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The Signs in the Heavens: The Rise of Messianic State of Israel Part One

The August 11, 1999 Grand Cross Alignment of the Planets

The Grand Cross Alignment and the Global Pressure on Israel to accept the Oslo
Accords Land for Peace and a Palestinian State
The 17
Century Jewish Messianic Awakening by the Vilna Gaon in Europe
The First Great Awakening with the American Lost Israelite Colonies
The American Lost Israelite Colonists and the Return to Primitive Torah Observance
European Imperialism and the Global Evangelism of Lost Israelites
The 17
century Jewish Talmudic Sage confronts the Mission of Jesus the Nazarene
The Grand Cross Alignment and the Global Pressure on Israel to accept the Oslo
Accords Land for Peace and a Palestinian State
It was on September 13, 1993, that Oslo Accord was signed in an official ceremony in
Washington D.C by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin representing the State of Israel and
Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian Liberation Authority. It was a Declaration of Principles
on the Interim Self-Government in establishing a separate Palestinian State in the West
Bank; the tribal homeland for the Lost 10 Tribes of the House of Israel.
The Oslo Accord resulted from secret meetings established by Norwegian diplomats in
Oslo and Left-wing Israelis that was an outgrowth of the Madrid Conference in 1991.
Three days later, on September 16, 1993, the world-wide Jewish nation celebrated Rosh
Hashanah 5754, the Jewish New Year. The Oslo Accord has been heralded since that
day by Jewish Orthodox and Christian Lost Tribers world-wide as a political and
spiritual disaster. Over 1,000 Israelis died, but more shocking was the fact that 78% of
the Israeli casualties were civilians murdered.

Rabin and Arafat shake hands after signing Oslo Accords (September 13, 1993)
Seven years later, after the signing of the Oslo Accord, Ariel Sharon, a candidate to
become the Prime Minister of Israel ascended the Temple Mount on September 28,
2000, and read the passages of the final War of GogUMogog in Ezekiel 38 and triggered
the premeditated Al-Aqsa Intifada that claimed over Jewish lives. Two days later, on
September 30, 2000 the Jewish people celebrated the Jewish New Year on Rosh
Hashanah 5761.
Though blamed upon Ariel Sharon and the Jewish State, it was admitted by Imad
Faluji, the Palestinian Authority Communications Minister that this revolt was pre-
meditated and conspired earlier in July, as quoted:
Imad Faluji The Al-Aqsa Intifada emphasizes these principles and axioms. Whoever
thinks that the Intifada broke out because of the despised Sharon's visit to the Al-Aqsa
Mosque is wrong, even if this visit was the straw that broke the back of the Palestinian
people. This Intifada was planned in advance, ever since President Arafat's return from
the Camp David negotiations, where he turned the table upside down on President
Clinton. [Arafat] remained steadfast and challenged [Clinton]. He rejected the
American terms and he did it in the heart of the US.
My visit here in South Lebanon is a clear message to the Zionist enemy. We say: Just as
the national and Islamic Resistance in South Lebanon taught [Israel] a lesson and made
it withdraw humiliated and battered, so shall [Israel] learn a lesson from the Palestinian
Resistance in Palestine. The Palestinian Resistance will strike in Tel-Aviv, in Ashkelon,
in Jerusalem, and in every inch of the land of natural Palestine. Israel will not have a
single quiet night. There will be no security in the heart of Israel....
We must understanding full implication that Natural Palestine in the speech meant
all [the land of] Israel, when Al-Falouji was telling his Palestinian comrades that the
Palestinian Authority would not accept any solution that left a state of Israel intact or
The Oslo Accord was also signed by Mahmoud Abbas for the PLO, the current
President of Fatah in Ramallah, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres for Israel who is now
President of Israel, US Secretary of State Warren Christopher for the United States and
Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev for Russia.
Of interest to our discussion on the End of the Mayan World Age stated to begin on
December 21, 2012, was the fact that the Oslo Accord was completed and signed
officially on August 20, 2000. One year earlier, we ask, did the Hand of G-d heralded
in the starry heavens overhead on August 11, 1999 and omen or a portent of the future
by the Grand Cross Alignment that was preceded by earthquakes across Cyprus,
Turkey and over to Iran. Was this an omen or a coincidence?
