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M. A. Part I Semester II (Internal Test)

Applied Social Psychology April 7, 2014 Marks: 5

Answer the following:

1. Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the type of people who are most likely to
watch violent TV?
A. Non-violent people are most likely to watch violent TV
B. Violent people are most likely to watch violent TV
C. Both non-violent and violent people are equally likely to watch violent TV
D. People of moderate levels of violence are most likely to watch violent TV

2. In Hickss (1965) experiment in which children watched a film of people acting aggressively toward a bobo
doll, what happened when the children were subsequently given a chance to play in the same setting they
saw on film?
A. Only male children demonstrated aggression towards the bobo doll.
B. All children who watched the film demonstrated aggression toward the bobo doll.
C. Male children demonstrated aggression toward the bobo doll immediately after viewing the film and
again 6 months later.
D. Both (a) and (c)

3. Cultivation theory suggests that
A. media cultivates good manners in children.
B. it is the medias responsibility to produce good citizens.
C. movies provide poor role models.
D. media is a primary socializing agent in modern society.

4. The form of pornography that is centered on an extreme stereotype of male dominance and female
subservience where the more powerful coerce the less powerful is known as
A. non-violent pornography.
B. violent pornography.
C. erotica.
D. violent sexuality.

5. With respect to the media, framing refers to:
A. the angle of a story, or how it is presented
B. the stories than immediately precede and follow a target story
C. things such as the font size and placement of a story which make it more or less attractive to readers
D. ensuring that a story has a distinct beginning, middle, and end that promote a particular agenda

6. Factors that contributed to the rise in the popularity of health psychology include that
A. more people are living with chronic illnesses.
B. the cost of health care has increased dramatically.
C. neither (a) nor (b).
D. both (a) and (b).


7. For informational health appeals to be persuasive, they generally should come from a source who is
seen by the audience as
A. attractive, credible, and similar.
B. attractive, healthy, and familiar.
C. intelligent, credible, and similar.
D. intelligent, healthy, and familiar.

8. According to the health belief model, a fear appeal may be termed a
A. health motivator.
B. self-efficacy challenge.
C. cue to action.
D. health prime.

9. According to the research on the theory of planned behavior, if you want to get a friend to quit
smoking which would you in particular work at changing?
A. his perceived behavioral control
B. his subjective norms regarding the behavior
C. his beliefs about the health benefits that would result
D. his attitudes toward the behavior

10. In a test of the utility of the stages of change model, Prochaska, DiClemente, Velicer, and Rossi
(1993) compared the effectiveness of four smoking cessation interventions. Which intervention led
to the highest rates of quitting?
A. standard
B. interactive computer report
C. individualized
D. personalized counselor

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