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AI Index: ACT 34/001/2013
13 December 2013

An International Failure: The Syrian Refugee Crisis

"Syria has become the great tragedy of this century a disgraceful humanitarian calamity
with suffering and displacement unparalleled in recent history.
Antnio Guterres, United Ntions !i"# Commissioner $or %e$u"ees on &'ri, 3 &e(tember 2013)

In t#e s(ce o$ 12 mont#s, 1)* mi++ion (eo(+e $+ed t#e rmed con$+ict in &'ri) ,' &e(tember 2013
t#e terrib+e mi+estone o$ t-o mi++ion re$u"ees #d been rec#ed s men, -omen nd c#i+dren
continued to (our out o$ t#e countr') As o$ . December, t#e number stood t o/er 2)3 mi++ion
re"istered re$u"ees,
02 (er cent o$ -#om re c#i+dren)
In ddition, t +est 4)20 mi++ion (eo(+e re
dis(+ced inside t#e countr')
In tot+, more t#n 1)0 mi++ion (eo(+e #/e been $orced to +e/e t#eir
#omes in &'ri, ner+' t#ird o$ t#e countr'2s (o(u+tion)
In 3u+' 2013, t#e United Ntions !i"#
Commissioner $or %e$u"ees 4UN!C%5 sid t#t 67e #/e not seen re$u"ee out$+o- esc+te t suc#
$ri"#tenin" rte since t#e %-ndn "enocide +most 20 'ers "o8)

9i/e countries nei"#bourin" &'ri : ;ebnon, 3ordn, Tur<e', Ir= nd >"'(t : #ost .?@ o$ t#e
In 3ordn nd ;ebnon re$u"ees $rom &'ri #/e dded . (er cent nd 1. (er cent to t#e
countries2 (o(u+tions, res(ecti/e+')

Des(ite t#e enormous sc+e o$ t#e re$u"ee crisis, t#e interntion+ communit' #s $i+ed miserb+' to
su((ort re$u"ees $rom &'ri or t#e min countries o$ re$u"e) T#e UN #umnitrin ((e+ $or
re$u"ees $rom &'ri in t#e re"ion A -#ic# re(resents 1*@ o$ t#e &'ri #umnitrin ((e+, t#e
+r"est suc# ((e+ in UN #istor'
: #s remined +ess t#n 00@ $unded $or most o$ 2013) At t#e
time o$ (ub+is#in" it -s on+' 14@ $unded)

T#e (ro/ision o$ resett+ement nd #umnitrin dmission (+ces
A one o$ t#e (rinci(+ mens b'
-#ic# t#e interntion+ communit' cn s#o- so+idrit' -it# countries #ostin" +r"e number o$
re$u"ees nd (ro/ide ur"ent s$et' nd (rotection mesures $or t#e most /u+nerb+e re$u"ees :
remins extreme+' +imited) UN!C% #s set "o+ o$ securin" 30,000 (+ces $or &'rin re$u"ees on
resett+ement, #umnitrin dmission, or ot#er $orms o$ dmission $rom 2013 to t#e end o$ 2014)

7#i+e UN!C% continues to recei/e (+ed"es $rom countries in order to meet t#is "o+, on+' 10,244
(+ces $or tem(orr' or (ermnent re+oction o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri #/e been (+ed"ed so $r)

T#ese (+ed"es -ere mde b' $ourteen countries in >uro(e 410 >uro(en Union 4>U5 countries nd
$our non:>U countries5, Austr+i nd Cnd)
T#e U& : -#ic# #s t#e +r"est nnu+ resett+ement
(ro"rmme o$ n' count' b' -ide mr"in A m' o$$er ddition+ (+ces)

But o$ t#e 10,244 (+ces o$$ered b' >uro(e, Austr+i nd Cnd, t#e >U, -#ose nerest c(it+ is
on+' 200 mi+es $rom Dmscus,
#s (+ed"ed tot+ o$ 12,340)
T#is re(resents Cust 0)04 (er
cent o$ t#e tot+ number o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri) It is rou"#+' t#e number o$ re$u"ees re"istered in
;ebnon in t#e +st $i/e d's o$ No/ember)

Amon" t#e (+ces o$$ered b' >U countries, t#e /st mCorit' : 10,000 (+ces : -ere o$$ered b'
Germn', in t#e $orm o$ #umnitrin dmission (ro"rmme) >xc+udin" Germn', t#e reminin"
2? >U countries #/e (+ed"ed mere 2,340 (+ces) >i"#teen >U Dember &ttes, inc+udin" t#e UE
nd It+', #/e not mde n' resett+ement or #umnitrin dmission (+ed"es)

It is not Cust t#e >U t#t is $i+in" to m<e resett+ement (+ces /i+b+e) Countries o$ t#e Gu+$
Coo(ertion Counci+ 4GCC5 #/e not o$$ered n' resett+ement or #umnitrin dmission (+ces to
re$u"ees $rom &'ri)

&ome o$ t#e "o/ernments t#t #/e been t#e most (rominent su((orters o$ mi+itr' ction in &'ri
#/e +so been t#e +est $ort#comin" -#en it comes to m<in" resett+ement (+ces /i+b+e to
re$u"ees $rom &'ri) T#e UE, &udi Arbi nd Ftr #/e not o$$ered to t<e n' re$u"ees $rom
&'ri) 9rnce o$$ered to t<e 000 re$u"ees, or 0)02@ o$ t#ose in t#e min #ost countries)

A"nesty International is !alling on the international !o""unity to ensure there is ae#uate an
sustaine funing for hu"anitarian a$$eals for Syria% an to su$$ort the "ain host !ountries to
ena&le the" to 'ee$ their &orers o$en an $ro(ie ae#uate $rote!tion an assistan!e to refugees)

A"nesty International is also !alling for an urgent an signifi!ant in!rease in the nu"&er of $la!es
a(aila&le for resettle"ent an hu"anitarian a"ission to refugees fro" Syria% o(er an a&o(e
e*isting resettle"ent #uotas)

Further"ore% the organi+ation !alls on all states to 'ee$ their &orers o$en to those fleeing the
!onfli!t in Syria , as -ell as to other refugees , an to ensure that those trying to rea!h their &orers
are treate -ith ignity)

Fo!us of this &riefing an "ethoology
T#is brie$in" (ro/ides n o/er/ie- o$ t#e conditions o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri in t#e min #ost countries:
;ebnon, 3ordn, Tur<e', Ir= nd >"'(t)
It t#en $ocuses on t#e di$$icu+ties nd #umn ri"#ts
/io+tions $ced b' re$u"ees $rom &'ri in t#eir ttem(ts to rec# t#e >U nd m<es
recommendtions to t#e interntion+ communit' nd >U Dember &ttes in (rticu+r)

7#i+e Amnest' Interntion+2s c++s $or interntion+ so+idrit' in de+in" -it# t#e &'ri re$u"e crisis
"o be'ond t#e >U, t#is brie$in" $ocuses on (rctices in some >U countries s -e++ s t#e
resett+ement contribution o$ >U member sttes becuse o$ t#e b+oc<2s (roximit' to &'ri nd t#e $ct
t#t mn' re$u"ees $rom &'ri re tr'in" to rec# t#e >U)

T#ousnds o$ (eo(+e -#o #/e $+ed #orrors in &'ri #/e tried to rec# t#e >U A o$ten becuse t#e'
#/e $ced $urt#er #rds#i(s in t#e countr' to -#ic# t#e' $+ed, or becuse t#e' re tr'in" to rec#
$mi+' nd $riends nd t#e #o(e o$ s$et') In t#eir des(ertion t#e' #/e t<en terrib+e ris<s A ris<s
t#t t#e (o+icies o$ t#e >U nd its Dember &ttes #/e creted or excerbted)

T#e in$ormtion in t#e brie$in" is bsed on des< nd $ie+d reserc# conducted b' Amnest'
Interntion+) &ince 3u+' 2013, t#e or"niGtion #s conducted $ie+d reserc# missions +oo<in" t
t#e sitution o$ re$u"ees in, mon" ot#ers, ,u+"ri, >"'(t, Greece, It+', 3ordn, t#e Eurdistn
re"ion o$ Ir=, ;ebnon, ;ib' nd Tur<e')

Dt bout t#e number o$ re$u"ees in t#e min #ost countries nd in >U countries is t<en $rom
(ub+ic+' /i+b+e in$ormtion (ro/ided b' UN!C% nd >urostt, t#e sttistic+ o$$ice o$ >uro(en
Union) Dt bout resett+ement (+ed"es nd #umnitrin ((e+ $undin" is t<en $rom (ub+ic+'
/i+b+e in$ormtion (ro/ided b' UN!C% nd t#e United Ntions B$$ice $or t#e Coordintion o$
!umnitrin A$$irs 4BC!A5)

T#e $i"ure $or t#e number o$ re$u"ees in t#e min #ost countries 4;ebnon, 3ordn, Tur<e', Ir= nd
>"'(t5 used in t#is brie$in" is 2)2 mi++ion)
T#e $i"ure used $or t#e tot+ number o$ re$u"ees $rom
&'ri "+ob++' is 2)3 mi++ion)
!o-e/er, t#is is on+' t#e number o$ t#ose -#o #/e re"istered) T#e
ctu+ number o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri is be+ie/ed to be si"ni$icnt+' #i"#er, s #undreds o$ t#ousnds
re be+ie/ed not to #/e re"istered -it# n s'+um ut#orit')

