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Far Eastern University

Institute of Nursing
AY 2011 2012
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements on Nursing Reasearc
!e Effect of Pinoy "augter Yoga in #e$ression Re%uction of Female Inmates in &an%aluyong
'ity (ail
)u*mitte% +y,
'astillano- .in /i%0on
'lau%io- &artin Allen
'olla%o- .aren (oy
'ontreras- (onatan
'unanan- (ustine &il*ert
#e "eon- Angelica
#e &esa- &a1 2sara
#ela 3ega- .aye Anne
Elica4o- &ica (ona
/ayeta- &aycelle
+)N 221 /rou$ 52
)u*mitte% to,
'atalina Alin%u0a RN- &AN- &AE#
Chapter 1
Background of the Study
Everyone 6no7s tat laugter can *e *eneficial to us- *ut 7en 7as te last time you a%
a goo% laug8 'il%ren use% to laug most of te time *ut as tey gro7 ol%er- it seems tat
laugter $lays a smaller role in teir lives %ue to te fact tat tey are living a fast9$ace% life1
!ere is a ne7 e:ercise routine tat is s7ee$ing te 7orl%; tey call it "augter Yoga- te
*raincil% of #r1 &a%an .ataria- a Pysician from &um*ai- In%ia1 "augter Yoga in our country
is relatively ne7 *ut it is *ooming- "augter Yoga sessions are *eing el% all over te country
%ue to te 6no7n $ysical- social- an% emotional *enefits to te uman *o%y1 "augter Yoga is a
great meto% of %issi$ating negative feelings of anger an% frustration- an% if left unnotice% it may
lea% to %e$ression1
It is not ne7 for us te living con%ition inmates of %ifferent <ails ave to en%ure every
single %ay; te stenc- te overcro7%ing- te toilets tat ran li6e rivers troug te cells- %iseases
an% %eat1 !e U) )tate #e$artment- in a uman rigts re$ort on te Pili$$ines last 200=- sai%
te country>s $rison con%itions 7ere ?ru%imentary an% sometimes ars-? 7ere ?overcro7%e%-
lac6e% *asic infrastructure- an% $rovi%e% $risoners 7it an ina%equate %iet1?It sai% te ?slo7
<u%icial $rocess e:acer*ate% te $ro*lem of overcro7%ing1 )ome inmates too6 turns slee$ing-
an% oters sle$t on teir feet1?!e stu%y also cite% ?7i%es$rea% corru$tion? among guar%s as
7ell as ?re$orts tat guar%s a*use% $risoners-? inclu%ing 7omen 7o 7ere ?$articularly
vulnera*le to se:ual an% $ysical assault *y $olice an% $rison guar%s1?
It 7oul% seem tat te loss of contact 7it family results in a serious $ro*lem of
%e$ression for 7omen in $rison1 #aniel @et al1 1A55B foun% tat 22 $ercent of 7omen in $rison
may *e meeting te #&)9III criteria for ma<or %e$ression1 In Nort 'arolina &artin @et al1 1AACB
foun% =0 $ercent of 7omen in $rison a% levels suggesting clinical %e$ression using te 7ell9
6no7n 'E)9# scale @see Ra%loff 1A==B1 A control grou$ of 7omen not in $rison using te same
scale so7e% only 209D0 $ercent so affecte%1
"augter may not *e te most scientific to counter ailments- *ut it as *een $roven tat
laugter lo7ers te level of stress ormones @e$ine$rine- cortisol- etcB in te *loo%1 It fosters a
$ositive an% o$eful attitu%e1 It is less li6ely for a $erson to succum* to stress an% feelings of
%e$ression an% el$lessness- if one is a*le to laug a7ay te trou*les- sai% on te official 7e*site
of #r1 .ataria1 &any $risoners in In%ia ave foun% "augter Yoga an effective tool to release
teir negative emotions1 !ere ave *een $ositive canges in $risoner attitu%e- *etter $risoner9
staff relations an% re%uce% violence1
In tis ligt- tis stu%y see6s to $resent a significant relationsi$ of "augter Yoga as to
7eter it 7oul% ave effects on te level of %e$ression among 7omen inmates age 20 to D0
years ol%1 !ere are only limite% stu%ies regar%ing laugter yoga an% %e$ression- an% as far as
te researcers 6no7- tis stu%y 7oul% *e te first concrete stu%y a*out te relationsi$ of
laugter yoga in te level of %e$ression among inmates1 "augter yoga sessions are *eing
con%ucte% in %ifferent <ails aroun% &etro &anila *ut tere are no stu%y so7ing relationsi$ of
laugter yoga on te level of %e$ression1
Statement of the Problem
!is stu%y aims to %etermine te relationsi$ *et7een Pinoy "augter Yoga an% te level
of %e$ression among 7omen inmates of &an%aluyong 'ity (ail age 20 to D0 years ol%1
)$ecifically- tis stu%y aims to ans7er te follo7ing questions,
11 Eat is te level of %e$ression e:$erience% *y 7omen inmates of &an%aluyong city
