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2nd Edition Player's Handbook Rules Supplement

The Complete Wizard's Handbook
Desin! Ri"k S#an
Editin! $nne %ro#n
%la"k and White $rt! Terry Dykstra& 'alerie 'alusek
Color $rt! Clyde Cald#ell& Da(id Dorman& )arry Elmore
Typoraphy! *aye +',ee-e
*raphi" Desin! Paul Han"hette
Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the .nited ,indom by TSR )td/ Distributed
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DR$*+0S and $D1D are reistered trademarks o#ned by TSR& In"/ The TSR loo is a
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WI 9;368 ./ S/ $/ .nited ,indom
IS%0 5<==5;=<=;=<2 2339>>>3953
Chapter 3! S"hools o- ?ai"
To Spe"ialize or 0ot to Spe"ialize@
$bility S"ores
3st<)e(el %onus Spell
Personality and %a"kround o- the PC
$""ess to ?entors
Party Composition
Player Pre-eren"e
Chan"e to )earn Spells
Short $d(enture (s/ )on Campain
$bout the S"hools
*reater Di(ination
$bandonin a S"hool
$ Word $bout ?inor S"hools
)esser Di(ination
0e# ?inor S"hools
Chapter 2! Creatin 0e# S"hools
The %asi"s o- Creatin S"hools
Type o- ?ai"
Priests (s/ Wizards
Cateories o- E--e"ts
De-inin the E--e"ts o- a 0e# S"hool
Ho# It $ll Works
0ame o- the S"hool
0ame o- the Spe"ialist
%asi" Spells
$daptin E7istin Spells
Ideas -or 0e# Spells
Che"kin -or Dupli"ation
Che"kin -or Play %alan"e
Determinin E--e"ts and )e(els
Castin Times
$llo#ed Ra"es
$bility ReCuirements
E7perien"e )e(els and SpellProression
Hit Points
+ppositional S"hools
Chapter ;! Wizard ,its
,its and Chara"ter Creation
,its and S"hools o- ?ai"
D?1 Choi"es
The Wizard ,its
$ 0ote $bout Rea"tion $dAustments
The ,its
$mazon Sor"eress
?ilitant Wizard
Peasant Wizard
Sa(ae Wizard
Wu Den
Re"ordin ,its on the Chara"ter Sheet
?odi-yin the ,its
Creatin 0e# ,its
Wizard ,it Creation Sheet
Suestions -or 0e# ,its
Chapter 6! Role<Playin
Wizard Personalities
The $ltruist
The %rooder
The Commander
The Counselor
The Intimidator
The ?er"enary
The ?ystery ?an
The 0eophyte
The +bsessi(e
The Sho#man
Chanin Personality Types
Ideas -or 0e# Personality Types
Chara"ter %a"kround
Wizardly Careers
Treasure Hunter
Eortune Teller
Wizard $d(entures
The 0o(i"e Wizard
The +ut"ast Wizard
?ai"'s *ood 0ame
$ssistin the Citizenry
The S"holarly Fuest
+ut o- Retirement
?ai" in the Campain World
Worlds With E7"essi(e $mounts o- ?ai"
Worlds With Typi"al $mounts o- ?ai"
Worlds With )o# $mounts o- ?ai"
Worlds With 0o ?ai"
Campain 'ariations
The $ll<Wizard Campain
The Sinle Wizard ,it Campain
The Restri"ted S"hool Campain
The Restri"ted )e(el Campain
Chapter 9! Combat and the Wizard
The Spell $rsenal
The Wizard's $d(antaes
Spell Cateories
De-ensi(e Spells
+--ensi(e Spells
Re"onnaissan"e Spells
Spe"ial Spells
$ ?i7 o- Spells
Weapon Restri"tion
Chapter :! Castin Spells in .nusual Conditions
Castin Spells .nder#ater
Spells That $re Ine--e"ti(e .nder#ater
Spells That $re ?odi-ied When Cast .nder#ater
Castin Spells in +ther Planes
The Ethereal Planes
The Inner Planes
The $stral Plane
The +uter Planes
Castin Spells When the Caster is Impaired
Impaired 'ision
Impaired Hearin
Impaired Spee"h
Impaired ?o(ement
Impaired Con"entration
Chapter 8! $d(an"ed Pro"edures
)e(els $bo(e 25th
Spells $bo(e 4th<)e(el
Spell Commentary
3st )e(el
2nd )e(el
;rd )e(el
6th )e(el
9th )e(el
8th )e(el
=th )e(el
4th )e(el
?ore $bout $dAudi"atin Illusions
Comple7ityB0on<)i(in +bAe"ts
Comple7ityB)i(in +bAe"ts
?ai"al E--e"ts and Spe"ial $tta"ks
Re(ealed Illusions
The Illusion<Castin SubAe"t
Summary o- ?odi-iers
Spell Resear"h
De-inin $ 0e# Spell
Spell Components
Cost o- Resear"h
The Wizard's )ibrary
Initial Preparation
Resear"h Time and Chan"e o- Su""ess
E7ample o- Resear"h
Resear"hin E7istin Spells
)imitin the Su""ess Chan"e
?ore $bout ?ai"al Item Resear"h
Chapter =! 0e# Spells
Spell Des"riptions
Spell Components
?aterial Components
'erbal and Somati" Components
Eirst<)e(el Spells
Se"ond<)e(el Spells
Third<)e(el Spells
Eourth<)e(el Spells
Ei-th<)e(el Spells
Si7th<)e(el Spells
Se(enth<)e(el Spell
Eihth<)e(el Spells
Chapter 4! Wizardly )ists
T#enty<-i(e Help-ul Eamiliars
Ei(e .nusual Sour"es -or Spells
0ine ?ai"al Items That Ha(e 0ot Get %een In(ented
Ei(e Debilitatin $--li"tions
0ine Prin"iples o- Condu"t -or $"ademy *raduates
Si7 Common $l"hemi"al Pro"esses
Ele(en .se-ul $dditions to a Wizard's)aboratory
Eour PrereCuisites -or $dmission to an$"ademy o- ?ai"
0ineteen Courses in a Typi"al$"ademy Curri"ulum
0ine +ranizations -or Wizards
655 Eantasti" ?aterials
Ei(e In"redible )o"ations
T#el(e 0e# ?ai"al Items
Table 3! ?inimum Spells -or a 0e# S"hool
Table 2! Suested ?a7imum Damae o- Spells %y )e(el
Table ;! Random Determination o- Spell Components
Table 6! ?ai" S"hools and Types o-E--e"ts
Table 9! $bility Che"k %onuses -or $"ademi"ians
Table :! +ppositional S"hools -or ?ilitant Wizards
Table 8! Sa(ae Wizard +men Results
Table =! E--e"ts o- Wit"h's Curse
Table 4! Sele"ted +riental Weapons -or the Wu Den
Table 35! Chan"e o- Random E--e"ts o- $lteration Spells in +uter Planes
Table 33! Random E--e"ts o- $ltered Shapes in the +uter Planes
Table 32! Wizard E7perien"e )e(els %eyond 25th
Table 3;! Wizard Spell Proression %eyond 25th )e(el
Table 36! Summary o- Possible ?odi-iers -or Sa(in Thro#s (s/ Illusions
Table 39! )ibrary 'alues 0e"essary -or Spell Resear"h
Table 3:! Chromati" +rb E--e"ts
Table 38! Summoned Eamiliars
Table 3=! ConAuritis Results
Table 34! Random *eneration o- Eantasti" ?aterials
Table 25! Results -rom the *arden o- Dertulth
?aps and Play $ids
S"hool Creation Sheet
Wizard ,it Creation Sheet
Eiure 3! +ppositional S"hools
?ap 3! The Island o- *hothar
?ap 2! The Sphere o- %'naa
0o "on"ept is more -undamental to the $D'$0CED D.0*E+0S 1
DR$*+0SH 2nd Edition ame than mai"/ $nd no "hara"ter "lass better personi-ies the
art o- mai" than its primary pra"titioner& the #izard/ 0o "lass is more "hallenin& -e#
are as eleant& and in the hands o- a "reati(e player& none is as -as"inatin/ The $D1DH
2nd Edition Player's Handbook and DUNGEON MASTER Guide e7plained all o- the
basi" in-ormation ne"essary -or playin #izard "hara"ters/ In this book& #e'll e7pand on
that in-ormation& addin more details and options and o--erin a -e# ne# (ariations/ Eor
instan"e& #e'll be takin a "lose look at all the s"hools o- mai"& e7aminin their
ad(antaes and disad(antaes& their reCuirements and bene-its& and the types o-
"hara"ters that are best suited -or parti"ular spe"ializations/ Sin"e the s"hools o- mai"
aren't limited to those presented in the Player's Handbook& #e'll sho# you ho# to "reate
your o#n s"hools -rom s"rat"h/
We'll dis"uss #ays to personalize your #izard "hara"ters and des"ribe
entire "ampains "entered on #izardly "on"erns/ I- you'(e been bemoanin the la"k o-
spells -or "ertain spe"ialists& su"h as di(iners and ne"roman"ers& #orry no more << #e'(e
added plenty o- ne# spells Aust -or them/
Eor the Duneon ?aster& #e'll o--er some tips to help -ine<tune his skills
as a re-eree& "o(erin su"h topi"s as the adAudi"ation o- illusions and ho# to establish
uidelines -or mai"al resear"h/ We'll e7plain ho# spells are "ast under#ater and in other
planes o- e7isten"e/ $nd -or players and D?s alike& #e'll take a "lose look at "ombat and
ho# it relates to #izards/
Think o- this book as a smorasbord o- ideas/ E(erythin here is optional/
Pi"k and "hoose #hate(er's most appealin& make "hanes to suit your "ampain& and
e7periment #ith (ariations o- your o#n desin/ It's your ame and your #orld << #e're
here to help you make it as entertainin as it "an be/
Throuhout this book& #e'(e used male pronouns as a matter o-
"on(enien"e/ This is not intended to e7"lude -emales << in all "ases& read IhisI as Ihis or
her&I and IheI as Ihe or she/ I Eor those o- you usin The Co!le"e #i$ard in "onAun"tion
#ith the oriinal $D1D ame instead o- the $D1D 2nd Edition ame& this supplement
mentions many pae numbers -rom the Player's Handbook and the DUNGEON MASTER
Guide/ The pae numbers "ited re-er to the $D1D 2nd Edition books/ Those players
usin the old books #ill ha(e to inore these pae re-eren"es& but in most "ases& you "an
-ind the rele(ant material by "onsultin the inde7es or "ontents paes o- the oriinal
Chapter 3! S"hools o- ?ai"
In this "hapter& #e'll take a "lose look at the (arious s"hools o- mai"&
analyzin their strenths and #eaknesses& e7aminin their spells& and sizin up their
spe"ialists/ We'll also look at the minor s"hools and e7plore the impli"ations o-
abandonin a s"hool/ The s"hools o- mai" add many interestin possibilities to a
"ampain/ %ut not e(ery #izard is destined to be a spe"ialist& and not e(ery player #ants
to play a spe"ialist "hara"ter/ So let's bein #ith a basi" Cuestion
To Spe"ialize or 0ot to Spe"ialize@
The most "ru"ial de"ision a beinnin #izard must make is #hether to
spe"ialize in a s"hool o- mai" or instead opt -or the li-e o- a mae/ Ea"h has its
ad(antaes and disad(antaes/ Eor instan"e& the mae has a "han"e to learn any ne# spell
he en"ounters& but the spe"ialist's opportunities are more limited << he "annot learn spells
-rom s"hools that are in opposition to his o#n/ The spe"ialist has stri"ter ra"ial and ability
reCuirements than the mae& but he also has better sa(in thro# bonuses/
The "hoi"e to spe"ialize "an ha(e pro-ound e--e"ts on a #izard's role in
the ame& and players should think "are-ully be-ore "ommittin their "hara"ters to a
s"hool o- mai"/ Eollo#in are a -e# points to "onsider/
$bility S"ores
$ #izard must meet "ertain ability reCuirements to be"ome a spe"ialist/
Eor instan"e& a #izard #ith a De7terity o- 39 "an't be"ome an illusionist/ %ut e(en i- lo#
ability s"ores ha(en't eliminated all o- the spe"ialization "hoi"es& the player should still
look at his "hara"ter's Intellien"e s"ore and see ho# it a--e"ts his "han"e o- learnin
spells/ $n Intellien"e o- 4 means that the "hara"ter #ill ha(e a 95 per"ent "han"e to
learn spells o- his spe"iality based on the normal ;9 per"ent "han"e to learn a ne# spell
-or an Intellien"e o- 4 JTable 6 on pae 3: o- the Player's Handbook K plus a 39 per"ent
bonus -or bein a spe"ialist/
$n Intellien"e o- 38 means that the "hara"ter #ill ha(e a 45 per"ent
"han"e to learn spells o- his spe"ialty Jthe normal 89 per"ent "han"e -or an Intellien"e o-
38 plus a 39 per"ent bonus -or bein a spe"ialistK/ 0oti"e that the 39 per"ent bonus helps
the "hara"ter #ith the lo#er Intellien"e more than it does the "hara"ter #ith the hiher
Intellien"eL the bonus boosts the Intellien"e 4 "hara"ter's "han"e -rom ;9 to 95& an
in"rease o- more than 65 per"ent& #hile the Intellien"e 38 "hara"ter's "han"e is in"reased
-rom 89 to 45& #hi"h is a boost o- only 25 per"ent/
Clearly& the lo#er the Intellien"e o- a #izard& the more spe"ialization helps to
in"rease his "han"e o- learnin spells/ This is some#hat o--set by the spe"ialist's
limitations to #hi"h spells he "an learn Jhe "an't learn spells -rom oppositional s"hoolsK&
but o(er the "ourse o- a "ampain& a lo# Intellien"e #izard stands a ood "han"e o-
learnin more spells by spe"ializin
3st<)e(el %onus Spell
$ 3st<le(el spe"ialist beins #ith t#o spells& but a 3st<le(el mae beins
#ith only one/ This di--eren"e is in"onseCuential o(er the "ourse o- a lon "ampain& but
it "an be sini-i"ant i- playin a short ad(enture #ith lo#<le(el "hara"ters
Personality and %a"kround o- the Player Chara"ter
Some aspe"t o- the player "hara"ter's personality miht suest #hether
he's best suited -or the li-e o- a mae or that o- a spe"ialist/ $n impulsi(e& o(ereaer
"hara"ter miht la"k the patien"e -or the studious li-e o- a spe"ialist/ Con(ersely& a
thouht-ul& s"holarly "hara"ter miht -ind the li-e o- a mae too "on-inin/ $ "hara"ter
#ho "omes -rom a lon line o- maes miht #ant to "ontinue the -amily tradition/ $
"hara"ter #hose brother #as killed by an e(il spe"ialist 0PC miht #ant to study the
same s"hool to prepare himsel- -or a "on-rontation #ith the murderer
$""ess to ?entors
Does the #izard "hara"ter ha(e easy a""ess to a mentor o- his pre-erred
s"hool@ Is the mentor in ill health& is his "ity under siee& or is his -uture other#ise in
Cuestion@ $lthouh there are #ays to learn spells #ithout a mentor Jor mai" a"ademyK&
the #izard may #ant to think "are-ully be-ore "ommittin to a spe"ialization i- he "an't
depend on the a(ailability o- his mentor Jor a"ademyK -or "onsultation and -urther
Party Composition
I- the "hara"ter's party already in"ludes one or more maes& the #izard
miht "hoose a spe"ialization to i(e the party a #ider (ariety o- "hara"ter types/ I- the
party is small& it miht be less risky to be"ome a mae so that the "hara"ter has a""ess to
spells o- all the s"hools/ $re there other player<"hara"ter #izards #ith spell books they'd
be #illin to share@ Would a spe"ialist or a mae ha(e a better "han"e o- learnin those
spells@ JI- one PC #izard is a "onAurer& his spell book probably #on't be use-ul to a PC
#izard #ho #ants to be a di(iner/K
Player Pre-eren"e
$ player miht #ant to run a #izard o- a parti"ular spe"ialty Aust be"ause
he's ne(er tried it be-ore& and that's as ood a reason as any to "hoose a spe"ialist o(er a
Chan"e to )earn Spells
Consider the opportunities that maes and spe"ialists ha(e to learn ne#
spells& perhaps the most "ompellin di--eren"e bet#een them/ $s illustration& "ompare a
mae #ith an Intellien"e o- 4 and an illusionist #ith an Intellien"e o- 4/ The mae has
a ;9 per"ent "han"e o- learnin ea"h ne# spell he en"ounters& reardless o- its s"hool/
The illusionist has a 95 per"ent "han"e o- learnin illusionist spells& a 25 per"ent "han"e
o- learnin alteration& di(ination& en"hantmentB"harm& and "onAurationBsummonin spells
Jthis per"entae re-le"ts the 39 per"ent penalty -or learnin spells -rom other s"hoolsK/
The illusionist has no "han"e o- learnin spells -rom the s"hools o- in(o"ationBe(o"ation&
abAuration& or ne"roman"y& sin"e these s"hools are in opposition to the s"hool o- illusion/
$ssume that in a typi"al ad(enture& the mae and the illusionist ea"h ha(e
the opportunity to learn 3: ne# spells -rom dis"o(ered spell books& 0PC #izards& and
other sour"es/ $lso assume that o- these 3: spells& t#o are -rom ea"h o- the eiht s"hools/
The mae has a ;9 per"ent "han"e o- learnin ea"h o- these spells& meanin that he is
likely to learn -i(e or si7 o- them/ The illusionist is denied the "han"e to learn si7 o- them
J-rom the oppositional s"hoolsKL he has a 95 per"ent "han"e o- learnin t#o o- them
Jmeanin he is likely to learn one o- the t#oK& and a 25 per"ent "han"e o- learnin eiht
o- them Jmeanin he is likely to learn t#o spellsK/ In this e7ample& the mae learns si7
spells& #hile the illusionist learns only three/
It doesn't impro(e -or spe"ialists #ith hiher Intellien"e s"oresL at
Intellien"e 3:& -or instan"e& a mae #ill learn about 32 o- the 3: spells& #hile the
illusionist #ill learn appro7imately eiht o- them/
+- "ourse& the spe"ialist re"ei(es a bonus spell #hen he ad(an"es a le(el&
and the di--eren"es are less se(ere -or "ertain spe"ialties Jdi(iners& -or instan"e& are
denied a""ess to only one s"hoolK/ %ut o(er the "ourse o- a typi"al "ampain& a mae #ill
likely learn -ar more spells than a spe"ialist
Short $d(enture (s/ )on Campain
Sin"e there is no meanin-ul di--eren"e bet#een a mae and a spe"ialist in
their abilities to "ast the spells they kno#& #ouldn't the #ise player al#ays "hoose to play
a mae@ 0ot ne"essarily/ In the lon run& the spe"ialist's e7perien"e bonus& sa(in thro#
bonuses& and a"Cuired po#ers Jsee the listins in the s"hool des"riptions belo#K make
him a -ar more -ormidable opponent than the mae/ $dditionally& the limits on the
number o- spells a #izard "an use and kno# mean that the spe"ialist #ill e(entually "at"h
up to the mae in these areas/
+ne uideline -or de"idin bet#een a mae and a spe"ialist miht be to
"onsider a mae i- playin a short ad(enture/ %ut -or a lenthy "ampain& a spe"ialist is
probably the best betL not only #ill he pro(e to be a more e--e"ti(e party member& but a
"hara"ter #ith -o"used oals and aptitudes #ill be more interestin to play
$bout the S"hools
Eollo#in are details about spe"ialists -or ea"h s"hool o- mai"/ Ea"h
in"ludes the -ollo#in in-ormation!
Des"ription! This se"tion e7plains the eneral e--e"ts "reated by spells
-rom the s"hool& alon #ith ho# the mai"al enery is "hannelled/
Spe"ialist 0ame! The "ommon name -or a spe"ialist o- this s"hool/
$llo#ed Ra"es! +nly humans& nomes& el(es& and hal-<el(es "an be
spe"ialists& and not all ra"es are able to spe"ialize in e(ery s"hool/ This entry indi"ates
#hi"h ra"es are eliible to spe"ialize in a parti"ular s"hool/
$bility ReCuirements! Thouh all s"hools reCuire a minimum Intellien"e
o- 4& ea"h has an additional minimum reCuirement in another ability and is listed here/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! %e"ause o- their -amiliarity #ith the ar"ane arts&
spe"ialists are able to resist the e--e"ts o- "ertain -orms o- mai"/ $dditionally& their
opponents are less able to resist "ertain spells "ast by spe"ialists rather than non<
spe"ialists/ These are listed here/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! These are the spe"ial abilities and
e7tra spells that spe"ialists automati"ally re"ei(e #hen they rea"h hih le(els/ JThe use o-
a"Cuired po#ers is an option onlyL at the D?'s dis"retion& he "an eliminate them -rom his
"ampain& or e(en de(elop others -or hih<le(el spe"ialists/ K
+ppositional S"hools! The spe"ialist is unable to learn spells -rom these
s"hools/ He is also -orbidden to use mai"al items that dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- s"hools in
opposition to his o#n s"hool/
Spell $nalysis! This se"tion dis"usses the spells a(ailable to the s"hool&
in"ludin their eneral types and their o(erall use-ulness to the #izard/ Eor "on(enien"e&
spells are di(ided into three "ateories! )o# J3st<;rd le(elK& ?edium J6th<:th le(elK& and
Hih J8th<4th le(elK/ The most (ersatile and po#er-ul spells are desinated as the I?ost
DesirableI -or ea"h o- these "ateories/
Ethos! This se"tion details the #izard's relationship to so"iety& his oals
and (alues& his o(erall philosophy& ho# he spends his time& and his likely role in an
ad(enturin party/ Sin"e "ertain types o- people tend to (eer to#ard the same -ields o-
study& some personality des"riptions "ommon to spe"ialists o- the s"hool are also
0ote that these are eneral uidelines only& and any number o- e7"eptions
are possible& but they "an be used to help the player shape his "hara"ter's personality or
help him de"ide #hi"h s"hool seems most appropriate -or the "hara"ter he has in mind
Des"ription! Spells o- this s"hool -o"us mai"al eneries to pro(ide
prote"tion/ This prote"tion "an take a number o- -orms& in"ludin #ardin o-- spe"i-i"
types o- #eapons or "reatures and dis"ourain or dispellin enemies/ The s"hool also
in"ludes a (ariety o- spells in(ol(in a(oidan"e and repellen"e/ $bAuration spells
"on"entrate on eliminatin or hinderin sour"es o- potential harm rather than repairin
Spe"ialist 0ame! $bAurer/
$llo#ed Ra"es! +nly humans "an be abAurers/ It's spe"ulated that the natural
mai"al resistan"e o- el(es& hal-<el(es& and nomes pre(ents them -rom masterin
abAuration spells/
$bility ReCuirements! $ #izard must ha(e stron intuition and e7"eptional
#illpo#er to master abAuration spells as re-le"ted in a hih Wisdom s"ore/ Spe"ialists in
this s"hool must ha(e a minimum Wisdom o- 39/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! $ll opponents modi-y their sa(in thro#s by <3 #hen
attemptin to sa(e aainst an abAuration spell "ast by an abAurer/ $n abAurer adds a M3
bonus #hen sa(in aainst abAuration spells/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $n abAurer "an memorize an e7tra spell at
ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the s"hool o-
abAurationL thus& a 3st<le(el abAurer "an memorize t#o spells/ When an abAurer rea"hes
38th le(el& he a"Cuires immunity to all -orms o- hold spells and adds a M3 bonus #hen
sa(in aainst poison& paralyzation& and death mai"/ When an abAurer rea"hes 25th le(el&
his mastery o- mai"al prote"ti(e -or"es has be"ome so po#er-ul that his $rmor Class is
raised -rom 35 to 4/ He is still -orbidden to #ear armor/
+ppositional S"hools! $n abAurer "annot learn spells -rom the s"hools o-
alteration and illusion/
Spell $nalysis! The abAurer has a limited number o- spells -rom #hi"h to "hoose&
parti"ularly in the lo#er le(els/ This la"k o- options makes lo#<le(el abAurers amon the
#eakest o- beinnin #izards/ To "ompensate& he should a"Cuire a -e# lo#<le(el spells
-rom other a(ailable s"hools as early in his "areer as possible/ +--ensi(e spells<< that is&
spells that in-li"t damae<< -rom the s"hool o- alteration are espe"ially ood "hoi"es& su"h
as burnin% hands& sho'kin% %ras!& s"ren%"h& and Mel('s inu"e e"eors/ $s he rea"hes
hiher le(els o- ability and is able to take ad(antae o- the more po#er-ul abAuration
spells a(ailable to him& an abAurer should be"ome less dependent on spells -rom other
There are three eneral types o- abAuration spells! prote"ti(e& dispellin&
and dismissal/ Prote"ti(e spells in"lude those that o--er prote"tion -rom "reatures Jsu"h as
!ro"e'"ion (ro e)ilK& those that prote"t aainst #eapons Jsu"h as !ro"e'"ion (ro noral
issilesK& and those that prote"t aainst "ertain types o- mai" Jsu"h as inor %lobe o(
in)ulnerabili"yK/ Dispellin spells "ause the elimination o- spe"i-i" mai"al e--e"ts& su"h
as dis!el a%i' and reo)e 'urse/ Dismissal spells "ause the remo(al o- "ertain
"reatures& su"h as disissal and banishen"/
Sin"e the most e--e"ti(e abAurations are those o--erin the reatest
prote"tion& it seems that the dismissal spells are the most desirable<< a-ter all& they et rid
o- the atta"ker altoether/ Ho#e(er& dismissal spells are e--e"ti(e only aainst (ery
spe"i-i" types o- atta"kers& su"h as banishen" 's dismissal o- e7traplanar "reatures/
.nless the #izard anti"ipates en"ounterin the type o- "reature a--e"ted& a disissal spell
#on't be help-ul/ Sin"e prote"tion spells usually a--e"t only a sinle indi(idual& the best
all<purpose abAurations are the dispellin spellsL dis!el a%i' -or instan"e& employed
aainst a mai"<#ieldin enemy prote"ts not only the "aster& but the entire party/
The abAurer is at a disad(antae #hen atta"kin/ There are (ery -e#
abAuration spells that in-li"t damae either dire"tly or indire"tly/ %ut in terms o- de-ensi(e
"apabilities& the abAurer is se"ond to none/ When a party is e7plorin potentially
danerous territory& the abAurer makes an ideal point man& pla"in him in an e7"ellent
position to "reate de-enses aainst atta"kers/ The abAurer& like all #izards& has a poor
$rmor Class& makin him e7tremely (ulnerable to damae/ $ "omrade #ith a lot o- hit
points and a lo# $C should a""ompany the abAurer near the -ront o- the party& ready to
inter"ept atta"ks and a"t as the abAurer's bodyuard/
$bAurers also operate #ell in "onAun"tion #ith other #izards/ While the
abAurer "asts mai"al de-enses& a -ello# #izard "an "on"entrate on "reatin mai"al
o--enses/ When tra(elin& abAurers make ood uards -or helpless 0PCs& su"h as small
"hildren and elderly "itizens/ Does the party ha(e a treasure map& a (aluable em& or
other prized possession@ With his repertoire o- prote"ti(e spells& the abAurer may be the
best person to "arry them/
?ost Desirable Spells! )o#<)e(el! Dis!el a%i' is not only the best o- the
lo#<le(el abAuration spells& it should be a part o- any #izard's arsenal Je7"ludin& o-
"ourse& those spe"ialists to #hom abAuration is -orbiddenK/ Dis!el a%i' "an e--e"ti(ely
disarm many opponents& and it "an also neate harm-ul or potentially harm-ul mai"al
de(i"es/ $bAurers #ould do #ell to a"Cuire this spell early in their "areers/ Pro"e'"ion
(ro e)il is another use-ul spell& "onsiderin ho# o-ten a typi"al party en"ounters e(il
"reatures and e(il 0PCs/ +- the t#o ;rd<le(el prote"tion spells& an abAurer #ill likely -ind
!ro"e'"ion (ro e)il& *+' radius to be more help-ul than !ro"e'"ion (ro noral issiles&
sin"e he #ill probably ha(e more opportunities to use the -ormer than the latter/ 0ote that
!ro"e'"ion (ro noral issiles "an be e7tremely help-ul #hen tra(elin throuh
primiti(e areas #here the inhabitants are more likely to use ro"ks and spears than s#ords
and ma"es/
?edium<)e(el! ,ire "ra! not only o--ers superb prote"tion& it's one o- the -e#
abAuration spells "apable o- in-li"tin damae/ $(oidan"e has the t#in ad(antaes o-
bein re(ersible and permanent/ An"i-a%i' shell is enerally pre-erable to %lobe o(
in)ulnerabili"yL not only does it last loner& it's stroner and takes less time to "ast/
Hih<)e(el! S!ell "urnin% and Ser"en's s!ell iuni"y are e7tremely
po#er-ul spells that should be use-ul in any hostile en(ironment/ In most situations&
!risa"i' s!here is the best hih<le(el abAuration spellL it not only pro(ides a (ariety o-
de-enses& it is also "apable o- blindin most opponents and in-li"tin a sizeable amount o-
Ethos! Con"erned #ith prote"tion& abAurists ha(e a deep re(eren"e -or li-e
and are attra"ted to philosophies stressin "ompassion and sel-lessness/ $""ordinly&
most abAurers are o- ood alinment/ E(il<alined abAurers are o-ten toadies o- an
intimidatin e(il #arrior or in the ser(i"e o- a more po#er-ul #izard o- another s"hool/
$bAurers tend to be thouht-ul& orderly& entle<natured& and so-t<spoken& oin out o-
their #ay not to attra"t attention/
+- all the #izards& abAurers seem to ha(e the stronest -amily ties/
$bAurers take "om-ort in the se"urity o- marriae and o-ten "hoose their mates at an early
aeL many abAurers ha(e ten or more o--sprin/ +#in to their mastery o- prote"ti(e
-or"es& abAurers tend to li(e to a ripe old aeL it's not unusual to -ind abAurers #ell into
their eihties in ad(enturin parties/
$bAurers make their homes any#here& but pre-er small (illaes to lare
"ities/ %e"ause o- their kind hearts and enerous spirits& abAurers are held in hih esteem
by so"iety in eneral/ $bAurers "ommonly earn a li(in as uides& bodyuards& mer"hants&
and tea"hers
Des"ription! Spells o- this s"hool enable the "aster to "hannel mai"al
eneries to "ause dire"t and spe"i-i" "hane in an e7istin obAe"t& "reature& or "ondition/
$lterations "an a--e"t a subAe"t's -orm J!olyor!h o"herK& #eiht J(ea"her (allK& abilities
Js"ren%"hK& lo"ation J"ele!or" .i"hou" errorK& or e(en his physi"al #ell<bein Jdea"h (o%K/
Spe"ialist 0ame! Transmuter/
$llo#ed Ra"es! +nly a "aster #ith human blood "an "hannel the mai"al
eneries ne"essary -or alteration spells/ Hen"e& only humans and hal-<el(es "an be"ome
$bility ReCuirements! %e"ause alteration spells ha(e some#hat more
"omple7 somati" "omponents than spells -rom other s"hools& a #izard needs a De7terity
s"ore o- at least 39 to be"ome a transmuter/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! $ll opponents modi-y their sa(in thro#s by <3
#hen attemptin to sa(e aainst an alteration spell "ast by a transmuter/ $ transmuter
adds a M3 bonus #hen sa(in aainst alteration spells "ast by others/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $ transmuter "an memorize an e7tra
spell at ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the
s"hool o- alteration/ When a transmuter rea"hes 38th le(el& he re"ei(es one e7tra non<
#eapon #izard pro-i"ien"y o- his "hoi"eL this is in addition to the number o- non<#eapon
pro-i"ien"ies he is normally allo#ed/ When he rea"hes 25th le(el& he re"ei(es another
e7tra non<#eapon #izard pro-i"ien"y/ I- the #izard already has all o- the non<#eapon
#izard pro-i"ien"ies a(ailable to him #hen he rea"hes le(el 38 Jor le(el 25K& he may take
a eneral non<#eapon pro-i"ien"y instead/
+ppositional S"hools! $ transmuter "an't learn spells -rom the s"hools o-
abAuration and ne"roman"y/
Spell $nalysis! 0o s"hool has a #ider (ariety o- spells than the s"hool o-
alteration& makin the transmuter the most (ersatile o- all the spe"ialists/ The a(ailable
spells "an be assined to si7 eneral roups!
3/ De-ensi(e Spells/ This roup o- prote"ti(e spells o--ers de-ensi(e
"apabilities ri(alin those o- the abAuration s"hool/ This roup in"ludes spells that limit
an opponent's ability to atta"k& su"h as (o% 'loud& solid (o%& slo.& and darkness& */'
radius& and also spells that pro(ide dire"t prote"tion to the "aster and his party& su"h as
s"oneskin and 0eound's "iny hu"/
2/ +--ensi(e Spells/ This roup in"ludes spells su"h as s"ren%"h and has"e
#hi"h in"rease the party's "han"e to in-li"t damae& and spells su"h as Mel('s inu"e
e"eors and dea"h (o% #hi"h in-li"t damae dire"tly/
;/ ?obility Spells/ This roup in"ludes (ly& blink& !ass.all& and "ele!or"
and other spells that impro(e the "aster's ability to mo(e -rom pla"e to pla"e/
6/ Se"urity Spells/ This roup enables the "aster to prote"t obAe"ts and
pla"es& and in"ludes spells su"h as .i$ard lo'k& %uards and .ards& and 0eound's se're"
9/ Talent Spells/ This roup i(es the "aster Jor a person o- the "aster's
"hoi"eK a temporary talent& usually one that dupli"ates a spe"ial ability o- another "reature
or ra"e/ Su"h spells in"lude in(ra)ision& .a"er brea"hin%& and "on%ues/
:/ Spe"ial Spells/ This roup en"ompasses a #ide rane o- spells that don't
-it into into any o- the pre(ious "ateories& su"h as a%i' ou"h& endin%& essa%e& and
(ool's %old/ %e"ause o- the (ariety o- spells a(ailable& a transmuter "an assume a number
o- di--erent roles in an ad(enturin party/ Eor instan"e& a transmuter #ho kno#s a number
o- o--ensi(e spells "an battle e--e"ti(ely alonside a party's #arriors/ $ transmuter #ho
kno#s a -e# mobility spells in addition to some o--ensi(e spells makes an espe"ially
impressi(e "ombatant Jimaine a (lyin% transmuter soarin to the top o- a tree& then
"astin Mel('s inu"e e"eors at an unsuspe"tin enemyK/ With a supply o- de-ensi(e
spells& a transmuter "an assume many o- the -un"tions o- an abAurer/ $ transmuter #ith
s!ider 'lib& dee!!o'ke"s& and kno'k is a ood substitution -or a thie-L add !olyor!h
sel( and !ass.all& and you'd be hard<pressed to -ind a better spy/ The transmuter al#ays
runs the risk o- bein o(er#helmed by the sheer (olume o- a(ailable spells and makin
haphazard or ill<in-ormed de"isions about #hi"h spells he learns and memorizes/
There-ore& he must take "are to balan"e his spell "hoi"es #ith the needs o- his party/
?ost Desirable Spells!
)o#<)e(el! +- the 3st<le(el spells& burnin% hands is a ni"e "hoi"e -or an
o--ensi(e spell sin"e it has a loner rane than sho'kin% %ras! and does more damae at
hiher le(els/ Chroa"i' orb is a better "hoi"e yet/ With its re(ersible option& enlar%e
i(es the transmuter a #ealth o- options and is parti"ularly use-ul in "ombat sin"e it
a--e"ts damae rolls/ ,o% 'loud and !yro"e'hni's both ha(e t#o di--erent -orms&
essentially i(in the transmuter t#o spells -or the pri"e o- one/ ,ly e7pands the
transmuter's stratei" options and is perhaps the best all<around lo#<le(el alteration spell/
%oth slo. and has"e "an in-luen"e melee "ombat dramati"ally& sin"e a number o- subAe"ts
are a--e"ted at the same time/
?edium<)e(el! Polyor!h sel( and !olyor!h o"her "an disuise -riendly
"hara"ters& intimidate enemies& and in the "ase o- !olyor!h o"her& reatly enhan"e the
party's "han"e o- "ombat su""ess& sin"e the subAe"t's $rmor Class and atta"k routines "an
be impro(ed by the spell/ Dea"h (o% and disin"e%ra"e are po#er-ul o--ensi(e spells& and
"ele!or" is a -irst<rate mobility spell/ +- the medium<le(el spells& there are none better
than Tenser's "rans(ora"ion& assumin the transmuter has a daer or sta-- at hand to
take ad(antae o- his in"reased atta"k e--e"ti(eness& and Mordenkainen's lu'ubra"ion&
#hi"h i(es the transmuter a""ess to any 3st<le(el throuh 9th<le(el spell used in the
pre(ious 26 hours/
Hih<)e(el! 1n'endiary 'loud is a terri-i" o--ensi(e spell& and sha!e
'han%e and "ie s"o! are both help-ul in a (ariety o- situations/ The most use-ul hih<
le(el spell is probably !olyor!h any ob2e'"& sin"e it "an dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- many
other spells& in"ludin !olyor!h o"her& "ransu"e ro'k "o ud& and s"one "o (lesh/
Ethos! Wizards dra#n to the spe"ialty o- alteration are typi"ally "urious&
sharp<minded& and deeply analyti"al/ Eas"inated by puttin thins toether and takin
them apart aain& they are natural tinkerers& more interested in obAe"ts than in people/
Transmuters enerally aren't prone to pro-ound philosophi" insihts& as
their minds are more attuned to ho# thins #ork than ho# a so"iety -un"tions/ To a
transmuter& a person is essentially a "ompli"ated& di--i"ult<to<understand ma"hine/ They
are obsessi(e "olle"tors& e7"ellent s"holars& and "lear thinkers/ $""ordin to a
transmuter& the only "onstant in the uni(erse is "haneL "on"epts o- ood and e(il are
relati(e& dependent on e7istin "onditions& and seldom permanent/ Eor"es o- ood and
e(il are "onstantly at #ork on neutrality& but sin"e ood "auses less disruption than e(il&
ood is pre-erable/ ConseCuently& many transmuters are o- ood alinments/
Eaer to e7plore the #orld around them& transmuters are #illin members
o- ad(enturin parties/ They are loyal -ollo#ers but relu"tant leaders& sin"e they ha(e
trouble makin de"isions based on instin"t alone/ $lthouh loyal to their -riends& they
seldom establish "lose relationships/ ?arried transmuters are -e#/
Transmuters are most "om-ortable in lare "ities #here they ha(e a""ess to
a (ariety o- supplies& "onsultants& and other resour"es -or their studies/ ?ost so"ieties
#el"ome transmuters& enerally "onsiderin them to be emotionally distant but harmless
e""entri"s/ Transmuters "ommonly earn their li(ins as tea"hers& ad(isors& in(entors& and
manu-a"turers o- medi"ines& potions& and other preparations
Des"ription! This s"hool in"ludes t#o di--erent types o- mai"& thouh
both in(ol(e brinin in matter -rom another pla"e/ ConAuration spells produ"e (arious
-orms o- non<li(in matter/ Summonin spells enti"e or "ompel "reatures to "ome to the
"aster& as #ell as allo#in the "aster to "hannel -or"es -rom other planes/ Sin"e the
"astin te"hniCues and ability reCuirements are the same -or both types o- mai"&
"onAuration and summonin are "onsidered t#o parts o- the same s"hool/
Spe"ialist 0ame! ConAurer/ $ spe"ialist #ho has learned only summonin
spells sometimes "alls himsel- a summoner& but this is merely a matter o- semanti"s and
has no bearin on the spe"ialist's abilities& restri"tions& or e--e"ti(eness/
$llo#ed Ra"es! $ #izard must ha(e human blood to be a "onAurer/
There-ore& humans and hal-<el(es "an spe"ialize in this s"hool& but el(es "annnot/
$bility ReCuirements! $ #izard must ha(e e7"eptional stamina to spend a
li-etime "astin "onAuration and summonin spells& sin"e he is at times tappin into his
o#n li-e -or"e in order to "reate "onAured matter or lure summoned "reatures/ There-ore& a
#izard must ha(e a Constitution s"ore o- at least 39 to spe"ialize in this s"hool/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! $ll opponents modi-y their sa(in thro#s by <3
#hen attemptin to sa(e aainst a "onAuration or summonin spell "ast by a "onAurer/ $
"onAurer adds a M3 bonus #hen sa(in aainst "onAuration spells or atta"ks -rom "reatures
or -or"es "reated by summonin spells/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $ "onAurer "an memorize an e7tra
spell at ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the
s"hool o- "onAurationBsummonin/ When a "onAurer rea"hes 38th le(el& he no loner
reCuires any material "omponents to "ast "onAuration and summonin spells/ When a
"onAurer rea"hes 25th le(el& he ains the ability to instantly dispel "reatures "onAured by
an opponent #ho has used a ons"er suonin% spell or its eCui(alent/ The "onAurer "an
dispel up to 35 Hit Di"e #orth o- "reatures #ith this abilityL only "reatures #ith 9 HD or
-e#er are a--e"ted Jthere-ore& the "onAurer "ould dispel t#o 9 HD "reatures or ten 3 HD
"reatures& but not a : HD "reatureK/ The "onAurer "an use this ability up to three times per
day by pointin at the "reatures to be a--e"ted and "on"entratin/
+ppositional S"hools! $ "onAurer "annot learn spells -rom the s"hools o-
reater di(ination and in(o"ationBe(o"ation/
Spell $nalysis! $lthouh the "onAurer doesn't ha(e an e7"essi(e number o-
spe"ialty spells -rom #hi"h to "hoose& spells o- the "onAurationBsummonin s"hool are
amon the most potent o- all& "omparable only to the s"hool o- ne"roman"y in sheer
Thouh use-ul in a #ide (ariety o- situations& "onAurationBsummonin
spells are parti"ularly e--e"ti(e in "ombat& sin"e the maAority o- them are "apable o-
in-li"tin damae/
*enerally& "onAuration spells su"h as Mel('s a'id arro. in-li"t damae
dire"tly& #hile summonin spells& su"h as ons"er suonin%& use an intermediary -or"e
or monster to atta"k opponents/ Dire"t atta"ks ha(e the ad(antae o- immedia"yL Mel('s
a'id arro.& -or instan"e& is sent dire"tly at its taret/ Indire"t atta"ks usin an
intermediary ha(e the ad(antae o- (ersatilityL iant rats summoned by ons"er
suonin% 1 "an be dire"ted to atta"k the stationary +pponent 0o/ 3& then "an be ordered
to run do#n the -leein +pponent 0o/ 2/
?any summonin atta"ks reCuire the "ontinual parti"ipation o- the
"onAurerL he "an't "ontrol his summoned "reatures i- he "an't "ommuni"ate #ith them/
This is espe"ially "ru"ial #ith spells su"h as 'on2ure eleen"al& #here the summoned
"reature #ill turn on the "onAurer i- the "onAurer breaks his "on"entration/
ConAurers #ho learn a lare number o- spells to summon "reatures are
better in lare partiesL the more "ompanions he has& the more prote"tion he has a(ailable
i- a need arises -or his "omrades to run inter-eren"e& helpin to ensure that his
"on"entration remains unbroken/ When tra(elin& su"h "onAurers should remain in the
"enter o- the party& traditionally the sa-est spot/ $s members o- smaller parties& "onAurers
are more e--e"ti(e kno#in a (ariety o- "onAurationBsummonin spells& parti"ularly those
that in-li"t damae dire"tlyL a "onAurer #ith only one or t#o "ompanions may -ind it
di--i"ult<< and danerous<< to "ast 'on2ure eleen"al/
?ost Desirable Spells!
)o#<)e(el! Mel('s a'id arro.& suon and (lae arro. are
e7"ellent o--ensi(e spells& but ons"er suonin% 1 is the prize << a "le(er "onAurer
should -ind numerous uses -or& say& eiht iant rats/
?edium<)e(el! The monster summonin spells are the best/ Con2ure
eleen"al& Mordenkainen's (ai"h(ul hound& and suon shado. "an turn the tide in Aust
about any battle #ith lo# or medium le(el opponents/
Hih<)e(el! This roup in"ludes #hat most #izards "onsider to be the
most prized spell o- any s"hool& .ish/ 0ii"ed .ish is nearly as potent/
%e"ause D?s (ary #idely in ho# they handle #ishes& players #ith
"onAurer "hara"ters miht #ant to dis"uss #ith their D? his parameters -or adAudi"atin
these types o- spells/ JSee the Spell Commentary se"tion in Chapter 8 -or more about
.ishes/K In addition to #ishes& hih<le(el "onAurationBsummonin spells o--er the
"onAurer some e7tremely po#er-ul o--ensi(e spells/ The all<around best in "ombat are
! .ord& kill3 !risa"i' s!hereL and the ons"er suonin% spells/
Ethos! %e"ause o- the reat po#er they #ield& most "onAurers are utterly
"on(in"ed that their spe"ialty is superior to all others/ Illusion and di(ination are tri(ial&
alteration and in(o"ation are in"onseCuential& abAuration and en"hantment are too #eak&
and ne"roman"y is too repulsi(e/ Thouh tendin to#ard smuness and arroan"e&
"onAurers are also "on-ident& "ouraeous& and briht/
ConAurers tend to rely on summoned "reatures to per-orm di--i"ult tasks
-or themL hen"e& many "onAurers ro# -labby as the years pass/ ?any "onsider "onAurers
to be do#nriht lazy/
ConAurers re"onize the importan"e o- keepin e(il in "he"k& and most are
o- ood alinment/ E(il "onAurers -lourish& ho#e(er& parti"ularly those #ho maintain
"onta"t #ith e(il entities summoned -rom other planes o- e7isten"e/
ConAurers speak their minds -reely and ha(e little patien"e -or the opinions
o- those they "onsider to be in-eriorL it takes a leader o- pro(en #orth and unyieldin
strenth to earn the respe"t o- a "onAurer/ In an ad(enturin party& "onAurers tend to pre-er
a"tion to dis"ussion& and atta"kin to neotiatin/ ConAurers relish e(ery opportunity -or
"ombat in order to demonstrate their po#er/
Sin"e "onAurers ha(e little interest in asso"iatin #ith "ommon people&
they pre-er to li(e in isolated areas o- the "ountryside/ ?ost "onsider "hildren a nuisan"e&
so e(en the -e# "onAurers #ho marry typi"ally remain "hildless by "hoi"e/
$side -rom mai"al resear"h& "onAurers shun all a"ti(ities that #ould
normally "onstitute a "areer or o""upation/ When -unds are lo#& "onAurers "an al#ays
summon "reatures to -et"h treasure -or them
Des"ription! Similar to the s"hool o- "onAurationBsummonin& this s"hool
en"ompasses t#o eneral types o- spells/ %oth types imbue their subAe"ts #ith mai"al
enery to "reate spe"i-i" e--e"ts/ Char spells indu"e "hanes or in-luen"e the beha(ior
o- "reatures& usually alterin their subAe"t's mental or emotional states/ En"hantment
spells in(est non<li(in obAe"ts #ith mai"al po#ers/ 0either 'har nor en'han"en"
spells ha(e any e--e"t on their subAe"t's physi"al -orm/
Spe"ialist 0ame! En"hanter/
$llo#ed Ra"es! Humans& hal-<el(es& and el(es "an all be"ome en"hanters/
$bility ReCuirements! Sin"e in-luen"in the #ill o- others is in part a
mani-estation o- the "aster's personal "harm& a #izard must ha(e a Charisma o- at least 3:
to spe"ialize as an en"hanter/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! $ll opponents modi-y their sa(in thro#s by <3
#hen attemptin to sa(e aainst an en"hantmentB"harm spell "ast by an en"hanter/ $n
en"hanter adds a M3 bonus #hen sa(in aainst en"hantmentB"harm spells/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $n en"hanter "an memorize an e7tra
spell at ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the
s"hool o- en"hantmentB"harm/ When an en"hanter rea"hes 38th le(el& he a"Cuires
immunity to all -orms o- 'har spells/ When an en"hanter rea"hes 25th le(el& he ains
the ability to "ast a spe"ial -ree a"tion spell on"e per day/ The en"hanter "an "ast this spell
on himsel- or any "reature he tou"hes/ 0o material "omponents are reCuired -or this spell
and the "astin time is 3L the en"hanter merely tou"hes the subAe"t to be a--e"ted and
"on"entrates/ When en"hanted #ith (ree a'"ion& the subAe"t is able to mo(e and atta"k
normally -or one hour& e(en under the in-luen"e o- a spell that impedes mo(ement su"h
as .eb or slo./ The spell neates the e--e"ts o- hold spells/ .nder#ater& the subAe"t
mo(es at normal sur-a"e speed and in-li"ts -ull damae #ith #eapons& pro(ided that the
#eapon is #ielded and not hurled/
+ppositional S"hools! $n en"hanter "annot learn spells -rom the s"hools
o- in(o"ationBe(o"ation and ne"roman"y/
Spell $nalysis! The en"hanter has a moderate number o- spells -rom #hi"h
to "hoose& most o- them emphasizin de-ensi(e rather than o--ensi(e e--e"ts/ 0ot only
"an this s"hool o- spells be di(ided into "harms and en"hantments& the spells "an also be
di(ided into those that a--e"t only a sinle person or obAe"t& and those "apable o- a--e"tin
a roup/
*enerally& the roup<a--e"tin spells are more use-ul to the en"hanter& but
he must "onsider their ranes and durations #hen de"idin #hi"h spells to learn and
memorize/ Eor instan"e& both ray o( en(eebleen" and Tasha's un'on"rollable hideous
lau%h"er are 2nd<le(el en"hantmentB"harm spells that in-li"t penalties on the atta"k and
damae rolls o- opponents/ Ray o( en(eebleen" a--e"ts only one "reature& #hile Tasha's
lau%h"er a--e"ts all those #ithin a ;5<-oot "ube/ %ut note that e(en thouh Tasha's
lau%h"er in-li"ts a hiher damae penalty& it lasts only a sinle round Jalthouh the e--e"ts
essentially "arry o(er into the ne7t roundK/ Ray o( en(eebleen" lasts 3 roundBle(elL #hen
"ast at hiher le(els& this spell "an be e7tremely debilitatin/ $nd thouh the :5<yard
rane o- Tasha's lau%h"er makes the rane o- ray o- en-eeblement look dismal by
"omparison J35 yards M 9 yardsBle(elK& note that at hiher le(els& the rane o- ray o(
en(eebleen" in"reases dramati"ally& #hile the rane o- Tasha's lau%h"er stays the same/
The short"omin o- the en"hantmentB"harm "atalo is the la"k o- o--ensi(e
spells/ +nly a hand-ul o- them are "apable o- in-li"tin damae/ This usually de-ines the
en"hanter's role in an ad(enturin party as de-ensi(e/ $s #ith the abAurer& it should be
noted that #ith his lo# $C& the en"hanter is e7tremely (ulnerable to atta"ks/ $ bodyuard
#ith a hih $C or a lot o- hit points is more o- a ne"essity than a lu7ury -or an en"hanter/
.nlike an abAurer& #hose de-ensi(e spells operate more or less automati"ally& the
en"hanter's de-ensi(e spells o-ten reCuire him to take an additional a"tion a-ter they are
su""ess-ully "ast/ $ hy!no"i$ed (i"tim& -or instan"e& needs to be told #hat to do& as does a
subAe"t a--e"ted by su%%es"ion/ Chared "reatures may simply stand and stare unless
dire"ted other#ise by the "aster/ Clearly& the most e--e"ti(e en"hanters are those #ho are
"reati(e& Cui"k<thinkin& and (iilant/
?ost Desirable Spells!
)o#<)e(el! 0early all o- the lo#< le(el en"hantmentB"harm spells are
de-ensi(e/ The best are those that allo# the en"hanter the most latitude in the number o-
"reatures he "an a--e"t& su"h as hy!no"is& slee!& s'are& and Tasha's un'on"rollable
hideous lau%h"er/ Thouh it a--e"ts only one "reature& su%%es"ion "an be an e7tremely
use-ul spell in the hands o- a "reati(e "asterL #ith a duration o- 3 hour M 3 hourBle(el& it's
also amon the lonest<lastin lo#<le(el spells/ ?edium<)e(el! En'han"ed
.ea!on is one o- the -e# o--ensi(e spells a(ailable in this s"hool& a (aluable addition to
any en"hanter's repertoire/ Char ons"er and hold ons"er ha(e the ad(antae o- bein
able to a--e"t a (ariety o- opponents/ Ma%i' irror e--e"ti(ely substitutes -or a 'rys"al
ball and other s"ryin de(i"es/ Mass su%%es"ion and eyebi"e ha(e the most possibilities o-
all the medium<le(el spells in the hands o- a "reati(e "aster/
Hih<)e(el! .n-ortunately& -e# hih<le(el en"hantmentB"harm spells are
a(ailable to the en"hanter/ Eor their (ariety o- uses& an"i!a"hy-sy!a"hy& bindin%& and
ass 'har are the best all<purpose spells/ In lieu o- a "onAurer& deand essentially
-un"tions as a "onAuration spell/
Ethos! With their hih Charisma& en"hanters tend to be the most physi"ally
attra"ti(e and personable o- all the spe"ialists/ They are sensiti(e& passionate& and "arin/
They belie(e in the san"tity o- li-e and share the druid's lo(e o- nature/ ?ost en"hanters
see themsel(es as prote"tors o- the helpless and ad(o"ates o- the #eak& but there are some
#ho see their mastery o- en"hantment mai" as e(iden"e o- their ine(itable as"endan"e in
the #orld/ 0otably& there are ample numbers o- ood and e(il en"hanters& but -e# neutral
En"hanters are "ommonly the (oi"e o- reason in ad(enturin parties/ They
are o-ten able to de(ise options and solutions that ha(e eluded their "ompanions/ They are
e7"ellent team<players& superb neotiators& and shre#d barainers/ They enAoy -ine arts
and ood "on(ersation& and are -as"inated by mai" in all its -orms/ It is not unusual -or
an en"hanter to a"Cuire dozens o- "lose -riends/ Thouh deeply romanti"& en"hanters
o-ten marry late in li-e& as they are relu"tant to settle do#n #ith Aust one person/
Eond o- the simple li-e& en"hanters usually li(e in modest homes in small
(illaes/ They spend mu"h o- their time tinkerin #ith mai"al potions and de(i"es&
"ommonly earnin money as "ounselors& tea"hers& and -armers
*reater Di(ination
Des"ription! This s"hool in"ludes a (ariety o- spells that re(eal
in-ormation that #ould other#ise remain hidden or se"ret/ *reater di(ination spells
re(eal the e7isten"e o- spe"i-i" items& "reatures& or "onditions& as #ell as in-ormation
about the past& present& and -uture/ This s"hool also in"ludes spells that "onta"t "reatures
-rom other planes o- e7isten"e& but do not indu"e dire"t a"tion -rom those "reatures/
Spe"ialist 0ame! Di(iner/
$llo#ed Ra"es! El(es& hal-<el(es& and humans are all eliible to spe"ialize
as di(iners/ J0ote that Table 22 on pae ;3 o- the Player's Handbook is in"orre"t<<
nomes "annot be di(iners/K
$bility ReCuirements! $ #izard must ha(e a stron intuition and
e7"eptional #illpo#er to master di(ination spells& re-le"ted in a hih Wisdom s"ore/
Spe"ialists in this s"hool must ha(e a minimum Wisdom s"ore o- 3:/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! $ll opponents modi-y their sa(in thro#s by <3
#hen attemptin to sa(e aainst a di(ination spell "ast by a di(iner/ $ di(iner adds a M3
bonus #hen sa(in aainst di(ination spells or any mai"al de(i"es that dupli"ate these
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $ di(iner "an memorize an e7tra spell
at ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the s"hool
o- di(ination/
When a di(iner rea"hes 38th le(el& he a"Cuires immunity to all -orms o-
s"ryin spells& su"h as ESP and kno. ali%nen"& as #ell as immunity aainst mai"al
items that dupli"ate these e--e"ts/ $n opponent usin ESP on a 38th le(el di(iner has no
more su""ess than i- he #ere attemptin to read the mind o- a stone/ $n opponent usin
'lairaudien'e on an unseen 38th le(el di(iner neither re"ei(es in-ormation nor be"omes
a#are o- the di(iner's presen"e/
When a di(iner rea"hes 34th le(el& he re"ei(es the ability to "ast a spe"ial
(ind "ra!s spell three times per day/ The spell has an area o- e--e"t eCual to a 35<-oot<path
up to a rane o- ;5 yards/ To "ast the spell& the di(iner must merely point in the desired
dire"tion and "on"entrateL no (erbal or material "omponents are reCuired/ Similar to the
2nd<le(el priest spell& (ind "ra!s re(eals the e7isten"e o- all normally "on"ealed mai"al
and me"hani"al traps& in"ludin alarms& lyphs& and similar spells and de(i"es/ The
di(iner learns the eneral nature o- the trap Jmai"al or me"hani"alK but not its e7a"t
e--e"t or ho# to disarm it/
When a di(iner rea"hes 25th le(el& he re"ei(es the ability to "ast a spe"ial
di)ina"ion spell on"e per day/ To "ast the spell& the di(iner must "on"entrate -or one -ull
turnL no (erbal or material "omponents are reCuired/ Similar to the 6th<le(el priest spell&
di)ina"ion re(eals a use-ul pie"e o- ad(i"e "on"ernin a spe"i-i" oal& e(ent& or a"ti(ity
that #ill o""ur #ithin the ne7t se(en days/ The re(elation may take the -orm o- an omen&
a short phrase& or a "rypti" (erse& but it al#ays re(eals spe"i-i" ad(i"e/ In all "ases& the
D? "ontrols the type o- in-ormation re(ealed and #hether additional di)ina"ions #ill
supply additional in-ormation/ The base "han"e -or a "orre"t di)ina"ion is =5 per"ent&
adAusted by the D? -or unusual "ir"umstan"es or e7treme reCuests Jsu"h as a di(iner
tryin to learn the e7a"t lo"ation o- a po#er-ul arti-a"tK/ I- the di"e roll -ails& the di(iner
kno#s that the spell -ailed& unless spe"i-i" mai" yieldin -alse in-ormation is at #ork/
+ppositional S"hools! The di(iner is denied a""ess to the s"hool o-
Spell $nalysis! The (ariety o- spells a(ailable to the di(iner is more
restri"ted than any other s"hool or spe"ialist/ +--ensi(e spells << that is& those that in-li"t
damae on opponents either dire"tly or indire"tly << are none7istent -or this s"hool/
De-ensi(e spells that either inhibit an enemy's atta"k ability or pro(ide dire"t prote"tion
-or the di(iner and his "ompanions are like#ise una(ailable/ This doesn't mean that the
di(iner is useless on the battle-ieldL it means that his strenth lies else#here/
$s a atherer o- in-ormation& the di(iner is #ithout peer/ $ di(iner "an
anti"ipate une7pe"ted daners& "an separate the truth -rom lies& and is e7"eptionally
e--e"ti(e as a spy/ He "an bolster his party's de-enses by alertin them to the presen"e o-
normally undete"table opponents/ $lthouh the repertoire o- di(ination spells is relati(ely
small& the di(iner has a""ess to more s"hools than any other spe"ialist/
There are t#o eneral roups o- reater di(ination spells/ +ne roup
in"ludes spells that re(eal in-ormation about a spe"i-i" obAe"t or "reature& su"h as ESP
and lo'a"e ob2e'"/ $ se"ond roup re(eals in-ormation about any type o- obAe"t or
"reature #ithin the rane o- the spellL this roup in"ludes de"e'" in)isibili"y and
?ost Desirable Spells!
)o#<)e(el! $ll 3st<le(el throuh 6th<le(el di(ination spells are part o- the
lesser di(ination s"hool& and are a(ailable to all s"hools/ These are dis"ussed in more
detail in the )esser Di(ination se"tion belo#/ Ho#e(er& a #ell<rounded di(iner #ill ha(e
de"e'" a%i'& read a%i'& and ESP in"luded in his repertoireL kno. ali%nen" and
'lair)oyan'e are also important basi" di(ination spells/
?edium<)e(el! $ll o- the medium<le(el di(ination spells are stron& #ith
le%end lore and "rue seein% likely to et the most use/ Con"a'" o"her !lane is a (aluable
spell i- the di(iner's party la"ks a "onAurer or other #izard "apable o- "onta"tin
e7traplanar "reatures/
Hih<)e(el! With only a hand-ul o- hih<le(el reater di(ination spells&
the di(iner has -e# "hoi"es/ 0ote that (oresi%h" is one o- the -e# di(ination spells that
o--ers the di(iner prote"tion -rom harm/
Ethos! Di(iners are perhaps the #isest o- all #izards/ Their in(estiations
into the #orld around them and their perusal o- e(ents o- the past and the -uture empo#er
them #ith a base o- kno#lede and insiht ri(aled only by the most learned s"holars/ $
di(iner typi"ally possesses a strikin insiht into the #orkins o- men's mindsL -e# are
better Audes o- "hara"ter than di(iners/
Di(iners tend to be "autious and deliberate in their a"tions/ %e"ause their
di(inations ha(e tauht them that men are prone to hidin their true -eelins and
moti(ations& many di(iners are suspi"ious and distrust-ul& sometimes to the point o-
"yni"ism/ Those di(iners #ho allo# distrust and "yni"ism to o(er#helm them tend to be
o- e(il alinment/ Those #ho a""ept man's ambiuous "hara"ter as a part o- the natural
order tend to be o- neutral alinment/ Those #ho maintain -aith in man's innate oodness
tend to be o- ood alinment/
Di(iners are not predisposed to the ad(enturin li-e& and a""ept su"h a
"areer only relu"tantly/ They are not natural "ombatantsL in -a"t& #izards la"kin in
physi"al pro#ess are dra#n to di(ination more than any other spe"ialty/ Still& di(iners
make (aluable additions to ad(enturin partiesL their Audement& "unnin& and plain
"ommon sense are #el"ome "ommodities/ $ party must take "are to pro(ide prote"tion
-or di(iners sin"e they usually la"k any sini-i"ant ability to de-end themsel(es/
Di(iners are loners at heart and do not make "lose -riends easily/ They
rarely raise lare -amilies/ Di(iners o- ood alinment enerally harbor no ill -eelins
aainst other people& and #ill usually assist them #hen asked/ Still& they pre-er to li(e
alone in remote areas #here they "an "ondu"t their resear"h and in(estiation
undisturbed/ Stone to#ers on "li-- sides or atop hih hills are ideal residen"es -or
di(iners/ Thouh they sho# little interest in material possessions& di(iners earn money by
"harin -or their ser(i"es as seers& -ortune<tellers& and -inders o- lost obAe"ts and persons
Des"ription! Spells -rom the s"hool o- illusion bend reality to "reate
apparent "hanes in the en(ironment& in the "aster& or in other persons or "reatures/ These
spells do not "ause real "hanes as alteration spells do& but instead alter the #ay that
"reatures and persons per"ei(e reality/ This s"hool in"ludes both illusion and phantasm
spells Jthe di--eren"es are dis"ussed in the Spell $nalysis se"tion belo#K/
Spe"ialist 0ame! Illusionist/
$llo#ed Ra"es! Humans and nomes are eliible to be"ome illusionists/
It's not "lear #hy el(es and hal-<el(es are unable to spe"ialize in this s"hool& thouh some
spe"ulate that the same inborn mai"al resistan"e that helps make them immune to "harm
spells also limits their ability to -o"us the mai"al enery needed to "reate illusions/
$bility ReCuirements! The somati" "omponents o- most medium<le(el and
hih<le(el illusions reCuire pre"ise physi"al manipulations/ There-ore& to spe"ialize as an
illusionist& a #izard must ha(e a minimum De7terity s"ore o- 3:/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! Illusionists add a M3 bonus #hen rollin sa(in
thro#s aainst any type o- illusion/ +pponents su--er a <3 penalty #hen rollin sa(in
thro#s aainst illusionBphantasm spells "ast by an illusionist/ These modi-iers are only
used aainst illusions #here sa(in thro#s are appli"able/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $n illusionist "an memorize an e7tra
spell at ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the
s"hool o- illusion/
When an illusionist rea"hes 3=th le(el& he adds a M3 bonus #hen sa(in
aainst illusions "ast by non<illusionists/ JSin"e this is in addition to his natural M3
modi-ier& his sa(in thro# bonus aainst these atta"k -orms e--e"ti(ely be"omes M2/K
When an illusionist rea"hes 25th le(el& he a"Cuires the ability to "ast a
spe"ial dis!el illusion spell three times per day/ The spell has a rane o- ;5 yards and a
"astin time o- 3/ To "ast this spell& the illusionist merely points at the subAe"t and
"on"entratesL no somati" or material "omponents are reCuired/ This spell enables the
illusionist to dispel any type o- !han"asal (or'e& in"ludin those aumented by audible
%laerL ho#e(er& dis!el illusion is e--e"ti(e only on !han"asal (or'e spells "ast by non<
Dis!el illusion has a base "han"e o- su""ess o- 95 per"ent/ Eor ea"h le(el
o- e7perien"e that the illusionist e7"eeds the "aster o- the !han"asal (or'e& the "han"e o-
su""ess is in"reased by 9 per"ent/ Eor ea"h le(el the "aster e7"eeds the illusionist& the
"han"e is redu"ed by 9 per"ent/ JEor instan"e& i- a 25th<le(el illusionist attempts to dispel
a !han"asal (or'e "reated by a 39th<le(el mae& the illusionist's "han"e o- su""ess is 89
per"ent/K I- an illusionist "asts dis!el illusion at a subAe"t that isn't an illusion& there is no
e--e"t& but the attempt "ounts aainst the illusionist's daily limit o- dis!el illusion spells/
+ppositional S"hools! $n illusionist "annot learn spells -rom the s"hools
o- ne"roman"y& in(o"ationBe(o"ation& and abAuration/
Spell $nalysis! Spells o- this s"hool "an be rouped into t#o eneral
"ateories! illusions and phantasms/ Illusions are spells that simulate reality& "reatin
arti-i"ial "onditions o- liht& "olor& sound& and s"ent/ Audible %laer is an e7ample o- an
illusion that simulates sound/ In eneral& the lo#er<le(el illusions are o- limited use in
"ombat situations& pro(idin neither dire"t prote"tion -rom damae nor the ability to
in-li"t damae on opponents/ Thouh most illusions "reate only the appearan"e o- reality&
some hih<le(el spells tap e7tradimensional -or"es to "reate illusions #ith physi"al
substan"e& "apable o- in-li"tin damae and other#ise intera"tin #ith the real #orld/
Shado# monsters is an e7ample o- a Cuasi<real illusion/ These are the most use-ul types
o- illusion spells in "ombat& as they "an "reate illusionary "reatures to atta"k opponents
and e7e"ute an assortment o- other ta"ti"al a"tions/ $nother type o- illusion -o"uses
e7tradimensional -or"es to alter the physi"al -orm o- the "aster/ #rai"h(or is an
e7ample/ These are espe"ially ood de-ensi(e spells& as they prote"t the "aster -rom a
(ariety o- atta"k -orms/
Phantasms are the se"ond eneral roup o- illusion spells/ Phantasms
dire"tly manipulate the per"eption o- their (i"tims/ Phantasms do not "reate imaes& they
indu"e responses/ S!ook is an e7ample o- a phantasm that indu"es the response o- -ear/
Phantasms are also ood de-ensi(e spells& more so than illusions that alter the "aster's
-orm& sin"e they "an a--e"t a number o- opponents #ithin a i(en rane/
%e"ause spells -rom the s"hool o- illusion are mainly "on"erned #ith the
"reation o- imaes and are o- limited use on the battle-ield& many -eel that illusionists are
the #eakest o- all the spe"ialists/ In a broad sense& ho#e(er& no s"hool pro(ides a #izard
#ith more options& sin"e in most "ases& illusion spells are limited only by the "aster's
imaination/ Eor instan"e& "onsider the 3st<le(el illusion spell !han"asal (or'e/ $ dull<
#itted #izard miht "onsider this a useless spellL a-ter all& its illusions ha(e only (isual
"omponents/ $ silent monster miht s"are a#ay a ner(ous bandit& but #hat else "an you
do #ith it@ Plenty& ans#ers the "reati(e illusionist& and the e--e"ts aren't "on-ined to the
battle-ield/ Here are some e7amples!
The party is bein pursued by a hoard o- or"s/ The #izard uses !han"asal (or'e to
"reate the illusion o- a #all o- bramble bushes behind the party to slo# do#n the
pursuers/ $lternately& he "reates a s#arm o- #asps& a "loud o- ominous reen as&
or a pool o- Cui"ksand to slo# them do#n/
The hunry party #ants to "at"h some -ish -or the e(enin meal/ They ha(e lines and
hooks& but no bait/ The #izard uses !han"asal (or'e to "reate a "olor-ul& sparklin
The party #ishes to lure an enemy into a "a(e -or an ambush/ The #izard uses
!han"asal (or'e to "reate the illusion o- reat treasure Aust inside the "a(e and <<
in oes the reedy enemy/
The #izard has met a beauti-ul damsel #hom he #ishes to impress/ He takes her to a
se"luded #oodland and uses !han"asal (or'e to "reate the illusion o- a pat"h o-
beauti-ul #ild -lo#ers/
?ost Desirable Spells!
)o#<)e(el! Phan"asal (or'e& )en"rilo4uis& i!ro)ed !han"asal (or'e&
and s!e'"ral (or'e are the most (ersatile lo#< le(el illusionist spells #hen #ielded by a
"reati(e "aster/ S!ook& in)isibili"y& .rai"h(or& and in)isibili"y& *+' radius are e7"ellent
de-ensi(e spells/
?edium<)e(el! With a""ess to 6th<le(el and hiher spells& the illusionist
be"omes a stron "ombatant& as he "an take ad(antae o- po#er-ul& Cuasi<real illusions
su"h as !han"asal killer& shado. ons"ers& dei-shado. ons"ers& shado. a%i'&
dei-shado. a%i'& and shades/ The options -or the "reati(e illusionist also e7pand& #ith
a""ess to the "omple7 "reations possible #ith inor 'rea"ion& ad)an'ed illusion& a2or
'rea"ion& !eranen" illusion& and !ro%raed illusion/
Hih<)e(el! .n-ortunately& the number o- spells a(ailable to the illusionist
drops dramati"ally at hiher le(els/ Shado. .alk is in(aluable i- the #izard anti"ipates
tra(el to the plane o- shado#L in "ertain situations& it also -un"tions as an e--e"ti(e
banishment spell/ Mass in)isibili"y "an mean the di--eren"e bet#een (i"tory and de-eat in
"ombat in(ol(in a lare number o- parti"ipants/ Siula'ru has the most possibilities o-
all the "reation illusions& #hile .eird "an be the most deadly o- all the o--ensi(e illusion
Ethos! Illusionists tend to be -lamboyant& outoin& and sel-<assured/
Remarkably "reati(e& they enAoy art& literature& poetry& and musi"& and many are
a""omplished artists in their o#n rihts/ Thouh their aptitude -or s"holarly pursuits is as
hih as any other spe"ialist& illusionists tend to spend less time in(ol(ed in resear"h&
pre-errin the "ompany o- people to the isolation o- the laboratory/
Illusionists ha(e sharp minds& but they are not parti"ularly deep thinkers/
Pramati" by nature& they a""ept the impermanen"e o- all thins& belie(in that any
attempt at de(elopin an all< en"ompassin philosophy to e7plain the meanin o-
e7isten"e is ultimately -utile and there-ore a #aste o- time/ Illusionists tend to be o- ood
and neutral alinments& sin"e #izards in"lined to#ard e(il usually opt -or a spe"ialization
they per"ei(e as bein more po#er-ul/
%e"ause o- their -or"e-ul personalities and sharp minds& illusionists make
ood leaders o- an ad(enturin party& but they also make eCually ood lieutenants and
strateists/ %e"ause lo#<le(el and medium<le(el illusionists usually la"k de-ensi(e spells&
a party must pro(ide bodyuards or other prote"tion to keep them healthyL su"h
illusionists are best kept in the "enter o- the party #hen tra(elin/
Illusionists enAoy the hustle and bustle o- urban li-e& and usually maintain
#ell<-urnished homes in the heart o- a "ity/ They usually ha(e a host o- -riends and
a"Cuaintan"es& and are loyal and lo(in spouses/ Illusionists earn a li(in as entertainers&
artists& mer"enaries& tea"hers& and shopkeepers
Des"ription! This s"hool in"ludes t#o types o- spells& both o- #hi"h use
mai"al enery to "reate spe"i-i" e--e"ts by brinin -orth spe"ial -or"es that the "aster
shapes into "onstru"ts o- enery or "onstru"ts o- matter/ E(o"ation spells use the natural
mai"al -or"es o- the planes/ In(o"ation spells "all on the inter(ention o- po#er-ul
e7tradimensional beins/
Spe"ialist 0ame! In(oker/
$llo#ed Ra"es! +nly humans are able to in"orporate the "omplimentary
eneries ne"essary to master the spells o- this s"hool/ There-ore& only humans are eliible
to be"ome in(okers/
$bility ReCuirements! %e"ause o- the po#er-ul eneries in(ol(ed& a
li-etime o- "astin in(o"ationBe(o"ation spells is e7tremely stress-ul to a #izard's health/
$ minimum Constitution o- 3: is ne"essary to spe"ialize as an in(oker/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! $ll opponents modi-y their sa(in thro#s by <3
#hen attemptin to sa(e aainst an in(o"ationBe(o"ation spell "ast by an in(oker/ $n
in(oker adds a M3 bonus #hen sa(in aainst in(o"ationBe(o"ation spells/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $n in(oker "an memorize an e7tra
spell at ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the
s"hool o- in(o"ationBe(o"ation/ When an in(oker rea"hes 38th le(el& he ains an
additional M3 bonus #hen sa(in aainst in(o"ationBe(o"ation spells or aainst mai"al
de(i"es dupli"atin the e--e"ts o- these spells/ With his natural sa(in thro# modi-ier& this
e--e"ti(ely raises his bonus to M2/ When an in(oker rea"hes 25th le(el& he ains another
M3 bonus #hen sa(in aainst in(o"ationBe(o"ation spells& e--e"ti(ely raisin his bonus
to M;/
+ppositional S"hools! The in(oker is denied a""ess to spells -rom the
s"hools o- en"hantmentB"harm and "onAurationBsummonin/
Spell $nalysis! This s"hool o--ers the spe"ialist a rane o- spells o-
staerin po#er/ In -a"t& no s"hool has a #ider (ariety o- o--ensi(e spells a(ailable at all
The hih<le(el o--ensi(e e(o"ation spells are nothin short o- de(astatinL
a sinle e"eor -or instan"e& "an in-li"t up to 3:5 hit points o- damae/
$""ordinly& an in(oker "an be thouht o- as the #izardly eCui(alent o- the mihtiest
-ihterL #hen armed #ith a repertoire o- in(o"ationBe(o"ation spells& the in(oker is easily
amon the ame's most po#er-ul "hara"ters/
The in(oker also has a""ess to a number o- potent de-ensi(e spells/ Some
o- these pro(ide prote"tion aainst spe"i-i" types o- atta"ks& su"h as shield and (ire shield&
#hile others o--er prote"tion by hinderin the a"tions o- all enemies #ithin the rane o-
the spell& su"h as .all o( (o% and shou"/ *enerally& the spells hinderin enemy a"tions #ill
pro(e to be more use-ul than spells prote"tin aainst a spe"i-i" type o- atta"k& unless the
in(oker suspe"ts that he #ill be en"ounterin spe"i-i" types o- monsters/ Eor instan"e& i-
-ire lizards roam the land& it's prudent to memorize (ire shield5
$ #ise in(oker realizes that the stronest spells are not ne"essarily the best
ones/ Eor instan"e& assume that a 35th<le(el in(oker and his party are about to (enture
into an unkno#n area #here lare numbers o- hostile "reatures are rumored to li(e/
Thouh the "reatures are numerous& they're also rumored to be lo#<le(el& perhaps no
more than ; HD ea"h/ The in(oker has both li%h"nin% bol" and Mel('s inu"e e"eors in
his spell book << #hi"h o- the t#o #ill be the most help-ul@ The damae "aused by a
sinle li%h"nin% bol" e7"eeds that o- inu"e e"eors& but the li%h"nin% bol" "an be used
only on"e& #hile inu"e e"eors enables the in(oker to make up to ten atta"ks/ $ typi"al
; HD monster has about 32 hit points/ .ndoubtedly& the lihtnin bolt #ill #ipe out a ;
HD monster& but mu"h o- the lihtnin bolt's po#er is likely to #asted/ With lu"k& the
minute meteors #ill disable numerous ; HD monsters/
It is #ise to memorize po#er-ul sinle<shot o--ensi(e spells Jsu"h as
li%h"nin% bol" and (ireballK #hen the party e7pe"ts to en"ounter hih<le(el monsters& and
to memorize multiple<shot spells Jsu"h as 'hain li%h"nin% and Mel('s inu"e e"eorsK
"apable o- disablin a number o- opponents #hen lo#<le(el monsters are e7pe"ted/
Thouh the in(oker #ields reat po#er& it's important to remember that his
$rmor Class is no better than that o- any other spe"ialist/ $n in(oker armed #ith
li%h"nin% bol"& (ireball& and a rane o- other -ormidable o--ensi(e spells is still (ulnerable
to atta"ks/ $ party #ho repeatedly sends their in(oker on danerous assinments alone or
an in(oker #ho "onsistently (olunteers -or su"h assinments is temptin -ateL a sinle
trap or su""ess-ully e7e"uted ambush "an easily mean the end o- his li-e/
?ost Desirable Spells!
)o#<)e(el! Ma%i' issile is the most potent 3st<le(el o--ensi(e spell/
,ireball& li%h"nin% bol"& and Mel('s inu"e e"eors are killers& perhaps the best lo#<le(el
o--ensi(e spells o- any s"hool/ #all o( (o% and .eb are the best lo#<le(el o--ensi(e spells/
?edium<)e(el! There are three medium<le(el spells #hose multiple -orms
make them parti"ularly attra"ti(eL interestinly& they all are all "old<based spells/ These
in"lude i'e s"ors Jt#o -ormsK& .all o( i'e Jthree -ormsK& and O"iluke's (ree$in% s!here
Jthree -ormsK/ Drea is a similarly attra"ti(e spell& sin"e the in(oker also ains a""ess to
its re(erse& ni%h"are/ Shou"& .all o( iron& and Tenser's "rans(ora"ion are all e--e"ti(e as
both o--ensi(e and de-ensi(e spells/ Cloudkill and 'hain li%h"nin% are e7"ellent additions
to any in(oker's arsenal/
Hih<)e(el! 0ii"ed .ish is limited only by the imaination o- the "aster
and the parameters set by the D? Jsee the dis"ussion o- #ish spells in Chapter 8 -or more
in-ormationK/ 6indin%& #ith its si7 di--erent -orms& is a terri-i" de-ensi(e spell/ $ll but the
mihtiest o- opponents #ill yield to an in(oker armed #ith one or more o- the -ollo#in!
6i%by's 'len'hed (is"& in'endiary 'loud& 6i%by's 'rushin% hand& ener%y drain& and e"eor
Ethos! The s"hool o- e(o"ationBin(o"ation attra"ts the most serious<
minded& intense& and determined #izards/ ?ost are sinle<mindedly de(oted to the
mastery o- their "ra-t/ In(okers o- ood alinment de(ote themsel(es to usin their skills
to promote oodness and eliminate e(il& #illin to sa"ri-i"e their li(es i- ne"essary/ Eor
e(il<alined in(okers& the mai" o- in(o"ation is the key to their as"endan"yL to them&
ood is #eakness and e(il is strenth/ %e"ause spe"ialists o- this s"hool are men and
#omen o- e7treme philosophies& in(okers o- neutral alinment are rare/
In(okers are natural leaders! -earless& inspirin& and authoritati(e/ Their
"ourae on the battle-ield is #ithout peer& and they per-orm as aressors alonside the
most able -ihters/ Sin"e they are introspe"ti(e& so-t<spoken& and emotionally distant&
in(okers seldom establish stron personal relationships/
In(okers #ill li(e any#here they "an maintain their pri(a"y/ Common
people #illinly lea(e them alone& -earin their po#er and e(en reardin them as
danerous& and in(okers do little to dispel this reputation/ They shun material
possessions& needin only enouh -unds to -inan"e their resear"h/ They primarily earn
money as tea"hers& thouh they #ill o""asionally sin on as members o- ad(enturin
parties in order to -ind treasure
Des"ription! This po#er-ul s"hool in(ol(es spells dealin #ith death and
the dead/ These spells drain (itality -rom li(in "reatures and restore li-e -un"tions to
unli(in "reatures/ %ones& blood& spirits& and apparitions are all asso"iated #ith the
mai"al eneries shaped and "ontrolled by the spe"ialists o- this s"hool/
Spe"ialist 0ame! 0e"roman"er/
$llo#ed Ra"es! $s in the s"hool o- in(o"ationBe(o"ation& only the spirits
o- humans in"orporate the eneries ne"essary to master the spells o- ne"roman"y/
There-ore& only humans are eliible to be"ome ne"roman"ers/
$bility ReCuirements! Sin"e only the most enlihtened& stron<#illed& and
intuiti(e #izards "an be"ome spe"ialists o- this s"hool& ne"roman"ers must ha(e a
minimum Wisdom o- 3:/
Sa(in Thro# ?odi-iers! $ll opponents modi-y their sa(in thro#s by <3
#hen attemptin to sa(e aainst a ne"roman"y spell "ast by a ne"roman"er& or aainst an
atta"k -rom an undead "reature either "reated or "ontrolled by a ne"roman"er/ $
ne"roman"er adds a M3 bonus #hen sa(in aainst ne"roman"y spells& or aainst any
atta"ks made by undead "reatures/
%onus Spells and $"Cuired Po#ers! $ ne"roman"er "an memorize an e7tra
spell at ea"h spell le(el& pro(idin that at least one o- the memorized spells is -rom the
s"hool o- ne"roman"y/ When a ne"roman"er rea"hes 38th le(el& he adds another M3 bonus
#hen sa(in aainst ne"roman"y spells or aainst any atta"ks made by undead "reatures/
With his natural M3 bonus& this e--e"ti(ely raises his sa(in thro# bonus to M2/
When a ne"roman"er rea"hes 25th le(el& he ains the ability to "ast a
spe"ial -orm o- s!eak .i"h dead on"e per day/ To "ast the spell& the ne"roman"er must
merely point to the subAe"t and "on"entrate -or one roundL no (erbal or material
"omponents are ne"essary/ The spell enables the ne"roman"er to ask Cuestions o- a sinle
dead "reature and re"ei(e ans#ers a""ordin to the kno#lede o- that "reature/ The
"reature "an not ha(e died more than 355 years ao& and the "aster must be able to
"on(erse in a lanuae that the dead "reature -ormerly used/ The ne"roman"er "an
"on(erse #ith the dead "reature -or one -ull turn and "an ask up to -our Cuestions/
Reardless o- the "reature's le(el or alinment& it re"ei(es no sa(in thro#
aainst this spell/ Ho#e(er& the "reature #ill be as e(asi(e as possible& tendin to i(e
brie- and sometimes "rypti" ans#ers/
$dditionally& the "reature's kno#lede is usually "on-ined to #hat it kne#
in li-e Jit "annot "on(ey in-ormation about #hat may ha(e happened to it a-ter its deathK/
+ppositional S"hools! The ne"roman"er "annot learn spells -rom the
s"hools o- illusion and en"hantmentB"harm/
Spell $nalysis! Thouh the s"hool o- ne"roman"y has a relati(ely small
number o- spells& they are amon the most potent a(ailable to any o- the spe"ialists/ In
terms o- sheer po#er& the ne"romanti" spells "ompare to those -rom the s"hool o-
0e"romanti" spells "an be sorted into three eneral roups/ +ne roup
in"ludes spells that imbue the "aster or a person o- the "aster's "hoi"e #ith spe"ial
abilities similar to the e--e"ts o- "ertain en"hantment and alteration spells/ Chill "ou'h&
ener)a"ion& dea"h s!ell& and (in%er o( dea"h are e7amples o- this type o- spell/ The
maAority o- this roup are e7tremely po#er-ul o--ensi(e spellsL dea"h s!ell and (in%er o(
dea"h in parti"ular are e--e"ti(e aainst a #ide rane o- opponents/ $ ne"roman"er armed
#ith a repertoire o- these spells bolsters his party's o--ensi(e "apabilities "onsiderably/
Rein'arna"ion "an be "onsidered part o- this roup& sin"e it imbues the subAe"t #ith a
spe"ial abilityL namely& a se"ond "han"e at li-e/
$ se"ond roup o- ne"roman"y spells in"ludes those that "reate "reatures
or physi"al -or"es to -iht on the "aster's behal-/ S!e'"ral hand and ania"e dead are
e7amples/ Suon shado. is also in"luded in this roup& althouh in this "ase& an a"tual
