Sie sind auf Seite 1von 59


As the name specifies HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a software
developed for manain vario!s activities in the hostel" #or the past few $ears the
n!m%er of ed!cational instit!tions are increasin rapidl$" There%$ the n!m%er of hostels
are also increasin for the accommodation of the st!dents st!d$in in this instit!tion"
And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are r!nnin the hostel and
software&s are not !s!all$ !sed in this conte't" This partic!lar pro(ect deals with the
pro%lems on manain a hostel and avoids the pro%lems which occ!r when carried
)dentification of the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem leads to the desinin of
omp!teri+ed s$stem that will %e compati%le to the e'istin s$stem with the s$stem
,hich is more !ser friendl$ and more G-) oriented" ,e can improve the efficienc$ of
the s$stem. th!s overcome the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem"
/ Less h!man error
/ Strenth and strain of man!al la%o!r can %e red!ced
/ Hih sec!rit$
/ 0ata red!ndanc$ can %e avoided to some e'tent
/ 0ata consistenc$
/ Eas$ to handle
/ Eas$ data !pdatin
/ Eas$ record *eepin
/ 1ac*!p data can %e easil$ enerated
Page No.
1. Introd!t"on
2"2 Overview of the pro(ect
2"2"2 3ro%lem 0efinition
2"4 S$stem Specification
2"4"2 Hardware Specification
2"4"4 Software Specification
2"4"5 Software Selection
#. Ana$%&"& o' t(e S%&te)
4"2 Scope of the S$stem
4"4 E'istin S$stem
4"5 3roposed S$stem
4"6 #easi%ilit$ St!d$
*. S%&te) +e&"gn
5"2 )np!t 0esin
5"4 0ata%ase 0esin
5"5 3rocess 0esin
5"6 O!tp!t 0esin
,. Te&t"ng and I)-$e)entat"on
6"2 S$stem Testin
6"2"2 -nit Testin
6"2"4 )nteration Testin
6"2"5 7alidation Testin
6"2"6 O!tp!t Testin
6"4 S$stem )mplementation
.. Con!$&"on
/. A--end"0
8"2" 0ataflow 0iaram
8"4" Screen La$o!ts
8"5" So!rce 9ode
8"6 Ta%le Str!ct!re
1. B"2$"ogra-(%
1.1 O4er4"e5 o' t(e Pro6e!t
,e have ot nine hostels in o!r !niversit$. which consist of fo!r %o$&s hostel
and five irl&s hostel" All these hostels at present are manaed man!all$ %$ the hostel
office" The :eistration form verification to the different data processin are done
Th!s there are a lot of repetitions which can %e easil$ avoided" And hence there
is a lot of strain on the person who are r!nnin the hostel and software&s are not !s!all$
!sed in this conte't"This partic!lar pro(ect deals with the pro%lems on manain a hostel
and avoids the pro%lems which occ!r when carried man!all$"
)dentification of the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem leads to the desinin of
comp!teri+ed s$stem that will %e compati%le to the e'istin s$stem with the s$stem
which is more !ser friendl$ and more G-) oriented" ,e can improve the efficienc$ of
the s$stem. th!s overcome the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem"
1.1.1 Pro2$e) +e'"n"t"on
Reg"&trat"on For)7
This section provides an online form to the st!dents which can %e filled %$ them.and a
cop$ of the filled pae can %e ta*en in the printed form" This is later s!%mitted to the
Hostel a!thorities which can %e verified %$ them %efore alottin them to the respective
Not"!e Board7
All the ; hostels have their Notice %oards" An$ chane in the Hostel fee. mess fee will
%e shown in this" )t can %e also !sed for different notifications"
Ad)"n"&trator Log"n
The Administrator can <
2" Allot different st!dents to the different hostels"
4" 7acate the st!dents for the hostels"
5" 9ontrol the stat!s of the fee pa$ement"
6" Edit the details of the st!dents = modif$ the st!dent records"
A$$ot)ent o' t(e (o&te$&7
Their will %e pre>defined criterias for the admission to the hostels" He chec*s the
attested application forms of the st!dents o%tained from the internet and varif$ it with
the st!dent data%ase" )f thest!dents are fo!nd elii%le then the$ are allotted to the hostel"
Va!at"ng t(e roo)&7
As the st!dent&s co!rse is over the$ will vacate their rooms" So it is re?!ired for the
administrator to remove their records from the data%ase ta%les" This section incl!des the
option for the room vacation and the deletion of the partic!lar record from the data%ase"
1.#.1 Hard5are S-e!"'"!at"on&7
SPEE+ 7 #., GH8
RAM 7 .1#MB 9++RRAM:
HAR+ +IS; 7 <= GB
;EYBOAR+ 7 1=, ;EYS
1.#.# So't5are S-e!"'"!at"on&7