Innumerable Jewish rabbis have enunciated the idea that Oslo Accord began the first
Sabbatical Week of Years heralding the end of days or the official time of the end.
It officially tied the hands of the State of Israel to the international plan to create a
Land for Peace that will include a Two-State Plan to create a homeland for the
Palestinian people cut right through the biblical heartland of the Patriarchs Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. It would virtually make the State of Israel defenseless against any
united Islamic or world plot to destroy the State of Israel and the Jewish people living
within. It would also make the promised homeland guaranteed upon the Holy Name of
HaShem for the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel null and void. But there is one
problem; the promises of the G-d of Israel cannot be declared null and void.
During these times also, the 1999 Grand Cross Alignment has also opened the gates of
heaven and officially stated that the G-d of Israel was now using the signs in the heavens
as a signpost for the End of Days the guela or the rede mption of the Jewish people and
the beginning of the reeducation of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel concerning
their divine destiny for their redemption. The appointed time of the literal return of
the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel to the land of their forefathers has now come.
The 17
Century Jewish Messianic Awakening by the Vilna Gaon in Europe
In the First Great Awakening in Great Britain and the United States came in the 1740s
to the 1750s. During those same years, the first global call went out to the Jews to return
to the land of Israel. The famed Jewish rabbi, the Vilna Gaon (Genius of Vilinius) living
in Lithuania at its capital at Vilinius became one of the greatest of the Jewish sages. He
plumbed the depths of the mystical and esoteric prophecies of the Jewish prophets.
According to the Vilna Gaon, the return of the Messiah was not an event but a
process. It would not come in a moment of time, but would reach its greatest
revealing over a longer period of time. Since the Jewish people believed that the coming
of the Messiah could gradually be revealed over Seven Years or the Sabbatical Week
of Years, the coming or the revealing of the Messiah would occur on the Eighth Year. So
this Sabbatical Cycle was carefully watched and observed by the faithful covenanted
Jews; who remained faithful to their chosen covenant as YHVH G-ds Lawgiver.
Genesis 49:10 The Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Lawgiver from between
his feet; until Shiloh (Messiah) comes; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people
Psalms 60:7; Psalms 108:8 Gilead is Mine; Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is the
strength of Mine Head; Judah is my lawgiver;
It was also the opinion of this great Genius at Vilna that the redemption of the Land
of Israel would not be completed until the presence of the ancient Hebrews, whose
visible remnant were the Jews, were back living in the Land of Israel. When the
majority of its population was Jewish and assisting in the redemption of the Land,
only then would it be the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.
By the turn of the century in 1800, the Vilna Gaons disciples were now prepared for
their aliyah (return) to the Land of Israel. They were destined to become part of the
Jewish movement of preparing the Land of Israel for the Messiah.
By the year of 1808, the first of the disciples of the Vilna Gaon had arrived into the land
of Israel paving the way for a greater aliyah (return) of the Jewish people by the years
of the early 1840s.

The Coastline of the Sea of Galilee where the Disciples of the Vilna Gaon first Settled.
The First Great Awakening with the American Lost Israelite Colonies
In the meantime, during the height of the rabbinic ministry of the Vilna Gaon, the Lost
Israelite Christian preachers of the English colonists were reviving their congregations
on sermons concerning the Great Judgment Day of the Lord. What a way to revive
the Lost Israelites whose forefathers of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, had been exiled
because of their rebellion and defiance to the G-d of Israel. Especially in the
Backwater districts of America, the Congregationalists, the Presbyterians, the
Baptists and the Methodists itinerant preachers were pounding the pulpits throughout
the burnt over districts with fiery speeches of exhortations.
The arrival of the youthful Anglican preacher, George Whitefield, a true Ephraimite
brought a new type of sermon that sparked a conflagration of religious fervent in
Colonial America. During 1739 and 1740, at the height of the rabbinic yeshiva teaching
ministry of the Vilna Gaon, this young Israelite preacher of the House of Ephraim,
raced through the colonies preaching fire and brimstone to vast crowds in great pulpits.
His greatest fame was as an open-air orator exhorting vivid apocalyptic passages to Lost
Israelites in the meadows and valleys of New England and the Southern colonies.