"reature is summoned rather than "reated/ Sin"e these spells enhan"e the "aster's ability to
in-li"t damae on opponents& they "an be "onsidered o--ensi(e spells/
$ third roup o- ne"roman"y spells enables the "aster to a--e"t the a"tions
o- other "reatures& usually undead/ Hold undead& 'on"a%ion& and 'on"rol undead are
e7amples/ Sin"e these spells inhibit the atta"k "apabilities o- the a--e"ted "reatures& they
"an be "onsidered de-ensi(e spells& althouh in the "ase o- 'on"rol undead& the a--e"ted
"reatures "an also be used to atta"k enemies/
The maAority o- the ne"roman"er's spells probably #on't "ome -rom Aust
one o- these roups/ ?ore likely& he #ill a"Cuire a number o- spells -rom ea"h o- these
roups o(er the "ourse o- his "areer/ Thouh all o- the ne"roman"y spells are e7tremely
po#er-ul& in most "ases& the o--ensi(e spells are his best "hoi"es& sin"e their po#er has no
parallel in spells -rom other s"hools J-or instan"e& it #ould probably take a 4th<le(el #ish
to dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- a :th<le(el dea"h s!ellK/
The ne"roman"er doesn't e7hibit mu"h mai"al strenth until he rea"hes
the hiher le(els/ $ lo#<le(el ne"roman"er o- :th le(el or lo#er miht "ontribute little to
a party's de-ensi(e or o--ensi(e "apabilities/ $ lo#<le(el ne"roman"er reCuires e7tra
prote"tion -rom his "ompanionsL he must also adopt a realisti" attitude about his
e--e"ti(eness in "ombat and a(oid takin unne"essary risks/ Ho#e(er& on"e the
ne"roman"er ains a""ess to the middle<le(el and hiher<le(el spells Jat :th<le(el and
abo(eK& his "apabilities in"rease at a rapid rate/ He needs only to li(e lon enouh to et
?ost Desirable Spells!
)o#<)e(el! The lo#<le(el spells are some#hat #eak& althouh 'hill
"ou'h& s!e'"ral hand& and )a!iri' "ou'h are all ood o--ensi(e spells/ Hold undead and
de"e'" undead #ill be in(aluable i- the #izard or his party #ill be (enturin into
"ata"ombs& burial rounds& or other pla"es #here su"h "reatures are likely to be
?edium<)e(el! $ll o- the spells in this roup are e7"eptionally stron/
Ma%i' 2ar and rein'arna"ion are uniCue in their utilities& their po#ers "omparable only to
that o- a .ish/ Dea"h s!ell& ener)a"ion& suon shado.& ania"e dead& and 'on"a%ion all
ha(e a (ariety o- uses on the battle-ield/
Hih<)e(el! There are only a -e# hih<le(el ne"roman"y spells& but all o-
them are e7tremely potent/ Con"rol undead& (in%er o( dea"h& and ener%y drain "an make
the mihtiest opponents tremble/ Wizards plannin to employ 'lone should "are-ully
"onsider the time it takes to useL thouh the "astin time is only a sinle turn& it "an take
up to eiht months -or the "lone to ro#/
Ethos! The ne"roman"er e7hibits a -as"ination #ith li-e and death that
borders on the obsessi(e/ He is typi"ally broodin& humorless& and #ithdra#n/ Casual
a"Cuaintan"es "onsider him to be "old and hostile& but those #ho be-riend the
ne"roman"er may "ome to kno# him as a "arin& "omple7 indi(idual #hose emotions run
deep/ The ne"roman"er "an be a (alued and trust#orthy "ompanion& but he is also prone
to bouts o- depression so e7treme that it be"omes di--i"ult -or him to intera"t #ith others
to any meanin-ul deree/
Continual e7posure to -or"es asso"iated #ith undead "reatures "an ha(e a
"orruptin e--e"t on #izards #ith e(en the slihtest in"linations to#ard e(il/
ConseCuently& the number o- e(il<alined ne"roman"ers is rumored to -ar out#eih the
number o- those o- ood alinment/ 0eutral ne"roman"ers are (irtually non<e7istentL in
eneral& a ne"roman"er either has a #ill stron enouh to resist the lure o- darkness& or he
submits to the "orruption and de(otes himsel- to a li-e o- e(il/
%e-riendin a ne"roman"er #ill try the patien"e o- e(en the most
understandin "hara"ter/ Sin"e ne"roman"ers pre-er solitude to "ompanionship& and
silen"e to "on(ersation& it is little #onder that -e# o- them ha(e spousesL the best mate
-or a ne"roman"er is another ne"roman"er/
In spite o- their reti"en"e& most ood< alined ne"roman"ers are
unshakable in their determination to "on-ront and e7tinuish e(il and #ill Aoin like<
minded indi(iduals to undertake these types o- missions/ .nderstandably& ne"roman"ers
make poor leaders& but they are (aluable additions to ad(enturin parties/ 0ot only do
ne"roman"ers #ield unmat"hed po#er& their -amiliarity #ith the #orld's dark -or"es
makes them (irtually -earless/ +n the other hand& mu"h to a leader's "harin& a
ne"roman"er does not al#ays -ollo# orders automati"allyL a ne"roman"er #ho disarees
#ith his party's stratey may simply strike out on his o#n/
0e"roman"ers li(e as -ar -rom "i(ilized reions as they "an& establishin
residen"es in an"ient "astles& deep "a(erns& or e(en abandoned "rypts/ They spend most
o- their time enaed in ar"ane resear"h& readin& studyin& and #ritin/
0e"roman"ers seldom ha(e "areers& thouh they o""asionally earn money
as tea"hers and mer"enaries/ Hih<le(el ne"roman"ers simply order undead "reatures to
-et"h them treasure #hen -unds are lo#
$bandonin a S"hool
With the D?'s permission& it is possible -or a #izard to abandon a
spe"ialty& but the restri"tions and penalties -or doin so are se(ere
?aes "annot abandon their "areers to be"ome spe"ialists/ +n"e a #izard
de"ides to be"ome a mae& he must remain so -or the duration o- his "areer
$ny spe"ialist "an abandon his s"hool& but only to be"ome a mae/ $
spe"ialist "annot be"ome a spe"ialist -rom a di--erent s"hool/ $ spe"ialist's de"ision to
abandon his s"hool to be"ome a mae is permanent << under no "ir"umstan"es "an he
aain be"ome a spe"ialist o- his oriinal s"hool/ $ spe"ialist keeps all o- the spell bonuses
that he had prior to his "on(ersion& but re"ei(es no more bonus spells a-ter he abandons
his s"hool to be"ome a mae/ He loses all sa(in thro# bonuses at the time o- his
"on(ersion J-or instan"e& he no loner re"ei(es a M3 bonus #hen makin sa(in thro#s
aainst spells o- his -ormer spe"ialty that are "ast by other #izardsK/
+n"e he abandons his s"hool& a -ormer spe"ialist's "han"es o- learnin
ne# spells are a--e"ted as -ollo#s!
When attemptin to learn a spell o- his -ormer spe"ialty& he no loner re"ei(es a bonus
Je//& an illusionist #ho abandons his s"hool no loner re"ei(es a M39 per"ent
bonus #hen attemptin to learn illusion spellsK/
When attemptin to learn spells -rom other s"hools& he still su--ers a penalty Je//& an
illusionist #ho abandons his s"hool still has a <39 per"ent penalty #hen attemptin
to learn spells -rom the s"hools o- alteration& reater di(ination&
en"hantmentB"harm& and "onAurationBsummoninK/
When attemptin to learn spells -rom s"hools in opposition to his -ormer spe"ialty& his
"han"e is "omputed a""ordin to the -ollo#in -ormula!
Per"ent "han"e N 3B2 Jbase "han"e to learn a spell <39 per"entK
Eor instan"e& a -ormer ne"roman"er #ith an Intellien"e o- 3; #ants to
learn an illusion spell/ Sin"e ne"roman"y is one o- the s"hools that #as in opposition to
his -ormer s"hool& his "han"e to learn the spell is 3B2 J99<39K& #hi"h eCuals 25 per"ent/
$ Word $bout ?inor S"hools
)esser Di(ination
The di(ination spells o- 6th<le(el and belo# are "olle"ti(ely kno#n as the
s"hool o- lesser di(ination/ )esser di(ination is "onsidered to be a minor s"hool o- mai"L
that is& #izards "an't be"ome spe"ialists in lesser di(ination/
The term IminorI is used in-ormally in this "onte7t/ It means that
spe"ialists -rom any s"hool are allo#ed to learn and use these spells/ ?any o- the lesser
di(ination spells& su"h as de"e'" a%i' and read a%i' are basi" to the pra"ti"e o- mai"/
+thers& su"h as iden"i(y& ESP& and kno. ali%nen" are (ital to the basi" repertoire o- any
spe"ialist/ Without a""ess to the spells o- lesser di(ination& a #izard's ability to -un"tion
#ould be -rustratinly limited& parti"ularly at the lo#er le(els/
$t -irst lan"e& the e7isten"e o- the s"hool o- lesser di(ination #ould seem
to redu"e the role o- the di(inerL a-ter all& no other s"hool allo#s all spe"ialists su"h easy
a""ess to their lo#<le(el spells/ Ho#e(er& an e7amination o- the reCuirements -or all
s"hools sho#s that only the "onAurer has reater di(ination as an opposition s"hoolL e(ery
other spe"ialist has a""ess to the lo#<le(el di(ination spells/ In pra"ti"e& the e7isten"e o-
the minor s"hool o- lesser di(ination ser(es only to i(e the "onAurer a""ess to the lo#<
le(el di(ination spells/
$lthouh all spe"ialists "an learn lesser di(ination spells& they "annot
learn them any more easily or e--e"ti(ely than they "an learn spells -rom s"hools other
than their o#n/ $ll non<di(iners learn lesser di(ination spells at a penalty o- <39 per"ent
on the Intellien"e Table JTable 6& pae 3: PH6KL -or instan"e& either a "onAurer or an
illusionist #ith an Intellien"e o- 39 has a 95 per"ent "han"e o- learnin any i(en lesser
di(ination spell/
$ll lesser di(ination spells are also "onsidered to be part o- the s"hool o-
reater di(ination/ There-ore& a di(iner has a 39 per"ent bonus on the Intellien"e Table
to learn lesser di(ination spellsL -or instan"e& a di(iner #ith an Intellien"e o- 39 has an
=5 per"ent "han"e o- learnin any lesser di(ination spell/
0e# ?inor S"hools
Do other minor s"hools o- mai" e7ist@ That's a de"ision -or the D?/
Dependin on the D?'s style and the parameters o- his "ampain& he "ould sele"t a small
roup o- spells and assin them to a minor s"hool/ Eor instan"e& a minor s"hool o- lesser
illusions "ould in"lude all illusions o- 3st<le(el throuh ;rd<le(el/ $ minor s"hool o-
lesser abAurationBne"roman"y "ould in"lude all abAuration and ne"roman"y spells o- 3st
To add "olor to the "ampain rule& the D? miht #ant to "reate a
histori"al e7planation -or the e7isten"e o- any ne# minor s"hools/ It's possible& -or
instan"e& that the minor s"hool o- lesser illusions #as "reated by the administration o- an
a"ademy o- mai" to a""ommodate students #ho la"ked the aptitude to be"ome -ull<
-leded illusionists/ The minor s"hool o- abAurationBne"roman"y miht ha(e been
de(eloped by an an"ient "lan o- ood<alined #izards to help prote"t them -rom atta"ks
by a ri(al band o- abAurers allied #ith a -or"e o- undead/
$ll #izards& reardless o- their spe"ialty& should ha(e a""ess to the spells
o- any minor s"hool/ I- he #ishes& the D? may assin bonuses and penalties to the
(arious spe"ialists' "han"es o- learnin the spells o- a related minor s"hool/ Some
possibilities -ollo#/
$ spe"ialist has a 39 per"ent Jor ;5 per"entK bonus& a non<spe"ialist has a 39 per"ent
Jor ;5 per"entK penalty/
$ spe"ialist has a ;5 per"ent bonus& a non<spe"ialist has a ;5 per"ent penalty/
%oth the spe"ialist and the non<spe"ialist ha(e 39 per"ent Jor ;5 per"entK bonuses/
Care-ul Audement should al#ays be e7er"ised #hen addin ne# minor
s"hools/ Remember that the more a""ess "hara"ters ha(e to mai"& the more po#er-ul
they be"ome/ $nd the more po#er-ul the "hara"ters are& the harder it is -or the D? to
maintain play balan"e/ In eneral& the -ollo#in t#o uidelines should apply!
$ minor s"hool should in"lude only a hand-ul o- lo#<le(el spells& none o- them hiher
than 6th<le(el/ Eour or -i(e 3st<le(el spells& t#o or three 2nd<le(el spells& one or
t#o ;rd<le(el spells& and one or t#o 6th<le(el spells are su--i"ient/
$ "ampain should in"lude no more than t#o minor s"hools/ J0ote than in almost
e(ery "ampain& one o- the t#o minor s"hools #ill be lesser di(ination/K
Chapter 2! Creatin 0e# S"hools
The Player's Handbook lists eiht di--erent reater s"hools o- mai"& but
more are possible/ $dditional s"hools "an e7pand a player's options& add "olor to the
"ampain& and allo# the D? to put his o#n mark on the ame/ Desinin ne# mai"
s"hools is one o- the D?'s touhest Aobs& but it "an also be one o- the most re#ardin/
This "hapter presents a step<by<step pro"edure -or "reatin s"hools o-
mai" -rom s"rat"h/ We'll demonstrate the pro"ess by "reatin a brand ne# s"hool riht
be-ore your eyes the s"hool o- metamorphi"s/
$t the end o- this book is a blank plannin sheet/ This may be "opied to
help you desin your o#n ne# s"hools
The %asi"s o- Creatin S"hools
%e-ore "reatin a s"hool& -ollo#in are a -e# eneral uidelines to keep in
Ne. s'hools should be uni4ue5 $ ne# mai" s"hool should not o(erlap
any o- the e7istin s"hools/ Sin"e the eiht maAor s"hools "o(er a lot o- round and there
are already hundreds o- spells in the $D1DH ame& this is not as easy as it sounds/ 0ot
only should the D? a(oid ne# mai" s"hools #hose spells dupli"ate the e--e"ts o-
e7istin spells& he should also a(oid trespassin on the priest's territory/ Eor instan"e& a
s"hool o- mai" -o"usin on healin spells isn't a ood idea& sin"e it "on-li"ts #ith one o-
the priest's spe"ial areas/
A ne. s'hool shouldn'" be "oo ! The e7isten"e o- a s"hool #hose
spells "an destroy draons& le(el "ities& and render the "aster in(ulnerable makes it
e7tremely di--i"ult -or the D? to maintain play balan"e/ It's ne7t to impossible -or the
D? to in(ent suitable "hallenes -or #izards #ieldin that mu"h po#er& ultimately
makin the ame borin -or all/ The s"hool o- ne"roman"y is about as po#er-ul as any
s"hool should be/
A ne. s'hool shouldn'" be "oo .eak5 +n the other hand& players #on't be
interested in a s"hool that doesn't o--er them a measure o- po#er "omparable to #hat's
a(ailable in the e7istin s"hools/ The s"hool o- reater di(ination is about as #eak as any
s"hool should be/
A ne. s'hool us" be des'ribed !re'isely5 ?ai"al e--e"ts are di--i"ult
enouh to adAudi"ate #hen their de-initions are detailed and spe"i-i"/ When they're
inde-inite and ambiuous& it's nearly impossible to make "onsistent rulins and a(oid
-rustratin players
Type o- ?ai"
The -irst step in desinin a ne# s"hool is to de"ide #hat type o- mai"al
enery #ill be #ielded by the spe"ialist and ho# that enery #ill mani-est itsel-/ The type
o- mai" must be eneral enouh to en"ompass a (ariety o- spells and e--e"ts& but it also
must be spe"i-i" enouh to di--erentiate it -rom e7istin s"hools/
%e-ore e7aminin the spe"i-i"s& "onsider the di--eren"es bet#een the
mai" o- #izards and the mai" o- priests/ Thouh some dupli"ation e7ists<< both ha(e
a""ess to ne"romanti" and summonin spells& -or instan"e<< the #ay they a"Cuire spells is
strikinly di--erent
Priests (s/ Wizards
Priests are ranted the use o- spells by deities o- spe"i-i" mythoi/ Ea"h
deity has authority o(er parti"ular roups o- "on"epts& -or"es& and thins& and these
roups are "alled spheres/ $ priest's alleian"e to his deity i(es him a""ess to "ertain
spheres o- mai" that re-le"t the deity's spe"ial interests/ ConseCuently& the mai" o- ea"h
sphere tends to be Cuite spe"i-i"L spells -rom the sun sphere& -or instan"e& deal primarily
#ith liht and darkness& #hile spells -rom the healin sphere deal primarily #ith "urin/
.nlike the priest& a #izard isn't bound to a parti"ular deity& and there-ore
does not depend on a deity -or his mai"al abilities/ $ #izard learns and masters his
spells in mu"h the same #ay that a pro-essor learns and masters a parti"ular s"ien"e/ This
is #hy the #izard "lass is a -un"tion o- Intellien"e/ Wizardly s"hools -o"us on eneral
"ateories o- mai"al enery and e--e"ts and en"ompass a #ide (ariety o- spells/
To preser(e the interity o- these di--eren"es bet#een #izard mai" and
priest mai"& any ne# #izard s"hool should a(oid -o"usin on mai"al e--e"ts stemmin
-rom one parti"ular "ondition or thin/ Instead& the s"hool should be "on"erned #ith the
manipulation o- eneral eneries and -or"es
Cateories o- E--e"ts
Con-used@ Consider the -ollo#in/
Dust as ele"tri"al enery or me"hani"al enery "an be harnessed to
a""omplish spe"i-i" tasks& it is also possible to "hannel mai"al enery to a""omplish
spe"i-i" results/ %ut #hile ele"tri"al and me"hani"al eneries are limited by physi"s and
other natural s"ien"es& mai"al enery kno#s no su"h mundane boundaries/ ?ai"al
eneries "an be "hanneled to produ"e any o- the -ollo#in list o- e--e"ts/
Trans-ormation! When this type o- e--e"t is produ"ed& an obAe"t or
"ondition is "haned to i(e it di--erent physi"al properties or ne# spe"ial abilities/
Creation! When this type o- e--e"t is produ"ed& an obAe"t or "ondition is
"reated that did not pre(iously e7ist/
ReCuisitionin! When this type o- e--e"t is produ"ed& an e7istin obAe"t or
"ondition is summoned -rom a di--erent lo"ation/
Paranaturalism! This type o- e--e"t in(ol(es the manipulation o- -or"es and
phenomena that e7ist beyond the "on-ines o- the material #orld and the la#s o(ernin
it/ JThis "an also be "onsidered a "at"h<all "ateory that in"ludes e--e"ts not "o(ered in
other "ateories/K
$ll o- the e7istin s"hools o- mai" "an be assined to these "ateories/
The s"hools o- alteration& en"hantmentB"harm& and abAuration all in(ol(e
The s"hools o- illusion and in(o"ationBe(o"ation in(ol(e Creation/
ConAurationBsummonin in(ol(es ReCuisitionin/
Di(ination and ne"roman"y in(ol(e Paranaturalism/
$lthouh some o(erlappin o""urs J-or instan"e& mai"al eneries that
ReCuisition e7istin obAe"ts may Trans-orm them as #ellK& all mai" s"hools "hannel
mai"al eneries to produ"e the e--e"ts de-ined in these -our "ateories/
What di--erentiates one s"hool -rom another is the type o- e--e"ts
produ"ed/ Eor e7ample& both illusion and in(o"ationBe(o"ation "hannel mai"al enery
-or Creation/ Ho#e(er& illusions "reate unreal obAe"ts and "onditionsL in(o"ations "reate
obAe"ts and "onditions that "ause dire"t physi"al e--e"ts
De-inin the E--e"ts o- a 0e# S"hool
To bein the desin o- a ne# s"hool& the D? must -irst de-ine the type o-
e--e"ts it produ"es/ $ny de-inition is likely to be (aue/ %ut at this stae& it should be/
.nlike the intentionally spe"i-i" priestly sphere& a #izardly s"hool must be eneral
enouh to a""ommodate a lare (ariety o- spells/
.se the steps that -ollo#/
3/ Choose one type o- "hannelled mai"al enery -rom the -our "ateories
des"ribed abo(e! Trans-ormation& Creation& ReCuisitionin& or Paranaturalism/ I- you
kno# #hat type o- s"hool you plan to desin& the "hoi"e o- "ateory probably #ill be
ob(ious/ I- you do not yet ha(e any ideas about your s"hool& pi"k any o- the "ateories<<
it's a ood pla"e to start/ JI- your "hoi"e o- "ateories seems less appropriate as your
s"hool de(elops& you "an al#ays pi"k another/K
2/ De-ine #hat spe"i-i" type o- e--e"ts these "hannelled eneries #ill
produ"e/ I- it is a Trans-ormation s"hool& #hat types o- thins or "onditions #ill be
trans-ormed@ I- it is a Paranaturalism s"hool& #hat type o- paranatural eneries or -or"es
#ill be in(ol(ed/
;/ Ensure that the de-inition o- the ne# s"hool does not resemble the
de-initions o- e7istin s"hools too "losely/ Compare them #ith the s"hool des"riptions in
Chapter 3/
Ho# It $ll Works
To illustrate this pro"edure& a ne# s"hool is "reated here/ Eirst& one o- the
"ateories o- "hannelled enery is "hosen/ The s"hool #ill in(ol(e "hanin one type o-
item into another& so the "hoi"e is the Trans-ormation "ateory/
0e7t& #e de-ine the type o- Trans-ormation e--e"ts the s"hool #ill produ"e/ This
de-inition needs to be as "lear as possibleL #ritin do#n the de-inition in a senten"e or
t#o #ill put it on the riht tra"k/ +ur s"hool #ill -eature spells that "ause an obAe"t or
"ondition to "hane into a di--erent but related obAe"t or "ondition/ That des"ription is
(aue& but ood enouh to et started/
Is this s"hool su--i"iently di--erent -rom e7istin s"hools@ +ur s"hool
sounds (ery similar to the s"hool o- alteration& so it needs some adAustments/ Sin"e many
o- the alteration spells imbue a "reature #ith spe"ial abilities& su"h as .a"er brea"hin% and
(ly& #e "an de"ide that the spells -rom our s"hool #ill deal #ith physi"al trans-ormations
only/ Eurther& all o- our physi"al trans-ormations #ill be permanent JsubAe"t to the usual
limitations& su"h as "an"ellation by dis!el a%i'K/
Throuhout the remainder o- this "hapter& #e'll "ontinue to de(elop this
s"hool as a demonstration
0ame o- the S"hool
+n"e you ha(e an idea -or a s"hool& it needs a name/ I- an ob(ious name
doesn't suest itsel-& as it did -or the s"hool o- illusion& "he"k a thesaurus -or
synonymous #ords or e(o"ati(e phrases/ Eantasy literature is another ood sour"e -or
Sin"e our ne# s"hool deals #ith "hane& #e "he"ked the thesaurus -or
synonyms and -ound e"aor!hosis& a #ord that is des"ripti(e& has a ni"e s"holarly rin
to it& and e(en sounds a little mysti"al/ We'll "hristen it the s"hool o- e"aor!hi's/
0ame o- the Spe"ialist
Spe"ialists usually deri(e their names -rom the names o- their s"hools by
"hanin the su--i7/ Thus& -rom ab2ura"ion "omes the ab2urer& and -rom illusion "omes
the illusionis"/ ?ost o- the time& this te"hniCue is satis-a"tory/
Ho#e(er& some s"hools simply do not lend themsel(es to #izardly<
soundin names/ Eor instan"e& the #ord al"erer is "lumsy& so the s"hool o- alteration has
opted -or the less a#k#ard "ransu"er -or the name o- their spe"ialist/ We ha(e a similar
problem #ith our s"hool o- metamorphi"s<< both e"aor!his" and e"aor!her are
"lumsy/ Returnin to the thesaurus& #e -ind the #ord "rans(i%ure/ We "an "all our
spe"ialist a "rans(i%uris"/
The most important part o- "reatin a ne# s"hool is desinin ne# spells
that are di--erent enouh to set it apart -rom e7istin s"hools/ There must be enouh ne#
spells to pro(ide the user a reasonable (ariety o- options/ $t the same time& dupli"ation o-
e7istin spells should be a(oided/ ?inor (ariations o- e7istin spells should also be
a(oided/ The spell sele"tion should be attra"ti(e enouh so that no(i"e #izards #ill
"onsider spe"ializin in it& but not so po#er-ul that the s"hool o(er#helms all others
%asi" Spells
$ ne# s"hool does not need an e7tensi(e number o- spells immediately/
%einnin #ith a "ore o- basi" spells is best& addin ne# spells as reCuired by the
"ampain and the players/
$n a""eptable "ore o- basi" spells in"ludes the number o- spells -or ea"h
le(el i(en in Table 3/ 0ote that this is appro7imately the number o- spells -or the s"hools
o- reater di(ination and ne"roman"y i(en in the Player's Handbook/ I- the D? is
unable to in(ent this number o- spells& he should "on"entrate on desinin spells to -ill
the lo#er le(els Jle(els 3<;K so his lo#er<le(el spe"ialists "an bein their "areers
Table 3! ?inimum Spells -or $ 0e# S"hool
)e(el 0o/ o- Spells
3st ;
2nd ;
;rd 2
6th 2
9th 2
:th 2
8th 3
=th 3
4th 3
$daptin E7istin Spells
%e-ore attemptin to desin ne# spells& -irst look at the e7istin spells -or
other s"hools/ 0oti"e that a number o- spells listed in the Player's Handbook belon to
more than one s"hoolL rainbo. !a""ern& -or instan"e& belons to the s"hools o- alteration
and illusion& #hile lii"ed .ish belons to "onAurationBsummonin and
in(o"ationBe(o"ation/ Do any o- the PH spells Jor any o- the ne# spells listed in Chapter
= o- this bookK seem appropriate -or your ne# s"hool@ The alteration spells "ransu"e
ro'k "o ud and "ransu"e .a"er "o dus" are per-e"t -or our s"hool o- metamorphi"s<<
they both "ause one substan"e to "hane to another& they both "ause physi"al "hanes&
and in both "ases the e--e"ts are permanent/
There are other likely "andidates -rom the PH spells -or our s"hool& but
usin an e7"essi(e number o- dupli"ate spells Jmore than t#o or threeK "ompromises the
indi(iduality o- a ne# s"hool/
Ideas -or 0e# Spells
The D? and players #ill need to brainstorm -or ideas that #ill e(entually
be de(eloped to -ill in the basi" spell list/ $lthouh the D? makes the -inal de"isions
#hen desinin spells -or a ne# s"hool& the "ontributions and ideas o- the players are
important/ Eantasy literature is another ood sour"e o- ideas& as are the abilities o-
mai"al monsters and -un"tions o- mai"al de(i"es/ The D? and his players miht also
dis"uss en"ounters or battles -rom pre(ious ad(entures and de"ide #hat types o- spells
#ould ha(e been use-ul -or the #izards/
The D? J#ith the assistan"e o- the playersK should then assin a spell
name to ea"h idea and de"ide the eneral e--e"ts o- the potential spells/ The names o- the
spells should be brie- and des"ripti(e/ The e--e"ts "an be appro7imate at this point<<
they'll be re-ined later/ We do not ha(e the spa"e here to de(elop a -ull rane o- spells -or
our metamorphi"s s"hool& but here are three potential spells #e'll use as e7amples!
E)a!ora"e7 This spell "hanes liCuids into ases/
6lood "o dus"7 This spell "hanes an opponent's blood to dust& instantly
killin him/
1!ro)ed aror7 This spell "hanes a "ompanion's armor to a better
$rmor Class
Che"kin -or Dupli"ation
Ea"h potential spell should be "he"ked aainst the spells in the Player's
Handbook to see i- it already e7ists/ Considerin that the PH lists hundreds o- spells& re<
in(entin an e7istin spell is easy/ $ D? need not be obsessi(e about thisL a lare number
o- e7istin spells in-li"t damae or add bonuses and penalties to sa(in thro#s/ $s lon
as the ne# spell has a uniCue t#ist o- its o#n& it "an be deemed a""eptable/
+- our e7amples& #e noti"e that blood "o dus" is super-i"ially similar to the
8th<le(el (in%er o( dea"h spell& sin"e they both instantly take a (i"tim's li-e/ %ut the
methods o- a"hie(in this e--e"t are distin"tly di--erentL blood "o dus" "hanes the (i"tim's
blood to an inert substan"e& #hile (in%er o( dea"h snu--s out the (i"tim's li-e -or"e/
Eurther& blood "o dus" is only e--e"ti(e on (i"tims #ith blood in their (eins/ 6lood "o dus"
is di--erent enouh to stand on its o#n/
Che"kin -or Play %alan"e
$-ter "he"kin them aainst e7istin spells& all potential spells o- a ne#
s"hool must be "onsidered -or play balan"e/ Imaine that the #izard employs a parti"ular
spell e(ery day<< #ill "onstant use ha(e any sini-i"ant lon<term e--e"ts on the balan"e
o- the ame@
Consider our potential metamorphi" spells/ E)a!ora"e #on't ha(e any
pro-ound e--e"ts on the ame& assumin it has reasonable limitations J-or instan"e&
e(aporatin an entire o"ean should be prohibitedK/ $t best& blood "o dus" means one less
opponent per day/
%ut i!ro)ed aror presents a problem/ Sin"e our metamorphi" spells are
permanent& #ouldn't a trans-iurist immediately impro(e all o- his party's armor as mu"h
as he "ould@ Is this -air@ We "an't make the e--e"ts temporary& or #e're (iolatin the
de-inition o- our s"hool/ )et's thro# out i!ro)ed aror and in(ent another spell later/
Determinin E--e"ts and )e(els
+n"e the inappropriate spells ha(e been dis"arded& #e need to de-ine and
des"ribe the spe"i-i" e--e"ts o- the remainin spells& then assin them to le(els/ The
des"ription o- a spell should "o(er its typi"al uses& but it is unne"essary<< and realisti"ally&
impossible<< to deal #ith e(ery possible appli"ation/ ?ore importantly& the des"ription
should "o(er the spell's limitations in detailL not only do pre"ise limitations make spells
easier to adAudi"ate& they are easier to assin to le(els/
Here are some points to "onsider #hen assinin limitations to spells!
Ho. any sub2e'"s 'an be a((e'"ed by "he s!ell8 *enerally& the more
subAe"ts a--e"ted& the hiher the le(el o- the spell J"ompare in)isibili"y to ass
in)isibili"y& and 'har !erson to ass 'harK/
#ha" "y!e o( sub2e'"s 'an be a((e'"ed by "he s!ell8 SubAe"ts "an be lo#<
le(el or hih<le(el Jor lo# HD and hih HDK/ They "an also ha(e spe"i-i" "hara"teristi"s
Jsu"h as the subAe"ts o- de"e'" in)isibili"yK& or they "an be eneral types #ith no spe"i-i"
"hara"teristi"s Jsu"h as the subAe"ts o- 'har ons"erK/ .sually& hiher<le(el spells are
able to a--e"t hih<le(el Jor hih HDK subAe"ts that ha(e no spe"i-i" "hara"teristi"s<<
(in%er o( dea"h is a ood e7ample/
Are )i'"is allo.ed a sa)in% "hro. "o a)oid "he e((e'"s o( "he s!ell8
Disallo#in a sa(in thro# -or a spell that #ould normally ha(e one usually boosts it to a
hiher le(el/ Eor instan"e& the 9th<le(el 'one o( 'old allo#s a sa(in thro# to redu"e a
(i"tim's damae by hal-/ I- su"h a thro# #ere not allo#ed& the spell #ould be
sini-i"antly more danerous and #ould belon in a hiher le(el/
1( "he s!ell 'auses daa%e& .ha" is "he a9iu8 It #ould be rossly
inappropriate -or any 3st<le(el spell to in-li"t 355 hit points o- damae/ Similarly& a 4th<
le(el spell should be "apable o- in-li"tin a sini-i"ant amount o- damae/ Table 2
suests the ma7imum amount o- damae a spell o- a parti"ular le(el should be allo#ed
to in-li"t on a sinle enemy/ These -iures are eneral uidelines only& and "an be altered
by any number o- (ariables/ Eor instan"e& i- a hypotheti"al ;rd<le(el (lyin% s.ord spell
has only a 35 per"ent "han"e o- hittin its taret& its ma7imum amount o- damae "ould
be Austi-iably hiher than ;<3= hit points/
Remember that the in-li"ted damae o- "ertain spells may (ary a""ordin
to the "aster's le(elL -or instan"e& -ireball "auses 3d: hit points o- damae per le(el o- the
"aster/ JTable 2 i(es the damae -or a spell "ast at its base le(elL i- our hypotheti"al
(lyin% s.ord spell is ;rd<le(el& but "an be "ast at hiher le(els to in-li"t more damae&
Table 2 indi"ates the ma7imum amount o- damae it "an "ause #hen "ast at its lo#est
le(el/ K
Table 2! Suested ?a7imum Damae o- Spells by )e(el
)e(el ?a7imum Damae o- Spell Jin hpK
3st 2<9 J3d6 M3K
2nd 2<= J2d6K
;rd ;<3= J;d:K
6th =<25 J6d6 M6K
9th 35<29 J9d6 M9K
:th :<;: J:d:K
8th 35<:5 J35d:K O
=th<4th 35<=5 J35d=K O
O Spells o- 8th<le(el throuh 4th< le(el are di--erentiated by the number o-
subAe"ts destroyed and spe"ial restri"tions on death/ Eor instan"e& a 8th<le(el spell miht
destroy only a sinle subAe"t& #hile a 4th<le(el spell "ould destroy se(eral/ $ 8th<le(el
spell miht allo# a sa(in thro#& #hile a 4th<le(el spell miht not/ $ 8th<le(el spell
miht allo# resurre'"ion attempts& a 4th<le(el spell miht not/
1( "he s!ell 'auses daa%e& do )i'"is %e" a sa)in% "hro.8 +- the spells in
the Player's Handbook& many o- them allo# the (i"tim to make a sa(in thro# in order to
redu"e or eliminate the potential damae/ Thouh it is unne"essary to allo# sa(in
thro#s in e(ery "ase& this is a ood #ay to add balan"e to #hat other#ise miht be an
espe"ially danerous spell/ There are three options to "onsider/
3/ 0o sa(in thro#/ This option ma7imizes a spell's lethality/
2/ Hal- damae/ This option means that the "hara"ter su--ers hal-<damae
i- his sa(in thro# is su""ess-ul/ This is less lethal than a spell #ith no sa(in thro#& but
more lethal than the -ollo#in option/
;/ 0eate/ This option means that the "hara"ter su--ers no damae i- his
sa(in thro# is su""ess-ul/ This is the least lethal option o- all/
0ote that sa(in thro#s need not al#ays be sa(in thro#s (s/ spellsL
"onsider di--erent types o- sa(in thro#s -or spells o- hiher le(els Jin e(ery "ase&
ho#e(er& only one type o- sa(in thro# should be allo#edK/ $ sa(in thro# (s/ spells is
al#ays an option& no matter #hat the le(el o- spell& but here are some alternati(es!
Eor spells o- ;rd<le(el and 6th<le(el& use sa(e (s/ rods/
Eor spells o- 9th<le(el and :th<le(el& use sa(e (s/ paralyzation/
Eor spells o- 8th<le(el& =th<le(el& and 4th<le(el& use sa(e (s/ death/
1( "he s!ell is de(ensi)e& does i" inhibi" "he eney's abili"y "o a""a'k& or
does i" o((er dire'" !ro"e'"ion (ro daa%e8 *enerally& spells that de-end aainst a
spe"i-i" type o- damae Jsu"h as !ro"e'"ion (ro noral issilesK are less po#er-ul than
spells that prote"t aainst a eneral "ateory o- damae Jsu"h as inor %lobe o(
in)ulnerabili"yK& and spells that prote"t the "aster or subAe"ts o- the "aster's "hoi"e Jsu"h
as !ro"e'"ion (ro e)ilK are less po#er-ul than spells that inhibit the enemy's ability to
atta"k Jsu"h as .all o( (o%K/ The hihest<le(el de-ensi(e spells tend to be those that et rid
o- the atta"ker Jsu"h as disissal and i!risonen"/K
I- a D? has desined a de-ensi(e spell that he #ants to modi-y so he "an
assin it to a hiher le(el& he "an do one or more o- the -ollo#in!
In"rease the types o- damae aainst #hi"h it prote"ts/ JTo assin the spell to a lo#er
le(el& de"rease the types o- damae/K
In"rease the number o- subAe"ts the spell prote"ts& usually by in"reasin the area o-
e--e"t/ JEor a lo#er le(el& de"rease the area o- e--e"t& or ha(e the spell pro(ide
prote"tion -or only the "aster/K
In"rease the number o- opponents #hose atta"k abilities are redu"ed/ $ain& this is
usually a""omplished by in"reasin the area o- e--e"t/ JEor a lo#er le(el& de"rease
the area o- e--e"t/K
In"rease the po#er o- the spell so it eliminates the atta"ker altoether/
Does "he s!ell in'rease or de'rease a sub2e'"'s sa)in% "hro. odi(ier8
Penalties and bonuses to the subAe"t's sa(in thro# alter the e--e"ti(eness o- a spell/
Consider aain our hypotheti"al ;rd<le(el (lyin% s.ord spell/ $ssume that it in-li"ts 3<35
hit points o- damae on subAe"ts #hen used at niht& and that a sa(in thro# neates the
damae/ I- the subAe"t is allo#ed a M2 bonus& it miht be more appropriate to assin
(lyin% s.ord to 2nd<le(el/ Con(ersely& i- no sa(in thro# is allo#ed at all& the spell miht
belon at 6th<le(el/
1s "he e((e'" o( "he s!ell !eranen"8 Spells #hose e--e"ts are temporary are
less po#er-ul than those #hose e--e"ts are permanent/ JRemember that -e# spells are
literally permanent& sin"e dis!el a%i' neates their e--e"ts in most "ases/ $ lii"ed .ish
or .ish "an neate almost any spell/ K
#ha" are "he s!ell's dura"ion& ran%e& and area o( e((e'"8 )oner durations&
ranes& and areas o- e--e"t translate into more po#er-ul spells/ $dAustin these elements
is a ood #ay to modi-y a spell to assin it to a hiher or lo#er le(el/ Eor instan"e& i-
(lyin% s.ord persists -or only one roundBle(el and has a rane o- ;5 yards& it belons in a
lo#er le(el than i- it persisted -or one turnBle(el and had a rane o- 355 yards/
There are no minimum or ma7imum reCuirements -or durations& ranes& or
areas o- e--e"t& as lon as the D? stays #ithin the bounds o- reason/ Eor instan"e& a
rane o- 3 mileBle(el sounds ridi"ulously hih -or any 3st<le(el spell/ $ ood pla"e to
start -or establishin durations& ranes& and areas o- e--e"t is 3 roundBle(el JdurationK& 35
yardsBle(el JraneK& and a 35<-oot "ube or one "reatureBle(el Jarea o- e--e"tK/ Remember
that these are eneral uidelines only& and are not appropriate -or e(ery type o- spell/
?any spells ha(e an e--e"ti(e rane o- 5& meanin they a--e"t only the "aster/ +thers
a--e"t only a tou"hed subAe"t/ Those spells #hose e--e"ts are permanent until neated
ha(e no set duration/ Eor some spells& su"h as e9"ension& area o- e--e"t is irrele(ant/
When the D? has -inished de-inin the e--e"ts o- a ne# spell and has
assined it to a le(el& the spell should be "ompared to the e7istin spells o- that le(el/ I-
the ne# spell is "learly #eaker or e7"essi(ely more po#er-ul than spells -rom the same
le(el& the D? should either assin it to a di--erent le(el or make adAustments as suested
abo(e to make it "omparable/ In eneral& the illusion and di(ination spells are the least
po#er-ul& and the ne"roman"y and in(o"ation spells are the most po#er-ulL a ne# spell
should be "he"ked aainst these -irst/
)et's return to our t#o ne# spells -or the s"hool o- metamorphi"s/
E)a!ora"ion "auses a Cuantity o- #ater or other inorani" liCuid to instantly turn to (apor&
Aust as i- the sun had e(aporated it/ It #ill not in-li"t any dire"t damae Je(aporatin the
blood or other orani" liCuids o- a "reature is -orbiddenK/ E)a!ora"ion is di--i"ult to
per"ei(e as pro(idin meanin-ul de-ense -or a party/ E(aporation is destined to be a lo#<
le(el spell& probably 3st<le(el/
Rane@ ?ost 3st<le(el spells ha(e a rane o- ;5<:5 yardsL sin"e
e(aporation is relati(ely #eak& #e #ill i(e it a hiher rane o- :5 yards/
$rea o- e--e"t@ ?ost 3st<le(el spells a--e"t an area o- 35<;5 yards Jor 35<
;5 -oot<radius& or 35<;5 -oot "ubeK/ In this "ase& #e #ill i(e e)a!ora"ion an area o-
e--e"t o- a 25<-oot "ube M 35<-oot "ubeBle(el/ JThis makes the spell more po#er-ul as the
#izard in"reases in le(el/K
Che"kin our 3st<le(el e(aporation spell aainst the e7istin 3st<le(el
spells in the PH sho#s no maAor dis"repan"ies/ The de-inition o- e(aporation still needs
more tihtenin/ We need to determine #hether it a--e"ts liCuids "on"ealed in "ontainers&
rain& Cui"ksand& and la(a& and other limitations it has/
)ookin at blood "o dus"& it belons in a hiher le(el be"ause it "auses
death/ We #ill de"ide that blood to dust "auses all o- the blood o- a sinle (i"tim to turn
to dust& instantly killin it/ It is "ertainly not as po#er-ul as a 4th<le(el spell Jthe 4th<le(el
! .ord& kill "an destroy se(eral "reatures at on"eKL let's pla"e it at 8th le(el and i(e
it a rane o- :5 yards J"omparable to other 8th<le(el spellsK/ Che"kin the e7istin 8th<
le(el spells& #e dis"o(er (in%er o( dea"h& a spell not unlike blood "o dus"5 ,in%er o( dea"h
is more po#er-ul& sin"e it "an destroy any "reature& e(en those #ithout blood& but it also
allo#s a sa(in thro#/ To balan"e blood "o dus" aainst other 8th<le(el spells& let's say
that (i"tims o- blood "o dus" are not allo#ed sa(in thro#s/ Eurther& undead& monsters
-rom other planes& and monsters #ith more than 6 HD #ill be immune to blood "o dus"5
With -urther adAustments JCan the a--e"ted subAe"t be resurre"ted or raised@ Can the
"orpse be animated to be"ome a zombie@K& #e'll ha(e a po#er-ul but balan"ed 8th<le(el
spell -or the s"hool o- metamorphi"s
Castin Times
$ll spells must state their "astin times/ $ uideline is to make the "astin
time eCual to the le(el o- the spell Ja 8th<le(el spell has a "astin time o- 8K& but "astin
times o- one or more rounds are also "ommon/ Comple7 spells miht ha(e "astin times
o- one or more turns/ $(oid short "astin times -or hih<le(el spells and e7"essi(ely lon
"astin times -or all but the most po#er-ul spells/
We'll i(e our 3st<le(el e(aporation spell a "astin time o- 3 and our 8th<
le(el blood "o dus" a "astin time o- 3 round
E(ery spell has one or more "omponents/ There are t#o #ays to determine
the "omponents -or a ne# spell!
3/ )o"ate e7istin spells -rom the Player's Handbook that are similar to
the ne# spell and assin similar "omponents/ Eor instan"e& (in%er o( dea"h is similar to
our ne# blood "o dus" spell& so #e'll de"ide that blood "o dus" has (erbal and somati"
2/ $ssin the "omponents randomly/ I- this sounds too arbitrary& "onsider
that the "omponents o- a parti"ular spell #ere likely determined by the #izard #ho
oriinally resear"hed it/ $ "ommon assumption is that t#o #izards #orkin
independently "ould dis"o(er the same spellL it is unlikely that they used e7a"tly the same
"omponents/ Eor our e)a!ora"ion spell& #e'll use (erbal& somati"& and material
"omponents& the most "ommon "ombination/
Instead o- "hoosin a spe"i-i" set o- "omponents -or a ne# spell& you "an
determine them randomly by rollin 3d25 on Table ;/ I- you et a result that "ontradi"ts
the "onditions under #hi"h the spell is "ast& roll aain
Table ;!
Random Determination o- Spell Components
d25 Roll Components
3<36 '& S& ?
39<38 '& S
3=<34 '& ?
25 '
;/ Consider the le(el o- the spell and assin "omponents a""ordinly/
ReCuirin all three "omponents makes a spell harder to "ast/ Redu"in a spell's
"omponents to make it easier to "ast miht be a reason to "reate a hiher le(el (ersion o-
a lo# le(el spell/
6/ Still "an't de"ide@ When in doubt& reCuire all three "omponentsL most
e7istin spells use all o- them/
$s -or the pre"ise nature o- these "omponents& be uided by "ommon
sense and imaination/ ?aterial "omponents should relate to the e--e"t o- the spell/ Che"k
e7istin spells -or "omponent ideas and "omparisons/ We'll de"ide our e)a!ora"ion spell's
material "omponent #ill be a drop o- #ater
$llo#ed Ra"es
0ot all ra"es "an be"ome spe"ialists o- all s"hools/ .sually& these
limitations are due to a parti"ular ra"e's body "hemistry& mental or emotional
predisposition& mai"al resistan"e& or "ultural restri"tions/ The history o- the D?'s
"ampain #orld miht also suest limitations/
I- the D? imposes ra"ial restri"tions on a ne# s"hool& he should present
Austi-i"ation -or them/ Eor instan"e& nomes are restri"ted -rom spe"ializin in our s"hool
o- metamorphi"s/ The reason@ $ thousand years ao in our "ampain #orld& a
brotherhood o- trans-iurist nomes a""idently de(eloped a metamorphi"s spell that
permanently trans-ormed a "ity o- nomes into a -ield #eeds/ The ods #ere so upset by
this "arelessness that the trans-iurist spe"ialty has been -orbidden to nomes e(er sin"e/
$bility ReCuirements
$ll "hara"ters must ha(e an Intellien"e s"ore o- at least 4 to be"ome a
#izard/ $ ne# s"hool miht reCuire a hiher Intellien"e s"ore -or spe"ialization& but
only in the rarest "ir"umstan"es should it be hiher than 3;/
$ll spe"ializations reCuire a minimum s"ore in a se"ondary ability/ This
minimum s"ore should be at least 32& but no hiher than 3:/ Wisdom& Constitution& and
De7terity are the most "ommon se"ondary ability reCuirements& but Charisma and
Strenth are also possible/ Remember that settin the ability reCuirements hih #ill keep
the number o- spe"ialists lo#& and (i"e (ersa/
%e"ause some o- the somati" "omponents -or metamorphi" spells reCuire
pre"ise e7e"ution& #e #ill set a minimum De7terity s"ore o- 39 -or spe"ialists in the
s"hool o- metamorphi"s
Thouh none o- the s"hools des"ribed in Chapter 3 ha(e any spe"i-i" dress
reCuirements& a ne# s"hool miht reCuire Jor stronly suestK that its spe"ialists #ear
distin"ti(e arb to indi"ate their status/
0ot all spe"ialists o- a s"hool #ould ne"essarily adhere to this dress "ode/
Perhaps only raduates o- a parti"ular a"ademy #ould #ear distin"ti(e arb/ Perhaps
only 3st<le(el spe"ialists #ould #ear it/ Perhaps it is #orn only by hih le(el spe"ialists
as a symbol o- a"hie(ement/ $ll su"h distin"tions are the de"ision o- the D?/ Caution is
ad(ised<< ob(ious identi-yin arb "an be a red -la to enemies #ho #ish to #ipe out the
members o- a parti"ular s"hool/
Dress reCuirements are not restri"ted to items o- "lothin/ Rins& pendants&
anklets& and bra"elets are all possibilities/ )ike#ise& "ertain "olors miht symbolize
raduates o- a s"hool& #hile other "olors miht be -orbidden/
Eor our metamorphi"s s"hool& #e #ill reCuire that 3st<le(el trans-iurists
#ear a red arm band to identi-y them as beinners/ When a trans-iurist rea"hes 35th
le(el& he is allo#ed<< but not reCuired<< to #ear a red "loak to symbolize his "ompeten"e
Table 6! ?ai" S"hools and Types o- E--e"ts
School Type of Effect
$lteration Trans-ormation
En"hantmentBCharm Trans-ormation
$bAuration Trans-ormation
Illusion Creation
In(o"ationBE(o"ation Creation
ConAurationBSummonin ReCuisitionin
Di(ination Paranaturalism
0e"romany Paranaturalism
E7perien"e )e(els and Spell Proression
$ll e7istin s"hools use the e7perien"e le(el proression and spell
proression i(en on Tables 25 and 23 on pae ;5 o- the Player's Handbook/ 0e#
s"hools should use these& too/ It is possible to de(ise ne# tables -rom s"rat"h& but this
"reates "onsiderable #ork -or the D?& addin unne"essary "ompli"ations and an
in"reased "han"e o- an unbalan"ed "ampain/ In any "ase& spe"ialists should not be
allo#ed to proress more Cui"kly than the Player's Handbook tables allo#
Hit Points
$ll e7istin s"hools use 6<sided di"e to determine their spe"ialists' hit
points/ The po#er #ielded by a spe"ialist& espe"ially in the hiher le(els& more than
"ompensates -or his relati(ely lo# number o- hit points/ I- the spe"ialist is too #eak&
"onsider "reatin more spells& adAustin the "urrent spells to make them stroner& or
i(in him a""ess to spells -rom more s"hools
$ll spe"ialists use Table 6 on pae 3: o- the Player's Handbook to
determine the number o- lanuaes they "an learn Jin addition to their nati(e tonueK/
Certain types o- spe"ialists may be able to e7"eed these limits/ Eliible spe"ialists miht
in"lude those #ith e7"eptionally stron a"ademi" ba"krounds or those #ho de(ote a
lare amount o- their spare time studyin ne# tonues/
The types o- e--e"ts "reated by a parti"ular #izard miht also suest an
e7traordinary aptitude -or lanuaesL -or e7ample& #izards spe"ializin in Trans-ormation
mai" miht not seem to ha(e any parti"ular a--inity -or lanuaes& but those spe"ializin
in Creation miht Jsin"e they're in(ol(ed in produ"in "onditions that didn't pre(iously
e7ist& #hi"h "ould in"lude "ommuni"ation skillsK/
I- a ne# spe"ialist is to ha(e e7"eptional lanuae skills& keep the
-ollo#in uidelines in mind/
$ ne# spe"ialist should not be able to a"Cuire more than one lanuae o(er the limits
i(en in the Player's Handbook/ Eor instan"e& a spe"ialist #ith an Intellien"e o- 4
should not be able to learn more than three lanuaes/
The D? should "onsider limitin e7tra lanuaes to hih<le(el spe"ialistsL le(el 39 or
hiher is suested& but the D? has the -inal de"ision/ JIn other #ords& our
spe"ialist #ith an Intellien"e o- 4 "annot learn his third lanuae until he rea"hes
le(el 39/K
)earnin the e7tra lanuae should ne(er be automati"/ The D? should oblie the
spe"ialist to lo"ate a suitable tutor& de(ote se(eral hours a day to studyin di--i"ult
te7ts& or in(ent some other reCuirement that emphasizes role<playin/ Eor the
trans-iurist& nothin about his spe"ialty suests an e7"eptional aptitude -or
lanuaes& so he'll be restri"ted to the lanuae limits i(en in the Player's
+ppositional S"hools
Ea"h s"hool lies in opposition to one to three o- the e7istin s"hools o-
mai"/ The spe"ialist o- the ne# s"hool #ill be unable to learn spells -rom the s"hools
that lie in opposition to his s"hool/
The -irst step in determinin oppositional s"hools is to de"ide #hi"h
e7istin s"hool most "losely resembles the ne# s"hool/ In some "ases& this is ob(iousL -or
instan"e& our ne# s"hool o- metamorphi"s is most like the s"hool o- alteration/ Eor less
ob(ious "ases& you "an eliminate most o- the possibilities by re"allin #hi"h type o-
mai" your ne# s"hool is deri(ed -rom Jsee the Types o- ?ai" se"tion abo(eK/ $ ne#
s"hool #ill most "losely resemble an e7istin s"hool deri(ed -rom the same type o- mai"
Jsee Table 6KL -or instan"e& i- your ne# s"hool produ"es Creation e--e"ts& it most "losely
resembles either the s"hool o- illusion or in(o"ationBe(o"ation/ +n"e the "hoi"es ha(e
been narro#ed to t#o or three s"hools& it should be easy to pi"k the s"hool most like your
ne# s"hool/ I- ne"essary& try "omparin your ne# spells to the e7istin spells in the
Player's Handbook /
When you'(e de"ided #hi"h e7istin s"hool most "losely resembles your
ne# s"hool& "onsult the opposition diaram JDiaram 3K/ The s"hool that lies dire"tly
opposite this s"hool is the oppositional s"hool/ The s"hool o- metamorphi"s most "losely
resembles the s"hool o- alteration/ The s"hool dire"tly a"ross -rom alteration on Diaram
3 is abAuration/ There-ore& abAuration is the s"hool that is in opposition to metamorphi"s/
+ne to three oppositional s"hools may be assined to a ne# s"hool/ I- the
ne# s"hool is relati(ely #eak Jthe #eak s"hool o- reater di(ination has only a sinle
oppositional s"hoolK& only one opposition s"hool may be needed/ I- your ne# s"hool is
relati(ely po#er-ul& it is appropriate to assin it as many as three oppositional s"hools/
)ook aain at Diaram 3/ The s"hools on either side o- the oppositional
s"hool are also options -or oppositional s"hools/ Eor instan"e& additional oppositional
s"hools -or illusion are in(o"ationBe(o"ation and abAuration/ I- it's appropriate -or your
s"hool to ha(e three oppositional s"hools& "hoose these three/
?ost likely& your ne# s"hool #ill be neither e7tremely #eak nor
e7tremely po#er-ul/ In this "ase& "onsider i(in it t#o oppositional s"hools/ +ne should
be the initial oppositional s"hool& and the other "an be either o- the adAa"ent s"hools/ To
de"ide bet#een the adAa"ent s"hools& "hoose randomly or "hoose the one that seems less
"ompatible #ith your ne# s"hool/
We must "hoose the oppositional s"hools -or our ne# s"hool o-
metamorphi"s/ Sin"e it is neither e7"eptionally #eak or po#er-ul& #e #ill assin it t#o
oppositional s"hools/
We de"ided pre(iously that the s"hool o- metamorphi"s most "losely
resembles the s"hool o- alteration/ $""ordin to Diaram 3& the oppositional s"hool o-
alteration is abAurationL there-ore& the oppositional s"hool o- metamorphi"s is also
$""ordin to Diaram 3& the adAa"ent oppositional s"hools -or abAuration<<
and like#ise& -or metamorphi"s<< are "onAurationBsummonin and ne"roman"y/ We need
to "hoose one o- them -or our other oppositional s"hool/ Either "onAurationBsummonin
or ne"roman"y #ould be appropriate& but sin"e the s"hool o- alteration already has
abAuration and ne"roman"y -or its oppositional s"hools& #e #ill "hoose the other
"ombination/ There-ore& the opposition s"hools -or metamorphi"s are abAuration and
$dmittedly& the "hoi"e o- the se"ond and third oppositional s"hools is
some#hat arbitrary& but remember that #e not only stri(e -or balan"e& but also -or s"hools
#ith uniCue ad(antaes and restri"tions/ The D? al#ays has the option to in(ent a
rationale -or the e7isten"e o- spe"i-i" oppositional s"hools/ Eor instan"e& the eneries
employed by "onAurationBsummonin and abAuration mai" miht indu"e aonizin
heada"hes in a trans-iurist& makin it impossible -or him to learn spells -rom those
The -inal step in desinin a ne# s"hool is "reatin a uniCue ethos/ This
step is optional& but it adds "olor to the s"hool and makes it more interestin -or the
$n ethos also ser(es as a sprinboard -or determinin the personality o-
spe"ialist "hara"ters/ $n ethos "an be anythin -rom a simple outline to a detailed pro-ile/
Eollo#in are some Cuestions to "onsider #hen desinin an ethos -or a ne# s"hool/
Do "he s!e'ialis"s o( "he s'hool adhere "o any !ar"i'ular !hiloso!hy8 Do
"hey share any !ar"i'ular %oals8 Su"h philosophies and oals are o-ten deri(ed -rom the
nature o- the mai" studied by the spe"ialist/ Eor instan"e& spe"ialists -rom the s"hool o-
metamorphi"s study spells dealin #ith "hane/ Continual e7posure to the transien"e o-
all thins miht lead trans-iurists to be skepti"al about the e7isten"e o- absolutes<<a
trans-iurist& then& miht belie(e that "on"epts su"h as IrihtI and I#ronI are relati(e to
spe"i-i" situations/
Are e)il-ali%ned 'hara'"ers ore dra.n "o "his s'hool "han %ood-ali%ned
'hara'"ers :or )i'e )ersa;8 In most "ases& #izards o- all alinments "an be spe"ialists in
any s"hool& but a ne# s"hool miht dis"ourae "ertain alinments and en"ourae others/
)ike#ise& "ertain mai"al a"ademies miht a""ept students o- spe"i-i" alinments only/
I- a s"hool does not promote harm to any li(in "reature& or promotes
healin& sa-ety& "om-ort& or "ompassion& then it probably e7"ludes e(il alinments/ I- it
promotes "ruelty or sel-<interest& the s"hool probably e7"ludes ood alinments/ I- a
s"hool promotes no parti"ular philosophy& it probably in"ludes spe"ialists o- all
I- a s"hool ad(o"ates loi"al thinkin and adheren"e to stri"t beha(ioral
norms& and dis"ouraes e7"essi(e sel-<e7pression& it probably leans to#ard la#-ul
alinments/ I- it en"ouraes "reati(e thinkin& -reedom o- e7pression& and spontaneous
a"tions& it leans to#ard "haoti" alinments Jthis is parti"ularly true i- it also en"ouraes
de-ian"e o- #ritten la#s to a"hie(e indi(idual oalsK/ I- the s"hool takes no parti"ular
position on the spe"ialist's relationship #ith his "ulture and so"iety& it probably in"ludes
la#-ul& neutral& and "haoti" spe"ialists/ JThe s"hool o- metamorphi"s takes no parti"ular
positions on these issues& there-ore it is open to spe"ialists o- all alinments/ 0ote that
this attitude about alinments is also "onsistent #ith the s"hool's eneral philosophy o-
skepti"ism about absolutes des"ribed abo(e/K
Are any !ar"i'ular !ersonali"y "y!es dra.n "o "he s"udy o( "his s'hool8 Do
"hey "end "o share any 'oon e''en"ri'i"ies8 Coon likes or dislikes8 #ould any"hin%
abou" your ne. s'hool "end "o dis'oura%e 'er"ain "y!es o( !eo!le or a""ra'" o"hers8 The
s"hool o- metamorphi"s attra"ts students #ith a natural interest in the #orld around them/
Sin"e its spells "hane one thin into another& most students #ill be interested in ho#
thins #ork and ho# thins are put toether<< in short& metamorphi"s students are
analyti"al& "urious& and "reati(e/
#ha"'s "he rela"ionshi! o( "he s!e'ialis" "o o"her ebers o( his !ar"y8
.sually& the type o- spells a(ailable to a spe"ialist #ill suest his role in the "ampain/ I-
the spe"ialist has a lot o- o--ensi(e spells& he #ill likely be on the -ront lines #hen the
party oes to battle/ $ spe"ialist #ith a lot o- de-ensi(e or re"onnaissan"e spells miht be
a ood spy or in(estiator/ $lthouh #e ha(en't yet de(ised many spells -or our
trans-iurists& it looks like neither o--ensi(e nor de-ensi(e spells #ill predominate/
There-ore& it seems likely that a trans-iurist #ill lea(e the bulk o- the -ihtin to others
in his party/
Do s!e'ialis"s o( "his s'hool "end "o ha)e a lo" o( (riends8 Are "hey likely
"o ha)e s!ouses and (ailies8 This depends on the spe"ialist's philosophy& oals& and
personality/ .nless the spe"ialist is e7treme in one o- these areas<< -or instan"e& i- he is
obsessi(e about the study o- mai"& or i- his -ield is "onsidered repulsi(e or -rihtenin
Jsu"h as the s"hool o- ne"roman"yK<< he is likely to ha(e an a(erae number o- -riends
and an a(erae "han"e at a su""ess-ul marriae/ JSin"e trans-iurists ha(e no e7treme
traits& #e #ill assume that they ha(e a -air number o- -riends and are as likely as anyone
to marry and raise a -amily/K
#here do "hese s!e'ialis"s !re(er "o li)e8 $s mentioned pre(iously& "ertain
s"hools tend to attra"t "ertain types o- people/ I- a s"hool's spe"ialists tend to be outoin
and a--able& they probably pre-er to li(e in an urban area/ I- they're broodin and anti<
so"ial& or i- they're "ondu"tin potentially danerous resear"h& they probably li(e in an
isolated area/ .sually& a spe"i-i" lo"ation #on't suest itsel-<< spe"ialists tend to li(e Aust
about any#here/ We #ill make this the "ase #ith trans-iurists/
Ho. do "he s!e'ialis"s s!end os" o( "heir "ie8 Re"lusi(e types #ill stay
"lose to home& usually lost in resear"h& readin& or #ritin/ Curious types are more
in"lined to e7plore the #orld& eaer to meet people and e7perien"e ne# situations/ In
most "ases& there #ill not be ob(ious pastimes appli"able to all spe"ialists o- a s"hool/
This #ill be the "ase #ith trans-iurists/ They spend some o- their time doin resear"h at
home and a -air amount o- time out in the #orld e7plorin and so"ializin/
Ho. do "he s!e'ialis"s "y!i'ally earn a li)in%8 Common o""upations -or
#izards in"lude tea"hin& "ounselin& resear"hin& and ad(isin/ Ho#e(er& the spells
a(ailable to a parti"ular spe"ialist miht suest additional "areers/ The metamorphi"s
spells do not suest any parti"ular o""upation& so trans-iurists probably pursue the
"ommon #izard o""upations/
Chapter ;! Wizard ,its
In Chapter 3& #e dis"ussed at lenth the s"hools o- mai" des"ribed in the
Player's Handbook/ In Chapter 2& #e e7plained ho# to desin ne# s"hools/
Spe"ialization in a s"hool is an e7"ellent #ay to indi(idualize a #izard "hara"ter& but it is
not the only #ay/
In this "hapter& #e'll sho# you ho# to -urther indi(idualize a #izard
"hara"ter by "hoosin a #izard kit/ $ kit is a "olle"tion o- skills& pro-i"ien"ies&
ad(antaes& and disad(antaes used to help de-ine a #izard's personality and ba"kround
as #ell as his role in the "ampain
,its and Chara"ter Creation
Wizard kits are entirely optional<< a #izard "hara"ter "an easily et alon
#ithout one/ %ut a player #ho #ishes to add detail to his #izard should "hoose a kit
#hen the "hara"ter is -irst "reated/ +nly one #izard kit "an be "hosen -or a "hara"ter/
It is possible to in"orporate these rules into e7istin "ampains& pro(idin the
players and the D? "an aree on #hi"h kits are appropriate/ $ kit must be "ompatible
#ith a "hara"ter's past a"tions& his ba"kround& and his established personality traits/ Eor
instan"e& i- a di(iner has been played as a thouht-ul man o- reason #ith a history o-
pre-errin neotiation to "ombat& and the player has made it "lear that his "hara"ter is
-rom a sophisti"ated urban "ulture& it doesn't make sense to assin him the Sa(ae Wizard
+n"e a parti"ular kit has been assined to a "hara"ter& it "annot be
"haned/ Ho#e(er& the "hara"ter "an later abandon it i- he #ishes& i(in up all bene-its
and hindran"es/ %onus pro-i"ien"ies Jsee belo#K are not -or-eited/ Instead& su"h
pro-i"ien"ies are no loner "onsidered to be bonuses/ The -ormer bonus pro-i"ien"ies are
set aside until the "hara"ter a"Cuires ne# pro-i"ien"y slotsL at that time& the ne#
pro-i"ien"y slots are -illed by the -ormer bonus pro-i"ien"ies/
When desinin a ne# "hara"ter& -irst determine the "hara"ter's ability
s"ores& ra"e& spe"ialization& and alinment/
+n"e these elements ha(e been de"ided& "hoose a kit -or the ne#
"hara"ter/ $-ter "hoosin the kit and re"ordin the in-ormation on the "hara"ter sheet&
"ontinue #ith the "hara"ter's pro-i"ien"ies& money and eCuipment& and other pertinent
,its and S"hools o- ?ai"
,its are "ulturally<based/ *enerally& any kit "an be assined to a spe"ialist
-rom any s"hool/ $n $mazon<< one o- se(eral kits des"ribed belo#<< miht be a
ne"roman"er or an illusionist& #hile a ?ysti"<< another type o- kit<< "ould be a di(iner or
an abAurer/
Ho#e(er& there are o""asional e7"eptions/ Di(iners& -or instan"e& reCuire a
hih Wisdom s"ore& but the Sa(ae Wizard<< a kit asso"iated #ith the more primiti(e
parts o- the #orld<< usually la"ks the ne"essary intuition and insiht to spe"ialize in the
s"hool o- reater di(ination/ )ike#ise& there are also some s"hools that -a(or "ertain kits/
$ll e7"luded s"hools and pre-erred s"hools are noted in ea"h kit
des"ription/ %ut these are only suestions<< a Sa(ae Wizard di(iner is per-e"tly
a""eptable i- the D? rules that su"h a "hara"ter is allo#able in his "ampain/
.nless the D? determines other#ise& all kits are a(ailable to maes
D?P Choi"es
%e-ore allo#in players to "hoose kits -or their "hara"ters& the D? should
look at ea"h kit and "onsider se(eral -a"tors/
1s "his ki" a!!ro!ria"e "o "he 'a!ai%n8 0ot all kits make sense -or e(ery
"ampain/ I- it is established that $mazons do not e7ist in the D?'s "ampain #orld& he
should not allo# players to "hoose the $mazon kit/ The D? should tell the players #hi"h
kits he #ill allo# and #hi"h are -orbidden be-ore they "reate their "hara"ters/
Do "he !layers need ore in(ora"ion abou" a ki"8 The D? miht #ant to
-urnish the players #ith additional ba"kround in-ormation about a parti"ular kit/ Eor
instan"e& he miht tell them that in his #orld& the Sa(ae Wizards all li(e on the Aunle
peninsula o- %la"kroot and ha(e had little<< i- any<< "onta"t #ith other "i(ilizations/
Are "here any 'han%es in "he ki"8 The D? is -ree to make "hanes in the
pro-i"ien"ies& hindran"es& and any other "omponents o- the kits to make them "ompatible
#ith his "ampain #orld/ The players should be in-ormed o- any su"h "hanes be-ore
they "hoose kits -or their "hara"ters/
The Wizard ,its
Ea"h #izard kit "onsists o- a (ariety o- elements/
Des"ription! This se"tion e7plains the "ultural ba"kround& appearan"e&
and manner o- "hara"ters asso"iated #ith this kit/ It also lists any reCuirements ne"essary
-or "hara"ters takin the kitL -or instan"e& "hara"ters takin the $mazon Sor"eress kit
must be -emale/ Suestions are also i(en -or ho# a "hara"ter miht abandon the kit/
Pre-erred S"hools! This lists #hi"h spe"ialists are most appropriate to the
kit/ $s e7plained in the <i"s and S'hools o( Ma%i' se"tion abo(e& there are many
e7"eptions& and these should be "onsidered suestions only/
Chapter 3 outlined an ethos -or ea"h s"hool& suestin philosophies&
attitudes& and personality traits -or ea"h spe"ialist/ When desinin a "hara"ter& the player
should "ompare the personality traits and attitudes o- the "hara"ter's s"hool #ith those o-
his kit/ I- a "on-li"t arises& the player "an "hoose #hi"he(er traits and attitudes he pre-ers&
or #hi"he(er seem to make the most sense -or his "hara"ter/ Eor instan"e& a""ordin to
the abAurer's ethos in Chapter 3& an abAurer tends to be entle and so-t<spoken/ Ho#e(er& a
player #ho "hooses the $mazon Sor"eress kit may de"ide that his $mazon Sor"eress
abAurer is out<oin and boisterous& as is appropriate to the $mazonian "ulture o- his
"ampain #orld/ With the D?'s permission& an out<oin& boisterous $mazon Sor"eress
abAurer is per-e"tly a""eptable/
In eneral& a "hara"ter's "ultural ba"kround #ill ha(e more in-luen"e on
his personality than his s"hool/ There-ore& i- a player "annot de"ide bet#een the
personality traits asso"iated #ith his s"hool's ethos and the traits asso"iated #ith his
"hara"ter's kit& he should i(e more emphasis to the kit traits/
%arred S"hools! This entry e7plains #hi"h s"hools are inappropriate -or
the kit/ Thouh the D? is -ree to make e7"eptions& it is usually not a ood idea to assin
a kit to a spe"ialist -rom a barred s"hool/
Role! This se"tion des"ribes the role o- a parti"ular #izard in his so"iety
and in his "ampain/ Eor instan"e& an $mazon Sor"eress has a di--erent "ultural role than
a Wit"h& e(en i- both are en"hanters/
Se"ondary Skills! I- you're usin the Se"ondary Skills rules -rom the
$D1DH 2nd Edition ame rules& then a kit may reCuire a "hara"ter to take a spe"i-i"
skill instead o- "hoosin or rollin randomly -or it/ JWhen "hoosin kits -or "hara"ters&
#e suest you use the Weapon and 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"y rules instead o- the
Se"ondary Skills rules/K
Weapon Pro-i"ien"ies! I- you are usin the Weapon Pro-i"ien"y rules -rom
the $D1D 2nd Edition ame& this entry indi"ates #hi"h Weapon Pro-i"ien"y is reCuired
-or "hara"ters takin this kit/ In some "ases& a spe"i-i" Weapon Pro-i"ien"y is reCuiredL in
other "ases& a Weapon Pro-i"ien"y "an be "hosen -rom amon a list o- re"ommended
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies! I- you are usin the 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"y
rules& this entry indi"ates #hether spe"i-i" 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies are reCuired -or
"hara"ters takin this kit/ Ho#e(er& unlike Weapon Pro-i"ien"ies& the 0on#eapon
Pro-i"ien"ies are bonuses/ I- a kit reCuires that the "hara"ter must ha(e $stroloy& then
the "hara"ter ets that pro-i"ien"y -ree& abo(e and beyond the slots he is normally
ranted/ E(en i- su"h pro-i"ien"ies belon to roups other than the Wizard or *eneral
roups& the "hara"ter still ets them as bonuses at no "hare/
I- the kit rants a 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"y that the #izard already has
be"ause o- his spe"ialization& the "hara"ter re"ei(es instead one e7tra -ree 0on#eapon
Pro-i"ien"y slot/ He may spend this -ree slot on any spe"ialization o- his "hoi"e/
Some 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies are re"ommended& not reCuired/ In su"h
"ases& the "hara"ter is not reCuired to take the pro-i"ien"y i- he does not #ant it/ I- he
takes a re"ommended pro-i"ien"y& he spends the normal number o- his a(ailable
pro-i"ien"y slots/
Table ;= on pae 99 o- the Player's Handbook lists 0on#eapon
Pro-i"ien"y "rosso(ers -or (arious roups/ The "rosso(er roups that apply to maes and
illusionists also apply to spe"ialists -rom all other s"hoolsL that is& any spe"ialist sele"tin
a 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"y -rom the Wizard or *eneral roups sho#n on Table ;8 Jpae
96<99 o- the PHK spends the listed number o- pro-i"ien"y slots/ When any spe"ialist
sele"ts a pro-i"ien"y -rom any other "ateory& he must spend one additional slot beyond
the number listed Je7"eptions are i(en in the 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies entries -or the
(arious kitsK/
ECuipment! Some #izard types tend to use spe"i-i" eCuipment/ +thers
ha(e limitations or restri"tions on the #ay they a"Cuire or use eCuipment/ This entry
details the eCuipment employed by "hara"ters usin this kit/ JIn no "ase is a #izard
allo#ed to pur"hase armor/K
Spe"ial %ene-its! ?ost kits rant spe"ial bene-its to "hara"ters/ +-ten&
these bene-its are de-ined as spe"ial rea"tion bonuses #hen en"ounterin "ertain "lasses
o- so"iety& or as spe"ial rihts in spe"i-i" "ultures/
Spe"ial Hindran"es! Ea"h kit "arries "ertain disad(antaes to hinder the
#izard/ +-ten& these are rea"tion penalties or "ultural restri"tions/
Wealth +ptions! Some #izard types ha(e spe"ial rules reardin their
#ealth/ .sually& these rules spe"i-y di--eren"es in the amount o- money re"ei(ed #hen
the "hara"ter is "reated and limitations on ho# the money "an be spent/
Ra"es! I- a kit is not a(ailable to parti"ular ra"es& this #ill be noted here/
.nless the D? makes e7"eptions -or his "ampain& humans "an "hoose any o- the kits/
$ 0ote $bout Rea"tion $dAustments
Se(eral o- the #izard kits re"ei(e rea"tion bonuses and penalties as part o-
their spe"ial bene-its and spe"ial hindran"es/ $s noted in the Player's Handbook Jpae
3=K& "hara"ters #ith (ery hih or (ery lo# Charisma re"ei(e Irea"tion adAustments/ I $
"hara"ter #ith hih Charisma ets a bonus Je7pressed as a plus& su"h as M;K& #hile a
"hara"ter #ith lo# Charisma ets a penalty Je7pressed as a minus& su"h as <;K/
When rollin 2d35 -or en"ounter rea"tions Jsee pae 35; in the Dun%eon
Mas"er's GuideK& do not add the bonus or subtra"t the penalty -rom the die roll/ I- the
"hara"ter has a Charisma o- 3:& thus re"ei(in a M9 rea"tion adAustment& subtra"t that
number -rom the die roll<< do not add it/ +ther#ise& the more Charisma a "hara"ter has&
the #orse the rea"tion o- the 0PCs
The ,its
Des"ription! The $"ademi"ian is a learned s"holar #hose lo(e o-
kno#lede is mat"hed only by his preo""upation #ith resear"h/ He is -as"inated by mai"
in all its -orms and enAoys nothin more than porin o(er ar"ane te7ts and e7perimentin
#ith e7oti" mai"al de(i"es/
The $"ademi"ian spends so mu"h time in(ol(ed in intelle"tual pursuits that he
tends to nele"t his physi"al skills/ He is not a parti"ularly ood -ihter and a(oids
"ombat #hen he "an& pre-errin neotiation and parley to (iolen"e/ Still& he re"onizes
the ne"essity o- "ombat in "ertain instan"es& and #ill -iht (aliantly #hen reCuired/
$"ademi"ians "an be -ound in (irtually any "ulture& but they are most
likely to "ome -rom lare urban areas that pro(ide ready a""ess to libraries& museums&
laboratories& and other resour"es/
$ "hara"ter must ha(e a minimum Intellien"e o- 3; and a minimum
Wisdom o- 33 to be"ome an $"ademi"ian/
There are no spe"ial rules -or abandonin this kit/ $n $"ademi"ian #ho
be"omes disillusioned #ith the a"ademi" li-e or loses interest in intelle"tual pursuits "an
"hoose to nele"t his studies or resear"h& but he is -ree to resume them at any time/
Pre-erred S"hools! The $"ademi"ian is intriued by all the s"hools o-
mai"& but is espe"ially dra#n to s"hools #ith a #ide rane o- spells& in"ludin alteration&
illusion& and in(o"ationBe(o"ation/
%arred S"hools! There are no barred s"hools -or the $"ademi"ian/
Role! In his homeland& the $"ademi"ian is a respe"ted member o- so"iety&
(alued -or his skills as a tea"her and ad(isor as #ell as -or his seeminly endless store o-
kno#lede on a (ariety o- subAe"ts/ ?ost likely& he #ill -ill similar roles in a "ampain/
In spite o- his some#hat sedentary ba"kround& the $"ademi"ian
#el"omes the "han"e to Aoin an ad(enturin party/ Eor him& it is an unparalleled
opportunity to e7perien"e ne# "ultures& a"Cuire ne# de(i"es& and a"Cuire -irst<hand
in-ormation about people& pla"es& and "reatures he may ha(e only read about/
Se"ondary Skills! ReCuired! S"ribe/
Weapon Pro-i"ien"ies! ReCuired Jthe player may "hoose -rom the
-ollo#inK! Daer& Dart& ,ni-e& or Slin/
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies! %onus Pro-i"ien"y! ReadinBWritin/
Re"ommended! J*eneralK $rtisti" $bility& EtiCuette& Heraldry& )anuaes J?odernKL
JWizardK $n"ient History& $stroloy& Herbalism& )anuaes J$n"ientK& Spell"ra-tL JPriestK
)o"al History/
Spe"ial %ene-its! The $"ademi"ian re"ei(es both o- the -ollo#in bene-its!
3/ $"ademi"ians maintain an e7tensi(e "orresponden"e #ith s"holars
throuhout the #orld/ $dditionally& an $"ademi"ian's reputation as a man o- #isdom
o-ten pre"edes him/ When en"ounterin an 0PC #ho is -amiliar #ith his reputation& #ho
turns out to be one o- his "orrespondents& #ho -an"ies himsel- an intelle"tual& or #ho is
an author& resear"her& tea"her& Aournalist& or -ello# s"holar& the $"ademi"ian re"ei(es a M;
rea"tion bonus/
2/ The $"ademi"ian re"ei(es a bonus to all Intellien"e Che"ks and
Wisdom Che"ks/ The D? has t#o options -or assinin this bonus/ He may simply i(e
the $"ademi"ian a -lat M3 to his Intellien"e and Wisdom Che"ks& or he "an "onsult Table
9& #hi"h takes the $"ademi"ian's ae and ra"e into a""ountL as the $"ademi"ian aes& his
bonuses in"rease/ +n"e a method -or assinin these bonuses is "hosen& it "annot be
"haned later/
Spe"ial Hindran"es! $"ademi"ians la"k the trainin and instin"t to make ood
hand<to<hand -ihters/ When atta"kin #ith any type o- melee #eapon& the $"ademi"ian
al#ays has a <3 penalty to hit on his -irst blo#/ SubseCuent blo#s<< #hen the
$"ademi"ian has had an opportunity to size up his opponent and adAust his atta"ks
a""ordinly<< are made #ithout this penalty/ Ho#e(er& i- the $"ademi"ian atta"ks a
di--erent opponent& his -irst blo# aainst his ne# (i"tim is also made at <3/
$"ademi"ians tend to be kno#<it<alls& and unhesitatinly o--er their
opinions e(en on matters they kno# little about/ Whene(er the party needs to make a
de"ision& the $"ademi"ian should o--er his opinionL -or e--e"ti(e role<playin& the player
should ha(e his player speak his mind #ith unshakable "on-iden"e/ I- other player
"hara"ters disaree& the $"ademi"ian miht le"ture them on the error o- their #ays&
#el"ome the opportunity -or a spirited arument& or roll his eyes at his "ompanion's
blatant display o- inoran"e/
Wealth +ptions! The $"ademi"ian re"ei(es the normal J3d6 M3K 7 35 p as
startin money/
Ra"es! 0o restri"tions
Table 9! $bility Che"k %onuses -or $"ademi"ians
Ra"e $e Intellien"e Che"k %onus Wisdom Che"k %onus
El- 355<389 M3 5
38:<2;; M2 M3
2;6<;95 M; M2
;93M M6 M;
*nome:5<355 M3 5
353<3;; M2 M3
3;6<255 M2 M2
253M M; M2
Hal-< 39<:2 M3 5
El- :;<=; M2 M3
=6<329 M2 M2
32:M M; M2
Human39<69 M3 5
6:<:5 M3 M3
:3<45 M2 M3
43M M2 M2
Amazon Sorceress
Description $mazons belon to matriar"hal so"ieties that thri(e in a #orld other#ise
dominated by males/ Women o""upy all important positions in $mazon so"ieties<< they
are the rulers& artisans& soldiers& and s"holars/
?ost $mazon so"ieties ha(e e7isted un"haned -or thousands o- years& li(in in
relati(e isolation -rom the rest o- the #ord& but others ha(e more re"ent oriins/ Some
#ere established by disruntled #omen #ho tired o- their subser(ient roles in male<
dominated "ultures and de"ided to rule themsel(es& #hile others #ere "reated by deities
sympatheti" to the pliht o- #omen/
?en are se"ond<"lass "itizens in $mazon "ultures& o""upyin positions o- menial
ser(itude to their -emale superiors/ In some so"ieties& men are kept as sla(es& treated only
marinally better than domesti" animals/ Still others ha(e eliminated men entirely/
$mazons -rom totally male<-ree so"ieties make o""asional -orays into neihborin
"ommunities to -raternize #ith men/ +thers perpetuate their "i(ilization by bein
e7tremely -riendly #ith male ad(enturers passin throuh their territoryL #hen the
$mazons tire o- their "ompany& the ad(enturers are sent on their #ay or killed/
$n $mazon so"iety may be as small as a sinle (illae or lare enouh to -ill an entire
"ontinent/ %e"ause they are "ontinually under siee -rom male<dominated "i(ilizations&
$mazons ha(e mastered the art o- #ar/ Traditionally& $mazons are superior horse
breeders and riders& e7"ellin #ith spears& bo#s& and other #eapons that "an be #ielded
-rom horseba"k/
$ "hara"ter must be -emale to be an $mazon/ There are no other reCuirements/
To abandon this kit& the "hara"ter must renoun"e her $mazon "itizenship& most likely
be"ause she has ro#n to identi-y more "losely #ith a di--erent "ulture/
!referre" Schools $mazons #ith hih Constitution tend to be dra#n to the s"hools
o- "onAurationBsummonin and in(o"ationBe(o"ationL both are espe"ially use-ul on the
battle-ield/ Di(iners are also "ommon& as they make e7"ellent administrati(e ad(isors and
#arre" Schools $mazons shun the dark -or"es asso"iated #ith the s"hool o-
ne"roman"y/ %e"ause o- its per"ei(ed uselessness in "ombat& they also a(oid the s"hool
o- illusion/
Role ?ost $mazons are #arriors& but the -e# #izards amon them are held in hih
reard& as is any person #ho has mastered a di--i"ult art/ $mazon Sor"eresses typi"ally
ser(e as seers& ad(isors& "ounselors& and administrators/ %e"ause o- their -ormidable
po#er& $mazon Sor"eresses espe"ially in(okers and "onAurers<< are al#ays #el"ome on
the battle-ield/
In male<dominated "ultures& the $mazon is rearded as a "uriosity at best/ She is
stared at& #hispered about& and sometimes openly ridi"uled/ Well<meanin #omen #ho
ha(e a""epted subser(ien"e as a "ultural norm may try to "on(in"e the $mazon to "hane
her unnatural #ays& #hile "hau(inisti" men& seein her as a threat to their mas"ulinity&
may -eel "ompelled to dominate her in any number o- #ays/ E(en open<minded "itizens
#ill likely be suspi"ious o- a -emale #ith su"h unusual attitudes/
$mon her peers in an ad(enturin party& the $mazon Sor"eress #ill pro(e to be a
"ouraeous -ihter and a "apable spell "aster/ $lthouh the other player<"hara"ters may
harbor some preAudi"es o- their o#n about the role o- -emales& the D? should dis"ourae
any o(ert dis"riminationL on"e she has pro(en hersel- in touh situations& the $mazon
should be a""epted as an eCual in all reards/
Secon"ary S$ills ReCuired! *room/
%eapon !roficiency ReCuired! 0one/ Re"ommended! Spear or lon bo#/ This is
"ontrary to the #eapons usually allo#ed #izards& but is typi"al -or $mazon "ultures/
Non&eapon !roficiencies %onus Pro-i"ien"ies! Ridin J)and<basedK& $nimal
Trainin/ Re"ommended! J*eneralK $nimal HandlinL JWarriorK $nimal )ore& $rmorer&
%o#yerBElet"her& Huntin& Runnin& Sur(i(al& Tra"kin/
E'(ipment When an $mazon "hara"ter is -irst "reated& she must buy her #eapons
-rom amon the -ollo#in "hoi"es only! bo# Jany typeK& daerBdirk& Aa(elin& kni-e&
spear/ +n"e she has ad(entured else#here in the #orld& she may pur"hase other types o-
Special #enefits ?ale opponents #ho ha(e ne(er en"ountered the -ormidable
$mazon #omen tend to underestimate them/ There-ore& the -irst time su"h a male
en"ounters an $mazon in "ombat& the $mazon re"ei(es a M; bonus to hit and M; to
damae on her -irst blo# only/ These bonuses re-le"t the -a"t that the opponent is taken
o-- uard by su"h an able -emale/
This bonus is not appli"able in e(ery situation/ The D? should "onsider the -ollo#in
uidelines #hen rulin on the $mazon Sor"eress's bonus/
The bonus does not apply to opponents o- 9th le(el or hiher/ Su"h opponents are too
seasoned to be surprised in this manner/
The bonus does not apply to opponents -rom "ultures #here -emales are a""epted as
eCuals and -emale #arriors are "ommon/
The bonus does not apply to opponents #ho ha(e -ihtin -emales as "omrades& #ho
ha(e -a"ed -ihtin #omen be-ore& or #ho ha(e seen the $mazon use her bonus on
someone else/
The bonus does not al#ays apply to player "hara"ters/ The D? miht ask a Cui"k&
uarded Cuestion o- the player to learn #hether his "hara"ter #ould underestimate
a -emale opponent/