Ba!'groun to the Syrian refugee !risis
T#e t-o:'er con$+ict bet-een t#e &'rin "o/ernment nd rmed o((osition "rou(s #s +e$t
more t#n 100,000 (eo(+e ded
nd #undreds o$ t#ousnds o$ ci/i+ins inCured)
con$+ict #s +so cused mssi/e destruction o$ ci/i+in (ro(ert' nd t#e dis(+cement o$ t
+est 4)20 mi++ion (eo(+e intern++')
Dore t#n 2)3 mi++ion (eo(+e #/e $+ed t#e countr')

T#e in$+ux o$ re$u"ees in &'ri2s nei"#bourin" countries #s (ut n immense strin on t#e
+imited resources /i+b+e in t#ose countries, (rticu+r+' in 3ordn nd ;ebnon, -#ere mn'
re$u"ees re +i/in" in (recrious conditions in o/ercro-ded re$u"ee cm(s or in #ost
communities, inc+udin" in in$orm+ sett+ements)

In order to (ro/ide de=ute (rotection nd #umnitrin ssistnce to re$u"ees $rom &'ri
nd t#ose in need -it#in &'ri, in 3u+' t#e UN mde t#e +r"est #umnitrin ((e+ in its
#istor', c++in" $or round H3 bi++ion in ssistnce to UN "encies nd NGBs -or<in" -it#
re$u"ees, H*30 mi++ion $or t#e "o/ernments o$ ;ebnon nd 3ordn nd H1)4 bi++ion $or (eo(+e
inside &'ri)
Bn+' 14@ o$ t#e H3bi++ion #d been committed s o$ 1 December 2013)
&e(tember, t#e UN -rned t#t $undin" s#ort$++s cou+d resu+t in cutbc< in id to

Due to the nature of the conflict in Syria, which includes widespread human rights violations, war crimes, and crimes
against humanity being perpetrated, Amnesty International considers that all asylum-seekers from Syria should be
considered to be in need of international protection. This is in line with !"#$%s statement on && 'ctober &()* that
+most Syrians seeking international protection are likely to fulfil the re,uirements of the refugee definition contained
in Article )A-&. of the )/0) #onvention relating to the Status of $efugees, since they will have a well-founded fear of
persecution linked to one of the #onvention grounds.1

3orcing anyone to return to Syria would amount to a violation of the principle of non-refoulement, which prohibits the
forcible return of anyone to a country where they risk serious human rights abuses. The principle of non-refoulement
applies to situations of generalised violence due to armed conflict, such as in the case of Syria, and is binding on all

O(er(ie- of !onitions in the "ain host !ountries
Amon" t#e $i/e min #ost countries $or re$u"ees $rom &'ri, Le&anon an .oran #ost t#e
+r"est number o$ re$u"ees, bot# in bso+ute terms nd s (ro(ortion o$ t#eir o-n

;ebnon current+' #osts o/er *30,?30 re$u"ees $rom &'ri s o$ 0 December 2013
3ordn #osts o/er 011,303 re$u"ees $rom &'ri s o$ . December)
In Drc# 2013, t#e
;ebnese "o/ernment #d estimted t#e ctu+ number o$ &'rins in t#e count' to be one

In 3ordn round one:t#ird o$ t#e re$u"ee (o(u+tion +i/e in six re$u"ee cm(s) Dost o$ t#em
+i/e in Itri, t#e second +r"est re$u"ee cm( in t#e -or+d -it# (o(u+tion o$ 11?, 000
T#e rest +i/e in to-ns nd cities, most+' in nort#ern "o/ernortes borderin" &'ri nd
in t#e c(it+ Ammn) T#ere re no o$$ici+ re$u"ee cm(s in ;ebnon exce(t +on":stndin"
J+estinin re$u"ee cm(sK re$u"ees $rom &'rin +i/e in to-ns nd cities, inc+udin" in
m<es#i$t in$orm+ cm(s, t#rou"#out t#e countr')

T#e in$rstructure o$ 3ordn A -#ic# #s to im(ort muc# o$ its ener"', -ter nd "rin A is
o/erstretc#ed -it# muc# incresed demnd $or -ter, e+ectricit', #ousin", sc#oo+s, #e+t# cre,
nd $ood) It -ou+d re(orted+' cost 3ordn U&D H?01 mi++ion nnu++' to meet t#is incresed
demnd $or -ter)
&ome residenti+ res re stru""+in" to ccommodte (rticu+r+' +r"e

re$u"ee (o(u+tions nd $rustrtions mon" mn' sectors o$ t#e (o(u+tion #/e "ro-n, s
rents increse nd t#ere is incresed com(etition $or Cobs)

In ;ebnon, t#e number o$ re$u"ees #s (ut strin on +red' +imited resources, inc+udin"
-ter nd se-"e $ci+ities, (ub+ic sc#oo+s, #os(it+s nd ot#er uti+ities)
Accordin" to t#e
7or+d ,n<, t#e "ro-in" re$u"ee (o(u+tion is ex(ected to increse (o/ert' nd unem(+o'ment
in ;ebnon nd $urt#er stretc# t#e bud"et sitution in t#e countr', -#ic# current+' $ces one
o$ t#e #i"#est debt rtios "+ob++')
T#e con$+ict in &'ri #s si"ni$icnt im(ct on t#e
(o+itic+ nd securit' en/ironment in ;ebnon, -it# u(sur"es in /io+ence in res o$ ;ebnon
borderin" &'ri, inc+udin" Ars+ in nort#est ;ebnon in No/ember 2013,
nd in Tri(o+i in
nort# ;ebnon most recent+' in No/ember nd December 2013, t#e +tter o$ -#ic# #s
resu+ted in t +est 10 (eo(+e ded nd 4. inCured)

Des(ite t#e c#++en"es $ced due to t#e +r"e number o$ re$u"ees in bot# countries, 3ordn
nd ;ebnon #/e brod+' mintined n 6o(en:border8 (o+ic', continuin" to ++o- re$u"ees
$rom &'ri to enter, nd #/e "ener++' demonstrted $/ourb+e (o+icies to-rds re$u"ees,
-#ic# re ((recited nd c<no-+ed"ed b' UN!C% nd t#e -ider interntion+ communit')

!o-e/er, bot# countries #/e re(orted+' (re/ented some cte"ories o$ (eo(+e $+eein" $rom t#e
con$+ict in &'ri $rom enterin" t#eir territories, -#ic# -ou+d constitute /io+tion o$
interntion+ +-) In ;ebnon, ti"#ter border contro+s #/e been re(orted since Au"ust 2013
-it# J+estinin re$u"ees +i/in" in &'ri nd see<in" to $+ee t#e con$+ict bein" denied entr')

In 3ordn, se/er+ cte"ories o$ indi/idu+s re "ener++' bein" denied entr' into t#e countr',
inc+udin" J+estinin nd Ir=i re$u"ees $rom &'ri : (o+ic' t#t t#e 3ordnin ut#orities
con$irmed to Amnest' Interntion+ in 3une 2013)
In ddition, ccordin" to in$ormtion
recei/ed $rom ntion+ nd interntion+ NGBs, (eo(+e -it#out identit' documents nd
unccom(nied men -#o cnnot (ro/e t#e' #/e $mi+' ties in 3ordn re +so "ener++'
denied entr'K $mi+ies -it# 'oun" c#i+dren #/e +so been denied entr')
T#ere #/e been
instnces o$ &'rin nd J+estinin re$u"ees bein" $orcib+' returned $rom 3ordn to &'ri, in
/io+tion o$ interntion+ +-)

Tur'ey is +so #ostin" +r"e number o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri, -it# 031,?10 re$u"ees re"istered
s o$ 0 December 2013)
Dore t#n 200,000 o$ t#em re bein" ccommodted in stte:run
re$u"ee cm(s) T#e "o/ernment estimtes t#e tot+ number o$ &'rin re$u"ees residin" in
Tur<e' to be ?00,000)

Tur<e' #s recei/ed /er' +itt+e interntion+ su((ort nd #s borne ner+' ++ o$ t#e costs o$ its
res(onse to t#e re$u"ee crisis, mountin" to some U&H2 bi++ion b' &e(tember 2013)
In t#e
second #+$ o$ 2012, Tur<e' re$used entr' to t#ousnds o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri, (rticu+r+'
t#ose -it#out (ss(ort or n ur"ent medic+ needK ccordin" to uno$$ici+ sttements $rom
Tur<is# o$$ici+s, t#is -s due to t#e $ct t#t re$u"ee cm(s -ere $u++)
&ince t#t time
Tur<e' #s continued to den' entr' t o$$ici+ border (osts to mn' &'rin re$u"ees -#o do not
(ossess (ss(ort or -#o do not #/e n ur"ent medic+ need, des(ite (ro$essin" to continue
n o(en door (o+ic' to &'rin re$u"ees)
In Drc# 2013, u( to 100 &'rin re$u"ees -ere
re(orted+' returned $rom Tur<e' to &'ri)
&ince t#t time Amnest' Interntion+ #s recei/ed
mu+ti(+e re(orts o$ $urt#er, sm++er sc+e $orced returns o$ re$u"ees to &'ri s (unis#ment
$or crimin+ conduct or misdemenours ++e"ed+' committed b' t#em)

