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by Doug Firebaugh
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
he focus of Network Marketing has
always been and generally always
wi l l be converti ng peopl e i nto
customers or distributors. That is the
thrust of most businesses at least
gaining new customers. But todays
companies that are accelerating
sales massively are not focused on
just conversion, as many people
today are tired of The Pitch. Ask
anyone you know.
They are looking for something
MORE Conversation. People
today have been pitched, sold,
recruited, called, pressured, hassled,
manipulated, congregated, and have
become totally frustrated with the old
ways of communication from Network
Marketers. People are tired of the
pitch, and want THE PATH. They
want a Conversation that leads them
to NEW Ideas, New Possibilities,
New Thinking, and New Solutions to
problems that no one else has taken
the time to give them.
You be the one. You be the leader
they are looking for and lead them
with words that guide and direct to
Value and Solution not just
Volume and Selling. Look at the
highly successful companies today.
They are playing by New Rules and
adopting New Tactics. So should you.
The new way to start the conversion
process today is back off and hold
a CONVERSATION about the
prospect, their challenges, your
solutions, and how the two can
intertwine. It can be online through
Social Media Conversation, or it can
be offline and through face-to-face or
voice-to-voice Conversation. Make
each prospect the superstar of your
conversation and make it about their
wants and desires. Take them to
places of possibility that they never
thought possible through the New
Media. If you do, you will be holding
many more conversations with them
as your partner.
Today, it is NO Longer about just
Conversion, but Conversation

Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
W hat do people value in their life?
Obviously family, faith, friends, security
and the like. But they also Value things that
Improve, Increase, Enlarge and Empower
their life and lifestyle. People today have
so many more choices than they used to.
Turn on the TV. Turn on the radio. Open up
a magazine. Connect to the internet. You
will find the eyes and mind inundated with
messages that are trying to sell them or
get them to do something and create
Volume and revenues for their company.
Nothing wrong with that. But which
companies and home Businesses today
are rocking their bank accounts while
others are racking their brains trying to
figure out what they are doing wrong?
The companies and people that are
focused on bri ngi ng a message of
Surprising VALUE to the consumer and
potential distributor are the ones that are
setting themselves apart from the crowd.
They are bringing Value so powerful and
so strong with their message and products,
that it is unexpected and surprising the
consumers at the amount. Take Apple
Computer, Take Fast Company Magazine.
Take Best Buy. Take Dell Computer. All are
focusing on VALUE front and center, and
then volume second, if they have done
their job. THAT is the New Rule for
Success and you. Focus on how YOU
bring Surprising Value to people FIRST.
Then focus on how your products and
business bring Value to the prospect.
Include things that are not expected.
Throw in an extra product. Give them a
free e-book or download. Give them a half-
off discount just as a surprise. Package
your products in something special and
make it seem like they are opening a gift.
Make your prospects jaw drop by the
value they get just by doing business
with you and being connected with you.
That is the New Rule for the Future
Millionaires in Network Marketing. Surprise
them with Unexpected great Value and
they will spread that word to everyone they
Its No Longer just about Building

Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
eth Godin, an amazing writer and business
forecaster, wrote a book called Permission
Marketing. It was and still is a best seller
and guide to the Social Media path. It
explains much about the New Rules of
marketing in Business. But for the last 50
years, it has been all about persuasion, and
power. That is changing. There is a new
breed of consumer and prospect out in the
world that will not be persuaded by tricks,
nor pressured and powered into a decision.
They will resist you and ignore you. You
have not asked for what they require.
They instead, want to give you permission
first to market to them or to talk to them
about your product and business. You do
that via social networking, newsletters,
emails, snail mail, or a simple phone call that
asks permission to share a new idea and
solution with them.
It is much easier to the do business with
someone marketing your product or
business, if they have given you permission
to share that with them. Many people do
three-ways and surprise the prospect by
having their sponsor on the line with them
and the prospect feels ambushed. If you had
called them and asked permission it
probably would have gone much better.
Many people have a bait and switch
mentality and that does not work either. No
matter how persuasi ve you are and
charismatic, if you today do not seek
permi ssi on to share somethi ng wi th
someone, you will be headed down the path
of rejection.
Dont just persuade. Show Surprising
Respect for the prospect and ask permission
in some format. If you do, you will find them
much more receptive.