Reardless o- #hether the $mazon's -irst blo# hits or misses her intended (i"tim& the
(i"tim #ill ne(er be subAe"t to the bonus aainL the bonus "an be used only on"e per
Special )in"rances The $mazon su--ers a <; rea"tion roll adAustment -rom 0PCs
-rom male< dominated so"ieties/ This rea"tion adAustment no loner applies on"e
"hara"ters "ome to kno# and respe"t her/ )ike#ise& player "hara"ters need not respond
#ith hostility to#ard their $mazon "ompanion unless they #ant to do so -or role<playin
%ealth Options The $mazon Sor"eress re"ei(es the normal J3d6 M 3K 7 35 p as
startin money/
Races ?ost $mazons are human& but other ra"es are a""eptable& #ith the adAustments
that -ollo#/
Hal-<el(es! Substitute either short bo# or spear -or the reCuired Weapon Pro-i"ien"y/
*nomes! Substitute thro#in a7e or short s#ord -or the reCuired Weapon Pro-i"ien"y&
use ponies -or mounts& and substitute Tra"kin and Sur(i(al -or the bonus
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies/
El(es! Substitute Enduran"e and Set Snares -or the bonus 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies/
Description The $naakok is a #izard -rom a primiti(e so"iety that o""upies one o-
the #orld's most e7treme "limates/ Primarily "on"erned #ith sur(i(al& the $naakok uses
his mai"al skills to help his -ello# tribesmen lo"ate -ood& plan -or danerous shi-ts in the
#eather& and prote"t them -rom hostile "reatures and ri(al tribes #ho are in "ompetition
-or the same limited resour"es/ $n $naakok also brins ood -ortune to his tribeL many
belie(e he is possessed by a uardian spirit Jthouh there is no a"tual e(iden"e o- thisK/
The $naakok is kno#n by a (ariety o- names #hi"h depend on his so"iety o- oriinL
other names -or an $naakok in"lude ?aian& Phyla"terist& 'eroni"an& S"arabor& and
$lthouh an $naakok "an oriinate -rom any number o- hostile en(ironments& t#o
are "onsidered in this dis"ussion/ The -irst is the $naakok -rom a "limate #here the
temperature ne(er rises abo(e 5 derees E/& #hom #e "all the Eriid Climate $naakok/
The se"ond is the $naakok -rom a "limate #here the temperature ne(er -alls belo# 355
derees E/& #hom #e "all the Torrid Climate $naakok/
To be an $naakok& a #izard must ha(e a Constitution o- at least 3;/ Eemale
$naakok are as "ommon as males/
Thouh an $naakok "an renoun"e his heritae and se(er ties #ith his so"iety& he
"annot renoun"e this kitL the traits o- an $naakok are inborn and permanent/
!referre" Schools The pre-erred s"hools o- the $naakok are abAuration& alteration&
en"hantmentB"harm& in(o"ationBe(o"ation& and reater di(ination/
#arre" Schools $naakok are barred -rom the s"hools o- illusion and ne"roman"y
be"ause o- their spells' relati(e uselessness -or sur(i(in in hostile en(ironments/
Role The $naakok is serious<minded& e(en<tempered& and so-t<spoken/ Thouh
un-amiliar #ith so"ieties and "ultures other than his o#n& he adapts Cui"kly and is
-as"inated by te"hnoloy in all its -orms/
In a "ampain& an $naakok tends to assume responsibility -or the sa-ety o- his
"ompanionsL their se"urity is al#ays -oremost in his mind/ Thouh the $naakok are not
natural leaders Jsu"h roles are usually reser(ed -or the stronest #arriors in their tribesK
they are superb and -earless "ombatants& Cui"k to (olunteer -or the most danerous
Secon"ary S$ills ReCuired J"hoose one o- the -ollo#in& based on the $naakok's
ba"kroundK! Eisher& Eorester& Hunter& 0a(iator& TrapperBEurrier/
%eapon !roficiency ReCuired J"hoose one o- the -ollo#in& based on the
$naakok's ba"kroundK! %o# JanyK& daer& harpoon& Aa(elin& kni-e& slin& trident/
Non&eapon !roficiencies %onus! Enduran"e& Sur(i(al& Weather Sense/
Re"ommended! J*eneralK Dire"tion Sense& Eire<buildin& Ridin J)and<basedK& Rope
.se& S#imminL JWizardK $stroloyL JWarrior& all "ost sinle slotsK $nimal )ore&
Huntin& ?ountaineerin& Runnin& Set Snares/
E'(ipment $ beinnin $naakok "an buy #eapons only -rom those listed in the
Weapon Pro-i"ien"y entry abo(e/ He "an buy only eCuipment that #ould normally be
a(ailable in his home so"ietyL the D? has the riht to (eto any initial pur"hase/
$n $naakok must spend all his initial money/ $ny money not spent is lost/
Special #enefits $n $naakok "an -ind -ood in e(en the most barren o-
en(ironments/ In a 26<hour period& an $naakok "an -ind enouh -ood to -eed himsel-
and a number o- people eCual to his le(el J-or instan"e& a 6th<le(el $naakok "an -ind
enouh -ood to -eed himsel- and -our others e(ery dayK/
+n"e per #eek& an $naakok "an "ast a spe"ial %ood (or"une spell on himsel- and a
number o- people eCual to his le(elL the e--e"t o- %ood (or"une lasts -or a number o- turns
eCual to his le(el J-or instan"e& a 6th<le(el $naakok "an "ast %ood (or"une on himsel-
and -our others& and the e--e"t lasts -or -our turnsK/ $ll opponents ha(e a <3 penalty on
their "han"e to hit #hen atta"kin those under the e--e"t o- %ood (or"une/ This ability is
innateL an $naakok is not reCuired to memorize %ood (or"une& nor does it "ount aainst
his daily spell limit/ To "ast the spell& an $naakok must merely "on"entrate -or 3 round
and point to the subAe"ts to be a--e"tedL no (erbal or material "omponents are reCuired/
$dditionally& an $naakok has natural immunities to en(ironmental e7tremes based on
his ba"kround/ $ Eriid Climate $naakok su--ers no penalties& damae& or other
restri"tions in en(ironments o- e7treme "old/ $ Torrid Climate $naakok su--ers no
penalties& damae& or other restri"tions in en(ironments o- e7treme heat/ These
immunities apply to natural "onditions onlyL -or instan"e& a Eriid Climate $naakok
su--ers normal damae -rom 'one o( 'old and other "old<based spells& #hile a Torrid
Climate $naakok su--ers normal damae -rom (ireball and other heat<based spells/
Special )in"rances E7posure to harsh "limates i(es the $naakok an unusual
appearan"e& su"h as a touh& leathery skin -or the Torrid Climate $naakok& and a head<
to<toe "o(erin o- short& "oarse hair -or the Eriid Climate $naakok/ %e"ause o- his
appearan"e and strane manner& an $naakok su--ers a <2 rea"tion penalty -rom all 0PCs
un-amiliar #ith the $naakok's "ulture/
Dust as their ba"krounds pro(ide them #ith natural immunities to "ertain
en(ironmental e7tremes& all $naakok su--er penalties #hen e7posed to en(ironments
radi"ally di--erent -rom those in #hi"h they #ere born/ $ Eriid Climate $naakok
su--ers a <3 penalty to all atta"k rolls& damae rolls& $bility Che"ks& and sa(in thro#s in
en(ironments #ith temperatures abo(e 355 derees E/ $ Torrid Climate $naakok su--ers
a <3 penalty to all atta"k rolls& damae rolls& $bility Che"ks& and sa(in thro#s in
en(ironments #ith temperatures belo# 5 derees E/
%ealth Options $ beinnin $naakok re"ei(es only J3d6 M3K 7 = p as startin
Races 0o restri"tions/
Notes Players and D?s are en"ouraed to in(ent their o#n types o- $naakok -rom
other e7treme en(ironments/ $n $naakok #ho li(es in the bottom o- an a"ti(e (ol"ano&
in the depths o- the o"ean& or on an island "ontinually battered by hurri"ane #inds are all
possibilities/ .se the e7amples abo(e to de(elop appropriate bonuses and penalties -or
ea"h type o- $naakok based on his ba"kround/
+ilitant %izar"
Description! The ?ilitant Wizard is skilled in both mai"al and military arts& makin
him an e7tremely -ormidable opponent/ They "an "ome -rom aressi(e& #armonerin
"ultures bent on the "onCuest o- #eaker nations& or -rom "ultures "ontinually under siee
-rom their more #arlike neihbors& makin military preparedness (ital to their de-ense/ In
any "ase& the ?ilitant Wizard "onsiders a trained body as important as a trained mind&
and prides himsel- on keepin his "ombat skills as sharp as his mai"al talents/
$ "hara"ter must ha(e a Strenth o- at least 3; to be a ?ilitant Wizard/ Thouh male
?ilitant Wizards #ill be more "ommon& -emale ?ilitant Wizards are allo#able as #ell&
unless the D?'s #orld spe"i-i"ally -orbids them/
$bandonin this kit is di--i"ult/ $ ?ilitant Wizard must abstain -rom usin both o- the
#eapons he has "hosen -or his Weapon Pro-i"ien"ies -or three -ull e7perien"e le(els/
+n"e he rea"hes the third e7perien"e le(el& he loses the use o- his t#o Weapon
Pro-i"ien"ies/ I- he then renoun"es his "itizenship -rom his home "ulture& he "an
su""ess-ully abandon this kit/
Eor e7ample& "onsider a 9th<le(el ?ilitant Wizard #ith Weapon Pro-i"ien"ies in short
s#ord and lon bo#/ I- he abstains -rom usin both o- these #eapons Jand the
"orrespondin Weapon Pro-i"ien"iesK& he loses his Weapon Pro-i"ien"ies in short s#ord
and lon bo# #hen he rea"hes =th le(el/ I- he then renoun"es his "itizenship -rom his
home "ulture& he "an abandon this kit/ I- he uses these #eapons be-ore rea"hin =th le(el&
he must bein aain& abstainin -or an additional three le(els o- e7perien"e J-or instan"e&
i- he uses his lon bo# Weapon Pro-i"ien"y #hen at 8th le(el& he'll ha(e to abstain until
he rea"hes 35th le(el in order to abandon this kit/K
!referre" Schools ?ilitant Wizards pre-er s"hools #ith an e7"ess o- o--ensi(e and
de-ensi(e spells& su"h as abAuration& alteration& "onAurationBsummonin&
in(o"ationBe(o"ation& and ne"roman"y/
#arre" Schools ?ilitant Wizards are barred -rom spe"ializin in the s"hools o-
en"hantmentB"harm and illusion& as their "ultures tend to "onsider them relati(ely useless
in "ombat/ Thouh reater di(ination has uses on the battle-ield& parti"ularly in the area
o- re"onnaissan"e& ?ilitant Wizards are dis"ouraed& but not barred& -rom di(ination
Role ?ilitant Wizards are amon the most honored and respe"ted "itizens in their
so"ieties& sin"e their po#er-ul mai" makes them e7"eptionally able soldiers/ Dependin
on his ba"kround& the ?ilitant Wizard may be a brutal& sa(ae killer& #allo#in in the
(iolen"e o- the battle-ield& or he may be a heroi" #arrior& -ihtin #ith honor and takin
li(es only #hen ne"essary/
$ ?ilitant Wizard miht ha(e a (ariety o- reasons -or Aoinin an ad(enturin party/
Perhaps he shares the party's oal o- de-eatin a -or"e o- e(il& or he miht be seekin
treasure to -inan"e his o#n army at home/ He miht #ish to study the -ihtin te"hniCues
o- other "ultures& or he miht hire on as a mer"enary/
Whate(er his reasons& the ?ilitant Wizard's -ihtin skills should reatly bene-it any
party/ He makes an e7"ellent leader& but he is also "apable o- -ollo#in orders to the
letter& assumin the orders are issued by a "ommander he respe"ts/ The ?ilitant Wizard
tends to pre-er a"tion to ina"tion and "ombat to neotiation/ He is skepti"al o- s"holarly
and philosophi" types& and is unlikely to -orm "lose relationships #ith su"h "hara"ters/
Secon"ary S$ills 0o parti"ular Se"ondary Skill is re"ommended or reCuired/ He
re"ei(es his Se"ondary Skill either by "hoosin or rollin randomly& #hate(er method is
normal -or the "ampain/
%eapon !roficiency ReCuired J"hoose one -rom o- the -ollo#inK! %attle a7e& bo#
JanyK& "rossbo# JanyK& daer& Aa(elin& slin& spear& s#ord JanyK& #arhammer/ These are
di--erent -rom the #eapons normally asso"iated #ith #izards& but they are "ommon -or
?ilitant Wizards/ $lso& see the Spe"ial %ene-its se"tion belo#/
Non&eapon !roficiency %onus! JWarriorK Enduran"e/ Re"ommended! J*eneralK
$nimal Handlin& Dire"tion Sense& Ridin J)and<basedK& S#imminLJWizardK )anuaes
J$n"ientKL JWarriorL these take 2 slots onlyK %lind< -ihtin& Tra"kin& JWarriorL these
take 3 slot onlyK ?ountaineerin& Runnin& Set Snares/
E'(ipment The ?ilitant Wizard may buy any eCuipment he "hooses& keepin
#hate(er money he miht not use/
Special #enefits The ?ilitant Wizard re"ei(es a bonus Weapon Pro-i"ien"y -ree o-
"hareL this is in addition to his normal Weapon Pro-i"ien"y/ This bonus Weapon
Pro-i"ien"y does not use any o- the #izard's pro-i"ien"y slots& but he must "hoose it -rom
the #eapons listed in the Weapon Pro-i"ien"y entry abo(e/ $dditionally& a ?ilitant
Wizard "an a"Cuire any o- the Warrior's 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies i(en on Table ;8 on
pae 99 o- the Player's Handbook at the listed number o- slotsL -or instan"e& i- a ?ilitant
Wizard #ants the $nimal )ore pro-i"ien"y& it "osts him only 3 slot instead o- the normal
2 -or a #izard/
Special )in"rances %e"ause a ?ilitant Wizard de(otes so mu"h o- his time and
enery to the mastery o- military skills& he is limited in his a""ess to spells -rom (arious
s"hools/ Table : lists the oppositional s"hools -or ?ilitant Wizards o- ea"h spe"ialtyL the
?ilitant Wizard is -orbidden to learn spells -rom these s"hools/
Ta,le - Oppositional Schools for +ilitant %izar"s
Specialist Oppositional Schools

