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1. Identify three leadership traits Mr.

Clark has (according to what has been discussed in

class). Provide two exaples for each. ! points
"irstly# Mr. Clark was forward$looking. In fact# he always had a clear goal to achieve. %e
perfectly knew where he and his students were at the beginning and where they had to go. %is
ob&ective was not only to lead his students to be successful in the exas but also to teach the
discipline# behaviors# and appropriate attitudes for life. In this sense# Mr. Clark was very
concerned with aking the believe in theselves and gain confidence. In addition# he
counicated his vision to the students continuously# trying to convince the that they could be
whatever they wanted. Moreover# Mr. Clark did this without aking proises that he would not
be able to keep. In fact# he was absolutely coitted to keep his proises devoting all his tie#
resources# and energy to his students' learning.
(he forward$looking trait was especially exeplified in two parts of the ovie. (he first
one was when Mr. Clark gave up and then cae back to the school. (his fact indicated that he
had a clear ob&ective. In spite of all the probles he experienced# he knew where he wanted to go
and what the goal for hi and for his students was. (he second exaple was when Mr. (urner
was talking to Mr. Clark at his office. )ne ore tie# Mr. (urner reinded Mr. Clark about the
state exas in May. Mr. Clark answered that by May# all his students would have learned all the
contents for the exa and that they would be above the expected level. *s before# this attitude
deonstrated that he had a future vision for his students. %e had a clear ob&ective for the to
+econdly# Mr. Clark possessed inspiration. In fact# he was able to inspire his students to
succeed. (o do this# he was constantly counicating his vision to the clearly and with
passion. %e also used stories which helped hi to illustrate what he wanted to counicate. (his
could be reflected in the ovie when Mr. Clark told his students a story about his own life. %e
told the that he liked rock clibing# and in one occasion# when he had to &up# he was so
scared that he thought he could not do it. %e told the that when he &uped# he felt as if he was
flying. Probably# he used this story as a etaphor. ,earning was siilar to rock clibing. -very
day# students were progressing little by little as if they were oving up in a ountain. (o &up
was siilar to take tests or to do anything that seeed to be difficult. (he essage behind this
story was that the students could achieve any goal they wanted to if they were really deterined
to succeed.even though it was frightening or difficult. In the sae anner# Mr. Clark used
sybols. "or exaple# he used the cake with the candles. %e asked his students to light the
candles# and that action syboli/ed that they were all together in the pursuit of a coon goal.
%e proised the students that if they trusted hi# they would learn ore than they had ever
dreaed of. (he other part of the ovie in which inspiration was reflected was when Mr. Clark
talked to the after he was sick. (he students had not done well on the last tests# so Mr. Clark
tried to otivate the to believe in theselves# so that they could succeed in the state exas.
*gain# he used his counicative skills to basically encourage the to be confident. %e showed
the students all their achieveents during that tie.especially regarding to their well behavior.
Conse0uently# the students could see that copared to all that# the exa was easy to succeed.
(hirdly# Mr. Clark had copetency. *part fro the natural expertise that teachers have to
show in relation to the sub&ects that they teach# Mr. Clark also deonstrated that he could learn
whatever he wanted. (his was very clear when he learned to &up rope in the difficult way that
his students did. In this anner# he was trying to counicate soething to the. (he essage
was probably that they could also achieve all what they wanted in life.even what they had never
iagined to succeed. (hrough a very concrete action# Mr. Clark deonstrated that in the sae
anner he learned how to &up rope1 the students could also ac0uire all the necessary knowledge
to succeed in the exas. (he second exaple of copetency was the fact that Mr. Clark finally
could achieve classroo anageent. *lthough it was very hard at the beginning.through the
use of rules# affection# and creative ethods.he was able to ake the students listen to hi and
2. Identify and describe two leadership styles used by Mr. Clark. -xplain when they were
used and why they were suitable for the situation. ! points
Mr. Clark was a visionary leader. %e oved his students towards a shared vision# and he
continuously told the where to go. %e also encouraged the to struggle forward# and he advised
the to never give up. -vidently# he shared inforation because he was a teacher# but he was not
only concerned with teaching soe contents but also he was coitted to provide his students
with a eaningful learning.epowering the through knowledge# so that they could reali/ed
their dreas. In this sense# Mr. Clark was able to look at not only the iediate results in the test
but also at his students' future. (his style was precisely used when a new direction was needed.
nobody wanted to be in charge of the students. Clearly# it had a very strong ipact on the
classroo atosphere because the students were able to behave# to be respectful# and eventually
to succeed in the exas.they felt there was an adult who cared about the.
Mr. Clark's visionary leadership was especially exeplified in the cake scene. *ctually#
this leadership style was used all through the ovie# but it was clearly reflected in this part. %ere#
he ephasi/ed the fact that they were all together trying to achieve a coon goal# and he told
the where to reach success not only in the exas but also in life. In this anner# he was
establishing a coon vision and a clear ob&ective to eet. %e was also otivating the to
struggle forward because through the story he told the# he was giving the essage that they
never had to give up.even though they were terribly scared. (his action had positive results.
*fter lighting the candles# students began behaving differently.they started paying attention and
were willing to do the activities that Mr. Clark suggested such as the presidents rap. It seeed
that the students did trust hi# and began believing that they were going to achieve soething.
+iilarly# Mr. Clark was an affiliative leader. %e created connections and harony aong
the students. (his was especially reflected in the fact that he was continuously telling the that
they were a faily. %e tried to ake the understand that all what they did had conse0uences for
each other# so they always had to think how they actions would affect the group well$being. In
addition# he focused on the eotional needs over work needs. *lthough he was very affectionate#
he did not avoid eotionally distressing situations such as negative feedback. (his was reflected
when he cae back after being sick and told the students that he was not happy about the results
in the last tests. (his style had a positive ipact on the classroo atosphere# especially on the
way they treated each other.they began being respectful.
Mr. Clark affiliative leadership was especially exeplified when he encouraged (yshawn
to take the state exa. %e went to eet the boy to ake sure that he did the test. (yshawn was a
student with social adaptation and eotional probles. (he fact that Mr. Clark had gone there
indicated that the teacher was very concerned with his students' eotional difficulties.
especially those ones which affected their learning. (his action was suitable for the situation.
(yshawn had two ways to follow3 to take the exa or to go with his 4friends5. +ince Mr. Clark
was there to reind the boy about the possibilities that he had for the future# the boy chose to go
with hi. *ccordingly# the appearance of Mr. Clark in (ayshawn's way was very positive
because the student chose the correct path.
6. Coent on the following in the context of the ovie watched. 4If you want your
students to treat you respectfully# the process ust start fro you.5 7 points
Mr. Clark had several characteristics of an effective counicator which ade hi# at
the sae tie# an effective classroo leader. (his brought as a conse0uence respect towards hi.
*s an effective counicator# he developed a sense of congruence# which eans he was truly
coitted to what he was doing. %e really believed in the children's ability# and he supported his
beliefs in a sincere way with his verbal and non$verbal language.
(o begin with# Mr. Clark had a wide range of supportive behaviors that he used to
encourage and correct. "or instance# in his first day he established rules# and later# he reinded
his classroo rules with positive flashcards on the walls. *lso# his flashcards had encouraging
essages such as 48rea 9ig5 4:e are a faily5 4(ake risk5 etc. in addition# with this ethod
he odeled the behaviors he whished to see. %e was an exaple of legitiate adult behavior1 for
exaple# in one of his flashcards wrote# 4;u here5 with an arrow pointing out a garbage can or
in a &ar# and he never was chewing gus as well. +econdly# he disciplined with dignity and
copassion1 he always protected the children' feelings. (o give an exaple# he always was
telling the that they were sarts# that they could pass the exas# and so on. :ith this# he was
also epowering his students1 for hi# his students were the ost powerful resource which
engaged the in learning. (hirdly# Mr. Clark repaired relationships. (his eans that he said
positive things to the students with isbehavior. (his can be seen when Mr. Clark said to
(ayshawn's other that (ayshawn was a natural leader# creative and talented. Moreover# he held
high expectations. *s an illustration of this is when he was arguing with the principal in his
office1 the principal believed that the kids were 4in the botto of the barrel5 and Mr. Clark said to
hi that he was setting the bar to low# that he needed to set the bar higher because the students
could ake it# then# Mr. Clark said they will pass the test above grade level. ,ast but not least#
body language# clothes# tone of speaking# etc. are very iportant to ake &udgents of you as a
teacher. In the case of Mr. Clark# he was always wearing suits# his body language# tone and
gestures were always enthusiastic and friendly. *s a conse0uence of his actions# he built trust. %e
really was concerned about the# and he deonstrated his beliefs and values in a sincere anner.
(herefore# he received respect.