1.#.* So't5are Se$e!t"on
W"ndo5& >P
,indows @3 %rins with new feat!res. improved prorams. and tools" See what&s newA
ta*e an entertainin to!rA learn a%o!t the prorams ,indows @3 contains. incl!din s$stems.
accessories. and comm!nications and entertainment prorams" :ead articles containin f!ll
descriptions for performin *e$ tas*s from start to finish" Loo* !p !nfamiliar terms in the
lossar$" Learn the %enefits of reisterin $o!r cop$ of ,indows @3 online"
,indows @3 provides man$ wa$s for $o! to comm!nicate with friends. co>wor*ers.
and with the rest of the world" Learn how to set !p and !se e>mail. incl!din instant messain"
E'plore the ,orld ,ide ,e% safel$ and in a sec!re environment" -nloc* the powerf!l
advantaes of networ*in > lin*in comp!ters at home or in a small %!siness" ,indows @3
e'plorer and internet e'plorer and we% %ased reso!rces interated in a sinle view<
)mproved ,e% #eat!res
)nternet 9onnection ,i+ard
)nternet 9onnection Sharin
Active 0es*top
Re)ote +e&?to-
,hether $o!Bre telecomm!nicatin from home or travelin awa$ from the office.
,indows @3 helps $o! wor* where $o! are" Learn how to connect to $o!r office from home or
another location. and to chane $o!r settins dependin on where $o! are and what $o! need to
Se!r"t% and Ad)"n"&trat"on
,indows @3 is loaded with new tools and prorams that ens!re the privac$ and
sec!rit$ of $o!r data. and help $o! operate $o!r comp!ter at pea* performance" Learn how to
assin a password. loc* $o!r comp!ter. %ac* !p files and folders. and more to protect the
contents of $o!r comp!ter" 0iscover how to manae comp!ter components. services. and
s$stem toolsA and how to wor* with dis* manaement and encr$ption feat!res
W"ndo5& F"$e Prote!t"on
)n versions of ,indows prior to ,indows 4CCC. installin software in addition to the
operatin s$stem miht overwrite shared s$stem files s!ch as d$namic>lin* li%raries D"dll filesE
and e'ec!ta%le files D"e'e filesE" 0is* Manaement Overview
The 0is* Manaement snap>in is a s$stem !tilit$ for manain hard dis*s and the
vol!mes. or partitions that the$ contain" ,ith 0is* Manaement. $o! can initiali+e
dis*s. create vol!mes. format vol!mes with the #AT. #AT54. or NT#S file s$stems.
and create fa!lt>tolerant dis* s$stems" 0is* Manaement ena%les $o! to perform most
dis*>related tas*s witho!t sh!ttin down the s$stem or interr!ptin !sersA most
confi!ration chanes ta*e effect immediatel$"
Per)"&&"on& on a F"$e Ser4er
One possi%le scenario for wor*in with permissions is when $o! m!st assin
permissions for the files on a file server" #or e'ample. s!ppose $o! need to Set file permissions
on a server !sed %$ a small department" The file server incl!des an applications folder. home
folders for each of the departmentBs !sers. a p!%lic folder where !sers can share files. and a
drop folder where !sers can file confidential reports that onl$ the ro!p manaer can read"
Prote!t"ng Aga"n&t V"r&e& and Tro6an Hor&e&
)n toda$Bs comp!tin world. $o! m!st prevent intentional instr!ction into $o!r
comp!ter and networ* that ta*e the form of vir!ses and Tro(an horses" #ollow these tips to help
prevent vir!s o!t%rea*s and Tro(an horse attac*s"
Co)-ter Ad)"n"&trator A!!ont
The comp!ter administrator acco!nt is intended for someone who can ma*e s$stem
wide chanes to the comp!ter. install prorams. and access all files on the comp!ter" Onl$ a
!ser with comp!ter administrator acco!nt has f!ll access to other !ser acco!nts on the
Ta&? Manager O4er4"e5
Tas* Manaer provides information a%o!t prorams and processes r!nnin on $o!r
comp!ter" )t also displa$s the most commonl$ !sed performance meas!res for processes" Yo!
can !se Tas* Manaer to monitor *e$ indicators of $o!r comp!terBs performance" Yo! can also
assess the activit$ of r!nnin processes !sin as man$ as fifteen parameters. and see raphs and
data on 93- and memor$ !sae"
O-en +ata2a&e Conne!t"4"t%
,e can !se 0ata So!rces Open 0ata%ase 9onnectivit$ DO019E to access data from a
variet$ of data%ase manaement s$stems" #or e'ample. if $o! have a proram that accesses
data in a SFL data%ase. 0ata So!rces DO019E will let $o! !se the same proram to access data
in a 7is!al #o'3ro data%ase" To do this. $o! m!st add software components called drivers to
$o!r s$stem" 0ata So!rces DO019E helps $o! add and confi!re these drivers"
I)-ro4ed Re$"a2"$"t%
,indows @3 improves comp!ter&s relia%ilit$ %$ introd!cin new wi+ard !tilities
and reso!rces that helps $o! to *eep $o!r s$stem r!nnin smoothl$<
,idows !pdate
S$stem file chec*er
Scan 0is*
:eistr$ chec*er
1ac* !p
Fa&ter O-erat"ng S%&te)
,indows @3 incl!des tools that help $o!r comp!ter r!n faster" ,itho!t addin new
hardware. ,indows @3 incl!des the s!it of prorams desined to optimi+e o!r comp!ter&s
efficienc$ especiall$ when !sed toether<
Maintenance wi+ard
0rive 9onverter
0is* deframenter
The learnin edition allows prorammer to create powerf!l application MS>windows operatin
1.#.* So't5are Se$e!t"on
M"!ro&o't V"&a$ Ba&"! /.=
V"&a$ Ba&"! 9VB: is an ideal prorammin lan!ae for developin
Sophisticated professional applications for Microsoft ,indows" )t ma*es !se of
Graphical -ser )nterface for creatin ro%!st and powerf!l applications" The Graphical
-ser )nterface as the name s!ests. !ses ill!strations for te't. which ena%le !sers to
interact with an application" This feat!re ma*es it easier to comprehend thins in a
?!ic*er and easier wa$"
9odin in G-) environment is ?!ite a transition to traditional. linear
prorammin methods where the !ser is !ided thro!h a linear path of e'ec!tion and is
limited to small set of operations" )n G-) environment. the n!m%er of options open to
the !ser is m!ch reater. allowin more freedom to the !ser and developer" #eat!res
s!ch as easier comprehension. !ser>friendliness. faster application development and
man$ other aspects s!ch as introd!ction to Active@ technolo$ and )nternet feat!res
ma*e V"&a$ Ba&"! an interestin tool to wor* with"
V"&a$ Ba&"! 9VB: was developed from the 1AS)9 prorammin lan!ae" )n
the 2;GCs. Microsoft started developin :OM>%ased interpreted 1AS)9 for the earl$
microprocessor>%ased comp!ters" )n 2;H4. Microsoft F!ic*1asic revol!tioni+ed 1asic
and was leitimi+ed as a serio!s development lan!ae for MS>0OS environment"
Later on. Microsoft 9orporation created the enhanced version of 1AS)9 called 7is!al