He stimulated the equally fiery Lost Israelite preacher, Jonathan Edwards whose most
famous sermon was Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. What a sermon that
would be appropriate to modern day materialists! When the catastrophes of the Dark
Star Nibiru along with her twin solar system comes sailing through our solar system, we
might be wondering, why did we not listen?
The First Great Awakening was a call to the citizens to the Anglo-Saxon Ephraimites
living in the land of the Isles of Britannia plus the English Ephraimite colonies in
America. Their message was Fear G-d and Give Glory to Him for the Hour of His
Judgment has Come.
Yet, within a decade or two, the fields were quiet as a new fervent was on the rise; the
Jesuit, Cabalist, Masonic rebellion of the American colonies along the Eastern Seaboard
of America. The Promised Land was soon to make her own roots. She would begin to
develop her legacy and become the nesting ground for the future Mystery Babylon.
The Lost Tribes of Israel in America were soon caught up for a second time in the
Second Great Awakening of 1840s. They were known as Adventists for they were
looking for the advent of the Messiah. They were searching diligently for the
prophesies of the ancient Jewish and Israelite prophets.
They were not caught up into anti-Semitism for there were only about 15,000 Jews in the
entire 13 colonies along the Atlantic seaboard. They diligently studied the stars and
plotted out the prophecies fulfilled over their past history leading to certain fulfillments
in their immediate future. What they could determine to be literal prophesies they kept
their interpretations very factual.
There was a major problem for them; Jerusalem was not of any significance on the
global political radar screen as a capital of the Hebrew or Jewish race. So symbolism
crept in early in their prophetic interpretations. All they knew the Messiah was coming
now, and His coming was going to be so visible that every eye around the world will see
Him in all His power and great glory.
They made contact with the Karaite Jews, who taught them how to calculate new moons
and dates for the future festivals of the Lord. What they failed to comprehend was that
this process of redemption was moving with equal speed with their literal cousins; the
Jews. As Arie Morgenstern wrote in the seminal article published with the title, Two
Hundred Years in Eretz Yisrael: the Seminal Aliyah of the Talmidei HeGra (1808-
Arie Morgenstern Their (Disciples of the Vilna Gaon) aliyah was a part of a
Messianic revival that took place among the Jewish people in the early nineteenth
century. But unlike the thousands of other Jews who had left the lands of the Ottoman
Empire for Eretz Yisrael at that time to await the coming of Mashiach, whom they
expected to arrive suddenly and by miraculous means in 1840, the Gras disciples clung
to the view that the Geulah was a historical process that should be advanced by human
The American Lost Israelite Colonists and the Return to Primitive Torah Observance
During the Second Great Awakening, the Ephraimite Adventists were now watching
and preparing for the literal coming of the Messiah in 1843 to 1844. The Messiah did
not come. The Advent Movement faltered yet they persistently returned to the bible
restudying and calculating their prophetic future. They began to experiment with
primitive forms of festival celebrations in their spring and fall camp meetings that
lasted for seven days. Many of them began keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath, became
very ritualistic in their observances, developed a bloodless diet of vegetarianism or clean
meat observation, since Jewish kashrut slaughtering of animals was neither available
nor comprehended.
The Adventists still maintained the hope of the coming of the Messiah for they were
living in a religious world of Christian post-millennialism (the Millennium is already
here), where to Roman Catholicism believed that Rome was the New Jerusalem and the
Pope was the literal Vicar of Christ who literally is spiritually here when they partook of
the wafer at communion. The fervor of the Adventists appeared to be a gift from the
Divine that was given to them.
They knew where they had been. They studied the history of the Holy Roman Empire
and of the hundreds of millions of Jews and Lost Israelites that had been lost or died in
pogroms, genocide, and forced conversions when the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic
religious imperialism sought to conquer the world in the name of Jesus Christ. They
read the Book of Revelation realizing that their greatest mission was to Come out of
Her (Apostate Roman Christianity) My People as hundreds of Protestant (Protest-
ant) groups and churches erupted in revolt against their apostate religious heritage.
