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Condition Type

Condition Price PR00 Price

TCode: V/06
Condition Type identifies the characteristics of a condition. For example, in pricin,
different condition types are !sed to distin!ish "et#een Price, $isco!nt, Tax, Re"ate etc
$ifferent condition types are !sed to distin!ish "et#een a disco!nt #hich refers to a net
price and a disco!nt #hich refers to a ross price.
Condition Type %&aster $ata'
(ro!p Re"ate )*0+
Condition Type
Condition Price PR00 Price
TCode: V/06
Condition Type %&aster $ata'
Price, disco!nts etc Re"ate e. )*0+
%, -ayers' %6 -ayers'
Condit. Type: .ame of the Condition Type
/ccess 0e1.: .ame of the /ccess 0e1!ence attached to the Condition Type
Control Data1
Cond. Class: Condition class controls a Condition type as to #hat p!rpose it can
"e !sed li2e prices, s!rchares, disco!nts, taxes etc. 3t is a 2ey attri"!te #hich
distin!ishes condition types and define their 4ery p!rpose and "eha4ior.
3t determines the condition of the condition type loically s!ch as 5V6, V6 or
"oth. For re"ate it can "e "oth 5V6 and V6. For example if a limit is to "e
reached "y the c!stomer7 !ntil less than the limit it #ill "e 5V6 after completion
of the limit it is accr!ed as V6.
/ $isco!nt or s!rchare
) Prices
C 6xpense reim"!rsement
$ Taxes
6 6xtra pay
F Fees or differential %only 308*3-'
( Tax Classification
9 $eterminin sales deal
: Totals record for fees %only 308*3-'
; ;ae ;ithholdin Tax
Pl!s/&in!s: Controls #hether the condition res!lts in an amo!nt that is neati4e
%a disco!nt', positi4e %a s!rchare', or #hether "oth positi4e and neati4e
amo!nts are possi"le. 3f the condition amo!nt can "e either positi4e or neati4e,
lea4e the field "lan2. *ther#ise, enter one of the indicators that specify pl!s or
min!s. 3f it is left "lan2 positi4e or neati4e is selected from the Condition Class.
Calc!lat Type: $etermines ho# the system calc!lates prices, disco!nts, or
s!rchares in a condition. For example, the system can calc!late a price as a fixed
amo!nt or as a percentae "ased on 1!antity, 4ol!me, or #eiht.
The calc!lation type can "e set #hen eneratin ne# condition records. 3f this
does not happen, the calc!lation type maintained here is 4alid for the condition
/ Percentae
) Fixed amo!nt
C :!antity
$ (ross #eiht
6 .et #eiht
F Vol!me
( Form!la
9 Percentae incl!ded
3 Percentae %tra4el expenses'
< Per mille
= Per mille
- Points
& :!antity 8 monthly price
. :!antity 8 yearly price
* :!antity 8 daily price
P :!antity 8 #ee2ly price
: Commodity Price
R $istance8dependent
0 .!m"er of shippin !nits
T &!lti8dimensional
> Percentae F3. %CR& *nly'
Cond. Cateory: Condition cateory %examples: tax, freiht, price, cost'.
Classification of conditions accordin to predefined criteria. These cateories
incl!de pac2ain costs, deli4ery costs, o!tp!t taxes and disco!nts. The
classification of conditions "y condition cateories can "e !sed later for analysis
/ classification of conditions accordin to pre8defined cateories %for example, all
conditions that relate to freiht costs'.
Condition cateory f!rther classifies a condition type #ithin a condition class. For
instance, PR00 and 6$3+ are "oth pricin condition types so "oth of them ha4e ?)?
for Condition class, "!t PR00 is !sed as "ase price and 6$3+ is !sed as c!stomer
expected price, this difference is acco!nted "y condition cateory
Ro!ndin R!le: The r!le that determines ho# the system ro!nds off condition
4al!es d!rin pricin. The last diit #ill "e ro!nded. Three "asic r!les 88 Ro!nd
>p, Ro!nd $o#n, Commercial
0tr!c Cond.: 0tr!ct!re condition7 Controls #hether the condition type sho!ld "e a
d!plicated condition or a c!m!lated condition.
This control is only helpf!l #hen yo! !se "ill of materials or confi!ra"le
/ d!plicated condition is d!plicated into all assined items.
/ c!m!lated condition contains the net 4al!e of all assined items.
(enerally the Structured condition field is !sed mainly in )*& or confi!ra"le
materials then that can "e indicated "y a str!ct!red condition

