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Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)

Chapter 10: Gases

10.1 Multiple-Choice and Bimodal Questions
1) A gas at a pressure of 10.0 a e!erts a for"e of ########## $ on an area of
&.& m .
A) &&
B) 0.&&
C) &.&
') 1.(
)) 1(
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

%) A gas at a pressure of *%& torr e!erts a for"e of ########## $ on an area of
&.& m .
1.( 10
B) &+
%., 10
') 0.01(
)) %.,
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

*) A pressure of 1.00 atm is the same as a pressure of ########## of mm -g.
A) 1+*
B) 101
C) ./0.
') %+.+
)) **.0
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,) 0he $ationa1 2eather 3er4i"e routine1y supp1ies atmospheri" pressure 5ata to he1p
pi1ots set their a1timeters. 0he units the $23 uses for atmospheri" pressure are in"hes of
mer"ury. A 6arometri" pressure of *0.&1 in"hes of mer"ury "orrespon5s to ##########
A) ...&0
B) ..&.0
C) 1.0%0
') 10*.*
)) 1/.01
Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

&) A "1ose58en5 manometer was atta"he5 to a 4esse1 "ontaining argon. 0he 5ifferen"e in
the mer"ury 1e4e1s in the two arms of the manometer was 1%.% "m. Atmospheri" pressure
was .(* mm -g. 0he pressure of the argon in the "ontainer was ########## mm -g.
A) 1%%
B) //1
C) ..1
') .+&
)) ((%
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
/) A gas 4esse1 is atta"he5 to an open8en5 manometer "ontaining a non4o1ati1e 1i9ui5 of
5ensity 0..+1 g/mL as shown 6e1ow.
0he 5ifferen"e in heights of the 1i9ui5 in the two si5es of the manometer is ,*., "m when
the atmospheri" pressure is .&& mm -g. Gi4en that the 5ensity of mer"ury is 1*./ g/mL,
the pressure of the en"1ose5 gas is ########## atm.
A) 1.0*
B) 0.+/0
C) 0.++*
') 0.++0
)) 0.+(.
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
.) A gas 4esse1 is atta"he5 to an open8en5 manometer fi11e5 with a non4o1ati1e 1i9ui5 of
5ensity 0.++* g/mL as shown 6e1ow.
0he 5ifferen"e in heights of the 1i9ui5 in the two si5es of the manometer is *%.* "m when
the atmospheri" pressure is ./& mm -g. Gi4en that the 5ensity of mer"ury is 1*./ g/mL,
the pressure of the en"1ose5 gas is ########## atm.
A) 1.0,
B) 1.01
C) 0.+./
') 0.++*
)) 1.0(
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

() :n a 0orri"e11i 6arometer, a pressure of one atmosphere supports a ./0 mm "o1umn of
mer"ury. :f the origina1 tu6e "ontaining the mer"ury is rep1a"e5 with a tu6e ha4ing twi"e
the 5iameter of the origina1, the height of the mer"ury "o1umn at one atmosphere pressure
is ########## mm.
A) *(0
B) ./0
1.&% 10
,..( 10
)) 1%1
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
+) A samp1e of gas (%,.% g) initia11y at ,.00 atm was "ompresse5 from (.00 L to %.00 L at
"onstant temperature. After the "ompression, the gas pressure was ########## atm.
A) ,.00
B) %.00
C) 1.00
') (.00
)) 1/.0
Answer: )
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

10) A samp1e of a gas (&.0 mo1) at 1.0 atm is e!pan5e5 at "onstant temperature from 10 L
to 1& L. 0he fina1 pressure is ########## atm.
A) 1.&
B) ..&
C) 0./.
') *.*
)) 1&
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

11) A 6a11oon origina11y ha5 a 4o1ume of ,.*+ L at ,, ;C an5 a pressure of .%+ torr. 0he
6a11oon must 6e "oo1e5 to ##########;C to re5u"e its 4o1ume to *..( L (at "onstant
A) *(
B) 0
C) .%.+
') %.*
)) &,/
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
1%) :f *.%1 mo1 of a gas o""upies &/.% L at ,, ;C an5 .+* torr, &.%+ mo1 of this gas
o""upies ########## L un5er these "on5itions.
A) 1,..
B) /1..
C) *0.+
') +%./
)) ,.(
Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1*) A gas origina11y at %. ;C an5 1.00 atm pressure in a *.+ L f1as7 is "oo1e5 at "onstant
pressure unti1 the temperature is 11 ;C. 0he new 4o1ume of the gas is ########## L.
A) 0.%.
B) *..
C) *.+
') ,.1
)) 0.%,
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1,) :f &0..& g of a gas o""upies 10.0 L at 30, 1%+.* g of the gas wi11 o""upy
########## L at 30.
A) *.+%
B) &0.(
C) 1%.+
') %&.&
)) &.0(
Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
1&) A samp1e of -e gas (%.*& mo1) o""upies &..+ L at *00.0 < an5 1.00 atm. 0he 4o1ume
of this samp1e is ########## L at ,%* < an5 1.00 atm.
A) 0..0+
B) ,1.1
C) (1./
') 1.,1
)) &..+
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1/) A samp1e of
gas (1%.%( g) o""upies 100.0 L at ,00.0 < an5 %.00 atm. A samp1e
weighing +.,+ g o""upies ########## L at *&* < an5 %.00 atm.
A) 10+
B) /(.%
C) &,..
') 1,.
)) ...*
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1.) A samp1e of an i5ea1 gas (*.00 L) in a "1ose5 "ontainer at %&.0 ;C an5 ./.0 torr is
heate5 to *00 ;C. 0he pressure of the gas at this temperature is ########## torr.
A) +1%
B) 1,/
C) ./.&
') *+.&
%.&* 10

Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
1() A samp1e of a gas (1.&0 mo1) is "ontaine5 in a 1&.0 L "y1in5er. 0he temperature is
in"rease5 from 100 ;C to 1&0 ;C. 0he ratio of fina1 pressure to initia1 pressure

