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Aversion to Cold
Stiffness and aching in the nape of the neck
Aching limbs and trunk
T: Thin White Coat
P: Floating Pulse: Gui Zhi Tang
Gui Zhi (acrid, war, sweet, HT/LU/BL)
Bai Shao (bitter, sour, sl. cold, LR/SP)
Sheng Jiang (acrid, warm, ST/SP/LU)
Da Zao (sweet, warm, HT/SP/ST)
Zhi Gan Zao (sweet, warm, SP/ST, LU, HT)
Exogenous Wind Cold attack resulting with Exterior Vacuity
aversion to wind, fever, spontaneous sweating (gentle) - main
pathogen is WIND, which injures the Wei causing weakness in
the interstices, draining out the Wei Qi
Ma Huang Tang: aversion to cold, fever, NO sweating - main
pathogen is COLD
RELEASE EXTERIOR (acrid & warming)
2. Aversion to cold, heat effusion (fever), no sweating, stiff
neck, headache, heavy & aching sensation of limbs,
bitter taste slight thirst.: Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Qiang Huo
Fang Feng
Cang Zhu
Xi Xin
Bai Zhi
Chuang Xiong
Sheng Di Huang
Huang Qin
Gan Cao
Wind Cold Damp with Interior Heat
RELEASE EXTERIOR (acrid & warming)
3. Heat effusion, no sweat or very little sweat, slight
aversion to wind and cold, headache thirst, sore throat
and cough.
T:Red tip, thin white coat or slightly yellow
P:Floating &rapid: Yin Qiao San
Lian Qiao 15g
Jin Yin Hua 15g
Bo He 6g
Jie Geng 6g
Zhu Ye 4g
Jing Jie 4g
Dan Chou Chi 5g
Niu Bang Zi 6g
Lu Gen 15-30g
Gan Cao 5g
Early onset of Wind Warmth pattern, Wind Heat pattern. Virus.
RELEASE EXTERIOR (acrid & cooling)
4. Primarily coughs, body feels warm and slight thirst.
P:Floating & slightly rapid
T:Thin white coating: Sang Ju yin
Sang Ye 7.5g
Ju hua 3g
Xing REn 6g
Lian Qiao 4.5g
Bo He 2.5g
Jie Geng 6g
Lu Gen 6g
Gan Cao 6g
Early onset of Wind Warmth pattern
RELEASE EXTERIOR (acrid & cooling)
5. Abdominal pain which like warmth and pressure,
diarrhoea, no thirst, cold limbs, nausea vomiting, does
not like to eat.: Li Zhong Wan (Regulating the Middle Jiao
Ren Shen
Gan Jiang
Gan Cao
Bai Zhu
Vacuity Cold Pattern in the middle jiao
72 Herbal Formulas S/S's (Clinical Practicum)
Study online at
6. Sallow complexion, low/feeble voice, shortness of breath,
no energy, eating less, loose stools, weak limbs.
T: Pale White Coat P: Empty & Weak: Si Jun Zi Tang (Four-
noble Ingredient Decoction)
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Zhi Gan Cao
SP & ST Qi Xu
7. Eating less, no appetite loose stool stuffiness, stifling
sensation in the chest/ epigastrium or nausea,
vomiting, diarrhoea
T:Pale, white coating P:Vacuity & Weak wiry: Yi Gong San
(Extraordinary Merit Powder)
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Zhi Gan Cao
Chen Pi
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
SP & ST Xu with Qi Shi
8. Eating less, no appetite, loose stool, stuffiness & stifling
sensation in the chest/ epigastrium, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhoea, sallow complexion, underweight, low/feeble
voice, shortness of breath, no energy, cough w copious
white phlegm
T:Pale white greasy coat P:Vacuity: Liu Jun Zi Tang (Six-
Noble Ingredient Decoction)
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Gan Cao
Chen Pi
Ban Xia
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
Sp & ST Qi Xu w Dampness & Phlegm Pattern
9. Eating less, no appetite, loose stool, stuffiness and
Fullness sensation in th epigastrium, nausea vomiting,
lethargy, underweight abdominal distention/pain,
general puffiness/ swelling.
T:Pale white coat P:weak slippery: Xiang Sha Liu Jun Tang
(Six-Noble Ingredient with Mu Xiang and Sha Ren Decoction)
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Gan Cao
Chen Pi
Ban Xia
Mu Xiang
Sha Ren
Sheng Jiang
Sp & ST Qi Xu w Cold & Dampness Shi Pattern
10. 1.Dizziness w spinning sensation, blurry vision,
tinnitus, deafness, fatigue, lethargy, weak limbs, lazy to
talk, sallow complexion, loose/watery stool eating less.
