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Prem Nirmal

Prem Nirmal is Scientific Mystic, Writer, Speaker, Motivator,

Holistic Counselor, Spiritual Guide, and Enlightenment
Educationist He is interested in sharing !nderstanding of
Holistic "iving through the technology of Enlightenment He
travels #orld over to conduct Seminars, Workshops and Nature
Camps ###premnirmalcom
$eachings of Prem Nirmal%
&' Practice (Householder)s Spirituality)% *Grihasthion ka Adhyatma' +o your
normal duty #ith responsi,ility, as a family mem,er, employee or
-usinessmanNo renunciation. No escapism in name of Sanyas.. /nly life
positive approach...
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2c+3sH4S#oM5 *Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2ia,6789:-Wo *Part ;'
;' "earn to live life purposefully. Consciously clean your life ,y removing the
<clutter= and <conflicts= from every aspect of your life Set your things right to
spare some time for yourself >no# your "ife Mission and #ork passionately
through every action to fulfill your "ife Mission
D' -e simple, ,e hum,le and cultivate <@ttitude of "earning= "earn at every
possi,le opportunity Prepare <$hings to do "ist= daily morning See ho# they are
aligned to your "ife Mission $hrough out the day keep your a#areness on your
mission fulfillment so that at the end of the day you feel really happy
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2H"o,pBcf@$5 *Enlightened -illionaire Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2p@irM5yErSM *Enlightened -illionaire Part ;'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2Esoom8lMBB4 *Enlightened -illionaire Part D'
:' Consciously im,i,e and practice the Fualities such as Griendliness,
@ssertiveness, Positive @ttitudes, Courage and !nconditional "ove and
Gorgiveness to all
6' -e regular in your Sadhana of Holistic Health EKercises, >riya L Meditation
Practice #itnessing your ,reath and thoughts @ct #ith @#areness to ,e in the
natural flo# of cosmic rhythm
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2emnBM7CC5a: *Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2C9W94gH4JiI *Part ;'
B' -e vegetarian Eat only #hen hungry and as per the needs of ,ody /nce in a
#hile give rest to your digestive system. Come out of your addictions, if any, at
A' -ecome a#are of your <Emotional "uggage= Practice <Nirmal >riya= follo#ed
,y Meditation and ,e completely out of it
?' "earn to heal yourself #ith >riya and Meditation, ,y increasing your cellular
vi,rancy 3educe your dependency on allopathic medicines
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2koHdKd>8ypI *Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2F4CCNayF>Ss *Part ;'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2KCHcyPCsNeI *Part D'
C' "ook at your <3elationships= in an o,9ective manner 5f you still have any
relationship that is ,othering you, practice <@ppreciation=, <Gratitude=, and
<!nconditional "ove and Gorgiveness= and start en9oying life to the fullest. "earn
to relate #ith people #ithout any eKpectations
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2I@S;ssiC:/g *Heal your 3elationships'
&N' Spare some time to look deeply into your <Childhood Conditionings= Write
do#n #hatever flashes in your mind Meditate to <SEE= if your ,ehavior is
governed ,y those <Childhood Conditionings= #hich do not eKist today /nce in a
#hile, en9oy solitude to look deep #ithin Watch every aspect of your thoughts
and desires to understand your mind "et your <5nsights= guide you to change
your <-ehavior= While in samsara, en9oy your normal routine #ith higher
<@#areness= free of all past conditionings.
&&' Have thorough understanding of "a# of karma *As you sow, so you reap'
Practice Karma-kshalan Kriya in #ater and ,y side of fire as much as possi,le
to come out of the clutches of past karmas completely
&;' -e #ith nature, in silence, as much as possi,le En9oy Satsang and Group
Gull Moon Meditations in pure natural surroundings
&D' Strike the ,alance ,et#een material L SpiritualO"ive in @,undanceH
consciousness #ith your ,eing rooted in Meditative @#areness -e an
<Enlightened -illionaire= like >ing Panak..
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2l58PSCMy?y? *Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2mJMg-t,aPJk *Part ;'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2nc6hnKt-or4 *Part D'
&:' $o en9oy your life to the fullest, learn to consciously ,ring a,out the changes
in your life, the #ay you #ant, through contemplation and meditation Have the
spirit of enFuiry "isten to all concerned ,ut take decisions of your life only as per
your inner voice +o not ,e a part of <Spiritual Slavery= Walk the path of
<Scientific Spirituality= and ,e a light unto yourself.
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2Hv5es5yN-nM *Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2!A"G+Pog;S? *Part ;'
&6' "ive your life Q Moment to Moment Q #ith Poy, Enthusiasm, "ove and
Gratitude for EKistence Carry the Silence #ith you in #hatever you do and let
every act ,e in a#areness
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2M!5Pfh&n&&: *Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2!3+H;orlGf@ *Part ;'
&B' 3ead good ,ooks 0 Scriptures, listen to the #ords of #ise ones, attend
satsang to ,e #ith living Masters and get #isdom
&A' Practice #itnessing the flo# of thoughts daily as much as possi,le -ecome
a#are of num,er of thoughts per minute @lso ,ecome a#are, ho# #itnessing
reduces num,er of thoughts per minute Go deeperOand en9oy silence.
&?' With daily practice, strengthen your #ings of <@#areness= and
<!nderstanding= through Meditation, right reading and ,eing #ith Spiritual
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v274@g6$Wd!c4 *Part &'
http%00###youtu,ecom0#atch1v2H$groskJ,E@ *Part ;'
&C' Walk the path to Enlightenment ,y #itnessing your thoughts so intensely that
you dive deep into silence to disappear completely. Gulfill the purpose of your life
in this very lifetime...
;N' @ppreciate all, criticiEe none Walk your o#n pathO,e a Pivan Mukta.
;&' "ive your life #ith "ove, @ppreciation, Surrender and Gratitude and live in
freedom, ,e a Pivan Mukta.

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