In Ira#, t#ere -ere 20?,003 re$u"ees $rom &'ri re"istered s o$ 4 December 2013,
t#e /st
mCorit' o$ t#em in t#e Eurdistn re"ion o$ Ir=) Dore t#n 10,000 rri/ed in mid:Au"ust
2013 /i uno$$ici+ border crossin"s) !o-e/er, ccordin" to "encies nd NGBs o(ertin" in
t#e re"ion, t#e uno$$ici+ border #s since been c+osed "in nd t#e o$$ici+ border -it# &'ri
t +:Fim is +so c+osed)
T#e Eurdis# %e"ion+ Go/ernment nd t#e +oc+ (o(u+tion #/e
mintined "ener++' (ositi/e (o+ic' nd ttitude to-rds t#e re$u"ees, -#o re
(redominnt+' Eurdis#, but in recent mont#s t#ere #/e been c#n"es t#t restrict re$u"eesL

ccess to residenc' (ermits nd $reedom o$ mo/ement, -#ic# +imit t#eir bi+it' to -or< nd to
ccess ser/ices)

Amnest' Interntion+ recei/ed re(orts o$ some non:Eurdis# &'rins bein" re$used entr' to
Ir=i Eurdistn nd o$ tens o$ indi/idu+s, inc+udin" Arbs, bein" $orcib+' returned to &'ri)

&e/er+ t#ousnd re$u"ees $rom &'ri reside in +:Fim cm(, in Anbr (ro/ince, -#ere
$reedom o$ mo/ement is /er' ti"#t+' contro++ed)

In Egy$t t#ere -ere 12.,1?4 re"istered re$u"ees s o$ * December 2013, but t#e "o/ernment
estimtes t#e ctu+ number t 300,000)
>"'(t mintined n o(en door (o+ic' to re$u"ees
$rom &'ri unti+ mid 2013) !o-e/er, on * 3u+' 2013, stricter entr' re=uirements -ere
im(osed on &'rin ntion+s enterin" >"'(t, re=uirin" t#em to obtin entr' /iss (rior to rri/+)
Due to t#ese ne- ru+es, on * 3u+' 2013 some 20. indi/idu+s -ere re(orted+' sent bc< $rom
Ciro to &'ri, ;ebnon, nd ot#er countries)

&ince t#e summer o$ 2013, more t#n 1,000 &'rin nd J+estinin re$u"ees 4$rom &'ri5 A
inc+udin" c#i+dren, -omen nd men A -ere rrested $ter ttem(tin" to rec# >uro(e $rom
>"'(t b' botK t#e' -ere rbitrri+' detined in (o+ice sttions cross >"'(t2s Dediterrnen
!undreds o$ t#em re be+ie/ed to #/e been de(orted, some o$ -#om -ere re(orted+'
returned to &'ri)

In Israel, ccordin" to medi re(orts, scores o$ &'rin ntion+s #/e recei/ed medic+
tretment inside t#e Isre+i:occu(ied Go+n or t #os(it+s inside Isre+)
%e(orts indicte t#t
$ter medic+ tretment members o$ t#e Isre+ De$ense 9orces #/e t#en escorted t#e
indi/idu+s cross t#e border to &'ri)

In 3u+' 2012, t#e t#en Isre+i Dinister o$ De$ence re(orted+' sid 6i$ -e #/e to sto( -/es o$
re$u"ees, -e -i++ sto( t#em8)
Amnest' Interntion+ -rote to t#e Dinister o$ De$ence ur"in"
#im to ensure t#t n'one $+eein" &'ri be ++o-ed to bene$it $rom (rotection (rocedures nd
s$e"urds to (re/ent t#eir $orcib+e return to &'ri)
Amnest' Interntion+ did not recei/e
res(onse to its +etter)

Fortress Euro$e: /ee$ing Refugees Out
As t#e c(cit' o$ &'ri2s nei"#bourin" countries to #ost re$u"ees becomes $urt#er strined
nd conditions $or re$u"ee (o(u+tions -orsen, incresin" numbers o$ (eo(+e re ttem(tin" to
rec# >uro(e in t#e #o(e o$ $indin" s$et' nd ne- +i$e) In t#e t-o 'ers to t#e end o$
Bctober 2013, 00,000 (eo(+e $rom &'ri #/e direct+' sou"#t s'+um in t#e >U 4see A((endix
15, mountin" to 2)4@ o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri)

To m<e it to t#e >U, re$u"ees $rom &'ri #/e to brec# 69ortress >uro(e8, t#e co++ecti/e set
o$ (o+icies nd (rctices t#t t#e >U nd its member sttes em(+o' to <ee( re$u"ees, s'+um:
see<ers nd irre"u+r mi"rnts out o$ t#eir territories)

It is ner+' im(ossib+e $or re$u"ees or s'+um:see<ers to rec# >uro(e +-$u++') As resu+t,
t#e' re $orced into rduous Courne's, ris<in" t#eir +i/es on bots or cross +nd, to see< s$et'
nd (rotection in >uro(e) Dn' #/e undert<en bot Courne's $rom ;ib' or >"'(t to It+' or
$rom Tur<e' cross t#e Ae"en &e to Greece) Bt#ers #/e tried to cross t#e +nd border $rom
Tur<e' to t#e >/ros re"ion in Greece or to m<e it $rom Tur<e' to ,u+"ri b' +nd)

%eserc# b' Amnest' Interntion+ #s $ound t#t re$u"ees ttem(tin" to enter t#e >U in
t#ese -'s re met -it# +rmin" #umn ri"#ts /io+tions) In t-o o$ t#e min "te-'s to t#e
>U, ,u+"ri nd Greece, re$u"ees $rom &'ri re met -it# de(+orb+e tretment, inc+udin"
detention $or -ee<s in (oor conditions in ,u+"ri nd +i$e t#retenin" (us#:bc< o(ertions

in t#e cse o$ Greece)

Dn' re$u"ees $rom &'ri -#o #/e ttem(ted dn"erous bot Courne's to rec# It+' #/e

As of *( !ovember, some )0,2/2 Syrian refugees were registered with !"#$ in 4ibya,
although the Syrian
community in 4ibya estimates the actual number at &((,(((.
Access into 4ibya for Syrians had been gradually
restricted since the September &()& attack on the S #onsulate in 7engha8i, following which single Syrian men
without a visa were barred from entering 4ibya.
$estrictions were further tightened in 9anuary &()*, when visa
re,uirements were imposed on all Syrians, forcing hundreds of refugees to seek entry into the country through
unofficial routes, and e:posing them to danger and e:ploitation by smugglers and various militias operating in the
4ibya does not have a national asylum system; the ma<ority of refugees from Syria who are in 4ibya are in an irregular
migration status, despite a =inistry of Interior decision to issue residence permits for those that register with the
>assport 'ffice. ?hile the move to regularise the status of refugees from Syria is positive, in practice refugees
continue to face serious difficulties in 4ibya. According to Syrian refugees in 4ibya interviewed by Amnesty
International in !ovember &()*, residence permits are not always recogni8ed by local authorities or the various
militias which have operated in the country since the end of the &()) armed conflict and in some cases Syrian
refugees have been arbitrarily detained in immigration detention centres for irregular stay in 4ibya.
Syrian refugees, who have sought refuge in 4ibya in the hope of finding <ob opportunities and a better standard of
living than in neighbouring countries such as 9ordan and 4ebanon, are now searching for ways to leave the country.
4ike other refugees,
they have been increasingly affected by the current lawlessness and the rise of criminality in
4ibya. ?ithout proper documentation and in the absence of a functioning police and <udiciary, Syrian refugees, like
other foreign nationals, are vulnerable to abuse. Those interviewed by Amnesty International during its visit in
!ovember &()* reported incidents of physical assaults by armed men, theft, verbal harassment, and, in some cases,
abductions. 'thers alleged e:ploitation, saying they were forced to work for lower wages or were sometimes unpaid.
Syrian women told Amnesty International that they rarely leave their homes after dark out of fear of abductions,
harassment and the general sense of insecurity. Amnesty International has received reports of arrests of Syrians over
their perceived allegiance to the Syrian government, but was not able to verify them independently.
As a result of these conditions, a growing number of refugees from Syrian refugees have started to cross the
=editerranean in recent months.

The 0ourney to Italy
9or 'ers, re$u"ees nd s'+um:see<ers #/e mde t#e dn"erous Courne' $rom Nort# A$ric to
It+' b' se, +r"e+' becuse t#ere re /irtu++' no +e"+ routes $or t#em to t<e in to enter
>uro(e to see< s'+umK #undreds die ttem(tin" to cross t#e Dediterrnen e/er' 'er) In t#e
s(ce o$ nine d's in Bctober, t +est 3.0 : nd (ossib+' o/er 100 : re$u"ees nd mi"rnts
died -#en t#ree bots sn< ttem(tin" to rec# >uro(e $rom Nort# A$ric)
9rom 1 3nur' to
31 Bctober 2013, n estimted 10,1*0 re$u"ees $rom &'ri re re(orted to #/e rri/ed +on"
It+'2s cost $rom (orts in >"'(t nd ;ib', s -e++ s Tur<e' nd &'ri)

Bn 11 Bctober 2013, bot t#t, ccordin" to sur/i/ors, crried 400 to 000 (eo(+e
(redominnt+' re$u"ees $rom &'ri : sn< -#i+e on its -' $rom ;ib' to It+') Accordin" to
re(orts, t#ere m' #/e +so been scores o$ (eo(+e +oc<ed t t#e bottom o$ t#e /esse+)