T: Pale P:Weak
2.Rectal prolapsed, uterus prolapsed, chronic
diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, hemorrhage, shortness
of breath, fatigue loose stool, no appetite.
T:Pale P:Vacuity, soft.
3. Fever spontaneous sweating, thirst likes warm drink,
fatigue, shortness of breath.
T:Pale Swollen P:Big but no force.: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
(Tonifying the Middle Jiao and Replenishing the Qi Decoction)
Huang Qi
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Gan Cao
Dang Gui
Chen Pi
Chai Hu
Sheng Ma
1.Sp & St Qi Xu unable to raise the 'clear yang'
2. Sunken Middle Qi Pattern
3.Fever (low grade) disorder due to SP & ST Qi Xu
11. 1.Dry cough, little phlegm, weak body & limbs, shortness
of breath, feeble voice, lazy to talk, sweating and dry
mouth and tongue.
T:Red dry little coating P:fine weak or deficient, big,
2.Profuse sweating fatigue, lethargy shortness of breath,
lazy to talk dry throat thirst.: Sheng Mai San (Pulse-
Generating Powder)
Ren Shen
Mai Men Dong
Wu Wei Zi
Concurrent Qi & Yin Xu
1.Chronic cough due to hidden lung fire affecting the Qi and
depleting the Yin.
2. Post febrile disease and summer- heat disorder
12. 1. Indigestion, reduced appetite, weak limbs distenstion
and stifling sensation in the chest and abdomen,
borborygmus, diarrhoea, weight loss, sallow
T:Pale w greasy white coating P: deficient slow(huan)
2. Coughing with abundant white phlegm, congested
chest and fullness in the epigastrium, lethargy, lack of
energy, pale and shiny complexion, loose stool, no
T:Pale w white greasy coat P:Fine, weak & Slippery: Shen
Ling Bai Zhu San (Ren Shen, Fu Ling, Bai Zhu Combination
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Gan Cao
Shan Yao
Lian Zi
Bai Bian Dou
Yi Yi Renjie Geng
Sha Ren
1. Diarrhoea due to SP & ST Xu Dampness.
2.Coughing disorder due to Lung ans Spleen Qi vacuity with
phlegm Damp Pattern.
13. 1.Pale face, pale lips, pale fingernails, a sallow
complexion, dizziness, blurry vision, palpitations,
T:Pale with white coating P:Thin & Wiry or thin and
retarded (Choppy)
2.Irregular menstruation, hypomenorrhroea or
hypermenorrhoea, delayed menstruation,
amenorrhoea, trickling of blood w pale red colour peri-
umbilical abdominal pain, hard abdominal mass from
'blood stasis'.: Si Wu Tang (Four-Ingredient Decoction)
Shu Di Huang
Dang Gui
Bai Shao
Chuan Xiong
1.Blood Xu affecting blood circulatory function pattern.
2.Chong Mai & Ren Mai Xu Pattern.
TONIFY (Blood)
14. Shortened menstrual cycle copious bleeding of dark
purple and sticky blood with or without clotting
abdominal pain. Dysmenorrhoea w similar
presentation.: Tao Hong Si Wu Tang (Four-Ingredient with
Tao Ren& Hong Hua Decoction)
Shu Di huang
Dang Gui
Bai Shao
chuan Xiong
Tao Ren
Hong Hua
Blood Xu w Xue stasis
TONIFY (Blood)
15. Feverish warm sensation in the skin and muscles, red
complexion, thirst with desire to drink warm water,
irritability heat.
T:Pale P:Flooding/big but deficient, forceless when
pressed.: Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang (Dang Gui Decoction for
Tonifying the Blood)
Huang Qi
Dang Gui
Xue Xu => floating Yang manifesting as Fever disorder
TONIFY (Blood)
16. 1. Palpitation, anxiety forgetfulness, insomnia, night
sweat, feverish w Xu heat lethargy eating less sallow
T:Pale with thin white coating. P:fine moderate.
2.Uterine bleeding early menstruation w heavy bleeding
metrorrhagia (hypermenorhorea) prolonged
menstruation w little flow, purplish spot under the skin,
blood in the stool.