Over in the lands on the western Eurasian continent, the Lost Tribes of the House of
Israel were also becoming restless for in the Second Great Awakening of the 1840s, the
first call for them to await the literal return of the Messiah son of David was spreading
across from America to Europe.
The impact was so powerful, that even those who wanted to invent and spiritualize their
own identity and call themselves Spiritual Israelites could no longer believe in the
spiritual return of the Messiah. Such was the most poignant of the messages of the 1844
Second Great Awakening, The Messiah is coming literally in clouds of great glory.
On these same isles two millenniums prior, the ancestors of these Ephraimites living on
the Isle of Britannia were touched by the Good News of the Hebrew Nazarene
disciples of Jesus the Nazarene. During that era, their religious practices though
primitive Israelite in origin, were mixed with pagan idolatry. Yet they were yet touched
by the Torah message that the very manifestation of the Divine, the Messiah, would give
up His life for them. They were baptized in the purification waters of the Jewish mikveh.
Soon these new converts were forming family alliances with the Lost Israelites
imprinting their pagan descendants with the sacred bloodlines of the Israelites who
would someday realize that they had a sacred chosen prophetic destiny (Ezekiel 36).
When the appointed time would come in the future, the genetic Israelite imprint
would also make them yearn to Go Home to Israel! As the paganized children of the
Israelites soon spread throughout the world, they would bring their friends to their
sacred ecclesia, a half-way house waiting for their final redemption and aliyah (Return)
to the lands of their forefathers. What they did not know, but were soon to realize, their
destiny was to become Torah observant Israelites, reunited in brotherhood with the
Jews, their cousins, and remain friends of the Lost Sheeps Messiah.
European Imperialism and the Global Evangelism of Lost Israelites
During this era in the mid-19
century, all the nations of the world were impacted by
the quest of the British imperialists. It was the goal of the British Empire to create the
largest empire of all time. Soon the British Ephraimite Nation had control of all the
shipping gates of commerce at every vital and strategic port or commercial center
around the globe. From there their missionaries spread the Good News to all the
nations of the world. On the heels of British imperialism the Lost Tribers began to claim
their chosen destiny to be a Light to the World. Truly it was corrupted in part, but
light pointed to Israel and the G-d of Israel. Yet the 19
century Victorian age British
were not alone.
The British Empire and the Gates to the World
On the heels of the Brits from the Tribe of Ephraim came the Dutch colonists from the
Tribe of Zebulon. Then there came the Northern French colonists from the Tribe of
Reuben, the Northern Germans colonists from the Tribe of Issachar, the Scandinavian
Vikings of Norway from the Tribe of Benjamin, the Swedes from the Tribe of Naphtali,
and the Jewish Spaniards of Brigancia, Spain that were also imbedded with many
Jewish bloodlines scattered across the Spanish nation.
It was most fascinating to realize that when the Sephardic Jews of Spain were sent into
exile from Spain in 1492, the Nation of Spain was beginning her imperial quest to the
New World. The exploration ships that were sent to find India in the west were the same
explorers that found a New World. Their ships were commanded by a certain Jewish
Kabbalist explorer, known today by all people as Christopher Columbus whose birth
name was really Salvador Fernando Zarco, sailed the ocean blue in 1492.
All these nations founded by the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel were on the quest of
nationalism and imperialism as they sought colonies all around the world to call their
strategic national interests. Even the Norwegian and Swedish Vikings made it to Russia
and Constantinople.
The 17
century Jewish Talmudic Sage confronts the Mission of Jesus the Nazarene
The call of the Messiah, whose only divine mission was to Find the Lost Sheep of the
House of Israel began with a mission instituted by the famed Hillel the Great, the Nasi
of the Jewish Sanhedrin in Jerusalem to bring a message of salvation and redemption to
the gentile world where the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel were scattered for
almost eight centuries. Now these lost Israelite pagans had hope that they could also be
redeemed live in the world to come along with their Jewish brothers. As documented
in a series of articles concerning the famed 18
century Talmudist Rabbi Jacob Emden,
series titled, Divine Mission to bring the Good News to the Gentiles by the Seven
Noahide Laws, we read concerning Jesus the Nazarene:
Destination Yisra'el Rabbi Emden then came to the conclusion that Jesus and his
Apostle to the Gentiles (Paul) lived their lives completely in harmony with the Torah
and the Halakha (how to keep the Torah and the full letter of the Law). He also came
to believe that it was the intention of Jesus to break the bondage of the lights of Torah
and scatter them to the entire Gentile world on the ancient rabbinic commands called
the Noahide Laws.