21 Eat is te significant effect of Pinoy "augter Yogain %e$ression re%uction among
7omen inmates8
D1 Eat are te feelings e:$erience% *y 7omen inmates *efore an% after Pinoy "augter
F1 Is tere a significant %ifference in te effect of Pinoy "augter Yoga in %e$ression
re%uction of 7omen in consi%eration to te follo7ing varia*les8
F111 Age
F121 'ivil )tatus
F1D1 'ell location
F1F1 Num*er of Pinoy "augter Yoga sessions
F1C1 !ime of session
Significance of the Study
!is researc stu%y aims to give information tat 7oul% ai% nurses an% oter ealt
$rofessionals regar%ing "augter Yoga an% its relationsi$ on te "evel of #e$ression among
inmates1 !us in return can el$ or im$rove te mental status of te inmates- troug
incor$orating "augter Yoga in te rea*ilitation $rogram of te inmates1 !is stu%y 7ill also
el$ te follo7ing,
Nursing Researc
!is stu%y ai%s te researcers in case tey 7oul% li6e to con%uct furter stu%y
a*out te effect of Pinoy "augter Yoga on oter as$ects- area- an% $o$ulation1 !is
serves as a relia*le reference since tere is only a fe7 stu%ies on Pinoy "augter Yoga1
Nursing E%ucation
!is stu%y migt 7in te interest of ne7 stu%ent researcers to con%uct a%%itional
stu%y regar%ing more effects of Pinoy "augter Yoga; its a%vantages an% %isa%vantages
*ecause no7a%ays it is *ooming aroun% te country- yet tereGs only limite% $roofs
so7ing itGs effectivity1
Nursing A%ministration
!is stu%y migt encourage te #ean to a$$ly Pinoy "augter Yoga to erself
*ecause se migt $ossi*ly e:$eriencing ig level of %e$ression resulting from a lot of
7or6s an% conflicts in er a%ministration1 Ho$efully se may also en%orse it among er
faculty an% family as 7ell1
Nursing Practice
!is stu%y allo7s te staff nurses to use Pinoy "augter Yoga as an alternative
non $armacologic intervention in alleviating teir $atientsG an% relativesG %e$ression
an% $ain level %uring teir os$ital stay- *ut if- an% only if teir con%ition $ermits tem to
%o so1
Scope and Limitation
!is stu%y aims to %etermine te effects *et7een "augter Yoga an% te level of
%e$ression among inmates1 !e stu%y 7ill *e focusing on te %e$resse% female inmates 7it te
age ranging from 20 D0 years ol%1 !irty @D0B $artici$ants 7ill *e coming from te
&an%aluyong 'ity (ail 7ere te stu%y 7ill *e con%ucte%1 !is 7ill only *e for tose %e$ress
inmates 7o 7ere 7illing to $art on te stu%y1 #ata collection an% "augter Yoga sessions 7ill
*e %one t7ice a 7ee6 for 2 7ee6s on te mont of (uly 20111
Ho7ever te stu%y is only limite% *ecause te laugter yoga 7ill *e im$lemente% to te
inmates only 7o are 7illing to $artici$ate1 Also $ysical an% environmental factors are not
controlle% li6e te 7eater- tem$erature an% $atological %iseases of te inmates tat can affect
teir focus an% $artici$ation o7ever te management an% te facilitator 7ill try to control te
venue for te yoga so tat %istractions 7ill *e lessen1 Also te stu%y as limitation *ecause te
time an% te num*er of e:$osure soul% *e on te s$ecific time te management im$ose%1
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
Accor%ing to &a%an .ataria @ 2010 B %e$ression is te to$ one %isease to%ay1 #e$ression
is a con%ition 7erein it can attac6 $eo$le re$eate%ly trougout teir life1 Usually %e$resse%
$eo$le are te one 7o rarely laug an% $eo$le 7o laug are not %e$resse%1 #e$ression can *e
a result of me%ical $ro*lems or illness suc as eart attac6- $aralytic stro6es- ormonal %isor%er
or incura*le %iseases1 It can cause armful effects on min%- *o%y- an% emotions1 It is connecte%
7it %ecrease% communication to oters- constant feeling of sa%ness an% loss of curiosity in
tings tat $reviously en<oya*le1 'ange in slee$ $attern- loss of a$$etite- mental $rocesses-
7eigt loss or 7eigt gain- $essimistic tougts- feeling of el$less1 Eomen 7o age% mi% 20Gs
are more at ris6 to %e$ression 7it 10920I lifetime inci%ence against men 7it C910I
inci%ence1 It is $revalent in tose 7itout close relationsi$- se$arate% an% %ivorce%1
.ataria@2010B mentione% tat inmates e:$erience e:treme negative emotions of anger-
fear- 7orry an% loneliness 7ic lea% to trou*le state of min% tat can easily *rea6 into rage an%
