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1.1 Meaning, scope and development of Anthropology.

1.2 Relationships with other disciplines: Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, ife Sciences, Medical Sciences,
!arth Sciences and "umanities.
1.# Main $ranches of Anthropology, theirscope and relevance:
%a& Social' cultural Anthropology.
%$& Biological Anthropology.
%c& Archaeological Anthropology.
%d& inguistic Anthropology.
1.( "uman !volution and emergence of Man:
%a& Biological and )ultural factors in human evolution.
%$& *heories of +rganic !volution %,re-arwinian, -arwinian and ,ost'-arwinian&.
%c& Synthetic theory of evolution. Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary $iology %-oll/s rule, )ope/s
rule, 0ause/s rule, parallelism, convergence, adapt ive radiat ion, and
mosaic evolution&.
1.1 )haracteristics of ,rimates. !volutionary *rend and ,rimate *a2onomy. ,rimate Adaptations. %Ar$oreal and
*errestrial& ,rimate *a2onomy. ,rimate Behaviour. *ertiary and 3uaternary fossil primates. iving Ma4or ,rimates.
)omparative Anatomy of Man and Apes. S5eletal changes due to erect posture and its implications.
1.6 ,hylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distri$ution of the following:
%a& ,lio'pleistocene hominids in South and !ast Africa ' Australopithecines.
%$& "omo erectus: Africa %,aranthropus&,!urope %"omo erectus heidel$ergensis& , Asia%"omo erectus 4avanicus,
"omo erectus pe5inensis&.
%c& 7eanderthal Man' a')hapelle'au2saints %)lassical type&, Mt. )armel %,rogressive type&.
%d& Rhodesian man.
%e& "omo sapiens 8 )romagnon ,0rimaldi and )hancelede.
1.9 *he $iological $asis of life: *he )ell,
-7A structure and replication, ,rotein Synthesis, 0ene, Mutation, )hromosomes, and )ell -ivision.
1.: %a& ,rinciples of ,rehistoric Archaeology. )hronology: Relative and A$solute
-ating methods.
%$& )ultural !volution' Broad +utlines of ,rehistoric cultures:
%i& ,aleolithic
%ii& Mesolithic
%iii& 7eolithic
%iv& )halcolithic
%v& )opper'Bron;e Age
%vi& <ron Age
2.1 *he 7ature of )ulture: *he concept and characteristics of culture and civili;ation. !thnocentrism vis'='vis cultural
2.2 *he 7ature of Society: )oncept of Society. Society and )ulture. Social <nstitutions. Social groups. and Social
2.# Marriage: -efinition and universality. aws of marriage %endogamy, e2ogamy,hypergamy, hypogamy, incest
ta$oo& . *ypes of marriage %monogamy, polygamy,polyandry, group marriage&. >unctions of marriage. Marriage
regulations %preferential, prescriptive and proscriptive&. Marriage payments %$ride wealth and dowry&.
2.( >amily: -efinition and universality. >amily, household and domestic groups.functions of family. *ypes of family
%from the perspectives of structure, $lood relation, marriage, residence and succession&. <mpact of ur$ani;ation,
industriali;ation and feminist movements on family.
2.1 ?inship: )onsanguinity and Affinity. ,rinciples and types of descent %@nilineal,
-ou$le, Bilateral, Am$ilineal&. >orms of descent groups %lineage, clan, phratry, moiety and 5indred&. ?inship
terminology %descriptive and classificatory&. -escent, >iliation and )omplimentary >iliation. -escent and Alliance.
# . !conomic organi;at ion: Meaning,scope and relevance of economic anthropology. >ormalist and Su$stantivist
de$ate. ,rinciples governing production, distri$ution and e2change %reciprocity, redistri$ution and mar5et&, in
communities, su$sisting on hunt ing and gather ing, fishing,swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture.
glo$ali;ation and indigenous economic systems.
(. ,olitical organi;ation and Social )ontrol: Band, tri$e, chiefdom, 5ingdom and state. concepts of power, authority
and legitimacy. social control, law and 4ustice in simple societies.
1. Religion: Anthropological approaches to the study of religion %evolutionary, psychological and functional&.
monotheism and polytheism. sacred and profane. myths and rituals. forms of religion in tri$al and peasant societies
%animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism&. religion, magic and science distinguished. magicoreligious
functionaries %priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch&.
