purposes only and in no way promotes anything listed here as a cure for any disease
Professor Alan 0ringer on Diet and An&(losing %#ond(litis:
Jondon A( Jow,(tarch 3iet based on research performed by* 3r Alan @bringer of Lings !ollege* /-
@bringer and Kilson ! 8he use of a low starch diet in the treatment of patients su5ering from
ankylosing spondylitis !linical Rheumatology /BBGT /F (uppl /, G/,GF #- @bringer A Ankylosing
spondylitis is caused by Llebsiella Rheumatic 3isease !linics of 2orth America, /BB# /+/$F,/#/
2he Food Hos#ital Recentl( Aired an #isode Co3ering A% ) @le0siella /ideo 'ite:
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
12 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
/# !omments
Posted by Health/Fitness/Wellness
It is the responsibility of each reader to make informed decisions regarding their health All
information pro'ided 'ia 8he Positi'e Pear 0log is for informational purposes only 8he Positi'e Pear,
nor its writers are legally liable for the content, information or opinions e"pressed therein Khen in
doubt consult a 4uali6ed dietitian, doctor, holistic practitioner or medical professional
8he 7ood <ospital* Late !ase (tudy I low,(tarch 3iet (uccess )h&p*++foodhospitalchannelEcom
+cases+case,6le,kate+-, @bringer research+conclusion on <JA,0#H I Llebsiella )h&p*++booksgooglecom
'edW$!@kMGA@wAw-, Khat is (tarchU )h&p*++enwikipediaorg+wiki+(tarch-, Khat are
!arbohydratesU )h&p*++enwikipediaorg+wiki+!arbohydrate-, Jondon A( low,starch diet
)h&p*++wwwkickasorg+londondietshtml-, A( I <JA,0#H )h&p*++wwwspondylitisorg+about
+asYdiagasp"UPg(rchWhla,b#H-, <JA,0#H )h&p*++doctorakerkarwordpresscom+#$//+$E+-, Other
genetic markers )h&p*++doctorakerkarwordpresscom+#$//+//+-, 2ew A( genes disco'ered o'er the
last four years )h&p*++forumsspondylitisorg+ubbthreadsphpUubbWshow%atI
2umberW##/GBF=Post##/GBF-, (ingapore and !hina (cientists Identify 2ew Genes Associated Kith
Ankylosing (pondylitis )A(- )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$//+/#+$H+singapore,and,china,scientists,
identify,new,genes,associated,with,ankylosing,spondylitis,as+-, Khy (tarchy 7ood ?ay 0e
<a9ardous to Oour <ealth )h&p*++wwwama9oncom+I0(,Jow,(tarch,3iet,(tarchy,<a9ardous
+dp+$$B/B/#CGF+refWsrY/Y/UieW>87CI4idW/D#DGEH$DCIsrWC,/-, American ?edical Association Nolume
HC on low,purine foods )h&p*++booksgooglecom+booksUidWwYcbAMAA?AAAIpgWPADF#I
4IfWfalse-, (pondyloarthritis or spondyloarthropathy )h&p*++wwwrheumatologyorg+practice+clinical
Posted in )I0(-, ankylosing spondylitis, 8he Positi'e Pear Articles
Tags: ankylosing spondylitis, )ure for #nkylosing pondylitis, *iet for &eactive #rthritis,
*iet for pondyloarthropathy, *iet to +elp )ontrol Inammation, gastritis and
ankylosing spondylitis, IB, intestinal microbe, intestinal microora, irritable bo!el
syndrome, klebsiella, (o! tarch ,ood (ist, lo!"carb diet, (o!"tarch *iet, (o!"tarch
*iet for #nkylosing pondylitis, remission, thanksgiving dinner, the food tv, The (ondon
# diet
Ankylosing Spondylitis: Suseptibility to Other Conditions
Due to Medication Side Effects
.C2 !$
An autoimmune disease I chronic in%ammatory condition such as Ankylosing (pondylitis
)h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+in'isible,chronic,illness+ankylosing,spondylitis+- has its fair share of
symptoms, so it.s incredibly discouraging to disco'er that A( su5erers are also susceptible to a
multitude of other conditions Khen you add incredibly strong medications to this e4uation, the
potential for de'eloping other chronic conditions increases considerably 8hese are some of the other
chronic conditions that Ankylosing (pondylitis patients who are taking Remicade, <umira, @nbrel,
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
13 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
7eno6brate, Polaramine, O"ycontin,
2o'orapid, Percocet, Je'emir and
2aprosyn most oQen de'eloped while on
the abo'e meds*
Acute Pancreatitis )In%ammation of
2(#e ! dia0etes ,ellitus )2I33?+Adult
Onset 3iabetes-
Dia0etes ,ellitus )3? !o'ers many
forms of 3iabetes-
Peri#heral 3ascular disorder )PN3-
Gastrooeso#hageal reAu> disease )G@R3-
H(#ertension )<igh 0lood Pressure-
Autoi,,une th(roiditis )In%ammation of
the 8hyroid-
Gastritis #ro#h(la>is )3isease of the (tomach+In%ammation of ?ucus ?embrane-