It is No Longer about just Persuasion but Permission
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
sed to be that the products were king, or
queen, and that moving products ruled the
business world. Well, things have changed.
Products are still very important and getting your
message out about the products is still
But people no longer drive Edsels. There have
been changes and upgrades to automobiles. It is
the same in business. Consumers no longer
want to make it about products. They want it to
be made about THEIR products and THEIR Life
and THEIR Experience. They want their
products to MOVE THEM. That is the message
that many companies and distributors had better
hear loud and clear. It is about moving PEOPLE
first with your Conversation and then with the
Experi ence of bei ng connected to your
message. If your Conversation and message do
not move people today emotionally, then you will
never move products. You must move them with
the Promise of a better life and lifestyle. Surprise
them with an understanding that you are one of
them and expect the same kind of emotional
Move them with New Ideas about your product
that will lift them up emotionally. Move them with
i mages and empat hy. Move t hem wi t h
Connection to their dreams. Move them to new
Possibilities with usage of your products. Move
them to new heights of enjoying life that they
only once dreamed. And move them with your
Passion for what you do so they will be drawn
towards you like a magnet on steroids.

Its No Longer just about Moving
Products but Moving People
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
nfluence is at
t h e c o r e o f
Leadership and
the secret to this
b u s i n e s s i s L e a d e r s h i p
Development. But today, things are changing and
Influence is no longer the Power Factor of
Success with people in a Home business. It is
IMPACT. People today are not looking as much for
influence as something that stirs them up on the
inside in a positive way and they FEEL the message
not just hear it or see it. Impact is the force when
something hits something else. What FORCE does
your message for your company have? What Impact
does it carry?
Take Nike. That company has Impact with a slogan,
or meme that you cannot forget. Just do It.
That carries with it Impact that amplifies Influence to
take action. And what todays consumers and
prospects are looking for is no longer to be
Influenced to DO something but Impacted so
they FEEL something and be moved by it
emotionally and psychologically.
Many people today create a weaker influence than
they should, and thusly it weakens their results as
well as actions. Create and impact with your
message and product. Make a BOLD statement.
Make an Extraordinary Promise. Ask a thought
provoking question. Create a word picture that
draws people towards you. Display an image that
tells a story like the Apple Ipod advertisements
just a silhouette that tells a story. Take your
prospects somewhere away in their mind with the
sharing of your business and where it could take
them. Amplify your Passion and get people
magnetized to listen because of what is pouring out
of you. THAT creates Impact.

It is No Longer just about
Inuence, but IMPACT






Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.

arketing today is morphing into something that is part

message, country club, and process. People today are
getting tired of being pitched a marketing campaign or
message. They have ascended to a higher place and
form of marketing that they demand it if you want to get
their attention. They are looking for membership to be
part of an exclusive club or place that they can build a
community as well as life around. Your Home business
should not be to your prospect just another one of those
deals, but one of the premier providers of the benefits
you offer, and an absolute MUST to be a part of. That is
how todays marketers are approaching the masses. If
you take a look at any marketing or business magazine,
you will find phrases like join us, or become a part of
this amazing future, or embrace the future with us, or
even Partner with us in this amazing journey.
They get it. They know that Membership today is starting
to powerfully drive marketing. Yes, you still must market
with the process and message no doubt. But today, you
market on the prospects terms, and not the
corporations. The prospects of today have made the
decision that either you give them something that will
create what they are looking for, or they will go
somewhere else. And if they can sense that their life will
become better for just being a PART of something
and not just purchase something, you will find your
business taking off like a rocket.
Make your business the most powerful place to be,
through the focus of helping others, the incredible
education that people will receive through their joining,
the new family that they will be a part of, the New You
that they will experience and see from membership of
this team. And of course, the lifestyle change they will
experience that comes with just being a member. If you
do this, any product you have to market, will become
multiplied throughout the market.
It is No Longer just about
Marketing but Membership
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
eople in the New Marketplace are no longer
wanting or looking for transactions, as that used to
be the sole focus of marketers. Get the order! used
to be the motto. But that went out with the cassette
tape. Today, the new market is NOT looking just for
transactions, but they are looking for valuable
Transitions leading to a better life. Transitions
leading to doing things better. Transitions leading to
living in a better place inside and out. Transitions
elevating to a higher level of thinking and doing
things in newer and more powerful ways. Transitions
leading to a place in their life that they used to only
dream of. And to do that, you must create a
transition not only of moving the prospect from one
place to another in their thinking-but also growing
from one level of living to a more powerful one. If
you can show a way that the prospect will GROW
with the use of your product as well as membership
in the club, they will willingly transition from their
product they are using to yours. They will also be
willing to transition from a listener to a participant, as
long as they sense that you are being REAL with
The most powerful way to insure you create a
transaction, is to engage a valuable transition. Take
the prospect from where they are, and ELEVATE
their hope and possibility of a better life to a higher
level. ELEVATE their life to a potential more
powerful lifestyle. LIFT up their hopes and dreams
with powerful images and words and transition them
to the level of where you want them to go. THAT is
what the New market is looking for, and if you do
that, your transactions will become the talk of your

