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*KUjpym%j&jsux*jt $TAHj.*A*fIX, 4,1903.

I 1 S C E 1 U H E 0 D S .
,X)R KALE -A cood work horse.
m>pounds, fcli
ri*. Queensbury.
A<Wrtr*s B raytou llar-
UCT ION S U. K- Ou S atnnlav. April 4. at
A. KeytioM V uew nrxtiup room/*. 5 West
treet. T he a? tieta, to U> offered cont-Ut of tt
V new lot of sixxls just rtt'lved from N ew
W. AM cCodack, auctioneer. 4-3-tf -
ON E Y T O 1X>AN . L. A. Harrington. US
Ultra street, with I'rof. Uarrlngton.
ON E Y T O LOAN .N o annojrlna fornudl.
ties or delays. N o objectlonaoli "
les among friends or neighbors.
A new covered
milk wazon.
\T B AR GAIN S In .sond-hand
-^ . carpet*, refrigerators'. sofi.<.
Wok cases writing desks, and everytnine in
the line of second-hand ipio>. call at Play-
ford's second-liand'atore. T o Park" street, next
to Griffins A Leland's sales stables. Glen*
*al l s, N . Y. Wl-tf
E M PLOYM E N T and Information
J and Collecting Agency, rooms ,'
IJowman block. Austin & Whltuey.
B ureau
and E ,
\ \
AN T E D A second-hand kitchen range,
i with water front, in good condition.
-Address H. E . \V ., care S tar. JK-tf
LD PAPE R S for sale at this office. T en
cents per hundred. U-Htf
ties or delays. N o objectionable inquir-
Jong friends or neighbors. Our money is
always ready, and you can get any desired
amount without trouble, publicity or Incon-
venience, on houM -hold furniture, the property
to remain undKturbed In your possession.
Loans can be paid back by weekly or, monthly
payments, in amounts to suit your conven-
ience. Our plan makes payments so easy you
do not embarrass youn*l fi n anyway. A big
stock of Ladles' and Oents* E lgin and Wal-
tham Watches on hand, on which we can posi-
tively save you from a to S i per cent. B .
Wlmpleberg. auS outh vreet. Glen* F alla. l-5tf
j '. -^mzm
The Best of Backs are Bad
When They A che. and Glens
F alls People Know I t.
tion Ix
D enton, 67
. _ GOOD S of every
tion bought, sold and exchanged.
7GU en ttreet.
lM l-lyr
T V E LS ON LAS ALLE . F i ne wagonv Ar-
-i.' rlages and sleighs. E xcellent work on
hand. 36 Glen street.
WA N T E D - A chambermaid at
1 well house.
the R w t
S ALE S M E N WAN T E D T wenty-five doll-
J R rs per hundred gallons selling paint to
dealers: bigcet dealers* profits; smallest con-
sumers' cost; experience unnecessary. Kin-
Jo h Paint Co.. S t. Louis, M o. . 4-Ut
"WAXT E D - T hl rt v union
*> tlieF .fc D . Perfecto
rick & D rai or. S B R iver street
cigar makers on
cigar. F itzpat-
T roy. N . Y!
\ \ 7AN T E D M anager.lor branch office we
contemplate, opening - here in Glens
F alls. Address, with reference. T he M orris
Wholesale House. Cincinnati. O. 4-4-lt
HR E E R OOM S T O LE T -lu-luire at S tar
office. ' " t-T -tf
AN T E D Girl fur general housework at
198Glen street. 4-3-tf
AN T Ci!)- E spcricncctl stiii \uwui am
negligee shirt cutter*,-who understand
drafting patterns. R eferences required. E llas
B rothers, 301 B roadway, N ew York" city.
t-d-T t
AN T E D - A cook
Warren street.
and laundress at 7
. . t-l-tf
AN T E D -Gi rl (or general housework. In
family of three. M ust have gixxl refer?
o'clock, or after ences. .Applv before two
seven, at a< I*ark street, 4-1-tf
E LIAB LE M AN WAN T E D at oncu to es-
tablish and manage a branch office in
Glens F alla for. our Ginseng business, the
coming great I ndustrv. M ust take an Inter-
est in the business and furnish saHvfactory
reference. S plendid opportunity for thu right
man. F or particulars address "Ginseng,"
care M orning S tar. i-l-eod-S t
WA N T E D - A girl for general housework.