Khen you open the informational packet which is usually enclosed with your meds, you read of the
many potential side e5ects and most oQen discount the risks for e"periencing them )or- side e5ects
such as these aren.t included because many who de'elop these additional conditions feel that they are
uni4ue and independent of their meds, disease or condition, so connections aren.t made and oQen not
reported 8hese connections are also not made fre4uently by doctors <owe'er, many A( patients
who are on these medications ha'e these conditions 8his should be enough to point your doctor in the
right direction, if you are e"periencing related symptoms
8here really is no win+win when it comes to medications there are either numerous side e5ects or aQer
becoming 4uite dependent upon them they simply cease to work, because as the body metaboli9es
these substances, it also builds up a tolerance <owe'er, knowing of these additional risks prior to
taking medications is incredibly helpful, because it arms patients with the knowledge they need to
be&er care for themsel'es 7or e"ample knowing that you are at a higher risk for diabetes might
moti'ate you to e"ercise )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+e"ercise+- daily and eat healthier foods
foods+- (uch as eliminating simple carbs, sugars and starches )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+/$
+#D+comfort,foods,fallwinter,holidays,importance,of,good,carbs+- 8his knowledge might also moti'ate
others who are in the position do so, to manage their disease without the use of the harsh
medications, while also embracing the importance of a :whole body )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom
approach I was fortunate enough to ha'e se'eral years of e"perience with natural, more healthier
options to manage my A( and my e"posure to 2aprosyn was limited, but that does not mean that I.'e
come away completely unscathed, because oQen the side e5ects from these medications are
irre'ersible I discontinued 3iclofenac )a form of 2aprosyn- aQer e"periencing Gastritis prophyla"is, as
a result of < Phylori, a stomach infection Accompanied by my frustration with dropping D$ lbs, a
year with se'ere stomach pain, no diagnoses and the fact that se'eral specialists had no clue as to why
I was so sick Kell, it was 4uite easy for me to connect my new, debilitating symptoms to the
medication I also ha'e additional symptoms to manage now, that I did not ha'e prior to taking this
medicine for se'eral years
I respect the e"tensi'e knowledge and medical training of my Rheumatologist,
and completely understand that his recommendations were :medically; based and as a result I was
con'inced like perhaps many A( su5erers, that it was impossible to manage this disease without meds
<owe'er, I.m li'ing proof that this is in fact not true at all If willing to step outside the
:medicine bo"; we can 6nd many natural solutions Of course needs I results will 'ary from person to
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
14 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
G !omments
Posted by Health/Fitness/Wellness
person, but I.'e done 4uite well with a healthy eating regimen )low,carb, low,starch, no,dairy,
no,gluten )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+recipes+--, regular e"ercise )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+/$
+#F+a,li&le,e"ercise,moti'ation+- and by controlling both my pain and in%ammation with natural !o" #
Inhibitors )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,power,of,ginger,root+- Patients need to
know that they ha'e options, prior to sub1ecting their bodies to these numerous side e5ects, and this is
precisely what moti'ated me to launch 8he Positi'e Pear )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+about+-
Posted in ankylosing spondylitis, 8he <ealing Power of Alternati'e 8herapies, 8he Positi'e Pear
Articles, 8he Positi'e Pear[s 3id Oou LnowU
Tags: adult onset diabetes, ankylosing spondylitis, #utoimmune thyroiditis, diabetes,
%astritis prophylaxis, %astrooesophageal reux disease, %-&*, +igh Blood $ressure,
+ypertension, medication side e.ects, natural )ox 2 Inhibitors, pancreas, pancreatitis,
$eripheral vascular disorder, $/*, Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Keep Going In Spite of That Pain You Feel!
