Sie sind auf Seite 1von 45


1. Herbs and Spices:

a. Allspice pimiento de guayabita
b. Angelica anglica
c. Anise seeds ans
d. Basil albahaca
e. Caraway comino europeo
f. Cardamom cardamomo
g. Chives ciboulette
h. Cinnamon canela
i. Clove clavo
j. Coriander semillas de cilantro
k. Cumin seeds comino
l. Dill eneldo
m. Fennel seeds semillas de hinojo
n. Ginger jengibre
o. Mace macs
p. Marjoram mejorana
q. Mint menta
r. Nutmeg nuez moscada
s. Oregano organo
t. Parsley perejil
u. Peppercorns pimienta en grano
v. Poppy seeds semillas de amapola
w. Rosemary romero
x. Saffron azafrn
y. Sage salvia
z. Savory ajedrea
aa. Sesame seeds ssamo
bb. Star anise ans estrellado
cc. Tarragon estragn
dd. Thyme tomillo
ee. Turmeric crcuma
ff. Vanilla vainilla

2. Jellying (or Gelling) Agents:
a. Agar-Agar agar-agar
b. Gelatin gelatina
c. Pectin pectina

3. Leavening Agents:
a. Ammonium Carbonate carbonato de amonio
b. Baking Powder polvo para hornear
c. Cream of Tartar cremor trtaro
d. Potash or Potassium Carbonate carbonato de potasio
e. Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda bicarbonato de sodio
f. Yeast levadura

4. Nuts:
a. Almond almendra
b. Almond Meal or Almond Flour almendras blanqueadas y molidas
c. Bazil Nut nuez de Brasil, nuez de Par
d. Cashew Nut merey
e. Chestnut castaa
f. Hazelnut or Filbert avellana
g. Macadamia Nut macadamia, nuez de Australia
h. Peanut man
i. Pecan pacana
j. Pine Nut or Pignoli pin
k. Pistachio pistachio
l. Sunflower Seeds semillas de girasol
m. Walnut nuez

5. Sweeteners:
a. AA Confectioners Sugar or
Confectionery Sugar or
Powdered Sugar or
Decorating Sugar or
Sanding Sugar azcar glas
b. Brown Sugar azcar moreno, papeln
c. Castor Sugar or Superfine Sugar azcar extrafino
d. Coarse Sugar azcar grueso
e. Corn Syrup jarabe de maz
f. Cube Sugar azcar en terrones
g. Fine Sugar azcar fino
h. Glucose glucosa
i. Golden Sugar azcar rubio
j. Golden Syrup melaza de caa
k. Granulated Sugar or
Regular Granulated Sugar azcar granulado
l. Honey miel
m. Invert Sugar or Nulomoline sirop artificial
n. Loaf Sugar azcar para esculturas
o. Malt Sugar or Malt Syrup maltosa
p. Maple Syrup jarabe de arce
q. Molasses melaza
r. Turbinado Sugar or
Washed Sugar azcar menos refinado que el
con un pequeo contenido de melaza;
el grano es 3 veces ms grande que el
del azcar granulado

6. Thickeners:
n. Arrowroot arrurruz
o. Cornstarch almidn/fcula de maz
p. Potato Starch almidn/fcula de papa
q. Tapioca Starch almidn/fcula de tapioca

7. Miscellaneous:
a. Coffee caf
b. Licorice regaliz
c. Salt sal
d. Tea t
e. Tofu (Bean Curd) cuajada de soya

8. Fats:
a. Butter mantequilla
b. Clarified Butter mantequilla clarificada
c. Lard manteca de cerdo, unto
d. Margarine margarina
e. Oil aceite
f. Shortening manteca vegetal

9. Chocolate and Chocolate Products:
a. Coating Chocolate cubierta, bao o capa de chocolate
b. Cocoa Butter manteca de cacao
c. Couverture
chocolate de alta calidad con un mmino de
32% de manteca de cacao, muy brillante y
d. Sweet Dark Chocolate chocolate negro dulce
e. Sweet Light Chocolate
or Milk Chocolate chocolate de leche
f. Unsweetened Cocoa
Powder cacao amargo en polvo
g. Unsweetened Chocolate chocolate amargo
h. White Chocolate chocolate blanco