Accordin" to sur/i/ors inter/ie-ed b' Amnest' Interntion+, t#e bot -s dm"ed -#i+e
+e/in" ;ib'n -ters -#en ;ib'n /esse+ o(ened $ire on it)
T#e dm"ed bot be"n to
t<e in -ter =uic<+' nd subse=uent+' sn< t<in" #undreds o$ men, -omen nd c#i+dren
do-n -it# it) T#ose -#o sur/i/ed re(orted t#t t#e' #d remined in t#e -ter $or #ours be$ore
D+tese nd It+in /esse+s rec#ed t#em)

A-d, 1? 'er:o+d bo' o$ J+estinin ori"in $rom Mrmou< cm( in Dmscus, described #o-
#e -s (u++ed do-n -it# t#e bot but mn"ed to s-im t#rou"# -indo- u( to t#e sur$ce)
Bn t#e sur$ce o$ t#e -ter #e s- (eo(+e c+in"in" to ded bodies nd bot -rec<"e to st'
$+ot, -#i+e ot#ers $ou"#t o/er +i$e Cc<ets) In t#e incident, A-d +ost #is mot#er s -e++ s
ot#er $mi+' members) !e sti++ does not #/e n' $orm+ con$irmtion o$ -#et#er t#e' re ded
or +i/e) !e to+d Amnest' Interntion+

6I #/e no ide -#ere m' $mi+' reNI used to #/e mbition but no- I #/e +ost m'
mot#er, I donLt -nt n't#in", I Cust -nt stbi+it', e/er't#in" e+se is second to t#t)8

Anot#er bo' $rom &'ri, -#o +ost bot# #is $t#er nd nine 'er o+d brot#er in t#e bot disster,
to+d Amnest' Interntion+ 6D' ex(erience didn2t Cust destro' m' dremsK it destro'ed m'
$mi+ies2 drems) I m destro'ed com(+ete+')8

Accordin" to medi re(orts in D+t nd It+', bsed on numerous sur/i/ors2 testimonies, o/er
200 (eo(+e m' #/e dro-ned in t#e incident)

T#ose +uc<' enou"# to sur/i/e t#e trec#erous Courne' b' bot, eit#er rri/e in, or re
trns$erred b' cost "urds to, t#e It+in is+nds o$ ;m(edus or &ici+', -#ere t#e' re
#osted in rece(tion centers) 9or mn', It+' is not intended to be t#eir $in+ destintion nd s
soon s t#e' cn, mn' tr/e+ b' trin to Di+n in order to continue t#eir Courne' nort#) Dn'
#o(e to "o on to &-eden, Nor-', Germn' nd ot#er >uro(en countries -#ere t#e' #/e
$mi+' nd $riends or -#ere t#e' be+ie/e t#e conditions $or re$u"ees -i++ be better t#n in It+')

A&uses at the E12s &orers
T#e >U2s border contro+ (o+icies re incresin"+' detriment+ to t#e ri"#ts o$ re$u"ees, s'+um:
see<ers nd mi"rnts) ,order contro+ mesures introduced o/er t#e recent 'ers, inc+udin" t#e
extern+iGtion o$ immi"rtion $unctions nd t#e bui+din" o$ $ences, #/e $i+ed to t<e ccount
o$ t#e im(ct on t#e ri"#ts o$ t#ose see<in" to enter t#e >U) 7#i+e t#e >U #s t#e ri"#t to
contro+ its borders, t#e mnner in -#ic# it does so cnnot resu+t in #umn ri"#ts /io+tions A
'et t#t is exct+' -#t is #((enin")

9or exm(+e, in t#e +st $e- 'ers t#e >U #s (ro/ided si"ni$icnt $undin" to Greece in order
to stren"t#en t#e countr'2s extern+ borders) 9or t#e (eriod o$ 2011 to 2013, t#e >uro(en
Commission : under t#e %eturn 9und nd t#e >xtern+ ,orders 9und : (ro/ided Greece -it#
to en#nce border contro+ mesures nd increse t#e c(cit' to detin
(eo(+e be+ie/ed to #/e irre"u+r+' entered t#e countr') In com(rison, $or t#e sme time
(eriod, O12,220,.1. -s ++octed to Greece under t#e >uro(en %e$u"ee 9und, -#ic#
su((orts e$$orts in recei/in" re$u"ees)

Gree!e $ushing &a!' refugees

They put all the men lying on the boat; they stepped on us and hit us with their weapons for
three hours. Then at around 10 in the morning after remo!ing the motor they put us bac" to
our plastic boat and towed us bac" to the Tur"ish waters and left us in the middle of the sea.##
@. from Syria describes how he and his mother were pushed back to Turkey by the Areek coastguard on the morning of 5
'ctober &()*. They were part of a group of *0 people, including young children.

Greece2s e$$orts to se+ o$$ its borders to re$u"ees nd mi"rnts #/e inc+uded t#e construction
o$ 10)0<m $ence +on" t#e 203 <m +on" Gree<:Tur<is# +nd border nd t#e de(+o'ment o$
ner+' 2,000 ddition+ border "urds since summer 2012K t#e Gree< cost "urd contro+ t#e
se routes) Accordin" to 9rontex, t#e >U "enc' ts<ed -it# coordintin" nd de/e+o(in"
>uro(en border mn"ement, t#is resu+ted in t#e number o$ (eo(+e enterin" Greece b' +nd

nd se, dro((in" $rom 2,000 (er -ee< in er+' Au"ust 2012 to +ess t#n 10 (er -ee< t t#e
end o$ Bctober 2012)

T#e +test $i"ures s#o- s#r( decrese in t#e number o$ entries /i t#e Gree<:Tur<is#
borders) Durin" t#e $irst 10 mont#s o$ 2012 tot+ o$ 32,2** (eo(+e -ere ((re#ended +on"
t#e Greece:Tur<is# borders 4+nd nd se5 -#i+e durin" t#e sme (eriod in 2013, .,*01 -ere
9or t#e sme (eriod t#e number o$ ((re#ensions in t#e +nd border dro((ed
$rom 30,2*4 to *3.)

T#ese mesures o$ten men t#t re$u"ees re $orced to tr' incresin"+' dn"erous routes
cross t#e Ae"n &e) In t#eir des(erte ttem(ts to rec# s$et' in >uro(e, mn' re$u"ees,
inc+udin" $mi+ies -it# bbies nd 'oun" c#i+dren, s(end t#eir +st s/in"s to (' smu""+ers in
order to bord sm++, unse-ort#' nd o/ercro-ded bots) Dn' #/e dro-ned tr'in")

&ince Au"ust 2012, t +est 130 re$u"ees, t#e mCorit' o$ -#om -ere &'rin nd A$"#n, +ost
t#eir +i/es in t +est e+e/en <no-n incidents ttem(tin" to rec# Greece b' bot $rom

Unse-ort#' /esse+s re not t#e on+' dn"er t#t re$u"ees $ce -#en tr'in" to rec# >U
territor') %e$u"ees, inc+udin" $mi+ies nd c#i+dren, #/e to+d Amnest' Interntion+ #o- Gree<
(o+ice or cost"urds : in some cses (ointin" "uns nd -erin" $u++ $ce #oods : i++:treted
t#em on bord bots or t (+ces o$ detention, stri((ed t#em o$ t#eir be+on"in"s nd
e/entu++' sent t#em bc< to Tur<e')

"$t around 1 or 1.%0 o#cloc" in the morning we arri!ed to the ri!er side and they &the 'ree"
police( handed us o!er to people wearing blac" hoods and blac" or dar" blue uniforms. They
too" our money and passports. Then in groups carried us with small boats o!er to the Tur"ish
side with nothing but our clothes left on us.##
9. and S. Syrian refugees, who claimed to have been pushed back by the Areek authorities to Turkey on )& !ovember &()*,
interviewed by Amnesty International in Istanbul in && !ovember &()*. They were part of the group of )0( people allegedly
sent back to Turkey after they sought shelter in a church courtyard in the village of >raggi in @vros region, Areece.

T#e number o$ suc# cses, -#ic# resu+t in un+-$u+ co++ecti/e ex(u+sions
$rom Greece, is not
<no-n) !o-e/er, Amnest' Interntion+2s reserc# (oints to t#e continuous use o$ (us#:bc<s
++ +on" t#e Gree<:Tur<is# border, -#ic# $$ect #undreds o$ (eo(+e)

A+most e/er'one -#o c+imed to #/e ex(erienced (us#:bc< o(ertions to+d Amnest'
Interntion+ t#t t#e' #/e direct+' ex(erienced or -itnessed i++ tretment b' Gree< ut#orities)
T#is inc+uded bein" s+((ed nd beten, in ddition to #/in" t#eir be+on"in"s con$iscted
-it#out n' due (rocess)

) was shouting to them that he is my son. They put me aside and ) saw them beating my son
for *.+ to % hours. ,hen ) as"ed for water they ga!e me to drin" water from the sea.##
A 00 year old woman described to Amnesty International her son%s ill-treatment on board a Areek #oast Auard vessel the
morning of 5 'ctober &()*.

