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Metabolism-Boosting Weight Loss Plans

To stay slim and strong for life, it's all about metabolism.
By Selene Yeager , Selene Yeager is a contributing editor to Prevention.
Is your wardrobe suddenly shrinking? It's probably not your clothing (or an overactive dryer) but,
rather, an underactive metabolism that's to blame. It can dip by as much as 200 calories per day
from your mid-20s to your mid-50s--enough to pack on nearly an extra 30 pounds in that time.
And that old weight loss strategy of crash dieting will just make it worse.

What you need is a smarter approach to losing fat while building muscle, which powers your
calorie burn and is key to reversing a slow metabolism. We combed through the very latest
research and talked to top experts to create our Ultimate Fat-Fighting Workout. It's a unique
blend of calorie-blasting cardio, supercharged strength-training, and lifestyle tips that will help
you burn calories at a higher rate (even while you're sleeping) than you did in your 20s--up to an
extra 500 calories a day! That's enough to double your weight loss and drop a size this month.
Soon, your only wardrobe worry will be buying smaller sizes.

The latest research shows that simple changes to your cardio workouts can boost calorie
burn by 25 to 50%. Our weight loss routines include these 4 rules to guarantee a high calorie
burn with every workout.

Always warm up It raises your core body temperature and increases the activity of fat-burning
enzymes, says Chip Harrison, exercise physiologist, director of strength and fitness at
Pennsylvania State University. For each degree your body temp goes up, the metabolic rate
inside your cells increases by about 13%. Warm up by doing your activity at an easy to moderate
intensity for at least 5 minutes to gradually raise your heart rate, send blood to your working
muscles, ramp up your respiration, and get the maximum boost in metabolism and calorie burn.

Do at least 12 minutes
Any amount of cardio will burn calories, but to really fight off extra pounds, you need at least 12
minutes (beyond a warm-up) of continuously moderate to high-intensity activity (where
you're breathing somewhat hard) most days a week. That's the amount necessary to "create a
training effect, which improves your body's ability to use oxygen and generate more fat-burning
enzymes, such as lipase, so you can blast more flab during exercise and other activities all day,"
says Harrison.

Commit to intervals
Studies show that weight loss plans with bursts of high-intensity activity can boost your calorie
burn more than steady-paced training. "Interval training increases the mitochondrial activity in
the muscle, which is a scientific way of saying it increases your cells' fat-burning capacity," says
exercise physiologist J ason Talanian, PhD, formerly of the University of Guelph, Ontario.

Because intervals are harder than one-speed workouts, it takes more time for your body to
return to normal afterward, so your metabolism stays elevated longer. In a College of New
J ersey study of 48 men and women, researchers found that those who rode stationary bikes at
varying intensities, such as pedaling just a little harder for 5 minutes and then a little easier for 5
minutes over a half-hour workout, burned about 15% more calories for about 30 minutes after
their sessions than their peers who stuck to one moderate pace the entire time.

*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
Devote 1 hour once a week
Going longer gives you a big metabolic boost because your body has to reach into its reserves
and expend a lot of energy replenishing its fuel stores and repairing broken-down muscle fibers
when you're finished. In one small study, researchers at the University of Victoria in British
Columbia found that exercisers who chugged along for 60 minutes burned nearly 5 times as
many calories postworkout as those who did only 30 minutes of activity.

Program at a glance
Fire up metabolism: Cardio

You'll walk or do aerobic exercise such as jogging, swimming, or cycling every day, alternating 3
different routines to maximize fat burn.

3 times a week: 30-Minute Interval Fat Blast
Alternate 2-minute bursts of high-intensity activity with 2-minute bouts of moderate intensity to
boost calorie burn during and after exercise.

3 times a week: 20-Minute Steady Cardio
After a 5-minute warm-up, exercise at a pace that keeps your heart rate in an aerobic zone
(where you're breathing somewhat hard) for 12 minutes, then slow your pace for 3 minutes to
cool down. You'll burn extra calories while allowing your body to recover from the more intense
interval days.

1 time a week: 60-Minute Endurance Builder
Warm up for 5 minutes, then increase to a moderate intensity for the rest of the workout. Going
longer will crank up your postexercise calorie burn and increase stamina so all your workouts feel

Fire up metabolism: Strength

3 times a week: On days you do the steady cardio workout, you'll also do our 20-minute high-
energy dumbbell routine to build more metabolism-stoking muscle and firm up all over.