violent forms of release1 In oter an% ig stress levels in overcro7%e% facilities tat can results
in lac6 of $rivacy1
!e article Prison *rea6, "augter sets ig9ris6 inmates free *y &i6o "1 &orelos 2010
mentione% tat te effect of laugter yoga enances self9esteem- felt muc umane- an%
increases te s$irits of te inmates after te sessions1 Furtermore- &oore @2005B state% tat
umor $romotes a *etter co$ing strategies an% terefore survival1
In a%%ition- *ase% on te official 7e*site of #r1 &a%am .ataria state% tat laugter yoga
in $risons %ecrease %e$ression an% $sycological $ro*lems- im$roves mental alertness- increases
level of $erformance- im$rove% coo$eration to autority 7ic can re%uce% %isci$linary
$ro*lems- $romotes $ositive emotions in inmates- $rison guar% an% 7ar%en 7ic are su*<ecte%
to great %eal of emotional stress1
"augter Yoga is a unique e:ercise routine- 7ic com*ines uncon%itional laugter 7it
yogic *reating @PranayamaB- te ancient science of yogic *reating into laugter e:ercises
7ic 7as te $rimary reason 7y #r1 .ataria name te tecnique1
Pinoy "augter Yoga is %ifferent from te general yoga $ractice1 &artin Paolo !rini%a%
%evelo$e% s$ecific e:ercises to mo%ify te meto% to suit Fili$inos1 He also researces a lot to
integrate oter $ractices- li6e !ai 'i- into "augter Yoga1 Accor%ing to te article J"augter tat
HealsK in &anila +ulletin %ate% Novem*er 1C- 2010- &r1 !rini%a% sai%; JI 7ante% to inculcate
Fili$ino values- nationalism- an% te *ac6 to te *asics culture1K
"augter may not *e te most scientific meto% to counter ailments *ut it as *een
$roven tat laugter lo7er te level of stress ormones @e$ine$rine- cortisol- etcB in te *loo%1
Estavillo @2010B- mentione% tat laugter is li6e a mental floss 7ic clears te co*7e*s of ones
min%- moreover- it calm out min%- strengten s$irit- %istress an% rela:es a $ersonGs *o%y1 In
a%%ition- in te article of te *enefits of laugter *y &s1 Hara Estroff &arano mentione% tat
laugter esta*lises an% restores a $ositive eliminate climate an% a sense of connection *et7een
!a6ing time for $ositive laugter in te 7or6$lace every %ay is energi0ing- ealt9
$romoting- an% re7ar%ing1 Humor a$$enings an% mirtful moments are all aroun% us; 7e nee%
to *e rece$tive to tem1 Researc $rovi%es evi%ence tat laugter is a $o7erful tool 7en use%
a$$ro$riately in our $ersonal an% $rofessional life <ourney1 !e e:cer$t 7as state% *y &ary I1
Huntly- P%- Rn in !a6e !ime for laugter @200AB1
In a%%ition- in one of te article of #r1 .ataria @2010B mentione% tat $ractitioners of
laugter yoga commonly re$orte% increase in self9esteem an% resulting in motivation in many
as$ects of life1
Accor%ing to te official 7e*site of #r1 .ataria- laugter yoga is a great 7ay to e:ercise
te *o%y system an% te min% an% it also uses as a form of $ysical e:ercise rater tan using
cognitive umor 7ic anyone can laug regar%less of teir state of min% an% cognitive a*ility1
In a%%ition .ataria @2010B sai% tat laugter yoga is a great meto% of %issi$ating negative
feelings of anger an% frustrations- tus re%uces negative emotion an% $romotes $ositive
/oo% Healt- (oy an% Eorl% $eace is te goal of laugter yoga tat can *e acieve
troug laugter 7ic is universal 7it no language an% cultural *arriers @.ataria- 2010B1
)ai%i et1 al @2010B reveale% tat laugter yoga is at least effective as a grou$ e:ercise
$rogram in im$rovement of %e$ression an% life satisfaction of el%erly %e$resse% 7oman1
!e stu%ies com$aring te effects of yoga an% e:ercise seem to in%icate tat- in *ot
ealty an% %isease% $o$ulations- yoga may *e as effective as or *etter tan e:ercise at
im$roving a variety of ealt9relate% outcome measures accor%ing to te ealt *enefits of yoga
an% e:ercise; a revie7 of com$arison stu%ies *y Ross L !omas @2010B1
"aun% et al @200AB state% tat most of te *ereave% s$ouses rate% umor an% a$$iness as
*eing very im$ortant in teir %aily lives an% tat tey 7ere also e:$eriencing tese emotions at
iger levels tan e:$ecte%1 E:$eriencing umor- laugter- an% a$$iness 7as strongly
associate% 7it favora*le *ereavement a%<ustments @lo7er grief an% %e$ressionB regar%less of te
e:tent to 7ic te *ereave% $erson value% aving tese $ositive emotions1