3etention in Bulgaria
An estimted *,000 re$u"ees, inc+udin" 0,000 re$u"ees $rom &'ri, #/e rri/ed in ,u+"ri
bet-een 3nur' nd No/ember 2013)
T#e mCorit' re +i/in" in "o/ernment:run rece(tion
T#is is t#e +r"est in$+ux o$ re$u"ees to ,u+"ri in recent 'ers A o/er t#e +st 10
'ers ,u+"ri #s recei/ed n nnu+ /er"e o$ 1,000 re$u"ees)

%e$u"ees $rom &'ri nd ot#ers c+imin" s'+um re #oused in emer"enc' centres) T#e +r"est
one is in t#e to-n o$ !rmn+i, bout 30 <i+ometres $rom t#e Tur<is# border) Amnest'
Interntion+ /isited t#e centre in No/ember 2013 nd obser/ed t#e +i/in" conditions) T#is
c+osed centre, e$$ecti/e+' detention centre, ccommodtes s'+um see<ers, min+' $rom &'ri

nd A$"#nistn, in tents, continers nd di+(idted bui+din") A+t#ou"# t#ere re $our
toi+ets in bui+din" t t#e entrnce o$ t#e centre, t#e' re $re=uent+' b+oc<ed nd #rd+'
de=ute $or t#e #undreds o$ residents) T#e tents re un#eted nd t#e residents s+ee( eit#er
on t#in mttresses or on o+d $o+db+e beds) About 200 (eo(+e ccommodted in disused
bui+din" s+ee( in t-o +r"e rooms $i++ed -it# smo<e $rom im(ro/ised sto/es) Jre"nnt -omen,
c#i+dren, s -e++ s men nd -omen o$ /rious "es, #/e to co(e -it# +c< o$ beds nd
b+n<etsK +c< o$ ccess to medicine nd $ood)

T#e centre in !rmn+i #osts +r"e number o$ (eo(+e in need o$ medic+ cre, inc+udin"
-omen in d/nced st"es o$ t#eir (re"nncies, (eo(+e inCured in con$+ict, nd indi/idu+s
su$$erin" c#ronic diseses nd ment+ #e+t# (rob+ems) Des(ite t#is, t#ere is no medic+ cre
(ro/ided A exce(t $or emer"enc' ser/ices A nd no ccess to (s'c#o+o"ic+ counse+in")

&ome o$ t#e re$u"ees in !rmn+i t#t Amnest' Interntion+ s(o<e to in No/ember 2013 #d
been detined t#ere $or -ee<s)

T#e ut#orities in ,u+"ri c<no-+ed"e t#t t#e sitution t !rmn+i is /er' inde=ute) In
n inter/ie- -it# Amnest' Interntion+ in No/ember 2013, ,u+"rin de(ut' Dinister o$
Interior, J+men An"e+o/ sttedK 6!rmn+i is t#e +st resort but current+' it2s t#e on+' so+ution
-e #/e)8

In September and 'ctober of &()* large numbers of refugees from Syria were converging on Italy%s northern city of =ilan,
attempting to take trains to northern @urope. At the beginning of 'ctober, numbers began to increase significantly;
according to #ommunity of Sant%@gidio, a local non-governmental organi8ation working with refugees, in the following weeks
appro:imately )0(-&(( refugees, including children, were sleeping on the floor of the central train station.
A spokesperson
of the =ilan =unicipality told Amnesty International
that many of the refugees stranded at the central train station at that
time were either waiting to go to northern @urope or had been stopped at or near the Austrian and Aerman borders by police
or other officials and sent back to =ilan.
The city of =ilan ,uickly mobili8ed. Colunteers and organi8ations began bringing blankets, food and clothes to the station.
The local authorities responded by setting up two centres for refugees, run by local !A's and with capacity for &6( people;
Amnesty International visited one of the two centres in !ovember &()* -the second centre had closed.. According to the
=ilan =unicipality, almost ),((( refugees from Syria have been hosted in the centres.
'nce at a centre, refugees receive a
bed, three meals a day, medical attention and a place to rest. To its credit, the =unicipality of =ilan has treated the influ: of
refugees from Syria as a humanitarian emergency rather then as an immigration or security issue.
"owever, for most, time in the shelters in =ilan is a rare moment of respite and a brief one. 3or some, after only a matter of
days, they attempt the <ourney north, sometimes using unscrupulous and e:pensive smugglers out of desperation. Amnesty
International spoke with one family who said they had paid ),5(( @uros each to be taken by car to Austria. "owever, at the
border they were stopped by the Italian police. Their fingerprints were taken and the smuggler was arrested. The family
decided to go on to Austria, however they were caught again on a train in Austria and returned by car to a police station in

Syrian refugees: A share res$onsi&ility
")t is !ery important that -uropean countries all o!er the continent "eep their borders
open and &pro!ide( ade.uate assistance."
UN !i"# Commissioner $or %e$u"ees Antnio Guterres, 22 No/ember 2013)

As t#e numbers o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri continues to "ro-, t#e >U nd its Dember &ttes must
do more to (ro/ide ssistnce nd (rotection to t#ose -#o rri/e in >uro(e, nd to s#re t#e
res(onsibi+it' $or #ostin" re$u"ees more e=u++') %e$u"ees $rom &'ri, inc+udin" t#ose see<in"
to Coin $mi+' members +red' in t#e >U, must be b+e to $ind s$et' b' +e"++' tr/e++in" to

T#e interntion+ communit', inc+udin" t#e >U nd its Dember &ttes s#ou+d increse su((ort
t#rou"# t#e UN #umnitrin ((e+s nd bi+ter++' to countries #ostin" t#e +r"est numbers
o$ re$u"ees, (rticu+r+' 3ordn nd ;ebnon)

%esett+ement (+ces must be si"ni$icnt+' incresed, (ro/idin" n im(ortnt o((ortunit' $or
t#ose most in need to enb+e t#em to recei/e de=ute su((ort nd restrt t#eir +i/es)

To the international !o""unity in!luing the E1 an its "e"&er states% the 1S% Australia%
Canaa% the Gulf Coo$eration Coun!il% an other !ountries a&le to $ro(ie su$$ort:
Share res$onsi&ility for refugees fro" Syria "ore e#ually% in $arti!ular through
signifi!antly in!reasing the nu"&er of resettle"ent an hu"anitarian a"ission $la!es% o(er
an a&o(e annual resettle"ent #uotas4
Ensure that the 1N hu"anitarian a$$eals for Syria are fully an sustaina&ly fune4
Su$$ort !ountries fa!e -ith large influ*es of refugees fro" Syria to ena&le the" to !o$e
-ith the $ressure on their infrastru!ture an $ro(ie essential ser(i!es to refugees% in!luing
ae#uate health !are% housing% an foo)

To E1 "e"&er states an the E1:
Strengthen sear!h an res!ue !a$a!ity in the Meiterranean to ientify &oats in istress
an assist those on &oar4
Ensure that those res!ue are treate -ith ignity an that their hu"an rights ,
in!luing the right to see' asylu" , are fully res$e!te4
Ensure the en of unla-ful $ush5&a!' o$erations that eny refugees an "igrants their
rights% $arti!ularly on the Gree!e6Tur'ish &orer)

To all !ountries re!ei(ing refugees fro" Syria:
Auto"ati!ally $ro(ie all $eo$le fleeing Syria% in!luing 7alestinian refugees -ho -ere
resient in Syria% -ith a status gi(ing the" international $rote!tion4
Fa!ilitate fa"ily reunifi!ation for refugees fro" Syria in!luing &y a$$lying fle*i&le
!riteria to ta'e into a!!ount the nature an nees of ifferent fa"ilies)

To Syria2s neigh&ouring !ountries 8in $arti!ular Le&anon% .oran% Tur'ey% Ira# an Egy$t9:
Maintain o$en &orers to all $eo$le fleeing the !onfli!t in Syria% -ithout is!ri"ination4
Ensure that all $eo$le fleeing Syria are not for!i&ly returne to Syria% in line -ith the
$rin!i$le of non-refoulement)

A$$eni* :
Ne- s'+um ((+icnts o$ &'rin citiGens#i( $rom No/ember 2011 to Bctober 2012, source:
>urostt, on+ine t #tt(://e(()eurostt)ec)euro()eu/
Tot+ $or >U Dember &ttes bet-een No/ember 2011 nd Bctober 2013 P 00,000)

A@'DTI=@ ))=)) ))=)& )&=() )&=(& )&=(* )&=(6 )&=(0 )&=(5 )&=(B )&=(2 )&=(/ )&=)(
@uropean nion
-&2 countries. 520 5*0 B&0 52( 55( B6( ),((( ),)0( ),2&0 &,0(( &,2*0 *,(2(
7elgium *0 00 0( 6( &0 *( 60 5( 5( 2( B( ))(
7ulgaria ( 0 )( 0 0 0 )0 )0 &0 6( 0( ))0
#8ech $epublic ( ( ( 0 0 ( 0 ( 0 0 0 &(
Denmark 50 00 B( 60 /0 0( 0( 5( )(0 )(0 50 B0
Aermany &20 &)( &)( &*( )50 &0( *B0 6(( 560 5/( B60 /(0
@stonia ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 ( (
Ireland ( 0 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 ( (
Areece &0 *( )( 6( )( )( )0 )( &( )( *( 00
Spain ( 0 )0 )( )( 0 )( &0 &( &0 *( *(
3rance )0 &( *0 &0 6( 60 *( &0 60 00 0( 2(
#roatia E E E E E E E E E E E E
Italy &0 *( )0 )( )0 )( )0 )0 6( &0 0( *0
#yprus &0 )0 *( )( 0 0( 0( *( 0( B( B0 0(
4atvia 0 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 (
4ithuania ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
4u:embourg ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 (
"ungary E E E E E E E E E E E E
=alta &0 )( )( 0 )( )( )( ( 0 ( )0 &0
!etherlands &0 )0 &( &0 )0 )( *( &0 )0 *( 00 B0
Austria E E E E E E E E E E E E
>oland ( ( ( ( ( 0 ( 0 ( ( 0 6(
>ortugal ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 ( 0 0 (
$omania 0 0 0 0 ( )0 )0 &( )( 5( &( &(
Slovenia ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 0 0 ( )(
Slovakia ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
3inland E E &( 0 &( 0 )( )0 )0 )0 *( &0
Sweden B0 2( )00 )00 )00 )50 &*0 *5( 56( ),)0( ),*&0 ),&00
nited Fingdom B( /( B( 0( B( 50 20 50 )&0 )*( &(( )00