1asic for ,indows"
:esponse to mo!se and *e$%oard actions
9lip%oard and printer access
#!ll arra$ of mathematical. strin handlin. and raphics f!nctions
9an handle fi'ed and d$namic varia%le and control arra$s
Se?!ential and random access file s!pport
-sef!l de%!er and error>handlin facilities
3owerf!l data%ase access tools
Active@ s!pport
3ac*ae = 0eplo$ment ,i+ard ma*es distri%!tin $o!r applications
The professional Edition provides comp!ter professionals with a f!ll feat!red set
of tools for developin sol!tions for others" )t incl!des all the feat!res of the learnin
edition. pl!s additional Active @ controls. the internet information server application
desiner. interated data tools and data environment. active data o%(ects. and the
d$namic HTML pae desiner" 0oc!mentation provides with the professional edition
incl!des the vis!al st!dio professional feat!res %oo* pl!s Microsoft developer networ*
90&s containin f!ll online doc!mentation"
The 7is!al 1asic Learnin Edition allows 3rorammers to easil$ create powerf!l
applications for Microsoft ,indows and ,indows NTI" )t incl!des all intrinsic
controls. pl!s rid. ta% and data>%o!nd controls" 0oc!mentation provided with this
edition incl!des Learn 71 Now Da m!ltimedia 90>:OM titleE. pl!s Microsoft
0eveloper Networ* 90s containin f!ll online doc!mentation"
)n order to !nderstand the application development process. it is helpf!l to
!nderstand some of the *e$s concepts !pon ,hich 7is!al 1asic is a ,indows
0evelopment lan!ae. some familiarit$ with the ,indows
3rorammin. $o! need to %e aware of some f!ndamental differences %etween
prorammin for ,indows vers!s other environments"
One of the most sinificant chanes in 7is!al 1asic 8"C is the )nterated
0evelopment Environment D)0EE" )0E is a term commonl$ !sed in the prorammin
world to descri%e the interface and environment that we !se to create o!r applications" )t
is called interated %eca!se we can access virt!all$ all of the development tools that we
need from one screen called an interface. The )0E is also commonl$ referred to as the
desin environment. or the proram"
The 7is!al 1asic )0E is made !p of a n!m%er of components
Men! 1ar
Tool 1ar
3ro(ect E'plorer
3roperties window
#orm La$o!t ,indow
#orm 0esiner
O%(ect 1rowser
9ode editor
)n previo!s versions of 7is!al 1asic. the )0E was desined as a Sinle
0oc!ment )nterface DS0)E" )n a Sinle 0oc!ment )nterface. each window is a free>
floatin window that is contained within a main window and can move an$where on the
screen as lon as 7is!al 1asic is the c!rrent application" 1!t. in 7is!al 1asic 8"C. the
)0E is in a M!ltiple 0oc!ment )nterface DM0)E format" )n this format. the windows
associated with the pro(ect will sta$ within a sinle container *nown as the parent" 9ode
and form>%ased windows will sta$ within the main container form"
This Men! 1ar displa$s the commands that are re?!ired to %!ild an application"
The main men! items have s!% men! items that can %e chosen when needed" The
tool%ars in the men! %ar provide ?!ic* access to the commonl$ !sed commands and a
%!tton in the tool%ar is clic*ed once to carr$ o!t the action represented %$ it"
The Tool%o' contains a set of controls that are !sed to place on a #orm at desin
time there%$ creatin the !ser interface area" Additional controls can %e incl!ded in the
tool%o' %$ !sin the 9omponents men! item on the 3ro(ect men!"
0oc*ed on the riht side of the screen. (!st !nder the tool%ar. in the E'plorer
window" The 3ro(ect E'plorer as shown in fi!re server as a ?!ic* reference to the
vario!s elements of a pro(ect namel$ form. classes and modules
The 3roperties ,indow is doc*ed !nder the 3ro(ect E'plorer window"
3roperties ,indow e'poses the vario!s characteristics of selected o%(ects" Each and
ever$ form in an application is considered an o%(ect" Now. each O%(ect in 7is!al 1asic
has characteristics s!ch as color and si+e"
The O%(ect 1rowser allows !s to %rowse thro!h the vario!s properties. events
and methods that are made availa%le to !s" )t is accessed %$ selectin O%(ect 1rowser
from the 7iew men! or pressin the *e$ #4" The left col!mn of the O%(ect 1rowser lists
the o%(ects and classes that are availa%le in the pro(ects that are opened and the controls
those have %een referenced in them" )t is possi%le for !s to scroll thro!h the list and
select the o%(ect or class that we wish to inspect"
The tool%ar provides ?!ic* access to commonl$ !sed commands" These will %e
e'plained later in the man!al" The Tool%ar provides the !ser ?!ic* access to the most
commonl$ !sed f!nctions of a proram" A tool%ar can %e !sed stand>alone or as a
complement to the proramBs men! str!ct!re"
This shows the Form Layout Window, which lets you determine the
starting position of your form relative to the screen.
7is!al St!dio. li*e an$ other )0E. incl!des a code editor that s!pports s$nta'
hihlihtin and code completion !sin )ntelliSense for not onl$ varia%les. f!nctions
and methods %!t also lan!ae constr!cts li*e loops and ?!eries" )ntelliSense is
s!pported for the incl!ded lan!aes. as well as for @ML and for 9ascadin St$le
Sheets and JavaScript when developin we% sites and we% applications"
#O:M 0ES)GN ,)N0O,
This is where $o! desin $o!r form" A form is what $o! will present to a !ser of
$o!r application" A form co!ld %e an introd!ction screen. it co!ld %e a dialo %o'
ivin the !ser options. it co!ld %e a %o' containin a warnin" All of $o!r 71
prorams will revolve aro!nd a n!m%er of forms"
3rovides a wa$ to move and resi+e the controls form"
0ispla$s iconsK%itmaps and metafiles" )t displa$s te't or Acts as a vis!al
container for other controls"
-sed to displa$ messae and enter te't"
Serves as a vis!al and f!nctional container for controls"
-sed to carr$ o!t the specified action when the !ser chooses it"
0ispla$s a Tr!eK#alse or YesKNo option"
Option 1!tton control which is a part of an option ro!p allows the
!ser to select onl$ one option even it displa$s m!ltiple choices"
0ispla$s a list of items from which a !ser can select one"
)tem from the dropdown List 1o'. or to t$pe in a selection in the Te't 1o'"
9ontains a Te't 1o' and a List 1o'" This allows the !ser to select
These controls allow the !ser to select a val!e within the specified rane of val!es"