10. Dairy Products:
b. Cream crema, nata

c. Crme Frache
producto de crema cultivada de sabor
amargo, similar a la crema agria, pero menos
d. Half-and-Half
mezcla a partes iguales de crema de leche y
leche; no contiene suficiente grasa para que al
batirla haga espuma
e. Heavy Cream crema espesa (contenido graso: 36% - 40%)
or Heavy Whipping Cream
f. Light Cream crema de leche (contenido graso: 18% - 30%)
g. Manufacturing Cream
or Manufacturers cream crema con un contenido graso de 40%
h. Sour Cream crema agria
i. Whipping Cream
or Light Whipping Cream
crema de leche para batir (con contenido
graso de 30% - 36%)
j. Milk leche
k. Buttermilk suero
l. Dry Milk or Milk Powder leche en polvo
m. Evaporated Milk leche evaporada
n. Condensed Milk leche condensada
o. Yogurt yogr
p. Whole Milk leche entera
q. Low-Fat Milk leche descremada
(contenido graso: 0,5% - 2%)
r. Skim Milk
or Non-Fat Milk leche descremada
(contenido graso: 0,5%)
s. 2% Milk leche descremada
(contenido graso: 2%)

11. Eggs:
a. Fresh Eggs huevos frescos
b. Frozen Eggs huevos congelados
c. Dehydrated Eggs
Or Dried Eggs huevos en polvo
d. Liquid Eggs huevos lquidos (sin cscara)
e. Egg Yolk yema de huevo
f. Egg White clara de huevo
g. Egg Shell cascara de huevo

12. Flours:
a. Wheat Flour harina de trigo
b. All-purpose Flour harina todo-uso
c. Bread Flour harina para pan
d. Cake Flour harina para torta
e. Pastry Flour harina para pastelera
f. Barley Flour harina de cebada
g. Buckwheat Flour harina de alforfn (trigo sarraceno)
h. Corn Flour harina de maz
i. Potato Flour harina de papa
j. Rye Flour harina de centeno
k. Soy Flour harina de soya
l. Cookie Flour harina para galletas
m. Rye Meal Flour
or Pumpernickel Flour
harina para pan Pumpernickle (pan integral
de centeno)

13. Fruits:
a. Apple manzana
b. Apricot albaricoque
c. Asian Pear pera asitica
d. Banana cambur
e. Finger Banana
or Lady Fingers cambur topocho
f. Blackberry mora
g. Currant grosella
(Black, White, Red) (negra, blanca, roja)
h. Blueberry arndano
i. Cantaloupe meln criollo
j. Carambola or Star Fruit tamarindo chino
k. Chirimoya chirimoya
l. Cherry cereza
m. Coconut coco
n. Coquito coquito
o. Cranberry arndano agrio
p. Date dtil
q. Dried Currant pasa de Corinto
r. Fig higo
s. Gooseberry grosella espinosa/silvestre, uva crespa
t. Grapefruit toronja
u. Grape uva
v. Honeydew meln blanco
w. Kiwi or Kiwifruit kiwi
x. Kumquat naranjita china
y. Lemon limn
z. Lime lima
aa. Mandarin Orange naranja mandarina
bb. Mango mango
cc. Nectarine nectarina
dd. Orange naranja
ee. Papaya papaya, lechosa
ff. Passion Fruit parchita
gg. Peach durazno, melocotn
hh. Pear pera
ii. Pineapple pia
jj. Plantain pltano
kk. Plum ciruela
ll. Pomegranate granada
mm. Cactus Pear
or Prickly Pear tuna
nn. Pumpkin calabaza
oo. Quince membrillo
pp. Raisin uva pasa
qq. Raspberry frambuesa
rr. Rhubarb ruibarbo
ss. Strawberry fresa
tt. Tamarind tamarindo
uu. Blood Orange naranja roja
vv. Clementine clementina
ww. Cloudberry camemoro
xx. Guava guayaba
yy. Loquat nspero
zz. Ugli Fruit cruce de toronja y mandarina
aaa. Whortleberry arndano

