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Mobile: 09650278326
Mechanical Engineer with a consolidated experience of 3" mo#$hs Looking forward To
work in a globally competitive and creative environment on challenging assignments that
shall yield the twin benefits of job satisfaction with a steady-paced professional growth
and learning in field of Product esign! "esearch # development $n the "otating
e%uipment sector&
%ro&essio#al S'#o(sis
%R)*+,- *ES./0 1 %R)%)SA2 E0/.0EER.0/:
25 months of extensive experience in the field of product design # application
engineering of 2ar!e Hi!h 3ol$a!e Ro$a$i#! Elec$rical machi#es 1 H'4ro
$5rbi#es! Ma$erial selec$io#6 E3ol3i#! bill o& ma$erials a#4 *esi!#
.m(ro3eme#$7 R1*.
Experienced in working with international and domestic standards such as .S6 AS-M6
A%.6 .E, for "otating electrical machines&
Proficient and experienced in evolving concepts by (er&ormi#! ha#4 calc5la$io#s.
'nowledge of using SA% as a ER%&
Proficient and (ertified in (omputer )ided esign using ,A-.A 85 by assault
Proficient and certified in ()E meshing and pre processing using H9%ERMESH&
Proficient in performing rotordynamic analysis +Lateral # torsional, using
-asics of )nalysis and structural simulation using ,A-.A 85 S.M+2.A&
.ell versed in using A+-),A* for drafting&
'nowledge of )pplying /eome$ric *ime#sio#i#! 1 -olera#ces&
(ompetent knowledge of ferrous metals! ma$erial selec$io# and hea$ $rea$me#$
&or cri$ical a((lica$io#s i#3ol3i#! hi!h s$ress6 &a$i!5e6 :ear a#4 cree( loa4s.
Proficient in using Soli4 E4!e 1 Soli4;orks for part modelling&
MA-ER.A2S A0* HEA- -REA-ME0- A0A29S-:
9 Mo#$hs of experience in *haft # /ear manufacturing! Material science # 0eat
1ield exposure to various process such as 0ormali<i#!6 A##eali#!6 ,ase
har4e#i#!6 /as carb5ri<a$io#6 Sho$ blas$i#!6 Sho$ (ee#i#! # Material selection&
Exposure into me$all5r!' a#4 ma$erial scie#ce o& allo' s$eels&
Experience in identifying areas of improvement and recommending process
modifications to enhance operational efficiencies of the systems.
%rocess 4e&i#i$io# &or $he hea$ $rea$me#$ o& 3ario5s allo' s$eels based on the
material and the re%uired parameters to be achieved based on customer
etermining the %uality and acceptance criteria of the heat treated products at
microscopic and macroscopic levels&
.#45s$rial E=(erie#ce
Presently associated with Andritz Hydro GmbH from March-2012
(One of the worlds Largest manufacturers of Large Hydro Turbines & Hydro Generators )
Se#ior e#!i#eer -eam member> %ro(osal e#!i#eeri#!
Hi!hli!h$s o& :ork 1 e=(erie#ce:
Res(o#sible &or selec$io# o& H'4ro $5rbi#es based on various parameters such
as 0ead! ischarge! Power rating! speed etc&
/eneration of H'4ra5lic $5rbi#e la'o5$ *a$a for detailed engineering&
Selec$io# o& !e#era$ors based on the turbine parameters.
$nteracting with the customers # 2endors on various technical %ueries that arises
during proposal engineering and project execution
WEG nd!stries "ndia# P$t %td -May 2010 to &eb 2012
(Latin Americas Largest & One of the worlds leading manufacturers of Generators and Motors)
E#!i#eer> %ro45c$ 4esi!#
Hi!hli!h$s o& :ork 1 e=(erie#ce:
Res(o#sible &or $he i#i$ial s$a!e Mecha#ical 4esi!# o& cos$ e&&ec$i3e 2ar!e
Ro$a$i#! elec$rical machi#es as per customer specification # within the electrical
?ei#! $he (ilo$ ba$ch o& e#!i#eers :orke4 o# se$$i#! 5( $he 4esi!# $eam i#
.#4ia and actively taking part in complete technology transfer from the parent
company in -ra3il to $ndia&
)daptation of overseas standards to omestic standard by modifying the design
without affecting its functional %ualities&
Performing calculations for cri$ical s(ee4s6 $orsio#al ri!i4i$' o& $he sha&$6
s$r5c$5ral ri!i4i$' o& machi#e &rames6 base &rame6 &la#!es6 co5(li#!s6 E#4
shiel4s 5si#! R)-)R*906 Ma$hca46 E=cel.
Selec$io# o& a#$i&ric$io# a#4 @o5r#al beari#!s based on load! speed and
,alc5la$io# o& s$ress i#45ce4 i# 3ario5s members o& $he sha&$ a#4 &rame
&o5#4a$io#s during critical conditions like "unaway! load rejection! short circuit #
over speed&
/eneration of -ill of materials for projects using SA% ER% tool&
-ech#ical s5((or$ $o ma#5&ac$5ri#! and contributing practical solutions to
various shop floor problems that surface during the manufacturing phase
/eneration of detailed drawings of parts and assemblies&
)ctively involved in meetings # discussions with the customers in solving engineering
issues which have aroused over various stages of the project&
%roAec$ .#3ol3e44
Mechanical design of *ynchronous hydro generator! frame-5677! 57M.! 8pole! 9703
with -rushless excitation&
)pplication4 2ertical 1rancis Turbine&
A((lica$io# E#!i#eeri#!:
eveloping the )pplication based Preliminary stage design of new machines entailing
drawings! analysis for "otor dynamics! performing 0and calculations! -earing selection!