E'ec!tes the timer events at specified intervals of time"
0ispla$s the valid dis* drives and allows the !ser to select one of them"
Allows the !ser to select the directories and paths. which are displa$ed"
0ispla$s a set of files from which a !ser can select the desired one"
-sed to add shape Drectanle. s?!are or circleE to a #orm"
-sed to draw straiht line to the #orm"
-sed to displa$ imaes s!ch as icons. %itmaps and Metafiles" 1!t less
capa%ilit$ than the 3ict!re 1o' "
Ena%les the !se to connect to an e'istin data%ase and displa$ information from it"
-sed to lin* or em%ed an o%(ect. displa$ and manip!late 0ata from other windows
%ased applications"
0ispla$s a te't that the !ser cannot modif$ or interact ,ith"
M"!ro&o't A!!e&&
Microsoft Access is an application !sed to create small and midsi+e comp!ter
des*top data%ases for the Microsoft ,indows famil$ of Operatin s$stems" )t can also
%e !sed as data%ase server for a we%>%ased Application" )t is also s!pported %$ A0O.
O019. and the "NET #ramewor*. etc"
This we% site provides lessons on how to !se Microsoft Office Access 4CCG to
create and manae data%ases" The lessons follow a step>%$>step format with practical
To follow these lessons. $o! m!st have Microsoft Office Access 4CCG
installed on $o!r comp!ter" The lessons are listed on the left side of this ae" 1elow. the
lessons are presented as topics"
Access stores data in its own format %ased on the Access Jet 0ata%ase Enine" )t
can also import or lin* directl$ to data stored in other Access 0ata%ases. E'cel. Share
3oint lists. te't. @ML. O!tloo*. HTML. d1ase. 3arado'. Lot!s 2>4>5. or an$ O019>
compliant data container. incl!din
7is!al o%(ects !sed in forms and reports e'pose their methods and properties in the 71A
prorammin environment. and 71A code mod!les ma$ declare and call ,indows
operatin s$stem f!nctions" 71A with "NET #ramewor* can %e considered a s!ccessor to
Access in the sense that it can prod!ce we% front>ends for data%ases and incl!des m!ch of
the f!nctionalit$ of 71A in Access"
Microsoft Access is a data%ase software proram that ma*es manip!latin data
manaea%le for !sers of man$ s*ill levels" Yo! can inp!t data and sort. filter or ro!p
information accordin to $o!r needs" )tBs partic!larl$ !sef!l when there are tho!sands of
records and sortin thro!h them individ!all$ wo!ld ta*e ho!rs" Access allows $o! to o%tain
the information ?!ic*er %$ providin a few commands to tell the proram what is %ein so!ht"
:eports can %e created. too. that p!ll information o!t of the data%ase accordin to the pro(ect
parameters" #or e'ample. information on a c!stomerBs ae. se'. marital stat!s. address. email
address. phone n!m%er and cell phone n!m%er ma$ %e listed in $o!r data%ase" However.
demoraphics a%o!t the client ma$ %e the onl$ thin necessar$ to complete a iven pro(ect"
Yo! can then %!ild a report that will e'tract c!stomers %$ ae. se' and marital stat!s"
#le'i%ilit$ is the *e$ with Access" Lnowin that not ever$one is s*illed at ma*in
data%ases. Microsoft created %asic templates that a !ser can o and !se immediatel$" However.
a data%ase can %e %!ilt from scratch or the templates can %e twea*ed as needed to fit $o!r
needs" :ather than inp!ttin each record ever$ time a pro(ect is started. Access holds tho!sands
of records for $o! to revisit whenever needed. ma*in it a time>saver. too" This is reat %eca!se
not onl$ is the information there. %!t it can %e !sed alonside other Microsoft prorams s!ch as
,ord" Simpl$ create a mail mere with tho!sands of letters and (oin it toether with the Access
data%ase" All contacts will %e p!lled from Access and d!mped into each letter separatel$"
)nteraction %etween MS O!tloo* is possi%le too" )mport contacts from $o!r MS O!tloo*
contact %oo* into Access or e'port contact information in Access and save it as a contact in
Microsoft Access offers several wa$s to sec!re the application while allowin !sers to
remain prod!ctive" The most %asic is a data%ase password" Once entered. the !ser has f!ll
control of all the data%ase o%(ects" This is a relativel$ wea* form of protection which can %e
easil$ crac*ed"
A hiher level of protection is the !se of wor*ro!p sec!rit$ re?!irin a !ser name and
password" -sers and ro!ps can %e specified alon with their rihts at the o%(ect t$pe or
individ!al o%(ect level" This can %e !sed to specif$ people with read onl$ or data entr$ rihts
%!t ma$ %e challenin to specif$" A separate wor*ro!p sec!rit$ file contains the settins
which can %e !sed to manae m!ltiple data%ases" ,or*ro!p sec!rit$ is not s!pported in the
Access 4CCG A9901 data%ase format. altho!h Access 4CCG still s!pports it for M01
data%ases" 0ata%ases can also %e encr$pted"
Microsoft Access applications can adopt a split data%ase architect!re" The
data%ase can %e divided into a front end data%ase that contains the application o%(ects
D?!eries. forms. reports. macros. and mod!lesE. and is lin*ed to ta%les stored in a %ac*
end shared data%ase containin the data" The B%ac*>endB data%ase can %e stored in a
location shared %$ man$ !sers. s!ch as a file server"
The Bfront>endB data%ase is distri%!ted to each !serBs des*top and lin*ed to the
shared data%ase" -sin this desin. each !ser has a cop$ of Microsoft Access installed
on their machine alon with their application data%ase" This red!ces networ* traffic
since the application is not retrieved for each !se. and allows the front end data%ase to
contain ta%les with data that is private to each !ser for storin settins or temporar$
This split data%ase desin also allows development of the application
independent of the data" ,hen a new version is read$. the front end data%ase is replaced
witho!t impactin the data data%ase" Microsoft Access has two 1!ilt>in !tilities.
0ata%ase Splitter and Lin*ed Ta%le Manaer. to facilitate this architect!re"
#. Ana$%&"& o' t(e S%&te)
This 3ro(ect wor* is desined with the followin scopes"
The s$stem is a%le to provide complete information a%o!t the collee
Administarion and St!dents 0etails"
The S$stem is also a%le to maintain all the information even in critical
)t is desined in a !ser friendl$ manner. in order to help the end !ser to
avoid errors"
3recise and standard reports are enerated accordin to the !ser wish"
#.# E0"&t"ng S%&te)
#or the past few $ears the n!m%er of ed!cational instit!tions are increasin rapidl$"
There%$ the n!m%er of hostels are also increasin for the accommodation of the st!dents
st!d$in in this instit!tion" And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are r!nnin the
hostel and software&s are not !s!all$ !sed in this conte't"This partic!lar pro(ect deals with the
pro%lems on manain a hostel and avoids the pro%lems which occ!r when carried man!all$