' Apply to A, D . Walt, F ort E d ward
AN T E D - A cook, at once.
son. F ort E dward.
at lintel Hud-
A bad back is always bad " V "
B ad at-niglit when bedtime comes
Just as bad in the mpming
. E ver try D oan's Kidney Pdls for i t t -
Know they cure backaches .cure
every Kidney ill* . . . \
R ead a case of jt:
M r. Jeremiah Young, glover, of 404
S outh William street, Johnstown. N
Y. , employed in ArgensihR er's factory
endorses D oan's Kidney Pills in tins
manner-- "I had a great deal of pain
across the loins, not severe, but of a
constant, dull, aching, bearing down
nature and the secretions became irreg-
ular,.scanty and distressing. I also suf-
fered a great deal from headaches,
chiefly through the. temple and fore-
liead. I did not feel like myself, my
energy seemed gone and I was general-
ly depressed. I.had seen a number of.
cases of a similar nature that had been
benefitted by D oan's Kidney Pills. S o
I got a box at the city drug store and
started to use them. I began to feel
better after a few days and I steadily
improved. M y back did not bother me
jtnd the secretionswere regular."
-j S oli! for .V I i f nt B pr hnr by nil rlnUl.
Jl ers. F oster-M ilburn company, B uffalo,
County and V icinity N ews
West M ountain.
' M rs. Harriet Wilkie. of Glens F alls,
is visiting relatives here.
M rs. A. M . Wilkie. who lias been at
the Glens F alls hospital for nearly live
weeks, is expected home S aturdry.
R ev. S . E dwin Grant expects to
preach his farewell sermon at this place
E aster S unday. .
Orville B uckbee lias gone to work for
B enjamin Hendrick for the summer.
M r. and M rs. Jerrv B uckbee made a
business and social trip to Pattens M ills
on, Wednesday. - .
F red M ead has. resumed* his old jx>-
sition with B eecher V an D usen.
Our new contemplated telephone line
to this place seems to be taking a rest,-
much to the disappointment of the sub-
scribers. B ut good things are said to
come slowly. "
M rs. M ercy V an D usen, of Harriseha.
is. visiting her sister, M rs. M atilda V an
D useti.
M r. and M rs. E D . Wilkie.'who have
been-quite ill. are somewhat better
under t he care of D r. Chapman. . -
F orrest B ullis, of Glens F spend-
ing'a few days with relatives here.
Jere. B turkbee met with quite a loss a
few days since. . l i b only cow dropped
dead. Quite a 1 ittle sumhas been raised
by subscription tp.get himanother.
Homer V an D usen was quite severely
injured on M onday by being thrown
fromhis road.cart and striking on his
head and shoulders. Ills horse W;LS
frightened by a hog.
M iss Ada Parkor, of Glens F alls, be-
gan the summer termof school in this
district on M onday. " .
Homer V an D usen is erecting a large
and commodiuos. now wagon house.
. Leonard Codner is treating his house
to a coat of paint.
M r. Chase, of Harrissonn, was hero
buying cattle one tlay last week.*
Luke R eilly, of West Glens F alls, was
hereon businessT hursdav. v
Apri l s.
*' . ' ' ' Tqit Ann. . j
Hovraid B arnum, violinist, who has
been spending. a vacation with his par-
ents, returned to Ithaca Wednesday:
Gordon F rost and F rank E astman, of
D artmouth college, will spend their va-
cation with their parents here.
T he senior class of the Union school
are preparing to give an entertainment
at the school house F riday evening,
April 10.
T he concert. given at the town hall,
T uesday evening,' by M r* B arnum, was a
complete success. T he .jjirts taken by
M r. B arnum were especially tine. He
has a bright professional career before
E xaminations were held at the school
house last week. -
M any from this place attended the
play -T he Old Homestead." at the E m-
pire theater, at Glens F alls, Wednesday
evening. "
T he funeral of Alfred M eabe was held
F riday, at West F ort Ann. Interment
in the Welch Hollow cemetery,
Charles R athbuu has moved on the
Huestis farm. . .
April 1_ '_.
gone to S ilver
,:.*r--.' -a- :-*
N .'Y., solo agents for the United S tates.
R emember the nameD oan'sand
take uo substitute.
Anhenser Il ui ch.
T his famous brand of S t. Louis lager
can "always l>e found at the Globe hotel.
Positively the only place in town that
keeps it. Also B ass ale and B urton's
B rown October ale on draught.
AD IE S and men to make good wages in
J snare time at home; no canvassing. T he
work Is elevating and con.bc done by any per-
son. E lkhurst Institute, T yrone, Pa,
AN T E D A situation by an experienced
stationary engineer. Address M . O.