Contraindication to Laughter oga
"augter involves some $ysical strain an% a rise in intra9a*%ominal $ressure tat may
not fit for tose $eo$le un%ergone ma<or surgery an% $eo$le 7it severe an% uncontrolle% stage
suc as- *ut not limite% to a%vance% @*lee%ingB $iles an% emorroi%s- any 6in% of ernia- any
$ersistent coug- anyting 7it acute sym$toms- e$ile$sy- eart %isease- ig *loo% $ressure-
incontinence of urine- ma<or $syciatric %isor%ers- severe *ac6ace11 In oter an%- some $eo$le
com$lain of minor %iscomforts after %oing laugter Yoga suc as eaviness in te ea% or mil% to
mo%erate ea%ace- ig *loo% $ressure an% cronic migraine ea%aces- an% irritation in te
troat or mil% coug 7ic is te most common @.ataria- 2010B1
Benefit! of Laughter oga
"augter yoga can *e *eneficial to a $erson in terms of Healt- Personal life- *usiness
life- social life- an% lauging in te face of callenges1
Healt *enefits
"augter yoga *oosts one immune system- it increases *loo% circulation an% rela:es
muscles- serves as anti%ote for %e$ression- re%uces *loo% $ressure- re%uce sym$toms of
allergies an% artritis- an% el$s in cronic illnesses li6e cancer1
A ten minute of laugter yoga is a $o7erful car%io 7or6out 7ic equal to a D0 minutes
of ro7ing macine1
Personal life
"augter yoga can cange in%ivi%ual moo% state 7ic can %etermine te quality of life1
A $erson 7it a smiling face 7ill ave a $ositive outloo6 to7ar%s life an% very fe7
negative tougts1
+usiness life
"augter yoga is most economical- less time consuming an% scientifically $roven
tecnique to re%uce stress in te 7or6$lace1
/rou$ laugter can create a a$$y an% motivate% 7or6force 7ic inclu%es strong team
*uil%ing elements1
)ocial "ife
"augter can connect 7it $eo$le easily an% troug caring an% saring relationsi$ 7it
frien%s can %etermine te quality of life an% life satisfaction1
"augter yoga 6ee$s a $ositive mental attitu%e so tat a $erson can co$e 7it negative
situations an% %eal 7it $ro*lem in a muc *etter 7ay tan a normal $erson can @.ataria-
#e$ression is consi%ere% as a mental illness tat is caracteri0e% *y $ersistent feeling of
sa%ness- %es$air an% loss of interest to tose tings tat 7ere once $leasura*le to a $erson1 An
im*alance of certain neurotransmitters or te cemicals in te *rain tat el$s transmit messages
*et7een nerve cells is *elieve% to *e te 6ey to %e$ression1 +eing affecte% *y it- a $erson may
ave e:$erience% %istur*ances in slee$- loss of a$$etite an% if not *eing treate%- may lea% to a
more serious mental $ro*lem1 #e$ression ere in te Pili$$ines as surveye% *y te #e$artment
of Healt- one in four 7omen is li6ely to e:$erience an e$iso%e of ma<or %e$ression as com$are%
to men1 #e$ression may lasts for a lifetime if a $erson 7ill not %o anyting to el$ imself to
co$e 7it a certain $ro*lems or trials tat 7ill come as is life goes on1 !e average age
%e$ression stri6es is at mi%920s- s$ecifically tose 7omen in mi%920s tat ave e:$erience%
%ivorce%- se$aration or any $ro*lems tat *rings *ig im$act for a $erson to *e %e$resse% <ust li6e
for an e:am$le *eing $ut on a <ail *ecause of a certain $enalty tat is *eing accuse% to someone1
Everyone 7oul% $erceive tat tose $eo$le 7o 7ere e:ile% in te <ail are all %e$ress1 !ey
migt *e a$$y at some $oint *ut feeling of sa%ness an% loneliness are surely $resent in tem1 !o
*e a7ay from teir families is not tat easy to acce$t1
Peo$le say laugter is te *est me%icine1 Pro*a*ly 7e may agree into tis statement1
"augter as tis 6in% of effect to a $erson 7ere in it serves as a cleansing %evice to our min%s
tat 7ill %issi$ate tose negative feelings tat a $erson coul% ave1 It is li6e a metal ammer tat
*rea6s 7alls or *arriers tat constraints $eo$le un%er %e$ression1 Eit laugter- it can $romote a
$ositive min% set to a $erson- ma6ing tem o$timistic in seeing temselves in a great future1
In te five stu%ies gatere%- all of tose use% laugter an% yoga as te main treatment for
eac stu%y con%ucte%1 In te stu%y of &oore @2005B- &ary I1 Huntly- P%- Rn in !a6e !ime for
laugter @200AB an% "aun% et al @200AB umor is *eing a$$lie% to $romote laugter an% a variety
