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Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

V : (letter) () twenty second letter of the

English alphabet; G S gJk
lc lrzbU dU.
vacancy : (n) (eek) unoccupied;
unoccupied condition of mind; vacant place;
eHne l;n[}[ rg;
eHJg; vacant : (adj) (eek)
empty; unoccupied; not inhabited; not occupied
by any thought; eHnk; p>ngk;
J; gkc zbzg

vacate : (v) (ee) to leave empty; to

quit; to declare void; to cancel; to give up
possession; Me Sg; eH
un; uU k i; rU un;
qgne eM.
vacation : (n) (eek) act of vacating;
act of leaving empty; period of being free from
duty; holiday; recess; rU un; eH
un; M[; n.

V - vac

vaccinate : (v) (ek) to inoculate

with cow-pox matter so as to protect against
small-pox; gg U; vaccination : (n)
(ekk) inoculating with the virus of
cow-pox for protecting against small-pox;
gg U; vaccine : (n) (ek)
the virus of cow-pox or other diseases used
in vaccination or inoculation; ggF;
(adj) relating to cows; pertaining to vaccination;
ee uggk; gg U
vacillate : (v) () to move this and
that way; to hesitate; lF g
Fge u; nG; vacillation :
(n) (k) hesitation; the act of
moving this and that way; nG ;
lFg Fge u.

vacuity : (n) (eYJ) absence of any

contents; emptiness; eHnk kg;
vacuous : (adj) (e) void; empty;
vacant; unintelligent; zk; eHnk;
p>ngk; [}igk; k p>n
gk; i.
vacuum : (n) (eg) empty space; space
devoid of matter; [}ig; p>nF

vac - val

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

vacuum-brake : (n) (egFre) a

kind of brake applying pressure by with
-drawing air; q L L
n[}t qzbg dF
nkMUg .
vagabond : (n) (ezb ) an idle
wanderer with no fixed means of livelihood;
; iee UkiuC [}i
ck; (adj) wandering; drifting; having no
fixed place of abode; [}i cSk[;
S[; srrgk VFNg[}[.
vagary : (n) (e) whim; wandering of
thoughts; gkgk e; u Vg;
vagrant : (adj) (erk) wandering;
without any fixed home; Sk[; srr
VFNg l.
vague : (adj) (e) not specific; indefinite;
not precise; uncertain; hazy; iFe
l; iFNF; suCung[}[;


valance : (n) (k) a curtain hanging

from top of window or from bed; cruC W;

vale : (n) () a tract of low land especially

between hills; e.
valediction : (n) (ek) act of
bidding farewell; parting words; N urg;
k qurg ; valedictory : (n)
(e) farewell; bidding farewell; N
hU; t; (adj) pertaining
to farewell; t uggk.
valentine : (n) (kk) a sentimental
gift given of St. Valentine's Day; >
k>k ch Lk U
eMeeFMg . (NFr & 14)

vail : (v) (n) to take off (hat) and show

respect; to humble oneself; FNn
M U gn uB U ; c M;
vain : (adj) (nk) without real worth;
useless; fruitless; conceited; self-satisfied;
showy; foolish; zk; nk[}[; Nrn
okg[} [ ; og ge; ke cF c
ezb; ek; k.
vainglory : (n) (nke) useless
pride; zb ogg.

vainly : (adv) (nkH

) proudly; ze;

valarian : (n) (nk) a drug with strong

smell to quieten the nerves; rgeLk
UFe [eeF nkMFMg
a gU.
valet : (n) () man servant in charge of
clothes of a gentleman; n g>e
k [ [} i [} F
tFe leg n; (v) to act
as a valet; to take care of;to look after personal
belongings of another and keep them in good
order; ene un; e>Ue
e ; M k e
e>U Wn sJ Ue e.
valiant : (adj) (Hnk ) brave;
courageous; bold; rgk; ngk;


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

valid : (adj) (H) effective; sound; legally

sound; [F g ; unk;
uF aFe eee; validate :
(v) (H) to make valid; to confirm;
ueee; Kg un; validity
: (n) (H) the condition of being valid;
uee kg; gcFg.
valley : (n) (H) a low land between hills;
a place enclosed by the sloping sides of a roof
on the inside; riverbasin; e;
_rJk q u k eg ; [} t F

val - van

vamp : (n) (gF) a sexually attractive

woman who uses this power to attract men;
zbe gneg hS.

vampire : (n) (g) reanimated dead

body that sucks the blood of sleeping persons
at night; lrF dc Gk
lr e
U qJ [} t
gMg Nzg.
van : (n) (k) a vehicle for carrying and
delivering goods; the front division of an army,
navy etc.; e [}iuC uF
nkMg zb; kkF .

valour : (n) () bravery; courage; rg;

ng; reSrgg.
valuable : (adj) (N) of great
worth; ; gcF ee; n;
valuation : (n) (k) act of
valuing; setting price; estimated amount;
gcFNM; szng un;
gcF N F e.; value : (n)
() worth; price; importance; gcF;
; eSnUg; (v) to evaluate; to
consider high; to esteem; gcF N M;
qnee eU; ezbnge U.
valued : (adj) (Y) considered with
much respect; gcF; Wn; valueless:
(adj) () having little worth;
gcF l; n[}[.
valve : (n) () a device for controlling
the flow of gas, liquid etc., that part of the heart
which allows the flow of blood in one direction
only; , crg k[ e
eMFMUg g; rg lnc
lU a eege u eg

vanadium : (n) (kng) metal used in steel

alloys; zbzeg. (qeg)
vandal : (n) (zb) one who wantonly
destroys works of literature, art and public
property; V[Fk leSng, U
uU Sn[}[ Fk.
vane : (n) (k) a weather cock; a blade
of a propeller; a wind mill; e[}t cu
e; gkck kL; e[}[

vanish : (v) (>R) to disappear suddenly;

be lost to view; u k g[ c M;
ezbeF FU .

van - var

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

vanity : (n) (>) worthlessness; vain;

self-pride; empty show; unreal things;
n>kg; tg; [}g; zb
eM; HF e.
vanquish : (v) (keR) to conquer; to
suppress; to overcome; to rout completely;
[} i t; e ; [} i Bge

vantage : (n) (ko) advantage; gain; a

position for an action; a position affording
some advantage; uegk n
F ; nk;
unBeee s; k neg
vantage ground : (n) (k o
erzb) advantageous or favourable
position; ce uengk s.
vapid : (adj) (FN) tasteless; without
Vn[} [ ; k[} [ ;
vaporize : (v) (Fr) to convert into
vapour; to become vapour; ne;
n; vaporizer : (n) (Fr)
an apparatus used for changing a liquid into
vapour; cr neSF nk
MUg ukg.
vapour : (n) (F) mist; unsubstantial
thing; steam; an empty mental picture; moisture
in the air; gaseous state of a substance;
M>; sog[} [ ; gn
[} [ g ; Er; gkF N r c ; zb
e[} k; e[} i B Er; a
Lk s.
vapoury/vaporous : (adj) (F/F
r) full of vapour; in the form of vapour; like
vapour; s[; ;
Jk kgn; k[.


