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Republicans Poised to Lose BIG in November

By JB Williams
ontrary to popular political t!eory and t!e !opes and "is!es o# millions o# republican voters$ not to
mention t!e strategic blunder o# t!e Republican National ommittee %RN&$ I predict t!at "it!out a
massive s!i#t in Republican political posture$ t!ey "ill not only lose congress in November$ but several
governors!ips and t!e entire Republican Party as "ell.
Popular t!eory goes somet!ing li'e t!is(. )*!e +bama administration is t!e "orst in ,.-. !istory and
Republicans "ill "in elections simply because people "ill come out to vote against t!e +bama regime..
I# t!is t!eory could !old any "ater at all$ t!is t!eory "ould !ave been reali/ed in t!e 0120 election.
Instead$ an estimated eig!t million conservative voters stayed !ome on 3lection 4ay because t!ey could
no longer tell any di##erence bet"een Republicans and 4emocrats. *"o years later$ t!e distinction
bet"een t!e t"o parties is even more none5istent and conservative voters are ready to t!ro" in t!e to"el
on t!e once Grand +le conservative party.
Nearly every 6merican$ including many blac'$ poor and middle income democrats 'no" t!at t!e +bama
regime is t!e most impeac!able administration in ,.-. !istory. ertainly every congressional Republican
'no"s it$ a#ter si5 years on t!e sidelines o# #ederal government "!ile t!e dictator7in7c!ie# operates as i#
t!ere is but one branc! o# government today.
8et congressional Republicans !ave loc'ed t!emselves into a suicidal game o# Russian roulette over
impeac!ment$ re#using to even entertain t!e idea o# impeac!ing t!e most impeac!able administration in
!istory$ as public calls #or impeac!ment become increasingly desperate.
onservative public #igures li'e -ara! Palin and Lt. ol. 6llen West are openly calling #or impeac!ment
no"$ a#ter si5 years o# trying to go along to get along #or political e5pediency. 9ean"!ile$ Republican
Party strategists li'e 4avid Limbaug! ma'e e5cuses #or congressional republicans$ saying t!ings li'e : I
don't think Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against President Obama right now a#ter
as'ing 7 Has the Right Lost its ill to !ight" : *al' about mi5ed messages;
Big Brot!er Rus! says : Impeachment will ne#er happen$
W!y all t!e co"ardice on t!e rig!t<
Lame Excuse #1 - Harry Reids Senate will never convict!
It=s not )>arry Reid=s -enate.. It is t!e ,nited -tates -enate. It belongs to t!e 6merican people$ not >arry
Reid or !is 4emocratic -ocialist Party o# communist criminal mis#its. >arry Reid cannot preside over
impeac!ment$ nor can !e control t!e outcome o# t!e trial in any #as!ion. *!e !ie# Justice o# t!e -upreme
ourt must preside and members o# t!e -enate must conduct t!emselves in a very speci#ic manner under
t!eir oat! o# o##ice and -enate Rules o# Impeac!ment. *!ey are not legislators in an impeac!ment trial$
t!ey are jurors. *!ey must #ollo" t!e evidence presented and t!e la".
Lame Excuse #2 Imeac!ment will !and "emocrats a camai#n tool!
3veryt!ing is a campaign tool to democrats. +# course democrats "ill use impeac!ment as a tool to rally
t!eir troops. *!ey use everyt!ing to rally t!eir troops. *!ey are using t!e mere t!reat o# impeac!ment as a
tool to raise #unds rig!t no". *!e ?uestion is "!at does t!e Republican Party !ave to raise #unds and
support< Not!ing; *!ey !ave done not!ing to stop t!e rising tide o# crime$ corruption and communism
s"eeping t!e nation #rom t!e +bama regime over t!e past si5 years. Republicans !ave N+ campaign
strategy rig!t no"$ none; : %ote &or us' we are not as bad as them"
Lame Excuse #$ %o u&lic suort 'or imeac!ment!
,n#ortunately #or congressional Republicans$ t!e #acts do not support t!is claim at all. 6 recent 4rudge
Report poll in "!ic! over t"o7!undred t!ousand rig!t7leaning respondents voted #or or against
impeac!ment$ over @AB said impeac! no";
But even in t!e le#t7leaning >u##ington Post poll$ more t!an t"o7t!irds o# Republican7leaning voters "ant
impeac!ment to begin. CDB o# Republican voters and E0B o# Independent voters agree t!at +bama !as
abused !is o##ice and e5ceeded !is aut!ority. +nly A@B o# 4emocrats and 0EB o# Independents disagree.
3ven in a small private poll o# my Faceboo' #riends$ DGB say impeac! and incarcerate t!e entire +bama
regime. *!e message #rom pro76merican voters is totally unambiguous. Impeac!;
Lame Excuse #( )&ama !asnt committed any imeac!a&le o''enses!