of ealt9relate% outcome1 In te stu%y con%ucte% *y )ai%i et1 al @2010B- laugter an% yoga are
still involve *ut tis time no use% of any umor1
In com$arison to laugter yoga- te stu%ies tat 7ere con%ucte% as 7at mentione% a*ove
7ere all use% umor as an instrument to $romote laugter1 It migt *e *ecause some $eo$le
*elieve tat in or%er to laug one must $ossess a goo% sense of umor 7ic is te *rainGs
ca$acity to $erceive- relate- an% e:$erience a situation- <u%ging if te situation is funny or not1 In
oter 7or%s- a sense of umor is require% for uncon%itional laugter1 Eat is goo% an%
interesting a*out "augter Yoga is tat even tere is no use of umor- laugter can still *e
$ossi*le1 Accor%ing to te $rinci$les of Neuro9"inguistic Programing @N"PB an% scientific
researc- Jtere is very little %ifference *et7een tin6ing a*out %oing someting an% actually
%oing it1K &eaning- tougts in te min%- 7eter real or imaginary- $ro%uce similar $ysiologic
canges in te *o%y1 )ame goes to te tougt tat a real laug an% a fa6e laug ave te same
$ysiologic effect in te *o%y of a $erson1 "augter Yoga terefore com$are% to te $revious
stu%ies tat el$s a $erson %ecrease %e$ression- is in%ee% an alternative im$roving oneGs insigt
an% some ealt alterations1 "augter 7itout umor an% not <ust a sim$le yoga is 7at ma6es
"augter Yoga %ifferent1
In%ee%- tese revie7s of stu%ies el$ te researcers %etermine 7at laugter can %o to
te level of %e$ression1 As 7at te oter stu%y im$lie%- "augter Yoga so7e% a significant
%ecrease in te level of %e$ression among geriatric clients1 "augter Yoga is *eing taugt in a
form of e:ercise1 "augter Yoga may el$ a %e$resse% $erson to co$e easily from stress an%
el$s tem $revent from furter serious mental $ro*lems1 Hence- laugter Yoga $romotes a
o$eful min%set to increase a $ositive outloo6 to a $ersonGs life1
"heoretical #ramework
"y%ia Hall>s 'ore- 'are- an% 'ure !eory- is a mo%el tat $rovi%es a frame7or6 to
encourage o$en communication *et7een $atients an% nurses1 Hall enumerate% tree as$ects of
te $erson as $atient, te $erson @coreB- te *o%y @careB- an% te %isease @cureB1 !ese as$ects
7ere envisione% as overla$$ing circles tat influence eac oter1
!e mo%el is not static- *ut rater te $atient can *e in an in%ivi%ual circle or te circles
can overla$ %e$en%ing on te nee%s of te $atient %uring management of teir %isease1 Patients
7o ave teir core- care- an% cure nee%s met ave im$rove% self9esteem an% a7areness of te
im$ortance of %isease management an% im$rove% quality of life1 !e core- care- an% cure mo%el
$rovi%es an o$$ortunity for $atients to %evelo$ trust an% communicate teir fears an% concerns in
relation to %isease management1
!e 'ore
!e core refers to te $erson or client to 7om te nursing care 7oul% *e
%elivere%1 !e nurse soul% a%%ress te social an% emotional nee%s of te $atient
for effective communication an% a comforta*le environment1
!e 'are
!e care e:$lains te role of te nurses1 !e role to give a JmoterlyK care to te
client tat may inclu%e te $rovision of comfort measures an% ealt teacing1
!e 'ure
!e cure refers to te interventions an% actions given to te $atient in or%er to
treat is %isease1!e nurse a$$lies me%ical 6no7le%ge in te treatment of te
$atient an% at te same time saring te <o* 7it oter mem*ers of te me%ical
'are allu%es to te an%s on intimate *o%ily care of te client im$lies a comforting-
nurturing relationsi$1 'ore involves te tera$eutic use of self in communicating 7it te
$atient1 !e nurse reflects questions a$$ro$riately an% el$s te client clarify motives an% goals
facilitating te $rocess of increasing te clientGs a7areness1 'ure is te as$ect of nursing
involve% 7it a%ministration of me%ication an% treatments1 !e nurse functions in tis role as an
investigator1 !e ma<or outcome of nursing care is rea*ilitation an% feelings of self9
actuali0ation *y te $atient @!aylor- "illis- an% "e&one- 200C; +asavanta$$a- 200=B1
Conceptual #ramework
/ui%e% *y te teory cite% in te teoretical frame7or6- te researcers came u$ 7it teir conce$tual
frame7or6 on te effect of laugter yoga on te level of %e$ression among inmates of te
correctional institute for 7omen1
Independent $ariable! %ependent $ariable!