$bAurer Illusion
*reater Di(in/

ConAurer $lteration
*reater Di(in/

Di(iner ConA/BSumm/

In(oker Illusion
En"hant/ BCharm

0e"roman"er En"hant/ BCharm

Transmuter 0e"roman"y
ConA/ BSumm/
?ilitant Wizard maes are like#ise limited/ The D? may de"ide #hi"h o- the
-ollo#in limitations a--e"ts ?ilitant Wizard maes in his "ampain J"hoose only one
3/ The ?ilitant Wizard mae is -orbidden to learn =th<le(el and 4th<le(el spells -rom
any s"hool/
2/ The ?ilitant Wizard mae learns spells as i- his Intellien"e #ere t#o points lo#er
than he a"tually has& as indi"ated on Table 6& pae 3: o- the Player's Handbook/ This
limitation also a--e"ts the number o- lanuaes he "an learn& the hihest le(el o- spells he
"an "ast& the ma7imum number o- spells per le(el he "an kno#& and his spell immunity/
Eor instan"e& i- this limitation is in e--e"t -or a ?ilitant Wizard mae #ith an Intellien"e
s"ore o- 39& he "an only kno# three lanuaes& "an "ast spells o- no hiher than :th<le(el&
has a 99 per"ent "han"e to learn a ne# spell& and has a ma7imum o- nine spells per le(el
that he "an kno#/
;/ The ?ilitant Wizard mae "an learn spells -rom only -i(e s"hools/ To determine
#hi"h s"hools are una(ailable to him& roll 3d= three times& #here 3 N abAuration& 2 N
"onAurationBsummonin& ; N reater di(ination& 6 N en"hantmentB"harm& 9 N illusion& : N
in(o"ationBe(o"ation& 8 N ne"roman"y& and = N alteration/ I- the same result o""urs t#i"e&
roll aain/
Wealth +ptions! The ?ilitant Wizard re"ei(es the standard J3d6 M 3K 7 35 startin
Ra"es! 0o restri"tions
Des"ription! Thouht-ul& reser(ed& and e7tremely introspe"ti(e& the ?ysti" is de(oted
to sel-<enlihtenment and sees the study o- mai" as the key to spiritual a#areness/ The
?ysti" enAoys nothin more than spendin lon hours "ontemplatin the mysteries o- the
uni(erse and attemptin to be"ome more in tou"h #ith his inner sel-/ The ?ysti" is not
ne"essarily a student o- reliion or philosophyL he seeks an a#areness that "an only be
-ound intuiti(ely/
The ?ysti" is by no means a relu"tant mai"<user/ In -a"t& the ?ysti" belie(es that the
"astin o- ea"h spell and the a"Cuisition o- ea"h ne# mai"al te"hniCue brins him "loser
to per-e"t a#areness/ The mental dis"ipline ne"essary -or the mastery o- mai" is the
per-e"t "ompliment to sel-<kno#lede/
The ?ysti" "an "ome -rom any "ulture& but he is usually -rom a so"iety that pla"es a
hih (alue on philosophy& art& and s"holarship/ His is most likely to Aoin an ad(enturin
party -or the opportunity to broaden his outlook& dis"o(er ne# thins about himsel-& and
use mai" in ne#& enlihtenin #ays/
To be a ?ysti"& a #izard must ha(e a Wisdom s"ore o- at least 3;/
There are no spe"ial rules -or abandonment o- this kit/ I- the ?ysti" ro#s #eary o-
the "ontemplati(e li-e or -eels that he has rea"hed a pinna"le o- sel-< a#areness& he "an
simply lea(e this kit behind/
Pre-erred S"hools! The ?ysti" pre-ers the s"hools o- illusion& di(ination& and
%arred S"hools! %e"ause the ?ysti" is predisposed aainst mai" that harms other
li(in thins& he is barred -rom spe"ializin in the s"hools o- ne"roman"y&
in(o"ationBe(o"ation& and "onAurationBsummonin/ He is not pre(ented -rom learnin
spells -rom these s"hools<< he simply pre-ers to limit his asso"iation #ith them/
Role! In many so"ieties& the ?ysti" is "onsidered to be little more than a "ra"kpot& an
e""entri" #ith an utter la"k o- ambition #ho ser(es no use-ul purpose/ In more
enlihtened "ultures& the ?ysti" is seen as a seeker o- truth& a sensiti(e soul enaed in an
inspirin spiritual Aourney/
In a "ampain& the ?ysti" is Cuiet and non<aressi(e/ His (ery presen"e is
soothin to the party& and he al#ays has a #ord o- "om-ort or en"ouraement -or his
"ompanions/ The ?ysti" a(oids "ombat #hene(er possible& but "ouraeously rises to the
o""asion #hen his "omrades are threatened/ +nly in the most e7treme "ir"umstan"es #ill
the ?ysti" intentionally take a li-eL ho#e(er& he #ill kill i- ne"essary to preser(e his o#n
li-e or the li-e o- a "ompanion/
Se"ondary Skills! The ?ysti" must take one o- the -ollo#in as his Se"ondary Skill
Jplayer's "hoi"e& based on the ?ysti"'s ba"kroundK! Earmer& Eorester& *room& ?ason&
S"ribe& TailorBWea(er& Wood#orker/
Weapon Pro-i"ien"y! ReCuired Jthe player "hooses one o- the -ollo#inK! Daer& dart&
or slin/
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies! %onus! $stroloy& Reliion/ Re"ommended! J*eneralK
$ri"ulture& $rtisti" $bility& Carpentry& EtiCuette& )anuaes J?odernK& )eather#orkin&
Pottery& SeamstressBTailor& Stonemasonry& Wea(inL JWizardK $n"ient History&
Herbalism& )anuaes J$n"ientK& ReadinBWritin& Spell"ra-t/
ECuipment! The ?ysti" may buy only the #eapon asso"iated #ith his Weapon
Pro-i"ien"y/ $s his ad(enturin "areer proresses& he "an buy Jand useK only daers&
darts& kni(es& and slins/ He must spend all o- his startin moneyL any le-to(er old is
Spe"ial %ene-its! The ?ysti" re"ei(es one o- the -ollo#in spe"ial abilities -rom the
list belo#/ The spe"ial ability is "hosen #hen the "hara"ter is -irst "reated and "an ne(er
be "haned/
3/ +n"e per #eek& the ?ysti" "an (ei%n dea"h as per the ;rd<le(el #izard spellL he "an
use this ability only on himsel-/ The ?ysti" "an (ei%n dea"h -or up to 26 hours&
a#akenin at any time/ To use this ability& the ?ysti" must merely "on"entrate -or 3
roundL no "omponents are ne"essary/
2/ +n"e per #eek& the ?ysti" "an trans-orm his "ons"iousness into a hostly s!iri"
(or& lea(in his physi"al body behind/ The s!iri" (or has the appearan"e o- a misty
"loud in the shape o- the "aster/ The s!iri" (or "annot atta"k& speak& or "ast spells& but it
"an -ly at a mo(ement rate o- 26 J?aneu(erability Class %K and "an pass throuh the
smallest openin or tiniest "ra"k/ The ?ysti"'s s!iri" (or "an tra(el an unlimited
distan"e -rom his physi"al body as lon as it remains in the same plane o- e7isten"e/ The
spirit -orm is in(ulnerable to all atta"k -orms& but dis!el a%i' or a similar spell "auses
the s!iri" (or to instantly return to its body/
While in s!iri" (or& the ?ysti"'s physi"al body remains "omatose/ The body is
subAe"t to all reular atta"ks and su--ers damae normally/ The s!iri" (or "an remain
a#ay -rom the body -or up to 26 hours& but on"e it returns to its body& the ?ysti" re(i(es
and "annot use his spirit -orm -or another #eek/
To use his s!iri" (or& the ?ysti" must merely "on"entrate -or 3 roundL no "omponents
are ne"essary/
;/ +n"e per #eek& the ?ysti" "an use a spe"ial le)i"a"e sel( ability -or one hour/ +n"e
initiated& the ?ysti" "an use this ability to le(itate himsel- straiht up in the air at a rate
o- 35 yards per round/ He "an stop& ho(er& des"end& and as"end at #ill& thouh horizontal
mo(ement is not empo#ered by this ability Jho#e(er& the ?ysti" "ould push himsel-
alon a #all to mo(e laterallyK/ While le(itatin& the ?ysti" "an "arry as mu"h #eiht as
he "an normally/ .nlike the le)i"a"ion spell& the ?ysti" usin le)i"a"e sel( su--ers no
atta"k roll penalties #hen attemptin to use missile #eapons/
To use this ability& the ?ysti" must merely "on"entrate -or 3 roundL no "omponents are
reCuired/ $s soon as a le(itatin ?ysti" tou"hes the round& his use o- this ability is o(erL
he "an use it aain in another #eek/
Spe"ial Hindran"es! $ ?ysti" must spend t#o "onse"uti(e hours per day meditatin/
These t#o hours must al#ays o""ur at the same time o- dayL the player "an de"ide #hi"h
hours are de(oted to meditation& but on"e de"ided& the time period "an ne(er "hane
Jtypi"al meditation times are the -irst t#o hours o- da#n& the -irst t#o hours a-ter sunset&
or -rom midniht to 2 a/ m/ K/ I- the ?ysti" nele"ts to per-orm his meditation& is unable
to per-orm it& or is interrupted more than on"e J-or more than a total o- 3 minuteK& the
-ollo#in day he is able to "ast only the number o- spells allo#ed to a #izard one le(el
lo#er than his a"tual le(el/ Eor instan"e& i- a 6th<le(el ?ysti" is unable to meditate on
Day 3& on Day 2 he #ill be able to "ast only as many spells as a ;rd<le(el #izard/
Wealth +ptions! The ?ysti" re"ei(es only J3d6 M 3K 7 9 p as startin money/
Ra"es! 0o limitations
Des"ription! The Patri"ian is a #izard o- noble birth& a member o- his "ulture's
aristo"ra"y/ %orn into a li-e o- #ealth and pri(ilee& the Patri"ian "onsiders himsel- an
arbiter o- ood taste and a "onnoisseur o- the -iner thins in li-e/ He looks do#n his nose
at #orkin men and #omen& as #ell as all others he "onsiders to be in"onseCuential
rabble/ I- anythin& his mastery o- mai" makes him e(en more arroant than other
members o- the rulin "lass& sin"e he sees his talent as "lear proo- o- his superiority o(er
"ommon -olk/
The Patri"ian may Aoin an ad(enturin party out o- a sense o- duty to his "ountry or to
promote the "ommon ood<< in spite o- their snobbery& ood<alined Patri"ians ha(e
stron moral "odes/ $ Patri"ian miht ha(e ro#n #eary o- his pampered li-e and souht
an ad(enturin party to add a tou"h o- e7"itement to his other#ise dreary e7isten"e/
$lternately& his parents miht ha(e ordered him to Aoin a party to tea"h him humility/
There are no spe"ial reCuirements to be a Patri"ian/ The maAority are male& but
noble#omen are also in"luded in this "ateory Jalthouh su"h a "hara"ter #ould more
"orre"tly be "alled a 0oble#oman or $risto"ratK/
To abandon this kit& the Patri"ian must renoun"e his birthriht/ He #ill -ore(er a-ter be
ostra"ized by all the nobility -rom his homeland and may e(en be diso#ned and
disinherited by his -amily/
Pre-erred S"hools! The Patri"ian "an spe"ialize in any s"hool& but pre-ers those that he
per"ei(es as most po#er-ul& su"h as "onAurationBsummonin& alteration& and
%arred S"hools! The Patri"ian #ill not spe"ialize in ne"roman"y& a s"hool he "onsiders
disustin and repulsi(e/
Role! The Patri"ian pre-ers the "ompany o- nobles and other members o- the upper
"lass/ ?ost Patri"ians are #ealthy and ha(e no need to earn money& but many still ser(e
their so"ieties as administrators& "ounselors& and ambassadors/ Sin"e they ha(e a""ess to
the the -inest tea"hers and uni(ersities& Patri"ians are e7tremely #ell<edu"ated and e7pert
in a (ariety o- areas/
Eello# player "hara"ters #ill riht-ully per"ei(e the Patri"ian to be an arroant&
"ondes"endin snob/ +n the positi(e side& the Patri"ian is also #ell<mannered and
"ourteous& e(en to those he "onsiders to be his so"ial in-eriors/ ?ale Patri"ians "an be
e7tremely "hi(alrous to members o- the opposite se7& reardless o- #hether they like it or
not/ The Patri"ian is enerally "ooperati(e #ith the party& thouh he #ill balk at any
suestion that "ompromises his sense o- dinity J-or instan"e& he #ill ne(er enter a -ilthy
"a(ern or sear"h the bodies o- slain enemies #ithout sCua#kinK/ His -irst<rate edu"ation
and e7tensi(e tra(els make him an e7"ellent sour"e o- in-ormation/
Se"ondary Skills! ReCuired Jthe player must "hoose one o- the -ollo#inK! %o#yer&
*ambler& *room& De#eler& )imnerBPainter& S"ribe/
Weapon Pro-i"ien"y! ReCuired Jthe player must "hoose one o- the -ollo#inK! daer&
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies! %onus! J*eneralK EtiCuette& Heraldry& Ridin J)and<basedK/
Re"ommended! J*eneralK Dan"in& )anuaes J?odernK& Ridin J)and<basedK& SininL
JWizardK $n"ient History& )anuaes J$n"ientK& ReadinBWritin& ReliionL JRoue&
double slotsK $n"ient History& $ppraisin& *amin& )o"al History& ?usi"al InstrumentL
JPriest& double slotsK )anuaes J$n"ientK/
ECuipment! $ beinnin Patri"ian must buy all o- the -ollo#in items! horse Jmust be
at least a ridin horseK& ridin saddle& bit and bridle& horseshoes and shoein& halter& and
saddle blanket/ He "an spend the rest o- his money as he #ishes/
Spe"ial %ene-its! The Patri"ian beins #ith more startin money than other #izards
Jsee the Wealth +ptions entry belo#K/ $dditionally& he re"ei(es a M; rea"tion modi-ier
-rom any noble -rom his o#n "ulture& and a M2 rea"tion modi-ier -rom nobles -rom other
"ultures/ When tra(elin& a Patri"ian "an demand shelter -rom any -ello# noblemen -rom
his o#n "ulture/ Su"h shelter is o--ered -ree o- "hare and is made a(ailable -or the
Patri"ian and up to t#o persons per e7perien"e le(el o- the Patri"ian J-or instan"e& a ;rd<
le(el Patri"ian "an demand shelter -or himsel- and si7 othersK/
Spe"ial Hindran"es! When makin pur"hases& the Patri"ian a""epts nothin but the
best& #hether it be a meal& a room -or the niht& a #eapon& or e(en a "hest to "arry his
possessions/ $ny time he buys any item& the Patri"ian must pay 35 to 355 per"ent more
than the listed pri"e in the Player's Handbook5 The D? #ill de"ide the pri"e paid by the
Patri"ian& #hi"h may (ary -rom item to item& dependin on the Cuality o- mer"handise in
a parti"ular lo"ale/ Eor instan"e& the best meal in 'illae $ miht sell -or 8 sp& #hile the
best meal in 'illae % miht sell -or 35 sp/ In all "ases& the Patri"ian #ill settle -or no
less than the most e7pensi(e item a(ailableL he al#ays pays at least 35 per"ent more than
the listed pri"e/
I- a Patri"ian la"ks the -unds to buy hih<Cuality items& he "an settle -or "heaper
oods& but he no loner re"ei(es his rea"tion bonus in that parti"ular en"ounter or
"ommunityL 0PCs simply do not belie(e that he is a noble/ Eor instan"e& i- a Patri"ian
settles -or a standard 9 sp meal at an inn& all o- the 0PCs in the inn rea"t to him normally&
inorin his insisten"e that he's a nobleman/ Word #ill Cui"kly spread throuhout the
"ommunity that an amusin -ello# is pretendin to be a nobleman& and soon all o- the
0PCs in the "ommunity #ill rea"t to him normally/ I- a Patri"ian settles -or shabby
a""outrements& su"h as a normal s#ord or a(erae saddle& all 0PCs #ill rea"t to him
normally until he repla"es them #ith more e7pensi(e items/
Dust as the Patri"ian "an demand shelter -rom other noblemen& so "an they demand
shelter -rom him/ 0ote that this "an et to be an e7pensi(e proposition i- the 0PC
noblemen stay -or any lenth o- time/
Wealth +ptions! The Patri"ian re"ei(es an e7tra 395 p in addition to the standard
J3d6 M 3K 7 35 p/
Ra"es! 0o restri"tions/ Ho#e(er& i- a parti"ular ra"e doesn't re"onize or allo# so"io<
e"onomi" strati-i"ations in the D?'s "ampain #orld& that ra"e #ill not ha(e Patri"ians
Peasant Wizard
Des"ription! The Peasant Wizard is a spell "aster o- modest means #hose e7"eptional
skills and mat"hless "ourae ha(e made him a "hampion o- the masses/ Thouh his
talents ha(e set him apart and made him a leend in his homeland& he #ill ne(er -oret
his roots/ $n ad(o"ate o- the "ommoner& the Peasant Wizard de(otes himsel- to the
promotion o- eCuality and Austi"e/ The Peasant Wizard is the most -reCuently en"ountered
o- all the #izards/ There are no additional ability reCuirements -or the Peasant Wizard/
0o spe"ial rules e7ist -or abandonin this kit/
Pre-erred S"hools! There are no pre-erred s"hools -or the Peasant Wizard& thouh
illusionists& abAurers& and in(okers are amon the most -reCuently en"ountered/
%arred S"hools! There are no barred s"hools -or the Peasant WizardL ho#e(er& there
are -e#er ne"roman"ers and di(iners than any other spe"ialist/
Role! The Peasant Wizard -ihts on behal- o- the "ommon people/ He "onsiders
himsel- prote"tor o- the helpless& a"ti(ely opposin any a"tion -rom the party that
threatens or e7ploits the peasants/ Eor instan"e& he #on't allo# his party to re"ruit
peasants -or "ombat support unless they -ully understand the risks in(ol(ed/ When a
"ompanion o- the Peasant Wizard barains #ith a "ommon man -or oods or ser(i"es& the
Peasant Wizard makes sure his "ompanion pays the "ommon man a -air pri"e/ When the
party re"o(ers a treasure& the Peasant Wizard demands that the lo"al "itizens re"ei(e their
-air share i- they helped the party in any #ay or i- the treasure #as re"o(ered on their
The Peasant Wizard sees the #ealthy "lasses as a primary reason -or the "ommoners'
miseries& so he has little respe"t or patien"e -or noblemen and the #ealthy/ $side -rom the
o""asional insult& the Peasant Wizard is likely to a(oid asso"iatin #ith any Patri"ians in
his party/
Se"ondary Skills! The player may "hoose his Peasant Wizard's se"ondary skill/ The
D? miht "onsider limitin this "hoi"e to skills that are use-ul to peasants su"h as
s#imminL it is unlikely Jbut not impossibleK that a peasant #izard "ould learn heraldry
or etiCuette/
Weapon Pro-i"ien"y! ReCuired Jplayer's "hoi"eK! %o# JanyK& daer& kni-e& spear& dart&
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"y! %onus Jone o- the -ollo#in& player's "hoi"e! $ri"ulture&
Eishin/ Re"ommended! J*eneralK $nimal Handlin& %la"ksmithin& Carpentry&
Cobblin& Cookin& Dire"tion Sense& Eire<buildin& )eather#orkin& Pottery& Ridin
J)and<basedK& Stonemasonry& Weather Sense& Wea(in/
ECuipment! The Peasant Wizard "an spend his money on anythin he likes& #ithin the
limitations des"ribed in the Spe"ial Hindran"es entry belo#/
Spe"ial %ene-its! When in his homeland& the Peasant Wizard #ill al#ays be i(en
-ood and shelter at no "hare -rom his -ello# "ommoners/ This "ourtesy e7tends to the
Peasant Wizard's "ompanions& as lon as he (ou"hes -or them/ The Peasant Wizard does
not re"ei(e this bene-it in lands other than his o#n& but he al#ays re"ei(es a M2 rea"tion
modi-ier -rom peasants in any "ulture/
Spe"ial Hindran"es! $side -rom #eapons& a Peasant Wizard may o#n only one item
#orth as mu"h as 39 p/ $side -rom this item& all o- his other items must be (alued at 35
p or less/ The total (alue o- all his possessions& in"ludin money but e7"ludin #eapons&
"an ne(er e7"eed 89 p/ $ny treasure or possessions in e7"ess o- this limit must be
donated to some #orthy "ause/
Wealth +ptions! The Peasant Wizard re"ei(es only J3d6 M 3K 7 9 p -or startin
Ra"es! 0o restri"tions/
Sa(ae Wizard
Des"ription! The Sa(ae Wizard is the spell "aster o- a remote tribe& "ulturally and
te"hnoloi"ally primiti(e by the standards o- the rest o- the #orld/ $lthouh these tribes
"ommonly maintain -un"tional "i(ilizations -or thousands o- years& their traditions& dress&
and "ustoms are so simple that most outsiders "onsider them unsophisti"ated brutes/
There are a (ariety o- Sa(ae tribes around the #orld& ranin -rom pa"i-isti" so"ieties
o- -armers and herders to bloodthirsty headhunters and barbarians/ $ll& ho#e(er& are
sharply attuned to the natural #orld& sharin a deep respe"t -or animal and plant li-e and
an innate understandin o- the mysteries o- nature/
To be a Sa(ae Wizard& a "hara"ter must ha(e a minimum Strenth s"ore o- 33 and a
minimum Constitution s"ore o- 3;/
To abandon this kit& a "hara"ter must renoun"e his membership #ith his tribe and
be"ome a "itizen o- a di--erent "ulture/ Sin"e tribal roots run deep& a dramati" "hane
su"h as this should be slo# in "ominL a Sa(ae Wizard must ha(e ad(an"ed at least -i(e
le(els sin"e lea(in his tribe and e7perien"in ad(entures in the outside #orld be-ore
"uttin ties #ith his tribe/
Pre-erred S"hools! %e"ause their Constitutions tend to be e7"eptionally hih& Sa(ae
Wizards e7"el in the s"hools o- "onAurationBsummonin and in(o"ationBe(o"ation/
%arred S"hools! Sa(ae Wizards la"k the natural aptitude -or masterin the s"hools o-
abAuration and en"hantmentB"harm/
Role! ?ost tribesmen are dazzled and impressed by mai"& so the Sa(ae Wizard
typi"ally holds a position o- reat po#er in his tribe/ I- not the a"tual ruler& the Sa(ae
Wizard is a respe"ted tea"her or tribal "ounselor/ Dependin on the nature o- the tribe& the
Sa(ae Wizard is kno#n by a (ariety o- names& amon them Wit"h Do"tor& ?undunuu&
Wanateur& and Isanoma/
The Sa(ae Wizard's po#er "an sometimes #ork aainst him& parti"ularly i- his tribe
is e7"eptionally superstitious or i- an ambitious tribesman s"hemes to usurp the #izard's
leadership role/ I- the tribe be"omes "on(in"ed that the #izard is "onsortin #ith demons
or other#ise stirrin up dark -or"es better le-t alone& they may e7pel the #izard -rom the
tribe #ith the threat o- e7e"ution i- he returns/ This is one #ay that a Sa(ae Wizard
miht link up #ith an ad(enturin party/
In a "ampain& the Sa(ae Wizard takes the role o- an outsider& ba--led and
intimidated by the mysteries o- the I"i(ilizedI #orld/ Produ"ts o- te"hnoloy& su"h as oil
lanterns and "rossbo#s& both -as"inate and -rihten him/ While he is at home in the
darkest Aunles or most trea"herous mountains& he is e7tremely un"om-ortable in "ities
and to#ns/ I- the Sa(ae Wizard is -rom a relati(ely pa"i-isti" tribe& he miht ser(e as the
"ons"ien"e o- his party& Cuestionin their eaerness to kill& their obsession #ith #ealth&
their sel-ishness& and their ineCuitable system o- Austi"e/
Se"ondary Skills! The Sa(ae Wizard's Se"ondary Skill should be based on the
primary o""upation o- his tribeL that is& i- his tribe is mostly -ishermen& his Se"ondary
Skill should be Eishin/ +ther likely skills in"lude Eorester& *room& Hunter& and
Weapon Pro-i"ien"y! ReCuired Jone o- the -ollo#in& representin his tribe's #eapon
o- "hoi"eK! spear& blo#un& daer& kni-e& or slin/ Reardless o- #hether the Sa(ae
Wizard e(entually be"omes -amiliar #ith ne# #eapons& he is likely to pre-er his tribal
#eapon throuhout his ad(enturin "areer/
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies! J*eneralK Dire"tion Sense or Weather Sense Jplayer
"hoi"eKL JWarriorK Enduran"e or Sur(i(al/ Re"ommended! J*eneralK $nimal Handlin&
$nimal Trainin& Eire<%uildin& Eishin& Ridin J)and< basedK& Rope .se& S#imminL
JWarrior& double slotsK $nimal )ore& %o#yerBElet"her& Huntin& ?ountaineerin&
Runnin& Set Snares& Tra"kinL JPriest& double slotsK Healin& )o"al HistoryL JRoue&
double slotsK Dumpin& Tihtrope Walkin& TumblinL JWizardK Herbalism& Reliion/ $
Sa(ae Wizard "annot take EtiCuette or Heraldry #hen -irst "reated/
ECuipment! The only #eapon the Sa(ae Wizard "an pur"hase initially is his tribal
#eapon Jsee Weapon Pro-i"ien"yK/ He must spend all o- his remainin old #hen he is
"reatedL he may not keep any unspent old/ He "an pur"hase only eCuipment that #ould
normally be a(ailable to his tribeL -or instan"e& his tribe probably has herbs& nuts& -ishin
nets& and ra-ts a(ailable& but they are unlikely to ha(e "hains& lanterns& hourlasses& or
mani-yin lasses/ The D? has the -inal #ord as to #hat eCuipment is a(ailable to any
parti"ular Sa(ae Wizard/
Spe"ial %ene-its! The Sa(ae Wizard re"ei(es one o- the -ollo#in spe"ial abilities
-rom the list belo#/ The spe"ial ability is "hosen #hen the "hara"ter is -irst "reated and
"an ne(er be "haned/
3/ The Sa(ae Wizard "an manu-a"ture a prote"ti(e talisman on"e per #eek/ The
talisman is a small pou"h o- herbs hun on a leather "ord #hi"h is #orn around the
subAe"t's ne"k/ The talisman i(es !ro"e'"ion (ro e)il to the #earer& identi"al to the
e--e"ts o- the 3st<le(el #izard spell/ The talisman o--ers "ontinual prote"tion -or a -ull
day& a-ter #hi"h time the herbs disinterate/ Dis!el a%i' or a similar spell permanently
"an"els the mai" o- that parti"ular talisman/ The Sa(ae Wizard reCuires no less than
one hour to manu-a"ture a talisman/
2/ +n"e per #eek& the Sa(ae Wizard "an "onstru"t a small repli"ant o- any sinle
(i"tim o- his "hoi"e/ The repli"ant is about : in"hes tall& made o- "lay& and "rudely
resembles the -orm o- the (i"tim/ It must also "ontain a lo"k o- hair& a -inernail& or other
small pie"e o- orani" material -rom the (i"tim/ $ Sa(ae Wizard reCuires one hour to
manu-a"ture a repli"ant/
Whene(er the Sa(ae Wizard "uts a pie"e -rom the repli"ant& sti"ks a pin in it& or
other#ise Iatta"ksI it& the repli"ant su--ers 3<6 hit points o- damae/ The (i"tim #ho is
represented by the repli"ant su--ers an identi"al amount o- damae& reardless o- the
distan"e bet#een the repli"ant and the (i"tim Jho#e(er& the (i"tim must be on the same
plane o- e7isten"e as the repli"antK/ E(ery type o- damae on the repli"ant in-li"ts 3<6 hit
points o- damaeL there-ore& the Sa(ae Wizard must take "are not to destroy the
repli"ant& -or burnin& "rushin& or thro#in the repli"ant into a pool o- Cui"ksand still
in-li"ts only 3<6 hit points o- damae/ The repli"ant disinterates #hen any o- the
-ollo#in "onditions are met!
The repli"ant has su--ered 35 hit points Jor moreK o- damae/
Dis!el a%i' or a similar spell is "ast on the repli"ant/
$ #eek passes sin"e the repli"ant's "reation/
;/ +n"e per #eek& the Sa(ae Wizard is able to -ore"ast the eneral -ortunes o- some
maAor undertakin by interpretin an omen -rom obser(in the natural "onditions around
him/ To be re"epti(e to an omen& the #izard must do nothin but "on"entrate -or one
uninterrupted turnL i- his "on"entration is broken& he "annot attempt to interpret an omen
-or another #eek/ $-ter the turn o- "on"entration& he studies his surroundins -or an
omen<< a ripplin pond& a atherin o- "louds& a s#arm o- inse"ts& or the (eins in a lea-
are all possible sour"es o- omens/
$ #izard usually "onsults an omen be-ore startin a Aourney& enain in a maAor
battle& or embarkin on some other sini-i"ant task/ I- the D? has kno#lede about the
proposed a"tion& the omen should re(eal the appropriate in-ormationL -or instan"e& i- the
party is "onsiderin e7plorin an abandoned buildin& but the D? kno#s it "ontains a
spe"tre& the result should be an ill omen/ In situations #here the D? has no in-ormation
on #hi"h to base his Audement& roll 3d35 and "onsult Table 8/
Table 8! Sa(ae Wizard +men Results
Roll Result
3<2 Ill +men! The party should not undertake the task this day/ I- they inore the
omen& all party members #ill su--er a <3 penalty on Ito hitI and sa(in thro# rolls
-or the rest o- the day& their "han"e -or en"ounters #ill be doubled& and a <;
rea"tion modi-ier #ill be applied to all en"ounters
;<6 *reat Daner E7ists! I- the party pro"eeds& their "han"e -or en"ounters is doubled
-or the rest o- the day and a Q; rea"tion modi-ier applies to all en"ounters/
+pponents ha(e a M3 applied to their "han"e to hit
9<8 0eutral +men! The in-ormation is (aue/ 0o spe"ial modi-iers apply
=<4 Ea(orable +men! The party members' mo(ement rate is in"reased by 95R -or the
rest o- the day& and opponents ha(e a <3 applied to their "han"e to hit
35 $uspi"ious +men! $ll e--e"ts o- a Ea(orable +men applyL additionally& all party
members ain a M3 on all sa(in thro#s made -or the rest o- the day
Spe"ial Hindran"es! The Sa(ae Wizard's strane appearan"e and manners make
straners #ary o- him/ There-ore& he su--ers a <2 rea"tion adAustment -rom all 0PCs not
-rom his o#n tribe JPCs "an rea"t as they #ish& but they should Cui"kly be"ome
a""ustomed to the Sa(ae and a""ept him as an eCual/K
Wealth +ptions! The Sa(ae Wizard beins #ith only J3d6 M3K 7 9 p/ $s the
"ampain proresses& the Sa(ae #ill ha(e the opportunity to a"Cuire more treasure& and
it is up to the player #hether he appre"iates its (alue or reAe"ts it as a #orthless/ JEor
instan"e& a Sa(ae miht a""ept old but ha(e a superstitious belie- that reCuires him to
reAe"t ems/K
Ra"es! 0o restri"tions/
Des"ription! The Wit"h is a #izard #hose po#er-ul mai"al abilities are e7traplanar in
oriin/ Thouh #izards typi"ally learn the basi"s o- spell"astin at mai" a"ademies or
-rom learned mentors& Wit"hes learn mai"al skills -rom entities and their minions -rom
other planes o- e7isten"e& or -rom other Wit"hes/
+""asionally& these e7traplanar entities "onta"t youth-ul humans or demihumans -or
mai"al instru"tionL other times& humans and demihumans seek out the entities throuh
ar"ane rituals and petition them -or instru"tion/ The entities aree to su"h instru"tion -or a
(ariety o- reasons<< some hope to train their students to e(entually be"ome emissariesL
some hope to use them as "onduits -or (arious -or"esL some hope to sedu"e them as
"onsortsL and some simply share their mai"al se"rets -or their o#n amusement/
Whate(er the moti(es o- the e7traplanar entities& they e7ude a po#er-ul dire"tin
in-luen"e o(er their students/ Ho#e(er& a -e# Wit"hes #ith parti"ularly stron #ills are
able to maintain their o#n dri(es #hile usin their mai"al skills to -urther their o#n
oals/ Su"h Wit"hes -a"e a li-e<lon strule #ith the -or"es #ho relentlessly stri(e to
dire"t their spirits/
The reCuirements -or be"omin a Wit"h are hiher than -or any other kit/ %e"ause her
trainin is more demandin than that re"ei(ed by most other #izards& she must ha(e a
minimum Intellien"e and Wisdom o- 3;/ To resist the "orruption inherent -rom "onta"t
#ith e7traplanar entities& she must ha(e a minimum Constitution o- 3;/ The (ast maAority
o- Wit"hes are -emale& but male Wit"hes are also possible& "ommonly "alled Warlo"ks/
The Wit"h kit "annot be abandoned/ I- a Wit"h manaes to se(er all ties #ith the
entities responsible -or her instru"tion Jusually reCuirin the po#er o- a .ish or its
eCui(alentK& she loses t#o e7perien"e le(els/ I- she still #ishes to pursue a mai"al "areer&
she must relearn the e7perien"e le(els that she lost/
Pre-erred S"hools! The most appropriate s"hool -or Wit"hes is en"hantmentB"harm/
ConAurationBsummonin and ne"roman"y are also ood "hoi"es/
%arred S"hools! There are no barred s"hools -or Wit"hes/
Role! Reardless o- her a"tual alinment& all but her "losest -riends are likely to
presume that a Wit"h is in "ollaboration #ith e7traplanar spirits& and #ill shun her
a""ordinly/ There are -e# pla"es #here a Wit"h is #el"ome& and -or the most part& a
Wit"h #ill need to "on"eal her identity #hen tra(elin to assure her sa-ety/
$ Wit"h's player "hara"ter "ompanions need not ha(e su"h -ears or preAudi"es aainst
her& espe"ially a-ter she pro(es hersel- in li-e<and<death situations/ Ho#e(er& there miht
al#ays be a (eil o- suspi"ion bet#een the Wit"h and her "ompanions& as i- they "annot
Cuite brin themsel(es to trust her "ompletely/ $ny player "hara"ters #ith suspi"ious
natures& parti"ularly those #ith primiti(e or unsophisti"ated ba"krounds& may ne(er
-ully #arm up to a Wit"h and #ill a(oid bein alone #ith her& sometimes e(en a""usin
her o- betrayin the party or brinin them bad lu"k/ JThe D? is -ree to en"ourae this
type o- role<playin& but not to the point o- disruptin the "ampain/ I- this distrust
be"omes problemati"& the D? miht remind the PC leader o- the party that the Wit"h is
indeed a ood<alined "hara"ter and it is his Aob to promote ood #ill amon his
$lthouh a Wit"h learns her mai"al te"hniCues -rom e7traplanar entities& on"e on her
o#n& she learns her spells in mu"h the same #ay as any other #izard/ Still& her te"hniCues
-or "astin spells may di--er sini-i"antly -rom the standard methods/ The "astin times&
ranes& and e--e"ts o- her spells are no di--erent -rom the same spells used by other
#izards& but she may use di--erent (erbal& somati"& or material "omponents& as #ell as
meditation/ These di--eren"es should make her seem e(en more threatenin to outsiders&
as #ell as makin her seem more remote to the other player "hara"ters/
Se"ondary Skills! ReCuired! 0one/ Re"ommended! S"ribe/
Weapon Pro-i"ien"y! The Wit"h is not allo#ed an initial Weapon Pro-i"ien"y& nor "an
she a"Cuire a Weapon Pro-i"ien"y as she ad(an"es in le(el/
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"y! %onus Pro-i"ien"ies! Herbalism& Spell"astin/
Re"ommended! J*eneralK $rtisti" $bility& %re#in& Cookin& )anuaes J?odernK&
Weather SenseL JWizardK $n"ient History& $stroloy& )anuaes J$n"ientK&
ReadinBWritin& ReliionL JPriest& double slotK Healin/
ECuipment! When a Wit"h is -irst "reated& she must buy her #eapons -rom amon the
-ollo#in "hoi"es! Daer or dirk& kni-e& slin& sta-- slin/ $dditionally& the Wit"h "an
"hoose up to 3&955 p #orth o- mai"al items -rom Table =4 JPotions and +ilsK& Table 43
JRinsK& Table 42 JRodsK& Table 4; JSta(esK& Table 46 JWandsK& and Tables 49< 35;
J?is"ellaneous ?ai"K on paes 3;9<3;4 o- the Dun%eon Mas"er's Guide/ These items
are -ree<< she doesn't ha(e to pay -or them Jbut she "annot keep any o- the le-to(er 3&955
Spe"ial %ene-its! When a Wit"h is initially "reated& she automati"ally ains the spells
de"e'" a%i' and read a%i'L these spells are in addition to any spells she normally
re"ei(es/ $s a Wit"h in"reases in le(el& she automati"ally ains the -ollo#in abilities/
These are all naturally a"Cuired abilities& and do not "ount aainst the number o- spells
she "an kno# or use/ $ll o- the -ollo#in abilities "an be used on"e per #eek/
;rd )e(el! The Wit"h a"Cuires the ability to se'ure (ailiar/ This is identi"al to the
3st<le(el #izard spell (ind (ailiar& e7"ept that a Wit"h does not need to burn 3&555 p
#orth o- in"ense and herbs in a brass brazier/ Instead& the Wit"h must merely "on"entrate
-or one turn/ I- a suitable -amiliar is #ithin 3 mile per le(el o- the Wit"h& it #ill arri(e
#ithin 3d35 hours/ $ Wit"h "an ha(e only one -amiliar at a time/
9th )e(el! The Wit"h a"Cuires the ability to bre. 'ala"i)e/ $ssumin she has a""ess
to the proper inredients Jusually a(ailable in any -orestK& the Wit"h "an bre# one dose o-
an eli7ir that has the e--e"t o- a slee! spell #hen a (i"tim "omes in "onta"t #ith it/ +ne
dose is su--i"ient to "oat a s#ord or any other sinle #eapon/ The eli7ir has no e--e"t on
(i"tims #ith more than = HDL (i"tims "an resist the e--e"ts o- the eli7ir #ith a su""ess-ul
sa(in thro#/
The Wit"h reCuires one hour to bre# the eli7ir/ The eli7ir loses its poten"y a-ter 26
8th )e(el! The Wit"h a"Cuires the ability to bre. !oison/ With the proper inredients&
a(ailable in most -orests& she "an bre# one dose o- Class ) "onta"t poison su--i"ient to
"oat a sinle #eapon/ The Wit"h reCuires one hour to bre# the poison/ It loses its poten"y
in 26 hours/
4th )e(el! The Wit"h a"Cuires the ability to be%uile any sinle person or monster
Jassumin the person is no hiher than =th<le(el or the monster has no more than = HDK/
6e%uile is identi"al to the 6th<le(el #izard spell "harm monster and the 3st<le(el #izard
spell 'har !erson& e7"ept that the (i"tim is not allo#ed a sa(in thro#/ To "ast be%uile&
the Wit"h must merely point at the (i"tim and "on"entrate -or 3 roundL there are no (erbal
or material "omponents/
33th )e(el! The Wit"h a"Cuires the ability to bre. (lyin% oin"en"/ $ssumin she has
a""ess to the proper inredients Jusually a(ailable in any -orestK& the Wit"h "an bre# one
dose o- an ointment #hi"h& #hen rubbed on the skin& i(es the re"ipient the ability to -ly&
as per the ;rd<le(el #izard spell (ly/ The dose is su--i"ient to a--e"t one human<sized
subAe"tL the e--e"ts persist until the ointment loses its poten"y 26 hours a-ter it is bre#ed/
The Wit"h reCuires one hour to bre# the ointment/
3;th )e(el! The Wit"h a"Cuires the ability to in-li"t a .i"'h's 'urse on any sinle
person or "reature/ This is e7a"tly identi"al to the 6th<le(el #izard spell bes"o. 'urse&
e7"ept that its e--e"t is automati"L the (i"tim is not allo#ed a sa(in thro#/ The e--e"t o-
the "urse persists -or 26 hours unless the "urse is dispelled by a reo)e 'urse& .ish& or
similar spell/ To "ast the spell& the Wit"h must merely point at the (i"tim and "on"entrate
-or 3 roundL no (erbal or material "omponents are reCuired/ To determine the e--e"ts o-
.i"'h's 'urse& roll 3d= and "onsult Table =/
Table =! E--e"ts o- Wit"h's Curse
d= Roll Result
3<; +ne ability o- the (i"tim is lo#ered by ; points/ Determine #hi"h ability is
lo#ered by rollin
3 N Strenth
2 N De7terity
; N Constitution
6 N Intellien"e
9 N Wisdom
: N Charisma
6<9 The (i"tim's Ito hitI and damae rolls are redu"ed by 6 points
: The (i"tim be"omes blind& as per the 2nd<le(el #izard spell blindness/ The
e--e"t persists -or 26 hours or until the .i"'h's 'urse is dispelled/
8 The (i"tim loses 3 hit point per hour -or the ne7t 26 hours/ These lost hit
points "annot be re"o(ered by normal or mai"al means until the .i"'h's
'urse ends in 26 hours or unless the "urse is dispelled/ I- the (i"tim is
redu"ed to 5 hit points or less #ithin 26 hours o- re"ei(in the "urse& or
be-ore the "urse is dispelled& he dies/
= The (i"tim immediately lapses into a state o- "e!oral s"asis& as per the 4th<
le(el #izard spell/ The e--e"t persists unless the "urse is dispelled/
+ther#ise& at the end o- 26 hours& the (i"tim is redu"ed to 5 hit points and
Special )in"rances %e"ause o- their non<"on(entional trainin& Wit"hes do not earn
bonuses to their e7perien"e -or hih ability s"ores/ Wit"hes "annot be multi<"lassed or
*enerally& outsiders are terri-ied o- Wit"hes/ .nless an 0PC is e7"eptionally open<
minded or has e7tremely hih Intellien"e or Wisdom J3; or more in either abilityK& the
Wit"h re"ei(es a <; rea"tion roll/ I- the 0PC is unedu"ated& "omes -rom an e7tremely
superstitious or unsophisti"ated "ulture& or has lo# Intellien"e and Wisdom Junder 35
-or bothK& the Wit"h re"ei(es a <9 rea"tion roll/ $dditionally& i- a Wit"h liners in a
superstitious or "ulturally unsophisti"ated "ommunity -or more than a day& she runs the
risk o- -a"in a mob o- hostile "itizens bent on runnin her out o- to#n& imprisonin her&
torturin her& or e7e"utin her/ JThe D? de"ides the size o- the mob& their intentions& and
the likelihood o- their a""ostin the Wit"h/ $s a rule o- thumb& assume a 25 per"ent
"han"e o- a 6d:<member mob -ormin in a hostile "ommunity i- the Wit"h stays -or a
day/ This "han"e in"reases by 25 per"ent -or e(ery additional day the Wit"h remainsL the
size o- the mob in"reases by 2d: members/K
The Wit"h must periodi"ally strule #ith the e7traplanar -or"es stri(in to dire"t
her/ The -or"es are so po#er-ul that they "annot be dispelledL all the Wit"h "an do is
endure them/ When underoin these internal strules& the Wit"h su--ers penalties to her
"ombat abilities and sa(in thro#s/
The D? has three options -or determinin the -reCuen"y and intensity o- these
penalties& dependin on the needs o- his "ampain and ho# mu"h bookkeepin he is
#illin to undertake!
3/ The Wit"h su--ers a <2 penalty to her atta"k rolls and a <2 penalty to her sa(in
thro#s on any niht #ith a -ull moon and the three nihts be-ore and a-ter the -ull moon
Jthe penalties apply to a 32 hour period -rom about : p/ m/ to : a/ m/ K/ +n most #orlds& a
-ull moon #ill o""ur about on"e per monthL i- the moon o- the D?'s #orld has a shorter
or loner "y"le& in"rease or de"rease the number o- nihts the Wit"h is a--e"tedL she
should be a--e"ted about se(en nihts out o- 6 #eeks/ I- there are se(eral moons& the
Wit"h is a--e"ted by only one o- them/
2/ There is a 29 per"ent "han"e per day that the Wit"h #ill be subAe"ted to an
internal strule #ith e7traplanar -or"es/ The D? determines this at the beinnin o- the
dayL the Wit"h is a#are o- the result/ Throuhout that niht Ja 32<hour period lastin
-rom about : p/ m/ to : a/ m/K& the Wit"h su--ers a <2 penalty to her atta"k rolls and a <2
penalty to her sa(in thro#s/
;/ The Wit"h strules #ith the e7traplanar -or"es e(ery niht/ Eor a 32< hour
period lastin -rom about : p/ m/ to : a/ m/ & she su--ers a <3 penalty to her atta"k thro#sL
there is no penalty to her sa(in thro#s/
%ealth Options The Wit"h re"ei(es the standard J3d6M3K 7 35 p as startin money/
Races 0o ra"ial restri"tions/
Note The Wit"h is amon the most "omple7 o- all the kits& and many o- the details
are le-t up to the player's dis"retion/ Eor instan"e& he may #ish to desin spe"i-i" daily
rituals -or his Wit"h& or he may #ish to e7pand on the Wit"h's relationship #ith the
entities #ho oriinally trained her/ What e7a"tly are they@ Where are they@ Can the Wit"h
"onta"t them -or -a(ors@ What e7a"tly happens i- the -or"es su""eed in "ontrollin the
Wit"h@ Does her alinment "hane@ Her abilities@ Her relationship to the party@ There
are many possible (ariations on the Wit"h kit& and the D? is en"ouraed to e7periment&
as lon as he a(oids the temptation to make her e7"essi(ely po#er-ul& and keeps in mind
the potential disruptions in his "ampain/
%( .en
Description The Wu Den is a #izard -rom "ultures based on medie(al oriental
"i(ilizations/ He is a sor"erer o- mysterious po#er and un"ertain -ealty/ .nlike the
oriental samurai& the Wu Den seldom ans#ers to a lord or master/ His primary alleian"e
is to himsel- and to his "ra-t/
The Wu Den seldom li(es amon the masses& pre-errin instead to d#ell in the
#ilderness #here he "an "ontemplate the se"rets o- nature #ithout interruption/ )i(in
the li-e o- a hermit& the Wu Den "on"entrates on puri-yin his body and mind& thus makin
him more re"epti(e to the supernatural -or"es o- the #orld/
To be a Wu Den& a #izard must ha(e an Intellien"e o- at least 3;/ He "annot be o-
la#-ul alinment& but may still be ood& e(il& or neutral/ The Wu Den kit "annot be
!referre" Schools Wu Den pre-er the s"hools o- "onAurationBsummonin&
alteration& and in(o"ationBe(o"ation/
#arre" Schools There are no barred s"hools -or the Wu Den/
Role .nless the "ampain has an eastern settin& the D?& in "onAun"tion #ith the
player& should in(ent a plausible e7planation -or the Wu Den's appearan"e so -ar -rom
home/ Perhaps the Wu Den is on a reliious pilrimae/ Perhaps a mai"al de(i"e or spell
transported the Wu Den to the #estern #orld& either intentionally or unintentionally/ +r
perhaps the Wu Den is on a de"ade<lon Cuest -or kno#lede or sel-<a#areness& and his
tra(els ha(e brouht him to the other player "hara"ters/
Whate(er the reason& the Wu Den should add a tou"h o- oriental intriue and
e7oti" "ulture to a #estern<based party/ His -ello# player "hara"ters should -ind the Wu
Den's habits strane and -as"inatin/ Eor instan"e& a Wu Den pre-ers to re"ord his spells on
s"rolls instead o- in spell books/ Perhaps he prays to the sun -or an hour ea"h day at
da#n& or maybe he eats only roots and berries/ $ Wu Den keeps his emotions hidden& and
his moti(es are eCually di--i"ult to dis"ern/ It is unlikely that the Wu Den shares the party's
oals and moral "odeL i- he arees to Aoin the party& it is probably due to his intelle"tual
The D? is #ithin his rihts to -orbid Wu Den -rom the "ampain/ %e-ore a player
sele"ts this kit& he must "he"k #ith the D? to make sure that Wu Den are allo#ed/
Secon"ary S$ills ReCuired! S"ribe/
%eapon !roficiency ReCuired J"hoose one o- the -ollo#inK! %lo#un& short
bo#& daer& dart& slin/ $lternately& the Wu Den "an "hoose -rom the sele"tion o- oriental
#eapons listed in Table 4/ The Wu Den has an automati" and permanent M3 bonus to hit
#hene(er usin the #eapon he has "hosen -or his Weapon Pro-i"ien"y/
Non&eapon !roficiencies %onus Pro-i"ien"ies! EtiCuette& $rtisti" $bility
JPaintin& Calliraphy& or +riamiK/ Re"ommended! J*eneralK Ridin J)and<basedK&
Cookin& Dan"in& SininL JWizardK $stroloy& Herbalism& Spell"ra-tL JPriest& double
slotK ?usi"al InstrumentL JRoue& double slotK %lind<-ihtin& *amin& Dulin&
E'(ipment The Wu Den must buy all #eapons -rom the "hoi"es listed in the
Weapon Pro-i"ien"y entry abo(e/ He may ha(e no more than 35 p remainin #hen he
has -inished pur"hasin his eCuipment/
Special #enefits When a Wu Den rea"hes 6th le(el& he ains the po#er to
summon massi(e mai"al eneries that allo# him to "ast any one spell that is three or
more le(els lo#er than his le(el at ma7imum e--e"t/ The spell automati"ally has
ma7imum rane& Ji- desiredK& duration& and e--e"t/ Thus& a 6th<le(el Wu Den "an "ast a
3st<le(el spell at ma7imum e--e"t/ $ Wu Den "an use this ability on"e per day/
Special )in"rances The Wu Den operates under spe"ial taboos that do not a--e"t
other "hara"ters/ Thouh the taboos may seem tri(ial or e(en ridi"ulous to other
"hara"ters& the Wu Den takes them Cuite seriously<< (iolatin a taboo "auses the Wu Den to
lose le(els o- ability& lose spells& be"ome ill& or e(en die Jthe D? de"ides the e7a"t
penaltyK/ $ 3st<le(el Wu Den has one taboo and ains an additional taboo e(ery -i(e le(els
therea-ter Jat :th le(el& 33th le(el& and so onK/ The D? sele"ts the taboos/ Some
suestions -ollo#L the Wu Den!
Can't eat meat or animal produ"ts Jin"ludin milk& es& and "heeseK/
Can't sleep #ithin 25 yards o- a member o- the opposite se7/
Can't #ear a "ertain "olor/
Can't "arry old Jor other pre"ious metalK on his person/
Can't bathe or must bathe -reCuently/
Can't "ut his hair or -inernails/
Can't intentionally take the li-e o- an inse"t/
Can't drink al"oholi" be(eraes/
Can't sit -a"in the north Jor other dire"tionK/
Can't speak a-ter sunset Je7"ept to "ast spellsK/
%ealth Options The Wu Den starts #ith the normal J3d6M3K 7 35 p/
Races 0ormally& a Wu Den must be human/ The D? may make e7"eptions in his
"ampain& el(es and hal-<el(es bein the most likely "hoi"es/
Note Eor more detailed in-ormation about the Wu Den& alon #ith additional
spells& #eapons& and pro-i"ien"ies& see Orien"al Ad)en"ures/ The D? may need to make
some adAustments to adapt the des"riptions and statisti"s to $D1DH 2nd Edition rules
Ta,le / Selecte" Oriental %eapons for the %( .en
%ei*ht Spee" Dama*e
Name Cost in l,s0Size Type1 2actor
S3+ 4
%o Sti"k 2"p 6 ) % ; 3<: 3<6
%oku<toh :"p ; ? % 6 3<6 3<2
Ditte 35"p 2 S % 2 3<6 3<2
Shuriken 35"p 3OO S P < 3<: 3<6
O % N %ludeonin #eapon& P N Pier"in #eapon/
OO Ten lare shurikens #eih a total o- 3 pound/
Des"ription o- Weapons
%o sti"k! $ sta-- o- hard #ood that is (ery di--i"ult to break and is normally :<8 -eet in
%oku<toh! $ #ooden repli"a o- a short s#ord& usually used -or pra"ti"e sin"e it "annot "ut
or slash/ .sed aressi(ely& it "an "ause bludeonin damae/
Ditte! $ tapered iron bar #ith a short hook near the handle/ $lthouh the hook is not sharp
enouh to "ut or pier"e& the Aitte "an be used to strike blo#s/
Shuriken! $ small thro#in #eapon in the shape o- a star #ith needle<like proAe"tions/
They are thro#n by hand and easily "on"ealed in -olds o- "lothin/ $ lare<star shuriken
has a -ire rate o- ;& a short rane o- 9 yards& a medium rane o- 35 yards& and a lon rane
o- 25 yards/
Re"ordin ,its on the Chara"ter Sheet
To re"ord a #izard kit on "hara"ter re"ord sheets& -ollo# these steps!
3/ In the spa"e #here the "hara"ter's s"hool is re"orded& add the name o- his
#izard kit/
2/ When re"ordin the "hara"ter's 0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies& add the bonus
pro-i"ien"ies the "hara"ter re"ei(es -rom his #izard kit/ ?ark the bonus pro-i"ien"ies
#ith an asterisk to indi"ate that they are -ree/
;/ ?ake notes about the "hara"ter's spe"ial bene-its and hindran"es and other
pertinent in-ormation in any a(ailable spa"e on the sheet
?odi-yin the ,its
The D? is en"ouraed to modi-y the kits to more a""urately represent the history&
"ultures& and e(ents o- his "ampain #orld/
Ho#e(er& he should not (iolate the nature o- the kitL males should not be allo#ed
to be members o- the $mazon kit& nor should Patri"ians be allo#ed to be ne"roman"ers/
Common sense must pre(ail/ Ho#e(er& i- there are no oriental or eastern<styled "ultures
in his #orld& the D? is -ree to disallo# the Wu Den kit/ Similarly& i- a natural disaster
#iped out all tra"es o- $mazon so"iety in his #orld& he "an disallo# the $mazon kit
Creatin 0e# ,its
.sin the kits abo(e as uidelines& many ne# kits "an be "reated/ I- the D? has a
"ertain type o- #izard that he #ould like in his #orld& he should desin a Wizard ,it -or
that personality/ To desin a Wizard ,it& the D? should "onsider the -ollo#in Cuestions
about the #izard and his role in the "ampain/
Des"ription! What's this #izard like@ Is he dra#n -rom a spe"i-i" literary&
mytholoi"al& or histori"al sour"e@ $re there any spe"ial reCuirements -or a "hara"ter
#ho #ishes to be this type o- #izard@
Role! What pla"e does this #izard ha(e in the "ampain@ Ho# is he rearded by
his o#n "ulture@ %y other "ultures@ Is there a parti"ular attitude or outlook he needs to
belon to this Wizard ,it@
What kinds o- a"ti(ities does this #izard tend to per-orm in a "ampain<< is he a
bold man o- a"tion@ $ #ithdra#n s"holar@ $n impulsi(e sho#<o--@ What is his
relationship #ith the other "hara"ters<< is he -riendly& distan"ed& #ary& impassi(e@
Pre-erred and %arred S"hools! $re there "ertain types o- spe"ialties that seem
espe"ially appropriate to the #izards des"ribed in your kit@ I- so& note them as pre-erred
s"hools/ $re there other spe"ialists that seem parti"ularly inappropriate to your kit@ 0ote
them as barred s"hools/
Se"ondary Skills! I- usin the Se"ondary Skills system& you need to de"ide i- this
Wizard ,it reCuires su"h a skill/ I- there isn't a parti"ular se"ondary skill or skills
"ommon to all #izards o- this type& then do not reCuire a se"ondary skill/ %ut i- all
members o- a Wizard ,it share the same skill<< or one o- a small number o- skills<< then
you miht reCuire it o- all "hara"ters #ho take this kit/
Weapon Pro-i"ien"ies! +-ten& "ertain types o- #izards tend to -a(or "ertain types
o- #eapons/ +thers sele"t their #eapons -rom a #ide rane o- "hoi"es/ I- the #izard
des"ribed in your kit seems to pre-er one or t#o #eapons more than others& note this in
the kit/ ,eep in mind& ho#e(er& that all #izards share "ertain #eapon restri"tions<< see
Chapter 9/
0on#eapon Pro-i"ien"ies! $s #ith #eapon pro-i"ien"ies& many #izards tend to
ha(e "ertain skills in "ommon/ Eor instan"e& it #ould be hard to imaine a Patri"ian #ho
#asn't skilled in EtiCuette/ There-ore& one or t#o non#eapon pro-i"ien"y slots "an be
i(en -ree o- "hare to "hara"ters takin this kit/ I- appropriate& the pro-i"ien"ies "an
"ome -rom the Priest& Roue& and Warrior listins/ 0ormally& the "ost in slots -or non<
#izard pro-i"ien"es #ould be hiher& but this "an be inored #hen kits are bein i(en
ECuipment! I- a #izard is kno#n -or usin "ertain types o- eCuipment& reCuire that
su"h a "hara"ter ha(e this eCuipment be-ore the "ampain beins/ I- some but not all
#izards o- this type use the same eCuipment& then it needn't be reCuiredL instead& simply
list it as re"ommended eCuipment/
Spe"ial %ene-its! $lthouh not ne"essary& most Wizard ,its should ha(e some
spe"ial bene-it/ $ny kind o- bene-it is a""eptable& but it should relate to the #ay this
#izard operates in -i"tion& mytholoy& or similar sour"e material/ Possible bene-its "ould
%onuses to rea"tion rolls& parti"ularly -rom "ertain "ateories o- people/ %onuses on
#izard pro-i"ien"y uses& espe"ially in spe"i-i"ally de-ined situations/
%onuses to hit andBor damae& espe"ially aainst "ertain "ateories o- enemies& or in
spe"ial "ir"umstan"es/
Spe"ial resistan"es& su"h as an immunity or bonus to sa(in thro#s aainst spe"i-i"
mai"al atta"ks or types o- mai"/
Spe"ial rihts in the "ulture in #hi"h the "hara"ter normally tra(els Jsu"h as immunity
-rom prose"ution or -ree lodin on demandK/
Spe"ial Hindran"es! +ne or more spe"ial hindran"es should be imposed #hi"h
limit the "hara"ter as mu"h as his spe"ial bene-its help him/ Possible hindran"es in"lude!
Penalties to rea"tion rolls& espe"ially -rom "ertain "ateories o- people/
Penalties to hit andBor damae& parti"ularly aainst "ertain "ateories or enemies& or in
spe"ial "ir"umstan"es/
Restri"tions -rom learnin "ertain non#eapon pro-i"ien"ies/
Spe"ial restri"tions in the "ulture in #hi"h the "hara"ters normally tra(el J-or instan"e&
the #izard is prohibited -rom o#nin property or is punished e7"essi(ely -or
"ertain "rimesK/
Wealth +ptions! Does the #izard ha(e less or more startin old than other
"hara"ters@ $re there any restri"tions as to ho# his startin old must be spent@
Ra"es! 0ote any (ariations -or #izards o- spe"i-i" ra"es/ $re any ra"es barred
-rom the kit@ Does any ra"e re"ei(e spe"ial bene-its& pro-i"ien"ies& or hindran"es #hen
takin this kit@
0otes! I- there are any additional details about the kit& e7plain them -ully/ Gou "an
also adapt kits to other "lasses by adAustin the skills& #eapons& pro-i"ien"ies& bene-its&
and hindran"es/ $ "ampain miht in"lude $"ademi"ian Priests or Patri"ian Warriors
Wizard ,it Creation Sheet
$t the end o- this book is a blank ,it Creation Sheet/ Copies o- this sheet may be
made to help you desin ne# kits/ The D? or players "an desin ne# kits appropriate to
the "hara"ter types they #ould like to play/ Ho#e(er& i- a player desins his o#n kit& he
should "he"k all details o- the kit #ith his D?/ The D? may make "hanes& or he may
disallo# the kit altoether
Suestions -or 0e# ,its
Here are a -e# ideas that miht be de(eloped into ne# kits!
Draon ?aster Ja #izard #ith a spe"ial a--inity -or draons and the mai" they
+utla# Wizard Ja #izard #ho is rihtly or #ronly #anted by the la#K
Spiritualist Ja #izard #ith a spe"ial interest in hosts& spirits& and e7traplanar
0omad Ja rootless #izard #ith no permanent homelandK
Chapter 6! Role<Playin
Gour #izard "hara"ter no# has a spe"ialty& an interestin (ariety o- lo#<le(el
spells& a ni"e set o- pro-i"ien"ies& and a kit -rom the pre(ious "hapter/
Ready to ad(enture@ 0ot Cuite/ There's more to role<playin a #izard than "astin
spells& "he"kin pro-i"ien"ies& and s#inin a sta-- at the bad uys/ In this "hapter& #e
present suestions -or role<playin te"hniCues that #ill help your "hara"ter "ome to li-e
Wizard Personalities
0o t#o #izards are alike/ They may ha(e the same spe"ialties& the same spells&
e(en the same ba"krounds& yet ea"h has his o#n set o- Cuirks& -la#s& oals& and interests
that make him a uniCue personality/
This "hapter pro(ides des"riptions o- di--erent #izard personalities dra#n -rom
-antasy literature and mytholoy/ Players should look at them all and see i- any o- the
des"riptions -it their "on"eptions o- their "hara"ters/
Ea"h player should think about #hat his "hara"ter #ould be like i- he a"tually
e7isted<< #ould he be bold or "autious@ *reedy or enerous@ Considerate or sel-ish@
Thouht-ul@ Impulsi(e@ Elamboyant@
I- any o- the personality types listed seem riht -or your "hara"ter& -eel -ree to use
the des"ription as a basis -or makin role<playin de"isions about a PC's a"tions and
oals/ The des"riptions "an also be used to help de"ide ho# a PC intera"ts #ith 0PCs and
#ith other members o- his party/ I- none o- these des"riptions seem e7a"tly riht -or your
"hara"ter& perhaps one or more o- them #ill inspire you to "reate a ne# personality type/
Ea"h personality des"ription belo# in"ludes the -ollo#in in-ormation!
Chara"ter Des"ription! This se"tion des"ribes the "hara"ter's eneral attitudes&
moti(ations& and outlook& and ho# he is most likely to -un"tion in a typi"al "ampain/ In
some "ases& suestions are i(en as to #hat types o- players miht -ind this parti"ular
personality type the most enAoyable to play/
%est Suited Eor! Some personality types are more appropriate -or "ertain
alinments than others& and some are more appropriate -or "ertain kits than others/ This
in-ormation is pro(ided here/
These are only re"ommendations& not hard and -ast rules& and usin alinments
and kits other than the ones suested miht reCuire some imainati(e rationale on the
part o- the D? and the player/ Eor instan"e& an EntertainerBSa(ae Wizard "ould e7ist&
but he #ill probably be rare in a typi"al "ampain #orld/ 0o(i"e players are ad(ised to
remain #ithin the alinment and kit re"ommendations in this se"tion/
In Combat Situations! Ea"h personality type approa"hes "ombat situations in a
slihtly di--erent -ashion/ Some miht "hare straiht ahead #ith their #eapons s#inin&
#hile others miht hold ba"k to size up the enemy be-ore "ommittin to a "ourse o-
a"tion/ Some miht "ast their stronest spells -irst& others miht hold them in reser(e/
This se"tion details ea"h personality type's "ombat style/
In Role<Playin Situations! This se"tion e7plains ho# the "hara"ter is likely to
rea"t #hen en"ounterin 0PCs/ These suestions should be used as uidelines #hen
role<playin "on(ersations& in"ludin interroations& inter(ie#s& and small talk/ This
se"tion #ill also i(e an idea ho# the "hara"ter miht intera"t #ith the other player
The $ltruist
Chara"ter Des"ription! The $ltruist is a sel-less humanitarian& his a"tions -ueled
by a passion -or Austi"e/ The $ltruist reards his mai"al skills as a spe"ial i-t to be used
to promote the "ommon ood& and he de(otes his li-e to the #el-are o- others/ He is
admired by the oppressed& s"orned by oppressors& and respe"ted by all/ %e"ause his oals
are simple and his (alues are unambiuous& this personality type is a parti"ularly easy one
to play/ It is a ood "hoi"e -or "hara"ters o- beinnin players/ E7perien"ed players&
ho#e(er& may -ind him a bit borin& and the D? should be a#are that an entire party o-
$ltruists "an lead to a li-eless "ampain/
%est Suited Eor! $ny kit is appropriate -or the $ltruist/ +b(iously& this type o-
"hara"ter should be o- ood alinment& la#-ul ood bein the most -reCuently
In Combat Situations! The $ltruist is a "ouraeous& aressi(e "ombatant/ He is
as sel-less on the battle-ield as he is in all other #alks o- li-eL i- an $ltruist has a sinle
!ro"e'"ion (ro e)il spell& he #ill "ast it on the most (ulnerable member o- his party&
usin it on himsel- only i- he's absolutely "ertain that all o- his "ompanions are sa-e/ He
atta"ks honorably and #ith mer"y& a""eptin the surrender o- his opponents #hene(er
possible/ He assumes leadership roles i- ne"essary& thouh he seldom seeks them/
In Role<Playin Situations! The $ltruist is polite& e(en<tempered& and thouht-ul/
He has little patien"e -or liars and "heaters& and 0PCs #ho e7ploit the helpless are
espe"ially repunant to him/ ?ost 0PCs& e7"ept those o- e(il alinment& admire and
respe"t the $ltruist's stron moral "ode& but some 0PCs may see him as sel-<rihteous
and pompous/
The %rooder
Chara"ter Des"ription! The %rooder is tormented #ith sel-<doubtL he #orries
about his relationship #ith the rest o- the uni(erse& #here he -its in #ith the rest o-
mankind& and the meanin o- his o#n e7isten"e/ He may d#ell -or days on the
rami-i"ations o- some seeminly insini-i"ant a"tion/ I- he makes a #ron de"ision or a
de"ision he per"ei(es as bein #ron& he may be"ome "onsumed #ith sel-<loathin&
spiralin into a deep depression that "an persist -or #eeks/ Holdin himsel- to impossibly
hih standards& the %rooder is "ontinually disappointed #ith his per-orman"e as a #izard&
a "itizen& and as a human bein/
+bsessed #ith per-e"tion& the %rooder tends to be an e7tremely skilled spell
"aster and "ombatant/ His mind is sharp and his a"tions are pre"ise and "orre"t/ $lthouh
he usually su""eeds at #hate(er he attempts& his a""omplishments seem to brin him
little -ul-illment or Aoy/
0ot surprisinly& the %rooder's outlook on li-e is dismal/ He belie(es the strule
bet#een ood and e(il "an ne(er be #onL it #ill "ontinue to "laim (i"tims on both sides
-or all eternity/ Eriendship is (alued but transientL a -riend today "an be an enemy
tomorro#/ $"ts o- "ourae and sel-lessness are admirable but ultimately -utile/ E7isten"e
is a trai" Aoke<< men are only puppets in the hands o- in"omprehensibly "ruel ods/
%e"ause the %rooder seldom (oi"es his opinions& this personality is a ood "hoi"e
-or players #ho tend to be Cuiet/ Con(ersely& the %rooder is a ni"e "hane o- pa"e -or
players #ho normally take "hare/
%est Suited Eor! %e"ause the %rooder tends to reAe"t moral absolutes& he
ra(itates to#ard neutral alinments& parti"ularly neutral ood and "haoti" neutral/ The
%rooder "an use any kit& but the $"ademi"ian& the ?ysti"& and the Wu Den are espe"ially
ood "hoi"es/
In Combat Situations! The %rooder is an e7"ellent -ihter/ Co#ardi"e is unkno#n
to himL sin"e he doesn't belie(e his o#n li-e is parti"ularly pre"ious& he -ihts as i- he has
nothin to lose/ He is "alm and "lear<thinkin in times o- "risis& usin his spells to their
ma7imum e--e"ti(eness/ I- ne"essary& he #ill unhesitatinly risk his li-e -or a -riend/
I- the %rooder is preo""upied #ith a past mistake or a depressin philosophi"al
re(elation& he may be slo# to Aoin a battle/ )ike#ise& i- the %rooder is in a state o- mind
#here the di--eren"es bet#een ood and e(il seem espe"ially ambiuous& he may de"line
to parti"ipate in a -iht/ .sually the %rooder "an be roused to battle by a -irm reCuest
-rom the party leader or the entle urins -rom a trusted "ompanion/ E(en in the depths
o- despair& the %rooder #ill not stand idle and allo# harm to "ome to his "ompanions/
In Role<Playin Situations! In most en"ounters #ith 0PCs& the %rooder #ill
remain Cuiet and distra"ted& lea(in most o- the talkin to his "ompanions/ He is loathe to
o--er his opinion& and seldom "ares to hear the opinions o- others/ ?ost o- the time& he is
simply apatheti"/ ?ost 0PCs per"ei(e the %rooder to be emotionless and preo""upied&
and keep their distan"e/ Sensiti(e 0PCs miht -eel sorry -or him/
The %rooder's attitude "an be e7tremely -rustratin to his -ello# player
"hara"ters/ Sin"e he keeps to himsel- most o- the time& usually his "ompanions #ill only
be able to uess #hat he's thinkin or -eelin/
Some PCs may attempt to be-riend him/ ,indness and patien"e #ill e(entually
break throuh a %rooder's shell/ $lthouh he may not sho# it& the %rooder -eels
-riendship deeply& and may e(en share his deepest thouhts #ith a "ompanion #ho has
been kind and "arin
The Commander
Chara"ter Des"ription! The Commander is a natural leader #ho e7udes authority/
This may be due to his upbrinin& his trainin& his innate tenden"ies& his birth order
Jthese types tend to be -irst<bornK& or any "ombination o- these -a"tors& but #hate(er the
reasons& takin "hare "omes automati"ally to the Commander/ He is de"isi(e& imposin&
and inspirin/
The sa-ety o- his "ompanions is o- paramount importan"e to the Commander& and
he -eels personally responsible -or their a"tions/ The Commander is not al#ays the leader
o- his party<< he understands that a leader "annot -un"tion #ithout able -ollo#ers<< but he
al#ays tends to a"t like one& issuin orders& takin "hare& and sho#in initiati(e
#hene(er others are slo# to a"t/
Players sele"tin this type o- "hara"ter should be prepared to make most o- the
de"isions -or the roup/ I- a player is un"om-ortable #ith this role& he #ould do better to
"hoose a di--erent personality type/
%est Suited Eor! )a#-ul and neutral are the most appropriate alinments -or
Commanders/ Chara"ters o- e(il alinment miht demonstrate ood leadership& but are
too sel-<"entered to -it the nature o- this personality/ Chaoti" "hara"ters usually la"k the
ne"essary dis"ipline needed -or leadership/
$ Commander "an take the $mazon& $naakok& ?ilitant Wizard& Patri"ian&
Peasant Wizard& Sa(ae Wizard& or Wu Den kit/ $"ademi"ians tend to be too analyti"al
and ?ysti"s are too sel-<absorbed/ ?ost Wit"hes #ill ha(e di--i"ulty ainin the
"omplete trust o- their parties& thouh Wit"h Commanders are "ertainly -easible/
In Combat Situations! $ Commander is a master ta"ti"ian and superb strateist/ In
"ombat& his mind is "onstantly at #ork& lookin -or #eaknesses in an enemy's de-ense&
#eihin atta"k options& "onsiderin the best positions -or -riendly -or"es& and de"idin
#hen to #ithdra# and #hen to press ahead/ E(en i- someone else is a"tually in "hare&
the Commander ine(itably #ill be issuin orders and attemptin to boost his party's
In Role<Playin Situations! .nless he is outranked or asked to re-rain& the
Commander #ill presume to speak -or the roup in 0PC en"ounters/ He #ill neotiate a
roup rate -or the party at an inn& and speak to the lo"al authorities about re"ruitin e7tra
men -or an anti"ipated battle/ Dependin on his manner& 0PCs may see the Commander
as either arroant or a""ommodatin& but they #ill al#ays be impressed #ith his sel-<
The Counselor
Chara"ter Des"ription! The Counselor is a learned man o- "alm sel-<assuran"e
#ho typi"ally ser(es as an ad(isor to rulers& administrators& military men& and
$ Counselor is typi"ally older than other ad(enturers and is usually more
e7perien"ed& but "ould also be a youner "hara"ter #ith a spe"ial talent -or understandin
human nature or a natural empathy/
$ man o- interity and reat dinity& he is respe"ted not only -or his kno#lede&
but also his insiht into human beha(ior/ He belie(es in moderation and Austi"e& and has a
helpin hand and kind #ord -or all/
The Counselor is a ood "hoi"e -or players #ho like to play thouht-ul& e(en<
tempered "hara"ters #ho are more apt to be ad(isors than leaders/ Sin"e no(i"e and lo#<
le(el "hara"ters la"k the e7perien"e -or this personality type& mid<le(el and hih<le(el
"hara"ters Jespe"ially those #ith hih Wisdom s"oresK are the best "hoi"es to be
%est Suited Eor! %e"ause a Counselor's relationship #ith others is based on trust&
"hara"ters o- ood alinments are best suited -or this personality type& espe"ially la#-ul
ood "hara"ters/ Chaoti" ood "hara"ters "an -un"tion as Counselors as #ell& althouh
this type o- Counselor #ill be uided more by his o#n personal philosophies than by any
a""epted standards o- la# and moral (alues/ 0eutral "hara"ters tend to be too sel-ishL it is
unlikely that other "hara"ters #ould turn to them -or ad(i"e/ E(il Counselors are not
likely to be a""epted in a party #hose members are mostly ood andBor la#-ul/
$ny kit "an be adapted to this personality type/ The $"ademi"ian is a loi"al
"hoi"e& but the ?ysti" and Wu Den also make ood Counselors Jthe Wu Den has mu"h
eastern #isdom to o--er& #hile the ?ysti" is eaer to share his insihts into the human
In Combat Situations! The Counselor is a (eteran o- many battles& but be"ause he
is likely to be o- ad(an"ed years& he is not the best physi"al "ombatant/ He most likely
#ill remain in a prote"ted position& probably near the ba"k o- the party or in a ood
(antae point -rom #hi"h to "ast spells/
The Counselor is also an e7"ellent neotiator/ Whene(er possible& he #ill try to
seek "ommon round #ith an aressor in an attempt to a(oid "ombat/ The Counselor
seldom takes the role o- a military leader& but usually -un"tions as the leader's "hie-
ad(isor and "onsultant/
In Role<Playin Situations! $ll but the most mean<spirited and e(il<hearted 0PCs
#ill respe"t the Counselor -or his #isdom and "ompassion/ The Counselor #ill ne(er turn
his ba"k on a person in trouble& and is -ore(er makin the problems o- others his o#n/ $t
the same time& the Counselor is a shre#d Aude o- "hara"ter and is usually the -irst to spot
a "harlatan or a dupli"itous 0PC/
In a "ampain& the Counselor is e(erybody's best -riend/ He al#ays has time to
hear his "ompanions' problems& no matter ho# tri(ial& and ser(es as a sour"e o- both
"om-ort and sae ad(i"e
The Intimidator
Chara"ter Des"ription! ?any belie(e that the #izard is the most po#er-ul o- all
mortals<< the Intimidator is "on(in"ed o- it/ Radiatin po#er and "on-iden"e& the
Intimidator -a"es all "hallenes head on/ There's no opponent too touh and no obsta"le
too di--i"ult -or him/ His a""ess to mai" makes him superior to all others<< at least he
belie(es this to be -a"t/ His rea"tion to "ommon people<< that is& people #ho "annot "ast
spells<< ranes -rom sympathy to impatien"e& but as lon as they a"kno#lede his
superiority& he "an tolerate them/
.sually& this amount o- "on-iden"e e(ol(es o(er many years& so most Intimidators
are mid<le(el or hih<le(el #izards/ %ut an espe"ially po#er-ul or an espe"ially arroant
lo#er<le(el #izard miht easily be an Intimidator/
$n in-lated eo alone is not enouh<< this personality type is primarily intended
-or #izards #ho are in -a"t more po#er-ul than their "ontemporaries/ To Cuali-y as an
Intimidator& a #izard should ha(e hiher than normal s"ores in at least t#o abilities other
than Intellien"e J-or instan"e& a #izard #ith Strenth and Charisma s"ores o- 32 or more
#ould be a ood "andidate -or an IntimidatorK/ Ho#e(er& e(en i- a "hara"ter la"ks
e7"eptional abilities& he miht still be an Intimidator i- he has a reputation as a no<
nonsense aressor and has the personality to mat"h/
%est Suited Eor! The Intimidator is suited to any alinment& thouh "hara"ters o-
neutral and "haoti" alinments miht make better eomania"sL neutral ood& neutral e(il&
"haoti" ood& and "haoti" neutral are all appropriate "hoi"es/
$ny kits that suest aressi(e& rim "hara"ters are ood -or the Intimidator&
#ith the Sa(ae Wizard and the ?ilitant Wizard bein ob(ious "hoi"es/ ?ore passi(e
types& su"h as the ?ysti" and $"ademi"ian& are less appropriate -or the Intimidator/
In Combat Situations! The Intimidator lo(es nothin more than a ood -iht/ He is
a shre#d& danerous opponent bent on e7tinuishin e(ery one o- his enemies/
$lthouh he does not atta"k re"klessly& the Intimidator pre-ers to -a"e o-- #ith the
most -ormidable opponent on the battle-ield/ Where some #izards miht use (ireball to
-rihten a roup o- opponents by sailin it o(er their heads& the Intimidator #ould s"are
them by -irin it dire"tly at their leader& in"ineratin him/
In Role<Playin Situations! The Intimidator is a""ustomed to ettin his #ay/ I-
reason -ails& he #ill threaten& -rihten& or other#ise intimidate 0PCs to et their
"ooperation& unless a player "hara"ter "ompanion inter(enes/
The Intimidator is a man o- -e# #ords/ He kno#s that a snarl or a stare "an be a
mu"h more e--e"ti(e #ay to "oer"e un"ooperati(e 0PCs than lon spee"hes or kind
#ords/ 0eedless to say& the Intimidator is not espe"ially adept at deli"ate neotiations/
In a "ampain& all player "hara"ters #ill respe"t the Intimidator& but he's likely to
asso"iate only #ith player "hara"ters he sees as peers& su"h as hih<le(el #arriors and
other #izards/ The Intimidator #ill tend to be patronizin and "ondes"endin to the rest
o- the party& treatin them as #ell<meanin "hildren& in"ompetent bumblers& or outriht
The ?er"enary
Chara"ter Des"ription! The ?er"enary sees the ad(enturin li-e as a means to
-urther his personal #ealth/ He may a""ept a Aob #ith a party at a set salary or miht
aree to take a -i7ed share o- any treasure the party -inds/ $ny interest he has in the
party's oals are se"ondary to his po"ketbook/
0ot all ?er"enaries are interested in money/ Some may be interested in a"Cuirin
sou(enirs -or their personal "olle"tions& #hile others may #ish to hoard mai"al de(i"es
or -atten their spells books/ In all "ases& ho#e(er& the ?er"enary's -irst interest is in
$ ?er"enary is not ne"essarily a "riminal or a thie-<< he prides himsel- in his
pro-essionalism and has no shame about his interest in #ealth and material possessions/
Sin"e his moti(ations are straiht-or#ard& the ?er"enary is a ood personality type -or
no(i"e players/
%est Suited Eor! The ?er"enary is best suited -or neutral alinments& parti"ularly
neutral ood and la#-ul neutral/ )a#-ul ood "hara"ters are less in"lined to e7ploit others
-or personal ain& #hile e(il "hara"ters are more likely to turn to "riminal a"ti(ities to
in"rease their #ealth/ This personality type is suitable -or any kit/
In Combat Situations! The ?er"enary is a ood& pro-essional "ombatant/ He takes
orders #ell& o--ers stratei" suestions #hen asked& and -ihts (aliantly alonside his
"ompanions/ Ho#e(er& he #ill not (olunteer -or danerous missions& nor #ill he
unne"essarily risk his ne"k unless he ets e7tra pay or there's a "han"e o- re"o(erin an
espe"ially desirable treasure/
In Role<Playin Situations! The ?er"enary tends to let the other player "hara"ters
do most o- the neotiatin and intera"tin #ith 0PCs/ He may take a more a"ti(e role i-
he suspe"ts an 0PC has in-ormation about a treasure or about any o- his other personal
interests/ +ther#ise& there are no restri"tions -or the ?er"enary<< he "an be humorous and
personable& intro(erted and serious& or arroant and obno7ious& as determined by the
The ?ystery ?an
Chara"ter Des"ription! The ?ystery ?an is a enuine enima/ Surrounded in a
(eil o- se"re"y& his moti(ations& his oals& and the details o- his ba"kround are kept
hidden -rom e(en his "losest "ompanions/ He -a(ors dark "lothin and speaks only #hen
ne"essaryL his #ords are o-ten "rypti" or (aue& suestin that the ?ystery ?an kno#s
-ar more than he "hooses to re(eal/
0o one is "ertain #hy the ?ystery ?an beha(es as he does/ Perhaps it is due to
an oath to an an"estor& or perhaps it is a neuroti" "ompulsion/ Whate(er the reason& the
?ystery ?an is "learly determined to operate on his o#n terms/ ConseCuently& the
?ystery ?an is a ood personality type -or players #ho -eel "om-ortable #ith o--beat
%est Suited Eor! The ?ystery ?an is per-e"tly suited -or neutral alinments&
espe"ially neutral ood and la#-ul neutral& but any alinments are possible/ The ?ystery
?an's reason -or maintainin his (eil o- se"re"y miht suest an appropriate alinment/
Eor instan"e& i- he has taken an oath to a(ene the death o- his spouse& he miht be la#-ul
ood/ I- his mai"al aptitude makes him -eel like an out"ast -rom so"iety& but he still
identi-ies #ith order and oranization& he miht be la#-ul neutral/ I- he "on"eals his
identity be"ause he is an es"aped "riminal& he miht be la#-ul or neutral e(il/
$ny o- the kits "an be adapted to the ?ystery ?an/
In Combat Situations! Typi"ally& the ?ystery ?an listens impassi(ely to the
orders o- his leaders& then -ihts as he "hooses/ The ?ystery ?an "an be "ounted on to do
the une7pe"tedL as a battle ets under#ay& he may suddenly (anish& then abruptly appear
in the midst o- an opposin -or"e/ He miht use 'on"rol undead to "ommand undead
"reatures to li-t him to their shoulders and "arry him into battle/ He miht suon
shado. -or a #hispered "on(ersation& dismiss the shado#& then use li%h" to make himsel-
lo# #hile he atta"ks an opponent/
While his -ihtin style is e""entri"& it is startlinly e--e"ti(e/ +pponents are
usually ba--led by the ?ystery ?an's ta"ti"s or are intimidated by his manner and
appearan"e/ Eor these reasons& the ?ystery ?an is a -irst<rate "ombatant/
In Role<Playin Situations! The (ery presen"e o- the ?ystery ?an is enouh to
make many 0PCs un"om-ortable/ While he usually lets his "ompanions do most o- the
talkin& 0PCs o-ten are so intimidated by the ?ystery ?an that they are Cui"k to
"ooperate Aust to et rid o- him/ ?any 0PCs o- the opposite se7 -ind that the ?ystery
?an's (eil o- se"re"y makes him intriuin and e7tremely attra"ti(e/ While polite and
"onsiderate to his "ompanions& the ?ystery ?an has no interest in so"ializin #ith them/
The 0eophyte
Chara"ter Des"ription! The 0eophyte is a youn& lo#<le(el #izard! an
ine7perien"ed no(i"e an7ious to bein his li-e as an ad(enturer and e7"ited about the
prospe"ts ahead/
Ho#e(er& the 0eophyte's eaerness is more than mat"hed by his nai(ete/ He has
seen little o- the #orld outside o- his homelandL #hen en"ounterin ne# "ultures or
e7perien"in ne# situations& he may be "on-used and intimidated or "urious and
impulsi(e/ Sin"e he tends to o(erestimate his abilities and underestimate daners& he
"onstantly ets himsel- into trouble/ Still& his "heer-ul outlook and youth-ul enthusiasm
endear the 0eophyte to his "ompanions& and he is a #el"ome member o- any party& e(en
i- his -riends usually ha(e their hands -ull lookin a-ter him/
Hope-ully& the 0eophyte #ill not be nai(e -ore(er/ With e7perien"e "omes
#isdom& and #ith #isdom "omes sophisti"ation/ $s a "ampain proresses& the 0eophyte
should temper his impulsi(eness #ith "aution and his brashness #ith maturity/ There-ore&
this personality type is only a temporary one<< at some point& the "hara"ter #ill abandon
the role o- the 0eophyte and ro# into a di--erent personality/ The road -rom inno"en"e
to maturity is a -as"inatin one& makin the 0eophyte an e7"ellent "hoi"e -or no(i"e
#izards and beinnin role<players/
%est Suited Eor! The entire rane o- neutral and ood alinments are open to the
0eophyte/ Chara"ters #ith e(il alinments should be a(oided<< they aren't trustin or
nai(e enouh to make enAoyable 0eophyte "hara"ters/
Sin"e all #izards bein their "areers as no(i"es& any kit suits the 0eophyte&
althouh the serious<minded Wu Den and $"ademi"ian are less likely to e7hibit the
0eophyte's enthusiasm and impulsi(eness/
In Combat Situations! The 0eophyte has probably e7perien"ed little "ombat in his
li-e& espe"ially the li-e<threatenin (ariety/ $lthouh understandably ner(ous& he is also
determined to do his best and pro(e to his "omrades that he is not Aust a "hild #ho needs
to be prote"ted/ .n-ortunately& this attitude o-ten results in inappropriate and ine--e"ti(e
ta"ti"sL the 0eophyte is likely to "hare his opponents head<on& reardless o- their size or
strenth& or -ire missile #eapons at anythin that mo(es/ He miht seem to "ast spells at
random& sometimes sCuanderin his most po#er-ul mai" on relati(ely de-enseless -oes/
$s an ine7perien"ed spell "aster& he is not -amiliar #ith sophisti"ated "astin te"hniCuesL
-or instan"e& #hen -a"ed #ith a "harin #ol- pa"k& he's more likely to use a%i' issile
on a sinle #ol- instead o- "astin it on a nearby "li--<-a"e to "ause an a(alan"he& thus
destroyin the entire pa"k/
$ssumin his "ompanions "an keep him -rom a""identally killin himsel-& the
0eophyte radually learns -rom e7perien"e& be"omin a more skill-ul "ombatant as he
matures/ Eaer to learn& a 0eophyte #ill make a ood student to a more e7perien"ed
"omrade/ $n older and #iser PC #izard miht #ish to take a 0eophyte under his #in to
sho# him the #ays o- the #orld/
In Role<Playin Situations! *enerally& the 0eophyte does not kno# ho# to a"t
around 0PCs& parti"ularly those older than him/ He miht be shy and say nothin& or he
miht blurt out somethin inappropriate/ Eiures o- authority intimidate him& smooth<
talkers take ad(antae o- him& and attra"ti(e members o- the opposite se7 redu"e him to a
blatherin& stammerin idiot/
The 0eophyte tends to a""ept people on -a"e (alueL he ne(er uesses that a
-riendly straner miht be pi"kin his po"ket/ Eriendly& personable 0PCs #ill -ind the
0eophyte "harmin and amusinL impatient& businesslike 0PCs #ill -ind him
e7asperatin and annoyin
The +bsessi(e
Chara"ter Des"ription! The +bsessi(e is moti(ated by a sinle& all<"onsumin
oal/ This oal miht be learnin a parti"ular spell& lo"atin a lon<lost mentor& a"Cuirin
a parti"ular mai"al item or arti-a"t& or a(enin the death o- a lo(ed one/ The oal miht
also be "ompletely unrealisti"& su"h as riddin the #orld o- all e(il& or -illin his spell
books #ith the -ormulas o- e(ery kno#n spell/
The +bsessi(e -o"uses on the resolution o- his oal to the e7"lusion o- all else/ He
(ie#s his asso"iation #ith an ad(enturin party as a means to an endL -or instan"e& he
miht Aoin an ad(enturin party i- he learns that they are Aourneyin to a -ara#ay
kindom #here he belie(es an arti-a"t miht be lo"ated/ The +bsessi(e "ooperates #ith
an ad(enturin party only to the e7tent that their oals don't "on-li"t #ith his/
I- his oal is realisti"& it is unlikely that a "hara"ter #ill remain an +bsessi(e
-ore(er/ $ player sele"tin this personality type miht #ant to "hoose a se"ond
personality type -or his "hara"ter on"e he rea"hes his oal/ This se"ond personality type
miht also suest a oal -or the +bsessi(e/ Eor instan"e& i- a "hara"ter is a Commander
at heart& he miht be"ome an +bsessi(e i- he is "onsumed #ith -indin an e(il 0PC
responsible -or killin all o- his men/ When he brins the 0PC to Austi"e& the +bsessi(e
re(erts to Commander/
%est Suited Eor! Chara"ters o- any alinment "an be +bsessi(es& thouh "ertain
obsessions are more appropriate -or "ertain alinments/ Eor instan"e& an +bsessi(e bent
on a(enin his dauhter's murder probably has a stron sense o- Austi"eL he's probably o-
la#-ul alinment/ $ reedy +bsessi(e #ho seeks a leendary -ortune in old "ould be o-
a neutral alinment& possibly neutral e(il/
$ny kit "an be used -or the +bsessi(e/
In Combat Situations! The +bsessi(e tends to be a brutal& sa(ae -ihter& sin"e he
sees opponents as another obsta"le bet#een him and his oalL he #ants them out o- the
#ay as Cui"kly as possible/ 0eotiation makes him impatientL he #ould rather blast his
ad(ersaries to bits #ith a (ireball than #aste time talkin/ That does not mean that the
+bsessi(e takes unne"essary risks<< a-ter all& he "annot rea"h his oal i- he's dead<< but he
is prone to re"klessness and "an easily endaner his "ompanions i- he is not kept in "he"k
by a -irm leader/
In Role<Playin Situations! In all "ases& the +bsessi(e is more "on"erned #ith his
personal oal than the oal o- the party/ He'll Cuestion 0PCs intently -or in-ormation
about his oal& and i- they ha(e nothin to o--er& he #ill seek out other 0PCs to inter(ie#/
I- the party leader "on(in"es him that he is operatin to the detriment o- the party's oals
as #ell as his o#n& the +bsessi(e #ill restrain himsel-& but this #ill probably be only
In a "ampain& the +bsessi(e is sel-<absorbed and humorless/ He #ill talk
in"essantly to his "ompanions about his o#n oal& but his eyes #ill laze o(er #hen they
share their problems or opinions #ith him/ The +bsessi(e's attitude does nothin to
endear him to his "ompanions& but dependin on the nature o- his oal& they may -eel
sympathy or "ompassion -or him
The Sho#man
Chara"ter Des"ription! 0o one enAoys bein a #izard more than the Sho#man/ He
delihts in dazzlin -riends and -oes alike #ith surprisin& dramati" mai"al e--e"ts/
0othin stirs the heart o- a Sho#man more than learnin a ne# mai"al e--e"t or puttin
a ne# t#ist on an old spell/ He sees mai" as a -ine art& "omparable to s"ulptin&
"omposin& and paintin/ He has more appre"iation -or a #ell<e7e"uted "antrip than -or a
mundanely<"ast 4th<le(el spell/
The Sho#man "asts spells #ith a -lair/ He "onsiders both opponents and allies as
potential audien"es/ I- a spell reCuires a short phrase -or its (erbal "omponent& he'll
in"orporate the phrase in a son or poem/ I- a spell reCuires him to point at a subAe"t& he
#ill use a series o- elaborate and dramati" estures to arri(e at pointin his -iner/ His
alteration spells are strikinly imainati(eL his illusions are breathtakin #orks o- art/
0othin -rustrates a Sho#man more than ha(in to use a spell in the same #ay t#i"e&
espe"ially i- his audien"e o- -riends or -oes has seen it pre(iously/
The Sho#man's -lamboyan"e is easily mat"hed by his eo/ He #allo#s in the
appro(al o- othersL applause is like musi" to him& a "ompliment is like -ood to a star(in
man/ Ho#e(er& e(en the most "asual "riti"ism "an send him sulkin and an insult "an
de(astate him/
?ost o-ten& the Sho#man is "heer-ul and upbeat/ ?ost people -ind him reat -un
to be around& and no one "an arue that his approa"h to mai" is enuinely entertainin/
This is a ood "hara"ter type -or players #ho #ant to introdu"e more humor and
play-ulness into a "ampain/
%est Suited Eor! The spontaneity typi"al o- the "haoti" alinments makes them ood
"hoi"es -or the Sho#man& but ood and e(il alinments are appropriate Jthe ood<alined
Sho#man lo(es to share his skills #ith others and brin smiles to their -a"esL the e(il<
alined Sho#man enAoys -rihtenin and intimidatin themK/ The Sho#man is not likely
to be dra#n to the "autious and sel-<"entered neutral alinments/
The Sho#man is best suited -or the $mazon& Peasant Wizard& Wit"h& and Wu Den
kits/ The $"ademi"ian tends to be too "erebral& the $naakok and the ?ilitant Wizard too
serious& the Sa(ae Wizard too unsophisti"ated& the ?ysti" too introspe"ti(e& and the
Patri"ian too stu--y/
In Combat Situations! The Sho#man relishes "ombat& sin"e it i(es him a per-e"t
opportunity to sho# o-- his spells/ 0eedless to say& the Sho#man #ill al#ays o -or the
most spe"ta"ular& dramati"& and dazzlin e--e"ts<< i- he #ants to s"are a#ay an opponent
#ith !han"asal (or'e& #hy "reate a simple ore or troll #hen he "an "reate a multi<
headed #ere#ol- #ith purple tenta"les and 35<in"h olden -ans@ .n-ortunately& his -lair
-or the dramati" sometimes -inds him sCuanderin his hiher<le(els spells unne"essarily&
su"h as in usin li%h"nin% bol" #hen the less<spe"ta"ular a%i' issile #ould be Aust as
In Role<Playin Situations! Sin"e the Sho#man (ie#s all ne# a"Cuaintan"es as
potential audien"es& he enAoys meetin people -rom all #alks o- li-e/ The Sho#man is
espe"ially -ond o- members o- the opposite se7& and #ill o-ten o to reat lenths to
impress and dazzle them& sometimes at the e7pense o- the business at hand/ ?ost 0PCs
see the Sho#man as endearin and "harmin& but some -ind his attention<ettin anti"s
$mon his "ompanions& the Sho#man is appre"iated -or his pleasant attitude and
positi(e outlook/ He is al#ays able to boost morale #ith a "le(er tri"k or entertainin
demonstration/ $t times& PC leaders miht ha(e a problem impressin the Sho#man #ith
the seriousness o- a situation or ettin him to -o"us on an important task& but -lattery or
indulen"e usually et the Sho#man's "ooperation
Chanin Personality Types
Players are en"ouraed to alter the abo(e personality types in any #ay they see
-it/ Chara"teristi"s o- one personality "an be "ombined #ith "hara"teristi"s o- another to
"reate brand ne# types J%roodin Commanders are possible& as are +bsessi(e ?ystery
?enK/ The D? is also -ree to modi-y the personality types and make suestions to his
players/ $s al#ays& the D? has the riht to -orbid the players -rom "hoosin e7treme
personalities -or their "hara"tersL -or instan"e& the D? miht de"ide that ?er"enaries are
too disrupti(e to his "ampain and suest an alternati(e to his players/
Sometimes& a player miht #ish to "hane his "hara"ter's personality/ ?aybe the
"hara"ter has matured and outro#n his old personality type/ +r maybe the "hara"ter has
rea"hed a turnin point in his li-e that has -or"ed him to "hane his outlook or rethink his
Sin"e the personality types are not o(erned by a stri"t set o- rules& players "an
"hane them #hene(er appropriate/ Ho#e(er& su"h "hanes should be rare& and typi"ally
should mark a maAor turnin point in his li-eL a player should not "hane his "hara"ter's
personality Aust -or the sake o- tryin somethin ne#/ $ personality "hane should
de(elop naturally out o- the e(ents o- the "ampain& perhaps as a result o- a "atastrophi"
e(entL -or instan"e& an $ltruist miht be"ome a %rooder be"ause a -riend or -amily
member #as brutally murdered by a hoard o- pillain or"s/
Eollo#in are some #ays su"h "hanes miht o""ur/
The $ltruist may be"ome disillusioned #hen a -ormerly trusted "ompanion sells
him out or #hen he realizes that his ood intentions are unappre"iated by the "ommoners
he has (o#ed to de-end/ This $ltruist miht then be"ome a %rooder/ I- his altruism turns
to "yni"ism& he miht de"ide to be"ome a ?er"enary/
The %rooder may e7perien"e an enlihtenin e(ent that i(es him a more positi(e
attitudeL -or instan"e& he "ould earn the admiration o- a "hild or he "ould -all in lo(e/
Sin"e he is sensiti(e and introspe"ti(e by nature& a -ormer %rooder "ould be"ome a
The Commander "ould be"ome -ed up #ith the "onstant responsibility -or the
others in his party& or the burden o- "ommand "ould bein to o(er#helm him/ Dependin
on his disposition& he "ould be"ome a %rooder& a Counselor& an $ltruist& or e(en an
Intimidator/ Reardless o- his "hane Junless he is "onsumed #ith bitterness or
"ompletely amoralK he'll still ha(e leadership tenden"ies and likely #ill -ind the ure to
i(e orders impossible to resist/
The Counselor isn't likely to "hane& sin"e his personality type is asso"iated #ith
maturity and e7perien"e/ He "ould temporarily be"ome a Commander i- no one else #as
a(ailable& but most other personalities are so "ontrary to his nature that he #ould -ind it
di--i"ult to "hane himsel-/
The Intimidator is not likely to "hane mu"h& either/ Possibly& -allin in lo(e or
e7perien"in some other dramati"ally positi(e e7perien"e "ould so-ten him enouh to
make him "onsider "hanin his outlook/ In time& a re-ormed Intimidator "ould be"ome a
Counselor& or he "ould e(entually assume the duties o- a Commander/
The ?er"enary "ould easily be"ome an +bsessi(e i- he be"omes "onsumed #ith
a"Cuirin an impossibly lare amount o- treasure or lo"atin an arti-a"t that does not
e7ist/ E7posure to the #orld's impo(erished and nele"ted miht en"ourae him to
"hane his #ays and be"ome an $ltruist/
The ?ystery ?an "ould be"ome Aust about any other personality type Je7"ept a
0eophyteK on"e he de"ides to abandon his (eil o- se"re"y/
The 0eophyte #ill e(entually be"ome more mature and lose his youth-ul nai(ete/
His e7perien"es in the "ampain #ill probably suest a ne# personality -or him/ J0ote
that it is e7tremely unlikely that a "hara"ter #ill "hane -rom his "urrent personality into
a 0eophyteL that #ould probably reCuire the "hara"ter to lose his memory and be"ome
youn aain/K
The +bsessi(e #ill not "hane unless he i(es up his obsession& in #hi"h "ase he
#ill likely be"ome a %rooder/ I- he rea"hes his oal& he "ould be"ome nearly any
personality type/
The Sho#man miht be -or"ed to assume more responsibility and be"ome a
Commander& or he "ould be"ome disillusioned #ith "onstantly tryin to #in the appro(al
o- others and be"ome a %rooder/ I- he beins "harin money -or his per-orman"es& he
miht be tempted to be"ome a ?er"enary/ $ Sho#man bent on de(elopin the ultimate
mai"al e--e"t miht risk be"omin an +bsessi(e/
Ideas -or 0e# Personality Types
The personality types are not "on-ined to the ones suested abo(e/ Here are a
-e# other possibilities!
The Sideki"k Ja trusted "ompanion and assistant to a player "hara"terK/
The Compromiser Ja superb neotiator& dedi"ated to preser(in harmony and ood
relations amon his "ompanionsK/
The Co#ard Ja relu"tant -ihter& -rihtened o- e(erythin and al#ays e7pe"tin the
The Care-ree Wanderer Ja happy<o<lu"ky #ay-arerK/
The Sneak Ja #izard #ho lo(es to tri"k people and take ad(antae o- their nai(eteK/
The Chroni"ler Ja historian de(oted to makin a permanent& detailed re"ord o- his party's
Chara"ter %a"kround
When a player has sele"ted a personality type -or his "hara"ter& he "an
indi(idualize him -urther by makin de"isions about his appearan"e& his interests& his
-amily& and other details about his ba"kround/ This in-ormation does not need to be
re"orded on the "hara"ter sheet& but the player is "ertainly allo#ed to do so/ The more a
player kno#s about his "hara"ter& the more he #ill seem like a real person and be more
-un to play/ Here are Aust a -e# o- the many details to "onsider/
0ame! Some #izards pre-er e7oti" names that add to their reputations as men o-
mystery/ Su"h a name is sometimes a modi-i"ation o- the #izard's real name& su"h as
I%rindonI -or a #izard #hose real name is I%enbrindon S#ule/ I $lternately& a #izard
miht make up a ne# name -or himsel-L -or instan"e& %enbrindon S#ule miht de"ide to
"all himsel- I$ntra&I an ar"ane term meanin IChampion o- the Da#n/ I ?any #izards
also add an adAe"ti(e to their names to de"lare their importan"e to the #orld& su"h as
I%rindon the DarkI or I$ntra the ?ani-i"ent/ I
$e! Think about the #izard's ae and ho# it miht in-luen"e his outlook and
attitudes/ +lder #izards tend to be #iser and slo#er& #hile youner #izards are more
enereti" and impulsi(e/ Wizards -reCuently ha(e lon "areersL human #izards "an be
a"ti(e #ell into their =5s and beyond/ Ho#e(er& it is unusual -or a no(i"e #izard to be
youner than 25 or so& sin"e mai"al trainin "an take many years/
Physi"al $ppearan"e! What does the #izard look like@ Ho# tall is he@ Ho# mu"h
does he #eih@ What "olor are his hair and eyes@ Does he ha(e any interestin
birthmarks@ S"ars@ Ho# did he et them@
?annerisms! +-ten a #izard has a uniCue physi"al Cuirk& e""entri" beha(ior& or
habitual e7pression that sets him apart -rom the "ro#d/ Does the #izard rub his "hin
#hen he's thinkin@ Does he al#ays sleep on his ba"k@ Does he pi"k his teeth #ith his
%elie-s! Is the #izard reliious@ Is his outlook on li-e enerally positi(e& or is he a
pessimist by nature@ Is he superstitious@ Does he ha(e any phobias@
%irthpla"e and 0ationality! The #izard's birthpla"e re-le"ts his "ultural heritae&
#hi"h in turn in-luen"es the #ay he looks at the #orld/ Is he upper "lass Jor the
eCui(alentK@ ?iddle "lass@ %orn in po(erty@
Eamily! What #ere the #izard's parents like@ Did they en"ourae him to be a
#izard& or are they ashamed o- his a(o"ation@ Was the #izard an orphan Jand i- so& has he
learned #hy he #as abandonedK@ Does he ha(e brothers and sisters@ Is he still "lose to
them@ I- not& #hat happened@
%irthriht! Does the #izard ha(e a spe"ial birthriht& su"h as a -amily heirloom or
a share o- the -amily holdins@ Does he stand to inherit this birthriht #hen he rea"hes a
"ertain ae or a"hie(es a "ertain oal@
Edu"ation! Where did the #izard re"ei(e his mai"al trainin@ Did he attend a
prestiious a"ademy@ Was he tauht by a mentor@ Se(eral mentors@ Is he on ood terms
#ith them& or are they estraned@ I- so& #hat happened@
Career! .nless the #izard is independently #ealthy& depends on the kindness o-
straners& or li(es like a hermit& he probably has some #ay to earn a li(in/ In many
"ases& a #izard's s"hool o- spe"ialization #ill suest a "areerL -or instan"e& a di(iner
"ould probably earn a ood li(in as a -ortune teller/ +ther#ise& the "hara"ter "an pi"k
any "areer or (o"ation that seems reasonable and doesn't "ontradi"t his upbrinin/ JSee
the -ollo#in se"tion -or suestions/K
Clothin! Gou "an tell a lot about a person by the #ay he dresses/ $ #izard
-a(orin dark robes suests a "onser(ati(e personality& #hile a #izard #earin litterin
shirts and multi<"olored trousers is probably as -lamboyant as his "lothin/
)ikes and Dislikes! Does the #izard ha(e a -a(orite -ood@ $ -a(orite drink@ Does
he like musi"& books& or art@ What types@ What does he do -or -un@ Is he a sportsman@ $
ambler@ $ "olle"tor@
Wizardly Careers
+#in to their #ide rane o- abilities& the pro-essions a(ailable to #izards are
almost #ithout limit/ %elo# are a -e# o- the most "ommon "areers/ Ea"h "areer in"ludes
the names o- spe"ialists and kits #hi"h are "ommonly asso"iated #ith it<< but note that
these are eneral uidelines only& and there are likely to be e7"eptions in many
$ #izard optin -or a "areer as a tea"her "ould be either an instru"tor at a mai"al
a"ademy J-ull<time or part<timeK& a pro-essor at a reular "ollee& or a pri(ate tutor/ The
#izard's ba"kround miht suest his a"ademi" -ieldL history& mathemati"s& and any o-
the s"ien"es are likely possiblities/
Suested ,its! $"ademi"ian& Patri"ian& Wu Den
Suested Spe"ialties! In(oker& $bAurer& Transmuter& En"hanter
EreCuently& the lo"al #izard is one o- the most learned men in his eoraphi" area/
I- he has earned the trust o- the "itizenry& he may be asked to ser(e as a o(ernment
administrator/ Wizards are more likely to be administrators o- small (illaes than lare
"ities& sin"e the needs o- a small (illae are not likely to be as demandin& lea(in the
#izard plenty o- -ree time to pursue his resear"h/
Suested ,its! $"ademi"ian& $mazon Sor"eress& ?ilitant Wizard& Patri"ian
Suested Spe"ialties! Di(iner& $bAurer& Transmuter
0oted -or their #isdom and insiht& #izards are sometimes retained by monar"hs
as personal ad(isors/ Di(iners are espe"ially souht -or these positions/
Suested ,its! $"ademi"ian& $mazon Sor"eress& ?ysti"
Suested Spe"ialties! ConAurer& En"hanter& Transmuter& Di(iner
$ #izard's Cuest -or hard<to<-ind "omponents -or his spells and his resear"h "an
take him to "ities and (illaes around the #orld/ $ "areer as a tradesman "an be a natural
outro#th o- these tra(els/ Wizard traders are most likely to deal in pre"ious ems&
potions& and (arious "olle"tor's items/ $ #izard may also earn a li(in as a broker in spell
"omponents& dealin e7"lusi(ely #ith other #izards/
Suested ,its! $naakok& ?ilitant Wizard& Peasant Wizard& Sa(ae Wizard
Suested Spe"ialties! Transmuter& En"hanter& $bAurer
$lthouh the healin arts are more typi"ally asso"iated #ith priests& #izards also
ha(e been kno#n to #ork in the -ield o- medi"ine& thanks to their talents -or
manu-a"turin potions o- healin and other health-ul eli7irs/ Wealthy noblemen ha(e
been kno#n to hire #izards as their personal physi"ians/
Suested ,its! $"ademi"ian& $naakok& Wit"h
Suested Spe"ialists! En"hanter& $bAurer& 0e"roman"er
Treasure Hunter
$ #izard #ho spends his days as a member o- an ad(enturin party has ample
opportunity to dis"o(er treasures and earn re#ards/ E7"eptionally talented #izards may
re"ei(e a #eekly or monthly retainer -rom an ad(enturin party in addition to a share o-
any treasure dis"o(ered or re#ards earned/ Su"h #izards ha(e no need -or -ormal "areers&
assumin their ser(i"es are in demand or the missions they undertake are su""ess-ul/
Suested ,its! $mazon Sor"eress& $naakok& ?ilitant Wizard& Sa(ae Wizard
Suested Spe"ialists! ConAurer& Illusionist& 0e"roman"er& In(oker
$ #izard #ith a -lair -or the dramati" "an earn a de"ent<< i- irreular<< li(in as a
pro-essional entertainer/ +pportunities in"lude pri(ate sho#s -or noblemen& annual
"elebrations& and street per-orman"es a-ter #hi"h the #izard passes the hat -or donations/
Enterprisin #izards sometimes rent halls and stae sho#s& "harin admission -rom
entertainment<star(ed "itizens/
Suested ,its! Peasant Wizard& Wit"h
Suested Spe"ialists! Illusionist& ConAurer
To earn a li(in as a le"turer& a #izard must ha(e the enain personality o- an
entertainter as #ell as the kno#lede o- a s"holar/ Su"h a #izard may tra(el -rom "ity to
"ity& i(in le"tures in his -ield o- e7pertise at the in(itation o- a"ademies& royal "ourts&
and pri(ate oranizations/ )e"turers #ith reputations as "ompellin speakers sometimes
rent halls and "hare admission/
Suested ,its! $"ademi"ian& Patri"ian& ?ysti"
Suested Spe"ialties! ConAurer& En"hanter& Transmuter& Di(iner
E7perien"ed #izards sometimes re"ord their resear"h pro"edures& tips -or
su""ess-ul spell"astin& or te"hniCues -or mai"al item "reation in detailed manus"ripts/
Dependin on the reputation o- the #izard& su"h tomes "an "ommand he-ty sums/ Rarely
are more than a -e# "opies o- any su"h manus"ript produ"ed& but ea"h "opy may -et"h
thousands o- old pie"es -or the author/ Some #izards also ha(e made names -or
themsel(es as authors o- history& mathemati"s& and philosophy te7ts/
Suested ,its! $"ademi"ian& Patri"ian& ?ysti"
Suested Spe"ialists! ConAurer& En"hanter& Di(iner
Eortune Teller
Di(iners "an take ad(antae o- their skills by "harin -or their -ortune tellin
ser(i"es/ While it is "ommon -or kins and other noblemen to retain the ser(i"es o- an
astroloer& palm reader& or other type o- -ortune teller& some #izards set up shop on their
o#n& "harin a -ee to anyone in need o- their talents/ .ns"rupulous #izards ha(e been
kno#n to sell their ser(i"es as -ortune tellers to superstitious peasants& e(en thouh these
#izards may la"k any a"tual ability in this area/
Suested ,its! $mazon Sor"eress& ?ysti"& Wit"h& Wu Den
Suested Spe"ialists! En"hanter& Di(iner& ConAurer
?any #izards #ith a -lair -or resear"h and laboratory te"hniCue be"ome
su""ess-ul al"hemists/ ?ost o- their #ork is non<mai"al in nature& "reatin -ertilizers&
per-umes& "ouh medi"ines& tooth po#ders& and -ood "olorin -or modest -ees/ ?ai"al
potions& #hile reCuirin more skill and e--ort& are also sold& althouh -e# "ommoners "an
a--ord su"h e7pensi(e "reations/
Suested ,its! $"ademi"ian& Wit"h& Wu Den
Suested Spe"ialists! Transmuter& In(oker& En"hanter& 0e"roman"er
Wizard $d(entures
+""asionally& the D? miht #ish to slant some o- his "ampain's ad(entures
to#ard his #izard player "hara"ters/ To do so& he needs to de(ise a #ay to brin the
#izard "hara"ters into the ad(enture #ithout e7"ludin the other player "hara"ters/
Eollo#in are se(eral suestions that "an be used as sprinboards -or this sort o-
The 0o(i"e Wizard
$ lo#<le(el #izard #ho has Aust raduated -rom an a"ademy o- mai" Jor has Aust
ended his apprenti"eship #ith a mentorK is o-ten sent into the #orld to "omplete a mission
or Cuest/ The mission ser(es as his -inal e7amL its "ompletion pro(es to the no(i"e's
superiors that he has su""ess-ully mastered his mai"al skills and is ready to take his
pla"e as a -ull<-leded #izard/ Eailure means that the no(i"e reCuires additional trainin/
There are all types o- suitable missions/ Eor instan"e& the no(i"e's superiors miht
ask him to Aourney into an un"harted Aunle to retrie(e the blossom o- a rare -lo#er/ They
miht ask him to e7plore the ruins o- an an"ient "astle to sear"h -or a lon<lost spell
book& or tra(el to a small (illae and dri(e o-- a hoard o- in(adin monsters/ Sin"e most
mentors en"ourae their apprenti"e #izards to seek help Jit tea"hes them the importan"e
o- "ooperationK& the #izard miht re"ruit his player "hara"ter "ompanions to aid him/
The +ut"ast Wizard
In many so"ieties& the pra"ti"e o- mai" is "onsidered blasphemous/ +rdinary
"itizens shun and despise all #izards& "onsiderin them to be dis"iples o- supernatural
-or"es/ In e7treme "ases& those suspe"ted o- bein #izards are imprisoned or e(en
$ player "hara"ter #izard may ha(e been operatin se"retly in su"h a so"iety&
-earin the #orst i- his true skills #ere re(ealed/ The #izard #ould #el"ome the "han"e
to Aoin a party preparin to embark on any type o- ad(enture& i- it #ere to take him -ar
a#ay -rom his homeland/ $lternately& a party miht en"ounter a #izard #ho #as -or"ed
to lea(e home #hen his skills #ere dis"o(ered by his "ountrymen or his -amily/