= >

A) 1.&0
B) 0.//.
C) 0.((%
') 1.1*
)) 1.00
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1+) A samp1e of a gas origina11y at %& ;C an5 1.00 atm pressure in a %.& L "ontainer is
a11owe5 to e!pan5 unti1 the pressure is 0.(& atm an5 the temperature is 1& ;C. 0he fina1
4o1ume of the gas is ########## L.
A) *.0
B) %.(
C) %./
') %.1
)) 0.*(
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
%0) 0he rea"tion of &0 mL of
gas with &0 mL of
gas 4ia the e9uation:
% , *
C1 (g) C- (g) -C1 (g) C- C1 (g) + +
wi11 pro5u"e a tota1 of ########## mL of pro5u"ts if pressure an5 temperature are 7ept
A) 100
B) &0
C) %00
') 1&0
)) %&0
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

%1) 0he rea"tion of &0 mL of
gas with 1&0 mL of
gas to form ammonia 4ia the
% % *
$ (g) *- (g) %$- (g) +
wi11 pro5u"e ########## mL of ammonia if pressure an5 temperature are 7ept "onstant.
A) %&0
B) &0
C) %00
') 1&0
)) 100
Answer: )
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
%%) 0he rea"tion of &0 mL of
gas with &0 mL of
gas 4ia the e9uation:
% % , % , %
C1 (g) C - (g) C - C1 (g) +
wi11 pro5u"e a tota1 of ########## mL of pro5u"ts if pressure an5 temperature are 7ept
A) 100
B) &0
C) %&
') 1%&
)) 1&0
Answer: B
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

%*) 0he amount of gas that o""upies /0.(% L at *1;C an5 */. mm -g is ##########
A) 1.1(
B) 0.(&0
C) (+,
') 11./
)) 0.1%0
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

%,) 0he pressure of a samp1e of
gas (/.0%% g) in a *0.0 L 4esse1 at ,0% < is
########## atm.
A) %.,%
B) /./%
C) 0.,1*
') 1%.,
)) %%.,
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

%&) At a temperature of ########## ;C, 0.,,, mo1 of C? gas o""upies 11.( L at ((+ torr.
A) *.+
B) .*
C) 1,
') *%
)) 10/
Answer: )
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

%/) 0he 4o1ume of 0.%& mo1 of a gas at .%.. 7a an5 1& ;C is ##########
(.1 10

1.% 10

,.* 10

(.% 10

%.% 10

Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

%.) 0he pressure e!erte5 6y 1.* mo1 of gas in a 1* L f1as7 at %% ;C is ########## 7a.
A) &/0
B) %&0
C) 1(
') %.,
)) 1.0
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
%() A 0.*%& L f1as7 fi11e5 with gas at 0.+1, atm an5 1+ ;C "ontains ########## mo1 of
1.%, 10

1.,( 10

C) +.,%
') 1%.,
)) (0..
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

%+) A gas in a *%& mL "ontainer has a pressure of /+& torr at 1+ ;C. 0here are
########## mo1 of gas in the f1as7.
1.%, 10

1.,( 10

C) +.,%
') 1%.,
)) (0./
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

*0) A samp1e of gas (1.+ mo1) is in a f1as7 at %1 ;C an5 /+. mm -g. 0he f1as7 is opene5
an5 more gas is a55e5 to the f1as7. 0he new pressure is .+& mm -g an5 the temperature
is now %/ ;C. 0here are now ########## mo1 of gas in the f1as7.
A) 1./
B) %.1
C) %.+
') *.&
)) 0.%(
Answer: B
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
*1) A samp1e of gas (1.* mo1) o""upies ########## L at %% ;C an5 %.& atm.
A) 0.0.+
B) 0.+,
C) 1*
') *1
*.% 10

Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
*%) 0he 4o1ume of 0./& mo1 of an i5ea1 gas at */& torr an5 +. ;C is ########## L.
A) 0.0&,
B) +.&
C) 11
') ,1
%., 10

Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

**) 0he 4o1ume o""upie5 6y 1.& mo1 of gas at *& ;C an5 %.0 atm pressure is ##########
A) *(
B) 1+
C) %.%
') 0.0&*
)) 0.0%/
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
*,) 0he mass of nitrogen 5io!i5e "ontaine5 in a ,.*% L 4esse1 at ,( ;C an5 1,1/00 a is
########## g.
&.*& 10
B) &*.&
C) 10.&
') .0.&
+.,/ 10

Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

*&) 0he 5ensity of ammonia gas in a ,.*% L "ontainer at (*. torr an5 ,&.0 ;C is
########## g/L.
A) *.(/
B) 0..1+
C) 0.,*%
') 0.1+,
,.%% 10

Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

*/) 0he 5ensity of
$ ?
at 1.&* atm an5 ,&.% ;C is ########## g/L.
A) 1(.%
B) 1../
C) 0.*((
') +.++
)) %.&(
Answer: )
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
*.) 0he mo1e"u1ar weight of a gas is ########## g/mo1 if *.& g of the gas o""upies %.1 L
at 30.
A) ,1
&.& 10
C) *.
,./ 10
%.. 10

Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

*() 0he mo1e"u1ar weight of a gas that has a 5ensity of /..0 g/L at 30 is ##########
,.+/ 10
1.&0 10
..*0 10
') *.*&
%.+( 10

Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

*+) 0he mo1e"u1ar weight of a gas that has a 5ensity of ..10 g/L at %&.0 ;C an5 1.00 atm
pressure is ########## g/mo1.
A) 1.,
B) 1,./
C) %(.0
&..& 10

/.(& 10

Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,0) 0he mo1e"u1ar weight of a gas that has a 5ensity of &..& g/L at 30 is ##########
A) *.+0
B) 1%+
C) 1,1
') &.(
1..* 10

Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5
,1) 0he 5ensity of "h1orine
(C1 )
gas at %& ;C an5 /0. 7a is ########## g/L.
A) %0
B) ,.+
C) 1..
') 0.(/
)) 0.&(
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

,%) 0he 4o1ume of hy5rogen gas at *(.0 ;C an5 ./* torr that "an 6e pro5u"e5 6y the
rea"tion of ,.** g of @in" with e!"ess su1furi" a"i5 is ########## L.
A) 1./(
%..1 10

*./+ 10
') %.(,
)) 0.&+%
Answer: A
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,*) 0he 4o1ume of -CL gas re9uire5 to rea"t with e!"ess magnesium meta1 to pro5u"e
/.(% L of hy5rogen gas at %.1+ atm an5 *&.0 ;C is ########## L.
A) /.(%
B) %.1+
') ,.*(
)) *.,1
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

