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24^ Sakal KEtcfihil 1.Q73 Kasrolsava Eaishi

X^araJd Sbqi Jbpan ^[bsejom Ken^ JTapam
Bbrward^fcng Xsaanits ffipav Eiiith Courtiiey
3JT1104 S. LaSaMa
(ferdena, CaiHiifbimiiA.
jnNB 19159
Deair Friends in Chrisrtf
"Wow imto) that is- abls to do exceediingiy abundJantly above all that we ask
or think actsording to the power that worketh in xls^ imto him be glory in the
church by Chriatb Jhsus- throughout all ageSj, world, without end]* Amenv"
Bpheianffi 3t20-231. Thiffi verse ha become a greater reaMty for me in the lasifc
few days*.
Two years: ago J arrived in Jkpan undDer contract from Christian Academy in Japam
in th capacdity of teacher for missionary children. Last year 3&d called me to-
Nagoya to help organi^ze and then teach in a one room st^oolL for el^t missionary
children* That work ciiOBed for me JDiine 6^ 19^" During this time I have enjoyed
working with missionary children but have had: a growing desire to work more
directly with the Jfepanese people* The Lord, has- truly dOne more tha& I ever
imagined), in working out the details to make this possible*^
On JOhne 12 I came to Tokyo at the invitation of the JUilius Pleenor family
(Christian Church missionaries, 19 year in Japan) to pray and wait for the
leactiing of the Lord, as- to how I could use my taleint to serve the Japansse hest*
After writing to my home church,, Lockhaven Christian Church, Ihglewood, California,
the elders have endorsed me as a missionary to Japan as two years, ago they set
me apart for work in Jkpan> In a special dedication aezrvioe*
QmJune I4 a Christian worker,, Toshiko Kagiwadh of the Sakai Christian Church
located 60 miles outvlde ef Tokyo, came to see the Fleenors* Hrs* Esigiwada
went to the town of Sakai about six years ago and opened a new work with the
help <rf' the f^eemrrs* She now has a church organized, and a Japanese Christiam
Kindergarten with about thirty students*. As fhr as we know Krs.* Eagiwada is
the only evangelist in the entire town af 30,000 people* She is in need of
help, particularly with the fcindtergarten* Sines I am a trained kindergartem
teacher ^e has asked me to come and help with this work* Secause of my
training 1 should bsi able to help her with the oa^^anizatiom of the Bchool
as well, as act as gTigiHiath^ teacher for' the school* English can he used as a
Bftans of attraoAing new people*
Xhe work at Sakai Is largely self-aapportiin^ tot "by no means able to provide
a- salary for me* Bies* Eaglwadn offered to provide roooi and board far ma
$30 par onmidi ffom the Mndergarten tuitions* X aooepted Bra* Eagiwada^s
invidbatiion only after nrasdi prayer* I have reoeiived about $20 per month im the
last two years throng the tooddiaven Qhriatian Chorcdu I ami hopiing to suppXement
my ffiaXary by- teatoing extra Englisdi odDassDss tot nothing i^ arzian3d (iefiiniztelly
aa; yet * Itb im with assmranoe that (Sh& wiXlL proviide for my needs that I go to
hellp bring Christ to the peopHe c# Sakai with the talents and training that;
Sbid. ham ^vemme*
Itong-all-my persamali fondto;, X have^put on dOpefidt in ^Pokyo) my retnm fhre to
the States* X conaidsred using this; money to go to Amerisa to appeal for living
link suppocrty hut after praying felt it wouldi to vaading (Shd^s snney fbr tranSi^
portation esqpoiaea* XhsbeadB, 1 have d&ecdded to mbay and witness in Jhpamthis
summer and write to the Christians at home about my situation*
In order to he a help to this strugglJing ohuroh Ihat torn many material needs of
its own 1 ann appealing to the Church of America to pray that (SOd will lay it;
upon ihe hearts; of individuals or groups to send at least $1(S0 a month fibr my
livlhgi, tratosortation and evangelistio; materials to he tisedLin Sakai* Phnflk
may he sent idiroti^ looldiaven Christian Church, 3947 West lC4th Street, Ihglevood,
California*. Please designate any fundte sent thi^u^ the church* Funds may
also he sent direotlly to my forwarding agezit,, ]&s* Sdith Courtney,^
171<S4 S* LaSalle, (fordena,, California $0247 <
luring the summer I will he helping in the toruizawa Christiani Camp* Xto Fleenors
have set up> a full sodiedulie of ten oas^ :&r the somser* luring this^time 1 eant^
he reached atb WUIB Karuizawa Baohi,: Nagano) Eto, JfiEipanw.