T:Pale P:Thin & weak: Gui Pi Tang (Restore the Spleen
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Shen
Gan Cao
Dan Gui
Huang Gui
Long Yan Rou
Suan Zao Ren
Yuan Zhi
Mu Xiang
Sheng jiang
Da Zao
1.HT & SP w Qi & Xue Xu
2.SP Xu unable to keep the blood circulation within the vessels
TONIFY (Blood)
17. Sallow complexion, dizziness, weak limbs, lethragy,
shortness of breath, lazy to talk, palpitation, anxiety
eating less.
T:Pale with thin white coating. P:Thin & frail, deficient
without strength.: Ba Zhen Tang (Eight-Treasure Decoction)
Qi & Blood Vacuity Pattern
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Gan Cao
Dang Gui
Shu Di Huang
Bai Shao
Chuan Xiong
TONIFY (Qi & Blood)
18. Soreness & weakness in the lower back & Knees,
dizziness , tinnitus, hearing loss, night sweat, seminal
emission, Xiao Ke(Wasting & thirsting disorder) hot
palms & soles, dry & sore throat, loose teeth copious
T:red w little coat P:sunken, thin, rapid.: Liu Wei Di
Huang Wan (Six-Ingredient with Di Huang Pill)
Shu Di huang
Shan Zhu Yu
Shan Yao
Ze Xie
Fu Ling
Mu Dan Pi
KD Yin Xu
19. Hypochondriac & chest pain, acid reflux epigastric &
abdominal distention, dry mouth & throat.
T:Red & Dry P:Thin weak or deficient wiry: Yi Guan Jian
(Linking Decoction)
Sheng Du Huang
Gou Qi Zi
Sha Shen
Mai Men Dong
Dan Gui
Chaun Lian Zi
LR & KD Yin Xu w LR Qi Stasis
20. Soreness & weakness of the lower back & knees, cold
sensation of the lower part of the body, lower abdominal
cramp, frequent urination (especially in the evening)
impotence, premature ejaculation, oedema(esp. in the
ankles).this include Dan Yin (Phlegm damp) and Xiao
Ke disorders.
T:Pale & Swollen P Vacuous & Weak, particularly
submerged thin at the rear position.: Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
(Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet)
Sheng Di huang
Sahn Zhu Yu
Shan Yao
Ze Xie
Fu Ling
Mu Dan Pi
Gui Zhi
Fu Zi
KD Yang Xu
21. General weakness, aversion to draupht, spontaneous
sweating, shiny pale complexion.
T:Pale w thin white coating P:floating deficient: Yu Ping
Feng San (Jade Screen Powder)
Huang Qin
Bai Zhu
Fang Feng
Vital Qi Xu resulting in weak Wei Qi (Lung Wei) Pattern.
STABILISE & BIND(Exterior & Sweating)
22. Diarrhoea which occurs daily just before sunrise, no
appetite, indigestion, abdominal pain, cold limbs,
lethargy, soreness of the lower back fatigue.
T:Pale w thin coating P:sunken slow & forceless.: Si Shen
Wan (Ban Xia (Four-Miracle Pill)
Bu Gu Zhi
Rou Dou Kou
Wu Zhu Yu
Wu Wei Zi
Sp & KD Xu cold patterns resulting in daybreak diarrhoea.
STABILISE & BIND(Leakage from Intestine)
23. Vaginal discharge(Lrg volume), white in colour, no
particularly, foul smelling, thin in consistency, usually
continuous, fatigue weak body & Limbs.
T:Pale w White coating P:Moderate or frail & slippery:
Wan Dai Tang (Ending Morbid Leukorrhea Decoction)
Bai Zhu
Shan Yao
Ren Shen
Cang Zhu
Chen Pi
Che Qian Zi
Bai Shao
Cahi Hu
Hei Jing Jie
Gan cao
Dampness turbidity leukorrhea due to SP Xu w LR Shi
STABILISE & BIND(Womb Bleeding/VD)
24. Blood stasis in the chest causing obstruction of blood
flow in the area above the diaphragm, painful chest,
chronic headaches, the pain is in a fixed site and
stabbing; persistent hiccough; internal heat w stifling
sensation; palpitations, insomnia, irritation,
restlessness and easily angry, evening 'tidal fever', dark
or purplish lips or sclera.
T:Dark red w dark spots P:choppy or wiry and tense:
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang ( Drive Out Blood Stasis in the Manision of
Blood Decoction)
Dang Gui
Chuan Xiong
Chi Shao
Tao Ren
Hong Hua
Sheng Di Huang
Zhi Ke
Jie Geng
Chai Hu
Niu Xi
Gan Cao
Xue stasis in the chest and obs. Xue cir.