Emden then reinterpreted the Gospels and found them in harmony with the premise
that the Jewish law was eternally binding upon all Jews and that they practiced halakhic
observant Judaism all the days of their lives. These concepts were revolutionary in 1757
when he wrote a letter to the Council of the Four Lands. These concepts are still
revolutionary today.
Rabbi Emdens first revolutionary concept was that Yahshua haNotzri (Jesus the
Nazarene) was fully a Jew and throughout His entire life and ministry, He lived a life in
complete harmony with the Laws of Moses that were given to the Israelites at the mount
called Sinai
What Rabbi Emden did come to realize in his study in the mid-18
century, was that
Jesus the Nazarene took an ancient Jewish law that certain Gentiles also had an
inheritance in the world to come and put it into action as His mission to the Gentile
world. This God-given inheritance had been cast aside by part of the schools of the
Pharisees. It was never-the-less accepted by the rabbinic sage and Sanhedrin president
(Nasi) Hillel the Elder and his disciples. There was also evidence that they, neither Jesus
nor Paul violated any of the 613 commandments given to the Israelites (Jewish people
today) at Sinai but by implementing these ancient seven commandments of the Sons of
Noah enhanced the Torah ideal that the Jews were given the responsibility to be a
light to the world.
Rabbi Emden then wrote a letter to the Council of Four Lands. This council was the
central institution for the Jewish self-governance in Poland. This letter came because
they sought his expert opinion for guidance. They wanted to know whether they were
permitted, according to the Torah, to inform the civil and ecclesiastical authorities about
the heretical sect of the Shabbateans called the Frankists.
Click to Open - The Letter of Rabbi Jacob Emden, the Seder Olam Rabbah Vezuta
(1757) to the Jewish Council of Four Lands
This revelation by one of the greatest of the Jewish Talmudist sages was amazing and
profound. Without the intervention of Rabbi Jacob Emden in the fighting the
Shabbatean heresy in Central and Eastern Europe in the mid 17
century, Judaism as
we know it today may not have been saved. The fact that in his studies on all the 50 plus
Messiahs that had risen in the eras of historical Judaism since the time of the 1
Temple of Herod era, he saw that there was only one Messiah who was a halakhic
observant Jew who lived his live above and beyond the letter of the law was profound.
Not only that Emden connected the ministry of the Jewish rabbi, Jesus the Nazarene
with the unfolding of the of the Jewish Orthodox Nazarenes with the Divine Mission to
Restore the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel who with the Seven Noahide Laws of
Judaism within decades had spread around the then known world; from Baghdad to
Macedonia and onward to Druidic Gaul and the Isles of the West.
This was the homeland of the Celtic, the Cymrics, the Vikings plus Franks and the
Germanic kings that gave us the Holy Roman Empire. Here became the bastion of the
Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, who had wandered over the centuries and had
now settled down into tribal homelands that eventually became the national countries in
Northern Europe.
They would someday create their own empires and colonies spread around the entire
world. Amazingly, the Lost Tribes, now as Protestant Christians in America and
Europe, would also begin their redemption back to their Hebrew Torah Roots in the 19

to the 21
centuries. This was also the same time their Jewish brothers, the Jewish
disciples of the Vilna Gaon of Europe began returning back to the Land of Israel and
Jerusalem to begin the final redemption process of settling in the Land. It was their
mission to prepare the Land of Israel for the revealing the Maschiah ben Dovid
(Messiah son of David) for the coming of the Messiah was not an event that would
occur on one day, but a process that would occur over a long period of time.
Someday in a future era, according to the Vilna Gaon, when the 6,000 years of Man,
when the days of the Gentiles would be over, it would then be time for the G-d of
Israel to begin the process of the final Guela, the Redemption of Klal Yisrael (All
Israel); the Lost Sheep of the House of 10-Israel and the Jewish people of the House of
Judah, living in Israel and those still scattered predominately in the diaspora of Europe
and America

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