variable : (adj) (nN) alterable;

unsteady; changing; g[}[e_n; cr
g[}[; tMS[; gtSk[.
variance : (n) (nk) disagreement;
difference of opinion; discord; a[}tg
Jkg; eU [}tg.

variant : (n) (nk) a different spelling;

a different form of something; a different version
or reading; u H k d U g ;
akik gt qg; g;
(adj) different; variable cnugk;
[k; gt Sk[.
variate : (v) (n) to make different;
to become different; g[}t; gt; variation
: (n) (nk) a change; deviation; extent
or amount of change; gt; gtM;
e; g[}[g U gtk
varicose : (n) (ee) swollen vein;
GS HeS[ (e) g.
varied : (adj) () of different kinds;
altered; changed; diversified; e nk;
g[}[F; gt; rF.
variegate : (v) (e) to mark with
different colours; s[Gee ezbM
icM; variegated : (adj) (e
) marked with different colours;
s[Gee ezbM.
variety : (n) (r) condition of being
various; different kinds; a class; diversity;
ene l ; e; lkg ;
variform : (adj) (g) having many
different forms; t qGe
U gFee ezb.


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

var - vat

various : (adj) (n) many; different;

several; diverse; [k; ; [};

etc.; o; ; M; e e
U h MF nkMg eLgzb
U qe k o.

varlet : (n) () a page; an attendant;

a menial; ; en; uek.

vasectomy : (n) (e) the act of

removing vasedeferens surgically in part or
whole; cne U [} i Bge
Ueh t VSuCu Je

varnish : (n) (>R) shiny liquid for

transparent coating on wood or metal; grg
U qe c k U uF Mg
L Fk _n g[}uC;
(v) to lay varnish on; >R ezbM
g[}uC .
varsity : (n) ( ) university;
ee eheg.
vary : (v) () to make different; to change;
to differ; to modify; to alter; gt; g[}t;
tM U ; tM; F M U ;
c c M; v arying : (adj) (JG )
differing; gtMSk[.
vascular : (adj) (e) pertaining to
vessels which carry lymph, blood, sap etc.;
lr g k [ [} [e ezb M
uBg g u.
vasdeferens : (n) (rk) the
duct that transports sperm to the male organ of
reproduction; zb N[F tF N [}
U MUuC uBg lh g.
vase : (n) () jar; a hollow vessel; a vessel
of metal, clay or glass for display of flowers

vaseline : (n) (Hk ) a kind of

petroleum product used as an ointment;
rH nc lU neeF
Mg a e e eLg.
vassal : (n) () feudal tenant; a humble
dependant; a bondsman; a servant; a
subordinate; zbzJ JF k;
zb F N hF k ;
n ;
zbzn; hFk.
vassalage : (n) (o) the group of
vassals; slaves in general; neLk
ueg; ge _g.
vast : (adj) () extensive; very great;
very wide; many; r; ek[; eF
n; rgk; rgk.
vastitude : (n) (Y) immensity;
vastness; eFg rF.
vastness : (n) (
k) extensive ness;
ek[ rF.
vasty : (adj) () vast; immense;
r; n.
vat : (n) () a wooden tank for holding
liquids; crGe k[[}[ [}i
eg eFn gr; (v) to
immerse in the vat; J hU/

Vat - veg

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

Vatican : (n) (ek) the official residence

of the Pope in Rome; Roman Catholic Church
government; rg e Fzb
Veg eF n gLe; F
zbk V cerg.
vaticinal : (adj) (k) prophetic;
Zee ukg u.
vaticinate : (v) (k) to prophesy;
to foretell; to predict; qrcM;
k_n icM; i u.


Vedas : (n) () the most ancient

scriptures of Hinduism which consist of four
collections. i.e., Rig, Yajur, Sama and
Adharvana; e, no{, ug, z
k P g k g cee
ezb lU ugnck eF hg
nk e.
vedette : (n) () a sentinel to watch
the enemy and give warning of a danger; c
eLk eeee ezbeU,
reg qzUg
vedic : (adj) (e) of vedas; in the era of
vedas; G e k;
ecn; (n) the language of Vedas;

vault : (n) () a dome; a strong room; a

grave; a jump or leap; a chamber with an arched
roof; an underground chamber; the sky; a leap
(made with the help of a pole resting on
something); k gzbg; U
eFk [; ue; a zbM;
s[; k _rne
ezb guC [; kg ; n
ki qnrg zbM.

veer : (v) () to go round; to turn round; to

turn ship into a different course; to tighten and
loosen (the rope) in turns; to change the
direction; to alter or turn round one's opinions;
cg; cF; [}iuC u; eFHk
e S k g[} t ; (eJ[} [) g[} i
g[}i ldU U; cu g[}t;
eUee g[}iee.

vaultage : (n) (o) space enclosed

by a dome; gzbU GSn
vaunt : (v) (k) to boast; qneF
; [}gneF ; (n) a boast;
a brag; [}g; gF uC.
veal : (n) () the flesh of a calf; ekte
vector : (n) (e) means by which
infliction is carried; (maths) a method of
expression in terms of displacement; [}t
JkF ruC uncMg ukg;
(eg) lFnuV
C nF tUe
eF [.
Vedanta : (n) () philosophy of the
Hindus based on the Vedas; g;

vegetable : (n) (KN) the edible part

of plants; a dull person; ueL g
eneie; g cnk, ugi;
(adj) relating to vegetables or plants; produced
from plants; rGe U eneie
uggk; rGeL Sk[;
vegetarian : (n) (Knk) the person


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

who eats no meat; the person who holds that

vegetables are the only proper food for man;
the person who eats vegetables; g
qz F ; r qz
g>Pe [} [ qz k P g
e ene ezb ; en e i
q L u qz g M g
qzb; (adj) prepared out of vegetables;
relating to vegetable food; eneieL
lU neeF; greei qz
ug gk; vegetate : (v) (K)
to sprout; to live and grow like a plant; to live
an idle uninteresting life; be stationary;
cM; rg kt cM;
ug ineF de e;
unU (kie) S; vegetation :
(n) (Kk) plants collectively; the
process of growth of plants; rGe;
rGe g [.
vehemence : (n) (gk) the
condition of being vehement; great ardour;
force; violence; qzuCV UUF;
g ; q eg ; Zrg ; eMg;
vehement : (adj) (gk) full of
force; furious; passionate; urgent; very eager;
Zrgk; eMgnk; qz u C V
UgSk[; urgk; g .