25. Hemiplegia, facial paralysis, atrophy of the lower limbs,
slurred speech, drooling, frequent urination or
T:Darkish w white coating P:Moderate: Bu Yang Huan Wu
Tang (Tonify the Yang to Restore the Five Decoction)
Sequelae of Wind-stroke disorder leading to qi vacuity with blood
stasis pattern.
26. Abdominal pain, which is worse when pressed,
persistent uterine bleeding, dark purplish colour,
unstable foetus disorder, retention of lochia.
T: Dark purple or with spots P:sunken, sluggish
(uneven): Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (Gui Zhi and Fu Ling Pill)
Blood stasis in the womb (during pregnancy) pattern.
27. Headache (overall or one sided or vertex), fever chills,
dizziness, blocked nose.
T:Thin, white coating. P:Floating.: Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao
San (Chuan Xiong Powder To be Taken with Tea)
Headache due to external wind attack pattern.
EXPEL WIND (External)
28. Blocked nose, loss of sense of smelling, runny nose,
frontal-head pain.
T:thin white coat or greasy white coat. P:Wiry.: Cang Er
Zi San (Cang Er Zi powder)
Nasal obstruction caused by exogenous wind invasion pattern.
(Nasosinusitis, rhinosinusitis disorder)
EXPEL WIND (External)
29. Red rash or skin lesion in blotches, itchy, weepy when
T:White coating or yellow. P:Floating or wiry rapid.:
Xiao Feng San (Eliminate Wind Powder)
Wind dampness and wind heat attacking the skin and muscle
layers pattern. (Eczema, urticaria, rashes, psoriasis, tinea
EXPEL WIND (External)
30. Persistent high fever, big heat, delirium, twitching and
spasms of the extremities, epileptic fit.
T:crimson, dry or black with thorn. P:Wiry & Rapid.:
Ling Jiao Gou Teng Yin (Antelope's horn and Gou Teng
Excess heat in the liver channel generating wind pattern.
EXPEL WIND (Internal)
31. Dizziness, sensation of distention in the eyes, tinnitus,
feverish sensation in the head, irritability flushed face
(as if drunk), belching, motor dysfunction, development
of facial asymmetry, loss of consciousness.: Zhen Gan Xi
Feng Tang (Sedate the Liver Yang and Extinguish Wind
Liver & Kidney Yin vacuity generating liver yang rising pattern.
EXPEL WIND (Internal)
32. (Hypertnesion, trigeminal neuralgia, stroke, dizziness
and vertigo, prevention of seizures and epilepsy.)
Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, hot sensation
in the head.
T:red w yellow coating P:wiry: Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin ( Tian
Ma and Gou Teng Decoction)
Hyperactive Liver Yang with concurrent Liver Wind rising
EXPEL WIND (Internal)
33. Slight headache, aversion to cold without sweating,
coughing, thin sputum, nasal congestion, dry throat.
T:White coating P:Wiry.: Xing Su San (Xing Ren and Su Ye
External Attack of cool dryness pattern.
34. Headache, fever, dry throat and nasal passage, thirst,
dry cough, no phlegm or little sticky phlegm.
T:Red w dry thin white coating. P:floating and rapid
especially on the right.: Sang Xing Tang (Sang Ye and Xing
Ren Decoction)
External attack of warm dryness pattern.
35. Headache, fever, dry cough without phlegm, wheezing,
dry throat, thirst, dry nasal passage, stifling sensation
in the chest. (More Qi Xu & heat more serious)
T:Dry without coating. P:Deficient, big and rapid.: Qing
Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Eliminate Dryness and Recue the Lungs
Warm dryness injuring the Lung with damage of Qi and Yin
36. Coughing with blood-streaked sputum, dry and sore
throat, warm, sensation in the palms and soles,
'steaming bones': Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Bai He Decoction to
Preserve the Metal)
Lung & kidney Yin Xu with vacuous fire rising pattern.
37. Distension in the abdomen, lack of appetite, nausea,
vomiting,belching, acid re-flux, sensation of heavy limbs
and body, lethargy, increased desire to sleep, loose stool
or diarrhea.
