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A Bill Concerning the Establishment of the Congressional Presidential Oversight Committee

Section 1: Whereas; the President of the United States (POTUS) is the CommanderinChief of the
United States! and is allo"ed certain E#ec$tive Po"ers! as granted to him b% the
Constit$tion of the United States of America! it is hereb% recommended that a
Presidential Oversight Committee to allo" Congressional Senators and &e'resentatives
to in($ire abo$t certain activities and actions that the President e#ec$tes $nder his
E#ec$tive Po"ers)
Section 2: Whereas; the formation of this Oversight Committee! it "ill be re($ired that one
&e'resentative and t"o Senators (one from the ma*orit% and minorit% 'arties) to sit on
the Committee) A Chairman "ill be a''ointed of the three Committee +embers b% the
President of the Senate)
Section 3: Whereas; this Committee "ill oversee the actions and activities of the President! it "ill have
the 'o"er to start investigations if it is believed that the President! or an% member of the
Cabinet! White ,o$se Staff! United States Armed -orces $nder the orders of the
President! has committed a breech of the E#ec$tive Po"ers granted to the President)
Section 4: Whereas; if an% investigation finds the acc$sation to be tr$e! the President "ill be bro$ght
$' on charges before the United States Senate for a Trial of .m'eachment) .f fo$nd
g$ilt% b% the Senate Chamber! the President/s .m'eachment Charges "ill then be voted
$'on b% the United States ,o$se of &e'resentatives) .f the .m'eachment Charges 'ass
both ,o$ses of the United States Congress! the President "ill be dismissed from 'o"er
and immediate elections "ill be held)
Section 5: Whereas; this bill "ill define E#ec$tive Po"ers as the follo"ing0
Within the e#ec$tive branch itself, the President (if in office) has broad powers
to manage national affairs and the workings of the federal government.
The President can issue rules, regulations, and instructions called e#ec$tive
orders! which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not
require congressional approval.
The President may form a budget for the nited !tates of "merica as a whole
and present it to #ongress for approval from both $ouses.
The President ma% federali1e an% state/s national g$ard into national militar%
The President re($ires Congressional a''roval for ordering troo's or
intelligence agents into hostile foreign territor% for more than 23 ho$rs)
The President ma% as4 Congress b% a S'ecial 5ointSecession to 'ass a
6eclaration of War $'on an% foreign nation)
The President is re($ired ever% %ear to address both ,o$ses of Congress b% a
5ointSecession) ,e "ill deliver a State of the Union s'eech to inform
Congress on the nation/s c$rrent stat$s) The President m$st be invited to the
5oint Chamber before coming)
Section 6: Be it resolved b% this -ederal United States Congress here assembled that; Presidential
Oversight Committee "ill be formed to monitor the actions and activities of the
President of the United States and an%one acting $nder his orders to 'revent an% 'ossible
breech of 'o"ers granted to the President b% the Constit$tion and this Bill)

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