"Fbur a great dbpr and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adlmersarieB* *
X Corinthians- lt$l The dbor is open and X need your prayers^* Please write and
tell me yom are praying for this work* Continue to pray for J^pan^
Sinoerely Ibi Christy
torhara Courtney V
Date July /7,/Q'(^9
Name in full O.nlje.F-.t^ C^niA Py
^ , . , , , 'Iv/CT C-. /- . ' kJ ^ ^ I ' I
Complete address on field '^cxkcy | HaC.k /'
b o.ra k I k'e. . /a pQJix
Complete forwarding address (~^ I d L[<"
.n/^-nrTp n o. Ci r- Ai A
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
Street, Street.
City 7.nnp Sfflf-A. City Zone__State,
Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches;
L6C^k Aa t/e, Kr- f%'fIg a.rr) k
"7 a), /d^ ^ r-f Street,
Czone StatdGa/lS City Zone_
Please send along with this form copies oFrecommendations from churches which will encourage
other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a
visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos
sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon
sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value
of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about
your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)
and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the
credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to
spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
Jia/I.eachletter, thanks.)
NAMV.Hr^ [ g Hgennr- _Name
Rtrppt_/ < /Uo-k (X (Og Kin I "Mtrppt
r.ity 7nnp . Pity State.
tJ'Jl Tend letter p<5e^^lS
Name and address of hometown nfiWf=;p3pftr^QjT-rte a Vd^lle-y l\]ej^iT
Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
vStreet. Street.,
7.nnfi. statp. r!ity Zone_State,
Place of PTR.TH \Jcl IIQ^C e. .ICAO- ha , /J . A
Day of hirf:h ^^ Month. Year3^__
Where hgptigpH? - tx O. hrtg'f* QK ,A r>atp. y^Q.-S"/"e r-^ / 9
P4ty-.-^A-'=;State.^ ^"PI .
On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to
marital STATUS; /
MarripH. SingleDivorced_^ WiHnwPft
Date of marriflgp Where married?
Who solemnized your wedding?
List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:
(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)
Name Place of their birth day, month, and year
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
Place Service Dates
C. I Ia rv u.rck
.ye ^ '''f'eo.clae r C1
nxC >^J->er A-?okniir-
SCHOOLING (high school and later):
Name of school Location
Number of years Degrees and date granted
As/^.r+)^6:Jg<^^^ 0.k^,<hnf. y"? >nf.Kf. nAK
eAu-gocf/ <5
fe.pp^rrliKM: ,OwJ(pge, L'.< cD ^
What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your o\vn story in some detail might be influential in leading
others ^to fulltime service (Use an ej^ra sheet if you need more space): ,
tie bpetctii: ,
Txip olo
(Xb (ih^~MaX:
bUXUZ^C^ 'j^ xxuD
OH>X> ...JhUX^cLu^ 7^ ZU9-xX>
Id A 4^
e Briefl^n outline form the nature of your daily dutied_on 'the field:^
Which of the folfJ^ng^er^^ mos?^a^^d^^n^s^y^^mf^lOTiary'^^stalifs?
Pvang-pliRt. Bible College Tp.anhpir. Public School Teacher_
RnmpmnifAr Dnptnr ^JnrgA Social worker-_^^_ Music teacher.
Radio ministry, Radio followup. Christian Service Camp,
Maintenance of mission equipment, Benevolence. Office work.
Lingui stics _
_^_ Name other:
Father's name and home aHHrAsg- P7z? ^y Lmng_li^ Deceased.
I7' (p , StrAAt. r.ity. Zone_StateQiajjt^
S'-heel, y
His oAAiipfltinn /Tghe a Christian? yps vx nn_
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church? v\
[y.o ^.r ,e-r- Hp /Sr.^j'VKgi rk^nO ^
What Christian service does he now do? - C^(P r\^ c. ^ vn
Mother's full maiden name: ^ MQ. ^^ M -e r- Living^jZ^ Deceased.
strAAt \7/dd- City^X^OJcAs. W1 ,7nTiA RtatP,
Is she a Christian? Var. lyiSTo. Her occupation if employed outside the vnTvi<g=;r- haa I ( aVatp r ic.
