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Tupas, Chariss Dane T.

Prof. Crisant Dema-ala
1. What are your expectations in this course
I expect to learn more a!out "#$ertisin%, !oth !asic an# a#$ance strate%ies. I also assume to en&oy this
course. "n# as the professor sai#, I expect tests, 'ui((es that are not !ase# on !oo)s.
*. What is your expectation for your professor
"t +rst, I am &ust expectin% to learn a!out "#$ertisin% ,trate%ies of course. Proper application of -hat I.$e
learne# from the past course, a##in% insi%hts, -or#s from the experience# an# such. But no-, I anticipate learnin%
from him e$en the littlest #etail in the course an# ho- to apply it in a #i/erent +el#. I -as entice# !y his -or#s an# I
-as con$ince# !ecause of -hat he has !ecome no-. I expect him not to !e !orin%. 0$en thou%h I #on.t expect him
in this !ut, I )no- he -ill al-ays ha$e tas) for us to accomplish.
3. What -ill I !e expectin% from you as my stu#ent
0xpect me to !e a re%ular stu#ent. " stu#ent, -ho sits in the classroom, listens to the professor,
participatin% in the class !ut not acti$ely. I am not promisin% to !e the !est stu#ent in the class !ut I -ill try my !est
to excel in the class.
1. What are your stren%ths an# -ea)nesses
My stren%ths I thin) are, !ein% 2rien#ly, Positi$e, "#$enturous, 3ersatile an# Passionate. I #o not ha$e pro!lems -ith
ha$in% #i/erent %roup mates !ecause I )no- I can easily cope up -ith them. When e$eryone.s #o-n, or e$erythin%
seems ne%ati$e, I stay positi$e &ust to )eep thin%s !alance. I am a#$enturous an# $ersatile !ecause I li)e to try ne-
thin%s !y myself or e$en -ith frien#s. 4ac) of "ll Tra#es, as they call it. When I am intereste# at somethin%, a
relationship or a pro&ect, I -ill !e passionately into it an# !e an inspiration for others. I )no- I may !e arro%ant at
sayin% this !ut all of these traits are alrea#y sai# to me. "n# I thin) I can pro$e it.
My -ea)nesses I thin) are !ein% Moo#y, ,hort-tempere#, Tactless, ,tu!!orn, ,hy, Impulsi$e an# Impatient.
,ometimes I can !e $ery insensiti$e. I can !e har#-hea#e# !ut not al-ays. I.m shy -hen it comes to tal)in% to
pu!lic or e$en &ust in the classroom.
5. Tell me a little somethin% a!out yourself, your family, etc.
I am the thir# from the four si!lin%s. I %ra#uate# as a 3ale#ictorian from a pri$ate Christian school althou%h
-e are a mem!er of I6C 7I%lesia 6i Cristo8. I lo$e to #ance !ut sin%in% is my passion. I lo$e animes. My father an#
!rother are policemen. My sister has her o-n !usiness, tomato !usiness speci+cally. I ha$e 3 nephe-s an# 3 nieces.
My mom has a ,panish #escent.

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