T: thick white & Greasy coat P:Moderate(slippery): Ping
Wei San (Calm the Stomach Powder)
Dampness accum. in SP & ST
Cang Zhu (DAMP)
Hou Po (DAMP)
Chen Pi (Reg. MJ)
Gan Cao (Reg. MJ)
Sheng jiang (Reg. MJ)
Da zao (Reg. MJ)
38. Urgent & frequent Urination, painful & burning
sensation, dark urine, in severe condition here may be
urinary retention & lower abdominal distention and
T:yellow and greasy. P:Slippery & rapid.: Ba Zhen San
(Eight Herb Powder for Rectification)
Qu Mai
Bian Xu
Hua Shi
Che Qian Zi
Mu Tong
Deng Xin Cao
Da Huang
Zhi Zi
Gan Cao
Downward flow of damp heat to the lower jiao.
39. Urinary dysfunction headache slight fever, irritability,
thirsty, in sever cases vomiting immediately after
T:white coating. P: Floating or floating and rapid.: Wu
Ling San (Five-ingredient Powder with Fu Ling)
water accumulation in the lower jiao
Ze Xie
Fu Ling
Zhu Ling
Bai Zhu
Gui Zhi
EXPEL DAMPNESS (Urination & Leech Out)
40. oedema, loose stools, urinary difficulty, vomiting and
diarrhea due to 'sudden turmoil' disorder.: Wu Ling San
(Five-ingredient Powder with Fu Ling)
Acc. of Water and Damp in the interior pattern.
Ze Xie
Fu Ling
Zhu Ling
Bai Zhu
Gui Zhi
EXPEL DAMPNESS (Urination & Leech Out)
41. Abdominal pulsation (rumbling sensation) below the
umbilicus, spiting of frothy saliva, vertigo, shortness of
breath.: Wu Ling San (Five-ingredient Powder with Fu Ling)
Tan Yin (Phlegm Fluid) Pattern
Ze Xie
Fu Ling
Zhu Ling
Bai Zhu
Gui Zhi
EXPEL DAMPNESS (Urination & Leech Out)
42. Shortness of breath, cough.: Wu Ling San (Five-ingredient
Powder with Fu Ling)
Shui Yin (water fluid) insulting the LUNG
Ze Xie
Fu Ling
Zhu Ling
Bai Zhu
Gui Zhi
EXPEL DAMPNESS (Urination & Leech Out)
43. Difficulty urination, fever, thirst, irritability, insomina,
coughing, nausea, diarrhoea.
T:Red w white or yellow coating P:Thin & Rapid: Zhu
Ling Tang (Zhu Ling Decoction)
Interlocking of Water and Heat
Zhu Ling
Fu Ling
Ze Xie
Hua Shi
E jiao
EXPEL DAMPNESS (Urination & Leech Out)
44. Fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region,
dizziness and vertio, palpitations, shortness of breath,
T:White & Slippery coating P:Wiry and slippery: Ling
Gui Zhu Gan Tang (Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu and Gan Cao
Yang Qi Xu in the MJ, Phlegm fluid retention.
Fu Ling
Gui Zhi
Bai Zhu
Gan Cao
EXPEL DAMPNESS (Warm & Water/Damp)
45. Coughin,copious white phlegm, stifling sensation in the
chest and diaphragm, nausea,vomiting, palpitations,
T:White & Slippery coating P:Slippery: Er Chen Tan (Two-
cured ingredient Decoction)
Dampness phlegm accumulation.
Ban Xia (Trans Phlegm)
Ju Hong (Trans Phlegm)
Fu Ling (Restrain Lung)
Sheng jiang (Restrain Lung)
Wu Mei (Restrain Lung)
Zhi Gan Cao
46. Easily frightened, irritability, anxiety, insomnia,
nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, slight thirst.
T: greasy & yellow coating P:Rapid, wiry or slippery.:
Wen Dan Tang (Warm the Gall Bladder Decoction)
GB Shi w Phlegm arousing
Ban Xia (Trans Phlegm)
Zhu Ru (Trans Phlegm)
Zhi Shi (Qi Reg)
Chen Pi (Qi Reg)
Fu Ling (MH Reg)
Gan Cao (MH Reg)
Sheng Jiang (MH Reg)
Da Zao (MH Reg)
47. Coughing w wheezing,copious sputum which is yellow &
thick, slight aversion to cold, laboured breathing.
T:Yellow & greasy coating P:Slippery & rapid.: Ding
Chuan Tang (Arrest Wheezing Decoction)
Wind Cold in the Ext. & Phlegm-Heat smouldering in the Int.
Ma Huang (Disp Ext Factors)
Bai Guo
Xing Ren
Su Zi
Kuan Dong Hua
Ban Xia
Huang Qin
Sang Bai Pi
Gan Cao
48. Coughing w yellow & thick sputum that is difficult to
cough out, stifling sensation in the chest & diaphragm,
nausea, panting.