?ai"'s *ood 0ame
In a #orld #here mai" has a bad reputation& a PC #izard miht #ant to Aoin an
ad(enturin party to pro(e that mai" "an be used as a -or"e o- ood/ I- the party's
mission is su""ess-ul and the #izard is at least partly responsible& mai" miht on"e aain
be a""epted as a respe"table and honorable pro-ession/
There are any number o- situations in"orporatin this idea!
The PC #izard #ants to "on-ront an in-luential ruler in a distant land #ho is
responsible -or spreadin propaanda about the inherent e(il o- mai"/ The ruler
miht be an e(il #izard& bent on stirrin up support -rom the popula"e to stamp out
ri(al #izards/ He "ould also be o- ood alinment& but a bad e7perien"e #ith
mai" as a youth le-t him preAudi"ed aainst all #izards/
The PC #izard #ants to learn ho# many #izards still e7ist in the #orld/ Perhaps many
#izards ha(e one into hidin& and the PC #izard is determined to -ind out
#hat has happened to them/
The PC #izard #ants to dis"o(er ho# many youn people are interested in learnin
mai"al skills/ Perhaps the PC #izard #ishes to establish a mai"al a"ademy o- his
o#n& or perhaps he #ishes to -ind a youn no(i"e #ith #hom he "an share his
kno#lede/ $re su"h students di--i"ult to -ind@ I- so& #hy@ Will the PC #izard
-a"e resistan"e -rom the -amily o- a potential student@ Erom the lo"al authorities@
What must the PC #izard do to pro(e that his intentions are honorable@
The PC #izard #ants to (eri-y rumors that a (iolent -eud has erupted bet#een t#o
oranizations o- #izards in a distant land& thus sullyin the reputations o- #izards
e(ery#here/ The ri(al #izard roups miht be o- di--erent alinments& members o-
oppositional s"hools& or -rom di--erent ra"es/ Their -eud miht be o(er a "ontested
pie"e o- land or a landmark<< su"h as a to#er or "emetery<< or one roup miht
ha(e reliious obAe"tions to the type o- spells used by the other roup/ Settlin
their disareements "an be used as a sprinboard -or ne# ad(entures/
$ssistin the Citizenry
?any #izards ser(e as administrators& ad(isors& or tea"hers& or hold other
positions o- responsibility in their "ommunities/ The lo"al "itizens are likely to barrae
su"h #izards #ith a "onstant stream o- reCuests -or -a(ors and assistan"e/ ?ost o- these
reCuests #ill be tri(ial and easily addressed& but others miht reCuire the PC #izard to
re"ruit the help o- his player "hara"ter "ompanions/
Sometimes& a seeminly inno"uous reCuest JISomethin's been into my "rops<< I
think it's a bun"h o- kids/ Could you stop them@IK miht lead the PC #izard to belie(e
that more is happenin than meets the eye/ He miht summon his "ompanions to help
him in(estiate& and their dis"o(eries "ould be the beinnin o- a lon "ampain/ JThe
party dis"o(ers "la#ed -ootprints amon the damaed "rops/ The -ootprints lead to a
nearby -orest& then abruptly (anish/ What's oin on@K/
The S"holarly Fuest
$ #izard player "hara"ter enaed in mai"al resear"h miht reCuire a parti"ular
"omponent that e7ists only in a hard<to<rea"h part o- the #orld/ I- the Aourney promises to
be danerous& the #izard miht ask his -riends to a""ompany him/ $lternately& i- a PC
#izard en"ounters a party oin in the same dire"tion& he miht aree to assist them on
their mission in e7"hane -or sa-e passae to the lo"ation o- his souht "omponent/ $-ter
re"o(erin the "omponent& the #izard miht ha(e be"ome "lose enouh to the other PCs
to (oluntarily "ontinue on their mission #ith them/ +r maybe the other PCs ot the
#izard out o- a touh spot and the #izard -eels obliated to return the -a(or by
"ompletin the mission #ith them/
The party's mission miht "oin"ide #ith somethin the #izard PC #ants/ Eor
instan"e& the party miht be embarkin on a mission to stop a notorious e(il #izard/ The
e(il #izard miht possess a mai"al de(i"e the PC #izard has "o(eted -or a lon time/
The PC #izard "ould aree to help the party in e7"hane -or the mai"al de(i"e/
+ut o- Retirement
$n elderly #izard miht ro# #eary o- his sedentary e7isten"e and #el"ome any
opportunity to add some e7"itement to his li-e/ Su"h a #izard #ould eaerly Aoin any
party o- player "hara"ters i- the party's mission promised to be e7"itin and didn't (iolate
the #izard's personal (alues Ja PC #izard o- ood alinment is unlikely to Aoin an e(il
party about to embark on a murder spree unless he is pretendin to be e(il in order to stop
Sin"e a party "an al#ays use an e7tra #izard& a roup o- player "hara"ters miht
"oa7 an old PC #izard out o- retirement to help them on a mission/ The PC #izard miht
be enti"ed by a monetary re#ard& the lure o- ad(enture& or the possibility o- settlin an
old debt Jperhaps the party belie(es they #ill be -a"in an old nemesis o- the PC #izardK/
The PC #izard also miht aree to help them out o- a sense o- loyalty to his -ormer
?ai" in the Campain World
Whether desinin a "ampain or establishin the parameters o- a sinle
ad(enture& the D? #ill -ind it help-ul to understand the pre(alen"e o- mai" in his #orld/
Is mai" relati(ely "ommon<< are #izards en"ountered as -reCuently as any other
"hara"ter type<< or is mai" e7tremely rare& #ith pra"titioners releated to rumors and
leend@ De"idin ho# mu"h mai" e7ists in(ol(es not Aust the number o- #izards and
mai"al items& but also the pre(alen"e o- spells& mai"al monsters& and mai"al e--e"ts in
Here are a -e# o- the Cuestions the D? should "onsider #hen de"idin ho#
mai" -its into his #orld!
Ho# "ommon are #izards@ The -reCuen"y #ith #hi"h #izards are en"ountered
i(es a ood indi"ation o- ho# o-ten a party is likely to en"ounter mai"al items and spell
books/ +b(iously& i- mai" is un"ommon& mai"al items are espe"ially (aluable/
Ho# a(ailable are a"ademies and mentors@ $ #orld #ith little mai" pro(ides
#ould<be #izards #ith -e# opportunities to learn their "ra-ts/ $d(an"ement throuh the
(arious le(els o- skill is likely to be slo#/ Certain spe"ialties may not be a(ailable at all/
Con(ersely& a #orld #here mai" is relati(ely "ommon should ha(e a (ariety o-
spe"ialists o- all le(els amon its population/
Ho# are #izards a""epted amon the eneral population@ $re #izards -eared or
respe"ted@ Re(ered or despised@ $ predominan"e o- mai" does not uarantee that the
eneral population -eels "om-ortable #ith #izardsL thouh -amiliarity "an -oster
a""eptan"e& it "an also breed preAudi"e and resentment/
Is there a relationship bet#een mai" and politi"al po#er@ Wizards usually #ield
more po#er than any other roup in a so"iety/ Ha(e the #izards used their po#er -or
politi"al ain@ $re they "ommonly -ound as rulers and administrators@ Does the eneral
population reAe"t the idea o- #izard rulers J#izards are too strane or too -rihteninK or
do they embra"e it J#izards are smart and deser(e to run the o(ernmentK@
Ho# interated are #izards in the rest o- so"iety@ Do #izards li(e openly& or must
they keep their abilities se"ret@ $re #izards able to #alk do#n the street unmolested& or
do they in(ariably dra# a "ro#d o- "urious on<lookers or hostile to#nsmen #ho reard
them as a threat@ Do they li(e in a spe"ial area o- to#n& or "an they make their homes
any#here they #ish@ Do they asso"iate only #ith other #izards& do they minle -reely
#ith people -rom all #alks o- li-e& or do they pre-er a solitary e7isten"e@
There are no -i7ed rules -or the amount o- mai" a(ailable in a "ampain #orld&
as lon as the D? stri(es -or "onsisten"y and balan"e/ Eollo#in are some eneral
uidelines -or se(eral di--erent types o- "ampains/
Worlds With E7"essi(e $mounts o- ?ai"
In #orlds #here mai" is relati(ely "ommon& the non<#izard is sometimes the
outsider/ Wizards are the most -reCuently en"ountered "hara"ter "lass and typi"ally hold
all positions o- po#er/ Wizards o- ood alinments "onsider themsel(es "aretakers o- the
non<#izard populationL #izards o- e(il alinments see the non<#izards as an e7ploitable
,indoms "ontrolled by e(il #izards o-ten "lash #ith one another/ They also
-reCuently #ae #ar on kindoms "ontrolled by ood #izards/ The a#esome po#er
#ielded in these "on-li"ts "an easily de(astate the entire #orld/ JThink o- su"h "on-li"ts
as the #izardly eCui(alent o- nu"lear #ar/K
?entors and a"ademies o- mai" are "ommon& as are #izards o- all s"hools and
le(els/ 0o(i"es tend to rise Cui"kly in ability& and hih<le(el #izards are in abundan"e/
?ai"al items and mai"al monsters abound/ There may be a lare number o- priests as
#ell& sin"e they are also mai"<users& but an abundan"e o- #izards does not uarantee
that a #orld has an abundan"e o- priests/ JPriests et their mai"al abilities -rom the ods&
#ho may be as enerous or as stiny #ith their i-ts as the D? #ants/K
Worlds #here mai" is pre(alent are in(ariably populated by a lare number o-
po#er-ul "hara"ters/ The D? #ill probably ha(e his hands -ull tryin to maintain play
balan"e& de(isin "hallenin ad(entures -or his player "hara"ters& and pre(ent non<
#izard player "hara"ters -rom -eelin o(er#helmed or insini-i"ant/ Eor these reasons& it
is suested that only e7perien"ed D?s attempt to stae ad(entures in a mai"<hea(y
"ampain #orld/ Creatin a #orld #here mai" is taken -or ranted "an be di--i"ult& but
-or D?s and players up to the "hallene& it "an be a -as"inatin alternati(e
Worlds With Typi"al $mounts o- ?ai"
ITypi"alI in this sense means the amount o- mai" present #ithin the limits o- an
a(erae $D1DH "ampain #orld/ In su"h #orlds& mai" is kno#n to e7ist& but real
#izards are rearded #ith a#e and perhaps a little suspi"ion/ $(erae people may be
ba--led by mai" and others may be a-raid o- it& but all are impressed by its po#er/
Wizards are un"ommon& espe"ially those o- hiher le(els/ 0o(i"es #ishin to
master a parti"ular s"hool o- mai" may ha(e to #ork hard to -ind a suitable mentor or
a"ademy/ In some areas o- the #orld& "ertain spe"ialists may not e(en e7ist/ Spell books&
mai"al items& and mai"al monsters are relati(ely rareL -indin one #ill probably be a
maAor e(ent in the li-e o- any "hara"ter/
To a(oid (iolatin the uniCue nature o- mai" in this type o- #orld& the D? must
be "are-ul to set limits on the a(ailability o- mai"al items& spell books& and mai"al
e--e"ts in eneral/ He also may #ish to limit the number o- mai"<users by de"idin
#hether PCs "an be multi<"lass or dual "lass "hara"ters #ith #izard or priest spells/ In a
"ampain #here su"h restri"tions are in -or"e& e(il #izards #ill not need to be Cuite as
po#er-ul to be e--e"ti(e aainst a typi"al party/ Without su"h restri"tions& there are likely
to be more mai"<users in a party& meanin that e(il #izards #ill need to be o- hiher
le(els to be e--e"ti(e opponents/
Worlds With )o# $mounts o- ?ai"
0ot surprisinly& #izards are rare "ommodities in #orlds #here little mai"
e7ists/ ?ost people ha(e ne(er seen a real #izard/ In some o- these so"ieties& #izards are
"on-ined to myths and leend/ $ player "hara"ter #izard #ill likely be restri"ted to lo#
le(els& and ad(an"ement #ill be di--i"ult/ In -a"t& it may be impossible -or a #izard to
rea"h hiher le(els o- ability<< su"h spells may simply not e7ist/ ?ai"al items are
e7tremely rare& i- they e7ist at all/ ?ai"al monsters are eCually rare& but those
en"ountered are espe"ially -ormidable& #ieldin po#ers unheard o- by a typi"al
ad(enturin party/
Worlds With 0o ?ai"
%y means o- a portal& a mai"al de(i"e or arti-a"t& or di(ine inter(ention& an
ad(enturin party miht -ind themsel(es on a #orld #here mai" does not e7ist/
$lternately& a player "hara"ter may -ind himsel- transported -rom a #orld #here mai" is
"ommon to a #orld #ith no mai"/ $side -rom the PC #izards in the party& su"h a #orld
has no #izards at all/ There are also no mai"al items& spell books& mai"al monsters& or
mai"al e--e"ts o- any kind/ Su"h a #orld #ill ha(e a number o- interestin rami-i"ations
-or #izard "hara"ters& as #ell as -or the party as a #hole/
There is no #ay to re"hare rods and other mai"al items/
There is no #ay -or a #izard to learn ne# spells/
?ai"al resear"h is impossible/
?ai"al potions no loner e7ist Jaside -rom those the "hara"ters brouht #ith themK/
Ho# #ould su"h a #orld rea"t to a #izard@ $s an analoy& imaine ho# people o-
our #orld #ould rea"t to the ne#s that an a"tual #izard #alked the planet/ Some #ould
besee"h him -or -a(ors& #hile others #ould seek to e7ploit him/ Some #ould see him as a
hero& #hile others #ould see him as a physi"al mani-estation o- their reliious belie-s/
*o(ernments miht attempt to re"ruit him as a #eapon aainst enemies/ S"holars miht
seek to study him/ .nsophisti"ated people& -ear-ul o- his po#er& miht try to "apture or
kill him/
+b(iously& a #orld #ithout mai" is radi"ally di--erent -rom the typi"al $D1DH
"ampain #orld& but it "an be a re-reshin "hane -or the D? and a stimulatin "hallene
-or players #ith #izard PCs/ There are many interestin themes to e7plore in this type o-
"ampain #orld& but the a"tion is also likely to be more subdued #ithout mai"al
monsters and e(il #izards -or opponents/
Campain 'ariations
Eollo#in are a -e# o--<beat suestions -or usin #izards and mai" in a
"ampain/ The D? is -ree to modi-y& "ombine& and (ary these suestions as he sees -it
The $ll<Wizard Campain
In this type o- "ampain& most o- the player "hara"ters are #izards/ +ther "lasses
are allo#ed& but they are usually restri"ted to one "hara"ter -rom ea"h "lass/ JThat is& a
party "an ha(e no more than one #arrior& one priest& and one roue<< the rest are
To bein this type o- "ampain& the D? "an en"ourae players to take PC #izards
by -osterin an atmosphere #here 0PCs ha(e a spe"ial admiration -or #izards or #here
mai" is an espe"ially re(ered -ield o- study/ $lternately& the D? "an simply reCuire the
players to use #izard "hara"ters/ $ll #izard kits are allo#ed in this type o- "ampain&
as are multi<"lass and dual<"lass "hara"ters as lon as one o- the "lass "hoi"es is #izard/
The D? is -ore#arned that he #ill ha(e to be espe"ially "reati(e to in(ent ad(ersaries o-
su--i"ient po#er to pro(ide a""eptable "hallenes -or a party o- #izards/
The Sinle Wizard ,it Campain
The D? miht de"ide that all mai" in his #orld stems -rom a parti"ular "ultureL
there-ore& all #izards must ha(e the same kit/ This in"ludes player "hara"ter #izards and
#ell as 0PC #izards o- all alinments/ $mon the kits espe"ially appropriate -or this
type o- "ampain are the $mazon& the $naakok& and the Wu Den/ I- the D? #ishes&
player "hara"ters o- all "lasses miht be reCuired to take the same kit& but this is not
ne"essary -or an interestin "ampain/
Ho# this type o- "ampain a--e"ts the e7isten"e o- mai"al items and mai"al
monsters is the de"ision o- the D?& but there are likely to be -e#er o- both Jsee #orlds
#i"h 0o. Aoun"s o( Ma%i' in the ?ai" in the Campain World se"tion abo(eK/ In a
"ampain #here all mai" "omes -rom an $mazon "ulture& all mai"al items #ill ha(e
their oriin in that "ulture/ Draons& -or instan"e& may e7ist throuhout the #orld& but all
o- them tra"e a "ommon an"estry to a land dominated by $mazons/
The Restri"ted S"hool Campain
In this type o- "ampain& "ertain s"hools o- mai" do not e7ist/ Eor instan"e& in a
#orld #here the s"hool o- illusion does not e7ist& #izards do not ha(e a""ess to
!han"asal (or'e& inor 'rea"ion& or any other illusion spells& nor are they allo#ed to
spe"ialize as illusionists/ Resear"hin these types o- spells is also -orbidden/ I- a spell
belons to t#o s"hools& then the spell is still a(ailable i- it belons to a s"hool that still
e7ists/ Eor instan"e& in a #orld #here the s"hool o- illusion does not e7ist& rainbo.
!a""ern is a(ailable sin"e it also belons to the s"hool o- alteration/
Whether mai"al items that dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- non<e7istent s"hools are
a(ailable is the D?'s de"ision& but -or "onsisten"y& it makes sense to -orbid them/
$nother ood idea is to i(e #izards a""ess to the spells -rom the s"hool o- lesser
di(ination<< it is (ery di--i"ult to -un"tion as a #izard #ithout them/
$s another (ariation& the D? miht "onsider ha(in more than one non<e7istent
s"hool in his "ampain #orld/ JS"hools in dire"t opposition to one another& as sho#n in
Eiure 3 in Chapter 2& are ood "hoi"es to eliminate/ Eor instan"e& i- the s"hool o- illusion
is none7istent& then the s"hool o- ne"roman"y miht not e7ist eitherK/ In an espe"ially
restri"ti(e #orld& perhaps only one s"hool o- mai" e7istsL i- only the s"hool o- illusion
e7ists in the D?'s #orld& then all #izards must be illusionists and ha(e a""ess only to
illusion spells<< spells -rom any other s"hool do not e7ist/
The Restri"ted )e(el Campain
Similar to the Restri"ted S"hool Campain& in this (ariation& hih<le(el mai"
does not e7ist/ Eor instan"e& the D? miht de"ide that no spells o- :th le(el or hiher
e7ist/ There-ore& a #izard has a""ess to spells o- 3st le(el throuh 9th le(el only& and he is
unable to resear"h hiher<le(el spells/ $s #ith the Restri"ted S"hool Campain& the D?
de"ides #hether mai"al de(i"es dupli"atin the e--e"ts o- hiher<le(el spells e7ist/
Chapter 9! Combat and the Wizard
This "hapter tells the #izard ho# to make the most o- his mai"al abilities in
"ombat/ It also in"ludes some tips -or e--e"ti(e stratey and plannin& alon #ith ad(i"e
on #eapon sele"tion/
The Spell $rsenal
The Wizard's $d(antaes
In "ombat& there are t#o important ad(antaes a #izard has o(er the non<
mai"usin members o- his party!
3/ The #izard is an e7tremely (ersatile opponentL hih<le(el #izards are likely to
be the most (ersatile "hara"ters in an ad(enturin party/
2/ While the abilities o- most other "hara"ters tend to "on-ine them to spe"i-i"
roles& the #izard "an adapt his skills to ne# situations by sele"tin the appropriate spells
-rom his spell books Jassumin that the #izard has a""ess to a (ariety o- spellsK/ Eor
instan"e& a hih<le(el #arrior has the same skills today that he did yesterday/
%ut a hih<le(el #izard beins ea"h day ane#& memorizin a sele"tion o- spells
-rom his spell books that may be radi"ally di--erent -rom those he memorized the day
be-ore/ With the riht spells& a #izard "an be a master o- re"onnaissan"e one day and an
enineer o- destru"tion the ne7t/ %ut i- a #izard has a lare sele"tion o- spells in his spell
books& ho# does he kno# #hi"h ones #ill be most help-ul on any parti"ular day@ Some
#izards& o- "ourse& #ill simply load up #ith their most po#er-ul spells and hope -or the
best/ %ut a shre#d #izard #ill look "losely at his spells and analyze their primary
-un"tions to de"ide #hi"h are the most appropriate to a parti"ular situation/
Spell Cateories
$ help-ul #ay -or a #izard to analyze his arsenal is by assinin his spells to
(arious "ateories/ The -ollo#in system uses si7 "ateories based on a spell's use in
"ombat situations/ The "ateories in"lude!
De-ensi(e 3/ This "ateory o- spells pro(ides prote"tion -rom harm/ It in"ludes
spells that make the subAe"t more di--i"ult to hit& in"rease his resistan"e to damae& and
shield him -rom (arious types o- opponents/ .sually& a #izard "asts this type o- spell on
himsel- or on his allies/
De-ensi(e 2/ This "ateory o- spells hinders an opponent's ability to atta"k
#ithout dire"tly "ausin damae to the opponent/ It in"ludes (arious 'har& hold& and
blindin spells& alon #ith spells that add penalties to an opponent's atta"k rolls/ .sually&
a #izard "asts this type o- spell dire"tly on one or more o- his opponents/
+--ensi(e 3/ This "ateory o- spells in"reases the "han"e to in-li"t damae on an
opponent/ It in"ludes spells that i(e bonuses to atta"k and damae rolls& as #ell as those
that in"rease strenth/ It does not in"lude spells that dire"tly in-li"t damae/ .sually& a
#izard "asts this type o- spell on himsel- or his allies/
+--ensi(e 2/ This "ateory o- spells dire"tly in-li"ts damae on opponents/ It
in"ludes spells that "ause an opponent to lose hit points& su"h as 'hill "ou'h and li%h"nin%
bol"& spells that "ause "reatures to lose le(els o- ability& su"h as ener%y drain& and spells
that "ause damae to spe"i-i" "reatures& su"h as "ransu"e .a"er "o dus"/ .sually& a
#izard "asts this type o- spell on one or more o- his opponents& althouh e7"eptions
in"lude spells that "reate or summon entities to -iht on the "aster's behal-& su"h as
ons"er suonin%/
Re"onnaissan"e/ This "ateory re(eals in-ormation about opponents or pro(ides
#arnins about their a"tions/
Spe"ial/ This "at"h<all "ateory in"ludes spells that ha(e no spe"i-i" o--ensi(e&
de-ensi(e& or re"onnaissan"e use in "ombat/
Ho# do you de"ide #hi"h spells belon to #hi"h "ateories@ It is not an e7a"t
s"ien"e& but rather a eneralization based on a spell's most "ommon use in "ombat
situations/ Eor instan"e& (ireball "an be used to destroy inanimate obAe"ts& but in "ombat
situations& it is usually used to in-li"t damae on an opponentL there-ore& it is an +--ensi(e
spell << +--ensi(e 2& to be e7a"t/ 0i%h" is help-ul -or -indin the #ay in a dark "a(ern& but
in "ombat& it "an be used to blind opponents to redu"e their atta"k rolls& makin it a
De-ensi(e spell<< more pre"isely& a De-ensi(e 2 spell/ JEor Cui"k re-eren"e& it may be
help-ul to note ea"h spell's "ateory ne7t to its name on the "hara"ter sheet/K
I- a spell seems to -it into more than one "ateory& that is to be e7pe"ted/
Remember& the point is not to dra# riid boundaries& but to learn to think in terms o- a
spell's -un"tion as opposed to its le(el or -lashy name/ $s an illustration& here are
"ateorizations o- some 3st< and 2nd<le(el spells -rom the Player's Handbook/
De-ensi(e 3! Pro"e'"ion (ro e)il& aror& shield& irror ia%e& in)isibil"y& blur

De-ensi(e 2! Color s!ray& enlar%e& li%h"& %rease& sho'kin% %ras!& "aun"& .all o(
(o%& dea(ness
+--ensi(e 3! S!e'"ral hand& s"ren%"h
+--ensi(e 2! 6urnin% hands& sho'kin% %ras!& 'hill "ou'h& (lain% s!here& s"inkin%
Re"onnaissan"e! Alar& 'o!rehend lan%ua%es& essa%e& de"e'" undead& ESP

Spe"ial! Dan'in% li%h"s& erase& hold !or"al& 2u!& endin%& s!ider 'lib& .i$ard
The (arious "ateories are dis"ussed in detail in the -ollo#in se"tions/ Players
should use the in-ormation to help them assin their spells to "ateories& #hi"h in turn
#ill enable them to "hoose the best spells -or their #izards to memorize in a parti"ular
De-ensi(e Spells
De-ensi(e spells pro(ide prote"tion -rom spe"i-i" or eneral types o- atta"ks in the
-ollo#in #ays!
%y a"tin as a shield or barrier J!ro"e'"ion (ro noral issilesK
%y de"reasin an opponent's atta"k "apability Jslo.K
%y i(in temporary immunity Js"oneskinK
%y remo(in the subAe"t -rom a danerous situation J"ele!or"K
%y sendin a#ay the opponent JdisissalK
%y redu"in the amount o- damae su--ered JarorK
The s"hool o- abAuration o--ers the reatest (ariety o- De-ensi(e spells& but
De-ensi(e spells are also a(ailable in e(ery other s"hool/ Some parti"ularly e--e"ti(e
De-ensi(e spells are o--ered in the s"hools o- alteration J%a$e re(le'"ion and .rai"h(orK&
en"hantmentB"harm Jslee! and hold !ersonK& and illusion Jhy!no"i' !a""ern and isleadK/
Spells in the De-ensi(e 3 "ateory are typi"ally "ast on the #izard or on his
"ompanions to pro(ide dire"t prote"tion -rom atta"ksL %lobe o( in)ulnerabili"y&
in)isibili"y& and !ro"e'"ion (ro e)il are e7amples o- De-ensi(e 3 spells/ Spells in the
De-ensi(e 2 "ateory are typi"ally "ast on one or more opponents to hinder their ability to
atta"k or pre(ent them -rom atta"kin altoetherL (uble& ray o( en(eebleen"& and
bindin% are e7amples o- De-ensi(e 2 spells/
In eneral& De-ensi(e 2 spells o--er more prote"tion than De-ensi(e 3 spells& sin"e
they e--e"ti(ely prote"t the entire party/ Eor instan"e& a #izard prote"tin himsel- #ith the
De-ensi(e 3 %lobe o( in)ulnerabili"y spell may be sa-e -rom an atta"kin opponent& but
the opponent is -ree to atta"k the #izard's "ompanions/ Ho#e(er& an opponent a--e"ted by
the De-ensi(e 2 slee! spell "annot atta"k anybody in the party/
Eollo#in are some eneral situations in #hi"h a #izard #ill -ind De-ensi(e
spells parti"ularly use-ul!
The !ar"y has only a (e. ebers or has only lo.-le)el ebers5 The #izard's
inability to use armor is his most (ulnerable "hara"teristi"/ $ #izard must either "ount on
his "ompanions -or prote"tion or pro(ide it -or himsel-/ In small parties& there probably
are not enouh members to pro(ide bodyuards -or the #izard/ $ small party #ill also
ha(e their hands -ull in "ombat situations& and probably #ill not ha(e the time or the
resour"es to look a-ter a #izard/ )ike#ise& a party o- lo#<le(el "hara"ters la"kin hih<
Cuality armor or other prote"ti(e de(i"es may ha(e to depend on their #izard to pro(ide
prote"tion -or them/
The !ar"y has "aken an e9'essi)e aoun" o( daa%e5 $ party that has lost a lot o-
hit points is not in a position to take "han"es& espe"ially i- they anti"ipate trouble/ $
#izard armed #ith De-ensi(e spells "an help the party throuh any touh times ahead/
The !ar"y in'ludes o"her !layer 'hara'"er .i$ards .ho la'k De(ensi)e s!ells5 I-
the party does not kno# #hat type o- daners it may -a"e& a ood idea is to ha(e as many
di--erent types o- spells a(ailable as possible/ It is help-ul i- the #izard arms himsel- #ith
a healthy supply o- De-ensi(e spells i- his -ello# mai"<usin "ompanions do not ha(e
them or "hoose not to use them/
The .i$ard an"i'i!a"es bein% alone5 I- the #izard e7pe"ts to be alone on uard
duty or in(estiatin a danerous lo"ale by himsel-& operatin as a spy& or other#ise
-un"tionin #ithout the "ompany o- others& he is sa-est #ith a supply o- De-ensi(e spells
to "ompensate -or his la"k o- armor/
The !ar"y an"i'i!a"es en'oun"erin% a s!e'i(i' "y!e o( eney/ ?any De-ensi(e
spells o--er prote"tion aainst a spe"i-i" type o- atta"k/ I- the party belie(es it #ill be
en"ounterin a parti"ular type o- opponent& the #izard should arm himsel- a""ordinly/
JEor instan"e& i- the party anti"ipates en"ounterin an e(il #izard& De-ensi(e spells su"h
as dis!el a%i' and Ser"en's s!ell iuni"y #ould be #ise "hoi"es/K
+--ensi(e Spells
+--ensi(e spells in"rease the ability o- the "aster Jor persons o- the "aster's
"hoi"eK to in-li"t damae& or dire"tly in-li"t damae on opponents in the -ollo#in #ays!
%y atta"kin spe"i-i" tarets Ja%i' issileK
%y atta"kin all opponents #ithin a desinated area J'loudkillK
%y summonin surroates "apable o- atta"kin Jons"er suonin%K
S"hools o--erin a (ariety o- +--ensi(e spells in"lude "onAurationBsummonin
J(lae arro. and E)ard's bla'k "en"a'les&K in(o"ationBe(o"ation J(ireball and dea"h (o%K&
and ne"roman"y Js!e'"ral hand and dea"h s!ell/
Spells in the +--ensi(e 3 "ateory are typi"ally "ast on either the #izard or on his
"ompanions to in"rease their ability to atta"k or in-li"t damaeL strenth& spe"tral hand&
and en"hanted #eapon are e7amples o- +--ensi(e 3 spells/
Spells in the +--ensi(e 2 "ateory are typi"ally "ast on one or more opponents to
in-li"t damae dire"tly& e--e"ti(ely -un"tionin as #eapons -or the #izardL (lain%
s!here& sho'kin% %ras!& and (in%er o( dea"h are e7amples o- +--ensi(e 2 spells/
In eneral& +--ensi(e 2 spells are more e--e"ti(e than +--ensi(e 3 spells& sin"e
they in-li"t damae dire"tly/ Eor instan"e& a #izard su""ess-ully "astin an +--ensi(e 3
strenth spell on himsel- must still strike an opponent to in-li"t damaeL a su""ess-ully
"ast (ireball in-li"ts damae immediately/ Eollo#in are some eneral situations in #hi"h
a #izard #ill -ind +--ensi(e spells parti"ularly use-ul!
The !ar"y is lar%e or has a nuber o( hi%h-le)el ebers5 $ain& the main
"onsideration is the (ulnerability o- the armor<less #izard/ In larer parties& there are
likely to be enouh members to supply the #izard #ith a bodyuard or t#o Jnote that this
does not mean a bodyuard in the literal sense& but rather a desinated member to help
prote"t the #izard -rom atta"ksK/ )ike#ise& i- the party has se(eral hih<le(el members
#ith a lot o- hit points and hih<Cuality armor& they #ill not be as dependent on the
#izard -or prote"ti(e spells/ $ #izard #ho does not need a lot o- De-ensi(e spells is -ree
to arm himsel- #ith a hih number o- +--ensi(e spells/
The !ar"y has (e. .arriors5 While unusual& it is not impossible -or a party to be
"ompletely "omposed o- #izards& priests& and roues/ In su"h a "ase& a #izard #ith an
arsenal o- +--ensi(e spells "an make an a""eptable substitute -or a #arrior/ %ut note that
e(en the best<armed #izard must still "ontend #ith a lo# $rmor Class& meanin he #ill
still need to rely on one or more o- his "ompanions -or prote"tion/
The !ar"y is akin% i"s las" s"and5 When a party is -a"in its -inal "hallene at the
"lima7 o- an ad(enture Jpresumin the party realizes they ha(e rea"hed the "lima7 o- an
ad(entureK or is makin a li-e<and<death stand aainst an opponent o- a#esome po#er&
they may need all o- the o--ensi(e "apabilities they "an muster/ I- the #izard enuinely
-eels he has nothin to lose Jor i- the #izard is #illin to sa"ri-i"e his li-e to a"hie(e the
party's oalsK& he may #ish to arm himsel- #ith as many +--ensi(e spells as possible to
ma7imize his party's "han"e o- su""ess/
The !ar"y an"i'i!a"es (a'in% an onslau%h" o( eneies/ $ party may also need
hea(y o--ensi(e "apabilities i- they anti"ipate -a"in a lare number o- enemies Jsu"h as a
battle-ield -illed #ith hundreds o- or"s and oblinsK or a -e# enemies #ith a lot o- po#er
Jsu"h as a "adre o- iantsK/ $ain& unless the #izard is #illin to lay do#n his li-e -or the
"ause& the party should take the #izard's (ulnerability into a""ount #hen plannin their
The !ar"y in'ludes o"her !layer 'hara'"er .i$ards .ho la'k O((ensi)e s!ells5 This
prin"iple applies to the use o- +--ensi(e spells as #ell as De-ensi(e spells/ I- the -irst
#izard in a party has nothin but De-ensi(e spells& and the se"ond #izard has a (ariety o-
both +--ensi(e and De-ensi(e spells& it makes sense -or the se"ond #izard to arm himsel-
#ith +--ensi(e spells Junless one o- the situations des"ribed abo(e suests a di--erent
Re"onnaissan"e Spells
Re"onnaissan"e spells neither in-li"t damae nor pro(ide prote"tion& but they
ser(e a (ital -un"tion in "ombat by -urnishin "ru"ial in-ormation in the -ollo#in #ays!
%y re(ealin the presen"e o- enemies Jde"e'" e)ilK
%y re(ealin enemy moti(ations JESPK
%y re(ealin enemy a"tions J'lair)oyan'eK
%y re(ealin -uture e(ents J(oresi%h"K
%y re(ealin past e(ents Jle%end loreK
%y employin supernatural uidan"e J)isionK
+b(iously& most Re"onnaissan"e spells "ome -rom the s"hool o- reater
di(ination& but other s"hools ha(e them as #ell& in"ludin abAuration JalarK& alteration
J'o!rehend lan%ua%es and .i$ard eyeK& and illusion Ja%i' irrorK/ Eollo#in are
some eneral situations in #hi"h a #izard #ill -ind Re"onnaissan"e spells parti"ularly

The !ar"y is en"erin% an unkno.n area5 The more a party kno#s about the
potential daners o- a pre(iously une7plored "astle& Aunle& or stret"h o- enemy<o""upied
terrain& the better they "an "ope #ith #hate(er they meet/ $ Cui"k sur(ey o- the territory
by a #izard usin 'lair)oyan'e& de"e'" e)il& or similar spells "an be an e--e"ti(e deterrent
aainst ambushes and other une7pe"ted surprises/
The !ar"y is unsure o( "he eney's o"i)a"ions5 0ot all 0PCs are enemies Jmaybe
they are hostile be"ause they assume the PCs are the bad uysK& and not all enemies are
bent on destroyin the party Jmaybe they are tryin to et ba"k to their leader as Cui"kly
as possible and the PCs are in their #ayK/ $ #izard usin ESP& kno. ali%nen"& or similar
spells "an "lari-y the moti(es o- 0PCs& possibly allo#in the party to a(oid "ombat
The !ar"y needs a lookou" or a )olun"eer (or %uard du"y5 $ #izard armed #ith
spells su"h as 'lairaudien'e& 'lair)oyan'e& (oresi%h"& and .i$ard eye makes an e7"ellent
lookout/ He "an also ser(e as a party's "ommuni"ations o--i"er in "ombat& keepin tra"k
o- his "ompanion's a"tions& tra"kin the a"tions o- the enemy& and be"omin alerted to
"ompanions in need o- assistan"e/
The !ar"y needs a s!y5 The #izard #ho kno#s a (ariety o- Re"onnaissan"e spells
makes a per-e"t spy& either a"tin by himsel- Jin #hi"h "ase he should ensure that his
"han"es o- bein dis"o(ered are small& sin"e he has no armorK or in "onAun"tion #ith a
"ompanion #ho "an ser(e as his bodyuard/ .nlike roues or in(isible "hara"ters& #ho
are also ood "andidates -or spyin missions& a #izard usin 'lairaudien'e& ESP& and
similar spells "an ain a lot o- in-ormation -rom relati(ely sa-e distan"es/
Spe"ial Spells
Spe"ial spells are those that ha(e limited use in "ombat/ They do not o--er
prote"tion& in-li"t damae& or re(eal in-ormation/ Su"h spells assist the party in these
%y makin repairs Jendin%K
%y labellin personal possessions J.i$ard arkK
%y "hanin appearan"es Jal"er sel( and (ool's %oldK
%y "reatin (arious illusionary e--e"ts :illusionary .all and inor 'rea"ionK
Thouh nearly all s"hools ha(e their share o- Spe"ial spells& the s"hool o- illusion
has a surplus o- them& #hi"h is one reason #hy the illusionist is "onsidered by many to be
the least use-ul spe"ialist in "ombat/
This does not mean that Spe"ial spells are "ompletely useless on the battle-ield/
$s #ith all types o- mai"& "le(er #izards #ill in(ariably -ind a (ariety o- uses -or
Spe"ial spells/ Eor instan"e& the Spe"ial spell dan'in% li%h"s does not "ause blindness or
in-li"t damae& but "ast at the riht time& it "ould be used to distra"t an opponent&
renderin him momentarily unable to atta"k/ In eneral& ho#e(er& Spe"ial spells are the
#orst "hoi"es -or a #izard anti"ipatin "ombat/
$ ?i7 o- Spells
In the e7amples abo(e& #e suested a number o- situations #here it is to the
#izard's best ad(antae to arm himsel- #ith an arsenal o- spells -rom a parti"ular
"ateory/ In some situations& ho#e(er& a #izard miht be better armin himsel- #ith a
-e# spells -rom ea"h "ateory/ Here are a -e# e7amples!
The !ar"y is be%innin% a ne. ad)en"ure/ When embarkin on a ne# ad(enture or
a ne# episode o- an onoin "ampain& it is unlikely that the party #ill kno# e7a"tly
#hat obsta"les or daners they #ill -a"e/ In these "ases& a #izard armed #ith a mi7 o-
De-ensi(e& +--ensi(e& Re"onnaissan"e& and Spe"ial spells #ill be able to handle a (ariety
o- situations/ $s the ad(enture proresses and the party a""umulates more in-ormation&
the #izard "an adAust his spell mi7 a""ordinly& perhaps "on"entratin on De-ensi(e or
Re"onnaissan"e spells as the situation di"tates/
The !ar"y has only a sin%le .i$ard5 In this "ase& the party miht ha(e to rely on
the #izard to assume a (ariety o- roles<< -or instan"e& he may be e7pe"ted to pro(ide
mai"al prote"tion -or the party JreCuirin De-ensi(e spellsK as #ell as -erretin out
in-ormation about its opponents JreCuirin Re"onnaissan"e spellsK/ +- "ourse& the more
duties a #izard assumes& the less e--e"ti(e he "an be at any one o- them& but sometimes
su"h a situation is una(oidable/ The party has a lare number o- po#er-ul "hara"ters in a
(ariety o- "lasses/ The more po#er a party has at its disposal& and the more that po#er is
dispersed amon a lare number o- "hara"ters& the less dependent they #ill be on any one
party member/ In this "ase& a #izard's arsenal o- spells is not as "ru"ial/ I- the party has a
number o- stron #arriors -or o--ensi(e and de-ensi(e a"tions Jas #ell as an e7tra #arrior
or t#o to ser(e as bodyuards -or the #izardK& has some roues -or spies& and has a
mai"al s"ryin de(i"e& it is not (ital -or a #izard to "on"entrate e7"lusi(ely on
De-ensi(e& +--ensi(e& or Re"onnaissan"e spells/
The .i$ard has no 'hoi'e5 I- the #izard is Aust beinnin his "areer& he probably
does not ha(e a lot o- spells in his spell books/ )ike#ise& i- he has only De-ensi(e spells
in his spell book& he ob(iously "annot "hoose -rom the (arious "ateories/
Weapon Restri"tion
Wizards are se(erely limited in the #eapons they "an use/ )ittle i- any o- their
-ormal trainin is de(oted to "ombat& and they usually are unable to de(ote the time and
e--ort ne"essary to master su"h skills/ ConseCuently& their #eapon "hoi"es are "on-ined to
those that are easy to learn and simple to use/ $s a eneral rule& the D? should "on-ine
#izards to the -ollo#in #eapons!
%arbed dart
Daer or dirk
Slin bullet
Slin stone
Sta-- slin
These restri"tions apply to mai"al #eapons o- similar types as #ell/ Eor instan"e&
Aust as a #izard is denied the use o- a t#o<handed s#ord& he is denied the use o- a ".o-
handed s.ord =*/
In "ertain situations& the D? may allo# a #izard to use a #eapon other than those
listed abo(e/ Ho#e(er& the D? is "autioned to make e7"eptions to the #izard's #eapon
restri"tions #ith "are& to a(oid unbalan"in the ame and (iolatin the spe"ial nature o-
the #izard/
Here are a -e# situations #here the D? miht "onsider makin e7"eptions to the
#izard's #eapon restri"tions!

The #izard's kit allo#s -or di--erent #eapons/ The $naakok kit& -or instan"e&
allo#s -or tridents and harpoons& #hile the $mazon kit allo#s -or spears and lon bo#s/
I- the D? i(es permission -or players to pi"k one o- these kits& or another kit #ith
#eapons other than those listed abo(e& he should also allo# him to use the kit's #eapons/
Ho#e(er& the D? is #ithin his rihts to -orbid the use o- any #eapon<< i- he de"ides
harpoons are una(ailable in his "ampain #orld& then e(en an $naakok "annot use
Instru"tion in the use o- a parti"ular #eapon #as part o- the #izard's trainin/ Dust
as "ertain kits allo# "ertain #eapons& "ertain "ultures miht reCuire all o- its "itizens to
master "ertain #eapons/ $ #arlike "ulture& -or instan"e& miht insist that all o- its male
"itizens are to be trained in the use o- s#ords and spears& and #izards are not e7"luded/
The player must establish these type o- ba"kround details at the beinnin o- his
"hara"ter's "areer << they "annot suddenly be brouht into play in the middle o- a
"ampain JIDid I -oret to mention that my "hara"ter's -ather trained him to use a
"lub@IK/ $s al#ays& the D? "an (eto any ba"kround suestions that he "onsiders
una""eptable in his "ampain/
Chapter :! Castin Spells In .nusual Conditions
$ #izard's ad(entures "an take him to all kinds o- e7oti" lo"ations/ %ut i- he -inds
himsel- battlin -oes beneath the o"ean's sur-a"e or e7plorin a mysterious lo"ale in an
alternate plane o- e7isten"e& he #ill dis"o(er that his spells are operatin a little
di--erently than usual/ This "hapter e7plains the di--eren"es/
Spell "astin abilities "an also be a--e"ted by sensory "hanes& su"h as a
temporary loss o- (ision& an impaired ability to speak& and impaired mo(ement/ These
problems& as #ell as ho# a #izard's spells are a--e"ted #hen "ast under less than
optimum "onditions and ho# he miht "ompensate -or these di--eren"es& #ill be
dis"ussed in this "hapter/
Castin Spells .nder#ater
$ssumin that the #izard "an -ind a #ay to breathe under#ater -or e7tended
periods Jsu"h as a .a"er brea"hin% spell or potionK& most o- his spells #ill -un"tion
normally under#ater& #ith identi"al "astin times& ranes& "omponents& and e--e"ts/ There
are& ho#e(er& a number o- e7"eptions& detailed belo#/ Rather than bein -rustrated by
these "hanes& the #ise #izard #ill study them "are-ully and use them to his ad(antae
Spells That $re Ine--e"ti(e .nder#ater
The -ollo#in spells "annot be "ast or #ill not -un"tion under#ater/ $ll spells are
-rom the Player's Handbook e7"ept those labeled 0S J-or 0e# SpellK #hi"h are -ound in
Chapter = o- this book/ Spells marked #ith an asterisk J O K #ill -un"tion normally #hen
"ast #ithin the bounds o- an airy .a"er spell/
3st )e(el
a((e'" noral (ires>
burnin% hands>
.all o( (o%>
2nd )e(el
(lain% s!here>
(o% 'loud >
.his!erin% .ind>
;rd )e(el
(lae arro.>
%us" o( .ind
illusionary s'ri!">
Mel('s inu"e e"eors
.ind .all
6th )e(el
(ire aura J0SK
(ire 'har
(ire shield > Jonly the -lame shield (ersion o- this spell is -orbiddenL the "hill
shield (ersion -un"tions normallyK
(ire "ra!
shou" >
solid (o% >
.all o( (ire
.ind brea"h J0SK
9th )e(el
'loudkill >
dis"an'e dis"or"ion
:th )e(el
'on"rol .ea"her
dea"h (o% >
%uards and .ards > .a"er
8th )e(el
delayed blas" (ireball
=th )e(el
in'endiary 'loud
4th )e(el
Spells That $re ?odi-ied When Cast .nder#ater
The -ollo#in spells are altered as des"ribed #hen "ast under#ater/ $ll spells are
-rom the Player's Handbook& e7"ept those labeled 0S J-or 0e# SpellK #hi"h are -ound in
Chapter = o- this book
3st )e(el
Chroa"i' Orb J0SK! The heat& -ire& and stinkin "loud e--e"ts are una(ailable
2nd )e(el
,il"er J0SK! Instead o- -ilterin (apors& -ilter eliminates poisons in the #ater/
1'e <ni(e J0SK! %e"ause o- #ater resistan"e& an i"e kni-e "ast under#ater "an
strike tarets only #ithin 35 yards/ It "auses a ma7imum o- 3<6 hit points o- damae/
Mel('s A'id Arro.! The a"id -rom this arro# lasts only a sinle round be-ore it is
#ashed a#ay by surroundin #ater/
;rd )e(el
,ly! This spell enables the subAe"t to s#im e--ortlessly at any depth and in any
dire"tion& e(en i- the subAe"t is en"umbered or is normally too hea(y to -loat/ The
ma7imum speed is 4/
0i%h"nin% 6ol"7 Instead o- a stroke& the ele"tri"al dis"hare takes the -orm o- a
sphere #ith a 25<yard radius& "enterin on the point #here a stroke #ould ha(e o""urred
i- the spell had been "ast abo(e #ater/ $ll those #ithin the sphere su--er 3d: hit points o-
damae per le(el o- the "asterL the ma7imum damae is 35<:5 J35d:K hit points/ $
su""ess-ul sa(in thro# redu"es this damae to hal- Jround -ra"tions do#nK/
Mons"er Suonin% 17 +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater
"an be summoned/ JI- a(ailable& the D? should use the appropriate $Cuati" ?onster
Summonin table in the Mons"rous Co!endiu/K
Phan"o S"eed7 $ phantom steed "reated under#ater is a hippo"ampi #ith a bla"k
-orebody and sil(er<ray s"ales/ These steeds do not ain the spe"ial tra(elin or -lyin
abilities o- the reular !han"o s"eeds& but they do ain the mo(ement rate o- 6 per le(el
o- the spell "aster Jto a ma7imum mo(ement rate o- 6=K/ +ther#ise& they are similar to
the steed "reated by the spell/
6th )e(el
1'e S"or! The hail stones "reated by this spell #ill be as lare as normal& but their
do#n#ard -or"e is reatly redu"ed& in-li"tin only 3<35 hit points o- damae be-ore
-loatin to#ard the sur-a"e/ The sleet (ariation o- this spell is useless under#ater& sin"e
all o- the sleet melts as soon as it is "reated/
Mons"er Suonin% 117 +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater
"an be summoned/ JI- a(ailable& the D? should use the appropriate $Cuati" ?onster
Summonin table in the Mons"rous Co!endiu/K
#all o( 1'e! $ .all o( i'e "an be -ormed under#ater& but it immediately -loats to
the sur-a"e and bobs in the #ater like an i"e -loe/ This renders the i'e !lane and
hemisphere (ariations useless/ The i'e shee" (ariation o- this spell in-li"ts no damae
9th )e(el