:Leep going 8hat pain you feelU 8hat.s fear melting away Jike wa" o5 a candle 8hat.s weakness
washing out of your pores like a monsoon 8hat.s the old you being shed away like dead skin 8hat.s the
new you, rising out of the ashes of your former self;
Natural Pain ?anage,ent on 2he Positi3e Pear:
8he <ealing Power of Ginger )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,power,of,ginger,
@lectrotherapy Pain ?anagement 7or Ankylosing (pondylitis I Other !hronic Pain !onditions
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
15 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
Jea'e a !omment
Posted by Health/Fitness/Wellness
Is 8here A Prescription for Ooga In Oour 7utureU )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$#+#$+is,there,
Posted in 2atural Pain ?anagement, 8he <ealing Power of Positi'e 8hinking )Positi'e @nergy-
Tags: encouragment, pain managment, positive thinking
Kale, Cucumber, Lemon & Fresh Juice Recipe
A Great Anti,In%ammatory Green 3rink I ?y Absolute 7a'orite*
@ale* Cucu,0er* +e,on ) Ginger Reci#e:
G,C clean 0ale leaves )any 'ariety-
/ to # organic -nglish )ucumbers
/ (emon
/ bunch of $arsley
/ inch of %inger &oot )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$/#+$/+/H+the,healing,power,of,ginger,root+-
/ cup of 1ater for blender only
If you do not ha'e a 1uicer that separates the pulp from the 1uice, then peel all fruit and remo'e seeds
from lemon Khen using a 1uicer, start with Lale, followed by the remainder of ingredients, strain
ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
16 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM
H !omments
using a drink strainer I drink Or combine all ingredients in the blender, in which case you.ll want to
make sure that you.'e pealed your cucumbers, ginger and lemon, also remo'ing seeds )2ote* high
powered blenders work best for li4uefying ingredients- Once blended if your mi"ture is too thick,
simply add water Oou can drink both the pulp and the 1uice or strain, drink and en1oy
Purchasing ti#: purchase local and organic whene'er possible, especially when eating for the purpose
of healing or controlling in%ammation
Auice, drink I en1oyPP
0e sure to check :8he Positi'e Pear; article on the healing bene6ts of 1uicing entitled :!an Auicing
!ure 3isease; )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+#$//+/#+$D+can,organic,1uicing,cure,disease,speci6cally,
2eed a blender or 1uicerU !heck out :8he Positi'e Pear.s recommendations;
Other Positi'e Pear Recipes* 2utritional, Gluten,7ree, 3iary,7ree, Jow,(tarch I In%ammation
7riendly Recipes )h&p*++thepositi'epearcom+category+the,healing,power,of,organic,real,food,
Posted in @ating for <ealing, <olistic <ealth I Khole 0ody Kellness, 2utritional, Gluten,7ree,
3iary,7ree, Jow,(tarch I In%ammation 7riendly Recipes, Organic Auicing, 8he <ealing Power of
Organic, Real 7ood, (uperfoods I Khole 7oods
Tags: anti"inammatory foods and supplements, blender recipe, dinosaur kale, drinks,
ginger, green drink, green leafy vegetables, 'uice, 'uicer recipe, 'uicing, kale, lemon,
(o!"tarch, natural anti"inammatory, organic 'uicing, parsley, pear, positive, real food,
recipes, scotch kale, !hole foods
0log at KordPresscom !ustomi9ed ?ysti4ue 8heme
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ginger root | Search Results | The Positive Pear
17 of 17 2/26/2014 2:17 PM

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