*ptions in 0tr!ct!re Condition :

/ 8 Condition to "e d!plicated
) 8 C!m!lation condition

6xample :

<>&> 8 C!m!lati4e conditon @"A
$>P- 8 $!plicate conditon B/C
For example #hen #e are ta2in a"o!t 4prs it mean, that in pricin #e !se this to
et the act!al cost of the material in the sales order for statistics or for printin
p!rpose etc.

)!siness !se : #hene4er the !ser #ant to 2no# #hat exactly is the price of the
material in the sales order.
The <>&> condition type #ill "e !sed to c!m!late the 4al!e of all the s!" items
in a sales order and !pdate it into main item. For example yo! ha4e created a sales
order #ith )*& item and this item has +0 s!" items, for each s!" item the price
is different, so <>&> #ill calc!late the total of all the s!" items and it #ill
sho#n in main item.
Group Condition
(ro!p Cond.: 3ndicates #hether the system calc!lates the "asis for the scale 4al!e
from more than one item in the doc!ment. For a ro!p condition to "e effecti4e,
the items m!st "elon to a ro!p. Do! can freely define the ro!p to meet the
needs of yo!r o#n oraniEation. The items can, for example, all "elon to the
same material ro!p.
3f the Condition Type is a part of a (ro!p yo! tic2 it. Condition 6xcl!sion (ro!p
is an example.
(rpCond. Ro!tine: Ro!tine n!m"er for creatin ro!p 2ey: 3dentifies a ro!tine
that calc!lates the "asis for the scale 4al!e #hen a ro!p condition occ!rs in
pricin. 6xample; Do! can specify a ro!tine, for example, that totals the 4al!e of
all items in a doc!ment in order to determine the "asis for a disco!nt.
Ro!nd$iffComp: 3ndicator that controls #hether ro!ndin difference is settled for
ro!p conditions #ith a ro!p 2ey ro!tine.
3f the indicator is set, the system compares the condition 4al!e at header le4el
#ith the total of the condition 4al!es at item le4el. The difference is then added to
the larest item.
Changes which can be made %This refers to chanes #hich can "e made at the sales order
creation le4el'
&an!al 6ntries: 3ndicator #hich controls the priority #ithin a condition type
"et#een a condition entered man!ally and a condition a!tomatically determined
"y the system. 3ndicates #hether the Condition type can "e chaned or entered
man!ally at the sales order le4el.
9eader Cond.: 3f this condition is mar2ed as a header condition, it is possi"le to
enter the condition type in the header condition screen. Chec2s for chanin the
condition man!ally are !naffected "y this.
3tem Condition: &ar2 this field if the conditions of this type are allo#ed to "e
entered in the doc!ment items. The condition is then only 4alid for the partic!lar
item in #hich it is entered.
/mo!nt/Percent: 0pecifies #hether the amo!nt or percentae for the condition
type can "e chaned d!rin doc!ment processin.
:ty Relation: 0pecifies #hether the con4ersion factors for the !nits of meas!re in
conditions of this type can "e chaned d!rin doc!ment processin.
$elete: 3ndicator that controls #hether the condition type may "e deleted from the
Val!e: 0pecifies #hether the 4al!e of the condition type can "e chaned d!rin
doc!ment processin.
Calc!lat. Type: 0pecifies #hether the calc!lation type for the condition type can
"e chaned d!rin doc!ment processin.
Master Data
Valid From: 0pecifies the "einnin 4alidity date that the system a!tomatically
proposes #hen yo! create a re"ate areement of this type. Example; Do! can, for
example, specify that the system proposes the first day of the c!rrent #ee2,
month, or year. 3f yo! #ant the system to propose the c!rrent date, lea4e the field
"lan2. *ther#ise, enter one of the 4al!es predefined for yo!r system.
Valid To: Proposed 4al!e for ho# lon a condition sho!ld remain 4alid. The
system proposes this 4al!e for the Valid to date #hen yo! create condition