&oderating $ariable!
Figure 11 'once$tual frame7or6 for Pinoy "augter Yoga
!e frame7or6 of suc conce$t un%er stu%y 7as carefully %esigne% to $resent te
$ara%igm of varia*les in a clear $icture1 Figure 1 so7s tis $ara%igm of in%e$en%ent- %e$en%ent
an% mo%erating varia*les use% in te stu%y1
!e In%e$en%ent 3aria*les consi%ere% as te treatment 7as laugter yoga1 !e effect of
laugter yoga in re%uction of %e$ression 7as te #e$en%ent varia*le1 !e researcers 7ere
furter motivate% to %etermine 7eter tere is a significant %ifference in te effect of laugter
Eomens Inmates
Pinoy "augter
"evel of #e$ression
Re%uction of
Age- 'ivil )tatus- 'ell
"ocation- Num*er of
Yoga session- !ime of
yoga 7it regar%s to $atientGs age- civil status- cell location- num*er of yoga session an% time of
session tus- tey inclu%e% tose factors in te $ara%igm as te mo%erating varia*les1 !ey
7oul% li6e to fin% out 7eter tose factors may *ring an influence to te effect of laugter
"augter Yoga as te treatment strategy of te researc team- laugter yoga com*ines
Uncon%itional "augter 7it Yogic +reating1 Anyone can laug for No Reason- 7itout relying
on umor- <o6es or come%y1 "augter is simulate% as a *o%y e:ercise in a grou$; 7it eye contact
an% cil%li6e $layfulness- it soon turns into real an% contagious laugter1 !e conce$t of
"augter Yoga is *ase% on a scientific fact tat te *o%y cannot %ifferentiate *et7een fa6e an%
real laugter1 Mne gets te same $ysiological an% $sycological *enefits1
!e use of te treatment strategy as te in%e$en%ent varia*les aims to im$rove te level
of %e$ression of te clients 7it regar%s to teir 7ell9*eing an% life satisfaction1 Im$roving level
of %e$ression of te client 7ill *e our %e$en%ent varia*les1
Re!earch 'ypothe!i!
11 !e 7omen of &an%aluyong 'ity (ail %o not e:$erience %e$ression1
21 !ere is no significant effect of Pinoy "augter Yoga in %e$ression re%uction among
7omen inmates of &an%aluyong 'ity (ail1
D1 !e 7omen inmates of &an%aluyong 'ity (ail %i% not e:$erience any feelings *efore an%
after "augter Yoga1
F1 !ere is no significant %ifference in te effect of Pinoy "augter Yoga in %e$ression
re%uction of 7omen in consi%eration to tese varia*les,
a1 Age
*1 'ivil )tatus
c1 'ell "ocation
%1 Num*er of Pinoy "augter Yoga )essions
e1 !ime session
&ain $ariable! of the Study
In tis stu%y- te Eomen Inmates E:$erience an% "augter Yoga are te In%e$en%ent
varia*les or in$uts1 !e level of %e$ression an% te re%uction of %e$ression are te %e$en%ent
varia*les or out$ut1 !e mo%erating varia*les in tis stu%y are Age- 'ivil status- 'ell location-
Num*er of Yoga session an% te !ime of session1
%efinition of "erm!