6. Anthropological theories:
%a& )lassical evolutionism %*ylor, Morgan and >ra;er&
%$& "istorical particularism %Boas& .-iffusionism %British, 0erman and American&
%c& >unctionalism %Malinows5i&. Structural' functionlism %Radcliffe'Brown&
%d& Structuralism %/evi ' Strauss and !.each&
%e& )ulture and personality %Benedict,Mead, inton, ?ardiner and )ora ' du Bois&.
%f& 7eo ' evolutionism %)hilde, Ahite,Steward, Sahlins and Service&
%g& )ultural materialism %"arris&
%h& Sym$olic and interpretive theories%*urner, Schneider and 0eert;&
%i& )ognitive theories %*yler, )on5lin&
%4& ,ost' modernism in anthropology
9. )ulture, language and communication:
7ature, origin and characteristics of language. ver$al and non'ver$al communication. social conte2t of language use.
:. Research methods in anthropology:
%a& >ieldwor5 tradition in anthropology
%$& -istinction $etween techniBue ,method and methodology
%c& *ools of data collection: o$servation,interview, schedules, Buestionnaire,)ase study, genealogy, life'history,oral
history, secondary sources of information, participatory methods.
%d& Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
C.1 "uman 0enetics : Methods and Application: Methods for study of genetic principles in man'family study %pedigree
analysis, twin study, foster child, co'twin method,cytogenetic method, chromosomal and 5aryo'type analysis&,
$iochemical methods,immunological methods, -.7.A. technology and recom$inant technologies.
C.2 Mendelian genetics in man'family study, single factor, multifactor, lethal, su$lethal and polygenic inheritance in
C.# )oncept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, "ardyAein$erg law. causes and changes
which $ring down freBuency D mutation, isolation, migration, selection, in$reeding and genetic drift. )onsanguineous
and nonconsanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages.
C.( )hromosomes and chromosomal a$errations in man, methodology.
%a& 7umerical and structural a$errations %disorders&.
%$& Se2 chromosomal a$errations D ?linefelter %EEF&, *urner %E+&, Super female %EEE& , interse2 and other
syndromic disorders.
%c& Autosomal a$errations D -own syndrome, ,atau, !dward and )ri'du'chat
%d& 0enetic imprints in human disease,genetic screening, genetic counseling,human -7A profiling, gene mapping
and genome study.
C.1 Race and racism, $iological $asis of morphological variation of non'metric and
metric characters. Racial criteria, racial traits in relation to heredity and environment. $iological $asis of racial
classification, racial differentiation and race crossing in man.
C.6 Age, se2 and population variation as genetic mar5er' AB+, Rh $lood groups,"A "p, transferring, 0m, $lood
en;ymes.,hysiological character ist ics'"$ level , $ody fat, pulse rate, respiratory functions and sensory perceptions
in different cultural and socio'economic groups.
C.9 )oncepts and methods of !cological Anthropology. Bio'cultural Adaptations D0enetic and 7on' genetic factors.
physiological responses to environmental stresses: hot desert, cold, high altitude climate.
C.: !pidemiological Anthropology: "ealth
and disease. <nfectious and non'infectious diseases. 7utritional deficiency related diseases.
1G. )oncept of human growth and development: stages of growth ' pre'natal, natal, infant, childhood, adolescence,
maturity, senescence.
' >actors affecting growth and development genet ic, envi ronmental , $iochemical , nutritional , cultural and socio'
economic.' Ageing and senescence. *heories and o$servations ' $iological and chronological longevity. "uman
physiBue and somatotypes. Methodologies for growth studies.
11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause and other $ioevents to fertility. >ertility patterns and differentials.
11.2 -emographic theories' $iological,social and cultural.
11.# Biological and socio'ecological factors influencing fecundity, fertility, natality and mortality.
12. Applications of Anthropology: Anthropology of sports, 7utritional anthropology,
Anthropology in designing of defence and other eBuipments, >orensic Anthropology,Methods and principles of
personal identification and reconstruction, Applied human
genetics D ,aternity diagnosis, genetic counseling and eugenics, -7A technology in diseases and medicine ,
serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive $iology.
1.1 Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization Prehistoric ( Palaeolithic ,Mesolithic , Neolithic and
Neolithic - Chalcolithic). Protohistoric (Indus Civilization): Pre- ara!!an, ara!!an and !ostara!!an
cultures. Contri"utions of tri"al cultures to Indian civilization.
1.# Palaeo $ anthro!olo%ical evidences fro& India 'ith s!ecial reference to (i'ali)s and Nar&ada "asin
(*a&a!ithecus ,(iva!ithecus and Nar&ada Man).