veg - ven

veil : (n) (n) a more or less transparent

silk or cotton fabric for a woman to hide a
woman's face; something that hides; a disguise;
a pretext; zbe g ecr
U e e M; g[e g ;
g; ue e; (v) to cover face with
a veil; to conceal; to cover; to disguise;
ecrJM; eeM; g[; M;
vein : (n) (nk) blood vessel through
which blood flows back into the heart;
ln c [} r g ezb M u B g
rehn; Vr. vellum : (n) (g) a
fine leather or parchment of calf's skin used for
writing on; d qneFMF
gHn k eSg.
velocipede : (n) () a wheeled
vehicle propelled by feet of the rider - bicycle,
tricycle etc.; u un eee
ezb M lne g l ue e r zb ,
kt ueer zb k[.

velocity : (n) () the rate of

motion in a straight line; speed; g;

vehicle : (n) (e) any conveyance for

transport; means of conveyance; c;
zb ; e qMg
ukg; vehicular : (adj) (e)
concerning vehicles; ekGe ug

velvet : (n) () a cloth made partly

or wholly of silk with a soft side. gk M
U e; velveteen
(~k) a soft fabric of cotton and
silk like velvet; an imitation of velvet; M
Bg, c Bg e Uk
k [ U; H
venal : (adj) (k) ready to act dishonestly
for one; influenced by motives of monetary
gains; readily accepting bribe; ready to give up
principles for money; relating to the veins;
zc[}ee [k J eSk[;

ven - ven

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

z u N ; u g G S
nGe; kU eeeF zc[}
eee eMSk[; Vre uggk.
vend : (v) (zb) to sell; [}k un;
vendee : (n) (zb~) the person to whom
a thing is sold; the purchaser; the buyer;
e G; vender:
(n) (zb) the person who sells; seller;
e [} k un ;

vendetta : (n) (zb) private

revenge by the members of one family on the
members of another family for previous
murders; revengeful attitude; k
ee, e unnFk
Mg c k , e un Mg
uC urF G;
Gg ee.
vendibility : (n) (zbNH) the quality
of being saleable; [}ke nre
l; vendible : (adj) (kN)
marketable; [} k un n e _ n;
vendor : (n) (zb) seller; [}k

veneer : (n) (>n) layer of fine wood

glued to the surface of another usually of a
cheaper variety; a false appearance; a thin
coating on the outer surface; [
grek U aFMg e
greM; n [}[g; gHn
g[}uC; (v) to coat with a finer substance;


to veil; to disguise; qnreF

g ; M; (so ) g[cM.
venerable : (adj) (>rN) worthy of
veneration or respect or reverence;
zGeee; zeec[}n; Kee
e e ; gcF N [} n; [} t [} n;
venerate : (v) (>r) to worship; to
revere; to show respect to; K c M;
[}t; gn uBU; veneration:
(n) (>rk) act of respecting greatly;
reverence; gn uB U ;
zG; K.

venereal : (adj) (>n) pertaining to

disease arising from sexual intercourse with an
infected person; k
qB[ e qzbg n
venery : (n) (k) gratified sexual
desire; practice of hunting; qB[ lkg;
venetian blind : (n) (k Fk)
made of overlapping wooden slabs so as to
admit or shut out light and air; e[}t,
LuC u g Sn[} [ q u
U Mee geeF
ak [ k U ak [ eF
venge : (v) (ko) to avenge; G;
vengeance : (n) (kok) retributive
punishment; eF; vengeful : (adj)
(ko) having an avenging attitude;
Gg zbzg ezbM.
venial : (adj) (>n) that could be forgiven;
not very sinful; not important; gk>eeee;
ce ; eSng[}[.
venison : (n) (>k) flesh of the deer;
gk l[uCV.


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

venndiagram : (n) (zbnerg) diagram

showing the relationship between sets by
overlapping circles; dgne U
[e ak i k U ak [ eF
U g G e Bg , ak [
nk t e e G
eBg ezGeLk e eMg
venom : (n) (kg) the poisonous fluid that
animals like snake secrete; g
k [ LF M U g g ;
; venomous : (adj) (kg) having
poison; poisonous; malicious; n;
g k t en; en;
kgg ezb.
venose : (adj) (k) having many
veins; with many important nerves; rgk
Vree ezb M ; e S n
rgek _n.
venous : (adj) (k) pertaining to veins;
running in the veins; Vre uggk;
VreL MSk[.
vent : (n) (k) a small opening; an outlet;
a means of passing out; the funnel or flue of a
chimney; utterance; anus; Vt Urg; ;
Lntg ; e eSJ e
Lntg ; u B ; g ;
gg Lng ; (v) to make a hole
in; to release; UJM; Ln[}t.

ven - ven

venter : (n) (k) abdomen; belly;

womb; anything hollow; mother; Jt;
qrg; eF; k ; n.

ventiduct : (n) (ke) a passage for

wind to pass through; e[}t uBg .
ventilate : (v) (k) to cause fresh
air to pass in and foul air to escape; to purify
by fresh air; to make blood pure by passing
oxygen through it; to make a grievance known
to all; to give expression to make public;
e[}[e; n e[}ikF
euCunU FMU; Nrz
uB c r uC g un ;
g rF M U ; ventilation: (n)
(kk) providing fresh air to enter
and foul air to escape freely; ee[}t
q eg e e [} t Lnt
gtg un; e[}[ g; ventilator
: (n) (k) an appliance for
purifying by introducing fresh air;
e e [} [ c e c , e
e[}ikF Ug ukg; e[} [
okk; e[}[ okk.
ventral : (adj) (kr) concerning the
belly or abdomen; Jt uggk; (n)
one of the fins on the abdomen of a fish; >k
J[}tF cJ q >k UMF
k[ eg.
ventricle : (n) (ke) the lower
chamber of the two halves of the heart; a cavity

ventage : (n) (ko) capacity of a vent;

a hole in a musical instrument; a hole for
admitting air; UJk LJMg ;
lueeJ q a U; e[}tF
ge e F
eg Urg.

ven - ver

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

in an animal's body; ln c k h
ak t ;
k e ;
GSk qgNB a .


veranda : (n) (rzb) covered space

built along the sides of a house; hrg.

ventricose : (adj) (k e e )
possessing a projecting belly; swollen in the
middle; Jtn; M

venture : (n) (kuu

C ) a risky undertaking;
something one sets out to do in which there is
danger; a speculative action; k
n[}V; UeruC un; ueue eng;
(v) to enter boldly on; to advance bravely;
U U un ; ngee eng
aki \MM.

