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Problem Statement

People can live in inhospitable places in two distinct ways, by changing the local
environment, or by carrying a suitable environment with them. Desert irrigation for
agricultural development is an example of the first, while the life-support systems of lunar
landing modules, or orbiting space stations, exemplify the second mode of survival. Many
thing need to be considered before human stay in mars. The first is the power generation. In
mars volcano and wind can be used to generate energy for daily usage. The heat from
volcano can heat up the ice and run the turbine.
Next, when we live on Mars, we will produce waste and so we need to manage the waste. It is
easy to burn something on Earth. However, thing do not burn in space as they do on Earth.
Fires in gravity on Mars generally are weaker, do not spread effectively and need airflow to
burn for very long. Ash, carbon dioxide, water and heat are the major product produce by
burning, oxidizing or organic waste would produce. The device that we are being developed
in this project called Vortical Oxidative Reactor Technology Experiment (VORTEX).
Mars is farther from sun than Earth, the temperature of Marc is colder than Earth. In order to
support Earth-like life, Mars need to be heat up a lot. There is an easy solution for this by
adding greenhouse gases. This has the effect of easier sunlight to come in and preventing the
heat from escaping. We have to add enough carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapour to
Mars atmosphere to keep Mars at about the same temperature with Earth. We can also use the
volcano and ice to heat up and cold the living environment.
Water is a great material because its mostly oxygen, which is the most important part of the
atmosphere (in my very humble opinion). You could turn some of the new Martian seas into
the bulk of the new atmosphere with gigantic electrolysis plants, which would use electricity
to break down the water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen. If the goal is just to have life on
Mars, as opposed to human life, then we may already be able to engineer something that
could scratch out a living on Mars. Bacterial extremophiles, maybe water bears, that sort of
thing. Theres a decent chance that there are patches of damp dirt deep below the Martian
surface that could support some forms of bacteria.
Human in Mars would be exposed to various types of radiation (cosmic rays) or charged
particles emitted from the sun (solar wind).Human could be hit by small particles of dust or
rock that move at high speeds (micrometeoroids) or orbiting debris from satellites or
spacecraft. To solve the problem human shelter must be aerodynamic and strong to withstand
the strong dust storm.

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