,,) 0he 4o1ume of f1uorine gas re9uire5 to rea"t with %./. g of "a1"ium 6romi5e to form
"a1"ium f1uori5e an5 6romine at ,1.0 ;C an5 ,.*1 atm is ########## mL.
A) 10.,
B) %10
C) ,%0
') .+.+
)) 10,
Answer: '
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

,&) 2hat 4o1ume (mL) of su1fur 5io!i5e "an 6e pro5u"e5 6y the "omp1ete rea"tion of
*.(% g of "a1"ium su1fite with e!"ess-CL(a9), when the fina1
pressure is (%. torr at
,,.0 ;CA
../0 10
1.*+ 10

1.00 10

') 0.10/
&..( 10
Answer: A
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,/) Automo6i1e air 6ags use the 5e"omposition of so5ium a@i5e as their sour"e of gas for
rapi5 inf1ation:
* %
%$a$ (s) %$a (s) *$ (g) +
2hat mass (g) of
is re9uire5 to pro4i5e ,0.0 L of
at %&.0 ;C an5 ./* torrA
A) 1./,
B) 1.0+
C) 1/0
') .1.1
)) 10.
Answer: '
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

,.) 0he Mon5 pro"ess pro5u"es pure ni"7e1 meta1 4ia the therma1 5e"omposition of
ni"7e1 tetra"ar6ony1:
$i(C?) (1) $i (s) ,C? (g) +
2hat 4o1ume (L) of C? is forme5 from the "omp1ete 5e"omposition of ,,, g of
at .&% torr an5 %%.0 ;CA
A) 0.*&/
B) /*..
C) %&&
') %0.%
)) 11.0
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,() 2hat 4o1ume (L) of
gas at 30 is pro5u"e5 6y the "omp1ete rea"tion of ..& g of
- ?
a"or5ing to the fo11owing rea"tionA
* % % % *
Mg $ (s) /- ? (1) *Mg(?-) (a9) %$- (g) + +

A) *.1
B) +.*
C) 1+
') %(
)) 0.*%
Answer: A
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

,+) Ammonium nitrite un5ergoes therma1 5e"omposition to pro5u"e on1y gases:
, % % %
$- $? (s) $ (g) %- ? (g) +
2hat 4o1ume (L) of gas is pro5u"e5 6y the 5e"omposition of *&.0 g of
, %
$- $? (s)
&%& ;C an5 1.& atmA
A) ,.
B) 1/0
C) 1&
') .%
)) %,
Answer: '
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&0) 0he therma1 5e"omposition of potassium "h1orate "an 6e use5 to pro5u"e o!ygen in
the 1a6oratory.
* %
%<C1? (s) %<C1 (s) *? (g) +
2hat 4o1ume (L) of
gas at %& ;C an5 1.00 atm pressure is pro5u"e5 6y the
5e"omposition of ..& g of
<C1? (s)
A) ,.&
B) ..&
C) %.%
') *..
)) 11
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

&1) 3in"e air is a mi!ture, it 5oes not ha4e a Bmo1ar mass.B -owe4er, for "a1"u1ation
purposes, it is possi61e to spea7 of its Beffe"ti4e mo1ar mass.B (An effe"ti4e mo1ar mass
is a weighte5 a4erage of the mo1ar masses of a mi!tureCs "omponents.) :f air at 30 has a
5ensity of 1.%(& g/L, its effe"ti4e mo1ar mass is ########## g/mo1.
A) %/.+,
B) *1.,+
C) *0.00
') *,.,%
)) %(.(0
Answer: )
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&%) A 4esse1 "ontaine5
, Ar, -e, an5 $e. 0he tota1 pressure in the 4esse1 was +(. torr.
0he partia1 pressures of nitrogen, argon, an5 he1ium were ,,.0, ,(/, an5 %1( torr,
respe"ti4e1y. 0he partia1 pressure of neon in the 4esse1 was ########## torr.
A) ,%.,
B) &%1
C) 1+.,
') %*+
)) ./0
Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

&*) 0he pressure in a 1%.% L 4esse1 that "ontains %.*, g of "ar6on 5io!i5e, 1..* g of su1fur
5io!i5e, an5 *.** g of argon, a11 at ,% ;C is ########## mm -g.
A) %/*
B) 1*,
C) *+&
') 11/
)) 0.*,.
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

&,) A samp1e of -e gas (*.0 L) at &./ atm an5 %& ;C was "om6ine5 with ,.& L of $e gas
at *./ atm an5 %& ;C at "onstant temperature in a +.0 L f1as7. 0he tota1 pressure in the
f1as7 was ########## atm. Assume the initia1 pressure in the f1as7 was 0.00 atm an5 the
temperature upon mi!ing was %& ;C.
A) %./
B) +.%
C) 1.0
') *..
)) %,
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

&&) A samp1e of
gas (%.0 L) at *.& atm was "om6ine5 with 1.& L of
gas at %./ atm
pressure at a "onstant temperature of %& ;C into a ..0 L f1as7. 0he tota1 pressure in the
f1as7 is ########## atm. Assume the initia1 pressure in the f1as7 was 0.00 atm an5 the
temperature upon mi!ing was %& ;C.
A) 0.&/
B) %.(
C) 1.0
') 1./
)) %,
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

&/) :n a gas mi!ture of -e, $e, an5 Ar with a tota1 pressure of (.,0 atm, the mo1e fra"tion
of Ar is ########## if the partia1 pressures of -e an5 $e are 1.&0 an5 %.00 atm,
A) 0.1.+
B) 0.%*(
C) 0.*&.
') 0.&(*
)) 0.,1.
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&.) A gas mi!ture of $e an5 Ar has a tota1 pressure of ,.00 atm an5 "ontains 1/.0 mo1 of
gas. :f the partia1 pressure of $e is %..& atm, how many mo1es of Ar are in the mi!tureA
A) 11.0
B) &.00
C) /..&
') +.%&
)) 1%.0
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