verb : (n) (F) word indicating what

somebody or something is doing or what is
becoming of somebody or something; a
k k un S [ U ak t k k
un S [U k uC M g u ;
ae U ak i [} k k
seh S [U k e e M g u ;
kuC u.
verbal : (adj) () of words; expressed
in words; oral; spoken; not written; (gram)
derived from a verb; u[}e u;
ngnk; dU g;
a kuCuH lU kin.
verbarian : (n) (nk) the person
who coins words; UFU u[}e
qeSF nkMU; (adj) relating
to words; u[}e uggk.

venturesome : (adj) (kuu

C g) daring;
taking risks; ng e e ; U ;
venue : (n) (k) a place of meeting;
scene of action; uceg lg; sedg
Venus : (n) (k) the Roman Goddess of
love and beauty; a planet; rg>nk
e h ng; a Sreg; L;
veracious : (adj) (rn) trustful;
habitually speaking the truth; qzbg nk;
qzb g Sk [ ; veracity : (n)
(r) truth; truthfulness; qzbg;
ucng; qzbg ; ucne

verbose : (adj) () using more

words than required; containing more words
than necessary; e cegk
u[} e qnSe g ; e
cegk u[}e.
verdant : (adj) (k) fresh and green;
having plenty of green trees and plants;
inexperienced; cn; gnk;
gnk gr ue h ;

verderer : (n) (r) a forest officer;

eM le ce.


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

verdict : (n) (e) the findings of a jury

in an action; the decision; opinion expressed;
Z F ; ; Z g kg ; e U

ver - ver

u ; n ; verify : (v)
() to confirm the truth of something;
to prove to be true; qzbgn qtc un;
u k sN.
verily : (adv) (H) really; certainly; in
truth; qzbgne; suCunge; qzbg

verdigris : (n) (e) greenish rust

formed on copper exposed to air; re
verdure : (n) (o) green vegetation; new
grass; freshness of growth; gnk r
ee ; g ; udgnk
verecund : (adj) (ezb) modest;
verge : (n) (o) the edge of something;
grass edging round a garden plot; a staff carried
as a sign of authority; jurisdiction; point;
Lg ; e eM; c nuC
[} i Lg ; uG e ;
cee rg; tn; (v) to border upon;
to incline; to go near; to provide with a border;
JH; unc; ; Lg

verifiable : (adj) (nN) that can

be confirmed by checking; rnU qtc
Me_n; verification : (n) (
Neek) act of verifying or being verified;

veritable : (adj) (N) actual; real;

true; unk; sogk; qzbgnk.
verity : (n) () truth; fact; qzbg;
ucng; gn; sog.
vermicelli : (n) (H) long, slender
thread made of a kind of paste used for cooking;
vermicide : (n) () the killing of
worms; the agent that kills worms; dee
; de e c Mg
vermilion : (n) (Hnk) a bright red
colouring matter got from cinnabar; a beautiful
red colour; ruuC urg; Nreugk
VF s[g; (adj) of the colour of sulphide
of mercury; ur s[.
vermin : (n) (k) parasitic insect found
in human and animal body; persons who are
harmful to society; g>k , G
q e L
ezF Mg
un c [} e eM e g
vernacular : (n) (ke) language
of a country, district etc.; one's mother tongue;
a uc uFMg g; r
g; n g; (adj) spoken by the
people of the region; a Nruc
q e
uF MSk [ ;
vernacularize : (v) (ke r) to
render in the vernacular; r gJ
g ncM.
vernal : (adj) (k) pertaining to spring
season; belonging to youth; u ec[}
qn; lgen.

ver - ves

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

vernier : (n) (>n) an auxiliary scale

moving along the graduated edge of a main
scale and enabling us to read to a definite
fraction of the smallest main scale division;
Nrk eHk e eMeL
e g Lg N e U k Vin
Nk Nkkgu c qg
Uz ek >n.
verse : (n) () writing in which lines are
arranged in a regular rhythm; a poem; a line of
a poem; a division of a chapter in the Bible;
un ; e; un L r;
NLk cnnck c; (v)
to make verses; un ln[}t.
versed : (adj) ( ) skilled;
experienced; c[gn; PF
; ik.
version : (n) (k) translation; narration
of an event; a variant of something;
gnF; a sehF [}in
_[}t; akik t g.


perpendicular to the horizon; placed at the head;

relating to the vertex; uG e M
sJB ; uG ez; e
g q; quCVeezg uggk.
vertiginous : (adj) ( Kk )
whirling; likely to cause vertigo; [}tSk[;
vertigo : (n) (e) dizziness;
giddiness; h[}V; [}[; St StF.
very : (adj) () the same; real; true; ;
sogk (adv) in a high degree; extremely;
eg cege; rg g ; n
vesper : (n) (
F ) evening; the evening
star; gFdU; g L
(eSrk); (pl.n) evening prayers; g
rF Nr

versus : (prep) () against (in law

and in games); cre; ceeVne.
vespiary : (n) (FNn) the nest of
wasps; e _ M; vespine : (adj)
(Fk) relating to wasps;
vertebra : (n) (Fr) one of the bones
of the spinal column; UeBgNk
ezb; vertebral : (adj) (Fr)
pertaining to the backbone; UeBge
n; vertebrate : (adj) (Fr)
having a spinal column; UeBg; (n)
a being with a backbone; UeBg
vertex : (n) (e) apex; summit;
the point of an angle; topmost point of a triangle;
quCV; Verg; ezck FL;
e ez c B quC V e ezg ;
vertical : (adj) ( e e ) being

vessel : (n) () a hollow receptacle;

a large boat; a ship; the tube conveying blood artery or vein; person selected to receive;
e e g ; c rg ; n ;
eF ; r e hn ; ak [F [
iFN a.


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

vest : (n) () a short sleeveless garment;

a waist coat; ee l Vt u;
qu; (v) to dress; to give powers to;
qMU; cergL.
vestige : (n) (o) evidence; foot
print; remains of something; ng;
uCM; uCug.
veteran : (n) (rk) one who has had
long experience in any service or art; a e
U J Ezb Pg

veterinary : (adj) (k) pertaining to

the treatment of diseases of animals; e
gUg uggk.

ves - vic

M ; zb e ; U ;
r un . vexation : (n)
(ek) annoyance; trouble; irritation;
harassing; eg; tF; ;
r un.
via : (prep) (n) through; by way of;
geegn; ne.
viable : (adj) (nN) able to continue to
live under altered conditions; practicable; able
to sprout; gt phseL Bg
U h c e _ n;
[e qe; ucngk;
viaduct : (n) (ne) a long bridge with
arches carrying road or railroad over the valley,
river etc.; e , t k [
[}[e eeg rJ U u
vial : (n) (n) a small bottle; phial; Vt
; FN.
vibrant : (adj) (Frk) full of life and
energy; exciting; loud and powerful;
qeg g srgNn; V[Fg
gk; guCV.