1.+ Ethno-archaeolo%, in India : -he conce!t of ethno-archaeolo%,. (urvivals and Parallels a&on% the
huntin%, fora%in%, fishin%, !astoral and !easant co&&unities includin% arts and crafts !roducin%
#. /e&o%ra!hic !rofile of India Ethnic and lin%uistic ele&ents in the Indian !o!ulation and their
distri"ution. Indian !o!ulation - factors influencin% its structure and %ro'th.
+.1 -he structure and nature of traditional Indian social s,ste& 0arnashra&,Purushartha, 1ar&a, *ina
and *e"irth.
+.# Caste s,ste& in India- structure and characteristics, 0arna and caste, -heories of ori%in of caste
s,ste&, /o&inant caste,Caste &o"ilit,, 2uture of caste s,ste&,3a4&ani s,ste&, -ri"e- caste continuu&.
+.+ (acred Co&!le5 and Nature- Man(!irit Co&!le5.
+.6 I&!act of 7uddhis&, 3ainis&, Isla& and Christianit, on Indian societ,.
6. E&er%ence and %ro'th of anthro!olo%, in India-Contri"utions of the 18th, 19th and earl, #:th Centur,
scholar-ad&inistrators.Contri"utions of Indian anthro!olo%ists to tri"al and caste studies.
;.1 Indian 0illa%e: (i%nificance of villa%e stud, in India. Indian villa%e as a social s,ste&. -raditional and
chan%in% !atterns of settle&ent and inter-caste relations.<%rarian relations in Indian villa%es. I&!act of
%lo"alization on Indian villa%es.
;.# =in%uistic and reli%ious &inorities and their social, !olitical and econo&ic status.
;.+ Indi%enous and e5o%enous !rocessesof socio-cultural chan%e in Indian societ,:
(ans)ritization, >esternization, Modernization. Inter-!la, of little and %reat traditions. Pancha,ati ra4 and
social chan%e.
Media and social chan%e.
?.1 -ri"al situation in India $ 7io-%enetic varia"ilit,, lin%uistic and socio-econo&ic characteristics of tri"al
!o!ulations and their distri"ution.
?.# Pro"le&s of the tri"al Co&&unities land alienation, !overt,, inde"tedness, lo' literac,, !oor
educational facilities, une&!lo,&ent, undere&!lo,&ent, health and nutrition.
?.+ /evelo!&ental !ro4ects and their i&!act on tri"al dis!lace&ent and !ro"le&s
of reha"ilitation. /evelo!&ent of forest !olic, and tri"als. I&!act of ur"anization industrialization on tri"al
@.1 Pro"le&s of e5!loitation and de!rivation of (cheduled Castes , (cheduled -ri"es and Ather 7ac)'ard
Classes. Constitutional safe%uards for (cheduled -ri"es and (cheduled Castes.
@.# (ocial chan%e and conte&!orar, tri"alsocieties:
I&!act of &odern de&ocratic institutions, develo!&ent !ro%ra&&es and 'elfare &easures on tri"als and
'ea)er sections.
@.+ -he conce!t of ethnicit,. Ethnic conflicts and !olitical develo!&ents. Bnrest a&on% tri"al co&&unities.
*e%ionalis& and de&and for autono&,. Pseudo-tri"alis&. (ocial chan%e a&on% the tri"es durin% colonial
and !ost-Inde!endent India.
8.1 I&!act of induis&, 7uddhis&, Christianit,, Isla& and other reli%ions on tri"al societies.
8.# -ri"e and nation state a co&!arative stud, of tri"al co&&unities in India and other countries.
9.1 istor, of ad&inistration of tri"al areas, tri"al !olicies, !lans, !ro%ra&&es of tri"al develo!&ent and
their i&!le&entation. -he conce!t of P-Cs (Pri&itive -ri"al Crou!s ) , their distri"ution , s!ecial
!ro%ra&&es for their develo!&ent. *ole of N.C.A.s in tri"al develo!&ent.
9.# *ole of anthro!olo%, in tri"al and rural develo!&ent.
9.+ Contri"utions of anthro!olo%, to the understandin% of re%ionalis&, co&&unalis&, and ethnic and
!olitical &ove&ents
(u%%ested <nthro!olo%, 7oo)s for Pa!er I
Books for (Part I) (Upto Topic 7)
1. Beattie : +ther )ultures
2. Beals H "oi4erI : An <ntroduction to Anthropology
#. "aviland : An <ntroduction to Anthropology
(. Jaid : !conomy and Social Relations
1. @.S. Mishra : An <ntroduction to Social')ultural Anthropology %in "indi&
6. Mishra H "asnain : @nifying Anthropology
9. "onigman : he Aorld of Man
:. "ers5ovits : )ultural Anthropology
C. Ma4umdar H Madan : An <ntroduction to Social Anthropology
1G.Sagar ,reet : Basic )oncepts in Sociology and Anthropology
11. A$hi5 0hosh : Meetings with the +ther %on >ieldwor5 *echniBues&
12. 0aya and ,andey : )ultural Anthropology
(Part II)
1. "arrison et. al : "uman Biology
2. Shu5la H Rastogi : ,hysical Anthropology H "uman 0enetics
#. Stein H Rowe : An <ntroduction to ,hysical Anthropology.
