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Matematika-Fisika-Kimia Jadi Mudah & Menyenangkan

1. A toy car with mass of 0,75 kg is pulled by a force of 1,5 N
until it moves. f the friction between the wheel and the
floor is neglected, what is the acceleration that the toy car
". #ass of a body is $ kg. %ow much is the weight of the
body at the moon and the earth if acceleration due to
gravity in the moon is 1,$ m&s
and acceleration due to
gravity in the earth is ',( m&s
). *orce *1+)0N and *"+"0N work on the same work line
and direction. ,alculate and draw the resultant force if 5N
represented by 1 cm-
.. /he weight of body around the e0uator is 1'$0N while the
weight of the body in the north pole is "000 N and the
e0uator is ',( m&s
, what is the acceleration due to gravity
in the north pole!
5. A body with the mass of 10 kg is pushed with force 15N so
that it moves in acceleration. f there is no friction which
works on the body, then the acceleration of the body is....
$. A chest is pushed by two children. /he first and the second
child push with force "00N and ".0N respectively. f there
is friction of 100N, then what is the resultant force!
7. 1ody A has the mass of $ kg and body 1 has the mass of .
kg, both are connected with a rope. f they are pulled with
force of 5"0N and the friction with floor of "0N, find the
acceleration of two bodies!
(. /he weight of a body in the earth is "(0N. f the
acceleration due to gravity un the mars is one half time in
the earth, what is the weight in the mars!
'. A bottle with the mass of 5 kg is pushed with force 15N to
the south and a bo2 with mass of 7 kg is pushed with same
man and move with same acceleration. f there is no
friction that work on the body, what is the force of the bo2!
10.A car have mass )000 kg and move with velocity 5.
km&3am, when the car braked until stop needed 1,5 minutes.
,alculate the acceleration and the force happen in car-
Test Force
Part one
Test Force /year 8 Page : 1 / 1
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Matematika-Fisika-Kimia Jadi Mudah & Menyenangkan
1. 4nown some vectors5
*1+ $N to the right *.+ 1"N to the left
*"+ 5N to the left *5+ .N to the bottom
*)+ 10N to the right *$+ (N to the top
,alculate the resultant of force and draw the vector
diagram of resultant force if "N e0uals to 1 cm-
a. *16*"7*$ c. *.6*57*$
b. *)7*$7*1 d. *17*56*$
". /he astronaut8s weight is (00N on the earth. f the moon
due to gravity is 1&5 of acceleration due to gravity on the
earth. %ow much the astronaut weight on the moon!
). A body of mass "0 kg has weight "00 N at a certain place.
9hat is the weight of5 a.: "5000 gr , b.: 70 gr
.. A bo2 has mass of "5 kg on the earth and the astronaut
bring it to the moon, find5
a. 1o28s mass on the moon
b. 1o28s weight on the earth
c. 1o28s weight on the moon
5. ;ee the following figure5
A body with the mass "500 gram is pulled by there forces
as the picture above, how much is the acceleration and
where is the direction-
$. A block of mass 550 gram is pulled from rest on hori<ontal
frictionless bench by steady force * and travels "0m in 10s.
*ind the acceleration and magnitude of *-
7. A man push a cupboard of mass 150 g so the velocity
increase from 1" m&s to be "0 m&s in ( s. *ind the
acceleration and magnitude of *-
(. /he weight of a body is )50N, if on the earth acceleration
due to gravity is ',( m&s
. %ow much the mass of the body!
Test Force /year 8 Page : ! / 1
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