veto : (n) () power to negative the

determination of another; the exercise of the
right; N[ gtegcerg;
N[ gt. (v) to exercise the
power of veto; to reject; N[ rU
un g cer un M U ;

vibrate : (v) (Fr) to oscillate - like

pendulum; to move to and fro; to throb;
uM; k P g Nk P ge u
cM; ct; vibration : (n) (Fr
k) act of vibrating; c; vibrator : (n)
(F r ) that which vibrates;
MSk [ U uSk [ U
UeSk[ eg.
vicarious : (adj) (een) felt or
experienced indirectly, by imagining the feelings,
activities etc. of other people; g[}[eLk
qz u C V e , e ee i U
U U gkc[} e
[}MSk[ gShuCV () Ueeg.

vex : (v) (e) to annoy; to anger; to

harass; to irritate; tFM; e

vice : (n) () an immoral conduct; an evil

practice; an apparatus for holding things tightly;

abbr. : eeg. Adj : n quCu. (n) : nuCu. (v) : kuC u.

vic - vid

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

Zndeeg; Zn un; lMeS; (prep)

in the place of; ce; lc; (pref)
acting as nearest in authority; cerc
lF e M neuC un
MS[; vicegerent : (n) (ork)
one who acts for another; cH.


victor : (n) (e) conquerer; winner in a

contest; victorious person; oJ;
J [}i [}[; [}i

vicennial : (adj) (>n) taking

place once in twenty years; lzbM
ee a [ sehS[.
vice - president : (n) (
F r k)
an office bearer next in rank below the
president; q .

victorious : (adj) (en) that has

achieved victory; [}i [}[; victory : (n)
(e) a win in a fight or contest; an
achievement; ong; [}i.
vide : (l) () see (particular portion of a
text) (Hk iFN cJ) ezbe.
videlicet : (adv) (H) namely; that
is; to wit; U.

viceroy : (n) ( r n ) a person

representing the Royal authority in a country;
roF Nrcsc.
vicinage : (n) (ko) adjoining districts;
surroundings; neighbourhood; altitude and
behaviour towards neighbours; MU
gGe; [}tF[g; eegeeg;
eeg eek q q[.
vicinity : (n) (>) neighbourhood;
nearness; surroundings; close relationship;
e e g e e g ; zb ; [} t F [g ;
eegk q[.
vicious : (adj) (n) wicked; bad;
immoral; faulty; UR; e; Ukgee

gk; [}[.
victim : (n) (e
g) a living creature offered
as sacrifice; person or animal who suffers the ill
- will of another; H; Un.
victimize : (v) (eg) to tease; to
make a victim of; to sacrifice; to cheat; to
dismiss; U; r L; lr
ne; HJM; gug un; Ee.

video : (adj) (n) pertaining to recording

of a video tape and reproducing on Television;
aL c un U , e
eV crJ qg ktgt
un k; video cassette : (n)
(n e) a small case containing
video tape; aL c U

video disc : (n) (n e) a metal

coated round plate on which visual image and
sounds are recorded; aL NgGeg
aHg c un n F qee
e Vn M.
video nasty : (n) (n
) a video
film depicting debauchery and abominable
prostitution; VGegk uCurGe,
Hn e S rG e Sn[} [
Lee eMg aL M.
video tape : (n) ( n F) a magnetic
tape to record visual images and sound;


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

aLNgGe, aH Sn[}[F c
uncMg eF .
vie : (v) () to compete with; to strive;
JM; rM.

view : (n) (Y) act of seeing; scene;sight;

power of seeing; purpose; intention;
e V ; [} [ g ; e g c[k ;
eeg; iee; (v) to see; to examine;
to consider; to inspect; c M;
rncM; eU; _U e>. viewer :
(n) (Yn) one who watches or views; that
which views; F; ezbeF;
view point : (n) (Ynk) the place
which enables to observe something; an attitude
of the mind; eVeezg; gkFe.
vigil : (n) (K) watching; watchfulness;
keeping awake when a person should sleep;
oeSr; e; ezbF.
vigilance : (n) (Kk) being alert;
caution; watchfulness; wakefulness; nre
l; uCueene l ; e
e; ezb F.
vigilant : (adj) (Kk) cautious; on
guard; watchful; wakeful; oeSrnk;
UeFk; Fk; uCuee
k _n.
vigorous : (adj) (er) active; energetic;
powerful; strong; ttF k; g
cn; uec n.
vigour/vigor : (n) (e) strength of mind;
strength of body; vitality; energy; activeness;
gkcg ; q Hg; k ;
q[}ueg; g; cg; ttF.

vid - vil

viking : (n) (eSG) a raider-plane; pirate;

ceF [U ukt eg a
e en gkg; e[}e

vile : (adj) () obnoxious; very offensive;

disgusting; shameful; worthless; wicked;
l; tFe eSk[; ee
ek; [}gk;en; Zn.
vilification : (n) (HNe ek )
defamation; act of defaming; abuse; z;
[}t; sc; t _i;
vilify : (v) (H) to speak evil of; to
traduce; to bring discredit; to abuse; to defame;
_t; lMU; [}t; sccM;
[eF .
villa : (n) () a house standing by itself;
a country residence; > U e e F
M M; SrgU M.
village : (n) (o) a small group of
houses; smaller than a town; Srgg; Fg.
villager : (n) (o) a resident of a
village; SrgV.

villain : (n) (k) a wicked person; a

rogue; a knave; a scoundrel; enk
URk; eS; ek; villainous :
(adj) (k) having the characteristics
of a villain; very wicked; bad; mean;
eSkgk; egk; en;
lk; villainy: (n) (>) knavery;
wickedness; eSkg; Ureg;

vim - vio

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

vim : (n) (g) energy; vigour; force; uec

ttF; eg.
vincible : (adj) (kN) conquerable;
[}i eee.
vinculum : (n) (ke
g) a stroke over an
algebrical quantity indicating that it should be
considered together; e c V
GeGe ar enee eF
zb M g
k e
iF N
GeGeLk geF FMg
vindicate : (v) (zbe) to establish a
right; to defend successfully; to clear suspicion,
charge etc.; qgn s M ;
U V [}i e; |nF
e; gnFNcM.
vindication : (n) (zbek) proving to
be just; vindicating; szg; vindicative :
(adj) (zb e) tending to vindicate;
sNc nBSk[; vindictive : (adj)
(k e ) inclined to retaliate;
GSMg gkFkg n.
vine : (n) (k) the climbing stem of a plant;
the creeping plant which produces grapes;
[} i F Sk [ e; cr ue
e; vinegar : (n) (>e) a liquid sour
in taste used as a preservative; fermented wine;
Le e ; L gU; vineyard : (n)
(kn) a garden in which grape vines
are grown; cru g; viniculture
: (n) (>euCu) the business of growing
vineyards; the study of making wines; cru
q[}c; e cF J ;
viniferous : (adj) (>r) producing