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local AhiirAh.? I ^^r\ r
n Kn.^r^mccVA Ph T, n e <> *^.<3-S r-^ c1a. i Q
ZlT^ . 'P K 0 tA y\ g , StreetJ.
1 i 6 U -S'. Lcx.^n.1 le.
City. y.rtnA. Rtatp.. O-Ql I^O TAlAphnnA-F^A* Q ^
Where attend Ahiirnh?-Z-.Ac^i< I^CXvclyn lA Q>NRtrAAt "=^9^7 LiJ regrf
p Zone State I?,0LQ
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent: Hfp r/i I ^1 f fy'V
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?
KV-S. ^
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?.
Oe-'-iv ,
In what form should funds be gpnt'^ K&l-S..--ci ^kr/^riiok L,00 Kf\0 V<? ry\
"fo y Vo r Y\ o w'T'
If funds are to be sent directly tothe missionary on the field, please expfam the^etails of how to
do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think
might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:
Barbara Courtney
248 Sakai
Forwarding Agent
Mrs. Edith Courtney
17104 S. LaSalle
Gardena, California
Dear Friends in Christ:
As the Thanksgiving Season approaches 1 have become especially aware of all the many reasons I
have for giving thanks to God for his blessings. During the last few months the Lord has truly blessed me in a
special way. I should like to share some of these things with you.
Last June I wrote to many of you telling about an opportunity that developed here. At that time
Kagiwada-san, a Japanese Christian evangelist, asked me to come and help her here in Sakai with a Christian
Kindergarten and also to help in the evangelistic work of the Church. When she first mentioned my coming
there were many obstacles to such a plan. One problem was in the area of finances, but the Lord has undertaken
for me and this is gradually being worked out.
At the time*3fN^y last letter I was receiving about $20 a month in pledged support. That figure is
now up to $40 per montni I'would like to take this opportunity to say a sincere thank you to all those that are
contributing in this wayy/f also have received many gifts from others that wished to contribute. Aspecial thank
you to those people toi^^f It really has been wonderful to know that people are interested and praying for the
work here in Sakai.
Since arriving in August I have been very busy. During-^'typical weel^ have a very full schedule. I
want to thank God for" that, too, as it gives me more opportunities to witness Jeff-the Lord. On Sunday I play
the organ for the morning service, teach an afternoon Bible claSs and then pfey the organ again for the evening
service and preach as well. On Monday I work all day in the Kindergarten (they have one hour of English every
day). Monday night I have a group of Jr. High students come for an English lesson. Tuesday is very much like
Monday except I have two different English classes in the evening. Both of these classes are English Bible classes.
Kakinuma-san comes at five and two men come at 7:30. None of them are Christian but they are willing to study
from the Bible If they can learn English too. Please pray for them. Wednesday during the day I teach in the
Kindergarten. Each Wednesday night I go to Tokyo. Thursday is spent in Tokyo at a missionary prayer meeting
and taking care of business, shopping, etc. Thursday night I return to Sakai in time for prayer meeting. Tokyo
is about three hours away by bus and train. Friday during the day I teach in the Kindergarten and I have two
more English Bible classes at night. Saturday morning we have kindergarten. In the afternoon I goto the high
school towork with a group of English students there. The teachers there seem to appreciate my help and It is
another opportunity to witness. In the late afternoon i go with one of the Japanese Christians out into the
country and we hold children's meetings each week. At first we had anattendance of only five or six but we are
averaging 14 or 15 now. Saturday night is spent in preparing for Sunday. Such is a week in Sakai. I thank
God for it.
Thank you again toall those that help make it possible. Continue to pray for Japan and especially the
work here in Sakai. The town has a population of 30,000 and this is the only evangelistic effort in the whole
town. Thanksgiving is a time when everyone thinks about harvest. Sakai is truly a field white unto harvest and
the laborers are few. Do pray with us that the Lord will send more laborers to the field. There is so much to
be done.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Please write and let me know that you are praying for this work.
Sincerely, In Christ

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