&() A mi!ture of -e an5 $e at a tota1 pressure of 0.+& atm is foun5 to "ontain 0.*% mo1
of -e an5 0.&/ mo1 of $e. 0he partia1 pressure of $e is ########## atm.
A) 1..
B) 1.&
C) 0./0
') 0.*&
)) 1.0
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

&+) A f1as7 "ontains a mi!ture of -e an5 $e at a tota1 pressure of %./ atm. 0here are %.0
mo1 of -e an5 &.0 mo1 of $e in the f1as7. 0he partia1 pressure of -e is ########## atm.
A) +.1
B) /.&
C) 1.0,
') 0..,
)) 1.(/
Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
/0) 3o5ium hy5ri5e rea"ts with e!"ess water to pro5u"e a9ueous so5ium hy5ro!i5e an5
hy5rogen gas:
% %
$a- (s) - ? (1) $a?- (a9) - (g) + +
A samp1e of $a- weighing ########## g wi11 pro5u"e +(% mL of gas at %(.0 ;C an5
./& torr, when the hy5rogen is "o11e"te5 o4er water. 0he 4apor pressure of water at this
temperature is %( torr.
A) %.+*
B) 0.+/0
C) 0.+%&
') 0.0*((
)) +%&
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

(&.00 g) an5
(&.00 g) were p1a"e5 in a .&0.0 mL "ontainer at &0.0 ;C. 0he
tota1 pressure in the "ontainer was ########## atm.
A) 0.1+%
B) ,.0%
C) %../
') /..(
)) 1./0
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
(&.00 g) an5
(&.00 g) are p1a"e5 in a .&0.0 mL "ontainer at &0.0 ;C. 0he
partia1 pressure of
in the "ontainer was ########## atm.
A) %../
B) ,.0%
C) /..(
') 0.1+%
)) 1./0
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

(&.00 g) an5
(&.00 g) were p1a"e5 in a .&0.0 mL "ontainer at &0.0 ;C. 0he
partia1 pressure of
in the "ontainer was ########## atm.
A) /..(
B) %../
C) 1./0
') 0.1+%
)) ,.0%
Answer: )
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

/,) C? (&.00 g) an5
(&.00 g) were p1a"e5 in a .&0.0 mL "ontainer at &0.0 ;C. 0he
tota1 pressure in the "ontainer was ########## atm.
A) 10.*
B) ,.0%
C) /.*1
') 0.%+%
)) 1./0
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
/&) C? (&.00 g) an5
(&.00 g) were p1a"e5 in a .&0.0 mL "ontainer at &0.0 ;C. 0he
partia1 pressure of C? in the "ontainer was ########## atm.
A) /.*1
B) ,.0%
C) 10.*
') 0.%+%
)) 1./0
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

//) C? (&.00 g) an5
(&.00 g) were p1a"e5 in a .&0.0 mL "ontainer at &0.0 ;C. 0he
partia1 pressure of
in the "ontainer was ########## atm.
A) ,.0%
B) 10.*
C) 1./0
') 0.%+%
)) /.*1
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

/.) 0he root8mean8s9uare spee5 of C? at 11* ;C is ########## m/s.
A) *1.
B) &(.*
C) &(/
') ++*
)) *1.&
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
/() A samp1e of
gas (%.0 mmo1) effuse5 through a pinho1e in &.& s. :t wi11 ta7e
########## s for the same amount of
to effuse un5er the same "on5itions.
A) ..*
B) &.&
C) *.1
') ,.%
)) +./
Answer: '
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

/+) A samp1e of
gas (%.0 mmo1) effuse5 through a pinho1e in &.0 s. :t wi11 ta7e
########## s for the same amount of
to effuse un5er the same "on5itions.
A) ,.*
B) 0.%*
C) *./
') &.+
)) /.+
Answer: '
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

.0) A samp1e of -e gas (%.0 mmo1) effuse5 through a pinho1e in &* s. 0he same amount
of an un7nown gas, un5er the same "on5itions, effuse5 through the pinho1e in %,( s. 0he
mo1e"u1ar mass of the un7nown gas is ########## g/mo1.
A) 0.1+
B) &.&
C) ((
') 1+
)) *&0
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

.1) Dsing the 4an 5er 2aa1s e9uation, the pressure in a %%., L 4esse1 "ontaining 1.00 mo1
of neon gas at 100 ;C is ########## atm. (
% %
a 0.%11 L atm/mo1 = , 6 0.01.1 L/mo1 = )
A) 0..*0
B) 1.00
C) 1.%1
') 1.*.
)) 0.*/.
Answer: '
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

.%) Dsing the 4an 5er 2aa1s e9uation, the pressure in a %%., L 4esse1 "ontaining 1.&0 mo1
of "h1orine gas at 0.00 ;C is ########## atm. (
% %
a /.,+ L atm/mo1 = ,
6 0.0&/% L/mo1 = )
A) 0.++*
B) 1.&0
C) 0././
') 1.+1
)) 1.,(
Answer: )
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
10.2 Multiple Choice Questions
1) 2hi"h of the fo11owing statements a6out gases is fa1seA
A) Gases are high1y "ompressi61e.
B) 'istan"es 6etween mo1e"u1es of gas are 4ery 1arge "ompare5 to 6on5 5istan"es within
C) $on8rea"ting gas mi!tures are homogeneous.
') Gases e!pan5 spontaneous1y to fi11 the "ontainer they are p1a"e5 in.
)) A11 gases are "o1or1ess an5 o5or1ess at room temperature.
Answer: )
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1

%) ?f the fo11owing, ########## has a s1ight o5or of 6itter a1mon5s an5 is to!i".
$ ?
C) C?
)) -C$
Answer: )
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1

*) ?f the fo11owing, ########## has the o5or of rotting eggs.
- 3
C) C?
)) -C$
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

,) ?ne signifi"ant 5ifferen"e 6etween gases an5 1i9ui5s is that ##########.
A) a gas is ma5e up of mo1e"u1es
B) a gas assumes the 4o1ume of its "ontainer
C) a gas may "onsist of 6oth e1ements an5 "ompoun5s
') gases are a1ways mi!tures
)) A11 of the a6o4e answers are "orre"t.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1

&) Mo1e"u1ar "ompoun5s of 1ow mo1e"u1ar weight ten5 to 6e gases at room temperature.
2hi"h of the fo11owing is most 1i7e1y not a gas at room temperatureA
B) -C1
C) LiC1
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1