Pinoy Laughter oga
'once$tual #efinition, an e:ercise routine tat com*ines Pinoy version of Uncon%itional
"augter 7it Yogic +reating1 @Paolo &artin !rini%a%B
M$erational #efinition, Pinoy version of uncon%itional laugter 7it yogic *reating 7ill *e el%
t7ice a 7ee6 on te mont of (uly 2011 to 7omen inmates of &an%aluyong 'ity (ail age 209D0
years ol%1
'once$tual #efinition, mental illness caracteri0e% *y a $rofoun% an% $ersistent feeling of
sa%ness or %es$air an%Nor a loss of interest in tings tat once 7ere $leasura*le1#istur*ance in
slee$- a$$etite- an% mental $rocesses are a common accom$animent1 @tt$,NN7771%o1gov1$NB
M$erational #efinition, a mental illness caracteri0e% *y a $rofoun% an% $ersistent feeling of
sa%ness or %es$air an%Nor a loss of interest in tings tat once 7ere $leasura*le 7ill *e measure%
using 2ungGs self9rate% %e$ression scale1 Inmates 7it a score of O0 OA on 2ungGs self9rate%
%e$ression scale 7ill *e qualifie% for te stu%y1
'once$tual #efinition, A $erson 6e$t in an institution suc as a os$ital or $rison1
M$erational #efinition, !e stu%y 7ill *e focusing on te %e$resse% female inmates 7it te age
ranging from 20 D0 years ol%1 Inmates tat 7oul% not *e inclu%e% 7oul% *e; Female inmates
age% less tan 20 years ol% an% greater tan D0 years ol%; Inmates tat te 7ar%en N MI' not
allo7e% to $artici$ate; an%- Inmates 7it istory of ma<or %e$ression or any $syciatric
Chapter III
Re!earch &ethodology
Re!earch %e!ign
!e researcers use% non9equivalent control grou$ *efore9after quasi9e:$erimental
%esign1 Puasi9e:$erimental researc %esign use% interventions 7erein su*<ects are not
ran%omly cosen- instea% tey are consi%ere% qualifie% accor%ing to s$ecific gen%er- 7ic is
female inmates an% age grou$ of 209D0 years ol%1 Non9equivalent control grou$ *efore9after
%esign involves an e:$erimental treatment an% t7o grou$s of su*<ects o*serve% *efore an% after
its im$lementation1
Non9equivalent control grou$ *efore9after quasi9e:$erimental %esign %etermine% te
effectiveness of laugter yoga in %ecreasing te level of %e$ression *y con%ucting actual laugter
yoga sessions tat 7oul% last 1C D0 minutes $er session- a $retest *y ans7ering te 2ungGs self9
rating %e$ression scale *y te su*<ects to *e a*le to ave a *aseline rating an% a $ost test after
e:$osure to laugter yoga1
Population and Sample
!e stu%y 7ill *e focusing on te %e$resse% female inmates 7it te age ranging from 20
D0 years ol%1 !irty @D0B $artici$ants 7ill *e coming from te &an%aluyong 'ity (ail in
&an%aluyong 'ity 7ere te stu%y 7ill *e con%ucte%1 !e num*er of res$on%ents is D0 *ecause
it is a%equate for e:$erimental %esign as a rule of tum*1 @)lavin- Ro*ert E1- Researc &eto% in
Researc E%ucation- 2n% E%1B !is 7ill only *e for tose %e$ress inmates 7o 7ere 7illing to
$art ta6e on te stu%y1
!e stu%y utili0e% a non 9 $ro*a*ility non ran%om sam$ling1 'onvenience )am$ling is
*eing use% 7erein it involves coosing rea%ily availa*le $eo$le for a stu%y1 'riterion $ur$osive
sam$ling 7ill also *e use 7erein te su*<ects 7ere selecte% accor%ing to te eligi*ility criteria1
!ere 7ill *e no control grou$s to *e %one in tis stu%y1
!e inclusion criteria for tis stu%y 7oul% *e Female inmates- age% 209D0 7o signe% te
consent form an% 7illing to $artici$ate in te stu%y1 Also te 2ung self rating %e$ression scale
scores soul% *e on te range of C09CA1 "astly- inmates 7o ave not un%ergone or e:$erience%
"augter Yoga sessions 7ill *e inclu%e%1
!e e:clusion criteria are as follo7s, Female inmates age% less tan 20 years ol% an%
greater tan D0 years ol%- Inmates tat te 7ar%en N MI' not allo7e% to $artici$ate- an% lastly-
Inmates 7it istory of ma<or %e$ression or any $syciatric %isor%ers
!e meto%s to *e use% in te stu%y to *e con%ucte% are as follo7s, First- te researcers
7ill *e getting te %emogra$ic $rofile of te clients in te institute consi%ering te target age1
!e selecte% ones are as6e% to ave a $reliminary test 7ic is te 2ungGs )elf9Rating
#e$ression )cale1 !is 7ill el$ te researcers to %etermine if $ros$ective su*<ects 7ere
eligi*le to meet te criteria1 After te sai% e:amination- it 7ill *e te time 7ere "augter Yoga
session 7ill start1 !ere 7ill *e a total of F sessions 7ic is %one t7ice a 7ee6 from (une (uly
2011- te res$on%ents 7o un%ergone "augter Yoga 7ill again *e as6e% to ans7er te 2ungGs
)elf9Rating #e$ression )cale every after te sessions ave *een facilitate%1 !e $ur$ose of te
$ost test to *e %one is for te researcers to evaluate teir level of %e$ression if tere is a
%ecrease or increase as com$are% to te results of te test given to tem *efore con%ucting
"augter Yoga session1 In te stu%y- sam$le su*<ects 7ere tol% of te *enefits an% results
e:$ecte%1 !ey 7ere assure% of te confi%entiality of te stu%y as in%icate% in te consent form
Re!earch Locale
!e stu%y 7ill *e con%ucte% in &an%aluyong 'ity (ail1 !e location is suite% for te
stu%y *ecause it as a ig num*er of female inmates tat can $artici$ate in te researc stu%y1
!e locale 7as cosen as recommen%e% *y te &r1 Paolo &artin "1 !rini%a%- 'ertifie% "augter
Yoga !rainer1 )ettings are te s$ecific $laces 7ere information is gatere% @Polit L +ec6-
Re!earch In!trument!