Makes 36
U.S. Metric Ingredients Preparation
8 oz 225 g
100 g
115 g
115 g
85 ml
250 g
2 tsp
tsp tsp Grated nutmeg
1 tsp 1 tsp Ground cinnamon
2 tsp 2 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
Caster sugar
3 oz Light brown sugar
4 oz butter At room temperature
4 oz margarine At room temperature
1 Egg
3 fl oz Black treacle
9 oz Plain flour
2 tsp Ground ginger
tsp salt
1. Preheat a 325F/170C/Gas 3 oven. Line 2-3 baking sheets with
greaseproof paper and grease lightly.
2. With an electric mixer, cream half of the caster sugar, the brown sugar,
butter and margarine until light and fluffy. Add the egg and continue beating
to blend well. Add the treacle.
3. Sift the dry ingredients 3 times, then stir into the butter mixture. Refrigerate
for 30 minutes.
4. Place the remaining sugar in a shallow dish. Roll tablespoonfuls of the
biscuit mixture into balls, then roll the balls in the sugar to coat.
5. Place the balls 2 in (5 cm) apart on the prepared sheets and flatten slightly.
Bake until golden around the edges but soft in the middle, 12-15 minutes.
Let stand for 5 minutes before transferring to a rack to cool.
To make Gingerbread Men, increase the amount of flour by 1 oz (30 g).
Roll out the mixture and cut out shapes with a special cutter.
Decorate with icing, if wished.
Makes 8
U.S. Metric Ingredients Preparation
5 oz 150 g
1 tsp
55 g
150 g
1 tsp
55 g
5 tbsp 5 tbsp milk
Plain flour
1 tsp Baking powder
2 oz Butter or margarine At room temperature
5 oz Caster sugar
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla essence
3 Medium bananas Mashed
2 oz pecans Chopped
1. Preheat the oven to 375F/190C/Gas 5. Lightly grease 8 deep muffin tins.
2. Sift the flour and baking powder into a small bowl. Set aside.
3. With an electric mixer, cream the butter or margarine and sugar together.
Add the egg and vanilla and beat until fluffy. Mix in the banana.
4. Add the pecans. With the mixer on low speed, beat in the flour mixture
alternately with the milk.
5. Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin cups, filling them two-thirds
full. Bake until golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre of a
muffin comes out clean, 20-25 minutes.
6. Let cool in the tin on a wire rack for 10 minutes. To loosen, run a knife
gently around each muffin and unmould on the wire rack. Let cool 10
minutes longer before serving.
Use an equal quantity of walnuts instead of the pecans.
Makes 9
U.S. Metric Ingredients Preparation
4 oz 120 g
120 g
45 g
2 tsp
55-85 g
125 ml
1 tsp 1 tsp Sunflower oil
2 oz 50 g Pecan or walnuts chopped
wholemeal flour
4 oz Self-raising flour
Pinch salt
1 oz Butter
tsp Dry mustard
2 tsp Dried marjoram
2-3 oz Cheddar cheese Finely grated
4 fl oz milk Or as required
1. Sift the two kinds of flour into a bowl and add the salt. Cut the butter into
small pieces, and rub into the flour until the mixture resembles fine
2. Add the mustard, marjoram and grated cheese, and mix in sufficient milk
to make a soft dough. Knead the dough lightly.
3. Preheat the oven to 425F/220C/Gas 7. roll out the dough on a floured
surface to about a in (2 cm) thickness and cut out about 18 scones
using a 2 in (5 cm) square cutter. Grease two baking sheets with a little
sunflower oil, and place the scones on the trays.
4. Brush the scones with a little milk and sprinkle the chopped pecans or
walnuts over the top. Bake for 12 minutes. Serve warm.
Serves 6
U.S. Metric Ingredients Preparation
6 oz 175 g
2 tsp
75 g
50 ml
2 tsp
900 g
2 tbsp 2 tbsp Corn flour
1 1 Egg
10 oz 285 g Caster sugar
1 tbsp 1 tbsp Grated orange rind
plain flour
tsp Salt
2 tsp Caster sugar
3 oz Cold butter
2 fl oz Iced water Or more
2 tsp Whipping cream
2 lb Fresh rhubarb Cut in -1 in (1-2.5 cm) pieces