)dentification of the draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem leads to the desinin of comp!teri+ed
s$stem that will %e compati%le to the e'istin s$stem with the s$stem which is more !ser
friendl$ and more G-) oriented" ,e can improve the efficienc$ of the s$stem. th!s overcome
the followin draw%ac*s of the e'istin s$stem"
/ more h!man error"
/ more strenth and strain of man!al la%o!r needed
/ :epetition of the same proced!res"
/ low sec!rit$
/ 0ata red!ndanc$
/ diffic!lt to handle
/ diffic!lt to !pdate data
/ record *eepin is diffic!lt
/ 1ac*!p data can %e easil$ enerated
#.* Pro-o&ed S%&te)
The s$stem desin is divided in to two portions" The Administrator section and the
-serDst!dent&sE section"
2" The Administrator can allot different st!dents to the different hostels"
4"He can vacate the st!dents for the hostels"
5"He can control the stat!s of the fee pa$ement"
6"He can edit the details of the st!dents"He can chane their rooms. edit and delete the st!dent
A process of convertin !ser oriinated inp!ts to a comp!ter>%ased format" )np!t desin is an
important part of development process since inacc!rate inp!t data are the most common ca!se
of errors in data processin" Erroneo!s entries can %e controlled %$ inp!t desin" )t consists of
developin specifications and proced!res for enterin data into a s$stem and m!st %e in simple
format. The oal of inp!t data desin is to ma*e data entr$ as eas$. loical and free from errors
as possi%le" )n inp!t data desin. we desin the so!rce doc!ment that
capt!re the data and then select the media !sed to enter them into the comp!ter"
#., Fea&"2"$"t% Std%
The pro(ect is feasi%le iven !nlimited reso!rces and infinite time" )t is %oth
necessar$ and pr!dent to eval!ate the feasi%ilit$ of the pro(ect at the earliest possi%le
time" #easi%ilit$ and ris* anal$sis is related in man$ wa$s" )f pro(ect ris* is reat. the
feasi%ilit$ listed %elow is e?!all$ important"
The followin feasi%ilit$ techni?!es has %een !sed in this pro(ect
Operational #easi%ilit$
Technical #easi%ilit$
Economic #easi%ilit$
O-erat"ona$ Fea&"2"$"t%
3roposed s$stem is %eneficial since it t!rned into information s$stem anal$+in
the traffic that will meet the orani+ations operatin re?!irements in sec!rit$. the file is
transferred to the destination and the ac*nowledement is iven to the server" 1!l* of
data transfer is sent witho!t traffic"
Te!(n"!a$ Fea&"2"$"t%
Technical feasi%ilit$ centers on the e'istin comp!ter s$stem Dhardware.
software. etc"E and to what e'tent it can s!pport the proposed addition" #or e'ample. if
the c!rrent comp!ter is operatin at HCM capacit$" This involves. additional hardware
D:AM and 3:O9ESSO:E will increase the speed of the process" )n software. lan!ae
that is 71 8 and Access is !sed" ,e can also !se in Lin!'. ,indows operatin s$stem"
The technical re?!irement for this pro(ect are ,indows Operatin S$stem as
software and normal hardware confi!ration is eno!h .so the s$stem is more feasi%le
on this criteria"
E!ono)"! Fea&"2"$"t%
Economic feasi%ilit$ is the most fre?!entl$ !sed method for eval!atin the
effectiveness of a candidate s$stem" More commonl$ *nown as cost K %enefit anal$sis.
the proced!re is to determine the %enefits and savin that are e'pected from a candidate
and compare them with the costs" )f the %enefits o!tweih cost then the decision is made
to desin and implement the s$stem" Otherwise drop the s$stem"
This s$stem has %een implemented s!ch that it can %e !sed to anal$sis the traffic" So it
does not re?!ire an$ e'tra e?!ipment or hardware to implement" So it is economicall$
feasi%le to !se"
*.1 In-t +e&"gn
)np!t desin is a process of convertin !ser orientation into a comp!ter %ased format" )np!t
data are collected and orani+ed into ro!ps similar data" The oal of desinin inp!t data is to ma*e
data entr$ as eas$. loical and free from error as possi%le"
Once the inp!t data are identified appropriate inp!t media are selected for processin" The
ma(or approaches for enterin data into comp!ter are"
Amon these lin*s and forms are !sed in the proposed s$stem" Lin*s are !sed to provide a
selection list that simplifies comp!ted data access or entr$" A form is pre>desined templates that
re?!est the !ser to enter data in the appropriate location" )np!t and desins are considered as the heart
of the s$stem" )np!t desin forms are developed !sin vis!al %asic in !ser friendl$ manner
0ata%ase Manaement S$stem D01MSE is a set of comp!ter prorams that controls the creation.
maintenance. and the !se of the data%ase with comp!ter as a platform or of an orani+ation and its end
!sers" )t allows orani+ations to place control of orani+ation>wide data%ase development in the hands
of data%ase administrators D01AE and other specialists" A 01MS is a s$stem software pac*ae that
helps the !se of interated collection of data records and files *nown as data%ases" )t allows different
!ser application prorams to easil$ access the same data%ase" 01MS ma$ !se an$ of a variet$ of
data%ase models. s!ch as the networ* model "
)tBs an orani+ed collection of data" A data%ase manaement s$stem D01MSE
s!ch as Access. #ileMa*er 3ro. Oracle or SFL Server provides $o! with the software tools
$o! need to orani+e that data in a fle'i%le manner" )t incl!des facilities to add. modif$
or delete data from the data%ase. as* ?!estions Dor ?!eriesE a%o!t the data stored in the
data%ase and prod!ce reports s!mmari+in selected contents"
,hen we !se wor* with data in a Microsoft Access data%ase. !ser m!st first
create a connection to a 0ata%ase file" The easiest wa$ to create a connection to a
Microsoft Access file is to create a data environment !sin the 0ata Environment
)t represents comple' relationships %etween data"
Leeps all liht control of data red!ndanc$"
Enforces !ser>defined r!le to ens!re the interit$ of ta%le data has a
centrali+ed data dictionar$ for the storae of information pertainin to
data and its manip!lation"
Ens!re that data can %e shared across application"
Enforces data access a!thori+ation have a!tomatic. intellient %ac*!p
and recover$ proced!res for data"
,hen we desin a data%ase. first decide what ta%les we need. what t$pe of oes
in each ta%le. who can access each ta%le and so on" As $o! create and wor* with ta%les.
$o! contin!e to ma*e more detailed decisions a%o!t them"
The most efficient wa$ to create a ta%le is to define ever$ a ta%le is to define
ever$thin $o! need in the ta%le at one time. incl!din its data restrictions and
additional components" However. $o! can also create a %asic ta%le. add some data to it.
and then wor* with it for a while" This approach ives $o! a chance to see what t$pes of
