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Living With Stress…

and Learning
How to Manage It!
Developed by:
Luis Gaviria & Associates
Gaventerprise Group
Ft. Lauderdale – Miami
For presentation by:
The Bilingual Parent Outreach Program (BPOP)

What is Stress?
Stress is a condition or feeling experienced
when a person perceives that demands
exceed the personal and social resources,
which the individual is able to mobilize.
R. Lazarus

More about Stress
 Stress is what we experience when
our problems and worries seem to be
larger than our means to solve them.
changes – good or bad, cause
some stress.
 We adapt to some changes more
easily than to others.
Bad Stress, Good Stress
 Distress or Excessive Stress:
High levels of stress that affect the mind and
the body, degrading the quality of life,
performance and eventually, health itself.
 Eustress or Good Stress:
Positive stress, the kind we need to function
properly to reach our goals.
Some Causes of Excessive Stress
 Changes! = Stress
 Excess in work load
 Financial challenges
 Affective breakup - Divorce
 Difficulties in love life
 Excessive noise
 Social pressure
Stress Physiology
Under stress, Effects in our bodies:
our bodies produce: ♦ Muscle tension
 Adrenaline ♦ Heart Rate – goes up
 Noradrenaline ♦ Blood Pressure – goes up!
♦ Reduced Fatigue
♦ Lowered defenses
 Renin / Angiotensin
♦ Reduction in blood circulation
II, Angiotensin III
♦ Limb temperature goes down

Some Facts
 We usually go back to normal in a few minutes.
 Sometimes after going through long stressful
times, the body gets used to the new high blood
pressure or to a fast-beating heart, and
somehow gets stuck there. We then become
 Stress usually “sends the bill” after the situation
has been accepted or fixed.

Some Symptoms of Stress
 Muscular: Neck or shoulder pain, headaches, fatigue

 Emotional: Crying, sadness, depression, panic attacks,

insomnia, bad temper, aggressiveness

 Cardiovascular: Hypertension, migraines

 Gastrointestinal: Colic, diarrhea, colitis, gastritis

 Skin: Sores, dermatitis

 Immune System: Lowered resistance to infections

Stress Sources
Environment Own Thought
(Outside) Process
 Work load
 Negative thoughts
 $ Finances
 Loneliness  Pessimism
 Aggressiveness  Frustration

We create some of our stress.

Stress Management Techniques
 Change your mind about some issues.
 Tell yourself, over and over, that you deserve inner
peace and happiness.
 Make some decisions – think again. Are they good?

 Talk to a good, wise, prudent friend.

 Let go of the past and decide to forgive.

 Do not beat yourself up – Guilt solves nothing!

 Exercise – at least take a brisk, daily walk for

30 minutes each time.

More Stress Management Techniques
 Pay or re-negotiate your debt, if any.
 If you are anxious, reduce your coffee intake.
 Supplement your nutrition.
 Eat properly.
 Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.
 Learn to meditate, to relax, or to pray.
 Seek good company – (People who can help you
 Take time for tea .
 Help others.
Foods, Supplements, Tea
 Some foods are irritants:
 Reduce red meat consumption.
 Change for poultry and fish, if possible.
 Eat more fruit and vegetables.
 Reduce starch and sugar.
 Drink more water.
 Reduce coffee and caffeinated sodas.
 Have a couple of cups of green tea each day.
(In any case, always consult your particular case with
your doctor first.)

Relaxation, Meditation, Prayer
 Meditation is a process of putting our mind
in a state of calmness.

 Relaxation is the process of releasing the

tension in our muscles, and in our minds.

 Prayer is the act of talking to the Source,

whatever you call it.

Do Something to Avoid…
 Pushing ourselves to the point of not functioning
properly in our personal life and in our work.
 Losing quality of life.
 Getting overstressed to the point of causing
harm to ourselves or others.
 Getting old prematurely.
 Destroying valuable affective relationships.
 Getting emotionally or physically sick.
Areas – Quality of Life
 Physical: Health and well-being
 Mental and Emotional: Mood, enthusiasm
 Family and Relationships:
With significant other, children, siblings, parents
 Social Support: Friends, groups, institutions
 Financial: Availability to fulfill our material needs
 Hope: How good we see our future
 For immigrants, there are additional problems.
 We do not leave our problems at home.
 We do not leave work-related stress at the
office when we go home.
 Home, sometimes, becomes a living hell.
 We work endless hours to pay bills.
 We forget that family is paramount.
 Our children when left home alone, are
educated by a TV set, not by us.
 They become difficult to deal with.
 Let us try to negotiate with our family.
 Let us reduce aggressiveness with some anger
 If you are a believer, go frequently to church,
mosque or synagogue.
 Do some activities together with your family – like
cooking, making a scrap book, etc.
 Open up – talk! Do not swallow your anger or

Having Excessive Stress…
 Does not mean you are weak.
 Is something we all deal with, on a daily basis.
 Is manageable.
 Is our own responsibility to do something about.