B avllle. 2J S econd street, S outh Glens F alls.
N . Y. . 2-lt-tf
I f
OOM S 10 LE f at tr, Hrt st net . t-!-*t
A Card.
' We, the undetsign.ed, do hereby agree
to refund the-money on n "fif"ty-eent not-,
tie of Greene's Warranted S yrup of T ar
if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We
also guarantee a twenty-five ce'nt bottle
to prove satisfactory or money refunded.
F or sale by
H. J.
V iele & Henm'ng,
D olan B rothers,
R . N . Peck, . ".
M . B . R iddell,
D r. E J. D unn,
'Cole & B ingham,
Leggett & Peddle
E . R . Zelbach,
J. W. D essert,'
F lood & Kingsley
O LE T N o. H2 Park street,
down stairs.
, up" stairs anil
Arranged for one family nr
two. At right prices. l-t-tf
' PO LE T B ouse 67 Walnut street.
X c on premises..
TOli S ALE Ci l E AF - l Iouse nnd lot at 12
. Hudson avenue. Inquire on premises.
T K) LE T . on April 1, the store occopled,by R .
-I. .Crfsbie, at 19 S outh street lnquire-at at
Id) Glen street. .'l-ll-tf ,
<>' LE T A nloilcrn brick hous*j at-'.-i:il
R idgo street. Possession given M ay 1
Inqui renti 2 B ay street.. XlOtf
AV IN G D E CID E D T O B UILD and rc-
move my business to the pond whexe I
cut my ice, I offer for sale my homo where 1
live, 3 F irst street, also the store at 12 and 14
Warren street, and house and ilot 3-D ivision
street. . C. A. Hovey. 2-10-lf
TirnxitfU F Tircnryvt j ^ i. i. .,<!>?. iu. u:n. .
out boanl. Private family. Cent rail)
ocated. Home, care of S tar office. 3-5-tf
I X ) LE T Apartment* In flat. .Inquire" at
J. 116 M aple street. l-avtf
T 7X)R S ALE .House and lot, 60 Hudson street
V S ooth Glens F alls. "
Glens F all*.
W. Irving Grifflng.
WO O D .
;>OU S ALE -M I11 woo>I at lV .PI per load.
Oifford 4 Williams. B ojh 'phones.
IXE D WOOD , drj-and green, tlove length,
suitable for any stove, proper conl dr-
iiverr<l. Leave orders at Walter. CoonejV
market, S outii street. J. S . M cE cHron. Old
telephone 65-3. " 1-T n-tf
R Y S I^AB WOOD sawed and delivered to
any part of the village. T homas Ogden.
D ivision street. T elephone 253. ls-M tf.
1 A S S 1 C E AND BA TH S.
How to B reak Up a Cold.
After exposure " take F oley's Honey
and T ar. It stops the cough heals and
strengthens the lungs, and is safe and
sure. ' Contains no opiates. A. A. Her-
ron. of,.'F inch, Ark,, writes: '.'F oley's
Honey arid T ar is the best preparation
for coughs, colds and lung .trouble.' I
know that it has cured consumption in
the first stages." F or Cole &
B ingham.
N ewcomb,
S upervisor R obert B ibby and
Callahan, of . M inerva, were in
S unday, f- ,
R evival meetings are being hpl dat
the M etluxlist E piscopal vhurch-. ^
High mass was celebrated at S t. John's
church on Passion S unday, M arch 29.
M iss M ary B reen, of Arbutus'camp, is
spending a few days . at hor home in
M r. and M rs. P. M cS weoney"and M rs.
Jojin Anderson, of Long Lake, visited
relatives hero S aturday-.
M iss Po'rco, of "S aratoga, commenced
the spring termof school in district ^Co.
1 M onday.
M r. Kora, of S aratoga, is slapping at
tho Wayside Inn. . I
S eymour Persons has.
bay, Lake George.
M artin B arton has moved on the John
M attison place.
Hermon Holland, of Glens F alls, has
moved into the Harrv R oss house, re-
cently vacated by N orman F . D uell.
M anlev B ennett, of Graphite, was in
town a few days last week.
M r. and M rs. L D . Waters have gone,
to B olton to visit M rs. Waters' parents.
M r. and M rs. John V andeuburg.
E lmer S teeter is improving the looks
of his house with a fresh coat of |<tint.
S amuel C. B aker and D ennis S ullivan
have gone to Glens F alls t o attend a
horse sale.