wines; cru gUe eMeSk[;

vinous : (adj) (k) of the nature of wine;
relating to wine; urng k[; urng
ug gk; v int : (v) (k) to make
wine; urng l[e; vintage : (n) (k
o) grapes of a particular harvest; wine from
grapes; harvest time of grapes; the quantity of
wine produced from grapes in a particular
period; atJ Se g
cruF hGe; cru J lU
Se g gU; cr u te
eg ; tJ S
cr uJ l U l[e e F
gUk ; viny : (adj) (>) relating
to vine; like vine; bearing vines;
cr ue e ug gk; e
k[; ee s[.
violable : (adj) (nN) that can be
violated; iee.
violate : (v) (n) to transgress a law,
rule etc., to desecrate, to rape; to outrage;
u t; > kgne eM;
e[} ; G e F M U ; violence :
(n)(nk) illegal force; vehemence;
exhibition of brutal strength; outrage;
erg; qeSrg; eg; g;
e[}F; violent : (adj) (nk)
using great force; fierce; furious; severe; brutal;
k [nk;
e e kgk;
qeSrgk; eMg nk; ekgk.
violet : (n) (n) a stemless plant with
white, yellow or blue flowers; bluish purple
colour; , gu, Eg kF
s[Feee ezb u; s[g;
(adj) of violet colour; s[gk.
violin : (n) (nHk) a stringed musical
instrument played by a bow; a fiddle;


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

ezbM FMg N kPg

lue e.
viper : (n) (F) a poisonous snake; a
venomous person; en g ezb
nk g ; en zg

virago: (n) (re) a manly woman; a

quarrelsome woman; an ill-tempered and
violent woman; G e F N ;

vip - vis

virtual : (adj) (u
C ) in effect; like real;
being in fact; although not actually as such;
qzb gnk;
k [ ;
un qzb g k M U e
virtue : (n) (uC) excellence; morality;
chastity; moral goodness; purity; quality;
efficacy; merit; Wn zb; [}zg; e[};
deeg; ng; zg; g;
virtuous : (adj) (u
C ) chaste; righteous;
morally good; full of merits; having good
e[} ;
de e ; [} zg ;
gnk; eh e e ; [} [ g[} [ ;
virucide : (n) (r) the substance that
kills viruses; uCe See eBg

virgin : (n) (Kk) a woman without

sexual experience; an unmarried woman;
ek>Fzb; g; (adj) pure; in the
original condition; not yet used; chaste;
unsullied; ngnk; snk;
lUrJBg qneFMF;
e[}n; gV; virginity : (n)
(K>) the state of being a virgin;
chastity; ek>kg; e[}.
virgo : (n) (e) the virgin, the sixth sign
of the zodiac; ek>F zb; ek> lrV.
virile : (adj) (r) masculine; manly;
energetic; forceful; zb g ;
en; uec n; gk.
virology : (n) (rK) the science dealing
with viruses and the diseases caused by them;
n e S e , qzb e g
ne [}in in n.
virose : (adj) (r) poisonous;
n; Vk qn.

virulence : (n) (k) the quality of

being virulent; venomous enmity; severity;
destructive power; uCkg; Zrg;
eMg; qeSrg.
virulent : (adj) (k ) highly
poisonous; deadly strong; severe; bitter; very
injurious; en n; l[F
qzbeS[; qeSrgk; eMgnk;
virus : (n) (r) a poisonous element
causing disease; anything that corrupts mind;
moral poison; harmful influence; n
qzb e g ; gke e[
nuC ung ; adeee eM;
Zn ue.
visa : (n) () an endorsement made on a
passport indicating that it has been checked by

vis - vis

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]


the authority of the country to which the holder

intends to visit; nk h
lu; .

viscus : (n) (e) any one of the organs

with in the body; qgNk qtF
eL akt.

visage : (n) (o) face; facial expression;

look; eg; eg; .

visibility : (n) (NH) the condition

of being seen; clearness of atmosphere making
things visible; ; ee
e _n s;
en c k L; visible: (adj)
(N) seen; perceptible by the eye; open;
Sk [ ; ezb e F F MS[;

vis-a-vis : (n) () one facing another;

in relation to; cg cge q;
akteekt q N.

viscera : ( (r) the inner organs

of the animal/human body such as the heart,
lungs, intestines etc.; G /g>
qHP q lng , rr ,
k[ ce.

vision : (n) (k) the act of seeing things;

sense of sight; the things appearing before
one's eyes; an apparition; an imaginary sight;
; ;
ezb e e F
FMg [}[g; e[}k [}[g
gk[}[g; visionary : (n) (k)
one who sees visions; a dreamer;
[e a e[}kn; gke
e eM; (adj) imaginary; not
real; fanciful; dreamy; e[} knk;
qzbgn[}[; gk[}[gk; e[}k

viscerate : (v) (r) to remove the

intestines of; e Ee.
viscid : (adj) () semi-fluid; like a paste;
sticky; k [ ; u k [ ;
viscidity : (n) () the state of being
vicid; g; aMg kg.

visit : (n) () an act of visiting; a call; a

short stay; attack; inspection; c[}uC
uB; ukt ; e;
g[}; ViU ec[} gMg

viscose : (n) (e) a solution from a

cellulose preparation; sJ
lcMg gre_h.
viscous : (adj) (e) adhesive; sticky;
glutinous; a e _ n sJ
B; NNFk.
abbr. : eeg. Adj : n quCu. (n) : nuCu. (v) : kuC u.


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

visitant : (n) (k) one who visits;

a bird that migrates; n; ee
; ng [.
visitation : (n) (k) act of
visiting; an inspection visit; a punishment meted
out by God; uk t ;
g[} JuC u B ; n
zbk (en k[).
visitatorial : (adj) (n)
pertaining to the official visitation;
[J JM u.
visitor : (n) () one who pays a visit;
n; ck.

vis - vit

vital : (adj) () essential to life;

pertaining to the source of life; being the seat of
the life; important as life; heee
c nVngk; qJ snk;
qJ kt eSngk.
vitality : (n) (H) the principle
of life; animation; power of endurance; vigour;
k; qJF; Gg uec; ttF;
vitalize : (v) () to animate; to
make vital; qJM; [}[ qzbe.
vitals : (n) () vital or essential
organs; qJ s qtF e ; g g
vitamin : (n) (k) the chemical
substance in food, essential to good health;
q re S n c [} nk
uC uU.

visor : (n) () movable front part of the

helmet; mask; e euck c[U
e_n kc; e.

vitiate : (v) (n) to impair the quality

of; to weaken the forces of; to make less pure;
to corrupt; to spoil; re [cM;
c[GeM; eGeFMU; gMU;
Wr; h M U ; vitiated : (adj)
(n ) spoiled;
eMSk[; eGeg qzbeSk[.
viticulture : (n) (euu
C ) grape-growing;
cru F.