Taking charge of our own stress is an act of love

with oneself and with our loved ones.

Let Us Learn To See Life . . .
 Not with our physical eyes that see only
hard evidence.
 Not only through our bad experiences
and fears.
 Rather, with the eyes of our soul.
 With amazement.
 With good expectations.
 With never-ending hope!

Emotional Tone
70 Optimism
60 Hope
50 Trust Peace

Love Empty

20 Anger Sad

10 Frustration Depressed

0 Fear Apathy

a b c d
A Study: Transient Stress
 A group of university students volunteered to take a biopsy test.
Small pieces of tissue were taken from their mouth. This
happened during vacation time.
 Doctors followed up the healing process, using hydrogen peroxide
(Oxygenated water). Foam is produced in open wounds. They
also took pictures of the injuries.
 A few months later, during exams, new biopsies were taken
again on the other side of the mouth of each student. Pictures
were taken, and tests with peroxide were done, as before.
 Results: During university exams, the healing process took 40%
more time than during vacation time. Something as transient as
mid-term exams create a level of stress, significant enough to
slow down the healing process in wounds. Stress affects our
bodies in many forms.
Ohio University – Dr. Kiecolt-Glaser - 1998
 A new discipline in the sciences, that studies
voluntary control of blood circulation in
different areas of the brain.
 Research and development of Dr. Hershel
Toomim, used to treat:
(Single Positron

This is the brain

of someone with
Dark blue areas
show reduced
circulation. 23
27 sessions

After learning to
focus the
attention in
good, happy
thoughts, the
brain shows
improvement in
Normal Happy thinking!
Better blood flow to the brain!

Normal Happy thinking!

Better blood flow to the brain!

The Truth is . . .
People can change
the quality of their lives,
and even improve their health,
if they take charge of changing
the flow of their thoughts.
What are your thoughts, right
We Need To:
 Understand that life gives us many chances.
 Accept that we can change for the good.
 Commit to feeding ourselves and our families
properly with good food, good thoughts, and good
 Exercise – even a little.
 Hydrate our bodies better.
 Put our attention in the here-and-now.
 Forgive and carry on.
 Look for, and create opportunities for peace.
 Create a healthy balance in our lives.
Some Tips
 No situation or person is worth your getting a stroke or a
heart attack over.
 Try to always to arrive 10 minutes early.
 Do not overload your day!
 Do not make a lot of changes in your life in a short
period of time.
 Learn how to say “NO,” every once in a while.
 Prioritize your commitments, when necessary.
 Take some free time for yourself and your loved ones.
 Watch the way you are thinking!
Your Mission . . .
 Life starts today, if you want it to . . .
 Set a goal for physical betterment.
(I am going to eat healthier.)
 Set a goal for personal growth.
(I am going to gain control of my finances.)
 Set a goal for family and loving relationships.
(I am going to be more affectionate and more patient.)
 Set a goal for helping to make world a better place.
(I am going to become more aware and involved.)
 Set a goal for personal inner peace.
(I am going to let go of the past
and forgive where needed.)
 All of us are in the business of transforming lives
– for the good or the bad. (children, family,
friends, the rest of the world!)
 Let us help to promote health, emotional
wellness, and the development of social
conscience (for those in need, and for the
environment) to build a better world for all of us.
 Whatever we do to help someone in need, gives
us back much more than we give in return.
 We CAN change lives, including our own!
 All this information is presented for educational purposes only.
It is based on scientific studies or traditional usage. Consult a
health care professional before using supplements or making
any changes in prescribed medications, or making major
changes in your lifestyle.
 We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified
healthcare professional or medical professional before starting
any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking
any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a
health problem. Neither Luis Gaviria or Miami-Dade County
Public Schools are to be held liable for conditions that may
arise for making such changes.
 The information presented here and/or in other accompanying
materials are not to be taken as medical advice.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Division of Bilingual Education & World Languages
Bilingual Parent Outreach Program (BPOP)

Bilingual Parent Outreach Program

For additional information, please call this telephone number:

(305) 995-1920


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