It is no longer just about creating a
Transaction, but a Transition
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
iche Marketing has arrived. It is still in its infancy
in the Home Business arena, but it has arrived. With
all the messages out in the marketplace, you have to
set your company and product apart. You must see
the big picture, but know that the Driving Force for
your success will come in a smaller marketing zone.
Take the Flip Video camera a niche that is narrow,
but a market that is huge. Being the best used to be
the cry of the corporations. But with the acceleration
and proliferation today of all the products and
services in the Network marketing arena, there is a
different sound that seems to be heard.
This has changed the approach to many company
owners as they look into the future and try and see
what is coming. Single product focus has been huge
the last 5 years in Home businesses. Single niche
focus is getting to be just as big. Mineral Make Up.
Super antioxidant gel. High Powered Herbal Energy
drinks. Medicinal Based skin care products. Skinny
tea bags. Diet Chocolate products. And the list
continues to grow daily. Not trying to be the all in all
and everything to everybody. Just being the best at
one thing and no one else doing it as good. That is
the New Rule for the marketplace today. People are
not expecting you to be the best at everything. But
be the very best at the one thing you do. Be the best
at talking about your product. Be the best at
explaining your comp plan. Be the best prospector.
Be the best presenter. Be the best recruiter. Be the
best leader. Be the best trainer. But be the best at
something, and watch people be attracted to that
best that no one else can do like you.
You do not have to be the best in
the industry any longer.
But you do have to be the very
best at what you do.

It is No Longer about being the Industry Best, but what
you do in your Niche, do it better than Anyone Else
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
randing. Been lots of talk about it. But in the past,
there was always taking your product brand to
market. Making sure that your product had brand
identity. Making sure that your products brand was
the most recognizable.
Things are changing.
Now, there is the Primary Brand, and then
secondary brand. YOU are the Primary Brand in the
New Marketpl ace. Today, peopl e are more
interested in what YOU bring to the table, not just
your product. The New marketplace is a whole lot
more savvy than it used to be. Computers changed
that. The internet changed that. Web 2.0 changed
that. And that change moved the focus from product
being primary to people. YOU are the first brand
in your business your company and products are
the secondary brand. You must set yourself apart
from all the others out there, and become the
Expert at something that will elevate peoples
perspective of who you are and what you do. You
must become memorable. You must become more
than just a distributor to that person. You must
become the go to person for what you do.
What do you want to be remembered for when
prospects think of you? What message do you want
them to see on their mental billboard about you?
What do you want seared onto their mind like a
branding iron that carries your mark? YOU must
become the brand by marketing yourself as much as
you market the products and business. Come up
with a catchy slogan. Come up with a logo that
people remember. Come up with a catchy theme
that sets you apart. Then brand it on the social
media sites and all you do.
The New Rule: Dont just make yourself
KNOWN make yourself REMEMBERED.
And when they remember you, make sure they
remember your slogan, logo, or theme FIRST
because YOU are the Primary Product.

It is no Longer about having a
Brand YOU ARE the Brand
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
ts called The Echo Factor.
What is echoing across the landscape about you and
your business and products? What is being said that
is getting peoples attention? What are people saying
as an ambassador for you and your products to
others that are listening to their words? You can talk
all you want about your products and business. But it
is not anywhere near as powerful as others that are
talking for you and about you. Other people
mentioning to their friends and family that your
products are amazing and your business is really
helping people, is advertisement you cannot buy. It is
worth its weight in gold. And the greatest part is those
that have enrolled into your vision about the products
and benefits and they have become a Vision
Carriers. They carry the vision of what you are doing
and let others know about it.
That is how many products today are being marketed.
The companies are developing strategic Vision
Carriers and they carry the vision out into todays
marketplace. They are called Visionaries that get it,
and then they go out and virally market it across the
i nt er net and t he ot her t r adi t i onal ways of
You need to develop Vision Carriers that carry the
vision with them and then tell people about your
products and business. Reward them for doing it. If
they refer someone, give them the profit from the
sale. Give them reasons to share the story about your
product and business. Get them excited about helping
get your message out because it will help so many
others. Get their heart connected to the Vision, and
they will tell everyone they know for you.