/) Gaseous mi!tures ##########.
A) "an on1y "ontain mo1e"u1es
B) are a11 heterogeneous
C) "an on1y "ontain iso1ate5 atoms
') are a11 homogeneous
)) must "ontain 6oth iso1ate5 atoms an5 mo1e"u1es
Answer: '
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
. 2hi"h of the fo11owing e9uations shows an in"orre"t re1ationship 6etween pressures
gi4en in terms of 5ifferent unitsA
A) 1.%0 atm E 1%% 7a
B) 1&% mm -g E
%.0* 10 a
C) 0../0 atm E &.( mm -g
') 1.0 torr E %.00 mm -g
)) 1.00 atm E ./0 torr
Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

() 0he pressure e!erte5 6y a "o1umn of 1i9ui5 is e9ua1 to the pro5u"t of the height of the
"o1umn times the gra4itationa1 "onstant times the 5ensity of the 1i9ui5, E ghd. -ow
high a "o1umn of water
(5 1.0 g/mL) =
wou15 6e supporte5 6y a pressure that supports a
.1* mm "o1umn of mer"ury
(5 1*./ g/mL) =
A) 1, mm
B) &% mm
C) .1* mm
1.% 10 mm
+.. 10 mm
Answer: )
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
+) 0he pressure e!erte5 6y a "o1umn of 1i9ui5 is e9ua1 to the pro5u"t of the height of the
"o1umn times the gra4itationa1 "onstant times the 5ensity of the 1i9ui5, E ghd. -ow high
a "o1umn of methano1
(5 0..+ g/mL) =
wou15 6e supporte5 6y a pressure that supports a
.1* mm "o1umn of mer"ury
(5 1*./ g/mL) =
A) .1* mm
B) ,1 mm
1.% 10 mm
+.. 10 mm
)) 1. mm
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

10) :f one was to15 that their 61oo5 pressure was 1*0/(0, their systo1i" pressure was
A) 1*0 a
B) 1*0 mm -g
C) (0 a
') (0 mm -g
)) (0 psi
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

11) 2hi"h statement a6out atmospheri" pressure is fa1seA
A) As air 6e"omes thinner, its 5ensity 5e"reases.
B) Air a"tua11y has weight.
C) 2ith an in"rease in a1titu5e, atmospheri" pressure in"reases as we11.
') 0he warmer the air, the 1ower the atmospheri" pressure.
)) Atmospheri" pressure pre4ents water in 1a7es, ri4ers, an5 o"eans from 6oi1ing away.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2, 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
1%) :n i5ea1 gas e9uation "a1"u1ations, e!pressing pressure in as"a1s (a), ne"essitates
the use of the gas "onstant, F, e9ua1 to ##########.
1 1
0.0(%0/ atm L mo1 <

1 1
(.*1, G mo1 <

1 1
/%.*/ L torr mo1 <

1 1
1.+(. "a1 mo1 <

)) none of the a6o4e
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2, 10.3

1*) 0he first person to in4estigate the re1ationship 6etween the pressure of a gas an5 its
4o1ume was ##########.
A) Ama5eo A4oga5ro
B) Lor5 <e14in
C) Ga"9ues Char1es
') Fo6ert Boy1e
)) Goseph Louis Gay8Lussa"
Answer: '
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
1,) ?f the fo11owing, ########## is a "orre"t statement of Boy1eCs 1aw.
A) H E "onstant

E "onstant

E "onstant

E "onstant

E "onstant

Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1&) B:sotherma1B means ##########.
A) at "onstant pressure
B) at "onstant temperature
C) at 4aria61e temperature an5 pressure "on5itions
') at i5ea1 temperature an5 pressure "on5itions
)) that I-
E 0
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
1/) ?f the fo11owing, ########## is a 4a1i5 statement of Char1esC 1aw.

E "onstant

E "onstant

C) H E "onstant
') H E "onstant n
)) H E "onstant
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1.) 2hi"h one of the fo11owing is a 4a1i5 statement of A4oga5roCs 1awA

E "onstant

E "onstant

C) H E "onstant
') H E "onstant n
)) H E "onstant
Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

1() 0he 4o1ume of an i5ea1 gas is @ero at ##########.
A) 0 ;C
B) J,& ;K
C) 8%.* <
') 8*/* <
)) J%.* ;C
Answer: )
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
1+) ?f the fo11owing, on1y ########## is impossi61e for an i5ea1 gas.
1 %
1 %
0 0
1 1 % %
H0 E H 0
1 1
% %
H 0
H 0
% 1
1 1
% %
H 0
E E 0
H 0
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

%0) 0he mo1ar 4o1ume of a gas at 30 is ########## L.
A) 0.0(%0/
B) /%.*/
C) 1.00
') %%.,
)) 1,..
Answer: '
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

%1) -ow many mo1es of gas are there in a ,&.0 L "ontainer at %&.0 ;C an5 &00.0 mm -gA
A) 0./*0
B) /.11
C) 1(.,
') 1.%1
)) %0.
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

%%) 3tan5ar5 temperature an5 pressure (30), in the "onte!t of gases, refers to
A) %+(.1& < an5 1 atm
B) %.*.1& < an5 1 atm
C) %+(.1& < an5 1 torr
') %.*.1& < an5 1 pas"a1
)) %.*.1& < an5 1 torr
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

%*) 0he 4o1ume of 1.%0 mo1 of gas at /1.* 7a an5 %&.0 ;C is ########## L.
A) 1*&
B) ,(.&
C) &%.,
') 10(
)) &&..
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

%,) 3o5ium 6i"ar6onate is rea"te5 with "on"entrate5 hy5ro"h1ori" a"i5 at *..0 ;C an5
1.00 atm. 0he rea"tion of /.00 7g of 6i"ar6onate with e!"ess hy5ro"h1ori" a"i5 un5er
these "on5itions wi11 pro5u"e ########## L of

1.0+ 10
%.(& 10
1.(% 10
(..0 10
1.(% 10
Answer: )
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

%&) 0he 4o1ume of a samp1e of gas (%.,+ g) was .&% mL at 1.+( atm an5 /% ;C. 0he gas
is ##########.
)) $e
Answer: '
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