1. For the pastry, sift the flour, salt, and sugar into a bowl. Using a pastry
blender or two knives, cut the butter into the dry ingredients as quickly as
possible until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
2. Sprinkle with the iced water and mix until the dough holds together. If the
dough is too crumbly, add a little more water, 1 tbsp at a time.
3. Gather the dough into a ball, flatten into a disk, wrap in greaseproof
paper, and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.
4. Roll out the dough between two sheets of greaseproof paper to a
thickness of about 1/8 in (3 mm). Use to line a 9 in (23 cm) pie dish. Trim
all around, leaving a in (1 cm) overhang. Fold the overhang under the
edge and flute. Refrigerate the pie shell and dough trimmings for 30
5. For the filling, place the rhubarb in a bowl and sprinkle with the corn flour.
Toss to coat.
6. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
7. In a small bowl, beat the egg with the sugar. Mix in the orange rind.
8. Stir the sugar mixture into the rhubarb and mix well. Spoon the fruit into
the pie shell.
9. Roll out the dough trimmings. Stamp out decorative shapes with a biscuit
cutter or cut out shapes with a small knife, using a template made out of
card as a guide, if wished.
10. Arrange the shapes on top of the pie. Brush the trimmings and the rim of
the pie with cream.
11. Bake for 30 minutes. Reduce the heat to 160C/325F/Gas 3 and continue
baking until the pastry is golden brown and the rhubarb is tender, about
15 to 20 minutes more.
Serves 10
U.S. Metric Ingredients Preparation
1 lb 450 g
250 ml
225 g
225 g
1 tsp Ground cinnamon
Caster sugar
8 fl oz Vegetable oil
4 Eggs
About 8 oz carrots Finely grated
8 oz Plain flour
1 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Ground allspice
U.S. Metric Ingredients Preparation
8 oz 225 g
225 g
55 g
175 g
Icing sugar
8 oz Cream cheese At room temperature
2 oz butter At room temperature
2 tsp Vanilla essence
6 oz Walnuts or pecans chopped
1. Preheat a 375F7190C7Gas 5 oven.
2. Butter and flour 2 x 9 in round cake tins.
3. In a mixing bowl, combine the caster sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, and
carrots. Beat for 2 minutes.
4. Sift the dry ingredients into another bowl. Add in 4 equal batches to the
carrot mixture, mixing well after each addition.
5. Divide the cake mixture evenly between the prepared cake tins. Bake until
a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean, 35-45
6. let cool in the tins on wire racks for 10 minutes, then unmould the cakes
from the tins onto the wire racks and let cool completely.
7. For the icing, combine everything but the nuts in a bowl and beat until
8. To assemble, set 1 cake layer on a serving plate and spread with one-
third of the icing. Place the second cake layer on top. Spread the
remaining icing all over the top and sides of the cake, swirling it to make a
decorative finish. Sprinkle the nuts around the top edge.
Makes 16 rolls
U.S. Metric Ingredients
8 oz 225 g
50 g
15 g
50 g
Icing sugar, for dusting
Unbleached white bread flour
tsp Salt
2 oz Caster sugar
oz Fresh yeast
5 tbsp Lukewarm milk
1 Egg
2 tbsp Sunflower oil
2 oz Butter, melted
1. Grease 2 baking sheets. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Stir in the sugar
and make a well in the centre.
2. Cream the yeast with the milk, pour into the centre of the flour mixture,
then sprinkle a little of the flour mixture evenly over the top of the liquid.
Leave in a warm place for about 15 minutes, or until frothy.
3. In a small bowl, beat the egg with the oil. Add to the flour mixture and mix
to a smooth dough.
4. Turn out on to a floured surface and knead for 8 - 10 minutes until smooth