T:Red w yellow greasy coating P:Rapid, slippery: Qing Qi
Hua Tang Wan (Clear the Heat in the Qi and Transform Phlegm
Phlegm-Heat stag. in LU
Dan Nan Xing
Gua Lou Ren
Huang Qin
Zhi Shi
Chen Pi
Fu Ling
Xing Ren
Ban Xia
Ginger juice
49. Coughing with urgency, difficulty in coughing out the
phlegm, dry throat and mouth.
T:Dry & white coating P:: Bei Mu Gua Luo San (Bai Mu and
Gua Lou Powder)
Dryness-Phlegm in the LU
Bei Mu
Gua Luo
Tan Hua Fen
Jie Geng
Ju hong
50. Coughing with profuse phlegm, that is thin and white,
tendency to spit out frothy spittle, congested sensation
in the chest.
T:White, slippery coat P:Wiry, slippery: Ling Gan Wu Wei
Jiang Xin Tang (Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Wu Wei Zi, Gan Jiang, and
Xi Xin Cao Decoction)
Cold Phlegm
Gan Jiang
Xi Xin
Fu Ling
Wu Wei Zi
Gan Cao
TREAT PHLEGM (Warm & Cold)
51. Itchy throat, cough w phlegm, unsatisfactory feeling of
incomplete coughing out phlegm; or slight aversion to
cold, heat effusion as in fever.
T:Thin white coat. P:moderate (could be floating): Zhi
Sou San (Stop Coughing Powder)
Exogenous Wind assaulting the LU (Persistent cough)
Zi Wan
Bai Bu
Bai Qian
Jie Geng
Jing Jie
Chen Pi
Gan Cao
52. Dizziness and vertigo,heaviness of the head, headache,
stifling sensation in the chest,nausea, vomiting copious
T:white & greasy coating P:wiry slippery: Ban Xia Bai Zhu
Tian Ma Tang (Ban Xia, Bai Zhu, and Tian Ma Decoction)
Wind Phlegm rising upward.
Ban xia
Tian Ma Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Ju Hong
Gan Cao
Da Zao
Sheng Jiang
53. 1.Constipation & flatulence abdominal distension hard
when pressed, abdominal pain which dislikes being
pressed, afternoon tidal fever.
Tongue: dry yellow coating with prickles
Pulse: Repletion/excessive and submerged
2.Bluish-green watery stool, with a strong foul smell,
abdominal and periumbilical pain, solid mass when
palpated, dry mouth.
Tongue:dry coat Pulse:rapid and slippery: Da Cheng Qi
Da Huang
Mang Xiao
Zhi Shi
Hou Po
1.Yang Ming Fu Shi OR 2.Compacted stool & watery fluids due to
Heat Accumulation
54. Strong heat, red complextion, irritability heat, thirst,
sweating, dislikes heat
Tongue:yellow coat Pulse:flooding huge forceful: Bai Hu
(White Tiger Decoction)
Shi Gao
Zhi Mu
Gan Cao
Geng Mi
Heat Excess disorder of the YM
55. Body Heat(fever), abundant sweating, heat vexation and
stifling sensation in the chest and heart region, nausea,
dry mouth like to drink, or restlessness insomnia.
Tongue:red body with little coating. Pulse:fine rapid.:
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
(Zhu Ye and Shi Gao Decoction)
Zhu Ye
Shi Gao
Ban Xia
Mai Men Dong
Ren Shen
Gan Cao
Geng Mi
Residual Heat Damaging Qi and JinYe after externally
1. Wind Cold turning into heat.
2.Warm disease or Summer heat
56. 1. Strong fever severe irritability heat dry mouth and
throat, delirium insomnia.
2.Heat disease with vomiting blood, nosebleed.
3. Toxic swelling, skin rash, sores, boils, carbuncles,
4.Body heat(fever) with dysentery or damp heat
Tongue: Red, yellow coat. Pulse: Rapid and forceful:
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
(Huang Lian Decoction to neutralize Toxicity)
Huang Lian
Huang Qin
Huang Bai
Zhi Zi
Repletion Heat & Fire Toxin in the TE
CLEAR HEAT (Toxicity)
57. Cough, wheeze, skin feels hot to touch, fever which is
worsened in the afternoon.