7. :hat are the two eleents<aspects presented in the ovie that you would like to
incorporate to your future role as a teacher= 7 points
Mr. Clark# as it was said above# had several characteristics of an effective leader# but the
one that called our attention was his perseverance. %e never gave up teaching the and earning
respect. (o our inds# a current proble in the classroo is the lack of perseverance fro the
side of the teachers. Many teachers yell# threat# and even bullying students to ipose respect# but
it is not real respect. :hat they are iposing is fear# which is a different thing. (hey gave up
because they tend to think that what Mr. Clark did is very difficult# while iposing fear sees the
easiest and fastest way to control a classroo. %owever# Mr. Clark didn't want to ipose fear# so
he persevered to create a suitable classroo environent. It is true that what Mr. Clark did in
order to earn respect is difficult because it deands a lot of tie and great efforts in every aspects
of what a teacher should be. *s an illustration of this is when he shook (ayshawn's desk with her
in it. %e iediately 0uit because he knew it was wrong1 that action was not the way of earning
respect and teaches. %owever# due to his perseverance# he cae back to the school and continued
working for respect# a thing that would allow hi to teach. Moreover# he did not only showed
perseverance to earn respect# but also to show the different characteristics that he had (soe of
the described above) in order to teach. :e think that this trait is very iportant to have in ind#
especially# for beginners teachers because at first we want to earn respect in the way that Mr.
Clark did# but later we gave up and choose to ipose fear.
(he second eleent that called our attention also lies in the characteristics of Mr. Clark. It
is the fact that he was passionate about teaching and working with children. %is passion ade a
great ipact in his students1 it influenced students' lives. %e showed real concern and
deonstrated that he wanted the best for the by being consistent. *lso# with his passion he
developed trusting relationships and otivation as we could see at the end of the ovie1
everybody loved hi. In our view# any teachers loose their passion through their careers# and
therefore# their otivation. (he last one has a great ipact because the students will loose their
otivation and passion for learning as well. *lso# the lost of passion and otivation ean that
we as teachers don't care about the# and that it soething that they can feel. (hat it is why it
called our attention because as future teachers we don't want that. )n the contrast# we want to
express real interest.
>niversidad *ndr?s 9ello
"acultad de %uanidades y -ducaci@n
PedagogAa en Ingl?s

Students: Bancy *raya
Carina ;Dlve/
Course: (aller de Planificaci@n
Professor: Patricia +Dnche/
Date: Eune 2Fth# 2F16

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