Its no longer just about what you are saying,
but what others are saying to others for you
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
nd the list is almost endless in todays marketplace.
And no one had to be recruited. No one had to be
pressured. Re-create something that will add value to
life in a unique and powerful way and people will
recruit themselves. You will not have to enroll anyone,
as they will enroll themselves.
What is it that YOU can do, help with, or bring to the
table that will help people re-create and resurrect their
dreams in their mind and life? What is it that your
product or business can do that will help re-create how
things are done, how people live, how people operate
their business, and how income can be obtained?
Move beyond just being a distributor. Anyone can be a
distributor or consultant. Move beyond the typical
representative for a company.
Move up to a higher level of Home Business. Move
past where everyone else is and move to a place that
most will never aspire for. Dont just be a recruiter.
Become a Re-creator and help people re-create their
life and living to be something they never thought
Yes it will take some serious thought, but all great
campaigns do. Tell them how your products help re-
create how life is lived. Tell them how your products
help re-create how nutrition is dispensed in their
bodies. Tell them how your skin care products help re-
create a more beautiful look and feel. Tell them how
your anti-aging products help re-create their lost youth.
Tell them how your travel products help re-create
exciting relationships that have gone stale. And tell
them how your business can help re-create a dream
that maybe they lost years ago of financial freedom.
Move up to a higher level of Recruiting to the level
of Re-creating. Then let your prospects recruit

Apple iPod re-created how music was listened to.
Flip Video re-created how videos were taken and uploaded.
YouTube re-created how videos were watched.
MySpace and Facebook re-created how people connected.
Twitter re-created how people communicated.
Web logs recreated how news was read.
Basecamp re-created how projects were done jointly.
Podcasting re-created how people learned.
Its no longer just about Recruiting,
but about Re-Creating
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
eople can remember things, names, events, products,
places, movies, songs, and many other things. But all it is, is
a memory. Memories for the most part, do not move people
towards an action. It is just a great memory.
But feelings and Emotions do. People that get emotional
about a product move themselves and others towards the
product. People that like how they feel when they are using a
product, will continue to use it. People who like how they feel
when they are around you, will join you. A secret about
todays marketplace is the secret of Remaining in the
Experience. You MUST get people to remain in the feeling
of the appointment or phone call long past the goodbye.
People today want to FEEL and EXPERIENCE a product,
website, song, movie, or restaurant, not just hear about it.
Products that make people feel better about themselves
become instant hits. People that help people feel better
about themselves become instant Successes. Do not market
just benefits as often is espoused. That is for yesterdays
market. Move up to a higher level of Home Business and
start marketing the EXPERIENCE of what your products do.
And the reason why the experience is so great? All the
benefits that come with it. Market the experience of total
peace in owning your own home business. Market the
experience of increased self esteem when you use your skin
care products. Market the experience of amazing
productivity when you use your energy drink. Market the
experience of total beauty with weight loss. Market the
experience of love or joy with travel products.
Market the FEELINGS not just the benefits. BMW figured
that one out. Do did Nike. So did Columbia Sportswear. So
did Ruths Chris Steak House. So did Apple. So did Hilton.
So should you.

Its No Longer about what People
Remember, but about how long people
REMAIN in the Feeling and Emotion
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.
Doug Firebaugh has been in the Home Business
industry for nearly 24 years. He was full time for 14
years with a team that spanned the globe. He has been
training full time for 9 years and along with his wife
Jodi, has traveled the globe speaking, training, and
consulting for hundreds of Direct Marketing and Direct
Sales companies.
He has an internet radio show, TV show, and also
numerous websites as well as blogs. His site, is one of the most popular sites in
network marketing, and has over 100 training products
in the Doug Firebaugh Training Superstore.
You can reach Doug on his website, and also on the
Monday and Wednesday night training's that he
conducts via web and conference calls.
The urls to access is below.
Here is The 7 Billion Dollar Networker Affiliate link for
becoming part of an amazing program:
Other urls.
Copyright 2008 Doug Firebaugh Training International. All rights reserved.

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