and elastic. Place in an oiled bowl, cover with oiled clear filmand leave to
rise, in a warm place, for 1 hour, or until doubled in bulk.
5. Turn out the dough on to a lightly floured surface. Knock back and divide
the dough into 16 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a thin rope about
15 in long. Pour the melted butter on to a plate and dip the ropes into the
butter to coat.
6. On the baking sheets, curl each rope into a loose spiral, spacing well
apart. Tuck the ends under to seal. Cover with oiled clear film and leave to
rise, in a warm place, for about 45 minutes, or until doubled in size.
7. Preheat the oven to 190F/375C/Gas 5. brush the rolls with water and
dust with icing sugar. Bake for 10 minutes, or until light golden brown.
Cool on a wire rack. Dust again with icing sugar and serve warm.
Makes 1 loaf
U.S. Metric Ingredients
10 oz 275 g
50 g
10 g
210 ml
115 g
Unbleached white bread flour
2 oz Wholemeal bread flour
oz Sachet easy-blend dried yeast
tsp Salt
7 fl oz Lukewarm water
1 tbsp Extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra,
for brushing
4 oz Pitted black and green olives,
coarsely chopped
1. Lightly grease a baking sheet. Mix the flours, yeast and salt in a large
bowl and make a well in the centre.
2. Add the water and oil to the centre of the flour and mix to a soft dough.
Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for 8 10 minutes until
smooth and elastic. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with oiled clear film
and leave to rise, in a warm place, for 1 hour, or until doubled in bulk.
3. Turn out on to a floured surface and knock back. Flatten out and sprinkle
over the olives. Knead to distribute the olives. Leave to rest for 5 minutes,
then shape into an oval loaf. Place on the baking sheet.
4. Make 6 deep cuts in the top, and gently push the sections over. Cover
with oiled clear film and leave to rise, in a warm place, for 30 45
minutes, or until doubled in size.
5. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Brush the bread with
olive oil and bake for 35 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
1 Cups granulated sugar
Cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 Tablespoons cornstarch
4 Cups pitted, tart, fresh or frozen, thawed cherries
1/3 Cup water
2 Teaspoons grated lemon or orange zest
Teaspoon vanilla or almond extract
Teaspoon ground allspice
1/8 Teaspoon ground cinnamon
8 Sheet phyllo pastry, thawed if frozen
3 Tablespoons butter, melted
1 Tablespoon confectioners sugar
1. To prepare filling, in a medium saucepan, mix together
granulated sugar, brown sugar, and cornstarch. Stir in cherries,
water, lemon zest, and vanilla. Cook over medium heat until
bubbling and thickened.
2. Reduce heat to low, add allspice and cinnamon, and cook,
stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Remove pan from heat.
Cool completely.
3. Preheat oven to 400F. Grease a baking sheet.
4. To prepare pastry, unfold sheets of phyllo so they lie flat. Stack
4 sheets on plastic wrap. Brush top sheet with 1 tablespoon
melted butter. Keep remaining sheets covered with plastic wrap
and a damp cloth to prevent them drying out.
5. Spread half filling along a short side of top pastry sheet. Starting
with short side and using plastic wrap as a guide, roll up pastry,
jelly-roll style. Fold ends under.
6. Place strudel, seam-side down, on prepared baking sheet. Brush with
tablespoon melted butter. Repeat with remaining phyllo, melted butter,
and filling to make second strudel.
7. Bake until golden, 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer baking sheet to a wire rack
to cool for 15 minutes. Transfer strudels to a cutting board to cool