transactions are most common and what t$pes of data are fre?!entl$ entered"
1efore $o! commit to firm desin %$ addin constrains. inde'es. defa!lts. r!les
and other o%(ects"
*.* Pro!e&& +e&"gn
3rocess desin pla$s an important role in pro(ect development" )n order to !nderstand
wor*in proced!re. process desin is necessar$" 0ata #low 0iaram and S$stem #low chart are
the tools !sed for process desin" S$stem #low 9hart is a raphical representation of the s$stem
showin the overall flow of control in processin at the (o% levelA specifies what activities m!st
%e done to convert from a ph$sical to loical model" 0ata #low 0iaram is the loical
representation of the data flow of the pro(ect" The 0#0 is drawn !sin vario!s s$m%ols" )t has a
so!rce and a destination" The process is represented !sin circles
and so!rce and destination are represented !sin s?!ares" The data flow is represented !sin
arrows" One reader can easil$ et the idea a%o!t the pro(ect thro!h 0ata #low 0iaram"
)n o!tp!t desin. the emphasis is on prod!cin a hard cop$ of the information
re?!est or displa$in the o!tp!t on the 9:T screen in a pre>defined format"
9omp!ter o!tp!t is the most important and direct so!rce of information to the
!ser" Efficient. intellii%le o!tp!t desin improves the s$stem relationship with the !ser
and helps in decision ma*in"
The o!tp!t desin mainl$ contri%!tes towards the reports enerated for ma*in
the decision "%$ chec*in the desired condition. the reports are enerated"
,.1 Te&t"ng
The oals of verification and validation activities are to access and improve
?!alit$ of the wor* prod!cts enerated d!rin development is Are we %!ildin the
prod!ct rihtN and validation is Are we %!ildin the riht prod!ctN
,.1. 1 S%&te) Te&t"ng7
Software once validate m!st %e com%ined with other s$stem elements" S$stem
testin verifies that all the elements miss properl$ and that overall s$stem f!nction
performance is achieved" )t also tests to find discrepancies %etween s$stem and its
oriinal c!rrent specification and s$stem doc!mentation"
,.1.# 3n"t te&t"ng
Startin from the %ottom. the first level of testin is component testin some time
it is called !nit testin specified in the component correctl$" )n theor$ an independent
tester sho!ld do this" 1!t in practice the developer does it as the$ people to !nderstand
how a component wor*s" The pro%lem with a s$stem. which ma$ not have %een %!ilt it"
To overcome component is that it performs onl$ a small part of f!nctionalit$ of a
s$stem and it relies on cooperatin with other parts of this developer either %!ilt or !ses
special software to ma*e it acc!ratel$"
1lac* %o' testin is the most important testin to ens!re that !sers of the
application have a flawless and satisf$in e'perience" 1eca!se %lac* %o' testin is to
identif$in contradictions in f!nction specification from the !ser&s perspective. havin a
tool that %rins efficienc$ to $o!r testin process is essential"
Testin an$where ives the power and orani+ation to ain efficienc$ in the
%loc* %o' testin. with tools that ma*e test creation and manaement a %ree+e for
an$one" A!tomate the test with int!itive tools that ma*e testin ?!ic*l$ and effective
allowin for ?!ic*er development" The p!rpose of an$ sec!rit$ testin method is to
ens!re the ro%!stness of the s$stem in the face of malicio!s attac*s or re!lar software
The white %o' testin is performed %ased on the *nowlede of how the
s$stem is implemented" ,hite %o' testin incl!des anal$+in data flow. control flow.
information flow. codin practices e'ception and error handlin within the s$stem"
To testin the intended and !nintended software %ehavior" ,hite %o' testin
can %e performed to validate whether code" )mplementation follows intended desin. to
validate implemented sec!rit$ f!nctionalit$ and !ncover e'ploita%le v!lnera%ilities"
,.1.* Integrat"on Te&t"ng7
)nteration testin address iss!es associated with the d!al pro%lem of
verification and proram constr!ction" After the software has %een interates a set of
hih>order tests are cond!cted"
The main o%(ective of this testin process is to ta*e !nit tested mod!les
and %!ild a proram str!ct!re that has %een dictated %$ desin"
The followin are the t$pes of interation testin.
Top>down interation
1ottom>-p interation
,.1., Ot-t Te&t"ng7
This s$stem developed and ive the different t$pes of inp!ts and tested the
re?!ired o!tp!ts are displa$ed"
The Hardware Sales and Service s$stem developed ma$ %e totall$ new. replacin
an e'istin s$stem" 3roper implementation is essential to provide a relia%le s$stem to
meet orani+ation re?!irements" )mplementation is the stae of the pro(ect when the
theoretical desin is t!rned into an act!al wor*in s$stem"
The process of implementation involves<
Trainin the implementation to learn the s$stem" 9aref!l plannin and
method to implementation
Ma*in necessar$ chanes to the s$stem as desired %$ the !ser"
Testin the developed proram with ade?!ate sample data"
Maintenance hold the software ind!str$ captive. t$pin !p prorammin
reso!rcesA anal$st and prorammers spend for more time maintainin prorams
that the$ do write them"
Maintenance is not as rewardin as e'citin as developin s$stem. few tools and
techni?!es are availa%le for maintenance a ood test plan is lac*in" Maintenance
covers a wide rane of activities. incl!din correctin codin and desin errors.
!pdatin !ser s!pport"
Maintenance hold the software ind!str$ captive. t$pin !p prorammin
reso!rcesA anal$st and prorammers spend for more time maintainin prorams that
the$ do write them" Maintenance is not as rewardin as e'citin as developin s$stem.
few tools and techni?!es are availa%le for maintenance a ood test plan is lac*in"
Maintenance covers a wide rane of activities. incl!din correctin codin and desin
errors. !pdatin !ser s!pport"
)t is an e'cellent tool for the maintenance of the Garment Manaement"
The development staes follows s$stem anal$sis and desin approach" This s$stem has
!nderone testin techni?!es and %!s have %een removed in this pro(ect" )np!t entries
can %e !pdated and maintained in several other s$stems" )t is also ver$ !sef!l for
3erformin da$ to da$ manaement activities" )t is men! driven and !ser>friendl$"
O!r aim is to ma*e f!t!re enhancement To the Software Tool #or The
Additional 1!siness Loic" A we%site can %e esta%lished with s!pport of o!r s$stem and
the transactions can %e performed from remote access" The development staes follows
s$stem anal$sis and desin approach" This s$stem has !nderone testin techni?!es
and %!s have %een removed in the forms" )t is ver$ !sef!l for performin da$ to da$
manaement activities" Emplo$ee details and acco!nt n!m%er can also %e maintained in
this pro(ect" Emplo$ee pa$ role can also %e an Enhancement