vista : (n) () a long narrow view

especially between the rows of trees, buildings
etc.; the trees on the sides of an avenue; future
prospect or vision; grGe, eGe
k [ [} i k uee lF
Ezb c; uJk l
gGSBg q grGe; gk[}[g;
ce e[}ke eV.
visual : (adj) ({) pertaining to vision;
that can be seen by the eye; e qn;
ezbz eee _n.
visualize : (v) ({) to imagine;
e[}k un.

vitreous : (adj) (n) of glass; like glass

in qualities; consisting of glass; ezbz
u; zbeL ezbz k[;
ezb z nk; vitrescent : (adj)
(k) tending to become glass;
ezb z ne
gi kg ;
vitrifaction : (n) (ek) act of
becoming a glass or glass like; act of converting
into glass; ezbz U ezbz
kt gt; ezbzne
vitriol : (n) (n) sulphuric acid; a
soluble sulphate of metal; severe criticism;
e e g ; gJ U g ; [
eSk[ eMg [}[uCuM.

vit - voc

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

vitriolic : (adj) (nHe) having the

qualities of vitriol; Ug, ee g,
eMGezbkg k[[}ik kg
ee ezb M.
vituperate : (v) (Yr) to blame in
abusive language; c M ; s c c M;
uM; _t; vituperation : (n)
(Yrk) abuse; censure; railing;
u; c M ; t; s k;
vituperative : (adj) (Yr)
scolding; abusing; censuring; Sk[;
sceSk[; [k; cMSk[.
viva : (interj) () long live - a short
wishing; Ezb eg h e k P g

vivacious : (adj) (n) lively; gay;

full of vigour; active; q[}uegk; e
gk; q ugk; g ;
vivavoce : (adj () oral; verbal;
e e F MSk [ ;
gnk; (n) an oral examination;
ng ; (adv) orally; n
vivid : (adj) () bright; clear; lively;
strong; vigorous; Nreugk; Lk;
qJF; Zrgk; g .
vivify : (v) () to enliven; to revive;
to animate; qJFNcM; UFNcM;
qJ eM.
viviparous : (adj) (r) giving forth
living young (rather than eggs); (e

lg )



vivisect : (v) (e) to dissect a living

animal for scientific investigation;
(uk un c zb ) qJ
Nrn tUuC uccM;
vivisection : (n) (ek) dissection
of a living animal for scientific investigation;
in ukeee a qJ
Nrn tUF U uk
vixen : (n) (ek) an ill-tempered woman;
virago; a she-fox; gee; eGe;
zb .

viz : (adv) () that is to say; U.

vizard : (n) () a mask; one disguised
in mask; a woman known for depravity;
e; e ;
e zb.
vocabulary : (n) (eeF) stock of
words known to a person of a particular
language; a gJ ae
vocal : (adj) (ee) pertaining to the
voice or speech; uttered by the mouth; r
U g uggk; ng
vocalism : (n) (eeHg) the quality of
a given vowel; the use of voice in speech;
eMe e F M qJrd c k
kg; r aHFheeg.
vocalist : (n) (e e H ) a vocal
musician; n
F Meer.
vocalize : (v) (ee) to utter with
voice; to sing; rdFNF M.


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

vocation : (n) (e ek ) one's

occupation; an awareness that one is sent to
the world for a particular kind of work;
profession; a calling; employment; B;
qS[} a iFN eS[}ee
PF F F e
qz c Mg s; ; ;
q c neg ; vocational : (adj)
(e ek ) pertaining to an
employment or profession; U
qcneg u.
vocative : (n) (ee) (grammar)
nominative case of address; L [}tg;
(adj) pertaining to addressing or calling a person
by name; L [} t g u ;
LeSk[; hFe eMSk[.
vociferate : (v) (r) to cry
out loudly; to shout; qrUe _uCuHM;
lrU ; eU; vociferous : (adj)
(r) noisy; loud; clamorous;
lrSk[; qr; G_uCuHMSk[.

vogue : (n) (e) current fashion; mode;

practice; gr; G; e; ee;
voice : (n) (n) sound uttered through
the mouth; speech; musical tone; an expression
of one's opinion; support; vote; r; uC;
lu u; e U LM; r;
e; (v) to declare; to express; LJM;
cM; voiced : (adj) (n)
a voice; h re
ezb M voiceless
) mute; unspoken; dump; having
no voice or right to express opinion;
un[}[; uF; r[}[; n
; r[}[; uee[}[.

voc - vol

void : (adj) (n) unoccupied; empty;

vacant; annulled; having no binding force;
aktg[}[; pkngk; eHnk; rU
un n F ; F M F ;
uBne; k[}[; (n) an empty
space; vacuum; [}ig; eHJg;
p>ng; (v) to send out; to evacuate; to
invalidate; to vacate; L; EeSM;
e; ue; nk[}[e; eH
un; voidable: (adj) (nN) that can
be vacated or voided; eH unnee;
r U un c e _ n; voidance : (n)
(nk) act of voiding or vacating;
dismissal; vacancy; emptiness; rU un;
un ;
Ln[} t ;
eS; eH; pkng; voided : (adj)
(n) having a void; Ln[}[F
voile : (n) (n) a light dress material;
gk U e; J U e.
volar : (adj) () relating to the sole or
palm; q G e U q G e
volatile : (adj) () fickle;
sprightly; unsteady; evaporating very quickly;
airy; gay; sn[} [ ; ttF ;
c r ; Lc nSk [ ;
volcanic : (adj) (ee
>e) pertaining to
a volcano; produced by a volcano; like a
volcano; subject to violent and sudden outburst;
easily irritable; g u ;
gn qzbeeF; g
k [ ; c~rk t qe S r U k
eee_n; Lc eFM Sk[;
volcano : (n) (ee
k) a mountain with
an opening through which lava, gas etc. come

vol - vol

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

up from below the surface of the earth;

g; volcanology : (n) ( e
ekK) scientific study of volcanoes;
ge [}in in n.
vole : (n) () a rat like animal; H
volitation : (n) (Hk) the act or
power of flying; [; [eg c[k.

volition : (n) (Hk) the act of willing;

freewill; power of determination; g ;
luC V ;
F g ;
luC u;
Zg>cMg uec.
volitorial : (adj) (Hn) able to
fly; [eee_n.

volley : (n) (H) the discharge of a number

of firearms together; a flight of a ball in cricket;
hitting a ball before touching the ground; a ball
that can be hit while in the air; rGSeLk
ar rU zbMuC; See U
uC ; rJ U dg k e
; g leg eee
_n U; (v) to discharge together; ar
ugnc Ln[}t.