Ne- s'+um ((+icnts o$ &'rin citiGens#i( $rom No/ember 2012 to Bctober 2013, source:
>urostt, on+ine t #tt(://e(()eurostt)ec)euro()eu/

A@'DTI=@ )&=)) )&=)& )*=() )*=(& )*=(* )*=(6 )*=(0 )*=(5 )*=(B )*=(2 )*=(/ )*=)(
@uropean nion
-&2 countries. *,(50 &,00( &,/20 &,&B0 &,*60 &,6)( &,600 &,500 *,&2( *,B&( 0,B/0 6,/0(
7elgium ))0 )*( E E E E E E E E E E
7ulgaria 0( /0 20 6( )2( )(( ))0 &(( ))( 0(0 5B( E
#8ech $epublic )( ( )( 0 0 0 )( 0 0 0 0 E
Denmark /0 50 ))( B( 2( /0 20 )&( )50 )0( )/( &0(
Aermany ),((( 0/( ),(5( B)( 00( 5/( B*( B*0 ),((( ),(&( ),&B0 ),5*(
@stonia ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 ( ( (
Ireland ( ( 0 )( )( ( ( ( ( ( 0 E
Areece 60 &( *0 60 50 0( *( *0 *0 *( E E
Spain &0 &( 60 B0 *0 5( 00 2( 50 0( 50 E
3rance 20 )(( 2( ))( )&( /( /0 /( /( B( /( E
#roatia E E E E E E E E E E E E
Italy /( 6( B( 0( 20 6( 60 5( B( 60 50 E
#yprus 00 *( *( 60 &0 &0 6( E &( 5( E E
4atvia 0 0 ( 0 ( ( 0 ( ( ( ( E
4ithuania ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( E
4u:embourg ( ( ( ( 0 ( ( 0 0 ( 0 E
"ungary E E E E E 50 2( /0 B0 B( /( E
=alta )0 *0 )( )0 6( &( 0 *( *0 )( )0 E
!etherlands /0 50 ))( )(0 )&0 )&0 )&0 )50 )/0 &)( *&( *B(
Austria E E E E E E E E E E E E
>oland *( &( 0( )0 &( )( )0 *0 *0 )( &0 )0
>ortugal 0 ( 0 )( 0 60 ( ( ( ( E E
$omania *0 &0 B( 5( 2( 20 /0 B0 )*( 5( E E
Slovenia 0 0 )0 0 ( ( )0 )0 ( ( ( (
Slovakia ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( E
3inland )( )( 0 )( 0 )0 0 0 )( &( &0 E
Sweden ),)5( ),)5( ),(&0 B00 BB0 B&( B2( B6( ),((( ),&(( &,B60 &,52(
nited Fingdom )6( )*0 )5( )*0 )&0 )5( )&0 )B( &&0 &(( &(0 E

A$$eni* ;
J+ed"es $or resett+ement, #umnitrin dmission nd (ri/te s(onsors#i( b' countr'

Country 7lege 8$ersons9

000 resett+ement

000 #umnitrin dmission


1,300 4200 resett+ement nd 1,100 (ri/te s(onsors#i(5


000 resett+ement

000 #umnitrin dmission

>U b
10,000 #umnitrin dmission

10 resett+ement

.0 resett+ement
4 resett+ement

10 resett+ement

00 resett+ement

200 resett+ement

1,000 resett+ement

30 resett+ement

400 resett+ement

00 resett+ement

B(en:ended number on resett+ement

>U tot+ 12,340
>U tot+ exc+udin" Germn' 2,340
Tot+ 10,244 (+us n ddition+ number to t#e U&A

source: UN!C%, /inding solutions for Syrian refugees0 1esettlement 2umanitarian $dmission and
/amily 1eunification 1* Bctober 2013, /i+b+e t: #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/024.2*2c1)(d$
inc+udin" n ddition+ 0,000 (+ces nnounced in er+' December 2013) &ee: UN!C%, /inding
solutions for Syrian refugees0 1esettlement 2umanitarian $dmission and /amily 1eunification 1*
Bctober 2013, /i+b+e t: #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/024.2*2c1)(d$ nd ;Qnder $ordern me#r &o+idritQt
und >in#eit in der >U:9+Rc#t+in"s(o+iti<S, on+ine t
source: UN!C%, emi+ $rom UN!C% to Amnest' Interntion+, 1 December 2013


UN!C%, 342510 Two million Syrians are refugees, 3 &e(tember 2013, on+ine t:
,sed on UN!C% $i"ures $or re$u"ees $rom &'ri in nei"#borin" countries nd Nort# A$ric, -#ic# stood
t 2,2.2,11. s o$ . December 2013, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/re"ion+)(#() In
ddition, 00,000 &'rins #/e sou"#t s'+um in t#e >U bet-een No/ember 2011 nd Bctober 2013 4see
((endix 25K sm++er numbers #/e sou"#t s'+um e+se-#ere) T#e ctu+ number o$ &'rin re$u"ees is
+i<e+' to be substnti++' #i"#er s mn' #/e not re"istered -it# n s'+um ut#orit')
United Ntions !i"# Commissioner $or %e$u"ees, The /uture of Syria0 1efugee 5hildren in 5risis,
No/ember 2013, ()., on+ine t #tt(://un#cr)or"/9utureB$&'ri/
UN B$$ice $or t#e Coordintion o$ !umnitrin A$$irs, on+ine t #tt(://s'ri)unoc#)or")
T#e 7or+d ,n< estimted &'ri2s (o(u+tion t 22)4 mi++ion $or 2012, on+ine t
#tt(://dt)-or+dbn<)or"/countr'/s'rin:rb:re(ub+ic +st /isited 2* No/ember 2013)
34251 chief urges states to maintain open access for fleeing Syrians, on+ine t
34251 and host countries to push for greater international help on Syrian refugees, on+ine t
9or 3ordn: bsed on 7or+d ,n< estimted (o(u+tion o$ 1)1*1 mi++ion in 2011 4source
#tt(://dt)-or+dbn<)or"/indictor/&J)JBJ)TBT;5, be$ore t#e mCor re$u"ee out$+o- $rom &'ri strted
nd &'ri re$u"ee (o(u+tion o$ 013,?01 s o$ 0 December 2013 4source
#tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP10?5) 9or ;ebnon: ,sed on 7or+d ,n<
estimted (o(u+tion o$ 4,3*2,?.0 in 2011 4source #tt(://dt)-or+dbn<)or"/indictor/&J)JBJ)TBT;5,
be$ore t#e mCor re$u"ee out$+o- $rom &'ri strted nd &'ri re$u"ee (o(u+tion o$ *34,1.. s o$ 4
December 2013 4source #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP1225)
,sed on $i"ure o$ H3 bi++on out o$ tot+ o$ H4)4 bi++ion) United Ntions Ne-s Centre, 34
announces largest e!er humanitarian appeal for conflict6torn Syria, on+ine t #tt(://bit)+'/1i9WtBX)
T#e ((e+ is $or H2,.*1,140,112, o$ -#ic# H1,.11,.?*,01? -ere recei/ed) 9undin" dt /i+b+e
on+ine t #tt(s://docs)"oo"+e)com/s(reds#eet/(ubT<e'P0AusGu0u-btt:
d>(0e!%Gc7dWd2#,Fm(,W7-xU!%CcU>Vsin"+ePtrueV"idP0Vout(utP#tm+, source United Ntions
B$$ice $or t#e Coordintion o$ !umnitrin A$$irs 4BC!A5) 9i"ures =uoted on 1 December 2013)
Bne o$ t#e most im(ortnt met#ods b' -#ic# sttes cn contribute to re$u"ee crises is resett+ement,
-#ereb' countr' o$$ers residenc' nd ssistnce to re$u"ees $rom t#e min #ost countries) T#is #e+(s
re$u"ees t#t #/e (rticu+r /u+nerbi+ities to re:estb+is# t#emse+/es in countr' t#t is b+e to su((ort
t#em more com(re#ensi/e+' nd +so reduces t#e burden on #ost countries) A number o$ +ternti/es to
resett+ement exist nd re bein" used, suc# s #umnitrin dmission, -#ic# o$$ers s#orter residenc'
(eriods -it# +imits o$ $mi+' reuni$iction, nd (ri/te s(onsors#i( /iss)
UN!C%, /inding solutions for Syrian refugees0 1esettlement 2umanitarian $dmission and /amily
1eunification 1* Bctober 2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/024.2*2c1)(d$)
&ee ((endix 1)
/inding solutions for Syrian refugees0 1esettlement 2umanitarian $dmission and /amily
1eunification UN!C%, 1* Bctober 2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/024.2*2c1)(d$)
T#e U& #s sid t#t it -i++ t<e n o(en:ended number o$ re$u"ees $rom &'ri $or resett+ement)
/inding solutions for Syrian refugees0 1esettlement 2umanitarian $dmission and /amily 1eunification
UN!C%, 1* Bctober 2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/024.2*2c1)(d$)
T#e distnce bet-een Dmscus, &'ri nd Nicosi, C'(rus is 203)3 mi+es, source 7o+$rm A+(#,
on+ine t #tt(://---)-o+$rm+(#)com/in(ut/TiPdmscusYnicosiYdistnce)
T#ese re: Austri 4000 (+ces5, 9in+nd 40005, 9rnce 40005, Germn' 40,0005, !un"r' 4105, Ire+nd
4.05, ;uxembour" 4105, Net#er+nds 42005, &(in 4305 nd &-eden 44005) In ddition, t#e $o++o-in"
(+ed"es -ere mde b' t#ree non:>U >uro(en countries: Nor-' 41,0005, Do+do/ 4005 nd &-itGer+nd
Accordin" to UN!C% dt 12,2?0 &'rin re$u"ees -ere re"istered in ;ebnon bet-een 20 nd 30
No/ember on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP122)