Tongue: Red w Yellow coating Pulse:thin and rapid: Xie
Bai San
(Drain the White (Lung Heat) Powder
Di Gu Pi
Sang Bai Pi
Zhi Gan Cao
Geng Mi
Coughing & Wheezing disorder due to hidden fire in the LU
58. Body heat(fever) that gets worse at night, restlessness,
insomnia, may have delirious speech, thirst or no thirst
or concealed rashes.
T:crimson dry with thorn P:fine & rapid: Qing Ying Tang
(Clear Heat in the Ying Level Decoction)
Shui Niu Jiao
Sheng Di Huang
Xuan Shen
Dan Zhu Ye
Mai Men Dong
Dan Shen
Huang Lian
Jin Yin Hua
Lian Qiao
Early onset heat entering the Ying level.
59. Espeacially toothache that extends into the head, facial
swelling(inflammation), bad breath, fever, dry, mouth
bleeding and sores of the gums, painful and swollen
mouth & Jaw.
Tongue:Red w Yellow coating Pulse:slippery rapid.:
Qing Wei San
(Clear the Stomach Heat Powder)
Huang Lian
Sheng Di Huang
Mu Dan Pi
Dang Gui
Sheng Ma
ST fire raging upward pattern
60. 1.Headache, red eyes, hypochindriac pain, bitter taste,
hearing loss, irritability heat.
Tongue:red with yellow coating Pulse:wiry forceful,
2.Genital disorders, urinary tract infection, frequent &
turbid urination, foul-smelling leucorrhoea.
Tongue:Red w Greasy & yellow coating Pulse:Wiry &
forceful: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
(Long Dan Cao Decoction to Drain the Liver Fire)
Long Dand Cao
Huang Qin
Zhi Zi
Ze Xie
Chuan Mu Tong
1. LR & GB Repletion heat rising upwards.
2. LR & GB Damp heat converging in the Lower Jiao
61. Halitosis, mouth ulcers, gets hungry easily, irritability
heat, thirst, dry mouth & lips or wagging the tongue.
Tongue: Red Pulse:Rapid: Xie Huang San
(Drain the Yellow (Spleen hidden Heat) Powder
Huo Xiang
Zhi Zi
Shi Gao
Fang Feng
Gan Cao
Hidden Fire in the SP & ST
62. Toothache, frontal headache, loose tooth, bleeding
gums, irritability heat(hot & bothered), thirst.
Tongue:Red dry w yellow coat. Pulse:Thin, rapid.: Yu Nu
(Jade Lady Decoction)
Shi Gao
Shu Di Huang
Zhi Mu
Mai Men Dong
Niu Xi
YM fire w SY(Kidney Yin) Xu
63. Fever, excessive sweating, irritability heat, thirst, scanty
& yellow urine, lethargy.
Pulse:Thin & rapid.: Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang
(Clear Summerheat and Augment the Qi Decoction)
Xi Gua Pi
Xi Yang Shen
Shi Hu
Mai Men Dong
Huang Lian
Zhu Ye
He Geng
Zhi Mu
Gan Cao
Geng Mi
Exogenous Summer-heat attack injuring the Qi & Yin
CLEAR HEAT (Summer Heat)
64. Disturbances of the Shen, palpitations with anxiety,
insomnia, irritability, fatigue, forgetfulness, nocturanal
emissions with dreams, hot center of palms and soles,
tongue ulcers, dry stool.
T:Red w little coating P:Thin & Rapid: Tian Wang Bu Xin
Dan (Emperor of Heaven's Special Pill to Tonify the Heart)
Sheng Di Huang
Xuan Shen
Tain Dong
Mai Dong
Dan Shen
Dan Gui
Bai Zi Ren
Suan Zao Ren
Ren Shen
Fu Ling
Yuan Zhi
Wu Wei Zi
HT & KD xu w YIN Xue Xu
65. Insomnia palpitations, irritability, restlessness,
dizziness and vertigo, dry throat and mouth.
T:Red P:wiry, thin, slightly rapid.: Suan Zao Ren Tang
(Sour Jujube Decoction)
Suan Zao Ren
Zhi Mu
Fu Ling
Chuan Xiong
Gan Cao
LR Xue Xu w Heat rising
66. Hypochondriac pain, intermittent chills & fever,
belching, focal distension in the chest and abdomen.
T: P:Wiry: Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan (Chai Hu to Spread the
Chai Hu
Xiang Fu
Chuan Xiong Q
Chen Pi
Zhi Ke
Bai Shao
Gan Cao
LR Qi Stasis.