Fire up metabolism: Cardio tips

The latest research shows that simple changes to your cardio workouts can boost calorie burn by
25 to 50%. Our routines include these 4 rules to guarantee a high calorie burn with every

Quick tip: Swing Your Arms
Bend your elbows 90 degrees and pump your arms as you walk. It not only automatically speeds
up your pace but helps you burn up to 15% more calories every time you work out.

Fire up metabolism: Strength tips

Strength-training is essential--lean muscle tissue burns about 3 times as many calories as fat and
is the power behind your metabolism. But how you do it can speed your calorie burn by up to an
extra 25%.

Break up your sets
Instead of performing 2 or 3 sets of a single exercise before moving to the next one, do a
circuit: Complete just 1 set and then immediately move to the next exercise, repeating the
circuit 2 or 3 times. When researchers had 10 men do either standard strength-training (3 sets of
*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
6 exercises with 2 minutes of rest in between) or circuit-training (moving through a series
of 6 exercises 3 times, with 30 seconds of rest in between), the circuit-trainers burned
nearly twice as many calories postworkout as the standard-style lifters. "Because your heart rate
stays elevated longer after circuit-training, you continue burning fat as though you were still
exercising," says researcher Anthony Caterisano, PhD, of Furman University.

Grab the heavier dumbbells
Even when exercisers lifted identical volumes (such as 10 pounds 10 times or 20 pounds 5
times), those using the heavier dumbbells burned about 25% more calories when they were
finished. "Heavier weights create more protein breakdown in the muscle, so your body has to use
more energy to repair and recover--that's how lean muscle tissue is built," says Caterisano. And
the boost can last even longer. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis School of
Medicine found that working out with heavy weights even for as few as 3 to 6 reps increased
exercisers' sleeping metabolic rate--the number of calories burned overnight--by nearly 8%.
That's enough to lose about 5 pounds in a year, even if you did nothing else.

The strength circuit
What to Do: Complete the circuit 3 times, moving immediately from one exercise to the next
with minimal to no rest between moves. The first time through, do 8 to 12 reps of each move
with a lighter weight as a warm-up. For the second and third sets, use an amount that you're
able to lift no more than 8 to 10 times.

How often: 3 nonconsecutive days a week, preferably when you do the Steady Cardio workouts

What you'll need: 1 pair of light weights (5 to 10 pounds), 1 set of heavier dumbbells (10 to 15
pounds; for some exercises, you may need even heavier weights), stability ball (optional)

Firms glutes and thighs and core
Hold dumbbells in middle, palms in, extend left leg behind you. Bend right leg and lower hips,
keeping front knee behind toes, until right thigh is about parallel to floor. Keep torso upright with
good posture and rotate towards the right leg. Return to start. Complete a full set, then switch

Plank Row
Firms shoulders, back, and abs
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and assume a modified push-up position (hands beneath
shoulders, knees on floor, ankles crossed in air). Keeping torso steady, bend left elbow and pull
dumbbell up toward rib cage. Lower and repeat with right arm. Alternate arms for a full set. For a
challenge, perform move with legs extended, balancing on toes.

*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
Wall Sit or Squat Arm Curl
Firms arms, glutes, and thighs
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward, and stand with back against wall. Slide
down wall until legs are bent 90 degrees. Bend elbows and lift weights toward shoulders, then
lower. Complete full set of arm curls before returning to standing position.

Ball Chest Press or Push Up
Firms shoulders, chest, arms, and glutes
Holding dumbbells, lie on stability ball (head, shoulders, and upper back supported) so body
forms a straight line (like a tabletop) from head to knees. Position weights at chest height,
elbows pointing to sides, palms facing toes. Keeping torso steady, straighten arms and press
weights toward ceiling. Lower weights. Repeat for a full set. No stability ball? Perform move off
the edge of a bed, sofa, or deep-seated chair.

Step Up Shoulder Raise
Firms glutes and thighs
Hold dumbbells at sides and lift laterally to side even with shoulder as you step up. Repeat with
other leg lifting dumbbells up to your front even with shoulders as you step up.

*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
Your 7-day sample schedule
Steady Cardio & Strength (40 minutes total)
Interval Fat Blast (30 minutes total)
Steady Cardio & Strength (40 minutes total)
Interval Fat Blast (30 minutes total)
Steady Cardio & Strength (40 minutes total)
Interval Fat Blast (30 minutes total)
Endurance Builder (60 minutes total)

30-Minute Interval Fat Blast
This workout is the first portion of our 3-part metabolism-boosting cardio plan. Choose your
favorite form of aerobic exercise, such as walking, cycling, or swimming--just be sure to pay
attention to the changes in workout intensity, which is key to reaping the full benefits.