Amnest' Interntion+ #s (ub+is#ed number o$ re(orts on #umn ri"#ts issues $cin" re$u"ees $rom
&'ri in #ost countries, see Amnest' Interntion+, 'rowing restrictions tough conditions0 The plight of
those fleeing Syria to 7ordan 4DD> 11/003/20135, Bctober 2013, on+ine t
#tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/+ibrr'/in$o/DD>11/003/2013/enK Amnest' Interntion+, 8,e cannot li!e here
any more#0 1efugees from Syria in -gypt 4DD> 12/010/20135, Bctober 2013, on+ine t
bd.e.1*43$c2/mde120102013en)(d$K Amnest' Interntion+, Tur"ey0 4ational authorities and the
international community must act in partnership to meet the needs of Syrian refugees 4>U%
44/00./20135 A(ri+ 2013, on+ine t
T#ese $i"ures -ere: >"'(t: 12.,1?4 4s o$ * December5K Ir=: 20?,003 4s o$ 4 December5K 3ordn:
011,303 4s o$ . December5K ;ebnon: *30,?30 4s o$ 0 December5K Tur<e': 031,?10 4s o$ 0
December5) Dt retrie/ed on . December 2013 $rom #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/re"ion+)(#(
,sed on UN!C% $i"ures $or re$u"ees $rom &'ri in nei"#borin" countries nd Nort# A$ric, -#ic#
stood t 2,2.2,11. s o$ . December 2013, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/re"ion+)(#()
In ddition, 00,000 &'rins #/e sou"#t s'+um in t#e >U bet-een No/ember 2011 nd Bctober 2013
4see ((endix 25K sm++er number #/e sou"#t s'+um e+se-#ere)
,,C, Syria death toll now abo!e 100000 says 34 5hief 9an 20 3u+' 2013, on+ine t
&ee $or exm(+e t#e $o++o-in" Amnest' Interntion+ re(orts on t#e #umn ri"#ts sitution in &'ri:
Amnest' Interntion+, :eadly reprisals0 :eliberate "illings and other abuses by Syria#s armed forces
4DD> 24/041/20125, 3une 2012K Amnest' Interntion+, $ll6out repression0 ;urging dissent in $leppo
Syria 4DD> 24/011/20125, Au"ust 2012K Amnest' Interntion+, 'o!ernment bombs rain on ci!ilians
4DD> 24/00./20135, Drc# 2013K ++ on+ine t #tt(://mnest')or"
UN B$$ice $or t#e Coordintion o$ !umnitrin A$$irs, on+ine t #tt(://s'ri)unoc#)or")
United Ntions Ne-s Centre, 34 announces largest e!er humanitarian appeal for conflict6torn Syria,
on+ine t #tt(://bit)+'/1i9WtBX
T#e ((e+ is $or H2,.*1,140,112, o$ -#ic# H1,.11,.?*,01? -ere recei/ed) 9undin" dt /i+b+e
on+ine t #tt(s://docs)"oo"+e)com/s(reds#eet/(ubT<e'P0AusGu0u-btt:
d>(0e!%Gc7dWd2#,Fm(,W7-xU!%CcU>Vsin"+ePtrueV"idP0Vout(utP#tm+, source United Ntions
B$$ice $or t#e Coordintion o$ !umnitrin A$$irs 4BC!A5) 9i"ures =uoted on 1 December 2013)
34 appeals for funds to a!ert cut in food aid to Syrian refugees in <ebanon, 1? &e(tember 2013,
on+ine t #tt(://---)un)or"/((s/ne-s/stor')s(TNe-sIDP40*?0VCrPs'riVCr1PZ)U=7b?r.I(7;, +st
ccessed on . December 2013)
UN!C%, )nternational ;rotection 5onsiderations with regard to people fleeing the Syrian $rab 1epublic
3pdate )), 22 Bctober 2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)re$-or+d)or"/docid/02101*4$4)#tm+
,sed on UN!C% in$ormtion, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/re"ion+)(#(
Accordin" to UN!C% in$ormtion, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP122
Accordin" to UN!C% in$ormtion, on+ine #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP10?
T#e "o/ernment estimte inc+udes &'rin -or<ers nd t#eir $mi+ies nd ot#er &'rins o$ mens -#o
#/e not re"istered -it# UN!C%, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP122
T#ere -ere 111,?*0 re$u"ees in Itri s o$ . December 2013, on+ine t
J+estinin re$u"ees, inc+udin" J+estinins -#o #d unti+ recent+' been residents o$ &'ri 4o$ten
re$erred to s J+estinin &'rins5 o$ -#ic# t#ere re n estimted 230,000 dis(+ced -it#in &'ri nd
10,000 outside o$ &'ri, #/e t#eir ser/ice nd (rotection needs (ro/ided $or b' t#e UN %e+ie$ nd 7or<s
A"enc' $or J+estine %e$u"ees 4UN%7A5) 9or more in$ormtion see: #tt(://---)unr-)or"/cti/it'/rss:
A+:3Geer, 1efugee influ= worsens 7ordan>s water woes, D' 2013


Interntion+ Crisis Grou(, Too 5lose for 5omfort0 Syrians in <ebanon 13 D' 2013, ()1, on+ine t
T#e 7or+d ,n<, <ebanon 9ears the 9runt of the -conomic and Social Spillo!ers of the Syrian 5onflict
24 &e(tember 2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)-or+dbn<)or"/en/ne-s/$eture/2013/0./24/+ebnon:bers:t#e:
T#e Di+' &tr, Syrian gunships raid outs"irts of <ebanon#s $rsal0 source14 No/ember 2013, on+ine t
,,C, <ebanon city of Tripoli hit by deadly clashes 1 December 2013, on+ine t
UN!C%, &'ri %e"ion+ %es(onse J+n 4%%J 05, 3nur' to December 2013, on+ine t
Amnest' Interntion+, 'rowing restrictions tough conditions0 The plight of those fleeing Syria to
7ordan 4DD> 11/003/20135, Bctober 2013, () 24, /i+b+e t:
In meetin" -it# Amnest' Interntion+ in 3une 2013, 3ordnin Dinistr' o$ Interior o$$ici+s sid t#t
J+estinin nd Ir=i re$u"ees -ere "ener++' not ++o-ed ccess nd t#ere -ere restrictions on sin"+e
men nd t#ose -it#out identit' documents)
Amnest' Interntion+, 7ordan0 5hildren among Syrian refugees denied entry, 1. Au"ust 2013, on+ine
t: #tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/$or:medi/(ress:re+eses/Cordn:c#i+dren:mon":s'rin:re$u"ees:denied:
'rowing restrictions tough conditions0 The plight of those fleeing Syria to 7ordan Amnest'
Interntion+ 4DD> 11/003/20135, Bctober 2013, ( 10, on+ine t:
Accordin" to UN!C% in$ormtion, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP224
Accordin" to UN!C% in$ormtion, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP224
UN!C%, 5ountries 2osting Syrian 1efugees0 Solidarity and 9urden6Sharing, &e(tember 2013, () 13,
on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/020$e3e0.)(d$
&ee $or exm(+e Tur"ey#s refugee camps full to capacity with Syrians fleeing bloodshed, on+ine t
!umn %i"#ts 7tc#, )ra.?7ordan?Tur"ey0 Syrians 9loc"ed from /leeing ,ar, 1 3u+' 2013, on+ine t
Amnest' Interntion+, Tur"ey forces hundreds of Syrian refugees bac" across border, 2* Drc# 2013,
on+ine t #tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/$or:medi/(ress:re+eses/tur<e':$orces:#undreds:s'rin:re$u"ees:
Accordin" to UN!C% in$ormtion, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP103
Amnest' Interntion+ conducted reserc# mission in t#e Eurdistn re"ion o$ Ir= in
No/ember/December 2013)
Inter/ie-s -it# re$u"ees nd NGBs, Ir=i Eurdistn, No/ember/December 2013)
Accordin" to UN!C% in$ormtion, on+ine t #tt(://dt)un#cr)or"/s'rinre$u"ees/countr')(#(TidP*
Amnest' Interntion+, -gypt turns away Syrians, 10 3u+' 2013, on+ine t
&ee $or exm(+e Amnest' Interntion+, 8,e cannot li!e here any more#0 1efugees from Syria in -gypt
4DD> 12/010/20135, Bctober 2013, on+ine t:
#tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/+ibrr'/in$o/DD>12/010/2013/enK !umn %i"#ts 7tc#, >"'(t: &'ri
%e$u"ees Detined, Coerced to %eturn, No/ember 2013, on+ine t
Amnest' Interntion+, 8,e cannot li!e here any more#0 1efugees from Syria in -gypt 4DD>
12/010/20135, Bctober 2013, on+ine t: #tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/+ibrr'/in$o/DD>12/010/2013/en)