67. Sensation of something caught in the throat, cant
swallow it down and can't spit it out, stifling sensation
in the chest, cough, vomiting.
T:White and moist/greasy coat P:wiry, moderate or
wiry, slippery.: Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Ban Xia and Hou Po
Ban Xia
Hou Po
Fu Ling
Sheng Jiang
Zi Su Ye
Mei He Qi (plum-stone throat)
68. Cold-type hernias disorder. Sensation of cold and pain
in the testicles, abdominal pain, dislikes cold, feels
better with warm.
T:Pale white coat P:submerged retarded: Nuan Gan Jian
(Warm The Liver Decoction)
Rou Gui
Xiao Hui Xiang
Dan Gui
Gou Qi ZI
Wu Yao
Chen Xiang
Fu Ling
Sheng Jiang
LR & KD(Yang Xu) Xu => Cold obs. LR & KD channels.
69. 1.Cold extremities(mild) or slight body heat, cough,
palpitation, disruption of urination.
Tongue: nil. Pulse: wiry.
2.Disstended sensation of hypochondriac region,
abdominal apin diarrhoea loose stool.
Pulse:wiry.: Si Ni San
(Frigid Extremities Powder)
Chai Hu
Bai Shao
Zhi Shi
Gan Cao
1.Constrained Yang Qi w cold extremities OR 2.LR Shi affecting
SP & ST Qi
70. Irritability heat, bad temper, or spontaneous
sweating/night sweat, or headache, irritating (dry)
eyes, or red cheek, dry mouth, lower abdominal,
distension or pulling sensation), irregular menses,
painful and irritating urination.
T:red thin yellow coating. P:Wiry, vacuity and rapid.:
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
Chai Hu
Bai Shao
Dang Gui
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Gan Cao
Bo He
Sheng Jiang
Modification + (Zhi Zi, Mu Dan Pi) Clear heat, drain fire TE/LR
Liver and Spleen Blood Vacuity creating Vacuity Heat Pattern
71. Hypochondria pain, headache, eye-dizziness, dry
mouth and throat, no appetite, lethargy, eating less, may
be intermittent fever and chills, or irregular menses,
painful and distended breats.
Tongue:pale Pulse:wiry & vacuity.: Xiao Yao San
(Rambling Powder)
Chai Hu
Bai Shao
Dang Gui
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Bo He
Gan Cao
Sheng Jiang
LR Shi, Xue Xu & SP weakness
72. Acute ab. pain with oedema, pale complexion, dizziness,
palpitation, vertigo, tinnitus, fatigue, cold hands & feet
or oedema of the lower limbs, abnormal urination.
T:Pale white greasy coat. P:Moderate, slippey and fine
or fine and wiry.: Dan Gui Shao Yao San
Shao Yao
Bai Zhu
Chuan Xiong
Dang Gui
Fu Ling
Ze Xie
Liver Blood Vacuity and Splee Vacuity with Dampness
Accumulating Pattern
73. Borborygmus, abdminal pain, diarrhoea w abdominal pain, pain is reduced after the diarrhoea
tongue:thin white coating Pulse:wiry & moderate: Tong Xie Yao Fang
Bai Zhu
Bai Shao
Chen Pi
Fang Feng
Painful Diarrhoea due to overdispersing LR & SP xu
74. Sensation of fullness(man) but no pain, or nausea/vomiting, borborygmus, diarrhoea.
T:Greasy thin yellow coating. P:Nil: Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Ban Xia
Huang Qin
Gan Jiang
Ren Shen
Huang Lian
Gan Cao
Da Zao
Pi Glomus below the Heart (epigastric) due to HOT and COLD clumping
HARMONISE (Cold and Hot int & ST)
75. 1.Intermittent fever & chills, fullness in the chest & hypchondriac region, no appetite, irritabilty heat, nausea, dry throat
bitter taste, eye dizziness.
2.Complex Pattern:Wind-cold whihch turns into heat during menses. During menses sea of blood is becomes deficient.
TF pathgenic heat enters blood chamber disrupting the menses. Manifests as alternating chills nad fever, fullness in the
chest and hypochondriac region, irritability heat, nausea, dry throat, bitter taste and eye-dizziness.: Xiao Chai Hu Tang
(Minor Bupleurum (Chai Hu) Decoction)
Chai Hu
Huang Qin
Ren Shen
Ban Xia
Zhi Gan Cao
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
1.External Wind Cold Attack ShaoYang OR 2.Exogenous Wind Cold Attack turning into heat which enters the blood chamber during

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