M iss Clara S mith returned home S at-
urday, after spending a week in Glens
F alls ' _ .
T rutuab Waters, of Hague, transacted
business in town T uesday."
D r. E . L. S tafford.. of'Chestertown.
was called to attend M rs. E dna Wilsou
S aturday. S he is much, bettor.
Will;amGatohell, of M aine, formerly
of this place, called on friends in town
last week.. , \
M arch 20.
" " ' " - *
of a good placo
Aril 1.
M ngml no bi ndi ng, bl ank book
maki ng and repai ri ng. Cu' bl u 0 4
Cl on strnnt.
Ileautlfui Kanter M illinery.
Iii dainty, charming, bewitching
styles fur ladies and children. Hun-
dreds to select from. Wo savo you one)
half and mora N ew York F urniture
company, 7U Glen street, below Park.
F or s al e , IOO cords fi ne whl t o
bi rch f i repl ace wood, 20 0 cords
ni ce s e a s o ne d hardwood. J. H.
O' Connor.
M M I M U M M M M M M M I I i
For Sale!
A. II.
A. H.
T hurtio's R emarkabl e Case. -
T hurn'cs, M gr-, Wills Creek
COJII Co., B uffalo." O.. writes: "I
hard beon afflicted with kidney* and
bladder trouble for years,passing gravel
or stones with excruciating jKiins.
Other medicines only gave relief.
After taking F oley's Kidney Cure tho
result was surprising. A few doses
started the brick-dust, like fine stones,
and now I have no pain across my kid-
neys antl I feel like a'now man. tol ey' s
Kidney Cure has done me $1,000 w6rth
nf gtvii-1 " F or fid q. by C.ilt- &. B iu^lum.
Crnndall F ark nud T oll Oate.
' T ho friends and neighbors of M iss L.
J. Chauiplin, who has been in poor
health for some time, but Ls improving,
were glad to welcome her homo last
week. S he was accompanied by M r.
and M rs. Joseph Centerlwir, Hunter
S treet, who.nro making their home with
her for the present.
T he M isses Gertrude and E mma Aus-
tin closed their schools on tho B ay road
and in Gansevoort last week, and vis-
ited in Athol from' T uesday till T hurs-
M iss Grace R ounds, of S chroon Lake,
who has been visiting relatives in T roy
the past two weeks, visited at tho home
of her cousin, .M rs. O. Greeno, yester-
day, and is spending a few days at the
home of her cousin, M rs. John T edfotd,
on tho D ixon road.
Pfepa'rations for beginning' the sea-
son's work are being made at the brick
yard of D ." P. D eLong. Joseph Olive,
of M echanioville, who has been em-
ployed as burner several^seasons, re-
turned on M onday.
T he beautiful pink.and white trailing
arbutus, has been gathered in abun-
dance for tho past ten. days or more in
this vicinity.- .
M r. and M rs. I. E . R ounds wi l l leave
for their home in Chestertown on S al -
urday. , T Jiey.will be accompanied by
their, granddaughter, M iss Constance
S mith, who will'bo their guest for the
S eymour N elson, of Chestertown, and
M iss M onroe, of Horlcon, called on M r.
and.M rs. Q. F . Greeno on S aturday.
Apri l s.
T he Glens F alls. Providing company
announce that thoy nre 'now prepared
to. furnish all customerswith Like
Georgo ice at reasonable prices. N ew
telephone. 305, or R obert Lester, on the
wagon. 'F rank Gilchrist, manager.
F ertilizers fur. Lawn nnd Garden.
Call on . M ack & Kennedy for bona
dust for tho lawn and fertilizers for the
garden. 29 S outh street..
Guard T our F ocketbook.
Guard, your throat and lungs as well.
.T he undersigned will refund your money
on any iiottlo of Perri's Pine T ree B al-
samthat will not cure a cough or re-
lieve "a cold, influenza, and all affections
'of tho throat and lungs or your money
Imck. at V iele &. Henning's;Glens F alls,
N .-Y.; Collins' pharmacy, S andy. Hill,
N . Y. : Contryman <fc Wing, F ort E d-
ward, N . Y.
Henry's B <1 Gum.
B eats all remedies for a COUGH or
COLD . We refund the price If i t is not
satisfactory. Large bottles 25 cents.
F or sale by V iele & Honnlng, and
Charles P.-Callen.
N o. GO M aple street. T wo family
house nnd gnUtll shnprnnnofttvl
S U R E ! A t tho
R idge S treet H ardware S tore,
Whero thoy carry tho host
assortment in town. A U
kinds of S pring goods.