/.#. S!reen La%ot&
Log"n For) 7
Ma"n For) 7
Stdent reg"&trat"on7
Ho&te$ )anage)ent7
/.*. Sor!e Code
Log"n !od"ng
0im rsLoin As New :ecordset
3rivate S!% cmd9ancelO9lic*DE
Bset the lo%al var to false
Bto denote a failed loin
LoinS!cceeded P #alse
-nload Me
End S!%
3rivate S!% cmdOLO9lic*DE
Bchec* for correct password
sSFL P Qselect R from !sers where !sername P BQ = t't-serName = QBQ
Set rsLoin P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE

)f rsLoin"EO# And rsLoin"1O# Then
Ms1o' Q)nvalid -sername. tr$ aainSQ. . QLoinQ
SendLe$s QTHomeUVTEndUQ
E'it S!%
End )f

)f rsLoin"#ieldsDQpasswordQE WX t't3assword Then
Ms1o' Q)nvalid 3assword. tr$ aainSQ. . QLoinQ
SendLe$s QTHomeUVTEndUQ
E'it S!%
End )f

Bpassword correct
-nload Me
End S!%
3rivate S!% #ormO-nloadD9ancel As )nteerE
-nload frmSplash
End S!%
Ma"n For) Cod"ng7
3rivate S!% 9ommand2O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% 9ommand4O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% 9ommand5O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% 9ommand6O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% 9ommand8O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!A%o!tO9lic*DE
frmA%o!t"Show 2
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!AllocateO9lic*DE
Ms1o' QA!tomatic Allocation wiatin for S!pervisor :ecommendationSQ. v%)nformation

End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!9ascadeO9lic*DE
Me"Arrane v%9ascade
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!9reateHostelO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!0oc!mentationO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!E'itO9lic*DE
-nload Me
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:ptHostelsO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!HostelMtO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!MtSt!dentO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!NonHN04O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:eO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:ptAll-nO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:pt#!ll$O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:ptHosO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:pt3artialO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!d0eptO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!d0ept#O9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!d0eptMO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:ptSt!dSpcO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% mn!:pt7iewAllO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% 3ict!re2O9lic*DE
End S!%
0im sSFL As Strin
3rivate S!% 9ommand2O9lic*DE
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

sSFL P Qinsert into hostelnameDHostelName. HostelNic*name. Se'. 3refi'. 9apacit$.
9apacit$-sedE val!es DBQ = t'tHostelName = QB.BQ = t'tNic*name = QB.BQ = c%oSe' = QB.BQ =
t't3refi' = QB. Q = 9)ntDt't9apacit$E = Q. CEQ

cn"E'ec!te sSFL
Ms1o' QHostel Q = t'tHostelName = Q created"Q. v%)nformation
E'it S!%
Ms1o' QHostel Q = t'tHostelName = Q not created"Q. v%)nformation
End S!%
3rivate S!% 9ommand4O9lic*DE
-nload Me
End S!%
3rivate S!% #ormOLoadDE
,ith c%oSe'
"Add)tem Q#emaleQ
"Add)tem QMaleQ
"Add)tem QMi'edQ
End ,ith
End S!%
3rivate S!% t'tHostelNameO9haneDE
t't3refi' P LeftZDt'tHostelName. 2E
9ommand2"9aption P Q9reate Hostel BQ = t'tHostelName = QBQ
End S!%
Add"ng roo) 7
0im rsHostel As New :ecordset
3rivate S!% c%oHostelsO9lic*DE
sSFL P Qselect se' from hostelname where hostelname P BQ = c%oHostels = QBQ
Set rsHostel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE
)f L9aseZDrsHostel"#ieldsDCEE P QmaleQ Then
t't:oomSe'"Add)tem QMaleQ
Else)f L9aseZDrsHostel"#ieldsDCEE P QfemaleQ Then
t't:oomSe'"Add)tem Q#emaleQ
t't:oomSe'"Add)tem QMaleQ
t't:oomSe'"Add)tem Q#emaleQ
End )f
End S!%
3rivate S!% cmd9ancelO9lic*DE
-nload Me
End S!%
3rivate S!% cmd9reate:oomO9lic*DE
End S!%
3rivate S!% 9ommand2O9lic*DE
-nload Me
End S!%
3rivate S!% #ormOLoadDE
t't:oomSe'"Add)tem QMaleQ
t't:oomSe'"Add)tem Q#emaleQ