9or exm(+e: 7++, /rom the beginning of the conflict %00 Syrian in@ured ha!e been treated in )srael
4in !ebre-5, 30 &e(tember 2012 4#tt(://ne-s)-++)co)i+/T-P/./21*110?5K nd NJ%, $n unli"ely refuge0
Some wounded Syrians treated in )srael, 13 &e(tember 2013, on+ine t
9or exm(+e: )srael will stop any flood of Syrian refugees0 9ara", 1. 3u+' 2012, on+ine t
Amnest' Interntion+, )srael0 'o!ernment urged to allow all from Syria see"ing refuge to enter 'olan
2eights, 20 3u+' 2012, on+ine t #tt(://---)mnest')or"/(t:br/+ibrr'/in$o/DD>10/043/2012/en
Jus#:bc< o(ertions, or (us#:bc<s, re$er to un+-$u++' (us#in" bc< n indi/idu+ or "rou( o$
indi/idu+s -#i+e t#e' re ttem(tin" to cross border or soon $ter-rds, to-rds t#e countr' t#e' cme
$rom) T#e' re un+-$u+ becuse t#e' t<e (+ce -it#out (rocedur+ s$e"urds nd -it#out res(ectin"
t#e ri"#t o$ indi/idu+s to c#++en"e t#eir ex(u+sion or ((+' $or s'+um) I$ t#e' +ed to (eo(+e bein"
returned to countr' -#ere t#e' ris< serious #umn ri"#ts buses, t#en t#e' +so mount to refoulement,
-#ic# is (ro#ibited under interntion+ +-)
&ee Amnest' Interntion+, 9ulgaria0 8)nhuman conditions# spar" protest at refugee camp, 1.
No/ember 2013 on+ine t #tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/$or:medi/(ress:re+eses/bu+"ri:in#umn:
conditions:s(r<:(rotest:re$u"ee:cm(:2013:11:1. nd Amnest' Interntion+, /rontier -urope0 2uman
rights abuses on 'reece#s border with Tur"ey 3u+' 2013 420/00*/20135, on+ine t:
UN!C% ;ib', -=ternal 3pdate 4o!ember *01%, on+ine t #tt(://re+ie$-eb)int/re(ort/+ib'/un#cr:
&ee #tt(://$r-'s'ri)or")
Amnest' Interntion+, Scapegoats of /ear0 1ights of 1efugees $sylum6See"ers and Aigrants $bused
in <ibya 4Index DD> 1./00?/20135, 3une 2013, on+ine t
9or more in$ormtion on t#e sitution o$ re$u"ees nd mi"rnts in ;ib', see Amnest' Interntion+,
Scapegoats of /ear0 1ights of 1efugees $sylum6See"ers and Aigrants $bused in <ibya 4Index DD>
1./00?/20135, 3une 2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/+ibrr'/in$o/DD>1./00?/2013/en
In t#e $irst o$ t#ese incidents, t +est 300 (eo(+e died -#en bot $rom ;ib' crr'in" #undreds sn<
on 3 Bctober) Bne incident on 11 Bctober +ed to t#e det#s o$ t +est 12 (eo(+e o$$ t#e cost o$
A+exndri 4>"'(t5) Bne t#e sme d' not#er bot sn< $ter it +e$t ;ib' $or ;m(edus 4It+'5K
estimtes /r' considerb+' bet-een o$$ici+ $i"ures bsed on bodies retrie/ed nd testimonies o$
sur/i/ors) >stimtes o$ det#s $or t#is (rticu+r incidents rn"e bet-een 33 nd 21*) %e$u"ees -#o
-ere on t#t bot sid t#e' -ere 400:000 (eo(+e on t#e bot) 9or more in$ormtion see $or exm(+e:
,,C Ne-s, Aigrant boat shot at as it left <ibya, #tt(://---)bbc)co)u</ne-s/-or+d:euro(e:24014340
nd ,,C Ne-s, -gypt boat capsiBe0 1* migrants die off $le=andria, #tt(://---)bbc)co)u</ne-s/-or+d:
UN!C%, -gypt ,ee"ly 3pdate Syria Cperation 4:10 No/ember 2013, /i+b+e t:
Amnest' Interntion+ s(o<e to se/er+ re$u"ees -#o sur/i/ed t#is incident in Di+n 4It+'5 in No/ember
2013) &ee +so 9briGio Gtti, <ampedusa passing the buc" of responsibilities0 this is how they left
Syrian children to drown, 2* No/ember 2013 Bn+ine t:
9briGio Gtti , <ampedusa la strage senBa fine c>e> un altro barcone affondato, 21 Bctober 2013,
on+ine t: #tt(://es(resso)re(ubb+ic)it/ttu+it/2013/10/21/ne-s/+m(edus:+:str"e:senG:$ine:c:e:un:
T#ere re con$+ictin" re(orts bout -#o s#ot t t#e bot, -it# su""estions t#t it mi"#t #/e been eit#er
;ib'n cost"urd, mi+itimen or smu""+ers) T#e ;ib'n ut#orities #/e +unc#ed n in/esti"tion into
t#e ++e"tions mde b' sur/i/ors) T#e $u++ resu+ts o$ t#e in/esti"tion #/e 'et to be re/e+ed, but
ccordin" to t#e ;ib'n Jrime Dinister, t#e cost"urd -ere not in/o+/ed in t#e s#ootin")
Inter/ie- conducted b' Amnest' Interntion+ reserc#ers in Di+n, It+', No/ember 2013)
Inter/ie- conducted b' Amnest' Interntion+ reserc#ers in Di+n, It+', 2? No/ember 2013)


Inter/ie- conducted b' Amnest' Interntion+ reserc#ers in Di+n, It+', No/ember 2013)
&ee <ampedusa passing the buc" of responsibilities0 this is how they left Syrian children to drown 2*
No/ember 2013 online t: #tt(://es(resso)re(ubb+ic)it/internGion+e/2013/11/2*/ne-s/+m(edus:
buc<:(ssin":on:t#e:msscre:so:t#e':+e$t:s'rins:c#i+dren:dro-n:1)143313) &ee +so re+ted
in$ormtion in 34251 5hief e=presses shoc" at new Aediterranean boat tragedy 1* Cctober *01%
on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/020.4c11)#tm+
>uro(en Commission, on+ine t #tt(://ec)euro()eu/d"s/#ome:$$irs/$inncin"/$undin"s/m((in":
>uro(en Commission, on+ine t #tt(://ec)euro()eu/d"s/#ome:$$irs/$inncin"/$undin"s/m((in":
9rontex, $nnual 1is" $nalysis *01% A(ri+ 2013, (") 20, on+ine t
Accordin" to t#e Gree< Jo+ice, on+ine t
Accordin" to t#e Gree< Jo+ice, on+ine t
In 3u+' 2013, Amnest' Interntion+ estimted t#t 101 indi/idu+s #d +ost t#eir +i/es crossin" t#e
Ae"n &e) &ee: Amnest' Interntion+, /rontier -urope0 2uman rights abuses on 'reece#s border with
Tur"ey 3u+' 2013 4>U% 20/00*/20135, on+ine t #tt(://mnest')or"/en/+ibrr'/in$o/>U%20/00*/2013/en
&ince t#en re(orts #/e indicted t#t t +est 30 more #/e +ost t#eir +i/es in se/er+ incidents bet-een
3u+' nd No/ember 2013) &ee $or exm(+e: Amnest' Interntion+, Two boat tragedies lea!e migrants
dead and missing off -urope#s shores *+ 7uly *01% online at #tt(://---)mnest')or"/en/$or:
-ge>de gDEmen te"nesi battF0 *G DlH 31 3u+' 2013, on+ine t
nd /i!e dead as immigrant boat sin"s off Tur"ey, 2. No/ember 2013, on+ine t
Co++ecti/e ex(u+sions -#ere "rou(s o$ (eo(+e re de(orted -it#out t<in" into considertion t#e
indi/idu+ circumstnce o$ ec# (erson se(rte+' /io+te interntion+ ntion+ nd >U +-)
Amnest' Interntion+, /rontier -urope0 2uman rights abuses on 'reece#s border with Tur"ey 3u+'
2013 420/00*/20135, ("), 13, on+ine t #tt(://mnest')or"/en/+ibrr'/in$o/>U%20/00*/2013/en
UN!C%, 34251 chief urges -urope to help 9ulgaria cope with Syrian refugee influ= 22 No/ember
2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/02*$**011)#tm+
UN!C%, 34251 chief urges -urope to help 9ulgaria cope with Syrian refugee influ= 22 No/ember
2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/02*$**011)#tm+
Inter/ie- -it# Amnest' Interntion+, 12 No/ember 2013)
Deetin" -it# Amnest' Interntion+, Di+n, 2? No/ember 2013)
>mi+ sent to Amnest' Interntion+ on 2 December 2013)
>mi+ sent to Amnest' Interntion+ on 2 December 2013)
Inter/ie- -it# t#e $mi+', Di+n, 2? No/ember 2013)
UN!C%, 34251 chief urges -urope to help 9ulgaria cope with Syrian refugee influ= 22 No/ember
2013, on+ine t #tt(://---)un#cr)or"/02*$**011)#tm+

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