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Adjective or Adverb Exercise #1

Choose the correct item from the choices in the parentheses:

1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. The answer sounded
(correctly, correct).
2. She (quicly, quic) ad!usted the fees. She adapted (quic, quicly)
to any situation.
". He measured the floor (e#act, e#actly). They pro$ed to %e
(perfectly, perfect) (e#act, e#actly) measurements.
&. The stillness of the tom% was (awfully, awful). The tom% was
(awfully, awful) still.
'. (t was a (dan)erously, dan)erous) lae to swim in. The man was
(dan)erous, dan)erously) drun. The )as smelled
*. She performed (ma)nificent, ma)nificently). (t was a (ma)nificent,
ma)nificently) %eautiful performance.
+. Her $oice sounds (%eautifully, %eautiful). She san) the son) (e#act,
e#actly) as it was written. ,e heard it (perfectly, perfect).
-. He was a $ery (sensi%ly, sensi%le) person. He acted $ery (sensi%le,
.. /ie wrote too (slow, slowly) on the e#am. He always writes (slow,
10. Tal (softly, soft) or don1t tal at all. The music played (softly,
11. 2ndrea nows the material $ery ()ood, well). She always treats us
()ood, well).
12. 3ou must send payments (re)ular, re)ularly). ,e deal on a
(strictly, strict) cash %asis.
1". The mechanic1s tools were (well, )ood). The foreman said that his
wor was ()ood, well) done.
1&. She wored (careful, carefully) with the sic child. She was a $ery
(careful, carefully) worer.
1'. He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thou)ht he
1*. ( find this no$el $ery (interestin), interestin)ly). (t was
(interestin), interestin)ly) written.

Count and Noncount Nouns Exercises
Exercise 1
2re the followin) nouns count or noncount4 5ut an 6 ne#t to the
noncount nouns and a C ne#t to the count nouns. (f the noun can %e
either noncount or count dependin) on the conte#t, put a 7 ne#t to it.

Exercise 2
5ut an 8 ne#t to the words in the followin) list that can %e used as
either count or noncount nouns, dependin) on the conte#t.

Exercise 3
9ill in the %lan with the form of the noun in parentheses that is
appropriate to the )rammatical conte#t of the sentence and the
meanin) of the passa)e as a whole.
Diabetes: Beyond the Basics
:ecause dia%etes can cause de$astatin) ;;;;;;;;; (dama)e,
dama)es) to $irtually all %ody ;;;;;;;; (system, systems), people
with dia%etes should not underrate the seriousness of their disease.
<earnin) to li$e with a chronic ;;;;;;;; (illness, illnesses) such as
dia%etes must %e an on)oin) process.
The Hospital1s Center for 9amily <ife =ducation is sponsorin) a fi$e>
part educational series on dia%etes. The series will %e)in on 2pril "0
and continue throu)h /ay 2.. The ;;;;;;;;; (pro)ram, pro)rams)
will %e held in the second floor classroom of the =ducation Center from
+>. p.m.
The dia%etes series is free and open to the pu%lic and will %e of specific
;;;;;;;;; (interest, interests) to people who ha$e dia%etes and their
families and friends.
Exercise 4
?n the %asis of the rules for usin) articles discussed in the ?,< file
@Count and 6oncount 6ouns,@ which com%inations of words %elow are
permitted and which ones aren1t4 5ut an 8 ne#t to the incorrect
a ta%le
these person
the poetry
a difficulty
a research
this furniture
a %oy
this e))s
those ar)ument

Exercise 5
9ill in the %lans with the appropriate article if one is needed.
The Computer Jun!e
Thou)h you can mae ;;;; decision on purely economic )rounds,
%uyin) ;;;; computer is often more lie !oinin) ;;;; reli)ious cult.
:uy ;;;; 2pple, for e#ample, and almost %y default you !oin 2pple
chairman Ste$e Ao%s in his crusade a)ainst (:/. =$ery machine has its
@users1 )roups@ and ;;;; %and of loyal enthusiasts who tout its merits.
That maes it all ;;;; more difficult for ;;;; uninitiated to decide
what machine to %uy. Students ha$e ;;;; hu)e ad$anta)e, howe$er.
The computer companies are so ea)er for students1 %usiness (it %uilds
@%rand loyalty@) that many offer hu)e discounts.
(n the past si# months, (:/, 2pple, and others ha$e %rou)ht out new
computers, and ;;;; fierce competition has forced prices down. 2lso,
time is on your side: ne#t year at ;;;; time you1ll ha$e e$en more
choice and more computin) power and features for ;;;; same price.
?n ;;;; other hand, this will pro%a%ly %e true for many years. So for
those who need or want ;;;; computer now, it1s a )reat time to %uy
Prepositions of Direction: To, On (to), In
(to): Exercises
1. 2nna has returned ;;;;;; her home town.
2. The do) !umped ;;;;;; the lae.
". 2re the %oys still swimmin) ;;;;;; the pool4
&. Thomas fell ;;;;;; the floor.
'. The plane landed ;;;;;; the runway.
*. ,e dro$e ;;;;; the ri$er for an hour, %ut turned north %efore we
reached it.
+. The ids clim%ed ;;;;;; the money %ars.
-. Aoanna )ot ;;;;;; 9red1s car.
.. The %a%y spilled his cereal ;;;;;; the floor.
10. ,e cried to the man on the ladder, @Han) ;;;;;;B@
11. ( !ust called ;;;;;; say ( lo$e you.
12. /atthew and /ichelle mo$ed the ta%le ;;;;;; the dinin) room.
1". 2llan left your eys ;;;;;; the ta%le.
1&. 7r. Carper apolo)iDed for interruptin) us, and told us to carry
;;;;;; with our discussion.
1'. (1d lie ;;;;;; as you a question.
1*. 5at dro$e /ie ;;;;;; the airport.
1+. Elenn almost fell ;;;;;; the ri$er.
1-. The waitress noticed that there was no more 7iet 5epsi ;;;;;;
/arty1s )lass.
1.. <ee and Sarah too the %us that was headin) ;;;;;; the
20. /ary Sue !umped ;;;;;; the sta)e and danced.

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