Con2ure Eleen"al7 $ir elementals and -ire elementals "annot be "onAured
under#ater/ Earth elementals must remain on the -loor o- the sea& lake& or ri(er -rom
#hi"h they are "onAured/ While unable to lea(e the -loor& they "an still atta"k "reatures or
assault "onstru"tions that are restin on or are imbedded in the -loor/ Water elementals
"an be "onAured normally/
Mons"er Suonin% 111! +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater
"an be summoned/ JI- a(ailable& the D? should use the appropriate $Cuati" ?onster
Summonin table in the Mons"rous Co!endiu/K
Transu"e Ro'k "o Mud7 This spell operates under#ater as it does else#here&
e7"ept that the mud immediately beins to dissipate/ I- "ast on the o"ean -loor Jor the
-loor o- any other body o- #aterK& only e7tremely hea(y "reatures #ho are unable to s#im
are in any daner o- sinkin into the mud/
:th )e(el
Chain 0i%h"nin%! .nder#ater& this a"ts as a li%h"nin% bol" o- t#i"e the normal size
Jeither a -orked bolt up to 25 -eet #ide and =5 -eet lon& or a sinle bolt 35 -eet #ide and
3:5 -eet lon/ Ho#e(er& it strikes only a sinle obAe"t and in-li"ts only 3d: hp o- damae
-or e(ery le(el o- the "aster Jsa(e (s/ spells -or hal- damaeK/ It #ill not ar" to other
Con2ure Anials7 +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater "an be
Mons"er Suonin% 1?7 +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater
"an be summoned/ JI- a(ailable& the D? should use the appropriate $Cuati" ?onster
Summonin table in the Mons"rous Co!endiu/K
O"luke's ,ree$in% S!here7 The (ri%id %lobe (ariation o- this spell "an be e7tremely
danerous to the "aster #hen "ast under#ater/ The lobe o- absolute zero matter #ill
instantly -reeze the #ater around the "aster into a blo"k o- i"e o- a (olume eCual to 95
"ubi" -eet per le(el o- the "aster/ The entombed #izard #ill immediately -loat to the
sur-a"e/ .nless he re"ei(es assistan"e or is able to -ree himsel-& he #ill immediately
bein to su--o"ate/
Par" #a"er7 This spell "an be used to -orm a ItunnelI throuh #ater<-illed areas&
no #ider than 35 -eet in diameter/ The ItunnelI "ontains air& enablin "reatures inside it to
breathe normally/
Transu"e #a"er "o Dus"7 Castin this spell under#ater "auses a IholeI to open in
a pre(iously #ater<-illed area/ The size o- the IholeI is up to 35 "ubi" -eet per le(el o- the
"aster/ $ssumin there is su--i"ient surroundin #ater<< that is& i- the spell #as not "ast on
or near the sur-a"e o- the #ater<< the una--e"ted #ater #ill rush in& in-li"tin 3 hit point o-
damae per le(el o- the "aster to all #ithin Jno sa(in thro#K/
8th )e(el
Mons"er Suonin% ?7 +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater
"an be summoned/ JI- a(ailable& the D? should use the appropriate $Cuati" ?onster
Summonin table in the Mons"rous Co!endiu/K
Mordenkainen's Ma%ni(i'en" Mansion7 $t the "aster's option& the mansion "an be
-illed #ith #ater& or the in-lu7 o- #ater "an be pre(ented& keepin the mansion's interior
tidy and dry/
=th )e(el
Mons"er Suonin% ?17 +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater
"an be summoned/ JI- a(ailable& the D? should use the appropriate $Cuati" ?onster
Summonin table in the ?onstrous Compendium/ K
Sink7 This spell pla"es the subAe"t a spe"i-ied number o- -eet beneath the -loor o-
the lake& o"ean& or sea/ The mai" o- the "ontainment #ill radiate throuh the #ater to the
4th )e(el
Mons"er Suonin% ?117 +nly "reatures that "an breathe and -un"tion under#ater
"an be summoned/ JI- a(ailable& the D? should use the appropriate $Cuati" ?onster
Summonin table in the Mons"rous Co!endiu/K
Castin Spells in +ther Planes
$s des"ribed on pae 3;2 o- the Dun%eon Mas"er's Guide& the $D1DH ame
#orld "onsists o- many planes o- e7isten"e aside -rom the -amiliar Prime ?aterial plane/
Dust as physi"al la#s operate di--erently in these planes& so do the e--e"ts o- mai" and
the #ays in #hi"h spells are "ast/ *eneral uidelines -or usin #izardly mai" in the
(arious planes are i(en belo#/ JI- plannin a "ampain in one or more o- the other
planes o- e7isten"e& or i- a D? is interested in additional in-ormation about the planes&
"onsult the Manual o( "he Planes/K
The Ethereal Planes
Erom the #izard's perspe"ti(e& the key -eatures o- the Ethereal planes in"lude the
The e--e"ts o- time o""ur 35 times slo#er than on the Prime ?aterial plane/ Eor
instan"e& -or e(ery 35 turns that pass on the Ethereal planes& only a sinle turn has
passed/ There-ore& the subAe"ti(e time -or the #izard to memorize and "ast spells is
35 times as lon as the a"tual time reCuired/
The thi"k soup o- ethereal matter restri"ts "lear (ision to about 355 yards/
%e"ause o- the semi<solid nature o- the ethereal matter& spells that "reate restrainin
e--e"ts& su"h as .eb and .all o( s"one& are easily "ir"um(ented by the (i"tim<< he
must only mo(e the ethereal matter out o- the #ay/ Restrainin spells that in-li"t
damae& su"h as .all o( (ire& are eCually easy to "ir"um(ent& but still "ause harm to
the (i"tim/
The s"hools o- mai" are a--e"ted as -ollo#s!
$bAuration! Spells o- 9th le(el and abo(e #ill not -un"tion/
$lteration! $ll spells o- this s"hool -un"tion normally& subAe"t to the spe"ial la#s
o- the Ethereal planes/
ConAurationBSummonin! Entities -rom the Prime ?aterial& $stral& and outer
planes "annot be summoned/ 0eound's se're" 'hes" pla"es the "onAured "hest in a
lo"ation in the Ethereal plane di--erent -rom that o- the "aster/
Di(ination! These spells -un"tion only i- the #izard is in the area bet#een the
Prime ?aterial plane and the Ethereal planes J"alled the %order EtherealK and is "astin
the spells into one o- the adAa"ent planes/ Eor instan"e& de"e'" a%i' #ill not #ork in the
Ethereal plane& but it -un"tions normally i- "ast -rom the %order Ethereal into the Ethereal
planes/ Con"a'" o"her !lane& ho#e(er& -un"tions e(ery#here in the Ethereal planes/
En"hantmentBCharm! $ll spells o- this s"hool -un"tion normally& subAe"t to the
spe"ial la#s o- the Ethereal planes/
In(o"ationBE(o"ation! $ll spells o- this s"hool -un"tion normally& subAe"t to the
spe"ial la#s o- the Ethereal planes& e7"ept that materials "reated by e(o"ation spells are
made o- ethereal matter and ha(e the properties o- that matter/ 6i%by's (or'e(ul hand& -or
instan"e& #ill not stop an opponent/
IllusionBPhantasm! $ll spells o- this s"hool -un"tion normally& subAe"t to the
spe"ial la#s o- the Ethereal planes/ Ho#e(er& illusionary imaes and items do not
disappear at the end o- the spell's duration& or #hen the #izard stops "on"entratin& or
#hen the illusion is tou"hed/ Instead& the imaes and items radually -ade a#ay/
1n)isibili"y& 'han%e sel(& and (ear are not subAe"t to -adin and -un"tion normally/
0e"roman"y! $ll spells o- this s"hool -un"tion normally& subAe"t to the spe"ial
la#s o- the Ethereal planes/
?ai"al Items! Pluses on #eapons are redu"ed by one to atta"k and damae rolls
Ja s.ord =@ e--e"ti(ely be"omes a s.ord =* K/ $rmor and prote"ti(e de(i"es are like#ise
redu"ed by one plus/ ?ai"al items that dupli"ate spe"i-i" types o- spells operate under
the same restri"tions as des"ribed abo(e/
The Inner Planes
Erom the Wizard's perpe"ti(e& the key -eatures o- the Inner planes in"lude the
Spells that rely on elemental -or"es "an be modi-ied to a--e"t all other elemental types&
thouh ea"h modi-i"ation must be resear"hed separately/ Eor instan"e& a spell that
a--e"ts #ater "an be used to similarly a--e"t earth or -ire& so that a .all o( .a"er
may appear or 'rea"e air "an be "ast/ To determine i- a modi-ied spell "an be "ast&
the #izard must roll aainst his Intellien"e as i- learnin a ne# spell/ I- the roll
-ails& the #izard "annot make another attempt -or one -ull day Jas measured on the
Prime ?aterial planeK/ These modi-ied spells "an be used only in the inner
?odi-ied spells apply only #hen modi-yin one elemental spell to another/ Positi(e and
neati(e eneries are not eliible/ Eor instan"e& a #izard "annot "reate a .all o(
ne%a"i)e ener%y/
In the plane o- Eire& all material "reated by spells Jsu"h as #ater and i"eK is immeadiately
a--e"ted by the e7treme heat/ Eor instan"e& the i"e "reated by i'e s"or
immediately melts/
In the plane o- Water& spells are a--e"ted as des"ribed in the Cas"in% S!ells Under.a"er
se"tion abo(e/
In the Enery planes& matter "reated by spells is destroyed one round a--e"t its "reation/
Spells that in-li"t (ariable amounts o- damae in the plane o- Positi(e Enery& and
minimum damae in the plane o- 0eati(e Enery/ Spells that in-li"t damae
o(er a period o- se(eral rounds -un"tion -or only one round/
The s"hools o- mai" are a--e"ted as -ollo#s!
$bAuration! $ll spells o- this s"hool -un"tion normally& subAe"t to the spe"ial la#s
o- the inner planes& e7"ept #here noted in the spell des"ription/ Spells a--e"tin e7tra<
dimensional "reatures do no" a--e"t "reatures nati(e to the inner planes/ When the an"i-
a%i' shell is used in the inner planes& all mai"al prote"tions are remo(ed -rom #ithin
that sphere& remo(in any prote"tion the user may ha(e to sur(i(e in that plane/
$lteration! These spells are the most likely to be modi-ied as des"ribed abo(e/ $ .a"er spell& -or instan"e& "an be modi-ied to (ire in the plane o- Eire& and airy
.a"er "ould be modi-ied to airy (ire/ Here are a -e# spe"ial "ases!
Transu"e ro'k "o ud "an -un"tion as "rans(or eleen" "o !ara-eleen"L earth
be"omes ooze or mama& -ire be"omes mama or smoke& air be"omes smoke or
i"e& and #ater be"omes i"e or ooze/ Ea"h type o- transmutation must be resear"hed
Transu"e .a"er "o dus" "an be modi-ied to "rans(or eleen" "o ne%a"i)e 4uasi-
eleen"L elemental #ater be"omes ash& air be"omes (a"uum& -ire be"omes ash& and
earth be"omes dust/
As"ral s!ell #ill not #ork in the inner planes/
ConAurationBSummonin! .sually& spells summonin a parti"ular type o-
elemental "reature summon that bein only in its nati(e plane/ These spells do not
uarantee "ontrol o(er the summoned elemental& but the elemental is not immediately
hostile to the "aster/ Spells summonin animals& monsters& or other Prime ?aterial
"reatures instead summon the elemental (ersions o- these "reatures/ Elemental "reatures
ha(e the same appearan"e and abilities as their Prime ?aterial "ounterparts& but are
elementals o- that type -ound in that inner plane Je7"ept that the Positi(e and 0eati(e
planes ha(e no elemental typesK/
Spells that "onta"t beins in the $stral and outer planes do not -un"tion in the
inner planes/
Di(ination! These spells -un"tion normally/ Those that "all on an entity -un"tion
only i- that entity is nati(e to the inner planes or Ethereal planes/
En"hantmentBCharm! These spells -un"tion normally/ Hold !erson and 'har
spells #ork only aainst humanoid elementals/
IllusionBPhantasm! These spells -un"tion normally/
In(o"ationBE(o"ation! .sually& in(o"ation spells -un"tion only i- the entity's
domain is in the same plane as the #izard/ E(o"ation spells dealin #ith elemental -or"es
"an be modi-ied to "all upon any elemental -or"e/ These in"lude spells that "reate items
o- -ire& lihtnin& i"e Jbut not "oldK& #inds& "louds& -o& and -lames/ Eor instan"e& a
(ireball "an be modi-ied into a li%h"nin% ball or ear"h ball& and li%h"nin% bol" "an be
modi-ied into (ire bol" or air bol"L in all "ases& the rane and damae remain the same/
0ote that spells su"h as 'one o( 'old and .all o( iron "annot be modi-ied& sin"e they ha(e
no a"tual elemental basis/
0e"roman"y! %ene-i"ial ne"romanti" spells restore hit points& abilities& le(els& or
li-e/ Harm-ul ne"romanti" spells depri(e (i"tims o- these Cuantities/ %ene-i"ial
ne"romanti" spells #ill not -un"tion in the 0eati(e plane& #hile harm-ul spells
automati"ally su""eed and in-li"t ma7imum damae/ %ene-i"ial spells restore the
minimum number o- hp in the neati(e Cuasi<planes& and those spells that reCuire a
sa(in thro# or are based upon Constitution automati"ally -ailL harm-ul spells
automati"ally su""eed and in-li"t ma7imum damae/ %ene-i"ial spells automati"ally
su""eed and operate to their ma7imum ability in the positi(e Cuasi<planesL harm-ul spells
in-li"t minimum damae and sa(in thro#s o- 2 or reater automati"ally su""eed aainst
these spells/ %ene-i"ial spells in the Positi(e ?aterial plane automati"ally su""eed and
operate to their ma7imum abilityL harm-ul spells automati"ally -ail/
?ai"al Items! Weapon pluses are redu"ed by t#o to atta"k and damae rolls Ja
s.ord =A e--e"ti(ely be"omes a s.ord =* K/ E7"eptions in"lude those #ith pluses aainst
parti"ular elemental "reatures and those that dra# their po#er -rom elemental planes&
su"h as enery drainin s#ords/ $rmor and prote"ti(e de(i"es are like#ise redu"ed by
t#o pluses/ ?ai"al items that dupli"ate spe"i-i" types o- spells operate under the same
restri"tions as des"ribed abo(e
The $stral Plane
Erom the #izard's perspe"ti(e& the key -eatures o- the $stral plane in"lude the
Items or matter "reated by spells are a--e"ted by the plane's #eihtless en(ironment/
Eor instan"e& #ater -orms into "ir"ular ballsL #hen tou"hed& these liCuid balls -lo#
o(er the (i"tim in a liht -ilm/ )iCuids that in-li"t damae& su"h as a"id& in-li"t
t#i"e their normal damae& and (i"tims "o(ered in liCuid -ilm "annot speak
#ithout lettin the liCuid into their luns and dro#nin in 3<6 rounds/ 'i"tims
"o(ered in liCuid "annot use spells #ith (erbal "omponents Junless they are
a--e"ted by .a"er brea"hin% or a similar spell or de(i"e that allo#s them to breathe
under#aterK/ The liCuid "an be remo(ed by e7tensi(e to#elin& enterin a plane
#here ra(ity e7ists& or spinnin the (i"tim -ast enouh so that the liCuid is -lun
-rom his body/
Eires burn in "ir"ular -lames #ithout "onsumin their -uel sour"es/ #all o( s"one and
other .all spells& alon #ith other spells that "reate sur-a"es& enerate hollo#
spheres #ith radii o- 35 -eet plus 2 3B2 -eet per le(el o- the "aster& reardless o- the
listed area o- e--e"t/ Temperature is poorly "ondu"ted in the $stral plane& so spells
eneratin heat and "old do not a--e"t those outside the spell area/
$ #izard "annot mo(e or dode #hile "astin spellsL i- already mo(in& he must
"ontinue mo(in #ith the same speed and in the same dire"tion as the pre(ious
round in order to "ast the spell/
Spells that reCuire a""ess to the Ethereal or inner planes #ill not -un"tion/
The s"hools o- mai" are a--e"ted as -ollo#s!
$bAuration! These spells #ork normally& e7"ept that they "annot a--e"t the -abri"
o- the $stral plane itsel-L the plane "annot be dispelled or held ba"k/ Dis!el a%i' a--e"ts
astrally proAe"ted tra(elers by "astin them ba"k to their oriinal bodiesL it has no e--e"t i-
"ast aainst the plane or aainst sil(er "ords/
$lteration! $lteration spells that "onta"t the Ethereal and inner planes or make use
o- e7tradimensional spa"e #ill not #ork& su"h as )anish and ro!e "ri'k/
+bAe"ts animated by alteration spells ha(e an Intellien"e o- 5 -or mo(ement
purposes& but they "an atta"k "reatures adAa"ent to them/ Spells that modi-y mo(ement
-un"tion only in situations #here that mo(ement is permitted in the $stral plane/ Eor
instan"e& (ly only #orks in balls o- air& 2u! only #orks i- the subAe"t "an push aainst
solid obAe"ts& and slo. and has"e a--e"t only mus"ular mo(ement Jlike#ise a--e"tin
"ombatK but ha(e no a--e"t on mental "on"entration mo(ement/ $lteration spells that
"ontrol or modi-y "onditions operate only i- the "onditions already e7istL #izards "annot
"all these "onditions into e7isten"e/
ConAurationBSummonin! ConAurationBSummonin spells o- 9th le(el or hiher do
not -un"tion unless linked #ith abAuration mai" J-or instan"e& a spell belons to both the
"onAuration and abAuration s"hoolsK/ Summonin "antrips #ill not operate& but
"onAuration "antrips #ill/ Spells that "all -or the dire"t inter(ention o- an entity #ill not
#ork unless the entity is a nati(e o- the $stral plane/
En"hantmentBCharm! Spells "annot "all into bein "reatures -rom other planes/
Spells that manipulate or "all into bein e7tradimensional spa"e in the $stral plane do not
-un"tion& su"h as dee!!o'ke"s5
Di(ination! %e"ause o- the inherent mai" o- the $stral plane& de"e'" a%i' "auses
the entire plane to radiate mai"L there is only a 9R "han"e -or dete"tin a spe"i-i" mai"
radiation aainst this ba"kround/ Spells su"h as true seein and de(i"es su"h as the em
o- seein re(eal the -ully in-inite nature o- the $stral plane& an e7perien"e that "an
o(er#helm the (ie#er/ The "han"e o- bein o(er#helmed is 355R minus 9R per le(el o-
the (ie#er/ Those o(er#helmed are immobilized -or the duration o- the spell or -or 3<:
true turns i- (ie#in throuh a de(i"e/
IllusionBPhantasm! Illusionary spells and phantasm spells #ith an illusionary
"omponent -un"tion normally& but phantasm spells #ithout an illusionary "omponent #ill
not -un"tion/ Eor instan"e& !han"o s"eed #ill not #ork be"ause the spell has no
illusionary "omponent& but !han"asal (or'e "an be "ast& sin"e it has an illusionary
In(o"ationBE(o"ation! These spells -un"tion normally& e7"ept as modi-ied by the
physi"al la#s o- the $stral plane Jsee the e7planation o- the e--e"ts o- a #eihtless
en(ironment abo(eK/ The spells "reated by the ar"hmae %iby -un"tion di--erently #hen
"ast aainst "reatures that are mo(in by mental "on"entration Jthose mo(in physi"ally<<
su"h as by pushin o-- obAe"ts<< are a--e"ted normallyK/
1n"er!osin% hand! Those o- lesser Intellien"e than the "aster are stopped& others are
slo#ed in mo(ement by 95R/
,or'e(ul hand! I- the "aster has a hiher Intellien"e than the a--e"ted "reature& the
"aster "ontrols the speed and dire"tion o- the "reature/ ECual or reater
Intellien"es result in no mo(ement/
Gras!in% hand7 This operates the same as the interposin hand i- the "aster's
Intellien"e is eCual or less than that o- the (i"tim& but it repels the (i"tim as a
double strenth -or"e-ul hand i- the "aster has hiher Intellien"e/
Clen'hed (is" and 'rushin% hand -un"tion normally/
0e"roman"y! These spells -un"tion normally/ Ho#e(er& a 'lone "reated on the
$stral plane reCuires 3&555 years to ro# -or e(ery day it #ould take to ro# on the
Prime ?aterial plane/ There-ore& i- a 'lone needed t#o months to ro# on the Prime
?aterial plane& the same "lone #ould reCuire :5&555 years to ro# on the $stral plane/
?ai"al Items! Weapons are redu"ed by one plus to their atta"k and damae rolls
Ja s.ord =@ e--e"ti(ely be"omes a s.ord =*K/ E7"eptions in"lude those #ith pluses
aainst astral "reatures/ $rmor and prote"ti(e de(i"es are like#ise redu"ed by one plus/
?ai"al items that dupli"ate spe"i-i" types o- spells operate under the same restri"tions as
des"ribed abo(e/
0ormal potions in normal (ials ha(e the (is"osity o- syrup and tend to "lin to the
sides o- the (ialsL su"h potions reCuire 3<6 rounds to "onsume #ith a 9R "han"e that the
drinker "hokes Jno damae& but the drinker loses the e--e"ts o- the potionK/ Drinkin
potions -rom #ineskins or so-t -lasks a(oids this di--i"ulty and allo#s normal
?ai"al items that tap into e7tradimensional spa"e or the Ethereal or inner planes
do not -un"tion in the $stral plane& nor do items that "all upon po#ers -rom those planes/
The +uter Planes
Erom the #izard's perspe"ti(e& the key -eatures o- the outer planes in"lude the
Spells that reCuire a""ess to po#ers and "reatures in the inner planes and Prime
?aterial planes do not -un"tion Junless other#ise noted belo#K/
Cantrips #ill not -un"tion/
Creatures and phenomena nati(e to the outer planes are una--e"ted by Prime ?aterial
planar spells that summon& "ommuni"ate& "ontrol& or pre(ent entry/ Comparable
spells e7ist -or ea"h plane& but they must be learned by the #izard in that planeL
anial %ro."h -or animals o- Elysium is an e7ample/ These are not "onsidered
modi-i"ations o- e7istin spells& but di--erent spells altoether/
The s"hools o- mai" are a--e"ted as -ollo#s!
$bAuration! These spells are useless aainst beins nati(e to the plane the #izard
is in J-or instan"e& !ro"e'"ion (ro e)il has no e--e"t on the e(il o""upants o- the 0ine
HellsK/ Ho#e(er& dis!el a%i' disrupts spells "ast by "reatures nati(e to the outer planes/
$lteration! The Chaos planes JHappy Huntin *rounds to Tarterus& in"lusi(eK
ha(e a random e--e"t on alteration spells that "reate matter Jsu"h as (o% 'loudK or "hane
matter into other shapes Jthe (arious !olyor!h spellsK/ The "han"e o- a random e--e"t
depends on the plane Jsee Table 35K/
Table 35! Chan"e o- Random E--e"ts o- $lteration Spells in +uter Planes
Plane Chan"e o- Random E--e"t
Happy Huntin *rounds 25R
Tarterus 25R
+lympus 65R
$byss 65R
*ladsheim :5R
Pandemonium :5R
)imbo =5R
Created matter subAe"t to a random e--e"t has its appearan"e alteredL -or instan"e&
a (o% 'loud miht be blue in "olor or sparkle like diamonds/ The "hane does not a--e"t
the properties o- the matter/ The D? determines the nature o- the "hane/
The random e--e"t -or a spell that alters the shape o- matter is that the spell may
not -un"tion at all& or that it may -un"tion in an unintended matter/ Roll 3d355 on Table
33 i- su"h a random e--e"t is indi"ated/
Ta,le 55 Ran"om Effects of Altere" Shapes in the O(ter !lanes
"566 Roll Effect
3<35 Taret does not "hane in appearan"e or properties/
33<;5 Taret "hanes in appearan"e Jas determined by D?K& but retains all the
properties o- the oriinal/
;3<95 Taret does not "hane in appearan"e& but ains the properties o- the ne# -orm/
93<85 Taret "hanes to resemble some nearby random obAe"t or "reature& but retains the
abilities o- its oriinal -orm/
83<45 Taret "hanes to resemble some nearby random obAe"t or "reature& and ains the
abilities o- that obAe"t or "reature/
43<55 Taret "hanes in -orm and -un"tion into somethin not in the immediate area/
JD?s are en"ouraed to be -iendish/K
Con7(ration8S(mmonin* 0on<nati(e beins "annot be summoned unless they
are in adAa"ent planes or planar layers/ Creatures nati(e to the plane "an be "alled upon&
but they are not "ontrolled by the #izardL any tasks i(en su"h "reatures must be
neotiated/ Prote"ti(e spells that are e--e"ti(e in the Prime ?aterial plane do not -un"tion
aainst nati(e "reatures/
,ind (ailiar #ill brin an imp& Cuasit& bro#nie& or pseudo<draon/ The D? is
-ree to add other suitable "andidates or to modi-y the appearan"e Jbut not the abilitiesK o-
these -amiliars/
Enchantment8Charm Spells dire"ted to#ard spe"i-i" "reatures Jsu"h as 'har
!ersonK #ill not -un"tion aainst their outer planar eCui(alents/ Planes other than the one
o""upied by the #izard "annot be a""essed& thouh e7tradimensional spa"e "an be Jso
spells su"h as dee!!o'ke"s -un"tion normally& but spells su"h as shado. .alk #ill notK/
Ma%i' 2ar or any similar spell that lea(es the "aster's oriinal body uno""upied "reates the
risk o- that body bein o""upied by a nati(e o- the other planes Jsee the 0e"roman"y
entry belo# -or detailsK/
Di9ination Spells that dete"t or identi-y mainly respond to the alinment o- the
plane& o(er#helmin the alinment o- any beins in the plane/ Eor instan"e& i- a ood
#arrior is in the 0ine Hells& kno. ali%nen" is o(er#helmed by the plane's e(il nature
and #ill not re(eal that the #arrior is ood/ Ho#e(er& a dete"t ood #ill re(eal the
#arrior's oodness/
:ll(sion8!hantasm These spells -un"tion normally& thouh the "aster should
keep in mind that many o- the po#er-ul beins inhabitin these planes are immune to
illusionary atta"ks and e--e"ts/ Ho#e(er& spells that rely on dei-shado. a%i' and
shado. a%i' -un"tion at hal- strenth and hal- e--e"ts/ Shado. ons"ers& -or instan"e&
"reates "reatures #ith hal- the standard hit points that in-li"t hal- the standard damae
#hen atta"kinL shado# mai" in-li"ts only hal- damae and e--e"ts/
:n9ocation8E9ocation These -un"tion normally& althouh they may be "haned
due to pre(ailin "onditions in a parti"ular plane/ *enerally& these "hanes are similar to
those e7perien"ed in the inner planes/ Eor instan"e& a .all o( i'e #ill bein to melt
immediately in the heat o- the 0ine Hells/
Necromancy These spells ha(e no e--e"t on the nati(es o- the planes/
Rein'arna"ion "auses re(i(ed indi(iduals to be o- the same alinment as the planeL -or
instan"e& a PC rein"arnated in the 0ine Hells #ill be e(il/ Spells that in(ol(e a body
uninhabited by a spirit& su"h as mai" Aar& ha(e a 3 per"ent "han"e per day per depth o-
layer o- bein inhabited by nati(e spirits/ Eor instan"e& a "hara"ter #ho died on the eihth
layer o- the 0ine Hells has an = per"ent "han"e per day o- his body bein o""upied unless
it is raised& #hile a body on the 355th le(el o- the $byss has a 355 per"ent "han"e o-
bein o""upied on the -irst dayK/ The spirits #ill not (oluntarily release the body Ja
lii"ed .ish or spells o- similar po#er #ill dispel themK/
+a*ical :tems Weapons are redu"ed by one plus -or ea"h plane they are taken
throuhL this applies only #hen mo(in -rom plane to plane& not #hen mo(in throuh
planar layers/ I- a #eapon be"omes non<mai"al& all spe"ial abilities are lost/ These
penalties do not apply to #eapons desined to a--e"t parti"ular "reatures o- the outer
planes/ $rmor and other prote"ti(e de(i"es are similarly a--e"ted/ $ll other mai"al items
su--er the same limitations as the spells they mimi"/ ?ai"al items that rea"h into
e7tradimensional spa"e -un"tion normally& but those that dra# po#er -rom the inner
planes or a""ess the Ethereal planes do not -un"tion/
Castin* Spells %hen the Caster is :mpaire"
:mpaire" Vision
$ #izard's (ision "an be permanently or temporarily impaired as a result o-
blindness Jmai"al or naturalK& disease& poison& or physi"al damae/ 'ision is also
impaired in darkness/
The ability to see is not "ru"ial in the "astin o- many spells/ Eor instan"e& irror
ia%e& ons"er suonin%& "on%ues& and 'o!rehend lan%ua%es J#hen used to translate
spoken #ordsK do not reCuire the #izard to be lookin at anythin in parti"ular& and "an
there-ore be "ast #ith impaired (ision/ Ho#e(er& spells su"h as read a%i'& de"e'"
in)isibili"y& and 'o!rehend lan%ua%es J#hen used to translate #ritten #ordsK that
reCuire the #izard to be lookin at a parti"ular obAe"t or lo"ation "annot be "ast #ith
impaired (ision/
Impaired (ision has no e--e"t on spells the #izard "asts on himsel-& su"h as
'han%e sel( or aror/ )ike#ise& impaired (ision has no e--e"t #hen the #izard is
attemptin a tou"h spell Jsu"h as !ro"e'"ion (ro e)ilK on a #illin subAe"t& presumin the
#izard is "lose enouh to the subAe"t to tou"h him/ Ho#e(er& i- a #izard attempts to use a
tou"h spell on an un#illin subAe"t& the #izard must make a su""ess-ul atta"k roll #ith a
<6 penalty Jthis assumes that the #izard is "lose enouh to his intended subAe"t to tou"h
himK/ $s #ith all atta"ks& the D? "an modi-y this roll i- the (i"tim is unprepared -or the
atta"k or is una#are o- it/ I- the roll su""eeds& the #izard tou"hes the subAe"t and the
normal spell e--e"t o""urs/
Spells that are "ast on a spe"i-i" person& pla"e& or thin -rom a distan"e& su"h as
'har !erson or a%i' issile& "annot be "ast by #izards #ith impaired (ision/ $ #izard
"annot simply blast a a%i' issile in a eneral dire"tion and hope -or the best<< the spell
does not operate that #ay/ ,no#in the e7a"t destination o- these types o- spells is a (ital
element o- their e7e"ution/
Spells that are "ast o(er a eneral area "an be "ast by #izards #ith impaired
(ision& althouh their e--e"ts may not be as pre"ise as they #ould be i- the #izard "ould
see/ Eor instan"e& a #izard #ith impaired (ision "ould "ast (lain% s!here in -ront o-
himsel- and dire"t it to mo(e straiht ahead to#ard an area #here he hears a roup o-
s"ree"hin oblins/ %ut i- the oblins s"atter at the approa"h o- the (lain% s!here& the
#izard #ill not be able to a""urately dire"t its mo(ement to run them do#n/
This limitation also holds true -or illusion spells that "reate illusionary imaes&
su"h as !han"asal (or'eL at best& the illusionist is makin a rouh estimate as to the
lo"ation o- his illusion& and any adAustments he makes to the illusion Jsu"h as mo(in it
or ha(in it respond to the a"tions o- other "hara"tersK is unlikely to be more than an
edu"ated uess/
$dditionally& the (ision<impaired #izard is "reatin (isual illusions -rom memory&
and the results miht not al#ays be as pre"ise as they #ould be i- the #izard "ould see/ In
eneral& the more "omple7 the illusion "ast by a (ision<impaired #izard& the more easily
the illusion #ill be disbelie(ed by an opponentL the D? is -ree to add as mu"h as a M6
bonus to the sa(in thro#s o- opponents attemptin to disbelie(e su"h illusions Jsee
paes =3<=2 o- the Player's Handbook -or details on adAudi"atin illusions& and the
se"tion on illusions in Chapter 8 o- this bookK/
'ision<impaired #izards "an use their -amiliars -or in-ormation about their
surroundins& thus enablin them to "ast spells #ith more a""ura"y and pre"ision/ #i$ard
eye and similar spells "an help a (ision<impaired #izard to Isee/I 1n(ra)ision is not
al#ays use-ul in these situations& sin"e it #orks to enhan"e the #izard's natural (ision
Jalthouh in(ra)ision helps i- the #izard's (ision is impaired be"ause o- darkness& and not
be"ause o- disease or damaeK/ The non<#eapon pro-i"ien"y %lind Eihtin is eCually
ine--e"ti(e -or the (ision<impaired #izard/
:mpaire" )earin*
$ #izard's hearin "an be permanently or temporarily impaired as a result o-
dea-ness Jmai"al or naturalK& disease& poison& or physi"al damae Jsu"h as repeated
e7posure to loud noisesK/ .nlike the (ision<impaired #izard& the hearin<impaired #izard
has only modest limitations on his spell "astin abilities/
$lthouh most spells ha(e a (erbal "omponent& it is not ne"essary -or the #izard
to "learly hear the #ords or sounds he utters to "ast a spell/ These sounds ser(e to release
mai"al eneries #hi"h in turn trier spe"i-i" rea"tionsL as lon as the #izard utters the
"orre"t seCuen"e o- sounds& it makes no di--eren"e i- he a"tually hears the sounds
himsel-/ 0ote that a silen'e spell pre(ents the "astin o- any spells #ith (erbal
"omponents& sin"e silen'e pre(ents the sounds uttered by the #izard/
Spells that reCuire the #izard to hear& su"h as 'o!rehend lan%ua%es J#hen used
to translate spee"hK& are ine--e"ti(e -or hearin<impaired #izards/ Spells that "reate
sounds& su"h as alar& are able to be "ast& but the impaired #izard #ill not hear the
Hearin<impaired #izards "astin illusions #ith audible elements may en"ounter
the same problems as (ision<impaired #izards/ The audible elements o- su"h illusions
#ill ha(e to be edu"ated uesses& based on the #izard's memory o- a"tual sounds/ $s #ith
illusions "ast by siht<impaired #izards& the more "omple7 the illusion "ast by a hearin<
impaired #izard& the more easily the audible element o- the illusion #ill be disbelie(ed
by an opponent/ The D? is -ree to add as mu"h as a M6 bonus to the sa(in thro#s o-
opponents attemptin to disbelie(e su"h illusions/ $ hearin<impaired #izard "annot use
his -amiliar to ser(e as surroate IearsI to enable him to "ast su"h spells #ith more
pre"ision or a""ura"y
:mpaire" Speech
$ #izard's ability to speak "an be impaired as a result o- disease& mai" Jsu"h as a
silen'e spellK& or physi"al damae/ $ aed #izard #ill also be unable to speak/ 0o spell
#ith a (erbal "omponent "an be "ast by a #izard #ith impaired spee"hL he must be able
to enun"iate ea"h phrase or sound o- a spell's (erbal "omponent "learly and distin"tly -or
the spell to be su""ess-ul/ ?en"rilo4uis "annot substitute -or an impaired<spee"h
#izard's (oi"e #hen he attempts to speak a spell's (erbal "omponentL )en"rilo4uis is
useless to a spee"h<impaired #izard& sin"e it is an e7tension o- sounds the #izard is
normally able to make/
Similarly& an impaired<spee"h #izard "annot use his -amiliar to speak (erbal
"omponents& in"ludin those -amiliars "apable o- spee"h& sin"e spells only operate i- the
#izard himsel- utters their (erbal "omponents/
Ho#e(er& an impaired<spee"h #izard "an use the spell )o'ali$e to allo# him to
"ast spells that normally reCuire a (erbal "omponent/ Castin these spells must take pla"e
#ithin the duration o- the )o'ali$e spell/ JEor more about (o"alize& see Chapter 4/ K
$""ordin to the Player's Handbook Jpaes =9<=:K& the use o- "omponents is an optional
rule/ I- "omponents aren't used -or spell "astin in your "ampain& it is assumed that the
"aster must be able to speak in order to "ast any spell Jsee the -irst pararaph in the
Castin Spells se"tion on pae =9 o- the PH K/ ?o'ali$e "an still help a spee"h<impaired
#izard i- the "omponents rules are not in useL other#ise& all o- the rules -or spee"h<
impaired #izards apply/
:mpaire" +o9ement
?any spells reCuire somati" "omponents Jestures or mo(ementsK/ I- the #izard
is unable to mo(e his hands Jbe"ause o- damae& a mai"al e--e"t& or physi"al restraintK
he may be unable to "ast a spell that reCuires hand mo(ements/ I- a spell spe"i-i"ally
reCuires hand mo(ements& the #izard isn't allo#ed to substitute another method/ He
"annot Aust #ile his ears or ro"k his head in pla"e o- the reCuired hand mo(ements& nor
"an he use a -amiliar or other "hara"ter Jor animated obAe"tK to a"t as his surroate to
e7e"ute them/ I- a sinle -iner is the reCuirement -or a somati" "omponent J-or instan"e&
i- the #izard needs to point at the taret o- his spellK& then he needs only one -ree hand to
"ast the spellL other#ise& either hand Jor any -inerK #ill su--i"e/
0ote that a mo(ement<impaired #izard also miht ha(e di--i"ulty #ith spells
reCuirin material "omponents/ I- the #izard has his hands tied& he may not be able to
rea"h the ne"essary material "omponents inside his ba"k pa"k or minled #ith other
items in a deep po"ket in his robe/ E(en i- he manaes to -ish them out& "ertain spells
may reCuire him to manipulate the material "omponents in a "ertain #ay Jhe miht be
reCuired to rub the "omponents toether or hold them -lat in his handL !ro"e'"ion (ro
e)il reCuires the "aster to tra"e a three<-oot<diameter "ir"le on the round #ith po#dered
sil(erK/ I- he "annot manipulate the material "omponents as reCuired& the spell #ill not
#ork/ When a #izard a"Cuires a ne# spell& the D? should "lari-y its "astin pro"edures/
Remember that the use o- "omponents is an optional rule/ I- "omponents are not
used -or spell "astin in your "ampain& assume that the "aster must ha(e both arms -ree
in order to "ast any spell Jsee the Castin Spells se"tion on pae =9 o- the PH K/ $ny
"ombination o- hand mo(ements and estures #ill su--i"e/
:mpaire" Concentration
The su""ess-ul "astin o- a spell reCuires intense& uninterrupted "on"entration
-rom the "aster/ I- the "aster's "on"entration is interrupted by an atta"k& a sudden noise& or
any other distra"tion& the spell is lost/
In "ertain situations& the "aster may ha(e trouble -o"usin or sustainin his
"on"entration/ He may be su--erin -rom an e7treme heada"he or other illness/ He may be
dizzy& -atiued& or other#ise disoriented/ +r he may ha(e had a little too mu"h #ine and
is -eelin the a-ter<e--e"ts/ In su"h "ases& the D? "an rule that the #izard is unable to "ast
spells as e--e"ti(ely as he normally #ould/ In e7treme "ases<< -or instan"e& i- the #izard's
heada"he is so se(ere that he is unable to stand or open his eyes<< the D? miht rule that
the #izard is "ompletely unable to "ast spells until his "ondition impro(es/
In less e7treme "ases& the D? "an reCuire the #izard to make a su""ess-ul
Intellien"e Che"k be-ore attemptin to "ast any spell to see i- he "an muster the
ne"essary deree o- "on"entration/ $-ter the #izard announ"es #hi"h spell he #ill
attempt to "ast& the player rolls 3d25/ I- the result is less than or eCual to the #izard's
Intellien"e& the spell is "ast normally/ I- the result is reater than the #izard's
Intellien"e& the spell is lost/
The D? miht #ish to add a penalty or bonus to these Intellien"e Che"ks/ Eor
instan"e& i- the #izard is disoriented as a result o- -allin out o- a tree and landin on his
head& the D? miht reCuire a <2 modi-ier to his Intellien"e Che"ks prior to "astin his
Chapter ; A"9ance" !roce"(res
This "hapter o--ers a (ariety o- suestions -or e7perien"ed #izards to help them
make more o- their mai"al skills/ In"luded are suestions -or spell resear"h& ad(i"e on
adAudi"atin illusions& and some "reati(e "astin te"hniCues -or puttin ne# t#ists on old
4e9els A,o9e <6th
The Player's Handbook lists e7perien"e le(els and spell proressions only -or
#izards up to 25th le(el& but there is no rule that spe"i-i"ally restri"ts #izards -rom
ad(an"in to 23st le(el and beyond/ There are& ho#e(er& pra"ti"al reasons -or restri"tin
ad(an"ement into unusually hih le(els/ 0ot only is it di--i"ult -or the D? to desin
meanin-ul "hallenes -or these "hara"ters& players Cui"kly be"ome bored #ith "hara"ters
#hose po#ers and abilities ri(al those o- the ods/ $ ood poli"y is to en-or"e mandatory
retirement o- "hara"ters on"e they rea"h 25th le(elL paes 25<23 o- the Dun%eon Mas"er's
Guide e7plain ho# this is done/
$mbitious D?s and "urious players are -ree to e7plore the "ampain possibilities
o- the upper le(els i- they so desire/ Table 32 i(es the e7perien"e point reCuirements and
Hit Di"e -or #izards o- le(els 23 throuh ;2 Jthis table is an e7tension o- Table 25 on
pae ;5 o- the Player's HandbookK/ $ #izard must earn ;:9&555 e7perien"e points per
le(el to a"hie(e ea"h le(el beyond ;2/ $-ter 35th le(el& #izards earn 3 hit point per le(el&
and they no loner ain additional hit point bonuses -or hih Constitution s"ores/
Table 3; i(es the spell proression -or #izards o- le(els 23 throuh ;2 Jthis table
is an e7tension o- Table 23 o- the PH K/ Eor ;;rd le(el& add one ea"h 9th<& :th<& and 8th<
le(el spellL -or ;6th le(el& add one ea"h 3st<& 2nd<& ;rd<& and 6th<le(el spellL -or ;9th
le(el& add one ea"h =th< and 4th<le(el spellL and -or le(els beyond ;:th& repeat this
Ta,le 5< %izar" E=perience 4e9els #eyon" <6th
4e9el +a*e8Specialist )it Dice >"?@
23 6&329&555 35M33
22 6&955&555 35M32
2; 6&=89&555 35M3;
26 9&295&555 35M36
29 9&:29&555 35M39
2: :&555&555 35M3:
28 :&;89&555 35M38
2= :&895&555 35M3=
24 8&329&555 35M34
;5 8&955&555 35M25
;3 8&=89&555 35M23
;2 =&295&555 35M22
Ta,le 5A %izar" Spell !ro*ression #eyon" <6th 4e9el
4e9el Spell 4e9el
5 < A ? B - ; C /
23 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 2
22 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 ;
2; 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ;
26 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6
29 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
2: : : : : 9 9 9 9 9
28 : : : : : : : 9 9
2= : : : : : : : : :
24 8 8 8 8 : : : : :
;5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 : :
;3 = = = = 8 8 8 : :
;2 = = = = 8 8 8 8 8
Spells A,o9e /th34e9el
There are no spells hiher than 4th<le(el& and there ne(er should be/ In"ludin
hiher<le(el spells #ould not only reatly imbalan"e the ame& it #ould also i(e
"hara"ters a""ess to mai" reser(ed e7"lusi(ely -or ods/
D?s "ontemplatin the idea o- desinin 35th<le(el or hiher spells in spite o-
this ad(i"e should -irst "onsider the impli"ations o- .ish& enerally "onsidered to be the
most po#er-ul o- all the spells/ To be #orthy o- its superior rankin& any 35th<le(el spell
#ould ha(e to be sini-i"antly stroner than a .ish& and i- the ame is to retain its
interity& that's a mihty tall order/
In a hih<le(el "ampain& the D? miht de"ide that his "hara"ters do not ha(e
a""ess to an adeCuate number o- hih<le(el spells/ Rather than -uss #ith 35th<le(el spells&
the D? is en"ouraed to add to the list o- 4th<le(el spells Jsee the se"tion on Spells in
Chapter 2 -or suestionsK
Spell Commentary
Part o- the -un o- playin a #izard is de(elopin ne# appli"ations -or spells
throuh e7perimentation and impro(isation/ Ho#e(er& the "reati(e use o- many spells
may not be immediately ob(ious/ I- a #izard al#ays uses his spells in the same old #ays&
he is not takin -ull ad(antae o- them/
The -ollo#in list -eatures some unusual appli"ations -or a (ariety o- spells -rom
all le(els/ Players "an also use these suestions -or inspiration #hen in(entin ne# uses
-or other spells in their arsenals/ $dditionally& "lari-i"ations o- se(eral o- the ame's more
esoteri" spells are pro(ided& #hi"h "an be used by the D? to help adAudi"ate their e--e"ts
5st 4e9el

The simple e--e"ts "reated by "antrips ha(e unlimited potential in the hands o- a
"le(er "aster/ Some e7amples!
$ #izard is restin in an inn #hen he is a#akened by the sound o- a burlar enterin
throuh the #indo#/ The #izard "asts 'an"ri! to "reate #ra"kin moans and "ries
emanatin -rom inside a "loset/ %elie(in the room to be haunted& the terri-ied
burlar may -lee/
$ #izard is sear"hin a dark "astle #hen he dis"o(ers a dusty book lyin on a desk/
He remembers that similar books #ere trapped to e7plode in a ball o- -ire #hen
tou"hedL su"h books #ere marked #ith a skull on the -ront "o(er/ The #izard "asts
'an"ri!& "reatin a small breeze to blo# the dust a#ay -rom the book& re(ealin the
skull on the "o(er/
$ #izard tra(elin throuh a Aunle is a""osted by a band o- "annibals/ The #izard
"asts 'an"ri! to "reate a pu-- o- "olored smoke/ The intimidated "annibals&
suspe"tin that the #izard #ields po#er-ul mai"& de"ide to lea(e him alone/
The "ompanion o- a #izard is about to enae a danerous opponent in a duel/ The
#izard "asts 'an"ri! to "ause a sliht it"h on the opponent's -a"e/ The opponent is
distra"ted& i(in the #izard's "ompanion a momentary ad(antae/
$ mena"in #arrior stands be-ore the party/ The #izard "asts 'an"ri! to "reate a
banana peel in -ront o- the #arrior/ The #arrior takes one step and -alls on his -a"e/
?u"h is made in the spell des"ription in the Player's Handbook o- "hanin the
size o- "reatures& but #izards o-ten o(erlook the use-ulness o- enlare to "hane the size
o- obAe"ts/ Eor instan"e& i- the party is bein pursued throuh a narro# passae or
hall#ay& "astin enlar%e on a stone or other obAe"t behind the party "an e--e"ti(ely blo"k
the passae and pre(ent the enemy's ad(an"ement/ Similarly& i- the party is -a"ed #ith a
lo"ked or stu"k door& the re(erse spell& redu'e& miht be able to shrink the door Aust
enouh to allo# the party to et throuh/
In addition to the uses -or mendin listed in the spell des"ription& this spell "an
also be used to repair a leaky boat& a torn do"ument& a broken #aon a7le& or a "ut rope
Jbut it #on't link the ends o- t#o di--erent ropes to make a sinle ropeK/
<n" 4e9el

Wizards should keep in mind that in)isibili"y is an illusion& a "ondition o- arti-i"ial
reality<< it's not an en"hantment that "auses the "aster Jor "reature o- the "aster's "hoi"eK
to literally disappear/ $s su"h& in)isibili"y is subAe"t to all o- the ad(antaes and
limitations o- illusionary mai"/ Eollo#in are the most pertinent points!
The in)isible "hara"ter "an al#ays see himsel-L in e--e"t& he automati"ally disbelie(es
the illusion/
The "aster "annot tell #ith "ertainty #hi"h obser(ers ha(e su""ess-ully disbelie(ed his
illusion o- in)isibili"y L he "an only be sure by obser(in their rea"tions/
$ll obAe"ts on the in)isible subAe"t's person are also in(isible/ Ho#e(er& the D? miht
#ish to impose limitations& sin"e it miht not make sense -or a ;5<-oot pole "arried
by an in)isible "hara"ter to also be entirely in)isible/ The D? miht assume& -or
instan"e& that the illusion e7tends to a 3<-oot or 2<-oot radius around the a--e"ted
subAe"tL hen"e& all obAe"ts in "onta"t #ith the subAe"t that are #ithin this area are
also in)isible/ I- su"h a limitation is imposed& then an obAe"t e7tendin beyond this
rane Jsu"h as the ;5<-oot poleK is entirely (isibleL partially in(isible obAe"ts aren't
0ot e(ery "reature #ith -e#er than 35 Hit Di"e is e7"luded -rom noti"in an in)isible
"hara"ter/ Creatures #ith e7"ellent hearin or those #ith a sensiti(e sense o- smell
ha(e a "han"e o- dete"tin an in)isible "hara"ter/ The D? should take su"h
heihtened senses into a""ount #hen determinin #hi"h "reatures are allo#ed
sa(in thro#s/
+pponents do not automati"ally et a "han"e to dete"t the presen"e o- an in)isible
"reature/ They must -irst ha(e reason to belie(e an in)isible "reature is amon
them/ Eor instan"e& a "reature miht ha(e abruptly disappeared& or the opponents
miht hear a mysterious sound or noti"e -ootprints in so-t round/ I- one opponent
su""ess-ully sees an in)isible "reature& he "an alert his "ompanions to the "reature's
presen"e& at #hi"h time they are allo#ed sa(in thro#s to dete"t the "reatures i-
they ha(en't made su"h thro#s already/ JEor more about the limits o- illusions& see
the I?ore $bout $dAudi"atin IllusionsI se"tion that -ollo#s/ K
This spell "an be used to misdire"t the results o- non<#eapon pro-i"ien"ies that
impart kno#lede/ E7amples o- non<#eapon pro-i"ien"ies a--e"ted by isdire'"ion
in"lude $n"ient History& $nimal )ore& $ppraisin& $stroloy& Dire"tion Sense& and
Herbalism/ I- the subAe"t o- misdire"tion -ails his sa(in thro#& he re"ei(es in"orre"t
in-ormation -rom the use o- his pro-i"ien"y/ Eor instan"e& isdire'"ed $nimal )ore #ill
"on(in"e the subAe"t that a (i"ious "reature is harmless& #hile isdire'"ed $ppraisin #ill
"on(in"e him that a (aluable em is #orthless/
This spell "an be used as a makeshi-t net to pre(ent damae to -allin "hara"ters&
assumin there are suitable proAe"tions or sur-a"es a(ailable to an"hor the #eb/ $ .eb o-
at least 9 -eet o- thi"kness prote"ts a -allin "hara"ter -rom damae reardless o- the
heiht -rom #hi"h he -alls
Ar" 4e9el
)ol" !erson
The name o- this spell should not be taken literally/ Hold !erson makes its (i"tims
riid<< i- they're -allin& -or instan"e& it "annot I-reezeI them in mid<-all and suspend
them in the air/ JHo#e(er& see the hold monster entry belo#/K
.se this spell on a #eapon i- the party is on the (ere o- bein "aptured/ In its
"loth<like state& the shrunken #eapon "an be "on"ealed up the "aster's slee(e or it "an be
tu"ked underneath his belt or in his trousers/ The #izard "an later use the enlared
#eapon to surprise his "aptors or& i- the #izard's hands are bound& he may be able to use
the #eapon to "ut himsel- -ree/ Similarly& the spell "an be used to "on"eal a rapplin
hook or a thie-'s pi"k/ JThe #izard should be "are-ul #here he hides a shrunken #eaponL
i- a shrunken lon s#ord is tu"ked inside his pants and is enlared be-ore it is remo(ed&
the result "ould be e7tremely pain-ul/K
+elfDs +in(te +eteors
+ne o- the most -reCuently o(erlooked -un"tions o- Mel('s inu"e e"eors Jor any
-lame<produ"in spell& su"h as (ireballK is its ability to inite "ombustible materials/ In
the riht situations& this ability is "apable o- produ"in a startlin amount o- damae&
ri(alin and o-ten e7"eedin the damae "aused by spells o- mu"h hiher le(els/
This spell "an be Cuite use-ul to the #izard -or dis"reetly "ommuni"atin #ith
other "hara"ters& but only i- he understands e7a"tly ho# it #orks/ Ton%ues a"ts as a
sele"ti(e translator& not as a uni(ersal translator<< that is& not e(eryone in the spell's area
o- e--e"t understands the translated lanuae/
Eor instan"e& imaine that a #izard "an speak only "ommon/ $ll other members
o- his party also speak only "ommon/ The party en"ounters a roup o- t#o d#ar(es and
one nomeL the d#ar(es speak only d#ar(ish& the nome speaks only nomish/ The
#izard "asts "on%ues and speaks to the nomeL the nome automati"ally understands #hat
the #izard says& but the d#ar(es and the other party members do not<<as -ar as they "an
tell& the #izard is speakin nomish/ $ssumin the #izard is o- su--i"iently hih le(el Jhe
"an speak one additional tonue -or e(ery three le(els o- e7perien"eK and the spell's
duration has not yet e7pired& he "an also address the d#ar(es/ %oth d#ar(es #ill
understand the #izard& but the nome and the rest o- the party #ill not/
I- a d#ar- and a nome bein "hatterin at the #izard at the same time& and the
#izard is o- su--i"iently hih le(el and the spell's duration hasn't e7pired& the #izard "an
understand them both/ The other party members& ho#e(er& #ill hear nothin but babble
?th 4e9el
This is a (ery help-ul spell #hen dealin #ith lare& un"ontrollable -ires that are
spreadin in a -ield or other open area/ To stop the ad(an"e o- a spreadin -ire& di% "an be
used to "reate a -irebreak<<a dit"h o- broken soil de(oid o- "ombustible material/ $ -ire
rea"hin a -irebreak #ill stop ad(an"in& e(entually burnin itsel- out/ I- the -ire is too
lare to stop& the #izard "an prote"t himsel- and his "ompanions by usin di% to surround
themsel(es #ith a -irebreak and remain inside it #hile the -ire raes around them/ The
#izard must take "are to make the -irebreak lare enouh to prote"t himsel- and his
"ompanions -rom heat damae& #hi"h typi"ally a--e"ts those #ithin 9 -eet o- the -lames/
This spell "an "ause a lot o- rie- to opponents in pre"arious positions/ ,uble
"ast on a "hara"ter "linin to the side o- a "li-- miht "ause him to -all/ I- "ast on a
"hara"ter mo(in hand o(er hand a"ross a rope bride& the "hara"ter miht lose his rip
and -all/ I- su"h a "hara"ter -ails his sa(in thro#& he plunes -rom the "li-- or releases the
rope/ I- he su""eeds in his sa(in thro#& he hesitates& but doesn't -all/
Otil($eDs Resilient Sphere
The s!here is an inta"t bubble -illed #ith air/ There-ore& a "reature or obAe"t
en"losed in the sphere #ill bob like a "ork on the sur-a"e o- an o"ean or other body o-
#ater/ I- the s!here "ontains more #eiht than air& the s!here #ill radually sink& but it
"ould be pushed or "arried by #ater<breathin "reatures #ith su--i"ient strenth/ I- a
#ater<breathin "hara"ter #ants to e7plore a dark& under#ater "a(ern& the s!here "ould be
"ast around a burnin -ire/ The prote"ted -ire "ould then be "arried under#ater and #ould
"ontinue to burn until the air supply in the s!here #as e7hausted/ JThe "arrier should take
pre"autions to pre(ent bein burned<<in most "ases& hea(y lo(es #ould probably do the
Bth 4e9el
)ol" +onster
Sin"e this spell immobilizes (i"tims and pre(ents them -rom mo(in under their
o#n po#er& it is a (ery e--e"ti(e #ay to brin do#n -lyin "reatures/ Hold ons"er "ast
on a "reature ho(erin o(erhead #ill not only "ause it to -all to the round& it also miht
su--er a sini-i"ant amount o- damae #hen it hits J3d: hit points o- damae per e(ery 35
-eet -allenK/
This spell "an be used to s"oop up slimes& Aellies& and other semiliCuid "reatures in
Aus or similar "ontainers/ I- the "ontainers are sealed& "elekinesis "an be used to position
the "ontainers o(er an opponent's head& then tipped to dump their "ontents/ Su"h
"ontainers "ould also be -illed #ith poison& a"id& or other damain substan"es
4imite" %ish
$s #ith .ish Jsee the dis"ussion belo#K& the D? should de"ide the limitations o-
lii"ed .ish be-ore his #izards ha(e an opportunity to use it& pre-erably be-ore the
"ampain beins/ Here are some suestions -or #hat a limited #ish "an a""omplish/ The
D? is -ree to alter these suestions as he sees -it/
$ lii"ed .ish "an heal damae -or the "aster or any sinle "hara"ter o- the "aster's
"hoi"e/ $ ood rane is 25<;9 hit points J9d6 M 39K o- healin/ I- a lii"ed .ish is
used to heal damae in this #ay& it "annot be used to restore li-eL that is& it "annot
a--e"t any "reature #ho has been redu"ed to 5 hit points/
$ lii"ed .ish "an temporarily restore li-e to any "reature or person #ho #as redu"ed
to 5 hit points or less #ithin the pre(ious 26 hours/ The lii"ed .ish restores the
subAe"t to e7a"tly 3 hit point/ Su""ess is not automati"L the subAe"t is reCuired to
make a resurre"tion sur(i(al "he"k/ Ho#e(er& the e--e"t lasts -or only a limited
time J3<6 hours is a ood raneK/ $t the end o- this time& the "reature re(erts to the
number o- hit points he had be-ore the lii"ed .ish #as "ast J5 hit points or lessK/
$ lii"ed .ish "an in-li"t damae on any sinle "hara"ter/ $ ood rane is 25<65 J9d6
M 39K hit points o- damae/ The (i"tim "an sa(e (s/ spell -or hal- damae/
$ lii"ed .ish "an dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- any spell o- 8th<le(el o- less/
$ lii"ed .ish "an "hane the out"ome o- any a"tion the #izard took #ithin the past
26 hours& as lon as the "hane is reasonably minor/ Eor instan"e& the #izard "ould
#ish to sear"h the body o- an opponent he de-eated earlier that day& but he "ould
not #ish to sinle<handedly ha(e -ouht and de-eated an entire army/ $ll o- the
eneral restri"tions that apply to #ish Jsee belo#K also apply to lii"ed .ish/ The
suestions reardin the sele"tion o- appropriate durations& "astin times& and
areas o- e--e"t also apply/
Cth 4e9el
This spell is a terri-i" #ay to help a "hara"ter #ho is on the (ere o- -allin o-- the
ede o- a "li-- or losin his rip #hen hanin -rom the ede o- a buildin/ While the
subAe"t "lins to the "li--& the #izard "asts sink5 I- the spell is su""ess-ully "ast& the
subAe"t be"omes stu"k to the "li-- and #on't -all/ Ho#e(er& the spell e7pires in -our turns&
at #hi"h time the subAe"t risks -allin/
/th 4e9el
Sin"e it "an theoreti"ally ha(e any e--e"t& no spell is more di--i"ult -or the D? to
adAudi"ate than .ish5 The D? "an sa(e himsel- a lot o- heada"hes i- he de"ides the limits
o- #ish be-ore his "ampain beins/ The D? is not obliated to dis"uss the rami-i"ations
o- #ishes #ith his players be-ore a "ampain beins/ In -airness& ho#e(er& he should be
#illin to i(e his players a eneral idea o- his approa"h/ While it is impossible to
anti"ipate e(ery "on"ei(able use o- a .ish& there are a -e# key areas the D? should
Ho# -ar "an a .ish mo(e a "hara"ter -rom one pla"e to another@ Ho# many "hara"ters
or "reatures "an be a--e"ted@ ?ust the "onAurer ha(e -irst<hand kno#lede o- the
What types o- items "an a .ish "reate@ Ho# mu"h treasure@ $re su"h "reations
Ho# many "reatures "an a sinle .ish brin ba"k to li-e@
Ho# many "reatures "an a sinle .ish destroy@ Could a #ish automati"ally destroy&
-or instan"e& a 25th<le(el #izard@ Ho# about a draon@ $re there alternati(es to
eliminatin "reatures other than .ishin% them dead@
Eollo#in are some uidelines -or #hat .ishes "an a""omplish/ $s al#ays&
the D? is -ree to alter these suestions in any #ay he sees -it/ Suestions noted #ith an
asterisk JOK typi"ally reCuire a penalty -or the "aster/ The nature o- the penalty is up to the
D?L possibilities in"lude 2d6 days o- bed rest& a temporary loss o- 3<6 Strenth points& a
permanent loss o- 3 Constitution point& damae o- 2d35 hit points& or any "ombination o-
these penalties/
$ .ish "an "reate a random amount o- treasure -or the "aster/ $ ood rane is 3&555 <
35&555 p J3d35 7 3&555K/ The treasure "an in"lude old pie"es& Ae#elry& ems&
items& or any "ombination desired by the "aster #ithin the randomly determined
monetary (alue/ ?ai"al items are e7"luded Jthey reCuire a separate .ishK/
$ .ish "an heal damae -or the "aster& his "ompanions& or any "hara"ters or "reatures
o- the "aster's "hoi"e/ $ ood rane is 69<85 hit points J9d: M 65K healed/ These
re"o(ered hit points "an be spread amon as many "hara"ters as the "aster desiresL
-or instan"e& i- a .ish heals 95 hit points& the "aster "ould heal 25 hit points o- his
o#n damae and heal 35 hit points -or three o- his "ompanions/ I- a .ish is used to
heal damae in this #ay& it "annot be used to restore li-eL that is& it "annot a--e"t
any "reature #ho has been redu"ed to 5 hit points/
O $ .ish "an restore li-e to any "reature #ho #as redu"ed to 5 hit points or less #ithin
the pre(ious 26 hours/ The .ish restores the subAe"t to e7a"tly 3 hit point/ Su""ess
is not automati"L the subAe"t is reCuired to make a resurre"tion sur(i(al "he"k/
O $ .ish "an destroy any sinle "reature o- 35 HD or less& or any "hara"ter o- 35th
le(el or less #ithin the "aster's (isual rane/ The a--e"ted "reature or "hara"ter is
allo#ed a sa(in thro# (s/ death mai"L i- the "he"k is su""ess-ul& the "reature is
una--e"ted/ J%e "are-ul #ith this<<in many "ases& it is a better idea to ad(an"e the
spell"aster to a -uture time period in #hi"h the taret "reature no loner e7ists& as
des"ribed on pae 348 o- the Player's HandbookK/
$ .ish "an "ele!or" .i"hou" error the "aster and up to a dozen "ompanions to any
lo"ation/ The "aster must ha(e been to the lo"ation pre(iously/ The lo"ation "an be
in any plane o- e7isten"e/
O $ .ish "an permanently add one point to any ability s"ore o- the "aster or any person
o- the "aster's "hoi"e& as lon as the s"ore is not raised abo(e 3:/ It takes 35 .ishes
to permanently raise any ability s"ore ea"h point beyond 3:/ JEor instan"e& it takes
25 .ishes to raise a "hara"ter's Strenth -rom 3: to 3=/K
$ .ish "an temporarily raise an ability to 3= -or 3<: hours/
$ .ish "an dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- any other spell/
What "an't a .ish do@ $side -rom the restri"tions abo(e& a .ish should ne(er rant
e7perien"e points or e7tra le(els to a "hara"ter/ 0or should .ishes be able to dupli"ate
arti-a"ts or "reate e7tremely potent mai"al items Ja !o"ion o( in)isibili"y miht be
a""eptable& but a s.ord =B miht notK/ The D? retains the riht to disallo# any #ish he
belie(es is too potent/ He "an also besto# an interpretation o- the .ish that -ollo#s the
literal instru"tions o- the #izard& and not the #izard's intended meanin Jreed and ross
manipulation o- the rules should not be re#ardedK/
I- the #izard .ishes -or an entire "astle o- his o#n& the D? miht ha(e the "astle
appear in mid<air& then "rash to the round in a heap o- rubble/
I- the #izard .ishes Ito ne(er aain su--er damae -rom bladed #eapons&I the D?
miht turn him into a stone statue/
I- the #izard .ishes -or a draon to (anish& the draon miht pop out o- siht& then
abruptly reappear in another lo"ation& perhaps a -e# yards -rom the draon's
oriinal position/
I- the #izard .ishes -or a -ortune in old& the D? miht teleport this -ortune -rom a
kin's pri(ate treasure (ault/ The kin #ill then send his best men to arrest the
thie(in #izard/
The D? is responsible -or determinin the "omponents& duration& "astin time&
and area o- e--e"t ea"h time a .ish is to be "ast/ The D? should -irst determine #hat
e--e"t the #izard intends to a"hie(e #ith his .ish& then de"ide the "omponents& "astin
time& and so -orth& basin his de"isions on his limitations -or .ishes in his "ampain/ The
elements should be loi"al and reasonable/ Here are some uidelines!
Components #ishes ha(e only (erbal "omponents/ ,eep them simple/ $ short&
spoken phrase is usually su--i"ient/
D(ration In most "ases& the e--e"ts o- a .ish #ill be permanent/ The D? should
de"ide in ad(an"e i- there are any e7"eptions/
Castin* Time I- the .ish mimi"s the -un"tion o- another spell& use that spell's
"astin time as a uideline& perhaps makin it a little loner i- the #ish e--e"t is
sini-i"antly more po#er-ul than the mimi"ked spell/ Eor instan"e& i- a .ish is used to
"ele!or" a party Jas des"ribed abo(eK& note that the "ele!or" .i"hou" error spell has a
"astin time o- 3/ Sin"e the .ish has a more po#er-ul e--e"t& a "astin time o- 6 or 9 -or a
teleportin .ish is appropriate/ When in doubt& use the "astin times -or other 4th<le(el
spells as uidelines& or use a "astin time o- 3 round/
Area of Effect In most "ases& "ommon sense #ill determine the area o- e--e"t/
Eor instan"e& i- a .ish is to be used to heal damae& the a--e"ted persons should be #ithin
siht o- the "aster/ The D? "an be reasonably enerous #ith areas o- e--e"t/ I- the "aster
.ishes -or 9&555 p to be deposited in a "hest 3&555 miles a#ay& that is #ithin reason/ $s
an e7ample o- ho# all o- these elements miht be determined& imaine that the #izard
.ishes to "ele!or" himsel- and his party to the #izard's home to#n/ The D? determines
the elements o- the spell as -ollo#s!
'erbal Component! Speak the name o- the desired lo"ation/
Duration! Instantaneous/
Castin Time! 3 round/
$rea o- E--e"t! $ll "hara"ters #ithin a 25<yard radius o- the "aster/
+ore A,o(t A"7("icatin* :ll(sions
Whether an 0PC is able to disbelie(e a PC #izard's illusion or #hether a PC is
able to disbelie(e an 0PC illusion is ultimately up to the D?/ The D? should allo# a
sa(in thro# aainst an illusion i- the subAe"t has any reason at all to doubt the e7isten"e
o- #hat he is e7perien"in/ To a""ount -or the deree o- realism in a i(en illusion& as
#ell as any in-ormation a(ailable to the subAe"t about the per"ei(ed illusion& the D?
should modi-y the subAe"t's sa(in thro#s #ith appropriate bonuses and penalties/
Ho# does a D? make these de"isions@ There are a number o- -a"tors that "an be
"onsidered to help determine bonuses and penalties -or sa(in thro#s/ It's unrealisti" to
e7pe"t the D? to meti"ulously e(aluate e(ery aspe"t o- an illusion be-ore he de"ides on
the modi-iers& but the -ollo#in "an be used as eneral uidelines
Comple=ity33Non34i9in* O,7ects
The most important element in determinin an illusion's belie(ability is its
"omple7ity/ The more "omple7 the illusion& the more di--i"ult it is -or the "aster to et all
the details riht& and the more likely it is -or a subAe"t to noti"e a mistake/ There are more
details to a -ire<breathin draon than there are to a stationary boulder& so it is no surprise
that a subAe"t #ould be more likely to disbelie(e the illusionary draon than he #ould the
illusionary ro"k/
$n illusion "an be a re<"reation o- a non<li(in JinanimateK or a li(in JanimateK
obAe"t/ These need to be treated in di--erent #ays/
In eneral& the "omple7ity o- non<li(in obAe"ts depends on size Ja pebble (s/ a
boulderK& number Ja sinle boulder (s/ a dozen boulders s"attered o(er an areaK& and
appearan"e Ja smooth ray boulder (s/ a sparklin& multi<"olored emK/ E7ternal -or"es
a--e"tin the obAe"t also a--e"t its "omple7ity J#ind blo#in pebbles alon the round or
an a(alan"he o- boulders tumblin do#n a hillK/
I- the illusion has an e7"essi(e number o- sensory elements& the subAe"t's sa(in
thro# may re"ei(e a positi(e modi-ier/ What "onstitutes an e7"essi(e number o-
elements@ $ sinle "olor or te7ture J-or instan"e& a smooth ray boulderK is not e7"essi(e/
?ultiple "olors and te7tures Ja pile o- (arious types o- ems or mineralsK or se(eral
di--erent sensory elements Ja -ield o- (ariously "olored -lo#ers that ha(e a (ariety o-
-raran"esK "ould be "onsidered e7"essi(e& as "ould the illusion o- motion& su"h as
boulders tumblin do#n a hill/
These -a"tors are not ne"essarily "umulati(eL in -a"t& only in the most e7"eptional
"ases #ould an illusion o- non<li(in obAe"ts result in a sa(in thro# modi-ier o- more
than M2/
$n illusion o- a sinle blue diamond/ Sa(in thro# modi-ier! 5/ 0othin about this
illusion is parti"ularly di--i"ult sin"e it is a sinle& stationary item/
$n illusion o- ten thousand sparklin blue diamonds tumblin in an a(alan"he do#n a
hillside/ Sa(in thro#! M2/ There are a lare number o- items& they're sparklin&
and they're in motion/ The "omparati(ely hih sa(in thro# bonus is also Austi-ied
by the e7tremely unusual e--e"t<<a "hara"ter miht a""ept an a(alan"he o-
boulders& but an a(alan"he o- diamonds is likely to arouse suspi"ion/
Comple=ity334i9in* O,7ects
*enerally& the hiher the Hit Di"e or le(el o- the illusionary "reature& the more
"omple7 it is to "on(in"inly "reate and the more likely it is -or a subAe"t to disbelie(e/
$n illusion o- an ant is easier to "reate than the illusion o- a draon/ This also applies to
illusionary 0PCs<<a 39th<le(el #arrior is harder to "reate than a peasant #ith ; hit points/
Similarly& the more "reatures in"luded in the illusion& the harder it is to "reateL an illusion
o- 25 peasants #ould be more di--i"ult than a sinle peasant/
Illusions o- a"ti(e "reatures are more di--i"ult to "reate than illusions o- relati(ely
ina"ti(e "reatures/ I- the illusionary "reature is e7e"utin a simple a"tion& su"h as
standin still& polishin its s#ord& or razin in the rass& no spe"ial modi-ier -or the
subAe"t's sa(in thro# may be reCuired/ Ho#e(er& i- the illusionary "reature is e7e"utin
a "omple7 series o- a"tions& su"h as sinin a son #hile dan"in and Aulin& or
atta"kin #ith t#o #eapons #hile shoutin a #ar "ry& a modi-ier may be in order/
I- the illusionary "reature is a eneri" monster or 0PC<<that is& it is a Itypi"alI or"
or 0PC #arrior<<there is no need -or a spe"ial modi-ier -or the subAe"t's sa(in thro#/
Ho#e(er& i- the illusionary "reature is a spe"i-i"& one<o-<a<kind monster or 0PC that the
subAe"t is -amiliar #ith<<su"h as a -riend o- the subAe"t& or the subAe"t's pet do<<the
subAe"t should re"ei(e a spe"ial modi-ier/
$s #ith the modi-iers -or inanimate obAe"ts& these -a"tors are not ne"essarily
"umulati(e/ +nly in e7"eptional "ases #ould an illusion result in a sa(in thro# modi-ier
o- more than M;/
$n illusion o- a sinle or" standin still& polishin his s#ord/ Sa(in thro# modi-ier!
5/ 0othin is parti"ularly di--i"ult about "reatin an illusion o- a sinle& lo# HD
"reature enaed in a relati(ely simple a"tion/
$n illusion o- ,in Sluz& the -amous or" ruler& brandishin his -i(e<proned trident&
s"ree"hin a #ar "ry& and leadin a sCuad o- si7 snarlin or" soldiers/ Sa(in thro#
modi-ier! M;/ The modi-ier assumes the subAe"t is -amiliar #ith ,in Sluz/ Castin
a belie(able illusion o- a #ell<kno#n 0PC is al#ays e7tremely di--i"ult&
parti"ularly #hen he is e7e"utin a "omple7 a"tion and is a""ompanied by other
+a*ical Effects an" Special Attac$s
?ai" is "ommon in most $D1DH "ampain #orlds& so opponents are not
ne"essarily suspi"ious o- e7traordinary e--e"ts that appear to de-y natural la#s/ Ho#e(er&
in "ertain instan"es& illusions that in"orporate mai"al e--e"ts or spe"ial atta"ks #ill
reCuire sa(in thro# modi-iers/ In eneral& a #izard "annot "reate e7"essi(ely bizarre
mai"al e--e"ts in his illusion #ithout arousin the suspi"ion o- the subAe"t& addin a
sa(in thro# modi-ier o- as mu"h as M2/
$n illusion o- a pile o- sti"ks that abruptly bursts into -lames/ Sa(in thro# modi-ier!
5/ This is not an unusual mai"al e--e"t/
$n illusion o- a pile o- sti"ks that bursts into reen -lamesL the -lames then "hane into
a miniature repli"a o- a purple "astle #ith -ro's lesL the "astle tap dan"es& and
-inally turns into a pumpkin #ith the subAe"t's -a"e be-ore disappearin in a pu-- o-
pink smoke& and the sti"ks are unburned/ Sa(in thro# modi-ier! M2/ This is
do#nriht bizarre& easily Austi-yin the hiher modi-ier/
Illusions are seldom per-e"t& and #ary subAe"ts #ill al#ays be alerted to an
imae's illusionary nature by its imper-e"tions/ Eor instan"e& i- a #izard uses a spell su"h
as !han"asal (or'e to "reate an illusionary "reature& the "reature miht la"k one or more
ob(ious sensory elements& su"h as sound& aroma& or body temperature& #hi"h "an be a
dead i(ea#ay that the "reature is only an illusion/ In e7treme "ases& the subAe"t's sa(in
thro# "an be modi-ied by as mu"h as M6/ I- the #izard is usin a better spell& su"h as
impro(ed !han"asal (or'e& any sensory elements la"kin in the illusion #ill not be as
ob(ious& and the subAe"t's sa(in thro# rarely #ill be modi-ied by more than M2/
$n illusion o- a bee/ Sa(in thro# modi-ier! M3 J!han"asal (or'eK& 5 Ji!ro)ed
!han"asal (or'eK / The illusionary bee #on't buzz in a lo#er<le(el illusion& but it
#ill in the hiher<le(el spell/
$n illusion o- a hissin -ire lizard "o(ered #ith -ilth/ Sa(in thro# modi-ier! M6
J!han"asal (or'eK& M3 Ji!ro)ed !han"asal (or'eK/ The lo#er<le(el illusion
#on't be able to dupli"ate the lizard's hiss& body heat& or the smell o- the -ilth/ The
hiher<le(el spell #ill do a better Aob& but the modi-ier assumes that at least one o-
these elements is imper-e"t or missin/
Re9eale" :ll(sions
$s e7plained on pae =6 o- the Player's Handbook& i- one subAe"t su""ess-ully
disbelie(es an illusion and in-orms another subAe"t o- the illusion& the se"ond subAe"t
re"ei(es a modi-ier to his sa(in thro#/ The amount o- this modi-ier depends on the
reliability o- the in-ormant and the manitude o- the illusion/ I- the in-ormant in
unreliable and the illusion is -ormidable J-or instan"e& an illusion o- a deadly monsterK&
the subAe"t miht inore the in-ormant entirelyL in this "ase& no spe"ial sa(in thro#
modi-ier applies/ I- the in-ormant is reliable Jthe subAe"t's "ommander or -riendK& and the
illusion is relati(ely minor Jsu"h as the imae o- a small -ireK& the subAe"t's sa(in thro#
"an be modi-ied by as mu"h as M6
It makes sense that a hihly intellient #izard #ould be able to "reate more
e--e"ti(e illusions/ It also makes sense that subAe"ts #ith lo# intellien"e #ould be less
likely to disbelie(e an illusion/ There-ore& i- the "aster's Intellien"e is e7"eptionally hih
J3= or moreK& the subAe"t's sa(in thro# miht be modi-ied by <3/ I- the subAe"t's
Intellien"e is e7"eptionally lo# J8 or lessK& his sa(in thro# miht be modi-ied by <3/ $
<2 modi-ier is possible i- both the "aster's Intellien"e is hih and the subAe"t's
Intellien"e is lo#/
Remember also that "hara"ters #ith e7"eptionally hih Intellien"e are
automati"ally immune to lo#<le(el illusions/ These immunities are summarized on Table
6 o- the Player's Handbook/
The :ll(sion3Castin* S(,7ect
Chara"ters and "reatures #ho "an "ast illusions themsel(es are mu"h harder to
-ool/ I- the subAe"t is an illusionist 0PC or a "reature #ith illusion<"astin abilities& he
re"ei(es a M3 bonus to his sa(in thro#
S(mmary of +o"ifiers
Eor Cui"k re-eren"e& Table 36 summarizes all o- the situations des"ribed abo(e&
i(in a rane o- possible modi-iers to the subAe"t's sa(in thro#/ $ain& these are
suestions only& not hard and -ast rules& and the D? is -ree to tinker #ith them as he
sees -it/ These modi-iers are not ne"essarily "umulati(eL in -a"t& modi-yin any sa(in
thro# -or disbelie(in illusions by M6 is unusual& #hile modi-yin a thro# by M: Jor
moreK should o""ur only in the most e7"eptional "ir"umstan"es
Ta,le 5? S(mmary of !ossi,le +o"ifiers for Sa9in* Thro&s 9s0 :ll(sions
2actors of Ran*e for
Illusion SubAe"t
Comple7ity Juse one
o- the -ollo#inK!
0on<li(in 5 to M2
)i(in 5 to M;
?ai"al e--e"ts 5 to M2
Ela#s Juse one o- the
!han"asal (or'e
or similar spell 5 to M2
i!ro)ed !han"asal
(or'e or similar spell 5 to M6
Intellien"e o- "aster
and subAe"t <2 to 5
Illusion<"astin subAe"t M3 to 5
Spell Resear"h
Wizards "an resear"h ne# spells by -ollo#in the rules on paes 6;<66 o- the
Dun%eon Mas"er's Guide5 ?ost o- the details are le-t to the D? so he "an "ustomize spell
resear"h a""ordin to the needs o- his "ampain/ I- a D? is ha(in trouble de(isin a
useable system or is not e7a"tly sure ho# to pro"eed& some suested rules are i(en
belo#/ These rules apply to resear"hin ne# spellsL rules -or resear"hin e7istin spells
"an be -ound at the end o- this se"tion/ $ain& all o- these rules are optional<<the D? "an
make any adAustments or additions that seem reasonable to him
De-inin a 0e# Spell
The -irst step in resear"hin a spell is de-inin e7a"tly #hat the spell is intended
to a""omplish/ The player beins by makin a rouh dra-t o- the proposed spell&
in"ludin its e--e"ts& s"hool& rane& duration& and area o- e--e"t/ The D? #ill then adAust
these elements& makin sure the proposed spell does not dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- an
e7istin spell& or is not a minor (ariation o- an e7istin spell/ The D?& #orkin #ith the
player& #ill establish the spell's "astin time& sa(in thro#& and& most importantly& its
le(el/ JEor help #ith determinin the elements o- a ne# spell& see the Spells se"tion in
Chapter 2/K
E(ery proposed spell is not automati"ally a""eptable/ The D? "an (eto a
proposed spell -or any o- the -ollo#in reasons!
The player "hara"ter already kno#s the ma7imum number o- spells o- the proposed
spell's le(el/ JThis is allo#able i- the optional Resear"hin E7tra Wizard Spells
rule on pae 66 o- the DMG is bein used/K
The proposed spell is not o- a le(el allo#ed by the player "hara"ter's Intellien"e& as
per Table 6 o- the Player's Handbook/ JEor instan"e& a #izard #ith an Intellien"e
o- 4 "annot "ast 6th<le(el spells/ There-ore& he "annot resear"h them/K
The proposed spell belons to a s"hool in opposition to the player "hara"ter's s"hool/
The player proposes to resear"h a spell o- 35th<le(el or hiher/ J0o spell "an e7"eed
4th< le(el/K
Spell Components
I- the D? is usin the optional rules -or spell "omponents Jpae 66 o- the
Dun%eon Mas"er's GuideK& the "omponents -or the proposed spell should be established
be-ore the resear"h beins/ I- the spell is o- a relati(ely lo# le(el& the "omponents should
be -airly simple& but hiher<le(el spells miht reCuire unusually obs"ure "omponents&
su"h as the "loak o- a spe"tre& the -reshly<"lipped toenail o- a troll& or a hand-ul o- dust
-rom the $byss/ JThe Cuest -or a needed "omponent makes -or an e7"ellent ad(enture
sprinboard/K In any "ase& the #izard must ha(e all ne"essary "omponents in hand be-ore
he "an bein his resear"h
Cost o- Resear"h
Pae 66 o- the DMG i(es a eneral rane o- "osts -or resear"hin ne# spells
J355<3&555 p per spell le(el& plus 3&555<35&555 p -or a laboratoryK/ Eollo#in is an
alternate #ay to establish resear"h "osts/
There are t#o "ateories o- e7penses reCuired -or resear"h! the %asi" In(estment&
and the +perational Cost/
The %asi" In(estment is a one<time e7penditure& representin the -unds spent to
buy the s"rolls and books needed& as #ell as the -unds ne"essary to assemble a suitable
The library "osts -or ea"h spell le(el are summarized in Table 39/ There are t#o
#ays a #izard "an a(oid the %asi" In(estment -or a library/
3/ The #izard already has a suitable library o- his o#n Jsee the Wizard's )ibrary
se"tion belo#K/
2/ The #izard has a""ess to a lare library& su"h as those e7istin in maAor "ities or
in a"ademies o- mai"/ JThe D? de"ides i- a library o- a""eptable size is a(ailable to the
The %asi" In(estment -or a laboratory is 3&555<:&555 J3d: 7 3555K p/ The D?
determines the "ost o- the laboratory& either by rollin randomly or settin a spe"i-i"
pri"e/ $s #ith the library& there are t#o #ays a #izard "an a(oid payin the %asi"
In(estment -or a laboratory!
3/ The #izard has pur"hased a laboratory pre(iously/ +n"e a #izard pur"hases a
lab& it be"omes a permanent part o- his possessions/ He ne(er has to buy another one
unless& o- "ourse& it ble# up in a lab a""ident or is other#ise destroyed/
2/ The #izard has a""ess to a laboratory in a maAor "ity or at a mai"al a"ademy/
$ "ity or a"ademy that has a suitable library #ill usually ha(e a suitable laboratory& but
the de"ision belons to the D?/ The D? miht also reCuire the #izard to pay a modest
#eekly rental -ee<<say& 25<325 J2d: 7 35K p<<-or the use o- the lab/
The +perational Cost is an onoin e7pense ne"essary to sustain the resear"h/ The
+perational Cost must be paid e(ery #eek and mainly represents the pri"e o- additional
books& supplies& and s"rolls/ The #eekly +perational Cost is eCual to 255<3&255 J2d: 7
355K p/ The D? determines the +perational Cost& either by rollin randomly or
"hoosin a -i7ed pri"e/ There is no #ay -or a #izard to a(oid payin the #eekly
+perational Cost
The Wizard's )ibrary
%e-ore a #izard "an bein resear"h on any spell& he must ha(e a sizeable library
o- ar"ane books and s"rolls/ The size o- the library is e7pressed in terms o- its (alue/ The
(alue o- the library ne"essary -or ea"h spell le(el is summarized in Table 39
Table 39! )ibrary 'alues 0e"essary -or Spell Resear"h
G! Val(e Can Research
o- )ibrary Spells o- This

