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Cabled Scarf and Hat

By Premier Yarns Design Team

Level: Intermediate
Length: 60
Width: 6
Circumference: 20
Deborah Norville Collecton Wool Naturals for
Premier Yarns (100% wool; 100gm/205 yds)
#DNC425-02 Oatmeal 4 balls
Needle: US Size 8 (5 mm), US Size 6 (4 mm) straight
needle or size needed to obtain gauge
Notons: Tapestry needle, cable needle, sttch
24 sts x 27 rows = 4 in Pebble st on larger needles
Save tme, check your gauge.
Braid Cable (multple of 9 sts)
Rows 1 & 3 (RS): Knit.
Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
Row 5: Knit.
Row 7: * Slip 3 sts onto cn and hold to the back, k3, k3 from cn, k3, rep from * to end.
Row 9: Knit.
Row 11: * K3, slip 3 sts onto cn and hold to the front, k3, k3 from cn, rep from * to end.
Rep Rows 5-12 for pat.
Pebble Sttch (multple of 3 sts)
Row 1 (RS): * K3tog withoutmoving sts from lef hand needle, knit the frst st again as usual, k2tog,; rep
from * to end.
Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
Row 3: Knit.
Rep Rows 1-4 for pat.
Premier Yarns 2013, All Rights Reserved
When working Crown Decreases for hat, keep sts in patern when possible, work in St st when st count
falls short of a full repeat.
With smaller ndls, Cast on 156 sts.
Row 1: * K1, p1; rep from * to end of row.
Rep Row 1, 9 more tmes.
Establish Patern
Row 1 (RS): With larger ndls, * P1, pm, work Row 1 of Cable Braid over next 9 sts, pm, p2, pm, work Row 1
of Pebble St over next 15 sts, pm, p2, pm, work Row 1 of Cable Braid over next 9 sts, pm, p1; rep from * 3
more tmes.
Row 2: *K1, work Row 2 of Cable Braid to next marker, k2, work Row 2 of Pebble St to next marker, k2,
work Row 2 of Cable Braid to next marker, k1; rep from * 3 more tmes.
Contnue as established untl HAT measures 7.
Row 1 (RS): * P1, work Cable Braid to next marker, p2tog, work Pebble St to next marker, p2tog, work Cable
Braid to next marker, p1; rep from * 3 more tmes 8 sts decd.
Row 2 (and all WS rows): Work even as established.
Row 3: * P1, work Cable Braid to next marker, p1, ssk, work Pebble st to 2 before m, k2tog, p1, work Cable
Braid to next marker, p1; rep from * 3 more tmes 8 sts decd.
Rep Rows 3-4, 6 more tmes 92 sts rem.
Row 17: * P1, k7, k2tog, p1, k1, p1, k7, k2tog, p1; rep from * 3 more tmes 4 sts decd.
Row 19: * K3, k2tog; from * to last st, p1 65 sts.
Row 21: K1, * k2tog; rep from * to end of row 32 sts.
Break yarn and draw through rem sts, pull tghtly.
With larger ndls, cast on 48 sts.
Row 1 (RS): Work Row 1 of Cable Braid over next 9 sts, p2, work Row 1 of Pebble St over next 15 sts,* p2,
work Row 1 of Cable Braid over next 9 sts; rep from * 1 more tme.
Row 2: * Work Row 2 of Cable Braid over next 9 sts, k2; rep from * 1 more tme, work Row 2 of Pebble St
over next 15 sts, k2, Work Row 2 of Cable Braid over next 9 sts.
Contnue as established untl Scarf measures 60.
Bind of all sts.
Cut 132, 11 strands of yarn. With 6 strands held together, fold in half and use a crochet hook to atach to
end of scarf. Atach 12 groups of Fringe to each end of the Scarf in this manner.
Sew seam on Hat. Make a 2 pom pom and atach to top.
Premier Yarns 2013, All Rights Reserved
Premier Yarns 2013, All Rights Reserved
Weave in ends.
cn cable needle
decd decreased
k knit
k2tog knit 2 sts together (1 st decd)
m marker
p purl
pat patern
pm place marker
rem remain(ing)
rep repeat(ing)
RS right side
ssk slip next 2 sts individually knitwise, slip them back to lef needle in this positon, knit them
together through the back loops (1 st decd)
st(s) sttch(es)
WS wrong side

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