Time Activity I ntensity*
0:00 Warm-up 3, working up to 6 (rhythmic breathing; can speak easily)
5:00 Brisk pace 7 to 8 (harder breathing; can speak in very short sentences only)
8:00 Moderate pace 5 to 6 (breathing somewhat hard; can speak in full sentences)
10:00 Fast pace 9 (no speaking; just hard but controlled breathing)
12:00 Do 2-minute moderate and 2-minute fast intervals 3 more times
24:00 Moderate pace 5 to 6
26:00 Brisk pace 7 to 8
28:00 Cool down Work down to a 3
30:00 Finished
*Based on a 1-to-10 scale, with 1 being as easy as lounging on the couch and 10 as hard as sprinting to catch a
bus as it pulls away

3 More ways to fight fat
Pump up your natural calorie burn with these simple tips
Work out with music. It can help you go up to 20% longer to burn more calories, finds a study
from West London's Brunel University. Music blocks fatigue, produces feelings of vigor, and helps
you keep pace by synchronizing your movements, says study author Costas Karageorghis, PhD.
For workouts set to music, go to

Take it outside. Research finds that exercisers burn 10% more calories when they walk or run
outdoors than they do on a treadmill at the same speed. "You use more energy to propel yourself
over the ground," explains fitness expert J ay Blahnik, author of Full Body Flexibility, "and pushing
a little against the wind or other elements burns more calories, too."

*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
Move more all day. You can burn up to 350 extra calories daily--enough to shed more than 35
pounds this year--simply by pacing while you talk on the phone, getting up to talk to someone
rather than e-mailing a few times a day, and walking rather than driving for short errands, says
J ames Levine, MD, PhD, of the Mayo Clinic and author of Move a Little, Lose a Lot.

Boost Your Metabolism in 24 Hours
The new food, moves, and lifestyle tweaks that will keep your metabolism humming all day long
By Selene Yeager , Selene Yeager is a health journalist and author/coauthor of more than two dozen book titles.
Metabolism is a mystery. You may know that mastering it is the key to losing weight, but what is
it? And where is it? Turns out it's the engine that drives every cell, and that means it's
everywhere. Your metabolism helps you walk, talk, fight off illness, even read this article. Its fuel:
calories. Each one you consume goes into the metabolic tank that powers the machine that is
you. Keep that tank filled and you're good to go, right?

If only it were that simple. As you age, your body becomes less effective at burning calories,
mostly because of a gradual decrease in activity and resulting loss of muscle. Your metabolism
can dip as much as 25 to 30% over your adult life, says Miriam Nelson, PhD, director of
the J ohn Hancock Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Tufts University. As a result, your
body tends to store excess calories in the form of--you guessed it--body fat, and that extra
weight only slows you down more.

You don't, however, have to resign yourself to a life of forgiving jersey fabrics and shape-
disguising tunics. For most, strength-training can help boost metabolism by as much as
10% in 12 weeks by rebuilding muscle. You can increase it further by making small but
targeted lifestyle changes. "Anything that energizes you--a good night's sleep, fresh air, sunlight,
a healthy diet, regular exercise--ultimately helps drive metabolism," explains Nelson.

With that in mind, we've designed a round-the-clock plan that will tune up your fat-burning
engine, boosting its efficiency and maximizing calorie burn morning, noon, and night. By shifting
your body into high gear, these timely tips will help you burn 200 to 300 more calories a day.
(And that doesn't even take into account your regular exercise routine.) Can't do it all? Don't
worry--employing even a few of these steps will confer benefits. Now let's get going.

Eat a 300- to 400-calorie breakfast In the AM, your energy stores are depleted by as much
as 80% from the night before. Without food, your body shifts into starvation mode, which means
it begins to conserve energy and burn fewer calories. (In other words: Your metabolic rate takes
a nosedive.) That may be why, in one study, breakfast skippers were 4 1*2 times more likely to
be obese than breakfast eaters. For more long-lasting energy, include whole grain complex
carbohydrates like oatmeal.

Throw in a cup of halved strawberries Research suggests that getting enough vitamin C--75
mg a day--may be essential for optimal fat burning. The strawberries provide 90 mg.