completely. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar.
1 Cups fine gingersnap cookie crumbs (about 25 2-inch
Cup (1/2 stick) butter, softened
1 Envelope unflavoured gelatin
2/3 Cup granulated sugar
Cup water
2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Teaspoon grated lemon zest
2 Medium ripe bananas
2 Large eggs whites, lightly beaten
1 Cup heavy cream, whipped
1. Preheat oven to 375F.
2. Mix together cookie crumbs and butter. Press evenly into
bottom and up sides of a 9-inch pie pan.
3. Bake crust for 8 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack to cool
4. To prepare filling, in a heavy saucepan, mix together gelatin
and sugar. Stir in water. Cook over medium heat, stirring
constantly, until gelatin is dissolved. Remove pan from heat. Stir
in lemon juice and zest.
5. Mash bananas; stir into gelatin mixture. Chill until mixture
mounds when is dropped from a spoon.
6. Scrape banana mixture into a large bowl. Add egg whites.
7. Beat banana mixture at medium speed until it holds its shape.
8. Spoon filling into crust and smooth top. Chill for 3 hours.
9. Spoon whipped cream into a large pastry bag fitted with a star
tip. Pipe whipped cream decoratively over filling. Chill pie until
ready to serve.
4 medium-ripe bananas
5 tbsp butter
cup light brown sugar, packed
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp water
cup dark rum
1. Peel bananas and slice in half lengthwise.
2. Melt butter over medium heat in a large frying pan. Place bananas in pan
rounded sides down, and turn heat to high. Brown bananas as quickly as
3. Sprinkle brown sugar over pan and move bananas around so rounded
sides get well coated and start to caramelize. Turn bananas over and
brown bottoms quickly. Before they are quite done, add lemon juice. Put
bananas on a heated platter, and deglaze pan with the water.
Immediately pour in rum, stir once, and tip pan to catch it on the flame if
using a gas stove, or ignite with a match if using an electric range. Pour
flaming sauce on bananas and serve immediately.
Working time: 6 minutes
Preparation time: 6 minutes
Serves 4
20 oz raspberries, sweetened to taste
tbsp unflavored gelatin
cup water
J uice of 1 lemon
1. Puree raspberries through a fine strainer such as a chinois.
2. Soften gelatin in cold water, then heat gently until dissolved.
3. Combine ingredients and chill in 6 individual molds or one 1-quart mold
for several hours, or until gelatin is firm.
American Cuts of Beef:
- 1. Chuck
2. Flanken Style Ribs
3. Rib
4. Back Ribs
; 5. Short Loin
6. Porterhouse steak
7. Tenderloin
8. Sirloin
9. Round
10. Boneless Rump Roast
11. Round Steak
12. Hind Shank
13. Flank
14. Flank Steak Rolls
15. Short Plate
17. Fore Shank
Bristish Cuts of Beef
1. Neck and Clod
2. Chuck and Blade
3. Fore Rib
4. Thick Rib
5. Thin Rib
6. Rolled Ribs
7. Sirloin
8. Rump
9. Silverside
10. Topside
11. Thick Flank
12. Leg
14. Brisket
American Cuts of Veal
1. Shoulder
a. blade
2. Rib
3. Loin
4. Sirloin
5. Leg (round)
a. Boneless Rump Roast
b. Round Steak
6. Breast
7. Fore Shank
British Cuts of Veal
1. Scrag End
2. Middle Neck
3. Best End
4. Loin
5. Fillet
6. Leg
a. Knuckle
7. Breast
8. Shoulder
American Cuts of Pork
1. Blade Shoulder
2. Loin
a. Tenderloin
3. Leg
4. Side
a. Spare Rib
5. Arm Shoulder
a. Hock
British Cuts of Pork
1. Spare Rib
a. Blade
2. Loin
3. Leg Fillet End
a. Leg Knuckle End
b. Hock
4. Belly
5. Hand
a. Trotter
American Cuts of Lamb
1. Shoulder
a. Neck Slice
2. Rib
3. Loin
a. Loin Chop
4. Leg
a. Hind Shank
5. Breast
a. Riblets
6. Fore Shank
British Cuts of Lamb
1. Scrag End of Neck
2. Middle Neck
3. Shoulder
4. Best End of Neck
5. Loin
6. Chump
a. Chump Chops
7. Leg
8. Breast

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