%/) 0he 5ensity of ########## is 0.+00 g/L at 30.
B) $e
C) C?
)) $?
Answer: B
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

%.) 0he 5ensity of
in a *.&0 L tan7 at .(0.0 torr an5 *..0 ;C is ######### g/L.
A) 1./,
B) +.*0
C) 1.(/
') %.+%
)) *.%.
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

%() 0he 5ensity (in g/L) of
at 11,0 torr an5 /0.0 ;C is ##########.
A) %.,%
B) 1/.%
C) &..0
') ,,.0
)) 10.+
Answer: A
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

%+) ?f the fo11owing gases, ########## has 5ensity of %.10, g/L at *0* < an5 1.*1 atm.
A) -e
B) $e
C) Ar
') <r
)) Le
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
*0) A %&& mL roun586ottom f1as7 is weighe5 an5 foun5 to ha4e a mass of 11,.(& g. A
few mi11i1iters of an easi1y 4apori@e5 1i9ui5 are a55e5 to the f1as7 an5 the f1as7 is
immerse5 in a 6oi1ing water 6ath. A11 of the 1i9ui5 4apori@es at the 6oi1ing temperature
of water, fi11ing the f1as7 with 4apor. 2hen a11 of the 1i9ui5 has 4apori@e5, the f1as7 is
remo4e5 from the 6ath, "oo1e5, 5rie5, an5 reweighe5. 0he new mass of the f1as7 an5 the
"on5ense5 4apor is 11&.%* g. 2hi"h of the fo11owing "ompoun5s "ou15 the 1i9ui5 6eA
(Assume the am6ient pressure is 1 atm.)
, 10
C -
* .
C - ?-
% /
C -
% &
C - ?-
, +
C - ?-
Answer: '
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

*1) A samp1e of an un7nown 4o1ati1e 1i9ui5 was inMe"te5 into a 'umas f1as7
(m E %..0+%( g, H E 0.10,0 L)
f1as7 f1as7
an5 heate5 unti1 no 4isi61e tra"es of the 1i9ui5
"ou15 6e foun5. 0he f1as7 an5 its "ontents were then rapi51y "oo1e5 an5 reweighe5
(m E %..,&+* g)
f1as7 4apor +
0he atmospheri" pressure an5 temperature 5uring the
e!periment were 0.+./ atm an5 1(.0 ;C, respe"ti4e1y. 0he un7nown 4o1ati1e 1i9ui5 was
/ 1%
C -
/ 1,
C -
. 1,
C -
. 1/
C -
/ /
C -
Answer: B
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
*%) 0he 5ensity of air at 30 is 1.%(& g/L. 2hi"h of the fo11owing "annot 6e use5 to fi11
a 6a11oon that wi11 f1oat in air at 30A
B) $?
C) $e
)) -K
Answer: B
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

**) Femo4a1 of ########## from the natura1 gas 6oth purifies the natura1 gas an5 ser4es
as an a1ternati4e metho5 of pro5u"tion of an in5ustria11y important "hemi"a1 e1ement.
- 3
% *
As ?
)) -e
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

*,) 10.0 grams of argon an5 %0.0 grams of neon are p1a"e5 in a 1%00.0 m1 "ontainer at
%&.0 ;C. 0he partia1 pressure of neon is ########## atm.
A) %0.%
B) (..0
C) 0..00
') *.,0
)) &./0
Answer: A
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
*&) A mi!ture of Le, <r, an5 Ar has a tota1 pressure of /..0 atm. 2hat is the mo1e
fra"tion of <r if the partia1 pressures of Le an5 Ar are 1./0 atm an5 %.(0 atm,
A) 0.1.,
B) 0.%&/
C) 0.*,*
') 0.,(1
)) 0.&.0
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

*/) 0he a4erage 7ineti" energy of the parti"1es of a gas is 5ire"t1y proportiona1 to
A) the rms spee5
B) the s9uare of the rms spee5
C) the s9uare root of the rms spee5
') the s9uare of the parti"1e mass
)) the parti"1e mass
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.7

*.) 0he 7ineti"8mo1e"u1ar theory pre5i"ts that pressure rises as the temperature of a gas
in"reases 6e"ause ##########.
A) the a4erage 7ineti" energy of the gas mo1e"u1es 5e"reases
B) the gas mo1e"u1es "o11i5e more fre9uent1y with the wa11
C) the gas mo1e"u1es "o11i5e 1ess fre9uent1y with the wa11
') the gas mo1e"u1es "o11i5e more energeti"a11y with the wa11
)) 6oth the gas mo1e"u1es "o11i5e more fre9uent1y with the wa11 an5 the gas mo1e"u1es
"o11i5e more energeti"a11y with the wa11
Answer: )
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.7

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
*() A""or5ing to 7ineti"8mo1e"u1ar theory, in whi"h of the fo11owing gases wi11 the root8
mean8s9uare spee5 of the mo1e"u1es 6e the highest at %00 ;CA
A) -C1
- ?
)) $one. 0he mo1e"u1es of a11 gases ha4e the same root8mean8s9uare spee5 at any gi4en
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.7

*+) A""or5ing to 7ineti"8mo1e"u1ar theory, if the temperature of a gas is raise5 from
100 ;C to %00 ;C, the a4erage 7ineti" energy of the gas wi11 ##########.
A) 5ou61e
B) in"rease 6y a fa"tor of 1.%.
C) in"rease 6y a fa"tor of 100
') 5e"rease 6y ha1f
)) 5e"rease 6y a fa"tor of 100
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.7

,0) 2hi"h of the fo11owing is not part of the 7ineti"8mo1e"u1ar theoryA
A) Atoms are neither "reate5 nor 5estroye5 6y or5inary "hemi"a1 rea"tions.
B) Attra"ti4e an5 repu1si4e for"es 6etween gas mo1e"u1es are neg1igi61e.
C) Gases "onsist of mo1e"u1es in "ontinuous, ran5om motion.
') Co11isions 6etween gas mo1e"u1es 5o not resu1t in the 1oss of energy.
)) 0he 4o1ume o""upie5 6y a11 of the gas mo1e"u1es in a "ontainer is neg1igi61e "ompare5
to the 4o1ume of the "ontainer.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,1) ?f the fo11owing gases, ########## wi11 ha4e the greatest rate of effusion at a gi4en
C) Ar
') -Br
)) -C1
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