S tepladders, Wheelbarrows,
all kinds of Garden Tools,
Tinware, E nameled' Waro.
N ickol Waro, etc, etc.

It Will Pay You to S top If

Whipple &R obinson,
29 R idgo S troot.
Price of Coal D ropped
T he R ochest
and see their new styles ofe . m
t E aster S uits and H all
for little money. *
R ochester Clothiiig Colli
M anufacturers and R etailors of
T he
Union Label Clothing.
M . 0 . A Building,
Ni l
Glen S treot, Glons F M *-*"
S toiir Creek.
Jatnca White has moved his family to
Luzerne. '
S imeon S imons has moved to Warrons-
burg. '
Herbert R aker has moved from M rs.
B etsey White's house into Charles H.-
Gills, tenement house over in "B rook-
.sproatl has
tho roof of
a coat of
M artha Holmes
S E l'H," tinAD lT AT E -M nwaga nl
hth ladles and isentlcmen. Offltes: Open*
hobM block.. Irfwlyattendant. Old telephone.
tlfrlco honrs: 9 to 12*. n u 2 to 6 p. m. M on-
dar, Wednesday,. F riday and S aturday even-
l oa*, ! to 10 otclock.
"C'lltS T -OLAS S
['earl itfeet.
B OAR D and rooms at i:
M rs. J. Prieat. S -ia-im
R AN D ALL PLACR -B oard and roomby
-ihaday or week. VUU
E . LAWR E S CE , -architct and de-
M ffner. l/rana, estimates and ipecifl,
rat Ions f nrnlfhed at reaicmabls rates.
R oom 1 KnlckerbocV er block, third floor.
1 F ifteen ere* fw Sb cents. E . P. M oorr,
12E trh*nM rcet. M M X
l CB AN D ALU .pw *tarrh tpM lalUt
. ai Kl fonrtl Untl ncbrnntedWj**^ M a-
sonic T emple, S andy HI1U N . Y. . Ofiot boom
< < < >
T lie people looking for
Genuine:: B argai ns:
In R oprs B rothers* S llrer T ableware,
S ilver T ea S ct. F ine Watches.. Parlor
Clocks and C'hatt-lalns KaKs. will fliid
them at '
l 7 0 - l 7 2 Cl o n S t rcot ,
- Hut- M ilK* F urniture S tore. " ^
E , R . AC K E R LY. i
81 A MO NT H.
Oor R k'ssaod Wu t n S treet*.
M errill
mint on
house and piazza.
' S amson E llis, of S aratoga,' .'was in
town last Week looking for a place. He
formerly lived here and would like to
come buck. S am Ls an expert angler
and although it is the close season for
trout, they did not dare leavo their hid-
ing places until satidied that S amwas
out of town.
A. J. Aldrich is counting the days
until the open season, so that he can
persu.'ulo some of the speckled beauties
to coine out.
S ilas Combs, of Glens"F alls, formerly
of this place was in - town a few days
/E nrT K M urray, our tax collector; has
Iwen very successful having had to
make but one forced collection.
Claud Perkins has gone to S chenec-
tady .to work in tho E dison works.
M athew V nn Auken, of F ulton Chain,
has been visiting i n' town for several
days. : , . '
April2. .
L adderman F rank S mit h M e e t s
wit h a S e rious A ccident Whilst
An sw erin g an Alarm ..
-While on tho .way to a fire the sudden
jolting of the hook-aud:ladder truck
throw F ireman F rank S mith fromhis
position on the rnnningboard. Ho struck
the pavement head-foremost and was'
still unconscious when brought to the
hospital. 16 was feared tif' the house
physician that ho had received internal
injuries which might proT e fatal.
S mith i s stationed at tljo Central F ire
S tation, cornor F ifth and V alley streets,
B orliugton, la. , and i n referring to the
accident, ho said t o o reporter"; ?'M y
whole system had received a violent
shock which affected my nerves fear-
fully. T he doctor said I had nervous
prostration. I wonld often- start tremt
bliug out of a troubled sleep, covered
with a cold-perspiration, and imagining
something hbrriblq was about to happen.
T here would bo times when my whole
body would be numb and then again
there would bo terrible cramps iu my
Here is a piece of property that
I can sell at .a bargain, or rent.
- N o. 5Center street. T ho best- lo-,
cation and suitable for a board-
ing house. Price, $3,G00. >
N o. "00 B ay street. T wo family
house, with bam. |3,500.