RefConfType: Reference condition type7 / condition type #hich can "e !sed as a
reference so that yo! only ha4e to create condition records once for condition
types that are 4ery similar.
Do! may need to !se different condition types for the same condition. These can
differ in the access se1!ence, the description, the reference stae of the pricin
proced!re or the calc!lation type, for example. Do! can enter the condition type
!nder #hich the condition records are created.
Condition type MWSI only differs #ith condition type MWST in the calc!lation
type. For this reason an entry is made in field ReferenceCondTpeMWST for
condition type MWSI. .o#, condition records only need "e created for condition
type MWST and not additionally for MWSI.
Condition 3ndex: >pdate condition index7 0pecifies #hether the system !pdates
one or more condition indices #hen maintainin condition records. This ma2es it
possi"le to list or maintain condition records independently of condition type and
condition ta"le.
Pricin Proced!re: $etermines #hich condition types can "e !sed in a doc!ment
and in #hich se1!ence they appear. The system !ses the pricin proced!re that
yo! enter here to control the !se of condition supplements in records of this
condition type. Do! can apply the disco!nts that are defined in the pricin
proced!re as condition s!pplements d!rin pricin.
Condition Supplements: / condition that the system ta2es into acco!nt #hen
determinin a condition !sed for a doc!ment. Condition s!pplements are stored
#ith a main condition in the condition record.
$elete fr. $): Do! can !se this indicator to control ho# the system operates #hen
deletin condition records. Do! ha4e the follo#in options:
o SPACE: Do! can set an indicator so that the condition record is no loner
!sed in pricin. The condition record is then archi4ed in the archi4in r!n.
This is ho# thins happened "efore Release F.6/.
o A: Do! can delete the condition records from the data"ase. Do! then
recei4e a pop!p, as2in #hether the condition record sho!ld act!ally "e
deleted or #hether the deletion indicator sho!ld simply "e set.
o B: Do! delete the condition records from the data"ase. Do! only recei4e a
pop!p if there are condition s!pplements a4aila"le.
Ref/pplicatio: Reference application7 /pplication that can "e !sed to refer to
condition records from other applications. Do! only ha4e to create condition
records once for condition types that are 4ery similar. Do! can also refer to
condition records from other applications.
Condt. >pdate: Condition !pdate7 Controls #hether limit 4al!es are rele4ant for
pricin. 6..: yo! can ma2e the !se of a partic!lar condition record in the
doc!ment dependent on a specified total 4al!e. This total 4al!e can "e specified in
the condition record.
0cale )asis: 0cale "asis indicator7 determines ho# the system interprets a pricin
scale in a condition. For example, the scale can "e "ased on 1!antity, #eiht, or
0cale Form!la: Form!la for determinin the scale "ase 4al!e. Do! can !se this
form!la to specify calc!lation methods that are not pro4ided in the standard
Chec2 Val!e: Chec2in r!le for scale rates7 3ndicates #hether the scale rates m!st
"e entered in ascendin or descendin order.
>nit of meas.: 0cale !nit7 >nit of meas!re that the system !ses to determine
scales #hen yo! !se ro!p conditions. The system proposes the !nit of meas!re
#hen yo! maintain records for ro!p conditions that are either #eiht or 4ol!me
0cale Type: 3ndicator that controls the 4alidity of the scale 4al!e or percentae:
o From a certain 1!antity or 4al!e %"ase scale'
o >p to a certain 1!antity or 4al!e %to8scale'
/lternati4ely, it is possi"le to #or2 #ith inter4al scales. 3nter4al scales m!st "e