Get a dose of sunlight "Exposure to bright light decreases melatonin and increases serotonin,
shifting your body from sleep to awake mode and, in turn, revving your metabolic furnace," says
health and psychology researcher Robert K. Cooper, PhD, author of the metabolism book Flip the

*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
Take your multivitamin Antioxidant nutrients help protect mitochondria, tiny structures found
in every cell, from damage; they're the microscopic fat-burning furnaces that convert food into

Move at the office "Moving throughout the day--even if it's just walking to a colleague's
office rather than sending an e-mail--keeps your metabolism higher than doing a workout
and then remaining sedentary," says J ames O. Hill, PhD, director of the Center for Human
Nutrition at the University of Colorado at Denver.

Sip a cup of coffee or tea Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that moderately
boosts metabolism, helping you burn about 20 extra calories.

Have a midmorning snack Good choices: a reduced-fat cheese stick or a cup of low-fat yogurt
and a piece of fruit. Every time you eat, your body burns additional calories to digest the food.
Take advantage of this automatic boost by eating something--even if it's very small--every 3
to 4 hours.

Your A.M. Routine: Energizing Yoga
Accelerate the natural metabolic boost that occurs when you wake up by doing these poses.
Yoga can also help control levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which begins to rise after waking
and can contribute to muscle loss and a resulting dip in metabolism.

Downward Facing Dog Kneel with hands directly beneath shoulders,
knees beneath hips, and toes tucked. Press palms into floor and lift tailbone toward ceiling,
straightening legs so body forms an inverted V, as shown. Keep shoulders away from ears and
relax head between arms. Hold for three to five breaths. Bend knees and relax down to floor.

Cobra Lie facedown with legs extended, toes pointed. Place hands on floor
beneath shoulders, elbows close to torso. Press feet, thighs, hips, and pelvis firmly into floor and
straighten arms, lifting chest as high as comfortably possible, as shown. Keep shoulders down
and back, lifting through breastbone, opening chest, and lengthening spine. Hold for three to five
breaths. Tuck toes under and push back into Downward Facing Dog. Repeat moves three to five

Eat a protein-packed lunch You'll burn more calories digesting your midday meal because
protein is more difficult to break down than carbohydrates or fat. Try:
Roast turkey breast with sliced veggies and hummus wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla; add a
piece of fruit
Salmon salad (like tuna salad but with canned salmon) topped with lettuce and tomato on a
whole wheat bun; carrot sticks and grapes on the side
*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
Chicken-vegetable soup with a whole wheat roll

Snack on nuts As your blood sugar and energy levels hit the post lunch slump, your metabolism
also takes a dip. The protein and fiber in a handful of nuts (about 20) can help stave off hunger
and keep you energized until dinnertime. "Nuts also contain monounsaturated fats, which have
been found in studies to stimulate fat burning," says Cooper.

Laugh it up Laughing eases stress and boosts calorie burn up to 20%, reports a Vanderbilt
University study of 90 men and women. Need a little inspiration? Check out The Onion, an
irreverent--and completely fake--news site.

Take the stairs Climbing stairs quickly elevates your heart rate for a metabolic jolt that burns 8
calories per minute--twice as much as brisk walking. Try to accumulate 5 to 10 minutes during
the afternoon.

Brew some green tea Studies show that the polyphenol compounds in 2 to 4 cups may help
raise metabolism by as much as 35% and encourage fat burning.

Commute--with a CD Relaxing music has been shown to reduce cortisol, a key metabolism-
tempering hormone. Once tension has been tamed while on the highway, switch to more
energizing music; upbeat tempos raise your heart and breathing rates and metabolism. And you'll
be ready to tackle whatever awaits you when you arrive at home.

Stretch at your desk Counter the metabolism-depressing effects of midday stress by boosting
circulation and easing upper-body tension. And take deep breaths while you stretch to provide
cells with the energy-producing oxygen they need to burn fat.

Chair reach and drop

A. Sit on edge of chair, feet flat, back straight. Extend arms overhead, palms facing each other,
and gently arch back as far as comfortable. Hold 1 to 2 seconds, then sit back up and lower arms
out to sides.

B. Clasp hands behind back and lean forward from hips, bringing chest toward thighs, arms
toward ceiling. Hold 10 to 15 seconds. Release and repeat.

Your Midday Workout: Interval Sprint Walk
As little as 30 seconds of high-intensity exercise--like sprints--can spike levels of human growth
hormone by a whopping 530%, British researchers report. This boost, in turn, helps build lean
muscle and burn fat.

With our routine, you won't be working quite that hard, but you'll increase the intensity enough
to enjoy a metabolic bump that will last several hours. Related Canadian research reveals that
eight exercisers doing just four 30-second sprints three times a week for 2 weeks doubled their
endurance in exercise tests and ramped up their mitochondria activity by 38%, meaning their
muscles and cells could use more oxygen and burn more calories.