' JN O. 33 Knight street. Cheap.
N o. 201 R idge street. $1,400.
V ncanfc lots in all put s of the
R eal E state, Loans, F ire and
Life Insurance.
j V i l l age Hall, R i dge S t root .
\ N sw T elephone, 46L
! R ents. Collected. Loans N egotl-
; atcd.
i - \
$6. 50.
- . . . .
i .
"Wohave secured a lease of
the railroad yard formerly occu-
pied by M . I I . Bradt &. C o. , and
will, bo pleased to see new as
well as oldcustomefs.
S atisfaction
Pattern .11111..
in town
Judge Jenkins^and D istrict
Kilpy. of (M ens' F alls, were
T ucsday.--
>liss"Olio (iowlson, of B rayton, spent
S unday here.
M iss R illie-Orcult is at work for M rs.
R ichardson in her millinery sloro at
Oleru l"klls.
Walter Hrayton/of D rayton, was here
la.4t.S unday.
M rs. Allen* F lrown is somewhat indis-
posed. . . . .
M r. nnd M rs. C. S . Piersons were In
(M ens Kails M onday, the guest* of M r.
and M rs. B . Palmer.
A pril 'i.
" F or a long tin\e after leaving tho
hospital I was so weak that I could not
walk across tho room and my strength
steadily refused to return. ^ I could not
eat and'tho tonics and appetizers thoy
gave me did me no good.' I was too sick
to goon duty and tho doctor said it'
would take a long time to recuperate.
was discouraged aud disheartened.
"T hen a friend persuaded me to take
D r. Williams'Pink Pills ipr Palo People.
T hey gave me strength, quieted my
nerves so that I coald get a refreshing
night's sleep,'. my appetite came back
and I soon began to feel better. . In a
short time I was cured and now I feel
perfectly well and strong."
D r. Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People
have a doable actionon tho blood and
on the nerves. . It is not claimed that
these pills are a cure-all, but the very
nature of the remedy makes it efficacious
in a wider range' of diseases tbad any
other. It is a scientific preparation de-
signed to cure diseases through a direct
action on the blood and nerves.
At druggists or direct from tho D r.
Willlamr M edicine Company, S chenec-
tady, N . Y. , on receipt of price, fifty
cents per box; six boxes for two dollars
and a half.
... , . ,^iqjB r.T .paAV K">ION E Y.
T akeAdvantage or .Half F rlce Offer M ade
. . . . by V iele * Hennl nc.
In these times when living expenses
have increased from thirty to fifty per
cent, it is unusual to hear of a standard
remedy being offered at half price.
Yot i hat is the way V iele &Honnlng,
tho popular druggists, are selling D r.
Howards celebrated, specific for tho
cure of dyspepsia and- constipation. In
additioivto selling a fifty cent bottlo,
containing a month's ' treatment * of
sixty doses, for 25 cents, they give their
personal guarantee with every bottle
they sell'to refund the money if it dot s
not give satisfaction.
T his unusual offer has brought hun-
"store tn the
V . 1 . . . . .!<,. 1
T o all outward appearance, haV e^nor-
mal .vision, hut In tho effort to see dis-
tinctly " the nervoas nnd muscular
forces-of the eye are greatly overtaxed.
T he result is eyo strain, which may dir-
ectly cause headache, dizziness, weak
eyes and many other ailments.
T he skill and accuracy with' which
.glassesaro adapted"to tho eye at the
optical rooms of P. B oyle insure both
normal vision arid tho relief of all eye
R idge S t. ,
B oth. T elephones.
US .
S tick, to a good cloth'
when they, iiiidone.-
trouble to find,
right :smart-
'has lived hero pne seats
orinoi'O can direct you he
R eady-to-Wq
S mart
A ro '
I T. "---$|5 and vjp-
wards. Knox H ats a|id
swell E aster- F urnishing
Wilson-R oot 0
S tores. 4 S tores
(ileus F alls. N . Y.
Claremont, N .JII.
R utland JV t ' i ' T
F airllavjJn.V t,;-
Ureas MCtS tgntS ril lv their
last few weeks, vet out of the many
bottles of D r. Howard's specific thoy
Ijave sold, but one customer has asked
to have the money returned. T his was
done without any questions, although
V iele & Henning does not think the
remedy^could have been given a fair
D octors' bills can be saved by the use
of D r. Howard's specific for tho cure of
dyspepsia and constipation, and by tak-
ing advantage of this special half price
introductory offer, our readers can savo
half the regular price of tho specific.