stored in the condition type, that is, the scale type Ginter4al scaleG cannot "e
chaned in the condition record. The reason for this is technical restrictions
res!ltin from the prorammin #ithin pricin.
Control Data!
C!rrency con4.: Controls the c!rrency con4ersion #here the c!rrency in the
condition record 4aries #ith the doc!ment c!rrency.
To calc!late a condition 4al!e in a doc!ment, the system m!ltiplies the amo!nt
that res!lts from the condition record "y the item 1!antity. This indicator controls
#hether the system carries o!t c!rrency con4ersion "efore or after the
m!ltiplication ta2es place.
3f yo! mar2 the field, the system con4erts the condition 4al!e into the doc!ment
c!rrency after m!ltiplication. 3f yo! lea4e the field "lan2, the system con4erts the
condition 4al!e into the doc!ment c!rrency "efore m!ltiplication
6xcl!sion: 3ndicates #hether the system a!tomatically excl!des the disco!nts that
are proposed d!rin pricin. Do! can set this indicator in t#o #ays: For a
partic!lar condition record %the field appears on the Details screen'. For all
records of a partic!lar condition type %the field appears on the screen #here yo!
define the condition type'
/ccr!als: 3ndicates that the system posts the amo!nts res!ltin from this
condition to financial acco!ntin as accr!als. 3f yo! mar2 this indicator, the
condition appears in the doc!ment as a statistical condition.
Variant. Cond.:
Pricin $ate: 6nter the identification code for the date to #hich a condition of this
type is to "e calc!lated in the sales doc!ment. 3f yo! do not enter an identification
code, the pricin date or the date of ser4ices rendered is !sed.
3t is a ood idea to !se the oods iss!e date as the calc!lation date for freiht
s!rchares. 3n this case, yo! enter ?/? as the identification code.
3n4.listCond: &ar2s the condition type as rele4ant for internal costin.
:ty Con4ersion: This field controls the 1!antity con4ersion d!rin determination
of the condition "asis. The field is only rele4ant for calc!lation r!le ?C? %1!antity8
dependent. 3t is rele4ant if the sales 1!antity !nit and the condition 1!antity !nit
are identical %and is different to the "asis 1!antity !nit'.
o $eacti4ated: The condition "asis 1!antity is con4erted 4ia the 1!antity to
the stoc2 2eepin !nit. This means that the condition 1!antity is
determined for planned factors. This means that chanes to the con4ersion
factors in the deli4ery or the order are not ta2en into acco!nt.
Ro!ndin errors can occ!r d!rin 1!antity con4ersion.
o /cti4ated: 3f the sales 1!antity !nit and the condition 1!antity !nit are
identical, the 1!antity of the doc!ment item is !sed, i.e. the act!al
3nt8com)illCond :
Rel./cc./ssin: Rele4ance for acco!nt assinment7 Controls ho# acco!nt
assinment is performed for conditions of this type.
0er4iceChe0e: 0er4ice chare settlement %Tradin contract'7 3ndicates that the
tradin contract conditions sho!ld "e calc!lated !sin the 4endor "illin
doc!ment. The condition type m!st "e assined to an additional costs type in
C!stomiEin for the tradin contract.
Ta" Determination
Text$etPrc: Text determination proced!re7 3dentifies a ro!p of text types that
yo! can !se in, for example, a sales doc!ment header. The text proced!re also
determines the se1!ence in #hich the text types appear in the doc!ment.The text
proced!re for a sales doc!ment header co!ld incl!de the follo#in text types:
o / standard header text that the system a!tomatically incl!des in the
o 0tandard terms of deli4ery
o 0tandard terms of payment
Text3$: 0pecifies #hich text 3$ appears in Text 6dit Control. The text 3$ defines
the different types of texts that "elon to a text o"Hect.

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