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Alii Manao Nui Lanny A.

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July 23, 2014

To: Office of Hawaiian Affairs Deirdra Alo <>
From: Lanny Sinkin, Ali'i Mana'o Nui

On July 22, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs issued invitations to "leaders from the
Hawaiian community" to gather for a p!walu to discuss "the diverse processes toward
nation building."

As Ali'i Mana'o Nui to Ali'i Nui Mo'i Edmund Keli'i Silva, Jr., I am writing to ask the
following questions:

1. OHA did not invite the Ali'i Nui Mo'i to the gathering. Why not?
2. Is the failure to invite the Ali'i Nui Mo'i predicated on his being highly critical of OHA,
the Roll Commission, the Danners, etc. and calling for the OHA Trustees to resign?
3. Who else has offered their services as Ali'i Nui Mo'i?
4. Given that the topic is nation building, who among the "leaders from the Hawaiian
community" has presented the community with a comprehensive vision and plan for the
restored nation, other than the Ali'i Nui Mo'i. ("Read the
Kingdom Documents: Vision and Plan")
5. Other than the Ali'i Nui Mo'i, who has presented the community with analyses and
perspectives on a wide range of issues facing the nation?
("Restoring Relations with the United States," "The Most Sacred Place in Maui," "The
Roll Commission," etc.)
6. Given that thousands of people now believe that the Ali'i Nui Mo'i is the one who can
restore the nation, how does OHA take it upon itself to ignore him and fail to invite him
to the gathering.

Of course, the true nature of the gathering is the real problem. A State of Hawaii
agency is trying to take control of the discussion on restoration of the nation to serve the
interests of the occupying power by pursuing destruction of the Kingdom. Not inviting
the Ali'i Nui Mo'i is simply part of that overall betrayal of the Kingdom. We understand
that you have no legitimate foundation, so you build your house on sand.


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