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Leobelo Jofel Delicana Philosophy of Education

AB Philosophy IV March 8, 2014

It pays when you Pay it forward
(Reflection on the movie Pay it forward)

The human person, as we have learned, is a social being. The presence of relationships in
society, in the life of the person is a strong evidence to his connection with other people. Many,
if not all, would agree that the world we have now is not perfect. We can notice many negative
things which are always present wherever, whenever. There are wars and conflict, issues about
destruction of nature, starvation, crimes against human rights and many more. With all these
negative things, we hope and wish for one thing- change!
The movie entitled Pay it forward inspired me in many ways. It clearly showed how the
genuine effort of a little boy named Trevor, made a significant difference to the lives of others.
First of all, I would discuss about the attitude of Trevor to the assignment given to them in their
Social Studies class. They were asked to think of an idea, something that they could contribute to
the world. Many students would have been indolent on how they take the idea of the homework.
But Trevor, in his early age was enthusiastic in doing what he believes would be of benefit to
others and to the world. This actually brought me to the position of asking that in reality, How
come those who are old enough, skilled enough, intelligent, and capable enough do not have the
same kind of concern to others? Yes, I would really like to pinpoint those who are in power,
those who are wealthy enough. Given that they have the capability of bringing a significant
change to the world, they seem to fail to recognize such. What is worse is that they even become
liabilities rather than assets of the community.
Going back to the idea of Trevor, the idea to Pay it forward, for me this is really an idea
showing genuine act of giving, of generosity and kindness. It could have been Pay it back so
that he could expect something in return after doing something good. But the case is that you do
something to three persons, who in turn would also help to three persons. This concept shows the
chain effect of doing something good. Kindness, given this kind of situation, becomes a
favourable kind of epidemic.
However, such a situation is not evident in reality. Yes, there are also other people who
are concerned to their fellowmen. But generally speaking, the world now has somewhat become
apathetic. Not everyone in this world is willing to submit to this concept of paying it forward.
People would most probably adhere to the thought of getting back what they had given. It is
easier to receive than to give. True enough. However, the deeper joy or bliss that one gets in
receiving is not as great as the experience one has if he or she gives to those who are poor, less
privileged and needy.
Moreover, when we speak of applying the concepts we have in reality, just like in the
movie, I also believe that we cannot please everyone. Others may be happy and become
supportive of what we do but there are also people who would mock us, ridicule us and even
question our person because of the very ideals we have however how pure the intentions we
them. In the movie, I realized that one should never grow tired of doing what is good. Even if
there are times when we feel like we failed, we must never lose hope. If we feel that we are
looking into ideas that are really of help to this world, we should not only do the talking. But as
they say, Walk your talk. In doing this kind of thing we cannot deny that there must be really
this kind of requirement. One is required to sacrifice. This thing is something so noble for not
every person is willing to sacrifice.
As a conclusion, I would like to share what I feel after watching the movie, after seeing a
bit of absurdity as I compare the movie to the reality of today. We are now living in a world that
seems to teach us that life is a race. That if you get slow, you will be overtaken by others. Such a
notion falls prey to the idea of becoming so selfish. It destroys the image of the person as an
authentic being by means of socializing with others. Personally, I was so challenged. What about
me? How can I positively change the world through my ideas? The only answer I can get from
myself is that, in my own small ways I can become a positive contributor to this world. If I
cannot start the change in myself, how can I expect change from others? If I do good things and
expect nothing in return, I promote a culture of genuine help and kindness. Maybe, all I can hope
for is that other people might as well understand what it means by being a positive contributor to
this world by Paying it forward.

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