(. Jaid H ,andey : Kaivi5 Manavshastra %in "indi&
1. B. Kanusch : +rigins of Man
6. Jirender ?umar : !volution of 0enus "omo
9. Surender 7ath : >orensic Anthropology
:. Surender 7ath : 7utritional Anthropology
C. M. "arris : Rise of Anthropological *heory
1G. @.S. Misra : Anthropological *hought %in "indi&
11. "ers5ovits : )ultural Anthropology
12. Boo5let pu$lished $y Kawahar ,u$lishers
(u%%ested I<( <nthro!olo%, 7oo)s for Pa!er II
1. 7)!R* : <ndian Society, Social )hange
2. Bhattacharya, -.?. : An +utline of <ndian ,rehistory
#. Srinivas : )aste in <ndia H +ther !ssays
(. Srinivas : Social )hange in Modern <ndia
1. F. Singh : Modernisation of <ndian *radition
6. Jidyarthi H Rai : *ri$al )ultures of <ndia
9. 7. "asnain : <ndian Anthropology
:. 7. "asnain : *ri$al <ndia
C. R.). Jerma : <ndian *ri$es
1G. Jaid : Aho )ares for *ri$al -evelopment %"indi H !nglish&
11. A.. Basham : *he Aonder that was <ndia
12. 0.S. Bhatt : Bharatiya Sama4i5 Jichar %in "indi&
1#. Sagar ,reet : Reservation for Bac5ward )lasses a ,erspective
-o!ic >ise *eference 7oo)s on <nthro!olo%,
Anthropology Books for Paper I (Part I) (Upto Topic 7)
1. Beattie : +ther )ultures
2. Beals H "oi4erI : An <ntroduction to Anthropology
#. "aviland : An <ntroduction to Anthropology
(. Jaid : !conomy and Social Relations
1. @.S. Mishra : An <ntroduction to Social')ultural Anthropology %in "indi&
6. Mishra H "asnain : @nifying Anthropology
9. "onigman : he Aorld of Man
:. "ers5ovits : )ultural Anthropology
C. Ma4umdar H Madan : An <ntroduction to Social Anthropologyv 1G.Sagar ,reet : Basic
)oncepts in Sociology and Anthropology
11. A$hi5 0hosh : Meetings with the +ther %on >ieldwor5 *echniBues&
Anthropology Books Paper I (Part II)
1. "arrison et. al : "uman Biology
2. Shu5la H Rastogi : ,hysical Anthropology H "uman 0enetics
#. Stein H Rowe : An <ntroduction to ,hysical Anthropology.
(. Jaid H ,andey : Kaivi5 Manavshastra %in "indi&
1. B. Kanusch : +rigins of Man
6. Jirender ?umar : !volution of 0enus "omo
9. Surender 7ath : >orensic Anthropology
:. Surender 7ath : 7utritional Anthropology
C. M. "arris : Rise of Anthropological *heory
1G. @.S. Misra : Anthropological *hought %in "indi&
11. "ers5ovits : )ultural Anthropology
12. Boo5let pu$lished $y Kawahar ,u$lishers
Anthropology Books for Paper II
1. 7)!R* : <ndian Society, Social )hange
2. Bhattacharya, -.?. : An +utline of <ndian ,rehistory
#. Srinivas : )aste in <ndia H +ther !ssays
(. Srinivas : Social )hange in Modern <ndia
1. F. Singh : Modernisation of <ndian *radition
6. Jidyarthi H Rai : *ri$al )ultures of <ndia
9. 7. "asnain : <ndian Anthropology
:. 7. "asnain : *ri$al <ndia
C. R.). Jerma : <ndian *ri$es
1G. Jaid : Aho )ares for *ri$al -evelopment %"indi H !nglish&
11. A.. Basham : *he Aonder that was <ndia
12. 0.S. Bhatt : Bharatiya Sama4i5 Jichar %in "indi&
1#. Sagar ,reet : Reservation for Bac5ward )lasses a ,erspective

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