!e researcers use% tree tools in con%ucting tis stu%y1 First- te researcers use% 2ung
)elf9rating #e$ression scale for measuring te level of %e$ression1
!e 2ung )elf9Rating #e$ression )cale is a 209item self9re$ort questionnaire at is
7i%ely use% as a screening tool- covering affective- $sycological an% somatic sym$toms
associate% 7it %e$ression1 @EHMB !7enty items 7ere generate% *y follo7ing tis meto%1
Items assess moo% @e1g1- feeling %o7n9earte% an% *lue- crying s$ellsB- $sycological factors
@e1g1- o$elessness- irrita*ility- suici%al i%eationB- an% $sycomotor factors @e1g1- agitation-
retar%ationB1 Eac item is rate% on a F9$oint continuous scale- 7it scale ancors ranging from Ja
little of te timeK to Jmost of te time1K Half of te t7enty items are 7or%e% in a %e$resse% tone
@e1g1- JI feel %o7n earte% an% *lueKB an% alf are 7or%e% in a non9%e$resse% tone @e1g1- JI feel
tat IGm useful an% nee%e%B1 !e scale is $resente% in a survey form an% requires minimum time
@1091C minutesB to com$lete1 Eac item is assigne% a 7eigt from 1 to F- 7it referring to te
most %e$resse% alternative1 2ung )#) scores are inter$rete% as follo7s, QC0- 7itin normal
range; C0CA- minimal to mil% %e$ression; O0OA- mo%erate to severe %e$ression; R=0- severe
%e$ression1 A severity in%e: may *e calculate% *y %ivi%ing te total score *y 50 @te total
!e secon% tool te researcers use% 7as te laugter yoga international JHo7 %o you
feel8K tool to measure imme%iately te effects of laugter yoga1 !e laugter yoga international
JHo7 %o you feel8K tool is a 109item questionnaire tat measures te effect of laugter yoga
*efore an% after te $roce%ure to *e %one1 !e res$on%ents 7ill rate o7 tey are feeling from 1
as te 7orst feeling an% 10 as te *est1 !e tool is revise% to *eavioral form @e1g1- entusiasm; I
feel entusiastisB an% 7as translate% to tagalong @e1g1- I feel entusiastic; A6o ay masigasigB for
easy un%erstan%ing of te res$on%ents1
!e tir% tool te researcers use% 7as te o*servation tool create% *y te researcers
temselves to evaluate te ste$ *y ste$ $roce%ures of te Pinoy "augter Yoga session if te
ste$s 7ere %one or $erforme% *y te instructor1
%ata Collection
+efore te stu%y 7as im$lemente%- te researcers sougt $ermission from &an%aluyong
'ity (ail to con%uct te stu%y1 In Pase I- te researcers 7ill go to &an%aluyong 'ity (ail to
loo6 for res$on%ents1 #emogra$ic %ata 7ill *e collecte% to %etermine te sam$le $o$ulation1
Pase II 7ill *e te actual im$lementation1 )ince a stan%ar%i0e% instrument 7as use% an%
translate% to Fili$ino for easy un%erstan%ing of te inmates- $ilot testing 7as %one1 'onsent
forms 7ill *e given to te res$on%ents an% only $atients 7o are 7illing to $artici$ate 7ill *e
cosen1 !ose cosen res$on%ents 7ill ta6e te test *efore an% after e:$osure to laugter yoga1
!irty inmates 7omen age 20 D0 years ol% 7ill *e selecte% to $artici$ate in te laugter yoga
sessions facilitate% *y te tree researcers traine% in laugter yoga1 "augter yoga sessions 7ill
*e %one for 1C D0 minutes for t7ice a 7ee6- for t7o 7ee6s- 7it a total of four sessions1 Pase
III 7ill *e te collation of %ata after all te laugter yoga sessions *een %one1 !ese %ata 7ill *e
cec6e% an% analy0e% for te result of te stu%y1
Stati!tical "reatment of %ata
!e researcer use% te follo7ing statistical treatment,
&ean 7as use% to esta*lis te level of %e$ression *efore L after te e:$osure of te
res$on%ents to laugter yoga1 Accor%ing to 'once$cion et1al1 @2002B- mean is te average of te
scores te matematical centre of %istri*ution1
Eere S guesse% mean class @mi%$oint of te classB
f S frequency
% S %eviation from te mean
i S class interval
"e!t( Sampling
!e researcers use% Paire%9)am$le !9test1 Researcers o*tain t7o measures from te
same su*<ects1 A !9test is to *e con%ucte% to fin% out if tere is a %ifference *et7een te level of
%e$ression of $atients *efore an% after con%ucting laugter yoga session1 !e researcers are
using )P)) a$$lication to ave most accurate result1

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