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Dear Friends,

I am grateful to God for making us a part of His

work amongst students and graduates in
Moldova. I thank you for your contribution
towards the fulfillment of the vision of CSC
Moldova, that of students presenting the gospel
to other students and becoming leaders for the
university, church and society, influencing the
world! This month we hope you will be
encouraged by the stories of Tatiana and Ion,
two graduates who are examples of the impact
of CSC's efforts to develop leaders for
Graduates Experiencing God
Tatiana Busuioc accepted Jesus Christ as Lord
and personal saviour
during her student
days. Tatiana was
discipled by
participating in a CSC
group, growing as a
leader and becoming
salt and light to her
fellow students. After
graduating from the
Relations Faculty,
Tatiana accepted a
position at the Ministry of Agriculture, where
she was able to share the Gospel with her
supervisor and office colleagues. Because the
salary was very small even by Moldovan
standards (only $100 a month), after a year she
decided to go to work in France.

However, after a year in France, Tatiana was
looking to God about her future and sensed he
was leading her to return to Moldova. After
returning, God continued to confirm to Tatiana
that she should stay in Moldova. As a student,
she had had a desire to work for the Moldovan
Ministry of Internal Affairs, and learned that
there were job opportunities There were 20
applicants for the position Tatiana applied for;
she experienced God at work when she was
chosen to be a consultant for the Immigration
and Asylum Department at the Ministry.

Tatiana continues to courageously take
advantage of any opportunity to share Christ
and to do what she can to bring transformation
to this domain in the Republic of Moldova.
Tatiana involved with CSC graduates ministry,
has a Bible study group for girls.

During his student days, Ion Prozorovschi
heard the Good News when he was invited by
his sister to an English
camp organised by CSC
movement in Great
Britain). Although the
Bible wasn't a very
interesting book for him,
the topics discussed and
friendships formed, as
well as free English
lessons offered, made
him want to continue participating in the
evangelistic events organised by CSC.

Prayer news / CSC Moldova
May 2014

Changing Moldova
One Student at a Time
The Community of Christian Students from Moldova
CSC Moldova, 2014

After graduating from the Economy Faculty of
his university, Ion got involved in the graduates
movement of CSC, attending a weekly Bible
study group. The theme of this group was The
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . The
applications made from the texts always
touched his heart in such a way as to make him
want to come back. Although he has not yet
made a commitment to Christ, Ion's hunger for
God has grown and the Bible continually
amazes him with its practical teachings for life.
We continue to pray for Ion and other
graduates in Moldova like him, that they may
see Jesus in us and decide to become
followers of Christ.

IFES Eurasia/
CSC Moldova

Slavic Tusinschi
General Secretary

More than an exchange of experience or
In 1 Thessolonians 1 v 4-10, Paul speaks
about the choice that people in Thessalonica
made after they heard him preach the gospel
with love and self sacrifice through the Holy
Spirit. The Thessalonians left their idols and
turned back to God so that they could start
serving him, the one true and living God. And
they became an example for others.
In the month of June, we will prepare for the
summer camp that we'll organise together with
UCCF from the UK, between the dates of 1
July 2014. We don't want this camp to be
just an exchange of experience or culture, but
that students will understand the gospel and
recieve Jesus. Pray for the preparations for this
annual evangelistic camp and for the team that
will be formed from CSC and UCCF. We praise
Jesus because we can serve God together. We
thank you for your support and prayers.

June 2014

to 12
June, CSC team retreat for
developing the local and national teams.
Pray for encouragement for the staff and
-Weekly Bible study for graduates, Chisinau
and Balti: for spiritual growth and an increasing
impact in their fields of work.
to 30
June, preparations for camp and
the coming together of the teams from CSC
and UCCF. Pray for the journey of the UCCF
team in Moldova.

Our contacts : CSC Moldova ,
Armeneasca street 61/13, Chisinau,Moldova,
email :
+373 22272854 (office)
Cost of employment (salary, ministry expenses,
training,) is entirely funded through donors who
support the ministry. Funds are sent to IFES
and directed to an account in CSC Moldova:
Partners needed
20 Partners @ $100/Month
40 Panthers @ $50/Month
80 Partners @ $25/Month

To make an electronic contribution to our
ministry or for information on other donation
options, please click on the link below:
select give to an IFES member, type CSC
Through the IFES you can donate any
amount; US$10, US$25, US$50or more and as
often as you choose.

CSC Moldova, 2014

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