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Choosing your first Math course

Detailed information and step by step instructions for selecting all of your courses, including math, will be
available on the Engineering Advising First-ear !lanning website in early "uly, prior to the start of fall
course pre-enroll#
The (4) core mathematics courses for Engineering students are:
MATH 1910, MATH 1920, (MATH 2930 or MATH 2940), and a fourth Math course chosen !" the ma#or$
(A %ist of the to&ics co'ered in each course is %ocated on the third &age$)
(tudents must enro%% in one (and on%" one) math course for the fa%% term in order to !e in good academic
standing in the )o%%ege of Engineering$
Students are encouraged to consider the following when selecting the first math course during course pre-
enroll in mid-July:
$# An" standardi*ed ad'anced &%acement e+ams (A,, -)E, ./) and course0or1 com&%eted at another
accredited co%%ege (&%ease see the )o%%ege of Engineering A, and transfer credit information and the A,
credit ta!%e for detai%s concerning ho0 Engineering a0ards ad'anced &%acement and transfer credit)$
Because your performance in the mathematics curriculum is critical to your academic success in
Engineering, we encourage you to realistically assess your abilities and avoid creating a schedule that
is overly ambitious or demanding your first semester.
%# There is an o&tiona% )orne%% Ad'anced (tanding E+am ()A(E) for MATH 1910 and 1920 offered during
2rientation as fo%%o0s:
Date& 'unday, August %(