T his remarkable remedy is destined to
have tho largest' sale of any medicine
upon the market, for those who use it
once, not only buy a second package,
but they recommend it to thoir friends
as the only relief they liavo found- for
constipition and dyspepsia. T he sole
limit to its site is the fact that in only
chronic cases is more than one'bottle
needed to cure, aud its cures are pernui
nent, - "
D o not let this opportunity pass to ob-
tain a standard fifty cent remedy tit
half price. "R emember that'D ruggists
V iele & Henning\ will reftmd your
money if D r. Howard's specific does not
B elt Outfit Complete, $1. 25
N otice to C reditors.
Pnrraant to an t ri er of Lyman Jenklna.
irrr>ir*te of the couotjr of Warren, notice l
hereby irlven tn alt perwon* having claim*
min<l AnneKeenan.T awnf Qoeentbary, In
M id oonntr. d-T eaxed. to present the aarne
with the .votellers, thereof, to the nndtr-
Unf l . M ar; V . IX.k, at , the .Uw^ oOfjuof
.s.ancf L. M . B rown, at Innnwv-e bolldlne,
Oten F al l Of . Y^ on or before tike 7th ar of
4j}j>f49ra.-4Hted, Jbumarr ** J?F
re the nth di
arra* tim.
- - sUacatnx
E lectrical
C ontractor.
D ealer In all E lectric opj>f!c-T e!ephoie,
B nrlar Alarrof, Annnnclatnrv D rnami*. M (
ton, Hertrle and CoaM tuuioa n i t i r K
AU repair work prrmpur atter.nft to.
1 4S econd S t. , Glens F alls
T elepbooe, M D t
Will call.for your telraramn promptly, anil
tllvo you accurate service ami quick answers.
An all night ofllco has been established at. T he
S t v office", Hllgo street, where teletfams may-
be sentafterS i D r. m. Wo olIclt yotr telo
grams. M oney transferred by telctrraph,
" Commercial cable connections reaching all
parts of the world.
M essengers furnished to deliver packages.
etc. .
el > hm<! N o IT fi. N ew T elephone, N o. 1.
CUPR E M E COl'UT - Warren CM ntr.
O .varah K. Cary. plaintiff, against Jnsttn
R . AUK M ary II. Allts. his wife, and Caroline
M . Walilron, "defendanta. 1*ursuant to a
judgment ol irt closure and sale rendered In
this action on the 2li day or M atch, l'H. ani
duly entered In lh Offlr* of the clerk nf the
county of Warren on the 1st" day. ot Aprl'.
Iftll, I the undersigned, the referee duly !
polntM for such purpoee by said Judgment.
wilt fell at pulinc'aoctfon to the highest bid-
der, on S attirdat, (he Ith day of M ay, lXd, at
ten o'clock In the forenoon "of that day, at the
aw office of ("hambera ft F inn. In the village
of fllens Kails, Watren county. N ew V ork,
he real rropf rty directed by said Judgment
ohesoldaiHl turreln dcncritiert as IOIIOWS :
All that piece or parcel of land situate In the
village of M ien* KalK omnty of Warren and
siate of N ew York, briefly de'bed * fol-
lows: -T he north ofte-half of the folio* ln
f>remle. tiia"t ptecepr parcel ol ,*n>1 situnte
(ring and being In M M T illage of (M ens F all*.
N . Yw arid bounded and descrltied as follows:
B eginning on the westerly side of Oonrthed
treel and at tlie aonth eastcny corner of
M ary J. F icM ing't lot r..l rsnnlng renin
thence westerly aiong the south line of'saM
F ir M ing'* l i t one hundred r,d fourteen feet
to the l>vyer lot: thence souther!)' alonx M M
Ujrrtf lot fifty frt: Ihenee easterly one hun-
dred and ferarteea fe4t to the wmterlf M of
*ld Courtland sireet; thence along the wet-
trly aide of a*M alteet nortUarly fifty fret to
the p^u-e of beginning. Iat*.t. April 1*'. ?->
_ E . C R Oit
I'llAM B E R A * F IN N .
Ilalnllfr* Attetneya.
I. Aprl
liKS , | R
Window Seats,
C tisy C orners and all kinds
of C ushions mado to
ordor. . A full lino of Pic-
tuJ-p. M oulding, JI att Board,
etc. , constantly on hand,
At E N S I GN 'S ,
Mad H&r
HAIR-HEALTH always brinps back the natural and
beautiful color of youth to gray, taded or bleached hair.