2&555 3st
6&555 2nd
=&555 ;rd
36&555 6th
22&555 9th
;2&555 :th
66&555 8th
9=&555 =th
86&555 4th
Eor instan"e& be-ore a #izard "an bein resear"hin a 6th<le(el spell& he must
ha(e a""ess to a library #orth at least 36&555 p/ I- he has no books at all in his library
Jperhaps be"ause he has ne(er resear"hed a spell be-oreK& he must spend 36&555 p on
books be-ore he "an bein/ I- he has a library o- lesser (alue J-or instan"e& i- his library is
#orth 6&555 pK& he must spend #hate(er money is ne"essary to in"rease the (alue o- his
library to the appropriate le(el/ JI- he has a 6&555 p library& he must spend an additional
35&555 p be-ore he "an resear"h a 6th<le(el spell/K
Eor the most part& books that are suitable -or resear"h are hard to -ind/ I- a #izard
is assemblin his library prior to resear"h& assume that it takes 9<35 J3d: M 6K #eeks o-
sear"hin to lo"ate 3&555 p #orth o- books/
%ooks "an sometimes be pur"hased in the bookshops o- any maAor "ity or -rom
0PC book "olle"tors/ $ -ortunate #izard may stumble upon su"h books durin his
ad(entures and keep them as he #ould any other dis"o(ered treasureL these books& o-
"ourse& don't "ost him any money/ The Cuest -or a parti"ular book "an be the basis -or an
entire ad(enture/ JThe D? determines the (alue o- any dis"o(ered books/K
Eor the purposes o- spell resear"h& #hether a library is o- suitable size depends on
its (alue& not its a"tual number o- books/ Ho#e(er& as a point o- interest& assume that the
"ost o- a sinle resear"h book (aries bet#een 355<3&555 J3d35 7 355K p/ There-ore& a
library suitable -or resear"hin 6th<le(el spells is (alued at 36&555 p and "ontains 36<
365 books/
+n"e a #izard has assembled a library o- su--i"ient (alue& he "an bein resear"h&
but he still must pay the #eekly +perational Costs/ The +perational Costs "orrespond to
the pur"hase o- additional books and supplies/ Hal- these +perational Costs "an be
"onsidered to be ne# tomes/ There-ore& o(er the "ourse o- his resear"h& the #izard's
library #ill in"rease in (alue/ Eor instan"e& assume that a #izard #ith a 36&555 p library
has a #eekly +perational Cost o- 655 p to resear"h a 6th<le(el spell/ $-ter he has
resear"hed -or -our #eeks& he'll ha(e spent a total o- 3&:55 p in +perational Costs and
his library #ill ha(e in"reased in (alue =55 p/ J%uyin books #ith +perational Cost
-unds is assumed to be part o- the resear"h pro"ess and reCuires no e7tra time/K
$s his resear"h proresses& a #izard "an opt to spend more than the minimum
amount o- money reCuired -or his +perational Costs in order to buy additional books to
in"rease his "han"es o- su""ess-ully resear"hin his spell/ The e--e"ts o- these additional
e7penditures are e7plained in the Resear"h Time and Chan"e o- Su""ess se"tion belo#/
When a #izard spends money on library books& #hether spent as part o- the %asi"
In(estment or as +perational Costs& the books then be"ome part o- his permanent library/
There-ore& on"e he has assembled a library (alued at 36&555 p& he #ill ne(er need to
make another %asi" In(estment in library books #hen he #ants to resear"h 6th<le(el
spells/ +n"e he has assembled a library (alued at 86&555 p& he "an resear"h spells o- any
le(el #ithout e(er makin another %asi" In(estment in books/ Clearly& a #izard's library
is one o- his most pre"ious possessions/ The prudent #izard #ill o to reat lenths to
keep his library sa-e and prote"ted/
Initial Preparation
$-ter the %asi" In(estment is made Jor a(oided& i- the #izard already o#ns or has
a""ess to a suitable libraryK& the #izard must spend preparation time be-ore the a"tual
resear"h beins/ This initial preparation in(ol(es basi" readin and re(ie#in o- notesL in
addition& the #izard must prepare himsel- mentally and physi"ally -or the ruelin task
ahead/ This initial preparation lasts a number o- #eeks eCual to the le(el o- the proposed
spell& plus one/ There-ore& a #izard attemptin to resear"h a 9th<le(el spell must spend
si7 #eeks in initial preparation
Resear"h Time and Chan"e o- Su""ess
$""ordin to pae 66 o- the Dun%eon Mas"er's Guide& a #izard "an "he"k to see
i- he has su""ess-ully resear"hed a spell a-ter he has spent the minimum number o- #eeks
reCuired in resear"h/ The su""ess "he"k is the same as his "han"e -or learnin any ne#
spell/ Thouh this is a simple& straiht-or#ard method -or "he"kin su""ess& it does not
"onsider the resear"her's e7perien"e le(el Ja more e7perien"ed #izard #ould probably be
more su""ess-ul at resear"hin spells than a less e7perien"ed #izardK or the le(el o- the
spell Ja hih<le(el spell #ould be more di--i"ult to resear"h than a lo#er<le(el spellK/ 0or
does it "onsider any e7tra -unds the #izard is #illin to in(est to in"rease his "han"es o-
Eollo#in is an alternate method o- "he"kin -or resear"h su""ess/ While more
"ompli"ated& it produ"es results that the D? miht -ind more realisti"/
The minimum amount o- time needed to resear"h a spell is t#o #eeks per spell
le(elL -or instan"e& a minimum o- eiht #eeks is reCuired to resear"h a 6th<le(el spell/
Durin this time& the #izard is porin o(er old te7ts& "ross<"he"kin re-eren"es& takin
notes& and "ondu"tin e7periments/
It is essential that the #izard is -ree -rom interruption durin his resear"h/ Sin"e
35<32 hours per day o- intensi(e study are reCuired& a #izard enaed in resear"h is
pre"luded -rom parti"ipatin in ad(entures or any other time<"onsumin a"ti(ity/ I- a
#izard's study is interrupted& the D? "an rule that the resear"h has su--ered a set<ba"k&
reCuirin an additional amount o- resear"h time be-ore su""ess "an be "he"ked/
While enaed in resear"h& the #izard must pay the reCuired +perational Cost
e(ery #eek/ I- he runs out o- -unds& he must interrupt his resear"h to earn more money
be-ore he "an resume/ $t the D?'s dis"retion& this interruption miht also reCuire that the
resear"h time be lenthened/ I- the #izard's resear"h is interrupted -or an e7tended
period<<say& a #eek or more<<the D? miht reCuire the #izard to start his resear"h all
o(er aain/ When the minimum resear"h period is o(er& the #izard "an "he"k to see i- he
has dis"o(ered his spell/ I- he -ails to dis"o(er it& he "an "ontinue #ith his resear"h and
"he"k aain e(ery #eek therea-ter/
The -ollo#in -ormula is used to "he"k -or a su""ess-ul dis"o(ery!
Su""ess "han"e N S35R Jbase "han"eK M resear"her's Intellien"e M resear"her's
e7perien"e le(elT <Jle(el o- spell bein resear"hed 7 2K
$s an e7ample& assume that a 8th<le(el #izard #ith an Intellien"e o- 35 is
resear"hin a ;rd<le(el spell/ His su""ess "han"e is eCual to 35 per"ent Jbase "han"eK M
35 Jhis Intellien"eK M 8 Jhis e7perien"e le(elK<: Jthe le(el o- the spell& multiplied by 2K/
There-ore& his "han"e o- su""ess is 23 per"ent/ I- the D? rolls 23 or less on per"entile
di"e& the #izard has learned the ne# spell and "an add it to his spell booksL the ne# spell
is then treated like a normal spell -or all purposes/ I- the #izard -ails the "he"k& he "an
"ontinue his resear"h and "he"k -or su""ess aain in another #eek/ J0ote that this "han"e
o- su""ess is some#hat lo#er than it #ould be i- the #izard #ere tryin to learn an
e7istin spell/ %ut this is loi"al sin"e the un"ertain nature o- a ne# spell makes learnin
more di--i"ult/K
The #izard "an in"rease his "han"e o- su""ess by spendin more than the reCuired
amount o- money -or his #eekly +perational Costs/ Eor e(ery e7tra 2&555 p he spends
per #eek Jthis is in addition to his #eekly +perational CostsK& his base "han"e in"reases
by 35 per"ent/ The base "han"e o- 35 per"ent "an be in"reased to a ma7imum o- 95
per"ent in this #ay Jthe #izard "an spend as mu"h as =&555 e7tra p per #eekK/ In our
e7ample abo(e& i- the #izard had spent an e7tra =&555 p& his "han"e o- su""ess #ould
ha(e been :3 per"ent J95 M 35 M 8<:K/ The e7tra e7penditure applies to the "urrent #eek
only<<i- he #ants to in"rease his "han"e aain ne7t #eek& he'll ha(e to spend e7tra money
E7ample o- Resear"h
Eollo#in is a step<by<step e7ample o- spell resear"h/ In this e7ample& an =th<
le(el #izard #ith an Intellien"e o- 32 is attemptin to resear"h a ;rd<le(el spell/ This is
his -irst attempt at resear"hin a spell/ He has no library or laboratory& but he has plenty
o- money/ The D? has de"ided that no spe"ial "omponents are ne"essary to resear"h this
3/ The #izard has no lab& so the D? determines that the #izard must spend 3&555
p to establish a suitable lab/
2/ The #izard has no library& so he spends =&555 p o(er the ne7t eiht #eeks
lo"atin the appropriate books/ JThe #izard must ha(e an =&555 p library to resear"h a
;rd<le(el spell/K
;/ The D? establishes the +peratin Costs to resear"h this spell at 955 p per
6/ The #izard spends -our #eeks o- preparation time be-ore beinnin his
resear"h/ JThe preparation time is the number o- #eeks eCual to the le(el o- the spell plus
9/ The #izard beins his resear"h/ He spends si7 "onse"uti(e& uninterrupted
#eeks in resear"h& the minimum number reCuired to resear"h a ;rd<le(el spell/ Durin
this period& he in(ests ;&555 p in +peratin Costs J955 p -or si7 #eeksK/ $t the end o-
si7 #eeks& he's ready to "he"k #hether his resear"h has been su""ess-ul/ 0ote that the
(alue o- his library has ro#n to 4&955 p durin this period/
:/ The D? determines that the #izard's "han"e o- su""ess is eCual to 35 Jthe base
"han"eK M 32 Jthe #izard's Intellien"eK M = Jthe #izard's le(elK<: Jthe le(el o- the spell&
multiplied by 2K& #hi"h is 26 per"ent/ The D? rolls per"entile di"e& and the result is ::/
The "he"k -ails/ JI- the #izard i(es up at this point& he #on't be able to learn the
proposed spell unless he starts -rom s"rat"h at some point in the -utureL in the meantime&
he "an "onsole himsel- #ith the -a"t that he has a"Cuired a ni"e library/K
8/ The #izard "ontinues his resear"h -or another #eek/ He spends the reCuired
955 p -or his +peratin Costs& but also spends an additional 6&555 p to raise his su""ess
"han"e by 25 per"ent Jthe "ost is 2&555 p per 35 per"ent boostK/ The in"reased
in(estment a--e"ts the per"entae "han"e -or this #eek only/
=/ $t the end o- the #eek& the D? "he"ks aain to see i- the #izard has been
su""ess-ul/ This time& the #izard's "han"e o- su""ess is 66 per"ent Jthe 25 per"ent
in"rease represents the additional in(estment o- 6&555 pK/ The roll is ;6& so the #izard is
su""ess-ul<<he "an add the ne# spell to his spell book/
I- the "he"k had -ailed aain& the #izard "ould "ontinue the resear"h -or as many
#eeks as he is #illin& until either his patien"e or his money run out/ He must pay the
+perational Costs ea"h #eek/
Resear"hin E7istin Spells
In addition to resear"hin ne# spells& a #izard "an resear"h e7istin spells Jthose
listed in the Player's Handbook and<<i- the D? allo#s them<<the ne# spells -rom Chapter
= o- this bookK/ Sin"e it makes sense that in-ormation about e7istin spells is easier to
-ind than in-ormation about spells that do not yet e7ist& it is easier -or a #izard to resear"h
To a""ount -or this di--eren"e& make the -ollo#in adAustments in the abo(e
pro"edures #hen a #izard is resear"hin an e7istin spell!
3/ The +perational Cost is redu"ed to 355<:55 J3d: 7 355K p per #eek/
2/ The base "han"e o- su""ess is in"reased -rom 35 per"ent to ;5 per"ent/
The lab "osts& library "osts& preparation time& and minimum number o- #eeks -or
resear"hin e7istin spells are the same as resear"h o- ne# spells/ The "ost o- in"reasin
the base "han"e is also the same J2&555 p per 35 per"ent in"reaseK& as is the total amount
that "an be spent J=&555 pK/ 0oti"e& ho#e(er& that spendin the =&555 p ma7imum
in"reases the base "han"e to 85 per"ent J25 points hiher than the 95 per"ent limit #hen
resear"hin ne# spells/K
)imitin the Su""ess Chan"e
0oti"e that a #izard's "han"e o- su""ess-ully resear"hin a spell "ould e7"eed 355
per"ent& parti"ularly #hen a hih<le(el #izard is resear"hin an e7istin lo#<le(el spell/
$lthouh automati" su""ess is "ertainly in the spirit o- the ame Ja""ordin to Table 6 o-
the Player's Handbook& all #izards o- 34th le(el and abo(e ha(e a 355 per"ent "han"e o-
learnin ne# spellsK& some D?s miht pre-er to eliminate any "han"e o- automati"
su""ess/ I- so& #e suest reCuirin that all #izards must roll -or su""ess& e(en i- their
"al"ulated "han"e e7"eeds 355 per"entL a roll o- 49 or hiher is treated as -ailure/
?ore $bout ?ai"al Item Resear"h
?ai"al item resear"h is dis"ussed in detail on paes =6<== o- the Dun%eon
Mas"er's Guide and needs little elaboration here/ Ho#e(er& a -e# points are #orth
)aboratories! The laboratory reCuirements -or resear"hin mai"al items are
di--erent than those -or resear"hin spells/ Spell resear"h reCuires shel(in& easels&
#ritin tools& -iles& and similar supplies& #hile item resear"h reCuires test tubes& beakers&
burners& "hemi"als& and other eCuipment/
ConseCuently& a #izard #ho in(ested in a spell resear"h laboratory #ill still need
to buy eCuipment to resear"h an item/ Eor e7ample& assume that a #izard Aust spent 9&555
p on a laboratory -or spell resear"h& and no# #ants to resear"h a ne# potion/ The basi"
"ost -or an al"hemi"al laboratory is 2&555 p Jsee pae =8 o- the DMGK/ Sin"e the 9&555
p laboratory is useless -or potion resear"h& the #izard must spend 2&555 p -or
al"hemi"al eCuipment/
)ibraries! Dust as a #izard's spell resear"h lab is relati(ely useless -or item
resear"h& so is his spell resear"h library/ Ho#e(er& a sizeable library o- mai"al tomes
probably "ontains short<"uts& hints& and -ormulas that #ill help the #izard in his item
resear"h/ $t the D?'s dis"retion& a""ess to a sizeable library Jsay& #ith a (alue o- at least
86&555 pK "an in"rease a #izard's "han"e o- su""ess by as mu"h as 35 per"ent/ $""ess to
a library doesn't "hane the amount o- time it takes to resear"h and "reate an item& nor
does it "hane the amount o- money that must be spent/
Spe"ialist %onus! I- a spe"ialist is resear"hin an item that dupli"ates an e--e"t o-
a spell -rom his s"hool& his "han"e o- su""ess "an be in"reased by as mu"h as 35 per"ent/
I- the D? uses this rule& he should also deny a spe"ialist the "han"e to resear"h an item
that dupli"ates a spell e--e"t -rom any o- the spe"ialist's oppositional s"hools/ The
resear"her's s"hool has no e--e"t on the amount o- resear"h time reCuired& nor does it
a--e"t the amount o- money that must be spent/
Chapter =! 0e# Spells
This "hapter in"ludes a (ariety o- ne# spells that "an be used to supplement the
"hoi"es pro(ided in the Player's Handbook/ These spells e7pand the options -or the
s"hools o- abAuration& di(ination& and ne"roman"y& thus makin these spe"ializations
more attra"ti(e to player "hara"ters
Spell Des"riptions
The ame statisti"s listed -or the spells belo# -ollo# the uidelines on pae 324
o- the Player's Handbook/ $ll o- these spells are a"Cuired& memorized& and re"orded in
spell books as des"ribed on pae 63 o- the Dun%eon Mas"er's Guide and pae =3 o- the
Player's Handbook/
Spell Components
?aterial Components
In a""ordan"e #ith the listins in the Player's Handbook& material "omponents are
i(en belo# -or the spells that reCuire them/ The D? must de"ide the pre"ise amounts o-
these materials& as #ell as any other details about them/ Eor instan"e& 'olor s!ray reCuires
a Ipin"hI o- "olored sand<<the D? de"ides #hat e7a"tly "onstitutes a Ipin"h/I )ike#ise&
dan'in% li%h"s reCuires a lo##orm<<must the lo##orm be ali(e& or "an it be a
preser(ed spe"imen@ )ess -ussy D?s "an allo# their #izards as mu"h latitude as they
#ish #ith material "omponents& as lon as they meet the eneral reCuirements o- the spell
'erbal and Somati" Components
The D? makes the de"ision reardin pre"ise (erbal and somati" "omponents -or
any spell& althouh suestions -rom players should be "onsideredL spe"i-i" (erbal and
somanti" "omponents are not reCuired& but they add "olor to the ame by i(in players a
"learer idea o- e7a"tly #hat pro"edures must o""ur in order -or their PC #izards to "ast
spells/ ReCuirin spe"i-i" "omponents "an also make -or some "hallenin ame
situations/ Eor e7ample& i- a #izard is aed& he may be pre(ented -rom "astin spells
#ith spoken (erbal "omponents/ Similarly& a #izard #ith his hands bound behind him
may ha(e problems "astin a spell #hose somati" "omponent reCuires spe"i-i" hand
estures/ JSee Chapter : -or more in-ormation about impaired "asters and spell
"omponents/K 'erbal "omponents "an be sinle #ords& brie- phrases& snat"hes o- poetry&
"hants& or nonsense syllables/ They "an be spoken& #hispered& shouted& or sun/ 'erbal
"omponents "an also be roans& runts& "ouhs& #histles& or any other (o"ally<produ"ed
+-ten& the (erbal "omponent #ill relate to the e--e"t o- the spell/ Eor instan"e& the
(erbal "omponent -or (ea"her (all miht be the #hispered #ord I-loat&I #hile a lo#& eerie
moan miht #ork -or de"e'" undead/ Diension door miht be the spoken #ord Iopen&I
#hile the (erbal "omponent -or %us" o( .ind miht be a slo# e7halation o- air/ Somati"
"omponents "an be any type o- physi"al esture/ Eor some spells& merely tou"hin or
pointin at the taret or subAe"t is su--i"ient/ ?ore elaborate estures are suitable -or
hiher<le(el spells/ In many "ases& the somati" "omponent #ill relate to the spell's e--e"t/
Eor instan"e& the somati" "omponent -or audible %laer miht reCuire the "aster to put
his hand to his ear as i- he #ere listenin/ Rapidly rubbin the hands toether miht
su--i"e -or 'hill "ou'h& #hile #ilin the -iners like a spider miht ser(e as the somati"
"omponent -or .eb/
Eirst<)e(el Spells
Copy JE(o"ationK
Rane! Spe"ial
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! Instantaneous
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne obAe"t
Sa(in Thro#! Spe"ial
Co!y enables the "aster to make a per-e"t "opy o- a map& letter& or any other
#ritten or dra#n do"ument/ The "aster must ha(e a blank par"hment or a book #ith blank
paes o- su--i"ient size to hold the 'o!y/ The "aster holds the blank obAe"t o(er the obAe"t
to be "opied& then "asts the spellL the 'o!y immediately appears on the -ormerly blank
obAe"t/ The 'o!y is permanent and is a per-e"t dupli"ate o- the oriinal/
Co!y "an also be used to "opy spells -rom a ne# spell book into the "aster's spell
book& assumin the "aster's spell book is o- su--i"ient size to "ontain the ne# spells/ The
"aster must -irst roll to see i- he "an learn the ne# spellsL i- so& he "an "ast 'o!y to
instantly "opy them into his spell book/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a pie"e o- blank par"hment Jor a book
#ith blank paes& as des"ribed abo(eK& and a drop o- bla"k ink
Chromati" +rb J$lteration& E(o"ationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! Spe"ial
Castin Time! 3
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0e/
This spell "auses a 6<in"h<diameter sphere to appear in the "aster's hand/ Within
the limits des"ribed belo#& the sphere "an appear in a (ariety o- "olorsL ea"h "olor
indi"ates a di--erent spe"ial po#er/ The "aster "an hurl the sphere at an opponent up to ;5
yards a#ay& pro(idin there are no barriers bet#een the "aster and the taret/ I- the taret
is no more than 35 yards a#ay& the "aster's to hit roll is made #ith a M; bonus/ I- the
taret is 35<25 yards a#ay& the "aster's roll is made #ith a M2 bonus/ I- the taret is 25<;5
yards a#ay& the "aster's roll is made #ith a M3 bonus/
I- the 'hroa"i' orb misses its taret& it dissipates #ithout e--e"t/ I- the taret
"reature makes a su""ess-ul sa(in thro#& the "hromati" orb is also ine--e"ti(e/
+ther#ise& the "olor o- the orb determines the amount o- damae in-li"ted and its spe"ial
po#er& as summarized on Table 3:L details about the spe"ial po#ers are listed belo#/ The
"aster "an "reate a sinle orb o- any "olor listed -or his le(el or lo#erL -or instan"e& a ;rd<
le(el #izard "an "reate an orane& red& or #hite orb/ The material "omponent -or
this spell is a em o- the appropriate hue or any diamond/ The em must ha(e a (alue o-
at least 95 p/
0i%h" -rom the orb "auses the (i"tim to be"ome surrounded by liht to a radius o-
25 -eet& as i- a--e"ted by a liht spell/ The e--e"t lasts -or 3 round& durin #hi"h time the
(i"tim makes his atta"k rolls and sa(in thro#s at a <6 penalty& and his $C is penalized
by 6/
Hea" -rom the orb is intense enouh to melt 3 "ubi" yard o- i"e/ The (i"tim su--ers
a loss o- 3 point o- Strenth and 3 point o- De7terity Jor -or (i"tims #ithout these
attributes& <3 to hit and a penalty o- 3 to $CK -or 3 round/
,ire -rom the orb inites all "ombustible materials #ithin ; -eet o- the (i"tim/
6lindness -rom the orb "auses the (i"tim to be"ome blind as per the spell/ The
e--e"t lasts -or 3 roundBle(el o- the "aster/
S"inkin% 'loud -rom the orb surrounds the (i"tim in a 9<-oot<radius no7ious "loud/
The (i"tim must sa(e (s/ poison or #ill be reelin and unable to atta"k until he lea(es the
area o- the (apors/ Ma%ne"is -rom the orb has an e--e"t only i- the (i"tim is #earin
armor made -rom iron/ The iron armor be"omes mai"ally manetized -or ;<32 J;d6K
rounds/ +ther iron obAe"ts #ithin ; -eet o- the "aster #ill sti"k tiht to the manetized
armorL only dis!el a%i' or a similar spell "an release the stu"k items/ $t the end o- the
spell's duration& the stu"k items are released/
Paralysis -rom the orb "auses the (i"tim to be"ome paralyzed -or :<25 J2d= M 6K
roundsL a su""ess-ul sa(in thro# (s/ paralyzation hal(es the number o- rounds/
Pe"ri(i'a"ion -rom the orb turns the (i"tim to stone/ I- the (i"tim su""ess-ully
sa(es (s/ petri-i"ation& he a(oids turnin to stone and instead is slo#ed Jas per the spellK
-or 2<= J2d6K rounds/ Dea"h -rom the orb "auses the (i"tim to die/ I- the (i"tim
su""ess-ully sa(es/ (s death mai"& he a(oids death and instead is paralyzed -or 2<9 J3d6
M3K rounds/
Table 3:! Chromati" +rb E--e"ts
4e9el of Color of Or, )it !oints Special
Caster *enerated o- Damae Po#er
White 3<6 )iht
Red 3<: Heat
+rane3<= Eire
Gello#3<35 %lindness
*reen 3<32 Stinkin Cloud
TurCuoise 2<= ?anetism
%lue 2<3: Paralysis
'iolet slo. Petri-i"ation
%la"k !aralysis Death
Corpse 'isae JIllusion& 0e"roman"yK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! Creature tou"hed
Sa(in Thro#! 0e

This spell trans-orms the "aster's -a"e or the -a"e o- any "reature tou"hed by the
"aster into the horri-yin (isae o- a rottin "orpse/ The e--e"t o- this illusion is so
startlin that #hen it is (ie#ed by opponents& the #izard's party adds a modi-ier o- M2 to
their surprise roll/ Creatures #ith lo# Intellien"e or hiher JIntellien"e o- 9 or reaterK
and #ith 3 Hit Die or less Jor #ho are 3st le(el or lo#erK must make a su""ess-ul sa(in
thro# #hen -irst (ie#in 'or!se )isa%e or -lee in terror -or 3<6 rounds/
Cor!se )isa%e does not distinuish bet#een -riend and -oe& and all #ho (ie# it
are subAe"t to its e--e"ts/ I- the spell is "ast upon an un#illin (i"tim& the (i"tim is
allo#ed a sa(in thro# to a(oid the e--e"t/
The material "omponent is a ra or pie"e o- "loth taken -rom a "orpse/ The "loth
must be prepared by dottin it #ith paints o- assorted "olors/
Dete"t Disease JDi(inationK
Rane! 35 yards
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 3
$rea o- E--e"t! 3 "reature or obAe"t
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
De"e'" disease re(eals to the #izard #hether a subAe"t "reature or obAe"t "arries a
disease& #hether normal or mai"al/ $dditionally& there is a 35 per"ent "han"e per le(el
o- the "aster that he is able to identi-y the e7a"t type o- disease/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a t#i or small bran"h -rom any tree
Di(inin Rod JDi(ination& En"hantmentK
Rane! :5 yards
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! Spe"ial
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell enables the "aster to en"hant the bran"h o- a inko or -ruit tree to
lo"ate a "ommon item that is hidden -rom (ie#/ .nlike lo'a"e ob2e'"& the "aster does not
need to ha(e a spe"i-i" mental imae o- a parti"ular itemL rather& he only needs to state
the name o- the eneral type o- item he #ishes to lo"ate& su"h as buried treasure& edible
plants& or -resh #ater/ Ho#e(er& di)inin% rod #ill not lo"ate in(isible or mai"al items&
nor #ill it lo"ate items prote"ted by obs'ure i"e or a similar spell/
+n"e the bran"h is en"hanted& the "aster holds the bran"h #ith both hands/ I- the
desired item is #ithin the rane o- the spell& the en"hanted bran"h points in the dire"tion
o- the item and ently pulls the "aster alon/ The spell is not blo"ked by lead or any other
substan"e/ Ho#e(er& i- an impenetrable obsta"le is rea"hed& su"h as the round or a #all&
the bran"h presses aainst it and stops/ I- there is no item mat"hin the des"ription #ithin
the spell rane& the bran"h does not rea"t& althouh the "aster "an mo(e about and
"ontinue to sear"h/
The material "omponent -or this spell is the bran"h -rom a inko tree or a -ruit
tree& su"h as pea"h& apple& or lemon/ The bran"h must be shaped like the letter G& so that
the "aster "an rasp a -ork o- the bran"h in ea"h hand/
Prote"tion -rom Huner and Thirst J$bAurationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! S& ?
Duration! 3 dayBle(el
Castin Time! 3
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
When !ro"e'"ion (ro hun%er and "hirs" is "ast& the re"ipient reCuires no -ood&
#ater& or nourishment o- any kind -or the duration o- the spell/ The re"ipient "an be the
"aster or anyone he tou"hes/ Ea"h day the "aster Jor the subAe"t o- the "aster's "hoi"eK is
under the e--e"t o- the spell& he is -ully nourished as i- he had eaten and drunk normally/
$t the end o- the spell's duration& the subAe"t is no more hunry or thirsty than he #as
#hen the spell #as oriinally "ast/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a small pie"e o- dried meat and a "up
o- #ater/
Se"ond<)e(el Spells
Choke J0e"roman"y& ConAurationBSummoninK
Rane! ;5 yards
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 2
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 3B2

%y means o- 'hoke& the "aster "auses a pair o- hostly hands to appear around the
throat o- a sinle (i"tim/ The (i"tim must be a human& demihuman& or humanoid& and
must be #ithin ;5 yards o- the "aster/ The hands #ill "hoke and stranle the a--e"ted
(i"tim -or the duration o- the spellL ea"h round& the (i"tim su--ers 3<6 hit points o-
damae -rom the "hokin hands/ I- the (i"tim makes a su""ess-ul sa(in thro#& he su--ers
hal-<damae ea"h round/
Choke "an be neated by dis!el a%i' or a similar spellL the (i"tim "annot #ren"h
the ethereal hands a#ay -rom his ne"k/ The (i"tim makes all atta"k rolls at a <2 penalty
#hile a--e"ted by 'hoke/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a handker"hie- or similarly<sized pie"e o-
"loth that has been tied in a knot
Death Re"all J0e"roman"y& Di(inationK

Rane! Tou"h
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! Spe"ial
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "orpse
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell enables the "aster to (isualize the -inal minutes o- the li-e o- any
"reature or person that died #ithin the pre(ious 26 hours/ When the "aster tou"hes the
subAe"t's "orpse& the "aster oes into a tran"e/ The "aster then has a (ision o- the -inal 35
minutes o- the subAe"t's li-e as seen by the subAe"t himsel-/ The (ision ends #ith the last
s"ene the subAe"t sa# be-ore he died& at #hi"h time the "aster a#akens -rom his tran"e
and the spell is o(er/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a -rament -rom a shattered mirror
Dete"t )i-e JDi(inationK

Rane! 35 -eetBle(el
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 9 rounds
Castin Time! 2
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
%y use o- this spell& the "aster "an determine i- a "reature is ali(e& in"ludin
"reatures in a "oma or tran"e& or under the in-luen"e o- (ei%n dea"h/ $ny -orm o- mental
prote"tion pre(ents the e--e"ti(eness o- this spell& as does any thi"kness o- metal/ $n in"h
o- stone or #ood is treated as 35 -eet o- open spa"e -or the purpose o- determinin
#hether the spell -un"tions/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a holy symbol and a hair -rom the head
o- a ne#born animal
Eilter J$bAurationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 2
$rea o- E--e"t! 35<-oot radius sphere around "reature tou"hed
Sa(in thro#! 0one
This spell "reates an in(isible lobe o- prote"tion that -ilters out all no7ious
elements -rom poisonous (aporsL there-ore& a "reature prote"ted by (il"er takes no damae
and su--ers no penalties -rom poison as o- any kind& in"ludin those "reated mai"ally
Jsu"h as s"inkin% 'loudK/ The e7"eptions are poisonous (apors "reated by a draon's
breath #eapon Jsu"h as the "hlorine as o- a reen draonKL in these "ases& the "reature
prote"ted by -ilter su--ers hal-<damae/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a strand o- spider #eb and a s"rap o-
"otton "loth appro7imately one in"h sCuare
*houl Tou"h J0e"roman"yK

Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 2
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne person
Sa(in Thro#! Spe"ial
When this spell is in e--e"t& the "aster's tou"h "auses any sinle human& d#ar-&
nome& hal-<el-& or hal-lin to be"ome riid -or ;<= J3d: M2K rounds unless the (i"tim
makes a su""ess-ul sa(in thro# (s/ paralyzation/ $dditionally& the paralyzed (i"tim
e7udes a "arrion sten"h in a 35<-oot radius that "auses ret"hin and nausea/ Those #ithin
this area #ho -ail to sa(e (s/ poison #ill make their atta"ks #ith a <2 penalty until the
spell rea"hes the end o- its duration/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a small s"rap o- "loth taken -rom the
"lothin o- a houl or a pin"h o- earth -rom a houl's lair/
I"e ,ni-e JE(o"ationK
Rane! Spe"ial
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! Instantaneous
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! Spe"ial
Sa(in Thro#! 0e
This spell -ires a daer o- i"e at the taret/ The "aster makes a normal atta"k roll
as i- atta"kin #ith a missile #eapon& -a"torin in the rane -rom the atta"ker to the taret
Jthe i'e kni(e has a lon rane o- ;5 yards& a medium rane o- 25 yards& and a short rane
o- 35 yardsK/ $ su""ess-ul hit "auses 2<= J2d6K hit points o- damae/ I- the i'e kni(e
misses its taret& "onsult the rules -or renade<like missiles on paes :2<:; o- the
Dun%eon Mas"er's Guide to determine #here it lands/
When an i'e kni(e strikes a solid obAe"t or a "reature& the kni-e shatters& releasin
a #a(e o- numbin "old/ $ll "reatures #ithin a 9<-oot radius must make a su""ess-ul
sa(in thro# (s/ paralyzation or su--er 3<6 hit points o- "old damae and be"ome numb
-or 3<; rounds/ 0umbed "reatures ha(e their mo(ement rates redu"ed by hal- and their
"han"e to hit redu"ed by 2/ Pro7imity to maAor sour"es o- heat& su"h as a roarin bon-ire&
impro(es a "reature's sa(in thro# by M2/
$n i'e kni(e that misses or is lost "annot be pi"ked up by the "aster Jor anyone
elseK and thro#n aain/ I- the i'e kni(e is tou"hed& it instantly shatters& releasin a #a(e o-
"old as des"ribed abo(e/ I- a lost i'e kni(e is not tou"hed& it melts a#ay in a pool o- #ater
3 round a-ter it #as oriinally "reatedL this meltin o""urs reardless o- the
en(ironmental temperature/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a drop o- #ater -rom melted sno# and
a tiny sil(er daer/
'o"alize J$lterationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! S& ?
Duration! 9 rounds
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne spell<"astin "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell allo#s the re"ipient to "ast spells that normally reCuire a (erbal
"omponent #ithout the "aster needin to make a sound/ Su"h spells must be "ast #ithin
the duration o- the )o'ali$e spell/ This spell is also use-ul in situations #here Cuiet is
desired& or #hen the re"ipient is under the in-luen"e o- a silen"e spell/
?o'ali$e does not neate a silen"e spell& but merely o--sets it -or the purpose o-
spell "astinL i- a spell "aster under the e--e"t o- )o'ali$e "asts a spell that has some
audible e--e"t& that sound #ill be masked -or as lon as silen'e remains in -or"e/ ?o'ali$e
does not a--e"t normal (o"al "ommuni"ation/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a small olden bell #ithout a "lapper
Third<)e(el Spells
%one Club JEn"hantment& 0e"roman"yK
Rane! 5
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne bone
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
$ #izard "an use this spell to en"hant a bone& "ausin it to be"ome a mai"al
"lub/ This mai"al #eapon a"ts as a 'lub =B aainst undead& in-li"tin 9<35 J3d: M6K hit
points o- damae& and a 'lub =* aainst all other opponents& in-li"tin 2<8 J3d: M 3K hit
points o- damae/ The bone "an be -rom any animal& pro(idin the bone normally "ould
be #ielded as a "lubL -or instan"e& a human -emur "ould be en"hanted by this spell& but a
skull "ould not/ $t the end o- the spell's duration& the bone 'lub re(erts to a normal bone/
I- the pro-i"ien"y rules are bein used& "hara"ters #ith a #eapon pro-i"ien"y #ith
a "lub also ha(e a pro-ien"y #ith a bone 'lub5 Those #ieldin a bone 'lub #ithout the
"lub pro-ien"y su--er the penalties des"ribed on pae 92 o- the Player's Handbook5
The material "omponents -or this spell are an appropriately<sized bone and a
pin"h o- dirt -rom a ra(e
Delay Death JEn"hantment& 0e"roman"yK
Rane! ;5 yards
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell enables one person or "reature to postpone death/ I- delay dea"h is "ast
be-ore the indi"ated "reature or person rea"hes 5 hit points& he is able to -iht& "ast spells&
"ommuni"ate& and take all other normal a"tions until he rea"hes <35 hit points/ Ho#e(er&
-rom the time he rea"hes 5 hit points until he is redu"ed to <35 hit points& the a--e"ted
person or "reature makes all atta"k rolls and sa(in thro#s at a <2 penalty& and his
mo(ement rate is redu"ed by hal-/
When the subAe"t rea"hes <35 hit points& he is dead and delay dea"h is no loner in
e--e"t/ 0ote that the spell has a limited durationL i- the spell e7pires a-ter the a--e"ted
subAe"t has rea"hed 5 hit points but be-ore he has been redu"ed to <35 hit points& the
subAe"t dies instantly/ $ de"eased subAe"t pre(iously under the e--e"t o- delay dea"h "an
be raised normally by raise dead and similar spells/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a "hip -rom a tombstone or a sli(er o-
#ood -rom a "o--in
Ho(erin Skull JNe'roan'yK
Rane! Spe"ial
Components! '& S
Duration! 2 roundsBle(el
Castin Time! 6
$rea o- E--e"t! Spe"ial
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "reates a lo#in human skull #ith sharp -ans/ The skull ho(ers about
a -oot abo(e the "aster's shoulderL as the "aster mo(es& the skull ho(ers alon #ith him/ I-
the "aster stops mo(in and "on"entrates& he "an mentally "ommand the ho)erin% skull to
mo(e in any dire"tion #ithin a ;5< -oot radius/
The "aster "an see throuh the skull's eyes as i- they #ere his o#nL -or instan"e&
"he ho)erin% skull "ould be ordered to in(estiate a dark "a(e or peek o(er a hih #all/
$dditionally& the "aster "an order the ho)erin% skull to atta"k (i"tims #ith its razor<sharp
teeth/ I- the "aster's "on"entration is interrupted #hile "ontrollin the skull& the skull
immediately drops to the round Jbut it takes no damaeK/ I- the "aster resumes
"on"entration& he "an "ontinue to "ommand the skull/ The ho)erin% skull has the same
statisti"s as the "aster& e7"ept the skull has ; hit points and in-li"ts 3<: hit points o-
damae #ith its bite/ $tta"ks dire"ted at the skull do not harm the "aster& nor does
damae dire"ted at the "aster a--e"t the skull/
The material "omponent -or this spell is the tooth -rom a human skull/
In(isible ?ail JE(o"ation& $bAurationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! Spe"ial
Castin Time! 2
$rea o- E--e"t! The "aster
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
$ (ariation o- the aror spell& this spell enables the "aster to "o(er his body #ith
an in(isible suit o- plate mail to temporarily raise his $C to ;/ Its e--e"ts are not
"umulati(e #ith other armor or mai"al prote"tion Ja "hara"ter "annot impro(e his $C
better than ; throuh use o- this spellK& but De7terity bonuses still apply/
Eor ea"h le(el o- the "aster& the in)isible ail absorbs 3 hit point o- damae that
#ould normally hit $C ;L ho#e(er& the in)isible ail o--ers no prote"tion aainst mai"al
#eapons or atta"ks/ When the in)isible ail has absorbed as many hit points o- damae
as the #izard has le(els o- e7perien"e& the in(isible mail disappears/ The in)isible ail
does not hinder mo(ement& nor does it add #eiht or en"umbran"e/ It does not inter-ere
#ith spell "astin/
E7ample! $ #izard #ith a normal $C o- 35 has shielded himsel- #ith in)isible
ail/ The -irst opponent atta"ks #ith a normal daerL the atta"k is made aainst the $C
; o- the in)isible ail/ The atta"k is su""ess-ul& "ausin 2 hit points o- damae& but this
damae is absorbed by the in)isible ail and the #izard is unharmed/ $ se"ond atta"k is
made #ith a s.ord =*/ The in(isible armor o--ers no prote"tion aainst this mai"al
#eapon& so the atta"k is made aainst the #izard's normal $C o- 35/
The material "omponent is a small -rament o- plate mail/
Iron ?ind J$bAurationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! S& ?
Duration! 3 hour
Castin Time! ;
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
The person or "reature a--e"ted by iron ind is immune to all "harm and hold
spells -or a -ull hour/ $dditionally& he automati"ally disbelie(es all illusions "ast by ;rd<
le(el #izards Jor their eCui(alentK or lo#er/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a small "hunk o- iron ore or any small
item made o- solid iron& su"h as a nail/
Pain Tou"h JDi(inationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! ;
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
Pain "ou'h enables the "aster to tou"h an opponent in su"h a #ay as to indu"e
e7treme pain/ The spell #orks i- the "aster tou"hes any e7posed part o- an opponent's
body/ The "aster must be #ithin arm's lenth o- the opponent -or the spell to #ork/ The
spell reCuires a normal atta"k roll/
The pain "auses no damae& but -or the ne7t 3<6 rounds& the (i"tim #ill be <2 on
his "han"e to hit and his $C is #orsened by 2/ The "aster "an "ast the spell and tou"h the
(i"tim in the same round/ Pain "ou'h is only e--e"ti(e on human& demihuman& and
humanoid opponents/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a needle and the -iner -rom a s"or"hed
Snappin Teeth JConAuration& $lterationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! ;
$rea o- E--e"t! 3 "reature or obAe"t
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
%y means o- this spell& the "aster "auses a set o- teeth to appear on a person or
obAe"tL the teeth appear in the e7a"t lo"ation tou"hed by the "aster/ The sna!!in% "ee"h are
"ontained in a mouth<like ori-i"e about : in"hes in diameter and are "apable o- snappin
at (i"tims #ithin 3 -oot/ $ person or "reature #ith the sna!!in% "ee"h "an "ause them to
snap at #ill& e--e"ti(ely i(in him an e7tra atta"k per round/ $ normal atta"k roll is
made& and a su""ess-ul hit in-li"ts 3<6 hit points o- damae/ 0ote that the (i"tim must be
#ithin rane o- the teeth and that normal -a"in "onsiderations must be a""ounted -or J-or
instan"e& sna!!in% "ee"h in the ba"k o- a person's head "an only atta"k (i"tims that are
behind the personK/
Sna!!in% "ee"h "an also be pla"ed on a non<li(in obAe"t& su"h as a tree or a door/
In su"h "ases& the sna!!in% "ee"h are in(isible until they make an atta"k/ The sna!!in%
"ee"h #ill atta"k any (i"tim that "omes #ithin 3 -ootL they atta"k as a 6 HD monster& and
ea"h su""ess-ul hit "auses 3<6 hit points o- damae/ These atta"ks are automati" and are
not "ontrolled by the "aster/ $tta"ks "annot be dire"ted aainst the sna!!in% "ee"h& but
dis!el a%i' "auses them to (anish/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a tooth -rom any "arni(orous animal&
su"h as a #ol-& shark& or serpent/
Eourth<)e(el Spells
Dupli"ate JConAurationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! S& ?
Duration! 3 hourBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne obAe"t
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "reates an e7a"t "opy o- any sinle item the "aster tou"hes/ The item to
be "opied must -it inside a 25<-oot "ube/ The spell has no e--e"t on li(in "reatures&
in"ludin undead& nor #ill it "opy mai"al items/ The du!li'a"ed item is identi"al to the
oriinal in e(ery #ay<<-or instan"e& a dupli"ated s#ord "an be #ielded to in-li"t damae
as a normal s#ord<<but dete"t mai" "an re(eal its true nature and dis!el a%i' "an "ause
it to disappear/ The du!li'a"ed obAe"t e7ists -or 3 hourBle(el o- the "aster& at #hi"h time it
(anishesL !eranen'y does not a--e"t dupli"ated items/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a pin"h o- "oal dust/
Eire $ura J$bAurationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 2 roundsBle(el
Castin Time! 6
$rea o- E--e"t! Caster
Sa(in Thro#! Spe"ial
%y means o- this spell& the "aster surrounds his body #ith an aura o- mai"al
reen -ire/ The (ire aura e7tends 3 -oot -rom the "aster's body and pro(ides illumination
in a 35<-oot radius/ The (ire aura pro(ides "omplete immunity to all -orms o- -ire& both
natural and mai"alL the -lames "an be e7tinuished only by dis!el a%i' or a similar
spell/ Those tou"hin the (ire aura su--er 2<= J2d6K hit points o- damaeL additionally& i-
the tou"hed (i"tim -ails to make his sa(in thro#& his body is set a-ire #ith reen -lames/
The -lames persist -or 2<= J2d6K rounds and "an be e7tinuished only by dis!el
a%i' or a similar spell/ Ea"h round the (i"tim is enul-ed in these -lames& he su--ers an
additional 3<: hit points o- damaeL the (i"tim's atta"k rolls are made #ith a <2 penalty
durin this time/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a s"rap o- sined paper and a pie"e o-
Halo o- Eyes J$bAuration& ConAurationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 6
$rea o- E--e"t! Spe"ial
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
Halo o( eyes "reates a halo o- -un"tional eyeballs that sits atop the "aster's head&
enablin the "aster to see in all dire"tions at the same time/ $dditionally& these mai"al
eyes all ha(e in-ra(ison to a distan"e o- :5 yards/ The "aster "an see opponents on all
sides o- him& pro(idin they are not in)isible& and there-ore "an ne(er by stru"k -rom
behind or su--er a penalty -or a ba"k atta"k/ .nder normal "onditions& the "aster "annot
be surprised/ $tta"ks "annot be dire"ted aainst the mai"al eyeballs& but their (ision is
obs"ured by blindness and other mai"al and natural e--e"ts that #ould hinder the
#izard's normal siht/
The material "omponents -or this spell are the -eather o- an eale and an eyelash
-rom the "orpse o- any "reature/
+tiluke's Dispellin S"reen JE(o"ation& $bAurationK

Rane! 9 yardsBle(el
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 9
$rea o- E--e"t! 25<-oot sCuare
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "reates a shimmerin s"reen o- (iolet enery in any shape the "aster
desires/ $ny "reature passin throuh the s"reen is a--e"ted by dis!el a%i' #ith the
same le(el o- e--e"ti(eness as that spell "ast by the #izard/
The material "omponents -or this spells are a sheet o- -ine lead "rystal and a
"hysolite emstone #orth 3&555 p Jboth (anish a-ter the spell is "astK/
Wind %reath JE(o"ationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! Instantaneous
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! Cone :5 yards lon and ;5 yards #ide at the base
Sa(in Thro#! 3B2

$ (ariation o- %us" o( .ind& this spell allo#s the "aster to -ill his luns #ith air and
e7pel a po#er-ul #ind/ The strenth o- this #ind is about 9 miles per hour -or e(ery le(el
o- the "aster/ Those outside the area o- e--e"t do not noti"e the tremendous #inds& thouh
obAe"ts may be blo#n out o- the spell's area into their path/ The D? should determine the
pre"ise e--e"ts o- the .ind brea"h usin the -ollo#in parameters as uidelines/
I- the .ind brea"h is ;5<95 miles per hour& there is a 35 per"ent "han"e that small
boats "apsize& a 3 per"ent "han"e that ships "apsize& and a 35 per"ent "han"e that a man is
kno"ked do#n/ There is a 25 per"ent "han"e that bran"hes snap& liht arti"les are blo#n
a#ay& and tents and sails tear/ Creatures "auht in the "one o- the #ind breath su--er 3 hit
points o- damae -rom blo#n sand and rit/
I- the .ind brea"h is 95<85 miles per hour& there is a 85 per"ent "han"e that small
boats "apsize& a 25 per"ent "han"e that ships "apsize& and a 95 per"ent "han"e that a man
is kno"ked do#n/ Trees bend and there is a 85 per"ent "han"e that bran"hes snap& and a
25 per"ent "han"e that a trunk snaps/ ?edium<sized arti"les are blo#n a#ay& and there is
a 95 per"ent "han"e that tents and sails are torn& and a 65 per"ent "han"e that sha"ks are
blo#n do#n/ Creatures "auht in the "one o- the .ind brea"h su--er 3<6 hit points o-
damae -rom sand and rit/ Elyin "reatures are blo#n ba"k 35<65 J35d6K -eet/K
I- the .ind brea"h is 85 miles per hour or more& there is a 355 per"ent "han"e that
small boats "apsize& a 85 per"ent "han"e that ships "apsize& and a 85 per"ent "han"e that a
man is kno"ked do#n and blo#n 35<65 J35d6K -eet to su--er 3<: hit points o- damae per
35 -eet blo#n/ There is a 85 per"ent "han"e that tree trunks snap& and a 355 per"ent
"han"e that bran"hes are ripped -rom trees/ Hea(y arti"les are blo#n a#ay& medium
arti"les are ripped -rom -astenins& and tents and sails ha(e a 85 per"ent "han"e o- bein
destroyed/ There is a 25 per"ent "han"e that "ommon buildins are blo#n do#n and a :5
per"ent "han"e that sha"ks are -lattened/ Creatures "auht in the "one o- the .ind brea"h
su--er 3<= hit points o- damae -rom blo#n obAe"ts/ Elyin "reatures are blo#n ba"k 95<
355 J65M35d:K -eet/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a handmade silk -an #ith a (alue o- at
least 3 p/
Ei-th<)e(el Spells
Eor"e Shape"hane J0e"roman"yK

Rane! 35 yardsBle(el
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! Instantaneous
Castin Time! 3
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reatureBle(el
Sa(in Thro#! 3B2

With this spell& the "aster "an -or"e any shape"haner or mai"<#ielder usin any
-orm o- a sha!e'han%in% spell to instantly re(ert to his true -orm Jor his most "ommon
-ormK/ To use the spell& the "aster points at "reatures he kno#s or belie(es to be
shape"haners/ I- the "reatures are indeed shape"haners& they must make a su""ess-ul
sa(in thro# or immediately re(ert to their true -orm and su--er ;<;5 J;d35K hit points o-
damae -rom the #ra"kin pain "aused by the -or"ed "hane/ The "hane takes a -ull
round& durin #hi"h time a (i"tim "an take no other a"tions/ I- the sa(in thro# #as
su""ess-ul& the (i"tim does not "hane -orm& but still su--ers hal- damae J2d35B2K/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a hair -rom the hide o- any ly"anthrope
and a li(e butter-ly& released #hen the (erbal "omponent is uttered/
In(ulnerability to 0ormal Weapons J$bAurationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 2
$rea o- E--e"t! 9<-oot radius
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "reates an immobile& -aintly shimmerin mai"al sphere around the
"aster that "annot be penetrated by non<mai"al blunt #eapons& eded #eapons& or
missile #eapons/ The "aster "an use these #eapons -rom inside the sphere to atta"k
opponents normally/ Spells "an also be "ast throuh the sphere/ The sphere "an be
neated by dis!el a%i'/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a pie"e o- a broken non<mai"al
#eapon and a s"ale -rom a draon
,no# 'alue JDi(inationK
Rane! 35 yards
Components! '& ?
Duration! Instantaneous
Castin Time! ;
$rea o- E--e"t! 35<-oot "ube
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
<no. )alue enables the "aster to kno# the total (alue o- all "oins& ems& and
Ae#elry #ithin the area o- e--e"t& #ithin the limits that -ollo#/
The items must be "learly (isible/ They "annot be "on"ealed on people& hidden in
a "hest& or buried in the round/ The items must also be "ontained #ithin an area no
larer than a 35<-oot "ube& and this area "an be no -arther than 35 yards -rom the "aster/
Eurther& kno. )alue #ill only re(eal the (alue o- 89R o- the total number o-
obAe"ts in a treasure pile& up to a ma7imum o- 35 pie"esL the D? determines #hi"h
pie"es the spell a--e"ts& and the "aster does not kno# #hi"h parti"ular pie"es ha(e been
appraised/ The spell does not dete"t the presen"e or (alue o- mai"al items& and it inores
the (alue o- personal property& su"h as "lothin& #eapons& and other eCuipment/ <no.
)alue does not re(eal the number or nature o- any type o- hidden obAe"ts/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a "opper pie"e and a phony em
?ordenkainen's Pri(ate San"tum J$lteration& $bAurationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 hourBle(el
Castin Time! 2 turns
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne room
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
With this spell& pri(a"y is ensured in a room o- up to 3:55 sCuare -eet J65 -eet 7
65 -eet& or the eCui(alentK/ Erom the outside& the #indo#s o- the room appear to be dark
and "loudy& pre(entin those #ith normal (ision& in-ra(ision& or any other type o- (ision
-rom seein inside/ Those inside the room "an see out the #indo#s as they normally
#ould/ 0o sounds o- any kind "an es"ape -rom the room/ S"ryin attempts& su"h as ESP&
'lairaudien'e& 'lair)oyan'e& and 'rys"al balls "annot penetrate the room& and a .i$ard
eye "annot enter/ The "aster "an lea(e the room #ithout a--e"tin the spell/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a thin sheet o- lead& a pie"e o- opaCue
lass& a #ad o- "otton or "loth& and a pin"h o- po#dered "hrysolite/
?ummy Rot J0e"roman"yK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 9
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne (i"tim
Sa(in Thro#! Spe"ial
This spell allo#s the "aster to atta"k #ith a rottin tou"h similar to that o- a
mummy/ I- the "aster tou"hes a human& demihuman& or humanoid (i"tim& the (i"tim
immediately loses 2<32 J2d:K hit points and is in-e"ted #ith a rottin disease #hi"h is
-atal in 3<: months/ Eor ea"h month the rot proresses& the (i"tim permanently loses 2
points o- Charisma/ While in-e"ted& the (i"tim re"o(ers lost hit points at 35 per"ent o- his
normal rate/
The rottin disease "an be "ured only #ith a 'ure disease spellL 'ure .ounds has
no e--e"t/ $ re%enera"e spell #ill restore damae but #ill not other#ise a--e"t the "ourse
o- the disease/ I- a (i"tim makes a su""ess-ul sa(in thro#& he is not in-e"ted& but he still
su--ers 2<32 hit points o- damae/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a pie"e o- rotten -ruit and a pie"e o- a
mummy's "loth #rappin/
Rary's Telepathi" %ond JDi(ination& $lterationK
Rane! 25 yards
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 2 turns per le(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! T#o or more "reatures
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
With this spell& the "aster -orms a telepathi" bond bet#een t#o or more "reatures
#ith Intellien"e o- : or hiher/ The bond "an be established only bet#een #illin
"reatures #ho are #ithin 25 yards o- ea"h other/ The "reatures need not speak the same
lanuae to "ommuni"ate (ia the bond/ The bond "an be pla"ed upon one "reature -or
e(ery three le(els o- the "asterL there-ore& a 4th<le(el "aster "an -ore a bond amon three
"reatures/ The bonded "reatures "an remain in mental "onta"t as lon as they remain on
the same plane o- e7isten"e/ I- either "reature enters a di--erent plane& the spell is
Rary's "ele!a"hi' bond "an be "ast only on"e to a--e"t a sinle pair o- subAe"ts/
Ho#e(er& i- the "aster is able to "ast the spell t#i"e& the same subAe"ts "an be a--e"ted
aain/ E7ample! $ #izard "an "ast "ele!a"hi' bond t#i"e/ The -irst "astin links SubAe"t $
to SubAe"t %/ The se"ond "astin "an a--e"t SubAe"t $ aain& linkin him #ith SubAe"t C/
The material "omponents -or this spell are t#o pie"es o- eshellL the pie"es must
be -rom the es o- t#o di--erent spe"ies o- e<layin "reature/

Throbbin %ones J0e"roman"yK
Rane! 35 yards
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! ;
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 3B2

This spell "auses the bones o- the a--e"ted "reature to throb and pulsate inside his
body/ The spell "an be "ast upon any sinle li(in "reature or person #ithin the "aster's
rane& pro(idin the "reature has a physi"al -orm and has bones inside its bodyL -or
instan"e& "hrobbin% bones #ill not a--e"t inse"ts& hosts& or #orms/
Eor the duration o- the spell& the a--e"ted "reature's $C is #orsened by 2& its
mo(ement rate is hal(ed& and all its atta"ks are made #ith a <2 penalty/ $dditionally& it
su--ers 3<6 hit points o- damae per roundL this damae is hal(ed i- the "reature makes a
su""ess-ul sa(in thro#/ Ho#e(er& a su""ess-ul sa(in thro# has no a--e"t on the
mo(ement& atta"k& and $C penalties/
The material "omponents -or this spell are both pie"es o- a small bone that has
been snapped in hal-
Wall o- %ones JConAuration& 0e"roman"yK
Rane! :5 yards
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 turn
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! 35<-oot sCuareBle(elL4:<in"h thi"knessBle(el
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "auses a .all o( bones to erupt -rom the earth in #hate(er shape the
"aster desires #ithin the limits o- the area o- e--e"t/ The #all is a random "onstru"tion o-
bones -rom many types o- "reatures/ The #all need not be (erti"al& but it must rest upon a
-irm -oundation or it #ill "ollapse/ Sin"e the #all has many small openins and aps& it
pro(ides only 95 per"ent "o(er/ ?issiles "an easily be -ired -rom behind the #all& and
"reatures o- small size Jless than 6 -eet tallK "an #rile throuh openins in the #all at
the rate o- 35 -eet per round/ Ho#e(er& the #all has many sharp edes and "reatures
#rilin throuh it su--er 3<= hit points o- damae per 35 -eet tra(eled/
I- the spell is "ast in an area o""upied by "reatures& the .all o( bones appears
e(ery#here e7"ept #here the "reatures stand/ Creatures in the a--e"ted area su--er an
immediate 2<3: J2d=K hit points o- damae #hen the #all appears/ The #all "an be
smashed by "reatures #ieldin blunt #eapons #ith a Strenth o- 3= or reater/ E(ery 35
hit points o- damae "auses a 9 -oot 7 9 -oot 7 : in"h se"tion o- the #all to "ollapse/ The
.all o( bones is una--e"ted by ania"e dead/
The material "omponent -or this spell is the bran"h o- a #ithered tree taken -rom a
Si7th<)e(el Spells
%la"kmantle J0e"roman"y& En"hantmentK
Rane! :5 yards
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! 39<-oot radius
Sa(in Thro#! 0e
6la'kan"le "reates a shimmerin aura around all "reatures #ithin the a--e"ted
area that neates all healin and reeneration& both natural and mai"al/ Eor instan"e& a
!o"ion o( healin% has no e--e"t on a "reature under the in-luen"e o- bla'kan"le& a troll
"annot reenerate lost hit points& and 'ure li%h" .ounds is useless/
6la'kan"le is neated -or any taret "reatures #ho make su""ess-ul sa(in
thro#s/ +ther#ise& it persists -or 3 turn per le(el o- the "aster/ I- the "reatures are still
ali(e at the end o- the spell's duration& any a"ti(e "urati(e -or"es #ill operate normallyL
-or instan"e& a rin% o( re%enera"ion #ill resume its -un"tion/ Ho#e(er& "onsumin a
!o"ion o( healin% or applyin a s"a(( o( 'urin% #hile bla'kan"le is in e--e"t #ill ha(e no
a--e"t #hen bla'kan"le #ears o--& sin"e these types o- mai" #ork instantly/ In su"h
"ases& the dose o- !o"ion o( healin% and the "hare -rom a s"a(( o( 'urin% are not only
#asted& but the aura enerated by bla'kan"le a"tually neates the !o"ion o( healin% or
the s"a(( o( 'urin%& renderin it useless/ I- a !o"ion o( healin% or s"a(( o( healin% is applied
a-ter the spell #ears o--& the healin mai" #orks normally/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a small mummi-ied animal& su"h as a
mouse or a toad
Dead ?an's Eyes J0e"roman"yK
Rane! Spe"ial
Components! S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! Spe"ial
Sa(in Thro#! Spe"ial
Dead Man's Eyes "auses the #hites o- the "aster's eyes to turn bla"k and his
pupils to reshape themsel(es into small #hite skulls/ The "aster "an a--e"t one (i"tim per
round& pro(idin the (i"tim is #ithin ; -eet o- the "aster and meets his aze/ 'i"tims are
a--e"ted as -ollo#s!
'i"tims #ith 2 Hit Di"e or -e#er Jor (i"tims o- le(el 2 or lo#erK instantly die/ 0o
sa(in thro# is allo#ed/
'i"tims #ith 2M to 9 Hit Di"e Jor (i"tims o- le(el ;<9K instantly die unless they sa(e
(s/ death mai" at a <2 penalty/ Those #ho su""eed in their sa(in thro#s su--er 2<
32 J2d:K hit points/
'i"tims #ith 9M Hit Di"e or more Jor (i"tims o- le(el : or reaterK su--er 2<32 J2d:K
hit points o- damae unless they sa(e (s/ death mai"/
I- the "aster's aze is re-le"ted ba"k on him Jby a mirror& "alm #ater& et"/K& he
must make a sa(in thro# (s/ spells or su--er the same e--e"ts as a 9M Hit Di"e (i"tim/ $t
the end o- the spell's duration& there is a 9 per"ent "han"e that the "aster #ill be"ome
blind -or the ne7t 9<35 J3d: M 6 hoursK/
The material "omponents -or this spell are t#o eyeball<sized lass marbles/ The
marbles must be the same "olor as the "aster's eyes
Draon S"ales J$bAurationK
Rane! Tou"h
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! +ne "reature
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "auses the body o- the "aster Jor any sinle person or "reature tou"hed
by the "asterK to be"ome "ompletely "o(ered #ith draon s"ales& e--e"ti(ely raisin the
subAe"t's $rmor Class by 2 -or the duration o- the spellL this modi-i"ation is in addition to
the subAe"t's normal $C J-or instan"e& i- the subAe"t's $C is :& dra%on s'ales raises it to
The "olor o- the dra%on s'ales is the same as that o- the s"ale used as the spell's
material "omponentL ho#e(er& the "olor has no bearin on the e--e"t o- the spell/ Dra%on
s'ales also temporarily redu"es the subAe"t's Charisma by 2 points/
The material "omponent o- a spell is a s"ale -rom any draon/
In(ulnerability to ?ai"al Weapons J$bAurationK

Rane! 5
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! ;
$rea o- E--e"t! 9<-oot radius
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "reates an immobile& -aintly shimmerin mai"al sphere around the
"aster that "annot be penetrated by mai"al blunt& eded& or missile #eaponsL all su"h
#eapons are harmlessly de-le"ted Jmissile #eapons strike the sphere& then immediately
-all to the roundK/ Ho#e(er& the sphere o--ers no prote"tion aainst mai"ally<"reated
"reatures Jsu"h as olemsK or -rom "reatures #hose atta"ks are mai"ally based Jsu"h as
the aze o- a medusaK/ The sphere o--ers no prote"tion aainst spells su"h as a%i'
issile& or spells that simulate the e--e"ts o- #eapons/
The "aster "an use mai"al #eapons -rom inside the sphere to atta"k opponents
normally/ Spells "an also be "ast throuh the sphere/ The sphere "an be neated by dis!el
The material "omponent -or this spell is a pie"e o- a broken mai"al #eapon/
Tenta"les JConAuration& $lterationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! The "aster
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
%y means o- this spell& the "aster "auses t#o 35<-oot<lon reenish tenta"les to
ro# -rom his body/ +ne tenta"le ro#s on ea"h side o- the "aster's body& "entered
bet#een his armpit and his thih/ The "aster "an use the tenta"les as normal appendaes
to rasp tools& use #eapons& or help #ith "limbin/
Ea"h tenta"le "an make an atta"k& e--e"ti(ely i(in the "aster t#o e7tra atta"ks
per roundL a tenta"le "an strike to in-li"t 3<: hit points o- damae& or it "an #ield a s#ord&
daer& or other #eapon Jat the same ability o- the "asterK/ The -le7ible tenta"les "an
easily rea"h (i"tims on any side o- the "aster's body/
I- an unarmed tenta"le makes a su""ess-ul strike aainst a (i"tim #ho is man<
sized or smaller Jless than 8 -eet tallK& it also rabs and holds the (i"tim to in-li"t an
automati" 2<= J2d6K hit points o- damae in e(ery subseCuent round/ To -ree himsel-& the
(i"tim must se(er the tenta"leL there is no #ay to loosen the rip other than se(erin the
member& killin the "aster& or neatin the spell #ith dis!el a%i'/ $ tenta"le is se(ered i-
it takes 35 hit points o- damaeL damae dire"ted at the tenta"le has no ad(erse e--e"ts on
the "aster/
$ "aster #ith t#o inta"t "en"a'les adds a 65 per"ent bonus modi-ier to his
"limbin su""ess rate Jsee pae 322 o- the Player's Handbook& K and adds a 25 per"ent
modi-ier i- he has only one inta"t tenta"le/
The material "omponent -or this spell is a dried tenta"le -rom a small o"topus
Se(enth<)e(el Spell
Uombie Double J0e"roman"yK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 3 turn
$rea o- E--e"t! Spe"ial
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
This spell "reates a Au<Au zombie dupli"ate o- the "aster/ The $obie double has
the same memories& "ons"iousness& and alinment as the "asterL essentially& the "aster
no# e7ists in t#o bodies simultaneously/ In all other respe"ts& the $obie double is the
same as a normal Au<Au zombie J$C :L ?' 4L HD ;M32L V$T 3L Dm ;<32L S$ strike as a
: HD monsterL SD immune to all mind<a--e"tin spells& in"ludin illusionsL immune to
slee!& 'har& hold& dea"h a%i'& a%i' issiles& ele"tri"ity& poisons& and "old<based
spellsL eded and "lea(in #eapons in-li"t normal damae #hile blunt and pier"in
#eapons in-li"t hal-< damaeL mai"al and normal -ire in-li"ts hal-<damaeKL TH$C5 3:/
The $obie double "annot "ast spells& but it "an use any #eapons that the "aster
"an use/ It is also able to "limb #alls as a thie- J42 per"entK/ The $obie double "an be
turned as a spe"tre/ I- it strays more than ;5 yards -rom the "aster& the $obie double
be"omes ina"ti(e and "ollapses to the roundL it be"omes a"ti(e aain the instant the
"aster mo(es #ithin ;5 yards/
The material "omponents -or this spell are a bit o- #a7 -rom a bla"k "andle and a
lo"k o- hair -rom the "aster
Eihth<)e(el Spells
De-oliate J0e"roman"yK
Rane! ;5 yards
Components! S& ?
Duration! Spe"ial
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! 95<-oot sCuareBle(el
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
%y means o- this spell& the "aster "auses all (eetation #ithin the a--e"ted area to
#ither and die& "rumblin into bla"k ashes/ $ll (eetation is a--e"ted& -rom the tallest tree
to the tiniest blade o- rass/ Intellient plant li-e& su"h as treants& are also destroyed/ The
po#er o- a .ish or its eCui(alent is reCuired to restore the destroyed (eetationL
other#ise& nothin "an ro# in the de(olia"ed area -or a -ull year/ 0ote that sin"e
de(olia"e "auses plants to "rumble to ash& there is no daner o- a "reature bein stru"k by
a topplin treeL ho#e(er& "reatures hidin in trees #ill -ind themsel(es plummetin to the
round #hen this spell is "ast/
The material "omponents -or this spell are the petal -rom a #ithered -lo#er and a
sli(er o- "harred #ood/
Eear Ward J$bAurationK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 turnBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! 9 -oot radius
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
,ear .ard "reates an aura around the "aster that makes him immune to all -orms
o- -ear& in"ludin that "aused by draons/ $dditionally& (ear .ard prote"ts the "aster -rom
atta"ks by all -orms o- undeadL the spell is eCually e--e"ti(e aainst physi"al and mai"al
atta"ks/ Dis!el a%i' has no e--e"t on (ear .ard& but a .ish #ill neate it/
The material "omponents -or this spell are the -ans o- a spider and a hair -rom
the head o- a houl/
Shado# Eorm J0e"roman"yK
Rane! 5
Components! '& S& ?
Duration! 3 roundBle(el
Castin Time! 3 round
$rea o- E--e"t! The "aster
Sa(in Thro#! 0one
%y means o- this spell& the "aster temporarily "hanes himsel- into a shado#/ The
"aster ains the mo(ement rate& $rmor Class& hit di"e& and all abilities o- a shado#/ His
"hillin tou"h JreCuirin a normal atta"k rollK in-li"ts 2<9 J3d6M3K hit points o- damae on
his (i"tims as #ell as drainin one point o- Strenth/ )ost Strenth returns in 2<= J2d6K
turns a-ter bein tou"hed/ I- a human or demihuman (i"tim is redu"ed to 5 hit points or 5
Strenth by the "aster in shado# -orm& the (i"tim has lost all o- his li-e -or"e and is
immediately dra#n into the 0eati(e ?aterial Plane #here he #ill -ore(er a-ter e7ist as a
$ll o- the "aster's #eapons and eCuipment stay #ith him& but he is unable to use
them #hile in shado. (or/ He is also unable to "ast spells #hile in shado. (or& but he
is immune to slee!& 'har& and hold spells& and is una--e"ted by "old<based atta"ks/ He is
45 per"ent undete"table in all but the brihtest o- surroundins/ .nlike normal shado#s&
a #izard in shado# -orm "annot be turned by priests/ $t the end o- the spell's duration&
there is a 9R "han"e that the "aster #ill permanently remain as a shado#/ 0othin short
o- a .ish "an return the "aster to his normal -orm/
The material "omponents -or this spell are the shroud -rom a "orpse at least 355
years old and a bla"k lass marble/
Chapter 4! Wizardly )ists
This "hapter "ontains a potpourri o- ideas& items& and rule (ariations that "an be
in"orporated into e7istin "ampains or used as sprinboards -or ne# ad(entures
T#enty<-i(e Help-ul Eamiliars
$s e7plained in the 3st<le(el (ind (ailiar spell& summoned -amiliars are not
restri"ted to the "hoi"es listed in the spell des"ription/ To e7pand the number o-
possibilities& substitute Table 38 belo# -or the list on pae 3;6 o- the PH5 I- the -ind
-amiliar spell is su""ess-ul& the D? rolls per"entile di"e and "onsults this table to
determine the results/
$ll details o- the spell still apply as statedL i- the roll indi"ates a "reature not
"ommonly -ound in the immediate area& the D? "an roll aain or simply "hoose a more
appropriate "reature -rom the list/ The D? "an also substitute di--erent small animals
suitable to the areaL -or instan"e& the D? miht substitute a du"k -or a "ro#& a mink -or a
ra""oon& or a bluebird -or a ra(en/ JIn eneral& summoned "reatures should ha(e 3<6 hit
points and& i- able to make atta"ks& should be able to in-li"t no more than 3 or 2 hit points
o- damae per round/ $rmor Classes -or "reatures o- this size rane -rom :<=/K
Table 38! Summoned Eamiliars