Materials etc after studying and understanding the customer specifications for both
domestic and international markets for 0igh voltage "otating electrical machines using
various tools and software&
*ynchronous 0ydro generators and Turbo generators "anging from 5M. to 67M.!
6pole to :6pole with application of *team turbines! 'aplan! 1rancis and Pelton
esign for application involving high thrust! speeds and critical conditions&
esign for achieving critical re%uirements such as critical speeds for high speed
generators and shaft deflection in case of hydro generators&
$nitiated and successfully conceptualised new methods for frame si3e reduction!
improved cooling and compact machines which resulted in cos$ re45c$io# b' 30>
)chieved total customer satisfaction on various occasions by Proactively interacting
with customers during the en%uiry stage to understand their re%uirements& This one
step ahead approach has brought the company closer to achieving the goal of being
customer focused and has also been appreciated by the customers and therefore
hel(e4 ele3a$e $he re(5$a$io# o& $he or!a#isa$io#&
Played an important role in successfully setting up the design team in $ndia by actively
participating in technology transfer! internal standards adaptation to suit the domestic
markets and providing training to new engineers joining the department&
/enerated various technical offers and played a key role in converting them into
orders worth millions& by proactively solving customer related technical issues at
various stages&
(onsistently achieved a K%. o& 100B for Performance in the department&
)s a team member! actively involved in successfully implementing $*; <775-:778
=M* in the department&
Gears ' Pinions P$t %td - (e)tember 200* to A)ril 2010
(OM of the High !recision "#iral & "traight $e%el Gears for leading Automobile and Machine
Manufacturing &ndustries)
%rocess E#!i#eer> Hea$ $rea$me#$.
Ke' areas o& ;ork 1 E=(erie#ce:
%ro45c$io# 7 %rocess Ma#a!eme#$
0andling process planning to maintain in time schedule in order to feed the next
1urnace and continuity of production&
,o#$rolli#! $he re$ai#e4 a5s$e#i$e a#4 Mar$e#si$e com(osi$io# in the heat
batches by controlling the carbon potential in the furnace! thereby controlling the
micro structure ie& (ontrolling the percentage of carbon& This is crucial in reducing
the field failure and improves the fatigue life of the carburi3ed component&
,arb5risi#! $he com(o#e#$s for achieving specified results related to effective case
depth! core hardness! surface hardness and micro structure&
*upervising production # process control with reference to %uality standards&
Ma$erial Ma#a!eme#$
;verall procurement of raw material conforming to the re%uired technical parameters
and production re%uirements&
$dentifying and developing potential vendors> suppliers for achieving cost effective
purchases of materials? achieving reduction in prices and timely delivery&
%rocess .m(ro3eme#$
)chieving continuous improvement by eliminating! @on (onformance! "e-works and
Line "ejection&
*tudy of the field failures of gears and conducting the failure analysis and suggesting
the preventive measures and changes in heat treatment cycles to prevent this&
S$54' o& $he e&&ec$ o& Sho$ (ee#i#! o& /ears a#4 $heir i#&l5e#ce o# im(ro3i#!
$he &a$i!5e li&e o& $he com(o#e#$&
$mplemented methods to achieve uniform heating and %uenching of carburised
charges to minimise heating distortion&
$n line inspection of hardness! "un-;ut # 1latness # fixture design for the same?
conducting 1ield failure )nalysis! $sothermal )nnealing! *hot -lasting # *hot Peening!
"educe the re-work in process leading to time bound planning in the process chain!
thereby reducing line rejection&
/raduate with a ?achelor 4e!ree i# mecha#ical E#!i#eeri#! under 2ishveshwaraiah
technological university in :77<&
Programming in , 1 ,CC from @$$T in :77A&
(ertification in ,A-.A 85 from assault systems in :77<&
Trained in using S)2.*;)RKS.
%erso#al 4ossier
ate of -irth 4 :B-5:-5<8A
Passport @o 4 C6D::8B5
"esidence 4 @o-5B! ;m @ivas! ;pp (hrist the king school! Brd cross!
"aghavendra Extn! "amamurthy @agar!
-angalore-9D775D! 'arnataka! $ndia&
0obbies 4 Philately! @umismatics! "eading -ooks! Listening to music #
Positive )ttributes 4 0ard .orking # Passionate! eveloped Excellent
(ommunication skills with the ability to relate to people at
any level of business! result oriented and down to earth
attitude! driven with a practical approach # excellent
problem solving skills&
"eferences 4 Mr& "amakrishna "ao +raoEweg&net,
+Ex 0ead of epartment of esign-.E/ $ndustries +$ndia,,
Mr& *unil @aik +sunilnaikEweg&net,
+0ead of epartment of esign-.E/ $ndustries +$ndia,,

Mr& Prasanna 'umar +Prasanna&'umarpEin&bosch&com ,
+/M- "obert -osch engineering +$ndia,,


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