*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
The following workout is based on a 1-to-10 scale of intensity, with 1 equivalent to sitting on the
sofa and 10 equivalent to sprinting.

Sprint Walk

Time Intensity

Minutes 1-2 Walk at 4 or 5, gradually ramping up to 7.

Minute 3 Blast off for 30 seconds at 9 or 10, then
taper down to 5 for 30 seconds.

Minutes 4-5 Walk at 4 or 5, gradually ramping up to 7.

Minute 6 Blast off for 30 seconds at 9 or 10, then
taper down to 5 for 30 seconds.

Minutes 7-8 Walk at 4 or 5, gradually ramping up to 7.

Minute 9 Blast off for 30 seconds at 9 or 10, then
taper down to 5 for 30 seconds.

Minutes 10-
Walk at 4 or 5, gradually ramping up to 7.

Minute 12 Blast off for 30 seconds at 9 or 10, then
taper down to 5 for 30 seconds.

Minutes 13-
Cool down at 4 or 5.

Have a light (500- to 700-calorie) dinner A balanced meal, such as fish, chicken, lean meat,
or soy with steamed or saut? veggies and a side of beans and rice, will refuel you without
slowing you down. "Pause 15 minutes before taking second helpings; a relaxed eating style will
ensure you don't get overstuffed," suggests Cooper.

Pay bills, sort mail, surf the Web, or knit You'll burn up to 54 more calories per hour than if
you simply sit guarding the remote. (Bonus: Your hands will be too busy to reach into a bag of
chips or cookies.)

Drink warm milk Some studies suggest that amino acids in dairy products help promote fat
burning. (Stick to low fat or fat free to keep calories in check.)

Lower the thermostat to sleep better Skimp on shut-eye and you'll not only feel sluggish the
next day--making activity less attractive--but you'll also be more at risk of gaining weight. A new
report from the Nurses' Health Study, which followed more than 68,000 women for 16 years,
found that women who slept just 5 hours a night were 32% more likely to gain 30-plus pounds
during adulthood than those who got 7 hours of shut-eye, even though the light sleepers
typically ate less.

*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
*Always consult with your physician before beginning a fitness or nutrition program.
Your After-work Exercise Plan: 5 Strength-Building Moves
"For every pound of muscle you build, you'll burn up to 50 extra calories a day," says Nelson.
Why lift now? Body temperature inches upward as the day goes on, peaking around 5 PM (when
it's about 1 to 2F warmer than it is in the morning), priming your muscles for activity.

Studies show that evening exercisers move faster, produce more power, and don't fade as fast--
all while feeling less tired. Try this multi-muscle starter routine: Perform two sets of 8 to 10 reps,
3 days a week with a rest day after each.

1. Squat Press Stand with feet hip-width apart, abs tight. Hold 8- to 12-pound dumbbells by
shoulders, palms facing forward. Bend knees and hips, lowering body as if sitting into a chair--
butt out, chest lifted, spine long. Keep knees behind toes and don't go lower than thighs parallel
to floor. As you stand back up, press weights overhead. Then lower dumbbells back to shoulders
and repeat.

2. Lunge Curl Stand with left foot about 3 feet in front of right with left foot flat and right heel
off floor. Hold 8- to 12-pound dumbbells down at sides, palms facing forward. Bend both knees,
lowering right knee straight down until left thigh is parallel to floor. Keep left knee directly above
ankle. As you lower, curl weights toward shoulders. Then straighten legs and lower dumbbells
back to start position and repeat.

3. Plil Lat Raise Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing out. Hold 5- to
8-pound dumbbells down at sides, palms facing in. Keeping back straight, bend knees and lower
hips until thighs are nearly parallel to floor. At the same time, raise weights out to sides until
arms are at shoulder height. Return to start and repeat.

4. Calf Raise & Press Stand with feet close together, arms at sides holding 5- to 8-pound
dumbbells, palms facing in. Rise up onto balls of feet, lifting heels off floor. At the same time,
press arms behind you, turning wrists so palms face ceiling. Keep arms straight. Lower and

5. Curl & Press Hold an 8- to 12-pound dumbbell in each hand and lie on floor with knees bent,
feet flat. Position dumbbells at either side of chest, palms facing feet. Contract abs and curl head,
shoulders, and upper back off floor. Once in the up position, press weights straight above chest.
Lower weights, roll back to start, and repeat.

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