)ime& $*&$+ a#m#
,ocation& -lin $++
3ou ma" 0ish to ta1e this e+am if:
"ou are unsure of 0hich math course is the !est match for "our 1no0%edge or s1i%% %e'e%4
"ou do not ha'e A, credit for math, !ut 0ish to tr" to earn credit for MATH 1910 and5or 19204
"ou are unsure 0hether or not to acce&t ad'anced &%acement or transfer credit, and 0ish to test
"our current 1no0%edge in this su!#ect against 0hat the )orne%% facu%t" 0i%% e+&ect "ou to 1no0 if
"ou 0ere to com&%ete the c%ass$
6ote: 3ou 0i%% not %ose an" math credits "ou ha'e a%read" earned 'ia "our scores on a standardi*ed e+am
(A,, -)E, ./) or &rior course0or1 as a resu%t of "our &erformance on this e+am$
.# CA'E e/ams are not offered for either MA)0 %1.* or MA)0 %1(*#
(# 3ou 0i%% !e a!%e to change "our math enro%%ment during the Add57ro& &eriod in August$
Which math course should you enroll in for all!
MA)0 $1$* 2Calculus for Engineers3: 3ou shou%d enro%% in MATH 1910 (%ecture and section), if:
(1) 3ou do not have ad'anced &%acement or transfer credit for MATH 19104 or
(2) 3ou have ad'anced &%acement or transfer credit for MATH 1910 !ut do not 0ish to acce&t it
MA)0 $1%* 2Multivariable Calculus for Engineers3: 3ou shou%d enro%% in MATH 1920 (%ecture and section),
(1) 3ou earned a score of 4 or 8 on the )o%%ege /oard ()EE/) A, )A9) /) e+am (not the AB exam) and
&%an to acce&t this credit in &%ace of MATH 19104 or
(2) 3ou ha'e a score of A, /, or ) on the -enera% )ertificate of Education (-)E) Ad'anced (A:9e'e%)
e+am in Math or ,ure Math and &%an to acce&t this credit in &%ace of MATH 19104 or
(3) 3ou ha'e earned transfer credit for MATH 1910 at another institution (confirmed !" the Engineering
Ad'ising 2ffice)4 or
(4) 3ou &%an to com&%ete MATH 1910 this summer at )orne%% or an e;ui'a%ent course at another
institution (must !e &re:a&&ro'ed)
MA)0 %1.* 2Differential E4uations for Engineers3: 3ou shou%d enro%% in MATH 2930 (%ecture and section)
only if: 3ou ha'e a%read" earned credit for !oth MATH 1910 and 1920, through ad'anced &%acement, transfer
credit, or a com!ination of the t0o (confirmed !" the Engineering Ad'ising 2ffice)$
MA)0 %1(* 2,inear Algebra for Engineers3: <irst:"ear students t"&ica%%" do not enro%% in MATH 2940 in the
first semester, un%ess the" ha'e a%read" earned credit for MATH 1910, 1920 and 2930$ .f "ou fee% there is a
com&e%%ing reason 0h" "ou shou%d enro%% in MATH 2940 for the fa%% semester, &%ease contact Engineering
Which "#$% course should & select if & don't yet (now my advanced placement e)am scores
and*or plan to ta(e the +#SE!
.f "ou ha'e ta1en an ad'anced &%acement e+am (A,, -)E A:9e'e%) and do not "et 1no0 "our fina% resu%ts, or "ou
0ish to ta1e the )A(E e+am for math during 2rientation, se%ect "our c%ass in =u%" !ased on "our e+&ected resu%ts
or ho0 confident "ou fee% a!out the to&ics (see ne+t &age)$
!lease remember, detailed information and step by step instructions for selecting all of your courses,
including math, will be available on the Engineering Advising First-ear !lanning website in early "uly,
prior to the start of fall course pre-enroll# Additionally, you will have an opportunity to ad5ust your fall
course enrollment during Add6Drop in late August, after you ta7e any desired CA'E e/ams and meet with
your faculty advisor during -rientation#
!hone& (>0?) 288:?4144 or Email& ad'@engineeringAcorne%%$edu
E89:8EE;:89 MA)0 'E<=E8CE
Math $1$* 2Calculus for Engineers $3
<undamenta% theorem
(u!stitution in definite integra%s
6umerica% integration
Areas !et0een cur'es
Bo%umes !" s%icing
Bo%umes of re'o%ution
)"%indrica% she%%s
)ur'e %ength5surface area
.n'erse functions and deri'ati'es
6atura% %ogarithms
The e+&onentia%5other !ases
-ro0th and 7eca"
.n'erse trig functions
H"&er!o%ic functions
/asic integration formu%ae
.ntegration !" &arts
Trig su!stitutions
.m&ro&er integra%s
9imits of se;uences of num!ers
Theorems for %imits
.nfinite series
.ntegra% test
)om&arison tests
Catio tests
A!so%ute con'ergence
,o0er series
Ta"%or and Mac%aurin series
Ta"%or series con'ergence
A&&%ications of &o0er series
Math $1%* 2Calculus for Engineers ::3
,o%ar coordinates
)onic sections
Bectors in a &%ane
)artesian coord5'ectors in s&ace
7ot &roducts
)ross &roducts
9ines and &%anes in s&ace
Bector:'a%ued functions
Arc %ength5unit tangent 'ector
<unctions of se'era% 'aria!%es
9imits and continuit"
,artia% deri'ati'es
The chain ru%e
7irectiona% deri'ati'e
E+treme 'a%ues5sadd%e &oints
7ou!%e integra%s
A&&%ications: mass5 center of mass5 a'erage 'a%ue
.ntegra%s in &o%ar coordinates
Tri&%e integra%s
(&herica%, c"%indrica% coord
9ine integra%
Bector fie%ds
<%u+ and circu%ation
-reenDs Theorem
(urface integra%s
(to1eDs Theorem
7i'ergence theorem
)ur%5&otentia% functions
)hange of 'aria!%es
,arametri*ed and im&%icit surfaces
Tangent &%ane to a surface
Math %1.* 2Engineering Math :-Diff# E4s#3
<irst order differentia% e;uations
.nitia% 'a%ue &ro!5e+istence thm
(e&ara!%e e;uations
9inear e;uations
E+act e;uations
Math mode%s
Eua%itati'e methods
6umerica% methods
9inear differentia% o&erators
(econd order differentia% e;uations
)onstant coefficients5 homogen"
)om&%e+ roots
6onhomogeneous e;uations
Fndetermined coefficients
7irection fie%ds
/oundar" 'a%ue &ro!%ems and eigen'a%ue &ro!%ems
.ntroduction to ,7E
<ourier series
(ine and cosine series
(e&aration of 'aria!%es
Heat e;uation
Ga'e e;uation
9a&%aceDs e;uation
Math %1(* 2Engineering Math ::-,in# Alg#3
.ntroduction5%inear s"stems
Co0 reduction
Bectors, %inear com!inations
Matri+ e;uations
(o%ution sets of A+H!
9inear transformations
Matri+ of %inear transformation
Matri+ o&erations, in'erse
.n'erti!%e matrices
,artitioned matrices
Bector s&aces
6u%% and co%umn s&aces
9inear inde&endence
9inear transformations
)om&%e+ eigen'a%ues
A&&s to differentia% e;ns
2rthogona% sets
.nner &roducts
2rthogona% &ro#ection
-ram:(chmidt &rocess
9east s;uares &ro!%ems
.nner &roduct s&aces
7iagona%i*ation of s"m matrices
2rthogona% matri+
(ingu%ar 'a%ue decom&osition
Ce'ised 3531514

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