Gives new life and growth to thin hair. Prevents dan-
druff and baldness, tmnot'a dye, but a hair food, and
positively restores gray hair to its youthful color. A . .
hialthful hair dressing tor man and woman f its use cannot be detected,
how Aire. M ason, N uttcllburgh, W. V a., was made young again by using .
T lB d enclosed for which 'nnd 6 bottles of Hair-Health. I amdelisted snth th bWtla
tent me. M y hair w to gray lhat I w*>ashamed for anyone to ee mc.and boa* to T <">S B ?*)
killed me to-think my hair w ceiling whit* o long Ketore I wai an old woman, iut tka**t UJlair-
lltalth. a rrai hair canittt It ftund intny AioJ an J I hate tot used ail of onc-botile. Health, a [ray hair *%**t It/iunJ inmjr I
i Aonn .nr. nnT T LF -i;.
Good fox* 25cm cako
HARF1NASOAP. Fred Soap Offer
ire day., take It to any of ll
air-Health and a asc."a.~ .-. -
.ion, lUih anj T o.>ti, both 1>r Ulty cents; 'C
everywhere at. their shops only, or by Oie.Phlla Hajf
l ewk, N .J.. eiiher wiih or without aoap, ty cxpreai, F .^
Cot out and itgn this coupon In fire day., take It to any of the f'

, ,
tire yoo a lane Wile U tiay'a llair-Health and a 3$c cake of Itarflna fledfcated S oap
the br.t aoap f-J S catp.OomplcaJoo, lUih anj T o.>ti, both for fifty cents; "E "
R edeemed by leading druggists everywhere at. their shops only, or by tka.PWtlt
I S pecialties Co , v.-i 1-ifayctte S t.. N evatk. H.J.. eiincr i
I In j lain scaled package en tccci{.t (J Ox., and thu coupon.
Aty oerjen ptirchaUrs Hay's Hair-Helh'
, . , . . . . , . . . , , . . . . , , , . . . . .GUAR AN T E E k*r^eV ^
A eu. s:io *. g
benefited, mayT jare his money back by addresiins PlItUJtsAt .
S rsciALT tasCo., IT J I jfayette S t., N ewark. II. J. :.
' ---- -- Jmitl-cnknvincHA/t lUtr-lltalth,
T elephone M KUI.T ON 8T W
Q u in n s O intm ent
r n t t sab. ; or >.:.
reiaedy tee-catks, -kplion,
Ipsrins, busekes, wind-
puAT i, tcrstctirs and other
noes* afflai'oi. we srill
ml lo tlors* o r.#n a
trial bos absolutely free oei
applKstioa Oulnn'm
Ointment is sM d by
ir.gtu-t and deal ers
tterywhefe-, or seat by
ail, prepaid, on rertrft el price, ft on. with ear
B UmM T E E IZ^WtiLT;'
fair trial, E tfssathrtrd w.ib the rtswlt ssay
ksT sahasoeeybsck. '
V W. i t . OWi l to.. HH>ts.,WmHuU,W.Y;<
N anc.
Addrr.. : Rtfutetuhililutn. . . . . . . . . . . .
F ollowing D niggUU supply lUy'J li*Jxdl*IUiafl(Jlirllna5oapintlJtirihopsoflJw
V ielo & H enning, 1 24 Glen S t. , Cole *..Bingham, 1 1 6 Glen S t. , Glensjalls. -
D olan BfotliefS , 23 M ain S t. , S nth Glens F alls. , - | . , .
ff you need them T have th| ni;
N ever so many. ' Thoassl
tnent would be credit toa t<
of twenty-fiyo thousand
you- want". C hildren's S h?
that fit and wear, and bear |
ball mark of N ow York
manufacturers^ bring yi
children to "PU S S I N 1 50 0 ]
N o need to send out of to^
c. A. T AYLGIR .
"T he M cS weeney House.
I/vatH wsr the I>. * II. rtepot.- All mod.
<*n eonvenleecea, ntrt-jgnneaj. IJ'nN
rates. KUWAKU 4c8WE E N E V . M aaaR -er.
D on't B uy any Clothing or H|ts,
' , Caps and F urnishings,
until you have visitod our Going-O ut-of-BiL siue^
S ale. O ne' dollar goas JIS far as $L elsewhere.
hA.people^s CIothinglCompatoy
j .
ia Warren S treet
' >' / , , . i . .-*-''V *"--''''." V c , , ' ' i -?;"$ . - "- . ' ' ' . A ; - 5v V .
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file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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