volplane : (v) (Fk) to glide

towards the earth in an aeroplane without using


the engine; en gkc lVk

lne e U rn e S gUe
volt : (n) () a unit of electromotive
force or electric pressure; a movement in a circle
to escape thrust; a vicious movement; k
dg U k>ne un
eg ; k e FM
cHU ; [}iuC [}i Sk[
; (v) to move quickly so as to escape
attack; to walk round in a circle; e
c zb uk ecM;
geuC [}i cM.
voltage : (n) (o) electromotive
force in volts; k>nee
voltameter : (n) () an
apparatus for measuring electric current; k
uecn cMg e.
volteface : (n) (
) total change;
a reversal so as to face in the opposite direction;
a sudden change in acting, opinion, speaking
etc.; dg[}[g; ccFg;
FN, eeJ, uCV q
c~ cFg.
volubility : (n) (NH) fluency or
readiness in speech; uC uUng; n
voluble : (adj) (N) fluent; going
round and round; characterized by continuous
flow; urgeF ue_n; hBSk[;
[} i uC [} i Sk [ ; Jk i
volume : (v) (Yg) a book being a part
of a series; of books on the same subject or by
the same author; degree of sound intensity;
amount of space that an object occupies; ar
[} i n U ar
dF ce ezb
eck c; aHJk ;
l e g Lk


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

voluminous : (adj) (k) forming

a large volume; of great volume; bulky; big;
ce gzn; rn;
voluntary : (adj) (k
) by one's own
accord; having the power of choosing; willing;
intentional; kF zbMHk
un n e _ n; k Me e e
_n; gk ; zb M [} [ ;
volunteer : (n) (kn) the person who
enters any service by one's own free will;
cng k g [U k>uCu
neuC u un; zb; (v) to
enter into a service voluntarily or without being
compelled; to undertake by one's own free will;
k > uC une U e
e ng lk i ng un ;
k>uCune g[}e.

voluptuary : (n) (Fu

C ) person given
to sensual pleasure; sensualist; V[}ikF
Nn; (adj) given to sensual pleasure;
V[} i k F Nn; voluptuous : (adj)
(FuC) exciting a liking for sexual
pleasure especially sensual; sexual;
egMSk[; V[}ikergk; k
ee gnk; eFNn.
volute : (adj) (Y) rolled up; marked
with spirals; zb; ; (n) spiral
formation; spiral ornament on the columns;
cuC ; zb e L q cuC
k hegF.
volution : (n) (Yk) a twist; a spiral
turn as of a coil; te; [}tuC .
vomit : (n) () matter ejected from the
stomach; act of ejecting; an emetic; c;

vol - vot

c M; c gU; (v) to emit

from the stomach; cnM; vomiting :
(n) (G) the act of ejecting from the
stomach; that which is vomited;
cnM; cnMU; c;
vomition : (n) (k) the act of vomiting;
c nM ; vomitive : (adj)
( ) emetic; c nMe e uC
voodoo : (n) () witchcraft; NH;
p>ng; (v) to practice witchcraft on;
p>ng .
voracious : (adj) (rn) greedy in
eating; desiring much; of one who reads much
and continuously; qzb c
Fg ezbM; ce Fg
ezb; U cegeF

vortex : (n) ( e ) an eddy;

whirlwind; a thing that engulfs or attracts
everything; EuCh; h[}e[}t; k
g dGg U WecMg
votary : (n) () a devotee; an
enthusiast; ek; ec Vrk
vote : (n) () expression of one's choice
by casting a ballot, raising hands etc., an
expression of a wish; choice or preference;
opinion expressed; the means of expressing

vot - vul

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]

one's opinion; opinion of the majority; e;

lRg; Nng; uggg ;
e e F e U ; e
eg [; gkgn
Fg; (v) to express the choice by a vote;
eeLcM; voter : (n) () one
who has the right to vote; ee; voting :
(n) (G) the act of exercising a vote;
eeL; MF M.
votive : (adj) ( ) offered in
accordance with a vow made earlier; k
e e eM [} lzG e e
eMe e F MSk [ ; n c [} e e
U F.
vouch : (v) (uC) to attest; to bear witness;
to guarantee; qtcFMU; uV u;
voucher : (n) (uCu) a receipt for
payment of money; a document which confirms
the truth of anything; one who attests; zg
uBcn[}eee eMe eFMg WM;
rWU; qtcuCWM; uV uk.

vouchsafe : (v) (uCF) to grant; to

allow by favour; to condescend; hG;
gkg lrG S Pgc; gkrG S
vow : (n) () an oath; a solemn promise;
pledge; ug; nec Nrce;
Nrgzg; (v) to promise; to declare solemnly;
ee eM; ug un; Nrk


vowel : (n) () a letter representing a

sound uttered by opening the mouth; n
c[ U quC u e e e _ n d U ; qJ
vox populi : (n) (e FH) public
opinion; U oke eU.
voyage : (n) (no) a long journey by
water; e[}nzg; (v) to make a travel by
sea; e[} nzg g[}e.

vulcanite : (n) (ek) tough rubber

used for making buttons, combs etc.;
ke, WFe k[[}[uC
uncF nkMg qtcnk lrF.
vulcanization : (n) (ekk) act
of vulcanizing; ek un; rF
[}[ F.
vulcanize : (v) (ek) to combine
rubber with sulphur and other components; to
make a rigid and durable substance called
vulcanite or ebonite; to join pieces together by
such a process; rFr eeg g[}tg V
ek uee [uC unU
ek U k kPg
qtcnk euC un; k _in
[J UzbMe U rF
Uzb M eF [} [ c M U
vulgar : (adj) (e) rude; coarse; in bad
taste; low; common; rk; ee;
gregk; l; h; urz.
vulgarity : (n) (e) indecent act;
coarseness of manner; bad manners; crude
expression; eeg[}[ un; zb[}[
; Znde e g ; euC unk
uC; vulgarize : (v) (er) to make
vulgar; to debase; lke; zb[}[


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

e; vulgarly : (adv) (eH) in an

indecent manner; coarsely; lk
[J; eege.

vulnerable : (adj) (krN) capable of

being wounded; weak; open to criticism; not
protected against attack; eng e_n;
ez e e ;
cF GS ln.
vulnerary : (adj) (kr) of wounds; (of
medicines etc.) helpful in healing wounds;
enGe uggk; enGe [}t

vul - vyi

c qne leSk[ (gUe

vulpine : (adj) (Fk) like a fox;
concerning a fox; cunning; k[;
uggk; cr; pUk.
vulture : (n) (uu
C ) a large rapacious bird
of prey like an eagle; the person living on
others; Nzg ck>e ed; roL;
N[g iU qJ hcMg zg
vulturine : (adj) (uu
C rk) resembling a
vulture; Nzg ck>e edeF k[.
vulva : (n) ( ) female genitalia;
zbk en.
vying : (adj) (JG) competing; cU

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