sSFL P Qselect R from HostelNameQ
Set rsHostel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE
0o ,hile Not rsHostel"EO#
c%oHostels"Add)tem rsHostel"#ieldsD2E
End S!%
S!% 9reateO:oomDE
0im int9apacit$ As )nteer
0im str:oomN!m%er. strSe' As Strin

str:oomN!m%er P Me"t't:oomN!m%er
int9apacit$ P 9)ntDt't:oom9apacit$E
strSe' P Me"t't:oomSe'

)f str:oomN!m%er P QQ Then
Ms1o' Qplease enter an entr$ for the room n!m%erQ
E'it S!%
End )f

)f int9apacit$ P C Then
Ms1o' Qplease enter an entr$ for the room capacit$Q
E'it S!%
End )f

)f strSe' P QQ Then
Ms1o' Qplease enter an entr$ for the room se'Q
E'it S!%
End )f

mess P Ms1o'DQcreate room entr$ > n!m%er<Q = str:oomN!m%er = Q capacit$<Q =
int9apacit$ = Q mem%ers se'<Q = strSe' = Q > in hostel<Q = c%oHostels"Te't = QNQ. v%YesNoE
)f mess P v%No Then
E'it S!%
End )f

sSFL P Qselect capacit$ from hostelname where hostelname P BQ = c%oHostels"Te't = QBQ
Set rshotel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE

Binsert room record
sSFL P Qinsert into HostelsD:oom)0. HostelName. :oomN!m%er. 9apacit$. Allocated. Se'E
val!es DBQ = LeftZDc%oHostels"Te't. 2E = Q>Q = str:oomN!m%er = QB.BQ = c%oHostels"Te't =
QB.BQ = str:oomN!m%er = QB.Q = int9apacit$ = Q.C.BQ = strSe' = QBEQ
cn"E'ec!te sSFL

sSFL P Qselect R from HostelName where HostelNamePBQ = c%oHostels = QBQ
Set rsHostel P cn"E'ec!teDsSFLE

9ap P 9)ntDrsHostel"#ieldsDQcapacit$QEE
B!pdate hostel parent record > total capacit$
sSFL P Q!pdate hostelname set capacit$ P Q = 9ap V 9)ntDint9apacit$E = Q where
HostelName P BQ = c%oHostels = QBQ
cn"E'ec!te sSFL
End S!%
S!% 9learO#ieldsDE
Me"t't:oom9apacit$ P QQ
Me"t't:oomN!m%er P QQ
Me"t't:oomSe' P QQ
End S!%
/., Ta2$e Str!tre
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
19O0E Te't YC #alse
1NAMEd Te't YC #alse
0-:AT)ON N-M1E:
regno +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
St!dent name Te't YC #alse
hostel name Te't YC #alse
1loc*t$pe Te't YC #alse
1loc*desc Te't YC #alse
:OOM NO N!m%er
#inedesc Te't YC #alse
Ofineamo!nt 9!rrenc$
dat 0ateKtime #alse
#NO Te't YC #alse
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
:eno N!m%er
name Te't YC #alse
%code N!m%er
%name Te't YC #alse
HostelOname Te't YC #alse
1loc*t$pe Te't YC #alse
roomno Te't YC #alse
:oomdesc Te't YC #alse
fees 9!rrenc$
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
HostelOname Te't YC #alse
1loc*t$pe Te't YC #alse
%loc*desc Te't YC #alse
roomstart N!m%er
roomend N!m%er
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
:EGNO N!m%er YC #alse
ST-0ONAME Te't YC #alse
1LO9L NAME Te't YC #alse
1LO9L 0ES9 Te't YC #alse
:OOM NO N!m%er YC #alse
)TEM 9O0E Te't
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
)T 9O0E Te't YC #alse
)TEM NAME Te't YC #alse
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
:eno N!m%er YC #alse
0ateOof O(oinin 0ateKtime YC #alse
Hostel name Te't YC #alse
1loc* t$pe Te't YC #alse
1loc* desc Te't YC #alse
:oom no N!m%er YC #alse
#ees paid Te't
#eesOreceipOno N!m%er
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
A33L)9ATA)ON N!m%er YC #alse
:EGNO N!m%er YC #alse
NAME Te't YC #alse
SE@ Te't YC #alse
1LO9L Te't YC #alse
1LO9L 0ES9 Te't YC #alse
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1:AN9H Te't YC #alse
HOSTEL)0 Te't YC #alse
YEA: N!m%er #alse
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
Hostel name Te't YC #alse
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:oom desc Te't YC #alse
NoOofOperson N!m%er YC #alse
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
AppOno N!m%er YC #alse
:eOno N!m%er YC #alse
Name Te't YC #alse
Se' Te't YC #alse
Marital stat!s Te't YC #alse
#ather name Te't YC #alse
G!ardian name Te't YC #alse
3ermanent add Te't YC #alse
Local add Te't YC #alse
1lood ro!p Te't YC #alse
3HONE NO N!m%er #alse
F"e$d Na)e +ata T%-e S"Be A$$o5 N$$&
:EGNO N!m%er YC #alse
NAME Te't YC #alse
1LO9L TY3E Te't YC #alse
1LO9L 0ES9 Te't YC #alse
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)TEM SE:7)9E Te't YC #alse
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0ATEOO#O0ELET)NG 0ateKtime #alse
7is!al 1asic 8"C 3rorammer&s G!ide
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7is!al 1asic 8"C< The 9omplete :eference
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7is!al 1asic 3rorammin #or 0!mmies
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