Republican !air o# t!e >ouse Judiciary ommittee Goodlatte told 6B Ne"sH George -tep!anopoulos
on *!is Wee'$ 7 e are not working on or drawing up articles o& impeachment' : (he Constitution is
#er) clear as to what constitutes grounds &or impeachment o& the President o& the *nited +tates, He has
not committed the kind o& criminal acts that call &or that,
8et$ t!ere=s no need to list all o# t!e impeac!able o##enses at t!is point$ everyone 'no"s t!em and it
"ould ta'e an encyclopedia volume or t"o to c!ronicle it all. Goodlatte 'no"s better( !e=s just a #oolis!
co"ard and long7time inside t!e belt"ay player.
Lame Excuse #* Its &etter to sue t!e +resident t!an imeac! !im!
W!en liberal pro7+bama sc!olars ?uestion t!e legality o# President Barac' +bama=s actions$ t!e issue o#
illegal presidential use o# po"er moves #rom partisan to #rig!tening. George Was!ington La" -c!ool=s
Jonat!an *urley is t!e second most ?uoted la" pro#essor in t!e nation and a t"o7time +bama voter.
*urley saidI President Obama has repeatedl) #iolated this -separation o& powers. doctrine in the
circum#ention o& Congress in areas ranging &rom health care to immigration law to en#ironmental law,
e are in the midst o& a constitutional crisis with sweeping implications &or our s)stem o& go#ernment,
e are now at the constitutional tipping point &or our s)stem, %>uman 3vents&
But *urley is a le#t7leaning poison Ivy League la"yer. 6lt!oug! !e correctly identi#ies some o# +bama=s
treasonous acts$ *urley is t!e man responsible #or selling t!e #oolis! la" suit idea to congressional
Republicans li'e >ouse -pea' Boe!ner and Judiciary ommittee !air Goodlatte. +nce again$ "e see
congressional Republicans #ollo"ing t!e lead o# corrupt le#tist legal beagles instead o# #ollo"ing t!e
onstitution and Rule o# La".
-uc! a la" suit "ould abdicate all congressional aut!ority over t!e matter to t!e judicial branc!$ "!erein
an +bama appointed court "ould get to ma'e t!e decision t!at only congress !as t!e constitutional
aut!ority and duty to ma'e. But it does provide a little political cover #or co"ardly >ouse Republicans$ in
t!at t!ey can pretend to do somet!ing "!ile doing not!ing t!at actually matters.
Lame Excuse #, -ou cant imeac! a usurer!
Impeac!ment is t!e constitutionally sound means o# c!arging o##icials "it! crimes and removing t!em
#rom o##ice. I# usurping t!e po"er o# t!e +val +##ice by election #raud is not an impeac!able o##ense$
t!en not!ing is.
*!e notion t!at impeac!ing bad actors some!o" legitimi/es t!ose bad actors is insane on its #ace.
Impeac!ment !as never legitimi/ed anyone or anyt!ing. 6nd i# you t!in' c!arging t!ese bad actors "it!
crimes and removing t!em #rom o##ice is a bad idea$ !o" bad is t!e idea o# leaving t!em in o##ice to
complete t!e destruction o# our country unc!allenged "!ile #antasi/ing about un#ounded legal t!eories<
.!y Reu&licans are oised to lose /I0 in %ovem&er1
6#ter si5 years o# playing dead and ceding congressional aut!ority to t!e 35ecutive and Judicial branc!es$
t!e republican voter base !as absolutely not!ing to vote #or in November.
CDB o# registered republican voters "ant t!is entire criminal cabal impeac!ed and removed #rom o##ice$
according to even le#t7leaning reports. *!is means t!at CDB o# republican voters "ill not !ave anyt!ing or
anyone to vote #or in November$ i# co"ardly >ouse Republicans continue to run #rom t!eir
6t least E0B o# registered independent voters also support impeac!ment no"$ "!ic! means t!at "it!out
impeac!ment$ t!ey too !ave no reason to support Republicans in November.
3ven blac' groups !ave !ad t!e decency$ !onor and courage to present 6rticles o# Impeac!ment against
t!is criminal cabal$ proving t!at race !as not!ing to do "it! it. 6 gro"ing number o# congressional
Republicans are #eeling t!e pressure to impeac!.
Rig!t no"$ nobody in t!is country !as any reason at all to vote Republican in November. *!e Republican
Party !as not!ing but bro'en promises$ co"ardice and #ailed leaders!ip to run on in November.
+nly impeac!ment can save t!e Republican Party or t!e onstitutional Republic o# t!e ,nited -tates o#
6merica at t!is point.
It must be done and it must be done rig!t and completely. *!e country can survive t!e impeac!ment o#
t!e "orst administration in ,.-. !istory. But it cannot survive its #ools or co"ards;
People need to stop playing armc!air political strategist. *!e rig!t t!ing to do is al"ays t!e rig!t t!ing to
do$ no matter t!e di##iculty;
Its time to 23S4 ") I4!

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