,%) 0he root8mean8s9uare spee5 of
- 3
at %/.0 ;C is ########## m/se".
A) **,
B) /%.,
C) ,/(
') .&1
)) %1,
Answer: C
Diff: 5
Page Ref: Sec, 10.8

,*) A tan7 "ontaining 6oth -K an5 -Br gases 5e4e1ope5 a 1ea7. 0he ratio of the rate of
effusion of -K to the rate of effusion of -Br is ##########.
A) ,.0,
B) 0.%,.
C) %.01
') 0.,+.
)) 1/.*
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,,) At *** <, whi"h of the pairs of gases 6e1ow wou15 ha4e the most near1y i5enti"a1
rates of effusionA
$ ?
B) C? an5
') C? an5
% ,
$ ?
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

,&) At 30, the ratio of the root8mean8s9uare spee5 of
to that of
A) %.001
B) %.11+
C) 1.000
') 1.%0.
)) 1.,&/
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,/) Arrange the fo11owing gases in or5er of in"reasing a4erage mo1e"u1ar spee5 at %& ;C.

A) -e N
B) -e N
N -e
N -e
N -e N
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

,.) Arrange the fo11owing gases in or5er of in"reasing a4erage mo1e"u1ar spee5 at %& ;C.

Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,() 2hi"h one of the fo11owing gases wou15 ha4e the highest a4erage mo1e"u1ar spee5 at
%& ;CA

Answer: '
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

,+) A samp1e of o!ygen gas
(? )
was foun5 to effuse at a rate e9ua1 to three times that of
an un7nown gas. 0he mo1e"u1ar weight of the un7nown gas is ########## g/mo1.
A) %((
B) +/
C) &&
') ,
)) 10..
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

&0) A samp1e of o!ygen gas was foun5 to effuse at a rate e9ua1 to two times that of an
un7nown gas. 0he mo1e"u1ar weight of the un7nown gas is ########## g/mo1.
A) /,
B) 1%(
C) (
') 1/
)) (.0
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&1) A mi!ture of two gases was a11owe5 to effuse from a "ontainer. ?ne of the gases
es"ape5 from the "ontainer 1.,* times as fast as the other one. 0he two gases "ou15 ha4e
6een ##########.
A) C? an5
C) C? an5
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

&%) A mi!ture of "ar6on 5io!i5e an5 an un7nown gas was a11owe5 to effuse from a
"ontainer. 0he "ar6on 5io!i5e too7 1.%& times as 1ong to es"ape as the un7nown gas.
2hi"h one "ou15 6e the un7nown gasA
B) C?
C) -C1
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&*) -ow mu"h faster 5oes
effuse than
A) 1.01* times as fast
B) 1.00+ times as fast
C) 1.00, times as fast
') 1.00/ times as fast
)) 1.01( times as fast
Answer: C
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8
&,) An i5ea1 gas 5iffers from a rea1 gas in that the mo1e"u1es of an i5ea1 gas ##########.
A) ha4e no attra"tion for one another
B) ha4e appre"ia61e mo1e"u1ar 4o1umes
C) ha4e a mo1e"u1ar weight of @ero
') ha4e no 7ineti" energy
)) ha4e an a4erage mo1e"u1ar mass
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

&&) A rea1 gas wi11 6eha4e most 1i7e an i5ea1 gas un5er "on5itions of ##########.
A) high temperature an5 high pressure
B) high temperature an5 1ow pressure
C) 1ow temperature an5 high pressure
') 1ow temperature an5 1ow pressure
)) 30
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&/) 2hi"h one of the fo11owing gases wou15 5e4iate the 1east from i5ea1 gas 6eha4iorA
A) $e
C- C1
C) <r
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

&.) 2hi"h no61e gas is e!pe"te5 to show the 1argest 5e4iations from the i5ea1 gas
A) he1ium
B) neon
C) argon
') 7rypton
)) !enon
Answer: )
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

&() 0he 4an 5er 2aa1s e9uation for rea1 gases re"ogni@es that ##########.
A) gas parti"1es ha4e non8@ero 4o1umes an5 intera"t with ea"h other
B) mo1ar 4o1umes of gases of 5ifferent types are 5ifferent
C) the non8@ero 4o1umes of gas parti"1es effe"ti4e1y 5e"rease the amount of Bempty
spa"eB 6etween them
') the mo1e"u1ar attra"tions 6etween parti"1es of gas 5e"reases the pressure e!erte5 6y
the gas
)) a11 of the a6o4e statements are true
Answer: )
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&+) 2hen gases are treate5 as rea1, 4ia use of the 4an 5er 2aa1s e9uation, the a"tua1
4o1ume o""upie5 6y gas mo1e"u1es ########## the pressure e!erte5 an5 the attra"ti4e
for"es 6etween gas mo1e"u1es ########## the pressure e!erte5, as "ompare5 to an i5ea1
A) 5e"reases, in"reases
B) in"reases, in"reases
C) in"reases, 5e"reases
') 5oes not affe"t, 5e"reases
)) 5oes not affe"t, in"reases
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

10.3 Short Answer Questions
1) A6norma11y high 61oo5 pressure is "a11e5 ##########.
Answer: hypertension
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.2

%) 0he temperature an5 pressure spe"ifie5 6y 30 are ########## ;C an5 ##########
Answer: 0, 1
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

*) -ow many mo1e"u1es are there in ,.00 L of o!ygen gas at &00 ;C an5 &0.0 torrA
%.&0 10
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
,) 0he 4o1ume of -C1 gas re9uire5 to rea"t with e!"ess Ca to pro5u"e 11., L of hy5rogen
gas at 1./% atm an5 /%.0 ;C is ########## L.
Answer: %%.(
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

&) 2hat is the 5ensity (in g/L) of o!ygen gas at ...0 ;C an5 .00.0 torrA
Answer: 1.0*
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

/) 2hat is the partia1 pressure (in mm -g) of neon in a ,.00 L 4esse1 that "ontains 0.(*(
mo1 of methane, 0.1(, mo1 of ethane, an5 0..&& mo1 of neon at a tota1 pressure of +%(
mm -gA
Answer: *+,
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