d355 Roll Eamiliar
3<; %at
6<35 Cat
33<36 Chipmunk
39<3= Cro#
34<22 Do
2;<26 Eo7
29<2: *ull
28<;5 Ha#k
;3<;; Hare
;6<;8 )izard
;=<65 ?onkey
63<62 ?ouse
6;<66 +tter
69<6: +#l
68<6= Parrot
64<95 Ra""oon
93<92 Rat
9;<96 Rooster
99<98 Ra(en
9=<94 Skunk
:5<:3 Snake
:2<:; SCuirrel
:6<:: Toad
:8<85 Weasel
83<86 Wol(erine
89<55 0o -amiliar
a(ailable #ithin
spell rane
Ei(e .nusual Sour"es Eor Spells
When a #izard learns a ne# spell& he usually a"Cuires it -rom a tea"her& a
dis"o(ered spell book& another #izard& or his o#n resear"h/ %ut there are many more
#ays to learn ne# spells<<some o- the more unusual possibilities are listed belo# Jin all
"ases& the #izard must su""ess-ully learn a ne# spell on"e it is re(ealed to himK
3/ Draons
?ost draons are masters o- mai"/ $ -riendly draon miht tea"h a #izard a ne#
spell as a re#ard -or helpin him or as a bribe to lea(e him alone/
The D? should note that the mai" o- draons is sini-i"antly di--erent -rom the
mai" normally #ielded by #izards& so it is unlikely that a #izard "ould learn to "ast a
spell in the same manner as a draonL ho#e(er& a draon o- e7"eptional intellien"e
miht kno# the -ormula -or a spell useable by humans Jor kno# #here to -ind itK and
re(eal the in-ormation to a #izard
2/ ?onuments
$n"ient obelisks& monoliths& and other stru"tures are o""asionally ins"ribed #ith
the -ormulas o- spells/ )o"atin su"h a monument "an be an ad(enture in itsel-/ Eor
instan"e& a #izard #ho died thousands o- years ao may be entombed in a pyramid in the
heart o- an une7plored AunleL prior to his death& the #izard ins"ribed the -ormulas o- his
spells on the #alls o- his tomb so he "ould ha(e a""ess to them in the a-terli-e
;/ +ther Planes
The alternate planes o- e7isten"e are -illed #ith an unendin (ariety o- #eird
phenomena& strane landmarks& and bizarre entities/ $ #izard miht -ind a mai" -ormula
spelled out in iant runes stret"hed a"ross an entire plane o- the $byss/ +r he miht
stumble a"ross a horde o- ape<like "reatures in the plane o- Elysium "hantin the -ormula
o- a spell/ The inhabitants o- the elemental plane o- Eire miht kno# the se"rets o- a
(ariety o- -ire<related spells& #hile the o""upants o- the elemental plane o- Earth miht be
#illin to share the -ormulas -or earth<related spells in e7"hane -or a -a(or
6/ Summoned Creatures
$ "reature summoned as a result o- in)isible s"alker& ons"er suonin%& or a
similar spell miht neotiate -or his -reedom by o--erin to tea"h the "aster a spell or
sho# him #here to -ind a spell -ormula/ I- the summoned "reature is e7"eptionally
kno#ledeable& it miht be able to di"tate a -ormula to the #izardL it miht e(en be able
to "ause a spell -ormula to mai"ally appear in his spell book Jin #hi"h "ase& the #izard
has his normal "han"e to learn itL i- he -ails& the spell -ormula disappearsK/
9/ *ems& Crystals& and ?irrors
?ai"<usin "reatures -rom other planes o- e7isten"e sometimes use ems&
"rystals& or mirrors as substitutes -or spell books to re"ord the -ormulas o- their spells/
$lthouh #izards -rom the prime material plane are ordinarily unable to use su"h items
to re"ord their o#n spells& a D? miht allo# that a #izard "ould stumble a"ross su"h a
em or mirrorL i- the #izard studied the item& a "loud o- mist miht materialize inside it&
"ontainin the symbols o- a spell -ormula
0ine ?ai"al Items That Ha(e 0ot Get %een In(ented
I- your #izard is interested in resear"hin ne# mai"al items and is lookin -or an
unusual proAe"t& he miht "onsider one o- the "hoi"es listed belo#/ $ll o- these items
ha(e been proposed by #izards o(er the years& but none has yet been su""ess-ully
resear"hed/ The D? and the player must establish the e7a"t e--e"ts -or these items as #ell
as the details o- the resear"h/ ,eep in mind that i- the resear"h #as easy& some other
#izard #ould surely ha(e "ompleted it by no#
3/ Seeds o- Wealth
These are seeds that ro# trees that bear ems instead o- -ruit
2/ Portable %ride
This is a bride that "an be -olded up and "arried in a po"ket/ When un-olded& the
bride "an span a ri(er or "hasm #ithout the use o- pillars or other supports/ The !or"able
brid%e is as stron as a bride made o- stone
;/ Iron Heart
This is a me"hani"al heart "apable o- repla"in a damaed or ain human heart/
0o surery is reCuiredL the me"hani"al heart is merely pla"ed on the re"ipient's "hest and
it is absorbed into his body/ Presumably& the me"hani"al heart #ould in"rease the o#ner's
enduran"e and resistan"e to disease
6/ Paper o- Writin
$ny #ords that the user speaks or thinks #ill mai"ally appear in #ritin on this
9/ S"ope o- Seein
This is a portable (ie#in s"ope #ith unlimited rane/ 0o physi"al barriers blo"k
the (ie# o- a person usin the s'o!e o( seein%/ The s"ope enables the user to obser(e the
details o- the sun& the moon& and distant #orlds/ It also allo#s the user to see "ompletely
throuh the earth to obser(e lo"ations on the opposite side
:/ )iCuid Iron
When kept inside a "ontainer& this substan"e remains liCuid/ When poured -rom
the "ontainer& the liCuid turns to iron/ %e-ore the iron hardens& it "an be -ormed into any
number o- use-ul items
8/ Cold Eire
This type o- -ire looks the same as normal -ire& but it enerates no heat/ Cold -ire
#ould be use-ul -or tor"hes in "ramped Cuarters& and also #ould be a sa-e liht sour"e -or
homes& sin"e there #ould be no daner o- a""idental -ires/
=/ Dark Eire
The antithesis o- "old -ire& dark -ire enerates heat the same as normal -ire& but it
produ"es no liht/ With -lames as bla"k as shado#s& dark -ire #ould be use-ul in makin
"amp-ires -or soldiers or other tra(elers #ho did not #ish their lo"ation to be re(ealed by
briht -lames
4/ ?irror o- Re"all
Starin into this de(i"e enables the user to re"all #ith pre"ise detail any book he
has read or any siht or "on(ersation he has e(er e7perien"ed
Ei(e Debilitatin $--li"tions
Eollo#in are se(eral a--li"tions that a--e"t only #izards/ These a--li"tions "an
o""ur as a result o- a "urse& a side<e--e"t o- mai"al resear"h& or a penalty -rom a #ish/
$ssume that an a--li"tion "an strike at any time<<short o- a #ish& there is no #ay a #izard
"an ino"ulate himsel- to pre(ent the onset o- these a--li"tions/
.nlike some orani" diseases& su--erin -rom one o- these a--li"tions does not
render a "aster immune to -uture bouts #ith one o- these "onditions/ $ spell "aster #ho
sur(i(es one o- these diseases is eCually as likely to su--er the disease aain in the -uture
as a "aster #ho has ne(er "ontra"ted the disease/
The D? "an use these a--li"tions to temporarily handi"ap a po#er-ul PC #izard
or to li(en up a dreary stret"h o- a "ampain/ .nless indi"ated other#ise& all a--li"tions
"an be "ured by 'ure disease or a similar spell/ .nless the D? de"ides that a parti"ular
a--li"tion #as a result o- a mai"al atta"k or e--e"t& dis!el a%i' #ill not help/
3/ %ertrek's $mnesia
Des"ription! The #izard a--li"ted #ith %ertrek's $mnesia has trouble
rememberin all o- the details o- his memorized spells/ Dust as he attempts to "ast the
spell& he suddenly -orets a "ru"ial element o- its -ormula& and the spell -ails to #ork/ The
onset o- %ertrek's $mnesia is usually pre"eded by a day or t#o o- mild heada"hes/ The
mild heada"hes persist as lon as the #izard is a--li"ted #ith this "ondition/
Sus"eptibility! %ertrek's $mnesia "an strike any #izard& but it seems to a--e"t
#izards #ith Intellien"e s"ores o- 36 or less/
Pronosis! $ -ull day o- bed rest usually "ures this "ondition& presumin the
#izard re-rains -rom "astin spells& studyin te7ts& or enain in other strenuous mental
a"ti(ities/ Without rest& the a--li"tion "an persist inde-initely/
D?'s 0otes! When a #izard is a--li"ted #ith %ertrek's $mnesia& he must make an
Intellien"e Che"k #hen attemptin to "ast a spell/ I- the "he"k is su""ess-ul& the spell is
"ast normally/ I- he -ails the "he"k& the spell is lost in a -izzle o- useless enery and is
#iped "lean -rom the memory o- the "aster until it "an be rememorized/
$-ter e(ery -ull day o- rest& the D? rolls 3d25 to see i- the #izard is "uredL i- the
roll is less than or eCual to the #izard's Intellien"e s"ore& the #izard is "ured/ +ther#ise&
the #izard is automati"ally "ured a-ter he has been a--li"ted -or 2<= J2d6K days
2/ Chroni" In"andes"en"e
Des"ription! The #izard a--li"ted #ith "hroni" in"andes"en"e "ontinually radiates
liht -rom his body/ The lo# is briht enouh to penetrate any thi"kness o- "lothin and
e7tends to a radius o- 25 -eet/ The lo# persists reardless o- #hether the #izard is
restin& "astin spells& or per-ormin other a"tions/
The onset o- "hroni" in"andes"en"e is usually pre"eded by a day or t#o o-
sporadi" lo#in& parti"ularly #hile the #izard is asleep/
Sus"eptibility! Chroni" in"andes"en"e "an strike any #izard/
Pronosis! Darkness "ast on the a--li"ted #izard sometimes "an"els this "ondition/
Dis!el a%i' has also been kno#n to #ork/ +ther#ise& the a--li"tion usually passes
#ithin a -e# days/
D?'s 0otes! $ #izard #ith this a--li"tion lo#s as i- a--e"ted by a 3st<le(el li%h"
spell/ This does not a--e"t his ability to "ast spells& but he #ill -ind it di--i"ult to hide -rom
enemies/ Cure disease and similar spells ha(e no e--e"t on "hroni" in"andes"en"e/ I-
darkness& */' radius is "ast on the a--li"ted #izard& he "an make a sa(e (s/ mai"L i- he
-ails the "he"k& his "ondition is neated/ )ike#ise& i- he -ails a "he"k aainst dis!el
a%i'& his "ondition is "an"elled/ These spells "an only be attempted on"e ea"h on an
a--li"ted #izard/ The a--li"ted #izard "annot "ast these spells on himsel-/ I- these spells
are una(ailable& or i- he su""ess-ully sa(es in both "ases& the "ondition disappears in 3<6
;/ ConAuritis
Des"ription! $ #izard a--li"ted #ith "onAuritis produ"es bizarre and une7pe"ted
e--e"ts #hen attemptin to "ast any "onAuration or summonin spell/ .sually& there is no
#arnin o- the onset o- this a--li"tion/
Sus"eptibility! ConAurers are the most likely #izards to be a--e"ted& but any
#izard #ho kno#s one or more "onAurationBsummonin spells "an be stri"ken #ith
Pronosis! ConAuritis is di--i"ult to treat/ Dis!el a%i' has no e--e"t on "onAuritis&
nor does 'ure disease or similar spells/ Eortunately& "onAuritis e(entually "lears up a-ter
runnin its "ourse/
D?'s 0otes! When a #izard a--li"ted #ith "onAuritis attempts to "ast any
"onAurationBsummonin spell& the D? rolls 3d25 and "onsults Table 3= -or the result o-
the spell
Table 3=! ConAuritis Results
d25 Result o-
Roll ConA/ BSumm/ Spell
3 The immediate area is -illed #ith the sounds o- thunder& #hile lihtnin -lashes
o(erhead/ The thunder and lihtnin persist -or 3<6 rounds& but ha(e no e--e"ts on
the "hara"ters or their abilities/
2 $ plush toy animal 35<65 -eet hih appears in an area in -ront o- the "aster/ The
toy animal "an be a rabbit& a draon& a "o#& or any "reature o- the D?'s "hoi"e/
The toy animal "rumbles to dust immediately i- it is tou"hed or disturbed in any
; Dozens o- mushrooms o- (arious sizes suddenly pop up e(ery#here #ithin a 35<
65 -oot radius o- the "aster Jthis o""urs e(en i- the "aster is indoorsK/ Ea"h
mushroom has an imae o- the "aster's smilin -a"e on its "ap/ $s soon as any o-
the mushrooms are tou"hed& all o- them "rumble into dust/
6 The area #ithin a 35<65 -oot radius o- the "aster -ills #ith multi<"olored soap
bubbles/ +n the side o- ea"h bubble is an imae o- the "aster's smilin -a"e/
9 The temperature #ithin a 35<65 -oot radius o- the "aster suddenly rises or drops
JD?'s "hoi"eK 25 derees Eahrenheit/ The "hane persists -or 3<6 rounds& then the
area re(erts to its pre(ious temperature/
: The immediate area -ills #ith the sounds o- human shrieks and s"reams/ There is
no apparent sour"e o- the sounds/ The s"reams persist -or 3<6 rounds& then -ade
8 The "aster's -lesh turns purple Jor reen or blue or any other "olor or "ombination
o- the D?'s "hoi"eK/ The e--e"t persists -or 3<6 rounds& then the "aster's -lesh
re(erts to its normal "olor/
= The area #ithin a 95<-oot radius o- the "aster is -illed #ith a thin mist& liht reen
in "olor Jor liht purple or liht orane& or any other "olor o- the D?'s "hoi"eK/
The mist smells o- "innamon Jor mint or rotten -ish or any other aroma o- the
D?'s "hoi"eK/ The mist dissipates in 3<6 rounds/
4 The area #ithin a 95<-oot radius o- the "aster abruptly turns pit"h bla"k& as i- it
#ere a--e"ted by a darkness spell/ I- the area #as already dark& it abruptly
be"omes briht& as i- a--e"ted by a li%h" spell/ This e--e"t persists -or 3<6 rounds/
35 $n imae o- #hate(er the "aster #as attemptin to "onAure appears 35 -eet in
-ront o- the "aster& ho(ers in mid<air -or a -e# se"onds& then disappears/ I- the
"aster #as attemptin a spell that did not "onAure or summon an item or "reature&
the ho(erin imae is o- the "aster/
33<25 The "aster's spell #orks normally/
$ #izard probably #ill not kno# that he has "onAuritis until he -irst e7perien"es
an une7pe"ted result -rom a "onAurationBsummonin spellL Jthat is& #hen he -irst re"ei(es
one o- the results numbered 3<35 on Table 3=/K $-ter he e7perien"es this -irst une7pe"ted
result& there are t#o #ays he "an be "ured/
3/ $s soon as the #izard "asts t#o "onse"uti(e "onAurationBsummonin spells #ith
normal results Jthat is& the D? rolls 33<25 on Table 3=K& he is "ured o- the a--li"tion/
2/ $s soon the #izard "asts -our normal "onAurationBsummonin spells Ja result o-
33<25 on Table 3=K& he is "ured o- the a--li"tionL these spells need not be "onse"uti(e
?0 #arlo&Ds #lac$sic$ness
Description $n e7tremely danerous disease& bla"ksi"kness "auses the a--li"ted
#izard to #eaken e(ery time he attempts to "ast a ne"roman"y spell/ In e7treme "ases&
a--li"ted #izards ha(e died -rom this disease/ The a--li"tion is a""ompanied by stoma"h
"ramps& blurred (ision& and nihtmares/ Its onset is usually pre"eded by se(eral days o-
S(scepti,ility %arlo#'s bla"ksi"kness primarily a--e"ts ne"roman"ers/ It "an also
strike any #izard #ho kno#s and uses ne"roman"y spells/
!ro*nosis This is a di--i"ult a--li"tion to treat/ Stranely& the (ery a"t o- "astin
the spells asso"iated #ith the disease also seems to help "ure it/ +ther#ise& the a--li"tion
"an liner any#here -rom a -e# days to se(eral #eeks/
D+Ds Notes $ #izard a--li"ted #ith bla"ksi"kness risks su--erin damae
#hene(er he "asts a ne"roman"y spell/ When an a--li"ted #izard "asts a ne"roman"y
spell& he must make a Constitution Che"k& #ith the le(el o- the spell used as a neati(e
modi-ier/ JEor instan"e& i- the #izard has a Constitution o- 3; and "asts a 6th<le(el
ne"roman"y spell& he adds 6 to his 3d25 roll #hen he makes his Constitution Che"k/ K I-
he passes the "he"k& there are no ill e--e"ts/ I- he -ails the "he"k& he su--ers 3<6 hit points
o- damae/ Reardless o- #hether he -ails his Constitution Che"k& the spell is "ast
There are t#o additional side<e--e"ts o- bla"ksi"kness/
3/ I- the a--li"ted #izard su--ers :<35 hit points o- damae in the same day as a
result o- -ailin Constitution Che"ks reCuired -or "astin ne"roman"y spells& he #ill
e7perien"e #ra"kin nihtmares #hen he sleeps that niht/ Throuhout the -ollo#in
day& he #ill e7perien"e blurred (ision and stoma"h "ramps& and #ill make all atta"k rolls
at a <2 penalty/ Cure disease or similar spells ha(e no e--e"t on this "ondition/
2/ I- the a--li"ted #izard su--ers 33 or more hit points o- damae in the same day
as a result o- -ailin Constitution Che"ks reCuired -or "astin ne"roman"y spells& he #ill
immediately "ollapse/ He #ill be unable to "ast spells& enae in "ombat& or undertake
any other strenuous a"ti(ities -or the ne7t 26 hours/ JHe "an still #alk #ithout assistan"e&
but his mo(ement rate is hal(ed/K
Cure disease& dis!el a%i'& and similar spells ha(e no e--e"t on bla"ksi"kness/
$side -rom a #ish& there are t#o kno#n "ures/
3/ The D? se"retly rolls 2d:/ This is the number o- ne"roman"y spells the
a--li"ted #izard must "ast in order to pure his system o- the bla"ksi"kness/ The
ne"roman"y spells "an be o- any le(elL -or instan"e& i- the #izard needs to "ast -our
spells& they "ould all be 3st<le(el spells& they "ould all be 4th<le(el spells& or they "ould
be any "ombination o- ne"roman"y spells -rom any le(el/ Ea"h time a ne"roman"y spell
is "ast& the a--li"ted #izard must still make a Constitution Che"k and su--er the e--e"ts as
des"ribed abo(e/ J+b(iously& the #izard's health is sa-er i- he re-rains -rom "astin more
than one or t#o ne"roman"y spells in the same day/K
The D? does not re(eal to the #izard the total number o- spells he needs to "ast
to "ure himsel-<<instead& the D? should tell the #izard that he's radually ettin better
a-ter he "asts ea"h ne"roman"y spell/ The D? "an tell the #izard that he is "ured a-ter he
has "ast the last reCuired spell& then has "ast one subseCuent ne"roman"y spell that i(es
him no ill e--e"ts/
2/ %la"ksi"kness persists -or 6<;2 J6d=K days/ The D? should determine the
lenth o- the a--li"tion at its outset& but not re(eal the in-ormation to the #izard/ I- the
#izard has not yet "ured himsel-& the a--li"tion is o(er at the end o- this period/
B0 :mmaterialism
Description The #izard a--li"ted #ith immaterialism radually -ades a#ay until
his body is transparent& makin him appear as i- he #ere made o- lass/ In this "ondition&
he is unable to -iht& "ast spells& or per-orm any other ordinary a"tions/ The onset o-
immaterialism is pre"eded by a radual lihtenin o- the (i"tim's skin "olor/
S(scepti,ility Immaterialism usually strikes illusionists& but any #izard #ho
kno#s or uses illusionist spells "an be a (i"tim/
!ro*nosis I- treated early& immaterialism "an usually be "ured #ith "ure disease
or a similar spell/ Ho#e(er& the "ondition be"omes harder to treat as it proresses/
.ntreated& immaterialism "an last -or se(eral #eeks/
D+Ds Notes Immaterialism proresses o(er three distin"t staes& ea"h #ith
di--erent symptoms/ The a--li"tion "an be "ured at any stae/
3/ In Stae +ne& the a--li"ted #izard's skin turns #hite& as i- it had been blea"hed/
He su--ers a <3 penalty to his Charisma& but there are no other ill e--e"ts/ $t this stae&
immaterialism "an be "ured #ith 'ure disease or a similar spellL no sa(in thro# is
reCuired/ +ther#ise& Stae +ne persists -or 2<= J2d6K days/
2/ In Stae T#o& the a--li"ted #izard's skin remains #hite& but his body has the
"onsisten"y o- -irm elatin/ He "ontinues to su--er the <3 penalty to his Charisma/ His
natural $rmor Class is also in"reased to 8/ %e"ause o- this impro(ed $C& some a--li"ted
#izards allo# their "ondition to ad(an"e to Stae T#o be-ore attemptin a "ure/ $t this
stae& immaterialism "an be "ured #ith 'ure disease& but the a--li"ted #izard must make a
sa(in thro# (s/ spellsL i- the #izard su""eeds in his sa(in thro#& he resists 'ure disease
and remains a--li"ted #ith immaterialism/ .ntreated& Stae T#o persists -or 2<= J2d6K
;/ In Stae Three& the #izard and all o- his ear be"ome insubstantialL he appears
as i- he #ere made o- lass& but he has no substan"e/ The a--li"ted #izard "annot "ast
spells& enae in "ombat& or take any other a"tion aside -rom mo(in and speakin/ He
has a <6 penalty to his Charisma/ Ho#e(er& the #izard is a--e"ted only by mai"al or
spe"ial atta"ks& in"ludin #eapons o- M3 or better Jsu"h atta"ks are made aainst the
#izard's normal $CK/ The a--li"ted #izard is able to pass throuh small holes or other
narro# openins as lon as Stae Three persists/ $t this stae& immaterialism "annot be
"ured #ith 'ure disease or any other spell short o- a .ish/ Stae Three persists -or 2<=
J2d6K days
Nine !rinciples of Con"(ct 2or Aca"emy Gra"(ates
$s a "ondition o- raduation in many mai"al a"ademies& a ne# #izard is
obliated to promise to uphold the a"ademy's prin"iples o- "ondu"t/ $ samplin o- these
prin"iples are listed belo#/
0ot all a"ademies subs"ribe to all o- these prin"iples& #hile others miht in"lude
prin"iples other than the ones i(en here/ Eurther& these prin"iples primarily apply to
a"ademies #ho a""ept students o- ood and la#-ul alinmentsL the prin"iples o- e(il and
la#less a"ademies #ill probably be sini-i"antly di--erent -rom these/ The D? must
de"ide #hi"h prin"iples apply to spe"i-i" a"ademies and #hat penalties<<i- any<<miht
apply to a raduate #ho (iolates them/
3/ The #izard #ill operate dis"reetly/ He #ill re(eal the se"rets o- his tea"hins to
no one/
2/ The #izard #ill operate #ithin the la#s o- his "ountry/
;/ The #izard #ill meet all o- his e7penses -rom his o#n -unds/ He #ill not a""ept
6/ The #izard #ill li(e in se"lusion/ He #ill stri(e to minimize his so"ial "onta"t
#ith non<#izards/
9/ The #izard #ill minimize his "onta"t #ith kins& prin"es& and other rulers/
:/ The #izard's home #ill in"lude at least one room reser(ed e7"lusi(ely -or
resear"h and study/
8/ The #izard #ill be patient/ He #ill perse(ere in the -a"e o- ad(ersity/
=/ The #izard #ill not attempt to "ir"um(ent a""epted mai"al pro"edures/
4/ The #izard #ill stri(e to add to the e7istin body o- mai"al kno#lede
throuh oriinal resear"h/
Si= Common Alchemical !rocesses
While the "reation o- potions and other mai"al substan"es o-ten in(ol(es a
"omple7 series o- laboratory te"hniCues& there are a number o- basi" pro"esses "ommon
to most e7periments/
50 Calcination
This is the pro"ess o- redu"in substan"es Jusually minerals and metalsK to ash by
-irst "rushin or rindin them to po#der& then subAe"tin them to hih heat/
<0 S(,limation
This is the pro"ess o- heatin a solid substan"e until it is (aporized& then Cui"kly
"oolin the (apor to return it to a solid -orm/
A0 Distillation
This is the pro"ess o- boilin a liCuid until it turns to (apor& then "oolin the (apor
until it "ondenses ba"k into a liCuid& thus puri-yin the liCuid/
?0 A,sorption8A"sorption
This is a method -or puri-yin ases or liCuids by e7posin them to "har"oal
parti"les or other -ilterin substan"esL the impurities are attra"ted to the parti"les& thus
puri-yin the as or liCuid/ I- the impurities are a"tually taken inside the parti"les& then
absorption has taken pla"e/ I- the impurities remain on the sur-a"e o- the parti"les& then
adsorption has o""urred/
B0 2lame Test
This is a method o- identi-yin unkno#n substan"es by holdin them in a hot
-lame/ The "olor o- the -lame indi"ates the nature o- the substan"eL -or instan"e& a reen
-lame indi"ates the presen"e o- "opper/
-0 Chromato*raphy
This is a simple method -or analyzin "ertain types o- unkno#n substan"es/ The
substan"e is -irst dissol(ed in #ater or other liCuid/ $ sample o- the liCuid then is poured
into a lass tube lined #ith -ilter paper& and a sol(ent is added/ %e"ause the "omponents
o- the substan"e mo(e throuh the -ilter at di--erent speeds& ea"h #ill appear as a
di--erent "olored band in the tube/
Ele9en Usef(l A""itions to a %izar"Ds 4a,oratory
$ #izard's laboratory typi"ally in"ludes a (ariety o- books& "ru"ibles& -lasks& Aars&
tripods& herbs& and e(en a skeleton or t#o/ Eollo#in are se(eral less "ommon but
e7tremely use-ul items that miht be -ound in an espe"ially #ell<-urnished laboratory/
The "ost o- ea"h item is i(en in parentheses&
50 Granite Ta,le Top
This is an ordinary desk #ith a top made o- polished ranite or Cuartzite to resist
stainin and damae -rom a"ids and other potent substan"es/ J395 pK
<0 Glass +as$
This is a -a"e mask made o- lass desined to prote"t the #izard -rom inhalin
poisonous -umes and to prote"t his -a"e -rom splashed "hemi"als/ J35 pK
A0 AlchemistDs Glo,e
This ;<-oot<diameter lass lobe separates into t#o se"tions/ When assembled& the
se"tions -orm a tiht seal that pre(ents air -rom enterin/ Items and substan"es "an be
lo"ked inside the lobe to isolate them -rom outside "onditions/ Small and lare lobes
are a(ailable/ J395<295 pK
?0 Athanor
$ small -urna"e "onsistin o- an o(en and a deep pan o- si-ted ashes/ Substan"es
to be heated are pla"ed in a sealed "ontainer and "o(ered in ashes -or slo#& e(en heatin/
J=5 pK
B0 Descensory 2(rnace
This is a medium<sized -urna"e primarily used -or heatin liCuids/ The liCuid is
poured do#n a -unnel on the top #hi"h runs into a "ontainer in the belly o- the -urna"e/
J355 pK
-0 )eat #ath
This is a small -urna"e holdin a deep pan o- #ater "ontainin metal rins to hold
(ariously sized -lasks and tubes/ The substan"e to be dissol(ed is pla"ed in a lass tube&
#hi"h in turn is pla"ed in an appropriately<sized rin in the pan/ The -urna"e radually
heats the #ater and thus the substan"e/ J89 pK
;0 D(n* #e"
This item "onsists o- a bo7 made o- lass or other non<-lammable material #ith a
tiht<-ittin lid/ The bo7 is -illed #ith hot dun or "lean& dry sand/ Treated substan"es are
pla"ed in the dun bed to keep them #arm/ J29 pK
C0 Analytical #alance
$n e7tremely pre"ise s"ale -or #eihin solid materials& the balan"e is sensiti(e
enouh to distinuish a blank pie"e o- paper -rom a paper #ith #ritin on it/ To keep it
dust<-ree& the balan"e is "o(ered #ith a lass "ase/ J655 pK
/0 #(rette
This is a thi"k tube #ith a (al(e on one end used to measure liCuids pre"isely/ J3
560 2ilter !aper
This is a spe"ially treated paper that -ilters solids -rom liCuids/ $ -unnel is lined
#ith the paper& then the liCuid to be -iltered is poured in the -unnel/ Solid material #ill
not pass throuh the paper/ J3 pB35 sheetsK
550 )an" Centrif(*e
This is a ma"hine "onsistin o- se(eral rins -or holdin test tubes #ith a hand
pump on the top/ Test tubes -illed #ith liCuids are pla"ed in the rins& then the #izard
rapidly #orks the pump& "ausin the tubes to spin in a "ir"le/ The spinnin "auses the
hea(ier substan"es in the tubes to sink to the bottom& #hile the lihter substan"es remain
near the top o- the tube/ J355 pK
2o(r !rere'(isites 2or A"mission to an Aca"emy of +a*ic
While some #izards are sel-<tauht and some a"Cuire their skills -rom a pri(ate
tutor& many #izards learn the art o- mai" at a trainin a"ademy/ ?ost lare "ities ha(e
su"h a"ademiesL some spe"ializin in a parti"ular s"hool o- mai"& #hile others o--er
trainin in all o- the s"hools/ .sually& there are a minimum o- three reCuirements -or
admission to an a"ademy/
50 Sponsorship
$ll appli"ants to an a"ademy must be re"ommended by a sponsor kno#n by one
or more o- the -a"ulty members/ E7"eptions are made i- an appli"ant is an orphan or
demonstrates e7traordinary aptitude& but in these "ases& a -a"ulty member must aree to
sponsor the appli"antL the -a"ulty sponsor is then personally held responsible -or the
appli"ant's -ailure or su""ess/
<0 !ersonal :nter9ie&
%e"ause trainin a #izard reCuires a maAor in(estment o- time and e--ort&
a"ademies s"reen their appli"ants "are-ully to make "ertain that a prospe"ti(e student is
su--i"iently dedi"ated to perse(ere throuh years o- riorous edu"ation/ Typi"ally& a panel
o- -a"ulty members inter(ie#s ea"h appli"ant indi(idually& Cuizzin him at lenth about
his ba"kround& his interests& and his reasons -or #antin to be"ome a #izard/ The panel
then (otes in se"retL a sinle neati(e (ote results in the reAe"tion o- the appli"ant/
A0 Entrance E=amination
Eollo#in a prospe"ti(e student's su""ess-ul inter(ie#& he is i(en a battery o-
e7aminations to measure his aptitude in a (ariety o- a"ademi" areas/ The student must
demonstrate a basi" "ompeten"e in philosophy& literature& and history& and e7"eptional
skills in #ritin& s"ien"e& and mathemati"s/ He must also pass a physi"al e7amination to
make sure he is in ood health/
?0 T(ition 2ees
I- a prospe"ti(e student passes his entran"e e7aminations& he must then make
arranements #ith the a"ademy administration to pay tuition -ees/ The tuition -ee ranes
-rom 9<25 p per day& dependin on the a"ademy's reputation/ The tuition "an be paid
daily& #eekly& or monthly& but it must be paid in ad(an"e/ Eailure to pay tuition results in
immediate suspension& unless the student has made pre(ious arranements #ith the
The tuition "o(ers the "ost o- books& laboratory -ees& -a"ulty salaries& and room
and board& but it does not in"lude e7penses -or spell "omponents& resear"h materials& or
damae "aused by the student in his resear"h/ +""asionally& s"holarships are a(ailable -or
unusually promisin students/
$-ter a student is admitted to an a"ademy& he must undero a probationary period
lastin a minimum o- si7 months/ Durin this time& the student's "lassroom per-orman"e
is e(aluated on a #eekly basis and his beha(ior both on and o-- "ampus is "losely
monitored/ I- the student is not per-ormin adeCuately in the opinion o- any -a"ulty
member or adminstrator& he may be dimissed -rom the a"ademy/ E7"ept in the most
e7treme "ir"umstan"es& he is not eliible to apply -or readmission/ 0o amount o- the
tuition paid prior to his dismissal is re-undable/
Nineteen Co(rses in a Typical Aca"emy C(rric(l(m
The "ourse o- study (aries -rom a"ademy to a"ademy& but most in"lude the "lasses
des"ribed belo#/ .sually& all o- these "lasses are reCuired to raduate& but the D? miht
de"ide to (ary them a""ordin to the needs o- a spe"i-i" student or the edu"ational
philosophy o- a parti"ular -a"ulty/ The lenth o- time ne"essary to raduate also (aries
-rom s"hool to s"hool& dependin on the student's aptitude& the intensity o- the trainin&
and the Cuality o- the -a"ulty& but enerally& -our to si7 years o- -ull<time study are
reCuired to raduate -rom an a""redited a"ademy/ This period "an be lenthened by as
mu"h as t#o to -our additional years i- the student spe"ializes in a parti"ular s"hool/
$ student usually takes -our to si7 "ourses per Cuarter& #ith ea"h Cuarter lastin
three months/ $ minor "ourse& su"h as Sur(ey o- )iterature& miht last only a sinle
Cuarter& #hile a maAor "ourse& su"h as Spell Tutorial& miht be taken e(ery Cuarter until
the student raduates/ $n a(erae "ourse lasts one to t#o hours per day& -our to si7 days
per #eek/
The "urri"ulum o- a typi"al a"ademy o- mai" in"ludes the -ollo#in "ourses/
50 !hysical Trainin* 'arious e7er"ises and a"ti(ities to impro(e physi"al -itness& #ith
an emphasis on de7terity trainin -or manipulation o- spell "omponents/
<0 !hilosophy of +a*ic The study o- loi"al methods o- thinkin #ith appli"ations to
pra"ti"al problems o- spell use/ E7ploration o- metaphysi"s& theory o- kno#lede& and
A0 #asic Astrolo*y The relationship o- the stars& planets& and other hea(enly bodies to
mai"al pro"esses/ Topi"s in"lude lunar phases& astral mo(ement& and the in-luen"e o-
?0 Spell Theory Ho# spells -un"tionL spell intera"tion #ith physi"al la#s/
B0 2(n"amentals of +e"itation %asi" te"hniCues -or rea"hin hiher le(els o-
intelle"tual per"eption/ Topi"s in"lude trans"enden"e& sel-<a"tualization& and dream
-0 4an*(a*e :nstr(ction *rammar& phoneti"s& and "on(ersational idioms o- human&
humanoid& and demihuman lanuaes/
;0 )istory of +a*ic +(er(ie# o- #izards and mai" throuhout the aes #ith an
emphasis on histori"al breakthrouhs in spell resear"h/
C0 +a*ic an" Society The #izard as (ie#ed -rom a "ultural perspe"ti(e/ $ sur(ey o-
so"ietal relationships and "ross< "ultural "omparisons o- #izards around the #orldJsK/
/0 !o&er Thin$in* Emphasis on in"reasin the student's understandin o- thinkin as a
pro"ess to in"rease the strenth o- his "oniti(e skills/ Topi"s in"lude "reati(ity& memory&
"on"entration& and problem sol(in/
560 S(r9ey of 4iterat(re $n introdu"tion to the study o- mai" literature& #ith an
emphasis on analysis/ $ broad rane o- authors -rom a (ariety o- "ultures and histori"al
periods are e7amined in detail/
550 4i,rary :nstr(ction $ sur(ey o- resear"h te"hniCues& in"ludin "lassi-i"ation
systems& spell inde7in& basi" re-eren"e books& and assemblin a personal library/
5<0 2(n"amentals of Spell Transcription Topi"s in"lude penmanship te"hniCues& paper
and ink sele"tion& proper stru"ture& re(ision& basi" "alliraphy& and proo-readin/
5A0 !rinciples of Castin* $n introdu"tion to basi" "astin te"hniCues o- lo#<le(el
spells/ In"ludes "omponent theory& spell desin& and sa-ety pro"edures/ Instru"tion -or
spe"i-i" s"hools o- mai" are a(ailable -or prospe"ti(e spe"ialists/
5?0 Spell T(torial $n indi(idualized "ourse tailored to meet the needs o- indi(idual
students/ Students "an "on"entrate on impro(in skills in spe"i-i" s"hools o- mai" or
e7plore te"hniCues -rom all s"hools/
5B0 Spell Seminar $ dis"ussion roup addressin topi"s o- spe"ial interest to students&
#ith an emphasis on problem areas/ Students are e7pe"ted to "ondu"t demonstrations -or
the roup& #ith "riti"ism periods to -ollo#/
5-0 Spell !ractic(m $ddressin lo#<le(el spells& the pra"ti"um pro(ides students #ith
the opportunity to pra"ti"e their skills in both a laboratory settin and in the -ield/
Emphasis is on "reati(e appli"ation/
5;0 2orm(la Analysis Theory o- spell -ormulas& emphasizin te"hniCues appli"able to
oriinal resear"h/ Topi"s in"lude elementary spell -un"tions& tabular and raphi"al
presentation& (ariability& and metaphysi"al eCuations/ %asi" al"hemi"al prin"iples are
"o(ered in subseCuent sessions o- this "ourse/
5C0 4a,oratory Techni'(es Pra"ti"al appli"ation o- the prin"iples "o(ered in Eormula
$nalysis/ Topi"s in"lude herbalism& al"hemi"al rea"tions& natural and unnatural
metabolism& and basi" s"ienti-i" pro"edures Jall al"hemi"al pro"esses des"ribed earlier in
this "hapterK/
5/0 :ntro"(ction to 5st34e9el +a*ic 3st<le(el spell instru"tion/ In"ludes "astin
te"hniCues& pra"ti"al appli"ations& and eneral theory/ Indi(idualized instru"tion
Nine Or*anizations 2or %izar"s
Wizards are most "om-ortable in the "ompany o- their -ello# pra"titioners&
espe"ially those #ith #hom they share "ommon interests& and o-ten -orm their o#n
asso"iations and oranizations/ $ -e# su"h roups are listed belo#/ The D? is
en"ouraed to desin (ariations o- these roupsL -or instan"e& a 0e"roman"y Syndi"ate& a
(ariation o- the Di(iners Syndi"ate& miht e7ist in a parti"ular D?'s "ampain #orld/
Ea"h oranization's des"ription in"ludes the -ollo#in in-ormation!
Description The purpose o- the roup/
+em,ership The types o- #izards belonin to the roup/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements Conditions a prospe"ti(e member is e7pe"ted to
meet in order to Aoin the roup/ .sually& this "onsists o- payin an entran"e -ee or bein
sponsored by a "urrent member/
Ann(al D(es The -ee that a member must pay ea"h year to remain an a"ti(e
#enefits The ad(antaes o- bein a member/
The #rotherhoo" of Alchemy
Description This roup "onsists o- #izards #hose primary interest is al"hemi"al
resear"h& parti"ularly the resear"h o- ne# mai"al potions/ The roup "ompiles and
e7"hanes in-ormation about their "urrent proAe"ts& #ith the impli"it understandin that
su"h in-ormation #ill not be shared #ith outsiders/ 'iolation o- this rule results in
immediate e7pulsion -rom the %rotherhood/
+em,ership The bulk o- the members are transmuters& thouh a -e# en"hanters
and in(okers are also in"luded/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements 0e# members must pay an entran"e -ee o- 355 p
and sho# e(iden"e o- oriinal mai"al item resear"h #ithin the last year/
Ann(al D(es 25 p
#enefits The %rotherhood "an help its members obtain hard<to<-ind resear"h
supplies and laboratory eCuipment/ They "an also o--er assistan"e to members #ho ha(e
rea"hed a dead end in their resear"h/
4e*al Defense 2ront
Description This roup pro(ides leal de-ense to #izards unAustly a""used o-
"riminal a"ti(ity/ Their ser(i"es in"lude leal representation& -inan"ial support& and
personal "ounselin/
+em,ership $ny #izard o- la#-ul ood alinment "an be a member/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements $ ne# member must be sponsored by a "urrent
member and must pay an entran"e -ee o- 255 p/ The entran"e -ee may be #ai(ed on a
maAority (ote/
Ann(al D(es 95 p
#enefits I- a member is a""used o- a "rime& the Eront #ill pro(ide 3&555 p or
more to#ard his de-ense/ The Eront "an also pro(ide e7pert #itnesses and leal
representation i- ne"essary/ Their "ounselin ser(i"e ad(ises members about the
a""eptan"e o- mai"<users in (arious "ities and "ultures& i(in spe"ial attention to pla"es
#here mai"<users are routinely perse"uted and imprisoned -or minor in-ra"tions o- the
The Sil9er S&an Cl(,
Description Primarily a so"ial oranization -or unmarried #izards& the Sil(er
S#an Club holds reular dan"es& pi"ni"s& and other so"ial e(ents -or its members/ The
hihliht o- the year is the annual Har(est ?oon Eesti(al& #hen the "lub staes an all<
niht party in a rented "astle/
+em,ership $ll #izards are #el"ome& but the membership "omprises mainly
youn& lo#<le(el #izards/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements $ ne# member pays an entran"e -ee o- 25 p/
Ann(al D(es 9 p
#enefits The "lub pro(ides its members #ith e7"ellent opportunities to meet
potential -riends and mates/
%izar"sD 4i,eration Society
Description This oranization seeks to -urther the interests o- #izards throuh
politi"al pressure on lo"al and national o(ernments/ Their methods in"lude neotiation&
demonstrations& and one<on<one lobbyin/ Some -a"tions are rumored to use (iolen"e to
unders"ore their messaes/
+em,ership $ll #izards are eliible/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements $ ne# member must be sponsored by a "urrent
member and pay an entran"e -ee o- 95 p/ The -ee is #ai(ed i- the prospe"ti(e member
has e7ploitable politi"al "onne"tions J-or instan"e& i- he is related to a o(ernment
Ann(al D(es 35 p
#enefits The So"iety "an e7ert "onsiderable in-luen"e on o(ernments to adopt
la#s bene-i"ial to #izards/ The So"iety "an also put its members in "onta"t #ith
o(ernment o--i"ials and assist them in #orkin #ith o(ernment bureau"ra"ies/
2oes of the %an"
Description This is an oranization o- purists #ho adamantly oppose the use o-
mai"al #ands or any other mai"al de(i"es/ Su"h de(i"es are per"ei(ed to be a threat to
the "ra-t o- mai"L only the use o- spells is a""eptable to the Eoes o- the Wand/ I- a
member is e(er "auht usin a mai"al item& he is immediately e7pelled/
+em,ership $ll #izards are eliible& but the membership is primarily "omposed
o- older maes o- hiher le(els/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements The only reCuirement -or a prospe"ti(e member is
the donation o- a mai"al item to the Eoes/ The Eoes then destroy the item in a solemn
"eremony& a-ter #hi"h the prospe"ti(e member (o#s ne(er to use a mai"al item aain/
Ann(al D(es 0one
#enefits +n"e per year& ea"h member "an e7"hane a mai"al item -or a spell o-
"omparable po#er/ The mai"al item is destroyed& then the Eoes allo# the member to
"opy one spell Jo- their "hoi"e& not the member'sK -rom their spell books/
Di9iners Syn"icate
Description ?ore o- a business than a -raternal oranization& the Di(iners
Syndi"ate sells ad(i"e& predi"tions& and omen interpretations to members o- the
aristo"ra"y/ Their -ees are e7pensi(e& but be"ause the syndi"ate pools the talents o- a
sizeable number o- skilled #izards& their ad(i"e and predi"tions are e7tremely a""urate/
+em,ership +nly di(iners o- eihth le(er or hiher are eliible/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements The prospe"ti(e member must pay an entran"e -ee
o- 955 p and brin at least one ne# "lient to the syndi"ate/
Ann(al D(es There are no annual dues/ Ho#e(er& to remain in ood standin& a
member must spend a minimum o- eiht #eeks per year #orkin e7"lusi(ely -or the
#enefits ?embers in ood standin split the syndi"ate's pro-its at the end o- the
year/ $ member's annual share is usually 9&555<;5&555 J3d: 7 9&555K p/
Center for +onster Control
Description This oranization "ompiles in-ormation about mai"al monsters and
makes this in-ormation a(ailable to its members at no "hare/
+em,ership $ll #izards #ho ha(e -irst<hand kno#lede o- mai"al monsters
are eliible/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements $ ne# member must pay an entran"e -ee o- 35 p/
$dditionally& the prospe"ti(e member must ha(e -irst<hand kno#lede o- a mai"al
monster or a monster #ieldin mai"al po#ers Jsu"h kno#lede is usually a"Cuired as a
result o- a battleK/ The membership (otes on #hether the prospe"ti(e member's
kno#lede is o- su--i"ient use-ulness to the oranization to allo# him membership/
Ann(al D(es 0one i- the member attends all bi<monthly meetins/ The member
may be assessed a -ine i- too many meetins are missed #ithout ood reason/
#enefits The oranization supplies in-ormation to its members about mai"al
monsters& in"ludin their abilities& their #eaknesses& and suested strateies -or
de-eatin or a(oidin them/
4ea*(e of E=traplanar Tra9elers
Description Similar to the Center -or ?onster Control& this oranization
"ompiles in-ormation about alternate planes o- e7isten"e and makes this in-ormation
a(ailable to its members at no "hare/
+em,ership $ll #izards #ho ha(e (isited one or more alternate planes o-
e7isten"e are eliible/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements $ ne# member must pay an entran"e -ee o- 25 p/
$dditionally& the prospe"ti(e member must ha(e proo- o- a (isit to at least one alternate
plane o- e7isten"e/ The membership (otes on #hether the prospe"ti(e member's
kno#lede o- that plane is o- su--i"ient use-ulness to the oranization to allo# him
Ann(al D(es 0one i- the member attends all bi<monthly meetins/ $ -ine may
be assessed i- a member misses too many meetins #ithout ood reason/
#enefits The oranization supplies in-ormation to its members about the
alternate planes& in"ludin inhabitants& physi"al la#s& and ho# spell "astin is a--e"ted
Jthe D? should "onsult Chapter : -or details about mai" in other planes<<the leaue has
all o- this in-ormation a(ailable to its membersK/
2ello&ship of Sa*es
Description This is an oranization o- saes #ho are e7pert in a #ide (ariety o-
subAe"ts/ The saes "hare -or their ad(i"e& i(in a per"entae o- their -ees to the
Eello#ship -or its upkeep/
+em,ership $ll types o- #izards belon to the -ello#ship& ea"h #ith one or
more areas o- e7pertise/
Ne& +em,er Re'(irements $ prospe"ti(e member must pay an entran"e -ee o-
355 p& plus he must ha(e a non#eapon pro-i"ien"y in one or more o- the -ields o- study
listed on Table :3 o- the Dun%eon Mas"er's Guide/ I- the #izard is a re"onized authority
in one o- the -ields o- study not a(ailable as a non#eapon pro-i"ien"y in the D?'s
"ampain& he "an still be admitted to the -ello#ship #ith the D?'s permission/
Ann(al D(es 0one/ Ho#e(er& ea"h member must pro(ide 39 per"ent o- the -ees
he "hares -or his sae ad(i"e to the -ello#ship/
#enefits $s lon as a member spends a minimum o- eiht #eeks per year
#orkin e7"lusi(ely -or the syndi"ate& he has a""ess to the ad(i"e o- the other members at
no "hare/ I- he -ails to spend the minimum o- eiht #eeks per year& he must pay their
normal -ees/ $d(i"e is i(en a""ordin to the rules -or saes on paes 35:<358 o- the
DMG/ Ho#e(er& the "han"es listed on Table :3 Jpae 358 o- the DMG K o- -indin a sae
in the -ello#ship #ho is e7pert in a i(en -ield are doubledL -or instan"e& there is a 25
per"ent "han"e o- -indin an e7pert in al"hemy/ When usin the Sae ?odi-iers table
JTable :2 o- the DMG K& assume that a -ello#ship sae al#ays has a""ess to a "omplete
?66 2antastic +aterials
+""asionally& the D? #ill need to introdu"e a -antasti" mai"al material into his
"ampain/ Su"h a material miht be reCuired as an inredient -or a PC #izard's mai"al
resear"h Jespe"ially i- the D? is usin the -antasti"al approa"h to mai"al -abri"ation
des"ribed on pae =6 o- the Duneon ?aster's *uideK& it miht be the -o"al point o- a
Cuest& or it miht be a ne"essary "omponent to remo(e a "urse/
I- the D? has no spe"i-i" material in mind& he "an enerate one by rollin 3d25
t#o times on Table 34/ The -irst die roll sele"ts an element -rom Cateory $L the se"ond
die roll sele"ts an element -rom Cateory %/ The sele"ted elements be"ome part o- this
phrase! IThe JCateory $K o- a JCateory %K/ I Eor instan"e& i- the -irst die roll is ; and
the se"ond die roll is 9& the -antasti" material is Ithe breath o- a butter-ly/I
I- he desires& the D? "an simply pi"k elements -rom ea"h "ateory to -orm
spe"i-i" materials/ He "an also substitute similar elements -or the "hoi"es in Cateory %/
Eor instan"e& he miht substitute IbumblebeeI -or Ibutter-lyI Jso the e7ample abo(e
be"omes Ithe breath o- a bumblebeeIK or IdiamondI -or Istone/I
I- random rolls produ"e results that seem inappropriate or -ri(olous Jsu"h as Ithe
breath o- a stoneIK& the D? "an roll aain -or either "ateory or substitute any "ateory
"hoi"e he #ishes/ .nless the D? has a spe"i-i" meanin in mind& the players must
dis"o(er the pre"ise meanin o- a -antasti" material or the means to produ"e or lo"ate it/
Dis"o(erin the meanin o- a -antasti" material "an easily be"ome the premise -or a ne#
Ta,le 5/ Ran"om Generation of 2antastic +aterials
D<6 Roll Cate*ory A Cate*ory #
3 son stone
2 dream -lo#er
; breath meado#
6 memory "hild
9 heart's desire butter-ly
: teardrop mountain
8 strenth rain o- sand
= smile sno#-lake
4 blessin -li"kerin "andle
35 tou"h #ido#
33 "ourae eale
32 s"ent tombstone
3; #hisper draon
36 kiss skeleton
39 shado# mermaid
3: #isdom ri(er
38 se"ret uni"orn
3= sorro# oddess
34 epitaph iant
25 ratitude "ity

2i9e :ncre"i,le 4ocations
There are a (ast number o- mai"al pla"es that are rumored to e7ist throuhout
the #orldL a -e# o- them are listed belo#/ Whether they a"tually e7ist remains to be
dis"o(ered Jand is up to the dis"retion o- the D?K& but the sear"h -or any one o- them
"ould be used as the basis -or an ad(enture or a sprinboard -or a "ampain
The :slan" of Ghothar
This island is the -ormer stronhold o- the master "onAurer *hothar/ *hothar
mysteriously (anished se(eral "enturies ao& and le-t the bulk o- his mai"al treasures
se"ured in a "hamber in the deepest re"esses o- his island/ 0ot only is the treasure "a"he
rumored to be o- in"omparable (alue& it is also said to in"lude one o- *hothar's spell
books& "ontainin the -ormulas -or many hih<le(el "onAuration spells/
The Island o- *hothar is en"hanted to "ontinually dri-t in random dire"tions at
speeds up to 29 miles per hour/ There ha(e been no "on-irmed sihtins in o(er a "entury&
meanin that the island "on"ei(ably "ould ha(e dri-ted any#here in the #orld
A,o(t the :slan"
Re-er to ?ap 3/
The island resembles a "ylinder about 95 yards in diameter and about 3:9 yards
tall/ 0early three<-ourths o- it is submered& meanin that only about ;9 yards o- the
island is abo(e sea le(el/ The island is made o- raniteL the ranite is permanently
surrounded #ith a .all o( (or'e& makin it (irtually in(ulnerable to damae/
The island is di(ided into -i(e le(els& ea"h about 29 yards tall -rom top to bottom
Je7"ept -or )e(el 3& #hi"h "orresponds to the sur-a"e o- the islandK/ The -loors are solid
ranite nearly 35 -eet thi"k& permanently "o(ered #ith .all o( (or'e/
The only passae#ays bet#een le(els are the mai"al portals lo"ated at (arious
points on the -loors Jsee mapK/ The portals are 9<-oot<diameter rins made o- bla"k and
#hite pearls imbedded in the ranite/ The portals are "ompletely airtiht/ When a "reature
or person tou"hes the ranite area inside the rin o- pearls& the "reature or person is
instantly transported to a spe"i-i" lo"ation on the island/ The destination o- ea"h portal is
indi"ated in the ?ap ,ey
+ap Eey

4e9el 5 This is the sur-a"e o- the island& the only portion that is (isible abo(e sea
le(el/ There is a portal on the "enter o- the island/ Those steppin on the portal are
instantly transported to a random area in )e(el 2& abruptly -indin themsel(es
4e9el < This le(el is "ompletely -illed #ith sea #ater/ There are t#o 35<-oot<
diameter openins on either side o- this le(el leadin to the open sea/ Dependin on
#here in the #orld the island happens to be& this le(el "ould "ontain (arious -orms o-
danerous sea li-e #ho ha(e taken shelter hereL su"h sea li-e miht in"lude sharks& iant
eels& or iant o"topi/
<a0 !ortal Those steppin on this portal are instantly transported to the top o- the
island Jto the area marked #ith an > on the )e(el
3 mapK/
<,0 !ortal Those steppin on this portal are instantly transported to the -loor o-
)e(el ; Jto the area on the )e(el ; map marked #ith an >K/
<c0 !ortal Those steppin on this portal are instantly transported to the -loor o-
)e(el 6 Jto the area on the )e(el 6 map marked #ith an >K/
4e9el A This le(el is "ompletely -illed #ith a no7ious yello# as that smells like
dead -ish/ The as is so dense that normal (ision is redu"ed to 35 -eet/ Chara"ters
enterin this le(el must sa(e (s/ poisonL those #ho -ail su--er 3<2 hit points o- damae
per round o- e7posure to the as/
Aa0 !ortal Those steppin on this portal are instantly transported to a random
area in )e(el 2& -indin themsel(es suddenly under#ater/
A,0 !ortal Those steppin on this portal are instantly transported to the top o- the
island Jto the area marked #ith an > on the )e(el 3 mapK/
Ac0 !ortal Those steppin on this portal are instantly transported to the -loor o-
)e(el 6 Jto the area on the )e(el 6 map marked #ith an >/ K
4e9el ? This le(el has -loor<to<"eilin #alls o- ranite that di(ide the le(el into
(arious se"tions/ The #alls are one -oot thi"k and are permanently "o(ered #ith .all o(
?aF ?,F ?c0 2a$e !ortals These "ir"les o- pearls resemble the portals -ound on
other le(els o- the island& but they are not portals/ Instead& #hen any "hara"ter steps on
one o- these -ake portals& he a"ti(ates a spe"ial ons"er suonin% 111 spell/ The spell
instantly summons 3d6 ;rd<le(el monsters Jsele"ted by the D? -rom his ;rd<le(el
en"ounter tablesK/ The summoned monsters appear near the rin's perimeter and atta"k
e(eryone in siht/ I- the monsters are killed& they disappearL other#ise& they -iht -or 2<=
J2d6K rounds& a-ter #hi"h time they (anish/ There is no e--e"t i- the monsters step inside
one o- the -ake portals/ The monsters #ill a(oid the real portal J6dK/
?"0 !ortal Those steppin on this portal are instantly transported to the -loor o-
)e(el 9 Jto the area on the )e(el 9 map marked #ith an >/ K
4e9el B This is *hothar's treasure "a"he/ The e7a"t "omposition o- the treasure is
the de"ision o- the D?& but a suested "a"he in"ludes a spell book #ith a dozen
"onAurationBsummonin spells o- (arious le(els& -i(e mai"al items& and an assortment o-
old and ems #orth 25&555 p/ JRumors abound that *hothar -ound the se"ret o- eternal
li-e and still e7ists in an alternate plane o- e7isten"eL i- this is true& *hothar miht return
someday to resto"k his "a"he #ith a di--erent assortment o- treasure/ He miht also
"hane the traps in his island& espe"ially i- his pre(ious treasure has been stolen/K
Those steppin on the portal on this le(el are instantly transported to the top o-
the island Jto the area marked #ith an > on the )e(el 3 mapK/
The Sphere of #Dnaa
The Sphere o- %'naa is lo"ated in a "a(ern beneath one o- the #orld's hihest
peaks/ Its pre"ise lo"ation is not kno#n/ The sphere #as "reated eons ao by a "onsort o-
#izards led by a hih<le(el mae named %'naa/ The sphere supplied transport -or the
#izards to alternate planes o- e7isten"e/ %e"ause o- the mai" in(ol(ed in "reatin and
sustainin the sphere& it is e7tremely di--i"ult to use and (irtually impossible to use by
A,o(t the Spheres
Re-er to ?ap 2/
The sphere is lo"ated in an immense "a(ern at the end o- a 255 yard lon passae
#indin deep inside the earth beneath an an"ient& to#erin mountain rane/ The sphere
"onsists o- se(eral layers Jlike an onionK& ea"h about 25 -eet thi"k/ The layers are
separated -rom one another by bands o- shimmerin #hite liht/ The portal to the
alternate planes lies in the "enter o- the sphereL to et to the portal& a person must pass
throuh ea"h layer/
+n"e the mai"al reCuirement -or a layer has been met& "hara"ters may pass
throuh the layer o- shimmerin liht to the ne7t layer/ I- any "hara"ter passes ba"k
throuh a liht layer that he has already passed throuh& the mai"al "ondition must be
met aain in order to re<enter that liht layer/ Chara"ters may pass -reely to#ard the outer
spheres J-or e7ample& -rom layer 6 to layer ;K/
Ea"h layer is permanently en"hanted #ith spe"ial -eatures representin the
(arious le(els o- #izard mai"L -or instan"e& the -irst layer o- the sphere represents 3st<
le(el #izard mai"& the se"ond layer represents 2nd<le(el #izard mai"& and so on/ I- the
proper le(el o- spell is "ast on a layer& its -eatures "hane dramati"allyL these spells "an
either be "ast on the layer itsel- or on any subAe"t inside the layer/ ?ai"al items that
dupli"ate the e--e"ts o- spells do nothin to "hane the -eatures o- the plane& nor do priest
spells/ The e--e"ts are e7plained in detail in the ?ap ,ey/
+ap Eey
4ayer 5 This layer is -illed #ith brihtly blinkin lihts o- all "olors/ Those in
"onta"t #ith this layer must sa(e (s/ spells or be"ome blinded -or the ne7t 2<= J2d6K
rounds/ I- any 3st<le(el #izard spell is "ast at the layer or at a "hara"ter inside the layer&
the layer instantly -ills #ith dan'in% li%h"s and "hara"ters no loner risk bein blinded/
The dan'in% li%h"s persist -or one turn& a-ter #hi"h the layer re(erts to its oriinal
4ayer < This layer is -illed #ith reenish<yello# -o that obs"ures all siht&
normal and in-ra(ision& beyond t#o -eet/ Those in "onta"t #ith this layer su--er 3<6 hit
points o- damae per round Jsa(e -or hal-<damaeK/ I- any 2nd<le(el #izard spell is "ast
at the layer or at a "hara"ter inside the layer& the -o instantly be"omes harmless& similar
to the -o produ"ed by (o% 'loud& and "hara"ters no loner risk su--erin damae/ The
harmless (o% 'loud persists -or one turn& a-ter #hi"h the layer re(erts to its oriinal
4ayer A This layer is dark and empty& but a po#er-ul %us" o( .ind o- about ;5
m/p/h/ blo#s -rom the inner #all to#ard the outer #all& renderin man<sized "reatures
unable to pro"eed to )ayer 6/ I- any ;rd<le(el #izard spell is "ast at the layer or at a
"hara"ter inside the layer& the #ind subsides to a entle breeze and "hara"ters "an pro"eed
normally/ The entle breeze persists -or one turn& a-ter #hi"h the stron #ind beins to
blo# aain/
4ayer ? This layer is -illed #ith roarin red -lames similar to those produ"ed by
a (ire "ra!/ Those in "onta"t #ith this layer must sa(e (s/ spells or su--er 9<= J3d6M6K hit
points o- damae Jsa(e -or hal- damaeK/ I- any 6th<le(el #izard spell is "ast at the layer
or at a "hara"ter inside the layer& the -lames turn reen and no loner enerate heatL
"hara"ters su--er no damae -rom the reen -lames/ The reen -lames persist -or one turn&
a-ter #hi"h the layer is aain -illed #ith roarin red -lames/
4ayer B This layer is solid ranite& similar to that produ"ed by .all o( s"one/ I-
any 9th<le(el #izard spell is "ast at the layer& the ranite disappears& re(ealin the bands
o- shimmerin #hite liht that border the -inal layer J)ayer :K o- the sphere/ The ranite
reappears in one turn/
4ayer - This is a 25<-oot<diameter hollo# sphere "ontainin a stru"ture made o-
shimmerin #hite liht/ The stru"ture rests at round le(el Jrelati(e to the "a(ern that the
entire sphere lies #ithinK/ The shimmerin stru"ture has -our openins& all leadin to a
"entral area "ontainin a olden "hair/ $ "hara"ter "an #alk to the "hair throuh one o-
the openins& sit do#n& and instantly be transported to another plane o- e7isten"e/
Openin* A I- a "hara"ter #alks throuh this openin& he #ill be transported
instantly to the Ethereal planes #hen he sits in the olden "hair/ He #ill be transported to
any spe"i-i" lo"ation in the Ethereal planes he has in mindL other#ise& he #ill be
transported to a random lo"ation in the Ethereal planes/
Openin* # I- a "hara"ter #alks throuh this openin& he #ill be transported
instantly to the inner planes #hen he sits in the olden "hair/ He #ill be transported to
any spe"i-i" lo"ation in the inner planes he has in mindL other#ise& he #ill be transported
to a random lo"ation in a randomly "hosen inner plane/
Openin* C I- a "hara"ter #alks throuh this openin& he #ill be transported
instantly to the outer planes #hen he sits in the olden "hair/ He #ill be transported to
any spe"i-i" lo"ation in the outer planes he has in mindL other#ise& he #ill be transported
to a random lo"ation in a randomly "hosen outer plane/
Openin* D I- a "hara"ter #alks throuh this openin& he #ill be transported
instantly to the $stral plane #hen he sits in the olden "hair/ He #ill be transported to any
spe"i-i" lo"ation in the $stral plane he has in mindL other#ise& he #ill be transported to a
random lo"ation in the $stral plane/
The Sa*e Tree
The Sae Tree is a hue oak tree about 35 -eet in diameter and o(er 355 -eet tall/
It ro#s some#here in one o- the #orld's densest -orests/ The Sae Tree "ontains the
spirits o- a dozen o- the #isest s"holars #ho e(er li(ed/ $-ter the s"holars died& the ods
o- ood re#arded their de(otion to pure kno#lede by pla"in their spirits in this oak so
they "ould enae in philosophi" dis"ussions -or all eternity/
I- a #izard lo"ates this oak Jre"onizable by a sliht pulsation near its trunk that
resembles a heart beatK& he "an ask it any Cuestion as i- he #ere "onsultin a #ise sae -or
in-ormation Jthe #izard "an ask any Cuestion relatin to the -ields o- study listed on Table
:3 o- the DUNGEON MASTER GuideK/ The Sae Tree #ill only respond to #izards o-
la#-ul ood alinment& and it #ill ans#er only one Cuestion per day/
I- these reCuirements are met& t#o to -i(e J3d6 M 3K human -a"es #ill sprout -rom
the tree in an area -i(e to ten -eet abo(e the base o- the trunk/ The -a"es appear to be
"ar(ed -rom #ood/ +ne o- the -a"es #ill politely ask the #izard to repeat the Cuestion&
then another -a"e #ill o--er an ans#er/ Immediately& a se"ond -a"e #ill o--er a di--erent
ans#er/ I- there are additional -a"es& they too #ill o--er di--erent ans#ers/
$-ter all o- the -a"es ha(e o--ered their ans#ers& they #ill inore the #izard and
enae in a heated arument as to #ho is #ron and #ho is riht/ The arument #ill
"ontinue -or at least 2<= J2d6K rounds& durin #hi"h time the arument #ill dri-t o-- into
topi"s "ompletely unrelated to the #izard's Cuestion/ $t some point in the arument& one
o- the heads #ill abruptly ask the #izard -or his opinion to settle their arument<<the head
#ill ask -or the #izard's opinion on a subAe"t totally unrelated to the #izards' oriinal
Cuestion/ Typi"al Cuestions asked by a head miht in"lude!
I- a star -alls -rom the sky and lands in the o"ean& should the star still be "onsidered
part o- the hea(ens& or has it no# be"ome part o- the earth@
I- a lare animal kills a smaller animal -or sport& should it be held a""ountable -or its
I- t#o men share eCually in a business and one o- them dies& should the #ido# o- the
dead man re"ei(e his share o- the pro-its& e(en i- she does not parti"ipate in the
business hersel-@
$re a #izard's skills more important than those o- a "ra-tsman@ Than those o- an
In #hat #ays is a draon the eCual o- a man@
I- the #izard re-uses to ans#er the head's Cuestion& all o- the heads #ithdra# into
the tree trunk and disappear/ They "annot be summoned aain -or another 26 hours/
I- the #izard makes a reasonable e--ort to ans#er the head's Cuestion Jthe D?
de"ides i- the #izard has made a reasonable e--ortK& the heads #ill nod in areement&
sayin they #ill dis"uss the issue -urther at another time/ +ne o- the heads #ill then ask
the #izard to repeat his oriinal Cuestion/ The heads #ill "onsult brie-ly #ith ea"h other&
then one o- them #ill ans#er the Cuestion/ To determine i- the heads ha(e arri(ed at the
"orre"t ans#er& the D? should roll 3d25/ +n a roll o- 3= or less& the heads ha(e ans#ered
"orre"tly/ +n a roll o- 34 or 25& the heads ha(e ans#ered in"orre"tly/ The D? should
"reate an in"orre"t ans#er that #ill be belie(able and "onsistent #ith #hat they players
already kno# about the ad(enture/
$-ter the heads ans#er the #izard's Cuestion& they bid him -are#ell and #ithdra#
ba"k inside the tree/ The heads #ill not ans#er another Cuestion until 26 hours ha(e
I- the tree is "ut do#n or other#ise destroyed& the essen"es o- the saes #ill be
transported to another tree some#here else in the #orld/ $s #ith the pre(ious tree& the
ne# Sae Tree #ill be re"onizable by a sliht pulsation near its trunk
The Gar"en of .ert(lth
This in a "learin in an un"harted AunleL its pre"ise lo"ation is not kno#n/ The
arden is only about 35 -eet by 35 -eet sCuare& but its en"hantment is so stron that it
radiates mai" -or a radius o- one mile/
The arden appears to be a normal bed o- #ild -lo#ers o- (arious types/ Ho#e(er&
i- a non<mai"al #eapon is buried in the arden beneath three -eet o- soil and le-t
undisturbed -or a year and a day& there is a ood "han"e that it #ill "hane into a mai"al
#eapon/ 0o more than t#o #eapons "an be buried in the arden at the same timeL i- more
than t#o #eapons are buried& the en"hantment #ill not #ork and the #eapons #ill be
I- a #eapon is remo(ed -rom the arden be-ore a year and a day ha(e passed& the
mai" is neatedL the #eapon must be buried aain& and another year and a day must pass
be-ore the en"hantment takes hold/ I- a #eapon remains buried in the arden -or a year
and a day& roll 3d25 and "onsult Table 25 -or the result/
Ta,le <6 Res(lts from the Gar"en of .ert(lth
Roll Res(lt
3<; The #eapon is una--e"ted/
6<: The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =*/
8<35 The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =@/
33<32 The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =A5
3; The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =B/
36<39 The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =*& =@ )s5 a%i'-usin% and en'han"ed
'rea"ures/ This #eapon al#ays pro(ides a M3 bonus/ The M2 bonus takes e--e"t
#hen the s#ord is employed aainst #izards& spell<"astin monsters& and
"onAured& ated& or summoned "reatures/ JThe M2 bonus #ill not operate aainst a
"reature mai"ally empo#ered by an item that "asts spells& su"h as a rin% o( s!ell
3: The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =A/ Ho#e(er& 2<= J2d6K days a-ter it is taken
-rom the arden& the #eapon loses its en"hantment and re(erts to its non<mai"al
-orm/ Peranen'y or a similar spell "annot pre(ent the #eapon -rom losin its
en"hantment& althouh a .ish "ould/
38 The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =A/ Ho#e(er& 2<= J2d6K days a-ter it is taken
-rom the arden& the #eapon disinterates into dust/ This en"hantment is so
po#er-ul that nothin short o- a .ish "an pre(ent the #eapon -rom disinteratinL
ho#e(er& i- a .ish is "ast on the #eapon& it #ill lose its M; bonus and re(ert to a
normal #eapon/
3= The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on =*& 'ursed/ It per-orms in all respe"ts as a M3
#eapon& but #hen it is used to atta"k an enemy& the s#ord #ill #eld itsel- to the
#elder's hand and -or"e him to -iht until the enemy or the #ielder is slain/ $-ter
its -irst use& the #ielder "an ne(er rid himsel- o- the "ursed #eapon<<it #ill al#ays
appear in his hand #hene(er an opponent is -a"ed/ The #ielder "an be -reed o- the
#eapon by reo)e 'urse& lii"ed .ish& .ish& or a similar spell/
34 The #eapon has be"ome a .ea!on -@& 'ursed/ The #eapon i(es o-- a mai"al
aura and per-orms #ell in pra"ti"e& but #hen it is used aainst an opponent in
"ombat& it lo#ers its #ielder's atta"k rolls by 2/ +nly by "are-ul obser(ation "an
this lo#erin be dete"ted/ $ll damae s"ored is redu"ed by 2 hit points& but a
su""ess-ul hit #ill al#ays in-li"t at least 3 hit point o- damae/ $s #ith the&
.ea!on =*& 'ursed the #eapon <2& "ursed #ill al#ays appear in the hands o- the
#ielder and -or"e him to -iht until the enemy or the #ielder is slain/ The #ielder
"an be -reed o- the #eapon only by a lii"ed .ish or a .ish5
25 The #eapon has turned to dust/
The Shado# Trees
This is a ro(e o- spindly& lea-less trees ro#in some#here in a dark Aunle/ The
trees ha(e bla"k bark& and their uppermost bran"hes al#ays s#ay as i- bein blo#n by a
breezeL they s#ay e(en in the absen"e o- #ind/
+n nihts #ith a "lear sky and a -ull moon& the shado#s o- the bran"hes spell out
one or more omens and #arnins on the round/ The omens appear as shado#y runes o-
any number o- an"ient lanuaesL a #izard "an translate the runes #ith 'o!rehend
lan%ua%es or a similar spell/ The omens and #arnins are al#ays 355 per"ent a""urate&
thouh their phrasin may be ambiuous/ Rumors tell that on"e per year& the shado#
trees spell out the -ormula o- a #izard spell o- a random le(el #hi"h "an be translated by
'o!rehend lan%ua%es& read a%i'& or a similar spell
T#el(e 0e# ?ai"al Items
I- the D? #ishes to determine the dis"o(ery o- the -ollo#in items at random& he
"an use the mai"al item tables on paes 3;9<3;4 o- the DUNGEON MASTER Guide/
Ea"h item belo# belons to a parti"ular tableL #hen a D?'s Choi"e result is rolled on the
appropriate table& the D? "an use the indi"ated item as one o- his options/ Eor instan"e&
the !o"ion o( elas"i'i"y listed belo# belons to Table =4 Jpae 3;9& DMG K/ I- a 25 is
rolled& the D? "an use the !o"ion o( elas"i'i"y as an option -or the D?'s Choi"e
Potion o- Elasti"ity
$ "hara"ter "onsumin one dose o- this potion is able to stret"h his les& arms&
ne"k& or any other appendae up to a distan"e in -eet eCual to t#i"e his Constitution
s"oreL -or instan"e& a "hara"ter #ith a Constitution o- 39 "an stret"h up to ;5 -eet/ $
"hara"ter "an stret"h only one appendae at a timeL -or instan"e& he "an stret"h one arm&
one -iner& or his ne"k/ Whene(er he stret"hes any appendae& he must make a
Constitution Che"kL i- he -ails& the stress o- the stret"h "auses 3d: hit points o- damae/
The potion lasts -or 3<6 turnsL durin this time& the "hara"ter "an make as many stret"hes
as he likes& as lon as he "he"ks -or damae -or ea"h stret"h/
$dd to! Table =4 Jpae 3;9& DMG K/
>P 'alue! ;55
Candle o- E(erburnin
This resembles a normal #a7 "andle about : in"hes tall/ Ho#e(er& on"e the "andle
is lit& the -lame "an be e7tinuished only by the spoken "ommand o- #home(er is holdin
it/ +ther#ise& the -lame "ontinues to burnL it #ill burn under#ater& in any alternate plane
o- e7isten"e& or in the stronest o- #inds/ Dis!el a%i' and similar spells ha(e no e--e"t
on the -lame/ The 'andle o( e)erburnin% "an burn -or 26 hours be-ore all o- its #a7 melts
$dd to! Table 353 Jpae 3;=& DMG K/
>P 'alue! ;55
?edallion o- Steadiness
This is a sil(er medallion o- a horse's head/ While #earin it& a "hara"ter "an
ne(er be thro#n -rom his mount& #hether a horse& a draon& or any other "reature suitable
-or ridin/
$dd to! Table 4: Jpae 3;8& DMG K/
>P 'alue! 3&555
Draon Slippers
These slippers are made o- reen silk/ The mai" o- the dra%on sli!!ers is
a"ti(ated i- the #earer "on"entrates and speaks the #ord I"hane/I I- a"ti(ated& the
dra%on sli!!ers "ause the #earer to appear as a 25<-oot draon #ith briht yello# s"ales&
a barbed tail& and lon reen -ansL the #earer does not ain any o- the abilities o- a
draon/ While the illusion is in e--e"t& the #earer retains his normal abilities and
statisti"s/ The e--e"t lasts -or one hour& but "an be "an"eled any time by the "ommand o-
the #earer/
$dd to! Table 4= Jpae 3;=& DMG K/
>P 'alue! ;&555
Par"hment o- ?onster Holdin
This 3<-oot<sCuare pie"e o- par"hment "an hold any monster summoned by a
ons"er suonin% 1 spell/ The #izard un-olds the par"hment and lays it be-ore himsel-
prior to "astin the spell/ I- the spell is su""ess-ully "ast& the summoned monster is
immediately absorbed into the par"hment& appearin there as a "olored imae/ The "aster
"an then re-old the par"hment and "arry it #ith him& holdin the summoned monster
inde-initely/ When the par"hment is un-olded and laid on the round& and the #izard
speaks a "ommand #ord& the monster appears& remainin a"ti(e -or the normal duration
o- the ons"er suonin% 1 spell/ $ny sinle par"hment o- monster holdin "an be used
only on"eL a-ter the monster is released& the par"hment "rumbles to dust/ The par"hment
also "rumbles i- it is torn or de-a"ed in any #ay/
$dd to! Table 356 Jpae 3;4& DMG K/
>P 'alue! 395
Sinin Skull
This item resembles a small human skull& about ; in"hes in diameter& made o-
i(ory/ +n"e per day& the o#ner "an "ommand the skull to sin/ The sin%in% skull sins
eerie& depressin tunes -or one hour Jor less& as ordered by the skull 's o#nerK/ $ll those
#ithin 95 -eet o- the sin%in% skull must make a su""ess-ul sa(in thro# (s/ spells or
su--er the e--e"ts o- a -ear spell/ The o#ner o- the sin%in% skull is immune to its e--e"ts/
$dd to! Table 35; Jpae 3;4& DMG K/
>P 'alue! 2&555
This appears to be a "anoe made o- stone and measures ; -eet tall& 32 -eet lon&
and 6 -eet #ide/ Inside are -i(e e(enly spa"ed stone planks& ea"h "apable o- seatin t#o
human<sized passeners/ $ plank on one end o- the "anoe is marked #ith a star symbol in
the "enter/ The airboa" is also -itted #ith t#o sets o- stone oars that -it in rides "ar(ed in
both sides o- the "ra-t/
The airboa" responds to the mental orders o- its "ommander Jthe "hara"ter sittin
on the plank #ith the star symbolK/ +nly a #izard or priest "an ser(e as an airboa"
The airboa" "an mo(e in any dire"tion in any medium/ While mo(in& the airboa"
is surrounded by an aura o- liht that allo#s all o- its passeners to breathe normally&
e(en #hen tra(elin throuh #ater or airless spa"e/ The aura surrounds the "ra-t to a
distan"e o- 35 -eet/
The airboa" has a mo(ement rate o- 65/ It "an mo(e only i- it is bein ro#ed #ith
at least one set o- the stone oars/ I- only one set is used& the "ra-t has a ma7imum
mo(ement rate o- 25L i- both sets are used& the "ra-t has a ma7imum speed o- 65/ $ sinle
"hara"ter "an operate t#o oars& or t#o "hara"ters "an sit side by side on a plank& ea"h
operatin an oar/ To mo(e at ma7imum speed& the ro#ers must "omplete a stroke e(ery
t#o se"ondsL i- the strokin rate is less than this& the ma7imum speed de"reases
proportionately/ Eor instan"e& i- one set o- oars is strokin on"e e(ery -our se"onds& the
airboa" has a ma7imum mo(ement rate o- 35/
The "ommander must remain seated on the star plank/ He "an take no a"tions
other than "ommandin the "ra-t/ I- he mo(es -rom his seat& attempts to operate the oars&
or takes any other a"tion& the airboa" stops mo(in/ Similarly& i- his "on"entration is
interruped& the "ra-t stops/ I- it stops mo(in #hile in the air& it ho(ers in pla"e/ The
airboa" "an ho(er in pla"e -or only 3 turn& a-ter #hi"h it sinks ently to the round/ I- it
stops mo(in #hile on #ater& the boat simply dri-ts/
$dd to! Table 356 Jpae 3;4& DMG K/
>P 'alue! 25&555
Rin o- Resistan"e to %reath Weapons
This rin i(es the #earer "omplete immunity to all breath #eapon atta"ks -rom
"reatures other than draonsL the #earer su--ers hal- damae -rom draon breath/
$dd to! Table 43 Jpae 3;:& DMG K/
>P 'alue! 9&555
Collapsin Spell %ook
This resembles an ordinary tra(elin spell book& e7"ept that it "an be -olded o(er
and o(er until it is a sCuare one in"h on ea"h side/ The book "an be un-olded #hen its
o#ner #ishes to "onsult it& then -olded ba"k into its small size -or easy "arryin/
$dd to! Table 49 Jpae 3;8& DMG K/
>P 'alue! 3&955
Spoon o- ?i7in
This spoon in"reases the "han"e o- su""ess-ully "ombinin potions to "reate a ne#
e--e"t/ When
"ombinin potions as per the rules on pae 363 o- the DUNGEON MASTER Guide& the
per"entile di"e roll on Table 333 is modi-ied by M35 #hen usin the s!oon o( i9in%/
Treat all results reater than 55 as 55/ 0ote that by usin the s!oon o( i9in%& there is no
"han"e that the "ombined potions #ill "ereate an e7plosion& a lethal poison& or a mild
$dd to! Table 352 Jpae 3;=& DMG/ K
>P 'alue! 3&955
Pen o- E7"ellen"e
$ !en o( e9'ellen'e rants the user the -ollo#in abilities!
He "an #rite at t#i"e his normal speed Jparti"ularly help-ul -or #izards "opyin ne#
spells into their spell booksK/
He "an dra# a""urate pi"tures o- anythin he sees #ith the pre"ision o- the -inest
I- the user has a sample o- another person's hand#ritin& he "an "reate a per-e"t
-orery o- that hand#ritin/ $ny type o- ink "an be used #ith a pen o- e7"ellen"e/
$dd to! Table 352 Jpae 3;=& DMG K/
>P 'alue! 3&255
%ra"elet o- S"aly Command
This "oral bra"elet enables the #earer to "ontrol #ater<d#ellin "reatures #ith
animal intellien"e or lo#er Jmainly -ishes and reptilesK/ The "reatures must be #ithin a
hal-<mile radius o- the "aster in order to be "ontrolled& and they must be #ithin ;5 -eet o-
ea"h other/ The number o- "reatures that "an be a--e"ted is a -un"tion o- Hit Di"e/ The
spell a--e"ts 3<35 Hit Di"e o- monsters/ ?onsters #ith 9M; Hit Di"e or more are
The "enter o- the area o- e--e"t is determined by the spell"aster/ The "reatures
#ith the -e#est Hit Di"e are a--e"ted -irst& and partial e--e"ts are inored/ The "aster does
not ha(e to be in the #ater to "ommand the "reatures/
This "ontrol lasts -or 2<32 J2d:K turns and "annot be dispelled/ 0o sa(in thro# is
allo#ed aainst the mai" o- the bra'ele"/ The #earer "an use this ability on"e per #eek/
$dd to! Table 4: Jpae 3;8& D?* K/
>P 'alue! 2&955

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