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Courtney Takahashi

Anatomy 7
3 November 2006

The Nose Knows

Surface Anatomy
 Lateral nasal cartilages
 Alar nasal cartilage
 Septal cartilage
 Alar fibrofatty tissue (personal edification only)

Nasal Cavity
 Nostril
 Vestibule (aperature of nostril)
 Choana (remember not a structure, Netters, plate 33)
 Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
 Vomer (Netters plate 6)
 Septal cartilage (Netters plate 6)
 Superior nasal concha (Netters plate 33)
 Superior nasal meatus (Netters plate 33)
 Middle nasal concha (Netters plate 33)
 Middle nasal meatus (Netters plate 33)
 Inferior nasal concha (Netters plate 33)
 Inferior nasal meatus (Netters plate 33)
 Bulla ethmoidalis (Netters plate 33, lower diagram)
o Bulla ethmoidalis is a bony projection of the side wall displaced into the nasal cavity due
to the protrusive middle ethmoidal air cells
 Uncinate process (Netters plate 33, lower diagram)
o Curved ridge inferior to the bulla
 Hiatus semilunaris (Netters plate 33, lower diagram)
o Intervening deep groove, frontonasal duct will enter anterior portion
 Nasolacrimal duct (opening) (Netters plate 33, lower diagram)
 Sphenoidal sinus (Netters 33)
 Frontal sinus (Netter 33)
 Maxillary sinuss (netter 33)
 Pharyngotympanic tube, opening (Netters 33)

Blood Supply (netter plate 37)

 Sphenopalatine artery
 Ophthalmic artery (Netter plate 36)
 Greater and Lesser palatine arteries
 Facial artery

 Nasopalatine (Netter plate 39)
 Greater and Lesser palatine nerves (Netters plate 38)
 External nasal from infraorbital nerve (Netter plate 38)
 Lateral nerves (?)
 Chorda tympani (Netters plate 42)
 Facial nerve (Netters plate 42)
 Hard Palate
o Maxillary bone
o Palatine bone
 Incisive foramen / Primary palate
 Palatine foramina (Posteriorly)

 Palatopharyngeus (Netter plate 60)
 Palatoglossus (Netter plate 60)
 Tensor veli palatini (Netter plate 61)
 Levator veli palatini (netter plate 61)
 Pharyngeal tonsil

Thought Questions:
What major structures would you expect to find in Mucous membranes, CN1, pterygopalatine ganglion
the nasal cavity?
What are the boundaries of the nasal cavity? Floor: Maxilla, palatine bone
Roof: nasal bone, ethmoid bone, frontal bone,
sphenoid bones
What is the purpose of nasal concha? Increased surface area for glandular and vascular
tissue to modify and filter air
How are the superior and middle concha Superior and middle are processes of the ethmoid,
structurally different from the inferior concha? inferior is a separate bone of the skull
What bones form the horizontal palate? Maxillary bone, horizontal process of palatine bones
What nerves innervate the maxillary teeth? Superior alveolar nerves
What nerves innervate the gingiva? Nasopalatine nerve (for teeth 1-3) and Greater
palatine nerve (teeth 4-8)

Put it in the mother f*cking mouth

Surface Anatomy
 Mouth
 Vestibule
 Lips
 Nasolabial sulcus
 Mentolabial sulcus
 Fenulum
 Gingiva
 Teeth

Blood Supply
 Inferior alveolar artery

 Superior longitudinal
 Inferior longitudinal
 Transverse
 Vertical
 Genioglossus

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