.) 0he rms spee5 of methane mo1e"u1es at ,&.0 ;C is ########## m/se".
Answer: .0*.*
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

() 0he 5e4iation from i5ea1 6eha4ior of a gas is most e4i5ent at ########## an5/or 1ow
Answer: high pressure
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
+) 0he 4an 5er 2aa1s e9uation "orre"ts the i5ea1 gas 1aw for the finite 4o1ume an5
########## of gas mo1e"u1es.
Answer: attra"ti4e for"es
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9
10.4 True!alse Questions
1) 0he main "omponent of air is o!ygen.
Answer: Ka1se
Diff: 1
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1

%) :f the temperature is 1owere5 from /0 ;C to *0 ;C, the 4o1ume of a fi!e5 amount of gas
wi11 6e one ha1f the origina1 4o1ume.
Answer: Ka1se
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

*) A gas is "onsi5ere5 Bi5ea1B if one mo1e of it in a one81iter "ontainer e!erts a pressure of
e!a"t1y 1 atm at room temperature.
Answer: Ka1se
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

,) <ineti"8mo1e"u1ar theory assumes that attra"ti4e an5 repu1si4e for"es 6etween gas
parti"1es are stronger than those 6etween gas parti"1es an5 "ontainer wa11s.
Answer: Ka1se
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.7

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&) A""or5ing to the 7ineti"8mo1e"u1ar theory, mo1e"u1es of 5ifferent gases at the same
temperature a1ways ha4e the same a4erage 7ineti" energy.
Answer: 0rue
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.7

/) 0he effusion rate of a gas is proportiona1 to the s9uare root of its mo1ar mass.
Answer: Ka1se
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.8

.) 0wo 5e4iations of rea1 gases from i5ea1 gases whi"h are treate5 in the 4an 5er 2aa1s
e9uation are finite mo1e"u1ar 4o1ume an5 non8@ero mo1e"u1ar attra"tions.
Answer: 0rue
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.9

10." Al#orithmic Questions
1) A fi!e5 amount of gas at %&.0 ;C o""upies a 4o1ume of 10.0 L when the pressure is
//. torr. Dse Boy1eCs 1aw to "a1"u1ate the pressure (torr) when the 4o1ume is re5u"e5 to
..(( L at a "onstant temperature of %&.0 ;C.
A) (,/
B) 0.11(
&.%/ 10
') &%/
)) 1.11
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
%) A fi!e5 amount of gas at %&.0 ;C o""upies a 4o1ume of 10.0 L when the pressure is /%+
torr. Dse Char1esCs 1aw to "a1"u1ate the 4o1ume (L) the gas wi11 o""upy when the
temperature is in"rease5 to 1%1 C whi1e maintaining the pressure at /%+ torr.
A) 10.+
B) 1*.%
C) %.0.
') ..&/
)) ,(.,
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.3
*) 0he 5ensity of nitri" o!i5e ($?) gas at 1.%1 atm an5 &,.1 ;C is ########## g/L.
A) 0.0,&1
B) 0..,0
C) 1.*&
') 0.%.*
)) (.%
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

,) 0he 5ensity of 7rypton gas at 1.%1 atm an5 &0.0 ;C is ########## g/L.
A) 0.0,&/
B) 0.%/%
C) 0.%+&
') *.(%
)) ../&
Answer: '
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases
&) 0he 5ensity of "h1orine gas at 1.%1 atm an5 *,.+ ;C is ########## g/L.
A) 0.0,.+
B) 0.%+&
C) 0.,%*
') 1..0
)) *.*+
Answer: )
Diff: 3
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

/) A 1.,,8g samp1e of an un7nown pure gas o""upies a 4o1ume of 0.**& L at a pressure
of 1.00 atm an5 a temperature of 100.0 ;C. 0he un7nown gas is ##########.
A) argon
B) he1ium
C) 7rypton
') neon
)) !enon
Answer: )
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

.) Ca1"ium hy5ri5e
(Ca- )
rea"ts with water to form hy5rogen gas:
% % % %
Ca- (s) %- ? (1) Ca(?-) (a9) %- (g) + +
-ow many grams of
are nee5e5 to generate ,(.0 L of
gas at a pressure of
0.((( atm an5 a temperature of *% ;CA
A) &0..
B) 0.(&1
C) 1,*
') *&.(
)) .1..
Answer: '
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

() Gi4en the e9uation
% / % % %
C - (g) ? (g) C? (g) - ? (g) + +
(not 6a1an"e5)
'etermine the num6er of 1iters of
forme5 at 30. when %,0.0 grams of
% /
C -
6urne5 in e!"ess o!ygen gas.
Answer: *&(
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

+) Gi4en the e9uation
% / % % %
C - (g) ? (g) C? (g) - ? (g) + +
(not 6a1an"e5)
'etermine the num6er of 1iters of
"onsume5 at 30 when %.0.0 grams of
% /
C -
Answer: .0/
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

10) Oin" rea"ts with a9ueous su1furi" a"i5 to form hy5rogen gas:
% , , %
On (s) - 3? (a9) On3? (a9) - (g) + +
:n an e!periment, %%& mL of wet
is "o11e"te5 o4er water at %. ;C an5 a 6arometri"
pressure of .,( torr . -ow many grams of On ha4e 6een "onsume5A 0he 4apor pressure
of water at %. ;C is %/.., torr
,..+ 10
B) 0.&/.
C) &/.
') ,*1
,.*1 10
Answer: B
Diff: 4
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6
Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy)
Chapter 10: Gases

11) Oin" rea"ts with a9ueous su1furi" a"i5 to form hy5rogen gas:
% , , %
On (s) - 3? (a9) On3? (a9) - (g) + +
:n an e!periment, %01 mL of wet
is "o11e"te5 o4er water at %. ;C an5 a 6arometri"
pressure of .** torr . 0he 4apor pressure of water at %. ;C is %/.., torr. 0he partia1
pressure of hy5rogen in this e!periment is ########## atm.
A) 0.+%+
B) .0/
C) 0.+/,
') ./0
)) 1.00
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: Sec. 10.6

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